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Conferencing resources

Google Hangouts: https://hangouts.google.com/

Google Hangout with DiceStream: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/unkeojfppkp2hysizgch7ciruia

DiceStream info: https://plus.google.com/+DicestreamInfoHere

Dungeon Creation and Operation resources

Donjon Random Dungeon Generator http://donjon.bin.sh/adnd/dungeon/

We recommend using this tool with these specific settings:

Leave all at default except these… make Dungeon Layout square, Room Layout: sparse, Room Size: colossal. This will
generate one or two rooms which you can use for your adventurers. Note: the encounters that are generated are fine, just
adapt the HP etc. of the AD&D monsters to a TWERPS-style ST.

Donjon Random Treasure Generator: http://donjon.bin.sh/adnd/treasure/

Useful for random treasure and drops. Play with it, you can generate hordes, good treasure, bad treasure and items.

Donjon Random Shop Generator: http://donjon.bin.sh/adnd/magic/shop.html

Very useful for generating shop inventories in the town of Graveyard, or in below-ground shops (should you choose to have
them) in the Pitt.

Remember! Fill the player's lives with adventure, for however long they last, and play to find out what happens! Dungeon
generation and play should be done in real time and on the fly!
Starting a Game
TWERPS Roguelike is a hack of an old-school RPG called TWERPS, the World’s Easiest Role Playing System. The hack
takes advantage of 21st century online resources to remove some of the grunt work from the game’s mechanics, and It is
designed primarily for in online conferencing services, particularly Google Hangouts. It is, of course, easily adapted to other
services, or even regular, old school tabletop play.

To play like we do, you need:

1. Access to the Internet

2. Google+ account and access to Google Hangouts

3. Microphone and headphones (required for Hangouts), web cam (optional)

4. Dicestream application for Hangouts (link is here)

5. Access to this Tumblr for core rules, player and Twerpmaster procedures, and adventure setting

You also might want something to write on, something to write with, and snacks.


Twerpmaster should go to (link) and initiate a Hangout. Twerpmaster should then invite all players to that URL. Once
everybody is on and you have voice and video working, proceed to character generation (detailed on For the Player page).

TWERPS (The World’s Easiest Role Playing System) was developed in the late 1980s and was published into the mid 1990s
by Jeff & ‘Manda Dee. Here’s a link to the wiki page about it and them: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TWERPS

Here’s a great site with more info and links to even more info: http://fustians.blogspot.ca/p/twerps-stuff.html

Now, when I say “more” and “even more” stuff, be advised that TWERPS was well ahead of its time, a rules-light universal
RPG system that poked a finger in the eye of the more popular, prevalent and rules-intensive role playing games of the day.
It was never hugely popular when compared to D&D and other systems, but it developed a passionate cult following and
persists to this day (obviously).

Still, resources are few, so be prepared, if you go down this rabbit hole, to do some work. My advice is to buy all the original
TWERPS books (you can get them online or from specialty retailers or you can still get them from Gamescience, the original
distributor) and start hacking. But I digress.

TWERPS was one of the very first indie games that sought to simplify the roleplaying experience and focus on fun and story.
Even so, it still has a distinct old-school feel. It is an early example that pre-saged both the recent indie story game AND
OSR movements in the hobby.

The TWERPS Roguelike hack was made with, and influenced by, the following stuff:

TWERPS basic rules TWERPS The T.W.E.R.P.S. Files

TWERPS How To Do Everything Better AD&D by TSR

TWERPS Magic Dungeon World by LaTorra and Kobel

TWERPS Twisted Tales of Terror Nethack (et. al.)

TWERPS Kung Fu Dragons Angband (et. al.) Doomed Pilgrim by Vincent Baker

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