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1. What do you think are important between friends?

2. How do people nowadays make friends?

3. Is it reliable to make friends online? What are the problems of making friends online?

4. How to avoid making friends who are not sincere online?

5. Will you tell others you meet for the first time your personal information, like your telephone number or your


6. Does first impression count on your making friends?

7. Do you talk about different things with male and female friends?

8. What is the standard of making friends? Will the standard change in the future?

9. Who, friends or family, will have bigger influences on the character of a child?

10. Do children have the ability to tell what is right and wrong?

Bu çalışmanın tüm telif ve patent hakları Perfectionist English’e aittir. 1


1. In general, how do children learn things?

2. How much influence do you think parents have on their children's learning?

3. Do children learn the same (kinds of) things in the homes as they do at school?

4. What do you think parents should teach their children?

5. What skills do you think children should be taught?

6. Do you think children can (or do) learn anything from other children?

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1. Are there any advantages to being old?

2. What are the disadvantages of being old?

3. In Turkey today, what are the living conditions for old people like?

4. Why do old people enjoy live longer than in the past?

5. What are some things a person can do to help them live longer?

6. Do you think we should respect old people? (Why)

7. Do old people in Turkey have opportunities to attend any forms of classes?

8. Who pays for these classes?

9. Do you think the state (the government) has a responsibility to provide these classes?

10. Do you think we (younger people) can learn anything from old people?

11. Are the attitudes of young people today towards old people the same as they used to be years ago?

Bu çalışmanın tüm telif ve patent hakları Perfectionist English’e aittir. 3


1. Do you think people have more free time today than they did before? (Why/ Why not)

2. What are the sources of pressure in people's lives?

3. How do you think people can (or do) deal with this pressure?

4. In life, for example, at work or as a student, what can people do when they need help?

5. At work or in school do you think people need to (or should) help each other?

6. In the future, do you think people will be studying and working more as individuals or more in group?

7. What is the value of teamwork?

8. Do you think teamwork is important? (Why/ Why not)

9. Do you think the internet has brought people closer together, with its communication capability or has it

created a greater gap between people?

10. In the future, do you think these inventions will lead to people spending time with other people less than

they do today?

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1. How do people become famous?

2. What types of people become famous in your country?

3. Are there any differences between the people who were famous a few years ago (e.g. 10-50 years ago) and

the people who are famous today?

4. What qualities do (all or most or many) famous people have in common?

5. Do you think people are famous as a result of some real talent or are they famous for some other reasons?

6. What are the good points about being famous?

7. Are there any disadvantages of being famous?

8. Do you think it's good for a child film star to become famous?

9. Do you think famous people have much influence on young people?

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1. How do people in Turkey welcome visitors to their homes?

2. In Turkey, when someone is a guest in another person's house, in what ways should he or she express their

respect to the host?

3. Should the guest offer help to the host?

4. In Turkey, when you have visitors, do you usually eat at home or outside the home(at a restaurant)?

5. How do people entertain guests at home?

6. In Turkey, what do people generally do when they visit each other?

7. What do they talk about?

8. Do people in Turkey treat different kinds of visitors in different ways?

9. Is there much difference between having relatives visit and having friends visit?

10. In your country, when people visit others, do they usually bring anything (as a gift) to give to their host?

11. How would you welcome a foreigner who was visiting your home (or, who was visiting Turkey)?

12. And what do you think a foreign guest needs to pay attention to when visiting someone's home in your


Bu çalışmanın tüm telif ve patent hakları Perfectionist English’e aittir. 6


1. How has the way Turkish people spend their holidays changed in the past few decades?

2. Do Turkish people like to travel? What kinds of places do Turkish people prefer to visit?

3. In Turkey, what are the different kinds (types) of places that tourists can visit?

4. What kind of place do Turkish people (or do you, or would you) prefer to visit as a tourist, an urban

environment or a rural (or a natural) environment?

5. Most people think that natural scenery is more attractive that modern buildings. Why do you think they feel

this way?

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of going on a guided tour (or travelling in a tourgroup)?

7. What are the good and bad effects of tourism for a country? (e.g. Turkey)

8. What do you think would be the advantages and disadvantages of living in a popular tourist destination?

9. In addition to economic reasons, can you think of any other benefits from the development of the tourist


10. Are there any possible bad points associated with international tourism?

11. What are the differences between the choices of old people and young people for traveling?

Bu çalışmanın tüm telif ve patent hakları Perfectionist English’e aittir. 7


1. When people go travelling (as tourists), what do they spend money on?

2. When people move to another country (migrate to another country), what changes do youthink take place in

their lives, compared to their lives before they left home?

3. What do you think about children growing up abroad? Do you think children (with Turkish parents) are

affected by growing up abroad? How?

4. What are the benefits of travelling to new places?

5. What are some of the best (or most popular) travel destinations in Turkey?

6. Which places (countries) are Turkish people most interested in visiting?

7. Why do many people (i.e. city people) prefer to travel to places of natural beauty rather than travel to

another city?

8. What is the landscape like in Turkey?

9. Why do people (humans) like to explore new places?

10. If somebody got lost while exploring or travelling in a remote part of the world, or if they needed some

other type of help, who should pay for this help?

Bu çalışmanın tüm telif ve patent hakları Perfectionist English’e aittir. 8


1. Why do so many people like going to places with water such as lakes, rivers or the ocean?

2. What kinds of leisure activities do people like to do in places such as on the ocean, at a beach, at a river, at a

lake, etc.?

3. As a place to spend some leisure time, do you think the beach or the seaside is more suitable for children or

for old people?

4. Do you think children and old people do the same types of things when they go to a beach?

5. What activities would you do if you are spending some leisure time at a beach or near the ocean?

6. Why do some people like water sports?

7. Do you think the government should invest money in developing facilities for water sports?

8. Do you think that human activity is posing a threat to the oceans of the world?

9. How important is water in people's everyday lives?

10. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling on the ocean?

Bu çalışmanın tüm telif ve patent hakları Perfectionist English’e aittir. 9


1. Do you like going shopping? (Why/ Why not?)

2. Why do some people like shopping and others not like it?

3. Have you ever bought anything online?

4. What are the advantages and possible disadvantages of shopping online?

5. What do you think about online shopping?

6. Do people in Turkey like to buy things on the Internet?

7. Do you think online shopping will become more popular in the future?

8. Do you think online shopping will replace the current ways we buy things?

9. What are the differences between shopping center and shopping street?

10. Compare big shops such as supermarkets and department stores with small shops.

11. How do you think about 24-hour shop?

12. Should government make environmental protection of shopping mall?

Bu çalışmanın tüm telif ve patent hakları Perfectionist English’e aittir. 10


1. In Turkey, where does the average person in society go to listen to music?

2. What do you think are the various functions(or usages) of music?

3. What are some of the different ways that children are exposed to music?

4. How do you feel about children learning to play a musical instrument?

5. Do you think it's important for schools to have music classes for (young) children?

6. How has modern science and technology (i.e. hi-tech) influenced the music we listen to today?

7. What's your opinion on the question of the piracy of music?

8. Do you think computers will ever replace music composers?

9. Is the music that people listen to today the same type of music that people listened to 20 or 30 years ago?

10. Does traditional (Turkish) music still play an important role in Turkey today?

Bu çalışmanın tüm telif ve patent hakları Perfectionist English’e aittir. 11

12. SEA

1. Do you think traveling by sea is as important today as it used to be in the past?

2. Do people enjoy travelling by ship? Will people prefer other transportation in the future?

3. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of shipping goods cross the ocean?

4. Why do people go to seaside and what are they doing there?

5. Do children and adults enjoy the same thing at the seaside?

6. Do children prefer to go to seaside than adults? Why?

7. Will seaside become more popular (Will more people go to seaside) in thefuture?

Bu çalışmanın tüm telif ve patent hakları Perfectionist English’e aittir. 12

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