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Colour Light Therapy

Are you feeling stuck, in conflict, confused in your life, or in your relationships?
Would you like to feel more energised, more alive and in balance?
Would you like to unleash your potential and creativity?

With Colour Light Therapy (CLT) you can heal and resolve stagnant or blocked situations on the
physical, emotional and spiritual planes.

How it works: Cells communicate through light emissions with bio-photons, which becomes hindered
when there are emotional and physical stagnations present. The application of coloured light to the skin
following meridians and some specific points and zones, releases these stagnations and permits a new
balance where the Chi or energy circulates again. This frees up your life force and allows you to express
more of the joy, the love and consciousness that you truly are. Colour Light Therapy is often combined
with Divine Healing Master Key to create a profound shift in your reality and your well-being. Colour
Light Therapy is not only extremely effective in healing the sick, but also can be a preventive measure
for the healthy.

Specific Treatments Target:

Physical and Emotional Detoxification

Hormonal Balancing
Strengthening the immune system
Sleep disturbances
Healing the Will to live (for depression)
Physical and emotional abuse
Opening to Love
Clearing Negative Imprints
Clearing Psychic attack
Rejuvenating the body and mind
Relationship issues
Unleashing your potential
Connecting to your Spirit
Self destructive tendencies
Sexual issues

All these treatments are individual sessions. They are applied specifically for a given cause.

Series Treatments (3 to 12 sessions)

Issues addressed include:

Prenatal and birth trauma

Depression, anxiety, stress and panic attacks
Physical illnesses and imbalances
Parental imprints that hold you back

Relationship conflicts
Shock and trauma
Addictions, stuck patterns and deep insecurities
Emotional wounds
Abundance issues
Disease-causing blockages
Past life issues
Sexual blockages and issues

Creation Impulse: 3 Sessions

These profoundly deep treatments take you back to the point of creation of specific programs within
you, to clear them at their very root. They can also be used to help you manifest much more of your Life

Prenatals: 9 Sessions
Clears birth and womb time trauma. This period sets the scene for your experiences in life. Up to 30% of
your energy is tied up in your birth and womb time experience. It also enters into the dimension of the
Bardo, or time in-between death and rebirth, helping transcend stuck patterns, addictions and deep
insecurities, which repeat over and over. This can unleash your potential. Prenatals is a great series for
helping you to move forwards in your life.
For children: the prenatal series is also excellent and safe for children of all ages where there has been a
difficult birth, pregnancy complications or shock in early life. It will often settle a child who has
difficulty sleeping or who is otherwise very needy.

Male Female Balance: 9 Sessions

Clears the negative imprints received from your mother and father, which cause the unconscious and
destructive patterns in relationships. You will of course, keep the positive imprinting you received, only
the negative is released. This will free you up so that you can relate from a place of authenticity, passion
and joy, free from the subconscious patterns that you grew up with.

Function Circles: 9/12 Sessions

This series works on liberating the organ Function Circles according to the Chinese map of how various
organs, elements and emotions fit together. The series can be done at the physical level or at the Seed
Layer level – the formative level of the organ – for clearing ‘unfinished business’ i.e. the ‘life lessons’
you needed to learn about each aspect of the emotions. This clears the subconscious blocks that cause
physical and emotional illness and raises your frequency by allowing greater embodiment and
expression of your Spirit. It gives you the opportunity to experience optimal physical and emotional

Freedom From Bondage: 3 sessions.

Each problem or issue that creates a stagnation of energy is named and identified by a method based on
numerology. This amazingly powerful process addresses very rapidly a specific life issue you are faced
with, e.g. unworthiness, struggle, a specific individual (divorce). It gets to the root karmic cause of the
issue and clears it out. Magic!

Genital Relays: 12 sessions

Our sexual energy is our most refined physical energy. It is linked to our creativity, our sense of
wellbeing in the world and our feeling of connection to others, to life and to Source.
This series works on balancing the divine and animal aspects which we all hold. It helps the unconscious
to become conscious, a move from darkness to light.
In this series there are opportunities to work with the astrological and the genetic program influences.
This offers profound transformation of sexual energy at the physical, emotional and spiritual levels.

Transmitter Relays: The Transmitter Relays are a series of 12, two-hours sessions.
This series works on traumas from the past, present and future. The cause of physical and psychological
pain, the time in the womb, birth issues as well as past life issues can all be addressed and released. This
work also rewrites the script of your life to be more in tune with your highest potential. These sessions
literally help you resonate with your light essence. Profound transformation ensues.

Please note that these sessions are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or

Sessions are available either in person or by phone, Skype within the UK and internationally
£73 per hour with Chintan.

“The Divine Healing and the Colour Light Therapy performed by Chintan Aelgar made such an
incredible difference for Emma. Just after a few sessions I saw a noticeable difference in Emma’s
positivity and happiness. Emma stopped having crying spells and calling out in the middle of the night
for mommy, etc. The therapy peeled away at many layers of perturbations and created a healing and
cleansing in her that I do not personally feel could have been accomplished by any traditional psycho-
therapeutic means. The healing Emma received was at a root level for her soul and personality.
Additionally, the freedom and happiness manifested with improved social relationships and
interconnection with others. Emma is still thriving and so much happier and at peace than she was; I am
so thankful and grateful everyday for the serendipitous synchronicity we found with colour light therapy.
I would highly recommend this treatment for anyone who has undergone any form of emotional distress
or trauma.”

Contact Chintan on +44 78 358 99 250 or by email to make a private session booking.


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