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Praise and great attitude to Allah SWT for the abundance of grace, and guidance of Him
given to the writer that made this paper can be completed properly. Greetings and salawat
may always be devoted to the prophet muhammad SAW.

The paper entited “The effectiveness of ELT method in enhancing students’ motivation by
utilizing CALL” is structured to meet the requirement of the undergraduate curriculum
stratum-1 (S1) in the englsh education study program of University of Singaperbangsa

The author want to say thank you profusely for all thethe help that has been given, either
directly of indirectly during the preparationof this paper to complete. In particular gratitudes
that are due to:

1. Dr. Dayat Hidayat, S.Pd., M.Pd. as a dean of English Education Department, Faculty of
teacher”s training an education University of Singaperbangsa Karawang.
2. Tika Santika, S.Pd., M.Pd. as a vice dean of English Education Department, Faculty of
teacher”s training an education University of Singaperbangsa Karawang.
3. Nia Pujiawati, S.S., M.Pd. as the head of English Education Department
4. All of lectures and officer staff in University of Singaperbangsa especially faculty of
English Department

The author realizes that this paper has not been perfect , both i terms of material or
presentation. The suggestions and constructive in the completio of this paper. Recently
authors hope that this paper can provide things that are useful and add insight to the reader,
and especiallfor the writer as well.

Karawang, April 2017

The writer

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