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Journal of Anxiety Disorders 22 (2008) 108–116

A meta-analysis of CBT for pathological

worry among clients with GAD
Roger Covin, Allison J. Ouimet, Pamela M. Seeds,
David J.A. Dozois *
University of Western Ontario, Ont., Canada
Received 21 August 2006; received in revised form 29 December 2006; accepted 26 January 2007

Previous meta-analyses assessing the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Generalized Anxiety Disorder
(GAD) used general measures of anxiety to assess symptom severity and improvement (e.g., Hamilton Anxiety Ratings Scale or a
composite measure of anxiety). While informative, these studies do not provide sufficient evidence as to whether CBT significantly
reduces the cardinal symptom of GAD: pathological worry. The current meta-analysis employed stringent inclusion criteria to
evaluate relevant outcome studies, including the use of the Penn State Worry Questionnaire as the main outcome variable. Results
showed a large overall effect size (ES) that was moderated by age and modality of treatment. Specifically, the largest gains were
found for younger adults and for individual treatment. Analyses also revealed overall maintenance of gains at 6- and 12-month
follow-up. Clinical implications of different treatment packages are discussed, as well as potential explanations for the differential
effectiveness of CBT.
# 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Generalized Anxiety Disorder; CBT; Meta-analysis; Worry

1. A meta-analysis on CBT for pathological ships; American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2000).
worry among GAD clients While everyone worries to some degree, pathological
worry is distinguished from ‘‘normal’’ worry when it
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is character- becomes chronic, excessive, uncontrollable, and essen-
ized by uncontrollable and excessive worry, a necessary tially removes joy from a person’s life (Borkovec, Ray,
feature for its diagnosis. Although other cognitive and/ & Stober, 1998). Pathological worry is the central
or physical symptoms, such as muscle tension and poor feature of GAD but it is often present in other anxiety
concentration, must be present for diagnosis, the disorders as well (e.g., excessive worry over future
fundamental component is pathological worry across panic attacks). As such, identifying treatments that
multiple domains of life (e.g., work, health, relation- significantly reduce worry is clinically valuable.
Although there currently exist meta-analyses asses-
sing Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy’s (CBT) ability to
reduce the number and severity of anxiety symptoms in
* Corresponding author. Department of Psychology, The University
of Western Ontario London, Ont., Canada N6A 5C2.
GAD patients, no quantitative review has examined
Tel.: +1 519 661 2111x84678; fax: +1 519 661 3961. CBT’s ability to reduce worry specifically. Although
E-mail address: ddozois@uwo.ca (D.J.A. Dozois). worry and anxiety are clearly related, research

0887-6185/$ – see front matter # 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Covin et al. / Journal of Anxiety Disorders 22 (2008) 108–116 109

demonstrates that worry is certainly a distinct construct. see Dugas & Robichaud, 2007). Specifically, their
As such, the goal of the present study is to determine: (a) conceptual model centers around the idea that
whether CBT effectively reduces pathological worry in individuals with GAD are much more intolerant of
GAD samples, (b) if so, estimate the size of the effects, the uncertainty inherent in life, compared to those
and (c) determine the durability of treatment gains. without the disorder. Intolerance of uncertainty (IU) is
Historically, GAD has been a disorder whose currently conceptualized as a dispositional character-
diagnostic criteria have been under continual construc- istic ‘‘that results from a set of negative beliefs about
tion across several versions of the Diagnostic and uncertainty and its implications’’ (Dugas, 2006). As
Statistical Manual (DSM) (see Brown, O’Leary, & such, their treatment package is designed to specifically
Barlow, 2001). In fact, the diagnostic criteria for GAD target clients’ IU. A unique element of this treatment is
that are used today have only been in place for a little that clients are taught to separate their worry into two
over a decade. Unfortunately, due to this inconsistency categories: those that are amenable to problem-solving
in diagnostic criteria, conceptual models of GAD – and and those that are not. The therapist helps the client to
therefore, assessment and evaluation of these models – implement problem-solving strategies for the problems
have lagged behind, relative to other anxiety disorders. that can be changed, and worry exposure is used for
Nevertheless, there are currently several excellent those issues that the client cannot exert control over (see
theoretical models of GAD published in the literature Ladouceur et al., 2000).
(Dugas, Gagnon, Ladouceur, & Freeston, 1998; Wells, Relative to other anxiety disorders, the treatment
1999). Although these models differ to some degree, outcome literature for GAD has a fairly short history.
they share an underlying commonality in their specific Nevertheless, there have been enough CBT outcome
focus on cognitive factors implicated in the vulner- studies to warrant the recent publication of four separate
ability, onset and maintenance of the disorder. This meta-analyses (Borkovec & Ruscio, 2001; Gould, Otto,
coincides with the increasing recognition of the Pollack, & Yap; Gould, Safren, Washington, & Otto,
important role of worry in GAD. 2004; Westen & Morrison, 2001). The first published
The advancement of theory and research on meta-analysis, from Gould et al. (1997), included any
pathological worry and GAD has contributed signifi- study (n = 13) using either a cognitive or behavioural
cantly to a variety of CBT protocols. For example, two technique, but not necessarily both (cognitive restruc-
of the more empirically tested models of GAD are turing, situational exposure, interoceptive exposure,
Borkovec and colleagues’ (see Borkovec et al., 1998) systematic desensitization, relaxation training [both
cognitive avoidance model, and Dugas and colleagues’ with and without biofeedback], anxiety management).
(see Dugas et al., 1998) intolerance of uncertainty Treatment outcome was assessed using an effect size
model. Both models attempt to elucidate the etiology (ES) that was an average of scores obtained on a variety
and maintenance of worry. Both groups of researchers of instruments designed to assess the cognitive, somatic,
have also developed CBT protocols that reflect the and psychological symptoms of anxiety in general.
conceptual ideas of their respective models. For Compared to control groups, the overall ES of CBT for
example, Borkovec and colleagues have argued that GAD was 0.70. These researchers recently updated this
worry serves as a cognitive avoidance strategy in three meta-analysis (Gould et al., 2004), and concluded that
ways: (1) worry suppresses anxious arousal; (2) worry CBT is effective at reducing symptoms of GAD in both
functions as an attempt to prevent or prepare for future the short- and long-term.
negative events; (3) worry focuses on superficial Borkovec and Ruscio (2001) also reviewed 13
events which distracts from more pressing emotional outcome studies involving CBT for GAD. Any study
concerns. Consequently, a key element of Borkovec and using an experimental group who received both
colleagues’ CBT package involves exposure to anxiety- cognitive therapy and some form of behavioural therapy
based imagery which is then paired with a relaxation (usually relaxation training) was included in the meta-
response (i.e., a desensitization procedure). This analysis. ESs were calculated by averaging scores on
procedure exposes clients to the very imagery and the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS; Hamilton,
physiological arousal that they tend to avoid (see 1959), the State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI;
Borkovec, Newman, Pincus, & Lytle, 2002). Spielberger, Gorusch, Lushene, Vagg, & Jacobs,
Similarly, Dugas et al. (1998) have not only 1983), and assessor severity ratings of overall GAD
developed and tested a theoretical model of GAD, severity. Within-group analyses demonstrated that CBT
they have designed a treatment package addressing the was effective in reducing symptoms at post-treatment
key psychological factors outlined by this model (also and at follow-up (average follow-up was 9 months).
110 R. Covin et al. / Journal of Anxiety Disorders 22 (2008) 108–116

These within-group ESs for CBT were somewhat higher controls for scale differences across questionnaires, it
than those obtained for placebo and alternative relies on the assumption that all measures of anxiety
treatments, as well as for either the behavioural (BT) assess similar constructs. In fact, the measures utilized
or cognitive (CT) components alone. Furthermore, CBT in these studies evaluate symptoms of generalized
was found to produce decreases in anxiety at post- anxiety, specific phobias, somatic symptoms, and
treatment, on average, more than one standard deviation worry. As mentioned previously, because worry is
(1.09) greater than waiting-list controls. Similar to considered the core feature of GAD, and is a distinct
Gould et al. (1997, 2004), Borkovec and Ruscio (2001) construct separate from anxiety, outcome studies
concluded that CBT is an effective intervention for pointing to the effectiveness of a particular treatment
GAD. should demonstrate a reduction in this construct. Gould
Westen and Morrison (2001) conducted a meta- et al. (1997, 2004) did include some studies which used
analysis examining the effectiveness of Empirically the PSWQ as an outcome measure, but any symptom
Supported Treatments (ESTs) for GAD. Five studies reduction observed with this scale was diluted by the
were included for a total of 11 active interventions. Of averaging of the ESs.
these, nine comprised either a behavioural or cognitive If any treatment is to be considered effective for
component, some of which used both. The remaining GAD, it should significantly lower the degree to which
two were brief supportive/expressive psychotherapy pathological worry interferes with the patient’s day-to-
and analytic psychotherapy. Unlike the previous meta- day life. Furthermore, this treatment benefit should be
analyses, Westen and Morrison included far fewer maintained for a significant period of time after therapy
studies in their meta-analysis (n = 5) and placed far less has ended. As Westen and Morrison (2001) have
emphasis on within group ESs. While Westen and cogently argued, treatments should demonstrate their
Morrison (2001) agreed with Borkovec and Ruscio ability to not only affect states, but actual disorders. In
(2001) that CBT (in its role as an EST) produces other words, in order to demonstrate that CBT can
significant and meaningful change initially, they were effectively treat GAD, treatment gains should be
quite critical of the data, or lack thereof, regarding observed over an extended period of time.
CBT’s ability to produce lasting effects. Indeed, their The current meta-analysis, therefore, was conducted
findings led them to conclude that the available outcome to examine the effectiveness of CBT for GAD by using
data for GAD ‘‘do not strike us as encouraging, pathological worry as the outcome measure as opposed
especially for treatments that have undergone 20 years to overall anxiety. Also, given that (a) Westen and
of testing and empirical refinement . . . [and compared Morrison (2001) have argued against CBT’s effective-
to other disorders and consumers’ expectations] suggest ness by citing a lack of evidence for long-term follow-
that we should begin testing different treatments for up, and that (b) recent outcome studies have provided
these disorders’’ (p. 887). sufficient follow-up data, this meta-analysis should also
Responding to Westen and Morrison’s conclusions, help resolve issues with long-term efficacy. Finally, in
Aikens, Hazlett-Stevens, and Craske (2001) argued that an attempt to reduce the heterogeneity of treatment
the outcome measures used to calculate ESs did not protocols and to obtain a ‘‘pure’’ measure of CBT
comprehensively reflect the central symptom (i.e., effectiveness for GAD, the present study included only
worry) that is theoretically central to GAD. In fact, studies whose active treatment consisted of both a
Westen and Morrison (2001) used the HARS as the cognitive and behavioural component.
primary indicator of CBT’s effectiveness for treating
GAD. While the HARS is a scale used to measure 2. Method
generalized anxiety, it does not comprehensively
measure pathological worry. Indeed, elevated scores A PSYCHINFO literature search (up to 2006) was
may not necessarily indicate worry to any extent, as conducted using a variety of keywords designed to find
there are 14 symptom clusters measuring a broad range articles on the outcome literature for CBT with GAD.
of anxiety symptoms (Roemer, 2001). Thus, one could Also, studies listed in the reference lists of previously
argue that the outcome measures used in this meta- published meta-analytic articles were used to identify
analysis lacked sufficient specificity to warrant their additional relevant publications. Unpublished manu-
subsequent conclusions. scripts were not used in this manuscript because the
Similarly, Gould et al. (1997, 2004) and Borkovec quality of data used in any meta-analysis is extremely
and Ruscio (2001) both calculated average ES’s across important, and therefore only peer-reviewed research
multiple measures of anxiety. While this method was utilized. There were several criteria for inclusion
R. Covin et al. / Journal of Anxiety Disorders 22 (2008) 108–116 111

into the meta-analysis. First, the study was required to groups were defined as any group that did not receive
have included only GAD patients who were diagnosed treatment, or who received a psychological placebo
according to criteria put forth in either the DSM-III-R or (e.g., nondirective and supportive therapies). This
DSM-IV manuals. As previously discussed, the DSM provides an understanding of the relative effects of
has not been reliable in its definition of GAD, and so CBT over and above any nonspecific factors (Gould
excluding earlier studies avoids problems associated et al., 1997).
with heterogenous diagnostic samples. This search resulted in a total of 10 research articles.
Second, and related to the first inclusion criteria, Many of the studies were published in the Journal of
only studies that have used the PSWQ as an outcome Consulting and Clinical Psychology, which is a top-
measure were included. Although there were studies tiered journal with a high impact factor (each article
that assessed worry in other ways, such as having clients included in the meta-analysis is indicated in the
rate the ‘‘percent of the day spent worrying,’’ these reference list with an asterisk). Seven of these studies
types of outcome measures lack adequate construct provide an opportunity to calculate a comparison
validity. Given that it is pathological worry rather than between CBT effectiveness and control group change.
worry per se that comprises the core feature of GAD, Although Wetherell, Gatz, and Craske (2003) employed
measures of general worry were excluded as these two nonspecific control groups, only the wait-list
indices may not validly represent true symptom change. control group was used as a comparion. The second
The PSWQ is a reliable, and well validated clinical group was a Discussion Group requiring patients to list
measure of pathological worry (Molina & Borkovec, and discuss topics that were a common source of worry,
1994). Third, each study was required to have the and to keep journals on these issues outside of therapy
appropriate statistics presented in order to conduct sessions. We believe this approach is somewhat similar
meta-analyses. Also, articles that used subsamples from to cognitive exposure and perhaps even awareness
larger studies to be used in the meta-analysis were not training, typically used in CBT outcome studies (e.g.,
included, so as to avoid data being analyzed twice. Ladouceur et al., 2000). Because the generalizability of
The final inclusion criterion involved defining CBT the current findings are very important, this comparison
itself, in order to decide which treatment groups to group was eliminated from analyses because of its
examine. A review of the outcome literature reveals that potential to be a ‘‘specific’’ factor in therapy outcome.
many different types of cognitive and behavioural A total of eight studies were used to calculate within-
therapies have been used to treat GAD (e.g., cognitive groups analyses of follow-up data. Although Borkovec
restructuring, multiple forms of exposure, relaxation and Costello (1993) provide follow-up data, we
training, anxiety management, problem-solving, etc.). excluded this study from the follow-up analyses
In their meta-analytic review, Gould et al. (1997) because some participants received additional psy-
considered any treatment that used cognitive and/or chotherapy following CBT, which raises concerns
behavioural techniques to be CBT. However, we regarding the contamination of their long-term out-
decided to use studies that included both components comes. Of the studies that were used, some used a group
of treatment, which was the criterion adopted by format (Dugas et al., 2003), whereas others involved
Borkovec and Ruscio (2001). There were essentially individual sessions (e.g., Ladouceur et al., 2000). Of
two reasons for this decision. First, there is both course, differences in treatment modality can affect
evidence for and against the idea that CBT produces differences in outcome, which we discuss.
differential outcome effects relative to cognitive and The methodological qualities of the studies included
behavioural components (Borkovec et al., 2002; Gould in the meta-analysis can be seen in Table 1. Overall, the
et al., 1997). As such, including the singular compo- quality of the studies was quite good, as the majority of
nents of CBT to represent CBT itself could introduce studies assessed both the reliability of their intake
unwanted heterogeneity in the ESs. A second reason to diagnoses, as well as the degree to which they
limit the definition of CBT is that the majority of maintained treatment protocol. The majority of patients
clinical outcome trials reviewed in the past 10 years were female, which is not surprising given existing
used both components (e.g., cognitive restructuring and gender differences in diagnosis (APA, 2000).
exposure). Indeed, it appears quite standard to use both
components to some extent. Therefore, the findings 2.1. Data analysis
presented here are best generalized to therapies that are
currently being used in clinical trials and presumably in Consistent with previous meta-analyses (e.g., Bor-
clinical settings. Similar to Gould et al. (1997), control kovec & Ruscio, 2001; Westen & Morrison, 2001) two
112 R. Covin et al. / Journal of Anxiety Disorders 22 (2008) 108–116

Table 1 ing the actual effects. Although researchers have

Methodological qualities of studies included in the meta-analysis suggested formulas to correctly estimate ES for a
Study characteristics Composite data within groups design (e.g., Dunlap et al., 1996), this
Diagnostic reliability assessed Yes = 7 requires studies to use values of dependent t-tests and
No = 3 the retest correlation of the outcome measure. As this
Treatment integrity assessed Yes = 9
information was not available in most of the studies
No = 1 selected for the current analysis, we calculated the
within group ES similar to prior researchers’ calcula-
Dropout rate (overall) 15.03%
Dropout rate (CBT) 15.71% tions: within groups effect = (CBT follow-up mean -
Mean age 50.75 post-treatment mean)/post-treatment standard
Sex (%female) 72.06 deviation. Similar to the between-groups analysis, an
Mean length (in years) of GAD 19.58 unbiased estimate of ES was computed by weighting the
Mean number of sessions (CBT) 13.46
ESs by the sample size of the study. The primary
Medicated patients allowed Yes = 10 difference between the current study and previous meta-
No = 0 analyses is that we were only interested in using the
within group estimate of ES for follow-up outcome
data. There were two reasons for this decision. First, as
types of ESs were calculated for meta-analytic mentioned, the within group estimates are likely biased
calculations. First, a between-groups ES was calculated and therefore should be limited in their use and
as follows: between-groups ES = (CBT mean com- interpreted with this bias in mind. Second, the between-
comparison group)/control group standard deviation. groups analysis provides adequate information regard-
This is an ES estimate that is commonly used in meta- ing the immediate effectiveness of CBT, and therefore a
analyses, and can be interpreted as representing the within groups analysis is somewhat redundant. Indeed,
standardized difference between a client receiving CBT the within groups analysis was only used to gain an
and a client receiving either supportive or no therapy understanding of whether CBT’s effectiveness is
(Dobson, 1989). In accordance with recommendations maintained across time.
by Hedges and Olkin (1985), this value was corrected to
reduce biases stemming from small samples’ ESs. 3. Results
Furthermore, a mean ES was calculated by weighting
the ESs by the inverse of their variance1. This procedure 3.1. Between-groups analysis
provides greater weight to studies with smaller
variances, which are presumed to be more precise in As previously outlined, a control group was defined
their estimation of effects. as any comparison group that provided a nonspecific
Calculation of within groups ES is more complicated treatment (e.g., supportive therapy) or individuals on a
than between-groups ES because it involves a repeated wait-list and currently not receiving any treatment.
measures design, meaning the groups being compared Unbiased effect sizes can be seen in Table 2 for each of
are correlated. Researchers wishing to examine the pre- the studies used in the between-groups analysis. When
post ESs must account for this correlation; otherwise, CBT was compared to a control group, the average
the calculated ES will be an overestimate of the ES was found to be quite large ( 1.15). Tests of
magnitude of the actual effect (Dunlap, Cortina, significance were performed using Fischer’s Z-test, and
Vaslow, & Burke, 1996). This statistical test is akin
to a dependent t-test controlling for the correlation Table 2
between-groups. However, previous meta-analyses on Unbiased effect sizes included in the between-groups analysis
GAD have not controlled for this correlation when Study Effect size
computing the within groups ES, thereby overestimat-
Borkovec and Costello (1993)a 1.52
Stanley et al. (1996)b .06
Ladouceur et al. (2000)a 2.47
Readers interested in knowing the technical aspects of all meta- Dugas et al. (2003)b 1.54
analytic statistics used in this study are encouraged to examine the Stanley, Beck, et al. (2003)b 1.08
Technical Information section of an online manual written by Glass Stanley, Hopko, et al. (2003)a 1.08
and co-workers (Rudner, Glass, Evartt, & Emery, 2002). The manual Wetherell et al. (2003)b .66
and meta-analysis software are available online at: http://www.edres.
org/meta/metaman.htm. a: Individual therapy; b: group therapy.
R. Covin et al. / Journal of Anxiety Disorders 22 (2008) 108–116 113

yielded a significant value ( 3.74, p < .05), indicating Table 3

the mean ES of CBT is significantly greater than 0. Of Unbiased effect sizes in the within groups analysis at 6- and 12-month
course, these results do not take into account the
potential bias of published studies, also known as the Study ES at ES at
6 months 12 months
‘‘file drawer’’ effect (Rosenthal, 1984). To account for
this possibility, Rosenthal (1984) developed a formula Stanley et al. (1996)b .45 –
to calculate the number of studies with an average ES Dugas and Ladouceur (2000)a .27 .48
Ladouceur et al. (2000)a .18 .12
required to lower the results of a meta-analysis to
Borkovec et al. (2002)a* .11 .19
nonsignificance (called Fail Safe N). Utilization of Fail Dugas et al. (2003)b .39 .53
Safe N shows that there would have to be 18 studies with Stanley, Beck et al. (2003)b .14 .34
a null effect for the current mean ES to become Wetherell et al. (2003)b .04 –
nonsignificant. Ladouceur et al. (2004)a .14 .11
Hedges test of homogeneity (Q) was used to test for a: Individual therapy; b: group therapy.
the possible presence of moderator variables. Hedges Q This study was a component analysis of CBT. Only the group
was significant (19.99, p < .05) which indicates receiving a complete CBT package was included in the analyses.
significant variability in the distribution of ESs. A
scatterplot of the data suggested that the variable ‘‘age’’ up, the mean ES for the young adult group was .009
might be moderating the ESs. Consequently, the data (S.D. = .26) and the mean ES for the older adult group
were reanalyzed by examining studies separately for was .12 (S.D. = .22). At 12 months, the mean ES for
younger (Mage = 38.89) and older (Mage = 68.05) adults. the young adult group was .027 (S.D. = .37) and the
Analyses revealed that the average weighted ES became mean ES for the older adult group was .23 (S.D. = .12)
larger ( 1.69) for the young adult group and smaller (see Table 3). As can be seen, the follow-up ESs are
( .82) for older adults, indicating CBT for GAD is not quite small, indicating that whatever gains made by
as effective for older adults. However, this is not to say clients following therapy were largely maintained for up
that CBT for GAD is ineffective, as Fischer’s Z was to 1-year follow-up.
significant ( p < .05) for both mean ESs. Finally,
although Hedges test for homogeneity was nonsigni- 3.3. Modality analysis
ficant ( p > 1) for both analyses, this may have been due
to low power. In fact, the standard deviations for the In order to assess whether there were differences in
younger (S.D. = .36) and older (S.D. = .43) adult effectiveness for modalities across all age groups,
populations remained relatively high, again indicating unbiased ESs were calculated for studies using
there may be a moderator variable present. Visual individual and group CBT separately. The between-
inspection of a scatterplot revealed an outlier in both age groups ES was much larger ( 1.72) for the individual
groups that appeared to explain the large standard therapy sessions than for the group sessions ( .91). For
deviations. For the young adult group, the Ladouceur the follow-up data, group therapy actually demonstrated
et al. (2000) ES was considerably higher than the other a continued reduction in worry at 6 ( .25) and 12
young adult groups, whereas the ES calculated from months ( .43), whereas individual therapy showed very
Stanley, Beck, and Glassco (1996) was remarkably little change from post-treatment (6 months = .12; 12
lower than the other studies in the older adult group. months = .07).
Potential explanations of these extreme values are
addressed in the discussion. 3.4. Assessing effectiveness through comparisons
with normative data
3.2. Within groups analysis
In order to better judge the effectiveness of CBT for
Based on the between-groups analysis, which GAD, post-treatment mean PSWQ scores were calcu-
revealed age as a moderating variable of CBT’s lated and compared with a normative mean. Molina and
effectiveness for reducing pathological worry, mean Borkovec (1994) compiled data on the PSWQ from a
within-group ESs were calculated separately for studies variety of populations, including individuals represent-
using primarily younger and older adults. Recall that ing a normative sample (M = 47.65; S.D. = 12.99)
within group ESs were only calculated to examine the and those diagnosed as having GAD (M = 67.66;
durability of CBT’s effectiveness over time, following S.D. = 8.86). Prior to treatment, the average PSWQ
the end of treatment (see Table 3). At 6-month follow- score of all 10 studies used in the current study was
114 R. Covin et al. / Journal of Anxiety Disorders 22 (2008) 108–116

Table 4
Overall Mean of CBT groups at post-treatment, 6-months, and 12-months
Post-treatment 6-Month 12-Month
Young Old Overall Young Old Overall Young Old Overall
46.93 51.00 48.95 48.65 50.05 49.35 50.24 45.69 48.73

63.59, placing them within the clinical range and over 1 may be more effective than others. Specifically,
S.D. outside of the normative range. At post-treatment, outcome studies using the CBT protocol outlined by
the PSWQ mean had fallen into the normal range Dugas, Ladouceur and colleagues demonstrated the
(M = 48.95) and over 1 S.D. outside the clinical range largest overall between-groups ES ( 2.47), the largest
(see Table 4). This finding held true for both the younger group therapy ES ( 1.54), and excellent outcomes for
and older groups analyzed separately at post-treatment. CBT with older adults (Ladouceur, Leger, Dugas, &
Impressively, these trends continued at 6- and 12-month Freeston, 2004). However, it is difficult to make
follow-up, showing that younger and older adults were definitive conclusions regarding which treatment pro-
within the normative range and outside the clinical tocols are superior, given the relatively small number of
range, demonstrating the impressive effectiveness of studies used, and the presence of moderator variables
CBT. that add complexity to the interpretation of outcomes
(e.g., age and treatment modality). It would be very
4. Discussion interesting to compare various CBT packages directly to
explore potential differences in outcomes, and perhaps
Findings from the current meta-analysis show that identify different mediators of treatment change.
CBT for GAD can be a highly effective treatment for There are a few possible explanations for the
reducing pathological worry. However, CBT’s effec- differences in CBT effectiveness for younger versus
tiveness appears to be moderated by the age of GAD older adults. First, Stanley, Beck, et al. (2003)
patients being treated. Younger adults responded much postulated that older GAD clients may simply be more
more favourably to CBT at post-treatment relative to resistant to treatment, possibly because the disorder is
older adults. Nevertheless, when compared to control more engrained among the elderly. For example,
groups, the mean ES of CBT for geriatric patients was Stanley et al. (1996) report that the mean duration of
still impressive, both at post-treatment and follow-up. In illness among older patients in their sample was 35.5
fact, mean PSWQ scores at post-treatment and follow- years. This is significantly longer than the average
up show that patients were well within the normative length of illness among the studies using younger adults
range and outside the clinical range of pathological (13.54). Thus, the chronicity of the disorder might play
worry. an important role in CBT’s ability to effect change.
These findings add to existing literature on CBT’s A second potential reason for age differences in
effectiveness for GAD. However, unlike previous meta- responsiveness to CBT could be due to the use of group
analyses, the current study shows that the cardinal versus individual modes of therapy (Stanley, Beck,
symptom of GAD is greatly reduced following et al., 2003; Stanley et al., 1996). It seems that most of
treatment. Also, the ESs reported here are greater than the CBT outcome studies for older patients with GAD
those reported in the previous meta-analyses. There are used a group format, and group CBT for GAD may be
several reasons for this discrepancy: (1) pathological less effective than its counterpart. This explanation is
worry demonstrates greater overall change relative to commensurate with other research (Fisher & Durham,
the composite anxiety variables used in previous 1999), and with the current results, which found that
studies, (2) differences in criteria for selecting studies individual therapy was superior to group therapy at
may have resulted in different samples used in the post-treatment assessment. There is no definitive reason
analyses, and (3) related to the second possibility, the for this discrepancy in outcome, although there are a
current study included very recent treatment studies, few possibilities. For example, greater one-on-one
and these studies may represent the CBT packages that attention received in an individual format may provide
have evolved as a consequence of new conceptual heightened training of particular skills (e.g., monitoring
models and research. With regard to this latter and challenging thoughts; worry exposure; problem-
possibility, we found interesting differences in ESs solving). Likewise, conveying key CBT principles,
between studies, suggesting that some CBT packages answering patients’ questions and troubleshooting
R. Covin et al. / Journal of Anxiety Disorders 22 (2008) 108–116 115

patient problems may be more efficiently conducted via effective in treating pathological worry, both in the short
individual sessions. This latter point may be particularly term, as well as over time. In fact, findings indicate that
true for older adults who may have trouble under- CBT is effective in maintaining treatment gains for up to
standing some of the abstract concepts outlined in a year. Younger adults appear to benefit more from CBT
therapy. than do older clients, possibly because of greater
Other possible reasons for age as a moderator chronicity of disorder in the latter group, and the
variable include higher attrition rates among older GAD tendency to use group formats with older patients.
participants (Stanley, Beck, et al., 2003; Wetherell et al., Future research is needed to test potentially important
2003) and potential differences in the actual expression differences between group and individual formats
of clinical symptoms among older adults (Stanley et al., among both younger and older GAD clients. Also,
1996). Interactive or synergistic effects of these various future research should examine whether there are
factors are likely explanations. It is obvious that differences among various CBT treatments for GAD,
additional research is needed to ascertain how these including an examination of specific components that
factors impact psychological treatment of GAD among make one approach more effective. Although the
the elderly. current review is somewhat limited by the number of
Although the current data suggest that individual studies included, the findings likely represent true
treatment produces greater outcomes than does group population values, and argue for the long-term benefits
treatment, it is certainly worth noting that the treatment of CBT as way to treat pathological worry.
benefits of group therapy were well maintained over
time. In fact, scores on the PSWQ tended to be lower at Acknowledgements
6- and 12-month follow-up, relative to post-treatment,
indicating that individuals continued to show improve- David J.A. Dozois was funded by the Ontario Mental
ment following treatment. This is a rather surprising Health Foundation (OMHF), Allison J. Ouimet was
finding considering treatment effects tend to reduce supported by a Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la
somewhat following termination of therapy. While Société et la Culture (FQRSC) fellowship, and Pamela
initial gains from group CBT may not compare as M. Seeds was supported by the Social Sciences and
favourably with individual treatment, individuals in the Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) scholarship.
group format certainly benefit over time, as their worry
is reduced considerably. Overall, this meta-analysis References
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