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Connection and Download Files

- Connect server to 1st port of Ubi router

- Connect internet to any other port
- Download the latest configuration files from ShareFile (Installation > Ubiquity ), and place them in the Rounter,
folder on the Servers root directory.
o ubi_default.sh
o ubi.cfg
- Right click in the Router folder and open a Terminal
- Give edit rights by typing command
o chmod 777 ubi_default.sh
- Run this from terminal
o ./ubi_default.sh
o * do not run as sudo
- Answer to questions:
o Name of restaurant
set user name: admin
set pass: proconxus

- Type in terminal command

o Ssh ubnt@
o Password: ubnt
o Type in reboot
- When done restart server and connect internet to 1st port and server to any other
- Login to router to reseve Ips for any other connected devices

- Connect Unifi AP (on power adapter make
sure POE goes to AP LAN to router)
- Type in browser https://localhost:18443
- First time it will say your connection is not
secure - click advanced and add exception - Confirm
security exception
- Use this:
o user
o proconxus

Login to AP

- admin

- SyneUS17

- Skip cloud enable

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