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Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 43 (2015) 6–13

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Flow Measurement and Instrumentation

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An analysis on the pressure loss through perforated plates

at moderate Reynolds numbers in turbulent flow regime
Emrah Özahi n
University of Gaziantep, Faculty of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Department, 27310 Gaziantep, Turkey

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Perforated plates are widely used in order to reduce flow nonuniformities, to retard onset of turbulence
Received 13 March 2014 and to attenuate cavitation. There are some studies carried out for investigation of effects of geometrical
Received in revised form parameters of perforated plates and flow parameters on pressure loss coefficient. However the related
17 February 2015
studies were performed at high Reynolds numbers in the order of 105. This work aims to research
Accepted 2 March 2015
Available online 12 March 2015
pressure loss through a variety of perforated plates having different geometrical aspects in a mean flow
Reynolds number range of 2500 rRem r9500 and a porosity range of 0.064 r β r 0.331 for different
Keywords: numbers of holes ranging in 5 rnh r26. The dependency of the pressure loss upon the Reynolds
Perforated plate number, the porosity of the perforated plates, the number and the distribution of the holes is
Pressure loss  2:24
investigated under no cavitating conditions. An expression, Eu ¼ 0:67β , describing the relationship
Euler number
between the pressure loss coefficient and the porosity of perforated plate is proposed with a mean
Reynolds number
deviation of 12% for easy estimation of pressure loss coefficient at moderate Reynolds numbers of
turbulent flow regime as a practical solution.
& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction studies are focused on velocity and turbulence measurements behind

perforated plates [11], and [12]. Kim et al. [13] investigated the
Perforated plates are generally used for control of efficiency of any occurrence and the effects of cavitation through perforated plates.
pressurized systems. Besides this, they are usually placed upstream The dissipation characteristics of perforated plates are gener-
of measurement stations in order to remove swirl effect of flow, to ally determined by means of the pressure loss coefficient which is
reduce flow nonuniformities or to create uniform flow diffusion from well-known as Euler number as follows:
supply air outlets [1–4]. In a design stage of a perforated plate, the P1  P2
resistance of plates to fluid flow is of great importance. Perforated Eu ¼ ð1Þ
1=2ρU 2m
plates have a sudden sharp contraction of flow area followed by a
sudden enlargement. Therefore, there is a considerable flow resis- Pressure loss coefficient, Eu is dependent on geometry of perforated
tance through perforated plates. This resistance is a measure of plate as well as friction factor of holes, λ if there is no cavitation.
pressure loss coefficient and it must be considered in any installation. These geometrical characteristics can be given as follows:
The flow characteristics and pressure loss through perforated
plates are interests to research for many scientists. Tullis [2] (1) Porosity of perforated plate, which is the ratio of open area to
researched the pressure loss through different perforated plates. overall pipe cross-section, β .
Laws and Quazzane [5] dealed with the attention of perforated plates (2) Plate thickness, t which is generally given as relative thickness,
for pre-conditioning of disturbed flow. Erdal [6] studied numerically t=dh where dh is hole diameter.
the parameters affecting the performance of a multi-hole plates. (3) Number of holes, nh .
Weber et al. [7] reviewed many studies about the pressure loss (4) Distribution of holes which is generally described as pitch, P ([1]).
through perforated plates in circular and rectangular ducts. Malavasi
et al. [8], Macchi [9] and Malavasi et al. [10] studied about the most On the other hand, Reynolds number characteristics plays an
significant geometrical and flow parameters on pressure loss. Some important role on pressure loss through perforated plates. There are
some definitions of typical Reynolds number used for flow through
perforated plates. Some of them are mean flow Reynolds number,
Tel: þ90 342 3601200/2517; fax: þ 90 342 3601104. Rem ¼ U m D=ν [8]; [10]; [14]; [15] hole Reynolds number, Reh ¼
E-mail address: ozahi@gantep.edu.tr U h dh =ν ([7]; [16]). Reynolds number defined as Re ¼ U h D=ν([4];

0955-5986/& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
E. Özahi / Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 43 (2015) 6–13 7

Nomenclature T0 Ambient reference temperature (1C)

uðrÞ Local cross-sectional velocity at any r position (m/s)
C Constant evaluated using methods in [1,20] U Characteristic velocity (m/s)
CC Contraction coefficient of jets Uh Hole bulk-mean velocity (m/s)
C0 Coefficient depending on t=dh Um Pipe bulk-mean velocity (m/s)
dh Hole diameter (m) Uh Hole bulk-mean velocity (m/s)
D Pipe inner diameter (m) U Averaged value of velocity (m/s)
E Voltage read from CTA (volt) U CL Averaged value of velocity at pipe centerline (m/s)
EAD Daq board input range (volt) wi Standard uncertainty value of any independent
Eu Euler number variable
K LA Pressure loss coefficient of a single-hole orifice wR Standard uncertainty in result
K 0 ; K 0:8 Coefficients provided from a graphical form xi Independent variable
n Resolution of daq board
nh Number of holes Greek letters
P Fluid pressure (Pa)
P wv Water vapor pressure (Pa) β Porosity
P0 Ambient pressure (Pa) ΔP Pressure drop (Pa)
P1 Static pressure upstream of perforated plate (Pa) Δxi Input variants
P2 Static pressure downstream of perforated plate (Pa) λ Friction factor of holes
r Radial distance from pipe center line (m) λa ; λb Coefficients provided from a graphical form
R Result ν Kinematic viscosity (m2/s)
Reh Hole Reynolds number τ Tabular coefficient depending on (t=dh )
Rem Mean flow Reynolds number θ Angle (1)
t Plate thickness (m) ρ Fluid density (kg/m3)
T Temperature (1C)
Tw Sensor temperature (1C)

[17]. Whatever Reynolds number is considered, the pressure loss is decreased when t=dh increased. The pressure loss coefficient was also
dependent on pressure loss coefficient, Eu and Reynolds number. found to decrease when the number of the holes was increased.
Under no cavitation, the pressure loss coefficient, Eu either is affected As can be understood from the corresponding literature, the effect
or remains constant when Reynolds number is increased. Under of the porosity on the pressure loss coefficient has been generally
cavitating conditions, Eu increases suddenly with increasing of Rey- investigated for a variety of plate thickness and hole diameters. Since
nolds number [1]. There are many expressions in order to evaluate the interactive influences of t and dh were researched on Eu. Herein,
pressure loss coefficient, which are tabulated in Table 1. Many different the pure effect of β on Eu is investigated considering the dissipation
expressions are proposed for estimation of Eu and they are generally of holes and keeping t and dh at constant values. The experimental
as a function of β , t=dh and λ. The number and the distribution of the setup which is designed and constructed in order to investigate the
holes were not previously considered and their effects were taken to effects of the mean Reynolds number and the dissipation character-
be negligible in literature until the study of Malavasi et al. [1]. istics of multi-hole perforated plates on the pressure loss coefficient
The relative thickness, t=dh , the number and the disposition of the is given in the following section. In the results and discussion section,
holes were taken into consideration by Malavasi et al. [1]. They found the different numbers of the holes resulting in the different values of
that t=dh had a significant effect on pressure loss coefficient and it β and the distributions of the holes are considered and their effects

Table 1
Some expressions proposed to evaluate pressure loss coefficient for flow through perforated plates.

Reference Expression Validity range

[1] pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 0.10o β o 0.75

1  β4 ð1  C 2 Þ
Eu ¼ Cβ2
1 C is evaluated by the methods in [1,20]

[15] Eu ¼ P m ðβ  4:448  1Þ P m ¼ 160:325ð71:467β4  100:300β3 0.25r β r 0.45

þ 52:021β2  11:801β þ 1Þ

[16] Reh 4 105 t=dh 40.015

2 2 1:5 2 2
Eu ¼ 0:5ð1  β Þ þ τð1  β βÞ4 þ ð1  β Þ þ λt=dh
h  2 i
[17] Eu ¼ 2:9  3:79ðt=dh Þβ0:4 þ 1:79 t=dh β0:8 K LA ðt=dh Þβ0:4 o 0.9
Eu ¼ 0:876 þ 0:069 t=dh β0:4 K LA K LA ¼ 1 β22 þ β24 ð1  C1C þ 12 Þ ðt=dh Þβ0:4 40.9
2C C
C C ¼ 0:72
[18] Eu ¼ C 0 ð1C2 Cβ4C β
2 2
Þ C 0 ¼ 0:5þ 0:178 0.1 ot=dh o3
4ðt=dh Þ þ 0:355

C C ¼ 0:596 þ 0:0031eβ=0:206
[19] Eu ¼ K 0 β  4 λa t=dh o 0.8
Eu ¼ K 0:8 β  4 λb t=dh 40.8

where τ is tabular coefficient depending on t=dh , C 0 is coefficient depending on t=dh , C C is contraction coefficient of the jets, K 0 , K 0:8 , λa and λb are coefficients which are
provided in a graphical form, K LA is pressure loss coefficient of a single-hole orifice and Cis discharge coefficient (ratio of the actual flow rate to the maximum theoretical flow
rate) given in [1].
8 E. Özahi / Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 43 (2015) 6–13



HW D= Ø 26.6
Air Surge AF TM PT1 PT2
Compressor Tank Drier MFC

1D 1D
AF: air filters
HW: hotwire
MFC: mass flow control unit
DAQ Board
PP: perforated plate
PT1,PT2: pressure transmitters
TM: traverse mechanism All dimensions are in mm.

Fig. 1. Schematic layout of the experimental setup.

on the pressure loss coefficient, Eu are studied. An expression which 1.2

is proposed for estimating the pressure loss coefficient, Eu is also
presented in this section.

2. Experimental setup

The experimental setup is designed and constructed in order to 0.2

investigate the effects of the mean Reynolds number, the porosity
(number of holes) and the distribution of the holes on the pressure -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
loss through a variety of perforated plates. The schematic layout of the r /R
test rig is given in Fig. 1. Air is supplied through the smooth pipeline of
Rem=2500 Rem=3100 Rem=3700
inner diameter, D¼26.6 mm and total length of 263D by means of a Rem=4800 Rem=5600 Rem=6300
screw air compressor coupled with a mass flow control (MFC) unit at Rem=6700 Rem=7900 Rem=8900
4.5 bar between 0 and 0.003 m3/s at an accuracy of 1% for flow rate Rem=9500 Seventh Power Law
measurement, which is proposed by MFC manufacturer. Five different
Fig. 2. Normalized velocity distribution.
3 mm-thick perforated plates which have 3 mm-diameter holes are
used in the porosity range of 0.064r β r0.331 using the different
numbers of holes in the range of 5rnh r26. The perforated plates are
placed at 188D downstream of the MFC unit. DANTEC 56C01 CTA acquisite the raw data from CTA and pressure transmitters. A sampling
(constant temperature anemometer) coupled with plug-in 56C17 CTA frequency of 1 kHz is used for data acquisition resulting in a time
Wheatstone Bridge in combination with a miniature hotwire probe, resolution of 0.001 s. The Daq3001 USB board is set to take 1000
55P11 is used for the measurements of the local velocities throughout readings of u(r) and P1, P2 for the purpose.
the pipe cross-section at 50D downstream of the MFC unit. The rou- Uncertainty analysis is also conducted in order to confirm the
tine calibration procedure of the hotwire is performed twice during validity of the velocity and the pressure measurements during all
the experiment using the procedure given in [20,21]. RCP2-SA6-I-PM- experiments according to references [22–27]. The standard uncer-
6-200-P1-SBE coded Robo-cylinder traverse mechanism with posi- tainty of the velocity measurement using CTA is evaluated by the
tional repeatability of 0.02 mm is used in order to traverse the hotwire method proposed in [23,26,27] as tabulated in Table 2. The uncer-
probe through the pipe cross-section for twenty radial positions. For tainties in the measurements are sourced by bias and random errors
each perforated plate, the tests are carried out for ten moderate which are effectively uncertainty contributions. Bias is a fixed error
Reynolds numbers in the range of 2500rRem r9500 covering the that can be reduced by calibration. On the other hand, precision
turbulent regime. The normalized velocity distribution for the covered error is a random error that can be reduced by obtaining multiple
Rem range is seen to be compatible with the theoretical one-seventh measurements. Estimates of statistical parameters can be based
power law with a mean deviation of 1.4% as is given in Fig. 2. Flow rate upon different amounts of information or data. The number of
is evaluated by traversing the hotwire probe through the pipe cross- independent pieces of information that goes into the estimate of a
section at each test run, and they are also compared with the flow rate parameter is called the degrees of freedom. A value of degrees of
values which are directly read from the MFC unit. There is a good freedom reserves typically for a sample size. 20 set of sample data
conformity between the values of flow rates with a mean deviation of are used for the estimation of the standard uncertainty values of
1.2%. The probe positioning is adjusted with the aid of a yaw meter both velocity and pressure measurements
which has an accuracy less than 1%, which turns into the negligible The standard uncertainty of the velocity measurements is found
uncertainty value of the probe positioning. In order to determine as 2.1% by using a series of velocity data. The standard uncertainty of
pressure drop, ΔP through the perforated plates, the static pressures the raw pressure data in voltage is found as 0.8% using the method
P1 and P2 at 1D upstream and downstream of the perforated plate are in [23,26,27] as is given in Table 3. Regarding the uncertainty of the
measured by means of pressure transmitters. A 16- bit, 1- MHz A/D calibration curve, the standard uncertainty of the pressure measure-
converter IOtech Daq3001 USB board coupled to a PC and a LabVIEW ment is found to be as 1.3%. Moreover, the standard uncertainties
2009-SP1 software program are used in order to accumulate and of U m , Rem , and Euare evaluated using the equation below and the
E. Özahi / Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 43 (2015) 6–13 9

Table 2
Bias limits and precision indexes for standard uncertainty analysis of velocity measurement based on the method in [23,26,27].

Source of uncertainty Bias limit Precision index Degrees of freedom

% m/s % m/s (#)

Calibrator 1.5 0.0675 – – 20

Linearisation 0.5 0.0225 – –
Daqboard resolution 0.04 0.0018 – –
Temperature variationsa – – 0.12 0.0054
Temperature variationsb – – 0.2 0.009
Ambient pressure – – 0.6 0.027
Humidity – – 0.13 0.0059
h i1=2
Standard uncertainty of velocity measurement; wU ¼ 0:07122 þ 0:06052 ¼ 0.0934 m/s (2.1%)
Uncertainty due to change in probe over-temperature alone.
Uncertainty due to change in air density with temperature alone.

Table 3 Table 4
Bias limits and precision indexes for standard uncertainty analysis of pressure Evaluated standard uncertainty values of the experimental study ranges.
measurements based on the method in [23,26,27].
Measured/evaluated data in the Unit Overall standard uncertainty
Source of uncertainty Bias limit Precision index Degrees of freedom experiment (%)

% V % V (#) uðrÞ m/s 2.1

P1 ; P2 V 0.8
Data Acquisition 20 Pa 1.3
Accuracy 0.5 0.025 – – Um m/s 3.4
Repeatability – – 0.1 0.005 Rem – 3.4
Data Reduction Eu – 3.9
Linearity 0.2 0.01 – –
Stability – – 0.3 0.015
h i1=2
Standard uncertainty of pressure measurement; wx ¼ 0:0272 þ 0:0332 ¼
0.043 V (0.8%) almost the same for the perforated plates, PP3 and PP4 which have
the same porosity value of β ¼0.165 although PP3 and PP4 have
different distributions of holes. Therefore, it can be deduced that the
summary of the uncertainties is given in Table 4. value of Eu depends on β much more strongly than they do on
2 #1=2 distribution of holes. The results confirm the other studies in the
∂R ∂R ∂R literature [1,2,16,18] such that β is the dominant geometric char-
wR ¼ w1 þ w2 þ ::::: þ wn ð2Þ
∂x1 ∂x2 ∂xn acteristic affecting Eu. The number of holes, nh plays also an imp-
ortant role on Eu. Fig. 5 shows the relationship between Eu and nh .
where wR is the standard uncertainty in the result and w1 , w2 ,…, As can be noticed from the figure, Eu decreases if nh is increased,
wxi ….wn are the standard uncertainties of the independent which also confirms the results of Malavasi et al. [1]. The maximum
variables. value of Eu is seen for PP1 with nh ¼5, and the minimum value of Eu
is seen for PP5 with nh ¼26 at each Rem . A possible explanation of
such phenomenon can be stated that an increase in nh reduces the
3. Results and discussion size of the recirculation zones between the holes and between the
outer holes and the pipe wall, resulting in a lower pressure drop as
In Table 5, the geometrical parameters of the perforated plates, was also mentioned in [1,6]. However Malavasi et al. [1] deduced
the mean Reynolds numbers and the corresponding pressure loss that much information about the distribution of the holes was
coefficients are given. In this study, the thickness of the perforated required to confirm this hypothesis. The effect of the distribution
plates and the diameter of the holes are decided on constant value of of holes on Eu is not directly investigated. However it is found that
3 mm. Therefore, the effects of the mean Reynolds number, the the value of Eu remains almost constant for the same number of
number and the distribution of the holes and the porosity of the holes even if the distribution of the holes are completely different
perforated plate on the pressure loss coefficient are investigated and from each other in PP3 and PP4. Malasiva et al. [1] concluded that the
the results are then compared with each other. Comments on the number and the disposition of the holes have some influence on Eu
effects of the geometrical properties of the perforated plates and the as a result of the dispersion of the data from those in the literature.
flow parameters on the pressure loss coefficient are performed. Contrary to this statement, no more effect of the distribution of the
The effect of Rem on Eu for each perforated plate is illustrated in holes on Euis found in the present study although a considerable
Fig. 3. The tests are carried out in the turbulent regime of influence of nh on Euis realized.
2500rRem r9500. It is found that Eu decreases as Rem increases Fig. 6 shows the relationship between Eu and β in the range of
under no cavitating conditions, which is similar result with those in 2500rRem r9500 for all perforated plates. As can be seen from the
the literature [1,4,15]. Very similar trend for the variation of Eu with figure, Eu decreases as β is increased in the covered experimental
respect to Rem is seen although there is a different dissipation of the range. Moreover, it is observed that there is a unique link for the
holes for PP3 and PP4 (Fig. 3(c) and (d)). It is also observed that the relationship between Euand β, which is denoted by dashed line. The
value of Eu decreases as β increases at each Rem (Fig. 4). The relation between Eu and β is given with a mean deviation of 12% as
maximum values of Euat each Rem are seen for the five-hole follows:
perforated plate (PP1) which has minimum value of β ¼0.064. On
the other hand, it is clear that, at each Rem , the values of Euare Eu ¼ 0:67β ð3Þ
10 E. Özahi / Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 43 (2015) 6–13

Table 5
Geometrical properties of perforated plates (PP) with flow parameters.
E. Özahi / Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 43 (2015) 6–13 11

310 105




270 80
0 2500 5000 7500 10000 0 2500 5000 7500 10000
Rem Rem

55 55
50 50

45 45

40 Eu 40

35 35

30 30
0 2500 5000 7500 10000 0 2500 5000 7500 10000
Rem Rem



0 2500 5000 7500 10000
Fig. 3. Influence of Rem on Eu for each perforated plate.

There is a good conformity between the proposed Eq. (3) and the β which is the most effective geometrical parameter. By using this
experimental data such that the deviation between the value of Eu equation, the pure effect of β on Eu can be estimated at moderate
experimentally found and that evaluated from Eq. (3) is almost 12%. Re numbers of turbulent flow regime.
The proposed equation is also compared with those available in the
literature, taking into consideration of their validity ranges. Eq. (3) is
found to be compatible with those proposed in Refs. [1] and [18] 4. Conclusion
with mean deviations of 4.6% and 6.2%, respectively. However, a
considerable deviation is found between Eq. (3) and that proposed The studies on the investigation of pressure loss coefficient
in Ref. [17] with 49%. This may be due to the validity range of the through perforated plates are generally carried out at high
equation in [17] including interactive influences of t=dh and β such Reynolds numbers in the order of 105. In this work, the depen-
that the validity range of the proposed equation in Ref. [17] is based dency of the pressure loss upon the Reynolds number, the
on ðt=dh Þβ . Considering constant thickness of perforated plates
porosity of the perforated plates, the number and the distribution
and constant hole diameter, in the mean Reynolds number range of of the holes is investigated under no cavitating conditions at
2500rRem r9500, Eq. (3) provides a practical estimation tool for moderate Reynolds number range of 2500; r Rem r9500. An
pressure loss coefficient, Eu using the porosity of perforated plates, expression, Eu ¼ 0:67β , which gives the relationship between
12 E. Özahi / Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 43 (2015) 6–13

Rem =2500 Rem =9500

360 360
300 PP2 300 PP2
240 240

180 180

120 120

60 60

0 0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
β β
Fig. 4. Influence of β on Eu at different Rem .

Rem =2500 Rem =9500

360 360
300 PP2 300 PP2
240 240


180 180

120 120

60 60

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
nh nh
Fig. 5. Influence of nh on Eu at different Rem .

350 PP1 (1) Eu decreases as Rem increases under no cavitating conditions.

300 PP2 (2) No effect of the distribution of the holes on Euis seen for the
perforated plates which have the same number of holes.
(3) Eu decreases as β increases at each Rem .
(4) Eu decreases if nh is increased.

(5) The most significant parameter which affects the value of Eu is
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Emrah Özahi was born in Gaziantep, Turkey in 1979. He graduated as a Mechanical
[15] Zhao T, Zhang J, Ma L. A general structural design methodology for multi-hole
Engineer from University of Gaziantep in 2002. He obtained his M.Sc. and Ph.D.
orifices and its experimental application. J Mech Sci Technol 2011;25(9):2237–46.
degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Gaziantep in 2006 and
[16] Idelcick IE. Handbook of hydraulic resistance. Washington, DC, USA: Hemi-sphere;
2011, respectively. He is now working as an Assistant Professor at the University of
Gaziantep, Department of Mechanical Engineering. His main research interests are
[17] Holt GJ, Maynes D, Blotter J. Cavitation at sharp edge multi-hole baffle plates.
flow dynamics in pipelines, flow dynamics in packed and fluidized beds, flow
In: Proceedings ot the ASME 2011 international mechanical engineering
measurement and calibration, uncertainty analysis of experimental measurements,
congress and exposition IMECE2011; 2011.
unsteady-pulsatile flow dynamics, flow meters, two-phase flows, fluidized bed
[18] Miller DS. Internal flow system. Bedford, UK: Cranfield; 1990.
drying, energy recovery from municipal solid wastes and thermodynamic systems.
[19] Engineering Sciences Data Unit (ESDU). Flow of liquids. Pressure losses across
He also has several articles in these fields.
orifice plates, perforated plates and thick orifice plates in ducts. Technical

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