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Potential Interventions of Yoga and Dad Fasting Conjugated Induction of

EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate) and Polyphenols from Green Tea juice

and Apples For Suppressor Gene PPAR-γ, C / EBP-α, and SREBP-c On
the Management of Adolescent Obesity

Aris Munandar, Lutfian, Ahmad Rizki Nur Hakiki

Nursing Faculty of Jember University


Obesity is a condition that can lead hypertension, acute myocardial infarction,

diabetes mellitus and other diseases. Therefore, an effort is needed to reduce the
incidence of obesity. In this case the author describes the relation between Yoga
and David's fasting which is conjugated with the induction of polyphenolic
compounds from Green tea and apples to reduce PPAR-γ gene activity, C / EBP-
α, and SREBP-c in adolescents in order to reduce the risk of obesity. Doing yoga
therapy can bring out the balance and health of the physical, mental, emotional,
and spiritual dimensions of the individual, do fasting for limiting the amount of
calorie intake at a certain time by consuming Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) as a
source of polyphenol derivatives, and consuming apples as a source flavonol, and
anthocyanidin and dihydrocalcones and hydroxycinnamic acid. Yoga and fasting
exercise can reduce adipogenesis and induce reverse cholesterol transport, cellular
cholesterol release, reduce pro-inflammatory cytokines. Meanwhile, green tea and
apples contain high polyphenols and EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate) which play
a role in inducing lipolysis. The results suggest using a combination of these
intervention methods, the incidence of obesity especially in adolescents can be

Keywords: Yoga, Daud Fasting, Epigallocatechin Gallate, Polifenol, Obesitas.

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