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Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan at English Study Program of Teacher Training and
Educational Faculty of Sembilanbelas November University








Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini :

Nama : ANDRI
Nim : 15020103
Program Studi :Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Fakultas : Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Dengan ini saya menyatakan bahwa Skripsi yang telah saya tulis dengan
judul “ The Correlation between Learning Style and Students’ Reading
Comprehension at SMPN 1 Kolaka” benar benar hasil karya sendiri. Apabila
dikemudian hari ditemukan bahawa skripsi ini hasil salinan atau merupakan karaya
orang lain, maka saya bersedia untuk dituntut sesuai ketentuan hukum yang berlaku.

Demikian surat pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sunguh sunguh dan penuh
rasa tanggung jawab.

Kolaka, 2018






2 In this chapter presents seven topics related to this research, including

background, problem of the research, objective of the research, significances of the
research, scope of the research, hypothesis of the research, and definition of key

1.1 Background of The Research

Language is a system of communication that used by people in daily

activity. In the other word, Language is a communication of thoughts and feelings
through a system of arbitrary signals such as sounds, gestures, or written symbols.
According to Ellis (1985: 99) “language learners vary on a number of dimensions
to do with personality, learning style, motivation, aptitude and also age”. So to
Study about English we have to know the dimension one of learning styles. Why I
have to focuss on learning style.

Therefore, learning style is important because it is being one of point that

have to know before teaching language because learning styles as dimensions in
teaching language. Wang (2007: 409) defines “learning style as an individual’s
preferred or habitual ways of processing the knowledge and transforming the
knowledge into personal knowledge”.

Furthermore, the same idea comes from Smith (2005) who stated that

reading is a process that builds the understanding of the essence in writing text. It

means that reading is an interactive activity to reap the meaning of contain in

writing. Reading has an important role in life because by reading someone will gain

a lot of information to improve one’s knowledge. Supriyono (2005) said that the

important of reading is as a means of getting information and training in reading

comprehension to improve self development. Reading is receptive skill of receiving

information through written language. In process of accepting is the most important

is the understanding of information conveyed through written language.

In reading comprehension, According to Nation (2009: 49), “reading is a

source of learning and a source of enjoyment”. Reading enlarges the students’
knowledge. It can be a goal in its own right and a way of reaching other goals. As
a source of learning, reading can establish previously learned vocabulary and
grammar, it can help the learners learn new vocabulary and grammar, and through
success in language use it can encourage learners to learn more and continue with
their language study. As a goal in its own right, reading can be a source of
enjoyment and a way of gaining knowledge of the world. As learners gain skill and
fluency in reading, their enjoyment can increase. By reading, the readers can go
around the world although they just stay at home. They can broaden their
knowledge of economy, science, technology, culture, or reading to get the pleasure.
Not only that, the readers also get the message that the writer had expressed. It can
be said that reading is a bridge which connects between the writer and the readers.

Base on the explanation above, the researcher had known how important the

vocabulary mastery in reading. To prove the explanation the researcher chose

SMPN 1 Kolaka as a population because this school is one of the oldest Junior

Secondary school in Kolaka, it has recently circulated the issue that the school is

slightly down and some schools are better, than the sample in this research was

class VIII B which consist of 26 students because this class was given directly by

English teacher.

Based on the explanation, the researcher was very interest to conducted a

research entitle “Correlation between Learning Style and Reading Comprehension

at the Second Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Kolaka.

1.2 Problem of the researcher

Based on the background above the problem of the research was “Whether
any significant correlation between the students learning styles and the students’
reading comprehension at the second Grade of SMPN 1 Kolaka?

1.3 Objective of the researcher

The objective of this research was to find out the correlation between the

students’ learning styles and the students’ reading comprehension at the second

Grade of SMPN 1 Kolaka.

1.4 Scope of the researcher

The researcher only focused to find out the correlation between Learning

styles and reading comprehension at the second grade of SMPN 1 Kolaka. In

vocabulary the researcher focused on the elements of vocabulary, such as:

collocation, word grammar, meaning in context (synonym and antonym), and

derivation, then in reading focused on narrative text, announcement, procedure and


1.5 Signifance of the research

The researcher expected that this research would be able to give some
significance, both the theoretical and practical:
1. Theoretical significance
The result of this research hopefully brought some benefits in the field
of education especially as a reference, source and contribution of thought in
terms of development in learning vocabulary and reading.
2. Practical significance
a. For the student

The researcher hoped this research gave information and help
student in learning process especially in increase vocabulary mastery to
comprehend reading text.
b. For the teacher
The result of this research hopefully gave information an insight for
teacher as an inner reference in teaching learning process especially in
teaching and learning vocabulary and reading.
c. For other researcher
The result of this research hopefully can be a new reference for
another researcher in conducting further research about correlation between
vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension at different level of students.
d. For the school
The result of this research, the researcher hopefully gave
information and reference in increase quality of learning process which is
conduct by teachers in school, especially English learning.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

This research has definition of the key terms as follows:

1. Correlation
Correlation research is a study intended to determine whether there is a
relationship between two or several variables (Arikunto, 2010)
2. Learning Styles
Learning styles is a process movement,Comprehension and preference
of a students to learn or acquire the knowledge by themselves way ( Susilo,
2009 ).
3. Learning
Vocabulary is the way or prcess smeone how to get knowledge and
information by using reading, listening and doing. Purwanto ( 2011 ) stating
that the learning process is a unique and complex process.

4. Reading comprehension
Dalman (2011) stated that reading is an activity or process
cognitive effort that seeks to discover the various information contained
within writing .Suharsimi (2002) states that comprehension is how one
defends, differentiates, estimates, explains, extends, summarizes,
generalizes, gives examples, rewrites, and estimates.

1.7 Hyphotesis of The Research

H0 (Null hypotheses). The null hypothesis is often called the statistical

hypothesis, because it is usually used in statistical research, which is tested by
statistical calculation. Hypothesis null is a hypothesis which states there was no
correlation between independent variable (X) and dependent (Y).

1. H1 : H1 wich state there was positive correlation between independent

variable (X) and dependent (Y).
2. H2 : H2 which state that there was negative correlation between students’
learning styles and reading comprehenson.

It means that if H0 is rejected, then the researcher has statistical evidence

that the alternative hypothesis is valid or that is considered true however, if the
result of H0 research is accepted, then the researcher fails to prove that the
alternative hypothesis is correct.


In this chapter, the researcher attempted to give clear explanation about

some sub topics, they were: previous of the research, definition of vocabulary,
vocabulary mastery, the element of vocabulary, types of vocabulary, the importance
of vocabulary, definition of reading, reading comprehension, types of reading, the
importance of reading, correlation between vocabulary mastery and reading
comprehension, conceptual framework, and hypothesis .

2.1 Previous of the related Study

There are some previous of research that support this coming research
such as:

The first is the research was conducted by Santy Widya Pratiwi, Zainal
Arifin dan Dewi Novita ( 2012) entitled “The correlation between learning style
and students’ reading comprehension. The case of the students’ four semester of
English study program of Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak in academic year
2011/2012 . The subject of the research were the students of fourth semester English
study program Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak in academic year 2011/2012.
The researcher collected the data from the student as much as 45 students and the
the instrumen by way by using learning styles questionaries and reading
comprehension test. The results of this research was Learning styles and reading
comprehension too low it means that learning styles in not affecting reading
comprehensio. There is some students get good score in reading comprehension
but their learning styles did not supports their reading.

The second research was conducted Himmawan Andi Nugroho ( 2015 )

entitled “The Correlation between Students’ learning style and students’ speaking
achievement in twelve grade Students of SMAN 1 Tumpang in academic year
2014/2015. The population of the research was twelve grade students of SMAN 1

Tumpang the researcher colect the data and instrumen employ by useng field notes,
Questionairre, and speaking scores. The result of this research It was found that
auditory learning style was the most preferred learning style, followed by
kinesthetic learning style and visual learning style. In this case in speaking
achievement Should know the learning styles. The resercher found that three
learning styles did not affected by speaking score. Here the researcher concluded
that there is no any significant correlation between learning styles and Speaking
achievement at twelve grade students of SMAN 1 Tumpangan in academic year

The last is the research was cnducted by Nadfita Arin (2013) The thesis
entitled “ The Correlations between Students perceptual Learning Styles Preference
and English Proficiency At English Education Program Study of STAIN
Tulungangung. The subject of this research were the students of students STAIN
Tulungangung Englis Study Program. The instrument were in the form of
Quistinaries about Visual learning styles and Reading comprehension. This
researchcoorelational method and the researcher found that there is no coorelation
between learning styles and English Proficiency.

2.2 The Nature of Learning

2.2.1 Definition of Learning

If someone want to know something they have to learn specially in

English language there are some apect that they have to know such as Four skills (
Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing), Structure, Pronounciation and soon.
Learning is one way to get knowledge that has important role to understanding
something one of them by reading the text, from this way the learners can express
their ideas in oral and writen expression.

Learning described that is a way to get something or achieve something

like knowledge and experience. Purwanto ( 2011 ) stating that the learning process

is a unique and complex process. Learning is the way and process to get something
or knowledge.

2.2.2 Definition of learning styles

Every single person has a learning style and learning preference. Bolander
and Bostrom (2009 ) as “ How an individual approach appraches, process, and
retain and difficult materials.” There is no learning styles which is better than
another. According to Tombeng ( 2009 ) Willing state that learning styles reflect
generally how an individual works cognitively , effectively and physilogically. A
learning styles is therefore an expression of the individuals whole personality,it is
primarily biological and consequently difficult to change. This statement support
by the other expert. Everyone learn more through their own learning style than that
of the teacher or the the tutor and if the students leanring style and preference are
accomodated they are more likely to perform successfully. Everyone who has
different learning styles are varied when someone come from different background.
Tornberg ( 2009 ). Over Three fifth of a person’s learning styles is genetic, which
means that it is base on psychology, Physiology and Stamina. The remainder is
learn by behaviour. So Every single person has different learning styles base on
preference, back ground and behaviours.

Learning styles is on of crucia in learning process and has presented in many

theories. All of take by base in the style each indiduals learn are different. Bolander
and Bostom ( ) Stated that Out of models of learning styles that are available, The
Dun and dun Learning styles model has been estimated by independent evaluation
to have best validity and highest reliability. Base n the research Dun dun learning
style has been conducted an all types of individuals ranging on age of kindergaten
to adults. Learning Styles has been used in different school and different field start
from preschool play until higher academic.

2.2.3 The Types of learning styles

Referes to learning styles we have to know in learning process because

learning styles as main factor how the teachers deliver their knowledge to the

students as follow their learning style. Accrording to Susilo ( 2009 ) distinguishing
learning styles that we can observe and maybe we can follo if that appropriate with
the style.

1. Visual learners
This learning style explain to us that we have to see before the evidence than
we we can believe it. There are some characteristic of visual learning style such
as :
a) Need to see something ( information / material ) by visual to know and
b) Have strong sensivitas to the time
c) Have enough understanding toowards artistik problem.
d) Has difficulties in direct dialgue
e) More reaktif to the sound
f) Difficult to follow oral suggestion.
g) Frequently to interpretate word or speech

2. Audiotory Learners

This learning style is controling by the hearing to understand and

remember the information. The characteristic of this learning style is really in place
the hearing as a main tool to digest the information or knowledge. It is means that
we have to listen first and than we can remember and understand the information.
The characteristic of Audiotory learning style such as :
a) The information digest by listening.
b) Has difficulties to understand the informatioon or knowledge directly in
c) Has difficulties to write and read.

3. Kinesthetic learners

In this learning learning stile we have to touch something that something
which give information in order to remembering. There are some characteristic
of kinestetic learners Such as :
a) Using the hand as a main tool information receptive in order to remember
b) By touching or hold we can digest information without must read the
c) This kinestetic learners can not sit too long listen the material
d) We can learn more better if we including the movement or phisical in
e) The people has kinesthetic learning style has skill to coordinate a tim and
be able control movement ( athletic ability ).

2.2.4 The Importance of Learning Styles

Learning Styles is very Important in learning process because most of

people has preferred way to learn. There are some skills in English language have
to mastery but to mastery those skills have to learn. Every singgle person has
different preferred way to learn , Some people learn best by listening, some have to
observe every step, while others have to do it to learn it. The fact is that individuals
need all three modalities to truly commit information to memory: visual, auditory,
and kinesthetic. A study conducted using the Kolb Learning Style Inventory
showed that the importance of learning styles is consistent with earlier findings on
learning styles (Manochehri & Young, 2006).

2.3 Definition of reading

Reading is a matter that involves many things, not just pronunciation but

also involves visual and thinking activities. As a visual process, reading is the

process of translating symbols of writing (letters) into spoken words or speech. As

a process of though, reading includes words recognition, literal comprehension,

interpretation, critical and creative reading. According to Klein (2009) the

definition of reading includes three things, namely, reading as a process, reading is

strategic, and reading is interactive. The point is that reading as a process is that

information obtained from the text and knowledge possessed by the reader becomes

the primary role in shaping meaning, while reading is said to be strategic because

the reader uses various strategies that fit the text and context in order to construct

meaning. The strategy used by the reader varies according to the type of text and

the goal it wants to achieve. Next reading is said to be interactive when there is an

element of involvement between the readers with the text being read. The text read

should be easily understood (readable) contents, resulting in interaction between

readers with text.

Farr (2013), put forward, "reading is the heart of education", which means

reading is the heart of education. In this case, people who often read, his education

will advance and he will have a broad insight. Of course the result of reading it

would be a schemata f or him. This schemata is the knowledge and experience

possess by a person. So the more often a person reads, the more advanced the

education. This is why many people say that reading is like opening a window of

the world. By reading we can know the whole world and our thinking patterns will

develop. According to Sadhono and Slamet (2014) reading is a skill of knowing and

understanding writing in the form of sequence of graphic symbols and its

transformation into meaningful speech in the form of tacit understanding or hard

expression. Reading activities may sound and may be muted.

Based on some opinions it can be conclude that the skills of reading is a skill

in knowing and understanding writing in the form of letters, words and sentences

in the reading to obtain information contained in the reading. By reading we can

know the contents of the world and our thinking patterns grow, that is worth saying

that reading is the heart of education.

2.3.1 Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension in English text is not just about how to read well

that includes the accuracy of pronunciation and loud voice. However, reading

comprehension itself is an activity to build understanding of the meaning of a text

which can then be translated and through its own language. Comprehension

includes the correct association of meanings with word symbols, the selection of

the correct meaning suggested by the context, the organization and retention of

meaning, the ability to reason one’s way through smaller idea segments, and ability

to grasp the meaning of a larger unitary idea”.

According to Klingner, (2007) states that "Reading comprehension is the

process of constructing meaning by coordinating a number of complex processes

that include word reading, word and world knowledge, and fluency" Reading

comprehension is primarily a matter of developing appropriate, efficient

comprehension strategies. Some strategies are related to bottom-up procedures, and

other chances the top-down processes (Brown, 2000). Meanwhile Wilis (2008)

stated that reading comprehension to build comprehension is available to increase

neural efficiency at each step of the comprehension process. It means the purpose

of reading comprehension is that the students can improve efficiency neural of

process comprehension the text.

Based on the statements above reading comprehension is a way to

understanding or comprehend of the text that includes not only word reading, world

knowledge or fluency, but by reading comprehension we can get information and

wide insight from the text.

2.3.2 The types of reading

In this following are the types of reading comprehension by Dr. M.R. Patel and

Pravin M. Jain (2008)

a. Intensive Reading

Intensive reading is text reading or passage reading. In this reading the

learner read the text to get knowledge or analysis. The goal of this reading is to

read shorter text. This reading is done to carry out to get specific information.

Learner reads book to acquire knowledge is the kind of intensive reading.

Intensive reading is reading text or some passages in the reading. In this reading

activity students read a text to gain knowledge or analysis. The purpose of this

reading activity is to read the short text. This reading-intensive reading-is done

by searching for specific information. In essence, students read in order to gain


Intensive reading will provide a basis for explaining difficulties of

structure and for extending knowledge of vocabulary and idioms. It will also

provide material for developing the control of the language in speech and

writing. Intensive reading provides an explanation for the difficulty of language

structure and the development of vocabulary and idiom knowledge. This reading

activity also provides material for greater mastery of speech and writing skills.

b. Extensive Reading
Material for extensive reading will be selected at a lower level of difficulty

than that for intensive reading. The purpose of reading the Extensive reading

material can be selected at the lowest difficulty level of intensive reading. The

purpose of this extensive reading is to train students to read directly and lancer

on the target language for fun, without the help of the teacher.

c. Aloud Reading
Reading aloud also play important role in teaching of English. Teacher

should know that the training of reading aloud must be given at the primary level

because it is the base of words pronunciation. Reading aloud or reading aloud

has a very important role in the world of English teaching. Teachers should know

that reading aloud teaching should be given at the primary level because this type

of reading activity is the basis of pronunciation of words.

d. Silent Reading

Silent reading is a very important skill in teaching of English. This reading

should be employed to increase reading ability among learners. Silent reading

is done to acquire a lot of information. Teacher has to make them read any

difficulties. Silent reading or reading this is a very important skill in teaching

English. This reading should be used to improve students' reading ability. Silent

reading is done to get a lot of information. Teachers should make students read

quietly so that students can read without a hitch.

2.3.3 The importance of reading

Reading is an activity that has many benefits. The benefits of reading

according to Slamet (2008) include:

a. Acquire many life experiences.

Experience is the best teacher. We can read the experiences of one's life

written in biographical form. By reading biographies, we can learn from other

people's life experiences. if we can learn from other people's life experience, it

is not impossible that we will become a person capable of dealing with life well.

b. Acquire general knowledge and a very specific range of information useful for
By reading a person will be able to obtain information, knowledge, and

new experiences. Everything gained through reading will enable the person to

expand his thinking, sharpen his vision, and broaden his horizons. Thus reading

is an activity that is needed by anyone who wants to go forward and improve


c. Know the great events in the civilization and culture of a nation.

By reading we will easily get information about various events that

occur in the nation's culture. Reading is one way of following the development

and progress of culture.

d. Know the development of science and technology.

Several matters relating to new discoveries in science and technology

are often conveyed through writing. If you do not want to read, then we have

isolated ourselves from all sorts of information about science and technology.

Instead, by reading we will realize that science and technology continue to


e. Have a Broad View and Mindset

Reading will make us have a lot of knowledge. Knowledge will be our

stock in looking at and thinking about various things. The more knowledgeable

we are, the more things we can consider before deciding on a problem.

Extensive knowledge will also keep us from being confined in a narrow mind-

set and way of thinking that can be self-defeating.

f. Enriching the Word Vocabulary

Reading knowledge various will make us have many vocabularies. In a

reading we can usually find a vocabulary that we have not known the meaning,

to know the mean we can see in the dictionary. Thus we will be able to improve

vocabulary mastery. This vocabulary can then be used to listen to and

understand the all sorts of information that may use these words. So our

knowledge will increase.

g. Knowing the various events that occur in various parts of the world
Many things that happen in various parts of the world are enshrined in

the form of writing. With a lot of reading we will know the various things that

happen in different parts of the world. Actual events can also be seen by reading

the news in various newspapers.

h. Increase Intellectuality.

We will definitely feel proud if we have a high intellect. More than just

to be proud of, the reader should also realize that there are many useful things

that readers can contribute. Intellectual content can be improved through

reading, for example by reading popular scientific papers

Furthermore, Based on Fanny (2012) the benefits of reading is as the

following: (1) train the brain; (2) killing stress; (3) reproduce vocabulary; (4)

protect from Alzhiemer's disease; (5) increase confidence; (6) make we are more

creative; (7) developing healthy sleep patterns; (8) improve the process think; and

(9) increase concentration. Based on explanation of Fany, one of the importance of

reading is to train the brain and mind, by reading can help keep the brain to always

perform its functions perfectly and while reading the brain in demand to think more

so that understanding still and reading through vocabulary and grammatical

knowledge, more importantly, reading introduces us to many varieties of creative

expressions and sharpens linguistic sensitivity.

Afterwards, kill stress and keeping away from the risk of Alzheimer's

disease the beauty of language in the release has the ability to calm and reduce stress

in a person. When reading, the brain will stimulation on a regular basis can prevent

disruption to the brain. Researchers have shown that brain exercises such as reading

a book or magazine can delay or prevent memory loss. as well as developing a

healthy sleep pattern, having a habit of reading before going to sleep then it will be

an alarm for the body and send a signal that it's time to sleep and this will help get

a good night's sleep and wake up fresh in the morning. The latter is to increase

concentration, people who like to read will have a brain that is more concentrated

and focused because one's focus will have the ability to have full attention, practical

and develop skills

2.4 The correlation Between Learning styles and Reading Comprehension

The reading process is primarily visual because a student must look at a
word and understand all of the meanings within the use of that word (Barbe &
Swassing, 1979). Even after moving beyond word recognition, visualization
continues to be a major part of the reading process. Wilhelm (2004) stated that
being able to create images and mental models is an essential element of reading
comprehension. The need to create images and mental models puts auditory,
kinesthetic, and tactile learners at a disadvantage (Barbe & Swassing, 1979).

There are strategies that teachers can use to help auditory, kinesthetic, and
tactile learners succeed with the visual skill of reading. For kinesthetic learners,
teachers can allow students to use their fingers to point to words as they read (Barbe
& Swassing, 1979). Finger pointing helps them to focus on specific words or
passages. For auditory learners teachers can focus on word attack skills that rely
on the sounds of letters. For example, phonics instruction is more helpful for
auditory learners than the look-say method. Teachers should allow, and even
encourage, auditory learners to move their lips when reading even though lip
movement can slow down their reading.

Auditory, kinesthetic, and tactile learners may also have trouble reading
because of the way they deal with imagery (Barbe & Swassing, 1979; Haggart,
2002). Many struggling readers have never pictured an event or setting in a book.
Many have never used their imagination to put themselves into books by “talking,
living, dressing, and thinking like a character” (Robb, 2000). If a teacher asks the
class to close their eyes and picture a sunset, some students will not see anything.
In Reading is Seeing(2004), Wilhelm describes a student, Scott, who did not see
anything when he read, so Wilhelm had Scott work with graphic novels and picture
books to understand how to make pictures in his head. Wilhelm had Scott draw

pictures and maps to represent what he was reading. These kinesthetic activities
helped Scott bridge the gap into visualizing what he was reading.

2.5 Conceptual Frame Work

In this conceptual framework, the researcher will describe how the two

variables are related to each other. The conceptual framework will be described

through the following diagram:

Problem of the research

Collecting data
Choosing population Hypothesis
and sample

Distributing the test

Analyzing the data to get the


Figure 2.1: Conceptual framework

Based on the figure firstly, the researcher determined the problem of

research. Before doing the research the main thing that must be determined is the

problem to be research. In determining the problem, researchers adjust to the topic

or research variable. Secondly, choose population and sampling by purposive

sampling technique. By using the sample technique researcher select VIII D class

as sample consisted of 26 students. Secondly, researcher created a research

hypothesis to determine the correlation between the two variables. The hypothesis

is based on theory as the underlying reference to the hypothesis, this is to facilitate

researcher in the process of hypothesis formula.

Thirdly, the researcher collecting data, in collecting the data researcher used

test as instrument, before use the test researcher distributed the tests to VIII D class

which was the sample in this research. The students did the tests in the different day

and were finished in five days. In this step provided the student’s score of the tests

of vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension. Lastly, after the students score

was analyzed, the researcher the researcher computed the data of the score into

Microsoft Excel. This step gave the result of the quantitative data, to answer the

research problem and found the result.

2.6 Hyphotesis
The statistic hypothesis in this research they are:

H0: ρ = 0, H0 was accepted, H1 and H2 were rejected

H1: ρ ≠ 0, H1 was accepted, H0 and H2 were rejected

H1: ρ ≠ 0, H2 was accepted, H0 and H1 were rejected

The statistical hypotheses above can be explained as follows:

a. Null hypothesis (H0): there is no correlation between students’ learning

style and reading comprehension.

b. H1 : If learning style and reading comprehension score were strigh

compreble. It means there was positive correlation between students’

learning style and reading comprehenson.

c. H2 : If learning style and reading comprehension score were inversely

compreble. It means there was negative correlation between students’

learning style and reading comprehenson.


In this chapter explained about the research design consist of design of the
research, variable of the research, setting, population and sample, instrument,
technique of collecting data, and technique of data analysis.

3.1 Design of the Research

In this research, the researcher will use inferential stastics to describe the
relationship between learning styles and reading comprehentionn. This research
method by using test the hipothesis that had been set. Sugiyono (2012) stated that
this research uses an associative hypothesis defined as a provisional assumption of
the problem formulation that defines the relationship between two variables, it is
also explained by Sugiyono (2012) that associative hypothesis is a temporary
answer to the associative problem formulation that asks the relationship between
two or more variables.
According to Sugiyono (2012) descriptive research is research conducted to
determine the value of independent variables, either one variable or more
(independent) without making a comparison or connect with other variables. Based
on the theory, quantitative descriptive research is the data obtained from the sample
population studied in accordance with statistical methods used.
3.2 Variable of the research

Variable is something that becomes the object of research, often also referred to as
factor that played a role in research that is changing nature (Sugiono, 2009). In this
research there were two variables, they were: independent variable (X) and
dependent variable (Y). Independent variable is a variable that is presumed to
influence another variable and dependent variable is a category that is influence by
another category or that is the consequent. In this research the independent variable
was Learning styles (X) and the dependent variable was reading comprehension

3.3 Setting

This research was conducted at SMPN 1 Kolaka, Kolaka Regency
Southeast Sulawesi. The researcher chose the school because this school is one of
the oldest Junior Secondary school in Kolaka.

3.4 Populations and samples

3.4.1 Population

Population in this research was the second grade students of SMPN 1

Kolaka which consists of eight classes, they were from class A to H. following the
table was the sample used in the research:
Tabel 3.1 The Population of the research

NO Class Total student

1 VIII A 25
2 VIII B 26
3 VIII C 26
4 VIII D 26
5 VIII E 26
6 VIII F 26
7 VIII G 26
8 VIII H 25
Total 206

3.4.2 Samples

In this research, the researcher used purposive sampling. Arikunto (2010)

explained that purposive sampling is to determine the research sample with a
number of specific consideration that aim so the data obtained can later be more
representative. Researcher used this technique by reason of the demands of certain
circumstances for instance, limited time, energy, funds and provisions of the school
to avoid disruption of students’ learning process in the classroom.

The researcher chose class VIII B which consist of 26 students as a sample
because this class was class directly appointed by the English teacher with the
consideration of this class was class that had good score and the students in this
class was diligent.

3.5 Instrument

The researcher used one type of objective test, it was multiple choice types. In this
research, researcher used two kinds of instruments, they were:
1. Learning styles test
The Learning style test consisted of 20 items by four options and the
specification of the test included of the elements of learning styles, such as:
Visual learning, Audiotory Learning and Kinhesthetic learning.

Tabel 3.2: The Indicator of Learning Styles

Concept Indicator Item Number Total

Learning style as an Visual
individual’s preferred or
habitual ways of Audio
processing the knowledge
and transforming the Kinesthetic
knowledge into personal
The Total of Number Question 30

Table 3.2: The Indicator of Vocabulary Mastery Instrument

Concept Indicator Item Number Total

Vocabulary is a core 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 21, 22, 12
component of language 23, 24, 26, 27, 31
proficiency and Grammar 6, 8, 9, 17, 19, 20, 23, 25, 28 9
provides much of the Antonym 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 30 6

basis for how well Synonym 10, 32, 33, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41 8
learners speak, listen, Derivation 7, 11, 13, 34, 35, 36, 42, 43, 15
read, and write. 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50
(Renandya, 2002)
Total Number of Question 50

2. Reading comprehension test

The test consisted of 20 items with each variable had 20 items with
four options and the specification of the test include of text narrative,
announcement, procedure and descriptive. Each test was adopted from

Table 3.3: The Indicator of reading Comprehension Instrument

Concept Indicator Item Number Total

reading is a skill that Identify Main Idea 3, 6, 16 3
is understanding Identify Generic 1,7,10,12,13,15,17,19 8
(comprehension Structure
skills) that can be Identify Language 8,14,18,20 4
considered to be in a Feature
higher order Identify Social 2,4,5,9,11 5
(Broughton, 2005) Function
Total Number of Question 20

3.6 Technique of collecting data

In the collecting data, researcher used test. The test that used by the
researcher consists of two main tests. They were Learning Style test and reading
comprehension test, each test consists of 20 items.

There were some procedures in this research process, they were:

1. Preparing the students’ Learning styles and reading comprehension test
2. The researcher did try out in the school to know the students’ level. After that,
the researcher calculated the data to get the result of validity and reliability of
3. The researcher will do research, in the first week the researcher conducted
discussion about reading comprehension test during two meetings.
4. In the second the researcher distributed the learning styles test to the students.
5. In the last week the researcher distributed the reading comprehension test. It
was doing to avoid negative things happen like the occurrence of stress and
fatigue on students.
6. In the last, the researcher analyzed the data

3.7 Technique of analysis data

The aim of analyzing data was to determine whether student’s learning

style and reading comprehension had significant positive correlation or not by
using descriptive statistic and inferential. Firstly, the researcher checked the
completeness of the data then gave scoring the tests. Afterwards, the researcher
processes the data, as follows:
a. Descriptive Statistic
1. determining the students score both in the Learning style and reading
comprehension test by using the following formula:

S = 𝑛 𝑥 100

S = the score of the test
r = the total of the right answer
n = the total of score maximum

2. The researcher calculated the average of the students test result both in
Learning style and reading comprehension test. To gain the value of mean
the researcher used a formula by Arikunto (2013), as follow

M= 𝑛

Where: M = mean
𝛴𝑋 = the total of the value
n = the number of respondent
b. Inferential
1. The technique of data analysis used by researchers was the formula of
Pearson’s product moment correlation to test hypothesis by (Suharsimi 2004)
to find out the correlation between vocabulary mastery and reading
vocabulary, as allow:
N ∑ XY (∑X) (∑Y)
√ (N∑𝑋 2 – (∑𝑋 2 ) )(N∑𝑌 2 - (∑𝑌 2 )


R : correlation coefficient of variable X and Y

∑xy : the sum of the products of X and Y scores for each students
∑X : the sum of X scores
∑Y : the sum of Y scores
∑X 2 : the Sum of square of students’ mastery in vocabulary score
∑Y 2 : the sum of square of student’s ability in reading comprehension score
(∑X)2 : the sum of the squared X scores
(∑Y)2 : the sum of the squared X scores
N : the total of respondents

The correlation coefficient indicates the degree of relationship between

the variables X and Y. The correlation coefficient value must be within the limits -
1 <r <+1. the sign of +1 indicates a positive correlation between the two variables
which means faithful increase of X values will be followed by an increase in the
value of Y. while the sign of -1 indicates a negative correlation, meaning that any
increase in value of X will be followed by a decrease in the value of Y. The

researchers used classification of interpretation as a standard, according to
Sugiyono (2012):

Table 3.4: Positive Coefficient Interval and Relationship Level

Coefficient interval Level of relationship

0,00 – 0,199 Correlation is very low
0,20 – 0,399 Low correlation
0,40 – 0,599 Medium correlation
0,60 – 0,799 Strong correlation
0,80 – 1,00 The correlation is very strong

Table 3.5: Negative Coefficient Interval and Relationship Level

Coefficient interval Level of relationship

-0,00 to -0,199 very low negative correlation
-0,20 to -0,399 Low negative correlation
-0,40 to -0,599 Medium negative correlation
-0,60 to -0,799 Strong negative correlation
-0,80 to -1,00 perfect negative correlation

3.8 Statistical Hyphotesis

The statistic hypothesis in this research they are:

H1: ρ = 0, H0 was accepted, H1 and H2 were rejected
H1: ρ ≠ 0, H1 was accepted, H0 and H2 were rejected
H1: ρ ≠ 0, H2 was accepted, H0 and H1 were rejected

The statistical hypotheses above can be explained as follows:

a. Null hypothesis (H0): there is no correlation between students’ learning
style and reading comprehension.

b. H1 : If learning style and reading comprehension score were straight
comparable. It means that there was positive correlation between
students’learning style and reading comprehension.
c. H2 : If learning style and reading comprehension score were inversely
comparable. It means that there was negative correlation between
students’ learning style and reading comprehension.


M. Joko Susilo. 2009. Sukses dengan Gaya Belajar. Pinus. Yogyakarta.

Tomberg, Ulrika, Spradidaktik, Gleerups, Kristianstad, 2007


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