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Sri Surya Sahasranama

Sthothram – Bhavishya
I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Surya who is
Vishvajith/conqueror of Universe, he carries out one
of the major functions for the welfare of the Universe,
he is the soul of the Universe, and he is facing in all
directions, he is Vishveshwara who is the Lord of the
Universe, he is the source of Universe, he is self-
restrained who dwells as Prana in living beings, and he
has complete control over senses/ascetic, he
represents Yuga and the functions of Yuga, he is
depended by Yuga and cause for the end of Yuga, he is
Mahayogi/supreme Yogi who follows strict Yogic
practices, he symbolizes supreme intellect, he is
Mahathman who is very strong and powerful, he is
mighty and all pervading, he is the Lord of all the living
beings, he dwells as Athman/soul in the living beings,
he is the Lord of the Universe/Bhuvaneshwara, he is
gracious to living beings, he symbolizes the futurity of
living beings, he is Bhoothnatha who is the cause for
the origin of living beings and he is the provider of
auspiciousness, he is safest shelter of living beings, he
is Kamalanatha/who is the consort of Goddess Kamala,
he symbolizes bliss and he is the provider of happiness,
he is most desirable and provider of boons to
worshiper who follow strict austerities, he bestow the
Universe with brilliant rays, he is the source of Prana,
he is supreme Lord who dwells as Prana in living
beings, he is pleasant, loveliest and beloved to all, he
symbolizes prudence, he has thousands of feet, he is
charismatic decked in magnificent earrings, he is
flawless, he is valorous, he has supreme brilliance and
he has Vayu as his army, he is steadfast, he is provider
of Mathi/intellect, he is Vidhatha who disperse the
fruit of Karma and provides all kinds of auspiciousness
to worshiper, he symbolizes Kapardhi, Kalpa and Rudra
as well, he is charming who symbolizes Dharma, he is
committed to the renounced souls, he is not
approachable for the wicked people, his virtues are
beyond description, he is Maheshwara who is
Mahayogi, he is Adithya who is lustrous lures the heart
of worshiper, he is self-restrained and serene, he
symbolizes passion and mercy, he causes to awaken
lotus flowers with his brilliant rays, he is mounted on
chariot driven by seven horses, he is incredible, he is
flawless and too compassionate, he is supreme herbal
medicine Sanjeevini to the living beings, he is the Lord
of living beings, he gives life to the whole Universe, he
is Jagathpathi, he is unconquerable, he has Universe as
his celestial abode, he is Vrushadhvaja who symbolizes
virtues and radiance, he illuminates the whole
Universe with his supreme luster.”

Om Vishvajith Vishvajithkarththa Vishvathma

Vishvathomukha: | Vishveshwaro Vishvayoni:
Nithyathma Jithendhriya: ||
Kalashraya: Kalakarththa Kalaha Kalanashana: |
Mahayogi Mahabuddhi: Mahathma Sumahabala: ||
Prabhur Vibhu: Bhoothanatho Bhoothathma
Bhuvaneshwara: | Bhoothabhavyo Bhavithathma
Bhoothantha: Karana: Shiva: ||
Sharanya: Kamalanatho Nandhano Nandhavardhana: |
Varenyo Varadho Yogi Su Samyuktha: Prakashaka: ||
Vakprana: Parama: Prana: Preethathma Priyatha:
Priya: | Naya: Sahasrapath Sadhurdivya
Kundalamanditha: ||
Avyangadhari Dheerathma Prachetha Vayuvahana: |
Samahitha Mathirdhatha Vidhatha Krithamangala: ||
Kapardhi Kalpakridh Rudra: Sumana Dharmavathsala:
| Samayuktho Vimukthathma Krithathma
Krithinamvara: ||
Avichinthyavapu: Shreshto Mahayogi Maheshwara : |
Kantha: Kamadhiradhithyo Niyathathma Nirakula: ||
Kama: Karunika: Karththa Kamalakara Bodhana: |
Sapthasapthira Achinthyathma Mahakarunika
Uththama: ||
Sanjeevano Jeevanatho Jagathjeevo Jagathpathi: |
Ajayo Vishvanilaya: Samvibhago Vrishadhvaja: ||

I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Surya who is

Vrishakapi, he is Ravi who performs the functions of
Kalpa and causes the end of Kalpa as well, he is
mounted on the marvelous chariot that has one wheel,
he is supreme ascetic who undergoes supreme state of
super consciousness, and he takes immense pleasure
in amorous sport as well, he is divine, he is the Lord of
distressed people, he is Dhivaspathi who is Lord of
Lords, he is the Lord of valorous, he accepts oblation
from the fire sacrifices, he is Divakara who has divine
arms, he symbolizes Yajja, he is the commander of
Yajja, he represents sustenance, he is Svarnaretha who
illuminates the Universe with his powerful rays, he is
Anshumali who appears as Para, Apara and
Stharani/scattered as well, he is extremely charismatic,
he symbolizes insight, wisdom and knowledge, he is
Surya, he is Prajapathi, Savitha, Vishnu and Anshuman,
he is safe haven for the worshiper, his powerful arms
are smeared in rich fragrances, he is determined, his
brilliant rays are intolerable, he is Pathanga, Pathaga,
Sthanu, Vihanga, Vihaga and he is the provider of
abundance of boons to worshiper, he is Haridhashva
mounted on his celestial chariot drawn by green
colored Haryashva, he is beloved to Universe, he has
three eyes, he is Sarvadamana who is causes the
deluge at the end of Yuga, he dwells as Prana in living
beings, he is Bhishak who cures the illnesses, he dwells
in the celestial abode, he is the protector of three
worlds, he is worshiped by the deities and all the living
beings, he symbolizes Kala, he is the cause for deluge
at the end of Kalpa, he is Vahni who symbolizes fire
and austerity, he is Virochana who has supreme luster,
he is Virupaksha/diversely eyed, he has thousands of
eyes, he is Purandhara, he has billions of powerful rays,
he is attired in manifolds of sky and decked in various
ornaments, he is supreme deity, he is Prathardhana, he
is dhanya/opulent, he symbolizes excellence in speech
, wealth and eloquence, he is Sripathi/consort of
Goddess of wealth and dwells in the house of

Vrushakapi: Kalpakarththa Kalpanthakarano Ravi: |

Yekachakraratho Mouni Suratho Rathinamvara: ||
Akrodhano Rashmimali Thejorashi: Vibhavasu: |
Dhivyakridh Dhinakridh Devo Devadhevo Dhivaspathi:
Dheeranatho Havirhotha Dhivyabahu: Dhivakara: |
Yagyo Yagyapathi: Poosha Svarnaretha: Paravaha: ||
Para Paragyastharanir Anshumali Manohara: | Pragya:
Prajapathi: Surya: Savitha Vishnu: Anshuman ||
Sadhagathir Gandhabahu: Vihitho Vidhirashuga: |
Pathanga: Pathaga: Sthanur Vihango Vihago Vara: ||
Haryakshvo Harithashvashcha Haridhashvo
Jagathpriya: | Thrayambaka: Sarvadhamano
Bhavithathma Bhishagvara: ||
Alokakrilokanatho Lokaloka Namaskritha: | Kala:
Kalpanthako Vahni: Thapana: Samprathapana: ||
Virochano Virupakshaka: Sahasraksha: Purandara: |
Sahasrarashmir Mihiro Vividhambara Bhooshana: ||
Khaga: Pradhadhano Dhanyo Hayago Vagvisharadha: |
Shrimamshcha Shishiro Vagmi Sripathi: Srinikethana:
Srikantha: Sridhara: Sriman Srinivaso Vasupradha: |
Kamacharo Mahamayo Mahesho Vidhithashaya: ||

I shall prostrate before Supreme Lord Surya who

graciously accepts the sacrificial act/devout act
performed in the sacred Theerthas by the people of
wise conduct, he is beloved to his worshiper and
appears before his ardent worshiper, he symbolizes
fame and he is the provider of fame to his worshiper,
he is always decked in magnificent earrings, he is
Hiranyaretha/virile, he is mounted on the grand chariot
driven by seven horses, he is pure, he is the annihilator
of enemies, he symbolizes supreme intellect, he is
Amarashreshta/supreme Lord, he is Jishnu who is
victorious, he is the commander of the Universe, he
represents unfathomable ocean, he is the provider of
wealth to his worshiper, he is Dhatha who purifies the
souls, he is Mandhatha who eradicates all the miseries,
sorrows and disgrace/impurities of his worshiper, he
eradicates the darkness of ignorance in his worshiper,
he removes the darkness, his brilliant rays has the
resemblance to fire, he is the source of essential
element, he remains highly confidential, he is
Pashuman who induce belief with his powerful rays
and he is the Lord of living beings, he is the provider of
wealth and wellbeing to living beings, he is Suresha
who is worshiped by deities, he is Adithya who is
eternal and an object of desire, he is Ajitha who is
unsurpassed and provider of victory to his worshiper,
he is unconquerable, he appears as moveable and
immoveable as well, he is the provider of happiness to
the living beings, he is always desirous, he is
triumphant and provider of success in all endeavors, he
is personified as Parjjanyogni, he performs the function
of maintenance of life, he is most venerable, he is the
purifier of souls, he is Pradhyodhana who has supreme
luster, he is mounted on a grand chariot, he illuminates
the whole Universe with his supreme brilliance, he is
Samsaratharaka who sustains the living beings with his
supreme brilliance, he is valorous and supreme
preceptor, he is the cause of Universe and living
beings, he is the cause and effects as well, he is
Marthanda and he is the commander of
Maruth/essential element air/breath/Lord of Maruth,
he represents Maruth which has the capability to burn
the objects that get into touch with the fire, he
symbolizes welfare, he is Lord of Yama, he represents
Varuna, he is Jagannatha who has no
desires/dispassionate, he has beautiful eyes, he is
Vivasvan and Bhanuman, he represents cause and
effect, he symbolizes supreme brilliance, he is free to
move at his own will, he represents fire, he ensures the
existence of righteousness, he illuminates the Universe
with his billions of brilliant rays, he is Sahasramshu,
Divakara and Gabasthinemi who represents powerful
ray of light, he spreads intense luster, he is Sragvi who
has possessed innumerable marvelous rays.”

Theerthakriyavan Sunayo Vibhavo Bhakthavathsala: |

Keerthi: Keerthikaro Nithya: Kundali Kavachi Rathi ||
Hiranyaretha: Sapthashva: Prayathathma Paranthapa:
| Bhuddhiman Amarashreshto Rochishnu:
Pathashasana: ||
Samudhro Dhanadho Dhatha Mandhatha
Kashmalapaha: | Thamoghno Dhvantha:
Vahnirhothantha: Karano Guha: ||
Pashuman Prayathanandho Bhoothesha:
Srimathamvara: | Nithyo Dhithyo Nithyaratha: Sresha:
Surapoojitha: ||
Ajitho Vijayo Jetha Jangama Sthavarathmaka: |
Jeevanandho Nithyakami Vijetha Vijayapradha: ||
Parjanyogni: Sthithistheya: Sthaviroanu: Niranjana: |
Pradhyothano Ratharooda: Sarvaloka Prakashaka: ||
Dhruvomeedhe Mahaveeryo Hamsa: Samsara Tharaka:
| Shrushtikarththa Kriyahethu: Marthanda
Maruthampathi: ||
Maruthvan Dhahana: Spashta Bhago
Bhagyoryamapathi: | Varunamsho Jagannatha:
Krithakrithya: Sulochana: ||
Vivasvan Bhanuman Karyakaranam Thejasamnidhi: |
Asangvami Thigmashu: Dharmadhi: Dheeptha
Dhidhithi: ||
Sahasra Dheedhithirbhagna: Sahasramshu: Divakara: |
Gabasthiman Dheedhithiman Shragviman Athulya
Dhyuthi: ||

I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Surya who is

Bhaskara who has supreme brilliance, he works for the
welfare of Suras, he is omnipresent, he is passionate
and dazzling, he is Surapathi and supreme Lord among
the deities, he is Vachasampathi/Lord of speech, he is
Bhruhatheja/he has intense luster and he is Thejonidhi,
he has Bhruhathkeerthi/endless fame, he represents
Bhrihaspathi/preceptor of deities, he has authoritative
vigor and he is virtuous, he is not freed from cast of
shadow/eclipse, he is the provider of endless fame to
his worshiper, he is Mahavaidhya who cures all kinds of
illnesses with his powerful rays and he is in forefront to
promote welfare, he is worshiped by Ganas and he is
the leader of Ganas, he has endless glories, he cause
mental and physical affliction in wicked people and he
is capable to reprimand the Universe with his powerful
rays, he has the luster of precious yellow metal, he is
Hrishikesha who has perfect control over senses, he is
Padmanabha, he symbolizes intense delight, he is
Padmanabha who preserved the nectar of immortality
for the deities, he dwells in the abode of constellation,
he is endowed with brightness, he dwells in the center
point of constellation, he has no beginning or end, he is
Achyutha, Vishnu, and Vishwamithra, he dwells as one
of the superior planet in the constellation, he is
Amuktha who undergoes eclipse, he is protected in
marvelous armor, he is Vagmi/eloquent, he is covered
in armor and considered Universe as his place of
abode, he has unconditional movement, he is most
splendid, he is safest haven for his worshiper, he has
faces in all directions, he penetrate through all objects
with his powerful rays, he is composed, he represents
flame of righteousness, he is affectionate to people
who follow righteousness, he crumple the wicked
people like Lord Yama, he eradicates the worldly
bondage in the worshiper and fulfils all the desires of
her worshiper, he is Janeshwara, he is Nabha/who
dwells in the center part of the constellation, he is
absolute truth who penetrates through all objects, he
is captivating and charming, he represents Hari, Hara,
Vayu, seasons, Kala and Anala/fire as well, he is
worshiped by the intellectuals, he is Mahatheja who
has supreme brilliance and he removes the darkness in
the Universe, he is eulogized by Mahendhra, he is
Prabhakara who is eulogized with sacred hymns, he
provides long life/Ayushman, free from Vasana/anger,
lust , greed, ego etc.., all kinds of well being, free from
all kinds of illnesses, happiness, and all kinds of

Bhaskara: Surakaryagya: Sarvagya

Stheekshnadheedhithi: | Suryajyeshta: Surapathi:
Bahugyo Vachasampathi: ||
Thejonidhir Bhruhath Theja Bhruhathkeerthir
Bhruhaspathi: | Ahimanoorjitho Dheeman Amuktha:
Keerthivardhana: ||
Mahavaidhya Agrenapathi: Ganesho Gananayaka: |
Theevra Prathapana Sthapi Thapano Vishvathapana:
Karthasvaro Hrishikesha: Padmanabho Abhinandhitha :
| Padmanabho Amrithahara: Sthithiman Kethuman
Nabha: ||
Anadhyantho Achyutho Vishvo Vishwamithro Ghrunee
Virat | Amuktha Kavachi Vagmi Kanchuki
Vishvabhavana: ||
Animiththagathi: Shreshta: Sharanya: Sarvathomukha:
| Vigahi Renurasaha: Samayuktha : Samahitha: ||
Dharmakethu: Dharmarathi: Samhartha
Samyamoyama: | Pranarththiharo Vadhi Siddhakaryo
Janeshwara: ||
Nabho Vigahana Sathya: Sthamasa: Sumano Hara: |
Hari Harirharo Vayur Ruthu: Kalanala Dhyuthi: ||
Sukhasevya Mahatheja Jagatham Anthakaranam |
Mahendhro Vishthutha: Sthothram Sthuthihethu:
Prabhakara: ||
Sahasrakala Ayushman Arosha: Sugadha: Sukhi |
Vyadhiha Sugadha: Soukhyam Kalyana: Kalpinamvara:

I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Surya who

provides good health, super natural powers/Siddhi,
wealth and prosperity/Vriddhi, good fortune and
accomplishment in endeavors, he is Ahaspathi who
provides virility, good health, intelligence, friends and
families as well, he is Mahan, he is powerful, he gets
pleased easily, he symbolizes righteousness and he
implement and ensure the righteous deeds, he is the
provider of splendor, he is beloved to all, he penetrates
through the whole of Earth, he eradicates enemies, he
symbolizes true knowledge, he is the provider of
supreme wisdom and knowledge, he is lustrous, he has
thousands of brilliant rays, he performs the task of
creation, he is decked in magnificent Keyoora that
spread intense luster, he represents blaze, he
eradicates worldly bondages of the people who are
surrendered at his lotus feet, he is worshiped with
sacrificial fire, he is supreme deity with effulgence, he
illuminates all the objects with his supreme radiance,
he symbolizes auspiciousness, he is the provider of
auspiciousness to his worshiper, he represents Kalpa
and performs the functions of Kalpa and rules the
rituals, he is Kavi/prudent, he performs all the
auspicious tasks for the welfare of living beings, he is
embodied as Kalpa, he is the recipient of all the
auspicious rite, he is fond of serenity, he has pleasant
disposition, he symbolizes serenity and he is fond of
tranquility, he performs the task of relieving the souls
from the repeated births, he is Suvarccha who has
supreme luster, he is Varchasvi/energetic who provides
enthusiasm to the three worlds and dwells in the three
worlds, he is vibrant and has supreme glory, he is the
authority of Varnna/Bhramin, Kshathriya, Vaishya and
Shudra, he gracefully accepts oblation from the fire
sacrifices, he is prominent among deities, he has
possessed supreme excellence, he is the essence of
sacred Veda, he is dazzling, he dwells as one of the
essential elements in Prakrithi, he explores through the
sky with great speed, he is Khaga who symbolizes
Shruthi, he is Gopathi/Krishna who is the Lord of cow
and cow herds, he is the Lord of nine planets and Lord
of Milky way, he is the protector of living beings and
prosper virility, he illuminates the whole Universe with
his radiance, he observes the Karma of living beings,
he undergoes Yoga, he is Nabhasvan who eradicates
the demons with the speed of wind, he protects his
worshiper and eradicates all the impediments caused
to them, he is decked in marvelous crown, he is
charming and lovely.”

Arogyakarmanam Siddhir Vriddhir Ruddhirahaspathi: |

Hiranyaretha Arogyam Vidhvan Bhandhurbhootho
Mahan ||
Pranavan Dhruthiman Dharmo Dharmakarththa
Ruchipradha: | Sarvapriya: Sarvasaha: Sarvashathru
Nivaruna: ||
Pramshur Vidhyothano Dhyotha: Sahasrakirana:
Kruthi: | Keyoorabhooshanoth Bhasi Bhasitho Bhasano
Anala: ||
Sharanyarthiharo Hotha Khadhyotha:
Khagasaththama: | Sarvadhyotho Mavadhyotha:
Sarvadhyuthikaromala: ||
Kalyanaka: Kalyanakara: Kalpa: Kalpakara: Kavi: |
Kalyanakrith Kalpavapu: Sarvakalyana Bhajana: ||
Shanthipriya: Prasannathma Prashantha:
Prashamapriya: | Uddharakarma Sunaya: Suvarccha
Varcchasojjvala: ||
Varcchasvi Varcchasameesha Thrailokhyesho
Vashanuga: | Thejasvi Suyashavarnni: Varnnadhyaksho
Balipriya: ||
Yashasvi Vedanilaya Thejasvi Prakrithisthitha: |
Akashaga: Sheeghragathirashuga: Shruthiman Khaga:
Gopathir Grahadevesho Goman Yeka: Prabhanjana: |
Janitha Prajagan Devo Dheepa: Sarva Prakashaka: ||
Karma Sakshi Yoganithyo Nabhasvan Asuranthaka: |
Rakshoghno Vighnashamana: Kireedi Sumana: Priya:

I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Surya who is

Marichi/ray of light, he symbolizes knowledge, and he
represents sphere that performs the function of
Adithya/illuminates the Universe with his vividness, he
symbolizes virtues and strict disciplines,
auspiciousness, good conduct, he keeps moving with
intense dedication spreading luster in all directions, he
is the preceptor of animals and birds/Anjaneya,
Garuda, he keeps moving in his own field, he provides
admiration and intelligence to his worshiper, he is
attired in majestic white clothes, he is eulogized by
deities and Rishis, Bhramins sung his glories by
reciting Samavedha, he is the provider of immense
delight, he is eulogized by Vedas, he is the essence of
Veda, he is Vedamoorthi, he is profound in
Chathurveda, he performs one of the major function by
spreading bright rays, he is unconquerable, he
represents supreme bliss, he is the provider of
abundance of boons to his worshiper, he undertakes
strict vows and provides the ability to undertake strict
austerities, he is the closest associate of all the living
beings, he is decked in various precious ornaments, he
symbolizes knowledge in sacred texts and scriptures,
he symbolizes the syllable ‘Aa’, he is decked in various
precious ornaments all over his body, he is deserved to
be venerated, he is Chakrapani who is wielded in
weapons of Vajra, he is attired in marvelous garments ,
he is beloved and worshiped by the whole world, he
has powerful arms, he flourish the nature with his
brilliant rays and causes variation too, he represents
virtues, he eradicates the darkness, he is prominent
who continues to exist in all Yugas and he is the causes
for the change in Yugas too, he is immeasurable, he is
immersed in Yoga, he is Eshwara who is untainted by
ego, he is the provider of auspiciousness to his
worshiper, he symbolizes auspiciousness and flourish
the life of pious who are engaged in the righteous
deeds, he is absolute truth, he is compassionate and he
is deserved to be worshiped, he augment the
happiness of his worshiper, his luminous rays are fresh
that represent youthfulness, he is Hari who is youthful
and powerful, closest associate to his worshiper, he is
sinless, he is immersed in delightful Nidra, he is born to
lotus born Lord Bhrama, he is the Lord of Ganas, he
represents Samvathsara/perennial/year, he is the
commander and cause of Ruthu/seasons and
Kalachakra/Time/cause of movement of wheel of Time
as well.

Mareechimali Sumathi: Krithadthithyo Visheshatha: |

Shishtachara: Shubhakara: Svacchara Charathathpara:
Mandharo Matharo Renu: Kshobhana: Pakshinamguru:
| Svavishshto Vishishtathma Vidheyo Gnanashobhana:
Mahashwethapriyo Geya: Samago Modhadhayaka: |
Sarva Veda Prageethathma Sarva Vedo Gayalaya: ||
Vedamoorthi: Chathurvedo Vedabhrud Vedaparaga: |
Kriyavan Athirochishnu: Vareeyamshcha Varapradha:
Vrathadhari Vrathadharo Lokabandhur Alankritha: |
Alankaraksharo Dhivya Vidhyavana Vidhithashaya: ||
Akaro Bhooshano Bhooshyo Bhooshnur Bhavana
Poojitha: | Chakrapani: Vajradhara: Suvesho
Lokavathsala: ||
Ragnipathir Mahabhahu: Prakrithi: Vikrithi: Guna: |
Andhakarapaha: Shreshto Yugavarththo Yugadhikrith||
Aprameya: Sadhayogi Nirahankara: Eshwara: |
Shubhapradha: Sbhubha Shobha Subhakarma
Shubhaspadha: ||
Sathyavan Dhruthiman Archyo Hyakaro
Vriddhidhonala: | Balabhrudh Balago Bandhur Balavan
Harinamvara: ||
Anangonagaranindhra: Padhmayoni: Ganeshwara: |
Samvathsara: Rithurnetha Kalachakra Pravarthaka: ||

I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Surya who is

imperishable, he is born to Bhrama who is lotus born,
he is the source of supreme brilliance, he is divine, he
symbolizes supreme knowledge and benevolence, he is
Soma and Govinda, he is Jagadhadhija who is primeval,
he has the complexion of precious yellow metal and
dark as well, he is attired in sky as marvelous garment,
he is Hari who is beyond senses, he dwells as Prana in
living beings, he has various distinguished forms, he is
Skandha, he is Para/imperceptible, he is
Puranjaya/unconquerable, he is powerful and valorous,
he is Bhasvan who is luminous, he is the provider of
Moksha to his worshiper, he has no birth, he is
omniscient, he is Adithya who destroys night mares
and inauspiciousness in the life of worshiper, he is the
cause for auspiciousness in the life of worshiper, he
instantly eradicates the sinful acts and wickedness in
the worshiper, he symbolizes precise syllables,
Mahamanthra/sacred chants/Om, he is
Vishakha/manifestation of Skandha, he is fond of
performance of fire sacrifices, he represents
Vishwakarma, he is Mahashakthi/supreme force in the
form of brilliance/Jyothi, he is Vihanga who has the
luster of molten yellow metal, he is splendid, he is
illustrious like Indra, he destroys impediments, he is
merciful, he is the father of Ashwinikumaras, he
symbolizes Veda, he has profound knowledge in Veda,
he is omniscient, he is Prabhakara, Jitharipu, he is
Aruna who has lustrous rays and he is benevolent, he is
Sarathi, he represents Kubera, Skandha,
Mahitha/highly venerated, he is the King of planets, he
is the Lord of Planets, he dwells in the galaxies in the
assembly of stars and planets, he is Bhaskara who
symbolizes eternal bliss, he represents virility, he
crushed the pride of Mangal/Mars, he is the provider
of all kinds of auspiciousness to his worshiper, he is
charismatic and pure, he is the provider of
auspiciousness and he can repel the same too, he
represents auspicious deeds and disciplines, he withers
at the time of eclipse, he represents religious vow and
practice, he is strict follower of austerities, he is
Chathurmukha/four faced, he is decked in lotus flower
garlands, he dwells as soul in living beings, he is
unblemished and dispassionate, he is absolute truth,
he is untainted by Gunas such as Sathvik, Rajas and
Thamas, he is the store house of virtues, he is flawless,
he is Pundareekaksha who has the eyes resembles to
petals of lotus flower, he is easily attainable, he is
immersed in Yogic practices.

Padmekshara: Padmayoni: Prabhavonasaradhyuthi: |

Sumoorthi: Sumathi Somo Govindo Jagadhadhija: ||
Peethavasa: Krishnavasa Dikvasa Atheendhriyo Hari: |
Atheendhro Anekaroopathma Skandha:
Parapuranjaya: ||
Shakthiman Sooradhrug Bhasavan Mokshahethur
Ayonija: | Sarvadharshodhitho Dharsho Du:swapna
Ashubhanashana: ||
Mangalyakartha Karani: Vegavan Kashmalapaha: |
Spashtaksharo Mahamanthro Vishakho Yajanapriya: ||
Vishwakarma Mahashakthi: Jyothi: Thireesha
Vihangama: | Vichakshano Dhaksha Indhra:
Prathyooha: Priyadharshana: ||
Ashvino Vedanilayo Vedavith Vidhithashaya: |
Prabhakaro Jitharipu: Sujanoruna Sarathi: ||
Kuberasuratha: Skandho Mahitho Bhihitho Guhu: |
Graharajo Grahapathi: Grahanakshathra Mandana: ||
Bhaskara: Sathanandho Nandhano Nandhivardhana: |
Mangalopyatha Mangalavan Mangalyo Mangalapaha:
Mangalachara Charitha: Sheerna: Sarvavartho Vrathi |
Chathurmukha: Padmamali Bhoothathma
Pranatharthiha ||
Akinchana: Sathyasandho Nirguno Gunavan Guni |
Sampoorna: Pundareekasho Vidheyo Yoga Thathpara:

I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Surya who has

innumerable brilliant rays, he is the Lord of seasons,
he is omnipresent, he symbolizes intellect, wisdom ,
clarity and credibility in speech, he represents
auspiciousness, he is decked in flower garlands, he has
supreme effulgence, he is beloved to Hari, he
represent Bhrama, he is Prachetha/attentive, resolute
and imperishable, he is Prabhu/mighty who represents
Anala/fire and wind, he is vigorous and valorous, he is
supreme Lord, he is opulent, he is Purusha and flawless
among the Purushas/Purushoththama, he is the Lord
of Vidhyadharas, he symbolizes supreme wisdom and
fortune, he is divine personified with matchless virtues,
he is Sriman/symbolizes wealth, he is embodied as
Universe, he represents fortune and auspiciousness, he
symbolizes prosperity, he is compassionate, his
lustrous rays are capable to provide liberation from
repeated births, he is dispassionate and passionate as
well, he has bright appearance, he is benevolent, he
has subtle form, he has serene disposition, he ensures
prosperity and places capable for habitation, he is
Bhoothara who embodied as Earth and Lord of Earth,
he is sinless and he has three eyes, he embodied as
Mahavaraha/wild boar, he is purifier of souls, he works
for the welfare of the Universe and its living beings, he
is evident as the deluge at the end of Yuga which
causes intense fear, he represents Chathurveda/Rig,
Yajur, Sama and Atharva, he is wide awake, he is
eternal, he has various forms, he is Chakravarthi/who
keep moving without any obstruction, he is
compassionate, he is Maheshwara, he is mounted on a
magnificent chariot, he is Yekaki, he is mounted on
marvelous chariot driven by seven horses, he is
Parathpara/supreme Lord, he is primeval, he is settled
in orbit and traverses huge distances, he is immaculate,
he is Pushkara, he has excellent ray of light, he is
beloved of Vasava/Indra and Vasus, he is Vasuman and
Lord of Vasus, he symbolizes Lord of fire, he is
Vasupradha/he is the provider of brilliant ray of light,
he is powerful, he symbolizes supreme wisdom and
knowledge and sacred hymns, he represent as prime
deity of solemn vow during the performance of any
ritual observances, he is the Lord of impoverished and
he protects the distressed people, he is the cause for

Sahasramshu: Ruthupathi: Sarvasvam Sumathi: Suvak |

Shubhamano Malyadhama Ghruthaharo Haripriya: ||
Bhrama Prachetha Prathitha: Pratheethathma
Sthirathmaka: | Shathabindhu: Shathamakho Gareeyan
Analaprabhu: ||
Dheero Mahaththaro Dhanya: Purusha:
Purushoththama: | Vidhyadharadhi Rajohi Vidhyavan
Bhoothidhasthitha: ||
Anirdheshyavapu: Sreeman Vishvathma Bahumangala:
| Susthitha: Suratha: Svarno Mokshadhara Nikethana:
Nirdhvandho Dhvandhvaha Sarga: Sarvaga:
Samprakashaya: | Dhayalu: Sookshmari: Shanthi:
Kshemakshema Sthithipriya: ||
Bhootharo Bhoopathir Vaktha Pavithrathma
Thrilochana: | Mahavaraha: Priyakrith Dhatha Bhoktha
Bhayapradha: ||
Chathur Vedhadharo Nithyo Vinidhro Vividhashana: |
Chakravarthi Dhruthikara: Sampoornotha
Maheshwara: ||
Vichithraratha Yekaki Sapthasapthi: Parathpara: |
Sarvodhadhi Sthithikara: Sthithistheya: Sthithipriya: ||
Nishkala: Pushkaranibho Vasuman Vasavapriya: |
Vasuman Vasavasvami Vasuratha Vasupradha: ||
Balavan Gnana Vamsthaththvam Omkarasthru
Shusamsthitha: | Sankalpayoni: Dhinakrith Bhagavan
Karanavaha: ||

I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Surya who

represents one of the nine divine treasures of Lord
Kubera/ Neelakantha, he is Lord of Wealth, he
symbolizes Chathurveda, he speaks pleasingly, he is
Vashatkara who represents fire sacrifice and oblation,
he is the performer of fire sacrifices, he consecrates
the sacrificial fire with offerings by reciting ‘Svaha’, he
is Janardhana who is the cause of happiness, he is
Narayana reclines in the milky ocean who is personified
as Nara/in the form of human, his lustrous body like
molten metal undergoes eclipse, he represents Vayu,
he is worshiped by Sura and Asura, he represents
ornament in the galaxy, he is pure, he is untainted
spot, he is impeccable/pristine light, he is illustrious, he
spreads intense luster, his intense luster penetrates
through the whole of Universe, he is omniscient, he is
the provider of abundance of boons upon veneration,
he symbolizes righteousness, he causes delusion, he is
Vishnubhratha/brother of Lord Vishnu, he is eternal, he
is too compassionate like Savithri/mother, he is the
ruler of the living beings and Universe, he is most
celebrated deity, he is Virat/brilliant who has a peculiar
mark on his neck, he is Saptharcchi/fire, his marvelous
chariot is driven by seven horses, he is worshiped in
Sapthaloka/ 7 realms of the Universe, he is Jagannatha
who symbolizes wealth and prosperity, he is charming
with supreme brilliance, he dwells as Athman/soul in
all the living beings, he is approachable, he is the cause
of the Universe and its living beings, he is beloved to
Sapthami/lunar day of fortnight, he symbolizes
prosperity, he is Madhava who is unblemished, he
symbolizes wisdom and knowledge, he is
Madhusoodhana who is the slayer of demon Madhu,
he is Angira/descended from the clan of Angira, he is
Dhoomakethu/fire ball who keeps moving on the orbit
as an object of life source, he is delightful and provider
of happiness to the living beings, he is an supreme
ascetic who provides welfare with his intense luster, he
causes affliction to the wicked people with his intense
heat, he is the Lord of people of good conduct, his
brilliance is impossible to perceive, he is amiable
towards the virtuous, he has pleasing disposition, his
grand chariot penetrates through the clouds, he is the
Lord of Universe and its living beings, he is
Jagathpitha/father of the Universe who is pleasing, he
is Sharva who causes affliction, he remains highly
confidential in the middle of the clouds, he is
omnipresent, he is the cause for the happiness of the
Universe, he is leader of the Universe and destroyer of
enemies of Sura, he symbolizes trust, he is the provider
of auspiciousness and wealth, he is deserved to be
worship as supreme deity, he is flawless, therefore he
is the principal deity.

Neelakantho Dhanadhyaksha: Chathurveda

Priyamvadha: | Vashtakaro Hutham Hotha Svahakaro
Hutha Huthi: ||
Janardhano Jananandho Naro Narayanombudha: |
Svarnanga Kshapano Vayu: Surasura Namaskritha: ||
Vigraho Vimalo Bandhu: Vishoko Vimaladhyuthi: |
Dhyothitho Dhyothano Vidhvan Vividhvan Varadho
Bali: ||
Dharmayonir Mahamoho Vishnubhratha Sanathana: |
Savithri Bhavitho Raja Vishrutho Vighrini Virat ||
Saptharcchi: Sapthathuraga: Sapthaloka Namaskritha: |
Sampannotha Jagannatha: Sumana: Shobhanapriya: ||
Sarvathma Sarvakrith Shrushti: Sapthiman
Sapthamipriya: | Sumedha Madhavo Medhyo
Medhavi Madhusoodhana: ||
Angira Gathikalagyo Dhoomakethu Sukethana: | Sukhi
Sukhapradha: Soukhyam Kami Kanthipriyo Muni: ||
Santhapana: Santhapana Athapi Thapasampathi: |
Ugrashrava Sahasrosa: Priyankaro Priyankara: ||
Preetho Vimanyurambodho Jeevano Jagathampathi: |
Jagathpitha Preethamana: Sarva: Sharvo Guhavala: ||
Sarvago Jagadhanandho Jagannetha Surariha| Shreya:
Shreyaskaro Jyayanuththamoththama Uththama: ||

I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Surya, he

circumnavigate supreme Mount Meru along with stars
and planets, he preserves mount Mahameru which is
the abode of Lord Bhrama and deities, he is
Dharanidhara, he is embodied as Universe, he is the
King of righteousness, he ensures the existence of
righteousness and wickedness as well, he is
Rathadhyaksha/supreme Lord mounted on grand
chariot, he is Rathapathi who is mounted on a
marvelous chariot, he is stable and he represents
Anala/fire/wind, he is predominant, he is Thapi/source
of heat, he is the Lord of Stars, he is praised by the
virtuous people, he symbolizes devout act, he is the
provider of pieties to the people who are surrendered
to him, he is Svarbhanu/Krishna, he is Vihaga, he is
superior deity, he is excellent, he performs of one of
the major tasks in the functioning of Universe, he
eradicates all kinds of illnesses, he is the provider of
well-being, he is valorous and unconquerable, he is
Yekanatha, he is mounted on marvelous chariot driven
by seven horses, he is the father of Shanaishchara, he
is Vaivasvatha who is strict follower of righteousness
and undertakes great vow, he is decked in various fresh
alluring flower garlands, he is Anala who keeps moving
and spreads intense luster in all directions, he
represents virility and he provides virtuous offspring to
worshiper, he symbolizes sacred hymns and he is
powerful, he is most excellent and he is beloved to
Shambhu, he is Eshvareshwara who is Lord of the pious
and virtuous people, he creates numerous variations in
the way of life and eradicates souls from the shackle of
repeated births, he guide us safely cross the ocean of
Samsara, he represents Agni who has seven tongue, he
has thousands of brilliant rays, he is Rathnagarbha who
is unconquerable, he is magnanimous, he symbolizes
righteousness and he is the provider of righteousness
to his worshiper, he is Lokasakshi who is watchful, he is
Lokaguru/preceptor of the Universe, he is the Lord of
Universe, he carries moon as celestial vehicle, he
symbolizes righteousness, he represents subtle form of
air, he carries divine bow in his hands and he is expert
in the usage of bow, he carries Pinaka and bow, he is
highly enthusiastic, he is untainted by illusion, he
becomes unappeasable at the end of Kalpa, he is
excellent, powerful and supreme deity, he is wielded in
various powerful weapons, he represents supreme
wisdom and knowledge, he is Lohithanga who has
attractive limbs that has the luster of precious yellow
metal, he is not attainable for the depraved, he is the
destroyer of enemies.

Uththamoththa Mahamerur Dharano Dharanidhara: |

Dharadharo Dharmarajo Dharmadharma Pravarthaka:
Rathadhyaksho Rathapathi Sthavaramanomithanala: |
Uttharonuththara Sthapi Tharapathirampathi: ||
Punyasankeerthana: Punyohethur Lokathrayashraya: |
Svarbhanu: Vihagarishto Vishishtothkrishta
Karmakritha: ||
Vyadipranashana: Kshema: Shoora: Sarvajithambara: |
Yekanatho Rathadheesha: Shanaischara Pithasitha: ||
Vaivasvatha Gururmrithyu: Dharmanithyo Mahavratha:
| Pralambhahara: Sanchari Pradhyotho
Dhyothithoanala: ||
Santhanakrith Paromanthro Manthramoorthi:
Mahabala: | Shreshtathma Supriya: Shambhur
Mahatham Eshwareshwara: ||
Samsaragathi Vicchetha Samsararnnava Tharaka: |
Sapthajihva: Sahasrarchi Rathnagarbho Parajitha: ||
Dharmakethur Ameyathma Dharmadharma
Varapradha: | Lokasakshi Lokaguru:
Lokeshacchandhavahana: ||
Dharmaroopa: Sookshmavayu: Dhanushpani:
Dhanurdhara: | Pinakadhrun Mahothsaho Naikamayo
Mahashana: ||
Vara: Shakthimatham Shreshta: Sarva
Shasthrabhrithamvara: | Gnanagamyo Dhuraradhyo
Lohithango Arimardhana: ||

I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Surya who is

eternal, he is the provider of virtues to his worshiper,
he is always immersed in the righteous deeds, he is
Thrivikrama, he is Neelalohitha who is blue
complexioned dwells in the middle of three sacred
syllables, he is Savitha and
Samithinjjaya/unconquerable as well, he is profound
in the knowledge of Veda, he is wielded in divine bow
Sharnga, he has colossal form, he destroys enemies
with vicious weapons, he works for the welfare of the
Universe and its living beings, he is supreme Lord who
spread intense luster in the whole Universe, he is the
guardian of sky, he is Dhivaspathi, he is eloquent, he
represents Vasuki, he symbolizes greatest physician, he
is descendent of Athri, he is valorous, he is
Dvadhashathma, he spreads happiness in the life of
living beings, he follows strict austerities of
Bhramacharya and disciplines, he is lustrous, he is
decked in marvelous crown, he is Amshuman who
carries lotus flower in his hand, he has pleasing
disposition, he is decked in lotus flower garland, he has
divine glow in the evening hours, he is charismatic and
incomparable, he is mighty warrior/Maharatha, he is
mounted on grand chariot, he is supreme Lord who is
beyond Thrigunas, he is untainted by Sathva, Rajas and
Thamasic qualities, he destroys the miseries instantly,
he passes final verdict after taking into consideration of
the matter thoroughly, he symbolizes harmlessness
and supreme intellect, he is matchless, he undergoes
eclipse, he is the provider of wealth, Moksha and
abundance of pieties to the worshiper, he is the Lord of
planets who eradicates all the evil effects caused by
the movement of planets, he is charming, he is
unblemished, he is very attractive, he represents one
of the seven tongues of fire, he is splendid, he spreads
intense luster, he is good commander, he is beloved of
musical notes, he symbolizes terminology, he removes
the evil effects caused by the planets, he is composed,
he destroys the enemies of deities, he provides
abundance of pieties to his worshiper, he has four
hands, he is supreme ascetic, he is the Lord of Yogis.

Anantho Dharmadho Nithyo Dharmakricchthrivikrama:

| Dhaivathrasthryaksharo Madhyo Neelango
Neelalohitha: ||
Yekonekasthrayi Vyasa: Savitha Samithinjjaya: |
Sharnga Dhanvanalo Bheema: Sarva Praharanayudha:
Parameshti Paramjyothirnakapali Dhivaspathi: |
Vadhanyo Vasukir Vaidhya Athreyotiparakrama: ||
Dvapara: Paramodhara: Parama Bhramacharyavan |
Uddheepthavesho Mukuti Padmahastho Himanshu
Bhrith ||
Smitha: Prasannavadhana: Padmodhara Nibhanana: |
Sayamdhiva Dhivya Vapurnidheshyo Maharatha : ||
Maharatho Mahaneesha: Shesha: Saththva
Rajasaththama: | Dhrithathpara: Pramitho Vimarshi
Nirnayasthitha: ||
Ahimsaka: Shuddhamathi: Advitheeyo Vimardhana: |
Sarvadho Dhanadho Mokshovihari Bahudhayaka: ||
Grahanatho Grahapathir Grahesha Sthimirapaha: |
Manoharavapu: Shubhra: Shobhana: Suprabhanana: ||
Suprabha: Suprabhakara: Sunethro Nikshubhapathi: |
Raginipriya: Shabdhakaro Grahesha Sthimirapaha: ||
Saimhikeya Ripurdevo Varadho Varanayaka: |
Chathurbhujo Mahayogi Yogeeshwarapathi Sthatha ||

I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Surya who has

innumerable forms, he has supreme luster of precious
gem, he illuminates the whole Universe with his
brilliance, he dwells in the expanded zone of
Suryamandal, he is mounted on the marvelous chariot
with one wheel, he is majestically seated on the golden
chariot, he has the luster of precious yellow metal, he
does not requires any support, he enthusiastically
explores through the sky, he is the authority of
righteousness and Karma of living beings, he witness
the righteous deeds of pious people, he is Prathyaksha
Parameshwara who is personified as Lord of the
Universe, he venerates Mount Meru, his brilliant rays
are beneficial for the well being of living beings, he
protects Mount Meru, he is the source of happiness,
wealth and grains, he destroys miseries and sorrows of
the worshiper, he fulfils all the desires of the
worshiper, he causes deluge at the end of Yuga, he
provides abundance of wealth and Kingdom,
exquisiteness, and virtues, he is the knower of Past,
Present and Future, he is eternal, he is worshiped by
Rishis and sages, he shines with brilliant colors in the
evening hours of dusk, he symbolizes Siddhi, he is
worshiped by Devi Sandhya, he is pleased to offer
empire to his worshiper, he takes immense pleasure in
means of propitiation, he destroys the sorrows of his
ardent devotees, he safely guide us to cross the ocean
of Samsara, he is supreme Lord who eradicates all
kinds of fears in his worshiper, he is not perceivable
through senses, he has possessed immense valor, he is
the Lord of Manu and Lord of Manvanthara.
Anandhiroopodhithijo Rathnakanthi: Prabhamaya: |
Jagathpreetho Vistheerno Mahavistheerna Mandala:
Yekachakra Ratha: Svarnaratha: Svarna Shareeradhrik |
Niralambha Gaganaro Dharma Karma Prabhavakrith ||
Dharmathma Karmanam Sakshi Prathyaksha:
Parameshwara: | Merusevi Sumedhavi
Merurakshakaro Mahan ||
Adharabhooko Rathimansthatha Cha Dhana
Dhanyakrith | Papa Santhapa Samhartha
Manovancchitha Dhayaka: ||
Lokahartha Rajyadhayi Ramaneeya Gunonruni |
Kalathraya Anantharoopo Munivrindha Namaskritha:
Sandhya Ragakara: Siddha: Sandhyavandhana
Vandhitha: | Samrajyadhana Niratha:
Samaradhanathoshavan ||
Bhaktha Dhu :kka Kshayakaro Bhavasagaratharaka: |
Bhayapahartha Bhagavan Aprameya Parakrama: ||
Manusvami Manupathi: Manyo Manvantharadhipa: ||
|| Ithi Sri Bhavishyapurane Sri Surya Sahasranama
Sthothram Sampoornam ||

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