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1. What is definition of environment?

The environment is all the physical, chemical and biological factors external to a
person, and all the related behaviours.
A Prüss-Ustün, J Wolf, C Corvalán, R Bos and M Neira. 2016. Preventing disease through
healthy environments, A global assessment of the burden of disease from environmental
risks. WHO
2. What is the types of living environment?
- Forest Ecosystems
Forest ecosystems are classified according to their climate type as tropical, temperate
or boreal. In the tropics, rainforest ecosystems contain more diverse flora and fauna
than ecosystems in any other region on earth. In these warm, moisture-laden
environments, trees grow tall and foliage is lush and dense, with species inhabiting
the forest floor all the way up to the canopy. In temperate zones, forest ecosystems
may be deciduous, coniferous or oftentimes a mixture of both, in which some trees
shed their leaves each fall, while others remain evergreen year-round. In the far north,
just south of the Arctic, boreal forests – also known as taiga – feature abundant
coniferous trees.
- Grassland Ecosystems
Different types of grassland ecosystems can be found in prairies, savannas and
steppes. Grassland ecosystems are typically found in tropical or temperate regions,
although they can exist in colder areas as well, as is the case with the well-known
Siberian steppe. Grasslands share the common climactic characteristic of semi-aridity.
Trees are sparse or nonexistent, but flowers may be interspersed with the grasses.
Grasslands provide an ideal environment for grazing animals.
Desert Ecosystems
The common defining feature among desert ecosystems is low precipitation, generally
less than 25 centimeters, or 10 inches, per year. Not all deserts are hot – desert
ecosystems can exist from the tropics to the arctic, but regardless of latitude, deserts
are often windy. Some deserts contain sand dunes, while others feature mostly rock.
Vegetation is sparse or nonexistent, and any animal species, such as insects, reptiles
and birds, must be highly adapted to the dry conditions.
- Tundra Ecosystems
As with deserts, a harsh environment characterizes ecosystems in the tundra. In the
snow-covered, windswept, treeless tundra, the soil may be frozen year-round, a
condition known as permafrost. During the brief spring and summer, snows melt,
producing shallow ponds which attract migrating waterfowl. Lichens and small
flowers may become visible during this time of year. The term “tundra” most
commonly denotes polar areas, but at lower latitudes, tundra-like communities known
as alpine tundra may be found at high elevations.
- Freshwater Ecosystems
Freshwater ecosystems can be found in streams, rivers, springs, ponds, lakes, bogs
and freshwater swamps. They are subdivided into two classes: those in which the
water is nearly stationary, such as ponds, and those in which the water flows, such as
creeks. Freshwater ecosystems are home to more than just fish: algae, plankton,
insects, amphibians and underwater plants also inhabit them.
- Marine Ecosystems
Marine ecosystems differ from freshwater ecosystems in that they contain saltwater,
which usually supports different types of species than does freshwater. Marine
ecosystems are the most abundant types of ecosystems in the word. They encompass
not only the ocean floor and surface but also tidal zones, estuaries, salt marshes and
saltwater swamps, mangroves and coral reefs.
Amy Harris. Types of Environmental Ecosystems. March 13, 2018. Sciencing
3. How to make a healthy environment?
In a recently published list of the 10 most important public health challenges for the
new century, CDC Director Jeffrey Koplan, MD, included at least four that are
significantly linked to some of the land-use and urban design issues.
They are: (1) integrating physical activity into our daily lives; (2) cleaning up and
protecting the environment; (3) recog-nizing the contributions of mental health to
overall health and well-being; and (4) reducing the toll of violence in society.
Creating A Healthy
Richard J. Jackson, MD, MPH, Chris Kochtitzky, MSP. The Impact of the Built
Environment on Public Health. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Sprawl
watch clearing house monograph series.

- DETOXIFY : Remove harmful substances from and/or mitigate their impact on

the environment in which people live and work.
- DECARBONIZE : Reduce the use of carbon fuels and thereby emissions of
carbon dioxide (CO2) through substitution of non-carbon energy.
resources per unit of economic output produced and reduce the environmental
impact of any resources that are used in production and consumption activities
through more efficient practices.
PLANET’S NATURAL SYSTEMS: Build capacity of the environment,
economies and societies to anticipate, respond to and recover from disturbances
and shocks through: agro-ecosystem restoration and sustainable farming systems;
strengthening ecosystem restoration, in particular of wetlands, dryland vegetation,
coastal zones and water sheds including through reforestation; reducing livestock
and logging pressures to increase resilience and mitigate extreme weather
conditions of storms, drought and floods.
- however, be achieved successfully when supported by a context-appropriate mix
of the following targeted, integrated strategies such as:
1. Strengthened governance at the nexus of health and environment;
2. Integrated evidence based policies and the instruments that translate policy to
action across sectors andindustries;
3. Partnerships and platforms to incubate, catalyze, accelerate, and scale health-
environment research, innovation, technologies, innovative financing, and
4. Improved individual, household, and societal knowledge, attitudes, and practices
through systematic communication and education interventions;
5. Measurement and monitoring to ensure an adequate formative process, and a
summative research framework that engenders the evidence base that all
investment and action demand.
Environment Programme
4. What are the characteristics of healthy environment?
Udaranya segar jika dihirup. Udara yang sehat dapat tercipta karena banyaknya
tumbuhan. Udara yang segar tidak berdebu dan berasap. Lingkungan sehat juga tidak
bising. Di lingkungan yang sehat airnya bersih dan tidak berbau.
Izza Darina Noprianti dan Drs. Ahmad Syarifuddin. Volume 1 Januari 2015.
Pengaruh Penerapan Media Slide Power Point Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas III
Pada Mata Pelajaran Ipa Di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Ahliyah 2 Palembang.

5. What are the component of environment?

komponen utama lingkungan, yaitu:
a. Biotik: Makhluk (organisme) hidup
b. Abiotik: Energi, bahan kimia, dan lain-lain.

Agoes Soegianto. Ilmu Lingkungan, Sarana Menuju Masyarakat Berkelanjutan.

Surabaya: Airlangga University Press, 2010, hlm. 1

6. What are criteria of healthy water?

1. Syarat fisika : air bebas dari pencemaran dalam arti kekeruhan, warna, rasa, dan
2. Syarat kimia : air minum tidak boleh mengandung zat kimia yang beracun sehingga
dapat mengganggu kesehatan, estetika, dan gangguan ekonomi.
3. Syarat bakteriologi : air yang dipengaruhi sebagai air bebas dari kuman penyakit,
dimana termasuk bakteri, protozoa, virus, ccing, dan jamur.
4. Syarat radioaktif : air minum yang bebas dari sinar alfa dan beta yang dapat
merugikan kesehatan.
Permenkes RI No. 492/Menkes/Per/IV/2010 tentang persyaratan kualitas air minum
7. How the technique to make drinking water?
– Boiling
In this method, clean water should be brought to boil and left at rolling-boil for 1-3
minutes. For people living in high altitude areas, it is recommended to boil your water
for longer than water boiled at lower altitudes. This is because water boils at lower
temperatures in higher altitudes. Boiled water should be covered and left to cool
before drinking. For water drawn from wells, leave it for compounds to settle before
you filter out clean water for use.
2 – Filtration
Filtration is one of the effective ways of purifying water and when using the right
multimedia filters it’s effective in ridding water of the compounds. Filtration
eliminates both large compounds and small, dangerous contaminants that cause
diseases with a simple and quick filtration process.. Since filtration does not deplete
all the mineral salts, water that has been filtered is considered healthier compared to
water purified using other methods. It’s one of the effective water purification
methods that utilize chemical absorption process that effectively removes unwanted
compounds from water.
3 – Distillation
Distillation is a water purification method that utilizes heat to collect pure water in the
form of vapor. This method is effective by the scientific fact that water has a lower
boiling point than other contaminants and disease-causing elements found in water.
Water is subjected to a heat source until it attains its boiling point. It is then left at the
boiling point until it vaporizes. This vapor is directed into a condenser to cool. Upon
cooling, vapor is reversed into liquid water that is clean and safe for drinking. Other
substances that have a higher boiling point are left as sediments in the container.
4 – Chlorination
Chlorine is a powerful chemical that has been in use for many years to treat water for
home consumption. Chlorine is an effective water purification method that kills
germs, parasites and other disease-causing organisms found in ground or tap water.
4 Methods to Purify Your Water. 2018. Schultz Soft Water

8. How many types of the pollution?

1. Berdasarkan Tempat Terjadinya
Menurut tempat terjadinya, pencemaran dibedakan menjadi pencemaran udara, air,
dan tanah.
 Pencemaran Udara
Pencemaran udara disebabkan oleh asap buangan, misalnya gas CO2 hasil
pembakaran, SO, SO2, CFC, CO, dan asap rokok.
 Pencemaran Air
Pencemaran air adalah peristiwa masuknya zat, energi, unsur, atau komponen lainnya
kedalam air sehingga menyebabkan kualitas air terganggu. Kualitas air yang terganggu
ditandai dengan perubahan bau, rasa, dan warna.
 Pencemaran tanah
Pencemaran tanah banyak diakibatkan oleh sampah-sampah rumah tangga, pasar,
industri, kegiatan pertanian, dan peternakan.

2. Berdasarkan Macam Bahan Pencemaran

Menurut macam bahan pencemarnya, pencemaran dibedakan menjdi berikut ini :
 Pencemaran Kimiawi : CO2, logam berat (Hg, Pb, As, Cd, Cr, Ni,) bahan raidoaktif,
pestisida, detergen, minyak, pupuk anorganik.
 Pencemaran Biologi : mikroorganisme seperti Escherichia coli, Entamoeba coli,
Salmonella thyposa.
 Pencemara Fisik : logam, kaleng, botol, kaca, plastik, karet.
 Pencemaran Suara : kebisingan. Di kota-kota atau di daerah dekat industri / pabrik
sering terjadi kebisingan. Pencemaran suara disebabkan oleh masuknya bunyi gaduh
diatas 50 desibel (disingkat dB, merupakan ukuran tingkat kebisingan).
3. Berdasarkan Tingkat Pencemaran
Menurut tingkat pencemarannya, pencemaran dibedakan menjadi sebagai berikut :
 Pencemaran ringan, yaitu pencemaran yang dimulai menimbulkan gangguan
ekosistem lain. Contohnya pencemaran gas kendaraan bermotor.
 Pencemaran kronis, yaitu pencemaran yang mengakibatkan penyakit kronis.
 Pencemaran akut, yaitu pencemaran yang dapat mematikan seketika. Contohnya
pencemaran gas CO dari knalpot yang mematikan orang di dalam mobil tertutup, dan
pencemaran radioaktif.
OJ Sumampouw. 2015. Diktat Pencemaran Lingkungan. Bahan Ajar Mata Kuliah
Pencemaran Lingkungan Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat UNSRAT Manado .

9. How can environment pollution impact human health?

Adapun faktor- faktor yang mempengaruhi status gizi pada seseorang adalah
diantaranya kesehatan dan sanitasi lingkungan. Sanitasi lingkungan adalah status
kesehatan suatu lingkungan yang mencakup perumahan, pembuangan kotoran,
penyediaan air bersih, dan sebagainya (notoatmojo, 2003). Keadaan lingkungan yang
kurang baik memungkinkan terjadinya berbagai macam penyakit antara lain diare dan
infeksi saluran pernapasan.
Sanitasi lingkungan yang tidak baik mempengaruhi status gizi pada balita. Natalia
puspitawati tri sulistyani STIKES RS Bapti. Jurnal STIKES volume 6, no. 1 Juli 2013
10. What are the factors that affect environment pollution?
1. Population growth : Increase in the population will have a multiplier effect
requiring proportionate increase in all requirements necessary for the existence of
human beings. Population growth requires abnormal exploitation of natural resources
to provide day-to-day essential requirements of life. It results in migration of people
and growth of urban areas, thereby inviting new problems of health, ecology and
human sustenance.
2. Increased General Affluence and Economic Growth : It is the increasing per capita
demand of rich which is absorbing the growth in output of goods and services in the
developed and developing countries and cause misuse or overuse and pollution of
resources, for the affluence unmatched to the necessary resource consumption and not
motivated by human requirements produce tendency to waste matter and energy.
3. Nature of Modern Technology : This factor has been largely responsible for the
generation of synthetic and non-biodegradable substances such as plastics, chemical
nitrogen fertilizers, synthetic detergents, synthetic fibres, big cars, petrochemical and other
environmentally injurious industries and 'disposable culture.
4. Deforestation: Deforestation gives birth to several problems encompassing
environmental degradation through accelerated rate of soil erosion, increase in the
sediment load of the rivers, siltation or reservoirs and river beds, increase in the frequency
and dimension of Hoods and droughts, changes in the pattern of distribution of
precipitation, intensification of greenhouse effects increase in the destructive force of the
atmospheric storms etc.
5. Agricultural Development : Increased in agricultural land at the cost of destruction ol
forest and consequent soil erosion, substantial increase in the productivity of land through
the practice of intensive cultivation, increased use of machines and modern scientific
techniques, application of chemical fertilities, pesticides, insecticides and herbicides,
increase in the frequency and area of watering of agricultural fields, etc
6. Industrial Development : ncreasing industrial expansion is responsible for the release of
enormous quantities of pollutants (e.g.) ions of chlorine, sulphate, bicarbonate, nitrate,
sodium, magnesium, phosphate, through sewage effluents into the rivers and the lakes and
thus for contaminating the water. Release of several gases, smokes, ashes and other
aerosols from the chimneys of the factories adversely affects the environment in a number
of ways.
7. Urbanization: increasing urbanization means increase in the concentration of human
population in limited space which results in the increase of buildings, roads and streets,
sewage and storm drains, vehicles (motor cars, trucks, buses, motor cycles, etc.) number of
factories, urban wastes, aerosols, smokes and dusts, sewages waters etc. which cause
several environmental problems. For example, increasing population of the urban centres
uses enormous amount of water for various purposes. The used waste water like sewage
water, if untreated, pollutes the streams and lakes because the urban effluents are allowed
to be drained into them.
DR. Ramamohana Reddy Reddy Appannagari. August 2017. Environmental Pollution
Causes and Consequences: A Study, North Asian International Research Journal of
Social Science &Humanities, Volume 3, Issue 8 ISSN : 2454-9827
11. How to prevent the impact of environment pollution?
- Pemberian informasi mengenai peringatan adanya pencemaran lingkungan hidup
- Pengisolasian pencemaran lingkungan hidup dan atau kerusakan lingkungan hidup
 Evakuasi sumber daya untuk menjauhi sumber pencemaran lingkungan
hidup dan/atau kerusakan lingkungan hidup
 Penggunaan alat pengendalian pencemaran lingkungan hidup
 Identifikasi dan penetapan daerah berbahaya
 Penyusunan dan penyampaian laporan terjadinya ptensi pencemaran
lingkungan hidup dan/atau kerusakan lingkungan hidup kepada menteri,
gubernur, dan bupati/ wali kota
- Penghentian sumber pencemaran lingkungan hidup dan/atau kerusakan
lingkungan hidup
PP 101 tahin 2014 tentang pengelolaan limbah B3 pada pasal 200

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