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20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life 1

20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life������������������������������������������������3
1. Set Clear Goals����������������������������������������������������������������������������������4
2. Change Your Spending Habits�����������������������������������������������������������5
3. Associate with Successful People������������������������������������������������������7
4. Invest in Yourself��������������������������������������������������������������������������������9
5. Follow Your Passions�����������������������������������������������������������������������10
6. Love (And Respect) Money��������������������������������������������������������������12
7. Use the Power of Affirmations����������������������������������������������������������13
8. Let Go of Your Worries���������������������������������������������������������������������15
9. Clear Your Debts������������������������������������������������������������������������������16
10. Be Happy with What You Have������������������������������������������������������18
11. Study Wealth����������������������������������������������������������������������������������19
12. Focus on Your Health���������������������������������������������������������������������20
13. Create the Right Atmosphere Around You��������������������������������������21
14. Give Things Away for Free�������������������������������������������������������������23
15. Focus on Providing Value���������������������������������������������������������������24
16. Have a Positive Mindset�����������������������������������������������������������������25
17. Save and Invest������������������������������������������������������������������������������27
18. Accept Responsibility for Your Situation�����������������������������������������29
19. Believe in Yourself��������������������������������������������������������������������������30
20. Take Action and Be Committed������������������������������������������������������31
Prosperity Is Possible���������������������������������������������������������������������������33

2 20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life

20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life
Prosperity is something that we all want more of in our lives. Prosperity
means different things to different people, but whatever it means for
you, there’s a good chance that you want more of it.

The problem is, many people don’t know where to start to attract more
prosperity in their lives.

What do you have to do? What actions should you take? Where should
you begin?

There is no point in waiting for prosperity to find you. The truth is that
the search for prosperity begins right now, today.

That involves changing the way you think and behave to attract more
prosperity into your life.

Here are 20 ways that you can start to do just that. Some involve
changing your behaviors and doing new things. Some involve changing
your mindset.

But what they all do is guide you towards greater prosperity so that you
can reach your goals and enjoy your life to the full.

20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life 3

1. Set Clear Goals

If you want to attract prosperity in your life, you first have to decide
exactly what this means for you and set your goals accordingly.

A goal-oriented approach is essential. When you set goals, you will

have something to work towards, and this immediately changes your

Suddenly you have to set out to achieve something rather than sitting
back and waiting for your luck to change.

You could have a variety of goals to start with, which lead to other
goals. For example, your first goal might be to afford a new TV, then to
buy a new car … and your end goal could be to retire at 50!

It doesn’t matter what your goals are. They are unique to you, and
everyone has a different idea of what prosperity means for them.

Once you have a general idea of your goals, get down to the specifics
and try to be as clear as possible with what you want.

For example, rather than simply saying you want a new TV, set aside
a specific financial goal to achieve by the end of the year that will allow
you to buy it.

You should also write your goals down and then keep them visible. This
is a great way to solidify them and make them real.

4 20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life

If they are just in your head, it’s easy for you to lose focus, and you
might even forget about them entirely. Suddenly six months will have
gone by and you have forgotten all about them. You then get into bad
habits, and the dream is ever further away.

As well as writing them down, spend some time each week (or every
day) to look over your goals and remind yourself what you are trying to

Each time you do this, ask yourself: What am I going to do today to

help me reach my goals?

Your goals may change, and that’s absolutely fine. This is normal, and it
means that you are thinking more about what matters to you and what
you want from your life—what you really want.

You are far more likely to get things when you focus on achieving them.
So don’t sit back and wait for things to happen, and instead set your
goals and then get out there and work towards reaching them.

2. Change Your Spending Habits

The first step for many people after they have set their goals is to
change the way they spend.

20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life 5

If you are seeking prosperity, it’s likely that you are either suffering
financial hardship right now or you have done in the past.

By taking control of your spending, you can go a long way towards

improving your finances. And you can then build upon these new good
spending habits to achieve ever greater things.

The first thing to remember is that no matter how much money you
have, you need to spend it wisely.

Before you spend anything, ask yourself whether you really need it or
whether you just want it. And if you need it, ask yourself whether you
can afford it.

Be honest with yourself—don’t get into debt that you cannot afford to
pay back. And if you cannot afford something, look for alternatives.

Start with the small things: That coffee in the morning, the subscription
to the magazine that you don’t read anymore, the extra channels that
you subscribe to.

Go over everything that you spend money on, and everything your
family spends money on, and be ruthless about whether you really
need them or not.

Next time you go shopping, be strict with yourself. If you cannot afford
the most expensive branded products, opt for the cheaper alternatives

6 20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life

Find ways to save more. Look out for coupons and special offers, and
change your spending habits.

If you have some money in the bank, is it earning interest? If not, move
it to another account and get more for your money with no effort at all.

Forget about keeping up with the Joneses. Peer pressure can be

powerful, but focus on making a conscious effort not to try and keep up
with anyone else. Just focus on you.

Many rich people often avoid spending money where they don’t need
to, even though they can easily afford it. This is a good habit that they
likely got into long before they were rich.

Many rich people live below their means, and they save the money they
don’t need to spend.

By focusing on the small things and changing your spending habits,

you will learn to respect money more, and you will soon see that saving
even relatively small amounts will add up over time.

3. Associate with Successful People

If you want to be successful, first decide what your idea of success is. If
prosperity for you means being rich, then follow rich people.

20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life 7

Read their websites. Read the books they recommend. Read as many
biographies as you can. Listen to interviews.

Emulate them.

What do they do that you are not doing? You may come across
something deceptively simple that they do, perhaps a mindset they all
possess or a small habit they stick to.

Even wealthy people do this. They hang around people who are
wealthier than they are and learn from them. So associate with people
who you want to be like, follow what they do, and learn how to do the

Make an effort to listen to successful people. Go to talks, visit local

business events, and you will find that successful people often tell you
everything you need to know to achieve the same success.

Then you can make those small changes in your life. Sometimes the
changes will seem obvious, but they can make a profound difference to
your situation.

At the same time, don’t spend time listening to people who are not
successful. Don’t listen to their advice. After all, what can they teach

What about if you don’t know any successful people? Expand your
network. Volunteer, join groups, get involved in your community, or start
a new hobby.

8 20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life

You will come across many people this way, and unexpected
opportunities will arise.

4. Invest in Yourself

You have to invest in yourself if you want to attract prosperity. Constant

self-improvement is what wealthy people do all the time, and it is one of
the things that made them wealthy in the first place.

Money that you spend on your personal growth is an investment. Just

be careful where you spend the money. This could be taking courses,
joining a productivity group, or hiring a coach.

One of the best and simplest ways to invest in yourself is to read.

Successful people read—a LOT! They are constantly finding things out
about the world, and they work out how to improve themselves.

Learn, learn, learn.

Self-educate as much as you can. Download books in audio format and

listen to them during the day. Download summaries of books to take in
the key concepts in less time.

Get into the habit of reading regularly, every day if possible. You could

20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life 9

aim for a book a month to start with, but you should soon find that you
can read a lot more.

You need to make self-education a habit, one that comes naturally to

you. You can then turn it into a routine. Make it the first thing you do
when you wake up or the last thing you do at night.

Keep at it, keep on learning, and success will follow.

5. Follow Your Passions

This should be a simple one for you.

You are far more likely to attract prosperity in your life if you focus all
your efforts on something you are passionate about.

Think about something you love. It’s easy to do it, right?

It could be watching football, for example. How much effort does it

take? Not a lot. You also make time for it and you rearrange your
schedule to fit it in.

You need to do the same about your work.

Whether you are launching a new business or focusing on a new

career, it should be something you love.

10 20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life

That doesn’t mean you have to get a job that involves your favorite
hobby (although it’s great if you can!)

But you do need to do something that gets you up in the morning.

Something you look forward to every day.

First, you need to identify the things in the world that matter the most to
you. What do you look forward to? Who do you like to spend time with?
What are the things that you have to have in your life?

At the same time, drop the things that drain you and that suck the life
from you. It could be a person who is always negative, someone who
keeps putting you down. Or it could be something you do every day
that you hate.

Don’t let them bring you down.

Have a dream, and then focus on it. As long as it is a realistic dream

(you might not be able to become a professional football player, for

If you love what you do, you will focus more of your time and energy
on it. You really have to love what you do for a living, and if that means
changing jobs, go for it.

Or you could start a business, or even do something on the side while

you stick with your current job to keep an income coming in.

20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life 11

Whatever you do, follow your dreams and make sure you spend your
energy doing something you love.

6. Love (And Respect) Money

Some people are scared of money. If you are one of them, it’s probably
because you don’t understand it.

Fear of money often comes through misunderstanding. But if you want

to attract prosperity, you need to change your mindset.

Is it possible to go from fearing money to loving it? It can be once you

start to see money as the thing that will give you the freedom you

This is different from being greedy. Some people love money too much,
but you don’t have to go down that path. Instead, think of it as resetting
your relationship with money.

Change how you think about it.

Don’t think about the money that is going out every time you pay your
bills. Instead, think about what that money is getting you: Heat, water,
electricity, other essential things.

You have the money to pay for these things.

12 20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life

It’s easy to hate money when you don’t have enough of it. But
remember that it’s not the money itself, and more the way you behave
with money.

Change your mindset towards money, and you can change your
behavior with it.

Money can bring you great things in your life, including happiness up
to a point. So try to think of money as a positive thing in your life, as
something that you want more of.

Alongside loving money, you should also respect it. Know how much
influence it has on your life and what it can do (as well as what it can
prevent you from doing).

Respect money. After all, money comes from your hard work, your
effort, and your labor. Don’t disrespect money, because you are only
disrespecting yourself.

7. Use the Power of Affirmations

Affirmations can be powerful things. Despite being simple in

themselves, they can help to change your attitude towards many things.

Thinking positively can have a positive effect on your life. But think

20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life 13

negatively, and the opposite happens.

Start getting into the habit of thinking more positively. Write down a
selection of positive affirmations, which can just be simple statements
about your goals and being positive.

Once you have written them down on a piece of paper, sit down and
read them at least once a day. The morning is an especially good time,
but you can read through them multiple times a day if you want.

Really focus on the words and believe them. Don’t make them
halfhearted. Then you will find that the affirmations have a positive
effect on you, and they can even start to reprogram your brain.

You could start with anything. For example: “Today, I will take another
step closer to achieving my goals.”

Or you could make it more specific, such as focusing on the exact steps
that you will take.

You could do something similar with images. Find some images of your
dream house, an island where you want to go on vacation, or a large
TV you want to buy, and then look at them and tell yourself that you are
working towards achieving these things.

This can really help to give your self-esteem a boost. Many people do
this if they are plagued by negative thoughts that can hold them back.
By switching to a positive mindset, you can change your perceptions.

14 20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life

You may realize that you really do have something to offer, that you can
do something amazing in this world, that you have unique talents and
special gifts that you can share.

By telling yourself over and over again that something is possible, you
will start to believe that it is possible.

This is especially true with money. We grow up hearing negative things

about money, especially how scarce it is. But there is a lot of money out
there, and you just have to change the way you think about it.

Write down how easily you will earn a certain amount of money each
month, and then tell yourself it’s possible each day.

Having a positive mindset will really help you to go out there and fight
for what you want.

8. Let Go of Your Worries

In the same way that positive affirmations can make you feel more
positive in your life, you need to let go of your worries if you want to
make real progress.

Worrying is one of the most useless and self-defeating things you can
do in your life.

20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life 15

Worries do not help you to achieve anything, they do not solve
anything, and you spend time and energy thinking about them.

And it is all wasted time.

Worrying will only hold you back. So instead of worrying pointlessly,

think about the reasons for worrying … then tackle them!

Take control of your life. Rather than worry about the “what if,” focus on
the “how.” How will you solve this problem? How will you overcome this

It’s not easy, and you may need help to do it. This could involve talking
about your worries to other people.

Or write them down.

Often worries seem far less scary when you hear yourself speak them
aloud. But keep them locked away in your head, and they become
much worse.

So if you are a worrier, make defeating your worries one of the first
things you do if you want prosperity to follow.

9. Clear Your Debts

16 20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life

No matter how much positive thinking you do, or how much you focus
on succeeding, you will not make the best go of it unless you get out of

Debt holds you back.

It could be a personal loan or credit card debt. Whatever it is, the longer
it is there, the more it weighs you down.

Make a conscious effort to get rid of your debt. In fact, this could be the
first clear goal on your list.

Set a plan of action, and get financial help if you need to. You may be
able to use a consolidation loan or something similar. There are various
options to consider, and they can all help you to clear your debt.

Get rid of your debts before you start saving. Otherwise you’ll be
spending more on your debts than you will make from your savings.

Clearing your debt will give you a huge sense of achievement. Even if
it takes a long time to do it, as long as you start making steps towards
your goal of being debt-free, you will find that it helps to create a
positive mindset.

Be realistic. It may take months or years to achieve, but what you need
is a plan. If you stick to this plan, you will see your debt shrink, and this
is a powerful motivator.

By the time you clear your debt, you will have achieved something real,

20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life 17

something to be proud of.

And this will set you up perfectly for the next stage, where you set
about generating more wealth in your life.

10. Be Happy with What You Have

Even if your aim is to attract more prosperity, you should make a

conscious effort to be happy with what you have got.

Your end goal may be to become a millionaire, but that does not mean
you should be unhappy until you achieve this goal. If you are constantly
unhappy until you achieve your goals, you will waste many wonderful

Having a goal is one thing, and having a plan for how to achieve it is
important. But you can still enjoy the journey.

Focus on enjoying the journey. Know that every step you take, you are
one step closer.

You may want a bigger house. So set your sights on that, but don’t hate
your current house.

We’ve already looked at the power of positivity. Being constantly

unhappy with what you have will only make you feel negative, sapping

18 20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life

your power and preventing you from achieving your goals.

The more you appreciate what you already have, the more you will be
able to focus on what you want to acquire.

If you spend years thinking about all the great things you could have,
when you finally get to that stage, you will think back on all that you
have missed out on by not being happy with what you already have.

It’s all about the here and now

11. Study Wealth

If you want to become wealthy, one thing you should do is study wealth.

It’s the same with anything. When you want to learn how to do
something well, you study it. And it’s the same with money.

Find out everything you can about money. We’ve already looked at how
emulating successful people can help, but you can also find out more
about money itself.

Join up with a basic accounting class to find out the basics of budgeting
and managing your money.

Read books about investing, and find out as much as you can about

20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life 19

how people accumulate wealth in their lives.

Even spending some time regularly reading articles online can provide
you with lots of excellent information about managing wealth and
increasing your own.

The fact is, if you want to attract more money in your life, you first have
to understand it. Money remains a mystery to so many people, and it
may be a mystery to you.

So find out more about it. Understand the fundamentals of earning and
managing money. Start learning as much as you can, and use your
new-found knowledge to increase your wealth.

12. Focus on Your Health

In your desire to attract greater prosperity in your life, don’t overstrain

yourself so much that you end up affecting your health.

If there is one thing that is important, it’s your health.

If your health suffers, you will find it a greater challenge to attract

prosperity, and you will only be making it harder on yourself.

But if you are fit and healthy, you will have more energy and a more
positive mind frame to work towards acquiring the wealth that you

20 20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life

dream about.

Health affects your confidence. If you are fit, healthy, and pain-free, this
gives you more confidence to go out and get what you want.

On the other hand, if you are unhealthy, you will find that this dents your

Sometimes our health can suffer because of events out of our control.
But you can certainly reduce the risk by eating healthy foods and
exercising regularly.

You can also reduce the risks to your health by quitting unhealthy
habits like smoking.

And if you already have health issues, focus on these first and get
control over them. Find out what you need to do to improve your health
and heal your pains.

This will give you more energy and more confidence to get what you
want, increasing your chances of attracting more prosperity.

13. Create the Right Atmosphere Around You

Your mindset is very important when it comes to attracting more

prosperity in your life.

20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life 21

Just as your health can affect your mindset positively or negatively, so
too can your surroundings.

You need to focus on creating a positive environment around you,

and there are some simple changes you can make in your immediate
surroundings that can help you.

Start by clearing up your home and getting rid of clutter. It’s one of the
simplest things that you can do, but it will instantly transform your home
into a calm and relaxing place where you can focus.

Add some plants throughout the rooms of your home. Not only will
these improve the air quality, but they will also provide you with
something beautiful to enjoy on a daily basis.

Pay special attention to your kitchen. This is a symbol of prosperity

because it is related to feeding yourself. After all, if you can already
feed yourself properly, this is a form of prosperity and you already have
more than many other people in this world.

These tips may seem a bit new age, but they can be very simple ways
to improve your immediate surroundings, to add a sense of calm and
order to your life.

And if your surroundings are positive, this can go a long way in

improving your positive mindset so you can set out to achieve your

22 20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life

14. Give Things Away for Free

This one may seem slightly counter-productive, but there is logic to it.

The basic principle is that by giving things away, you are proving to
yourself that you have enough in your life to be able to do this. In a way,
if you can give things away, you are already rich.

You may choose to give money to charity, and this can help you to feel
better knowing that you are doing a good deed.

Some people believe that by helping others, you are helping yourself. If
you are one of them, giving things away can give you a positive sense
of wellbeing that you are doing the right thing.

But do it without expecting anything in return.

Give because you can, not because you want something back. Remind
yourself that you can afford it and that no matter what your goals are,
right now you are still in a good place because you can give things
away to other people.

And it does not have to be money.

While giving money away to a charity can be a worthwhile form of

giving, you can give in other ways as well.

One option is to give your time and energy by volunteering at a

20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life 23

local organization and sharing your experience, your skills, and your

This can give you a sense of fulfillment that you may be lacking in your

Remember that money is essentially related to your time and energy.

You trade these for money whenever you go to work, so give these
away generously, and this can improve your feelings of positivity.

15. Focus on Providing Value

If you truly want to become prosperous, you need to provide value in

everything that you do.

Let’s say you are starting a business that you want to be successful.
Rather than trying to make money as your main focus, instead put your
time into creating more value for your customers.

The money that comes your way is then just a way of exchanging

If you put more effort into creating value, it makes sense that you will
get more back in return in terms of money.

Create something of value, something that is valuable to your

24 20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life

customers, to society at large. Be creative and think of ways that you
can improve people’s lives. Think about the different ways you can help
and create more value.

And think of it this way—when times are hard, people may want to
keep hold of their money. They will be far more likely to exchange their
money for things that provide them with value in their lives.

Provide people with that value, and you will have a better chance of
getting through the bad times, like recessions. It’s a way of protecting

16. Have a Positive Mindset

This is one of the simplest tips here, but one that is sometimes the
hardest to achieve.

When you set about attracting more prosperity in your life, you have to
be positive if you are ever going to succeed.

You will have far more chance of success if you believe that something
is possible.

Just because something has been the case right up until this point,
that does not mean it always will be. Things change and you can make
them change.

20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life 25

As long as you have belief.

Think carefully about the thoughts that hold you back, those negative
thoughts that get in the way of fulfilling your goals.

We all have them.

When you set your sights on something, these thoughts are the ones
that tell you it is not possible.

And they can be very convincing if you listen to them long enough.

They can often come from other sources as well, such as other people.
Other people will sometimes want to tell you how hard something is in
order to encourage you not to bother trying in the first place.

Some people won’t want you to succeed because it will show how little
they have done with their own lives.

But don’t listen to them.

Recognize negative voices and negative thoughts for what they are,
and then ignore them. Push them to one side and focus on the positive

This goes back to the whole idea of using positive affirmations, and
these are certainly a part of positive thinking.

26 20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life

Remember that we all have doubts, we all have fears.

We don’t know the future, so we cannot tell what will happen. But know
that you only get things if you have a shot.

So be positive. Think positively. And use that to drive you onwards

towards your goals.

17. Save and Invest

We looked at changing your spending habits earlier on, but another

thing to focus on is your saving habits.

Saving and investing are sensible things that anyone can do.

You might not be able to save much at first, and you should get rid
of your debts as well. But as soon as it makes sense to do so, start

For example, let’s say things are going well. Your business is taking off
or your new job is a success, and you are making more money.

But rather than using that as an excuse to spend more because you
can, instead start saving more instead.

You can maintain your spending and put the other money to use.

20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life 27

Find a high-interest bank account and store your money away to earn
interest on it. You might also consider investing. Investing brings its
risks, but it also leads to amazing gains.

Once again, educate yourself. Learn all you can about investing, about
how to use your money to make more money. Don’t take big risks, and
diversify your portfolio.

Start with a small amount of money and learn the system. Work out
what type of investor you are, then increase your investments over

Sensible and successful investing is a long-term strategy. If your goal is

to retire early or to retire with a large nest egg to keep you comfortable
in your later years, start early.

Take a course, read books, and follow the example of experienced


It can be a very sensible way to grow your wealth, and it does not have
to be risky. Many people do not invest because they think they need to
be rich to do so, or because they don’t want to learn.

But that doesn’t have to be you.

You may want to follow a common plan for spending and serving, which
is to spend 50 percent of your income on things that you need, 30
percent on things that you want, and the last 20 percent on long-term

28 20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life

financial goals, which could include saving and investing.

18. Accept Responsibility for Your Situation

No matter what your goals when it comes to prosperity, it’s important to

accept responsibility for where you are right now.

Blaming others will not get you anywhere.

Look at where you are now, at your home, your finances, your job, your
personal situation. And accept that it is your decisions that have led you
to this situation.

It could have been which job you chose, which college degree you did,
which city you moved to … anything.

This is enormously empowering to do because it allows you to fully

understand and appreciate that you can make a real difference to your

Things will happen in life. Unexpected events that throw us off course,
and we cannot plan for these.

But the one person who is going to make the biggest difference to your
life and your future is YOU.

20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life 29

By completely accepting that you have got yourself where you are
today, this gives you the freedom to take another course of action from
this day forward.

Sure, things might have happened that were not your fault. But you
reacted to them in a certain way, and your reactions afterward led you
to where you are now.

If you are not wealthy now, ask yourself why. Look deep into yourself,
your life, your habits. What have you done that has led you to this

Now … what can you do to change it? The power is in your hands.

19. Believe in Yourself

Whatever you want in your life, you will only really achieve it if you
believe it is possible.

You have to believe in yourself. You have to believe that you are worthy
of achieving your goals.

No one is entitled to happiness, but you are certainly worthy of it.

You may have to reframe your view of yourself. If you don’t believe
in yourself, if you don’t think yourself worthy, it’s unlikely that you will

30 20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life

achieve what you set out to.

Set your sights high.

Have a goal 10, 20, or 30 years from now. It may seem like an
enormous mountain to climb, but if you believe that it is possible, your
chances of reaching it are far, far greater.

Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Self-belief can be badly affected by the words of others. So don’t let

other people tell you that you cannot do something. What do they
know? They don’t know you and what you are capable of.

The only thing that matters is belief in yourself. Once you have that,
you can get up every single morning knowing that you are getting one
step closer to your dreams.

20. Take Action and Be Committed

Finally, the most important thing of all is to do something.


You may not achieve your goals in a day, or even a week, a month, or
maybe many years. But you will achieve them eventually if you work

20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life 31

towards them.

The mindset of sitting back and waiting for things to happen will not get
you anywhere. This could be through lack of motivation, or it could be
the result of fear.

Whatever your dreams, you have to work towards them. Take very
small steps at first, it doesn’t matter how small.

Save your first 10 dollars. Open a savings account. Read a book. Listen
to a successful business person. Clean your home. Look for a new job.

When you finally reach your goals and achieve the prosperity you set
out to create, you will realize that it has been the result of all of your
hard work, of those countless small steps you took. They have all
added up to get you where you are.

And the only thing more important than getting started now is to commit
to it.

Commitment will get you a long way in life. Doing something small
every day, every week, every year will make an enormous difference
over time.

So many people start something new with the best of intentions, often
at the start of a new year. But they cannot follow through with it.

They let themselves believe that it is not possible when really it is

simply the fact that they did not commit that led them to the inevitable

32 20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life


Look ahead to your future self, to where you want to be. And
understand that it is possible as long as you work hard, every single
day, towards achieving it

Prosperity Is Possible

For one person, prosperity may be owning a mansion. For another,

feeding their family.

This guide is not about achieving a certain amount of money or a

particular goal. You have to decide on your goals, and only you know
what you really want from life and what prosperity means to you.

But whatever your goals, hopefully these tips will help you to get closer
to what you want to achieve from life.

Just remember that it will be a journey, sometimes a long journey, and

we don’t always get what we want straight away.

But set your goals, and work steadily towards them with persistence
and belief, and you may surprise yourself at what you can achieve.

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34 20 Tips to Attract Prosperity In Your Life

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