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Development of a Single Phase Nitrate Feeding

Strategy for Enhanced Lipid Productivity from

Green Microalgae for Biodiesel Production
Sashi Sonkar and Nirupama Mallick
Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721302, India;
nm@agfe.iitkgp.ernet.in (for correspondence)
Published online 19 August 2016 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI 10.1002/ep.12443

Biomass productivity and cellular lipid content are two Microalgae have the ability to modify their metabolism
major components that influence the ultimate lipid produc- under specific growth conditions to increase their lipid pool.
tivity from algal biomass. In this report, a nitrate feeding For example, crude lipid content in Choricystis minor, under
strategy was developed taking three green microalgae, Scene- nitrogen and phosphorus deficiencies, was raised up to 60% of
desmus obliquus, Chlorella vulgaris, and C. minutissima, to the dry cell weight (dcw) as compared to 27% in control [3]. In
achieve higher lipid productivity under single phase cultiva- Chlorococcum infusionum lipid content of 35% (against 15%
tion. Four different strategies, i.e. nitrate-sufficient, nitrate- control) was recorded, when grown in nitrogen-limited condi-
deficient, biphasic nitrate-deficient and low-dose sequential tion [4]. In Botryococcus sp. under high light intensity, nitrogen
nitrate feeding, were examined. The biphasic nitrate- deficiency and high level of iron, lipid content of 35.9% (dcw)
deficient approach depicted the maximum lipid productivity. was recorded [5]. In Nannochloropsis sp. F & M-M24 lipid con-
To bring this biphasic approach to a single phase, sequential tent of 60% (dcw) was recorded under nitrogen deficiency [6].
limited nitrate feeding strategy was examined. This showed Nitrogen limitation/starvation also found to enhance the lipid
nitrate supplementation with a 1/100th dose of standard N content in Chlorella sp. BUM11008, Nannochloropsis oculata,
11 medium at an interval of 3 days resulted in a significant Neochloris oleabundans, Scenedesmus obliquus, and Chlorella
rise in lipid productivity. The biodiesel samples also demon- vulgaris [7–11].
strated the predominance of saturated and monounsaturated As discussed above, nitrogen-limited/starved cultivation
fatty acid methyl esters. This study, therefore, suggests that enhanced the lipid accumulation in algal cells profoundly.
with appropriate standardization, the usual biphasic However, the biomass concentration under such conditions
approach can be brought down to a single phase, thereby was significantly low for the practical production of biodiesel
reducing the overall cost of microalgal biomass production from the cell mass. Therefore, there is a need to study and
for biodiesel purpose. Moreover, this strategy is user-friendly, evaluate various nitrogen feeding strategies for achieving not
and would reduce the nitrate requirements for large-scale only higher cellular lipid accumulation but also elevated lipid
cultivation, thus, would result in cost-effective and eco- productivity from algal biomass. The aim of this study was
friendly biodiesel production from microalgae. V C 2016 Ameri- thus set to compare the effects of four different nitrate feed-
can Institute of Chemical Engineers Environ Prog, 36: 222– ing strategies on biomass concentration, corresponding cellu-
231, 2017 lar lipid concentration, and variations in fatty acid profiles of
Keywords: algal biomass, cost-effectiveness, fatty acid three green microalgal species, i.e., Scenedesmus obliquus,
methyl esters, nitrate-deficient, biphasic cultivation, low-dose Chlorella vulgaris, and C. minutissima for the development
nitrate feeding of a suitable nitrate feeding strategy to obtain maximum lip-
ids from green algal biomass.
Biodiesel, composed of fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs), MATERIALS AND METHODS
obtained from vegetable oils or animal fats by transesterifica-
tion process, is considered as a renewable source of energy. Test Organisms and Culture Conditions
It is an eco-friendly and CO2 neutral energy source obtained Three green microalgae, namely, Scenedesmus obliquus
from biological origin. In comparison to the usual oil crops, (isolated indigenously from river Subarnarekha, West Midna-
microalgae are considered as valuable feedstocks for produc- pore, West Bengal, India), Chlorella vulgaris (an isolate of river
ing biodiesel due to their rapid growth rate and higher lipid Ganges, courtesy: Prof. L. C. Rai, Banaras Hindu University,
accumulation potential [1,2]. Varanasi, India), and Chlorella minutissima (isolated indige-
nously from river Kangsavati, West Midnapore, West Bengal,
This article was published online on 19 August 2016. An error was
India) were used in this study. Plankton net (Ricco sampler,
subsequently identified. This notice is included in the online and Tokyo, Japan) was used to collect the planktonic samples. The
print versions to indicate that both have been corrected 29 August samples were made unialgal following the standard serial dilu-
2016. tion technique and streaking. The test microalgae were identi-
VC 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers fied by the Cryptogamic Unit, Botanical Survey of India Head

222 January 2017 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.36, No.1) DOI 10.1002/ep
Quarters (BSI), Howrah, West Bengal, India. Batch cultures [15]. The pellets obtained after centrifugation of 100 mL of
were made under the sterile condition in 100 mL of N 11 medi- culture was dried in hot air oven. The dried algal biomass
um [12] contained in 250 mL Erlenmeyer flasks without aera- was taken in a glass vial, 2 mL of methanol and 1 mL of
tion or CO2 sparging. The N 11 medium constituents were: chloroform were added, and kept for 1 day at room temper-
KNO3, 1.0 g L21; Na2HPO42H2O, 0.083 g L21; KH2PO4, 0.052 ature. The mixture was agitated in a vortex from time to
g L21; MgSO47H2O, 0.05 g L21; CaCl22H2O, 0.01 g L21, and time. After 24 h, 1 mL of chloroform was added again to the
Fe-EDTA stock (10 g chelate per liter), and 1 mL of trace metal mixture and shaken vigorously for 1 min. About 1.8 mL of
mixture contained: MnCl24H2O, 0.099 g L21; NiSO47H2O, distilled water was added to the mixture and agitated in the
0.0236 g L21; ZnSO47H2O, 0.063 g L21; CuSO45H2O, 0.005 vortex again for 2 min. The layers were separated by centri-
g L21; CoSO47H2O, 0.0028 g L21; NH4VO3, 0.0029 g L21; and fugation for 10 min at 2000 rpm. The lower organic layer
(NH4)6Mo7O244H2O, 0.0018 g L21. Light at an intensity of 75 containing the lipids was filtered through Whatman No. 1 fil-
mmol photon m22 s21 PAR was supplied for a photoperiod of ter paper into a pre-weighed vial (W1). Evaporation was car-
14 h. At the beginning of each experiment, the pH value of the ried out in a hot water bath and the residue was further
culture medium was adjusted at 6.8 6 0.05 by 0.1 M HCl or dried at 1048C for 30 min in an oven. The weight of the vial
0.1 M NaOH solutions and temperature was maintained at was recorded again (W2). Lipid concentration, content and
258C 6 28C. Thus, the initial pH of the medium was found to productivity were calculated as follows:
be 6.8 6 0.05, whereas the pH value of the cultures during har-
vesting was raised up to 8.9 6 0.23. Shaking of the culture Lipid concentration (g L21) 5 (W2 – W1) 3 10
flasks was done three to four times a day by hand to prevent Lipid content (% dry cell weight) 5 Lipid concentration/
sticking of the cultures to the bottom of the flasks. These were Biomass concentration 3 100
the usual static cultures and were also referred as controls. The Lipid productivity (mg L21 day21) 5 Lipid concentration
final volume of harvest from each flask was 100 mL.
(mg L 2 1)/Incubation period (days)
Nitrate Feeding Strategies
Analysis of Acid Value of the Extracted Lipids
Four different strategies were considered for this study:
The acid value of the extracted lipids was analysed by the
Strategy 1 involved a single phase incubation of the three
titration method of European standard EN14104 [16]. About
test microalgae in nitrate-sufficient medium (as per N 11
0.1 g of lipid was taken into a conical flask and 50 mL of sol-
medium), and evaluation of biomass and lipid concentrations
vent mixture (1:1 diethyl ether and 95% ethanol) was added
at 3 days intervals. The second strategy included a single
phase strategy to cultivate the test microalgae in nitrate- to it. A few drops of phenolphthalein indicator (1% (w/v) in
deprived medium and evaluate the biomass as well as lipid millipore water) were also added. Titration was done with
concentrations. 0.1 N KOH solutions till the development of pink color. The
Strategy 3 was a two-phase strategy or biphasic approach: acid value was expressed as mg KOH g21 of lipid.
at first, the microalgae were grown in the nitrate-sufficient
medium as to reach the maximum biomass concentration fol- Acid Value 5 (56.1 3 N 3 V)/W
lowed by a lipid accumulation phase, i.e. transforming to
nitrate-deficient medium for a stipulated time and evaluation Where N, V, and W denote the normality of KOH (0.1 N),
of biomass and lipid concentrations. titrate (mL), and weight of lipids (g), respectively.
The fourth strategy involved a sequential low-dose nitrate
feeding approach, i.e. incubation of the three microalgae in Transesterification and Analysis of Fatty
low concentrations of nitrate-supplemented medium (1/100th, Acid Methyl Esters (FAMEs)
1/50th, and 1/10th concentrations of N 11 medium) with sub- Considering the high acid values (>45 mg KOH g21) of
sequent nitrate feeding at an interval of 3 days. Biomass and the test microalgal lipids, acid-catalysed transesterification of
lipid concentrations were analysed at regular intervals. microalgal lipids was carried out using a molar ratio of oil:
methanol: HCl:: 1: 82: 4 at a reaction temperature of 658C
Dry Weight Estimation and reaction time of 6.4 h, as optimized in our laboratory
Dry cell weight (dcw) was estimated as per the protocol of [17]. The top organic phase, which contained FAMEs was
Rai et al. [13]. A noted quantity of microalgal culture was cen- pipetted out and was taken for GC-MS analysis using Clarus
trifuged for 10 min at 5000 rpm, after which the harvested bio- 680 GC (Perkin-Elmer, Shelton, CT) equipped with an Elite-1
mass was dried at 608C till a constant weight was reached. The methylpolysiloxane capillary column (30 m 3 0.25 mm 3
biomass concentration was expressed as g L21. 0.25 lm) and MS (Clarus 600 T MS) equipped with a photo-
multiplied tube detector which has a phosphor screen. The
Nitrate Analysis pressure of the carrier gas (He) was 90 Psi at the initial oven
The uptake of nitrate was determined by the brucine sul- temperature with the flow rate 20 mL min21. The samples
furic acid method [14]. A 5 mL of the culture was taken and were injected in the split mode (50:1). The final temperature
centrifuged for 10 min at 5000 rpm. After centrifugation, of the injector was 2508C; the oven temperature was 508C,
2 mL of brucine reagent (4% (w/v) in chloroform) was added rose to 2508C at a rate of 108C min21 (total run time 22 min).
to the supernatant and kept in the ice bath. To this, 5 mL of The mass spectrometer was operated in electron impact (EI)
concentrated H2SO4 was added slowly drop by drop and mode at 70 eV with the scan range of 50–650 m/z. The injec-
placed in a water bath at 908C for 10 min until the chloro- tion sample volume was 0.2 lL. Different FAMEs were identi-
form evaporated. The resultant yellow colour was measured fied by comparing their mass fragmentation with NIST mass
spectrophotometrically at 410 nm. Nitrate present in the sam- spectral reference library [17].
ple was calculated using the standard curve prepared from
KNO3 and expressed as mg L21. Statistical Analysis
MSTAT-C software (Plant and Soil Sciences Division, Mich-
Extraction and Estimation of Lipid Concentration igan State University, USA) was used for statistical analysis of
and Productivity the results by Duncan’s new multiple range test (DMRT). To
Lipid extraction was carried out according to the standard check the reproducibility, all experiments were done in trip-
protocol of Bligh and Dyer using chloroform and methanol licate and repeated thrice.

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.36, No.1) DOI 10.1002/ep January 2017 223
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION earlier reports as prearranged in the introduction section.
Further, in S. obliquus, under N-deficiency, cellular lipid con-
Impact of Single Phase Cultivation in Nitrate-sufficient tent reached up to 32–40% (dcw) against 10% control [18].
and Nitrate-deprived Media on Biomass and Lipid Similarly, C. vulgaris showed a lipid content of 35.6% as
Concentrations compared to 12.29% control [19]. C. minutissima MACC 360,
Figure 1A shows the time-course studies on the three test under nitrogen deficiency, also showed a lipid content of
microalgae under single phase cultivation in N 11 medium of 40–46%, whereas the control value was 11–12% [20]. The
the standard composition. One phase strategy in nutrient suffi- probable reason for such an observation may be that under
cient medium demonstrated a biomass concentration of 1.10 6 nitrogen deficiency/limitations, any carbon dioxide fixed is
0.02 g L21 for S. obliquus on day 21 of incubation. Maximum stored as lipids rather than protein due to reduction/inhibi-
lipid concentration was 0.12 6 0.01 g L21 (Figure 1B). For C. tion of protein synthesis [21]. Under nitrate limitation,
vulgaris, the biomass and lipid concentrations were 1.31 6 0.01 NADPH consumption was decreased due to unavailability of
and 0.18 6 0.02 g L21, respectively. Similarly, for C. minutis- nitrogen pool, which blocks the amino acid synthesis path-
sima, these values were 1.39 6 0.03 and 0.25 6 0.02 g L21 in ways, especially the reaction from a-ketoglutarate to gluta-
the above order (Figures 1A and 1B). The cellular lipid content mate, thus resulting into accumulation of excess NADPH in
was 11.1 6 0.3, 13.8 6 0.6 18.0 6 0.9 (% dcw), respectively for the cells [22,23]. Under such condition, acetyl-CoA could not
S. obliquus, C. vulgaris, and C. minutissima (Figure 1B). enter into the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle as high concen-
Single phase cultivation of S. obliquus, C. vulgaris, and C. tration of NADPH inhibit the enzyme citrate synthase, one of
minutissima in nitrate-deprived medium resulted into maxi- the key enzymes of TCA cycle, leading to an increase in the
mum biomass concentration of 0.19 6 0.02, 0.18 6 0.01, and pool of acetyl-CoA [24]. The latter might be converted into
0.20 6 0.02 g L21, respectively, for an incubation period of 7 malonyl-CoA, catalyzed by acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase),
days, after which the cultures showed a declining trend (data the central carbon donor for fatty acid synthesis [25]. The first
not shown). The lipid concentration was only 0.08 6 0.01 step in the fatty acid biosynthesis is the conversion of acetyl-
g L21 (41.5 6 0.9% dcw), 0.08 6 0.01 g L21 (44.8 6 0.8% dcw) CoA into malonyl-CoA by addition of CO2 in an ATP depen-
and 0.10 6 0.01 g L21 (50.9 6 1.5% dcw), respectively, in the dent reaction in the presence of acetyl-CoA carboxylase
above order (Figures 2A and 2B). It is clearly evident from (ACCase) [26]. The gene encoding the biotin containing sub-
Figure 2A that there was a profound rise in cellular lipid con- unit of ACCase, biotin carboxylase (BC), was extensively up-
tent in the three test microalgae under nitrogen deprivation. regulated in response to nitrogen limitation/starvation [27].
However, the overall lipid concentration was significantly To begin with the biosynthesis of fatty acids, malonly-CoA is
lower as compared to the values of nitrate sufficient cultiva- transferred by malonyl-CoA ACP transacylase (MAT) into
tion (Figure 1B). These results are consistent with several acyl-carrier protein (ACP). This step is followed by a number
of enzymes such as beta-ketoacyl-ACP synthase (KAS), beta-
ketoacyl-ACP reductase (KAR), beta-hydroxyacyl-ACP

Figure 1. (A) Growth behaviour and (B) lipid accumulation Figure 2. (A) Maximum lipid content and (B) lipid concen-
in S. obliquus, C. vulgaris and C. minutissima grown in tration under control, nitrate-deprived and biphasic cultiva-
nitrate-sufficient N 11 medium. tion of the three test microalgae.

224 January 2017 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.36, No.1) DOI 10.1002/ep
Table 1. Maximum lipid concentration and productivity recorded for S. obliquus, C. vulgaris, and C. minutissima under
sequential low-dose nitrate feeding condition.

Limited nitrate Incubation Lipid Lipid Lipid con-

feeding KNO3 period concentration productivity tent
Microalga (g L21) (days) (g L21) (mg L21 day21) (% dcw)
S. obliquus 0.1 27 0.25 6 0.01a 9.2 6 0.5a 22.2 6 0.1b
0.02 27 0.34 6 0.01b 12.8 6 0.5b 31.2 6 0.3d
0.01 30 0.39 6 0.02c 13.1 6 0.5b 34.5 6 0.2e
C. vulgaris 0.1 27 0.26 6 0.01a 9.6 6 0.5a 17.8 6 0.7a
0.02 30 0.36 6 0.02b 11.9 6 0.5b 26.3 6 0.2c
0.01 30 0.38 6 0.01c 12.7 6 0.4b 33.0 6 0.4b
C. minutissima 0.1 30 0.33 6 0.02b 11.1 6 0.5b 22.7 6 0.1b
0.02 30 0.38 6 0.01c 12.5 6 0.5b 30.0 6 0.1d
0.01 30 0.48 6 0.01d 16.0 6 0.4c 50.5 6 0.4f

Values are mean 6 SE, n 5 3. Values within a column superscripted by different alphabets (a–f) are significantly different from
each other (P < 0.05, DMRT). A separate analysis was done for each column. 0.1, 0.02, and 0.01 were respectively 1/10th, 1/
50th, and 1/100th doses with respect to N 11 medium (1.0 g L21 KNO3).

Table 2. Comparison of maximum biomass and lipid concentrations, and lipid productivity recorded for the three test microal-
gae under various strategies.

Incubation Biomass Lipid Lipid Lipid

period concentration concentration productivity content
Microalga Strategy Culture condition (days) (g L21) (g L21) (mg L21 day21) (% dcw)
S. obliquus 1 N 11 medium 21 1.10 6 0.02c 0.12 6 0.01a 5.8 6 0.7a 11.1 6 0.3a
2 Nitrate-starved 7 0.19 6 0.02a 0.08 6 0.01a 11.1 6 1.2c 41.5 6 0.9c
3 Biphasic nitrate-starved 21 1 7 0.83 6 0.01b 0.36 6 0.02d 13.0 6 0.6c 43.8 6 1.3c
4 Limited nitrate feeding 30 1.14 6 0.05c 0.39 6 0.02d 13.1 6 0.5c 34.5 6 0.2b
(0.01 g L21 of KNO3)
C. vulgaris 1 N 11 medium 21 1.31 6 0.01d 0.18 6 0.02b 8.7 6 0.8b 13.8 6 0.6a
2 Nitrate-starved 7 0.18 6 0.01a 0.08 6 0.01a 11.5 6 1.3c 44.8 6 0.8c
3 Biphasic nitrate-starved 21 1 7 1.07 6 0.04c 0.50 6 0.01e 17.7 6 0.5d 46.2 6 1.1c
4 Limited nitrate feeding 30 1.15 6 0.03c 0.38 6 0.01d 12.7 6 0.4c 33.0 6 0.4b
(0.01 g L21 of KNO3)
C. minutissima 1 N 11 medium 21 1.39 6 0.03d 0.25 6 0.02c 11.9 6 0.8c 18.0 6 0.9a
2 Nitrate-starved 7 0.20 6 0.02a 0.10 6 0.01a 14.5 6 1.6c 50.9 6 1.5d
3 Biphasic nitrate-starved 21 1 7 1.12 6 0.01c 0.59 6 0.01f 20.9 6 0.5e 51.9 6 1.7d
4 Limited nitrate feeding 30 0.95 6 0.05b 0.48 6 0.01e 16.0 6 0.4d 50.5 6 0.4d
(0.01 g L21 of KNO3)

Values are mean 6 SE, n 5 3. Values within a column superscripted by different alphabets (a–f) are significantly different from
each other (P < 0.05, DMRT). A separate analysis was done for each column. 0.01 g L21 was the 1/100th dose of N 11 medium
(1.0 g L21 KNO3).

dehydrase (HAD) and enoyl-ACP reductase (EAR), which cata- due to increasing in expression of FatA gene and the related
lyse the condensation, reduction, dehydration, and further acyl-ACP hydrolysis may help in increased transportation of fat-
reduction reactions, respectively. The expression of genes ty acids to the endoplasmic reticulum site from the chloroplast
responsible for encoding KAR was suppressed, whereas MAT, where triacylglycerol (TAG) assembly occurs [30,31]. Nitrogen
KAS, HAD and EAR were up-regulated in the absence of nitro- limitation has also been seen to activate the enzyme diacylgly-
gen in the cells. After 6-7 cycles, the number of C atoms cerol acyltransferase, which converts diacylglycerols to triglycer-
became 16 (C16:0-[ACP]) or 18 (C18:0-[ACP]); as a result, the ides [32]. Moreover, in the absence of nitrogen, pentose
synthesis of fatty acids hindered. The thioesterases oleoyl-ACP phosphate pathway encoding genes were up-regulated for sup-
hydrolase (OAH) and Acyl-ACP thioesterase A (FatA) generate plying reducing equivalents via NADPH for fatty acid biosynthe-
the end product of fatty acid synthesis (i.e. palmitic (C16:0) sis. The proportion of unsaturation in fatty acids was increased
and stearic (C18:0) acids) by removing the ACP residues [28]. due to the changed in the level of genes expression associated
Genes encode for OAH and FatA were over-expressed in the with the formation of double bonds [28].
absence of nitrogen in the cells. The over expression of OAH In the single phase nitrate-starved medium the biomass
encoding genes reduces the feedback inhibition that partly concentration was reduced severely in all the test microalgae.
controls the production rate of fatty acid biosynthesis which Therefore, although the cellular lipid content under such
results in the overproduction of fatty acids, as shown in Phaeo- condition was raised profoundly (Figure 2A), the overall lipid
dactylum tricornutum [29]. It has been further suggested that concentration was found to be significantly hampered

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.36, No.1) DOI 10.1002/ep January 2017 225
Figure 3. Comparative growth behaviour of (A) S. obliquus, (B) C. vulgaris, and (C) C. minutissima grown in complete N 11, and
limited nitrate-fed media. Variations in nitrate concentrations in the experimental sets with N 11 medium, and limited nitrate feed-
ing sets of 1/10th, 1/50th, and 1/100th doses for the three test microalgae {D) S. obliquus, (E) C. vulgaris, and (F) C. minutissima.
Nitrate concentrations: 1. N 11 medium (scale down by 100 times); 2. Limited nitrate feeding sets of 1/10th dose (scale down by 10
times); 3. 1/50th dose (scale down by 10 times); 4. 1/100th dose shows the actual values.

(Figure 2B) as compared to the values recorded for cultures sufficient medium for 21 days followed by cultivation in
grown in complete N 11 medium (Figure 1B). This confirms nitrogen-starved medium for 1 week, a reduction in the over-
the earlier notation that high lipid content and lipid yield are all biomass concentration was clearly evident in the second
reciprocally exclusive [33]. phase (data not shown). However, the corresponding lipid
concentration was increased profoundly, i.e., 0.36 6 0.02,
0.50 6 0.01, and 0.59 6 0.01 g L21, respectively for S. obli-
Impact of Biphasic Cultivation and Sequential Low- quus, C. vulgaris, and C. minutissima for an incubation peri-
dose Nitrate Feeding on Biomass and Lipid od of 28 (21 1 7) days (Figure 2B). Cellular lipid content also
Concentrations showed significantly higher values (Figure 2A). This is well
In the two-phase strategy (biphasic approach), which in agreement with the report of Josephine et al. [34], where a
consisted of incubation of the test microalgae in nitrate- significant enhancement in lipid content of Chlorella vulgaris

226 January 2017 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.36, No.1) DOI 10.1002/ep
Table 3. Relative % of fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) of S. obliquus biodiesel grown under various strategies.

Relative % of FAMEs
FAMEs Strategy 1 Strategy 2 Strategy 3 Strategy 4
Palmitic acid 43.3 6 1.1a 46.2 6 1.3b 45.9 6 0.9b 46.1 6 1.1b
Stearic acid Nil 3.5 6 0.3a 8.9 6 0.2c 5.1 6 0.8b
Oleic acid 35.0 6 1.2a 42.8 6 1.7c 40.3 6 2.2c 38.8 6 2.1b
Linoleic acid 11.2 6 0.9c 4.16 0.7a 3.2 6 0.4a 6.5 6 0.5b
Linolenic acid 10.5 6 0.8c 3.4 6 0.3b 1.7 6 0.2a 3.5 6 0.5b
% of SFA 1 MUFA 78.3 6 3.2a 92.5 6 3.3b 95.1 6 3.3b 90.0 6 4.0b

Values are mean 6 SE, n 5 3. Values within a row superscripted by different alphabets (a–c) are significantly different from
each other (P < 0.05, DMRT). A separate analysis was done for each row. MUFA—monounsaturated fatty acids, SFA—saturated
fatty acids. Peak area < 0.1% were considered to be negligible.

Table 4. Relative % of fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) of C. vulgaris biodiesel grown under various strategies.

Relative % of FAMEs
FAMEs Strategy 1 Strategy 2 Strategy 3 Strategy 4
Palmitic acid 43.4 6 1.4a 51.1 6 1.1b 50.2 6 1.2b 48.3 6 0.5b
Stearic acid 25.5 6 0.8a 30.9 6 0.7b 32.6 6 0.9b 27.5 6 0.7a
Oleic acid 12.3 6 0.2b 8.8 6 0.1a 7.9 6 0.2a 10.0 6 0.3a
Linoleic acid 18.8 6 0.5c 9.2 6 0.2a 7.2 6 0.4a 12.5 6 0.4b
Linolenic acid Nil Nil 2.1 6 0.1a 1.7 6 0.3a
% of SFA 1 MUFA 81.2 6 2.4a 90.8 6 1.9c 90.7 6 2.3c 85.8 6 1.5b

Values are mean 6 SE, n 5 3. Values within a row superscripted by different alphabets (a–c) are significantly different from
each other (P < 0.05, DMRT). A separate analysis was done for each row. Peak area < 0.1% were considered to be negligible.

after exposing to nitrogen starved condition for 7 days was lipid concentrations up to 0.38 6 0.01, 0.36 6 0.02, and
evident. Under the biphasic nitrate-starved approach, lipid 0.26 6 0.01 g L21, respectively for 1/100th, 1/50th and 1/10th
productivity for S. obliquus, C. vulgaris, and C. minutissima doses of nitrate was recorded. These values were respective-
were found to be 13.0 6 0.6, 17.7 6 0.5, and 20.9 6 0.5 ly 0.48 6 0.01, 0.38 6 0.01, and 0.33 6 0.02 g L21 for C. minu-
mg L21 day21, respectively, as compared to 5.8 6 0.7, tissima in the above order. Thus, there was two-three fold
8.7 6 0.8, and 11.9 6 0.8 mg L21 day21, respectively under rise in lipid concentration under the low-dose sequential
nitrate-sufficient cultivation (Table 2). feeding as compared to cultivation in nutrient-sufficient N 11
To make the above two-phase strategy to single phase, medium (Figure 1B). The lipid productivity of S. obliquus, C.
sequential feeding experiments with low-dose nitrate were vulgaris, and C. minutissima were 13.1 6 0.5, 12.7 6 0.4, and
conducted at various concentrations of nitrate. The time- 16.0 6 0.4 mg L21 day21, respectively for the 1/100th dose of
course analysis of the growth of S. obliquus under such condi- nitrate (0.01 g L21 nitrate) feeding. Overall, 0.01 g L21 (1/
tion is presented in Figure 3A. The growth of S. obliquus in 100th dose) sequential nitrate feeding was found to be the
0.1 (1/10th) and 0.02 g L21 (1/50th) nitrate feeding conditions best among the three concentrations studied for higher lipid
increased steadily and was comparable with N 11 control production under single phase approach. The possible rea-
(nitrate concentration: 1 g L21). However, in 0.01 g L21 nitrate son could be that the microalgae might be experiencing par-
feeding condition, i.e. with 1/100th dose, the growth was tial nitrogen deficiency under the low nitrate-fed condition,
affected. For C. vulgaris and C. minutissima, except for the 1/ which stimulates lipid accumulation in microalgal cells.
10th dose, reduction in biomass concentration was clearly evi-
dent for 0.01 (1/100th) and 0.02 (1/50th) doses (Figures 3B Analysis of Acid Value of Algal Lipids
and 3C). Figures 3D–3F represent the time-course of variation The acid value of oil obtained from the S. obliquus, C.
in nitrate concentrations in the culture flasks with N 11 and vulgaris, and C. minutissima were found to be 47.3 6 1.1,
low-dose nitrate-fed conditions. A detectable level of nitrate 45.1 6 2.9, and 45.2 6 3.5 mg KOH g21, respectively. Because
was maintained throughout the experimental period even in the extracted lipids from test microalgae have high free fatty
low-dose nitrate-supplemented vessels. acid content, the choice of acid- based transesterification
Table 1 presents the lipid concentrations of the three test over alkaline was justified.
microalgae under sequential low-dose nitrate feeding condi-
tions. Limited feeding of nitrate in the medium led to a sig- Comparison of Biomass and Lipid Concentrations
nificant rise in lipid concentration in the test microalgae. The under Various Strategies
1/50th and 1/100th sequential doses led to increasing in lipid Table 2 provides a comparative account on the biomass
concentration up to 0.34 6 0.01 and 0.39 6 0.02 g L21 in S. as well as lipid concentration under the four cultivation strat-
obliquus. In the case of 1/10th dose (0.1 g L21 nitrate feed- egies. Lipid concentration was found to rise profoundly
ing), the value was only 0.25 6 0.01 g L21. For C. vulgaris, under the biphasic culture condition in the three test

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.36, No.1) DOI 10.1002/ep January 2017 227
Table 5. Relative % of fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) of C. minutissima biodiesel grown under various strategies.

Relative % of FAMEs
FAMEs Strategy 1 Strategy 2 Strategy 3 Strategy 4
Palmitic acid 41.9 6 1.2a 48.4 6 0.8b 46.8 6 1.4b 47.0 6 0.9b
Stearic acid 14.8 6 0.8b 9.7 6 0.1a 13.7 6 0.4b 9.0 6 0.5a
Oleic acid 21.0 6 0.5a 24.66 0.5b 23.8 6 0.8b 26.0 6 0.6b
Linoleic acid 11.0 6 0.2c 6.9 6 0.8b 5.5 6 0.5a 4.5 6 0.1a
Linolenic acid 11.3 6 0.4a 10.4 6 0.6a 10.2 6 0.2a 13.5 6 0.3b
% of SFA 1 MUFA 77.7 6 2.5a 82.7 6 1.4b 84.3 6 2.6b 82.0 6 2.0b

Values are mean 6 SE, n 5 3. Values within a row superscripted by different alphabets (a–c) are significantly different from
each other (P < 0.05, DMRT). A separate analysis was done for each row. Peak area < 0.1% were considered to be negligible.

microalgae. The cellular lipid content also showed a high above four fatty acids was detected. The nitrate-starved cul-
value, not varying significantly from the single phase nitrate- tures of C. vulgaris biodiesel constituted 90.8 6 1.9% of
starved cultures. Under limited nitrate feeding, lipid concen- saturated 1 monounsaturated FAMEs. For biphasic nitrate-
tration was found to be two-three folds higher than the cells starved cultures, an equivalent quantity of saturated 1 mono-
grown in complete N 11 medium, which was even marginal- unsaturated FAMEs was recorded. Biodiesel obtained from the
ly higher than the value recorded under the biphasic cultiva- sequential addition of 0.01 g L21 of nitrate was found with
tion for S. obliquus. 85.8 6 1.5% of saturated 1 monounsaturated FAMEs. C. minu-
Under single phase nitrate-starved condition, the lipid tissima biodiesel, however, showed the presence of five major
productivity for S. obliquus, C. vulgaris, and C. minutissima fatty acids, i.e., palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, and linolenic
was recorded as 11.1 6 1.2, 11.5 6 1.3, and 14.5 6 1.6 acid methyl esters (Table 5). For nitrate-starved cultures, the
mg L21 day21, respectively. Whereas, in biphasic nitrate- biodiesel contains 82.7 6 1.4% of saturated 1 monounsatu-
starved approach, lipid productivity was found to be 13.0 6 rated FAMEs. The biodiesel obtained from the biphasic nitrate-
0.6, 17.7 6 0.5, and 20.9 6 0.5 mg L21 day21, as compared to starved cultures and cultures of sequential addition of 0.01
5.8 6 0.7, 8.7 6 0.8, and 11.9 6 0.8 mg L21 day21 under nitrate- g L21 of nitrate were also dominated with saturated and mono-
sufficient cultivation (control) for S. obliquus, C. vulgaris, and unsaturated FAMEs. The GC-MS analysis of the biodiesel
C. minutissima, respectively. The lipid productivity was also obtained from the three test microalgae under 1/100th dose
found to be 13.1 6 0.5, 12.7 6 0.4, and 16.0 6 0.4 (0.01 g L 2 1) of nitrate feeding is shown in Figure 4.
mg L21 day21 for S. obliquus, C. vulgaris, and C. minutissima, The fuel characteristics of biodiesel mainly depend on its
respectively under 0.01 g L21 nitrate feeding condition. fatty acid profile and the levels of saturation/unsaturation.
Fatty acid profile of algal biodiesel can provide essential
Analysis of Fatty Acid Profiles of Three Test Microalgae information on the ecological adaptation of algal species
under Various Strategies [35,36]. Microalgal lipids usually contain polyunsaturated fatty
The FAME profile of S. obliquus biodiesel depicted the acids which posses four or more double bonds. During stor-
presence of four major fatty acids, i.e., palmitic, oleic, lino- age these bonds are likely to get oxidised, thus reducing the
leic, and linolenic acid methyl esters (peak area <0.1% were suitability of microalgal oil for production of biodiesel
considered to be negligible), when grown under control cul- [10,33]. Depending upon the physiological states and culture
ture condition. For C. minutissima, the biodiesel was rich in conditions, the fatty acid content of algae can vary both
palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acid methyl quantitatively and qualitatively. Oxidative stability indicates
esters. However, the latter was absent in case of C. vulgaris. the ability of the molecule to resist oxidation by oxidizing
Thus, the microalgal biodiesel was found to be rich in satu- ions upon exposure to air. Oxidation occurs because it reacts
rated and monounsaturated FAMEs with a minor proportion with the oxygen when exposed to air due to the presence of
of polyunsaturated FAMEs in nutrient sufficient (control) con- double bonds in unsaturated fatty acids [37,38]. The GC-MS
dition (Tables 3–5). study revealed that the biodiesel obtained from S. obliquus,
The FAME profile of S. obliquus biodiesel under single C. vulgaris and C. minutissima grown under different condi-
phase cultivation in nitrate-deprived medium, biphasic cultiva- tions was predominated (78–95% of the total FAMEs) with a
tion, and sequential low-dose nitrate feeding depicted the mixture of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acid compo-
appearance of stearic acid in addition to the existing four nents, which demonstrates their high oxidative stability. Gen-
major fatty acids (Table 3). Under the nitrate-starved condition, erally, high amount of saturated and monounsaturated fatty
S. obliquus biodiesel constituted 92.5 6 3.3% of saturated 1 acids are ideal for high energy yield, greater oxidative stabili-
monounsaturated, and only 7.5 6 1.0% polyunsaturated ty, and higher cetane numbers [39]. With decreased concen-
FAMEs. For biphasic nitrate-starved cultures, the biodiesel was tration of nitrate under sequential addition, the rise in the
also predominated with 95.1 6 3.3% of saturated 1 monounsa- level of saturated 1 monounsaturated FAMEs were recorded
turated FAMEs. Biodiesel obtained from the sequential addi- in the three test microalgae. As observed in this study, bio-
tion of 0.01 g L21 of nitrate was also found with 90.0 6 4.0% of diesel obtained from the cultures of various conditions was
saturated 1 monounsaturated FAMEs as compared to 78.3 6 rich in saturated and monounsaturated fatty acid methyl
3.2% under control condition. esters, thus demonstrating its aptness for use as the substitute
The FAME profile of C. vulgaris biodiesel from single phase to diesel fuel. Thus, the test microalgae could be considered
cultivation in nitrate-sufficient and nitrate-starved media as potential feedstocks for biodiesel production.
depicted the presence of four major fatty acids, i.e. palmitic,
stearic, oleic, and linoleic acid methyl esters (Table 4). For Cost Performance
biphasic and sequential low-dose nitrate feeding cultures a Economic analysis can be used to calculate the costs of algal
minor quantity of linolenic acid in addition to the biomass production which contribute notably to the production

228 January 2017 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.36, No.1) DOI 10.1002/ep
Figure 4. GC-MS chromatograms of FAMEs of (A) S. obliquus, (B) C. vulgaris and (C) C. minutissima grown in limited nitrate
feeding sets of 1/100th dose showing the presence of methyl palmitate, methyl stearate, methyl oleate, methyl linoleate, and
methyl linolenate with retention time of 10.89, 11.49, 11.59, 11.70, and 11.87 min, respectively (the 1st peak was methyl penta-
decanoate, the internal standard). Peak area < 0.1% were considered to be negligible.

cost. The media cost for the production of algal biomass in the cultivation, which advocates its novelty and essentiality in
four different strategies is shown in Table 6. The media cost for algae-biodiesel research. The sequential low-dose feeding of
single phase cultivation in nitrate-sufficient medium (strategy 1) nitrate also evades the two times biomass harvesting of
is 1000 rupees (US $16) per 1000 L21. For biphasic cultivation biphasic approach, which has been proposed by the
(strategy 3) and sequential low-dose nitrate feeding (strategy 4), researchers to obtain higher lipid productivity. It is also note-
the values are  Rs. 1200 (US $19.25) and  Rs. 300 (US $4.81), worthy here that there is no single study available which
respectively per 1000 L21 of the medium. Thus, there is a compares different nitrogen feeding strategy.
remarkable reduction in the capital cost on the media for strate-
gy 4 as compared to strategy 1 and strategy 3 as well, without CONCLUSION
compromising with lipid productivity. Physiological/nutritional stresses usually applied to stimu-
The four nitrate feeding strategies were analyzed thor- late lipid accumulation in microalgal cell resulted into low
oughly, and the sequential feeding strategy was found to be cell mass vis-a-vis reduced lipid productivity. An offset for
superlative to others. Thus, the use of low dose sequential this intricacy is the use of biphasic cultivation strategy, dedi-
nitrate feeding strategy was found to be stimulatory in cating the first phase in the nutrient-sufficient medium for
increasing the lipid productivity under a single phase biomass production, and the second phase, a specific phase

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.36, No.1) DOI 10.1002/ep January 2017 229
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