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Global Awareness Research Project

Planning Sheet
Working in groups, you are going to conduct a research project about a
current global event happening somewhere in the world. You will research
the event itself, the impact of this event, and some background research
about your topic (for example, researching the country of the event or
political groups mentioned, etc.). You will present your findings to the class.

This project will be a major grade for this six weeks. You will receive:
● 2 test grades - your group project grade and your individual grade
● 2 quiz grades - your presentation and your reflection rough draft
● At least 2 homework grades, possibly more - a participation grade
each day of class spent working on the project (2 or 3 days, so a
grade for each)

You will have more responsibility for designing and planning this project
than in the past. I am going to provide some basic guidelines, but the rest is
for you to plan by collaborating with one another. Today, you are going to
begin planning the overall project as a class. You will also have time to
work with your group members to plan for your individual project, either
today or tomorrow (depending on time).

Your assignment in simple terms:

● Working in a group, research a current event happening somewhere
around the world. The event should connect with our literature unit,
“War and Human Rights.”
● Present your research findings in some way - a tri-fold board, a social
media campaign plan, a Prezi, a website
● Use 6 different research sources. Each source should provide new
● Present your information to the class in an oral presentation.
● Reflect on what you learned about other cultures around the world
and write an essay about that. (See the reflection essay guidelines
document for full details)
● Evaluate your group members honestly.

Some really important information:

● Everyone in your group will receive the same grade for the group
project. Decide on your group members accordingly.
● You will be graded individually on your oral presentations. If you don’t
talk out loud, you will receive a zero.
● You will receive an individual grade for your reflection essay. Part of
your grade comes from your group evaluations.
● If a group member is not doing his or her fair share of the work, you
need to give them an accurate evaluation so that it impacts their
● You pick the due dates, the topic, and your group members, so no

Guidelines: These are my requirements. You cannot change these.

● 5 groups of three and 1 group of four are allowed.
● The current event you select must be a WORLD event, must be
CURRENT, and must CONNECT with our literature unit.
● You will have at least 3 sources for your event, 2 for your background
research, and 1 for the impact. At least 2 sources will come from NC
Wise Owl. All sources must be reliable and will be cited in MLA
format. Each of these sources needs to provide new information
about your event.
● The due date for the final projects must be a date between
● We will present projects on _____________. In the presentations,
each group member must present something aloud.
● Each group must have a different global event to research.

Your decisions: These are the decisions you will make as a class today.
Someone needs to fill out the planning sheet below.
1. Who will be in each group?
2. When is the project due?
3. Do you want the project due date before the presentation or on the
same day?
4. Can each group select their project format or will the entire class
have the same project format (for example, social media campaign,
Prezi, a video, a tri-fold board)?
5. How long do the presentations need to be? You must choose a time
between 4 minutes and 15 minutes long, but remember: if you speak
less than your time, you lose points and if you go over your time, you
lose points.
6. When is the first draft of the reflections due?
7. What topic will be assigned to each group?
8. What are the goals you hope to accomplish with this project?
9. What do you hope to learn about research on this project?
10. Why is this important?

Planning Sheet
Groups: Assign students to groups here - students may not switch
groups later
* Enter the first name and last initial for each student.
Remember - ALL members of a group will receive the SAME group grade!!
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

Group 4 Group 5 Group 6

Due Dates: (These due dates are the same for everyone in the class)
1. What is the due date for your project?

2. Is your project due on the same day as the presentation or before?

3. What is the due date for your final reflection essay?
4. What is the due date for the first draft of your reflection? (Note: this
must be a minimum of 5 days prior to the due date for the final
reflection essay. Weekends count as days too.)

Project Decisions:
1. Do all groups need to have the same format for the final project?

a. If yes, what is the format required?

(If no, each group will decide individually.)

2. What topic does each group choose?

a. Group 1
b. Group 2
c. Group 3
d. Group 4
e. Group 5
f. Group 6
3. How long do the presentations need to be? 5-7 Minutes (You must
choose a time between 4 minutes and 15 minutes long, but
remember: if you speak longer than your time, you lose points and if
you go over your time, you lose points.)

1. What are the goals you hope to accomplish with this project? Learn
more about Global issues and human rights and connecting with
people in your group
2. What do you hope to learn about research with this project? Global
Issues and Human Rights
3. Why is this important? Because this is the society we live in today.

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