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User Manual



1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Language.............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
3. General use.......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
3.1. Add objects to the field......................................................................................................................................... 5
3.2. Position of objects............................................................................................................................................... 6
3.3. Type of objects..................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.4. Delete objects....................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.5. Add moves........................................................................................................................................................... 7
4. Plays.................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
4.1. New...................................................................................................................................................................... 9
4.2. Save .................................................................................................................................................................... 9
4.3. Load................................................................................................................................................................... 10
4.4. Title and Description...........................................................................................................................................10
4.5. Workspace..........................................................................................................................................................11
4.6. Sequences.......................................................................................................................................................... 12
4.7. View................................................................................................................................................................... 14
5. Full Screen Mode............................................................................................................................................................... 15
1. Introduction

In this manual you’ll find all the necessary information to fully use K-Playmaker. This innovative tool was created to improve the
coaching staff’s work and make it more efficient. A number of powerful features are available for you to create and animate
football plays:

- Design of the play: With this tool you’ll be able to design your moves just like you do on a board or piece of paper.

- View of the play: It will also allow you to view the plays you designed and save them to load them later.

These straight-forward and easy to use features allows you to play your moves in front of your team, communicating exactly
what you want to accomplish on the football field.

2. Language

The language will adjust automatically according to your computer’s settings. You’ll be able to switch languages by clicking at
the flag icons shown in Image 2.1.a.

Image 2.1.a. Select language

3. General use

3.1. Add objects to the field

On the vertical menu displayed at the left of the screen, a number of objects and tools are available for you to use and add to
the field. The following Image (3.1.a.) offers a preview of this “Object bar”:

Image 3.1.a. Object bar

To add an object, you must click the one you wish from the Object Bar. Once selected, it will
look as shown in Image 3.1.b.

Next, you need to click over the field to determine where it should appear. You can add more
than one object of the same type by clicking consecutively in different positions of the field.

Image 3.1.b. Select objects

3.2. Position of objects

To move the objects around the field, you must select them and then drag them by pressing the
left button of the mouse until you’ve reached the desired position.

You’ll also be able to perform these actions through the keyboard. You must first select the
object you wish to move, and then press the corresponding direction keys. You can identify a
selected object by its blue contour, as shown in the Image 3.2.a.

Image 3.2.a. Selected object

3.3. Type of objects

The different objects that can be added to the field are described bellow:

Player: name them, change the number, choose Ladder: add one or more and rotate them.
a color and assign moves.

Ball: it can be assigned to a player and allows Stick: add one or more and rotate them.
to perform a number of moves.

Goal: you can add one or more to perform Flag: add one or more.
tactical excercises in reduced spaces. Rotation
option available.

Section: draw one or more by clicking and

Cone: add one or more. dragging to the desired position. Color change

Box: add one or more and rotate them. Line: draw one or more.

Distance: allows to establish distances in the


3.4. Eliminar elementos

Para Delete objects
cualquier elemento del campo de juego, debe seleccionarlo y luego oprimir la tecla “Suprimir”.

To remove any object from the field, you must select it and then press the “Delete” key.
3.5. Agregar movimientos
3.5. Add un
Para agregar moves
movimiento al elemento “Jugador”, se debe hacer clic en el jugador ubicado en el terreno de juego. Junto a él
aparecerá un menú con las posibles acciones a realizar.
To add moves to a certain player on the field, you must select it by clicking it. Next to it, a menu will be displayed with the
available actions that can be performed.
Asignar movimientos

Si el jugador tiene posesión de balón (tiene una pelota asignada), al mismo se le puede asignar: pase rastrero, conducción de
Assign moves
balón, pase aéreo, y/o desplazamiento sin pelota, respectivamente. Sólo se le puede asignar un movimiento de pelota (pase
rastrero, conducción de balón, pase aéreo) por secuencia. En caso que el jugador haga un pase (aéreo o rastrero), también se
If the player has the ball, the available moves are: pass, driving, air pass and run, respectively. You can only assign one move
le podrá asignar el movimiento de desplazamiento sin pelota. Este es el único caso donde se permite asignar dos acciones
with the ball (pass, driving and air pass) per sequence. In case a player makes a pass, you can also assign a move without the
sobre un jugador, simulando la acción de un pase y el inmediato movimiento del jugador una vez realizado el pase. (Imagen
ball (run). This is the only case where 2 moves can be assigned to one player: pass and inmediate run by the player. (Image



Air pass


Image 3.5.a. Assign moves

Cabe destacar que aquellos movimientos no válidos aparecerán deshabilitados como se muestra a continuación (Imagen
The moves that won’t available for a specific player will appear as shown in Image 3.5.b. In this case, the player doesn’t have
3.5.b.). En este caso, el jugador no posee el balón.
possession of the ball.

Imagen 3.5.b. Movimientos deshabilitados

Image 3.5.b. Disabled moves

Change number of the player

As shown in Image 3.5.c., you can define the position of the player by writing it yourself or clicking in the arrows.

Image 3.5.c. Change number of the player

Name the player

The program allows you to name a specific player and define turn its visibility on and off. As shown in Image 3.5.d., you’ll be
able to type the player’s name on the fext field and define its visibility with the check box.

Image 3.5.d. Name the player

Choose color of the player

You’ll be able to change the players’ color. There are 4 different colors available, as shown in Image 3.5.e.

Image 3.5.e. Choose color of the player

4. Plays

In this chapter, you’ll find a description of the main options for creating, editing and managing plays.

4.1 New

Once you start the program, you’ll be able to start creating your plays right away. You can always click the “New” option from
the menu whenever you want to start a new one. (Image 4.1.a.).

Image 4.1.a. New play

4.2 Save

To save your work in the computer, you must click the “Save” option from the menu as shown bellow.
In the following window, you’ll need to specify the name of your file and the folder where you want to place it. (Image 4.2.a.).

Image 4.2.a. Save the play

4.3 Load

You’ll have access to the plays you created and saved by clicking the “Load” option from the menu, as shown next:

Image 4.3.a. Load the play

4.4 Title and description

To add a title and description to the play, you must click the “Description” option in the menu as shown in the following images
(Image 4.4.a. y 4.4.b.).

Image 4.4.a. Insert title and description of the play

Image 4.4.b. Insert title and description of the play

The information will be saved automatically. To close this window, you must click the following button:

4.5 Workspace

To choose a different workspace to design your plays, you must click the “Workspace” option in the menu as shown in the image
bellow (Image 4.5.a.).

Image 4.5.a. Choose a workspace

The following menu will be displayed so that you can select the desired field. (Image 4.5.b.).

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

Image 4.5.b. Select a workspace

To select a field, you just need to click it. Each one of them are described bellow:

1 Full field 5 Last 1/3 of field - defensive

2 2 fields 6 Last 1/3 of field - offensive

3 Half field - defensive 7 Last1/4 of field - defensive

4 Half field - offensive 8 Last1/4 of field - offensive

4.6. Sequences

The plays are based on a series of seqeunces. When you start a new play, the first sequence is created automatically.

New sequence

Once you’re done with the moves for your first sequence, you must click the “New Sequence” icon at the right of the screen.
By clicking it, a new sequence will be created for you to continue from the objects’ final positions. An example is shown in
Images 4.6.a. and 4.6.b.

Image 4.6.a. Sequences

Image 4.6.b. Sequences

Delete sequence

You will only be able to delete the last sequence of the play to avoid mismatches with the previous sequences. To delete it, click
the button next to it.

4.7. View of the play

K-PlayMaker allows you to view each sequence individually and the play at its whole.

View the sequence

You will be able to view each sequence’s animation individually. To do so, you need to click the one you wish to view from the
sequences menu. To start viewing, click over the “Play” button next to the selected sequence.

View the play

You will also have the possibility to view the whole play. In this case, you don’t need to select any sequence; click over the big
“Play” button as shown in the following image (Image 4.7.a.).

Image 4.7.a. View of the play

5. Full Screen Mode

For better use of screen space, it’s recommended to switch your browser to full screen mode before you load K-PlayMaker.

Next, you’ll see how to set the full screen mode in Internet Explorer:

Option 1: Press the F11 key.

Option 2: Through the menu as shown next (Image 5.1.a.).

Image 5.1..a. Internet Explorer: Switch to Full Screen Mode


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