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CE - Interna
ational Jourrnal for Envvironmentaal Rehabilitaation and Conservation
Volume VI: No. 1 2015 [52
[ – 57] [ISS
SN 0975 - 62722]

Physicoo-chemical characteerization of
o composiite wastew
water from
m textile
industrry, Panipat (Haryan
na), India

D 1; Jain, C.K.
Malik, D.S. C 2 and Yadav,
Y Anujj K.1

8, 2015 ⏐ Acccepted: May 08,

Received: February 28 0 2015 ⏐ Online:
O June 30,
3 2015

Water pollution cau used by thee discharge of Thee parameterrs were obbserved aboove the
wastewatter into water
w bodiess. The texttile permmissible liimits of CPCB ass TDS
wastewatter released d through wet
w processiing (5216±201.91 mg/L) and COD
operationns like scouuring, dyeingg and printiing (1314.66±103.117 mg/L). The heavyy metal
etc. The wastewater was collecteed from texttile conncentrations were alsoo varied anda not
industry from Hary yana, Panipaat, India. The
T recoorded abovee permissible limits off CBCP
physico-cchemical paarameters annalyzed suchh as disccharge limitss.
pH, tempperature, collour, total dissolved sollids Keyywords: Phyysico-chemiical characteerization
(TDS), electrical
e con
nductivity (EEC), alkaliniity, | texxtile wastew
water | heavy metals
total haardness, turrbidity, nitrrate, sulphaate,
chloride, biological oxygen deemand (BOD D),
chemicall oxygen dem mand (COD)), sodium (N Na),
Texxtile industryy is one of the major polluting
potassiumm (K). The heavy mettals were also a
induustries in Inndia. It invoolves the prrocesses
investigaated like caddmium (Cd)), cobalt (C Co),
likee scouring, bleaching, printing, dying,
chromium m (Cr), iron (Fe), lead (P Pb),
wasshing and finishing products. Textile
manganeese (Mn), nicckel (Ni) andd zinc (Zn).
induustry consummes huge am mount of potaable and
induustrial waterr as processing water (990-94%)
For corresspondence: andd relatively loow percentaage as coolinng water
(6-110%) (Ahm med et al., 2012). Theese wet
Departmeent of Zoology & Environmentall Science, Gurukkula
Kangri Unniversity, Haridw
war, India proccesses consume large quantities of o water
mental Hydrologyy Division, Natioonal Institute of
andd after finishhing stage, polluted water
w are
Hydrologyy, Roorkee (U.K..), India
Email– maalikdsgkv@gma ail.com releeased into thee sewers andd drains withhout any
prioor treatmentt. The unttreated wasttewaters
conntaminate surrface water and also detteriorate
Malik et al. /Vol. VI [1] 20015/52 – 57 

the grouund water quality throough leachiing alsoo added. Thhe physico-cchemical parrameters
(Joshi annd Santani, 2012).
2 werre analyzedd in laboraatory such as pH,
Textile wastewater
w is
i characteriized by stroong tem
mperature, colour, TDS, ellectronic
colour, high
h salinitty, temperatture, chemiical connductivity (EEC), alkalinnity, total hardness,
oxygen demand (C COD) (Manntzavinos and a turbbidity, soddium (Na), Potassium m (K),
Psillakis,, 2004). Dy yes and varrious pigments chlooride, bioloogical oxyggen demandd(BOD),
are used in various wetw processes which imppart chem mical oxyygen demaand(COD), nitrate
the coloour and sou urce of heaavy metals in (APPHA, 2005). The heavyy metals were also
effluents. Textile wastewater when w discharrge anallyzed in wastewater
w liike cadmium m (Cd),
into the pond
p and th
hrough pond they percollate chroomium (Cr),, cobalt (Co), cupper (C Cu), lead
into grouund water (Malik
( et al.,
a 2006). TheT (Pb)), manganesse (Mn), niickel (Ni) and a zinc
textile efffluent contaain high am mount of heaavy (Znn). Heavy metals
m were estimated after
a wet
metals annd through it i accumulatted in different digeestion with 1:6 mixtuures of HCllO4 and
trophic levels
l of eccosystem ulttimately cauuse HNNO3. The digested
d maaterial was filtered
the healthh hazards am mong livestoock and hum man throough Whatmman No. 42 fiilter paper annd make
beings (M Malik et al.., 2004). Thhese industrries voluume of 1000 mL and used for anaalysis by
employ a variety of dyes, salts and a chemicaals, ICPPMS (Perkinn Elmer).
which arre major so ources of heeavy metals in Ressult and Disscussion
wastewatter (Chhikarra et al., 20113). The heaavy Thee textile wastewateer samplee was
metals liike cadmium m, chromium m, cobalt, iroon, charracterized asa shown inn Table 1. The pH
manganeese, nickel, and a zinc aree toxic at evven valuues either highly
h acidicc or highly alkaline
lower cooncentration ns, marine organism and a are generally harmful
h for aquatic orrganisms
fresh biota dirrectly abssorbed froom (Lokhande et al., a 2001). pH of the samples
contaminnated wastew water. Heavvy metals are recoorded 7.68± ±0.75 whicch lies witthin the
non-bioddegradable in naturre and it’s i permmissible lim mits. The higher pH inndicated
prolonginng exposure causes varioous diseasess in alkaaline naturee of wasttewater. Geenerally,
living orgganisms. Th he aim of preesent study was
w alkaaline pH off textile wasstewater wass due to
to examinne the physiicochemical properties and a the bleaching process
p and it is affecteed water
heavy metals
m in tex xtile compoosite industrrial ecollogy (Effler et al., 19900). The odouur of the
wastewatter. wasstewater wass recorded to t be pungeent. The
Materiall and Metho
od punngent odourr could be due to unnpleasant
Collectioon of wastew
water sample and analysiis odoour of volatiile compounnds (Abrohaa et al.,
2014). The tem mperature ofo the effluent was
The sam mple was collected
c byy a compossite
textile mill
m wastew
water locateed in Panippat, founnd within permissible
p limits (35.666±2.08o
C). It has beenn observed that the texxtile and
Haryana,, India. Thee sample waas collected in
dye wastewater are discharged at a high
the plasttic containerrs and preseervatives were
mperatures (B Banat et al., 1996). The colour
c is
Malik et al. /Vol. VI [1] 20015/52 – 57 

visible pollutant in wastewater

w t
that affects the
t the presence off high colourr and may be b major
aesthetic, water transsparency andd gas solubillity sourrces of heavvy metals (YYusuff and Sonibare,
of wasteewater (Yux xing and Jaain, 1999).T The 20004). Electriical conducctivity (EC C) was
textile wastewater
w colure wass found daark recoorded 81166.66±351.18 µs/cmm in
bluish in colour. wasstewater, thee higher EC C values generally
Total dissolved soliids (TDS) in wastewaater indiicates the prresence of hiigh concentrration of
was calcuulated beyon
nd the permiissible limitss, it salts in the sollution and bears
b direct relation
was 5216±201.91 mg/L.
m High TDS indicatted withh osmotic potential
p (A
Asfaw et al., 2012).

Parameter Mean ±SD

D CPCB Standards
Intoo inland Surfacee waters I
Into public sewers Indian Stan
n Standards: 24490 (1974) 3306 (1974)
pH 7.68±0.755 5.5-9.0 5.5-9.0
Odour pungent - -
ure ( C) 35.66±2.008 40 45
Colour dark bluissh - -
TDS (mg/L
L) 5216±201.91 2100 2100
EC (µs/cm)) 8166.66±3511.18 - -
Alkalinity (mg/L)
( 453.33±50..33 - -
Total hardn
ness (mg/L) 140±16.32 - -
Turbidity (N.T.U.)
( 50.66±6.002 - -
Nitrate (mgg/L) 7.46±0.777 - -
Sulphate (m
mg/L) 103±15.71 1000 1000
Chloride (m
mg/L) 186.66±15..27 1000 1000
BOD (mg/L
L) 23.8±1.900 30 350
COD (mg/L
L) 1314.66±1033.17 250 -
Sodium (mg/L) 1838.33±1033.94 - -
Potassium (mg/L) 423.23±25..23 - -
Cadmium (mg/L)
( ND 2.0 1.0
Cobalt (mgg/L) 0.004±0.0001 - -
Chromium (mg/L) 0.193±0.1553 1.0 2.0
Copper (mgg/L) 0.198±0.1113 3.0 3.0
Iron (mg/L
L) 2.342±0.2118 3.0 3.0
Lead (mg/L
L) 0.0903±0.07703 0.1 1.0
Manganesee (mg/L) 0.207±0.1112 2.0 2.0
Nickel (mg//L) 0.132±0.1007 3.0 3.0
Zinc (mg/L
L) 0.175±0.0223 5.0 15.0

Table 1:
1 Physico-chem
mical characteriization of
textile inndustrial wastew

Malik et al. /Vol. VI [1] 20015/52 – 57 

The alkkalinity vallue was found f to be espeecially fish.. The sulphhates and chlorides
453.33±550.33 mg//L. The alkalinity of werre 103±15.71 mg/L and 186.66±15.27
wastewatter is the caapacity to neeutralize acidic mg//L, respecctively whhich were under
nature. The main causes of alkalinity in permmissible lim
mits. The soddium concenntrations
wastewatter are du ue to the presence of werre recordedd 1838.33±103.94 mgg/L and
carbonatees, bicarbo onates andd hydroxiddes potaassium conncentrations found low wer than
(Imtiazudddin et al., 2014).
2 sodiium conccentrations. The pootassium
Hardnesss in wastewaater is due to
t the presennce conncentrations were obseerved 423.23±25.23
of calcium and magn nesium salts. Hard waterr is mg//L. The texxtile wastew water contaiins high
generallyy unsuitablee for both domestic and a sodiium, and potassium concentratiions as
industrial purposes, which maay cause sccale commpared to groound water.
formationn in boilerrs and pipeelines (Saviita, Thee concentraations of cadmium, cobalt,
2013). Turbidity
T is a measure of
o water clarrity chroomium, coppper, iron, lead, mannganese,
which shows how w much the materrial nickkel and zinnc was fouund less thhan the
suspendeed in water decreases thet passage of maxximum lim mit. The caadmium meetal ion
light throough water (Tripathi et al.,2013). The
T conncentration was
w not fouund in wasstewater.
turbidity concentraation depeends on the t Thee amount off cobalt (Coo), chromiuum (Cr),
concentraation of orgganic and innorganic waaste copper (Cu), irron (Fe), leaad (Pb), mannganese,
found inn wastewateer. In textille wastewatter, (Mnn), nickel (N
Ni) and zinc (Zn) concenntrations
turbidity value was reecorded 50.666±6.02 mg//L. werre 0.004±0.0001, 0.193±00.153, 0.1988±0.113,
The totall hardness off the wastew
water was fouund 2.3442±0.218, 0.0903±0.0703, 0.2077±0.112,
to be 140±16.32
1 mg/L. Nitrrate in texttile 0.1332±0.107 and 0.1175±0.023 mg/L
wastewatter increases due to usses of dyes in resppectively ini wastewwater. The metal
textile processes.
p Nitrate
N conccentration was
w conncentration in textile wastewater
w in this
recorded to be 7.46± ± 0.77 mg/L L. The sulphhate studdy decreasedd in order off Fe > Mn > Cu > Cr
concentraation was evaluated to be 103±15.71 > Zn > Ni > Pb > Co > Cd. The recordeed metal
mg/L, which
w was very
v low ass compared to conncentrations were underr permissiblee limits.
standardss (1000 mg g/L) set byy CPCB. The T Thee heavy metals
m are toxic forr living
concentraations of BOD annd COD in orgaanisms evenn at very low
w concentrations.
wastewatter were 23.8±1.90 mg/L and a Con
1314.66±±103.17 mg//L. The observed value of Thee objective of present study was to
chemicall oxygen deemand (CO OD) was quuite inveestigate the physio-chem
mical parammeters of
high. Thhe prescribeed standard limit of CO OD wasstewater in textile induustries. Thee results
dischargeed into waater bodies is 250 mgg/L indiicated that pollution parameters
p such as
(Ahmed et al., 2012). The high h levels of TDS S, sulphates and COD levels
l of wastewater
BOD/CO OD represen nt the extrreme pollutted sam
mples observeed beyond thhe permissibble limit.
water whhich was toxic for aquatic organissms Higgh COD annd TDS vallues indicatted high
Malik et al. /Vol. VI [1] 20015/52 – 57 

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