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22nd Branch 2010 Primary Sacrament

November 14, 2010

Sis Thurston: This year in Primary we’ve had the opportunity to learn to
feel and understand the great love that our Savior, Jesus Christ,
has for each of us. We have learned about the central role of
Jesus Christ in our Heavenly Father’s plan, and that we can have
faith in him. Our faith can grow stronger as we keep the
commandments, serve, share the gospel, follow the example of
the Savior, and prepare to go to the temple.

I Know That My Savior Loves Me (English)

A long time ago in a beautiful place, Children were gathered ‘round Jesus. He blessed and taught as
they felt of His love. Each saw the tears on His face. The love that He felt for His little ones I know He
feels for me. I did not touch Him or sit on His knee, Yet, Jesus is real to me
Chorus: I know He lives! I will follow faithfully. My heart I give to Him. I know that my Savior loves me.
Now I am here in a beautiful place learning the teachings of Jesus. Parents and teachers will help guide
the way, lighting my path every day. Wrapped in the arms of my Savior’s love, I feel his gently touch.
Living each day, I will follow his way home to my Father above.

All: “We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus
Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.”

Tristan: God is the Father of my Spirit.

Karla: Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

Samuel: Heavenly Father and Jesus love me.

Sis Steel: Testimony of Christ and Plan of Salvation.

He Sent His Son (English)

How could the father tell the world of love and tenderness? He sent his Son a newborn babe with
peace and holiness.
How could the father show the world the pathway we should go? He sent his son to walk with men on
earth that we may know.
How could the father tell the world of sacrifice, of death? He sent his Son to die for us and rise with
living breath.
What does the Father ask of us? What do the scriptures say? Have faith, have hope, live like his Son.
Help others on their way.
What does He ask? Live like his Son.

Adriana: Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. He is our Savior

because he saves us from our sins. He is our Redeemer because
he paid the price for us.

Francisco: Jesus Christ’s atonement allows us to return and live with
Heavenly Father again.

Desiree: God speaks to his children through his prophets. Prophets bear
testimony of Jesus Christ.

Follow the Prophet (Spanish)

Chorus: Sigue al profeta, sigue al profeta, sigue al profeta, deja el error. Sigue al profeta, sigue al
profeta, lo que el dice manda el Senor.

Ramon: Prophets are called of God.

1st verse (Adan): Ramon

El primer profeta que hubo fue Adan. El jardin de Eden fue su primer hogar. Al Senor
sequia y obediente fue. Somos descendientes de este hombre fiel.

2nd verse (Enoc): Paola

Fue Enoc profeta y ensenaba el bien. La gente del pueblo hizo su deber, y tan buenos
fueron en obedecer que el Senor se los llevo a vivir con El.

Paola: Prophets testify of Jesus Christ.

3rd verse (Noe): All

Fue Noe un profeta mandado a decir que se arripintieran o iban a morir. Nadie lo
escucho y se burlaron de el hasta que el diluvio empezo a caer.

4th verse (Abraham): Edith

El profeta Abraha un hijo a Dios pidio; fue Isaac su nombre y padre de Jacob. Dios le
dio a este el nombre de Israel, y las doce tribus son los hijos de el.

Edith: Prophets lead by inspiration and revelation.

5th verse (Moises): All

Dios mando a Moises su pueblo a liberar y llevarlo a otro sitio a morar. En el yermo el
pueblo muy mal se porto, y cuarenta anos mucho padecio.

6th verse (Samuel): Desiree y Adriana

Fue Samuel llamado desde su ninez. El Senor le hablo por la tercera vez mientras el
dormia, y este contesto: “Hable, porque oigo”, y le escucho.

Adriana: The prophet’s teachings reflect the word and will of the Lord.

7th verse (Jonas): Sis Thurston y Fernanda

Fue Jonas profeta que trato de huir, per compredio que a Dios hay que seguir. En una
ballena, entendio Jonas que el Senor jamas nos deja fracasar.

8th verse (Daniel): All

Fue Daniel profeta y no deseo pecar. El rey con los leones lo mando encerrar pero al
poco tiempo el rey se percato que a Daniel un angel del Senor cuido.

Fernanda: We can find safety in following the prophet.

9th verse (current): All

Pocos ya distinguen entre el bien y el mal, si oyes las noticias cuenta te haz de dar.
Mas si por la senda recta hemos de andar, a nuestros profetas hemos de escuchar.

10th verse (Monson): Bro Buhidar??

Un Nuevo profeta llamado a server Thomas S Monson nos va a dirigir a los ancianos
hay que visitor y asi a Dios nos vamos a acercar.

Edith:When Christ was on the earth, he established his church. After Jesus
died, people fell away from his teachings, and his Church was
taken from the earth. In the latter-days, Jesus Christ restored the
fullness of the gospel through the prophet Joseph Smith. We are
glad to belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

I Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ (English/Spanish)

I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know who I am. I know God’s plan. I’ll
follow Him in faith. I believe in the Savior, Jesus Christ. I’ll honor his name. I’ll do what is right; I’ll
follow his light. His truth I will proclaim.
Yo soy de La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Ultimos Dias. Yo se quien soy; se el plan de
Dios. Lo seguire con fe. Creo en Jesucristo el Salvador. Su nombre honrare. Lo bueno hare, ire tras Su
luz, Su verdad proclamare.

Paola: The principles and ordinances of the Gospel are steps we can
follow that lead us to Jesus Christ. “We believe that the first
principles and ordinances of the gospel are: first, Faith in the
Lord, Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by
immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands
for the gift of the Holy Ghost.”

Pablo: Jesus lived a sinless life, and He showed us a prefect example to

follow. We can learn to be like Jesus by living as He lived.

Desiree: I followed Christ’s example by being baptized. When I was

baptized I made a covenant with God. A covenant is a two-way
promise. When I was confirmed, I received the gift of the Holy
Ghost. Talk about her baptism?

The Holy Ghost (Spanish)

Jesus nos prometio un campanero fiel; el Santo Espiritu para guiarnos hacia el bien. Jesus tambien le
llama el Consolador; y El nos brinda Su ayuda y consolación.
Si vivo con amor, tambien me porto bien, tendre la compania siempre de mi Amigo fiel. Despues de
bautizarme me lo otorgaran, y entonces El me testificara de la verdad.

All: John 14: 15 “If you love me, keep my commandments.”

Sis Huerta: Talk about how we can follow Christ’s example.

Fernanda: The mission of the Church is to invite all to come unto Christ.
“Yea come unto Christ, and be perfected in him” (Moroni 10:32).

Ramon: I can be a missionary by setting a good example and being true

to my beliefs. Sharing the Gospel helps others come until Christ.
The prophet has asked every worthy young man who is able to
serve a mission.

Paola: I can share the gospel by serving others. By serving others I

testify of God. “When ye are in the service of your fellow beings
ye are only in the service of your God” (Mosiah 2:17).

I Know That My Savior Loves Me (Spanish)

Paso hace tiempo enun bello lugar, Cristo bendijo a los ninos. Les enseno que debian amar Y siemplre
ser como El. Ese a mor que a los ninos dio tambien es para mi. Un testimonio yo tengo de El, Yo se
que me ama sin fin.
Chorus: El vive si! Cristo vive para mi. Le doy mi Corazon. Yo se que me ama el Senor.
Heme aquí en un bello lugar, obedeciendo a Cristo. Sus enseñanzas, la noche de hogar fuerte me
hacen crecer. Con mi familia me quiero esforzar y amar al Senor. Heredaremos mansion celestial, no
hay mayor galardon.

Sis Thurston: In D&C 76:22 we read, “And now, after the many
testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony,
last of all which we give of him: That he lives!” We as a Primary
are very grateful to have had the opportunity to learn about our
Savior this year, and to share what we have learned with you
today. Jesus is “the way, the truth, and the life.” We know that
our Savior lives. He loves us. And he has provided a way for us
to return home to our Heavenly Father’s presence, if we will
listen and obey his words. (Testimony)

Closing Hymn: Come Follow Me

1st verse: Children in Spanish
“Venid a mi”, mando Jesus. Andemos en divina luz; solo asi por Su poder, uno con
Dios podemos ser.

Remainder: w/ congregation in Spanish

“Seguidme hoy”, nos llama ya; el gran Pastor consuelo da. La paz sera el galardon de
los de limpio corozon.
“llevad mi yogo, y sabed que soy humilde, y haced lo que os mando y vereis la gloria
que recibireis”.
“Dejad venir los ninos a mi.” Con gran a more mando asi, y en Sus brazos los tomo y
bendiciones El les dio.

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