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Yanez 1

Romina Alejandra Yanez

Professor Hamilton

English 1

16 November 2018

Environmental Issues


Generations have come and gone, yet, the planet Earth has proved to be resilient and

stable in its ability to have and host life; but it seems that this is changing. Since World War II

we’re in a period that some they have called the Great Acceleration. In only seventy lifetimes,

people have seen advances in transportation, communication, and other technologies; in the

meantime, the earth’s population has nearly tripled. Also, the pollution has 3 types:

Figure 1 - Kids playing in a polluted river

1. The air pollution: is the principal causes diseases because the human activities like fabrics,

cars and others; emanating gasses into the air such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and

fluorinated gasses that produce smog and this produce diseases like irritates the eyes, causes

respiratory distress and cancer.

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2. The land pollution: by the throw out the trash in the park, forests or others places, the nutrients

are spent and the minerals or die the land this provoke that the animals and the plants not have

the food with the nutrients necessaries to they and too they will die.

3. The water pollution: this contamination is causes for the toxic waste that is thrown by the

humans and is poison for the living beings that they live there because the fabrics and the

persons throw out trash as plastics, personal hygiene waste, and others.

The earth is so damaged because the man has abused of:

Atmosphere. “There is unequivocal evidence that Earth’s lower atmosphere, ocean, and land

surface are warming.... The dominant cause of the warming since the 1950s is human activities.”

(American Meteorological Society).

Land. “Nearly 50% of the land surface has been transformed by direct human action, with

significant consequences for biodiversity, nutrient cycling, . . . and climate” (Global IGBP


Oceans. “Around 85% of global fish stocks are over-exploited, depleted, fully exploited or in

recovery from exploitation.” (Gaia Vince)

Biodiversity. “Many scientists think . . . the blame for [the next mass extinction], perhaps the

fastest in Earth’s history, falls firmly on the shoulders of humans.” (National Geographic)
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Figure 2 – National Geographic video

on Air Pollution

In this video we notice that the air pollution is the principal affecting because if throw the

trash in the streets or in the water as I had already mentioned emanates gasses and this gas causes

diseases, for example in China the people they need anti-smog masks because the smog is very

damage for the system respiratory like the lungs but too irritates to the eyes and causes cancer.

(National Geographic )

Figure 3 - Steve Cutts Video on man's relationship with the natural world.

This other video is very realist because humans have lost the knowledge that the planet

Earth is our home. And we must not destroy it! (Cutts)But some do not care and they keep doing

it. See that earth? It’s our home….

Figure 4 - Our lovely planet. Planet Earth

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So, we must keep and protect it, but…Are really doing this? LOOK!!! This not is help.

But, we have the solutions; These are the best ways to stop the pollution:

First, walk or ride your bike whenever possible.

Second, choose and buy organic food.

Third, turn off without use lights or TV.

Fourth, try to conserve water. And finally

Fifth, tell everyone about pollution problems and how to reduce it.

You can help to save the World!

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Works cited

American Meteorological Society. Climate Change. 20 August 2012. 16 November 2018.

Global IGBP Change. Land. s.f. 16 de November de 2018.

Gaia Vince, BBC. How the world's oceans could be running out of fish. 21 de September de 2012. 16 de
November de 2018.

National Geographic. Mass Extinctions. s.f. 16 de November de 2018.

Air Pollution 101 | National Geographic . National Geographic . 2017. Youtube.

MAN. Int. Steve Cutts. 2012. Youtube.

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