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January 2019

Happy New Year!

I hope you and yours had a wonderful Christmas. I hope that in the midst of whatever it was like this
year – be it chaos with small children or super quiet, away from home and apart from those you love,
or in an unexpected place – you were able to see the ways that God showed up. The ways that Jesus
was born into your hearts and days. In phone calls, needed rest, smiles, the kindness of strangers,
and a host of so many other ways.

While we remain still in the season of Christmas, in the church we look forward to Epiphany.
Epiphany is always 12 days after Christmas; it’s the day that the wisemen show up, having followed
the star, and meet Jesus for the first time. Epiphany is a celebration rich with tradition and story. This
year – it falls on Sunday.

This is your invitation – join us for worship on Sunday, January 6, for the celebration of Epiphany.
We’ll hear the story of the wisemen’s travels and sing of their journey in song. We’ll also participate
again in an activity you may remember from last year – we will all receive a star word.

It’s literally a word written on a paper star. But it’s more than that. We call the word, the star, a gift. A
gift to light your way into the new year. It’s a word to contemplate, to pray, to give guidance to the
year ahead.

Join us to hear this portion of the Christmas story continued. Join us to receive your star word for the
year. (And if you don’t make it to worship and would like a word, just let me know!) Join us to worship
together as we begin a new year.

Journey with us as we meet the Christ child once more.

Pastor Lindsay
DECEMBER 16, 2018
The meeting was called to order by President, Brent Ingvalson at 5:00 pm in the church fellowship room.
Members in attendance included; Brent Ingvalson, Jenny Ingvalson, Marilyn Helleck, Marilyn Ulland,
Jamie Hanson, Karen Johnson, Pastor Lindsay and Laura Tjomsland.

Highs and lows were shared by all and Pastor Lindsay opened with prayer.

Old Business. Pete is working on indoor signage for the church, he was not in attendance, but notified Brent
that he was working on the project. Discussion on a report by the Barna Group regarding “How Churches are
Unwelcoming to Visitors”. One idea that was shared is that we make sure we help those who need assistance
enter the doorway and helping with parking cars.

New Business. Rental value of the parsonage. The parsonage is part of the Pastor’s salary, therefore an
amount must be set for rental value in order for the Pastor to complete tax statements properly. A rental value
was set at $800.00 a month which includes utilities. The kitchen could use a crock pot, if someone has one
that is no longer in use, a donation to the kitchen would be appreciated.

Pastor’s Report. Food drive was very successful, 112 boxes of Mac and Cheese and 43 cans of soup.
Confirmation students went caroling. Visits included; 2 Prairie Manor services, 4 ROG services plus
Ecumenical Thanksgiving, 12 visits, 2 with communion and 2 hospital. One funeral was conducted at ROG. A
motion was made by Marilyn H. and seconded by Laura to approve the report. The motion carried.

Secretary’s Report. A motion was made by Jenny and seconded by Marilyn U. to accept the report as
presented. The motion carried.

WELCA Report. The group held a potluck and new officers were announced. They decided on a donation list
and also will purchase a portable microphone. A motion was made by Jenny and seconded by Marilyn H. to
approve the report as presented. The motion carried.

Trustees Report. The indoor signage is being worked on by Pete. The heater inside the well-pit will be
checked. A motion was made by Marilyn U. and seconded by Laura to approve the report as presented. The
motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report. Highlights included an opening balance of $18,701.68 with income of $8,277.23.
Expenses for the month were $8,988.61. Leaving a balance of $17,990.30 in the General Fund. The Youth
Fund has a balance of $3,328.77. The Improvement Fund has a balance of $18,287.79. The Scholarship
Fund has a balance of $230.09. A motion was made by Laura and seconded by Karen to approve the report
as presented. The motion carried.

A motion was made by Laura and seconded by Marilyn to approve the interest of the Seminary Fund be given
to Pastor Lindsay for the purpose of Student Loan reduction. The motion carried.

The next meeting will be January 13th following service.

Eucharist Assistant for January will be Marilyn Ulland.

The meeting adjourned and closed with the Lord’s Prayer. A potluck meal followed.

Respectfully submitted,

Laura Tjomsland, Council Secretary

WELCA Report

Our annual potluck for Red Oak Grove WELCA was held on Wednesday, December 5, 2018 at 12:00 p.m.
There were 15 present. Dorothy got our meal started with singing a table grace and Birthday wishes were
sang to Orlie Grant, Verna Magnuson, Dorothy Peterson, Marilyn Helleck and Pastor Lindsay. Following our
dinner we moved up to the sanctuary for our meeting. Our opening hymn was “O Come, All Ye Faithful”. Our
purpose was read before the hymn. Evelyn Johnson gave devotions and read about Caesar Augustus and the
Christmas story and also out of Every Day with Jesus, “My Savior” and the original “Christmas Carol”.

Linda read the minutes from the November 4th meeting. Approved with 2 corrections. Three quilts were given
to ARC instead two. Four weeks of quilting instead of 6 during fall session of quilting.

Correspondence was read. Thank you from Judy Wambeam for prayers, visits, calls and food while she was
recovering from her shoulder surgery. Thank you from the Lewis family for serving Todd’s funeral. Thank you
to Ruth circle from the family of Bill Angell. A note from the Parenting Resource Center for quilts received.
Thank you from Lavonne Smith for her lovely rose at her birthday party. At this time WELCA gave Lavonne a
card of appreciation for her faithfulness in her service of WELCA Treasurer since 2007. Applauded her.

Linda had an email video from Melissa Diegnau, advisor of the Student Christian Fellowship Club at Austin
Riverland Campus. Our group wanted more information about this before we finished our year end donations.
After discussion, a motion was made and seconded to give them $100.

Lavonne gave the Treasurer’s Report. Check book has $1,624.71 balance. Both reports placed on file.

Committee Reports – Ardell reminded us to pick up devotional books in back of church and to finalize
poinsettia list. She also discussed the need of a microphone and speaker for our meetings and other uses at
church. Motion by Lavonne and Orlie Grant 2nd to go ahead and purchase up to $250. She reported $225
from St. Marks sale. Joyce reported Prairie Manor had auxiliary meeting November 26th. The administrator
spoke. Evelyn gave devotions. Items of concern were Trinity Lutheran rural Blooming Prairie will be closing
December 31st. Need a new board member at large at Prairie Manor. Administrator would like to do a
fundraiser for a needed new hydro tub at the home. Our WELCA will continue to do coffee serving during
August each year. Also Meals on Wheels. Wondering if the auxiliary group want to continue due to lack of

Old Business: Finalized the list of end of year donations. They are as follows: Good Earth Village, $50;
Lutheran Campus Ministry Mankato and Winona, $100; Lutheran Social Services, $100; Marie Sandvik, $50;
Rachel’s Hope Austin, $50; Blooming Prairie Youth Club, $100; Peace and Power Radio, $125; ARC Austin,
$100; Riverland Campus Ministry, $100; Red Oak Grove Church, $1,000. Total is $1,775.

New Business: Installation of officers for 2019. Marilyn Helleck called all new officers to the front of the
church for the installation service: President, Dorothy Peterson; Vice President, Joyce Peterson; Secretary,
Linda Christianson; Treasurer, Ardell Swenson; Mission Growth and Education, Ardell Swenson; Mission
Action and Stewardship, Judy Wambeam and Linda Christianson.

Marilyn read 1 Corinthians 12. Offering was taken. Worship offering meditation by Marlys Peterson. She read
“Joy of Christmas Story”.

Next meeting announced by Dorothy Peterson is January 6, 2019 at 10:15 a.m. in the Fellowship Room
following church.

Closed by praying the Lord’s Prayer and singing “Silent Night”.


Linda Christianson, Secretary

Pastoral Acts

Baptism – Bridger Allan Bjork

I don’t know who all put it together but I would like to say a BIG
THANK YOU to everyone that put together the care package I
received to get me through finals!!! It meant so much to me opening
it!! Jessica Ferguson

I just received the [college finals care] package! I loved it! Thank you
so much. It is so helpful and means a lot. I really needed these reminders right now.
Ayren Ingvalson

Many thanks for the prayers, cards, gifts, messages, and the beautiful flowers from WELCA for my
90th birthday. Orlie Grant

Notes from the Church Office

The 2019 offering envelopes are in the narthex and ready to be picked up.

If you would like a copy of your Contribution Statement for 2018, let the church office know.

All reports to be included in the Annual Report should be in the office by January 15, 2019.

Please continue to notify the church office if:

- you or someone you love is hospitalized and would appreciate pastoral care
- you have changed addresses or phone numbers.


The 2019 Church Council will be installed during worship on January 13th.

Thank you to those who have faithfully served: Brent Ingvalson, Jenny Ingvalson, Marilyn
Helleck, Tom Harber, Tammy Harber, Jamie Hanson and Pete Kleinschmidt. If you see these
people, thank them for their service and sharing of their time/gifts with this congregation!

We also thank those who have agreed to serve in 2019: Diane Maxwell, Julie Hoffman, Cathy
Kleinschmidt, Laura Tjomsland, Holly Ille, Julie Berg, Wendy Trihus, Angie Wagaman, Marilyn
Ulland, Terry Magnuson and John Trihus.
Our confirmation youth and a couple parents made a handful of stops caroling on a Wednesday in
December. Next year, perhaps we’ll gain a larger group of carolers and be able to make more stops!

Wednesday, January 2: GIFT (Growing in Faith Together) night returns, early in the new year! We
will explore the wisemen of the Christmas story and their journey to meet Jesus. Pizza is served from
5:30 to 6; story and activities to follow. All ages are welcome to join us!
Noisy Coin Offering: We will take our monthly noisy coin offering on Sunday, January 6. This month,
our offering will go to help fill the mitten trees with hats and mittens for our local schools. Any money
thrown in the bucket will help keep our local kids warm in these cold winter months! Thank you for
your contributions to this ministry!

HOP the ROG Frog

It’s been busy around here, people. You may not see it, but as I dwell around
the church, I notice just how many people it takes to pull off everything that
happens around Christmas time. I think we should give hops of thanks to
ALL these helping hands. To people who keep the church tidy after all the
events. To the people who make and fold bulletins. To the people who
arrange and water the poinsettias. To the people who created crafts for all to
do. To the people who keep the parking lot plowed. To the people who
mixed, rolled, grilled, and cleaned up after lefse-making. To all who have
supplied food at various events. To those who addressed, stamped and
sealed Christmas cards. To those who have decorated the inside and outside
of our church. To those who give encouragement and pitch in when needed.
Many, many hops of thanks to ALL who have helped with ministry in December. You rock.

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