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Poststroke Seizures
Isaac E. Silverman, MD; Lucas Restrepo, MD; Gregory C. Mathews, MD, PhD

troke is the most common cause of seizures in the elderly, and seizures are among the most
common neurologic sequelae of stroke. About 10% of all stroke patients experience sei-
zures, from stroke onset until several years later. This review discusses current understand-
ing of the epidemiology, pathogenesis, classification, clinical manifestations, diagnostic stud-
ies, differential diagnosis, and management issues of seizures associated with various cerebrovascular
lesions, with a focus on anticonvulsant use in the elderly. Arch Neurol. 2002;59:195-202

EPIDEMIOLOGY Bladin et al2 found the incidence of sei-

zures to be 10.6% among 265 patients with
In population studies, stroke is the most intracerebral hemorrhage vs 8.6% among
commonly identified cause of epilepsy in 1632 with ischemic stroke. In another
adult populations older than 35 years.1 In prospective series,4 seizures occurred in
the elderly, stroke accounts for more than 4.4% of 1000 patients, including 15.4% with
half of the newly diagnosed cases of epi- lobar or extensive intracerebral hemor-
lepsy in which a cause is determined, ahead rhage, 8.5% with subarachnoid hemor-
of degenerative disorders, brain tumors, and rhage, 6.5% with cortical infarction, and
head trauma.1 From stroke registry data, 3.7% with hemispheric transient ischemic
about 5% to 20% of all individuals who have attacks. A seizure was the presenting fea-
a stroke will have subsequent seizures,2,3 but ture of intracranial hemorrhage in 30% of
epilepsy (recurrent seizures) will develop 1402 patients.5 Among 95 patients with an-
in only a small subset of this group. Given eurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, the
that, in each year, more than 730000 people incidence rate of prehospital seizures was
in this country have a stroke, a conserva- higher (17.9%) than that occurring in the
tive incidence of seizures after stroke is about hospital (4.1%).6
36500 new cases per year.
The largest and most rigorous meth- CLASSIFICATION AND
odological attempt to examine poststroke PATHOGENESIS
seizures was the prospective multicenter re-
port from the Seizures After Stroke Study Seizures after stroke are classified as early
Group.2 The study enrolled 1897 patients or late onset, according to their timing af-
and found an overall incidence of seizures ter brain ischemia, in a paradigm compa-
of 8.9%. Recurrent seizures consistent with rable to post-traumatic epilepsy.2,7 An
the development of epilepsy were rare, oc- arbitrary cut point of 2 weeks after the pre-
curring in 2.5% of the patients, but the mean senting stroke has been recognized to dis-
follow-up was only 9 months. tinguish between early- and late-onset
Seizures may be a more common ac- poststroke seizures.5,8,9 Different charac-
companiment of hemorrhagic rather than teristics and mechanisms of poststroke sei-
ischemic stroke. zures, according to their proximity to the
From The Stroke Center at Hartford Hospital, Hartford, Conn (Dr Silverman); the
onset of brain ischemia, have been pro-
Cerebrovascular Program (Dr Restrepo) and The Johns Hopkins Epilepsy Center posed, but no clear pathophysiological
(Dr Mathews), Department of Neurology, The Johns Hopkins University School of basis exists for the 2-week cut point.
Medicine, Baltimore, Md; and the Synaptic Physiology Unit, National Institute of Most early-onset seizures occur dur-
Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Bethesda, Md (Dr Mathews). ing the first 1 to 2 days after ischemia. Al-



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most half (43%) of all patients in the Stroke After Sei- zures at onset were not a criterion in a data bank study
zures Study experienced a seizure within the first 24 hours of the cardiac causes of stroke.18 Intuitively, there is no
after stroke.2 In a series restricted to early-onset sei- reason to suspect that cardioembolic lesions would be
zures, 90% of the 30 patients had ictal activity within the more likely than emboli from large-vessel sources to cause
first 24 hours.10 Most seizures associated with hemor- seizures, as cardiac and large-vessel emboli frequently in-
rhagic stroke also occur at onset or within the first 24 volve lesions to distal cortical branches. The mecha-
hours.11 nism by which cortical emboli precipitate seizures is un-
During acute ischemic injury, accumulation of in- certain,12 but possibilities include depolarization within
tracellular calcium and sodium may result in depolar- an ischemic penumbra, rapid reperfusion after the frag-
ization of the transmembrane potential and other calcium- mentation and distal migration of the embolus,19 or a com-
mediated effects. These local ionic shifts may lower the bination of both.
seizure threshold.2,12 Glutamate excitotoxicity is a well- Cortical location is among the most reliable risk fac-
established mechanism of cell death in the experimen- tors for poststroke seizures.2 Poststroke seizures were more
tal stroke model. Antiglutamatergic drugs may also have likely to develop in patients with larger lesions involv-
a neuroprotective role in ischemic settings, aside from ing multiple lobes of the brain than in those with single
the role of treating seizures. lobar involvement.20 However, any stroke, including those
The size of regional metabolic dysfunction may also with only subcortical involvement, may occasionally be
be relevant in causing early-onset seizures. In the setting associated with seizures.20 Earlier studies, relying on less
of large regions of ischemic hypoxia, high levels of exci- sensitive neuroimaging techniques, may not have de-
totoxic neurotransmitters may be released extracellu- tected concomitant small cortical lesions that could cause
larly. In studies of the postischemic brain in experimen- ictal activity. The mechanism by which deep hemi-
tal animal models, neuronal populations in the neocortex13 spheric subcortical lesions, most commonly due to small-
and hippocampus14 have altered membrane properties and vessel disease, cause seizures is not understood.2
increased excitability, which presumably lower the thresh- Analogous to cortical involvement in ischemic stroke,
old for seizure initiation. The ischemic penumbra, a re- a lobar site is considered to be the most epileptogenic lo-
gion of viable tissue adjacent to the infarcted core in is- cation in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage. In a se-
chemic stroke, contains electrically irritable tissue that may ries of 123 patients,21 seizure incidence was highest with
be a focus for seizure activity. bleeding into lobar cortical structures (54%), low with
In addition to focal ischemia, global hypoperfusion basal ganglionic hemorrhage (19%), and absent with tha-
can cause seizure activity. Hypoxic-ischemic encepha- lamic hemorrhage. Caudate involvement of the basal gan-
lopathy is one of the most common causes of status epi- glia and temporal or parietal involvement within the cor-
lepticus and carries a poor prognosis. Particularly vul- tex predicted seizures.21 Hemorrhage due to cerebral
nerable to ischemic insult is the hippocampus, which is venous thrombosis also commonly presents with sei-
an especially epileptogenic area. zures. Parenchymal, often cortical, hemorrhage result-
In late-onset seizures, by contrast, persistent changes ing from local venous congestion is the likely cause of
in neuronal excitability occur. Replacement of healthy seizure activity.
cell parenchyma by neuroglia and immune cells may play The mechanism of seizure initiation by hemorrhage
a role in maintaining these changes. A gliotic scarring has is not established. Products of blood metabolism, such as
been implicated as the nidus for late-onset seizures, just hemosiderin, may cause a focal cerebral irritation leading
as the meningocerebral cicatrix may be responsible for to seizures, analogous to the animal model of focal epi-
late-onset post-traumatic epilepsy.2 lepsy produced by iron deposition on the cerebral cor-
An underlying permanent lesion appears to ex- tex.22 In subarachnoid hemorrhage, there is often exten-
plain the higher frequency of epilepsy in patients with sive hemorrhage into the basal cisterns, which directly
late- than early-onset seizures. As in post-traumatic epi- contacts the frontal and temporal lobes. Patients with sub-
lepsy,15 late occurrence of a first seizure appears to carry arachnoid hemorrhage also may have an intraparenchy-
a higher risk for epilepsy. In patients with ischemic stroke, mal component to the hemorrhage (Figure 1).
epilepsy developed in 35% of patients with early-onset The only clinical predictor for seizures after ische-
seizures and in 90% of patients with late-onset sei- mic stroke is the severity of the initial neurologic deficit.
zures.16 The risk for epilepsy was comparable in pa- Greater initial stroke severity9 or stroke disability2 pre-
tients with hemorrhagic stroke; epilepsy developed in 29% dicted seizures. By contrast, in the Oxfordshire Commu-
of patients with early-onset seizures vs 93% with late- nity Stroke Project, only 3% of 225 patients who were in-
onset seizures.5 dependent 1 month after a stroke experienced a seizure
The concept that cardiogenic emboli to the brain are between 1 month and 5 years.23 Patients presenting with
more likely to cause seizures acutely is controversial, with greater neurologic impairment tend to have larger strokes
few supporting data. Among 1640 patients with cere- that involve wider cortical areas.
bral ischemia,17 events attributed to a cardiac source were In retrospective studies, risk factors for seizures af-
most commonly associated with early-onset seizures ter subarachnoid hemorrhage included middle cerebral
(16.6%), even compared with supratentorial hemato- artery aneurysms,24 intraparenchymal hematoma,25 ce-
mas (16.2%). However, the definition of cardiogenic rebral infarction,26 a history of hypertension,27 and thick-
mechanism in this series was often based on nonspe- ness of the cisternal clot.6 By contrast, clinical predic-
cific criteria. Several authors have questioned the asso- tors for seizures after intraparenchymal hemorrhage have
ciation of seizures with cardioembolic events.3,4 Sei- been lacking.2



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Facility = Yale–New Haven Hospital Clinic = EEG Laboratory

Fp1 F7
F7 T7(T3)
T7 P7(T5)
P7 O1
Fp1 F3
F3 C3
C3 P3
P3 O1
PZ OZ (Ref)
Fp2 F4
F4 C4
C4 P4
P4 O2
Fp2 F8
F8 T8(T4)
T8 P8(T6)
P8 O2

Figure 1. Seizures after intracerebral and subarachnoid hemorrhage. An 82-year-old woman presented with sudden-onset headache, dysphasia, and right
hemiparesis while receiving anticoagulation therapy for chronic atrial fibrillation. Computed tomographic (CT) scan at admission (A) demonstrates an acute left
temporal lobe intraparenchymal hematoma, with adjacent subdural and subarachnoid hemorrhage. The responsible lesion, an aneurysm of the middle cerebral
artery, was treated surgically. During the postoperative period, she had episodes of right-sided facial twitching associated with transient worsening of her aphasia.
A postoperative CT scan 3 months later (B) showed a hypodense lesion of the midtemporal lobe in the middle cranial fossa. Electroencephalographic (EEG)
findings (C) demonstrated focal spike waves, consistent with seizure activity, followed by focal slowing and periodic lateralizing epileptiform discharge in the left
hemisphere. Ref indicates reference.

Vascular lesions may cause seizures by other mecha- reperfusion syndrome, first described by Sundt and col-
nisms. Seizures due to arteriovenous malformations and leagues,28 includes transient focal seizure activity, atypical
aneurysms typically occur when these lesions rupture, migrainous phenomena, and intracerebral hemorrhage, al-
but these vascular lesions may cause seizures by di- though the clinical triad is often incomplete. Onset of this
rectly irritating adjacent brain parenchyma (Figure 2). rare syndrome ranges from several days to 3 weeks after
Finally, seizures associated with vascular lesions oc- revascularization29 and often is signaled by a new ipsilat-
cur in the setting of significant reperfusion after revascu- eral headache.30 Surgical correction of an arteriovenous mal-
larization procedures, most commonly carotid endarter- formation may also cause intraoperative or postoperative
ectomy for chronic severe extracranial carotid stenosis. The hyperemia, with subsequent seizures or hemorrhage.19,31



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type (ischemic or hemorrhagic), topography (cortical in-
volvement), lesion size, or electroencephalographic (EEG)
The phenomenological features of the reperfusion
syndrome are similar in that focal onset with occasional
secondary generalization is the rule. Seizure activity
always occurs in the ipsilateral vascular territory of the
surgically treated internal carotid artery.28 Occasion-
ally, status epilepticus ensues (Figure 3).


Holmes36 found that patients with periodic lateralizing

epileptiform discharges and bilateral independent peri-
odic lateralizing epileptiform discharges on EEG after
stroke were especially prone to the development of sei-
zures. Those patients with focal spikes also had a high
risk of 78%. Focal slowing, diffuse slowing, and normal
findings on EEG, by contrast, were associated with rela-
tively low risks of 20%, 10%, and 5%, respectively. Other
work found that cortical involvement on results of
Figure 2. Mass lesion causing focal seizures. A 43-year-old woman neuroanatomical imaging studies was more predictive
presented to the emergency department after focal-onset right-sided clonic of epilepsy than any single EEG finding.10
movements, followed by loss of consciousness. Computed tomographic
scan with contrast demonstrated a giant aneurysm of the middle cerebral
Focal slowing on EEG may simply reflect a wide re-
artery with adjacent cerebral edema, contrast uptake into the aneurysm, and gion of ischemic or infarcted tissue involving the cere-
an adjacent region in which a thrombus has formed. The patient underwent bral cortex or subcortical territory. In addition to neu-
successful craniotomy, with thrombectomy and aneurysm clipping. roimaging, EEG may be helpful in the early evaluation
of poorly defined poststroke focal neurologic symp-
By contrast, arteriovenous malformations located in border- toms. In selected patients, focal slowing may confirm the
zone regions subject to relatively low flow rates have a lower clinical impression of hemispheric ischemia and argue
risk for hemorrhage.32 against ongoing seizures as an explanation for an acute
The reperfusion syndrome has been attributed to im- neurologic syndrome. The absence of EEG abnormali-
paired cerebral autoregulation.19 In the setting of chronic ties does not definitively exclude cerebral ischemia, par-
hypoperfusion due to high-grade carotid stenosis, the ar- ticularly in subcortical or subtentorial structures, or
terioles responsible for normal autoregulation in the intermittent seizure activity.
downstream cerebral hemisphere become chronically di- Uncommonly, seizures may mimic ischemia and in-
lated. Subsequently, when perfusion is improved by a re- farction on neuroimaging findings. Lansberg et al37 recently
vascularization procedure, the vessels are incapable of described several acute magnetic resonance imaging find-
vasoconstriction, and the brain parenchyma is sub- ings in 3 patients with partial status epilepticus. These stud-
jected to a massive augmentation of blood flow. The re- ies showed cortical hyperintensity on diffusion-weighted
lease of vasoactive neuropeptides from perivascular sen- imaging and T2-weighted sequences and a corresponding
sory nerves may contribute to the development of the area of low apparent diffusion coefficient. However, these
reperfusion syndrome,19 to oxidants that develop before findings were readily differentiated from typical ischemic
revascularization,33 and to an inflammatory response to stroke in their nonvascular distributions, increased signal
the reestablishment of circulation.34 of the ipsilateral middle cerebral artery on magnetic reso-
nance angiography, and leptomeningeal enhancement on
CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS postcontrast magnetic resonance imaging. Another study
showed a hyperintensity on diffusion-weighted images in
Given that most poststroke seizures are caused by a fo- the dorsolateral portion of the ipsilateral thalamus in 2
cal lesion, poststroke seizures are typically focal at on- patients (Figure 3).38
set. In a study of early-onset seizures in 90 patients,17
simple partial seizures were the most common type (61%), DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS
followed by secondarily generalized seizures (28%). In
other series,3,10 early-onset seizures were more likely to The differential diagnosis of ischemia-induced seizures in-
be partial, whereas late-onset seizures were more likely cludes secondary seizures due to other causes. Medica-
to generalize secondarily. Most recurrent seizures are of tions, drug therapy withdrawal (eg, benzodiazepines), and
the same type as the presenting episode, and they tend metabolic disturbances (eg, glucose abnormalities) typi-
to recur within 1 year on average. cally cause generalized seizures, unless an underlying le-
In a large series of patients with poststroke sei- sion is already present. Migraine-related focal phenom-
zures, 9% had status epilepticus.35 The only associated ena and transient ischemic attacks may produce focal
finding was higher functional disability; status epilepti- slowing on EEG findings. Among these entities, glucose
cus was not associated with a higher mortality rate, stroke abnormalities should not be overlooked.



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A Facility = Yale–New Haven Hospital Clinic = EEG Laboratory

Fp1 F7
F7 T7(T3)
T7 P7(T5)
T5 O1
Fp1 F3
F3 C3
C3 P3
P3 O1
PZ OZ (Ref)
Fp2 F4
F4 C4
C4 P4
P4 O2
Fp2 F8
F8 T8(T4)
T8 P8(T6)
P8 O2
Eyes (x2)


Figure 3. Status epilepticus due to the reperfusion syndrome. A 66-year-old woman underwent an otherwise uncomplicated right carotid endarterectomy for
asymptomatic extracranial carotid artery disease 3 days earlier. She awoke with a headache, followed by left-arm clonic movements. These progressed to
generalized, tonic-clonic seizures, which were not aborted by administration of lorazepam and phenytoin sodium therapy. The continuous electroencephalographic
(EEG) monitor showed periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges occurring every 2 to 5 minutes, lasting a few seconds (A). Subsequent T2- and
diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging studies of the brain showed right-sided thalamic (B) and cortical lesions (C). Phenobarbital sodium was then
administered, which arrested seizure activity. Ref indicates reference.

MANAGEMENT absence of absolute predictors of poststroke epilepsy, most

physicians empirically treat patients for their seizures
Choice of an anticonvulsant medication should be guided when they occur in the setting of a recent stroke. Thus,
by the individual characteristics of each patient, includ- Bladin et al2 argue that a controlled trial including pa-
ing concurrent medications and medical comorbidities. tients with poststroke epilepsy would pose extensive lo-
To our knowledge, no controlled trials evaluating only gistical challenges and would likely be unethical. De-
poststroke seizures have been conducted to assess spe- spite the relatively low incidence of poststroke seizures,
cific agents. Perhaps a more important issue is whether the absolute numbers are still high, arguing that an im-
to initiate treatment at all, because only a few post- portant problem exists. Arboix et al39 concluded that the
stroke seizures have been demonstrated to recur. In the efficacy of anticonvulsant prophylaxis should be as-



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sessed in prospective, randomized trials conducted with should be considered when at least 1 of several risk fac-
high-risk patients. tors is present.46
Poststroke seizures are usually well controlled with In the case of reperfusion syndrome, the critical pre-
a single anticonvulsant. In 1 retrospective study, seizures ventive measure is likely the aggressive control of systemic
in 88% of the 90 patients could be managed with mono- blood pressure.19 The role of antiepileptic therapy in this
therapy.10 Given the typical focal onset of poststroke sei- population of patients is unclear. Seizures during the reper-
zures, first-line therapy options include carbamazepine and fusion syndrome sometimes respond to antiepileptic drugs,
phenytoin sodium. The latter has the advantage of paren- according to anecdotal evidence,50 but may be difficult to
teral administration, which may be necessary given that treat in the absence of heavy sedation. Some surgeons em-
swallowing or mental status likely will be impaired. Fos- pirically administer prophylaxis owing to the concern about
phenytoin sodium is also a noteworthy option in stroke seizures for 1 to 2 weeks after endarterectomy in patients
patients because of lesser cardiotoxicity than phenytoin. with high-grade carotid stenosis. Management of venous
Benzodiazepines, particularly lorazepam, should be ini- infarction often dictates administration of systemic antico-
tially administered to the patient with ongoing seizures. agulation, and, recently, intrathrombus thrombolysis via
No data support the use of different agents to treat early- endovascular delivery has demonstrated success in selected
vs late-onset seizures. patients.51 Authorities recommend instituting antiepilep-
The newer antiepileptic drugs are being touted as first- tic therapy only if seizures occur.52
line agents for elderly patients because of their effective-
ness and favorable side-effect profiles. Approximately 10% PROGNOSIS
of nursing home residents in the United States receive an-
tiepileptic drugs, most often for the treatment of seizure The impact of poststroke seizures on stroke outcomes is un-
disorders.40 In a trial of newly diagnosed epilepsy in the el- clear, with conflicting data from different case series. In 2
derly, lamotrigine was recently demonstrated to be better prospective studies, early-onset seizures were not associated
tolerated and to maintain patients free of seizures for longer with higher mortality rates9 or worse neurologic deficits.4
intervals than carbamazepine.41 Although many of the newer Seizures were associated with better outcomes on the Scan-
anticonvulsants, eg, topiramate42 and levetiracetam,43 have dinavian Stroke Scale in another series9; the authors postu-
been studied as adjunctive agents for refractory partial sei- lated that seizures were a manifestation of a larger ischemic
zures, in practice they are often used as monotherapy. Gaba- penumbra that contributed to better recovery. Conversely,
pentin has been shown to be efficacious as monotherapy in other work, patients who had early-onset seizures within
for partial epilepsy.44 For all antiepileptic drugs, the chief 48 hours of the presenting stroke or transient ischemic at-
relevant dose-limiting adverse effect is sedation, particu- tack were significantly more likely to die in the hospital
larly in the elderly stroke patient. (37.9%)vsthosewhodidnotpresentwithseizures(14.4%).39
Drug interactions are an important consideration, since For subarachnoid hemorrhage, seizures at onset pre-
most stroke patients take multiple medications.40 The first- dicted late-onset seizures and poor outcomes, mea-
generation antiepileptic agents undergo significant he- sured by disability 6 weeks later using the Glasgow Out-
patic metabolism, and phenytoin and valproic acid are highly come Scale.53 In an Icelandic population, epilepsy was
protein bound. For example, the well-recognized interac- more frequent in patients with severe neurologic re-
tion of warfarin with phenytoin makes it difficult to main- sidua (48%) compared with those without (20%).8
tain consistent therapeutic ranges of both agents. Seizures in the reperfusion syndrome are usually self-
In its guidelines, the Stroke Council of the Ameri- limited. Long-term prognosis depends on the develop-
can Heart Association45,46 recommended uniform sei- ment of intracerebral hemorrhage. In a series of 1500 ca-
zure prophylaxis in the acute period after intracerebral rotid endarterectomies, hemorrhage developed in 11
and subarachnoid hemorrhage. For intracerebral hem- patients, and 4 of these patients died.54
orrhage, seizure activity may result in further neuronal
injury and contribute to coma, although no clinical data CONCLUSIONS
support this recommendation.45 Patients with solely cer-
ebellar or deep subcortical (eg, thalamic) lesions are at Poststroke seizures are a common and treatable phenom-
very low risk for seizures and need not be treated. The enon, whereas the development of epilepsy is relatively rare.
guideline suggests a dose of phenytoin sodium titrated Cerebrovascular lesions associated with the development
by serologic levels (14-23 µg/mL), with discontinuation of seizures include the following: intracerebral (paren-
of therapy after 1 month if no seizure activity occurs dur- chymal) and subarachnoid hemorrhage and cerebral ve-
ing treatment.47 Patients with seizure activity more than nous thrombosis, with or without venous infarction; le-
2 weeks after presentation are at a higher risk for recur- sions involving the cerbral cortex; larger neurologic deficits
rence and may require long-term seizure prophylaxis.48 or disability at presentation; and revascularization proce-
Small retrospective studies suggest no benefit of pro- dures involving the extracranial internal carotid artery. The
phylactic anticonvulsants after aneurysmal subarach- treatment of poststroke seizures is no different than the ap-
noid hemorrhage.49 However, because of the relatively proach to treatment of partial-onset seizures due to other
low risk associated with antiepileptic therapy and the great cerebral lesions, and poststroke seizures usually respond
concern about aneurysmal rebleeding, a clinical trial ad- well to a single antiepileptic drug. Given their tolerability,
dressing this issue may never occur. Long-term use of the newer generations of anticonvulsant agents hold prom-
antiepileptic agents is not recommended for patients with ise in treating older patients. Given the low incidence of
subarachnoid hemorrhage who do not have seizures, but poststroke epilepsy, there is no indication for seizure pro-



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