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The role of cytokinins in root development of pea seedlings

Article  in  Plant Growth Regulation · June 2001

DOI: 10.1023/A:1013314919299


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2 authors, including:

Wendy A Stirk
University of KwaZulu-Natal


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Planta (2008) 227:1279–1289
DOI 10.1007/s00425-008-0699-z


Spatial and temporal changes in endogenous cytokinins

in developing pea roots
W. A. Stirk Æ O. Novák Æ K. Václavı́ková Æ
P. Tarkowski Æ M. Strnad Æ J. van Staden

Received: 10 October 2007 / Accepted: 16 January 2008 / Published online: 13 February 2008
Ó Springer-Verlag 2008

Abstract Germination and seedling establishment follows cytokinins were detected in the root tip, whereas trans-
a distinct pattern which is partly controlled by hormones. zeatin- (tZ), dihyrozeatin- (DHZ) and iP-type cytokinins
Roots have high levels of cytokinins. By quantifying the were found in the secondary roots and root zone. Cytokinin
fluctuations in endogenous cytokinins over time, further biosynthesis was only detected after day 6. Biosynthesis of
insight may be gained into the role of cytokinins during iP and tZ derivatives was quite rapid, whereas biosynthesis
germination and seedling establishment. Radicles were of cZ derivatives remained at a low basal level. These
excised from sterile Pisum sativum L. seeds after 30 min and fluctuations in cytokinin types and concentrations suggest
5 h imbibition. Seedlings germinated on agar were har- the cytokinins may be synthesized from various pathways in
vested after 1, 3, 6 and 9 days. The roots were divided into pea roots.
the root tip, root free zone, secondary root zone and from day
6, the secondary roots. Samples were purified by various
Keywords Cytokinins  Germination  Pisum 
chromatographic methods and endogenous cytokinins
Root tip  Secondary roots  Seedling establishment
detected by LC(+)ES-MS. Benzyladenine levels doubled
after 5 h imbibition and then gradually decreased over time.
Low concentrations of cis-Zeatin (cZ) type cytokinins were Abbreviations
detected in the radicle after 30 min imbibition. After 5 h BA N6-benzyladenine
imbibition, cis-zeatin riboside-50 -monophosphate had CBP Cytokinin binding proteins
greatly increased. The total cytokinin content of the roots cZ cis-Zeatin
increased over time with the ribotides being the predominant cZOG cis-Zeatin-O-glucoside
conjugates. From day 3 onwards, there was a gradual cZR cis-Zeatin riboside
increase in the free bases, O-glucosides and their ribosylated cZROG cis-Zeatin riboside-O-glucoside
forms. Mainly N6-(2-isopentenyl)adenine (iP)-type cZRMP cis-Zeatin riboside-50 -monophosphate
DEAE Diethylaminoethyl
DHZ Dihydrozeatin
DHZRMP Dihydrozeatin riboside-50 -monophosphate
IAC Immunoaffinity chromatography
W. A. Stirk (&)  J. van Staden
iP N6-(2-isopentenyl)adenine
Research Centre for Plant Growth and Development, iPRMP N6-(2-isopentenyl)adenosine-
School of Biological and Conservation Sciences, 50 -monophosphate
University of KwaZulu-Natal Pietermaritzburg, IPT Isopentenyltransferase
Private Bag X01, Scottsville 3209, South Africa
e-mail: stirk@ukzn.ac.za
LC(+)ES-MS Liquid chromatography with electrospray
interface mass spectrometry
O. Novák  K. Václavı́ková  P. Tarkowski  M. Strnad MS Mass spectrometry
Laboratory of Growth Regulators, Palacký University & Institute mT meta-Topolin
of Experimental Botany AS CR, Šlechtitelů 11,
783 71 Olomouc, Czech Republic
tRNA Transfer ribonucleic acid

1280 Planta (2008) 227:1279–1289

tZ trans-Zeatin pronounced effect on their sensitivity to specific cytokinin

tZR trans-Zeatin riboside receptors and their biological activity (Spı́chal et al. 2004;
tZRMP trans-Zeatin riboside-50 -monophosphate Sakakibara 2006).
The contribution of individual cytokinins to the various
growth processes is not clearly understood, with each
Introduction conjugate type potentially having a different role. Cytoki-
nin-free bases and ribosides are considered the most
Germination and development of seedlings follows a series biologically active cytokinin forms but are susceptible to
of overlapping morphological and physiological events that irreversible degradation by cytokinin oxidases (Haberer
are often triggered by imbibition. Such events include and Kieber 2002; Spı́chal et al. 2004; Sakakibara 2006). As
radicle emergence, secondary root initiation and elongation O-glucosyl conjugates are resistant to cytokinin oxidases
and shoot establishment. These events are tightly regulated and readily converted into the active free bases and ribo-
by a number of physiological factors, with each develop- sides by the highly substrate specific glucosidases, they are
mental phase having different requirements. Pea seedlings considered as inactive but stable forms of excess cytokinins
have been extensively studied with respect to their germi- that play an important role in balancing cytokinin levels
nation and secondary root development. In intact pea (Spı́chal et al. 2004; Sakakibara 2006). The adenine ring
seedlings, secondary roots initiated from meristems within structure can also be glucosylated at the N3-, N7- and N9-
the root, form a distinct band called the root zone. The root position. As these conjugates are usually inactive in bio-
zone is separated from the root tip by a root free zone. Thus assays and not reversibly sequestrated, their in vivo
there is spatial separation between the dividing cells in the function is believed to be deactivation (Haberer and Kieber
root tip, elongating cells in the root free zone and the 2002).
secondary root meristem. The establishment of this pattern It is important to consider the types and concentra-
is, in part, determined by plant hormone concentrations tions of endogenous cytokinins present in plant tissue at
(Hinchee and Rost 1986). A gradient of endogenous any given time to gain a better understanding of the role
cytokinins was found in 3-day-old pea roots with the of specific cytokinins in the various developmental pro-
cytokinin concentration being far greater in the meriste- cesses. The spatial and temporal distribution of
matic root tip compared to the segment immediately behind biologically active cytokinins is tightly regulated in
it (Short and Torrey 1972). This gradient is consistent with plants to co-ordinate specific developmental events
the gene expression results for Arabidopsis roots (Lohar (Kurakawa et al. 2007). Growth and development in
et al. 2004). plants is a balance between cell division and differenti-
Although the sites of cytokinin biosynthesis are not ation (Kyozuka 2007). Cytokinins are one of the key
well defined, tissues with high-cytokinin concentrations hormones in root development, having a negative regu-
are presumed to be sites of biosynthesis (Miyawaki et al. latory function (Werner et al. 2003). Cytokinins promote
2004). Roots are reported to be the main site of cyto- cell division, vascular cambium sensitivity and differen-
kinin biosynthesis although there is now evidence that tiation apical dominance in roots (Aloni et al. 2006).
other tissues with the capacity for cell division, such as They work antagonistically with other hormones, espe-
young leaves, shoot apical meristems and immature cially auxin. Cytokinin-deficient transgenic Arabidopsis
seeds, can also synthesize cytokinins (Miyawaki et al. plants have increased root branching (Werner et al.
2004; Nordström et al. 2004a). 2003) and enlarged root meristems, with cells undergo-
Three groups of cytokinins are recognized based on their ing more divisions before exiting the meristem and
side chain nature: (1) the isoprenoid cis-zeatin (cZ), trans- undergoing elongation (Werner et al. 2001). This cyto-
zeatin (tZ) and N6-(2-isopentenyl)adenine (iP), (ii) iso- kinin action is localized in the vascular tissue at the
prenoid-derived dihydrozeatin (DHZ) and (iii) the aromatic transition zone in the root meristem where it acts as an
N6-benzyladenine (BA) and topolins (Zažı́malová et al. antagonist to auxin (Ioio et al. 2007).
1999). These are present in the plant in various conjugate Recent advances performed in analytical techniques
forms (Haberer and Kieber 2002). Local cytokinin levels now allow for the accurate quantification of very low
are controlled by the balance of biosynthesis, intercon- concentrations of the hormones. The aim of this study was
version, transport and degradation (Miyawaki et al. 2004). to identify and quantify the endogenous cytokinins found
Metabolic conversion between the various cytokinins is in the various components of intact pea seedling roots as
achieved by a number of enzymes, some of which have they develop over time. This study may provide insight
been isolated and characterized (Sakakibara 2006). Even into the role of the various cytokinins during germination
small substitutions in the cytokinin side-chain have a and seedling establishment.

Planta (2008) 227:1279–1289 1281

Materials and methods chromatography (IAC) based on generic cytokinin mono-

clonal antibody (Faiss et al. 1997). This solution resulted in
Plant material and growth conditions three fractions containing (1) the free bases, ribosides and
N-glucosides, (2) a ribotide fraction, and (3) an O-glucoside
One sample of 200 radicles was prepared by soaking pea fraction. Fractions 2 and 3 were also purified using IAC
seeds (Pisum sativum L. var. Greenfeast, Starke Ayres, where fraction 2 was treated with alkaline phosphatase
South Africa) in distilled water for 30 min to soften the (Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany) and fraction 3
testa sufficiently so that the ‘‘dry’’ radicles could be with b-glucosidase (G-0395, Sigma, St. Louis, USA).
excised. Another sample of 200 seeds was also prepared The fractions from the IAC columns were evaporated to
where the radicles were excised from seeds that had been dryness and dissolved in 50 ll of the mobile phase used for
imbibed for 5 h. HPLC-MS analysis. The samples were analysed by HPLC
Additional pea seeds were soaked in 3.5% NaOCl for (Waters Alliance 2690) linked to a Micromass ZMD 2000
30 min and then rinsed well with sterilized water. The single quadrupole mass spectrometer equipped with an
surface sterilized seeds were partially submerged (to electrospray interface [LC(+)ES-MS] and diode-array
reduce oxidative stress) in sterilized water for 5 h. The detector (Waters PDA 996). Using a post-column split of
seeds were then placed in tissue culture jars containing 1:1, the effluent was introduced into an electrospray source
0.5 g No. 3 Oxoid Bacteriological Agar dissolved in (source block temperature 100°C, desolvation temperature
100 ml distilled water as a support medium. There were 250°C, capillary voltage +3.0 kV, cone voltage 20 V) and
seven seeds per jar. All work was carried out on a laminar PDA (scanning range 210–300 nm; with 1.2 nm resolu-
flow bench to minimize contamination. The seeds were tion), and quantitative analysis of the different cytokinins
grown in the dark at 22°C. After 1, 3, 6 and 9 days, 200 was performed in a selective ion-monitoring mode.
seedlings were harvested, and the root length and number Quantification was performed by Masslynx software using
of secondary roots recorded. No seedlings from contami- a standard isotope dilution method. The ratio of endoge-
nated jars were used. Each seedling was then divided into a nous cytokinin to appropriate labelled standard was
2 mm root tip, the root free zone, the root zone and if determined and further used to quantify the level of
emerged, the secondary roots (days 6 and 9) as described in endogenous compounds in the original extract, according
the Introduction. to the knowledge of quantity of added internal standard
(Novák et al. 2003).

Identification and quantification of endogenous

cytokinins Cytokinin identification by exact mass determination

The procedure used for cytokinin analysis was a modifica- A CapLCÒ module (Waters, Milford, MA, USA) capillary
tion of the method described by Novák et al. (2003). Freeze- liquid chromatography system equipped with a reversed-
dried root samples were extracted in triplicate for 3 h in ice- phase (Symmetry C18, 0.3 mm 9 150 mm, 5 lm, Waters)
cold 70% ethanol (v/v) and deuterium labelled standards column coupled to a hybrid Q-Tof micro mass analyzer
added, each at 5 pmol per sample to check recovery during (Waters MS Technologies, Manchester, UK) was used for
purification and to validate determination. The standards high-resolution identification of cytokinin derivatives.
were [2H5]tZ, [13C5]cZ, [2H5]tZR, [2H5]tZ9G, [2H5]tZRMP, Following injection, cytokinins were eluted with a 25-min
[2H3]DHZ, [2H3]DHZR, [2H3]DHZ9G, [2H3]DHZRMP binary linear gradient, again composed of 15 mM ammo-
[2H6]iP, [2H6]iPR, [2H6]iP9G, [2H6]iPRMP, [2H5]tZOG, nium formate (pH 4.0, A) and methanol (B) starting at an
[2H5]tZROG, [2H7]DHZOG, [2H7]DHZROG. The aromatic A:B ratio of 1:9 (v/v), and finishing at a 1:1 ratio of A:B,
cytokinins were analysed using the following internal stan- but with a flow-rate of 5 lL/min and column temperature
dards: [2H7]BA, [2H7]BAR, [2H7]BA9G, [2H7]BARMP, of 35°C. Electrospray ionization in the positive ion mode
[15N4]mT, [15N4]oT, and [15N4]Kin (Olchemim Ltd., Czech was performed using the following parameters: source
Republic). block/desolvation temperature, 90/200°C; capillary/cone
After extraction, the homogenate was centrifuged voltage, 2,500/30 V; and spray/cone gas flow (N2),
(15,000g, 4°C) and the pellets re-extracted. The combined 50/250 L/h. In the full-scan mode, data were acquired in
supernatants were concentrated to approximately 1.0 ml the mass range 50–500 Da, with a cycle time of 28 ls, a
under vacuum at 35°C, diluted to 20 ml with ammonium scan time of 1.0 s and a collision energy of 4 V. For the
acetate buffer (40 mM, pH 6.5) and purified using a MS/MS experiments, analytes were fragmented with the
combined DEAE-Sephadex (1.0 cm9 5.0 cm)-octadecyl- collision cell filled with argon gas and collision energies of
silica (0.5 cm9 1.5 cm) column and immunoaffinity 15, 20 and 25 V. For the exact mass determination

1282 Planta (2008) 227:1279–1289

experiments, a lock spray was used for external calibration Results

with a mixture of 0.1 M NaOH/10% (v/v), formic acid and
acetonitrile (1:1:8, by vol) as a reference. Accurate masses The root length and number of secondary roots are shown
were calculated and used for the determination of the in Table 1. By day 1, the hypocotyl had emerged and it
elementary composition and structure of the analytes with continued to elongate throughout the experiment. A few
fidelity C5 ppm. All data were processed by the Quan- secondary roots were visible by day 6 and these had
LynxTM program included in the MassLynxTM software increased in number and length by day 9.
package (version 4.0, Waters). Eighteen isoprenoid cytokinins were identified in the
radicle and seedling roots. The identity of all cytokinin
metabolites was verified by comparison of the mass spectra
Measuring biosynthetic rates of cytokinin ribotides and chromatographic retention times with those of
and ribosides authentic standards. These consisted of the free bases tZ,
cZ, DHZ and iP and their corresponding riboside, riboside-
Approximately 20 g of pea seeds were incubated in 100 ml O-glucoside, O-glucoside and ribotide (50 -monophos-
30% deuterium oxide at 23°C in a 16:8 h light:dark regime. phates) conjugates (Figs. 1, 3, 4, 5). No N-glucosides were
After 24 and 48 h incubation, seeds were gently dried found. Only two aromatic cytokinins, BA and meta-topolin
between sheets of filter paper and immediately frozen in (mT) were detected (Fig. 1e, f).
liquid nitrogen. Pea seedlings were grown on moist perlite Very low concentrations or no isoprenoid-free bases
at 23°C in a 16:8 h light:dark regime. The roots of 6- and were detected in the radicles at day 0, even after 5 h
9-day-old seedlings were dissected out and incubated with imbibition. The contribution of the free bases to the cyto-
30% deuterium oxide for 24 h and collected under the kinin pool only increased slightly over time with increases
same conditions. All samples were kept at -80°C until in tZ and iP (Fig. 1a, d). iP concentrations increased on day
extraction and purification. 3 with the highest concentration measured in the root tip.
Samples were extracted, purified and derivatized as High iP concentrations were also measured in the emerging
described by Åstot et al. (1998). Biosynthetic rates (t/t secondary roots on day 6 (Fig. 1d). Trans-zeatin concen-
ratio) of cytokinin ribotides and ribosides were determined trations increased on day 6, being detected mainly in the
by the modified method described by Nordström et al. emerging secondary roots and remained low in the root tip
(2004b) where 3 g fresh mass was extracted in 10 ml (Fig. 1a). Concentrations of cZ and DHZ remained low
Bieleski’s extraction solvent (Bieleski 1964) overnight at throughout the experiment (Fig. 1b, c) although cZ con-
-20°C. Extracts were passed in sequence through SCX centrations increased slightly after 5 h imbibition on day 0.
and DEAE-Sephadex-C18 cartridges. Fractions containing However, the radicles had a very high concentration of the
the cytokinin ribosides were further purified by cytokinin- aromatic cytokinin BA. This concentration more than
specific IAC (Olchemim Ltd.). Fractions containing doubled after 5 h imbibition and then decreased gradually
cytokinin ribotides were treated with alkaline phosphatase over time until only low concentrations were detected in
and subsequently also purified by the IAC. The dried the root tip of the seedlings on day 9. BA was not detected
samples were propionylated using N,N-dimethylformam- in the secondary roots (Fig. 1e). mT was the only topolin
ide-N-methylimidazole-propionic anhydride (5:3:1 v/v/v), detected in the pea roots and occurred in very low con-
then evaporated to dryness and stored at -20°C until centrations throughout the experiment (Fig. 1f).
analysed. The presence of high concentrations of aromatic cyto-
The isotopomer profile was determined in multiple kinins (BA, mT) is also observed in many other plant
reaction monitoring mode by UPLC (Waters Acquity)
linked to a Quatro Micro triple quadrupole mass spec-
Table 1 Radicle length, root length and number of secondary roots
trometer equipped with an electrospray interface of the pea seedlings determined as the mean ± SD (n = 200)
[LC(+)ES-MS/MS]. The incorporation of deuterium to
Treatment Root length (mm) No. of secondary roots
molecules of newly synthesized cytokinins was calculated
as a tracer/tracee ratio (t/t ratio) as outlined by Åstot et al. 30 min imbibition 3.0 ± 0.6a –
(2000a). The t/t ratio was obtained by calculating the nat- 5 h imbibition 3.5 ± 0.6 a

ural isotope distribution in a set of standards, then Day 1 4.7 ± 0.7 0±0
subtracting the natural isotope contribution of each iso- Day 3 22.6 ± 6.5 0±0
topomer in the sample by multiplying the natural isotope Day 6 69.0 ± 18.5 4.55 ± 3.95
fraction found in the standards by the [M+H]+ isotope and Day 9 98.0 ± 31.6 31.60 ± 10.31
subtracting the resulting value from the respective isotop- a
omers. There were four replicates per treatment.

Planta (2008) 227:1279–1289 1283

Fig. 1 Changes in
a) t Z b) cZ
concentrations of cytokinin-free 50
bases trans-zeatin (tZ, a), cis-
zeatin (cZ, b), dihydrozeatin Root tip
40 Root free zone
(DHZ, c),
Root zone
N6-(2-isopentenyl)adenine (iP, 30 Secondary roots
d), N6-benzyladenine (BA, e)
and meta-topolin (mT, f) in pea 20
seedlings measured over 9 days
of incubation. LOD limit of Radicle
detection, error bars represent



SD (n = 3)

c) DHZ d) iP







< L OD
< LO D

e)BA f) mT
50 231.4



10 Radicle


h <LOD


< LO D
1 3 6 9 3

1 6 9



TIME (days) TIME (days)

species during germination (own unpublished data) and concentration was trans-zeatin riboside (tZR). The con-
therefore appears to be of general importance during this centration of tZR remained very low in the root tip over the
physiological process. To confirm the real presence of 9 days but increased to high levels in the root-free zone and
cytokinins in germinating pea seeds, the identity of BA was root zone from day 3 onwards and the secondary roots from
verified by comparison of the mass spectra obtained by day 6 onwards (Fig. 3a). Although occurring in lower
Q-Tof MS and chromatographic retention with the syn- concentrations, the distribution of dihydrozeatin riboside
thetic standard. To further verify the presence of BA-like (DHZR) was similar to that of tZR (Fig. 1c). Conversely,
substance in the plant material, the tissue extracts were highest concentrations of cis-zeatin riboside (cZR) were
combined, immunopurified by BA-specific IACs (data not detected in the root tip and the secondary roots on day 6
shown), fractionated by HPLC and the corresponding UV (Fig. 3b). The highest N6-(2-isopentenyl)adenosine (iPR)
fractions collected and combined. The structure of almost concentration was measured in the secondary roots on day
pure BA obtained in this way was determined by Q-Tof 6 (Fig. 3d).
MS which can provide both structural elucidation and Very low concentrations of O-glucosides and riboside-
highly accurate mass determinations. The mass spectra of O-glucosides were present in the radicles on day 0. The
natural BA unequivocally identified in germinating pea O-glucosides did not increase over time while there was
seeds is shown in Fig. 2. a general increase in the riboside-O-glucoside concen-
All the riboside conjugates increased over time with trations, especially trans-zeatin riboside-O-glucoside
the highest concentrations generally being detected in the (tZROG) and cis-zeatin riboside-O-glucoside (cZROG)
tissues on day 6. The riboside found in the highest and to a lesser extent dihydrozeatin riboside-O-glucoside

1284 Planta (2008) 227:1279–1289

a) The ribotides occurred in the highest concentrations of

all the cytokinin types with a general increase over time.
b) These were the first cytokinin forms to be detected with
high levels of cZRMP measured 5 h after imbibition
(Fig. 5b), isopenteyladenosine-50 -monophosphate (iPRMP)
detected on day 1 (Fig. 5d) and trans-zeatin riboside-
50 -monophosphate (tZRMP) and dihyrozeatin riboside-
5-monophosphate (DHZRMP) measured on day 3 (Fig. 5a,
c). By day 9, high concentrations of cZRMP and iPRMP
were detected in the root tip although the highest concen-
trations were recorded in the root free zone (Fig. 5b, d).
Their distribution within the root was similar to the other
cytokinin conjugates, with the root tip having the highest
cZRMP and iPRMP concentrations and tZRMP and
DHZRMP being restricted mainly to the root zone. On day
6, the elongating secondary roots also contained high
concentrations of cZRMP (Fig. 5b).
Within the first 48 h following imbibition, no cytokinin
biosynthesis was detected in the pea seeds. After day 6,
biosynthesis of iP and tZ derivatives became quite rapid,
Fig. 2 a, b Identification of N6-benzyladenine (BA) in immunopu- whereas the biosynthesis of cZ derivatives remained at a
rified samples in germinating pea seeds detected by capillary liquid low basal level (Table 2).
chromatography-Q-Tof mass spectrometry (MS). Accurate masses
were calculated and used for the determination of the compound’s
elementary composition. a MS chromatogram (m/z 226) and b MS
spectrum of BA obtained from the basic fraction Discussion

(DHZROG; Fig. 4b, d, f). Their distribution within the Germination is defined as a triphasic event beginning with
root mirrored that of their corresponding riboside con- the uptake of water by quiescent dry seeds, followed by a
jugates (Fig. 4a, c, e). lag phase and ending with the elongation of the embryonic

Fig. 3 Changes in
100 a) tZR b) cZR
concentrations of cytokinin 121.0 201.4
ribosides trans-zeatin riboside Root tip
(tZR, a), cis-zeatin riboside 80 Root free zone
(cZR, b), dihydrozeatin riboside Root zone

(DHZR, c) N6-(2- 60 Secondary roots

isopentenyl)adenosine (iPR, d )
in pea seedlings measured over 40
9 days of incubation. No
aromatic cytokinin ribosides 20
were detected. LOD limit of

detection, error bars represent
SD (n = 3)
100 c) DHZR d) iPR




20 Radicle
h <LOD


1 3 6 9 1 3 6 9





TIME (days) TIME (days)

Planta (2008) 227:1279–1289 1285

Fig. 4 Changes in
concentration of cytokinin a) t ZOG b) t ZROG
O-glucosides and riboside-
Root tip
O-glucosides trans-zeatin- 40 Root free zone
O-glucoside (tZOG, a),
Root zone
trans-zeatin riboside- 30 Secondary roots
O-glucoside (tZROG, b), cis-
zeatin-O-glucoside (cZOG, c), 20
cis-zeatin riboside-O-glucoside
(cZROG, d), dihydrozeatin- 10 Radicle Radicle
O-glucoside (DHZOG, e)









dihydrozeatin riboside-
O-glucoside (DHZROG, f) in
pea seedlings measured over c) cZOG d) cZROG
9 days of incubation. No 50
aromatic cytokinin conjugates
were detected. LOD limit of 40
detection, error bars represent
SD (n = 3) 30


Radicle Radicle

















1 3 6 9 1 3 6 9



TIME (days) TIME (days)

axis (Bewley and Black 1982; Bewley 1997). During the predominant zeatin isomers e.g. chickpea seeds, rice, maize
lag phase there is enzyme activation, de novo enzyme and white lupins (see Emery et al. 1998; Martin et al. 2001;
synthesis and the resumption of metabolic activities such as Veach et al. 2003). The results of the present study showed
respiration and nutrient mobilization (Bewley 1997). that after 30 min imbibition, the aromatic BA was the only
Seedling establishment follows radicle emergence. In the cytokinin found in significant concentrations while mT, iP,
present study, the samples harvested on day 0 after 30 min iPR, cZR and cZRMP were detected at very low levels.
and 5 h imbibition are two ‘‘snapshots’’of cytokinin levels After 5 h imbibition, cZRMP had greatly increased in
during germination. By day 1, germination of the pea seeds concentration while there were only small increases in the
was complete as seen by radicle emergence and the sub- other iP and cZ derivatives.
sequent samples show cytokinin levels in the root during The biosynthetic rates (t/t ratio) of the cZ-type cytoki-
seedling establishment. nins remained low for the duration of the experiment as
Wang and Sponsel (1985 in Emery and Atkins 2006) determined by in vivo deuterium labelling followed by
noted that despite seeds being a rich source of cytokinins, LC(+)-MS/MS approach (Table 2). These rates did not
no cytokinins had been identified in seeds of any pea correspond to the high endogenous levels of the cZ-type
species using a variety of techniques including bioassays, cytokinins found in the pea radicle and seedling roots. It is
immunoassays and mass spectrometry. Recent advances in possible that these cZ-forms are released from an as yet
the analytical techniques used in plant growth regulator unidentified conjugate that is present in the dry seed or
detection are very sensitive and allow for the identification originate from tRNA degradation. This indirect pathway of
of cZ-isomers from their trans forms. cis-Z forms are now cytokinin production by the isomerization of cZ to the
routinely found in plant tissues and in some cases, are the highly active tZ cannot be ignored especially in tissues

1286 Planta (2008) 227:1279–1289

Fig. 5 Changes in
400 a) t ZRMP b) c ZRMP
concentration of cytokinin
ribotides; a trans-zeatin 350 Root tip
riboside-50 -monophosphate 300 Root free zone
(tZRMP, a), cis-zeatin riboside- Root zone


50 -monophosphate (cZRMP, b), Secondary roots
dihydrozeatin riboside-50 - 200 Radicle
monophosphate (DHZMP, c) 150
and N6-(2-
isopentenyl)adenosine-50 - 100 Radicle
monophosphate (iPRMP, d) in

< LO D


< LO D
<L O D

< LO D
pea seedlings measured over
9 days of incubation. No
aromatic cytokinin ribotides 400 c) DHZRMP d) iPRMP
were detected. LOD limit of
detection, error bars represent
SD (n = 3) 300





<L O D
< LO D

< LO D



<L O D
50 Radicle

1 3 6 9 1 3 6 9





TIME (days) TIME (days)


with high cZ concentrations (Sakakibara and Takei 2002; There is still speculation as to the physiological role of
Sakakibara 2006) such as the pea seeds used in this study. cZ derivatives. In bioassays, cZ generally has lower or no
Recent studies with Arabidopsis suggest that the mevalo- activity compared with tZ and iP (Sakakibara 2006). cis-Z
nate pathway may also be involved in the biosynthesis of conjugates were originally believed to be relatively inac-
cZ derivatives (Kasahara et al. 2004). cis-Z levels had an tive storage forms that were readily converted to the more
inverse correlation to iP and tZ levels, indicating that cZ- biologically active trans-forms (Emery et al. 1998). A cis–
type cytokinins are produced by an alternative pathway trans isomerase enzyme has been partially purified from
with the first step catalysed by tRNA-isopentenyltransfe- immature Phaseolus seeds to support this theory (Bassil
rases (IPT; AtIPT2 and AtIPT9; Miyawaki et al. 2004, et al. 1993). Two cZOG-specific genes have been isolated
2006). Although these enzymes are expressed ubiquitously, from maize kernels indicating that the cis-isomers could
they show stronger expression in proliferating tissue such have a metabolic pathway served by cis-specific enzymes
as root meristems (Miyawaki et al. 2004). This expression parallel to the trans-isomer pathway (Martin et al. 2001;
would allow the independent regulation of cZ derivative Veach et al. 2003). Yonekura-Sakakibara et al. (2004)
levels from tZ levels and supports the idea that cZ cyto- showed that the histidine kinases found in maize responded
kinins are derived mainly from modified tRNA (Kasahara to cZ, suggesting that cZ plays a role in cytokinin signal-
et al. 2004; Sakakibara 2006). ling in maize. The physiological significance of cis isomers

Table 2 Biosynthetic rates of the cytokinin ribotides isopentenylad- (cZRMP) and the cytokinin ribosides isopentenyladenosine (iPR),
enosine-50 -monophosphate (iPRMP), trans-zeatin riboside-50 - trans-zeatin riboside (tZR) and cis-zeatin riboside (cZR) in develop-
monophosphate (tZRMP) and cis-zeatin riboside-50 -monophosphate ing pea radicles and seedling roots
Treatment Biosynthetic rate (t/t ratio)

Seeds (24 h) 0.03 ± 0.04 0.03 ± 0.06 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 ± 0.00 0.01 ± 0.00 0.00 ± 0.00
Seeds (48 h) 0.03 ± 0.03 0.05 ± 0.04 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 ± 0.00 0.01 ± 0.00 0.00 ± 0.00
Roots (day 6) 1.01 ± 0.14 0.83 ± 0.06 0.55 ± 0.02 0.36 ± 0.05 0.07 ± 0.01 0.04 ± 0.00
Roots (day 9) 1.03 ± 0.16 2.47 ± 0.53 1.04 ± 0.24 1.47 ± 0.54 0.05 ± 0.08 0.05 ± 0.10

Results are shown as mean ± SD (n = 4)

Planta (2008) 227:1279–1289 1287

in pea radicles and roots needs to be further investigated. compared to aromatic cytokinins (Keim et al. 1981), it has
Their rapid appearance, especially cZRMP after 5 h been hypothesized that CBPs may function either in sig-
imbibition, suggests that they may possibly have an nalling initiation of germination or in temporal
important regulatory function in radicle elongation and immobilization of aromatic cytokinins during grain
early seedling establishment. development, thus preventing premature embryo cell
Aromatic cytokinins have been identified in a number of division (Kamı́nek et al. 2003). In many species, radicle
plant tissues (see Taylor et al. 2003) although as yet, protrusion is due to cell elongation with cell division only
nothing is known about their biosynthesis and regulation commencing a few hours after radicle protrusion (Cantliffe
(Sakakibara 2006). Although isoprenoid and aromatic et al. 1984). The high concentrations of BA in the pea
cytokinins have an overlapping spectrum of biological radicles in the present study suggest that perhaps BA plays
activity, they are not considered as alternative forms of the a similar role in preventing premature cell division. A
same signals (Strnad 1997). They are believed to be similar pattern was also found in Tagetes minuta achenes
involved in the metabolism and development of mature (Stirk et al. 2005). This pattern may perhaps be a wide-
tissues rather than in the stimulation of cell division spread phenomenon in seeds that has been overlooked in
(Kamı́nek et al. 1987) and play a role in retarding senes- the past and requires further investigation. The presence of
cence (Strnad 1997). BA in pea radicles was therefore unequivocally verified by
In the present study, BA was detected in high con- comparison of the Q-Tof MS (Fig. 2) data and chromato-
centrations in the radicles of pea seeds imbibed for graphic retention times with those of authentic standards.
30 min and increased in concentration after 5 h imbibi- From the results mentioned earlier, one may consider the
tion. With seedling establishment, BA slowly decreased possibility that some embryo CBPs sequester cytokinins
over time with no other BA derivatives being detected within protein bodies to control their effective levels during
(Fig. 1e). Further, BA remained localized in the root tip embryogenesis or to store them for use in the initiation of
and root free zone with much lower concentrations in the germination. Seed storage tissues store proteins, fatty acids,
root zone and was not detected in the secondary roots. starch and vitamins (Hagan and Higgins 2006) and they
Similar results were obtained in Tagetes minuta achenes could possibly do the same with cytokinins.
where high BA concentrations were recorded in the dry Other isoprenoid cytokinins (iP-, tZ- and DHZ-types)
achenes and decreased rapidly upon imbibition with no were first detected in significant quantities in the pea
indication of interconversion (Stirk et al. 2005). The seedlings after radicle emergence from day 1 onwards
results suggest that BA was either actively used or (Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Several other pathways for the de novo
transported away from the root tip to the aerial organs, as biosynthesis of isoprenoid cytokinins have been elucidated,
there was no indication of interconversion to other BA being produced through the methylerythritol pathway
conjugates. P. sativum is able to transport BA from the (Kasahara et al. 2004). The initial step in isopentenylade-
roots to the shoots (Procházka and Jacobs 1984). The nosine-dependent pathways is the N-prenylation of AMP,
biosynthetic rate of BA in the pea seeds could not be ADP or ATP with dimethylallyl pyrophosphate (DMAPP)
measured, as there is not yet a method available. Unlike or hydroxymethylbutenyl diphosphate (HMBDP) to
isoprenoid cytokinins where the side chain is synthsized form isopentenyladenosine-50 -triphosphate (iPRTP), iso-
de novo, the benzyl ring of aromatic cytokinins appears to pentenyladenosine-50 -diphosphate (iPRDP) or iPRMP,
be recycled and thus there is almost zero incorporation of respectively (Kakimoto 2001; Takei et al. 2001; Sakakibara
deuterium into the aromatic side chain and purine ring. To 2006). These reactions are catalysed by tissue- and sub-
date, there is not a sensitive enough method to measure strate-specific adenosine phosphate-IPT. This reaction is
such low levels of incorporation. followed by the hydroxylation of the side chain to form tZ
The changing concentrations of BA in the pea seeds are conjugates (Sakakibara 2006). Åstot et al. (2000b) proposed
consistent with the presence of cytokinin binding proteins an isopentenyladenosine-independent pathway with tZRMP
(CBPs), the first of which was described from wheat grains being the first cytokinin metabolite formed by IPT using an
as CPB-1 (Fox and Erion 1975). CBP-1 accumulated rap- unidentified hydroxylated side-chain precursor derived
idly in wheat embryos and accounted for 10% of the from the mevalonate pathway. Sakakibara (2006) suggested
soluble embryo protein content at maturation (Brinegar that tZ biosynthesis via this pathway may be mediated by
et al. 1988). Cytokinin binding proteins are closely asso- cis–trans isomerization of cZ derivatives. The various
ciated with seed storage proteins of a vicilin class, have the biosynthetic pathways are likely to operate together in a
highest affinity for aromatic cytokinins, especially BA, and plant but may vary in a tissue- and time-dependent manner
are localized in the protein bodies of the tissues sur- in response to environmental stimuli (Åstot et al. 2000b;
rounding the embryonic axis (Brinegar and Fox 1985). As Takei et al. 2001). For example, ZRMP levels were not
they have a relatively low binding of isoprenoid cytokinins altered in mutant Arabidopsis with impaired lateral root

1288 Planta (2008) 227:1279–1289

formation suggesting that the major site for ZRMP syn- during germination were cZ conjugates and the aromatic
thesis is in the aerial parts of the plant. However, reduced BA. The biosynthetic rates of cZ derivatives remained low
iPRMP levels suggested that the isopentenyladenosine- throughout the experiment. As there is a high rate of RNA
dependent pathway dominated in the root meristems and protein synthesis during germination, these cytokinins
(Nordström et al. 2004a). may possibly be due to degradation processes. Other iso-
High concentrations of both iPRMP and tZRMP were prenoid cytokinins (iP, tZ and DHZ) were only detected
measured in the pea seedling roots. While iP-types were after radicle emergence with the highest biosynthetic rates
detected in both the root tip and the elongating secondary being measured from day 6 onwards to correspond with
roots, no tZ-types were detected in the root tip. The lower secondary root emergence. While iP derivatives were
concentrations of the DHZ-type cytokinins mirrored the measured in both the root tip and the secondary roots, tZ
distribution of their corresponding tZ forms, suggesting and DHZ derivatives were only measured in the secondary
that there could be conversion between tZ and DHZ forms. roots. These results highlight the great complexity of the
The biosynthetic rates of both ribotides and ribosides of iP various cytokinin forms in roots and their possible multiple
and tZ were low during germination but increased on day 6 roles in regulation root development.
(Table 2). This increase corresponded to secondary root
elongation, suggesting that the secondary roots could be a Acknowledgments Georgina Arthur, Marnie Light and Nicky
major site of cytokinin biosynthesis in pea roots. There is Taylor, University of KwaZulu-Natal are thanked for their assistance
an increase in expression of the isopentenyltransferase in harvesting the seedlings and Hana Martinková and Petra
Amarkorová, Palacký Univeristy and Institute of Experimental Bot-
genes in the root cap of both developing primary roots and
any AS CR for their help with cytokinin analyses. The National
secondary roots of Arabidopsis suggesting the possible role Research Foundation, South Africa and the Czech Ministry of Edu-
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2004). Recently, Kurakawa et al. (2007) identified an LOG assistance.
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