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DOI: 10.1111/j.1740-8709.2009.00185.

Original Article
Understanding infant feeding beliefs, practices and
preferred nutrition education and health provider
approaches: an exploratory study with Somali mothers
in the USA
Lesley Steinman*, Mark Doescher†, Gina A. Keppel†, Suzinne Pak-Gorstein‡,
Elinor Graham‡, Aliya Haq§, Donna B. Johnson¶ and Paul Spicer**
*Health Promotion Research Center, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98105, USA, †Family Medicine Research Section, University of Washington,
Seattle WA 98105-6099, USA, ‡Department of Pediatrics, Harborview Children and Teens Clinic, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98104-2499,
USA, §Harborview Women, Infant, and Children’s Clinic, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98104, USA, ¶Center for Public Health Nutrition, University
of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA and **Center for Applied Social Research, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73072, USA


The objective of this study was to explore Somali mothers’ beliefs and practices around infant feeding and
education, towards developing a culturally informed infant nutrition curriculum for health providers. Four focus
groups were conducted to explore: (1) beliefs about infant feeding, hunger and ideal weight; (2) feeding
practices; (3) nutrition education approaches; and (4) provider/mother interactions. Thirty-seven Somali mother
participants identified the following themes within these topics: (1) strategies for assessing hunger, satiety and
when to feed; shared beliefs that plump babies are healthy, leading to worry about infant weight; (2) context of
breast milk adequacy, difficulties breastfeeding and environmental and cultural barriers to breastfeeding, leading
to nearly universal early supplementation with formula; (3) preferred education approaches include provider
visits with interpreters, Somali language educational materials and advice from older, experienced family
members; and (4) desired health provider skills include: listening, explaining, empathy, addressing specific
concerns, repeating important information, offering preventive advice and sufficient visit time. This study
presents knowledge about Somali beliefs and practices that can directly guide discussions with these families.
Given that these infants appear on a trajectory towards obesity, influencing infant feeding practices in the Somali
community is a good upstream approach to preventing obesity. These findings will underpin a new infant
nutrition curriculum for health providers. mcn_185 67..88

Keywords: infant nutrition, breastfeeding, infant formula, health promotion, health knowledge, attitudes, prac-
tice, physician-patient relations, cultural competency, focus groups, Somali.

Correspondence: Lesley Steinman, Health Promotion Research Center, University of Washington, 1107 NE 45th St, Suite 200, Seattle,
WA 98105, USA. E-mail: lesles@u.washington.edu

Authors’ contributions: LS participated in collecting, analyzing and interpreting the data, and drafted the manuscript. MD conceived
the study conceptions and design, participated in the interpretation of the data and revised the manuscript critically. GK participated
in collecting, analyzing and interpreting the data, and revised the manuscript critically. SPK participated in the interpretation of the data
and revised the manuscript critically. EG conceived the study conceptions and design, participated in the interpretation of the data and
revised the manuscript critically. AH participated in collecting and interpreting the data, and revised the manuscript critically. DJ
assisted in defining study design and study conceptualization, collected the data, participated in the interpretation of the data and
revised the manuscript critically. PS participated in defining study design and study conceptualization, participated in the interpretation
of the data and revised the manuscript critically.

Background (Hedley et al. 2004; Ogden et al. 2006), with higher

rates reported among low-income (Wang & Zhang
The prevalence of obesity among children has 2006), ethnic minority (Hedley et al. 2004; del Rio-
increased substantially over the last two decades Navarro et al. 2004; Ogden et al. 2006) and immigrant

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68 L. Steinman et al.

groups (Smith et al. 2003; Nelson et al. 2004). The link Drewnowski & Specter 2004; Nelson et al. 2004;
between childhood obesity and elevated chronic Whitaker 2004; Dubois & Girard 2006).
disease risk (including type 2 diabetes, hypertension Promoting infant nutrition and exclusive breast-
and cardiovascular disease) (Dietz 1998; Dwyer et al. feeding may be an important avenue towards
1998; Freedman et al. 1999; Visscher & Seidell 2001; addressing obesity and improving health overall in
Barton & Furrer 2003; Hesketh et al. 2004; Williams these populations. Studies have documented the
et al. 2005) may cause health disparities to persist into role of exclusive breastfeeding (Arenz et al. 2004;
adulthood among these disadvantaged groups and Grummer-Strawn & Mei 2004; Johnson et al. 2006; Ip
poses a significant public health problem in the USA. et al. 2007; Li et al. 2007), delayed introduction of
A growing body of evidence links rapid growth solids (Wilson et al. 1998; Kalies et al. 2005; Johnson
during infancy with increased risk for childhood et al. 2006) and early initiation of healthy feeding atti-
(Scaglioni et al. 2000; Gunnarsdottir & Thorsdottir tudes and practices (Sayer et al. 2004) in preventing
2003; Mei et al. 2003; Stettler et al. 2003; Toschke et al. infant overweight and subsequent childhood obesity.
2004; Li et al. 2007) and adult obesity (Sayer et al. 2004; Improving infant nutrition has wider implications
Field et al. 2005). Higher rates of infant overweight/ over a person’s lifetime because infancy is when
obesity have been observed among some US immi- the groundwork for dietary habits and nutritional
grant populations compared with the general popu- adequacy is laid (PAHO 2003). Appropriate food and
lation. In 2004, one-third of Somali infants served by a nutrition during infancy are also essential for physical
Seattle Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program growth, mental development and a healthy immune
had 6- and 12-month weight-for-length ratios above system (Hediger et al. 2000; WHO 2001). When these
the 90th percentile (an indicator of future overweight) learned healthful habits and preferences are carried
(WIC Program Data 2004). These were the highest into adulthood, the likelihood of productivity, health
rates for all recorded ethnic groups, as categorized by and well-being are increased, and infectious and
program data.Factors that contribute to higher rates of chronic disease risks are reduced (Birch & Fisher
infant overweight in some immigrant populations 1998; Bentley et al. 1999; Barton 2001). The benefits of
include maternal beliefs and practices (e.g. failure to breastfeeding, particularly exclusive breastfeeding,
associate excess weight with health problems) that are have also been well established. Breast milk has been
perpetuated by underlying structural and environ- widely recognized as the most complete form of nutri-
mental factors such as lack of access to appropriate tion for infants, with advantages ranging from nutri-
health services and education, socio-economic disad- tional, immunological, developmental, psychological,
vantage, institutional racism and policies that make social, economic and environmental (American
unhealthier foods less expensive (Baughcum et al. Academy of Pediatrics, Work Group on Breastfeed-
1998; Etelson et al. 2003; Faith et al. 2003; Wilkinson & ing 1997). In recognition of the importance of breast-
Marmot 2003; Benton 2004; Drewnowski 2004; feeding, Healthy People 2010 aims for 50% of all

Key messages

• Somali mothers reported a strong underlying cultural support for breastfeeding; a shared belief that plump
babies are healthier; and the tendency for early formula supplementation because of concerns about breast
milk adequacy, difficulties in breastfeeding and environmental and cultural barriers.
• Somali mothers identified provider visits with interpreters; Somali language educational materials; and advice
from older, experienced family members as preferred infant nutrition education approaches.
• Health providers that work with Somali mothers are encouraged to emphasize listening, explaining and
empathy when working with families with young children.
• Health providers should address specific concerns, repeat key points, offer preventive advice and grant
sufficient visit time when working with Somali mothers and their infants.

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Somali infant feeding beliefs and practices 69

mothers to continue breastfeeding through the first 6 as a social construct, each ethnic group contains a
months, and 25% to be breastfeeding exclusively history (including cultural and behavioural attitudes
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and and beliefs, lifestyle patterns, diets, environmental
Health Resources and Services Administration 2001; living conditions and other factors) and alters over
US DHHS 2006). time (Haynes & Smedley 1999). Using an ethnic (vs.
Given these multiple potential benefits of breast- racial group) is intentional so that we are sensitive to
feeding, it is unacceptable that health disparities the effects of generation, changing economic status,
persist in breastfeeding rates among different socio- social class, relations with other groups, discrimination
demographic groups, including younger age, unmar- and relative political power (Oppenheimer 2001).
ried status, lower educational attainment, lower At present, little is known about Somali immigrants’
income and some racial/ethnic groups (Nolan & Goel values, attitudes and practices regarding infant
1995; Kuan et al. 1999; Li et al. 2002). Currently, what is feeding, and the role of public health and health care
known about barriers to breastfeeding in racial/ethnic providers in promoting infant nutrition. Somali immi-
minority populations comes from studies with low- grants are relatively new to the USA, arriving after the
income ethnic groups in the United States and the collapse of their government in 1991 and the beginning
United Kingdom. These studies identify barriers to of civil war. Since then, 8000–12 000 refugees have
breastfeeding at multiple levels (e.g. structural, indi- settled in the Seattle area (Ethnomed 1996),represent-
vidual) that influence each other and contribute to ing up to 30–45% of the US Somali population (US
formula supplementation and early discontinuation: Bureau of the Census 2000). A local organization
work environments that do not support breastfeed- working to help ensure underserved communities
ing, lack of access to prenatal care and health educa- receive full access to culturally and linguistically
tion, embarrassment about breastfeeding in public, a appropriate, quality health care found that most
bottle-feeding/formula feeding culture among family Seattle-area Somali families are Muslim and continue
and friends, difficulty with breastfeeding, perceptions traditional dress and cultural practices (CCHP 1996).
of insufficient milk supply or the infant not getting Primary care providers (PCPs), health educators,
enough milk and lack of knowledge about breastfeed- WIC clinicians and other health providers in
ing benefits (Barber et al. 1997; Carothers 2005; community-based settings are a potential support for
McFadden & Toole 2006; Merewood et al. 2006; breastfeeding and infant nutrition. These providers
Hurley et al. 2008). offer a unique opportunity to influence these prac-
Our study was undertaken in this context of both tices in immigrant populations, as these providers are
disparities in infant overweight recognized in the local often the only consistent professionals involved with
Somali community (WIC Program Data 2004) and of infants from underserved families (High et al. 1998)
Healthy People 2010’s key goal to eliminate health given structural barriers such as lack of access to care.
disparities (US DHHS 2000). Because ‘ethnic group’ A recent review of mothers’ and health care provid-
lacks such an ‘objective’ basis, its use requires ers’ experiences and beliefs of breastfeeding support
researchers to define their construction of it and to found that support from health services was viewed
justify its validity, reliability and consistency (Oppen- unfavourably, with promotion of unhelpful practices,
heimer 2001). In this study, ethnicity was defined by conflicting advice and lack of guidance from provid-
researchers and by Somali caregivers as being born in ers (McInnes & Chambers 2008). In addition, cultural
Somalia. By focusing on an ethnic group for this study, bias or failure to recognize how culture and life cir-
we recognize the underlying complex interactions cumstances affect health can result in inadequate care
between race (as defined in this society), ethnic origin (Walker & Jaranson 1999). These findings suggest that
and socio-economic status (Bennett 1997). This health providers may benefit from gaining skills in
broader context is important to not perpetuate indi- promoting self-care within an understanding of a
vidualistic explanations for health disparities (Bennett family’s social and cultural context. Greater under-
1997). Focusing on ethnicity, vs. race, is also important; standing of Somali immigrants’ cultural context is

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70 L. Steinman et al.

particularly relevant for health providers by situating allows researchers to develop a theoretical explana-
breastfeeding promotion in the context of women’s tion of general features of a topic, while concurrently
lives (Mulford 2008). grounding the explanation in empirical data (Glaser &
Given present disparities in the local Somali com- Strauss 1967). To fulfill our study objectives to better
munity, our overall project goal is to develop a cultur- understand infant feeding beliefs, practices and
ally informed curriculum for training PCPs to address preferred nutrition education and health provider
infant nutrition effectively. Prevention science guide- approaches in Somali caregivers, a purposive sampling
lines recommend that programmes be culturally rel- approach (Trochim 2001) was used to recruit a range of
evant and sensitive (Coie et al. 1993), targeting participants. Recruitment was through English and
both physical and subjective features, such as norms, Somali language flyers at local pediatric and WIC
family roles, communication patterns and values clinics serving a culturally diverse, low-income popu-
(Betancourt & Lopez 1993). Interventions that are lation. Eligible caregivers were also recruited by WIC
culturally specific have been shown to effectively staff and through existing participants for subsequent
promote breastfeeding in other immigrant, ethnic focus groups. Eligibility criteria for inclusion in the
groups (Young & Kaufman 1988; Rossiter 1994). As study included: being a primary caregiver for at least
such, our first step in curriculum development was to one child less than 19 months old; belonging to the
conduct focus groups with Somali mothers to better Somali ethnic group (defined by both participants and
understand beliefs about infant feeding, hunger and researchers as being born in Somalia) and residing in
ideal weight, feeding practices, nutrition education the greater Seattle area (including the city of Seattle
approaches and provider/mother interactions. and surrounding communities in King County). In
addition to defining eligibility criteria to allow for
Materials and methods participants with a range of demographic, socioeco-
nomic and immigration characteristics, a range of
Guba and Lincoln (1989) have identified four criteria
recruitment methods was used to help ensure credibil-
for establishing the trustworthiness, or rigor, of
ity. Study protocol was approved by the University of
qualitative research studies: credibility, transferability,
Washington Human Subjects Division.
dependability and confirmability. These concepts par-
allel the conventional research notions of internal
validity, external validity, reliability and objectivity Data collection
(Halldórsson & Aastrup 2003), but are more appro-
This research study employed focus groups for data
priate for naturalistic studies. Credibility entails the
collection. Focus groups are ideal for this research as
confidence in the truth of the data, or how well the
they capture real-world perspectives on topics where
constructed realities of respondents match those as
data are limited (Anderson et al. 1996; Maillet et al.
represented by the researcher. Transferability is the
1996; Manfredi et al. 1997; Dunn et al. 1998; Mein &
degree to which findings from the data can be trans-
Winkleby 1998). Diversity of information is generated
ferred to other situations. Dependability relates to the
and participant interaction triggers discussion of
consistency between the data and the findings. Con-
issues that may not have been considered by research-
firmability refers to the neutrality of the data such
ers (McDaniel & Bach 1994; Rupenthal et al. 2005).
that two or more people can agree about the meaning
Focus groups align with the strong oral tradition in
of the data. These concepts are utilized in describing
Somali culture (Nevid & Maria 1999; McGarvey et al.
the methods for sampling, data collection and data
2006), and the mutual support fostered by focus
analysis for this study.
groups may also be an asset for participants (Twinn
1998; Murdaugh et al. 2000; Owen 2001; Watters 2001;
Approach and sample
Weine et al. 2003).
This study used a qualitative grounded theory Focus groups were conducted at two clinics – a large
approach, an inductive theory discovery method that public hospital and a public health clinic. A Somali

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Somali infant feeding beliefs and practices 71

meal was provided to foster a familiar, trusting envi- ended format of questions was particularly important
ronment (Krueger & Casey 2000), and participants given that questions were translated from English to
received $30 for time and transportation costs. Each Somali, then responded to using participants’ pre-
group was facilitated in English by a study investigator ferred language and own connotations, and these
(DJ, AH) and a Somali interpreter. The study investi- responses were then translated back to English from
gator had extensive experience in conducting focus Somali where appropriate. During each focus group,
groups for research in public health nutrition, and the the facilitator worked with the interpreter to ask ques-
interpreter was trained both in medical settings and by tions and probe for deeper responses. One strategy to
research staff. Sessions were audio-recorded with a increase confirmability, or to limit bias, was to follow
note taker present to capture major concepts. Each each focus group with a debriefing session of study
90-min session began with a brief introduction and staff (including non-Somali researchers and Somali
description of the study purpose by the group facilita- interpreters).The aims of this debriefing were to share
tor. A written informed consent process was con- first impressions, summarize key findings, compare the
ducted (in both English and Somali language session with previous sessions, clarify concepts trans-
materials), and a brief demographic survey was self- lated from English to Somali or Somali to English
administered. Because the informed consent process and refine guide questions as needed for subsequent
was new to some study participants and literacy was groups.
low among some members, the interpreter checked
with each participant to read the form and address any
Data analysis
questions before the consent form was signed. The
facilitator then emphasized the confidentiality of the A content analysis approach was used to analyse the
focus group discussion, and encouraged participants to data collected from the focus groups (Roberts 1997;
share, to respect each other’s opinion and to under- Ulin et al. 2005). Content analysis is a method for
stand that there are no right or wrong answers. uncovering patterns in participants’ accounts to iden-
The study team developed a focus group guide to tify trends. All audio recordings were transcribed in
gather perceptions on target beliefs and practices. English for analysis. To ensure credibility, member
Guide topics were selected after a review of the checking was conducted by a Somali interpreter who
research literature and current practices of the pedia- listened to the audio recordings to verify the accuracy
tricians, dieticians, family physicians and public health of translation of words and concepts. There were no
practitioners on the research team. Topics and sample concepts that emerged during the focus group that
questions included perceptions of infant feeding and were problematic to translate. Transcripts were then
hunger (e.g. ‘How do you know if a baby is hungry’), imported into NVivo (QRS release 6.0), a qualitative
perceptions of infant weight (e.g. ‘What are the ben- software program that allows researchers a way for
efits of a child being plump or fat?’), feeding practices coding, retrieving, reviewing and recoding textual
(e.g. ‘How is breastfeeding different in the US com- data.
pared to Somalia?), nutrition education approaches Utilizing the software, two researchers (LS, GK)
(e.g. ‘How does your doctor give advice to you about coded the transcripts using descriptive words or
your children’s nutrition?) and provider/caregiver phrases that related to the study purpose (Krueger &
interactions (e.g. ‘What makes you trust or not trust Casey 2000). Initial codes included topics related to
your provider’s advise about infant feeding?) The the focus group guide, such as ‘how to tell if the baby
guide was semi-structured to allow participants to is hungry’, ‘benefits of plump babies’ and ‘breastfeed-
express views freely while providing questions and ing practices’. After comparing initial coded tran-
probes for eliciting information on key topics (Morgan scripts and consultation with the research study team,
1997). Questions were open-ended to elicit partici- further coding led to the elaboration of some codes
pant’s own language, meaning and concepts, and were and elimination of others until a systematic coding
worded neutrally to reduce response bias. The open- scheme was developed (Berg 1998). For instance, the

© 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Maternal and Child Nutrition (2010), 6, pp. 67–88
72 L. Steinman et al.

general code used to describe ‘breast milk practices’ Table 1. Demographic characteristics of focus group participants
was eliminated, and more specific codes about Demographics Mean/%*
breastfeeding were added, including ‘preference for
breastfeeding’, ‘reasons for breastfeeding’, ‘night Age 30.8 (range
breastfeeding’, ‘difficulties with breastfeeding’ and so 21–51 years)
Gender 100% female
on to capture the different nuances of breastfeeding Employed 31%
practices and beliefs that were described by study Less than high school education 77%
participants. After the list of codes was finalized, tran- Language
Speak Somali as main household language 93%
scripts were double-coded by two team members to
Think primarily in Somali 64%
help ensure dependability. The researchers reached Speak English ‘well’ or ‘very well’ 67%
85% agreement and resolved remaining differences Immigration history
Arrival in USA between 1992 and 1999 55%
through additional discussion or assistance from the
Arrival in USA between 2000 and 2005 45%
project investigator. Coded transcripts were then Immigrated to USA via another country 48%
organized into the topic areas of interest, and one Caregiving
research team member (LS) outlined the relevant Number of children under age 18 3
Household size (including mother) 5.5
themes that emerged. This outline of themes, along Caregiving help from other household members 75%
with sample coded transcripts to illustrate each Caregiving help from persons outside the 32%
theme, was reviewed and edited by all members of the household

research team to help enhance the confirmability of

*% reported excludes missing responses.
the findings. Data are presented textually with quotes
to illustrate study findings.
in the USA between 1992 and 1999. Participating
mothers had an average of three children, and most
Results received caretaking help from family members in the
home. The focus groups were conducted in both
Four focus group sessions with 37 Somali mothers
English and Somali, reflecting that most participants
were conducted in spring 2006.We originally intended
reported speaking Somali at home and two-thirds
to recruit both mothers and fathers of young children;
indicated that they speak English ‘well’ or ‘very well.’
however, only female caregivers responded to our
The use of both languages did not appear to affect
recruitment efforts. More participants were recruited
participation during the focus group. Additional
by WIC staff and word of mouth of other participants
demographic data are provided in Table 1. Character-
than through flyers at the local clinics. In-person
istics of study participants and setting are important
recruitment was believed to be more successful
to take into account when considering transferability
because of the personal connection and trust in
of these findings to other groups or settings.
person doing the recruitment. Some participants are
Focus group findings are reported by the following
low literate or illiterate, which further impeded
major topics: (1) beliefs about infant feeding, hunger
recruiting by flyers. In some cases, flyers were helpful
and weight; (2) feeding practices; (3) nutrition educa-
in initiating dialogue between potential participants
tion approaches; and (4) provider/mother interac-
and WIC staff, after mothers viewed the flyers in the
tions. A summary of results is provided in Tables 2–4.
waiting rooms of clinics.
The four focus groups ranged in size from three to
Beliefs about infant feeding, hunger and weight
eleven participants, with each group including a mix
of age, number of children, education, employment Most Somali mothers identified using a range of
and time in the USA. Mothers ranged from 21 to 51 methods for recognizing infant hunger and satiety,
years old (mean age 30.8), with one-third currently such as infant body language, ability to sleep, timing
employed and over three-quarters with less than a of feeding and refusal of food. Timing feedings based
high school education. Half of the participants arrived on the previous feeding or a set amount of hours was

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Somali infant feeding beliefs and practices 73

Table 2. Focus group findings: beliefs about infant feeding, hunger and weight

Beliefs about infant feeding and hunger

How to assess infant • Crying • Finger sucking or opening their mouth

hunger • Trouble sleeping • Set amount of time between feeds
• Breast engorgement
How to assess infant • Quantity of food
fullness • Baby’s body language (e.g. turning head from side-to-side)
• Ability to sleep (although some young babies sleep even when hungry)
• Refusal of breastmilk/formula (often via spitting, vomiting or burping)
• Timing of feeding (many breastfeeding moms had difficulty assessing breastmilk adequacy)
Beliefs about infant weight
Ideal weight for Somali • ‘Average’ • ‘Not too much big, not too much fat, not too much
infants • ‘Just the right plump’ skinny’
Positive attitudes towards • Better health and protection from sickness, especially for young baby
overweight babies • Traditional Somali belief of fat baby as healthy and skinny baby as sick
• History of food scarcity and malnutrition (in Somalia, refugee camps)
Consequences of being • Diabetes • Mobility issues (e.g. difficulty crawling or walking).
too heavy • Heart problems • Later in life, teasing, laziness/lack of energy and
• Low iron difficulty concentrating
Determining appropriate • Fit of clothes • Monthly weight gain amounts
weight gain • Baby’s appearance • Familiarity with weight from lifting the baby often
Speed of infant weight gain • Some believed in pacing feeding to prevent obesity • Others were so concerned about their baby’s
growth that they woke them in the middle of the night
to feed them.

used by most mothers to judge when to feed. This In all of the focus groups, worrying about infant
differed from when mothers resided in Somalia: weight emerged as a universal attitude among Somali
‘when she had the babies, she never watched the time caregivers: ‘they all worry about that’. Mothers
or scheduled feeding her children’. Breastfeeding par- believed their child is ‘more susceptible to getting sick
ticipants who did not time feedings had difficulty in real quickly if he’s not at his ideal weight’. Mothers
assessing whether the baby received enough milk. For described not worrying as much about their baby’s
some breastfeeding mothers, the amount of time weight when they are ‘plump’, because plumpness is
spent on each breast was also an important indicator linked to health, strength and beauty. Some parents
of satiety: ‘I breastfeed 15 min on each breast, then I believed pacing feeding was important to prevent
know the baby got enough milk’. infants from getting ‘too chubby’, while others woke
In addition to discussing beliefs about infant hunger their babies for night feedings because of concerns
and satiety, the participants were asked to describe about slow weight gain.
their model infant weight. Somali mothers identified
‘average’ as their ideal baby weight, further defining
average as ‘just the right plump’, although not wanting Feeding practices
a child that is ‘over-fat, like obesity . . . just middle’.
Positive attitudes towards an overweight baby
stemmed from traditions in Somalia:‘when the child is A majority of the Somali mothers breastfed for
fat, we think he’s healthy; when the child is skinny. we roughly 1 year, although most did not breastfeed
think he’s sick’. The participants commented that exclusively. Duration of breastfeeding depended on
infant chubbiness is particularly important for health other familial responsibilities, beliefs about nutri-
up to 6 months old, protecting the baby during sickness tional adequacy of exclusive breastfeeding and
(which frequently involves weight loss). difficulties with breastfeeding. All Somali mothers

© 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Maternal and Child Nutrition (2010), 6, pp. 67–88

Table 3. Focus group findings: feeding practices

Feeding practices
L. Steinman et al.

Amount of time • Most mothers breastfed 1 year (range: birth–2 years) • Refusal of breast by baby
breastfeeding • Mother responsibilities (e.g. work, home, children) • Insufficient milk production
• Beliefs about nutrition adequacy of exclusive breastfeeding
Rationale for • Infant preference • Soothe crying baby
breastfeeding • Mother–infant bonding • ‘Being good for my babies health’ by aiding growth and preventing sickness
• Help baby sleep
Mixed beliefs about • First milk makes baby sick • Concerns because it sits in breast too long
colostrum • Colostrum not breastmilk • Full of nutrition (learned from US doctors)
Public breastfeeding • Public feeding done in private and covered
and breast pumps • Traditionally not done in front of males, but in some cases done with US male providers
• Limited experience with breast pumps in Somalia
• Desire for low-cost pump given work and other demands
• Pumps are a way to increase milk production
• Some concerns given Somali belief about milk going bad if sits in the breast
Challenges with • Infant refusal even with healthy child and engorged breasts; unknown how to address this
breastfeeding • Inadequate milk production (because of environmental pressures in USA). Limited knowledge of how to increase milk production, or if this is even modifiable
• Hard to assess if infant got sufficient milk. Infants’ fussiness or crying, refusal to breastfeed, difficulty sleeping and sore nipples as indicators viewed as indicators of
• Belief that exclusive breastfeeding is insufficient for adequate infant growth
Ways to increase • Fluids (e.g. milk, tea) and liquid foods (e.g. soup, grits) • Breastfeed more
breastmilk • Using a breast pump • Signs of sufficient breastmilk: burping after feeding, sleeping, engorged, heavy
Rationale for formula • Breastfeeding refusal • Environmental demands (work, other children, housekeeping); many contribute
• Concerns about adequate weight gain to decreased breastmilk
• Hard to tell if infant got sufficient breastmilk
Introduction of solids • Initiated at @6 months • Cow milk and diluted juice (not tea because sweet and caffeine)
• First foods: baby cereal, porridge, rice, pasta, fruits • Mashed/blended adult food
• No jarred baby food because not fresh
Methods for feeding • At first spoon fed or bottle • Given food from adult plate
solids • Later (9–12 months) on lap, high chair or own chair • Preference to feed baby vs. self-feeding to ensure adequate intake, reduce mess,
have more time
Other traditional • During Ramadan, breastfeeding mothers may postpone their fasting until later • Honey may be rubbed on infants lips or gums for medicinal purposes (e.g. to
practices in the year when they are not breastfeeding. Not all participants practice this heal blisters on their lips, to prevent colds) or to soothe a teething baby
• Most mothers are aware that honey is not good to feed the infant because of its
high dose of sugar, although few were aware of the risk of botulism to infants
under 1 year.

© 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Maternal and Child Nutrition (2010), 6, pp. 67–88
Table 4. Focus group findings: nutrition education and provider/mother interactions

Nutrition education approaches

Beliefs about growth • Most mothers recognized the charts

charts • Few understood correctly how the percentiles corresponded to their child’s weight
• Instead of percentiles, mothers were most interested in how much their baby should weigh
Preferred information • Desired info on appropriate foods; breastfeeding; and ways to address difficulties, timing of feeding and other tips to help their baby grow healthy and strong
and approaches • Approaches include doctor visits, classes, flyers, brochures and videos in Somali language
• Written or video formats are useful reminders of lesson from doctor visits or classes
• Interpreter present if needed
• Mother combines doctor’s advice, family, friends and maternal instinct to make decisions
Provider/mother interactions
Preferred provider • Listening • Repeat important information regularly
characteristics • Responding to their needs • On-time appointments, sufficient visit duration

© 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Maternal and Child Nutrition (2010), 6, pp. 67–88
• Empathy • Being asked to share their perspectives
• Advice on prevention and treatment • Explaining the rationale behind advice
Doctor’s advice • Agreement with provider’s advice when saw positive benefits
• Challenge when contrasts with family and friends, tradition or maternal instinct
• Sometimes filtered advice through others’ advice and maternal needs
Mixed opinions of providers • Some mothers believe that providers needed to understand their experience more, but that some progress has been made.
understanding of Somali • A few mothers focused on appropriate infant nutrition and feeding practices for all infants in the USA.
Somali infant feeding beliefs and practices
76 L. Steinman et al.

reported that they fed their babies every 2–3 h, with mixed opinions: some mothers held the traditional
spacing between feedings increasing as the babies get Somali belief that feeding ‘the first milk in the breast
older. Rationales for breastfeeding included making makes the baby sick’. These mothers had heard this
the mother and baby ‘closer’, being ‘good for my from family and friends, and waited to breastfeed
baby’s health’, being preferred by the baby and being until several days after the birth. Other participants
‘the best milk that anyone can feed their baby believed that ‘colostrum is fresh [because it] came the
[because] that’s what God gave us to feed the baby’ first time from the mother’s breast’, but expressed
(the Koran recommends breastfeeding for 2 years). strong beliefs about breast milk that sits in the breast
Breastfeeding the baby also contributed to maternal– too long:‘her mom says . . . if she goes out and doesn’t
infant bonding and made the mother and baby ‘closer’ feed the baby 2 h and comes back, the milk that is in
than formula feeding. As one mother remarked: ‘the the breast . . . it’s old, don’t feed the baby’. A few
boundary between mommy and the baby comes by mothers reported feeding colostrum only since arriv-
breastfeeding for a long time’. In addition to benefits ing in the USA, based on doctors’ advice that ‘there’s
to infant health, some caregivers breastfed to soothe a lot of nutrition in there’.
their crying baby or to help them get to sleep. There Regarding public breastfeeding, most mothers felt
were diverse opinions among participants about this was not traditionally acceptable but permissible
feeding babies at night, although most agreed that when the baby was hungry: ‘It’s not okay, but it’s okay
breastfeeding (over formula) was preferred at night if you have to feed the baby’. The participants shared
for its soothing properties and/or because babies that ideally, public breastfeeding is done somewhere
preferred it. private and under garment wraps. Mothers were gen-
erally comfortable breastfeeding in front of female
P3: If you want to put a kid to bed, it’s quicker to first
health providers, and much less so for male providers.
breastfeed because that relaxes him and that seems to help
The participants were also asked their opinions of and
the baby fall asleep quicker.
knowledge of breast pumps. Most mothers had
I: Anyone else?
limited experience with pumps, although some
P: Like for each, for all my kids, I don’t give them formula at
expressed interest in using breast pumps given com-
night at all; it’s all breast at night.
peting demands and desire to maintain breastfeeding.
P4: I wish I had a baby that will wake up at night; my kids
Some mothers recognized pumping for saving breast
when they need formula they don’t wake up at night. I have
milk and as a method for increasing breast milk pro-
to wake them up.
duction. A few participants were sceptical of using
P2: It’s at night that I give the breast milk because like she
pumped breast milk, given the traditional belief that
doesn’t wake up for formula so it’s at night when I give her
breast milk spoils after ‘too much time in the breast’.
the breast milk. During the day, I give formula.

As articulated above, some mothers woke their Breastfeeding challenges and supplementation
baby to feed them at night because of concerns about
Concerns about adequate infant weight gain, insuffi-
optimal weight gain, while other mothers let babies
cient breast milk production and little knowledge of
sleep or fed their babies only if they woke up on their
strategies to overcome breast refusal led to early
own. In addition to helping the baby sleep, a few
supplementation with formula or ceasing breastfeed-
caregivers commented that they breastfeed their baby
ing altogether. Many mothers attributed breast milk
to keep it from crying to diminish disturbing other
refusal to inadequate milk production caused by lif-
family members or guests. Other caregivers cautioned
estyle changes in the USA. Traditionally in Somalia,
against feeding a baby unless they were hungry, and
mothers spent the first 40 days of the infant’s life at
encouraged using other methods to quiet the baby,
home (Umol Bah), breastfeeding exclusively:
such as playing.
Somali mothers were also asked to give their per- But here, you either have to go back to work or you have to
spectives about colostrum. The participants had look after the other kids, whether it is taking them to school

© 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Maternal and Child Nutrition (2010), 6, pp. 67–88
Somali infant feeding beliefs and practices 77

or the bus stop, so there is something that comes in between ‘One thing you cannot tell is your breast milk. You
you and the baby here. You don’t get enough rest, you don’t don’t know how much the baby took, you know, your
even remember to take enough to drink, and for your breasts breast so adding your formula it’s very tough how
to produce milk, you have to be drinking a lot of fluids. you’re going to decide it’. A few caregivers ques-
tioned the capability of breast milk only for the baby’s
Most mothers also supplemented breast milk with
growth. One mother remarked that ‘breastfeeding
formula early on because they believed they did not
would not help the baby to grow so she was mixing
have enough milk in their breast. Some caregivers
both breastfeeding and cow’s milk, that’s from birth
viewed their infants’ fussiness or crying during or
to 2 years old. [In Somalia], she gave both her own
after breastfeeding, refusal to breastfeed altogether,
cow and goat milk’.
difficulty sleeping and sore nipples as indicators that
In addition to concerns about breastfeeding and
their baby did not get enough to eat from breastfeed-
breast milk adequacy, mothers also fed their babies
ing only.
formula because of demands from work, other chil-
P3: I give to him the breast milk first and after that if he stills
dren and family members and housekeeping. Some
need milk, then I give hime the formula.
caregivers feed formula to help the baby sleep at
P2: I don’t feel my breast is producing the milk and when I
night: ‘She feeds the breast milk as much as he needs,
notice the kid, he’s not getting enough, he’s still agitated,
but the baby keep crying and when she gives only 1 oz
then I give him some formula.
more of formula, she will burp and go to sleep. Oth-
P: Because if there is not enough in the breast . . . if the
erwise, she can stay awake all night’.Working mothers
breast is not nutritious enough, of course the kid will refuse.
may opt for formula because they do not have enough
time for breastfeeding, or as a result of their breast
Most of the caregivers were uncertain about how to milk production decreasing from reduced breastfeed-
increase breast milk production, and one mother even ing time. For busy moms, formula feeding may also be
suggested that milk production was not modifiable: preferred to breastfeeding because other caregivers
‘it’s just the way that the person was made’. Some can assist with the feeding: ‘I would have just stopped
mothers identified two strategies for increasing breast and start giving them the formula because the formu-
milk production: breastfeeding more and drinking la’s easier and anyone can help me feed it, like the
plenty of fluids. Mothers gave examples of milk, tea, father of the baby could do it, my siblings could help,
water and other drinks, as well as soup, beans, grits, anyone could do it. But the breast, it’s just me’.
cream of wheat, oatmeal or other porridge as helpful
for breast milk production. Traditionally, ‘back home
Introduction of solids
when a lady gives birth, every morning up until 6
weeks or something she would drink, she says, like Most mothers initiated solid food at around 6 months,
goat soup . . . then she will have the porridge, that will although some introduced solids earlier because of
help too’. In addition, Somali women have tradition- concerns about breast milk adequacy or limited time
ally been encouraged ‘to drink a lot of tea with milk in for breastfeeding. Typical first foods are listed in
it . . . tea with whole milk, and then you drink a lot of Table 3. A few mothers reported staggering the intro-
fluids. To produce a lot of milk’. Caregivers identified duction of different foods, while most indicated that
burping after feeding, sleeping and engorged, heavy after 6 months, ‘any food I’m eating I give to them’.
breasts as signs that the mother has enough breast Most mothers did not feed commercially prepared
milk. baby food because of concerns about the lack of
Many mothers also expressed the challenge of freshness. Feeding a child the same food as adults
knowing how much milk the baby received from stems from the traditional Somali practice of eating
breastfeeding. This uncertainty further encouraged from one shared plate, and mashing or blending adult
mothers to supplement breast milk with formula to food is a common practice. Solid food is often first
ensure that their baby received enough nourishment: introduced with a spoon or bottle, then self-feeding

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78 L. Steinman et al.

via high chair, mother’s lap or shared plate; however, family members with parenting experience (e.g.
some mothers continue feeding solids to babies who mothers and grandmothers). In general, doctors
are able to self-feed to better manage and control and other health providers (e.g. WIC dietitians) are
feeding and messes. regarded positively in the Somali community. Many
mothers also spoke about trusting their own instinct
as a mother: ‘when you become mom, you know what
Other traditional practices
to do’. Somali mothers also desired information about
Some traditional Somali infant feeding practices, such infant feeding through doctor visits and Somali lan-
as breastfeeding and encouraging the mother to drink guage classes, flyers, brochures and videos. Having
plenty of fluids, have continued after Somali families interpreters was also seen as helpful because they ‘will
moved to the USA. Other cultural traditions men- sometimes simplify things that the doctor says . . . so
tioned during the focus groups include honey and that makes it easier for us to understand’.
Ramadan. Honey is often rubbed on lips or gums for
medicinal purposes, or to soothe a teething baby: ‘Our
religion says that honey . . . the bee made the honey Provider/mother interactions
from the nectar that she collected from all different
During interactions with their infants’ doctor, Somali
kinds of trees.And there are all kinds of medication in
mothers valued being listened to, sharing their per-
there and it’s very helpful for the health’. Most
spectives and having sufficient time: ‘you want the
mothers are aware that honey is not appropriate to
doctor to have the time, discuss with you, ask you a lot
feed infants, although few knew of its risk of botulism.
of information about your opinion and your ideas’.
During Ramadan (the ninth month of the Islamic
The participants were pleased when their doctor
calendar marked by fasting, prayer and charity),
responded to their needs (‘they worry when you
breastfeeding mothers may postpone their fasting
worry’) and empathized with the parent. When pro-
until they are not breastfeeding. A few participants
viders explained the rationales and repeated impor-
remarked that some breastfeeding mothers delay
tant information, this improved the likelihood of
fasting, while others observe the fast and supplement
following their doctors’ recommendations.
breastfeeding with formula.
The participants were less likely to follow doctors’
advice for a variety of reasons that often overlapped,
Nutrition education approaches such as placing higher value on mother’s intuition
(over the doctor’s recommendation), following
Somali mothers were also asked about current and
Somali cultural beliefs (instead of US beliefs, which
preferred strategies for learning about infant nutri-
they believe in inform the doctor’s advice) or seeing
tion. One specific approach is the CDC Growth
what they perceive as negative results when the
Chart, a tool that is commonly used during preventive
advice is followed. This plays out in the following
health visits and is recommended by the American
focus group discussion:
Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) to monitor child
growth (AAP 1998). While most focus group partici- I: Is there any reason why you think you wouldn’t follow the
pants recognized what growth charts were, few under- doctor’s explanation?
stood how the child’s percentile corresponded to the P2: Yes, because sometimes even the doctor, he is human and
child’s weight. The participants were most interested he could make a mistake. Mental errors. Mother may have
in how much their own baby should weigh at a given her instinct, maybe this is not quite like let’s take even a
age, suggesting that a specific desired weight for each prescription, if he wrote the dose for the prescription, maybe
individual baby, as opposed to percentiles, should be you know, bigger than what the baby’s supposed to receive,
discussed. the mother might think, ‘Oh, maybe this is too much for my
Somali mothers stated that they typically receive daughter or my son’, so yeah, doctors can make mistakes.
advice about infant nutrition from doctors and older I: Yes?

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Somali infant feeding beliefs and practices 79

P3: Let’s just say my kid, I will bring him to the hospital and shake to you, but now they understand and . . . they don’t
the doctor will tell me, give him like a Pedialyte Popsicle ever try to shake our hands. So, culturally they’re learning.
[nutritional popsicle with electrolytes]? In my culture, when Getting there.
my kid has a cold or symptoms of cold, you don’t give him
cold stuff, so something like that wouldn’t do.
I: So does any of you
P4:You can try fat first and see what the doctor says, give him Study findings demonstrate the complexities of
the popsicle, but if it seems like it’s making him worse, no breastfeeding in the context of women’s lives
better, then you don’t need to do that again. (Mulford 2008). Environmental pressures and struc-
P5: Sometimes, the best thing is not to follow a prescription tural barriers in the USA make exclusive breastfeed-
like when it causes drowsiness, when you give them the first ing challenging for Somali mothers compared to
time they will fall asleep or they feel sick, they are not going living in Somalia where extended family and cultural
to move, they are not active all day? So, I always call the norms encouraged breastfeeding and provided sub-
doctor and say this is too much – sometimes I will do half the stantial support. Concerns about public breastfeeding
dosage, so it works. Instead of the whole, the dosage he’s and limited access to and experience with breast
given me. If it’s hald, then they will be active. pumps also reduce opportunities for breastfeeding
after mothers return to work. Study participants
This passage suggests several strategies that Somali
reported strong cultural support for breastfeeding in
mothers employ when they do not agree with the
the Somali community with all the participants
doctor’s advice and do not reject their recommenda-
breastfeeding at least 1 year. Even with this underly-
tions outright. Some mothers may try to follow their
ing support for breastfeeding, difficulties with breast-
doctors’ advice at first, and then stop if it is not
feeding, lack of knowledge about the importance of
working. Others described combining their own
exclusive breastfeeding, challenges with judging the
instinct with their doctor’s advice to come up with a
amount of breast milk taken and the aforementioned
environmental barriers influence mothers to supple-
The focus group participants reported that some-
ment breastfeeding with formula in early infancy or to
times advice was similar among providers, family and
stop breastfeeding altogether. Traditional cultural
friends, while other times, doctors differed along cul-
beliefs, such as preferences for a ‘plump’ baby and the
tural lines (e.g. US/Western medicine vs. Somali/
opinion that breast milk spoils in the breast after
traditional medicine). One mother summed it up this
several hours, may further encourage early supple-
way: ‘The doctors tell the mothers what to learn, but
mentation. There were also a range of opinions and
the mothers tell you [what is] traditional . . . and
practices suggested during the focus groups reflecting
sometimes [they all tell you] the same’. Mothers had
the diversity within the Somali ethnic group. For
different opinions about how providers understood
instance, a number of mothers believed their infants
them culturally, as Somali, as illustrated in the inter-
were hungry if they were not able to sleep, while
action below: the first participant articulates the belief
others thought that a sleeping baby needed to be
that providers needed to better understand their
woken up as they would sleep through their hunger.
experience (because everyone has a culture that
Some viewed their experience in a context specific to
should be understood), while others recognize some
Somali culture, and other mothers framed their expe-
rience from the lens of what a good mother would do.
P3: Everybody has a culture. He should know that I have.
P4: . . . when we came to this country, the first wave of
Comparing to other literature
Somalis – when you come, a male doctor usually gives you a
hand shake . . . and we used to hold our hands back because Our findings are consistent with unpublished studies
that’s our culture . . . what happens is the doctors now on infant nutrition and feeding practices of other
realize that – we used to apologize and say I can’t hand Somali communities in Minnesota and Washington

© 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Maternal and Child Nutrition (2010), 6, pp. 67–88
80 L. Steinman et al.

(Haq 2003; Werner 2005); most published maternal Some of these findings are not unique to ethnic minor-
and child health studies of Somalis focus on prenatal ity groups, as suggested by a recent study of white,
care. Furthermore, there are similarities between the educated, middle-income women which demonstrated
Somali immigrants’ experience in this study and those how breastfeeding knowledge and formula supple-
reported in a recent knowledge, attitudes and prac- mentation negatively affected breastfeeding outcomes
tices study (KAPS) on infant and young child feeding (Chezem et al. 2003).
practices in Somalia (Food Security Analysis Unit, Further studies explore the nuances inherent in
Somalia 2007). The KAPS found that breastfeeding is looking at ethnic groups and remind us that there are
acceptable to Somali mothers and their social support differences among groups. For instance, Hispanic
networks, and that a majority of their children breast- women of Puerto Rican and Cuban descent typically
feed on demand. Frequent supplementation of breast- turn to their mothers for breastfeeding support, while
feeding with water, animal milk or foods (as the child Mexican women express wanting to utilize hospital
gets older) were also reported, given the common and other health care staff for support as well (Gill
belief among mothers and their networks that breast- et al. 2004). Other factors, such as level of accultura-
feeding alone is inadequate for the child. Similar to tion, time in USA, education, income, employment
our study, the KAPS identified a combination of cul- status and marital status, contribute to differences in
tural beliefs and inadequate knowledge as possible beliefs and practices within ethnic groups (Gorman
contributors to an unsupportive environment for et al. 2007). Despite these similarities among different
exclusive breastfeeding. It is important to note that ethnic groups, the importance of this study is identi-
the beliefs, attitudes and practices of our study par- fying cultural beliefs and practices that are particu-
ticipants may not reflect that of other Somali immi- larly influential for Somali mothers. Just as modesty is
grants in the USA, or in Seattle for that matter, and suggested as a large obstacle in a recent focus group
readers are strongly advised to avoid homogenous study of Mexican Americans (Gill et al. 2004), prefer-
conceptualizations of ethnicity that perpetuate ence for a plump baby and the perspective that milk
further stereotypes and misunderstandings stored in the breast for too much time will spoil,
(Cashmore & Jennings 2001). appear to be significant cultural beliefs for Somali
In addition, several studies have been conducted to mothers. Further exploration is needed to confirm
explore infant nutrition and feeding practices among whether these findings hold true for other Somali
racial/ethnic groups in the USA. A recent survey of mothers in the USA.
Hispanic, African American and white mothers inves- In comparison to the literature on underserved
tigated how breastfeeding practices and beliefs vary by communities, much of the literature on beliefs and
race/ethnicity among a low-income sample in the practices around infant nutrition and breastfeeding
USA, although did not report findings by whether the are limited to outside the USA and focus on low-
respondents where US born or immigrants (Hurley income populations. Some key study findings that are
et al. 2008). Study findings from Hispanic and from similar to these data include the perception that
African American respondents both compared and infant nutritional and hunger needs are inadequately
contrasted with findings from our small study of met by breast milk alone (Ganjoo & Rowlands 1998;
Somali immigrant mothers. For example, findings were Sibeko et al. 2005), and the conflicting beliefs of the
similar on insufficient breast milk being a common benefits of breastfeeding coupled with the family,
reason to stop breastfeeding; on the other hand, differ- work, social and cultural context of a mother’s life
ent reasons were reported for not breastfeeding (fear that discourage exclusive breastfeeding (Zimmerman
of difficulty or pain during breastfeeding). In another & Guttman 2001). Differences between Somali study
study of immigrants and native US women, non-US- participant and other disadvantaged groups exist as
born mothers (many of whom experience many prac- well. For instance, most Somali mothers did not report
tical and financial obstacles) were far more likely than the early introduction of solid foods or the use of
US-born women to breastfeed (Merewood et al. 2006). costly commercial infant foods (Barton 2001;

© 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Maternal and Child Nutrition (2010), 6, pp. 67–88
Somali infant feeding beliefs and practices 81

Marques et al. 2001; Heath et al. 2002), instead opting & Toole 2006). Findings from this research suggest
to feed the children what they were eating or making primary care and other health practitioners are also an
baby foods themselves. important resource for infant nutrition information in
the Somali community. To improve trust and the like-
lihood of following advice, providers should take time
Creating a culturally informed health
to hear and address mothers’ concerns, explain ration-
promotion intervention
ales for recommendations, empathize with their expe-
Understanding these intersecting beliefs and prac- rience, repeat important guidance regularly and offer
tices is an important first step for creating effective, preventive advice. Study participants also advocated
culturally informed health promotion practices. From using Somali language materials and interpreters
this study, we learned that interventions should affirm when needed; existing resources are available from the
that mothers are likely breastfeeding and probably Food Security Analysis Unit (http://www.fsausomali.
supplementing with formula as well. Programmes can org) in Somalia and the Minnesota International
highlight the underlying support for breastfeeding by Health Volunteers (http://www.mihv.org).
emphasizing the cultural and religious significance of In developing a culturally informed health promo-
breastfeeding for Somalis. In addition, emphasis can tion intervention, it is essential to consider recent
be placed on the protective benefits of breastfeeding research that demonstrates the inability of ‘one-size-
from sickness and allergies, as well as its role as a fits-all’ nutrition education interventions to address
natural contraceptive. At the same time, education to the cultural and environmental barriers that may
address mothers’ concerns is needed: for example, impede obesity prevention programmes (Crawford
teaching how to recognize evidence of sufficient et al. 2001). In accordance with the socio-ecological
breast milk (e.g. let down, pre-/post-weights, engorge- model for health promotion, interventions must
ment, adequate number of diapers) and strategies target the multiple contexts (individual, inter-
for increasing breast milk production (e.g. reduce personal, community/environmental, institutional/
formula supplementation, increase fluid intake, organizational and public policy) that influence
pumping). While this study provides insights into mothers’ health beliefs and practices (McLeroy et al.
Somali beliefs and practices, providers are reminded 1988; Gregson et al. 2001). Ecological theory-based
that ‘no one person speaks on behalf of any group of interventions situate parenting practices within the
people’ (Krueger & Casey 2000), and that each intersection of cultural values, maternal and child
person has their own unique combination of experi- functioning and contextual sources of both stress and
ence and perspectives. support (Black et al. 2001; Bronfenbrenner 1993).
It is now known that decisions about what and how Guided by the socio-ecological model and study find-
to feed are the result of multifaceted interactions ings, the authors are currently targeting Somali
between mothers’ perceptions, level of education, eco- mothers’ interpersonal (doctor–mother) and institu-
nomic resources and their children’s nutritional status tional (medical clinic) environment through a new
(McFadden & Toole 2006). Knowledge is not enough infant feeding cultural support curriculum for health
(Zimmerman & Guttman 2001) to change practice as care providers. Other environmental approaches may
mothers reduce or stop breastfeeding because of envi- include community-based, culturally and linguistically
ronmental and cultural pressure, while holding the appropriate public health programmes (e.g. using
belief that breastfeeding is good for their baby. In WIC clinics already frequented by some Somali fami-
addition,Gabriel et al.(1986) have identified culturally lies) that provide breastfeeding education and
held views about infant feeding. For instance, Mahon- support to the Somali community; peer counseling
Daly & Andrews (2002) have suggested that insuffi- and support interventions (given the significance
cient milk has become a cultural belief rather than a of family and friends); worksite programmes for
fact, which can be inadvertently reinforced by health pumping and storing breast milk; and policy changes
providers who emphasize weight gain (McFadden to improve low-income mothers’ access to health

© 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Maternal and Child Nutrition (2010), 6, pp. 67–88
82 L. Steinman et al.

care, breastfeeding support and education. These less likely to discuss complaints about interactions
approaches match with the KAPS recommendations with doctors (Brach & Fraserirector 2000); whether
for support and education to mothers, their support this occurs in this community is unknown although
networks and the staff that care for them (i.e. health participants did share some concerns about current
care providers and community health workers), to practices with their health providers. In low-income,
educate Somali mothers about the benefits and man- refugee populations, the lack of transportation and
agement of breastfeeding, and support them with time available were also possible barriers to partici-
a welcoming breastfeeding environment (Food pation. These are also significant barriers to health
Security Analysis Unit, Somalia 2007). care delivery and other services provided to this
Study findings also suggest that health providers population; as in the focus groups, these issues should
balance practice guidelines through a culturally be addressed in designing services to ensure access to
informed lens. Currently, many national and interna- care. In the focus groups, efforts were made to hold
tional organizations, including the American them in familiar locations and at convenient times.
Academy of Pediatrics, Work Group on Breastfeed- Lastly, the small sample size and large proportion
ing (1997), United Nations Children’s Fund (1999), enrolled in WIC may limit the transferability of
American Academy of Family Physicians (2001) and findings to other Somali communities.
the WHO (2001), recommend exclusive breastfeed- Although all focus groups included demographi-
ing for the first 6 months of life. This recommenda- cally diverse participants, discussions with the Somali
tion needs to be balanced with the environmental interpreter following one of the groups suggested that
realities faced by Somali immigrant communities in younger participants may have been influenced by
the USA. Early return to work, family responsibili- having older women present (and the deferential atti-
ties and limited access to breast pumps present tude to elders supported by the Somali community).
challenges for individual mothers to exclusively We regret not coding the transcripts with demographic
breastfeed. These environmental pressures exist for information on each participant, which would have
many low-income immigrant and refugee communi- enhanced our understanding of differing opinions and
ties separated from the extended family support they practices among mother’s age, time in USA, number of
had in their homeland. Providers must work with other children and other potentially relevant factors.
Somali caregivers to tailor infant nutrition strategies Another limitation was that the informed consent
that address their cultural beliefs while working process was unfamiliar to some participants; several
within their lived environment. women were initially uncomfortable with signing the
consent form given negative history from their immi-
gration experience or applying for services since arriv-
Strengths and limitations
ing in the USA. Efforts were made by the interpreter
This study provides rich information in an understud- to review the consent process with participants and
ied area of infant nutrition and breastfeeding beliefs address individual concerns directly as they arose. No
and practices of Somali immigrants residing in the subjects declined to consent to participate in the study.
USA. The focus groups provided an opportunity to It is also not clear what limitations existed from using
exchange infant nutrition and feeding knowledge, and an English-speaking researcher and Somali inter-
involve Somali mothers in developing a curriculum preter to facilitate the focus groups, as opposed to a
that will directly impact their community. However, bilingual English- and Somali-speaking researcher.
this study faced some limitations. One drawback to There are many unexplored aspects to this question,
using focus groups is participants sometimes respond including the nuances of being bilingual (i.e. shared
based on what other people say (‘social desirability’) language as only one aspect of shared experience, not
or do not offer new ideas when there is agreement necessarily implying shared culture or ties to a com-
around the group (‘group think’) (Smithson 2000). munity) and preferences of some study participants to
Likewise, some ethnic minority communities may be work with researchers outside of their community

© 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Maternal and Child Nutrition (2010), 6, pp. 67–88
Somali infant feeding beliefs and practices 83

(Temple 2006), suggesting an important area for future Medical Center, Columbia Health Center and Odessa
research with this population. Finally, while study Brown Children’s Clinic.
methods had multiple team members review and edit
the transcripts and interpretation of results, depend-
ability and confirmability were lessened by not having
Source of Funding
the audit trail of data analysis and interpretation This project was funded from federal funds from the
repeated by an independent researcher outside of National Institutes on Health under a grant to the
the team. University of Washington Department of Family
Medicine Research Section (1R21 HL084057-02).
The contents of this publication do not necessarily
reflect the view of the National Institutes on Health.
We chose to focus on the Somali population in this Our interpreters were funded through the NIH grant,
exploratory study because a significant problem with and clinics and staff contributed in-kind support to
overweight exists among many Somali infants, and the research.
information on infant feeding practices was limited.
This study provides important information not cur-
rently available on Somali immigrant caregivers’ Conflicts of Interest
beliefs and practices around infant nutrition and No conflicts of interest have been declared.
feeding practices, and preferences regarding nutri-
tion education and health care. Key themes about
infant feeding and nutrition included an underlying References
cultural support for breastfeeding, a shared belief American Academy of Family Physicians (2001) AAFP
that plump babies are healthier and the tendency for Policy Statement on Breastfeeding. American Academy
early formula supplementation because of concerns of Family Physicians: Leawood, KS.
about breast milk adequacy, difficulties in breast- American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) (1998) Pediatric
feeding and environmental and cultural barriers. To Nutrition Handbook, 4th edn. American Academy of
Pediatrics: Elk Grove Village, IL.
address these contrasting beliefs and practices,
American Academy of Pediatrics, Work Group on Breast-
Somali mothers identified provider visits with inter- feeding (1997) Breastfeeding and the use of human
preters; Somali language educational materials; and milk. Pediatrics 100, 1035–1039.
advice from older, experienced family members as Anderson R., Barr P. & Edwards G. (1996) Using focus
preferred education approaches. Providers are groups to identify psychosocial issues of urban black
individuals with diabetes. Diabetes Educator 22,
encouraged to emphasize listening, explaining,
empathy, addressing specific concerns, repeating Arenz S., Ruckerl R., Koletzko B. & von Kries R. (2004)
important information, offering preventive advice Breast-feeding and childhood obesity – a systematic
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