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Karsono, YA and Febrilla, WH / Rosada Yulianti / viscosity of liquid (rev-00)

𝜂 = 𝜂𝑟 (1)

2. Materials and Methods

2.1 Tools and Material
The tools used were; a 10 mL measuring pipette, an Ostwald viscometer, a stopwatch, a thermometer, two glass beaker 400 mL, a
suction pipette, a stativ , and clamp holder.
The Materials used were 300 mL of distilled water, and 100 mL cooking oil
2.2 Experiment Methods
The steps in this viscosity experiment were started by measuring the Distilled water temperature in a 300ml glass beaker, Then 5 mL
of Distilled water poured into ostwald’s viscosimeter using a 10 mL pipette. After that, the distilled water inside the ostwald’s viscosimeter
was sucked using a suction pipette bulp so that the liquid passed the point p (upper limit), then the suction pipette was discharged, then the
time needed for distilled water to move from point p (upper limit) to point q (lower limit) was recorded, The experiment was repeated three
times. Then the same procedure was repeated for cooking oil. then the viscosity of the solution was calculated.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1 Results
The experiment results are presented in tables like following
Table 1. The results of water viscocity

Temp. (oC) t1 t2 t3 t avg. Viscocity

28 5,72 s 5,11 s 5,14 s 5,32 s 0.8425 mPa.s

Table 2. The results of cooking oil viscosity

Temp. (oC) t1 t2 t3 t avg. Viscocity

30 5 min 13 s 4 min 53 s 5 min 06 s 5 min 04 s 40,9987 mPa.s

3.2 Discussion
The purpose of this experiment was to determine the coefficient viscosity of water and cooking oil. The tool used in This experiment
were ostwald viscometer. Ostwald's viscometer was used to calculate the travel time needed by the fluid to flow in a capillary with a specified
mileage, the data were obtained in the form of fluid travel time. In addition, in this experiment, the temperatures were measured. for the
distilled water, it was at 28oC and the cooking oil was at 30oC.
In viscosity measurements using an Ostwald viscometer, the time needed by the fluid to pass through the capillary tube were recorded
then compared with standard sample. This viscosity calculation method is suitable for use because the viscosity ratio between a fluid being
tested with a sample / reference fluid is proportional to the time value of the fluid drop and with the fluid density factor. This calculation can
be expressed through the equation:
Ƞ / Ƞr = (ρ. t) / (ρr .tr) (2)
Ƞ = Viscosity of fluid (cp)
Ƞr = Viscosity of the reference fluid (water) (cp
ρ = Density of fluid ostwald viscometer (g/cm3)
ρr = Viscometer density reference ostwald fluid (g/cm3)
t = fluid travel time in Ostwald's viscometer (s)
tr = Reference fluid travel time in Ostwald's viscometer (s)

In this experiment the sample fluid / reference used was water, while the fluid being tested was cooking oil. The coefficient viscosity
for distilled water, water density, and cooking oil density were obtained through literature studies. When all values have been obtained, then
through mathematical calculations the value of cooking oil viscosity at the temperature tested then obtained.
Karsono, YA and Febrilla, WH / Rosada Yulianti / viscosity of liquid (rev-00)

Based on the experiments carried out, the value of distilled water viscosity at 28oC was 0.8425 mPa.s. While the viscosity of cooking
oil at 30oC was 40.9987 mPa.s. The Viscosity of water was different when compared to the literature studies. The viscosity of water at 28oC
should have been 0.8324 mPa.s
The difference between the results obtained between the results of experiments carried out with literature data has a few differences.
This can occur due to various factors both in terms of procedures and in terms of human error. In conducting viscosity experiments, the time
needed by the fluid to descend the capillary tube was measured using a stopwatch. The measured time results have low accuracy due to the
limitations of the practitioner to start and stop the stopwatch time. In addition, in conducting experiments, These factors are considered to
be the cause of differences between experiments with literature data.
Commented [l1]: Dibandingkan dengan penelitian orang
atau data yang ada. Masukkan referencenya
4. Conclusion
Based on the experiments that have been carried out, the following conclusions are obtained
a. The viscosity of distilled water was 0.8425 mPa.s at 28oC
b. The viscosity of cooking oil was 40.9987 mPa.s at 30oC

5. References

Douglas C. Giancoli, 2005, Physics Principles with Applications, United States of America: Pearson Prentice Hall
Halliday and Resnick, 2005, Fundamental Physics, United States of America: John Wiley & Sons
OpenStax College, 2012, College Physics, OpenStax College.

6. Appendix
a. Calculate the viscocity of deionized water
The flow times of water : t
tr1 = 5,72 s ; tr2 = 5,11 s ; tr3 = 5,14 s ; tr avg = 5,32 s
ηr at 28ᵒC = 0.8425 mPa.s ; ρ = 1,00104 g/cm3 ; ρr = 0,99624 g/cm3

η = ηr ρt = 0,8425 cp. 1,00104/cm3. 5,32s = 0.8324 cp

ρrtr 0,99624g/cm3. 5,32s
therefore, the viscocity value of deionized water is 0.8324 cp.
b. Calculate the viscocity of cooking oil
The flow times of cooking oil : t
tr1 = 5 min 13 s ; tr2 = 4 min 53 s ; tr3 = 5 min 06 s ; tr avg = 5 min 04 s
ηr at 30ᵒC = 40,9987 mPa.s ; ρ = 0,855 g/cm3 ; ρr = 0,99624 g/cm3
η = ηr ρt = 0,8425 cp. 0,855g/cm3. 304 s = 40.9987 cp
ρrtr 0,99624g/cm3. 304s

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