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ISSN 0120.

Publicaciones .

lngeomina s


No.2,pp. 1-186,1979
Bogota - Colombia Publ. Geol. Esp.
ISSN- 0120- 078X Ingeominas

Podni parecerles extrafio a los lectores que se publique en Colombia un tra­

bajo en ingles. Esta decision del Comite de Publicaciones del INGEOMINAS responde a
consideraciones puramente practicas. Efectivamente, traducir un trabajo tan extenso
como el del profesor Fernando Etayo significa un esfuerzo enorme; por otra parte, su
nivel y su especializacion lo destinan fundamentalmente a ser leido por profesionales
de Ia geologia. "··

Gustenos o no, el ir.gles se ha vuelto el idioma del intercambio cientifico,

una especie de latin del siglo XX. Todo profesional de las Ciencias de Ia Tierra -y me
atreverfa a decir, de las otras Ciencias-· que no quiera permanecer aislado de los ultimos
avances en su campo debe absorber mensualmente varias decenas de articulos especiali­

La inmensa mayorfa de esta produccion, que a muchos les parece desmedida,

es publicada en ingles.

De manera que a menos de contentarse con traducciones de textos que ge­

neralmente tienen varios afios de retraso o con trabajos sabre temas locales publicados
en su propio idioma, todo ge6logo que intente mantenerse razonablemente informado
debe leer en ingles.

INGEOMINAS tiene como una de sus funciones mas importantes el difundir·

los conocimientos que existan acerca de la Geologia de Colombia. En esta oportunidad,
el Instituto presenta a la comunidad geologica el excelente trabajo del profesor Fernan­
do Etayo, realizado para optar el titulo de PhD. en la Universidad de California de
Berkeley. No quiero caer en Ia academica costumbre, tan difundida en nuestro media,
de lanzarme en un elogio rimbombante de mi buen amigo Fernando; ofenderia ademas
su tradicional modestia. Sin embargo es buena que los gedlogos colombianos·sepan que
en este momenta Fernando, gracias al Convenio celebrado entre Ia Universidad Nacio­
nal y el INGEOMINAS, esta desarr ollando con ge6logos de esta ultima entidad y estu­
diantes de la primera una intensa labor de corr elacion estratigrruica de las rocas cr�ta­
ceas de la Cordillera Oriental, cuya programacion inicial es de dos ailos.

Estoy convencido del gran avance que significara este trabajo para la geologia

Este Instituto se ha propuesto publicar en forma sistematica todos los traba­

jos ineditos acerca de la geolog!a en nuestro pais. Esta en imprenta la tesis de doctora­
do de Daria Barre ra y seguiran, en esta colecci6n de Publicaciones Geologicas Especia­
les, otras contribuciones ineditas tanto de colombianos como de extranjeros, en espa-
. fi.ol y en ingles. Espero que los estudiosos de la geologia colombiana no vean en este
esfuerzo un intento extranjerizante sino una clara decision de robustecer el desarrollo
de las Ciencias de la Tierra en Colombia.

Michel Hermelin

Junia de 1979




(Departamento de Geociencias, e I.C.N.M.H.N.)



Bogota-Colombia, No, 2, pp, 1·188 ISSN • 0120 · 078X

Precio de cada ejemplar: $ 300.00
us $ 7.50

Publicacion no periodica
Fonnato de Publicacion: 21.5 x 27.5 em

Derechos Reservados por:

INGEOMINAS: lnstituto Nacional de Investigaciones Geologico- Mineras
Carrer a 30 No. 51-59
Apartado Aereo No. 4865 ·Bogota- Colombia

All the concepts emitted in this publication are of the entire responsability of the author.

Edited and printed by Ingeominas.



ABSTRACT . .. . ·
. . . . . . . • • . • • . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . • • . . . . • • • • . . . . • • , 1
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; , . -. �

• • . . • • • • . • • • • • • . • . . • -. • . . • • • • . • . • • • •

PHYSICAL STRATIGRAPHY • . . . • '" ' . • •• • • • . . . • . • • . . • . • . . • • . • . •,.• .,�"ii.... 4


GORDA, LA RGELY FROM ETAYQ-SERNA,1972. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

PAJA FORMATION . . . . . • • , . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • , • . • : . . . . . . ... . . . . 4

SAN GIL GROUP . . . . . . . • . - . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . .. . . . 4
CHURUVITA GROUP • . . . . . . ·- · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
CHURUVITA FORMATION . . . . . . • . . • . . . . , . . • . . . • , . • . , ....... ,. 7
SAN RAFAEL FORMATION . . . . • .. . • • • . . . .. .
. . • . • . . • . . .. . . • . • ,.. 7
CONEJO FORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . ; .......... , .. , . . . 7
PLAENERS FORMATION. • • . . . . .. . . . • . ,. . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . ... . 8
GUADALUPE FORMATION . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . 8


LA NAVETA FORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . ,, .. 8
VILLETA GROUP . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . 8
SOCOT A MEMBER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . • . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . 9
CAPOTES MEMBER • , . . . . , • . . • . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . 10
HILO FORMATION • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • • .. 11
LA FRONTERA FORMATION. . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . • .. . . . . . . . . . . 11
COMMENTS . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 11

BIOSTRATIGRAPHY . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 13


Du{renoyia sanctorum-Stoyanowiceras tre{{ryanus Assemblage-
zone ........................................ 13
Parahoplites (?) hubachi- Acanthohoplites (?) /eptocerati{orme
Assemblage-zone . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . 13
Douvilleiceras solitae-Neodeshayesites co/umbianus Assemblage-
zone........................................ 14
Platiknemiceras co/ombiana-Rinconiceras rinconi-Lyelliceras
pseudolyelli{orme Assemblage-zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • 14
Mammites nodosoidesappelatus-Franciscoites suarezi Assembla-
ge-zone . • . . . . . • • . . . . • . . . • , . . • . . . . . . . • .. . . . . . . 14
G/oriaceras correai-Protexanites cucaitaense - Codazziceras
scheibei Assemblage-zone ...... : . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • 15
Lenticeras baltai-Paralenticeras sieversi Assemblage-zone.. . . . . · ·15

TABLE I................................................. 16

SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS • • . • • • • . . . . . . • . • • . . • . • • . • • . . • . . · · • · • . • . • 17

Order AMMONOIDEA . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • 17
Family PHYLLOCERATIDAE.. . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . • . . . • . .. 17
Family GAUDRYCERATIDAE.................................. 19
Family ANCYLOCERATIDAE .................................. 20
Family PTYCHOCERATIDAE................................... 21
Family ACONECERATIDAE . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . • . . • • .. 22
Family DESMOCERATIDAE . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . .. . . . 23
Family PACHYDISCIDAE . . . . . . • . . • . . • . . . . . • . . . . . • . . • . . • • . • . .. 30
Family TROCHLEICERATIDAE. . . • . . • . . • • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • .. . 31
Family DOUVILLEICERATIDAE.. . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . • • . .. . .. 32
Family DESHAYESITIDAE . . . . . . • . • . . . . . • . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 58
Subfamily PARAHOPLITINAE............. . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • 72
Family ENGONOCERATIDAE � . . . . . . .... • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . 74
Family BRANCOCERATIDAE ......... . . . . . . . • . . . . . • • . . . . • . . ... 78
Family LYELLICERATIDAE . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . : ... ... . .. . . 79
Family ACANTHOCERATIDAE ................................. 83
Family MAMMITIDAE. . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . • • • . . .. . . . . .. . . 85
Family VASCOCERATIDAE. . . • . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 87
Family COILOPOCERATIDAE.................................. 90
Family COLLIGNONICERATIDAE. . ... .. . • . . . • . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Order NAUTILIDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Family CYMATOCERATIDAE................ .................. 104

SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . • .. . . . • • . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . • • . • • .. 105
RESUMEN • • • . • . . . . . • • . • • . . • . • • . • . • • • • . . • . . • • • . . . ; • . • . . . . . . . • . . • 106
RESUME. .. ... . . . . . ..... . . . ... . .... .. . ... ...... ...... .. .... ... . 107
RIASSUNTO • . . . • . . . • • . • . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . • . . • . • . . • • . • • . • . . • . . . . • • . 108
ZUS.AIDIENFASSUNG . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . • . . . • . . • . . • . . . . . • . . • • • . .. . . . . 109
REFERENCES.... .. .... .... . . . . . .... ... . . .. .. ... ... .. ... . . . ...... 110
'INDEX OF GENERA AND SPECIES. . . . . • . • . • . . • . • • . • • • . . . . . . . . . • . . . • •. • 182

Text-Fig. 1. Map of Colombia showing location of sections investigated in detail • • . . 5

Text-Fig. 2. Composite columnar sections Villa de Leiva · Apulo. • . • • . . . • • . . . . . 6

Text-Figs;�--·3 • 9. Sutures and whorl sections of the studied ammonites . . . . . • • . . . . • .. 12C

Text-Figs. 10·17. Scattem diagrams of some of the studied ammonites . . • . . . . . . . .. . . 13�

Plate 1. Ammonites from the Dufrenoyia sanctorum·Stoyanowiceras treffryanus

Assemblage zone. Figs.1-8. Upper Aptian. 15:

Plate 2. Ammonites from the Du(renoyia sanctorum-Stoyanowiceras tre(fryanus ·

Assemblage zone . Figs.1-10. Upper Aptian. 15

Plate 3. Ammonites from the Dufrenoyitz sanctorum-Stoyanowiceras treffryanus

Assemblage zone. Figs.1-2, 4-8, 10·13. Ammonites from the Parahoplites
('?) hubachi-Acanthohoplites ('?) leptocerati(orme Assemblage zone.Figs.
3, 9.Upper Aptian. --�

Pl ate 4 . Ammo nite s fro m t he Du(renoyia sanctorum-Stoyanowiceras treffryanus.
As se mblage zo ne. F igs. 1- 3, 5, 7- 8. Ammo nite s fro m the Prahoplites (?)
hubachi-Acanthohoplites (?) Jeptocerati(orme Asse mbl age zo ne . F igs .
4, 6. Uppe r Apt ian. . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 158

P late 6. Ammo nites fro m the Du(renoyia sanctorum-Stoyanowiceras tre(fryanus

Assel!l blage zo ne . Fi gs. 3, 9. Ammo ni tes fro m the Parahoplfte11 (?) huba­
chi·Acanthohoplites (?) leptocerati(orme Asse mblage zo ne . l'' igs. 1- 2, 4- 8.
Uppe r Ap tian . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160

P late 6 . Ammo nite s f ro m t he Duf�enoyia sanctorum-Stoyanowiceras treffryanus

Asse m blage z o ne. Fi gs. 1- 20. Upper Ap ti an • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162

P late 7 . Ammo nites fro m t he Du(renoyia sanctorum-Stoyanowiceras tre{fryanus

As se mblage z o ne . Fi g. 9 . Ammo n ite s fro m the Parahoplites (?) hubachi­
Acanthohoplites (?) leptocerati{orme Asse mblage zo ne . F igs; 1- 4, 8.
Uppe r Ap ti an . Am mo ni tes fro m t he Douvilleiceras solitae-Neodeshaye-
sites columbianus Asse mblage zo ne . Fi gs. 5-7 . Lo wer Albian • . . . . . . . � 164

P late 8 . Ammo nite s fro m t he Douvilleiceras solitae-Neodeshayesites columbianus

As se mbl age zone . Fi gs. 1-7 . Lo wer Albian . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . .. . . 16. 6

Plate 9 . Ammo ni tes fro m the Douvilleiceras solitae-Neodeshayesites columbianus

Asse mbl age zo ne . Fi gs. 1- 3 , 7- 8. Lo we r Al bian . Ammonites fro m t he Pla­
tiknemiceras colombiana-Rinconiceras rinconi-Lyelliceras pseudolyelli-
{orme Asse mblage zone . Fi gs. 4-6 . M idd le Albian .. . . . . . . . . , ·. ·
. . . . . . . 168

P late 10. Ammonite s fro m t he Parahoplites (?) hubachi-Acanthohoplites (?) lepto­

cerati{orme Asse mbl age zo ne . Fi gs . 2- 3. Uppe r Aptian . Ammo nite s fro m
the Douvilleiceras so/itae-Neodeshayesites columbianus Asse mbl age zo ne .
Fi gs. 1, 3-10 . Lo wer Al bian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 0

P late 1 1. Ammo nite s fro m· t he Platiknemiceras colombiana-Rinconiceras rinconi-

Lyelliceras pseudo/yelli{orme Assembl age zone. Fi gs. 1-9. Midd le Alb ian . 17 2

P late 12. Ammonites fro m the Plaliknemiceras colombiana-Rinconiceras rinconi-

Lyelliceras pseudolyelli{orme Asse mblage zone . F igs. 1· 4 . M idd le Al bi an . 174

P late 1 3. Ammo nite s fro m t he Mammites nodosoidesappelatus-Franciscoites sua-

rezi As se mblage zone . F igs. 1-1 1, 1 3- 15 . Lo we r Turon ian . Ammonites
fro m the Gloriaceras correai-Protexanites cucaitaense-Codazziceras schei-
bei Asse mbl age zo ne. F igs. 12, 16- 19 . Lo we r Con iacian . . . . . . . . . . . . 176

P late 14. Ammoni tes from theMammites nodosoidesappelatus-Franciscoites suarezi

Asse mblage zo ne . Fi g. 5. Lo wer Tu ro nian. Ammo nite s fro m t he Gloria-
ceras correai-Prolexanites cucaitaense·Codazziceras scheibei Asse mblage
zo ne. Fi gs. 1- 4, 7- 10 . Lo we r Co ni aci an . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 8

P late 15. Ammon ite s from t he Gloriaccrus correai-Protexanites cucaitaense-Co-

dazziceras scheibei As se mblage zone. Fi gs 1- 4. Lo wer Co ni acian. . . . . . . 180

* * *


Cretaceous rocks ranging in age from tratigraphic units has been found, however
. Upper Aptian to Lower Santonian � llve been some taxa of ammonites wit�eculiar morpho­
carefully mapped, measured and colleoted bed logic characteristics seem to-�'associated with
by bed in two regions (it Central Colombia na­ definite lithofacies.
mely_: Villa de Leiva (Department Boyaca) and
Apulo ( formerly Rafael Reyes, Department The diverse taxa of ammonites were stu­
Cundinamarca). died through dissection of their conchs in order

to determine their ontogenetic changes and all

The first mentioned sequence comprises morphological characteristics were evaluated in
about 2.000m of locally highly fossiliferous an attempt to understand each taxon indepen­
shales, although limestones, sandstones and dently. From the taxonomic investigations and
chert beds are interspersed and sporadically the known stratigraphical distribution of the
yielded fossils. At Apulo the sequence consists faunas it is shown once more that similar--al­
dominantly of shales with locally abundant though not 'identical' -morphologic types of
fossiliferous calcareous "concretions" and one ammonites recurred during Cretaceous times.
intercalcation of fossiliferous graded-bedded­
sandstones (turbidites) with a total thickness of The taxonomy resulting from· the-criteria
about l.OOOm. utilized herein indicate that the described taxa
have proportionally a distinctly South American
The lithostratigraphic terminology utilized character, however some ubiquitous elements,
is that previously proposed and published by several of them previously unknown from the
the writer, the old terminology is reevaluated Cretaceous of South America are recorded; as a
and some new units are introduced and their possible biological explanation for this fact it is
type sections and reference sections described. hypothesized, that as in the case of modem ce­
Similarly the occurrence of ammonites is indi­ phalopods the ubiquitous elements of the ammo­
cated. noid faunas may correspond to those hatched
from small eggs (with small protoconchs) and
The core of the investigation is however vice versa.
the study and description of ammonite taxa:
102 species assigned to 52 genera were thoro­ All the species described are illustrated by
ughly investigated, of them 85% of the species drawings of their whorl cross-section and suture
and 21% of the genera are considered to repre­ line, and at least one photograph of each.
sent new taxa. A zonal scheme consisting of
7"A'iSemblage zones" is proposed, based on the
succession of ammonites in these two sections, Conch measurements are expressed in
hopefully it will be a yardstick for the Creta­ mm. The symbol D represents the diameter
ceous biostratigraphy of the· northern part of of a volution. Euw is the external umbilical
South America. No close correspondence be­ width. H is the maximum height and W the
tween lithostratigraphic boundaries and bios- maximum width of the whorl.

* * *

Caminante no h ay camino ,
se h a c e camino a/ andar.

Yo u ask me th e sec re t
It only has a word,again.

Me ha beis preguntado que h ila e l

cru stacea entre sus patas de oro
y os re spondo: e/ mar lo sa b e.


But all t h is is u nrip e fruit. Our sch ola rs will some day know more than th eir masters do
now; so let us patiently continue o u r work and rema in friends.

E. S u e ss.


The materials that constitute the core of include both morphologically different or mor­
this study have been worked on through several phologically similar groups that by a simple
years. Originally Professors J. de Porta and M. statistical analysis could be treated as a single
Julivert suggested I undertake the summariza­ taxon. I surmise also cephalopods had definite
tion, according to lithologic units, of the niches in their communities. B) The distribu­
faunas recorded in any way from the Creta· tion of cephalopods may be considered mainly
ceous of Colombia. {rom two different points of view: a) necro­
planktonic, 2) planktonic; the first approach
At the end of the original investigation it does not have any bearing on the origin and
was apparent that if progress was to be made in development of new groups or the establish­
the biostratigraphy of the Cretaceous in Colom· ment of new communities of cephalopods in
bia, it had to be started {rom the beginning, areas newly invaded by the sea.
that is to say through the detailed geologic
mapping of the key areas, the building up of co­
lumnar sections, the collecting bed by bed of A biological reference point to keep in
the fossiliferous units, the monographic treat­ mind is that most living mollusks attain their
ment of the faunas recovered and the proposal distribution largely by the possession of at least
of zonal schemes based on the information ob­ one life stage capable of active dispersal or to
tained during the field work. I have attempted passive transportation. The latter type of
to do that and I hope that I have not contribu­ dispersal is usually accomplished during the
ted additional complications to the task. larval stage, and the larval stage resulting from
development from eggs poor in yolk usually has
It is obvious that a work of this nature a long planktonic stage (Thorson, Scheltema,
necessarily had to pass through several pauses Ockelman). This seems valid not only for
and obstacles, however cooperation was always mollusks with a larval stage but for recent
found, willingly and uncompromisingly from cephalopods with a direct development (Vokes
the people in charge of the geological institu­ in Lane, 1960, p. 127).
tions of Colombia.
Druschitz and Khiami (1970, p. 36) have
called this early ontogenic stage in fossil cepha­
I have collected fossils largely from two lopods am monite lla. I agree with their idea that
r�ions where I have mapped in detail mySirf, probably the)' did not behave differently from
or have had the valuable cooperation of other thir modern relatives in mode of reproduction.
field geologists; the areas investigated in the stra­ Recent N autilu s hatches from large eggs sacs.
tigraphical researches have been more extensive (Willey, 1896, 1902) and its intraegg develop­
than those studied in detail. Two regions were ment lasts long enough to produce large ''n au­
selected as initial key areas, both are classical in t iloide lla (?)" [see Stenzel, 1964, K82], but as
the geological literature of Colombia: .Jijljp_.de noted by Willey (1896, p. 222) from observing
L_!fY.Jl (Department Boyaca) and /wJJ]o (former­ the protoconchs of ammonites, could not some
ly called Rafael Reyes; Department Cundina­ of them have hatched from eggs poor in yolk
marca). I have limited my study to beds and with a corresponding ability {or long lasting
fossils in the interval Upper Aptian to Lower planktonic transportation?.
Santonian; two reasons have influenced my de­
cision: many classical fossils in the paleontolo­ Some groups of ammonoids could have
gical literature of Colombia presumably had co­ been distributed by currents in their am mon i­
me from beds of these ages, and second the te lla stage. In consequence endemic morpholo­
opening of new roads offered the possil-,ility of gic types of cephalopods could be associated
exploring fresh, undisturbed outcrops. As a rule, with those "transoceanic travelers", with the
fossils not found in situ, or impressions only latter making intercontinental correlation
were not collected in the early phase of the feasible, while the former groups may be useful
study. for establishing local biostratigraphical sequences.
In consequence I do not find it necessary or even
Two hypotheses arrived at as a result of practical to invoke a ubiquitous nature {or
this study I think worth emphasizing: A) It has many of ammonite genera. Convergent iterative
been common to find conere lions or lens-like groups have repeatedly been shown among
calcareous ·bodies paved with ammonites, fish ammonoids. Consequently I feel that the
remains, bivalves and gastropods. This has occur­ necroplanktonic distribution of fossil cephalo·
red in different types of host rock: clay-shale, pods has its special role in intrabasinal distribu­
graded sandstones, etc. (Rod and Mayne, 1954, tion of fossil cephalopods but the life dispersal
p. _207; f:JJO'O·Serna, 1968). _It is suggested in o. them occurs during the arnmonitella stage.
th1s repdrt. _t6pt these "bod1es" represent the (
result "ot� e'chanical 'concentration, by the -�

· All the material studied in this report will

action of submarine currents on organic remains · be housed as the basic type collection of the Ins·
with similar hydrodynamic behavior; in other titulo de Ciencias Naturales Museo de Historia
words these "bodies" may represent "micro­ Natural of the Uhiversidad Nacional de Colom­
channels" and their fossiliferous content may bia, Bogota (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P. No.).


Many thanks to Professors J. de Porta an d The following institutions are acknow­

M. Julivert for their valuable suggestion an d al· ledged for their gracious loan of specimens for
ways encouraging example. I also want to thank comparison: Museum of Paleontology, Univer­
Professor Robert Hoffstetter who called to my sity of California, Berkeley [Mr. J. Peck, Jr.],
attention the importanc..of attending a foteign Museo Geologico, lnstituto Nacional de Inves­
Institution for advanced studies; to Dr. Jesus A. tigaciones Geologico Mineras, Bogota, Colom­
Bueno [former Thechnical Director of the Mi· bia rProf. L. F. Rincon and former Director Dr.
nisterio de Minas y Petroleos of Colombia), to A. Alvarez]; the University of Michigan, the
Dr. Andres Jimeno rformer Director of the Texas Christian University and the Academy of
Geological Survery o{ Colombia 1 who gave me Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; the British Mu·
their support from the beginning of this investi­ seum (Natural History). Dr. J. Helms of the
gation; to Dr. Ramiro Lobo [Chief of the Con­ Humboldt • Universitat in Berlin, D DR;� provi·
servation Branch of the Ministerio de Minas y ded me with excellent photographs of H. Kars­
Petroleos of Colombia 1 for his cooperation in ten's original material.
obtaining a loan for my graduate studies at
I have to acknowledge two old classmates
of mine, deceased Geologist Pedro Carvajal,and
Geol. Dip!. Ruben D. Llimis, who unafraid
backed with their wealth my loan from
I have to thank the Universidad Nacional ICETEX; Mrs. Amparo Prada was most helpful
de Colombia, the Institute de Especializaci6n in my dealing with the OEA.
Tecnica en el Extranjero (ICETEX) and the
Scholarship Division of the Organization of the Many thanks to Mrs. Gloria C. de Campos
American States (OEA) for their economic sup· and Mrs. Ines E. de Torres, who did the compo·
port to complete my researches. Financial sup· sing operation of the final version of the
port for the plates included herein was provided manuscript. I thank Mr. Carlos Ruiz for his
by the Fondo Colombiano de Investigaciones assistance in improving the quality of the
Cientfficas y Proyectos Especiales "Francisco text-figures.
Jose de Caldas" (COLCIENCIAS).
The author could not have published this
paper had it not been for the compelling inte­
I have to acknowledge Professors W.B.N. rest of Dr. Alberto Sarmiento-Alarcon, and
Berry, D.A. Savage, J. T. Gregory, C.M. Gilbert, especially Dr. Michel Hermelin, Director
for their willingness to be member of my com· Institute Nacional de Investigaciones Geologico
mittee; thanks are also due to Dr. Ralph W. Mineras (INGEOli;JINAS).
Imlay and again to Professor Charles M. Gilbert
for their willingness to serve on my thesis .com­ I have a deep debt to Professor J. W. Dur­
mittee. ham for his highly valuable scientific advise, his
thoughtful interest and his thoroughly under·
Many friends have shared with me their standing of my purposes during my studies at
ideas and also their skill in field work, of them Berkely.
G. Renzoni, D. Barrero and C. Caceres-Giron
should not be blamed for my errors. Several In no way I am holding anybody except
friendly field aides, Messrs. C. Giraldo, H. myself, for any heresy I may have fallen into.
Peiia, A. Aleman, J. Higuera, J. Duarte, had to
bear with my stubborn insistency to work I hope this study, as simple as I see it, to
under changing weather conditions or had to be acceptable to my family, my teachers, my
carry the heavy load of unprepared fossils. L. F. friends and to those who preceded me in the
Peii.a, and J. Garzon were very useful in hel­ study of the Cretaceous of Colombia. If this
ping with the preparation of the fossils, I work is found to be useful to my own country,
thank them also. then I will be really pleased.

PHYSICAL STRATIGRAPHY Toxoceratoides (Colomboceratoides) ren­

zoni n. sp.
In the present report only those units Valdedorsella (?) colombiana n. sp.
dealt with or that have yielded fossils conside· Pseudohaploceras leivaense n. sp.
red in the investigation will be discussed. A mo· Pseudosaynella ralphimlayi n. sp.
re extensive discussion will be found in Etayo Cheloniceras (Epicheloniceras) dognael­
Serna (1968a, 1968b), Julivert (1968) and Ca· virae n. sp.
ceres and Etayo-Serna (1969). The location of. Cheloniceras (Epicheloniceras) camachoi
the two areas studied in detail is shown on Text n. sp.
Fig. 1. Vectisites (Zambranoites) mateusi n. sp.
Acanthohoplites bigoureti{orme n. sp.
Dufrenoyia sanctorum Biirgl
--:-\.YTHE C�F;_TA_��OUS SECTION_!:ROM Stoyanowiceras treftryanus (Karsten)
. GORDA. LARGELY_FII,OM �.'J'AYQ From the claystone unit with hollow no-
SERNA, 1972, SEE TEXT FIG. 2A dules, although it is fossiliferous, no ammonites
were described [There is a misprint in Etayo
Serna, 1972, p. 43; the fossils referred to unit
PAJA FORMATION (c) belong to the upper part of the unit {b)).
(LoweFHauieriViafi"-Upper-Aptian pars)

The fonnation is typically exposed on the SAN GIL GROUP

north bank of Quebrada La Paja where it en­ (Upper-·Kptililf pars�Uppef'A.lbian pars)
ters the Rio Sogamoso (Middle Magdalena Va­
lley), and was nrst described by 0. c. Wheeler
(Morales et al., 1958). The Paja Fonnation crops llub.aclt£1,953) named the San Gil Group
out extensively at Villa de Leiva and surroun­ from expbSifffi"f"'artne type locality near the
ding areas. In addition, it is exposed in a broad village of San Gil, Department of Santander.
band east of the Arcabuco Anticline. Morpho­ From its type locality the unit can be traced in·
logically it forms hills, some of which are being to the vicinity of Villa de Leiva where it is a pro·
mined for gypsum. Essentially, the Paja is a thick minent ridge former) as for example in the area
sequence of black to variegated shales with abun­ south and east of Sachica. The San Gil Group is
dant calcareous concretions. Frequent intercala­ divided into two units of formational rank. 'I'he
tions of gypsum and thin beds of argillaceous lower San Gil Formation consists of a lowermost
limestone are also present. oodfofVanegated, sandy claystones with abun­
dant, small clayey nodules and sandstone inter­
beds which are locally rich in echinoid& and gas·
The formation can be divided in three tropods. Above this is a series of gray, dense li­
units: (a) a !���erp��E _of bla�k clay sh �e which mestones witfi-·abi.mdant bivalves and occasio·
weather to a reodJSli color, w1th sandy mterbeds nal ·ammonites and micaceous claystones or
which represent the feather edge of a thick sand­ siltstones. Toward the upper part of the forma­
stone body observed at this S8llle horizon to the tion there is a thick (25 meters or 82 feet) unit
northeast of Villa de Leiva; (b) 8J!1J�4_1e_�<J..n e of gray, thickly bedded, fined grained-quartzose
of light colored variegated claystones, which in sands�one containing occasional invertebrate
its lower part, contains numerous thin beds of fossil fragments. The uppermost unit of the for·
sandy clay and in its upper portion, intercala­ mation consists of 10 meters (33 feet) of dark­
qons of calcareous claystone and gypsum; and gray, very micaceous, fine to medium grained
(c)\ Ill! U.P,P_e.r_J..nFJ:'.'al consisting of claystone sandstones.
With liOllow noiiules, some of them acquiring a
brick red hue upon weathering and others being
yellowish and whitish on fresh exposure. Only The Upper San Gil Formation is predo­
units (b) and (c) will be discussed further in this minantJy dark-gray shale with a few intercala­

report. 'The lower unit attains a maximun thick· tions of sandstone or limestone near the base of

ness of 380 m (1246 feet), the intermediate is the formation. The Lower San Gil measures 480
480 meters (1514 feet) thick and the upper in· meters (1574 feet and the Upper San Gil 620
terval about 80 meters 262 feet). The total of meters {2034 feet , giving a total thickness for
940 meters (3083 feet represents the maYJ· the group of 110 meters (3608 feet). The lo·
mum known thickness o the formation; it thins wer contact is gradational; the upper contact
northward. At its lower contact the Paja Forma­ with the overlying Churuvita Group is confor·
tion is conformable with the underlying Ritoque mable. No unconformities have been observed
formatioQ . .4IJ.d the upper contact with the San within the San Gil Group.
Gil Group 4iS, gradational. Some workers place
unconformities within the Paja or at its upper The following fossils from the Upper San
contact but studies of the present writer do not Gil Formation have been studied:
corroborate this interpretation. The Paja is hig- •

hly fossiliferous but only the ammonites from Knemiceras semicostatum Sommenneier
the upper part are described in this study. Engonoceras (?) duartei n. sp.
Platiknemieeras sp. ind. B.
From the middle variegated claystones Tegoceras benavider;caceresi n. sp.
unit the fauna consistis of: Carloscaceresiceras (?) chimuense(B.C.)
t: A


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CHURUVITA GROUP fonnation. As type locality he chose the que·

(Upper Albian ? pars-Turonia!" pars?) brada whose source is 200 meters south of Chir­
cal San Rafael. The San Rafael Formation crops
The name "Churuvita Group" was first out to the east of the Serrania de Arcabuco; it
proposed by Etayo Serna (1968b), with the ty­ is also exposed along the axis of the Churuvita
pe locality a section on Quebrada Churuvita (a syncline. At its type locality, the formation
tributary of Rio Samaci) along the Sachica­ may readily be divided into: (a) a lower unit of
Puente Samac& highway; According to Etayo gray shales which weather to lighter tones with
Serna, the Churuvita Group is comprised of the minor beds of thinly interbedded limestones;
Churuvita Fonnation and the overlying San Ra­ and (b) an upper unit consisting of thinly bed­
fael Fonnation. ded, siliceous siltstones with several narrow
bands of chert and toward the top, a single sha·
le bed. The lower unit of the San Rafael is 60
meters (197 feet) thick at the type section, the
upper unit is 14 meters (46 feet), giving a total
The Churuvita Fonnation was originally fonnational thickness of 74 meters (243 feet).
described by Etayo Serna (1968a) who selected Whereas the lower unit is variable, the upper
as the type locality the exposures on Quebrada one is of remarkably uniform thickness. From
Churuvita along the Sachica-Puente Samaca the lower unit of the San Rafael Formation
road. In the area of interest, the Churuvita For­ near the axis of the Churuvita syncline along
mation forma the highest ridge on the west the Sachica·Puen te·Samaca highway, several ce·
flank of the Arcabuco anticlinorium; it is also phalopods have been collected; Paramammites
exposed on the limbs of the Churuvita syncline colombianus n. sp., is described in the present
along the Sachica-Puente Samaca highway. A report.
tripartite division of the formation is observed;
(a) a basal unit consisting essentially of gray, CONEJO FORMATION
thick-bedded, quartzose sandstones with thin (Upper Turonian ? -Lower Senonian pars)
interbeds of claystone and siltstone; (b) a mid·
dle interval of lenticular limestone beds, some­ The Conejo Formation was first named
times argillaceous, rich in Exogyra, which alter­ by Renzoni (1967; published in Etayo Serna
nate with claystone and siltstone as well as oc­ 1968a). Its type locality is the Alto del Conejo
casional quartzose sandstones; and (c) an upper located on the Oicata.Chivata road, some 9 ki­
unit comprised of massive beds of fine to me­ lometers (5.6 miles) due northeast of Tunja.
dium grained sandstones and equally massive In the study area, the Conejo Formation crops
limestones interbedded with claystones and silt­ out on the folds forming the margins of the Sa·
stones. In general the formation changes facies maca-Sora Valley. The Formation is comprised
toward the west where it becomes more arena· of three units: (a) an unnamed lower part con·
ceous. The three subdivisions of the formation, sisting predominantly of black shales with occa·
from bottom to top, measure 105 meters (244 sional thin interbeds of fine·grained sandstones
feet), 75 meters (246 feet) and 225 meters (738 or siltstones; (b) the middle, Cucaita Member
feet), respectively, giving a total of 405 meters which is exposed in the core of the Cucaita an·
(1328 feet). The fonnation thins toward the ticline. Its lower part is a series of calcareous
north. Contact with the San Gil Group is con· shales alternating with several sandy limestones
formable at some localities and transitional at beds, the shales containing abundant calcareous
others whereas the relationship with the overl· concretions. The member as a whole takes on a
ying San Rafael is everywhere conformable. whitish-yellow color due to the claystones to­
Fauna collected from the Churuvita Formation ward the upper part which become progressively
consists for the most part of bivalve mollusks; more arenaceous upward; and (c) an upper in·
they are not described in the present report; t.;rval, also unnamed, composed of yellow·whi­
after Etayo Serna (1968, p.41) the mollusks are te, quartzose sandstones intercalated with dark·
the following: gray, usually sandy shales. Near the top of the
interval are found highly fossiliferous lenses of
Exogyra boussingaultii Dietrich (non limestone. The total thickness of the Conejo
D'Orbigny) Formation is 370 meters (1214 feet), divided as
Plicatulopecten concentricus Brtiggen follows: lower interval, 80 meters (262 feet);
Ostrea syphax Coquand? Cucaita Member, 170 meters (558 feet); upper
Pecten tenouklensis Coquand interval, about 120 meters (394 feet). In the
Exogyra squamata d'Orbigny area of this study, the contact with both the si·
liccous siltstones of the San Rafael Formation
Paleontological data from the underlying and the overlying Plaeners Formation are con·
and overlying strata suggest that the unit may fom1able. The middle, or Cucaita Member, has
be assigned to the Albian pars (?)·Cemomanian. yielded the following assemblage described in
The report of Venezoliceras (?), previously the systematic part of this report.
(cp.cit)tentatively assigned to the base of the
unit iS now considered unreliable information. Nice{oroceras boyacaense n. sp.
Peroniceras robertogarciae n. sp.
SAN RAFAEL FORMATION Peroniceras diabloi n. sp.
· (Lower Turonian) Peroniceras guerrai n. sp.
Prionocycloceras (?) cucaitaense n. sp.
Etayo Serna (1968a) first proposed the Gloriaceras correai n. sp.

Gloriaceras paulinae n. sp. name. The unit crops out as the core of the
Zumpangoceras ospinai n. sp. Diamante anticline [Cerros del Diarnante to the
Zumpangoceras (?) sorae n. sp. north, and Cerro del Trueno to the south 1. The
Buenoceras loboi n. sp. unit is well exposed on the road from La "Nave­
Protexanites cucaitaense n. sp. ta Cement factory to Ingenio Central San Anto·
nio (now Escuela Vocacional), just beyond the
The uppermost part of the upper interval bridge over the Bogota River, or on the west
contains fossils of early Santonian age, includ­ limb of the El Diamante anticline where the ty­
ing Lenticeras baltai Lisson. pe section was measured. The La Naveta For­
mation consists of a sequence of white to yello­
PLAENERS FO RMATION wish quartzitic sandstones, medium to coarse
(Santonian pars) grained with frequent grains of chert; not very
compact, with interbeds of shale rich in plant
According to Julivert (1968), the Plaeners remains. The La Naveta Formation includes
Formation was frrst differentiated by Hubach three units of member rank.(!) pi_�����-�m.;
(1931). The type section is located on the Sa­ ... ber; its name comes from the Ctirros D1amante;
bana de Bogota, at "Boqueron de Tabio". The it consists of coralline limestones interbedded
Plaeners can be traced from its type locality in· with shales and sandstones, the upper beds are
to the study area. It forms the prominent spur 19 meters (63 feet) thick; it has been mined for
observed to the east of the Samaca-Sora Valley. use in cement. A specimen of Thurmanniceras
The unit consists of a series of gray, siliceous sp. was found loose near the outcrop of the
siltstones in beds of 5-20 centimeters (2-8 inches) unit on the east flank of the El Diamante Anti­
exhibiting rhomboidal fracture and rich in fora­ cline, north bank of Rio Bogota. (2) 'Th.� J?.�j�;
mlnefera. The siltstones are frequently interca­ cal member; its name comes from Cerro de Be­
lated with beds and lenses of dark-gray chert jiicanvnere it has been mined.lt is a biostrome
and occasional layers of phosphatic sandstone. of bivalves, worm tubes and a few corals. It
In the Quebrada San Joaquin, 50 meters {164 yielded in situ: Heinzia (Carstenia) sp. The total
feet) are measured. The contact with the thickness measured without having reached the
underlying Conejo Formation is conformable base of the La Naveta Formation is 243 meters
and with the overlying unit, gradational. (801 feet).
This unit was established by Hettner {1892),
it has been thoroughly reviewed by Julivert
Julivert (1968) states that Hubach in (1968); no type locality has yet been formally
1931 named {or perhaps more accurately, re­ proposed. The name was introduced in this re­
defined) this unit from exposures in Cerros gion by Hubach (1931, plate 1). Several units
Guadalupe and Monserrate,immediately east of with formational rank have been proposed wi­
Bogota. The sequence forms the uppermost thin the group; {1) the basal unit or Trincheras
·p.rominent cliffs to the east of the Samaca-Sora Formation named" after its type locaiitfat Que­
valle y and represents the northern continuation brada Trlncheras. It consists of an alternation
of the sandstone of the same name which is ex­ of limestone beds very rich in bivalves; its age is
posed on the mountains surrounding the Saba· believed to be partly Barremian to Lower Ap·
na de Bogota. The lower part consists of beds �J!:!l. The lower and upper contacts are confor·
of siliceous argillites or siltstones, some of mabie at the type locality. The formation crops
which tend to fracture rhomboidally. The over­ out forming a band around the core of the El
lyingTierna Sandstone is a white, yellow-weathe­ Diamante anticline; towards the northeast the
ring, coarse grained arenite which exhibits pro· formation changes into shales. The thickness
mlnent cross-bedding toward its base. In the measured at the type locality is 180 meters
studied area the argillites reach a thickness of (594 feet). (2) The. Sos2!Lf�l1Tlatiqn. The·
50 meters (164 feet) and the overlying sands· .name was first used by Caceres and"Etayo-Sema
tone 9 meters (30 feet). Contact of the lower (1969, p.5); it is derived from Quebrada Soco­
part with the Plaeners is gradational, and con­ ta. This unit is intended to embrace the litho·
tact of the Tierna Sandstone with the Guaduas logic sequence from the frrst graded quartzitic
Formation is conformable. and calcareous sandstone at the base of the
Socota Member (to be described next) which is
-here taken as the basal member, and extending
up to the first occurrence of porcellanite beds
here considered the basal element of the
SEE TEXT·FJG. 2B. overlying unit,_jhe_lliliL.Eormation. The type
locality of the So"CcifaF"OrfiiatiO'if'tinilong the
L new road from Anapoima to Apulo, beginning
A NAVETA FORMATION at km 3 + 320. Except for its basal member the
�·�-?�:·.-.. '""�- ·r·
., ;. :socota Formation consists of a succession Of
The' shales, they are superficially variegated but dark
. •- .

name was originally introduced by

Hubach (1931, p.44) to describe a sandstone gray at depth; there are frequent calcareous
horizon; it has been granted formational rank­ concretions and··:gypsum veinlets usually cros­
ing by Caceres and Etayo-Sema (1965, p.5). Its sing the bedding of the shales. The maximum
name comes from the cement factory of that thickness of the unit is estimated as 150 meters

(495 (�et). Two members are described in de-' REFERENCE SECTION. SOCOTA MEM·
tail: {iij th�Q�OTfiA �-rl�r�IT'J.'�l�.-�,E,;.f,_:�--.... . BER. The base of the measured section is
TION measureu aoou .., me rs �" teeL1 nor�ou · near the culvert at K 4 + 06.
-.. ..

of culvert No. 19 [Km 3+220) on the new road

Anapoima·Apulo. Variegated shales, partly covered.

V TOP. Dark gray, quartzitic sandstone,

XI Argillaceous limestone bed • . . . . 0.15 m calcareous, very fine grained to fine grai­
or 0.49 feet. ned, locally medium grained. Subparallel
. lamination, with calcareous concretions
X Variegated calcareous shales with reniform which seem to merge in to the envelopping
calcareous concretions, or lens-like argill a­ surrounding rock; fossiliferous: at 1.4 m
ceous limestones. At base of this segment, (4.6 feet) from top, sample C-220 yielded :
"fP sample C 199 yielded l
• ! lw.clites obli·
- quum (Riedel) . . . . 8 m or 26 feet. ' G_olombiceras sarmientoi n. sp.
r. Xcantliohoplites bigoureti(orme n. sp.
. • •

IX Calcareous shales with lenses of argillace· i Clieloniceras(Epicheloniceras) pardoi n. sp.

pus limestones; crushed ammonites,bival· at-4--m (13.2 feet) from top, sample C-222
ves; altop sample C 200 yielded Riedeli· • � yielded Ri�delite!i_ esthersemae n. sp . • . . •

"'-' tes obliquum (RiedeQ . . 1.8 m or 5�[eet� 5.5 m or 18'"'feeC ;· ,�" -· < · -

VTII Argillaceous limestone lens . . . . . 1 m or IV Siltstones to fine grained quartzitic sands·

3.3 feet. tones in layers of 0.01 to 0.15 m; subpa­
rallel to wavy lamination, with tendency
vn variegated shales, with intercalations of . to become more massive toward its, base;
thin layers of very fine grained calcareous calcareous concretions 4.9 m or 16 feet.
• .

and quartzitic sandstones, with bands rich

in fragments of cephalopods and bivalves ill Siltstones to very fine grained quartzitic,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 m or 26 feet. calcareous sandstones; upwards it shows
parallel lamination, towards its central
VI TOP Quartzitic calcareous sandstones, part the lamination is subparallel to wavy,
very finely to finely grained in parallel la­ towards its base it tends to become ma·
yers of 0.001 m (or 0.003 feet); calcareous ssive , but local lamination may be obser·
concretions are locally present, they con­ ved; at its base there is a calcareous lens
tain crushed ammonites and bivalves . . . . with quartz grains up to 0.05 m diameter.
1 1.50 m or 38 feet. Calcareous concretions occur, some are
rather calcareous lenses which merge with .
V Quartlitic calcareous sandstones, fine to the lamination, they enclose concentra·
very fine grained, laterally tending to tions of ammonoids and bivalves. From
appear massive, but regularly occurring in the top of this segment, sample C-223x
parallel or wavy, fine to very fine layers yielded :
of 0.001 m (0.003 feet) thickness, locally
with calcareous concretions surrounded •
Toxoceratoides (Colomboceratoides) ren .
by fragments of cephalopods or bivalves zoni n. sp.
or coarse quartzitic sand 15.50 m or . • . . ·· Melchiorites palmen' n. sp.
41 feet. _ Aconeceras gutierrezpalmae n. sp.
-"" Cheloniceras (Epicheloniceras) carlosacos­
[V Light gray quartzitic, fine grained sands· tai n. sp.
tone, massive, 1 m (3.3 feet? thickness, Pseudoptychoceras gi/berti n. sp.
with interspersed calcareous concretions "' Eodouuilleiceras (?) tequendamai n. sp.
. . 1 m or 3.3 feet.
. . • '-·Du_frenoyia sanctorum Btirgl.
UI Quartzitic siltstones with intercalations of At 3.8 m (11.5 feet) from the top of this
very fine grained sandstones; predominan· portion ot the sequence, sample C-223
tly parallel laminae of 0.001 m (0.003 feet) yielded :
thickness. Locally there are lenses with
rounded quartz grains up_ to 0.005 m dia· .._ Eogaudryceras helmsi n. sp.
meter and crushed ammonites and bival· ..- A <;_o_neceras gu tierrezpalmae n. sp.
ves. Some lenses of limestone also occut Pseudoptychoceras gilberti n. sp.
� Cheloniceras (E.) carlosacostai n. sp
. • ·

7 m or 23.5 feet. • . .

7.:r-ot'25.7 feet.
II Calcareous quartzitic siltstones to very
fine grained sandstones with subparallel II Siltstone to very fine grained quartzitic
to wavy lamination; calcareous concre tions calcareous sandstone beds, with parallel
with fragments of cephalopods and spora­ lamination and with calcareous concre·
dic rounded quartz grains up to 0.001 m tions; toward the middle part the lamina·
diameter . 7 .30 m or 24 feet.
• . . . . • . . tion becomes subparallel to wavy; locally
the grain size increases to fine and even
BASE becomes middle size especially toward
Dark gray shale . . • • • . 4.5 m or 15 feet. the base of this segment where lenses of

coarse grained sandstone occur and the I Argillaceous limestone . 0.8 m or 2.6 feet.
rock tend to become massive . 7.1 m or
23.4 feet. REFERENCE SECTlON of the bottom
of the Capotes Member, ·measured . aetnebegiil­
I Alternation of calcareous lenses up to 0.5 ning of trail to the power transmission tower,
m (1.65 feet) thickness, which enclose just west of village of Tarapaca.
abundant fragments of cephalopods and
bivalves and also has rounded grains of II Dark gray shale; three intercalated layers
quartz up to. 0.001 m diameter, in &;I ter­ of fossiliferous concretions. Sample C-12
nation w1th sdtstones beds or fine gramed yielded :
quartzitic sandstones • 4.15 m or 13.7
• •

feet. Neodeshayesites co/umb ianus (Riedel). . .

. . . . . . . . 1.2 m or 4 feet.
The Socota Member is a particularly inte­
resting unit; it is missing toward the southwes· I Dark gray shales with very fine argilla·
tern part of the region but it increases notably ceous limestone beds and calcareous con­
in thickness and areal distribution northeast­ cretions with crushed ammonites. 25 m
wards. (82.5 feet) below sample C-12, sample
C-13 yielded :
SECTION of its basal beds was asured
Trochleiceras juliverti n. sp.
Douvilleiceras tarapacaense n. sp.
adjacent to the house of Hacienda Capotes. This Carloscaceresiceras caceresi n. sp.
name was introduced by Caceres and Etayo­ BASE . . . . . . . . . . . 60 m or 198 feet.
Sema (1969, p .5), without description of type Hard, red-brick, Trigonia bearing limes­
section. This unit can be recognized by the tone (Trincheras Forrnation). At this
frequent occurrence of argillaceous, thinly geographical point the Socota Member
bedded limestones or the abundance of highly is absent.
fossiliferous calcareous concretions up to 0 .5 m
in diameter distributed in layers; the top of this R EFERENCE _S ECTI O N for basal part of
unit is marked by the dominance of clay-shale the Capotes Member and 'underlying units; this
with frequent occurrence of small argillaceous section was measured at Cerro Bejucal, from
to slightly calcareous concretions. the machinery house of the limestone mine,
and extending SE along the abandoned road.
Section of the basal beds of the Capotes
Member measured along the road from the casa VIII Gray shales, sporadic calcareous concre·
of Hacienda Capotes to Japon, it begins inme­ tions . . . . . . . . . . . 50 m or 165 feet.
diately adjacent to the house.
VII Variegated shales with gypsum veinlets,
VIII Argillaceous limestone • • . 0 . 5 m or 1.65 calcareous concretions and thi n fossilife­
feet. rous limestones. At top of these shales,
sample C-169 yielded:
VII Variegated shales with calcareous concre­
tions; just above the underlying limestone, �- Rinconiceras rinconi n. sp.
sample C-255 yielded : _..,Pla tikne miceras colombiana n. sp .
.,. Carloscaceresiceras sp . . 30 m or 99 feet.
j Lyel/iceras pseudolyelliforme n. sp.
i Lyelliceras isaacleai n. sp . VI Variegated shales with gypsum veinlets,
..t:. Hypophylloceras wiedmanni n. sp . • . 2.5 calcareous concretions and thin fossilife­
f m or 8.25 fe et
rous limestones. At top, sample C-170
VI Argillaceous limestone thinning and wi·
dening irregularly; sample C-255 x yielded : Eodou villeiceras pedrocarvajali n . sp.
,.. Neodeshayesites columbianus (Riedel)
"! Neodehayesites columbianus (Riedel) . • •
_ J)·o chleicerasjuliverti n.sp. 12 m or 40 feet.
0.5 m or 1.65 feet.
V Variegated shales with frequent calcareous
V Variegated shales with interspersed calca­ concretions and lenses of fossiliferous li-
reous concretions; argillaceous limestones mestones . . . . . . . . . . . 9 m or 30 feet.
separated by variegated shales, with cru­
shed ammonites . . . . 1.8 m or 5.9 feet. IV Variegated shales with gypsum veinlets
and locally abundant gastropods and bi­
IV Variegated shales with lenses of limestone valves bearing concretions . . . . 27 m or
up to 0.5 m (1.65 feet) thickness . . • . . .
89 feet.
2.7 m or 8.9 feet. • .

III Dark gray shales . . . . 200 m or 660 feet.

Ill Argillaceous limestone that tends to split
in thin lay ers . . . . . . 0.8 m or 2.6 feet. II ( Socotii"'·Member). Quartzitic graded bed­
ded sandstones; large blocks of limes­
- tone . . .Du(renoyio codazziano (Karsten)
II Variegated shales . . . 2.5 m or 8.2 feet. . . . . . . . . . 10 m or 33 feet.
. . . . . . .· .

I (Trincheras Formation). Limestone in thin Ill Dark gray, siliceous silt or mud shale, it
beds . • . . • • • . . • . • . • . . • . • . • • . • • • • • breaks in small slabs. Ammonite impres­
sions are frequent; there are interspersed
-· uu,.Q �SU�
ISlti .This formational
name was mtro ce�n this region by Hubach
calcareous concretions up to 0.6 m In dia­
meter . . . 14.3 m or 4 7.0 feet.
. . . . • • •

(1931); its type locality is at Hilo on the road

to Cambao. Lithologically it is characterized by n· Dark gray, mud to clay shale, weakly to
an altern�tion of liditet"or porcellanite& with moderately laminated, with elliptical cal·
dark gray clay-shale . In the present report its careous concretions up to 0.5 m in diame­
base is taken at the rmt occurrence of liditic or ter . . . • • 7.7 m or 25.4 feet.
. . . . . . • •

porcellanitic beds. A good reference locality'ls

on the old road Anapoima-Apulo before entering I Dark gray, clay-shale, with petroleum odor,
the Apulo alluvial terrace. The morphologic ex­ there are interspersed limestone concre­
pression of this unit is usually steep ciifs or high tions or lenticular beds up to 0.5 m; sam­
peaks with rounded tops; the presence of brick ple C-300 yielded:
like siliceous fragments allows its presence to be
recognized in the field. Although i!n.P�-�i�� Mammites nodosoidesappelatus n. sp.
o f..a.I;Dln. P,nites are foundJr:t these rocks they were Mammites scutulatus n. sp
not studied l_�'"the present Investigation.

Hoplitoides hemanmojicae n. sp.

Hoplitoides {?) sp ind.
Franciscoites suarezi n. sp. ·

UNNAMED UNIT. Above the previous

unit there is a succession of shales, not forma· Fagesia zanellai n. sp.
lly named , they did not yield any fossils during Imlayiceras {?) ralphimlayi n. sp . • • • • • •

the field studies. 9.01 m or 30.0 feet.

�..X,B..Q��,.F,O.RMA'IlQN .This for­ .

.... R ��J;:R.E!.NG��-��CIIQ\':Ult.J.a .. frg!)._��a
mational nairie was introduced in this region by Formation� 'Iriea8tired· at H acie nda La Giraldii,
Caceres and Etayo- Serna (1969, p. S); it consists at place where the formation forms the ridge
of an alternation of thin limestones and dark alongside the Bo go ta Las Mesitas road, Km 27+

shales towards its base but towards the top it 832.

conaists ofporcellanites or finely stratified cherts;
the succession at several reference localities fo· Ill Dark shales, partly covered . • . • • . . • • •


REFERENCE SECTION, La Frontera For­ II TOP. Fine layers of siliceous shales in al­
matiori, road Ctimaca:vtOli;at La Cabana. K 23 . ternation with porcellanites, in layers do­
minantly 0.1 m (0.33 feet), with intercala·
XII Dark gray, siliceous shale, finely lamina· tions of limestone beds up to 0.5 m (1.6
ted . . • • • 1.4 m or 4.62 feet.
. . . . . . . . feet) . . 12.5 m or 41 feet.

XI Alternation of porcellanite& in layers up I Fin ely laminated dark gray shales with in·
to 0.15 m (0.49 feet) thick with gray to terspersed lenses of limestone up to 0.5 m
maroon mud shale 4 m or 13.2 feet. or 1.6 feet thickness, very compact, pyri·
tized, some of them are fossiliferous; sam­
. . . •

X Gray shales. • . . . . . . 1.5 m or 4.9 feet. ple C-264 collected 18 meters (59.40 feet)
below the top of this interval yielded :
IX Creamy p orcellanites, sticky when wet,
with impressions of ammonoids . . . . . • . Hoplitoides lagiraldae n. sp .
1:6 m or 6.3 feet.

Sample C-263 coiiected 11.2 m ( 37 feet)

Vill Gray silt-shale very rich in compressed below the preceding sample yielded:
impressions of "Inoceramus ".
Mammites fugax n. sp
. • . . . . . .

2.3 m or 7.59 feet. . . 39 m or 129 feet.

Vll Maroon mud-shale and porcellanites • . . •

0.9 m or 3.0 feet. ROAD LEVEL

VI Creamy porcellanites with abundant im· The laminated clay shales overlying the
pressions of ammonites and bivalves, with Frontera Formation yielded sample C-134 :
some cherty concretions; the rock is stra·
tified in layers up to 0.25 m thick Prionocycloceras longispinatum (Basse).
Prionocycloceras portarum n . sp .
• • • • • •

5.1 m or 16.80 feet.

Codazziceras scheibei (Riede l)

Gray silt-shale with elliptical calcareous Codazziceras fina n. sp.

concretions 1,5 m or 4 .90 feet.
• • • • . . •

IV Creamy porcellanite stratified in layers up

to 0.25 m thick, with mud shale intercala· With respect to the li thostratigraphic
tions; the porcellanite& tend to break in scheme utilized in the present report a further
small brick-like blocks.4.5 m or 14.8 feet. comment is necesary. Some of the fossils illus-

trated in several of the early paleontological Hubach (Op. Cit., p. 45-46) had written
works on Colombian Cretaceous: I.Lea (1841); "In the Viota region, ascending the Cerro del
E. Forbes (1845) ; H. . Karsten.(1858) ; A. D'- Or� Capote , it is found, on the upper part of the
bi!Wr(!B""�2)i L_. �jec:lel (19 38), �arne from th. e · horizon of Colombiceras, first a bank of limes­
Apulo , Vwta, Las Mesitas reg1on. The first tone 30 em thick, consisting exclusively of the
attempt to present a stratigraphic sequence of species of ammonite Colombiceras karsteni
the Cretaceous rocks of this region is that of E. Marcou . . . the h orizon of Hoplites -Acan­
Hubach ( 1931), in a paper in which a geologic thoceras is above that of the h orizon of Colom·
map and a columnar section are presented ; fos­ biceras. The m agnitude of the sediments that
sils were collected and preliminarily studied but separate both h orizons does not seem conside­
they were not described or illustrated and only rable, at most about 50 meters."
a brief account of them was later given by J!m.;__
istroffer .(t9�E?1 presumably based on the mate� Eviden tly ��l:!istr?ffer was �rong when he
nil re'TerreCtO by Hubach . Hubach (Op. Cit., used the expressiOn " I h orizon a Colombiceras
p .5 5 ) discussed the stratigraphic sequence (IV) de M. Hubach . Sa partie inferieure (IVa)"
studied by him and the faunas with preliminary because level (IVa) of Hubach's terminology
identifications by C. Rhein listed in the text. represents the base of the upper part of the
Horizonte de Colombiceras; unfortunately Hu­
Of his lithologic units ("Horizons" in Hu­ bach used both the words horizon and level
bach's terminology) discussed , the m ost fre­ (lb., p . 45,46) for two different things.
quently quoted has been that called "Horizonte
de Colombiceras (rY)" about which Hubach �
. Sub�<!u �� l �iirgl ll.953, p . 13) wrote :
wrote (Trad ., lb., p. 57) "It has been possible to "M. lmiSttciffer \ 19'"3"6 , . . ), i n ve rted the
study carefully the 'Horizonte de Colombiceras' position of these horizons considering rvc,
only in its upper part. These levels of the upper after Hubach the lowest, as the highest." One
part h ave been divided in the level of Hoplites­ can not be sure if BUrgi trusted only the co·
Acanthoceras (IVc), in the level of ammonitife­ lumnar section next to the geologic map on
rous concretions (lVb) and in the level of Co­ Hubach's paper; h owever Burgi called the three
lombiceras (IVa). The highest of these levels levels of Hubach (rYa, IVb, rYc) as "nivel de
which form together about 50 to 70 meters ot Colombiceras" and proposed to include it
the upper part of the horizon, consists of a {1955, p. 13,14) as the basal level of the Albian
bank of lime composed of ammonites of the � Incidentally in a previous paper Etayo-Serna
group Acanth oceras-Hoplites, that can not be mcorrectly wrote base of the Aptian instead of
separated satisfactorily. Furthermore, ch&rac­ Albian; 1964 , p. 20J. Accord in g to my studies
teristic species of Hoplites and of Desmoceras: Btirgl was correct with respect to the age assig­
D. Hopkinsi F., D. Mayorianus '! are observed". ned to the three levels but not in the taxonomic
treatment of the fossils.
However and unfortunately the levels
were numbered upside down in the stratigra­ Burgi (1955) also recognized good
phic column on the left side of the geologic upper Aptian fossils, according to his lists
map accompanying the paper, that is level (IVa) (Ibid., p. 12) but he did not illustrate them; in
appears as the highest and level (rYe) as the his paper on the Apulo region (=Rafael Reyes)
l owest, but the expression "Nivel de Acantho­ Biirgl did not include Aptian beds in his "Nivel
ceras-Hoplites" remains attached to the highest de Colombiceras", but later (1961, p. 1 04 , p.
level. 1021 Fig. 8) he included under this term both
Aptian and lower Albian beds. Julivert first
Breistroffer (19 36, p. 1 5 6) �ave a list of observed (1968, p. 222) that Biirgl had conti­
the fossits='ot-Hubach's levels thJS way : "Le nued talking about the Nivel de Colombiceras
Gargasien correspond a !'horizon a Colombice­ when referring to a resistent sandy or calca­
ras (IV) de M. Hubach. Sa partie inferieure reous horizon, which stands out prominen­
(rYa) renferme, a Viota-Capote-Apulo, Du{re­ tly in the midst of the uniform lutitic succession
noya (?) nov. sp. (gr. Codazzklna Krst. sp., sub constituting the Villeta Group; Julivert was re­
Colombiceras Karsteni ap . Rhein). Sa partie ferring to the composite Fig. 22 (Biirgl, 1961 a)
m oyenne (rYb) presente, a Cerro del Capote , and Fig. 8 (BUrgi, 1961c).
Douuilleiceras solitae d'Orb.sp.( ::multinodosum
Rhein in litt.). Sa partie superieur (rv c) mon­ A furiJ.'ler point must be stressed here:
tre, i San-Antonio, Phylloceras cf. Buchwnum .
eastward from the region here discussed there is
Forl)�s sp. (sub Desmoceras Mayorianus ? ap. a well known. se"cjiience of SaD.dstones orig!nally
Rhein), · Pseudohaploceras Hopkinsi Forbes sp. · named "Ar�nisca . �� Une" by H!!l2!!-£h (1931,
et Du{renoya nou. sp. (interm. entre D. luren­ columnar section�orCngft't side of the . geologic
sis Kil sp. et D. texana Burckh .).Enfin, Ia locali· map , plate 1), this unit was subsequently subdi·
te de Cerro del Capote (IVb-c) a encore donne vided in three parts, the upper calle d the l.!.r!e
Brancoceras cf. aegoceratoides Steinm. (affini­ sand�ton�. and the lower one the Ubaque
tes avec 1' Albien du Perou ). " sandstone , the unit in between was left u n'na�
med (Campbell and Biirgl, 1965, p. 578, Fig 3);
both named units were however considered
Here it is to be observed that there is a Albian in age. One of the preceding two tenns
precise correspondence between Hubach's enu­ was used bt' Burgi (1963, Fig.8, P· 720) to
meration of levels in the text and Breistroffer's replace his ' Nivel de Colombiceras' of Fig. 22
usage of the roman numeration. and 8 (1961a, 1961c) that are the same illustra·

tion a6 appeared on lJ. 720 (1963) and on te Samac&, geological map. Lithologically this
zone is represented by La Paja Formation, s�g�
which the new term "Ubaque-Sandstein-Hypa­
chanthoplites Niveau" was Introduced. The � nt E as described by'"Etayo•Seiiia:,--1968. A
above discussed terminology is not followed in CE LOCALITY Cor the zone is the

1-�-B-I_osT AP H_Y___-[.
the present study. previously described sections of the_ Socot8
T_W Member on the road Anapoima-Apulo.

Species referred to the zone described in

The following subdivision of the litholo­ this paper are :
gic sequences investigated in this report, based
on their faunal content (mainly ammonites), Du{renoyia sanctorom Biirgl
that is their zonation, attempts to be in agree· Du{renoyia boteroi n. sp.
ment with the recommendations of the Intema· Du{renoyia codazziana (Karsten)
ttonal Subcommission on Stratigraphic Classifi­ Stoyanowiceras treffryanus . (Karsten)
cation: "An International Guide to Stratigra­ Stoyanowiceras cintatum n. ·sp.
phic Classification, Tenninology, and Usage" Cheloniceras (Epicheloniceras) dognaelui­
(1972). All the proposed zones in this scheme rae n. sp.
are considered ••Assemblage-zones (Cenozones)". Cheloniceras (Epicheloniceras) camachoi
The purpose-of estibliSJITng Oils zonation IS to- - ­ n. sp.
facilitate th e geological work currently being Cheloniceras (Epichelonicenzs) carlosacos-
done on the Cretaceous rocks of the Cordillera tai n. sp. -�

Oriental Colombiana, and I am not attempting Cheloniceras (Epicheloniceras) jimenoi n.

to establish a rigid" Archetypical" scheme. I feel sp.
it is important to have a reference element, an Cheloniceras (Epicheloniceras) barreroi
objective starting point whose value it is hoped n. sp.
will be challenged by others, ChelonicerCI$ (Epicheloniceras) pardoi n.
sp .
In other words, the subdivisions are ChelonicerCI$ (Epicheloniceras) leonhard­
based on the succession of the paleontological triedeli n. sp.
material collected in situ in the field and from Vectisites (Zamur-anoites) cadenai n. sp.
successive sequences of rocks as measured and Vectisites (Zambranoites) crozi n. sp.
mapped at localities of easy access and unequi· Vectisites (Zambranoites) zambranoi n. sp .
vocal identification. The lower boundary of the Vectisites (Zambranoites) duquesi n. sp.
units is established at the fll'St known occurren· Vectisites (Zambranoites) mateusi n. sp.
ce of new taxa, especially genera; the upper Riedelites obliquum (Riedel).
limits of the unit are consequently determined Riedelites (?) quebradanegra n. sp.
by the occurrence of the next new groups at Riedelites esthe�emae n. sp.
the base of the overlying unit. Correlation or Juandurhamiceras juandurhami n. sp.
time equivalence with the zonal scheme esta­ Juandurhamiceras giraldoi n. sp .
blished in Europe is not attempted in greater Gargasiceras interiectum (Riedel).
detail other than the mere comparison of the Gargasiceras pulcher (Riedel).
common occurrence of certain groups of Corteziceras cortezi n. sp.
ammonites considered significant enough to Pseudoptychoceras gilberti n. sp:
permit usage of the stage terminology for the Toxoceratoides (Colomboceratoides) ren­
Cretaceous rocks as first proposed by_ d'Orbigny zoni n. sp .
and Coquand. Aconeceras gutierrezpalmae n. sp.
Melchiorites palmeri n. sp.
THE F O LLOWING ASSEMBLAGE ZO· Eogaudryceras helmsi n, sp.
NES ARE HERE PROPOSED FOR USE IN CO· Eogaudryceras (Eo te tragonites} cabaricoi
LOMBlA. n. sp.
Pseudohaploceras leivaense n. sp.
. Valdedo�ella (?) colombiana n. sp.
Colombiceras sarmientoi n. sp.
Eodouvilleiceras (?} tequendamai n. sp.
As far as these studies demonstrate, the Colombiceras foreroi n. sp.
zonal species have their rtrst appearance along
with the fU"St record of Cheloniceras (Epichelo­ �.P..lil.�..aJ.Jw!HI.Gbi.· &gatfJahQuli��&
nicerCI$), Vectisites (Zambranoites), Riedelites, .J!_p tocerati{orme Ass:_m�lSe - zone
Juandurhamiceras and GargasicerCI$, Cortezice­
nzs, Pseudoptychoceras, Toxoceratoides (Colom­ As far as known to me these species have
boceratoides). their most occurrence in this part of the sequen­
ce; the absence of Cheloniceras (Epichelonice­
AS TYPE LOCALITY for the base of this ras}, Du{renoyia, Stoyanowiceras, Vectisites
zo�e the beds immediately above the white, (Zambranoites), Aconeceras, Eogaudryceras,
argillaceous (tuffaceous?) layer rich in compre· seems indicative also.
sse� specimens of ''Procheloniceras, cf. Proche­
lomceras albrectUJustriae Hoh." are selected. AS TYPE LOCA LITY for the base of
These were previously recorded in Etayo-Sema this zone the clay-shale beds with abundant
(1968), "Estacion 10e", columnar section Fig.3, argillaceous-calcareous concretions at point
and "Est.lO", km. 28 on the road Sachica-Puen- C-127 on the road Anapoima-Apulo is design-

ated. In the lithostratigraphic nomenclature it is Elatilmemiceras .colombiana-R inconiceras

represented by the unnamed sequence of shales rinciini�Ljielliceras pseud01ye1Ufor"!e

overlying the Socota Member and below the .

Capotes Member of the sequence in the region
of Apulo, Viota, Las Mesitas, Some of the preceding species also occur
in this zone but the faunal spectrum changes in
favor of Lyelliceratidae and Engonoceratidae.
Species referred to the above named zone
AS TYPE LOCALITY of this zone is
chosen the "Estacion 33a" previously recorded
Parahoplites (?) hubachi n. sp. by the writer (1968), columnar section Fig. 9,
Parahoplites (?) tristan n. sp. and on the geological map annexed to that
Acanthohoplites bigoure ti{orme n. sp. paper. Lithologically at its type locality this
Acanthohoplites luisperezi n. sp. zone is represented mainly by "Nivel 8" of the
Acanthohoplites seunesiforme n, sp. "Segment B" of the Upper San Gil Formation.
Acanthohoplites pluricostatum n. sp. At the type locality the name-bearing species of
Acanthohoplites eleganteante n. sp. the zone have not been recorded yet. AS REFE·
Acanthohoplites (?) leptoceratiforme n.sp.

RENCE SECTION where the species occur are,

Acanthohoplites (?) serpenti{orme n. sp. first the clay-shale concretions bearing succe­
Riedelites (?) filosum n. sp. ssion found at Cerro Bejucal, extending SE
Corteziceras latecostata (Riedel) along the abandoned road and from the machi·
Melchiorites media Riedel nery house of the limestone mine.
Both preceding zones represent the pP�r Other species generally occurring in
.1\Rtian of Colombia. The tenn Aptian proposea the zone are:
by· d'Orbigny (1840, I, p. 631) is here adopted;
its previous use in the stratigraphy of the Creta· - Engonoceras (?) duartei n. sp.
ceous of Colombia has been thoroughly reviewed -Xnemiceras semicostatum Sommermeier
by the author (Etayo-Sema, 1964). I find a ge­ �-J(nemiceras pegnai n. sp.
neral agreement, in broad sense, between my �-Engonoceras olgaluciae n. sp.
succession of faunas and those discussed by tTegoceras benavidescaceresi n. sp.
Breistroffer (1947), Casey (1961), and Thomel ):-Lyelliceras pseudolyelliforme n. sp.
(1964) for the European uPper Aptian. ' Lyel/iceras isaacleai n. sp.
� Ralphimlayites apuloense n, sp.

The last two assemblage-zones discussed

represent the lpwer Albian and the base of the
Middle Albian jn Colombia. The tenn Albian
As far as known these two species have proposed-by� a'Or6lEliY"-<1B43, p. 463) isliere
their first occurrence in this part of the sequen· stressed for its usefulness. There are similarities
ce. All the genera recorded for the preceding ···betWeen the· faunas from Pe:rU described by Be­
zones are absent, but this is not so when com· navides Caceres (1956), from Madagascar by
pared to Europe; the new species listed below Collignon (1950) and discussed by Breistroffer
occur for the first time. (1952), and with those of the European Albian
(France, England), but the similarity with the
latter areas is less marked than in the case of the
AS TYPE LOCALITY for the zone is Aptian.
selected the same type locality as for the basal
· part of the Capotes Member, however litholo·
gical characteristics and fossils do n.:�t necessa· Between the preceding zone and the fo·
rily correspond ; as a REFERENCE LOCALITY llowing zone there is a "barren zone" where
the same reference locality as for the Capote& ammonites have not been collected or found.
Member is designated. Other species belonging The dating of these rocks based on other groups
to this zone are also given: of mollusks are not within the scope of the work.

Ho/cophylloceras hernandezi n. sp . ite

Douui/leiceras abozagloi n. sp. _loJf!_!!J!!!. �:fr��f2l!��agel�n:s�:;;�'!.��El!es -·
1Jouuilleiceras tarapacaense n. sp. =>·-·· · ..

Eodouuilleiceras pedrocarvajali n. sp. As far as known to me the name-giving


Neodeshayesites karsteni (Marcou)


species have their fU'St occurrence at this part of


Neodeshayesites albertoalvarezi n. sp. the sequence.

Neodeshayesites cingulatum n. sp.
Neodeshayesites contracta (Riedel) The section exposing rocks of La Fronte·
Carloscaceresiceros monteroi n. sp. ra Formation1 at La Cabafia, km 23 of the road
Carloscaceresiceras caceresi n. sp. Cumaca·Viota is selected as TYPE LOCALITY
Trochleiceras (Trochleiceras)
. juliuerti n. of the zone; A REFERENCE SECTION is the
sp. type locality of the San Rafael Formation,
Trochleiceras(Jaumaportaiceras) hof{ste· previously described by the writer (1968; geo·
tteri n. sp. logic map).

Other species occurring in thla zone am : ..aloriaceras paulinae n. sp.

...Peroniceras solorzanoi n. sp.

- ·· Mammites scutulatus n .sp. • ...Peroniceras dillbloi n. sp.
--Hop/itoides hemanmojicae n. sp. ...Peroniceras guerra/ n. sp.
... Fagesill zanell6i n. sp. ....Prionocycloceras longispinatum (Basse)
Imlayiceras (?) ra/phimlayi n. sp.
_ -Prionocycloceras portarum n. sp.
- Mammites {ugax n..sp. ..Prionocycloceras (?) cucaitaense n. sp.
- Hop/itoides lagiraldae n. sp. -Nice(oroceras boyacaense n. sp.
- Paramammites co/ombitznus n. sp. -zumpangoceras ospinai n. sp.
.-Zumpangoceras (?) sorae �_. sp.
1bis zone ia here considered to represent
tile lower Turonian of Colombia. The Turonian This zone is here considered to represent
S taie';--p�l(i'd'"'by d'Orbigny (1842) 1a aJao the lower Coniacian. The term Coniacian as
adopted; its previous use in the geological litera­ proposeci"""by"'d0qu8iia (1857, p. 748) is here
tuft! on Colombia has already been discussed by adopted. Similar faunas occurring abroad are
the author (1964). The affinities of the listed discussed in the taxonomic part of this report.
fossils am given in the systematic descriptions.
Lenticeras baltoi-Paralenticeras sieuersi
G/oriaceras con-eai-Pro texanltes
cucartilense:Codliizrceras scheroei The name-giving species have previously
�m�l!£e.zone been discussed by the wnler (1969). .
·· .

As far as known these species occur for The TYPE LOCALITY for the .zone Is
the first time in this part of the sequence. the outcrop of the upper part of the' Conejo
Formation and below the Upper Lidita�'Forma•
TYPE SECTION of the zone Is the expo· tion, about 100 meters south of well .B·20, as
sores of the Cucaita Member at "Estaciones 6-9" depicted by the writer on the Geologic map of
on the road Cucaita· Piedra Gorda as previo�sly the Villa de Leiva Area, near the road ·Puente
recorded by the author (1968, p. 45, Fig. 13, Samaca-Cucaita (1968). The Santonian . Stage
and annexed geologic map); a REFERENCE also proposed by Coquana1t857,-�p� - 749) is
LOCALITY is the less accessible outcrops of here stressed, however the basis for Its recogni­
the beds above the La Frontera Formation tion is not especially strong when the poverty of
(Coordinates �42000W-979000N, on Plancha . ammonites now known from Colombia is consi­
M6·1·A, Cundmamarca of the I.G.A.C.). dered.
Other species conside�ed belonging to this The proposed zonation is summarized in
zone are: Table 1.



not represented

z Paralenticeras siiwersi
Len ticeras baltai

not represented

< Gloriaceras correai Peroniceras diabloi Niceforoceras


0 Protexanites cucaitaense Prionocycloceras (?) cucaitaense

Codazziceras scheibei Zumpangoceras - ospinai

< not represented

� Mammites nodosoidesappelatus Hop litoides lacabagne Fagesia zanellai
E-< Franciscoites suarezi Mammites fugax Paramammites

+ not represented

Platiknemiceras colombiana L_y_e lliceras carvajalorum

z Rinconiceras rinconi Knemiceras pegnai

- - LyeUi9�as pseudolyeli.iforme Engonoceras ( ?) duartei
..::I Neodeshayesites columbianus R:�ZIJ_himlayi_t�s Jaumaportaiceras
Carloscaceresiceras caceresi

Douvilleiceras solitae Neodeshayesites karsteni

Parahoplites (?) hu bachi Acanthohop lites ( ?) leptoceratiforme

z Juandurhamiceras R iede lites

Stoyanowiceras treffryanus Corteziceras A coneceras
Zambranoites Colombiceras

< Colorn boceratoides Gargasiceras


Pseudoptychoceras Epicheloniceras
Dufrenoyia sanctorum Melchiorites� Pseudohaploceras

SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS half, they project onto the venter fanning an

adoral arc. The pleats increase their width slow­
Phylum MOLLUSCA ly but steadily towards tho venter.
There are shallow but wide constric­
� �
Family P LL RATIDAE tions that approximately follow the trend of
Genus I Ph]l
o te
uess , 1866 S the ribs but project strongly forward as a lingui·
fonn arc on venter; they are weU developed on
Phylloceras Suess, 1866, p. 7. the internal mold but only as broad and low
areas on the surface of the test. On the adoral
TYPE SPECIES. A mmonites heterophyUus portion of the last whorl the shell Is preserved
J. Sowerby, original designa­ and the pleats are well defined as flattened belts
tion. of growth striae wider than the intercostal
spaces. These bel ts stre tch approximately to the
Phylloceras. buchjqnu �;(Forbes) ? adumbilical third of the flank .where they fade
PI. 8, F1g. 4; Text- 1g. 3C. ou t and only fine raised growth lines extend
toward the umbilicus. The periumbilical area
1844 Ammonites Buchilzna Forbes, p. 177, seems smooth. Strigations are visible especially
Fi�· a,b, under the species name. around the umbilicus.

? 1858 Ammonites Buchilznus Forbes, Karsten, The suture line has L. trifid�,., ,

p . 84.
DIAGNOSIS. This species Is characterized
1881 A. rmmonites.] BuchitJna Fbs., Hyatt, by: A) its sinuous, low ribs especially developed
p. 3'10. on the external half of the flank, B) the lingui­
fonn projection of the constrictions on 'ventei:
1883 [Phylloceras] BuchitJna Forb., Uhlig, on the intemal mold, C) the broadly rounded
p . l82. section of whorls on venter.

A mm. [onitesl Buchiana

' '

1907 Forbes, P�r- Meuuremenu. D Euw H W DfEuw % D/1{%

vinquiere , p . 5 0. Hypotype 14 3 ?7 8 21 ?60

1910 Ph. fylloceras ] Buchianum Forbes, COMMENTS. This peculiar species has
Fallot, p. 70. been synonymized with P. uelledae (Michelin)
d'Orb. [ Fallot, 1910, p. 70; Gignoux, 1920, p .
1920 Ph. [ylloceras] BuchitJnum Forbes, 91], but Spath (1923, p. 17) h as given it
Gignoux, p. 91. specific standing because "It i s more inflated
throughout" ; in Forbes' species the periventral
1923 Ammonites Buchiana, Forbes, Bose, and ventral zones fonn a broader arc than in P.
p. 125. velledae. Phylloceras moriezense Sayn (1920,
p. 194, pl. 1, Figs. 2,3) has a similar develop·
1923 Ph. [ylloceras] buchitJnum (Forbes ), ment of the ornamentation but the whorl
Spath, p. 17. section seems less inflated and its ribs are clearly
rounded in contrast to those of Forbes' species.
1924 Ammonites buchiana Forbes, Sherborn, However on both species the ribs are slightly
p . 925. projected on venter.

? 1936 Phylloceras cf. BuchitJnum Forbes, OCCURRENCE. Capotes Member.

Breistroffer, p. 156.

? 1955 Phylloceras cf, BuchitJnum Forbes, ex Genus \Holcophylloceras]Spath, 1927.

Breistroffer, :aurgl, p. 13.
Holcophylloceras Spath, 1927, p . 38.
1964 Phylloceras buchianum (Forbes), Etayo
Serna, p. 101. pars. TYPE SPECIES , Ph l oce ras mediterraneum
Neumayr, original designa­
Holotype B.M.N. H. . tion.
Hypotype C-217. (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Hy. N .1)

I am referring to this species a group

of small, inflated and Involute conchs; they ha·
ve a broad venter and convex sides that round Holotype C-13 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht. N. 1)
abNptly into a deep umbilicus. Paratype C·13 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P. Pt. N.1)

The adapical part of the last p reserved In the juvenile the conch is inflated, na·
whorl of the hypotype has low, broad, subdued rrowly umbilicated, the umbilicus is deep; the
�leats especially visible with oblique illumina­ conch Is divided into protruding segments by
tion. These pleats h ave a sinuous trend, they biconcave constrictions that are Ungulate on
describe an arc on the inner half of the flank venter, when the shell is preserved one adapical
and a broad adoral concavity on the adventral ridge parallels the contrictions; the omamenta-

tion consisfli only of rme growth lines that tend because in contrast to the latter genus the Co­
to form almost imperceptible bands that para· lombian species has L tripartite.
Del the constrictions and ridges. There are seven
constrictions on the preserved last whorl. These striking differences between the
juvenile and adult whorls are of common occu­
The section of the whorl is subquadrate, rrence in Phylloceratidae (see Wiedmann, 1963,
slightly wider than high, it has flat parallel flanks p.186); the specimens I consider conspecific
came from the same concretion and are similar
which are weakly beveled at the periventral
margins producing a narrow venter; the umbilical in the development of the subquadrate whorl
wall is oblique on the adapical segment of the last section .
whorl, it is subvertical on the adoral portion.
There are seven constrictions on the last preser­ Of the Cretaceous species referred to this
ved whorl. 'The suture line has subrectangular genus, Holcophylloceras guettardi (Raspall) [in
bifid saddles and wide, slightly asymmetrical Wied man�,. 196 3, p. 258, ,Pl. 17, Fig. Sa, 8b] ,is
tripartite lobes. most sirnil.ar to my spec1es. In the European
In the adults the whorl section is subqua­ species the whorl section is rounded (Wiedmann,
drate , slightly wider than high; the flanks are ibid, text-Fig. 62a). In the Colombian species the
flat but round into a narrower feebly arched growth striae are accentuated adumbilically
venter; the periventral z one is feebly beveled. contrary to those of the Mallorcan species.
The umbical wall is subvertical and the umbili­
cal rim is rounded. This species is named in honor of the zoo·
logist Jorge Hernandez, of the Universid ad Na­
The conch is divided into segment"$ by fi. cional de Colombia.
ve wide and shallow constrictions on the inter­
nal mold,these are represented by very feeble OCCURRENCE : Capotes Member. Lower
low zones on th e shell and are rimmed ad orally Albian.
by a slightly thickened ridge. 'These constric·
tions follow the trend of the growth Iirae.
Genus l Hypophyllocer3Salfeld, 1924.
'The ornament consists of raised growth
lirae that gather and crowd in broad , flat, Hypophylloceras Salfeld , 1924, p.5
rib·like sheaves; now and then these sheaves
may raise as low ribs, they begin at the umbili­ TYPE SPECIES. Phylloceras onoense Stanton,
cal seam where they form a minute adoral con­ original designation.
cavity just near the umbilical seam from which
point they trend prorsiradiate up to the adum­ Jil'llPDlWiacerg§ wjed :W
IJ.i n. sp.
bilical third of the whorl where they bend Pl.10, Fig. 3; Text-Fig� ·
abruptly to form and arc on the middle and
p art of the ad ventral thirds of the flank; on th� ? 19 3 8 Phylloceras velledae Mich. var seresiten­
periventral margin they forin a conspicuos se Perv., Riedel, p. 8, pl. 4, Figs. 6,7;
adoral concavity and on the venter form an pl. 12, Fig. 7, pl.14. Fig. 1.
acute adoral arc. The internal mold in covered
by low undulations corresponding to the ? 1968 Phylloceras serecitensis sensu Riedel
sheaves of striae. (non Perv .), Etayo-Sema, 1968, Fig.3,
Table I.
The suture line has phyUoid bifid saddles
with narrow bases; E/L is bifid and its external Holotype . C-255 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht. N.2).
branch is also bifid and its lower branch contacts
the midventral saddle. The conch is involute, narrowly umb ilica­
ted, the umbilicus is rimmed by a narrow plano·
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized concave surface. The adumbilical half of the
by: A) the conch divided into protruding seg­ whorl has an almost smooth surface on which
ments between deep sinuous constrictions, lin­ with adequate illumination, the extension of the
gulate on venter in the young, B) flattened seg­ ribs are visible as rme threads. The adventral
menbi of the conch between attenuated cons­ third of the whorl-side is convex and covered
trictions in the adult, C) its falcoid sheaves with fme, rounded ribs, separated by subequal
of lirae stressed adventrally, and D) its qua­ intercostal spaces up to twice as wide as the ribs.
drate whorl section with feebly beveled peri- The boundary between the callused and ribbed
ven�argins. i ' <::csurfaces is irregul ar through ou t t.p,e le n gt.tt o f the
· last chamber. Toward the adapical segment of
Meuurementa D EuW H W E(Euw •fJ)fH'% the last preserved whorl there is a more promi­
Holotype 21 6 10 11 24 48- nent rib that ex tends to the umbilical wall . The
Pmtype 13 3 7 8 23 64 trend of the ribs is straight or feebly concave
adorally across the umbilical rim. The ribs des·
- COMMENTS. The early whorls of this spe­ cribe a wide adoral arc on the fianks, a weak
cies resemble Valdedorsello getulina (Coquand) adoral ·concavity on the imprecise periventral
as Ulustrated by Pervinquiere (1907, p. 15 1, pl. area, and then croBS the venter and bend sUngb·
6, Fi g. 16), but the latter has a depressed whorl tly forward. At the boundary of the callused
section. The Te trogonites-Iike aspect of the adult surface of the nank the ribs seem to be of uni·
whorl is a mere chance morph ological similarity form width, they thin below the glazed zone

and tend to fonn bundles some of which beco· In the latter species is radial to slightly concave
me more prominent near the adumbilical third adorally (?) (op.cit., pl. 15, Fig. 6) on flanks.
of the whorl side that appelll'll as a surface cove­ The subspecies P. (H.) seresitense tanit Pervin·
red with irregularly distributed pleats. The sec­ quil�re (Wiedmann, p. 228, fig. 54) has a bicon­
tion of the whorl has a broadly rounded venter cave type of ribbing.
and flattened diverging flanks which at the urn·
bllical rim attain their ,!Daximum width and This new species is named in honor of
then tum abruptly into the. oblique umbical rim. Dr. Jost Wiedmann, of the Tiibingen Universitat,
No living chamber is available. West Germany.

DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized OCCURRENCE. Capotes Member. Lower

by: A) the callused adumbilical half of the whorl, Albian. Paja Fonnation (Arcillolitas abigarradas
B) the channel-like intercostal spaces, the broa· Segment E.). Upper Aptian.
dly arched trend of the fme rounded ribs on the
flanks, and their feeble projection on venter,
C) the whorl section with broadly rounded
Family G UJR c
Genus \E<(aud c
� ;; eri1Sj3 TIDAE
venter and central third of the flank flattened,
and D) the plano concave adumbilical surface. Eogaudrycerrl$ Spath, 1927, p. 66.
Meuurementl D Euw H W DfEuw % D/H.04 TYPE SPECIES. Lytoceras numidum Coquand,
Holotype 46 6 24 18 13 54 original designation.
COMMENTS. On Riedel's specimen of d!:.J!�!.!I§: lJelr.rfin. sp.
[s;Fig. 14, TexT-fg. 31.
Phylloceras velledae Mich. var. seresitensis Perv.,
from Utica, not far from the region studied in
the present report, (see especially Riedel's illus· Holotype. C-223. (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P. Ht.No. 3).
tration of the internal whorl, pl.4, fig.6) the
adumbilical half of the whorl is eroded so the The only specimen available was disected
callused co,yering and urd�rlying fme . ribbing back to the first whorl of the phragmocone;
can not be recognized, but Riedel remBl'ks: the first whorl has an arched venter which is
"Los flancos estan cubiertos de numerosas listas divided into segments by prominent rounded
finas que, naciendo aproximadamente a media flanges which are accompanied by flattened
altura de las espiras, siguen derecho bacia el shallow furrows just paralleling them on both
!ado extemo, donde forman un arco apenas sides across the venter; in the intervening spaces
perceptible hacia adelante". Riedel commented there aie fine widely separated lirae. The whorl
that his specimen does not' show the falciform section at this stage is subcircular although it
trend o"f the ribs as in Ph. velledae Michelin (see has tendency to be wider than high. The second
the figured cast of the neotype of this species in whorl has reniform outline with wide evenly
Wiedmann, 1963, pl.12). The lectotype of Ph. arched venter and convex sides that round
seresitense Pervinquiere (1910, p.9, Fig. 2, pl. 1, smoothly into the umbilical wall, in a wide,
Fig. 1; se·e Wiedmann, 1963, p.222) shows a rounded transitional zone without an edge.
flattened surface of the flanks that descends
funnelwise to the umbilicus, this surface is The shell is ornamented by acute lirae
reduced to a mere rim around the umbilicus in that describe a wide adoral concavity from the
Riedel's figured specimen and in the present umbilical seam up to the beginning of the
specimen. flanks, then they described a wide arc on the
flank to finally straightly cross the venter. The
Wiedmann, the last reviewer of the striae tend to gather in bundles toward the
group (1963), recognized three "subspecies" of periumbilical rim, these bands of striae are.
Ph. seresitense based on the section of the whorl separated by narrow and depressed areas or
and the width of the umbilicus. In the present furrows which however may not be called
species the umbilicus is narrow and the section constrictions, consequently the lntemal mold is
of the whorl, like that figured by Riedel (1938 characterized by slight transverse swellings. The
pl,. 12, Fig. 5) has a broadly rounded periventrai lirae are not of uniform strength and on the
shoulder rather than beveled shoulders as seen internal mold they are represented by fine
i� the lectotype of PerVinquiere (1910, pl. 1, grooves whereas the interspaces appear as flat·
F1g. lb) and the hypotype figured by Wiedmann tened and much wider bands. Some slightly
(1963, pl.21, Fig. 1b). wider and accentuaded transverse furrows are
interspersed. On the adapertural part of the
. The. flattening of the flanks in the Colom- second whorl and the entire third whorl the
bian sp�cunens produces a middle third of the bundles of lirae are conspicuous along the
whorl 11de that diverges from the venter and umbilical rim and the interbundle spaces are
�en �p�ptly rounds into the umbilicus; in Per­ better defined as smooth, relatively wide bands;
\'Ulqulere s illustrations, both middle and the bundles tend to group five lirae, but two
adumbilical thirds of flanks are flattened but bundlea may fuse together and finer Iirae may
sho"! . a. tendency to converge toward the develop also. On the third whorl the section is
umb�1cal rim. Wiedmann used the flattening of reniform, much wider than high and rather
the s1d�s as a specific character (1963, p.202· flattened on venter; toward the aperture of the
203, F1g_. 47b): Phy/locerrl$ (Hypophylloceros) fourth preserved whorl the section is rectangu·
subserec1tense Wiedmann. The trend of the ribs lar with rounded comers; there seems to be an

increasing overlap of the whorls with age. pressed; the sides and venter are nattened.
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
by: A) the change in shape from subcircular to by A) the ontogenetic changes of the section of
rounded rectangular cross-section in the ontoge· the whorl from renifonn in the inner whorls to
ny, B) the bundle fonning convex Urae, and subquadrate In the outer whorls, and B) the
C) the lack of 'constrictions' in later stages of sporadic strong constrictions that do not cross
growth. the venter.
Meuurementa D Euw H W DfEuw % D{H % Meuu�ements. D Euw H W D(Euw % D{H%
Holotype 17 8 11 1& 41 61 Holotype 26 6 11 14 24 44

COMMENTS. This species differs from COMMENTS. This species is comparable

Eogaudryceras vocontianum (Fallot) [ 1921, p, to Eotetragonites jacobi ambigua Breistroffer
2 33 pl. 2, Fig.2] because the lirae are radial ('!) f= Guadryceras in termediLJ Fallot, 1920, pl. 2,
on bank of his species, (Fall ot, op.cit., p.235) Fig. 6, 10), from the French Gargasian but on
and the constrictions are accentuated, further· the latter species the constrictions are more nu­
more its maximum thickness is toward the um­ merous and frequent than in the Colombian spe­
bilical margin whereas in the Colombian cies which furthennore is more robust and invo­
species it is located toward center of the flank. lute.
The specimens of Fallot's species referred to by
Wiedmann (1962, p. 40, pl.2, Figs. 2,6,8) as This species is named in honor of Mr. Ma·
showing variation of the width of the section nuel Cabarico, of the Geological Survey of Co­
(ib., p.41), clearly show a high vaulted section lombia.
also. From Eogaudryceras numidum var. inter·
mediLJ (Fallot) f1920, p. 235, 1?1.2, Fig.3: lecto· OCCURRENCE. Socoti Member. Upper
type, Breistroffer, 1947, p.56j the Colombian Aptian.
species differs because its cross section profile is
more evenly rounded and wider and the less Family
accentuded constrictions on its flanks attenuate ncM -c Genus
very early.
Toxocerat6ides Spath, 1924, p. 78.
This species is named in honor of Dr.
J. Helms of the Humboldt Universitat in Ber·
• TYPE SPECIES. Toxoceras royeriLJnum d'Or­
lin, DDR. bigny (I.C.Z.N.?).
OCCURRENCE. Socota Member. Upper Subgenus-? {QiJo}itbog��}!!!J n. subge-
Aptian. nUS
::- 7Q not/a,. o'kJ , fp<J-�1! I _) ;) 2 Y
. j
(Eo etraponites:[D
19 7.
1nreistroffer, TYPE SPECIES. Tox ergJoides (.Colomboce·
· es) re'!.zoni n. sp.

Eotetragonites Breistroffer, 1947, p. 56. DIAGNOSIS. Coiling as in Toxoceratoides

but differs from the latter genus by the deve·
TYPE SPECIES. Lytoceras (Tetragonites) de­ lopment of sculpture characterized by a retar­
pressus Raspail, original desig­ ded development of the subdue lateral trituber­
nation. culation: early ribs without tubercles, followed
by the appearence on both sides of venter of
..fogaudr:x,ceras (Eotetrag,onites2 cabaricoi,.. slender spines, subsequently lateral tubercles
n. sp. appear and much later the nipple-like peridorsal
Pl. 6, Fig.ll; Text-Fig. 3M, 3N. tubercles show up. The suture line is much sim·
plified, it has massive subrectangular saddles
Holotype. C-513. (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P. Ht. N.4). and a subtrifid L.
Toxoceratoides (Colombocerqtoide§)
On the earliest whorl observed (the se·
cond?) the section is reniform, wider than high, renzo Jl. sn.

it has a broadly rounded venter; the whorl sides Pl."6', ig. 19; Text-Fig. 3. 0.
are convex and round into a vertical umbilical
wall. The ornament on the internal mold con· Holotype. LB-10 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.N.6.)
sists of rounded prominent undulations which
fonn feeble adoral arcs on the whorl side, they The earliest portion of the slightly curved
are separii�d by constriction-like low zones; on shaft has a suboval whorl section: flattened to
the test fine transverse lirae are visible on venter. feebly rounded dorsal area that merges into the
On the_ th.�. _whorl· [of the paratype ] the oma­ • evenly rounded sides which interconnect thro·
m�nt consiits of bundles of striae, but wide ugh the narrow arched venter.
constrictions that follow the pattern of the
bundles develop on the opposite sides of the The ornament consists of prominent
whorl without crossing the venter. On the third raised rounded ri&s that thicken toward venter
whorl, the whorl section is subquadrate and and that cross the venter prorsiradiate or des·
has a clear tendency to become higher than de- cribe an inconspicuous adoral arc; on the dorsal

area the ribs describe a wide adoral arc and on The shaft Is slightly arched. The early sec­
both sides of this arc two narrow adoral conca­ tion of the whorl is vaulted; the dorsal area ia
vities are formed; the ribs then trend obliquely arched with the sides rounding outwardly up to
and slightly arcuately across the flanks and fl. the center of the whorl then evenly rounding
nallY they cross normal to th� ventral medial toward venter which is flat.
axis where they become depressed and even The ornament consists of prominent
very attenuated but not ln terrup ted. The inter­ rounded ribs which cross the dorsal area linear­
costal spaces are channel like with rounded ly or with a slight adoral bow, they cross the
bottom and usually subequal in width to the flanks forming f�rst a weak adoral concavity on
ribs but occasionally are a bit wider. The moilt the dorsal rim and then trending prorsiradiate
adapical preserved segments of shaft h ave ribs or describing a slight arc, or even forming an
of uniform strength that bear low, rounded to adoral concavity ; on venter they become inte­
compressed bullae on either side of the vef\tral rrupted -on the internal mold- or very atte­
median depression;· now and then however a nuated on exterior of the test around the ven·
fmer, almost ventrally nontuberculated rib tral medial line; the end of the ribs converge
occurs, likewise stronger and ventrally noded toward the siphonal line forming a w ide V with
ribs are intercalated . its apex pointing adorally . All ribs •develop
rounded to spinose periventral tubercles. Though
With maturity a clear differentiation of sporadically one rib may show greater strength,
the ribs occurs: one non stressed rib alternates the ribs gain strength progressively and do not
with one strong rib which bears one spinose develop a regular alternation of strong and
tubercle on the periventral margin and a second weak ribs. The intercostal spaces are deep and
mammiform tubercle at the boundlllY betwen twice as wide as the ribs on the internal mold,
the peridorsal and central thirds of the flank; but they appear shallow and narrower when the
shell is preserved. ·
the costal whorl section acquires a beveling of · .

its profile on the adventral third of the flank. NOTE : This morph is notabl_e- for the steady
With further growth the primlllY ribs develop growth of the section of the shaft, by
an additional, smalle r, mammiform tubercle the strong, uniform and unituberculate
near the rim of the dorsal side but the ribs are ribbing and the early stressing of the
nearly interrupted on venter, developping a weak ventral tuberculation.
channel along the ventral median line; two
intercalary ribs may occur on mature stages. OCCURRENCE. Socoti Member. Upper
Later the section of the whorl becomes roun· Ap tian.
ded subrectangular, the segment of the ribs
between the ventral and lateral tubercles is Family P Y HOCERATIDAE.
flattened, with a tendency to split longitudinally . (}
Genus � 1 Pseudoptychoceras n.
.=:: £o.plyrh11u -""A. �
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized TYPE SPECIES. Pseudoptychocerrzs gilberti n.
by A) the rapid increase in width of the shaft, sp.
B) the ontogenetic development of its ornament
from undifferentiated barely tuberculate · ribs, DIAGNOSIS. Straight or slightly undula·
not interrupted on venter, to an alternation of ted, slowly increasing initial shaft, ornamented
trituberculate primary ribs and almost non tu· with prominent, oblique annular rounded ribs,
bereulate intercalatory ribs all of which become separated by conspicuous constriction-like inter­
attenuated on venter, and C) the progressive costal spaces; the section of the whorl is ellip­
development -of the lateral tubercles. tical to almost circular, the first shaft bends to
a sh orter (?) branch which leaves an opening
COMMENTS. This species differs from ("needle hofe") before appressing against the
.Toxoceratoides royerianus ("d'Orbigny) as emen· :lorsum of the first shaft; this second branch is
ded by Casey (1961, p. 77) because the ribs do ornamented with annular acute ribs distant
not divide on the dorsum or if they do no more from each other. The suture line has short sub·
than two rible ts appear; they differ also in the rectangular elements, relatively undisected, L
suture line which is less complicated in the Co· Is trifid.
lombian species. However this difference may
be due only to the diameter of the whorl at COMMENTS. This new genus differs
which the sutu:res were drawn. from Ptychoceras because of its loop forming
hook and its trifid L; from Euptychoceras
. This species is named in honor of the geo· (Breistroffer, 1947) because the fanner Is
logqt Giancario Renzoni. smaller and has strong ornamentation on both
shaft and hook.
OCCURRENCE. Paja Formation (Arci·
llolitas ablgard Pseu doeachoceras gjlberti, n.

ra as. Segment E.). Upper Aptian. sp.

P[G, li'ig. 18; Text-Fig.3S, 3T.
Tox�ceru toides (Colomboceratoides} ren­
zom n. sp. Holotype. C-223 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P. Ht. N. 6).
Paratype. (U.N.C .M.H.N.C.P.Pt. N.3) .

. (M orph I).
Text-Fig. 3P. There are three fragments of the shaft,
two of them with part of the hook preserved.
Paratype. (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Pt.N.2.) The shaft is straight, progreSBively tapering, It

has a subelliptical to subcircular section: the ges on the living chamber.

dol'Bal region is wide, flattened, abruptly chan­
ging into the feeble convex sides which evenly OCCURRENCE. Socota Member. Upper
round toward the narrow arched venter. There Aptian.
are broadly rounded, low ribs, slightly thicke­
ned on venter. On the dorsal area the ribs are =il
··---�am A�
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barely visible, they cross it as fme lirae normal uenus @co1eceros(Hyatt, 1M3.
to the dorsal-central axis; at the margins of the
dorsal region the ribs become well defmed and r;rco��c�ros H'yaft, 19oa·;·p.loo.
cross the flanks of the shaft in an arc convex to­
•.••,. • •,.,....,.• • • � • •. . • -.. :.: - • -�.. . ·� . .• . - 4 ' • .- -. . . . •..- · .··-:-· ..�

ward the hook; they cross the venter normal to TYPE SPECIES. Ammonites nisus d'Orbigny,
the ventral-central axis; the intercostal space, monotypic.
constriction-like in appearance, is prominent
on flanks and venter and subequal to slightly "ficw "ros�tierrezealmf.- n.sp .
narrower than the ribs. .6, Fig. 15;exi-Figs. 3�3Y, 3Z.

The beginning of the hook Is indicated by Holotype.C-223 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P. Ht. N.7)

three narrower ribs which appear as a bundle at Paratype. (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P. Pt. N.5)
the dorsal margin; of the three ribs, that nearest
to the hook is the most prominent and the one A) Up to 10 mm diameter. The fil'Bt whorl
adjacent to it Is the weakest but this relation­ of the phraginocone is inflated and has a whorl
ship may be inverted on other specimens; a section only slightly higher than wide, evenly
second group of two ribs follows on the hook rounded and with a wide ventra] area. On the
and thereafter only single ribs appear; on the specimen studied the internal mold of the fiDt
hook the ribs tend to taper acutely toward the whorl shows a rounded rib parallelled on each
margin of the dorsal area and to broaden on side by a rather shallow constriction. On the se·
venter; toward the beginning of the hook the cond whorl the section is ovoid and has a narro­
ribs sometimes develop a weak tendency to wer ventral zone. On the third whorl the flanks
depress along the ventral-central line. become flattened and the ventral zone fastigate
and slightly shouldered at its margins, the umbi·
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized Iical wall is short but vertical with a blunt um­
by: A) the change of tbe whorl section through bilical rim. The ornament consists of bundles of
development from circular to subovate, and B) falcate pleats, they trend prorsiradiate to weakly
its peculiar broad ribbing which gave it a worm­ concave from the umbical rim to the boundary
like aspect. between the adumbilical and middle thirds of
the flank where they bend sharply, fonning cres·
COMMENTS. This species diffeD from centic adoral concavity and fmally projecting
the type species of the genera Ptychoceras and on venter. The pleats are stressed and slightly
Euptychoceras as discussed under the genus. raised about the involution line where the sharp
acute bend occurs. The space between the plea�
OCCURRENCE. Socota Member. Upper is narrower than the pleats themselves.
B) Up to 20 mm diameter. The most im·
Pseudoptychoceras gilberti n. sp., portant aspect of the conch at this diameter is
rMorph I] that the umbilicus has not increased its width at
1'1.6, Fig. 17. all, in spite of the great increase in the height of
the whorl; the sides are noticeably flattened
Paratype. (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Pt. No.4). and the venter is planifastigate.
One complete hook (?) and a section of The suture line has E/L divided by a lobe
tbe shaft. The dorsum is flattened and rounds into two branches of which tbe external one is
smoothly into the slightly bulging flanks which the widest and it is also bisected; the internal
in tum grade into a narrowly arched venter. branch is subdivided into three ramose bran·
There are very broad rounded ribs separated by ches. The L/U2 has the internal branch larger
constriction-like interspace& which cross the than the rest of the saddles; the external lobe is
flanks obliquely and project slightly on venter; subsymmetrical.
both rib and constriction fade out at the mar­
gins of the donal area. The hook has only single DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
ridge-like rib8'""whicb taper toward, the dorsal by: A) its ontogenetic development changing
area and are rounded on venter, the adapical from inflated involute to septicarlnate oxycone;
aide of these ridges is steep whereas the adoral the internal mold is almost planlfastigate, and
side Is elongated giving that part of the shell the B) iUI strongly falcate Urae and the tendency of
appearance of consisting of interlocking seg­ these to become stressed about the centrolateral
ments. ,cute bend.
NOTE : These fragments have the section of M euuremental D Euw H. W D/Euw0h, D /H Ofo
their shafts more inflated around the Holotype 19 2.. 11 5 10 57
dorsal zone, the ribs are strong and Paratype 9 2 5 2 22 55
rounded and cross the venter oblique­
ly, and the ribs form interlocking rid- COl\!MENTS. This species can be differen-

tlated from Aconeceras nisus d'Orbigny (1841, both specimens the adapical third of the last
p.184, pl. 55, Figs. 7, 8, 9; Sarasin 1893, p. 153, preserved whorl is septate, the remaining part of
pl. 4-6, Fig. 9a, b, c, Text-Fig. 1, 2) irrespective the conch represents the living chamber; there
of size, mainly by the more massive and rectan­ are constrictions which begin at the umbilical
gular base of E/L in the Colombian species. On seam, they are falcoid and wide, they describe
Sara&in's Figs. 2,3 (ib., p. 153) and in d'Orbigny's an adoral arc on middle of flank and they pro­
Fig. 9 of plate 55, the io_temal branch of E/L is ject in a strong linguiform fashion on venter.
stronger than the exteni81 branch of the same On the test of the hypotype C-127 there are
saddle, but in the Colombian specimens the re· faint falcoid sheaves of stressed growth striae
verse 1s true. forming thin, flat ribbons that project on venter
paralleUing the constrictions; on the living cham­
On Aconeceros nisoides (Sarasin) [ 1893, ber this ornament is visible also on the internal
i.155, pl.4-6, Figs. lOa, b,c, Text-Flg.3; Casey,
1. p. 125, pl.26; Figs. 3-5, Text-Fig. 41a-c],
mold where the ribs still retain a uniform thick­
againthe internal branch of E/L is the predo­
minant (see also Fig. 4 le, p.127, Casey, op.cit.); DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
the growth striae in the Colombian species are by A) Its compressed section of whorl, slightly
more acute than in the French species (see taller than wide, and B) its peculiar sheaves of
Casey� op .cit., fig. 4 1c). The specimen figured rme striae that form low, flat falcoid bands on
by Somay (1955, p.l2, pl.l, Fig.14) has test.
a juvenlle suture with E/L symmetrically bifid.
Meuu:rementa. D Euw H W D(Euw % �-jH%
Hypotype 18 5 7 7 28 38
Incidentally , immature whorls of the
Colombian species bear constrictions that are COMMENTS. The type species of the ge­
absent on mature whorls; nus, "Ammonites melchioris" Tietze (1872, p.
': ·
. 135, pl. 9, Fig. 9a, b, 10) has a higher and
OCCURRENCE. Socota Member. Upper narrower vaulted whorl section than Riedel's
Aptian. species. Riedel has .discussed other comparable

Spath, 1923.

OCCURRENCE. Unnamed unit above the

Socota Member and below the Capotes Member.
Melchioriie� sp�tit. i923, p.33 - Upper Aptian.
_.,.... ,. . . .. .... . ., . · · ' · . __... . ... . . - �- ..

TYPE SPECIES. A mmonites melchioris Tiet­ .Me.l£hiorites121Jlmruj n. sp.

ze, original designation. PI. 6, Figs. 6, 10; Text-Fig. 3$
*e�htBrites Tex
media Riedel '? Holotype. C-223 (U .N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.N.8).
: : ig. 9;, 3 R. t:Fig. 3 Q Paratype. (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Pt.N.6.).
1938 Melchiorites e merici Rasp. var. media A) Up to 20 mm fC-2001. Whorls slightly
· Riedel, 1938, p. 17, pl. 4, Figs. 9 · 1 1 wider than high (at D : l1 , H : 7 , W:9); each whorl
pl.12, Fig. 7, pl. 14, Fig. 3 . covers approximately half of preceding whorl.
The inner whorls have rather close, narrow but
· · 1957 Melchiorites emerici meaius Riedel, conspicuous oblique constrictions; on the ada­
Burgi, p. 134. pica! segment of the last preserved whorl of this
specimen the constrictions begin at the umbili­
1964 Melchiorites emerici medius Riedel, cal seam, slant across the umbilical wall, then
Etayo-Serna, p. 111. bend and widen near the middle of the flank,
and next project forward as a linguiform arc,
non 1965 Melchiorites inca (Forbes), Btirgl, in that is most narrow at the ventral median line.
.. Campbell arid BUrgi, L. C. D. 8393. The constrictions are preceded adapically by a
rib which starts near the middle of the flank
1!:1.65 Melchiorites emerici media Riedel, and on venter it projects in the same fashion as
BUrgi, in Campbell and Btirg� L.C.D. the constrictions; a very shallow depressed zone
839"3. adorally precedes the rib also.
l{olotype. Riedel's figured specimen, 1938, pl. 4, The ornament becomes distinctive with
.. . ·•
. . . . .. Fig. 10-11. growth. It consists of fine rounded riblets some
�!otype.C-127 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Hy.N.2.). of which begin in a subdued manner on the
· ,.t'e l ocality . Utica (Cundinamarca).
� umbilical rim and one or two shorter intercala­
tory ribs appear about middle of the whorl; the
Two specimens are available, one of them
. .· · ...
large ribs are falcoid, all ribs are well developed
deformed. The conch is moderately involute· the on venter. The constrictions trend across the
section of the whorl is subquadrate, feebly �on­ ribs. The re are 8 constrictions on the last pre·
vex tq Oattened and subparallel on adumbilical served whorl and 8 riblets on the space between
halt of. flanks, then slightly converging to the the two last constrictions; the intercostal dis·
feebly arched venter; the umbilical wall short tance is slightly larger than the width of the
vertical, and rounds abruptly Into the flanks. In, ribs. The umbilical wall is short, vertical, it
24 F . E TA Y O · S E R N A

rounds abruptly into th e convex sides. specimens to "Puz. Emerici Raspail" though he
remarked on the flattened flanks and the grea­
B) Up to 30 rmn [C-223]. One incomplete ter development of the last who;�l in the latter.
specimen septated throughout is available. The
early whorls are smooth. The phragmocone is In regard to the large specimen (holotype},
sculpt..ued with periodic, widely spaced radial this is somewhat similar to "Desmoceras akus·
flared ribs. These prominent ribs begin at the chaense Anthula" as figured by Jacob (1905, p.
umbilical margin in a subdued manner; they 402, pl. 12, Fig. 1; =Valdedorsella Brei&troffer,
trend obliquely on the adumbilical third of the 1947), but the French species is much more in·
whorl or form a tenuous adoral concavity. At volute and its flared ribs have a peculiar splitting
the boundaey with the central third of the whorl, at that point where the Colombian species have
the ribs make a sharp bend and then up to the a centro-lateral acute adoral bend. The African
ventral zone they fonn an adoral concavity. and European species referred to Valdedorsella
Next they cross the venter in a linguiform ado­ by Breistroffer ( 194 7, p. 60) are much more in·
ral arc; they are emphasized adventrally . The flated and narrowly umbilicated than the speci·
section of the whorl is subcircular, slightiy wi· mens from Colombian here assigned to Melchi­
der than high (H: 10m.m; W: llmm), especially orites. The constrictions on the latter group of
on the internal whorls; the venter is broadly species is Puzosia-like. This interesting Colom·
rounded grading smoothly into the convex bian species also resembles Melchiorites media
flanks which grade abruptly into the vertical Riedel, but the latter lacks the discrete ribbing
umbilical wall. on the external part of the whorl and its whorl
section is ogival rather than rounded.
On the internal mold and also observable
on the exterior of the test there is a constric­ OCCURRENCE. Socota Member Upper
tion just adoral to the flared rib; a flattened Aptian.
area develops adapical to it. Between two of
the prominent ribs there are numerous fme ribs Genus · \Valdedorsella)Breistroffer,
(up to 10-14 on venter) which are divided into 1947.
two types: 1) slightly prominent, low, fine, top
rounded ribs that begin slightly above the urn· : Valdedorsella Breistrofer,
.... --1947,
- p. 60. . :
bilical rim, their trend is that of an elongated S,
'' --t. -·�..,..-�p:•• ,,_.._.,•..., , ., .::,•,j,..p...r• '""- ,...-.,., ,. · , � · .... •�•-· '• •-·· ----...· -

like the flared ribs, and 2) fine intercala..T)' ribs TYPE SPECIES Desmoceras akuschaense An·
. which rise slightly higher on whorl and only ra­ � tula, origtilal designation •

rely bifurcate from the primary ribs. The inter·

costal space is at least twice as wid e as the ribs, Valdedoryella f71 colQ.mbia� n. sp.
sometimes greater; the umbilical rim is smoot!":; 'M:3, Fig. 10; Text-Figs. 3V, 3W. .
with growth the bifurcation or trifurcation of
the ribs seem rather common. On the adoral· Holotype. Santa Ana (U. N. C. M. H. N. C. P. Ht.: '
most preserved segment the ribs gather in bund­ N.9).
les · fanning a low triangular periumbilical thic· Paratype. Santa "Ana (U.N.C. M. H,. N. C. P. Pt.
kenning which extends form the center of the N. 7).
flank to the umbilical rim but this does not
occur on the preceding whorls. A) Up to 35 mm D. [Sta. Anal. 'The sec­
tion of the whorls is suboval, inflated. The test
. DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized is ornamented with sinous, flared ribs (27 per
by . A) its subrounded whorl section, B) the in· whorl), which correspond to prominent ribs on
, creasing number of fine ribs through the onto· the internal mold. There is a constriction on
· geny, and C) by its strong, flaring linguiform both sides of the ridge on the internal mold,
ribs; they follow the trend of the flared ribs but
attenuate on venter. On the test the constric·
Miluurements. D Euw · H w D{Euw % D/H % tions are indicated by smooth bands parallel to
Holotype - 31 12 7 1 39 ? the ridges. The sulcus immediately adapical to
· Paratype 22 7 1 7 32 ? the flared ribs is usually the most prominent on
. the adumbilical half of the whorl side, but the
COMMENTS,: Both specimens here COfilSi· reverse is true on the adventral half of the
dered conspecific have to be compared indepel)� whorl side. Between two of the ·prominent ribs
·dently to other species. In regard to the smaller there are numerous (:up to 8), rounded ribs,
specimen, the .closest species known to me is the separated by intercostal spaces one and a half as
one figured by Pervinquiere (1907, p. 155, p. wide as the ribs. 'These ribs on venter represent
156, Text-Fig. 61, pl. 6, Figs. 21a-b, 22a-c) as both primary ribs that originate above the umbi·
"Puzosia AnglGdei Sayn"; this thick form shows Iical rim and secondary ribs that arise from the
fine ribs mostly near the constrictions when:as primary at about the midpoint of the Oanks. At
in my specimens the ribbing is more uniform the same time the frrst pair of ribs immediately
and perc.eptible inwards, down to the involution . adoral to constrictions tend to separate therrisel·
line; in the latter feature the Colombian species ves from the rest which gather to form a low
is more like the holotype (?) figured by Sayn bundle at the umbilical rim.
(1890, p. 173, pL. 2, Fig. 13a, b, c) ; this could
possibly be due to preservation though. B) Up to 60 mm D [Sta. Ana]. The deve·
lopment of the ornament continues similar to
Pervinquiere (ib., p. 156) compared his the previosly described stage except that there

seems to be a tendency to decrease the number and are half as wide as Ule intercostal spaces;
of the ribs on venter between the constrictions, some of Ulem widen irregularly on venter. On
from 8 to 6 or 5. The living chamber has been the living chamber Ule ribs become very accen·
preserved as a quarter of a volution. tuated especially where Uley fonn bundles but
they do not develop real bullae.
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
by: A) the decreasing number of the ribs be­ DIAGNOSIS. This species in characteri·
tween contrictions from...S to 5 through growth, zed by: A) its ogival whorl section, B) the in·
B) the stressed ribs gathered in bundles toward creasing width between its flaring ribs or cons­
the umbilical margins, ands C) the inflated trictions through grow th , and C) the progressive
whorl section. stressing of the primary ribs on the flanks.

Meuurements D Euw H W DfEuw % D/H % COMMENTS. There is some resemblance

Holotype 57 22 22a 20a 38 38 between this species and "Puzosia Douvillei"
Puatype 37 ? ? ? 7 7 Fallot r Fallot, 1920, p. 259, pro. "Puzosia Ma­
th erom d'Orbigny" H. D ouville (19 16, p. 103,
COMMENTS. The disposition of the pl.13, Figs. 1 to 7)'J , especially "in the tendency
constriction in this species is close to that des· of ribs to gather in prominent bundles adumbi·
cribed by Jacob (1905, p. 402, pl. 12, Fig. 1) lically without, however, Conning heavy bullae
for ''Desmoceras akuschaense Anthula" although as in Uhligella (Jacob, 1907). The African spe·
in the French species the flare is divided at the cies shows more discrete and finer ribbing. Mo·
bend at the midpoint of the flank. This species re similar in appearance, however are several of
resembles "Desmoceras " sparsicosta Boese the specimens figured by Boese from Mexico as
(1923, p. 107, pl. 7, fig. 1-3) from Mexico; the differen t species of "Desmoceras " in which the
latter, however, possesses intermediate ribs that tendency of the ribs to gather in umbilical bun­
bifurcate twice at differente levels on flank dles is much more accentuated ; one of the most
(Boese, ibid., p. 107), whereas in the Colom­ similar species would be "Desmoceras alzatei"
bian species the bifurcation occurs only once; Boese (1923, p. 114, pl. 8 , Fig. 15-18) but the
the ribbing is much more prominent on theMexi­ Mexican species has closer, less distinct ribbing
can species, which in addition, is less inflated than the Colombian species.
than the Colombian species.
OCCURRENCE. Paja Formation. (Arci­
OCCURRENCE. Socota Member. Upper llolitas abigarradas;segment E). Upper Aptian .
·-ae-nus -- · · _-r:c��o�a�
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doha er s

�� ��� p a
TYPE SPECIES. Carloscaceresiceras caceresi n.
Pseudohaploceras Hyatt, 1900, p. 570. sp.
TYPE SPECIES. Haploceras lip toviense Zeus­ DIAGNOSIS. Moderately evolute conchs,
chner, in Uhlig 1883, original with low ogival whorl section; the umbilical
designation. wall is vertical and merges abruptly into the
flanks. The ornament consists of sinuous to bi·
� uf!l!jaeJ�ceras leivaense.l}· sp.
P �g:-'1, Text-fig. au, au.
concave growth striae gathered in bundles or
weak riblets which sometimes produce on the
internal mold a ribbon-like subdued costation,
Holotype. VI-10-17 (U. N. C. M. H. N. C. P. Ht. particularly visible on venter. There are cons·
N. 10). trictions preceded by a prominent rounded
swelling visible both on test and the internal
The inner whorls are apparently smooth. mold but which develop on the adventral
The section of the second whorl is vaulted. third of the flank only; adorally the constric·
Flanks diverging from the rather narrow venter, tion is margined by a blunt ridge extending
reach their maximum width near the external across the flank down to the umbilical edge, it
part of the adumbiliclil third of the flank and is not noticeable on the test. The constrictions
then grade abruptly into the vertical umbical are accentuated progressively with growth,
wall. The last whorl has a cross section much from almost incospicuos on the early wh·oris to
the same but more inflated. very wide on the living chamber. The constric·
tions cross normal to the ventral median line.
The test of the last preserved whorl is The apertural border is plain and follows the
�ivided into seven trapezoidal areas by flared path of the growth striae.
nbs which begin irregularly on the adumbilical
thir� of the flank although the growth lines The suture line has E shorter than L,
project obliquely onto the umbilical wall. The which is deep and very incised.
intercostal distance between flaring ribs increa­
ses toward the aperture; between two of the COMMENTS. . This _new __genus . .difters

JI(J.f_fi }3_eudanticeras m_i��!... 19_95) because of


fiared major ribs there are from 7 to 9 finer

�alcoi� ribs which begin as stressed growth its lomr ·mer wider whorl section, its more
lines. Independently or in bundles (barely evolute whorl and the strengthening of the
bulgmg), and which become clearly defined just internal sculpture during growth. It differs from
adumbilical to mid-venter; they are rounded Pseudorbulites [ Casey , 1961, p.145, ex Breistro·

ffer, 196 3, p.74, nom. nudum type species Meuurement 0 Euw H W Vw O{Euw O{H W{Vw
UhligellD convergens Jacob, 1907, p.29, pl.2, % % ,Ofo
fig. 25a, b,c} because the latter lacks flanges C- 1 3• 1 26 6 12 10 6 24 48 50
bordering tlie constrictions, has narrow and c- 13· 2 19 4 9 8 4 21 47 50
falcate constrictions and has a funnel-like C- 13· 3 26 6 13 10 5 24 62 50
umbilicus. From Puzosia (Bayle , 1878) it c- 1 3- 4 20 4 10 9 4 20 1>0 44
diffen in the lack of linguifonn projection of C· 13· 5 17 3 9 7 1 17 52 1
the constrictions on the venter and the suture c- 1 3·12 25 6 13 7 1 24 62 1
line with only feebly retracted suspensive lobe. c- 13-13 29 7 14 11 6 24 48 45
c- 13·14 18 4 9 8 4 22 60 50
This genus is named in honor of geologist c- 13·1 fi 28 7 14 10 6 25 60 60
Carlos Caceres. C- 1 3· 1 7 29 7 14 10 6 24 48 60
c- 1a-1s 30 6 16 11 6 20 40 1>4
C- 1 3·19 32 8 16 7 ? 26 50 7
C· 1 3·20 35 9 17 14 7 26 48 50
C· 1 3·22 34 9 16 13a 7 a 26 47 40
C- 1 3·23 37 10 17 13 8 27 47 61

Holotype. C - 170 20 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.
· C• 1 3·26 41 12 18 14 9 29 44 64
N.ll C· 1 3·27 42 11 20 16 9 26 47 60
Paratypes. C· 1 · 1,2,3- (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Pt. C- 1 3-28 42 12 20 16 9 28 47 60
8,9,10). C· 13·29 48 13 21 18 1 1 27 44 60
C- 13-30 48 14 20 17 1 0 29 41 59
A) Up to 20 mm (C-13·1,2 ). The first C- 1 3·33 34 8 16 13 8 23 47 61
whorl after the protoconch is subcircular in s�c· C- 1 3-34 50 17 21 7 1 34 42 ?
tion, the second whorl is slightly higher than C· 13·36 53 17 23 18 9 32 43 50
wide but already has a steep umbilical wall; on C- 1 3·36 68 20 21 ? ? ? 34 7 ?
the third whorl the vaulted shape of the whorl C- 1 3·37 52 21 18 · u 18 36 40 60
section is reached. The test has growth striae C·170· 1 20 6 12 8 4 25 60 50
that extend obliquely from the umbilical rim C-1 70· 2 22 6 12 9 5 23 M 56
and describe a feeble concavity on the umbilical C-170· 3 30 6 16 10 5 20 53 60
third of the flank ; on the central third of the C-170· 4 32 7 16 12 7 22 60 68
flank they fonn an adoral arc and on the adven· C-170· 7 29 7 14 10 6 24 48 60
tral third of the flank they fonn one acute con- C-170· 9 41 10 20 15 8 24 48 63
cavity, next they project mode!ately on the
• -
C-170·11 48 14 21 18 9 29 46 50
venter. C-170·12 46 13 20 17 9 29 44 53
C-170·13 46 12 ,20 17 10 26 ' 43 58
B) Up to 26 mm diameter (C- 13-3]. Up to C-170·14 44 12 20 16 9 27 45 56
this size no special change occurs on the test C·170·16 44 15 19 16 8 34 43 60
ornament except that the umbilicus has already C-170-16 44 13 19 16 9 29 43 66
begun to widen. The growth striae tend to form C-170·17 46 14 20 17 9 30 43 63
irregular bundles which may leave slight bands C-170-1 8 64 18 22 18 1 0 33 40 65
or rib-like impressions on the internal mold; C-170·19 60 14 23 18 12 28 46 65
some striae appear more accentuated than others C-170·20 62 19 26 21 1 1 30 42 62
especially on venter. C-170·21 57 17 - 24 20 1 1 31 44 56

� C-1 7D-22 76 27 29 28 1 5 36 38 63
C) Up to 50 mm D (C-13- The specimens C·17D-23 79 31 31 28 13 39 39 46
are septate; weak elongated S·h e constrictions
appear; the remainder of the conch corresponC:.s
to the living chamber. Approaching the begin- COMMENTS. Same as for the genus.
ning of the living chamber the constrictions be-
come progressively more accentuated ; the cons-
A Peruvian species of ammonites descri·
trictions are preceded adapically by a flange-like bed by Gabb (1881, p. 268, pl. 3 7 , fig.l, 1 as
bulging on the periventral margins and vent.er "A [mmonites� Hyatti", has (ibid.) "su ace
only, but the adoral margin of the constrictions smooth, or on y marked by indistinct lines of
fonn a short vertical ·wall on the internal mold. growth, which bend forward on the inner mar-
Very wide and ·slightly arched constrictions tP.nd gin of the whorl, slightly backwards. on the
to divide the internal mold corresponding to the middle, and then fonnard towards the dorsum .. ' �
living chamber into triangular segments, and on Lisson (1937, p . 23) renamed this species "Des-
these there are htdications of tenuous ribs that mocera$_ Hyattum , and pointed out (ibid p.25)

cross the venter, they are narrower than the in- that it lacks constrictions and ribs. These charac-
tercostal spaces and extend down to the umbi- teristics recall those of the genus Carloscacere-
lical seam. These ribs correspond to bundles of siceras; however the stratigraphic position of
growth striae on the test. The living chamber Gabb's species remains undetermined (Benavi--
occupies half the length of a whorl. On venter deS'-Caceres, 1956, p. 439).
there are ridge-like thickenings of the test co·
rresponding to the constrictions on the inter· OCCURRENCE. Capotes Member Lower
nal mold, but the thickenings are restricted to Albian.
the venter and are not noticeable on the flanks.
.,e.ar�oscgce!]§Jc!lro� maat!lmLn . sp.
DIAGNOSIS. The same as for the genus. Pl. 0. Fig. 5; Text-figs. 4E; 10.

Holotype. C-13-33 (U. N. C. M. H. N. C. P. Ht. flaring and between them accentuated ribs
N.12). occur; the latter may bifurcate at different
levels on the flank. The more prolonged the
Very similar to the previously described initial smooth stage, the less strong the orna­
species, but in the fanner the elements of the ment becomes; all the intermediate ribs are
suture lin e are higher and the saddles are more prominent, however. The ribs tend to gather in
finely zigzagged-lncised;"'in the preceding spe­ bundles which reach the umbilical rim tangen­
cies the adumbilical and central thirds of the tially but they do not develop any umbilical
flank are Oat, the adventral third of the flank is tubercles. There are two constrictions especially
slightly beveled. In Car/oscaceresiceras monteroi noticeable on the internal mold, parallelling
n. sp. the flanks are faintly convex and further­ each flaring rib, of these the adapical constric·
more they show more indication of ribbing on tion is accentuated in early ontogentic stages
the internal mold . but tends to weaken with growth to th·e benefit
of the adoral constriction.
OCCURRENCE. Capotes Member-Lower
Albian. COMMENTS. Corteziceras differs from
Uhligella Jacob 1907 (Type species: D. clansa­
This species is named in honor of geologist yesense Kilian) because it lacks nodes or swe·
Juan Montero: llings on the umbilical margin. It differs from
Zurchere/la Casey (1954, type species: D. zuer·
�ceresjcerns C? J £hjmuense, (Bena·
cheri Jacob) because of the weakness of the rib·
bing and greater involution of the latter. I
Pl. 11, fig. 9; Text-figs. 4J, 4K.
This genus is named in honor of Santiago
Hypotype. VL.33a. (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P. Hy. N.3). Cortez, Colombian paleontologist ·
1956 Desmoceras chimuense Benavides-Caceres, �{r;,fLr:zs cortezj,.n. sp.
p. 438, pl. 4 1, figs. 5·8 . lfC3�-ng.2, Text-1ig. 4C.
1964 cf. Desmoceras chimuense Benavides·Ca· Holotype. Santa Ana, A.. P. G. · · (U.N.C;M.�.
ceres, Etayo-Sema p. 37, fig. 9. N.C.P. Ht. N. 13)

One internal mold in black calcite . The in, ? 1938 Uh/igella ziircheri Jacob &Tobl., Riedel,
nennost whorl observed is higher than wide in p.20, pl. 4, figs. 12, 13, pl. 14, f.4.
section, it has flat flanks which round abruptly
into the short but vertical umbilical wall. The ? 1957 Uhligella ziirchen' Jacob 8. Tobler;
ventral zone is not discernible ; the visible part Biirgl, p. 135, pl. 8, fig.S.
of the flanks shows fine growth striae which
form .a shallow arc from the umbilical seam to The conch is discoidal, moderately umbi."
the involution line. The last whorl preserved Heated. The inner whods are smooth, they are
has flattened sides which feebly diverge from covered only by sigmoidal growth striae; the
th e evenly arched venter; the section reaches its latter are concave ado rally on the umbili�al wall,
m!D4mum width about the umbilical third of trend obliquely on the adumbilical third of the
the who.rl where the sides round abruptly into flank, then tum feebly adapically describing a
the yertical umbilical wall. On the surface of weak arc on the central third of the flank. On
th is mold, vague indications of constrictions are
.. the adventral third of the Dank they trend su­
Present but . the exact trend of them can not be bradially and describe an adoral concavity and
aec.u:rately detennined because of the state of finally they barely project onto the venter.
Fascicules of growth lines near the middle
M.�asurementl D Euw H W D{Euw % D/H % of the flanks pass into ribs that become conspi·
VL"33;. at 7� 19 33 30 25 . 44 cuous on the venter; at 25 mm diameter they
are already recognizeable. Periodically one of
.. . COMMENTS. In suture line and whorl these ribs becomes more prominent, especially
$ection this specimen resembles that described on venter, but it shows the same trend than the
by Benavides�Caceres as Desmoceras chimuense other ribs; such flange-like ribs are represented
B�navides·C�ce s, 1956, p. 43�, pl. 41, fig. 5· on the internal mold by a rib also, but, imme­

8, '!'he _spec1es IS referred tentatively to Carlos· diately adoral to it there is a deep furrow that
cQcereslceras. . runs parallel to the rib but which is represented
on the exterior by a flattened band.
·. ·.· OCCURRENCE . Upper San Gil
tion, r.,evel 8. Middle Albian. Adapical to the rib is another less deep
[�[����..�:.'fCorteziceraij���--g����.:. ... : sulcus on the internal mold corresponding to a
flattened band similar to the adoral one. Be·
tween two of these prominent ribs there are
!YP· .· �. S Jit�IES. Corteziceras corte usually 5 finer but also stressed ribs of which
zi n.g., n.sp.
- ZvJN
· · ctfc.ff.r,
� -l'1f7t those two occupying a more central position

. • . DIAGNOSIS. C nch evolute, of mode
siZe , The early whorls are finely striate rate usually extend down to about the adumbilical
su.,sequent whorls are divided into segmen d the third of the flank, whereas the other two join the
ts by latter at about the central third of the flank;

this is particularly noticeable on the exterior of OCCURRENCE. Socota Member. Upper

the shell . Aptian.

The whorl section is higher than wide and Corteziceras cortezi n. sp.
is widest toward the adumbilical margin; the fMorph I]
venter is arched, the umbilical wall is subvertical Pl. 3, Fig. 7.
and rounds smoothly into the slightly convex
Danks. On the internal mold the ribs do not give Paratype . (U.N .C.M.H.N.C.P.Pt.ll)
the impression of being as inclined as they are
on the test. The intercostal spaces are twice as Only one specimen is available. The test is
wide as the ribs. thick, the section of the whorl is vaulted with
sides diverging from the arched venter and gain­
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized ing their maximum width at the umbilical rim.
by A) the progressive ontogenetic development The early visible whorls are smooth except for
of the orname tation on which the stres� of the barely perceptible fine growth lines. The last
ribbing accentuates with growth from the ven· preserved whorl is completely septate; the orna·
tral third on the early whorl towards the adum­ ment on this whorl consists of primary ribs
bilical third on later whorls, B) the triangular which gather together about the umbilical rim,
segments of the test with four to five ribs on the secondary ribs bifurcate from the primary
venter, and C) by its relatively evolute conch. ones at about the middle of the flank but the
adoralmost of the secondary ribs may itself bi­
Meuurementll . D Euw H W E/Euw % D/H% furcate at U1e adventral third of the flank; these
Sta.Ana.A.P.G.No. 64 20 20 18 40 40 groups of ribs occur between two prominent ribs;
the latter ribs cross the flanks in an elongate S.
On the internal mold there is a channel like
COMMENTS. With the name of" Uhligella constriction, twice as wide as the flaring rib
zurcheri Jac. It Tob.'' Riedel described (1938, p. which develops immediately adapical to the lat­
20, pl. 4, fig. 13, U, pl. 14, fig. 4) a species of ter; this constriction corresponds either to a
ammonites as having two or three weak ribs constriction or to a flattened band on the test.
between two prominent ribs, however on the The umbilical margin is rounded and the umbi·
illustration it is possible to count up to 5 of the lical wall is subvertical on the last preserved
"weak ribs". This is proven by direct observa­ whorl.
tion of Riedel's original specimen (S.G.N.C.P.
�o.OS1). Riedel's specimen came from the sa­ NOTE : This morph is notable for A} its rather
me general area as my specimens and I consider low section, B) the frequent presence
, them tentatively conspecific. of constriction (9 per whorl ?), C) the
fasciculation of the primary ribs around
On the specimen figured by Jacob (1906, the umbilicus which, however, do not
p . 9, pl. 2 , fig. 1a, 1b) the more numerous prin­ fonn nodes, and D) its quick accen­
cipal ribs aie slightly sinuous only and the trian­ tuation of the ornamentation and short
gular surfaces they circumscribe have the shape smooth earlier stage.
of a narrow truncated pyramid, whereas in my
specimens, because of the exaggerated inclina·
tion of the principal ribs this surface has the sha­ Meuurementlr. D Euw H W DJEuw % D/H%
pe of an inequilateral trapezoid , furthermore the Sta.Ana.A.P.G.No. 41 15 16 14 36 36
arrangement of the ribs on Jacob's specimen is
as if the central intercalatory ribs were branching COMMENTS. This "morph" bears some
about the .!Piddle of the flank; the ribbing is resemblance to "Uh ligella reesidei" Humphrey
uniformly thin in Jacob's species. ( 1945, p. 153, pl. 18,Fig. 3, 4), but the Mexican
species is more compressed, the adumbilical and
The specimen figured by Biirgl ( 1 9 5 7 , pl. central thirds of the flank are flattened and the
8 , fig. Sa, Sb) corresponds to Riedel's original bundles of ribs are not as strong and persistent
of plate 4, fig. 12, 13, but the picture is only as in the Colombian "morph". The Mexican
8{10 of the natural size. species has attenuated constrictions which are
parallelled by more strongly developed ridge-like
The Mexican "Uhligella" reesidei Hump· ribs ( : flanges) contrary to the Colombian
hrey (1949, p. 152, pl. 18, fig. 3,4), is a much "morph". This "morph" differs from the bolo·
smaller and·flattened species on which the streng· type because of its more numerous constrictions
thening of the ribs occurs earlier than in the Co­ and more irregular branching p attern of the ribs.
lombian species;they share,however, the strength
of the ribbing and the tendency to produce a OCCURRENCE. Socota Member · Upper
wide umbilicus. Casey's suggestion of generic Aptian.
status for this species and similar Mexican species
r1ezife� latecostata.
( 1949, p . 336; 1961, p.161} has, in my opinion, (Riedel)
good biogeographic support. A similar observa­ , Ftg. 6, Text-Ftg. 4F.
1\ '
tion was made by Boese (1923, p. 109) when
describing his "Desmoceras " from Mexico 1938 Uh ligella latecostata Riedel, p.2J, pl.5,
(trans) : "Among the European forms. . . . all figs. 1-3 .
are distinguished by their lack of prominent
intermediate ribs". 19f.7 Uhligella latecostata Riedel,Biirgl, p. 1 35.

1964 Uhllgello latecostll tll Biedei, Etayo-Sema, On the· venter the teat ha periodically
p.lll. thickened, rounded and llnguilonn flanges
that extend, progmufvely attenuated, to the ·
1966 Uhligell4 14tecostatlJ Riede�BUrgl ln Btlrgl umbilicus In a falcold manner. The early portion
and Campbell. oi the teat Is covered with tine falcold to bicon­
cave striae with the external adoral concavity
Holotype. Rledel's- l!peeimen occupying approximately the central and adven­
Hypotype. (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P. Hy. N.4). tral thirds oi the flank, and then project onto
Type LocalJty. Hacienda Magdalena, Viota the venter; toward . the adapertural thlrd .of the
(Cundlnamarca). lut whorl, tine rounded ribs that are slightly
narrower than the Intercostal spaces become
well defined especially on the central and adven­
Three tragments of Internal molds of the tral thirds of the flanks. The specimen Is com- .
umple 0.256 are referred to thla species. pletely septate. ·

The section of the whorl has an arched venter

which rounds evenly Into the flattened flank:a, NOTE : This species Is characterized by: A) ita
the latter feebly diverge down to the adumbW­ inflated, low ogival whorl section, B)
cal third of the flank where they round rather the tenuous, fine biconcave ribs, and
abruptly Into the abort aubvertlcal umbillcal C) the externally accentuated flanges
wall. which correspond to the adapical ridge
of constrictions on the intemal mold.
The omament consists of periodic cons­
trictions that are wide , channel-like, begin tan­ M...unment.. D Euw. H W DfEuw"f0 DfH %
gentlal to the umbilical rim, and near the boun. c-�13 32 a u 13 211 44
dary between the adventral and middle thirds
of the flank they describe an oblique feeble arc COMMENTS. This species resemblesPseu­
which Is followed on the adventral third by a dorbulites convergens (Jaco b) (1907, p.2 9 , pl.2,
shallow adoral concavity that directly cro111ea fig. 26a, b, c) but differs In the position of the
the venter. Adorally to the constriction there.la maximum Inbation which is more toward center
a rib that becomes very prominent on the ven­ of the whorl ln the Colomb ian species. This spe­
ter but which fades out before reaching the cies also shows great resemblance to the inner
adunibWcal third of the flank or just extendfJ whori:J of Corteziceras cortezi n. sp., however
Into it. has a relatively more compressed whorl section
and does not show the biconcave growth striae.
. Between the two constrictions there are
four visible ribs on venter; they correspond to Genus f Pseudosaynell4 ) sp ath , 192 �·
�,....._., _
the branching of two main ribs, the adapical

_ -
�·-· -

... ... .,.,.... ""

. · . ·
-· -

one that begins at the umbilical rim, trends

"" -
" ... ' .. ,- .. , . -
- · ···

Spath, 1923, p. 66.

- · ··

· --

almost radial on the adumbillc al third of the

whorl side, then abruptly bends adapically on TYPE SPECIES. Ammonites bicuroatus
the central third of the flank but on the !ldven­ Michelin, original daslgnntion.
tral third it trends radially again; at the "point o f
Its first bend a second branch arises and descri­ eyeudosg�ne�a ra�fiml!lli n. sp.
bes a feebiB concave arc across the flank, and .3, Frg; 1; ext- J.g. 4N, 4.0.
then across the venter. The second major rib P
begins at the same poin t as the first main fu­ Holotype. SV.-28 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.N.14).
rrow, but it trends obliquely describing a feeble Paratype. (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Pt.N.12)
arc on. the central third of the flank, then It Type loc ality. Lorna San Vicente, Villa de Leiva
abruptly forms an adoral concavity and rmally (Boyaca).
it croaaes the ven ter straight; at the bend, a se­
con d, ali ghtly flexuous secondary rib branch
· Description of holotype. The. conch is in·
�peazs. volu l"e ' discoidal, with sharp venter; the section
of the whorl is lanceolate: the maximum width
OCCURRENCE. Beds above the Capotes is on the flattened peri-umbilical region from
.Member and below the Socoti Member. Upper which the flanks slope gently up to the sharp
Aptian. ven ter- the umbilical rim is blunt, the umbilical
Cortezicel'll8 (?) n. sp. 7 w all is' alm ost vertical, it changes its inclin ation
Pl. 3 fig. 6; Text-Fig. 3 & at depth; when the test is preserved the umbili­
cal rim appears acute.
!let specimen C - 513
On a small piece o f test preserved around
Only one spectrnen is available. The ada­ the umbilicus occur very rme growth striae. On
plcal portion of the last whorl prese!Ved has

the internal mold are low rounded ribs that be­

flankS that descend abruptly into the umbilicus gin faintly near the umbilical m� trend
and round progressively towan:ls veneer with radially on the smooth adumblllcal third or the
the maximum thlcknesa about the mid�le of the flank, make an acute bend on part of the central
flank, . then they converge toward the narrow third and then describe a wide, cre9Centlc adoral
venter forming a low ogive . TowiU'd the adapical concavity and project sligtly onto the venter.
en� of the last whorl, the section tend3 to round From the central bend up to the beginning
urufonnly. of the sharp venter the ribs become broad, low

and bifurcate; interc$tory bifurcating ribs also Sowerby, original designation.

appear. The distance between the branches of
the wne rib is narrow, but the distance be· M.lJ.l�#t;MQ!_f[l�llmli n . sp .
tween each two couples of ribs is usually wider ..Pl.T3";"fig.�. 4D.
than a single rib. The ribs converge toward the
umbilical rim; they crosa the acute venter as Holotype. C·310 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.N.15).
fiat, low belts. Paratype. C-310 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Pt.N.13 ).

One quarter of the last preserved whorl Description, largely after C-310. The
corresponds to the living chamber. Towards the conch is moderately evolute; on the penultlma·
end of the phragmocone the external ornament te whorl and the adapical portion of the last
attenuates but it Is strengthened on the living whorl the ornament consists of widely spaced
chamber. The acute venter is beaded by the fianges or ridges which begin at the umbilical
crossing of the Battened ribs; on the internal rim and trend radially up to a point near center
mold there are wide constrictions which follow of the flank from which point they trend pror·
the trend of the ribs. siradiate and crosa the venter forming an acute
chevron-like projection; this ridge is paralleled
DIAGNOSIS. This spedes is chlll"&cteri· adapically by a aha Dow constriction which
zed by: A) its disk-like appeaJence combined reaches the umbilical margin; the second,
with the sigmoidal bifurcating ribs, and E) the deeper but narrower constriction pamllels the
change In stress of its ornament during growth. ridge adorally, it fades out near the adumbilical
third of the flank. A leu prominent ridge rima
Meumementa. D Euw H W E/Euw'% DfH"'o thiG second constriction.
SV · 28 87 8 37 177 12 66
La Ye 24 4 11 1 n 64 Between each two adjacent principal
c . 223:1:

27 7 7 7 7 7 ridges there is a large blunt bullate umbilical

swelling; on the adapical third of the length of
COMMENTS. A comparable species was the last preserved whorl this swelling gives rise
described by Imlay (1944 , p.278, tex-fig. 2-4, to a low rib which dies out about the middle of
(i ; but from the Ulustrations ofPse Zl
plates 42,43) · the flank or �ontlnues almost imperceptibly
dosaynella mbriata Imlay, the Colombian spe· across the venter. On the adoral half of the
eles has more sigmoidal and leas regularly spaced whorl however, this tubercle gives rise to one or
ribs; furthennore, the holotype of his species two rounded and prominent n'bc which describe
shows a definite change In the ornamentation in an are on the flanks and projecb; onto venter in
the latter stage of the ontogeny; likewise the su· the same manner as the constriction. One
ture line of the Colombian species hu L divided intercalary rib which does not reach the umblll·
by a massive tnushroom-likc satldle that with cus may occur.
growth renders this lobe bifid, but this lobe is
ln comparison slim, moss..J.ike in Imlay's species The intercostal spaces are wider than the
(see fig. 4d, p.279); it must be pointed out that ribs, they are flattened and shallow between the
the diameters are not similar, however, the Co· ribs which arise from the adumbilical tubercles
lombian species seems to be smaller altogether. but narrower and deep near the constrictions.
The section of the whorl is low, ogtval to
Pseudosaynella walcotti (Hill) [1888, p. renifonn, the umbilical rim rounds abruptly
128, pl. 1, fig.1; Scott, 1940, p.995, pl.56, fig. into the vertical wall ; there are seven prominent
1,2] Is a more evolute species and seems to have umbillcal tubercles on the last whorl.
leas numerous ribs, but these are stronger
throughout than on the Colombian species. DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
by: A) the long enduring stage with constric­
Of the European species described by tions and intervening umbilical tubercles, B) the
Sarasln (1893), PseudosayneUa bicuroata (Mi· pairs of rlbs i!Iising from the umbilical tubercles
chelln) shows a slm.Uarlty In the type of ribbing, later in the ontogeny. Presumably only the ju·
but the Lower Aptian French species has its venlle stages are known as yet.
Danks more fiattened; the suture line at firr.t
alght looks similar, however at similar diameter��
the French species has a more massive E/L Mt�uureruenta. D Euw H w D/Euw% D /H "k
saddle. Collet (1�.22, p.17) recorded the French C·31 0 211 . - 1 1 9 11 "" 36
species from Venezuela, but this record hss C· 310 14 li li 7 36 36
been questioned by Casey (1961, p.172).

OCCURRENCE. Socot.i Member. Upper COMMENTS. In th e illustrated species of

Aptian. This species is named In honor of Dr. LewesicerG 1n the "Treatise" {Wright, 1957,
Ralph Imlay. L-378, fig. 494, la-1b) the principal ribs bonn·
ding the constrictions bear prominent tubercles ·
�""�m but•the intercalary ribs appears to begin on the
�eiiuil w�lceras)
19 39 venter and advanCE toward the umbUlcus with·
out any tubercles, completely the reverse o! tbe
Lewesiceras Spath, 1939, p. 296. Colombian species. Houaa {1965) ball diacuased
at length the problems wlth respect to the type
TYPE SPECIES. Ammonites Peramplua J. specie& of IK.wesiceras.

OCCURRENCE . La Frontera Fonnatlon. OCCURRENCE. Lower Albian.

This species is named in honor of Pro­
This speciE!& is named In honor of the fessor Manuel Juiivert.
geologist Carlos tJ1loa, Instituto Nacional de In·
vestlgaciones Geologico·Mlneras. ...._
n o /i Sub g�Jl� \...�
�_..p s)n. subg.
-= Tru diflv:wo..')

! Genus
- [Oc
m er,

t""ilfof'iruPre!· ·
TYPE SPECIES. Trochleiceras (Jaumaportai·
ceras),ho(fste t.W,n :n. sp.
.:...: _.,..,•• �- .�.:. :..: _;;>:(. ·'-"-"'""""'"'...,,.,...,..,....... --:;;r..........,.... .. ....___ DIAGNOSIS. Jaumaportaiceras differs
__ . ..........._ .- �,,

Trochleiceras 'Fallo t and Termier,1923, p. 74. from Trochleiceras by the absence of a ventral
sulcus or only a very weak indication of it on
TYPE SPECIES. Trochleiceras balearense Fa­ the inner whorls, by the presence of ventral
Dot and Tennier, monotypy. bullae, and by a more lacerate suture llne.
h�jc\�(7i�h�ce .iUlivW,i n.sp. This subgenus is named in honor of
I. , _g. , ext· g. f, ftil
� . Professor Jauma de Porta.

Holotype. C-215·1 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.N.16}. Troch$ras (Jauma,eortaiceraf!.2.

Paratype. C-215-2 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P. Pt. N.14). Jj07fffeJt.ifii. sp .-
PI.10, fig. 4; Text-figs. 4G, 4H, 4L.
Small, relatively evolute conchs (C-215·1,2).
They have a well defined ventral median groove, Holotype. C-215·5 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.N17).
paralleled by rounded ridges, In a pulley fashion. Paratype. C-215· (U.N.C.M.H.N.C,P.Pt. N15, 16,
The initial whorls of the phragmocone are 17) .
smooth , covered only by sinuous lirae which
trend as an elongated s with stress on the exter· A) Up to 15 mm D [C-215·3,4]. The
nal concavity. The lirae cross the venter nonna­ conch is small, flattened, evolute; the section
lly to the ventral median line. Bundles of striae of the whorl is rounded subquadrate; the umbi·
form periodic narrow, low ribs which now and lical wall is vertical and rounds evenly into the
then are raised. flattened to slightly convex flanks, which in
tum merge smoothly into the flattened venter.
On the living chamber and adjoining part On the adapical segment of the specimen
of the phragmocone, compact bundles of lirae studied (mostly decorticated), a shallow broad
form a kind of stem on the inner half of the groove is present on the internal mold. At this
whorls, about middle of the flank this stem stage of development, when the test is preser·
splits into five rme, rounded to flattened riblets ved it appears smooth, covered only by rme
that extend to the ventral median line. The growth striae, occassionally one of them is more
ridges that paralle l the ventral median grove prominent. The surface of the shell has low
appear minutely denticulate because of inter· broad undulations.
section with the riblets. One tubercle-like
outgrowth on the right side of the holtype is The living chamber occupies half a
interpreted as a adventitious growth to cover an whorl, and whose beginning in this case
extraneous object. is marked by the close approximation of the
last two sutures which earlier in the phrag­
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized mocone are distant from each other. Low
by: A) Its small conch, B) its rounded subrec­ :ounded ribs are developed irregularly on the .
tangular section, and C) the change in ornament living chamber; they flatten on the venter and
through growth, showing only sporadically form transversely rounded tubercles on each
stressed lirae on the early whorls, and later by ventral margin. Where the shell is preserved
riblets issued in groups of five from an adumbi· (C-215-4), it shows broad, raised bundles of
lical principal stem. lime separated by narrower but well defined
intercostal spaces; theses correspond to the
bulges on the internal mold.
Meuurement.. D Euw H W DJEuw% D/H %
C·2 1 &·1 14 6 6 6 . 43 43 B) Up to 20 mm D [C-215·51. At the dia·
meter of the holotype, the intemaf mold of the
COMMENTS. This species can be diffe· living chamber shows relatively accentuated ven·
rentiated from the type species of the genus: trai bullae on conspicuous rounded ribs; the lat­
Trochleiceras balearense Fallot and Termier ter begin on the external part of the umbilical
(see Fallot and Tennier, 1923, p.74, pl. 6, figs. wall and trend prorsiradiately on the adumblli·
7-9, text-fig. 32; Collignon, Magneticerc.s mag­
neti C., 1950, p.48, p1.6, figs. 1, 1a, 1b text­
cal third of the Oank, then they abruptly chan·
�g.4;Wiedmann, 1962, p.323, pl.18, fig. 2, text­ ge trend to radially or slightly inclined adapica·
fly, they then describe a narrow concave arc on
ug. 3J, because the species from the Balearics the adventral third of the flank; they cross
d� not show any change in the ornamentation normal to the ventral median line; a few of the
duf!ng ontogen and only prominent single ribs are feebly depressed on mid-venter; the
"pnmary ribletsr,' occur up to the living cham· principal ribs bifurcate twice: first about the
ber. boundary between the adumbilical and central

thirds of the flank where a subtriangular thick· This species is named in honor of Profes­
ening is usually fanned, and second on the ad· sor Robert Hoffstetter.
ventral third where no swelling is fanned; the
adoral branch is usually , though not alway£ the
strongest one. The strength of the ribs is not
uniform and the distance between them likewi·
se varies. Adorally to the principal ribs are de­ Cheloniceras Hyatt,1903, footnote p. 101
preBSed bands that follow the trend of the
ribs. TYPE SPECIES. Ammonites comuelianus d'Or·
bigny subsequent designation,
I.C.Z.N., opinion 428, 1956.

During growth the whorl section changes

from subrenifonn to subquadrate with slightly E
arched venter, likewise the innennost whorls Subgenus { pichelonicen!JCasey, 1954.
are smooth but bear broad flexuous swellings;
in the later stages of growth, and mostly on the Epicheloniceras Casey, 1954, p. 113
living chamber the secondary ribs branch from
primary ones at different levels. There is a TYPE SPECIES. Douvilleiceras tschemyschewi
feeble ventral sulcus on the innennost whorls Sinzow, original designation.
which disappears or is very faint on later stages
of growth; appearance of ventral, rounded �eloniceras (Epichel,gTJicets§)
bullae-fonn tubercles seem to characterize the
beginning of the adult stage.
'":�; H
� n. sp .
g. ;Text-Fig. 4W.

The conch appears to consist of in terloc· 1 968 Cheloniceras aff. Ch. juv. ex. aff. comue­
king segments;- Now and then the primary ribs -lianum d'Orb, Riedel, Etayo-Sema 1968,
(?) on the inner whorls may be raised as thin Fig. 3, Table I.
flanges which begin slightly above the umbilical
margin and attain their maximun flaring at the Holotype. VL12·2 (U.N.C.M.H.N,C.P. Ht. N.18)
middle ct' the tlank; parallel and adapical to
them, a wide shall ow constriction develops. One slightly defonned internal mold is at
hand. The adapical portion of the last preserved
DIAGNO SIS. The characteristics of the whorl has prominent low rounded primary ribs
species are the same as for the subgenus. The which begin near the umbilical seam; they bear
variation of the morphologic characteristics is a tiny spinifonn tubercle at the umbilical rim,
significant: the ribs mny vary in strength, like­ and on middle of the flank a very prominent
wise the width and depth of the constrictions spinose tubercle at which point the primary rib
are variable but not their .;hape; on same phrag­ trifurcates, the branches cross the venter, slightly
mocone both raised and low ribs may develop; depressed at the median line and fonn rounded
some ribs are broad and low and arise in pairs shoulders; on the venter the ribs bend slightly
from the periventral margin. forward in a broad a.c; of the three branches
the median one tends to be the most prominent;
Meuuzemente D Euw H W D fEuw% D/H% bet.ween two tuberculate ribs there are two in·
tercalary ribs of which the adapical one begins
C-211)-3 13 II 6 I) 38 38 at the middle or the flank as if bifurcating from
0·210-4 16 6 6 8 37 37 the subsequent tubercle. A succession of closely
0·2111•6 22 10 8 8 411 38 spaced trifurcating ribs follows the preceeding.
C-216� 20 ll 7 7 46 36 Two intercalary ribs reappear about two thirds
C·2l6·7 16 7 6 6 44 37 of length of the last whorl.
C·21fi-8 16 7 6 6 47 40
C·2lli-ll 16 7 6 6 44 37 Of the trifurcating ribs only the central
C·2l !o·10 1 3 7 7 ? 1 1 and adapical branches are depressed on venter,
0·216·12''18 7 8 6 44 37 they are nearly equally strong, and are more
prominent than the other ribs. The intercostal
COMMENTS. Trochleiceras ambanjaben­ spaCPII vary from narrower to as wide as the ribs
se Collignon (1962,
p. 37, 130,
pl. fig. 985) on venter; on the flanks they are deep and
from the Upper Aptian (Gargasian) of Madagas­ channeled. The large lateral spinifonn tubercles
car at equiv&lent diameters (approx. mrn),
9 are pointed adapically, whereas the periumbUI·
lacks the development of the periventral bullae, cal ones are mammiform. Tne section of the
it has a more accentuated, even thou�tb weak, whorl at the apertural end of this specimen is
ventral mediari groove, the section of the whorl inflated renifonn. The conch has 37 ribs on the
is subrectangular rather than subquadrangular venter of the last preserved whorl.
aa in the Colombian sp.e cies, furtherm o re
instead of low broad ribs on the early whorls, DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
the Madaga.o;can species has numerous rme rl· by: A) its highly developed lateral tubercles
blets. The Colombian species diffen from the •from which ribs trifurcate, B) its thick renlfonn
type species of the genus by the type of ribbing, intercostal whorl section, and C) the sporadic
more complicated suture line and nearly absent occurrence of intercalary ribs.
ventral groove. " •";,,
Meuuremenu. D Euw H W DfEuw% D!H"k
OCCURRENCE. Lower Albian. VI-u-2 s7 13 a a 31> 40

COMMENTS. This species resembles the Between two prominent ribs a nearly
inner whoda of Cheloniceraa (E.) debile Casey imperceptible Intercalary rib appean, tt Ia
(1962, p. 244, pl. 37, r.a, 7, Text·Fig. 85, 86b feebly depressed along the ventral median line;
and especially ftgums 86a. 86b) but on the with the tncreuing size the strength of both
EugUah species the central one of the branching ribs and tuberculation rapidly increases, and
ribs Is the 1tron ges t, turthennore It has "groups approaching the preserved apertural region the
of tblee to four intermediary ribs at 20 mm Intercostal spaces are very deep and channel
diameter ,. (Casey, ibid..,p. 244) whereu in the fonn; at this stage of growth the Intercalary rib
Colombian species the intermediary ribs ue approximates to the periumbUlcal tubercle of
almost abeaent. the preceding rib u if arising from �t. ·

Them Is also a resemblance between the The periventral tubercles give the impres­
Colombian specimen and the lectotype of the sion of being slightly bent posteriorly. There
type species of the subgenus (Sinzow, 1906, pl. are 18 well defined ribs on the last whorl. The
2 Figs. lla-c; reproduced in Casey, 1962, p. Jatenl tubercles were long and spinose as shown
2S7, Text-Fig. 82a, b, c); on the Russian fonn by depressions on the umbilical wall of the
the ventral me dian sulcus Is deep and the ven· holotype and the paratype.
tra1 tubercles prominent, opposite to the sltua·
tlon � the Colombian species. DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
by: A) the rapid on to genetic strengthening of Ita
OCCURRENCE. Paja Fonnation (Arcillo· ornament contemporaneously with a slow in·
Utu abigarradu, segment E), and base of Ar· crease of the umbilical diameter, B) ita subrec­
cllloUtu con nOdulos huecos. Upper Aptian. tangular intercostal whorl section, with greatest
width about the umbilical rim', and C) the regu­
This SJ!ecies is named in honor of Mrs. El·
·· lar occurence of only one intercalary rib appea­
vira de Borru, of Villa de Leiva. ring near the umbilical rim .

. Cheloniceras (Ef!.ic�!JonJ2e�.L camachoi Meuuremenw. D Euw H W DfEuw % DJH %

n. ap. VI · 10 • 17 47 21 19 28 411· 40
PI. 2, Fig. 3; Text-Fig. 4T. T.I.P. GuaduQ 61 27 ? ? . 44 1

1928 Cheloniceras stoliczkanum Gabb, COMMENTS. This species differs fonn

Buse, p.14 1, pl.S, Fig. 2. Text-Fig.18. Cheloniceras stoliczkanum (Gabb)(1869) by not
having the very depre!l&ed whorl section during
non 1936
' Ch.[eloniceras] Stoliczkanum Gabb, ita development and the width-length ratio not
Basse , p. 88. remaining the same throughout as on the bolo·
type of the California species (Acad. Nat. Sci.
'l 1936 Cheloniceras ct. Stoliczkanum Gabb Phil., no. 4 786). The ventral nodes on Gabb's
sp. em. Basse , Breistroffer, p. 156. species are broadly rounded, lobe-like, but in
the Colombian species their height is greater
1938 Cheloniceras stoliczkanum Gabb, An· than their width (in correlation with the com·
derson , P.. · 176, pars., only reference pression of the section?); the periumbilical tu·
to Basse s illustrated specimen. bercles are represented by feeble bullae through
the ontogeny on Gabb's species but they are co­
1964 Cheloniceras stoliczkanum (Gabb ), nical and prominent early in the ontogeny of
Etayo-Sema, pars., p. 118. the Colombian species.

1968 Cheloniceras (Epicheloniceras)stolicz­ OCCURRENCE. Socota Member. Upper

kanu m sensu Basse (non Gabb ), Eta· Aptian. Paja Fonnation (Arcillolitu ablgarradas,
yo-8ema, p.28, Fig. 3, Table I. Segment E). Upper Aptian.

1970 Cheloniceras (Epich. [eloniceras V sto· This species Is named in honor of geolo­
liczkanum, Wiedmann, p. 484, ex re· gist Ricardo Camacho.
view of Etayo-Sema's 1968 paper.
Holotype. (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.N.19).
.. (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Pt.N.18).

The ad apical portion of the last preserved 1906 Douuilleiceras Stoliczkanum, Gabb, R.
whod on the holotype (VI-10-17) shows strong Douville, p. 145 (pars), only pl. 1, Fig. 1,
� ular ribs which bear a tiny mammtfcnn tu· la.
bercle at the umbilical margin, a conical tuber·
cle abo�t the middle of the flank and a promi· 1925 Douuilleicera.s Amazonarum Burckhardt,
nent triangular transversely elongated �:reriven­ p. 26.
tral tubercle; on venter the intercostal :iistance
1•1 more than twice the width of the ribs but it is 1938 Douvilleiceras stoliczkanum Gabb, An­
.�.· th.an. two times on the flanks; in gene r� the derson, p. 176, p�.
�..�&tercostal spaces Qre shallow. The ribs are tnick
. •
an.d rounded. Holotype. Specimen figured in Douville's paper;
see synonym.

Hypotype. (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P. Hy. N.5). elongated spinose tubercles develop on the mid·
Type locality. "Vallee des Amazones.. [sic], un· die of the flank (= along the involution line),
known. they arise from low wide ribs which extend

Descn�· ti on after the only specimen avai·

lable [C-514 . This is a moderately evolute spe­
toward the umbilical rim. On the fourth or last
preserved whorl of this specimen very slight
mammiform tubercles develop at the periumbi·
cies; the oral portion of the penultimate lical incep tion of the ribs; at the same time on
whorl is characterized by widely separated, rela· both sides of the ventral median line, rounded
tively thin primary ribs three to four times na· to acute swellings are developed. Although the
rrower than tlle intercostal spaces; they bear a ribs tend to fonn a wide concave arc on the
mammtfonn tubercle at the umbilical rim, and fianks and to project weakly onto the venter
a prominent spine at center of the flank. On the they also tend to widen on the adumbilical half
adapicai portion of the last preserved whorl, the of the whorl as if forming an adoral arc1 at the
ribs appear to be extended towards the umbill· same time they tend to split longituainally.
cal seam, with a feeble adoral concave arc; on Along the ventral median Une the ribs are de·
the inner flank the ribs are nearly radial but on pressed; sporadically there is an intercalary rib
the adventral half of the flank and on venter which differs from the primary ribs only in its
they swing slightly forward producing a wide lesser strength.
adoral arc; the growth lines are rme raised
threads which sometimes gather in bundles and The whorl section is subcompressed to
resemble intercalary ribs but no true intercalary subpoligonal: the umbilical wall is inclined, it
ribs are present. All ribs are depreued along the merges smoothly into the slightly convex
ventral median line and on both sides of it pro­ adumbllieal half of the flank, the adventral half
minent crest like tubercles are developed. On of tl1e flank converges and rounds into the flatte·
the adoral portion of the last whorl the ribs ned venter.
are only slightly promiradiate. No living cham·
ber is preserved ; up to the anterionnost part of B) Up to 35 nun D [C-223-2). The earliest
the preserved conch it is septate. The whorl sec· part of the last whorl of this specimen is like
tion at this point ia in flated , rentfonn, it has an · the late part of the preceding specimen. The or­
Inclined �J:llbilical wall which rounds &mootbly nament continues developping in a similar. way

into the flanks. except that one or two folds (Intercalatory

ribs?) without tubercles appear between two
DIAGNOSIS. This specie s is ch aracterized primary ribs. The periumbilical tubercles conti·
by: A) its sparse ribbing with only primary ribs nue inconspicuous but the ventral tubercles
or sporadic, weak intercalary ribs that disappear tend to acoontuate; the ribs tend to extend to
before reaching the umbilical rim, and B) its re· the umbilical seam fanning and acute adoral
nifonn whorl &ectlon. concavity.

MeUUftlmenta. D Euw H W D/Euw % D/H% C) Up to 50 mm D [C-223·11 ]. At the

C-614 80 30 20 8 3 IS O 33 beginning of the last whorl in this specunen the
distance between the centrolateral and periven·
COMMENTS.This is a peculiar species not tral tubercles progreuively increases. At this
easily comparable to any described specie& stage the intercalary ribs are well defined and
known to me; it is most aimllar to "Douuilleice· characterized by lack of periumbilical or lateral
ras Martini d'Orb." as described by Sinzow tubercles, they have only periventral tubercles;
(1907, p. 171, pl. 2, especially fig. 13a, 13b) this intercalary rib appears near the preceding
but on the Russian species the intercalary ribs primary and approaches it near the umbUlcal
are common and at simllar dlamete:n when margin. The last two ribs of this specimen chan·
rlbbinll: is attenuated in the Russian species the ge their strong lateral tubercles into tiny spines.
o_ppOSlte seema true for the Colombian Wton. 'Ibe Intercostal whorl section il aubrectangular,
The generic •ignment is questioned because of it has an oblique umblllcal wall which tends to
the projection of the ribs onto venter on the become vertical toward the umbilical seam. The
Jut whorl. ventral zone is nattened. Near the aperture the
ribs give the lmpression of slightly curved clubs.
OC9URRENCE. Socota Member. Upper
Aptian. D) Up to 7 5 mm D ( C-223]. The oma·
ment is u on the preceding specimen; the living
� ���
Ch lon f&12.�f!eloni£erus�
�r_o'Sa�QL:n. sp.
chamber represents two thl.rda of the last whorl;
the principal morphological features are the
PI.2, Fgs. 9·10; Text-Figs. 4R, 48; 11. progresaive weakening of the tubercles, especla·
lly the cen troiateral and ventrolateral onea,
Holotype. C·223 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht. N.20). which cwaes the ribs to loose their ventral
Paratype. C-223 (U. N. C. M. H. N. C. P. Pt. median depression . 'Ibe adaperturalmoat whorl
N.19, 20, 2 1). section is a slightJ.y depresaed dome.

A) Up to 25 mm D [ C-223·11. The umbi· DIAGNOSIS. Thia apeclea is characterized

liens is deep and wide; on· the two imt observa·
· by: A) the ontogenetic development of the no­
ble whorls the sculpture can not be clearly dla· des whose strength lncreaaes from mammiform
cemed but at the beglnlng of the third whorl adumbilica! ones to the pertventral comute tu·
(4th of the phragmocone?), very prominent !.'lerdes which in intennediate stages of growth

are very prominent but fade out on the adult of the flank. The umbilicus is deep.
earlier than the lateral and adumbilical, B) its
simple, well separated club-shaped ribs, and C) B) Up to 21 mm (C· 5141. The ribs have a
its subrectangular, dome-like whorl section . tendency to develop a second, faint, radially
elongated tubercle at the periumbilical margin;
Measurement. D Euw li w DfEuw%D{HO/o!"o. R. on the venter they te��··tQ.l\*tpress along the
c��23·t 25 14 9 1'3· 6 6 36 ·J0(1/2) median line and to raise' sl}gJ:ill!: on both sides;
C·223•2 36 1 6 13 18 44 36 16 the ribs are very fine, thread-like to moderately
c-22a-3 33 14 15 19 42 46 19 strong, feebly sigmoidal on the flank and projec·
C-223-4 30 1 2 13 14 40 43 19 . ted as a wide arc on venter. ..
C·223·1i 41 19 16 20 46 39 19
C·223.0 32 14 12 16 40 38 9(1 /2) C) Up to 30 mm D [C-514 ) . The periven·
C·223·7 41 20 16 ? 48 39 19 traiand lateral tubercles accentuate for a short
C·223-8 7 7 7 7 ? 7 9(1/2) distance and then soon fade out. Sporadically
C-223·9 1 1 7 1 ? 7 9(1/2) some intercalary ribs detach from a node on a
C·223·10 43 1 9 16 21 44 39 22 primary at the middle of the flank or from its
C·223·1 1 6 3 25 20 26 47 38 19 periumbilical region. There is a tendency toward
C-223·12 47 21 19 22 44 40 ? an alternation of a secondary rib between two
c-223·13 --33 22 20 25 41 38 10(1/2) primary ones; at the anteriormost observed part
C·223·1 4 1 1 ? ? ? ? 1 0(1 /2) the whorl section is subquadrate.
(·223·15 57 26 21 27 46 37 20
C: ·223·1 6 73 32 25 36 44 34 23 D) Up to 60 mm D [C-5141. Only half of
a specimen is available on which four whorls
can be observed. The umbilicus is deep, funnel
COMMENTS. This species is similar to shaped . On the second internal whorl there are
Cheloniceras (Epich e loniceros) subnodosocos· low ribs which disappear before the umbilical
tatum (Sinzow) [ 1907, p. 175 , t ext- fig_. 4-5, rim; the umbilical wall is subvertical, high, it
pl. 2, figs. 1 8, especially plate 2 fig. 8 j, but
• rounds smoothly into the convex sides. On the
on the Russian species is a secondary rib which third whorl the ribs are rounded imd e x t e n d
arises from the lateral tubercles and a single in· as sharp ridges to the umbilical" seam, they des·
tercalary also occurs, a charateristic that does cribe an adoral ccncavity on the umbilical wall
not occur on the Colombian species; the latter and part of the adumbilical third of the flank
also seems to attain a larger size than Sinzow's but on the remainder of the flank they describe
species. From the preceding table it is clear that an adoral arc; at this stage of development the
the number of ribs is very constant in the Co· intercostal spaces are two to four times as wide
lombian species, contrary to the Russian species as the ribs when no intercalary - ribs are develo·
in which this number is variable. The record of ped.
Sinzow's species in the Villa de Leiva by Biirgl
(1954, p. 16) and quoted by myself ( 1968, p. Intercalary ribs are rare. On the last whorl
28), is now considered doubtful. the ribs are thread-like , acu te and conspicuous;
they begin near the middle of the umbilical wall
OCCURRENCE. Socota Member. Upper and trend rursiradiate to the umbilical rim where
Aptian. they bend abruptly , then they trend nearly stra·
ight or in a feeble forward arc on the central
This species is named in honor of Profe· third of the flank, then they cross the venter .
ssor Carlos E. Acosta, Department of Geocien· straight or bent forward. On both sides of ven·
cias, Universidad Nacional. Bogota. ter the ribs raise in a feeble bullae and the me·
median ventral region appears slightly excava·
Chelonicera� (EpJcheloniceras) jimenqL ted. The intercostal spaces are very wide, cha·
n. sp. nne!-like, three to five times as wide as the ribs.
Pl. 2, Fig. 8; Text-Fig. 4X. The whorl section is nearly rectangular with
rounded periventral margins, flattened ven�r
Holotype . C-5 14 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.N.21). and moderately oblique umbilical wall.
Paratype. C-514 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Pt.N.22,23)
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
A) Up to 15 mm D [C-514 ]. The whorl by: A) the transitory development of the lateral
section is renifonn. The sculpture consists of tubercles, B) the numerous fine, acute ribs on
veey faint ribs, slmost plaits, prorsiradiate, they the adult whorls with nearly no intercalary ribs,
describe a wide arc on the venter; the adapical and C) its subquadrate whorl section.
half of the last whorl on this specimen has the
shell preserved ; the ornament visible on it :s low, MeiL:Iurements. D Euw H w D/Euw% D/H0k
belt-like ribs ventrally arched and separated by c . 514 15 6 6 7 40 40
wide intercostal spaces which are covered with c . 614 21 8 8 10 38 38
growth striae ; fine flat ribs may interpose ado· c . 514 30 12 12 15 40 40
rally. The whorl section is a smooth arc. On the c . 614 60 30 21 26 50 35
adoral half of the last whorl of this srecimen,
inconspicuous mammiform prominences begin COI\IMENTS. This species is comparable
to form on the ribs at the middle of the flanks. to "Douvilleiceras Martini d'Orb" as figured by
:rhe ribs begin at the umbilical rim but some Sinzow (1906, p.171, pl.2, fig.13-17) but the
mtercalary ribs begin on the adumbilical third latter differs by the stronger development of the

tuberculation at equivalent stages of juvenile the umbilical rim though when the test is preser·
development, and because on the Colombian ved a stressing of the growth lines occurs down
species at adult sizes the ribbing is regularly fine to the umbilical seam.
with exclusively primary ribbing whereas on the
Russian species primary and secondary ribs al­ DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
ternate and the whorl section is depressed, by: A) a very depressed section of the whorl
oblong and not subquadrate as in the Colombian and B) the development of its ornament which
species. No other comparable species is known begins with ribs laterally tuberculate and with
to me. feeble swellings on both sides of the median
ventral line, they subsequently develop mammi­
OCCURRENCE. Socota Member. Upper form umbilical tubercles and bifurcate from the
Aptian. centrolateral tubercle, finally only tritubercula·
te single ribs are present.
This species is named in honor of the geo­
logist Andres Jimeno, former Director of the Measurements D Euw H W D/Euw "fo 0 /H %
Inventario Minero Nacional, and 1st. Director C·S14 42 19 14 2 4 45 33
of the Institute Nacional de Investigaciones
Geologico-Mineras. COMMENTS. This species resembles Che­
loniceras clansayesense (Jacob} (1905 , p.4.3, pl.
Cheloniceras (Epicheloniceras ) barreroi 13, figs. 4a, 4b ,4c) but the Colombian species
n . sp. develops its mature single ribbing earlier in the
Pl.2, Fig.l; Text-Figs. 4P, 4Q. ontogeny than the French species.

Holotype. C-514 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.N.22). OCCURRENCE. Socota Member. Upper

This is a peculiar stubby Cheloniceras
species with the general appearance of a water
wheel. The umbilicus is deep an wide and its
sides vertical on each whorl . The earliest whorls
observed (adoral part of the second whorl) h ave Holotype. C-504 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P. Ht. N.23).
strong ventrolateral spines, and the umbilical
wall and flank form a continuous broad arc; on
the third whorl a subvertical rather high umbili· Four whorls are present on the largest
cal wall rounds smoothly in to the convex specimen ; on the first whorl -apparently the
flank; on the adapical portion of the fourth second of the phragmocone- widely spaced
whorl the periventral tubercles appear faint on pleats are present, they bear long spines along
flank as broad, slightly raised ribs, shortly after the involution line, and disappear about the
every other rib develop mammiform tubercles umbilical rim; on the third visible whorl small
on the umbilical rim. spine-like tubercles appear at the umbilical rim,
they connect to the ventrolateral ones through
On the fifth whorl the adult ornamenta· a wide triangular like extension of the rib,
tion is well defined and characterized by heavy which itself extends on the umbilical wall to
primary radial ribs which have a spine at the · the umbilical seam; at the same time one or two
umbilical rim and a second heavy and stronger intercalary ribs develop as fine pleats between
spine at middle of the flank where the rib bifur­ the primary ribs, it disappears about the umbi·
cates with the adoral branch thinner; on both Iical rim and has ven trolateral spines; at this sta·
sides of the ventral median region all ribs deve­ ge the umbilical wall is vertical.
lop transverse crest-like tubercles and the mid·
venter is depressed. On the last preserved whorl there is an
alternation of one or two narrow and acute
At the beginning of the last preserved intercalary ribs, which may have a tubercle or
whorl there is an intercalary rib, between two l ack it at the middle of the flank, but they
branching primaries, which is as prominent as develop tenuous bullae-like tublercles on both
the primary ribs, but on the central segment of sides of their median ventral depression. Spora·
the whorl the bifurcating ribs follow each othl!r dically one of the primary ribs bifurcates at the
without any intercalary rib and finally near the lateral tubercle with either the adoral or the
aperture no bifUrt!iltions occur even though one adapical- branch of it being the most prominent.
intercalary rib beginning at level of the midi ate· One intercalary rib may rise from the periumbi·
ral tubercle may ·be present, but the dominant Heal tubercle of a primary rib. In general all ribs
ribs are single prominent primary ribs. describe a wide adoral concavity from the
umbilical seam to the lateral tubercle, from that
The inte.tcostal spaces are twice as wide point Jhey slant slightly forward producing a
as the ribs especially between two successive slight bow at the level of the lateral tubercle, .,
primaries and narrower between the branches this is especially notable on the intercalary ribs.
of a bifurcating rib. At the end of the last pre­ lmfnediately adventral to the lateral tubercles
served whorl its section is very depressed, trans· the ribs are sligh tly depressed and then they
versely elongated and polygonal in outline, it fonn an elevated periventral tubercle; the
has a vertical u�_bilical wall , flat diverging adum­ depressed ventral medhm region between the
bilical half of Whorl, convergent adventral half periventral tubercles forms a wide shallow
of whorl and flattened venter. The ribs stop at groove.

The section of the whorl between the ribs trace follows that of the ribs. The whorl section
is suboval,almost as high as wide, but at ribs it · at the preserved apertural end is transversely
is polygonal with the umbilical wall subvertical subrectangular: the umbilical wall is oblique
and high. and it rounds smoothly Into the convex sides
which themselves round smoothly into a
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized flattened or broadly arched venter. The umbili·
by A) its high whorl section and B) the oma· cal wall seems to become oblique in the adoral
ment of its adult whorl -which varies from two portion of the last whorl. There are 13 ribs on
to more intercalary ribs between primaries or the last whorl preserved .
coupl«!S of primaries.
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
Meuure ment.l D Euw H W DJEuw% D/H % by: A) its tapering ridge-like ribs slightly exten·
C·604 4'1 26 22 7 44 38 ding onto venter, B) the uneven development of
the size and shapes of the tubercles: mamml·
. COMMENTS .COmpared. to Chelanicerll$
• form, conical spinose and ·nod6Se: for adumbill·
(Epicheloniceros) barreroi n. sp. the angle for· cal, centrolateral and periventral respectively'
med by the segments of the ribs between lateral and C) its wide flattened intercostal spaces with
aJ1d . adventral tubercles is obtuse in the latter only fine growth striae.
out in. Ch. (E.) pardai it is very steep, almost
ninety degrees ; in the latter species the bifurca· Meuurementa D Euw H W D/E1.1,w% DfH%
tion of the ribs is irregular contrary to the for·
C·223 33 14 12 16 43 36
mer species.
COMMENTS. This species was referred
OCCURRENCE. Socota Member. Upper by Riedel to Jacob's species (1905, p.413, pl.13,
J\ptlan. figs. 4a, 4b, 4c; 1906, pl.l, fig. 7a.7b) but on
the latter the ribs bifurcate from the lateral
This species is named in honor of geolo­ tubercle, the opposite is true for the Colombian
gist Rafael Pardo. species.

Cheloni§ te f OCCURRENCE. Socota Member. Upper

Jfonhar W H
_q__ n. sp. Aptian.
Pt 6, fig, 3; Text-fig. 4U.
This species is named in honor of Dr.
. Cheloniceras clanseyense Jac., Riedel, p. Leonhardt Riedel.
22, pl. 5, fig. 4 ,5, pl. 14, fig. 5.
.f!Jelonic!Jr!� C¥EJchelonf!:eras} huertasf..n.
1957.. Cheloniceras clanseyerue Jacob, Bilrgl, p. sp.
1 3 5.

. Pl.2, fig. 4; Text-figs. 4Y , 4$ .

1965 Chetoniceros clanseyerue Jacob, Biirgl, in Holotype. VL-7-Sa-11. (U.N.C.M,H.N.C.P.Ht.

· . Campbell and Btirgl. N.4).
Paratype. (U.N.CM.H.N.P. Pt. 24,25).
Ilolotype. Specimen figured by Riedel, 1938,
A) Up to 10 mm D. The second whorl of
Hypotype . ����l(U�N�.M.H.N.C.P. Hy. N.6) the phragmocone is coronate, it has a row of
spiniform tubercles along the periventral margins
. ·· .. Only two specimens available (C-223]. (=involution line); from this row of tubercles
The earliest part of the shell observed is distor· the flanks descend into the subvertical umbilical
�d by .a malformation. On the adapical part of wall. On the third whorl, ridge like folds extend
�e last preserved whorl the first rib that can be from the umbilical seam, describing a tenuous
observed res.embles a low rounded ridge which adoral concavity, up to the periventral tubercles
attenuates and fades out near the umbilical rim; with the maximum depth of the concavity at
it describes.a tenuous,.wide adoral concavity on the umbilical rim; however on the adventral
the whorlSlde and on the venter they project half of the whorl they are slightly convex
formlilg a. wide adoral arc. These ribs have a co· adorally or nearly straight. One or two of such
nical tubercle in the middle of the flank and a folds however bend on the adumbilical half of
slight. bump on both sides of the ventral median the flank in such a fashion that they appear to
lb:u�. Th.e ribs are distant from each other and arise from the umbilical rim of the preceding
are s.eparated by flat intercos� spaces. Advan· fold . From the periventral tubercle the ribs
·clng adoraly l the next rib has a cross the venter; the intercostal spaces are more
ucal mammiform tubercle slight periumbi· than twice as wide as the ribs; they are natte·
which become
P.tominent on the next (3rd) rib. On subsequent ned and they are at times interrupted by
n,bs a. continuous strengthenir.g of the lateral a constriction-like groove. The whorl section
and yen . trola
teral tubercles is initiated but the has a sub trapezoidal outline, with a broad roun·
�.rnbdical tubercles scarcely increase in size. ded venter.
ar �� gro�th lines describe a wide adoral
. ·ie w . c . begrns at the umbilical seam and
· B) Up to 25 mm D (same specimen). The
e:J�; . nds to the periventra ribs are stronger, they describe a continuous
.��tnt they- project onto vente
l margin from which
r; in general their
shallow adoral concavity from the umbilical
seam to the periventral margins from where

they project slightly forward on venter, for· trary to the new Colombian species the ribs are
ming a wide adoral arc. At this point the ribs uniform in size except "jusque ' au voisinage de
are differentiated between : A) primary ribs l'ombilic a1 bord duquel elles semblent se grou·
which develop a tiny bullae like periumbilical per en donnant naisance a un tubercule", Basse
tubercle, that are acute to subrounded on the (ibid., p.138).
flank up to the lateral tubercle, and then they
become rounded, B) intercalary ribs attenuated OCCURRENCE. Paja Fonnation (Arcillo·
in relation to the primary ones; they extend to litas abigarradas. Segrr.e nt E). Upper Aptian.
the umbilical seam as fine threads but become
well stressed on venter and C) secondary ribs This species in named in honor of the pa·
connecting the lateral tubercles and developed leobotanist Gustavo Huertas, of the Universidad
adapically to the primary ribs. There is no regu· Nacional de Colombia.
larity in the occurrence of one type or the
other but at least on this specimen, after two c���s-·�- �-��ecmitesf.�_Y;�!Gi��J
successive bifurcations there may be several, up
to three, single intercalary ribs. Vec.mites Casey, 1962, part.4, p. 256.
The primary ribs are more prominent on TYPE SPECIES. Vecmites caprotinus Casey,
the venter and faintly flattened along the original designation.
siphonal line . Those ribs which bifurcate are
followed adorally by a constriction-like sulcus. flo.-,
�u���?��'><\#.am�ranoitei�- sg.
The intercostal spaces are slightly wider than
the ribs. On the last third of the last whorl of TYPE SPECIES. Vectisites (Zambranoit�
this specimen all ribs tend to have the same }ambran?.f..n. sp.
strength on venter, at the same time the inter­
eostal distance increases. There are 45 ribs on DIAGNOSIS. Conchs of moderate size; the
venter of the last whorl on the specimen studied . early whorls have a depressed section, later
whorls are subquadrate to suboval; early in the
C ) U p to 40 m m D. Although i n th e pre· ontogeny centrolateral tubercles occur which
viously described stages of growth the ribs are disappear at.a time when ventral elevations deve­
less strengthened than in the specimen selected lop on both sides of the depressed median line;
as the holotype, I am considering them conspe· the ribs are more or less strongly projected on
cific because the general development and the venter and are flared on the adumbilical half of
shape of the ribs is the same. In one specimen the whorl. Scaphitoid in general appearance ('?).
there is a widening of the ribs toward the aper·
ture but this, as judged by sporadically develo­ COMMENTS. This subgenus differs from
ped similar spaces at intermediate sizes, is inter· Vectisites (Casey, 1962) because of the strong
preted as due to hampering of rib development extension of the ribs onto the venter, the depre·
during growth. ssion of the ribs along the ventral median line
and the development of tubercles on both sides
The last whorl of the largest specimen of venter.

examined has about 45 ribs on the venter, they

are sin,gle rounded, closely spaced , separated by
constrictit;li1Jike intercostal spaces; they bear a
: Hny periUmbilical spine, and an spinose centro·
jate�)l.ibercle. from which ribs may bifurqate, Holotype. C-504 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.N.25)i
and; sci.n\e'primary ribs at the adapical 'portion of Paratype. C-504 (U .N.C.M;H.N.C.P.Pt.N.26,21 �
'"'the whorl have a'tenuous ventrolateral eleva.lon. ' t
The, nb� i;?ild to be equ�y strengthened though A) Up to 15 mm D [C-504). The smalle�t.:
th� interealary ribs,
at�nuate more rapidly on
, · ·
specimen at hand has a slightly subellipticatin·'i�
�E! flanks. ; · · ' ·
tercostal whorl section, with its maximum widtli:
at the umbilical rim, then it describes a dome·Ii·,
,. , DIAGNOSIS. '!'his species is characterizP-d ke curvature; the umbilical wall is rounded-sub�
by! the development 'of its .. ornament which be · vertical. The ornament conslsts:or-fiexuous ribs.
gins with A) bifurcatihg primaey ribs and inter· which describe a weak adoral concavity ,on tq�·.
talary ribs, which B) grade into uniformly roun­ umbilical wall, and slant forward to aboUt the
. ded, �losely spaced ribs and i:lituberculate rib· boundary between the adumbilical and central
bing in the adult and C) the section of the whorl, thirds of the flank, and then they describe a wi­
reniform throughout the ontogeny . de adoral concavity on the remaining part of
the flank, and f"m ally they project onto the ven·
Measurements. D Euw H W D/Euw % 0/H% ter in a wide arc.
VL • 7 • Sa • 1 1 8 8 8 3 37 37
VL • 7 · Sa · 1 1 23 10 9 18 43 39 Toward the adaperttiral third of the last
VL • 7 · Sa · 11 41 51 16 23 36 39 preserved wh orl in this specimen, an angular
swelling begins to develop at the boandary be·
COMMENTS. This species is similar to Ch. tween the adumbilical and central thirds of the
basseae Breistroffer (1936, p.15 6 : Acanthoceras flank. The futercostaJ ·llp.BceS are 'Very Wide, as
(Cheloniceras) n. sp., Basse , 1928, p.138, text· much as four time!! the width of a single rib. Be·
fig.15, plate 8, fig.1), but in the latter species tween two primary ribs there are two or three
the section is almost circular, furthermore con· indintinct intercalary riblets,one of which springs

from the centrolateral tubercle of a PrimarY rib they slightly bend at about the central third of
and the other appears in a subdue manner near fiank and rmaUy they describe a wide adoral­
the umbilical rim; the primary ribs are wide and concavity up to the periventral margin and pro­
flattened on the venter. ject onto venter, describing an acute , almost
chevron-like arc; this bend accentuates with
B) Up to 20 mm D [C-504]. With growth growth of the whorl.
one or two intercalary ribs tend to become well
individualized and at the same time the vertex The ribs become progressively depressed
of the adoral ventral arc of the primary ribs tend along the ventral median region in such a
to be depressed suggesting ventral tubercles. • manner that at the adoralmost portion of the
conch there are two elevated tubercle-like
C) Up to 45 mm D [C-504]. The flattening shoulders on each side of the venter. The first
or depression of the ribs on venter accentuates third of the length of the last preserved whorl
with growth giving the ventral arc a truncated has a faint non-tuberc:ulate intercalary rib
aspect. The intercalary ribs become as promi· which begins at the periumbilical margin. The
nent as the primary ones except that they fade living chamber occupies about two thirds of the
out before reaching the umbilical rim. The last whorl and is characterized by loss of the in­
living chamber occupies about two thirds of the tercalary rib and increasing distance between
last preserved whorl and It is characterized by the primary ribs. The intercostal spaces are wi·
the irregular occurrence of the ribs, which are de, one and a half as wide as the ribs if one
well but variably extended onto the venter. The intercalary rib is present but from three to four
Intercostal spaces are two or three times as wide times when the intercalary rib is missing, this
as the ribs. The section of the whorl is ttansver­ is especially noticeable on the internal mold.
sely subrectangular and has rounded comers; the The umbilicus is graded shaped, deep. The in­
umbilical wall is oblique. A dorsal shield is pre­ tercostal whorl section at the adaperturalmost
sent. part of this specimen is rounded subquadrangu­
DIAGNOSIS. This species' is characterized
by: A) the broadly arched and truncated projec· DIAGNOSIS. This species is charaterized
tion of the ribs on venter, B) the transversely by : A) its. small , relatively compressed conch,
subrectangular whorl section of the adult, and and B) the rapid development and accentuation
C) the discrete development of the ribs. of the adoral arching projection and depression
of the ribs along the midventer.
Me..uements. D Euw H W D{Euw0k D/H %
c . �04 16 6 7 1 37 7 Meuurements D Euw H W D(Euw % D(H0k
C . • �04 20 7 7 1 1 7 C·604 2� 10 10 12 40 40
0 " �04 46 22 16 20 48 3�
COMMENTS. This species differs from
COMMENTS. This species differs from the Vectisites (Zambranoites) zambranoi n. sp. be·
type species of Vectisites Casey (1962 = V.ca­ cause of its rapid acquisition of a strong ventral
protinus Casey, p . 2 5 6, pl. 40, fig. 9a, b, lOa, b , projection of the ribs.
te.xt · fig. 89a), as noted for the subgenus.
OCCURR ENCE , Socota Member. Upper
·. OCCURRENCE, Socota Member. Upper Aptian.
This species is named in honor of Jaime
· This species Is named in honor of Francisco Cruz, former Subdirector of the Instituto Na·
Zatnbrano, geologist of the Instituto Nacional ::ional de Investigaciones Geologico·Mineras,
de Investigaciones Geologico-Mineras, Bogota. Bogota.

'W', fig. 'Zambranoites
ites J cruzi D..J�
Text-Figs. 5A., 5B.
Vectisites ozambranoite!)._ mateusi n. s�
Pl.6, fig. 2 ':" - ' '
Holotype. C-504 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P. Ht. N. 26). Holotype. VL-11-3 (U. N. C. M. H. N. C. P. Ht.
The first whorl observed seems to be the Paratype. (U. N. C. M. H. N. C. P. Pt. N.28).
first whorl of the phragmocoile and Is smooth;
the second wh orl shows a high subvertical um­
• . Two specimens are available. The conch
bllic:al wall which changes abruptly into the has moderately compressed sides and slightly
lllightly convex aide; very fine, widely separated rounded venter. The adapical portion of the pe·
pleats. are visible on the test. On the t."lird visible nultimate whorl bem close pleats on the flank,
who.:d those pleats become wide and low and ltl umbilical wall is vertical; toward the adapical
they have a faint conical node at the line of in­ region of the last whorl the primary ribs begin
volution which at that point is about at the to diffe,rtlll tiat.e, they are flexuous, adorally con­
bound uy between the middle and adumbilical cave on the external part of the umbilical wall,
thirds of the flank. At the adapical portion of adorally arched on the central third of the flank
the l�t whorl o.f this specimen (4th of the phrag­ and finally projected onto the venter. The part
mocone) the nbs are clearly visible from the of the ribs on the adumbilical third of flank are
wnbllical seam; up to the lateral tubercle the flanged but a tubercle is not developed. On the
nbs describe a tenuous adoral concavi ty . then ventral median line of the adoral portion of the

last whorl the ribs are inconspicuously flattened. of ventral bullate swellings only on the ribs, and
On the last preserved whorl the ribbing is pro­ D) the angular periumbilical and centrolateral
minent and consists mostly of primary ribs, so­ bending of the ribs without development of tu­
me of them in couples; intercalary ribs are also bercles.
present, they are initiated in a subdued manner
near the adumbilical third of the flank. Meumementl D Euw H W DfEuw· % D/H %
C·614 36 16 12 12 44 33
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
by: A) the ontogenetically late and inconspi­ COMMENTS. This species shows some re·
cuous (if any) development of the tubercula­ semblance to the type species Vectisites capro­
tion, B) its strong flexuous ribbing, and C) its tinus Casey, (1962. p. 526, pl. 40, fig. 9a, 9b es·
compressed suboval whorl section. pecially), but on the English species the lateral
tubercles persist longer; on the other side the
Meumementl D Eu.w H W bfEu.w0k D/H% Colombian species is more depressed than
VL-1 1-3 33 12 13 7 36 39 Casey's species.
VL-11·3 30 11 13 13 37 43
OCCURRENCE. Socoti Member. Upper
COMMENTS. Compared to the other spe­ Aptian.
cies In the genus Vectisites described from Co­
lombia, this is the only species which combines This species is named in honor of Raul
a strong flexuoslty of the ribbing with great Cadena, Universidad Nacional de Colombia,
attenuation of the tuberculation (?). Bogota.

OCCURRENCE.Paja Formation (Arcilloli­ D£tisit�s.l,Zg_mfJronQj{esLfl.ug_tteJi n. sp.

tas abigarradas. Segment E.). Upper Aptian. Pl. 6, lfg.2; Text-fig. 5!.

This species is named in honor of Luis E. Holotype. C-514 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht. N.29)

Mateus, geologist of Ministerio de Minas, Bogo­ Paratype. C-514 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Pt.N.29)
A) (C-514). The earliest whorl observed
V£r;,tes _CZambranoites� cg4£_nqj_ n. sp. (adoral part of the second whorl) has a depres­
Pl.6, 1g. 4, Text-figs. 5L, P. sed subelliptical section : a broad arc connects
the center of the flanks, then the whorl rounds
Holotype. C-514 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht. N.28) smoothly into the umbilical wall which is incli·
ned. The sculpture at this stage consists of in·
Only one specimen is available, it has the conspicuous folds which describe an adoral
shell preserved. The conch is stubby and com­ bend on the middle of the flank, and is delimi·
pressed. The ornament consists of ribs which ted by a concavity both adumbilically and ad­
usually develop in pairs at the periumbilical ventrally, these pleats are projected onto the
· margin; of these ribs, the adapical one is thic· venter forming a wide adoral arc.
ker and rounded, radial, flanging outward on
the adumbilical half of the whorl side, it is be· On the adoral portion of third whorl the
veled on the periventral zone and transversely ornament is already visible: it consists of
elevated in a bullae-like fashion on both sides prominent riblets which begin at the imprecise
of a depressed and narrow median ventral re­ umbilical rim; from the point to the periphery
gion; futher adorally the ribs tend to be slightly the ribs describe one adoral arc at the center of
projected on venter; the adoral or secondary rib which a conical tubercle springs; from this
tapers toward the·.'Un1bilical margin, on venter tubercle the ribs describe an adoral concavity
it is narrower andlower than the primary one and then extend onto venter describing a
and does not develop periventral tubercles on linguiform arc. The intercostal spaces are at
the depressed median ventral zone. Sporadica­ least three times as wide as the ribs, much
lly an isolated primary rib develops. greater on venter; they are covered by growth
lines which parallel the ribs.
The intercostal spaces between a prima·
ry and· its paired secondary rib is as wide as the B) At 15 mm D [C-5 14 ]. At this diame·
primary rib, but the intercostal space between ter the w_h orl section increases in height and the
that secondary and the following primary is conical nodes occupy a more central position
wider than the primary rib itself. The ribs in on the flank; the adventral half of the flank is
general are high and rounded and the intercos­ compressed, at the same time on the internal
tal spaces are channel-like. Near the aperture mold the ventral linguiform projection of the
the ventrolateral bullae disappear. The intercos­ ribs flattens in a visor-like fashion and contem­
tal section of the whorl is low subquadrate with poraneously on both sides of the ventral me·
rounded comers and convex sides. The 1J.mbili­ dian line the ribs begin to raise in transverse,
cal wall is oblique. There are 25 ribs on venter faint but perceptible tubercles. On the adumbi·
of the last whorl. The apertural border is plain, lical.half of the flank the ribs flare in a charac·

with a slight reflection at the umbilical wall. teristic fashion.

DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized C) Up to 30 mm··n ( C-514). On the lar·

by: A) its depressed octagonal costal whorl sec­ gest specimen the lateral nodes begin to fade
tion, B) its heavy, rounded ribs, C) the presence out contemporaneously with the development

of the ventral n odes . The final

type of ornamen­ producing on each side feeble transverse bullae­
tation -as far as i t is known- consists of well like e levati ons : Occasionally a minute conical
m arke d slightly flexuous, well separated rib tubercle developes on one rib (??). The ribs m ay
which project a bit onto venter where they are also bifurcate on the adumbilical third of the
sligh tly d ep resse d along the ventral median area flank; they tend to become more rounded with
and sl i gh tly raised on both sides of that area. growth.
The ribs begin at the external part of the um b i­
lical wall w i th a little thi!:kening b ut are not tu· B) Up to 30 mm D [T.P.I. Guaduas]. Th e
berculate; there Is usu ally one in tercal ary rib early portion of the last whorl is subquadrate, it
wh icll begins at the periumbilical rim wh�re it has flattened sides but rounded periven tral and
is incl ined toward the preceding rib . Th e inter· ventral margins; the u m bil ical wall is subvertical
costal whorl section is transversely rectangular and rounds smoothly into the flanks; at the
with rounded comers. The um bili cu s is deep, adoral portion of th is specimen the whorl sec·
slightly inclined. tion is subrectangular. The ornament consists of
ribs which initiate midway on the umbilical
DIAGNOSIS. This species is ch aracterized wall. The ribs are rounded , . well separated ,
l:ly: A) the early and brief stre n � the �in g of its sigmoidal; irregularity some of the ribs b i fu rcate
lateral tubercles and the ventral hngu1form pro· on the adumbilical third of the flank, both
j ectio n or the ribs, and B) its compre ssed sub­ from the adap i cal side of the primary ribs or
qu�drate whorl se c ti on . from the adoral side of th em ; there are in terca­
lary ribs also . The ribs become sligh tly higher
Measurements. D Euw H W D/Euw % D/H% and wider on the venter. The ribs flare out on
c . 514 16 6 7 8 33 46 the umbilical rim and are slightly we akened on
C · 514 30 12 12 14 40 47 the middle of the venter.

COMMEN TS. This species differs fro m C) Up to 50 mm D [T.P.I. Guaduas]. The

Vei:tisites (Zambranoites) zambranoi n. sp. be­ ornament is characterized by a conspicuous al­
cause on the latter the projection of the ribs on ternation of ribs which on one side appear as
venter is retained or stressed to a greater diame­ primary but on the other as secondary. Toward
ter. Vectisites (Zambran oites) cruzi n. sp. by the aperture the venter is well ro unded , the ribs
cofrtrast stresses its ornament very early in the tend to be prorsiradiate uniform and elevated
otitogeny and the in tercostal distance is very on venter. The ribs have a weakly biconcave pro­
. l il��e, file an d are sligh tly elevated on the venter. There
are 37 ribs on venter of the last preserved whorl.
OCCURRENCE. Soco ta Member. Upper
Aptian. DIAGNOSIS. This spe cie s is characterized
at mediun and large sizes by : A) its radial to fee·
This species is named in honor of Hermann bly flexu ous ribbing, B) the ten d en cy of the
Duque, p ale on tol o gis t of the Instituto Nacional secondary ribs to branch from the raised peri·
?� }nvestigaciones Ge ologico-Mineras, Bogota. umbilical flanges of the primary ribs and C) the
tenuous periventral bullate swl#llings on ven­
f : �L����C��( a a t
�yp : .�:,�o!.}!_ e�
HJ!pacanthoplites Spath, 1923, p. 64.
2 1 ter.

Measurements. D Euw H W D/Euw "/o D{H%

T.P.I. Guaduu 15 5 7 7 33 46
TYPE SPECIES. Acanthoceras mille tianum T.P.I. Guaduaa 30 10 13 12 33 43
(d'Orbigny) var. plesiotypica T.P.I. Guaduas 32 18 21 18 35 40
Fritter , original designation.
COMMENTS. A comparable species was
raacan thoplites (?) described by Liss6n (1925, p. 27, p l . 2, figs. 4, 5 )
os_naliciae n. SJ?.: .. as "Parahoplites Mille tianum d' Ob . sp.", but
PI03, fig. 1 1 . very little can be determined from his illustra­
Ho)otype. T.P.I. Guaduas (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht. tion or description except th at the Colombian
, N.30). and the Peruvian specimens look very similar.
Paratypes. T.P.I. G uaduas (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Pt.

N�30,31). The neotype of Hypacanthoplites plesio·

typicus (Fritte l ) as figured by Casey {1965 , p .
·.A) Up to 1 5 mm diameter{T.P.I. Guaduas]. 42tl, Text- Fig. 155b, c) has stronger an d
At 'the . innermost whorls (D:9mm) the section flexuous ribbing o n the flan k s th an on the
� �ubquadrate with rounded periventral mar· Cclom bian species. Furthermore o n the former
ipDS and venter; the sides are convex, the um b i· the ribs are thic k on venter [on the illustration]
heal willl is subvertical. The ornament consists but they are thin in the C olom b ian species.
o� ribs which begin at the umbilical rim and are
S!lgh tly flexuou s , rounded , with short vertical
s.l� es but flattened top and they progressively OCCURRENCE. Soco ta Member. Upper
Wl.d.en from the umbilical margin toward the Ap tian .
Penphery; the rib s are sep arated by subequal

!n.tercostal spaces; the former cross the venter This species i s named i n honor of Miss.
1�" a fee ble adoral curvatu re . The ribs are Alicia Vanegas Leyva, former librerian of the
sligh tly depressed along the ventral median line Servicio Geologico Nacion al o f Col om bi a.
42 F. E T A Y O - SER N A

Hypacan thoplites dognaliciae n. sp . ? Deshayesitidae and the Acanthohoplitinae,

"Upper Aptian, near Bogota, Colombia (Univ.
Reference. Specimen C· 222. California no. C-1325)". I have examined this
specimen and as is shown on the right-hand fi.
The early portion of the last whorl is hi· gure in Casey's illustration the depression of the
gher th an wide with maximum inflation on the ribs along th� ventral median line is accentuated
adumbilical third of the flank ; the sides are fla· adorally before the "Co lombiceras-like" sculp­
ttened and slightly convergent towards the wide ture suddenly develops. In other words, the de­
flattened venter. The umbilical wall is oblique pression of the ribs ceases before the final living
and rounds smoothly into the flanks. The early chamber.
part of the last whorl has fine acute ribs, which
begin on the middle of the umbilical wall or at From study of this new genus, it ap·
the umbilical rim; these ribs are more or less pears that the "Clavate termination of the ribs
falcifonn on flanks. bordering the siphonal band" of the "post·ne­
pionic ventral growth" of Du(renoyiD (Caser,
The primary ribs are characteristically 1964, p.376) and the periventral "elevations '
prominent, flaring out on the adumbilical third of Juandurhamiceras are not homologous mor­
of the flank whereas the secondary ribs may phological elements: on the latter the ribs in
flank from the adoral side of the primary ribs early ontogeny cross. the venter uninterrupte·
on the adumbilical third of flank, or they may dly and subsequently they tend to depress
appear independently but they are not empha· along the ventral median line, but on the for­
sized adumbilically . The intercostal spaces are mer the reverse is true with the addition that
twice as wide as the ribs. On the adventral third the ribs are interrupted on venter in an early
of the whorl and on venter the ribs 1\le flattened. stage.
The ribs are almost imperceptibly elevated on
venter. There are 38 ribs on the .renter of this Previous to the present study precise in·
specimen. formation on the exact stratigraphic position of
Juandurhamiceras was not available. It is here
Measurements D Euw H W D/Euw % DfH0/o presented because together with specimens of
C·228·B 32 11 14 12 34 44 the type species I have found a specimen that I
consider conspecific with the specimen illustra­
COMMENTS. This specimen differs from ted by Casey (op. cit., text-fig.I52). I am ma­
the holotype mostly because the mature ('?) li­ king it the holotype of a new species: Juandur­
ving chamber appears at a much smaller diame­ hamiceras joepecki n. sp., characterized by the
ter, this. occupies two thirds of the last preser· rapid acquisition of the "Colo mbiceras-like sty·
ved �horl. le of ribbing".
OCCURRENCE. Socota Member. Upper Comments on the specimen illustrated by
Aptian . Casey, both as to its uncertain stratigraphic
r . -G"���;--��--�a�d�:rham}cer�-¥··'g�·n�i.
position or its significance as a "link" have been
""" made by Wiedmann (1966, p. 45) and Wied­
mann and Dieni (1968, p.93), respectively. The
'm:E"SPECiEs. Jua;;;r;;;;�··}u-;,;;t�rha- genus Juandurhamiceras differs from Colombi·
mi n. g.1 n. sp. L> ceras (Spath, 1923), here understood to embra­
n ;
:: Yu,r£nay•O. Kl."ttr� v-- 16.>o•f; .-1!/Ar
. ce those species closely resembling the type
DIAGNOSIS. Evolute conchs reachmg species, by the lack of any indication of lateral
moderate size . The early depressed whorl sec­ tubercles, at any stage of �owth. Incidentally
tion rapidly changes into a compressed oval sec· the tendency to proCiuce girdle like ribbings, i
tion. The early ornament consists of fine believe, is not per se an indication of phlyoge·
flexuous, closely spaced ribs which cross the netic linkage.
venter uninterruptedly, these ribs progressively
separate from each other and widen on venter, This genus is named in honor of Emeritus
likewise the ribs differentiate between primary Professor John (Spanish : Juan) Wyatt Durham,
and intercalary; with growth the primary ribs of the Department of Paleontology, University
flare out on the adumbilical half of the flank, of California at Berkely.
all ribs are less prominent on the adventral half
of the flank. AU' ribs have a tendency to be ...J.BtrodurhQ!!Ji"muuangurhamJ.. n . sp . .
excavated on their adoral face along the ventral �Pf.4, 1'ig.2; Pl.3, fig.5; Text-figs. 5C, 5J; 12.
median line, producing on both sides of it more
or less conspicuous elevations. On the living Holotype. Santa Ana A.P.G. (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.
chamber the depression of the ribs abruptly . Ht. 31).
ceases and they have a girdle like appearance on Paratype. Santa Ana A.P.G. (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.
venter f= Colo mbiceras-like stage] . No tubercles Pt. 32,33,34).
occur throughouWh.e ·ontogeny. . . ·-.,�. . : •. . . , ..
A) Up to 30 mm D (Santa Ana A.P.G.).

COMMENTS. This genus has already been The early whorls were studied by disecting one
illustrated as "Du{renoyia " by Casey {1965 , specimen. The protoconch is depressed; the
p. 4 18, text-fig. 152) : "Dufrenoyia sp. example adapical section of the. .second whorl is wider
showing Colombiceras·like sculpture on final than high , with its maximum width located at
quarter-whorl, indicative of a link between the center of flank, but the adoral portion of this

whorl is subcircular. The third whorl is higher DIA NOSIS. This species is characterized
th an wide. by: A) its moderately large size and evolution,
B) the regular alternation of feebly flexuous,
The earliest ornament observed is on the on
wen spaced , primary and secondary ribs
second and consists of annular fine middle and late stages of growth, and C) the
rounded ribs which are visible from near
the umbilical margin, they then trend pr�;>rsira· ;�J����rJ: ri:
ss g of �
. in �
� ��
ventral "ele·
- - .-:"i"':.-""·
diate as a very elongated S on the convex·flank ,
and cross the venter unihterruptedly; they are Meuurcneru D Euw H w 0/EUW 0/H No.R
as wide as the intercostal spaces though a cons· % %
trictl on-like intercostal space can be observe�
on this specimen. The ribs rapidly become na­ Sta. Ana · 1
Sta. Ana · 2

rrower than the intercostal spaces (adoral por­ Sta. .Alla · 3

tion of the third volution) and at the same tl­ Sta. Ana • 4 26 10 11 8 38 43 20
l]le they broaden on venter; shortly after (H:7 Sta. Ana · r. 26 11 10? 8 44 40'1 21
mm) the ribs become prominent on th e flanks; Sta. Ana • 6 30 14 12 9 47 40 2&
contemporaneously the ribs begin to inflate on Sta. Ana · 7 36 167 1& 10 .42? 42 26
the adumbilical third of the flank and to con· Sta. Ana · 8 29 12 12 9 41 41 22
tractact on the adventral third; this contraction Sta. Ana • 9 37 17 13 1 46 36 24
is followed by the development of a slight de· Sta. Ana ·10 437 1 9 17 12 44 39 20
pression of the ribs on their adoral .side along Sta. Ana ·11 39 19 16 10 49- . 41 26?
the median ventral line, this produces delicate
to accentuated humps on both of venter; sides Sta. Ana ·12
Sta. Ana ·13
. 24
the ribs have not been observed to be interrup­ Sta. Ana ·1 4 48 24 18 12 50 38 .• 2&
ted . on venter. At this stage of growth the ribs Sta. Ana ·1 5 36 16 13 10 46 37 24
are prominent, separated by wider intercostal Sta. Ana ·16 60 26 18 13 62 36 . 215
apaces and they are straight of feebly flexuous. Sta. Ana ·17 4 1 7 19 16 12 46 36 26
Sta. Ana ·19 337 14 13 9 42 39 22?
Sta. Ana ·20 267 117 11 ? ? 7 . 26?
B) Up to 41 mm D (Santa Ana A.P.G.). Sta. Ana •26 41 21 15 10 51 36 22
43 ·
. •

As in the preceding specimen, the successive Sta. Ana ·27 36 16 13 9 37 21

whorls only cover the external third of the pre­ Sta. Ana ·30 59 30 21 16 61. 35 28
ce ding whorl; the umbilical wall is inclined and Sta. Ana ·31 64 28 21 15 62 39 24
evenly rounds into the flanks; the periventral Sta. Ana ·34 407 18 16 10 45 40 26
rnaigiq is abruptly rounded and the venter is Sta. Ana ·35 31 14 12 9 46 39 22?
rounded to flattened . Sta. Ana ·36 37 17 14 11 46 38 26
Sta. Ana ·37 3 6 ? 18 13 10 46 37 23
Sta. Ana ·38 37 18? 14? 10 49 38 21?
The . ornament consists of primary ribs St.. Ana ·39 327 16 13 9 47 40 19
which appear about the middle of the umbilical Sta. Ana -40 35 17 13 9 48 37 207
wall but may extend, on exterior of shell to the Sta. Ana ·42 49 24 21 11? 49 43 28
umbilical seam. The ribs describe a sligh tly adoral
concavity in the umbilical region, then a con­
laxity on the adumbilical and middle thirds of COMMENTS. Same as for the genus.
th� flank where they are flared, then they are
fe�bly concave adomlly or straight on the O CCURRENCE. Socota Member. Upper
adventral third . of . the flank, there they are Aptian.
.flattened and contracted; the ribs cross the
l't!.n ter straight, flat-topped and prominet; along
tbe� periventral margin the ribs have delicate J!MmdYdJami�t{lJISjoepecki.,n. sp
lil:4, fig. 5.

�l�vations. The ribs are now differentiated into

cp,unary and secondary ribs, the former genera­ Holotype.U.C.M.P C -1325 (Dlustrated by Ca­
JI:y· flare on ftanks out to the involution line

sey, 1965, p . 4 18, text-fig. 152).

��m :\Vhere .they are less prominen t; the secon·
g!!Y ribs anse imp recisely outside the umbilical
Hypotype.Sta. Ana 9 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.lly.7)

f»1� 111Jd generally do not flare out.

��j(,';�� �::S���n:;;nrl��
Only one specimen is available (Sta Ana

nt :!� �� A.P.G. 19). Very flat, slab·like sides, planar ven·

a ter and very wide, radial ribs which are like clo­

f:lt: t
��1Ve PMl&Q' or secondary. ribs occasiona·
ve buds; ther are slightly but clearly flanged
the adumbihcal third of the Dank. On t.'te In·
.t'Wl;�lll· Th e in tercostal spaces are almost temal mold the intercostal spaces are one and a
, c �-, I1S wide as the ribs. The periventral half times as wide as the ribs; the ribs are very
. •

,�I�y.a,fions on the ribs attenuate

wide on venter and cross it linearly.
14.o�. end of the conch at this diam
. the
;��g eter. The
n. sp.
ell 8Jll ber ccuJ?ies three four

� !bs (3/4) of
on Its venter the n�s broaden
and th� adventral elevatio
PI. 3, fig:-"!3.
ns disap­

, . owever, particul ar y on the

interna! mol d.
!l_dQ� face of the ribs on venter show a
. ctetllctlon.
. ._,:,;:·..;
Holotype. Sta Ana A.P.G.
C.P.Ht. 32) •
N. 42. (U.N.C.M.N.

One large specimen is referred to this spe­ i970 Acanthoh-(oplites) bigoureti, Wiedmann,
cies. The early internal whorls are covered with p.484, ex review of Etayo-Semas's paper.
fine rounded ribs, convex on the adumbllical
third of the whorl ; some of them, especially Only half an individual is available . On
those which begin at the umbilical wall are pro­ the earliest observed whorl there appears to be
minent and flaring (=primary ribs); the secon­ bullae-like tubercles along the line of involution,
dary ribs start at the periumbilical margin usua· however the preservation does not permit one
lly in pails, they are thin. On the last preserved to be sure of this, after these bullae there is a
whorl the ribs are fine, particularly on the in· tract on which pleats rather than ribs are deve­
temal mold. The primary ribs describe an adoral loped. At this stage of growth the whorl section
concavity on the umbilical wall and part of the is depressed; the umbilical wall is subvertical
periumbilical third of the flank, then they des· but there is no well defined umbilical rim. At a
cribe an adoral bow, sporadically very strong, larger stage (on the penultimate whorl) the ribs
approximately on the central third of the flank, differentiate. The prominen t primary ribs begin
on the remaining third they develop an other at the umbilical seam, they trend across the
adoral shallow concavity and the profile of the umbilical wall and adumbilical half of the flank
ribs is consequently biconcave; the ribs are sligh­ describing a slight adoral concavity; one or two
tly thicker but rounded on venter where they intercalary ribs develop between the primary
are feebly elevated. The whorl section is higher ribs, they attenuate before reaching the umbili·
than wide , It has an inclined umbilical region cal seam.
which rounds into the flank; the periventral
margins are rounded. The last whorl has 28 ribs On the last whorl the intercalary ribs are
on venter; the living chamber is preserved as half present in groups of two or three, of these ribs
the length of the last whorl. the adoral one sometimes inclines towards the
immediate adoral primary rib as lf branching
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized from it. The primary rib develops a prominent
by: A) the delicately humped periventral mar­ triangular area with a spine; from this tubercle
gin of the ribs is transient, B) the flexuous rib· the ribs bifurcate or trifurcate . The intercostal
bing starts early in the ontogeny, and C) the rib· spaces are sligh tly wider than the ribs when
bing is less prominent. shell is preserved but they are one and a half
times as wide as the ribs on the internal mold.
Me&llll'emenu. D Euw H W D/EUW D/H No.R. The ribs themselves have steep sides and roun·
Sta. Ana 42 49 24 21 1 1? 49 43 28 ded top, they describe a wide concavity on the
flank and project on venter where they are
. COMMENTS. This species differs from slightly wider and flat-topped, the latter .is.
Juizndurhamiceras juandurhami n. sp., because particularly conspicuous on the intemlll mold,>
on the latter the whorl section is more contrac­ On the venter the ribs tend to be :equally
.ted adventrally, and its ribs have conspicuous developed but occasi onally some are narrower.
periventral elevations throughout ontogeny. At the beginning of the last whorl the section is
subcircular, at its adoral part it becomes ogival,
O CCURRENCE. Socota Member. Upper slightly compressed ad orally .
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
This species is named in honor of Mr. Car· by: A) the accelerated strengthening of its oma·
los Giraldo of the Instituto Nacional de Investi· ment, especially the lateral tubercles, B) the
gaciones Geologico-Mineras, Bogota. constancy of the wide intercostal distance, C)
the dominant flaring character of the ribs, and
cG·����".":If��-!f��Pfii��� 19�;·\ D) the ogival section of the whorl on ribs.
Acantho hoplites Sinzow, 1907, p.458. Mea��Urements D Euw H W D/Euw D{H No. R.
•;, Ofo
TYPE SPECIES. Acanthohoplites aschiltaensis C-127 24 11 9 9 46 37 21(1 /2)
(Anthula) , subsequent desig·
nation, Spath, 1921. COMMENTS. The section of the young
specimen described by Jacob as "Douuilleiceras
bigoureti Seunes sp." (1905, p. 4 15 , pl.3, fig.
A canthol!gp_lites b�oureti[grme. n. sp. Sa, 6b) is transversely elongated, lenticular. The
Pl .5, fig. 2; Text-fig. 5U, 5V. inner whorls of the Colombian specimen ap­
pears to have more ribs than the specimens refe·
Holotype. C-127 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht. N.33) rred to Seunes' species and figured by Pervin·
Paratype . VL10·10 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Pt. N.35) quiere (1907, p.195, pl.S, fig. 37, 38) both sha·
re however a circular section (intercostal) of the
" ?1938 Acanthoplites bigoureti Seusnes, Riedel, whorl.
� �
p.45, p,
J, . g.7, pl.14, fig. 24.
_, c;'5eunes (1887' p.567) previously 'noticed>
19 S8 Ac�rrfohbplites bigoureti sensu Riedel that in this group of taxa the young specimens ·
(non Seus.), Etayo-Sema, p .20, fig.3. of related (?) species are similar, the species
being differentiated .. only in the adult stages.
1968 Acanthohoplites bigouretii sensu Riedel Seunes' figured specimens are larger than my
(non Seusnes), Etayo-Sema, p. 28, tab.L specimen, however, their primary ribs are out·

my species on section is more compressed, and the intecalary

standing club-shaped contrary to ribs are shorter than on the Colombian species.
which the intercostal spaces are wide and the
nbs only slightly increase their wid th.
OCCURRENCE. Unnamed beds above the
OCCURR ENCE. Shales above the Socota Socota Member and below the Capotes Member.
Member and below the Capotes Member. Upper Upper Aptian.
Aptian. Paja Formatiol). (Arcillolitas abigarra­
das. Segment E). Upper Aptian. A£an. th�hO-¥J.i1� �lLtasu,nQ.,n. sp.
Pl. 7, fig. 2, Text- 1g. 5Z, �-
c�nwohon lites seunesitjmn.t n.sp.
. 7,
1g.8; Text-fig. 5Q, 5 R.
Holotype. C-157 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht. N.35)

llolotype. C-127 (U.N.C.M .H.N.C.P . Ht. N.34) Only one specjmen is available. The inner·
most observed whorls have the umbilical wall
Paratype. C-127 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Pt. N.36)
convex, it merges into the flank without defi·
A) Up to 24 mm D. This specime!l has ning a rim; the :flanks and the ·venter are evenly
the iimer whorls leached away ; the penultunate convex but the whorl section is wider than high.
whorl has periodically raised and elevated pri­ At this stage the ornament consists of rounded
mary ribs w..hich bifurcate at the umbilical rim; ribs, almost as wide as the intercostal spaees,
between two of the primary ribs there are two they are annular to slightly prorsiradiate, they
or three secondaries, the fanner appear at the taper toward the middle of the umbilical wall.
umbilical seam but the latter usually do not. Groups of three (common) to four of these
The umbili cal wall is subvertical and rounds ra­ ribs are separated by slightly more prominent
ther abru ptly� into the flank. On the third ones which develop a large, conical to rectangu­
or last preserved whorl, the primary ribs begin lar tubercle immediately adumbilical to the
to . develop triangular tubercles which have a involution line; from this tubercle the ribs bi·
· small spine on top, from them the ribs bifurcate. furcate : the aaapical branch crosses the venter
All the ribs cross the venter with similar strength, straight but the adoral branch projects slightly
they are almost rectiradiate and they cross the adoraly. Tne intermediate rib nearest to the
venter nonnal to the median ventral line. When emphasized primary rib is inclined as if arising
the. shell is preserved the ribs are as wide as the from the latter near the umbilical wall .
intercostal spaces, they have steep sides and
rounded tops. The intercostal whorl section has At a whorl height of 5 mm (correspon·
flattened sides and broadly rounded venter, ding to the adapicalmost part of the preserved
it is higher than wide. Toward the aperture one whorl), the intercostal spaces are wider th an
intercalary rib usu ally occurs between two th e ribs especially o n th e internal mold . A t this
primary ribs lacking tubercles or with only whorl height the venter is broadly 8lChed to
a minute con cal one but without a bifurcation. flattened, it has rounded periventral areas. On
the adventral half of the last whorl only one or
B) Up to 48 mm D. In this specimen, the two ribs appear between two tuberculate ribs.
from the third whorl on, the oma­
· .•

:ho]otype, On the last quarter of the last whorl the prima­

Q:tent consists .of one intercalary rib , tapering ry ribs do not bifurcate though the tubercle is
· toward the umbilical rim, between prominent present; the intercostal spaces have become
pri:rri ary ribs with subre.ctangular profile ; all very wide, channel like, but shallow, the ribs
>P.�s cross the venter straight and became slightly have si,P.es sloping symmetrically (approxima·
. ?IVi�ened. The ribs are sli ghtly narrower than the tely 45 ?) and have a subrounded top. The aper­
ifitercostaLspaces where the shell is preserved ture is rectangular with rounded comers and it
,ut on the internal m old the spaces are at least is wider than high. There are about 50 ribs on
' twice as wide as the ribs; the umbilical wall is the last incomplete whorl. Sometimes there is a
sh:ort and rounded. �:onstriction-like interspace, adoral to the ribs
with a node.
'-' : DIAGNOSIS.· This species
Is ch8lacteri­
� ze_� by: _A) . a transitory tuberculate stage (up DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
,/ttl: the th.irdwhorl), With numerous cloS£:ly spa­
}�,-�� rib� and B) the adult stage on which stron­ by: A) the decrease in abundance of the ribs from
the inner whorls to the last one , B) the rapid
;flf: J:[a,nn_g rect!radiate primary ribs and less pro­
;ii�J#.ent Intercalary .ribs alternate; all ribs are attenuation of the lateral nodes and disappea­
�:·��\�Y c:ontrac te d on the adventral third of the
rance of bifurcation, and C) its transversely sub­
rectangular whorl section.

; _��-�menta D Euw H W D{Euw D!H No.R.

c - 1 27
D Euw
24 11
D{Euw %
0/H %

;_ · < ) .· ;c:.iz7 . 24 10 8 9 r; ;; +4o

x.;i. -�';�.'C-127 48 24 1 7 1 6 &o 3 1'i 20(3/4) COMMENI'S. Acanthohoplites rochi Breis­

troffer (194 7, p . 66: "A can thoplites Mille tianum
: : .COMM?NTS. This species ;esembles D'Orb. r.p. var Roch, 1926, p. 290, pl.
A aw{Joh�plrtes _se�nesi (Jacob) (Br"istroffer
18, tigs. 1, 1a, 2, 2a; especially fig. 1), has an
ontogenetic development which Is the opposite
� Pi7

· Dou u1llezceras bigoureti var seunesi to that of the Colombian species: on its early
tr- 4 1 6 , pl. 13, figs. 7a, 7b) , but
9 5• P whorls it has well marked and separated ribs
atter as s onger ornamen
" tation, the whorl whose number Increases with growth. From

"Acanthoplites Derognati Roch" (1926, p. of its ornament with flaring ribs on the internal
21 8, pl. 18, fig. 4, 4a) the Colombian species half of the flank.
differs mainly in the whorl section which is hig·
her than wide in the French species and in the Measurements. D Euw H W DfEuw % D/H %
varying strength of the ribs on the venter of c - 1 27 26 11 10 10 42 38
Roch's species, they are uniform or only spora­
dically accentuated · on the Colombian species. COMMENTS. This species resembles Gar­
gasiceras acutecostatum (Riedel} (1938, p.42,
OCCURRE NCE. Unnamed beds above pl.81 fig. 1-6, pl. 14, fig. 23) but on the latter
the Socota Member and below the Capotes the JUVenile has a subquadrate whorl section but
Member. Upper Aptian. this is transversely subelliptical on the former;
on Riedel's species the flaring of the ribs accen­
. Acanthohoelites odiosu§.n. sp. tuates with growth but the opposite is true in
Pl. 4, fig. 4;Text-figs ER , 5ti. A canthohoplites odiosus n. sp. The latter differs
from Acanthohoplites quitasuegno n. S?· by the
Holotype. C- 127 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.36). less inclined umbilical wall, its section is subrec­
tangular and its ornamentation is weaker at all
Only two specimens are available but nei­ comparable diameters.
ther shows the innermost whorls. The best pre­
served specimen has the earliest portion of the OCCURRENCE. Unnamed beds above
last whorl depressed, the umbilical wall is sub­ the Socota Member and below the Capote&
vertical to rounded and it passes into the adum­ Member. Upper Aptian.
bllical half of the convex flank, the adventral
third of the whorl is slightly inclined and the Acaatho Ute§ olr,ui,Q6tatym n. sp.
venter is flattened. Pl. 7, fig. , Tex-fig. 58, 51\
The ornament is divided into prominent Holotype. C - 127 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.N.37).
primary ribs and less prominent secondary ribs; Paratype. C 127 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Pt.N.37).

the former are of two types: A) prominent

radial ribs which begin at the umbilical seam (?) The description is based on the holotype.
and flare out forming an arc on the adumbilicai The part of the phragmocone nearest the pro·
third of the whorl and terminate in a small co­ toconch is smooth ; approximately at 2.5 mm
nical tubercle, at this tubercle the rib bifurca­ diameter very well marked bullae-like tubercles
tes, the adapical branch crosses the venter al­ develop just adumbilical to the involution line;
most straight whereas the adoral branch is fee­ these tubercles seem to extend toward the um­
bly arcuate and B) these are thin annular and bilicus and at about 3 mm diameter the tuber­
parallel ribs between two prominent ribs and cles are clearly prolongued toward the umbili­
they vary from one to three in number and the cus forming ribs; at this stage the umbilical wall
rib _nearest the subsequent adoral primary is is convex but there is no umbilical angle and
inclin-ed to it as if bifurcating from it. the umbilical wall grades smoothly into the
convex flank.
All ribs converge on the adventral third of
the flank toward the venter as if forming ventro­ The ribs begin at the umbilical seam, they
lateral shoulders, they are arched but adorally run straight on the umbilical wall, they form a
not flattened. Adorally some ribs bifurcate on slight concavity on the adumbilical third of the
the ad umbilical third of the whorl without deve­ flank and subsequently follow an arc to the
loping a tubercle, or a rib can develop an adven­ involution line , from that point to the periven­
tral tubercle without bifurcating, at least on one tral area they form a concave and finally pro·
flank. These ribs have a tendency to develop a ject on venter. As soon as the ribs h ave beco·
second tubercle, poorly developed at the umbi­ me clearly recognizable they appear like fine,
lical rim; this gives the ribs a definitely polygo­ rounded weak adorally biconcave cords separa­
nal profile. ted by slightly wider intercostal spaces.
The adapertural segment of these speci­ The earliest portion of the conch is orna­
mens has a s�.�o);w.uadrate whorl section with mented by primary ribs; shortly after this stage
weak periventral bevelings. There are 35 ribs on the ribS" differentiate into primary and interca­
venter of three quarters of the last whorl. The lary, the latter tapering and fading out toward
spacing of the ribs increases adaperturally and the umbilical walr; these intercalary ribs incline
the number of ribs between a pair of emphasi­ toward the preceding primary as if bifurcating
sed ribs decreases to one by strengthening of from it near the edge of the umbilical wall.
the other. The ribs have symmetrical slopes and
are rounded . The intercostal spaces are shallow, On the adapical portion of the last whorl
almost twice as wJ!ie as the ribs on venter, less (D: 18mm) the ribs are slightly adorally arched
wide on the flank; the ribs do not widen on on• venter; they are thin, relatively high and ha·
venter. ve almost symmetrically sloping sides and roun­
.ded tops; on venter and especially when the
shell is preserved the central part of the ador&!
DIAG NOSIS. This is a stout species cha­ slope of the ribs widens in a visor·like fashion.
racterized by : A) its change in whorl section from Adorally on the last whorl, some primary ribs
depressed to subquadrate, and B) the strength have a slight tendency to flare out on the adum-

bili cal half of the flank. The ribs have a marked tubercles at level of the involution line (adven·
tendency to ap p e ar as primary on one flank and tral third of the flank).
as a secondary on the other. The whorl section
near th e aperture is vertically subelliptical. There Up to 17 mm D · (C·l27� Amore advan­
are 62 ribs ori the venter of the last whorl. ced stage of growth is marked:by a shifting of
the point of ini tiation of th�.,i®ondary ribs to·
. DIAGNOSiS. This species is chara�rized ward the middle oftheo,flank;.s displacement
by : A) its progressively-- steeper umbilical wall occurs progressively ; there may be one or two
during growth, B) its subovate section and C) its intercalary ribs between two primary ribs. The
ornament consisting of fine, numerous, irregu­ aperture is retracted on the adumbilical third
larly alternating primary and secondary n'bs of the whorl.
wh se profile varies from fee bly flexuous
bic ncave .

C) Up to 25 mm D (C-127). The orna·

men tation described for the previous stages
Measurement.. D Euw H W D/Euw% . D/H o/o consolidates as alternating priJl!� ribs which
c - 127 24 10 9 9 42 37 begin at the umbilical seam describing a conca·
C - 127 19 7 8 8 37 42 vity , they draw an arc on the central third of
the whorl and draw a faint concavity or follow
NOTE : Width and height give similar values be­ almost straight on the adventral third of the
cause · they are approximate. whorl and then extend onto the venter in a
wide arc; at this point the whorl section is
COMMENT S. This species differs from all vaulted and the umbilical wall is inclined, the
ot:her species here referred to Acanthohoplites
ribs are finer than the in tercostal spaces and the
because .of its subovate whorl section tubercles disappear. There are 46 ribs on the
nuinerous fine ribs. last whorl of the largest specimen studied .

OCCURRENCE. Unnamed beds above the DIAGNOSIS. This species i s characterized

Socota Member and below the Capotes Member. by : A) the rapid change of the early tu berculate
Upper Aptian. ornamentation into flexuous ribs, B) its roun­

o�ites elegaTJ,{g,Qll.(f:,n . sp .
ded whorl section and, C) the alternating long
5 , fi g A;e t-fi g. 5X.
primary ribs and short intercalary ribs.

Measurements 0 Euw H W D tEuw ",l, D IH %

Holotype; C-127 . (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht. N.38) C-127 12 4 5 5 33 42
Paratype. c:121 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P. Pt. N . 38) C-1 27 17 7 6 6 41 35
C-1 27 25 10 10 9 40 40
· ·· A)Up to 12 mm D (C-127). O n this small
specimen the protoconch is visible, it is followed COMMENTS. This species resembles
by the smooth first whorl which has two cons­ Acanthohoplites bigo ti (Seunes) (1887, p. 5 68,
qii�tions, , one at the contact with the proto­ pl.12, figs. 2a, 2b), and although comparison at
con.ch · and a second one half the length of the similar diameters can not be made the retention_
yolution. The beginning of the second whorl is of an accentuated ventral flexion to a larger dia­
Jndlcated by a raised , bullae-like tubercle at the meter is apparen t on the specimen illustrated
Jnyolution line; these tubercles (10?) are widely by Seunes; in general the French species seems
separated from each other and tend to reach to h ave a more compressed section than the Co· ·
'fhe umbUical region as weak pleats; on the lombian sp ecies. Jacob ( 1905, p .4 12) referred
�tll ir ·whorl these tubercles disappear and only to Seunes species but did not figure it, so his
�Milt,� fol� s are present, some of them slighly comment that at a diameter of 15 m m "certai­
,�,9re pro nu n en t than the o thers , but all seem nes cotes l!!gerement plus accentuees sont bitu·
Jl;) �nd at the umbilical wall ; they are rounded rew!lees" can not be utilized, though such
��g low:, they are prorsiradiate on the visible phenomenon never occurs in the Colombian
· 9� the fla,nk; the intercostal spaces are a species ; likewise the French species, as described
Wider thll!l the ribs. by Seunes, has more numerous ribs.

�,'.,c·;;:;�;,q,� .
th e last , whorl (=4th) the ribs are
fi.J!!1'�91Js; they have a convexity on the middle
O�CURRENCE. Unnamed beds above the
Socota Member and below the Capotes Member.
:�d ,p� of the adumbilical thirds of the flank Upper Aptian.
:�#:i :Q.ne; adoral concavity on the adventrJ
'f;lilf(ll· f:he� are projected on the venter where
. ,Ji!Y<�.I;! shghly thickened .
_ft �JUi.n. sp.
Pl. 5, fig.B ; Text-fig. 5W, 5Y.
>;f.;,. ,' {.'fk� �horl
section is rou nd ed , with a Holotype. C-127 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P. Ht. N.39)
;!1���· Y�ntral.. 2!0n� (on the ribs) which tends Paratype. C-127 (tt.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Pt. N.39,40,
·· ' .slightly ftat�ned; the flanks are convex

4 1).
�o\1�!;1¥, the. tunbilical wall is subvertical.
ary nb� maY. a proach e!:,her the p A) Up to 1 8 mm D (C-127). The pro to­
tollass . . . .. yn ary as f bifureating
g p m
: . qcc
':�. ;..··'
�d ow1··0nal
! m i
conch is followed, after a constriction, by a
.·•. . . .. from. . ,. · . one of the secondary smooth whorl. The beginning of the second
a ,Pnm ary. Tow
, �Ill�· Primary . ard the aper­
.nbs develop small rounded
whorl is indicated by the appearance of bullae­
like tubercles at level of the involution line.
48 F. ETA Y O · �ERNA

These tubercles extend rapidly (half a whori Ia· C) Up to 125 mm D (C-127). Or. this spe­
ter) onto the flank in such a way that the ado· cimen the early whorls are observable and they
ral part of the second whorl is covered by raised are similar to those of the previous specimens.
sharp ribs that lack any indication of tubercles; On the last whorl the ornament changes, the
no other indication of tubercles can be obser· ribs widen and become rounded and the secon­
ved subsequently; at this stage the ribs descri· dary ribs tend to connect more frequently with
be an adoral arc on the visible part of the flank; the primary ribs near the boundary between
the umbilical wall is high and rounds smoothly the middle and the adumbilical thirds of the
into the flanks withou t Conning a shoulder. flank, or sometimes at the umbilical margin.
The intercostal spaces are channel-like and wi­ The primary ribs reach the umbilical seam and
der than the ribs. are prominent on the periumbilical rim; they
have a straight to feeble sinuous profile; they
describe a clear concavity on the umbilical rim
On the adoral half of the third whorl the and a broad slightly projecting arc on venter.
previously unifonn ribs begin to differentiate
into prominent primary ribs, well defined DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
externally to the umbilical wall, and intercalary by A) the transitory tuberculate stage of the
ribs. A transition zone occurs where pairs of early whorls, B) the young adults with acute,
primary ribs are separated by an intercalary rib. high, feebly falcifonn primary ribs which alter­
At the ad apical part of the fourth · whorl an nate with one or two intercalary ribs begining
alternation of primary and secondary ribs is near the middle of the flank, C) the mature
clearly established, although sporadically two adults have broad primary ribs which become
successive primary ribs may occur. On the last very prominent at the umbilical rim and bifur­
whorl of the two specimens, the ribs describe a cate near the middle of the flarik, and D) the
feeble adoral convexity on the adumbiUcal changes in whorl section from rounded to sub­
third of the flank and the external part of the rectangular.
umbilical wall, but on the middle and adventral
thirds of the flank they describe a wide conca­ Measurements D Euw H w D/Euw D/H No. R.
vity and finally they project in a wide arc on % % +

venter. At that point the intercostal whorl C·127 l Ei 6 6 6 40 40 42 ?.

section is subcircular (H : 6 mm; W: 6 mm), but C·127 l 6 6 6 6 37 37 50?
the umbilical wall overhangs the previous whorl. C-127 17 7 7 6 41 41 46
At this stage of the ontogenetic development C-127 18 7 7 6 39 39 48
the ribs are more widely separated than on the C-127 50 23 18 17 46 36 46+
early �horl. C-127 1 26? 46 50 40 7 7 60 7

On a group of small specimens it can be COMMENTS. This species resembles to

observed that the curvature described by the "Parahoplites obliquu m " Riedel [1938, pl.6,
ribs on the flank may be more or less accentua­ fig. 11-12; see also under Riedelites herein),
ted ; the strength of the early tubercles also particularly when the inner whorls of the for­
varies. On two specimens dissected to the mer are considered ; on Riedel's species the ribs
protoconch the tubercles on the second whorl become conspicuously quadrate in section on
at the involution line are in fact periventral venter but in this new species the ribs are
nodes (=coronate whorl): at that stage the rounded on venter or develop a visor-like projec­
whorl has a convex-concave section beveled on tion on the ventral median line.
each side; the third whorl has a transversely
subelliptical section and the fourth a subcircu­ OCCURRENCE. Unnamed beds above
lar to vaulted section; the overlapping of the the Socota Member and below the Capotes
whorls extends only to the periventral !Ilargin Member. Upper Aptian.
of the preceding whorl.
This species is named in honor of the late
B) Up' to 50 mm D (C-127). On this spe· geologist Luis A. Perez, Universidad Nacional
cimen the protoconch and early whorls can be de Colombia.
observed although the initial ornament is weak;
the development of the ornamentation follows _A£aat!JohoDli.te..� (?ll.e.Jltacs:.rati[Qc:mg n.sp.
the same pattern described for the smaller spe­ Pl.7 , fig.4; Text-fig. 58.
cimens; on the last preserved whorl the whorl
section is higher than wide with the maximun Holotype . C-127 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.N.40).
inflation near the:adumbilical third of the flank.
The ribs are high with steep sides and sharp Only one specimen is available. The conch
tops, the intercostal spaces are at least one and is evolute; the nuclear whorls have been dissolved
a half times . � wide as th� �ibs; the ribs are away; ·on the second whorl the ornamentation
slightly flexu�h .�e flank and they �extend is alrei@y' . visible · ,and characterized by .cq� �
onto venter ir( li)l�oad but slightly pointed arc. and well • elevated flaring ribs, of which one or
On venter all rll5s a're of equal strength and are two are' less elevated and appear like intercalary
not thickened. Sporadically one rib may bifur­ ribs between primary ribs. On the third whorl
cate . from the adventral third of a preceding the ribs begin on the .wnbilical wall describing
primary but no tubercles develop; the primary a feeble concavity, then they fonn an adorai.
ribs have a faint tendency to flare out periven· arc on the visible part of the flank.

The in tercostal spaces are channel-like, of the third whorl groups of five to six ribs are
.;, ider than the ribs. On the last whorl the ribs separated by a pair of promin-ent primary ribs
are ve ry prominent. On the last third of the last the ad apical of which bifurcateS: near the ventral
whorl, the primary · ribs develop a blunt tuber· margin , they in tum are separated by a deep
cle approxi m ately at the boundary between the " constriction-like" space; at this point the in·
middle and the adventral thirds of the flank. tercalary ribs loose their tubercles and the inter­
(:;=involution line),and ati.that point the primary costal spaces become as wide as the ribs.
ribs bifurcate. F'rom the tubercle to the peri·
ventral margin the ribs are clearly beveled ; at The adoral portion of the third whorl h as
the periphery the ribs are raised in to sligh t a circular intercostal whorl section. Each rib h as
hurnps and th e n are depressed at th e ventral a delicately elongated sigmoidal profile : o n the
median line . The secondary ribs h ave the same umbilical wall the ribs have a faint adoral con­
changes but weakly developed. cavity , then they form a slight convexity on the
adumbilical third of the flank, and finally a wide
The intercostal wh orl section is circular. concavity on the middle and adventral thirds of
The umbilical wall is continuous with the flank the flank; on the venter the ribs are weakly ado·
throughout all the stages of growth and there is rally arch ed .
no thickening of the ribs on venter. The inter·
costal spaces-tend to widen toward the aperture. On the fourth whorl all ribs h ave lost their
There are. 36 ribs on the venter of the last whorl tubercles but the prominent primary ribs persist
of this specime n. as do their constriction-like deep intercostal
spaces. One in tercalary rib bifu rcates on th e
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized ad umbilical third of the flank o n a t least one side.
by: A) its whorls barely in contact, B) the acute
and flaring ribs, separated by wide, channel like DIAGNOSIS. This species is ch aracterized
intercostal spaces, and C) the adventral beveling by : A) its circular wh orl section, B) its very wide
and median ventral depression of the ribs. umbilicus, and C) its ontogenetic change in or·
namentation from smooth, bullate to ribbed;
Measurements. 0 Euw H W 0/Euw % 0/H% the ribs differen tiating in groups of five to six
c . 127 30? 13 9 ? ? ? intercalary ribs, and finally equalization of the
COMMENTS. At first glance a compara­
ble species is "lloplites Ruspolii Mayer Eymar"
(1893, p. 258, pl. 2, figs. 1 0· 1 1 ) from
land, but.this species has a much more compre·
Somali· Measurements.
C • 1 27 at
5 (malformed)

ssed whod•section, higher than wide, a more

�trongly beveled periven tral area with a very COMMENTS. An apparently similar spe�
'narrow median ventral zone, however the type cies from the Madagascan "Gargasian" was figu�
of ribbing appears similar. Collignon (1962, p . red by Collignon (1962, p. 6 1 , fig. 1028) as
�'l.i fig. 1027} figured as "Colo mbiceras sp. aff. "Colombiceras sp. aff. caucasicum Lupp", bu�
caucasicum Lupp." a specimen which slightly he notes that this specimen lacks tubercles: "a
i'e� rnbles the Colombian species but it lacks cotes tres nombreuses, semies, toutes simples,
tile periventral elevation of the ribs and the sans tubercule d'acune sort" ; likewise the Mada·
� �pressed ventral median line.
.-=· ·�::. _.� .
gascar species has a more irregular distribution
of the ribs.
OCCURRE NCE. Unnamed beds above

the Spcota Member and below the Capotes

M�rn ber.
The new species from Colombia also has
Upper Aptian . some resemblance to the innerwhors of some
of the Upper Aptian species of Macroscaph ites
.•. .· «nthdhoplites L'?l s�:pe'Jli
•· A c n sp Meek ( 1876), especially in the constrictions pa·
:? : . , Pl.· 3 , fig:
. .3
; Text-ng. 5o.
[Or'!J� . .
ralleled by two prominent ribs but the ribbing

tt?l?type. G� l27 (U.-N .C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.N .4 1). in Meek's genus is regularly fine and the wh orls
are slightly more evolute than in my species;
� :)";.- Jialf small . specimen with the proto­
the development of the tuberculation in the Co·
Iombian species seems to relate it clearly to the
: �c� prnsery-:d. At th� beginning of the group of Acanthohoplites.
�ec·o . �d
..• wh orl tiny � ullae-hke tubercles appear
i:ttlpedlately · - adumbiiical to th.e invol ution line;
Jt?�; tl_t ese tu�ercles faint pleats extend t.o the

.� .mh,, IUc al .�am; at the incep
tion of the third
OCCURRENCE. Unnamed beds above
the Socota Member and below the Capotes.
W,.pd noticeable ribs .
are present, and some of
�J.llQ1 have_a spine-like tube rcle at
:���: .f()Uo�mg begins.
Member. Upper Aptian .

'1\'lP:e. as the nbs;


The ribs are �cute
-�!.·!;l.. , j;he mtercostal spaces are at least
twice as r�?�: cc:�o �l� � '";�·;;
"" m a .

;�.- ·:·�-�p()radically . one rib becomes m ore pro­

· ·.·.1•�f':.,.n. ·n'and.fan() t{ter _nb inclines
Colombiceras Spath , 1923, p. 64.

· lJ.lrca · toward it as if TYPE SPECIES. A m monites crassicostatus

ng ron1 · 1•t b �t· :v•tho
.. ut actually con­
· .

tihg. N ear the beg


d'Orbigny, original design a·

mnmg of the ado ral half tion.


.,CQ.IQmQ.ik.er::fJ§. W forg.ro.t, n. sp.

Pl.6, fig.1 3 ; Text-figs. 6A, 6B, 6D.
on the venter and periven tral margins. Their
longitudinal profile is slightly flexuous. The ribs
bifurcate on one side but not on the other. The
1938 Colombiceras aff. tobleri
Jacob, Riedel, last whorl on the largest specimen studied
p.5 1, pl.8, figs.23·24, pl.14, f-7. (C-200-6) has a wide umbilicus and a regular al·
temation of primary and secondary ribs, with
1949 Colombiceras aff. C. tobleri (Jacob), the primaries slightly concave on the adumbili·
Humphrey, p. 151. cal third of the whorl. The umbilical wall is still
short but steep and rounds smoothly into the
? 1954 Colombiceras aff. tobleri (Jacob), BUrgi, flank.
p. 1 7 .
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
1957 Colombiceras aff. tobleri Jacob, Biirgl, by: A) its whorl section that changes from de·
p. 135. pressed to compressed ogival, B) the ribs, sepa·
rated in groups by a constriction and a promi­
1957 Colombiceras nov. spec., Btir�l, pl.8, nent bifurcating rib in the the juvenile, chan­
fig. 2, "specimen HB2327 /1' ; recte ging this pattern into alternating primary and
HB2327/2, X 8/10. secondary ribs in the adult, the former slighly
flexuous but the latter straight and C) the mi­
1964 Colombiceras aff. tobleri Jacob, Etayo· gration of .the point of bifurcation of the
Serna, p. 1 19, pars. primary ribs from the adventral position in
the juvenile to the adumbilical position in the
1965 Colombiceras aff. tobleri Jacob , Biirgl, adult.
in Campbell and Biirgl.
Meuurernenu D Euw H w D/Euw D IH No. R .
Lectotype, Here designated, the specimen figu­ % "k
red by Riedel, 1938, p. 5 1, pl.8, C ·200 · 1 16 7 4? 6? 47 27? 28?
figs. 23-24, pl . 14, fig. 27. C-200·2 23 1 0? 8 8? 43 36 25(3 /4)
Paratype. The second specimen referred to by c-200-3 20 ? 8 7 ? 40 22(3 14 )
Riedel, 1938, p.5 1, M.G.N. Pal. 020. C-200·4 22 11 9 8 60 41 31
Hypotype. (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P. Hy. N.8,9,10). C-200·5 43 18 15 13 42 35 40?
C-200-6 62 24 18 16 46 35 36?
A) Up to 20 mm D (C-200·1,2,4). The C-200-7 40 17 16 12 42 37 38?
innermost whorl observed (3rd'?) is coronati· C-200·8 38 17 14 12 46 37 26(3/4)
fonn, with its maximum width toward the cen· Lectotype 48 20 17 11 42 36 36
ter of the whorl side; there is a continuous roun·
ding of the intercostal whorl section; the umbi· NOT E : The measurements of D and H were
lical wall is short and vertical . There are groups made on costae ; W was measured iriter-<
of annular well raised ribs that begin at the um­ costal; Riedel's measurements of the
bilical seam, they are sharp on the flank but lectotype were taken from his paper
tend to flatten and widen on venter; adapically (p.5 1 ).
these groups of ribs are separated from each
other by a deep channel-like constriction and COMMENTS. This Colombian species re·
adorally by a prominent, slightly thicker and sembles "Parahoplites tob/eri Jacob" (in Jacob
flanging rib which at the level of the line of in­ and Tobler, 1906, p.l l, pl.l2, figs.4-6), but
volu tion develops an acute node from which unlike the species from Switzerland has juveni·
another rib branches to join a similar tubercle le ribbing (see Jacob's paper, pl.2, figs. 5a,5b)
on the opposite side, these ribs appear always characterizt.>d by its sparseness and irregular spa­
immediately adapical to the constriction; at this cing, with the prominent tuberculate ribs sho·
stage the in tercostal spaces are one and a half ti· wing a tendency to be trifurcated. Colombice­
mes wider th� the ribs. ras (?) {oreroi n. sp. differs from Colombiceras
(?) safmientoi n . sp., by the whorl section chang­
These groups of ribs consist of five, four, ing from rounded to high with flat sides and
three or two ribs, in decreasing order from the rounded venter the fonner, but on the later spe­
adapical to the adoral part of the shell, but the cies the whorl section continues rounded but
pattern seem<; variable . The rib immediately tending to develop an inclined umbilical wall,
adapical to the tuberculate rib is inclined to­ although both species seem to have a similar
ward the latter. At a diame ter of about 20 mm aspect during their juvenile stage.
the whorl section shows a definite tendendy to
increase in hight and correspondingly the peri·
ventral bifurcation of the ribs migrates towards OCCURRENCE. Socota Member. Upper
a subperiumbillcal position . Aptian.
Up to .50 mm D {C-200:7). At about 30
mm diarnerer .an alternation o,f prim ary and se­ This species is named in honor of geolo­
condary ribs becomes dominant; the primaries gist Alberto Forero of the Universidad Nacional
are p r orsi rad i a te approximately to the center de Colombia, Bogota.
of the flank and then slighly rursiradiate to the �-
venter, the second� ribs develop mainly on CQlombj£eras.16w:.mie
1l 1J1.o i n. sp.
the adventral third of the whorl. All ribs widen Pl.6, fig. 5; Text-fig. 6E, 6F.

? 1 9 5 7 Colombiceras nov. sp. aff.

(Jacob ), Russian species also lacks the regular adult
. BUrgi, pl . 8, fig. 6a, 6b, "specimen 666", alternation of primary and secondary ribs of
rect. x 8/ 1 0. the Colombian species. The new species also has
some re�e'T'hlance to ' 'A canthoplitespo treriten­
.H.N.C.P.H t. N.42) se Humphrey" (1949, p. 139, pl. 12, figs. 11· 1 2),
Holo ty pe. C-5 13 (U.N.C.M
paratype. C-5 13 (U.N.C. M.H.N. C.P.Pt.N .42,43) but the Mexican species is more closely costate,
is compressed and has a median yeqtral depres­
. The whorl section ts depressed in �e ear­ sion of the ribs as in Gargasiceras Casey {1954).
ly juvenile it is rounded subquadrangular m the
later w horis. In the juvenile the umbilical wall is OCCURRENCE. Paja Formation (Arcillo­
_the sligb· litas abigarradas. Segment E). Socota Member.
vertical, sh ort, it rounds sl!loothly into
tly convex flank, the penventral margm rou��s Upper Aptian.
In the adult the umblh­
evenlY into the venter.
al wall is incl ined . This species is named is honor of Dr. Al­
berto Sanniento A., former Director of the
· on the adult, the ornament consists of Servicio Geologico Nacional (196 1-1964).
strong primary ribs which flare out on
flank· they are concave on the umbilical wall and ca;;;:s-�' (Gargasicer�gc:;;:"1954.-]
make' an adoral arc on the adumbilical and
Gargasiceras Casey, 1954, pp. 114.
middle thirds.of the flank, they then cross the
venter straight, but the general appearance
of their outline is as if they were rursiradiate. TYPE SPECIES. Ammonites ga rgasensis d'Or­
bigny, original designation.
on the. adventral fourth of the flank and on the
. venter the ribs are flattened. The primary ribs
begin at middle of the umbilic� wall �r a� the Gar f:icer� in teriectum (Riedel).
umbilical seam; the secondary nbs begm etther PI. , fig. 5, Text-fig. 61. ·

Independently at the periumbilical margin or

. "adjoinin g" the subsequent primary rib ; at the 1938 Acan thoplites in teriectus Riedel, p. 41,
periventral region some of the primary ribs pl. 8, figs. 8-10, pl. 14, fig. 22.
develop .a small to medium size tubercle from
which; usually but not always, a secondary rib 1954 Gargasiceras interiectum Riedel, Casey
branche� . and crosses the venter to join a similar p . 114.
tiJ.bercle on the opposite side; sometimes the
pri�ary �d secondary ribs apparently coalesce ? 1954 Acanthohoplites in teriectus Riedel, Biirgl
giving a very broad section to the venter, the p. 17.
tubercle, however, persists.
? 1955 A canthohoplites in teriectus Riedei,Biirgl
Usually there is only one long secondary p. 1 2 .
rib but s()metimes two are present. With growth
the primary . and secondary ribs regularly alter­ ? 1 9 5 7 A canthohoplites in teriectus Riede� Biirgl
qate . On the flank the Intercostal spaces are p. 135 .
. . deep and wider than the ribs but subequill to
them on venter. 1964 Acanthohoplites in teriectus (Riedel),Eta·
yo Serna, p. 119, pars.
. . DIAGNOSIS. This species is characteri·
zed by: A) its stocky build, B) its rounded sub· 1965 A canthohoplites in teriectus Riedel,Bilrgl
quadrate whorl section, C) its wide umbilicus, in Campbell and BUrgi.
and J?) Its moderate size and regular illtemation
of pnmary and secondary ribs on the adult. Lectotype. Here designated, the specimen illus­
trated by Riedel, 1938, pl. 8, fig.lO�
. Mei.lunmellta. D Euw H w D{Euw 0/H No .R. (S.G.N.Pal. 0310).
% % Hypotypes.ta Ye (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Hy.N.11.
0 · 220 � 1. 3 6 17 12 1 2 47 33 1 7 (2/3) 12).
C � 2.20 - 2 23 11 ' 9 9 ? 48 39 26(3/4) Type locality. Barichara-Sube (Santander).
C - U0 · 3 28? 14 10 11 60? 36? 18(1/2)
C · 220 - 4 197 8 7 7 42? 37? 38?
A) Up to 17 mm D (La YeJ . The earliest
. · . ·· . ,POI\IIMENTS. This species was illustrated nuclear whorls studied have a w1dely rounded
.b(Z !lurgl as Colombicera
s nov. sp. aff. tobleri venter, the whorl section is wider than high and

·. 1e R,. ��o�.>.(1938,
. (Biirgl,p.1957, pl.8, fig. 6), Likewise
46, pl. 12, fig. S) recorded
does not show a defined periventral angle; the
ornament consists of well defined flexuous
·· . A.canthoplites aff. abichi Anth." from "Ha- growth striae which are narrower than the inter
cienda Magdalena, al Este de Viota"
, a Iocilli ty spaces between them. This non-ribbed stage is
'\'(here_ . the . same unit as that from which my
followed by the sudden development of a rib
ln1�tenal has been collected crops out "Parah o­ bearing a bullae-like tubercle rLa Ye-2-bis], ap­
P ltes abichi Anthula"
4�b�b, ( 1 899, p. 118, pl. 9, fi gs.
2 _ type speCies of Pro tacanthoplites,
proximately at center of the ftailk, from which
two flattened ribs fork which are slightly depre­
· stiongn\b t97
.. 01l• has irregularly spaced ribs with ssed along the ventral median line; the adaplcal
� rc es from �hich � secon�ary rib
bi furc tes along
a ,
· ·
· .
the lme of mvolution , the
rib is itself divided longitudinally by a cieft so
as to form two individual riblets.

Among the subsequent flared ribs some Gargasiceras interiectum (Riedel)

of them develop minute tubercles at the level of (Morph I)
the line of involution. On the venter the ribs are Pl. 6, fig. 8; Text-fig. 6H.
more distinct, due to the fact that their adapi·
cal side is vertical but their adoral side is incli· Hypotype. La-Ye-4-bis (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.N.13)
ned. The adapical whorl section of the same spe·
cimen, at a diameter of 16mm is almost circular A) Up to 13 mm D [La-Ye-0]. The adapi­
(H :4 ; W : 4mm) butadorally it has already begun cal half of the last whorl appears smooth but it
to fonn a broadly rounded periventral margin. is covered by fine , low flexuous riblets, they
There is a rather high and steep umbilical wall. cross the venter uninterruptedly; the ribbing
becomes prominent rather abruptly on the ado·
The primary ribs begin at the umbilical ral half of the whorl; the ribs start at the umbi·
seam as raised lines, they describe an adoral lical seam and make a delicate biconcave arc to
concavity to the periumbilical margin and from tile venter, they flare out on the adumbilical
there to just beyond the middle of the flank the third of the flank and are sharp; on the adven­
ribs describe an adoral convexity and then an tral third of the flank they are flattened and
adoral concavity on the adventral third of the on the venter a bit wider and slightly depressed
flank. The intercalry ribs begin at the boundary along the median ventral line. One of the early
between the adumbilical and the middle thirds ribs has a weak tubercle at level of the involu·
of the flank or near the lateral tubercle. tion line where tile rib trifurcates but on the
other flank no tubercle is developed and the rib
B) Up to 33 mm D [La Ye-5-bisl. On the only appears broader. An alternation of long
ad apical preserved portio ;'\' he last whorl two primary ribs and shorter intercalary ribs begins
types of ribs are present: one type begins at almost contemporaneously with the appearence
middle of the umbilical wall and describes an of the ribbing.
adoral concavity to the beginning of the middle
third of the flank, then they describe an adoral B) Up to 40 mm D [La-Ye-4-bis]. The
convexity on the middle third, and adventrally whorl section is subrectangular and has broadly
the ribs describe a shallow lidoral concavity. rounded periventral margins and feebly arched
Some of the ribs bifurcate near the boundary venter; the ornament consists of long primary
between the middle and adumbilical thirds of ribs which begin near the umbilical rim, these
the flank, or more frequently at the boundary ribs develop a flange on the ad umbilical third of
between the middle and adventral thirds of the the flank, they are high and sharp; the intercalary
whorl and have a tendency to develop a minute ribs begin at the boundary between the ad umbi­
tubercle there; the other type of ribs begins as lical and the central thirds of the flank. All the
fine threads near the umbilical rim, trend simi· ribs become flat topped and slightly broader on
larly to the others and slowly increase in size the adventral fourth of the flank and venter, they
towards venter where all the ribs have a similar have vertical sides; the intercostal spaces are
width and are separated by wider intercostal twice as wide as the ribs on the internal mold.
spaces, The umbilical wall is short and subvertical.
· DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
. . NOTE : This morph has a well defined altema·
by: ·A) a rather long smooth stage (with cons· tion of primary and intercalary ribs on
trictions?), B) a longer juvenile stage with nume· venter and the subrectangular section
rous sigmoidal ribs, and C) a mature stage with seems constant throughout the ontoge­
mostly non tuberculate ribs with an alternation ny .
of primary and intercalary ribs, with a tendency
for dominance of the primary over the interca­
lary ribs adaperturally. Measurements D Euw H W D{Euw D/H No.R
% %
Measurements. D Euw H w D/Euw D{H N o ,R. La·Ye-D·bill 13 6 6 6 46 38 1 6 ( 1 {3)
% % La-Ye·4-bls 40? ? 14 1 4 ? 36? 2 3( 1 /2)
La-Ye·2·bls 17 67 7 6 36 417 30(1/2)
La-Ye·3-bls 17 67 ? ? ? 417 ?
La-Ye-6-bls 28 10 10 11 36 3 6 30(1 /2) COMMENTS. This species differs from
La•Ye-5-bls 33 14 13 14 42 39 30( 1/2) Riedel's "A canthoplites in teriectus ", as he illus·
trated it where the inception of tile intercalary
ribs is on the adventral third of the flank. This,
cm.l.ll\1EKTS. This species differs from however, could be a a matter of preservation.
qargasiceras pliJc'J;fp JRiedel) by t�e oval sec­ However-, the ribs are distinctly more flattened
tions of tile la��h�te� tile fQmler has a .in "mQIJ?;NJ.'! tlum on Riedel's specime� . Rie!fe�j: :
rounded subquadrite one. In G. pulcher (Riedel) remark '(1938, ·pAl): 1'En esta espec1e no hay:
the bifurcation of the ribs occurs regularly near bifurcacion de costillas ni fonnacion de tubercu­
tile middle of the flank and at similar diameters los" as here understood indicates that the tu·
the ornament of prominent bifurcating ribs is berculate stage is a transient one terminated very
still present but the opposite is true for G. inte­ early in the ontogeny as pointed out by Casey
riectum. (1954, p. 114); it Jll!ISt be added that the
ven tral depression (bu-t not interruption) of
OCCURRENCE. Socota Member. Upper the ribs along the ventral median line is another
Aptian. transient characteristic.

OCCURRENCE. Socota M�mber�:;� Upper

well defined, rounded #"ff;·�--er than the in­
Aptian. . .� tercostal spaces. The pnmaty.�'bs are very pro·
Gargasiceras 'i&{orph (Riedel)1
minent 11nd h�come well define;: at the external
margin of the umbilical wall.
On the adoral half of the third whorl the
1938 Acanthoplites pulcher Riedel, 1938, number of intercalary ribs decreases from two
p.43, pi.S, figs. 11-14. to one; on the last preserved whorl there are
c alternating primary and secondary ribs. The
?1954 Parahoplites cf. pulcher Riedel, Biitgl, whorl section is subrectangular with slab-like
pl.17. sides and rounded venter, the umbillcal wall is
inclined and merges smoothly into the flank.
1954 G. [a&asiceras] pulcher (Riedel), Casey, On the adoral third of the last preserved whorl
114. the intercalary ribs disappear and the resulting
intercostal distance is five times as wide as the
1964 Parahopli es pulcher {Riedel), Etayo-Ser­ ribs. The apertural margin is plain.
na, p. 119.
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
1965 Acanthohoplites pulcher Riedel, Biirgl, by: A) the progressive ontogenetic elimination
in Biirgl and Campbell. of the intercalary ribs, B) the subrectangular
slab-sided and rounded venter whorl section
L6ctotype. Here designated, the specimen illus- and C) the adorally arcuate . trend of the ribs
•.. .•._... .
. ..
· trated by Riedel, 1938, pl. 8, figs.
}'aratype. Riedel's pi.S, fig.14, S.G.N. Pal.0310
on the flanks .
Measurements D Euw H W DfEuw% D/H %
Hypoty.pe. La"Ye-7-bis (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P. Hy. C·151 29 13 11 10 45 38
N.14). ·

COMMENTS. This species resembles "Pa­

rahoplites abichi Anthula, 1899" rtype species
of Pro tacanthoplites Tobvina, 1970 J, but on
the latter genus as interpreted by Tobvina (En­
glish trans., 1971, p. 338) "Sections of whorls
transverse-oval, tumid or practically subquadra·
te, width invariably exceeding height.", further­
more the primary ribs bifurcate from the lateral
tubercles, character'.stics that are absent from
the Colombian species; the Russian and the Co­
lombian species have in common, however, the
broad umbilicus and the tendency of the ribs
to flatten on venter "to varying degrees" (Tob·
vina, op. cit., p. 338); the Caucasian species has
constrictions that are also absent from this spe­
cies. Colombiceras crassicostatum {d'Orbigny)
(1841, pl.59, fig. 1·5) has only tiny lateral
tubercles and its ribs are wedge shaped on the
"Hypacanthoplites ? rursiradiatus Hum­
phrey" (1949, p.142, pl. 14, figs. 11, 1 2) l type
"morph" resembles species of Pegnaceras Cantu-Chapa (1963J, is a
fptu_cller. ·tl'l.le(letJ, which WllS des­ species on which "all ribs thicken in transverse­
extem.n • • • anchamen­ ly elongate swellings" (Humphrey, op .cit . , p.
the _latter differs 142) a characteristic not observed on G. juan­
section is oval. wyatti.

One specimen that has some resemblance

to the present species but which has intercalary
ribs to a larger diameter than in the present spe­
cies was figured by R. Douvilllt (1906, p.147,
note, pl. 1, fig. 3) as Pedioceras or a new genus
from an unspecified locality in Colombia.
OCCURRENCE.Upper Aptian.
This species is named in honor of Profes·
sor John Wyatt Durham.

1976 Douvilleiceros mammilal tum (Schlotheim), ment of bipartite ridges on the adventral
Etayo-Serna et al, p. 227 . margin of the ventral tubercles and by the pro­
gressive inflation of the ribs between the central
1916 Douvilleiceras aff. mammilal tum (Schlo­ and the penumbillcal tubercles, but the latter
theim), Etayo-Sema et al, p.225, tab. 2. are now weak bullae along the periumbilical
margin .
Holo�pe. .(;�8 (U.N.G.M.H.N .C.P.Ht.N .44 )

PiiitYifl.! . (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Pt.44,45). A t the adoral end the ribs have six

tubercles on each flank with the centrolateral
Two collections (C-13 and P-21B) have one the most prominent. The intercostal whorl
been studied and it is considered tfiat the spe­ section is smoothly rounded, depressed, reni­
cbnens axe conspecific. In my opinion these fonn. The umbilical wall is inclined, the ribs
specimens overlap in the development of the describe a feeble adoral arc on the central third
omament. of the flank with a short weak concavity near
the umbilical shoulder; the ribs cross the venter
A) Up to 15 mm D [C-218). The earliest straight. In general the ribs appear rectlradiate.
omamen t observed on the adapical portion of
"this specimen consists of widely spaced fold·like D) Up to 86 mm D [C-218). On the last
ribs which describe a bend from the umbilical whorl of this specimen the ribs begin near the
margin to the middle of the flank, at which umbilical seam, they trend adapically on the in·
point there is a spine like tubercle , the ribs des· cllned umbilical wall and cross the flanks and
cribe a feeble adoral concavity and extend onto venter in a slightly arcuate manner. At the ada·
venter. A transversely elongated inflation is pre­ pical portion of this individual the ribs have six
sent on both sides of the ventral median zone. tubercles, of which the umbilical one, the centro­
At the adoral end of this specimen (D: 15mm] lateral one and that between the preceding ones
a small tubercle is present on the nbs at their are mammillated whereas the other three are
periumbilical margin and the ventral tubercle spirally elongated and more related to each
beeomesmammiform, but no indication of any other than to the tubercles on flank, but
division of the ribs is obsenrable on the ventral toward the apertural end all tubercles equally
· tubercles. The intercostal growth lines have a spaced . The median ventral sulcus Is a deep
profile similar to that of the ribs. The whorls channel. The intercostal spaces are one and a
Qrt! depres&ed. No clear indication of the ventral half times the width of the ribs, and the ribs are
tubercles appear before a diameter of 24mm. prominent and flanged. There are 27 ribs on the
last whorl.
B) Up to about 35 mm D [C-218]. The
omament is stronger but In the previous pattern

DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized

�e ribs are widelf spaced and a weak annular by: A) its prominent ventral tubercles, B) its dis­
iritercalm:y rib, aliriost imperceptible on the in· tant flange-like ribs, and C) the profile of the
:temal mold, occurs midway between the primacy ribs which appears corrugated .
Jibs� I:rnpressions left ··on - the umbilical wall of

.·- .

ttre: subsequent volutions indicate that at this Measurements. D Euw H w D{Euw% D/H %
point the lateral tutlercles represent the base of c . 218 · 1 16 5 6 9 33 40
long spines, directed adapically. About 30 mm
_ c . 218 . 2 31 15 10 15 48 32
- �di�eter a tiny · tubercle appears on test exter· c . 13 46 25 14 20 66 31
!:laJIY to theperiumbilical tubercle but it seeming­ c . 218 · 1 0 86 46 28 35 52 32
�� �does no t leave any indication on the ln�amal
�Qld at this stage. COMMENTS. This species Jiiffers from
the one identified by B�a.'!i.AA$.�q�s_�,!(195 6,
C) Up. to 45 mm D [C·13J. A single speci­ _
�· 442, pl.43, fig. 1·4), ·as 15ouufflezceras momle
>lll en Qn which the Internal whorls can not be
_ d

(Sowerby). On the Colombian specimen the ribs

.!!�died._ The first rib visible on the ad apical por­ have a wider intercostal spacing and there is a
· tls»n ofthe ·last whorl arises near the external persistent difference between the internal and
·'Part of the umbilical wall and has a minute tu· external tubercles on the flank whereas in the Pe·
: ��rcle at the P riumbilical rim; slightly adven­
! ruvian species the tUbercles tend to be equal
J�IJIIY to the middle of the flank a prominent in size, a crowding of l:he ribs occurs at an early
\ : � ersely _ elongated node is present on ontogenetic stage. IJ�.monile (J."SQweJ!2Yl �-n'-i
>b.o� sldes of venter well marked tubercand les are described b y Spadi (1923, p. 72) �d_J;:asey
<P�n.t. The adumbilical and the medial tllber­ _ �

(1962, p. 284) differs from the Colombian spe­

i=Jea are connected by the bar-like rib� but bet­
; e,en the lateral and ventral tuber
cles as well as
cies because on the latter the intercostal distance
is very constant and the tubercles are very well
_ tween the ventral
· .
tubercles the ribs are de- differentiated.
J���d. .
:;: ::Di. Th e Jibs are
widely separated by in r te
OCCURRENCE. Capotes Member. Lower
::1!1!1;!1! lJ?aces about two Albian.
tll.rlb b_ , but an almost tmpercepti

������,��-�!- �.:- �_p_.

�d a half times as wide
X .t-.ry ble interca­
\Tb-i.s J.. IS
Jl�sen,t between �e principal ribs. . -
\Qlild k, pe
ifui' . 0� the length of thecontin
of sculpture ues on the first
last whorl; the Holotype . C · 215 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.N.45).
: c': J· 0 a change is indicate
d by l:he develop- Paratype . C 215 (U.N.C.M.H .N.C.P.Pt.N. 46).


A) Up to 18 mm D [C-215-21]. To this half of the last preserved whorl there are five
diameter the internal whorls have not been ob· tubercles on each side appearing like symmetri·
served. The adapicalmost part of the last preser­ cal ripples on top of the ribs, and distributed as
ved whorl has a subpolygonal·renifonn intercos· follows: one ventral slightly elevated and rna·
tal whorl section: a rather abrupt umbilical wan mmillated tubercle, one on center of the ventral
which rounds smoothly into the flank; the ad· shoulder, another on the rim of the ventral sho·
ventral segment of the flank is broadly rounded, ulder, a tubercle in the middle of the flank and
the venter is narrow with a flat ventral median one adumbilical tubercle. The lateral tubercles
band. are equidistant from the one at the middle of the
flank. Toward the aperture there is a progressive
The ornament consists aflaw flattened ribs development of another tubercle close to the
which begin at the umbilical margin and bear a ventral median line in such a way that the ini·
rhomboidal prominent tubercle that is spirally tial ventral sulcus almost disappears; although
elongated. From this tubercle to the periventral there is an increase in size of the tubercles from
margin the ribs broaden and become depressed; the umbilical to the ventral, in general the tu­
along both sides of the ventral median band the bercles tend to have a uniform size There are • .

ribs develop radially elongated crest-like t,uber· 30 ribs on 3/4 ths of the length of the 'last whorl;
cles; on midventer the ribs are depressed, al· the living chamber occupies half of the last whorl
most obliterated but have a tendency to split
transversely. Sporadically an intercalary rib DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
may develop, it begins at level of the lateral by: A) the development of a delicate tubercula·
tubercle and branches from a strong primary ri� tion of the ribs which appear sllgh tly undulated
this secondary rib has only ventrolateral tuber· in longitudinal profile, B) the rounded-subqua­
cles: it is so obscure on venter that the tubercles drangular whorl section, and C) the very shallow
appear as if they were independently arising and narrow ventral median sulcus in the adult.
from the test.
Meuurementa. D Euw H W D/Euw % D{H%
The intercostal space between the primary C • 21 5 · 21 18 9 ? ? 50 ?
ribs is very wide, up to two and a half times the c . 215 . 2 2 26 11 10 12 44 40
width of the primary ribs except when an in· c . 21 5 - 2 4 9 5? 46 ? ? ? ?
tercalary rib is present; this interval is covere.d
by wen marked growth lines which are adorally COMMENTS. The specimen figured by
concave on the umbilical wall. Towards the Collignon (1963, p. 112, fig. 1243) as Douvi­
adora1 half of the last whorl the lateral tubercle lleiceras albeme Spath, has a similarly reduced
occupies a medial position on the flank and median ventral sulcus but its tubercles are cle·
small conical tubercles appear on the ribs at the arly clavate and its ribs arise in pdirs from
periumbilical margin. accentuated periumbilical tubercles, the two
latter features are absent from the Colombian
species. The specimen described by Riedel
. B) Up to approximately 25 mm D [C-215· (1938, p. 32, pl.6, fig. 6,7) as "Douvilleiceras
22]. At about a diameter of 20 mm the spirally monile Sow ", and excluded from the scope of
elorigated periventral tubercle acquires a mammi· Sowerby's species by Casey (1962 p. 288),
Dated . shape, and contemporaneously these tu· resembles Douvilleiceras abozagloi n. sp. in the
bercles develop adumbilically an incipient tuber· loss of the ventral sulcus and its rounded ven­
cle that with subsequent growth tends to match ter, but on Riedel's figured specimen the rib·
the adventral one in prominence. The spacing bing is coarser and the inner lateral tubercles
between the upper and lower ventrolateral tu· postulous. The specimen (U.S.G.S.No.23836)
bercles varies. The lateral tubercle increases in identified by Imlay as "Douvilleiceres aff. D.
size and develops a large circular base. At this monile (Sow.)" from locality Santa Rosita I,
stage the intercostal whorl section has a broadly Venezuela (in Rod and Mayne, 1954, p. 267),
flattened to slightly arched venter which rounds from examination of a plaster cast, seems to
Into the flattened flank; the umbilical wall Is belong to a related species; it has wider ribs and
oblique, the periventral tubercles are slight longer and better stressed clavi, further the ven·
bumps on the test and they rarely show on the tral median sulcus is persistently wider than in
internal mold.--en the last rib preserved of this the Colombian species.
specimen there is a faint swellin� between the
centro-lateral and the periumbihcal tubercles.
Douvilleiceras solitae (d'Orbigny) has a
more persistent and deeper ventral median sul·
C) Up to 95 mm D [C-215·251. Lacking cus, the ribs are broader and the ventrolateral
any in tennediates I am interpreting this speci· tubercles larger than in D. abozagloi.
men as conspecific with the previously descri·
bed specimens, based on their apparent simUa· OCCURRENCE. Lower Albian.
rity. At this stage of growth the ribs are thin,
high, with rounded top and separated by wide • This species is nemed in honor of the geo·
intercostal spaces. The ribs begin at the exter· logist Jacob Abozaglo M.
nal part of the oblique umbilical wall as elonga·
ted and flattend lozenge-like subdued elevations.
The ribs are slightly convex adorally on flank
�� �]""���""�Ql10u_�-0 �-���-·��-�. ,_.""'\'}��!�!�2;
.. ...
. ... .
8lld althoul!h a bit wider on venter their width
on the fl8lllts is ve:ry uniform. On the adapical Eodouuilleiceras Casey, 1961, p. 191.

TYPE SPECIES. Douvilleiceras horridum Rie­ Biirf (1961) recorded as occurring

del, original designation. together 'Douvilleiceras mammillatum (Schlo·
theim)" �::! "nouvilleiceras horridumRiedel",
o l s e d&Q,a'if&.l!lb_E_:_.�P·
-Jt� 'fi1g.i fj(:, T�
from Ortega (Depto. Tolima); see synonymy.
, ext�rf
1gs. , .


Douvilleiceras horridum Riedel, BUrgi, p.


1961 This species is named in honor of the late

�5 ex (U.N.C.M. H.N.C.P.N .1843). geologist Pedro Carvajal •

1964 Douvilleiceras horridum

Riedel, Etayo­ . Eod�uv illejcerp.s · t uendamai. n . sp.
Sema, p.120 pars ex Btirgl 196 1a. ��. 't'ext·i?
gs. 6j{,60,13. · -

6 Eodouvilleiceras horridum
(Riedel), Eta­ Holotype. C-233 (U.N.CM.H.N.C.P.Ht. N.47)
yo-Sema et al, p.225 , tab.2, p.227, ex Paratype. C-22 3 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Pt. N.47,48)
(U.N.CM.H.N.C.P.N.18 43).
A ) Up to 26 mm D (C-223-17). On the
Holotype. C-170 (U.N.C.M. H.N.C.P. Ht. N.46). innermost whorl observed (2nd of the phrag·
mocone) there are long spines along the involu­
tion line; short and long s ines alternate in a w
Only one specimen is available; the inner­ pattern; the impression o the spines is visible
mqst whorls are not observable. On the 3rd (?) on the dorsal part of the following whorl as de­
�h.orl of the phragmocone prominent spines pressed furrows. The long spines arise from wi·
develop about the middle of the flank and the de ribs that reach the umbilical rim, but the
�horl appears coronate ; the ribs they surmount intercalary rib corresponding to the short spine
� Wide and low and start at the umbilical rim; disappears without reaching the umbilical rim.
tOw-ard the adapical portion of the following
whorl, tiny conical tubercles develop at the pe­ The third whorl has a high and vertical
riumbilical end of the primary ribs. The umbill­ umbilical wall which rounds abruptly into the
ea( wall Is rounded, subvertical and merges gra­ convex flank; the adapical portion ofthe fourth
dually into the flank. The intercostal spaces are whorl has ribs that bear a small conical tubercle
wide, variable in with, one and a half or t'vo ti­ at the umbilical rim. The ribs appear like prorsi·
mes as wide as the ribs. radiate blunt folds: the portion of the ribs
between the umbilical and the lateral nodes h as
The intercalary ribs occur at irregular in­ th e shape of an isosceles triangle; from th e
teiVal.s, they h ave only centrolateral and per­ centrolateral tubercle to th e ventral tubercle
ivel).tnd tubercles, and appear like slight folds of the ribs are wide and have subparallel sides,
tile test. On the primary ribs ventrolateral tu­ they tend to cleave longitudinally along their
bercles enl&rge into strong bosses which bear a central axis. In middle of venter the ribs are
parallel,lower and sligh tly indicated clavus. The wide and depressed. The intercostal spaces are
whorl section has a rounded, lozenge-like shape. approximately one and a half as wide as the ribs
on the flank but twice as wide on venter.
•. . .
·. . DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
�y: A)Jts compressed shape and its lozenge sha­ At the umbilical rim the tubercles are
.. .

ped whorl section, B) the accentuation of the tiny, and elongated in the direction of the ribs;
ventral tubercles which defme a prominent U­ the ventrolateral tubercles have an elliptical
�!lped sulcus, and C) the feeble development section elongated in the direction of coiling but
.of' the intercalary ribs. a subcircular section Is also common. The
�wth lines may be so accentuated as to give
Ma�meu.t.. D Euw H W D/Euw % D{H % the impression o f being Intercalary ribs.
C · 170 "0 211 18 22 110 36
B) Up to 48 mm D (C-223). With increa·
sing diameter there is a tendency for the ribs to
C C? �ENTS. This species differs from increase their wi:ith without a corresponding in·
�odouurllerceras honidum {Riedel), which has a crease In heigh t. An accentuation of the peri­
sJower accentuation of the tuberculations, broa­
� Whorl section and wider and shall ower ven­
ventral tubercles occurs on the living chamber
for two thirds of the length of the last whorl.
sulcus than In E. pedrocarvajali,
finally the Toward the apertural segment. of the last pre­
··�· . n:alary ribs persis
m te served whorl the tubercles attenuate; the ven­
t longer.
trolateral tubercle becomes compressed, bullae·
llke. The last rib is thin, barely visible with only
>'" ·
fi 261; Text-fig
specimen Illustrated by Casey (1962, lateral and umbilical conical spines aiid without
"E. horridum (Riedel),
o:&er . 90)
�ptian, near Bogota, Colombian (Umv.
ventral tubercles. The apertual margin is plain.

CiUv no �� .C-1563)" is more like E. pedro­ DL\GNOSIS. This species is characterized

by: A) Its very depre����ed whorl section, B) the
e 8
than llke Riedel's species. Both
species and �asey's fip1red spP. imen
'�es):, !,�!f8Phlc
inconspicuous bullate periumbilical tubercles,
lilclt �
m formation (see R1edel, the long periventral spines and the hom llke
P· Univ. ; llllK1 California, Mus. Paleont., ventral tubercles, C) the dominance from early
In the ontogeny of the primary ribs 'With almost

no intercalary ribs, and D) the lack of bifur· flank, but this displacement does not have a re­
cation of the primary ribs and their offset longi· gular starting point.
tudinal prome.
At . a height of whorl of 9 mm (D: 11
MeUUftmenta D Euw H w D/Euw D fH No.R. mm), corresponding to the adapical portion of
% % the last preserved whorl, the periventral clavi
C·223·17 26 12 11 1 7 48 42 12 are connected across the venter; at that stage
C·223·18 ao 13 12 20 43 40 13 the ribs describe a wide adoral convexity to the
C•223·19 22 12 8 17 �0 36 12 middle of the flank and from that point to the
C·223·20 2& 12 11 1& 48 44 1 37 ventral margin they describe a deep adoral
C·223·21 48 23 19 27 48 39 16 concavity; the ribs are straight or slightly
concave adorally on the umbilical wall. The ribs
COMMENTS. This species resembles tend to broaden from the adumbilical rim to
Eodouvilleicerus horridum (Riedel) (1938, p.29, venter; the transverse profile of the ribs is roun­
pl.6, figs. 1,2, pl.14, fig. 1 1), but on the latter ded with its adoral side long and oblique, the
at the equivalent diameter the lateral tubercles adapical side is short and steep. On the shell the
are leas developed and the intercostal distance is intercostal spaces are slightly wider than the
greater; in Riedel's species the ventral tubercles ribs. The early portion of the last whorl is sub·
tend to develop an additional tubercle early In quadrate, truncated at venter, slightly wider
the ontogeny (see lower right of figure 2 of toward the adumbilical third of the flank;
. plate 6 of his paper), he noted, however, approaching the aperture however, the whorl
that because of the poor state of preservation section is slightly higher than wide. The siphon
of his specimen, the inital appearance of divi· is so close to venter that is creates a tenuous
· ded external nodes could not be determined. raised line along mid·venter.

Eodouvilleicerus (?) tequendamai differs DIAGNOSIS. This species is characteri­

from Cheloniceras (Epicheloniceras) barreroi n. zed by: A) its bold ornamentation, B) the change
sp., by the ribs bifurcating from the centrolate· in whorl section from subquadrate to subtrape·
ral tubercles and the ventral tubercles changing zoidal; and C) the strongly falcoid ribs on the
from mammllate to transversely elongated early flank, closely spaced on venter.
in the ontogeny of the latter. The juvenile
Eodouvilleiceras differs from Ch. (Epicheloni· Meuuremanta. D Euw H W D /Euw D(H No.R.
ceras) leonhardtriedeli by the weaker ornament % %
of the latter and subrentangular whorl section. C · 22 3x • 10 44 26 19 16 67 43 3&
OCCURRENCE. Socota Member. Upper COMMENTS. Du{renoyirz scalata Casey
Aptian. (1964, p. 386), is a similar species. Casey's.holo·
type (op. cit., pl. 66, fig. 1a, b) has intercostal
Family . �E�AYE�ITIDAE
• .
· (Du
. ·-··
n 9if
1 an and ebo�l. 1915
_ _
(Burckhardt MS) Ki· \
. _

•.. · --·----�
spaces narrower than those of the Colombian
species but the ribs are wider; on Casey's species
the ribs also do not have a slight adoral conca·
Dufrenoyirz (Burckhardt MS) Kilian and Reboul,
1915, p.34. OCCURRENCE. Socotai Member. Upper
TYPE SPECIES. Ammonites {urcatus J. de C.
Sowerby, by monotypy. This species is named in honor of Pro­
feasor Gerardo Botero Arango, of the Universi­
..[).yfre@yig pQt..emiJ: . sp. dad Nacional, Medellin .
Pl.1, fig. 6; Tex-figs. 5M:, 5 N.
Du(renoyia codazziana..(Karsten)
Holotype. C-223x-10 . (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht. Pl. 1, figs. 1, 7, 8.
1858 Ammonites CodiJzzianus Karsten, p.
The hdotype has thej>rotoconch preserved; 108, pl. 3, figs. 4 , 5.
the conch is robust and has six volutions. To
approximately . an umbilical diameter of 5 mm 1881 A T mmonites] Codazzianus , Karsten,
the flanks have broad convex bulges separated GaSb, p. 310.
by narrower depressions; the umbilical wall is
vertical but it rounds smoothly into the sides. 1886 A mmonites Codazzianus, Karsten, pl. 3,
At about the above umbilical diameter a second figs. 4, 5.
and fmer inflation devel6ps by longitudinal
splitting of uie liu-ger bulge just outside the um­ 1913 Par. Tahoplites ]Codazzianus .Karat.,Kilian,
bilical margin . At an umbilical diameter of 8 •
p. 344.
mm the newly appeared swelling (now a rib) de·
taches· from the primary (earlier) rib , and about 1925 A mmonites codiJzzianus Karsten, Burck­
an umbilical diameter of 13 mm the secondary hardt, pl. 10; fig. 10·11.
rib occupies an intermediate location between
the primary ribs, at the same time it has began ? 1937 Colombiceras Codazzianus Karsten, Bo­
to move outwards toward the middle of the tero, p.26, fig. 5 0,51.

1 94 7 Ammonites Codazzwnus Karsten,Spanish the ribs have an accenb.lated adoral ar c on

version , p.375, pl. 3, figs. 4,5. venter throughout th e on togeny .

1964 D. f ufrenoyUI Jcodazzwna Karsten, Casey, DIAGNOSIS. This species is d i fferentia­

p. '397. ted by: A) its fine, uniformly wide, sickle lil�e
rib s t h ro u g h o u t the ontogeny, B) the early
1964 Deshaye$ ites codazzianus (Karsten),Eta­ ontogenetic attenuation of the periventral no­
yo-Sema, pars., p . 1 20 . des and the broad adoral arc of the ribs on ven­
c ter, and C) the nearly constant suboval whorl
Du{renoyUI codazzwna (Karsten), Etayo· section.
. · 1968

Sema, p. 28, fig.3.

Meuuzements. D Euw H W 0/Euw% D/H o/o
1972 DufrenoyiD coddaziana (Karsten) , Etayo· La · Ye • 2 X3rt 14 111 11 40? 43?
Sema, p. 43.
COMMENTS. The small specimens are
UC::to·.· cyp e. Kazsten's fi&1lred specimen under (pl.l, fig.1,7) comr. arable to ''Ammonites
·• • ·
num ber 4 plate 3, 1858. Codazzianus Karsten' (1858, p. 108;•pt 3, fig. 5
l>aratype. . Karsten 's figured specimen under especially ) and to th e photograph of the plaster
- number 5, pl ate 3, 1858. replica ot Karsten's original (op. cit., pl. 3),
J:{ypocype; (U.N:c.M.H.N.C.P.N. 16,17). given by Burckhardt ( 1925, pl. 10, fig. 10-11).
Karsten's figures (op. cit., pl.3, fig. 5a, 5b) are
'The. whorl section is higher than wide , res tored and composite. [J. Helms , written
subelliptical; . the u mbili cal wall is subvertical, it communication, 1976) .
rounds smoothly into the gently convex sides;
the . maxjmum thickness of the whorl is at the Du{renoyia formosa insculpta Casey
boundiuy between the central and the adumbi· (1964, p. 396, pl. 66, fig. 9,9a) is a comparable
Uc!J} thirds of the flank, externally to this point tonn but on the latter the ribs are only slightly
the sides a:re flattened and slightly convergent concave on the adventral third of the flank and
on the adventral third of the flank. The ·1enter the primary ribs a:re crowded arou nd the
is .relatively narro w, truncated. The umbilicus is um bilical rim. Casey (op. cit., p. 397) compared
Shallow, .abot1t one half the width of the diame· his subspecies to D. codazzwna Karsten, poin·
ter; ting out that the Colomb ian species has "denser
ribbing. . . and the venter has broader ribs and
The ornament on the early portion of sharper margins".
the last whorl consists of fine, rounded and
untfonnlY wid� ribs, slightly narrower than the Dufrenoyia mulatoensis Hump hrey (1949,
h1tereostal spaces . On the umbilical wall the p. 127 , pl. 9, figs. 11, 12) has less flexuous ribs
ribs ate weak and d escribe a shall ow adoral an d they are barely adorally arcuate on venter.
i:qticmty, then they trend prorsiradiate on the Gerhardt's "Hoplites stuebeli" has distinct and
.adumbWcal thiid of.the flank ; at the boundary progressively separated ribs o n flanks at a relati·
.between the adumbilical and central thirds of ve small size.
tlte flank they describe a crescentic adoral
;,Cp��ilvity. At �e periventral margins all the Duftenoyin wnctorum Biirgl , nom. trans.
·J!bS'have slleht pyrifonn swellings, then the ribs PI. 1, flg. 2; Text-fig. 14.
!JWIJig adorai!y describing a wide and prominent
arc r the venter :n!mains narro w. At the bounda· 1956 Dufrenoya texana sanctorum BUrgi, p.3,
',ry b!ltween the adumbilical lind central thirds p.6, p . 12 ; pl .1, fig .2, fig.3; pl.3, fig.3,5.
qf 1:11 � flank the ribs bifurcate, the point of
9l,!Utcation � �in g slightly inflated ; commonly & ? 19C4 D. [ufrenoyw] texana sanctorum BUrgi,
•·$9co��IIP' n�· �ppears. without a connection to Casey, 1964, p. 386.
, e �Jacent pnmary nb
.;:\:?·:;· :�; -· · : .

1964 Dufrenoya texana sanctorum BUrgi , Eta­

: :� ,·• .. On the internal �old , all
-�"!�<a :J:Q�nded top and abrupt adapical side and
the ribs
yo-Serna, p. 121.

1968 Dufrenoyw justinae (Hill), Etayo-Sema

:�-,��hque . bu t short adoral side ;
the ribs are p. 28, fig. 3, tab. 1.
�9re acute and raised on the &dumbilical third
�:�e flank where.a� the� are slightly flat· 1976 Dufrenoyia justinae (Hill), Etayo-Sema
IS�� , oil the rel!lammg third. When the shell
'thf�,�rved et. al, tab. II, p.225.
ibi{l!��mal the nbs look like narrow belts. On
mold the ribs � narrow er than the Lectotype. Here designated. Specimen HB.406/1,
;Uit:e · 0.!iti!.l spaces, especially on venter; the
� �t� �!�es
- �
� l!"
are deep along the adap1cal
figured in Biirgl 1956, pl.l, fig. 2.
:·-·. : · -�·, .. " : ·::.---- ..
Type locality. Mesa de los Santos (Santander).
Hypotype. (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Hy. N.18,19,20).
�i�: T()�lr W
a horl hei � t of 36mm the
ribs still
characteris¥ patte rn : acute adumbi
A) Up to 38mm D lC-223x-17]. The
Ilij• fJanm()cjer&tel� � · whorl section is higher than Wide, slightly wider
mclmed adventrally and toward the umbilical third of the flank; the
crescen�c on venter, bu at
; ; />
: tl:l'i& ; �e
�di t about umbilical wall is subvertlcal and rounds abrup·
· ter then profile b
ecomes rounded ; tly into the sides; the p eriventral margin is

subrounded The ornament consists of ncrrow A) Up to a diameter of 31 mm (C-223x-1;

ribs which begin at the umbilical &.eL'll, they La-Ye-1). The adapical section of the whorl is
describe an adoral concavity en the umbilical higher than wide and it has a moderately wide
wall, on the flank they describe 8ll l!doral are ventral region, the periventral margins are broa·
on the internal half and a conei!Vity on the dly rounded, the flanks are moderately convex
external half; the rib& tennlnate in prominent to their central third, from this point to the
rounded, elongated clavi, the ribs are intercon· umbilical margin the sides are more tumid, they
round into U1e subvertical umbilical wall.

nected across the venter.

On the internal mold the primary ribs The earliest ribs observed (La-Ye-l ;H:4
are represented by elongated awdlings corres· mm) are wide, strap-like; the primary ribs begin
ponding to flanges on the test, especially on the at the umbilical seam and trend straight to the
adumbilical third of the fl&nk, the ribs contract umbilical rim, from where they are inclined
about middle of the flank �md from that point adorally across the adumbilical fourlh of the
to the ventral margins they flatten in the fashion flank, near this point a secondary rib detachs
of a propellor blade. The intercalary ribs appear · from the lldoral side of a primary rib; about
near the adumbilical third of the flank indepen· center of the flank the ribs describe a sharp
dently from the prim8l'Y ribs. With growth the adoral arc, on the rest of the flank they descri­
ribs flatten on the adventral third of the flank be an adoral concavity and finally at the peri·
and tend to develop longitudinal grooves. ventral margin they terminate and develop a
slight spherical bulge.
B) Up to 6 0mm [iC·223x-18]. After the
stage of accentu ated flattening and grooving of The width of the ribs is unifonn or
the ribs they abruptly loose their broad shape increases very little, and they are twice as wide
on the external half of the flank and become as the intercostal spaces. At a whorl height of 8
rounded, they also loose their periven tral clavi mm (La·Ye) the wide ribs cross the venter. The
and have a unifonn thickness, they then extend ribs are more prominent on the adumbilical
onto venter in a wide adoral arc. fourth of the flank where they have acute to
broadly rounded tops, they have their maxi·
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characteri· mum flattening on the adventral fourth of the
zed by: A) the early ribs with a propellor-blade flank (particularly noticeable on the internal
shape, and B) rounded adult ribs. mold) . The periventral tubercles progressively
become more clavate; the adapical side of .�e
ribs is steeper than the adoral side.

Meuurementa. D Euw H w D/Euw D/H N o .R.

% %
C • 223x · 1 6 42 14 1 9 13 33 46 ? B) Up to 50 mm (La· Ye-2). The paddle·
C • 223x • 1 7 38 13 16 12 34 40 31 like shape of the ribs become accentuated and
C • 223x · 1 8 68 23 22 1 7 39 38 1 4 (1 ,12) they tend to split longitudinall y ; the intercostal
spaces become very wide especially on venter.
COMMENTS. This species differs from At a D. of 54 mm (La-Ye-3) the ribs quickly
Dutrenoyia hansbuergli n . sp., mostly in the loose their paddle-like shape and become uni·
middle and late stages of growth. Casey (1964, fonnly thin, strongly anteriorly arcuate on ven·
p.386) compared his Dutrenoyia notha to ter and the periventral clavi diminish in strength.
D[ utrenoyia] texana sane to rum Biirgl after a
"topotype" (?) referred to Biirgl's figs. 3a·b, NOTE : This morph has coarser and flatter rib-
plate 2; Casey concluded that the latter "close­ bing tl1an the holotype.
ly resembles the present species at small diame·
ters, but its venter is ribbed at &n earlier stage
and the umbilical wall is higher". My query as l ements
Me8lllr D Euw H w DjEuw D/H No.R
to the topotype locality refers to the exact stra· % %
tigraphic horizon and not to the geographic C·223x·1 31 9 14 11 29 46 36
IU'ea. C·223x•6 36 11 16 12 30 44 30?
C·223x·14 27 f 12 9 26 44 36
La·Ye·1 22 7 10 8 31 4!1 38
Dufrenoyia sanctornm Biirgl La·Ye-2 39 11 18 13 27 46 33·.
Pl. 1, fig. 3; Text-fig.14. La·Ye·3 61 20 28 20 33 47 34

. (Morph I) COM.i\1ENTS, This morph resembles to

Du{reno� durangensis Humphrey (1949, pl27,
pl.9, figs. 3-4), but:at comparable diameters the
1956 Dufrenoya texana var. media Biirgl, p.3, Mexi�an _spe�ies h� strong, outwardly directed.
p �13 , pl.2 , fig. 1, pl.3; fig. 1. : "clavt", 1 ts nbs are;. more flexuous, rmer and se·
parated by wider intercostal spaces. Dufrenoyia
1964 Putrenoya texana �edfa Biirgl, Etayo� . discoidalis Casey ( 1964, p; 393, pl.66, figs. HI;
Serna, p.121. text-fig. 140 g) resembles this mol'Jil., �pecially
in its early ontogeny; the English species differs
Reference specimen. The specimen Bff l/4 by the latter development and attenuation of
illustrated_ by Biirgl, 1956, pl.2, fi((. ) : its ornament, lack of an anterior arc of the ribs
Reference locality. Mesa de Los Santos : c:�-
, . . ., 1· ·• •
on venter and no tendency for its ribs to be wi·
tander). dely separated in the adults atage.

�utmno yia hansbuer«Jj�

fig. 4; Text-fig. 14.
COMMENTS. Hill (June 1893) described
. 1, an ammonite species from Texas that he called
Acanthor.era�> iustinae; in November of the sa­
1956 ya texana1 texana
Dufrenop.3,6,12 Burckhardt, me year Cragin (p. 234, pl. 44, figs. 4-5 ) descri·
Burgi, ; [1. , fig. 1; pl.2, fig . 2, 4 ; bed another species from approximately the sa­
. pl. 3, fig. 2, 4 . me region as Hill's SJlecies and called it Hoplites
roemeri. Again in 19'01 Hill (pl. 2 1 , fig. 6) illus­
1964 Du{ren oya texana texana Burckhardt , trated his species and gave its stratigraphic posi·
Etayo-Sema, p. 121. tion [p. 141 = "Section No.6,Cow Creek b eds .5] .
A few years later Lassw itz ( 1904, p.4, text-fig.
1965 texana Burckhardt,
Du{renoyia texanaCampbell. 1) illustrated a specimen from Texas that was
. ·Biirgl; in Btirgl and determined as Hoplites furcatus by Kilian. In
1925 Burckhardt (p. 20) did not accept Kilian ' s
. type. The specimen
i:IC}lo Bffl/1 figured by interpretacion and proposed a new specific na·
Biirgl, 1956, pl.l, fig. 1 . me Du{renoya texana for Lassw itz's specimen;
Paratypes. The specimens figured by Btirgl 1956, Burckhardt chose as holotype the specimen
. . .. pl. �l fig. 2 4 . studied by Kilian giving photograph of a plaster
Hypotype. (U,.N.C.M.rt. .N.C.P.Hy.N . 2 3 , 24, 25), replica of the original. Scott (1940, p. 971)
Type . locality:- Mesa de los Santos (Santander). considered all the above nominal species as
synonyms of the first, that is Acanthoceras
·>A) Up to 30mm
D [C-223x-4 ] . The early justinae Hill.
whorl section studied (Hw : 4mm) is subellipti­
cal the. si des are slightly convex on the adum­ For the Mexican specimens referred by
bi1ical third of the flank, the rema1nder is incli­ Burckhardt to "Du{renoya texana" which Scott
ned toward venter and rounds into a moderate­ considered , very different from the Texan
ly wide venter. The u m bilical wall is subvertical, species, Scott proposed the name Du{renoya
it rounds smoothly into the sides. The primary Burckhardti chasing as type the specimen
ribs begin at the umbilical seam, they are prorsi­ fi gured on plate 9, figs. 7-9, of Burckhardt's
ritdlate on the adumbilical third of the flank, paper. Scott (op.cit., p. 1024) l ikewise sugges­
describe a sh allo w adoral concavity on the cen· ted that H ill 's type specimen h ad not ne ecessa­
tial and adventral thirds of the flank; on the in­ rily been collected in situ. Scott (ibid, p. 1023)
ner. h alf of the flank the ribs are narrow, acu te referred to Hill's species as "species thinly
but on the external half they are flattened. Ex­ discoid with nearly flat flanks and fl attened
ternally the intercostal spaces are as wide as the venter that becomes sligh tly rounded on older
ribs, and wider than the ribs on the in ternal mold. wh orls . . . . " .
The ribs end in small rounded tubercles which
� connected across venter in a slightly arched The next reviewer of Hill's species was
bar. Humphrey ( 1 949), who wrote: "Hundreds of

B) Up to 50mm D ( La-Ye-12]. The flexu-

examples of Dufrenoya from various northern
·. . Mexico localities, identical with the specimens
ous earlY ribs tend to strrughten ana at the same from the Rio Nazas Valley in Durango figured
time the adventral third of the ribs changes from
Oa:tten e d to round ed; the ribs are feebly arcu ate
by Burckhardt as Dufrenoya texana B urck har
have been studied by the writer . . . . The writer
· on venter and narrower than their intercostal believes there is n o di fference be tween exam·
spaces: ·
pies from the two areas that do not come within
the very considerable range of variation of the
.; C) Up to 1 25 mm D (C-223x-2 3 ] . The species. Dufrenoya burckhardti Scott is here
whqrl section increases in he1ght and th e ri bs considered conspecific with Dufrenoya justinae
accentu ate their anterior arc on venter, on the (I lill ), as are the Colombian forms described and
·nank the ribs resemble flexuous clubs. Du{renoya texana
identified by Riedel as Burck·
hardt:' Humphrey (ibid, p. 122) added : ''Fonn
.-·.· - -

..· ·, , DIAGNOSIS. This species is ch aracterized discoid al ; compressed . ." and l ater he added (p.
�y:. A} a p rolo nged stage during which the ribs

123) "This species is characterized especially by

:·4?ross th e yenter approximately normal to th e the rel ie f and prominence of the rib bing across
v,en tr� median line anQ. only late in the ontogeny the squared venter".
�() they forl11 an ad oral arc, B) the ribs show a
�leaqendency to be sep arated in to prim ary and After having studied several of Hum­
U:ttercalary ribs after the early juvenile
,�} stage, and
the change throu gh ontogeny from adventra
.· <Y fl attened to rounded , club-sh ·
phrey's specimens, the Mexican specimens, in
spite of post-burial deformation, appear more
aped nbs. compressed than the Colombian forms; some of
them, however, h ave a pyriform section (v. gr.
.; MeaSi..tre.tnent. D Euw H w ·DfEuw D/H No.R. UM 24248; Humphrey's pl . 6, fig. 1, p. 122):
% % the sides are rounded, bulging on the adumbili­
··-·. . . . , .

¢ · 21!3�. · ] .·· 31 10 13 1 1 32 42 ? cal half of the flank and slightly contracted on

��·�;!: :�� . 36
16 ?.
1 o 12
the adventral side. The Mexican specimens
likewise have flaring ribs on the adumbilical h alf
,c::� 223x ·22 90 ?
' Y&: · Ye:,
:J o 4 2 30 33 46 of the flank and the ribs widen adventrally (v.
.Il 47 13 20 1 6 28 42 37 gr. UM 2424 6 ; Humphrey's pl. 7, fig. 1,2} and
t;a . � Ye . 12 50 18 22 1 6 36 44 33 cross the vente r normal to the median line, the

• H\ Ye . 1 a 62 24
.c-: ·:. · · 25 1 9 38 ·U 37 ven ter, however, appears narrow for the size of
62 F. E TA Y O · SERN A

the specimen. In the Mexican specimens studied 1 964 [Neodeshayesites I colombian us I Rie·
by Humphrey an d available to me, there is no del J, Casey, p . 29 4 .
more than a sligh tly rounded widening of the
ribs approaching the periventral tubercles (UM 1964 Co /ombiceras karsteni (M arcou), Eta·
24248; UM 21 854, Humph rey 's pl. 7, fig. 5). yo-Se m a, p . l 19, pars .
.Furthermore the ribbing is rather uniform
throughout the ontogeny, withou t bifu rcating 1964 Hypacanthop/ites colombianus ( Rie·
rib s, as Humphrey (op. cit., p. 122) stressed del}, E tayo.Serna, p . 1 20 pars.
"Any suggestion of bifurc ation is usually more
apparent than real, . . . ". On the basis of the ? 1965 Hypacan thoplites karsteni (Marcou ) ,
above features, I do not find any grounds BUrgi in Campbell an d Bi.irgl.
to use the specific names " texana" or ''jus tinae "
for the Colombian species. ? 1965 Sonneratia colombiana Scott, nurgl ,
in Campbell and Biirgl 1965.
Apparently unaware of Humphrey's paper
Burgi ( 1956) studied the so-called ''Du{renoya non 1968 Neodeshayesites cf. colombianus
texana Burckhardt" from Colombia. recognizing [ Riedel }, Etayo·Sema, table 1 .
three varieties. CantU-Chapa ( 1963, p. 57) also
referred the Colombian Du{renoy ia ssp. to the non 1 9 7 2 Neodeshayesites cf. colombianus
Texan species. Casey (1964 , p. 381) seems to ( R iede l ) , E tayo-Serna, p. 4 3.
accept Burckh ard t species without any com­
ments on Scott's and Humphrey 's treatment Lectotype. Here designated, the specimen figu­
of Bu rckhard t' s species. Recently You ng (1972), red by Riedel, 1938, pl. 7 , fig. 16-17,
has shown that Hill's species is restricted to Te· pl . 12 , fig. 12.
xas, (ib. p. 4 ) : "the endemic species Du{renoyia
jusl,inae (Hql. 189 3) I= D. texana (Burckhardt) Hypotype. (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Hy.N.26, 27, 28).
= ll. rqemen (Cragin)]". Type locality. Here designated. Apulo (Rafael
Reyes) anticline (see under com·
Du{renoyia ha ns b ue rgli differs from D. san e · ments).
toru m BUrgi because of the ad ven tral flattening
of the ribs and the adoral arc of the ribs o n the Up to 15 mm D (C-12C·19). The first
venter from early in the ontogeny, however, they whorl of the phragmocone Is depressed ; the
are most early differentiated in middle and late second whorl is sli gh tly higher th an wide, it has
stages of growth. flattened sides that round rather abruptly into a

.steep umbilical wall but merge evenly into a

Genus (jveodeshayesite�lCasey ,1964 broadly arched venter. On the adapical half of
the third wh orl there are flat sinuous folds, se�
(non Prodeshayesites Casey , Dimitrova, ,
p arated by very narrow intercostal sp aces begi·
1967' p . 178). ning at the umbilical seam and becoming grea.
tly widened on venter, and strap-like and appea·
}{e..odesba.yesites. Casey, .1964, p. 289. ring slightly arcuate; they are marked by "bun·
dies" of growth lines. On the adoral half of the
TYPE SPECIES. Deshayesites s tu tzeri Riedel, third whorl the "bundles" slightly elevate on
Original designa ti on . the umbilical . wall and ad um bil ical third of the
flank and a true ribbing becomes e sta bli s hed.

Neod�shpJ,.esites columbianus , .( !t!edel). Up to 50 m m D (C - 1 2-c ) . The whorl sec·

·· -�· pJ� -g·; fig ;
8; pt.· ·10; fig. 7; Text-figs. 6P, tion increases in height and the flanks sligh tly
6R, 6T; 15. converge to the arched venter; the whorl rema­
ins thicker at the periumbilical m argin . The
primary ribs begin at the umbilical seam: they
1938 Deshayesites colu mbianus Riedel, are concave on the umbilical wall, prorsiradiate
p . 40 pl.7 h figs. 16-20, pl. 12, fg.12, on the adumbilical third of the flank and con·
pl . l4, Iig. ;�;1. cave again on the central and adven tral thirds,
crossing the venter straight and flattened like
1954 Deshayesites columbianus Riedel,
bars. At the periumbilical region the ribs are rai·
ImlaYjl) Rod and Mayne, p.266. sed in simple bullae (corresponding to pyriform
swellings on the internal mold), and have sligh·
non 1954 Deshayesites colombianus Riedel, tly flattened crests. The secondary ribs origin&·
Biirgl, p. 16. te near the adumbili cal fourth of the flan k . In
general the ribs are high and prominent with
1955 Colo m biceras kars teni (Marcou), their adoral side a little higher than the adapical
BUrgi, 1955, p.15, pl. 4 , fgs. 1 ,2. one. The intercostal spaces are twice as wide as
the. ribs. The shell is thick.
1957 Deshayasites colu mbianus Riedel,
Btirgl, p. 1 34, pars. C) Up to 75 mm D (C-12·C). The ribs ha­
ve symmetrically slopit:tg sides and attain a uni·
1957 Colombiceras k-arsteni (marcou), form width and height ·except on venter where
BUrgi, p. 136, pl. 9, fig.l. they are slightly wider; on the living chamber
and approaching it the ribs tend to lose the

adoral concavity on the adven?"al �ird area.

of the Meuurements D Euw H D/E\lW D/H N .R. T.r.

appearin g nearly rectiradtate m this %

flank Ill
'l'he �condary ribs tend to .be .less frequent. C·12oC·13 19 19 1 6 37 37 43 E
at ­
The maximum flarin g of the nbs ts the boun
C·l2.C·14 49 19 19?15 39 39 41 D
ary betwe en the centrallmd adumbilical thirds C·12.C·15 50 19 20 1 5 38 40 44 c
d C·l2oC·16 48 18 1 8 13 37 37 45 A
of the flank. C·12.C·17 49 18 19 1 3 37 49 47 A
OJAGNOSIS. Riedel's statement (l93�, C·12oC·18 36 12 1 4 11 34 40 40 F

p. 40) seems to me accurate: "La nueva especte

C·12.C·19 74 31 28 ? 42 38 26* A

esta caracterizada por sus �pstill� pron�I}Ct�das

c-n-c-21 68 27 27 19 39 39 44 A

y dobladas, con intercalacton y btfurca

cton trre· C·12.C·22 57 20 22 17 35 38 41 D
C·l2.C·23 48 19 20 16 39 41 44 c
guta!es". C·12oC·24 65 23 21 1 6 42 38 47 B

Sample C-12· C-12oC·26 46 18 18 1 2 40 40 41 B
from a sinl!le 46
to • C·l2 • C-34, obtained
20 40 F
c-1 C·l2oC·26 17 1 4 43 37

"concretion" was selected as reference popula­

C·12.C·27 46 20 20 13 43 43 43 D
tion� From. I!, two .spec�me �s were identi[te� as C·12.C·28 62 23 23 18 37 37 26• F
morpholog�ciilly "tdentlcal f:=closely stmilar] C·1 2.C·29 27 9 12 8 33 44 40 B
to the specimens figured by R:tedel, thus I con· C·12oC-30 42 14 18 1 4 ? ? 22*

sider th.em conspecific. C·l2.C·33 37 13 16 ? 35 43 ? A?

C·l2oC·34 39 13 16 6 33 41 40 F

Specimen C-12-C-18 ==Riedel's pl.7, figs. *

16�17. NOTE : ; half a whorl. T.r. = type of ribbing.
Specimen C-12-C-25 =Riedel's pl.7, fig.
18-20. COMMENTS. The similarities of this spe·
cles to the others described by Riedel were t'u·
Using specimens of this sample a series of Uy discussed by him (1938). The specimens
correlation diagrams between mensurable cha· from Apulo attributed by Btirgl (1955, pl. 4,
racteristics were made and the position of the fig. 1, 2) to " Colombiceras karsteni (Marcou)",
two specimens considered as "identical" with which I have been able to study correspond to
Riedel's .figured specimens were marked on the Riedel's species. The assignment of Biirgl's spe­
diagrams. The types (see Text-fig.3B) of ribs are cimens (HB 570/35 ; HB 570/2) to Neodesha­
rePresented by letters. 'The different combina­ yesites has been previously indicated by Casey
ti.ons of ribs .distribution are as follows: (1964, p. 295, footnote).
· Type A : PqP, P2pP. O CCURRENCE. Capotes Member. Lower

It: �qP, P2pP, PP


c :

, P2pP, pp.

D : PqP, PP. Neodesh¥;e�ites a��lRqre� n, SR�

E : Pf."8", fig .; p1.9, lg�; Text* SV,

P2pP. • gs.6S ,
· F : PqP.. 6W, 6Z; 16.

c: · ······· ·· ;. .· • Fr.om
. .

diagrams (Text-fig.15) it is Holctype. C-219 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.N. 49).
.. .
:ev:tdent type F is more frequent on
that the Paratypes. (U.N.C.M.H.N .C.P.Pt.N.49, 50, 51).
. ·

sp�lmens of small diameter and types B and A

OJ1·.�peciJnens of larger size. Type C seems to be A) Up to 30mm D (C-219-13,14,15 ]. The
deyelC)ped . on the living chamber of larger early whorls have flattened sides and gentle
��lti:lens; The lectotype as figured by Riedel coavex venter. The external umbilical width is
;�eJ!ia to be PPqPP, but it could also be indica· approximately 35o/o of the diameter, it has a
�<1/!11 P�pP pp! in other words1 a . type c. or high inclined wall that rounds evenly into the
;!ib �gary on. one side but secondary on nbs
With pnrnary and sem1pnmary

sides. Before a diameter of 15 mm the flank has

the riblike thickenings on the adumbilical third, the
Qppoln,te); thiS suggests that the largest of following one-fourth of the whorl has only fi.
B..le�.�ls spe ens probably represents the ne growth lines that describe a wide concavi­
ofthe living chamber. ty from the umbilical seam to the periumbili·
cal third of the flank, on the Internal mold
f.l��m�nta D E\lW H w D/Euw D{H N.R.T.r. these are represented by flattened bands, very
o/o % wide on venter.

66 26 24 18 38 37 47 A
62 . 23 26 21 37 42 47 B At a diameter of about 15 mm ribs appear
61 25 23 17 41 38 47 c again on the exterior and are also well dermed
70 30 26 17 43 36 47 D on the internal mold : they become prominent
76 32 28 21 4Z 37 45 c at the periumbilical margin, extend with a slight
77 33 27 19 43 35 47 adoral concavity on the adumbilical third of
•. !?tii.4-'7
80 33 31 22? 41 flank; on the central third the ribs are adorally

39 50 D
67 27. 23 17 40 34 47 B convex and then are adoral concave on the
62 26 22 17 42 35 47 B adventral third. On the ventral margins the ribs
63 �1 22 16 40 41 48 A thicken and cross the venter normal to the
57 .22 median line [ C-219·15] ; at this point the
. .
17 38
·· r;t*tz
42 44 c

. .
66 21 19 intercostal spaces are shallow and the ribs appear
. . · - .
14 38 34 41 c

asflat bands slightly higher on their adoral bor­ Measurements. D Euw H W DfEuw D(H N.R. T.r.
der. OJ. %
C-219·14 26 9 11 9 36 42 24? E?
Near a diameter of 30 mm the ribs are C·219·15 27 11 11 9 40 40 407 A?
well defined, they widen towards venter, the
intercostal spaces are clearly defined on both
sides and venter; the adapical slope of the ribs COMMENTS. Neodeshayesites albertoalva·
becomes shorter but steeper than the adoral rezi n. sp. differs from N. columbianu s (Riedel)
one and in general the ribs have very nanow because during its ontogenetic development,A)
flat top. The ornament Is best described as the intercalary ribs develop independently from
consisting of alternating primary and interca­ the primary ribs earlier than in Riedel species,
lary ribs but several semiprimary or a sequence B) the beveling of the umbilical wall occurs
of three primary ribs may also occur; the earlier and more strongly in N. albertoalvarezi,
secondary ribs detach from the primary ribs at C) the ventral area is relatively narrower than
the umbilical rim but very soon this junction on Riedel's species, D) when the test is preser­
moves outwards to the boundary between the ved the conch appears more inflated and in
central and adumbilical thirds of the flank, but general the adults are smaller than in Riedel's
on the internal mold they seem to begin near species, and E) the prominence of the ribbing
the middle of the flank. The ribs are flared round the umbilicus decreases earlier in my
midway on the flank and on the internal mold species.
small pyriform nodes appear on the umbilical
periphery. From my study of these two _species it is
pertinent to add to the diagnosis of the genus
B) Up to 50 mm D I C-219·6,101. The rib· (see Casey, 1965, footnote p. 289) the follo­
bing is stabilized as an aftemation ot primary wing: the early ontogeny prior to the stages
and intercalary ribs, they tend to h ave a uniform illustrated by Riedel (1938, pl. 7) shows first
width on the flank but they are slightly wider folds that widen toward the venter, these folds
and flatter on venter though maintaining a simi­ split longitudinally during following stage, and
lar elevation. At this stage the primary ribs de­ finally the ribs individualize and their fold like
crease their elevation from the middle of the aspect on venter disappears. The ribs are never
flank toward the venter whereas the secondary interrupted on venter.
ribs become higher. The whorl section is more
inflated toward the adumbilical half of the
flank and the umbilical slope becomes gentler. OCCURRENCE. Capotes Member. Lower
C) Up to 70 mm D [C-219·1,5]. The um­
bilicus has widened and its wall is moderately This species is named in honor of geologist
inclined; the flanks are moderately inflated on Alberto Alvarez 0.
the adumbilical third. The ribs are rounded and
appear slightly arcuate on ven ter because of the �
Neodesha esites k fs te n i (M arcou\
slight thickening periventrally and ventrally . Pl. 9, fig. ; pi.io, fig: ; t ext-figs. 6t, 6M,
6N, 17.
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
by: A) the on togenetic development of its oma- . Le ctotype.Th be designated,Etayo-Sema in prep.
ment: early whorls with broad strap-like swe: Hypotypes. (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P�Hy .N.29, 30,. 31}
llings followed by an almost smooth tract after
which the ribbing begins with a division of a 1858 Ammonites A costae, Karsten, p. 111,
primary rib, the junction soon disappearing pl. 5' fig. 1.
and the intercalary ribs appearing indeJ:enden­
tly near the middle of the flank, B) the pro­ 1875 A mmonites Karsteni, Marcou, p. 165.
gressively gentler gradient of the umbilical wall
through the ontogeny, C) the relatively inflated 1881 A [ mmon ites J acostae, Karst., Gabb,
whorl section and nanow venter, and D) its p. 310.
relatively small adult size.
1886 A m monites Kars ten i Marcou , Karste n,
Measurements. D Euw H W D/Euw D(H N.R, T.r. p. 62, pl. 5, fig. 1.
% %
C·219· 1 64 30 28 1 9 7 7 187 F? non 1928 Colombiceras Karsteni Marcou, Basse,
C·219· 2 50 . 22 20 14 44 40 43 F p . 1 36, fig. 14, pl. 8, fig. 5.
C-219· 3 62 20 20 12 38 38 43 A
C•219· 4 49 21 19 1 5 43 38 37 F ? 1931 Colombiceras Karsteni Marcou, Rhein
C-219· 6 49 20 19 1 5 40 38 60 A in Hubach, p. 58.
C·21 9· 6 47 20 17 1 3 42 .36 47 F
C•219· 7 43 19 15 1 2 44 35 44 F 1933 Colombiceras Karsteni Marcou, Spath,
C·219· 8 387 18 16 1 1 477 397 38 D p.654 ex Karsten 1886,non examples
C-219- 9 34 13 1 3 10 38 38 37 A in the British Museum under Nos. C
C·219·10 39 15 1f> 12 38 38 40 F 4284a, b).
C-219·11 36 14 1 4 12 40 40 35 F
C-219·12 •38 13 1 5? 1 2? 7 ? 1 F? non 1936 Colombiceras Karsteni Marcou, Basse ,
C•219·13 23 8 8 7 36 36 26 :'/ E? p. 88 .

Up to 60 mm D [C-501·17,18). The peri·

? . Du{renoya (?) nov. sp. Breistroffer,
p. 156. ventral rounded inflations of the ribs are accen­
tuated on the exterior but very little on the in·
? 1937 Colombiceras Karsteni Buell, Botero, temal mold. The secondary ribs loose their bi·
p. 26, figs. 48 , 49 . furcating nature and change to a more constant
alternating primary-intercalary Pq . The ribs
19 38 Colombicerus Karsteni Marcou, Riedel are moderately flattened on the adventral third
p. 35 . of the flank but continue very prominent near
the umbilical region; the umbilical wall becomes
1938 Ammonites Karsteni Marcou, Riedel, steeper.
p. 42.
D) Up to 80 mm D [C-501·1]. A clear al·
1947 Ammonites Acostae Karst., p. 378, temation of primary and intercalary ribs Pq
. pl.5, figs. on the left upper c:.omer; dominates; the umbilicus is1wid8t;but the whorl
Spanish vemion of Karsten's original section has a proportionally · lower height; the
paper. ribs are prorsocline or weakly concave adorally
on the adumbilical third of the flank, they are
non 1950 Colombiceras karsteni (Mareou� Basse, rectiradiate or feebly convex adorally on the
p . 252. outer two thirds. The ribs are uniformly thick
on the side and venter; the periventral lnfla·
non 1963 C. [olpmbiceras] Karsteni (Marcou), tions have almost disappeared. The ribs are pro­
Cantu Chapa, p.55. minent on the umbilical wall as lf they arose
from the umbilical seam.
·- 1964 Colombicerus karsteni (Marcou), Eta·
yo-Sema, p. 119 , pro part. DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
by: A) the ontogenetic trend towards a wider
1965 C.[olombiceras] Karsteni (Marcou), umbilical diameter versus a relatively short whorl
· Casey, p.419, pro Karsten's original height, B) the persistent angular venter that be·
material only, comes rounded late in the ontogeny, C) the
coarseness of its ribbing, and D) the relatively
shallow intercostal spaces.
: · · . tip .to 10 mm D [C-5 01·28). At a whorl
bei!Ptt. of 3 mm, the internal mold is higher Meuurementa D Euw H W DjEuw Dftl N.R. T.t.
than wide and it is divided into segments by % %
Wfde constrictions th at are slightly arcuate on c-501· 1 75 36 25 20 46 32 43 F
, ::�nter; from that point on, flat bands are visible c-501· 2 49 24 20 16 47 39 40 F
·< ()n th:e �ank, they appear as periventral swellings, C-501· 3 60 25 23 17 43 39 38 F'
�; C;_op�mporane()usly on the shell the ribs begin 641 32 23 18 49 37 42 A
t(). .
C·501· 4
at the umbilical rim and are most
· ·
C-501· 5 159 27 20 17 44 36 38
tile�. c-501· 6 53 23 20 liS 42 37 42 F
C·l501· 7 53 26 20 12 415 36 38 F
C-501- 8 47 21 18 13 43 38 39 D
mm D [C-501-22,27,28). C·501· 9 38 17 15 12 43 38 38 F
than wide, oval with section c-501·1 0 39 16 16 11 42 37 40 A
-� ·�Iat 18 trutnc.ated on the maximum tltic· C·501·12 42 18 15 12 40 34 40 F'
third of the flank; C·501·13 17 11 10 8 51 ISO + 301 F'1
depression (contraction) of the C·501•14 59 25 22 18 41 36 41
venter. particularly apparent C-501·1 6 51 23 21 115 44 38 37 A
is preserved but not visible on C'·IS01·16 54 24 20 13 44 36 37 F
mold; the venter is flattened and C-501·1 7 62 23 20 14 42 37 34 E
angular margins. The external urn­ C-601·18 55 25 21 14 415 37 34 A
is less thin half the diameter, the C·501·19 43 18 17 11 43 38 37 F
is moderately inclined and rounds C·501·20 45 19 18 14 43 41 32 F7
C-601·21 41 19 16 13 46 38 32 D
C·501-22 41 17 16 11 40 36 31 A
C·501·23 39 17 14 11 42 35 31 E
C-501·24 41 19 17 7 46 40 317 F
C·501·25 37 15 14 9 40 37 31 E
C-1501·26 32 liS 12 9 42 33 32 D
C-601·27 31 14 12 8 45 38 33 F'
C-501·28 29 13 11 8 45 38 32 F
C·501·29 29 12 12 9 41 41 34 F
C-601-30 19 8 7 7 42 36 327 F
C-501·31 151 21 21 17 40 40 35 A
C-501·32 49 22 18 14 44 36 42 F
C·601·33 46 20 17 1 4 42 36 41 A
C-601•34 44 19 18 11 43 36 39 D
c-501·35 37 15 14 11 40 37 42 F
C·501·38 36 15 14 9? 40 39 36 F
C-501-37 34 13 1 4 10 38 41 39 F

Meuu:rement.B D Euw H W DfEuw D/H N.R; T.r. ribs are high, acute and only adventrally roun·
% 04 ded, furthennore on his species . the umbilical
C-601·38 23 9 9 7 39 39 39 F wall is persistenly steeper.
C-1101·39 311 14 14 1 0 40 40 37 F
C·II01-'0 40 16 l li ll 38 36 43 F OCCURRENCE. Lower Albian.
C•601-'1 34 14 13 10 40 37 41 F
C·IIOl--'2 30 12 12 9 39 39 37 F Neodeshayesites karsteni (Marcou)
Pl.lO, fig. 9; Text-fig.17.
NOTE : F' signifies that there are two interca·
lary ribs between two primary ribs. (Morph I)

COMMENTS. "Ammonites Kars teni Mar· Hypotype. C-501-2 (U. N. C. M. H. N. C. P. Hy.

cou" [1875, p. 1651 (ex Ammonites Acosroe, N.32).
Karsten, 1858, p.l li, pl.5, fig.1), was collected
acco"Ung to Karsten in "Tocaima", a locality This morph is characterized by its roun­
where no Cretaceous rocks crop out. Conse­ ded venter very early in the ontogeny; its rib­
quently, if Karsten's sample does not represent bing is attenuated, not flanging at umbilical
float, it must come from the only area where rim; on the flanks of the internal mold the ribs
Middle Cretaceous beds are present, that is appear as concentric arcs.
between Apulo (Rafael Reyes) and Anapoima,
where sample C-219 was collected. OCCURRENCE. Lower Albian.

Karsten's original description is as follows: �deshaye6.ituneylatum,.n. sp.

"Testa discoidea, complanata, dono subrotun­ Pl.lO, ffg. 8, 10; Text-figs. 7 A, 7G, 7H.
do late umbilicata, argute costata; costis dorsum
clngentibus alternantibus brevioribus aliis com­ Holotype. C-501·0 (U.N.C.M.H.N .C.P .Ht. N .50).
pletis undulatis, aliis interjectis in latere evanes·
centibtis vel hie · illis sejunctis; anfractus exte­ The whorl section is higher than wide,
riores, interiores ad medium tegentes; ap,ertura ogival, with broad venter and flattened flanks;
ovata rotundata; septis l"teraliter trilobis '. the umbilical wall is beveled and rounds
smoothly into the sides. The ribs are wide and

"Durchmesser . . . . . . . . . . .48 Millimeter low, on both test and internal mold, they are
Hohe der letzten Windung 16.5 " separated by shallow intercostal spaces that are
Dicke der letzten Windung 12 " subequal to the ribs on the adapical portion of
Weite des Nabels . . . . . . 14 " the last whorl but appear as a narrow furrow on
the adoral half; the ribs arise in pairs, rarely in
However, this description and measure­ threes, from stressed periumbilical bullae, they
are slightly sinuous and have delicate rounded
ments do not correspond to the figure of the
specimen given by Karsten (ibid. pl. 5, fig. 1a, periventral thickenings. At a diameter of 55
1b ). The diameter of the conch corresponds mm the periumbilical bullae disappear and the
well on fig.1a, based on the intercostal distance ribs are straplike. Although the ribs are wider
likewise the height of the last whorl is als� on venter they increase their width slowly.
correct. The width of the umbilicus if measured
parallel to the diameter, and touching opposite DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
points of the umbilical seam (fig.la.) is 18 mm by the change in its ornament from ribs that
on the figure contrary to 14 mm as stated by arise from accentuated periumbilical bullae
Karsten, consequently the conch was drawn to non bullate girdle like ribs, and by its flatte·
more evolute and rounded than it is in reality ned ogival section.
(did the artist try to indicate an oblique umbili­
cal wall?). On Kmten's figure 1b, there is an Meuu:rementa D Euw H W D(Euw•fo D/H%
error in the perspective: the view was not drawn C•II01o0 66 28 27 19 43 41
looking straight at the specimen but is an obli­
que view, consequently the "aperture" looks COMMENTS. This species resembles Neo­
higher, and if my interpretation is correct the deshayesites ro tundus (Riedel) (1938, p. 39,
artist tried to draw. the aperture following the lam. 7, figs. 14,15; pl.14, fig.20) but the latter
path of a primary rib, consequently the width has finer ribbing, more numerous and fmer peri­
(thickness) of the aperture is greater in the umbilical bullae; and the venter is narrower.
figure than on the original (=18 mm va.14 mm).
Neodeshayesites.contracta (Riedel)_
PL9, fig. 7; Text-figs. 7B, 7D, 7E, 7F.
The young of Neodeshayesites karsteni
(Marcou) resemble the specimen fi�red by 1938 Deshayesites s tu tzeri var. con tracta Riedel•
lliedel (1937, pl. 7, figs.12-13) as a ' transitio­ p.38, pl. 7' fig. 8, 9 ; pl.14, fig.18.
nal spec1men" between "Deshayesites stutzeri..
and ·�neshayesites nodosus " the adults of the Hoiotype. Riedel's fii!Ufed specimen.
latter species have very fine or flattened ribbing Hypotype. C-500 (U.N.CM.H.N.c.P.Ht. N.33,34,35).
and the whorl section appears higher than In N.
karsten�. �rom N. . colum bilzn!'s (Riedel) N: A) Up to 20 mm D (C-500-1). The whorl
karstem dtffers by 1ts hemer . nbbing, rounded section is higher than wide, the tlanks are sligh·
throughout on the sides. On Riedel's species the tly inflated, with their adventral thitd conwrgmg

t6ward the venter; the umbilical wall is vertical. Genus [§toyiggwicer� ?�,.::;
the conch observed (H: 4 mm)
Tlie inner part dofventer
haS a . truncate and .subangular ventr� TYPE SPECIES. Ammonites Treffryanus Kars­
m argins. The primary ribs anse from the umba­ ten, 1858, p.150, pl.4, figs.
lical rim where they usuill!Y have a bulla, .�eyal 1a, lb.
describe an adoral concavaty on the umbalic
wall an-d extend pri>rsiradiately to the boundux DIAGNOSIS. High whorled, involute
betw�en the atcentral and the adumbilical thirds conchs ornamented from early iri the ontogeny
of the flank; this point the ribs bifurcate; and with biconcave primary ribs and flexuous inter­
on · the adventral half each branch describes a calary ribs, the former may be raised around the
wide adoral concavity and fin�y cross ven�r umbilical margin but no tubercles are present.
with ·a weak adoralwith arc. At thiS stage the nbs When the shell is preserved all ribs have rounded
appear like sickles long handles. The ribs tops and sides, on the venter they tend to broa­
are broad; rounded to flat topped and have
a den in a visor-like manner but they cross normal
steep adapical side, they are slightly wider than to the median ventral line or with a weak adoral
th� intercostal spaces. On this specimen there arch. The whorl section is high, ogival, with wi·
iJlay be seve!al non bullate ribs or one .rib w�th de venter and inclined umbilical wall. The bor·
8: less ptormnent bulla between two nbs wtth der of aperture is plain with a shallow- sinus at
prominent bullae. the umbilical margin.
B)Up to 100 mm D (C-500-2). The peri­ Suture line with E/L large, L symmetrica­
umbilical bifurcations become regularized; lly trifid, L/U and U2 high.
s:ollle intercalary ribs may approach a primaryit
rib near the umbilical rim as bifurcating from COMMENTS. Stoyanowiceras differs from
but the real branching occurs centralat the boundary Colombiceras Spath (1931) by the coronate
between the adumbilical and thirds of early whorls and straight ribs, wedge shaped
the flank; at this point the ribs tend to develop with steep sides, of the latter genus.
a·t;a'iangular swelling. The venter is progressively
more rounded and the umbilical wall becomes Stoyanowiceras tref£B:anus (Karsten)
very inclined; the conch has periodical constric· PI.5, fig.3; pl.4, fi{7Text-Mgs.7M,7N,7Q
f.ions on the living chamber. The living chamber
is aproximately half the length of the whorl. 1858 Am. rmonitesl Treffryanus Karsten,
The ribs are rounded on the umbilical third of p. 101J, pl. 4, ffg. 1.
the flank, .but they are flat, terrace like on the
cimtraland adventral thirds. 1862 Ammonites Treffryanus Karst.,Gabb,
p. 75.
The. general trend of the ribs is to descri­
. tie a wide. adoral arc on most of the flank with 1875 Amm. [onitesl Tre{fryanus Karsten,
deUcate concavities both on the adumbilical Marcou, p. 164.
�d adventral fourths. Likewise the secondary
rib�. may join different primary ribs on each 1883 Hoplites Treffryanus Karst, Uhlig,
fl�k. p. 158.
< ·DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized non 1883 Hoplites Treffryanus Karst, Uhlig, p.
�ro\}gh its ontogenetic development by: A) its 251, pl. 21, fig. 2 .
!ascic!Jlllte ribbing and increased crowding of
·the nbs around the umbilical margin, B) the 1886 Ammonites Treffryanus Karst., Kars·
liJPid Increase in whorl height, C) the narrow ten, p. 62, pl. 4, fig. 1.
Venter, and D) the numerous fine ribs.
· ·· ··
'! 1898 Hoplites Treffryanus Karst., Gerhardt.
'M'aiunmenq D Euw H w DJEuw D/H No.R. p. 158.
% %
i'���QO • l 20 1899 Parahoplites Treffryanus Karsten,
Anthula, p. 110. ·
6 9 7 33 46 40?
•. c"5oo : 2 4o 115? 17 ? 37 42 52
c�do � 3 63 22? 21 15 41 39 27(lf2)
9·�00 � . 67 25 26 17 37 38 61) non 1899 Parahoplites Treffryanus Karsten,
: l;h500 . 5
'.;,ci�oo �-6
71 29 27 17 40 38 70 Anthula, p. 115, pl. 8, fig. 6.
·.>_..:· :· :
+ 77 29 31 20 38 ?
' c-
1907 Am. [monites l Tre{fryanus Karsten,
��nvar. !Zont:czcta
Although "Deshayesites stut­ Sinzow, p. 485.
Riedel" was based on a juve­ 1907 P. [arahoplites] Treffryanus Karsten,
t�il�.I by Bu�.trg] (1957,
· ;�,.�red
thank · is a valid species. The specimen
fig. 3a, 3b) from Jacob, p. 77, non p. 81.
·.·f'l,UD !mow:n l.ocaljty haspl.a 8,more consistent bi·
., �ating nbbmg pattern. The present morph 1913 Par. [ahoplites] Treffryanus Karsten,
. rmple B.some specie s of Burckhardites, for
palu mbes Humphrey (1949, p.1 � 5,
Kilian, p. 344.
>l1. .12, figs. 1,2), but the latter has a greater an- 1921 Am. [monites] treffryanus Karsten,
'':-� .·_.· · · I!Se.dof the whorl heig�t. and the ribbing is not
_. · n-e Spath, footnote p. 317.
< . . sse around th� um

? 1922 Parahoplites Treffryanus Karst., Co­ On the periven tral third of the flank and
llet in Eugster, p. 254. on venter the ribs are moderately broad, club
shaped; the secondary ribs, usually one but
1931. Am. [monites J Treffryanus, Karsten, occasionally two, intercalate between the
Spath, p. 654. . primary ribs; the secondary ribs taper toward
the periumbilical third of the flank where they
? 1936 Deshayesites (?) Treffryanus Krst., fade out; sporadically one of the secondary ribs
Breistroffer, p. 155. slants toward the following primary giving the
impression o f bifurcating from it, likewise an
1937 A m. [monitesJ Treffryanus Karsten, actual bifurcation from the adoral side of a
Scott, p. 37. primary rib may also occur. In general the
primary ribs are more prominent than the
1938 Calombicerus treffryanus Karsten, secondary ribs. The intercostal spaces are twice
Riedel, p. 50. as wide as the ribs. When the shell is preserved
the tops of the ribs are broadly rounded and on
? 1945 Parahoplites (Parahoplitoides) treffry�
venter they attentuate.
(Karsten), Royo y Gomez.
C) .tJp to 45mm D (Pen 10). With growth
1947 A m [monitesJ Tre{fryanU8 Karst., the ribs gain an elegant biconcave outline on the
Karsten, SpaniSh version, p.376, pl.4, whorl sides; the primary ribs become broadly
top. figures. rounded almost flattened on the adventral half
of the flank. Adoral arching of the ribs on ven·
1949 Ammonites Treffryanus Karsten, ter does not occur. Some of the intercalary ribs
Humphrey, p. 151. fork from the adoral slope of the preceding pri­
mary rib on the adumbilical third of the whorl.
1949 Ammonites Treffryanus Karsten, Sporadically some primary ribs are more promi·
Stoyanow, p. 121. nent. The whorl section increases its height but
not its width, consequently it is always compres·
1952 C. [olombiceras] treffryanus Karsten, sed. The involu tion line is near the boundary
Basse , p. 655. between the adumbilical and central thirds of
the flank.
1963 Colombiceras tre{fryanus (Karsten),
Cant:U·Chapa, p. 55. DIAGNOSIS. As for the genus.
1964 Colombiceras Treffryanus (Karsten),
MEASUREMENTS. The specimens stu·
Etayo-Sema, p. 120, pars. died do not allow accurate measurements.
? 1964 Burckhardites Tref yanus (Karsten), COMMENTS. The following is Karsten's
Biirgl, in Campbell and Biirgl. original description (1858, p. 109 ) : "A. testa
compressa umbilicata, dorso rotundata, trans­
Holotype. The specimen illustrated by Karsten, versim costata; costis rotundatis, flexuosis,
1858, p. 109, pl. 4, fig. 1. Lost du­ inaequalibus, dorsum cingentibus; altemantibus
ring 2nd world war (J. Helms, written incompletis, una suturam unbilicalem attingen­
comm. 1976). te alia solitaria vel rarius gemina in latere evanes·
Neotype. Here designated Plate 4, fig.l. cente, Iibera vel rarius costae anteriori (majori)
Paratype. (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Pt. N. 52, 53). conjuncta; anfractibus subinvolutis, exteriore
tres partes interioris involvente; apertura com·
A) Up to 5 mm D. The whorl section is pressa ovato-elliptica: umbilicoparvo; septis la­
transv�rsely subrectangular, with angles roun­ teraliter trilobis profounde partitis, margine
ded; -'�ong the umbilical rim there are broad crenato-sectis.
undulations that soon become ridges separated
by wide constrictions especially prominent on Durchmesser 180 Millimeter
the flanks; the ridges have a weak longitudinal Hohe der letzten Windung 53 "
groove, on the shell these ridges are represented Dicke derselben 50 "
by flexuous dfvided bands. Durchmesser des Nabels 20 "

. B) Up to 21 mm D (Pens. 1, 2, 3, 4). At Karsten's species has been the object of

a diameter of 14mm the whorl section(Pen.N.2) many comments in paleontological literature :
is subrectangular, the flanks are flattened, the Uhligh (1883) referred this species to lloplites;
venter and periventral margins are rounded, the Anthula referred the species to his group of Pa­
umbilical wall is subvertical near the umbilical rahoplites melchioris, but Sinzow (1907) cha·
seam but externally is more inclined, and rounds llenged the interpretacion "weil wir die Gattung
smoothly into"the side. gar nfcht kennen, zu welcher A m� Treffryanus
Karsten gerechnet wird".
The ornament consists of rounded
flexuous primary ribs that begin on middle of Spath (1921, p.137) considered A. Tref­
the umbilical wall, curve adorally in the lower fryanus Karsten in the same group as A. cras­
part of the whorl, curve adapically on the sicostatus d'Orbigny·oecause they " . . . show
middle part, curve slightly adapically on the the peculiar flattening of the costation . • •" ;
upper part and then cross venter straight. when proposing- his genus Colombiceras (1923,

p 64 ) Spath did not mention Karsten's species A single specimen is available. The whorl
b�t Jater (1�31 , p.654) wh�n compt�ntif! g on an .sectl(ln is higher than F and has a broadly
'Indian specieS of Colomb1ceras be: considered it rounded venter, the sides ate slightly compres­
very close to Karsten's species, Riedel (1938, p. sed on the adventral third of the flank the cen·
50) referred Karsten's species to Colombiceras. tral and adumbilical thirds are slightly convex;
Stoyanow (1949, ·p; 121) challenged Spath and the umbilical wall is inclined and merges smoo·
Riedel " tendency . . . to connect with
• . . thly into sides.
Colombiceras flat-ribbed species for which the
presence of tuberculate ribs has not been The ornament consists of distinct ribs
proved, as Ammonites tre{{ryanus Karsten which begin at middle of the umbilical wall; on
( 1 856, p . 109, pl. 4, fig. 1a, 1b) ", and he . . • the early portion of the last whorl the ribs
furthermore indicated that in following Spath bifurcate at the margin of the umbilical wall,
and Riedel's ideas there should be a group they are fine, rounded and slightly biconcave a
for Karsten's species. Casey (1965, p. 4 20) has bit projected forilard on venter; this type �f
followed Spath's treatment of Colombiceras, ornamentation persists until the beginning of
however, his suggestion of a transient coronate the adoral third of the last whorl where the
stage is not confirmed by disection; the deve· ribs become strongly biconcave, and strongly
Iopmerit of the ribbing in Stoyawiceras is like arcuate on venter; bifurcation of the ribs may
that of Neodeshayesites. occur on one side but not on the opposite. The
intercostal spaces are one and a half times as
Karsten wrote that his species came from wide as the ribs.
"Tocayma" (sic, p.109), but as previously com·
men ted no Cretaceous rocks crop put in the im· NOTE : This morph is chuacterized by : A) the
mediate neighborhood of this locality, and be· rapid change in flexuosity of the ribs
cause no other nearby region than the area co· that accen tuates with growth, and B)
vered in the present report (Apulo . La Mesa), the narrow well rounded ribs,
has exposed Lower Cretaceous rocks, this is se·
lected as type locality for Karsten' species. The Measurements 0 Euw H W D{Euw% DtH% N.R.
specimens studied in this report closely resem­ PeDSUv. 7 36 11 1 6 1 3 31 43 37
ble "Ammonites Treffryanus Karsten", none of
of them, however, is as large as the holotype.
Sto.;xt;WJ!J(J ctras cin tatuf1l.n. sp.
. ..• .,. ,
"Sonneratia colombiana Scott" the holo· PJ.7; fig.9. ,._.,,. . , " -· . . .• . .. ,-�- ·-,.�4o,oo • ,-•--,.

type (T.C. U. 1108) of which I have examined is

here considered a member of Stoyanowiceras, Holotype. T.I.P. Guaduaus (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.
contrary to Casey's views (1954, p.llO; 1965, Ht. N.51).
p. 400, p.516), and its specific status is retained
here because of its more distinct ribbing and re­ Only one specimen is available. At the
gular alternation of primary and secondary ribs, beginning of the last preserved whorl the sec·
the ribs are sharper on the inner half of the tion is higher than wide, the venter is rounded
flank . and narrower on the external half of the and the whorl sides are slightly convex; the
whorl than in K1li'Sten's species as it is treated umbilical wall is oblique; toward the adoral end
in this study. of the conch the height of the whorl increases
in relation to the width,
OCCURRENCE.Upper Aptian.
The ornament consists of ribs which
_ . :. .Stoyanowiceras tre{{ryanus (Karsten) begin at the umbilical seam where they describe
"PI: a; ng.s. · - · · · · · an adoral concavity and extend up to a little

� ·

beyond the umbilical rim, then they describe an

(Morph I) adoral arc on the adumbilical half of the whorl;
up to this point the ribs are raised and promi­
Paratype. (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P. Pt. N.54). nent, from here up to the periventral margin
the ribs are slightly concave adorally, they be·
Th� morph is peculiar because its orna· come wide, broadly rounded to flattened and
ment. is stressed very early in the ontogeny, go straight across the venter.
espe�1ally the flanging of. the ribs on the umbili·
cal nm. There is a regular alternation of primary

and intercalary ribs on both flanks, the interca­

Me&.u:rementa o Euw H W D/Euw % D/H "'o lary ribs begin near the umbilical third of the
Penldlv. 1 4 18 7 7 8 39 39 whorl where they slant adapically and approach
Pen.Uv: 1 3 30 10 1 2 12 33 40 the preceding primary as if forking from it and
in some instances it seems a true bifurcation.
OCCURRENCE. Upper Aptian. The intercostal spaces are narrower than the
Stoyanowiceras treffryanus (KaJSten)
P1.3, fig.12. DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
by its low and broad heavy ribs.
(Morph II)
Measurements D Euw H W D{Euw% DtH %
Paratype . (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P. Pt. N.55). T.I.P.Guaduaa 79 24 36 26 30 46

COMMENTS. This species is closely simi•. on one side appear as primaries even bifurcating
lar to Stoyanowiceras tre{fryanus (Karsten), appear as secondaries on the other side. The
but has lower and broader ribs than the latter. umbilical wall becomes inclined. The border of
Stoyanowiceras colombiana (Scott) has sharper the aperture is plain .
and higher ribbing than S. cinta tum , n.sp.
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
Parahoplites nicholsoni Benavides-Caceres by: A) its stocky aspect, especially in the adult,
also resembles S. cintatum n. sp. but the Peruvian and B) its flexuous ribbing.
species has a wider umbilicus, its umbilical wall
is vertical and the ribs regularly bifurcate, but Measurements D Euw H W D/Euw DfH No.R.
the opposite is true in the Colombian species. % %
C • 222A 46 19 16 15 42 36 24(2/3)
OCCURRENCE. Upper Aptian. T.I.P. Guaduas 37 16 13 1 2 36
43 30(3(4)
Genus .f'fdelltes n .g.
. • ) r. f. ,, ;,.o,�r..
(£:r·a,, :<.£�,;"')
COMMENTS. This species differs from
oJ!IIIil :t?SrcdiiSiii .,.!'
, "'

· · � · · ·· ·
fJvru.:.'' )_.(d):." 'i Reidelites obliq u u m (Riedel) because the latter
TYPE SPECIES. Riedelites esthersemae n. sp. never has a stocky appearance and its ribs are
rme throughout its ontogeny.
DIAGNOSIS. Evolute conchs of small to
moderate size; the whorl section is rounded OCCURRENCE. Socota Member. Upper
suboval to subquadrate. No tubercles are pre­ Aptian .
sent. The ribbing be�ins as delicately flexuos
ribs, crowded in the JUVenile but well spaced in
the adults. The ribs are acute adumbilically but
broadly rounded to feebly flattened on the ad­
ventral half of the whorl and on venter. 1938 Parahoplites cf. o bliquus Riedel, p. 34,
pl . 6, fig. 14; pl. 14, fig. 15.
COMMENT:>. This genus differs from Co·
lombiceras in the lack of tuberculation and the Holotype. The specimen figured by Riedel, 1938,
development of the ribbing throu�tt out the on­ EL 6, fig. 14.
togeny. !-!ypotype.(U.N.C.M.H.N .C.P.Ht.N. 36, 37).
Type Locality. Utica (Cundin amarca).
This genus is named in honor of Dr.
Leonhardt Riedel, A) Up to 23 mm D (C-200-B). The earliest
part of the phragmocone has a subrectangular
..Jlj�delites esthersemae n. sp. whorl section, slightly wider than high. The sides
Pl. 6, lig. 12; Text-ffgs. 1's, 7T. round into the flattened venter; the umbilical wall
is subvertical but merges smoothly in to the flank.
Holotype. C·222A (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht. N.52) The ornament consists mostly of fine primary
Patatype. (U. N. C. M. H. N. C. P. Pt .N.56) ribs beginning at the umbilical seam and trending
linearly on the umbilical wall; on the adumbili·
A) Up to 38 mm D (T.I.P.G.). The inner cal half of the flank the ribs are feebly convex
whorls are - slightly depressed (H: 3mm; W: adorally but on the adventral half they describe
4mm); the ornament consists of raised rounded a sl ight adoral concavity that is accentuated
ribs which begin at the umbilical rim, they des­ on some ribs; the ribs cross the venter straight.
cribe an adoral bow on the adumbilical third of
the flank, and on the central and adventral On the internal mold the ribs are high and
thirds they have an adoral concavity. The ribs rounded. Sporadically there is a rib that appears
continue across the venter but are slightly wi· to begin near the umbilical margin or on the ad·
der. The intercostal spaces are rounded and one ventral third of the flank from the adapical side
and a half times as wide as the ribs. Sporadica­ of the subsequent rib. On the internal mold the
lly some ribs bifurcate at the umbilical rim. intercostal spaces are slightly wider than the ribs.
In the innermost whorls some ribs flare out on
On the subsequent whorls the whorl section the adumbilical half of the flank; on one flank
becomes higher than wide, the umbilical wall is a rib may appear as a primary but on the other
nearly vertical and merges smoothly into the side it appears as a secondary.
flank. The sides are flattened and the venter
is broadly rounded. On the internal mold the
ribs are thin, and high on the adumbilical half B) Up to 36 mm D (C-200-A). The whorl
of the flank, they are rounded to slightly flatte­ section becomes higher than wide (H : 13; W : ll),
ned on the adventral half. At this stage the ribs and there is a marked tendency for a regulariza­
are slightly sigmoidal, with a regular alternation · tion of the alternating primary and secondary
of primary and secondary ribs. The primanes ribs, bu,t this is periodic�Jiy interrupted by cou­
begin near the umbilical seam, the secondaries ples of successive primary ribs; the secondary
appear far outside the umbilical rim.
ribs are better defined toward the adventral
B) Up to 46 mm D (C-222-A). The orna­ third of the flank but they.,are narrower along
mentation of the adapical portion of this speci· the ventral median line than on the ventral
men is as described above, but ad orally the ribs margin.
become well rounded on venter and the ribs that

DIAGNO SIS. This species is characterized Lectotype. Here designated the specimen illus·
trated by Riedel, 1938, pl. 6, fig.
by: A) the increase in height of the whorl sec­
rib 11-12.
tion B) the irregular accentuation of the Hypotype . (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Hy.N. 38, 39,40)
usity during the juvenile stage , and C) the
flex� Type Locality. Utica (Cundinamarca).
tendency of the ribs tow:ard flattening on the
adventral third of the whorl side during the
adult stage, giving the ribs a rursiradiate aspec
. � A) Up to 20mm D (C-199-B,C). The e arliest
part of the last whorl is slightly wider than
high; the sides are slightly convex, they round
smoothly into the arched venter and the subver·
tical umbilical wall.
Meumementa D Euw H W D/Euw D/H No.R.
% %
Ribs begin on outer half of umbilical wall,
200 B 23 9 9 19 39 3 9 ' 38
C •
trend slightly prorsiradiate on ·the adumbilical
36 13 13 11 36 36 29(3/4)
C • 200A third of the flank and then trend radially to the
ventral margin. The ribs h ave a rather uniform
thickness to the adventral third of the flank
where they broaden and cross the venter with a
COMMENTS. At first glance these speci· delicate adoral arc; the ribs are well defined and
mens appear similar to the specimen described sep arated by intercostal spaces about one and a
by Basse (1928, p. 136, fig. 14; pl. 8, fig. 5) from
half times as wide as the ribs.
Villa de Leiva and identified as Colombicera.s

ka,:steni (Marcou) , which later was included Sporadically a secondary rib branches
within the genus Pegnace ras (as Penaceras}C antti­ from the adoral slope of a primary rib near the
Chapa, 1963, p. 55), however, I feel the latter umbilical rim. An alternation of intercalary and
genus should be restricted to the Mexican spe­ primary ribs become dominant on the internal
cies ·in the type species of Pegnaceras:the distan· whorls, some of the primary ribs become stron·
ce etween the ribs does not increase with growth , ger. The ribs become progressively wider apart
thefhlckening of the ribs is "transversely elon­ with growth.
gate" (Humphrey , 1949, p. 142), and the early
development of the sculpture unknown, conse· B) Up to 4 0 mm D (C-200·0). At about
qtiently I consider the rursiradiate adult ribs an a diameter of 20 mm the ribs have a regular pat­

undiagnostic character; it is also present on tern of alternating uniformly raised primary in·
"Acdnthoplites ?adkinsi'' and A an th plite ? " o s tercalary ribs, the latter sometimes inclined to·
sandidgei" described by Humphrey from Mexico ward the preceding primary rib as if bifurca­
but no assigned to Penacera.s by CantU-Chapa. ting from it at about the adumbilical third of
1\ll&Se's illustrated specimen is poorly preserved the flank. On the adoral fourth of the last
and does not warrant an extensive discussion. whorl the ribs are rme, delicately falciform.

· .· OCCURRENCE. Socota Member. Upper C) Up to 50 mm D (C-5 14-B). The whorl

A,ptian. section is subquadrate with flattened venter and
rounded periventral margins; the umbilical wall

�iefe tes obliquum £Riedel)

is subvettical and rounds smoothly into the sides.
•.· ·.· · ••
.. M 3; Pl. 6, fig. 7 ; Text-fig. 7P.
L \l.g. The ornament consists of strong ribs as in
(Mozph I). the previously described specimens; the primary
' .

ribs begin at the umbilical seam, describe an

. 1938 Parahoplites obliquus Riedel, p.33, pl.6, 11.doral concavity on the umbilical wall and the
figs. 11-13, pl. 12, fig. 9, pl. 14, fig.14. adumbilical third of the flank, on the middle
third the ribs describe a weak adoral convexity ,
1957Parahoplites obliquus Riedel, Btirgl, p.135 on the adventral third they describe an ado­
ral concavity then go straigh t across the venter.
1964 Parahoplites obliquus Riedel, Etayo-Ser-
· . na, pars, p. 118. At this stage the ribs are acute on the
flanks and broadly flattened to rounded on the
1965 Colombiceras obliquum . (Riedel) , Casey, venter but are slightly more flattened on the
.. · .
p; 420. adapical part of the last whorl than on the ado­
ral part.
)968 Colom biceras obliquum (Riedel), Etayo·
·. .· .· .
Bema, p. 34, fig. 7, tab. I. COMMENTS. This mozph is characterized
by: A) its early whorls with weakly sinuous

197.0 Colombiceras obliquum (Riedel), Wied· ribs, slightly wider on venter, some of them
, mann, p. 4 84, ex rev. of Etayo-Serna's p a· sporadically emphasized or bifurcating near the
per. umbilical rim, B) at lntennediate stages o f
growth the ribs are progressively more distant
, 1972 Colombicei'as obliquum (Riedel), Etayo· from one to another with primary and interca·
' Serna, p . 45 . lary ribs alternating, and C) throughout the onto·
geny the ribs preserve their delicate flexuous
1976 C�lom biceras obliquum (Riedel), Etayo· oblique trend.
�' ' Serna et al, p. 225, tab. II.

Measurements D Euw H w DfEuw D{H N.R. Mea.surements D H w

"1. % C·225·o ? 13 12
C·199·B 22 10 8 8 45 36 44 C•225·6 ? 20 23
C·199·A 20? 87 8? 8? 40? 40? 22(1/2) C·226·7 ? 13 13
C·514·B 60 2 2 16 1 44 32 1 8(1/2) C·225•8 7 13 13

COMMENTS. This species differs from

COMMENTS. The specimens illustrated the previously described species of Riedelites
by Riedel represent juveniles to young adults because it is the only one with an extremely de·
(1938, p.33,34; pl.6, figs. 1 1-13; pl.12, fig.9; pressed section and flaring almost annular ribs.
pl.14, fig. 14) agreeing fairly well with the early
whorls of the specimens here studied, on them OCCURRENCE. Upper Aptian.
the ribs are not yet broadened on the venter, ·
but distant spacing of the ribs after the crow·
ded stage is visible. This species differs from
k�J:;:]i"'\ p;
Parahoplite'JJ Anffiula,-· ·�"899
·· ·

Riedelites quebradanegra by its more flexuous

and projected ribs and because its whod section
is not compressed.
Parahoplites Anthula, 1899, p. 109.
\lliiiiL rt oaq ttr ll'u )Uiiji'-G!Ejf¥,.. "I 9cW����::-...Lc : �
· ,� - .

TYPE SPECIES. Parahoplites melchioris Anthu·

OCCURRENCE. Lower San Gil Formation Ia, original designation.
(Segment B). Upper Aptian.
.E..a�hoalites (?} huba£hi n ..!!!.:
Riedelites [,ilosum». sp. Pl. , fig.l.
Pl.7, fig.1; Text-fig. 7U.
Holotype. C-127 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.N.54)
Holotype. C-225·6 (U. N. C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.N.5 3)
Paratype. (U. N. C. M. H. N. C. P.Pt. N.57,58)
The description is based on the holotype.
The earliest whorl observed is the antepenulti·
Only internal molds are preserved. A) Up mate. The umbilical wall is subvertical, the
to H:13 mm (C-225,7 ,8). The whorl section is umbilical rim is rounded. The ornament consists
subrectangular, approximately as wide as high, of a regular alternation of emph asized primary
it has rounded periventral margins, broa� ly ar· ribs which begin at the umbilical seam and flare
ched venter and short, approximately 45 incli· out slightly at the umbilical rim ; the ribs appear
ned umbilical wall. prorsiradiate up to the involution line. Between
these ribs there is a tapering intercalary rib that
disappears before reaching the umbilical rim,
The ornament consislb of fine rounded this rib is inclined toward the primary prece­
ribs with some beginning at the umbilical seam; ding it, but does not connect to it. This pattern
these describe a slight adoral concavity on . the may be interrupted by a strong secondary rib
u mbilical wall, then trend prorsiradiate descri· that reaches the umbilical wall but in these ca·
bing a weak adoral convexity near the middle ses the primary ribs are much more prominent.
of the flank and an adoral concavity, more or On the penultimate whorl the alternation of the
less accentuated, on the adventral third, then ribs is well established with the intercalary ribs
they arc adorally on ven ter; the adapical side of usually but n ot always extending to the middle
the ribs is steeper than the adoral side; the ribs of the flank, then they cross the venter' in a wi-
have a rounded top. de adoral arc.
The intercostal spaces are three times as
wide as the ribs on venter, they narrow on the: A few primary ribs also bifurcate near the
umbilical margin to one and a half times as wide; umbilical rim. Beginning at the periventral mar­
gin the ribs curve forward, so appearing wider
on the venter than on flanks, but they are not
Up to H : 20 mm (C-225·6). In this speci- . flattened . At the beginning of the last whorl
men the whorl section is depressed, wider than a primary ribs bifurcates near the middle of the
high; there is a continuous curvature from one flank. The shell is thick, the ribs are prominent
flank to the other; the umbilical wall is very re· with symmetrical sides and rounded top on the
duced. The ribs are very prominent, they cross flanks, on the venter the adapical side of the
the flanks, varying from weakly flexuous to al· . ribs is longer and more inclined than the adoral
most straight; they are slightly wider on venter . side . Adaperturally the ribs have a moderate
and rounded; one or two of these ribs become biconcave profile that at times is nearly straight.
emphasized and bifurcate . near the middle of ·
the flank; no tuberculization is present; the in- , The ven�r is relatively wide, but the
tercostal spaces are twice as wide as the ribs and . maximum 'in flation of the whorl Is at the umbi­
channel like on venter. lical rim. There is a striking development of the
umbilical wall from the penultimate wh orl to
DIA G �OSIS. This species is characterized the apertural part of the last �horl : at the be·
in the adult stage by: A) Its wide subrectangu­ ginning it is subvertical to weakly convex but
lar whorl section and B) its annular ribs and it becomes retracted dorsally sloping toward
deep intercostal spaces. the venter of the preceding whorl .

The central branch of L of the suture has NOTE : This morph is interesting because of the
tendency to become asymmetrical, usually decreasing in number of ribs from the
� oser to the adumbilical branch. inner whorls to the outer ones and
their appearance at different levels.
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
A) the regular alternation of primary and
alaryearly in the ontogeny , B) its rounded
Meuurement D Euw H W D/Euw D{H No.R.
b ·
ribs, the fanner stressed adumbil c a­ % '%
c . 1 27
IlY tr
36 14 16 1 4 39 41 39
subrectangular whorl section and C) the change
wall through-
in the inclination of the umbilical COMMENTS. This morph differs from

out the onto geny , from subvertical to concave. Parahoplites melchioris An thula as illustrated
by Glassunova (1953, pl. II) because the whorl
MllljUUrBDJBnt.l 0 Euw H W DfEuw D{H N.R. section of the Caucassian fornt is m ore circular
"to % and the ribs are more strongly projected ante­
c-127 757 26 32 ? 357 437 44 riorly on venter, but it lacks the retraction of
the ribs along the ventral median line.
COl\'IMENTS. This species differs from
Parahoplites melchioris Anthula ( 1899, pl.S, Parahoplites multicostatus Sinzow (1907,
figs. 4,5) from Russia by the ribs .be�g more p. 459, pl. 2, fi g. 5-7) has a whorl section infla­
strongly flexuous and the whorl section ts lower. ted on the adumbilical third of the flank and
The same species as illustrated by Sinzow (1907, convergent on the adventral third but on the
p.458, l)L2, fig.l) li�ewise �as more flexuous Colombian species the whorl section tends to
ribs thart the Colombian spectes. The topotypes be slightly compressed; the bifurcation of the
of Anthula's species illustrated by Casey (1965, primary ribs ceases earlier in the ontogeny of
text�figs;146, f.g, h-i) emphasize the subquarlra­ the Colombian species than the Caucassian fonn.
te whorl section of the type species.
O CCURRENCE. Upper Aptian.

O CCURRENCE. Unnamed beds above the Par;.a{l,oiJ,lite$..trWrul.. n. sp.

Socota Member and below the Capotes Member. Pi.� , 1ig. 5; Text-fig. 5G.
Upper Ap tian.
Holotype . C-127 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.N. 55).
This species .is named in honor of the late Paratype . C·l27 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Pt.N. 60).
geologist Enrique Hubach director of the Gelo­
gical Survey ofColombia trom 1950 to 1957. The description is based on the holotype,
The protoconch can not be observed; the se­
Pczrohoplites hubachi n. sp.
cond whorl is smooth but under high magnifi·.
P}; 5, fig.6; text-fig. 5F cation broad puckers are indicated on the test
near the involution line; at the beginning of the
··· (Morph I) third whorl rounded ribs are visible, the latter
differentiate into primary and intercalary ribs
iParatype; (U. N. C. M. H. N. C. P. Pt. N. 59) at the beginning of the fourth whorl, the pri­
mary ribs appear at the middle of the umbilical
· ·- • - The innennost whorls are not clearly ob­
wall whereas the intercalary ribs begin near the
.. .

�rvable; The penultimate whorl is ornamented

umbilical rim ; at this stage the ribs are blu� t1
"!ith.rlbs regularly distributed between primary
not very high, they are separated by intercosw
�d Intercalary; the fanner begin at the umb ili­
spaces slightly wider than the ribs.
•.c:� seam l1Jld they trend projected and at the
�'W�� time they describe a feeble adoral conca­ The umbilical wall is rounded and passes
��tY on the adum))ilical third of the whorl side, into the slightly convex flank. At the beginning
tqeyalso flange out and bifurcate. Between tw
o of the last whorl (4th?) the ribs develop a slight
,:of ��-!H! primary ribs th ere may. be one or two concavl ty on the urnbilical wall and slight conve·
lli�rclll ary ribs which begin at different points xity on the central third of the flank, then
P�Proaching the umbilical rim. describe a concavity on the adventral third and
'��f• _in general the ribs are high with steep si­
project on venter where they widen in a visor­
like fashion. At this point the whorl section is
raterdb y.roun ded but narrow top; they are sepa­
lntercos� spaces almost one and a
as high as wide with the maximum width at the
umbilical margin but there is a constriction of
;·'h· lll r· as Wlde as the nbs.
the flanks along the periphery giving the who rl

�>; '!'he earli�st portion of the last who has rl

a stubby pyriform aspect. On the last whorl the
re:61v if_ attened primary ribs flange out on the adumbilical third
_ _

umbtl lc� wall which rounds in to the of the flank.

Yte�at�ned ven ter. Along the ventr
s1des that likewise pass smoo­
tnf'' ·

• �i �tyi e

._:l�f\vh no ebi�r n .
_ . bs are feebJy retrac�d. On the
The suture line (Paratype, N.60 ) has L
weakly asymme trical E{L and L/U2 are sub­
. n of
·• · ;bet the adap1calcati?
'•9owe 0
the nbs occurs,
� the two intercalary ribs
symmetrically bifid.
fief.-. - h�e . the
u�bllJcal rim bu t the adoral rib
umbthcal seam. All the
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
ribs are by: A) its small size, B) its pyrifonn whorl sec­
· (' _ Y tgh on ven ter.
tion and C) the regular alternation of primary

and intercalary ribs, broadening on venter in a tercalary ribs between primaries but usually
visor-like manner. there is only one. The intercostal spaces are one
and a half times as wide as the ribs.
Meuurement D Euw H W D/Euw D/H No.R.
% % Meuuremente D Euw H W D(Euw D(H No.R.
C-127 28 10 9 8 43 39 38 % %
C-127 20 9 7 7 45 36 47 c - &03-13 28 12 9 8 43 32 21(3/4)

COMMENTS. This species resembles "Pa­ COMMENTS. On Riedel's illustrations,

rahoplites n u midicus Sornay" from the "Zone that which depicts the complete specimen (Rie·
de Clansares. Djebel Harraba, anticlinal de Sidi del, pl. 6 , fig. 8) gives the impression the ribs
Embarka' , Algeria (Somay, 1955, p. 13, pl. 1, were delicat&Dy nodose along the ventral margins,
fig. 16, 18) but the African species has a clear but this is not discernible on the ventral view of
alternation of ribs on the middle third of the the same specimen (ibid., fig. 9}. His specimen
flank that does not occur on the Colombian · is larger than the present specimen. This is the
species, furthermore the whorl section of Sor­ first time the stratigraphic occurrence of this
nay's species is much higher than wide at com­ species has been documented.
parable diameters (see pU, fig. 18, op. cit.). Both
species however share in common the constric· OCCURRENCE. Unnamed beds above
ted periventral margins and the maximum infla­ the Socoti Member and below the Capotes
tion of the whorl at the umbilical rim. Member. Upper Aptian.

OCCURRENCE. Unnamed beds above • ,�·-

p·�- "i-
tiTikDIWZ&mtrweumayr and

the Socoti Member and below the Capote& Genus


Member. Upper Aptian. Uhlig, 1881.

- .
TYPE SPECIES. A mmo-nites · pierdenalis von
Pqrahoplites (?) inconstans Riedel ? Buch.
Pl. 10, fig. 2; Text-fig. 5D.
.Eneonocergs Q]galucicw.,n. sp.
1938 Parahoplites inconstans Riedel, p.32, pl.6, Pl. it, fig.4 ; Text=figs. BB,SC.
figs. 8-10, pl. 12, fig. 11, pl. 14, fig. 13.
Holotype. C-501A (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.N.56).
1949 Parahoplites inconstans Riedel, Stoyanow,
p. 99. The section of the first whorl is depressed
and much wider th an hightit hm a broadly roun­
1957 Parahoplites inconstans Riedel, Biirgl, p. ded venter; the second whorl is roughly subglo­
135. . bose, the umbilical wall is oblique and rounds
evenly into the convex umbilical third of the
1964 Parahoplites incostans Riedel, Etayo-Ser· flank; the width of the whorl decreases and the
na, p. 1 18. sides converge toward the slightly arched venter.
On the third whorl there is a marked increase in
1965 Parahoplites inconstans Riedel, Biirgl, in the whorl height (H :6mm; Euw:2) and the sec­
Campbell and Biirgl. tion becomes lanceolate : the flanks are nearly
evenly convergent toward the venter with a
Holotype. Specimen described and illustrated slight compression on the adventral fourth; the
. . by Riedel, 1938, p.32, pl.14, fig.13. flanks join fonning an acute venter; the maxi·
Type locality. Quebrada Negra , al sur de Utica mum inflation is at the umbilical third of the
Hypotype . q�s Jf1��:r�M��.N.C.P.Hy�N��i) . flank.

Earch whorl overlaps the preceding one

Only one specimen is available. The whorls to its umbilical rim. The ornament on the
are slightly higher than wide; the umbilical w,all . fourth and last whorl consists of ribs which
is subvertical, it rounds into the flanks; the raise as puckers at the umbilical rim and broa­
intercostal proflle of venter is rounded ; the den adventrally, they have a mammillate
flanks are almost parallel to slightly inflated near tubercle on the umbilical rim (8 per whorl?);
their middle. The ribs are strong and rounded, toward the adapical half of the last whorl the
they begin at the periumbilical margin, they are periventral carinae are serrate and bear out­
almost rectiradiated though on the adventral wardly directed nodes.
half of the flank they are slightly arcuate adora·
lly and cross the venter normal to the median The suture line has E/L wide, subrectan·
line where they . are ·'Slightly flattened. On .the gular and ·has an internal branch, the other
internal mold the ribs show delicate compres­ saddles are entire, the lobes tend to be bi·
sed nodes along the umbilical margin. At the fid, only slightly indented.
periventral margin the ribs fonn rounded shoul­
D'IAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
The ornament is composed of alternating by: A} its craterifonn umbilicus, B) its narrow
primary and seconday ribs, the latter beginning venter bordered by delicately dentate edges1
slightly adumbilically to the middle of the flank. and C) the puckers on the · adumbilical third 01
The innermost part of the conclr$hows- two iri- the flank. :; .

Meuurementa D Euw H W D/Euw D/H No.R. "Parengonoceras elegans Renz.'-' (1970, p.

'Yo % 1036) from La Puya Member, Upper Albian of
C·61 0A 40 3 ? ? 7 ? 8? Venezuela (Renz, 1970, pl. 3, fig. 1c especially)
has a similar type of ribbing, but its whorl sec­
tion is more lanceolate than in the Colombian
COMMENTS. This species resembles En­ species at comparable diameters.
gonoceras stolleyi Bohm {1898, pl. 5, fig. 3),
especially the juveniles attributed to that spe­ O CCURRENCE. Middle Albiali:·
cies by Hyatt {1903, pl. 23, fig. 7-8, pl. 24, fig.
3, 4), but Bohm's species is more compressed •
_Enc fl.,'_o�r;:;;4.
<?l dwqJ,ei.J!
. �n.
!X.. _.-"-·
' , . ..
· and has prominent ribs on the external half of
• .

the flank; the opposite is true In the Colom­
bian species. At equivalent diameters the lobes 1968 Engonoceras cf. gr. E. gibbosum [Hyatt] ,
of the suture of the Colombian species are more Etayo-Serna, p. 37, fig. 9, table I.
indented but they have fewer secondary ele­
ments than in Bohm's species. Holotype. V. Leiva Est. 33a, bed S. .(U.N.C.M.
H.N.C.P.Ht.N. 57).

OCCURRENCE. Middle Albian. Paratype . (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Pt.N.61).

Engono�ras.�P...... A) Up to 101 mm (Paratype. V. L. Est.

Pi.*li, fli -g_ 3 3a). The whorl section is subellipitical; the
umbilical wall is inclined and merges insensibly
Reference specimen C· 5 10-A. into the flank that has its maximum convexity
slightly adumbilical to the middle; from that
Only one specimen is available (D:42mm). point the flanks converge toward the truncated
The conch is discoidal , compressed and involute; venter. �'hen the shell is preserved it is covered
the umbilical wall is subvertical, it grades into with sinuous lirae and the surface of the shell is
the side through a rounded rim; the flanks are divided into broad folds and narrower, depres­
slightly convex, gently converging toward the sed grooves, well dermed mostly· along the
venter; the maximum width is near the middle; periumbilical third of the flank.
the venter is narro w, slightly concave, it is bor·
dered by two sharp dentate carinae, the teeth Along the periventral margins there is a
corresponding on both sides of the venter. row of tubercles on each margin , they are clava­
te ad apically but adorally they become triangu­
The ornament on the adapical half of the
. gular fo m ammillate; the tubercles do not co­
· lest
•· .
· .

whorl consists of bundles of lirae which rrespond on both sides but alternate. There is a
foi:tn taised and rounded inflations at the adum- rapid increase in the width of the venter from
' �iUc.al third of the flank; the ribs have a minute the adapical to the adoral portions of this
> c;onical tubercle at the umbilical rim; they trend specimen.
Jn·orsiradiate or with a slight adoral bow to the .
:(adventral third of the flank where they form a B) Up to 150 mm D (Holotype. V. L. Est.
;,. crescentic adoral concavity. 33a). The ornamentations is as described above
., "'"· · · ·
but on the living chamber, which is half of the
Near the middle of the flank the ribs tri· length of the whorl, a marked change in orna­
On the internal mold flat, low strap­ ment occurs: the venter widens noticeably and
are impressed, ending at the marginal tends to become rounded, the periventral tu�
in clavi that are as wide as the ribs. bercles fade out but contemporaneously,
rounded nodes begin to develop parallel to the
Slngl�, non tuberculate intercalary ribs ventrai margin but with a more internal posi·

The intercostal spaces are shallower tion (or the venter raises?); paired mammillate
ribs and are indicated by notches on tubercles develop at the boundary between the
On the adoral half of the last whorl central third of the flank and the adventral and
. develop very fine bullae near the urn­ adumbilical thirds respectively; these tubercles
.. riin and a conical tubercle near the mid· surmount raised areas of the test with the adoral­
the Dank and the carinal teeth become most one bulging out giving a flaring appearance.
The suture has subrectangular, bifid
specimen is septate 'up the adoral· DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
preserved. by its ontogenetic development. A) smooth ,

broadly undulated conch wit.'I a narrow flatte­

ned venter and alternating periventral clavi in
the young, and B) a broadly rounded venter
and knob-like , periventral internal nodes, and
development of lateral tubercles in the adult.

Measurements D Euw H W D/Euw% D JH %

V.L.E9t.33a 101 16 52 27 16 61
V.L.Est.33a 150 25 6 6 44 17 43

COMMENTS. I previously compared this

species to Engonoceras gibbosum Hyatt (1903,

p .171, pl.22, fig.6-10, pl. 23, fig. 1-6), especia­ COMMENTS. I am following Casey's (1961)
lly to the holotype (ibid., pl.23, fig.1,2), but interpretation of Platiknemiceras. Of the species
the latter has a flattened tectifonn whorl sec· referred to this genus by Casey, Platiknemiceras
tion, and a characteristically persistent deve­ gracile (Douville') ( 19 16, p. 128, pl. 16, fig. 9,
lopment of the nodes along the middle of the text- fig. 42) looks similar, however, it seems
flanks at a diameter at which the Colombian more inflated and has more elongated and pro­
species is smooth. minent crenations on the ventrolateral carinae.

This new species also has a slight resem· J:p-tiknpr:-icera$ f.e· ind. A.
blance to Protengonoceras gabbi (Bohm) in eX"tigs; ·81t;"8K7 w:.L,....
Hyatt ( 1903, p.154), but the latter lacks tuber­
cles throughout the ontogeny and has a distinc­ Reference specimen C • 5 1 OA.
tly concave venter which seems to be rounded
in extreme age (op.cit., p .155). The lobes of the The conch is involute , discoidal, the sides
suture are somewhat similar but they are are almost flat to weakly convex, there is a cons­
more lacerate in . the Colombian species. picuous beveling of the adventral fourth of the
OCCURRENCE. Upper San Gil Forma­
tion (Bed 8). Middle Albian. The ornament consists of flat; rib-like
bands that begin as bundles of growth striae
This species is named in honor of the late with a slight concavity on the umbilical rim, they
field assistant J. Duarte, of the Geological Sur· trend prorsir&diate up to the adventral third of
vey of Colombia.
.. .....
-�k�� �'!"':"'-�,�-J-t!- .:.;'->· -�·.-· •,
the flank from where they describe a crescentic

( PlatiknemiceradBata11er,
,.,.,._._ ... ,- • ·
adoral concavity to the venter. The intercostal

Genus spaces are thread like.

The venter is slightly concave and bordered
Platiknemiceras Bataller, 1954, p.174. by two sharp carinae. A sligh tly larger specimen
shows the suture, it has the external ele·

bassei menm ordered in an almost vertical echelon. On

TYPE SPECIES. Knemiceras (Platiknemiceras)
Bataller, original desig· the adult (?) a weak median carina along the
nation . ventral line is observable but otherwise the ven­

Pigtikneuriceras colombianq 'ter is flat although the periventral carinae per·

sist. The growth lines cross the venter nonnal

to the median line.

Holotype. C-169 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht. N.58) NOTE : This species is characterized by: A) the
subparallel nature of the flanks with
The conch is discoidal, involute. The um· the beveled adventral fourth, apparen·
bilical wall is vertical and has a blunt umbilical tly persistent throughout the ontoge­
rim; the ·adumbilical half of the flank is flat ny, B) its falcate, pucker-like low !'ib·
whereas the adventral half converges evenly to­ bing, and C) the tendency to develop a
ward the narrow, flat to slightly excavated ven· ventral median carina with growth.
ter; the periventral margins are sharp, they have
finely crenate carinae on each side.
Meuurementee. D Euw H W D/Euw% D/H %
C - 6 10A 17 3 10 6 18 69
The surface of the shell is covered with .fl.
ne, periodically raised lirae which gather in
bundles producing very low falcate ribs visibl.e COMMENTS. An unfigured species of
only with oblique illumination; they are radial Platiknemiceras (?) was noted by Breistroffer
and straight on the adumbilical and ce�tral (1952, p . 2634) as occurring with Knemiceras
thirds of the flank but on the adventral jhird in the ."Mesoalbien basal du Cundinamarca", the
they describe a shallow adoral concavity . \. characteristic suture described by Breistroffer
agrees in general with that of the present species.
The suture of the type species of Platikne­
There is an alternation of moderately ac· miceras (see Bataller, 1954; Casey, 196l, fig. 1b)
centuated and ofvery·low ribs. On the adventral has shallower accessory lobes than the Colom·
third of the flank feather structure is visible on bian species.
both flanks. On o.ne side on the umpilical
brink there is a tenuous fain t bullate tubercle (?). OCCURRENCE. Middle Albian.

DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized

by : A) Its fmely crenate ventrolateral carinae, B)
W.ol;flf[if?�l l&:JPE:P�
the trend of the bundles of lirae , radial �n the �
Reference � eeimen. V. L. Est. 33a, bed 8.
central and adumbilical thirds of the flank, ado-
rally concave on the adventral third.

Only a fragment of the internal mold of

this species is available. !The conch in discoidal,
Meuuzementa. ' D Euw H W . the whorl section is evenly convex. The surface
c- 189 ? 5 30 14 of the internal mold is smooth; locally and only

visible with oblique illumination there are very the convex sides. The whorl section is inflated
tenuous, rib-like radial pleats. on the adumbilical third of the flank, it is sllgh­
tly compre!ISed to excavated on the adventral
The venter ls flat to slightly excavated, it third, the venter is truncated.
is bounded by two rounded, apparently conti­
nuous carinae that are broadly ondulated. The adapical portion or the last whorl
of this specimen has broad low ribs which arise
NOTE : This species is characterized by its bro- from sharp periumbilical tubercles, they trend
adly wavy carinae and extremely atte- • radially up to middle of the flank from which
nuated ornament. ·

point they describe a feeble concavity to end at

elevated spinose periventral clavi. At the adapi·
MEASUREMENTS. The specimen has a cal segment where the shell is preserved these
radius of 90 mm but no other measurement can nodes are interconnected by a zig-zag rib.
be made.

An intercalary rib begins in ..a subdued

This species is rather simi·
COMMENTS. manner near middle of the flank ·and near the
lar to that illustrated by Casey ( 1962, P,· 355, following adoral primary as if bifurcating from
fig. 1c, ld) as Platiknemiceros sp. from ' Lower it, it terminates in a spinose ventrolateral tuber­
Albian (sandy siltstone at base of Group 5) near cle. The periventral tubercles alternate.
Canta, Peru:' It is possible that this fragment
, from Est. 33a represents lhe adult ofP. colombia­ The living chamber is half the length of
no. the last whorl; no appreciable change in the or­
nament occurs except for the attenuation of
OCCURRENCE. Upper San Gil Formation ribbing and increase in spacing between the pe­
(Bed 8 ). Middle Albian. riumbilical nodes (6 per whorl). Flexuous growth
: t�a�n��· T!f�eitic;;J��!;};i��- lirae are present on the exterior of the shell
where it is preserved.
Knemiceras Bohm, 1898, p. 200.
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characteri·
TYPE SPECIES. A mmonites syriacw von Buch, zed by : A) its moderately inflated, rather pyri­
original designation. form whorl section, ll) the alternation of low
sinuous ribs, the primary ones beginning at sharp
�netW�'af semicostatum periumbilical tubercles, and the secondaries be·
oromemw@.�;•.ft_ll•.. fig. 2; ginning near the middle of the flank where the
Text-fig. 8G, 81. primary ribs are slightly inflated.
19l0 Knemiceras attenuatum var. semicosta­ Measurements. D Euw H D/Eu w % DJH %
tum Sommermeier, p. 350, text-fig. 18� V.L.Est. 33 81 17 40 21 50

? 1947 Knemiceras semicostatum Sommermeier,

Knechtel, p. 93, pl. 15, fig. 1, 2, 3, text­ COMMENTS. The present specimen is
fig. 3. very similar to the one referred to the "variety"
(op. cit., p. 351) and illustrated by Sommerme·
1952 [Knemicerasl semicostatum Somm., Bre- ier; the other specimens referred to the same
istroffer, p. :2633. variety by him as well as those illustrated by
Knechtel (194 7, p. 93, pl. 15, figs. 1, 2, 3), have
) 1952 Kn. [emiceras l semicostatum Somm., strm.ger rounded ribs than in the Colombian re­
Mahmoud, p. 8'4. presentatives. Knechtel's specimen also has mo­
re numerous ventrolateral tubercles.
?. 1955 Kn. (emiceras ] attenuatum semicosta­
. . fig.
tum Sommermeier, Mahmoud, p. 54,

27. OCCURRENCE. Upper San Gil Forma­

tion (Bed 8). Middle Albian.
'? 19 64 Knemiceras attenuatum semicostatum
Sornmermeier, Etayo-Sema, p. 121. .. Knemiceros fegnai n. SE·
5 Knemiceros semicostatum semicosta-
. J!J;2, ftg.J . iett·tt!t!• so!..��... ..
tum Sommermeier, BUrgi, in Campbell Holotype. C-131 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.N.59).
and BUrgi.
19S .S Knem iceras semicostatu�
Only the holotype is available, it is sep­
Sommermeier tate throughout. The innermost whorls have
Etayo-Sema, p. 37, fig. 9, Tab. I.
· ·

flat, subparallel sides and excavated venter. The

li�potype, V.L.Est. 33a, bed. 8 (U.N.C.M.H.N. subsequent whorls acquire a Ianceolate section
with flat venter; the last stage has subparallel
C.P.Hy.N.42). sides which merge smoothly ir.to· the arched
venter; the umbilical wall is subvertical, short
Pe. Thconch
r/�the�� e de�c�ption is based oi! �e �ypoty-
· •

ts t�yolute; the umbilicus d�ep, JS

and rounds into the flanks without a definite
rim. The involution line follows the external
;,;_;�: �
0 que umbthcal wall grades evenly mto

margin of the periumbilical tubercles.

The sculpture consists of fold-like pro·

minent ribs which converge toward a prominent
DIAGNOSIS. Many whorled conchs;
spiny umbilical tubercle ; the ribs are arranged
early whorls dep ressed smooth ; juvenile whorls
with transient rounded umbilical tubercles from
as a trident: one adapical rib that reaches the
which ribs may arise ; the venter progressively
umbilical rim but without joining the umbilical
becomes acute and the ribs become accentuate·
tubercle, a very short rib dying withou t reaching
dly falciform on the flanks, well spaced and ar·
the middle of the flank ll!'d in line with the um­
ched adorally on venter.
bilical tubercle, and one adoral rib that extends
toward the umbilical rim; both the adapical and
COMMENTS. As for the type species.
adoral ribs bear a sharp tubercle in the middle
of the flank; all ribs terminate in rounded peri·
This genus is named in honor of Profes·
ventral tubercles. Between these groups of ribs
sor Luis F. Rincon, curator of the Museum of
there is a short intercalary.
the Geological Survey of Colombia.
On the adapertural half of the last whorl
� � �inconi q.
.Ri r!l.i ': .m..
the umbilical tubercle is connected to the ad·
ventral tubercle by a ridge-like rib, whereas the
-pr.; : fig�;ext-figs. sv, sw.
other ribs tend to fade out. There are six peri­
Holotype. C- 169 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht. N. 60)
umbilical tubercles.
Paratype . C-169 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P. Pt. N.62)
DIAG NOSIS. This species is characteri·
zed by : A) its ontogenetic change in whorl sec·
The conch is multispiral and evolute ;
tion from sublanceolate to subovate� B) the
the inner whorls were studied on one paratype
changing emphasis of the tubercles, in decreasing
(C-169·2). The protoconch is about 0.05 mm in
order, periumbilical, centro lateral and periven·
tral respecetively, C) its large and robust appea­ transversal diameter, spindleform and the whorl
section is crescen tic� through the first and se­
cond whorls the wh or1 se ction breomes progressi·
vely more in flated but the crescentic profile still
Meuuremeats. D Euw H W D/Euw% D/H%
persists; on the third whorl the section is almost
as high as wide, its maximum width is at the um­
C • l31 177 46 81i 66 27

bilical rim and it has a narrowly arched venter;

on the fourth whorl the flanks flatten, the whorl
COMMENTS. In ornamentation, this has a vaulted section and the arched venter broa·
species is similar to Knemiceras raimondi Liss6n, dens slightly ; on the fifth wh orl the flanks are
as that species has been interpreted by Benavi· planar, they grade evenly in to the rounded urn·
des- Caceres (1956, p.45 3 , pl.48, figs . 1-5, text· ,
bilical w all and the venter is slightly flattened
fig. 39), but the ontogenetic change of the whorl with broadly rounded periven tral margin.
section is retarded in the Colombian species
which attains a greater diameter and thorn-like The first three whorls are apparently
tubercles, unlike the Peruvian species . . smooth (with weak constrictions?), on the
fourth whorl {paratype C-169-1}, conspicuous,
. Knemiceras raimondi tardum Benavides transvenely elongated tubercles develop along
Cace�s (1956, p. 455, pl.48, fig. 6-7, text-fig. the periumbilical rim (six per whorl on speci·
40), i;etains the sublanceolate or . triangular men C-169-3), they are widely spaced ; between
whorksection longer than K. raimondi s.s. but the prominen t tubercles there are one or two
it changes earlier in the ontogeny than the Co· minor tubercles. Both major and minor tuber·
lombian species. cles correspond to the point of origin of the
prominent ribs. On the sixth whorl the ribs
Breistroffer (1952, p. 2634) recorded begin at the umbilical rim and trend almost ra·
from Cundinamarca ''K. [nemiceras]'Raimon ­ dially up . to the periventral m�in from which
dii Liss., tres trituberculise, .--: ." but np iUustra· point they widen on venter describing a weak
tion is available. K. pegnae also rese�bles A m· chevron-like bend on the adapical portion of
monites ebrayi de Loriol (1882, p.7, pl.l, fig.1), this last whorl. However, most ribs seem to
type species of Parengonoceras Spath (1924), start tangent to the umbilical rim, they then
but de Loriol's species h as a higher whorl section describe . a weak adoral arc on the ad umbilical
and a n arrower venter than the Colombian spe· half of the flank and a weak concavity on the
cies, and its ribbing has a purely radial arrange­ adventral h alf. The primary ribs start at the
ment. umbilical rim whereas the intercalary ribs start
sligh tly a9umbilically and in a subdued manner.
OCCURRENCE. Middle Albian.
B) Up to 35 mm. The early development
This species is named in honor of the is as previously described, but on this specimen
field assistant Luis F. Pefia of the Universidad the periumbilical tubercles of the fifth and
Nacional de Colombia. siXth whorls are strongly developed. Near the
beginning or the living chamber the whorl
· Family BRANCOCERATIDAE section tends to become fastigate and the ribs
accentuate their cumture becoming falcoid
.. ..... ...
\., , ·
r§n. g. :: f'"'.(� ""'"'r�_,. o_. �
� ·-.-.,.,., Y1i;t:'l-'"4....-.•.u.;.o...·.o -....: """ ' -'·--"'"
and well projected on venter, they have a well­
defined chevron-like adoral arch . The living
TYPE SPECIES. Rinconiceras rinconi n. sp.

chamber is a third of the last whorl, with


sinuous ribs that have a wide concavity on the ked sigmoid&] folds; shortly a strong acute rib
adventral half of the flank. appears at the periumbical rim, beginning with
a compressed bullate node�and ,exapd� up to a
::•;, ,,, ' DIAGNOSIS. This species is charadiri· subtriangular tubercle in the in'i"mtte of the
zed by : A) the change in its wh orl section flank; from �he cen�al � � ercles ��tq the peri­
: through the ontogeny from depressed to subfas· ven tral margin the nbs wtden an� --flatten and
- ti gate , B) the ontogenetic development of'the describe a crescentic shaped concavity to end at
ornament from smooth whorls (with constric­ a clavate periven tral tubercle ; at this stage o f
tions?), to whorls covered with rectiradiate ribs, •
growth t h e ribs cross the fastigate venter as seve­
and finally , with sigmoidal ribs with progressive ral riblets that form acute "Vs". Between these
stressing of the external adoral concavity, C) ribs there may be one or two intercalary ribs
the rounded ribs and the wide intercostal spaces. which do not reach the umbilical third of the
flank, the latter appear like handle-less sickles,
Measutementa D Euw H W D/Euw04 D/H % No.R. but theY, are slightly less prominent than the -pri­
C-169·1 28 13 11 9 46 39 25 mary nbs. There are five primary ribs on the
C·1 69·3 34 17 12 10 50 35 21 third whorl. The whorl section is ovate, higher
than wide, with obtusely beveled venter along
COMMENTS. The ontogenetic develop­ which a wavy weak carina develops. In general,
ment of this species is characteristic: it does not the ribs form an elongated angular S on the
develop a keel at any stage, and its inner whorls flanks .
• have a widely arched venter, however, in the
latter stages the whorl section is acute ogival. Up to 23 mm D {C-225). At the adapical
The absence of acute inner whorls separates it portion of the fourth whorl, a weak bitubercu­
from Brancoceras Steinmann (1881) and the l ate intercalary rib extends to the periumbilical
same characteristics separate it trom Hysteroce­ rim is still visible but from that point on there
ras Hyatt ( 1900) , ll'owever, the presence of are no in tercalary ribs. The ribs have a more or
transient tubercles and the chevron-like projec­ less accentuated polygonal profile; they begin
tion of the ribs on venter tend to give it a Hys­ at the middle of the umbilical wall and lead to
te ro ce ras- !ike appeazance (compaze fig. 4 , on the conical periumbilical tubercle forming a n a­
plate 9 o f this paper with Hysteroceras aff. rrow , hi�h and acute prorsiradiate segment; the
d 'Orbigny Spath, 1934, p .486, text-fig. 169). periumbtlical and centrolateral tubercles are
connected by slightly wider almost rectiradiate
segment of the rib , and from the latter tubercle
The presence of rounded tubercles and to the periven tral tubercle the ribs are still wider
the tendency to sharpening of venter with the and are slightly prorsiradiate, the strong ribs
strong projection of the ribs on venter differen­ cross the venter almost normal to the ventral
tiate Rinconiceras rinconi n. sp. from Eubran­ median line or with a light adoral acute arc. The
coceras aegoceratoides (Steinmann), type species involution line is immediately above the conical
of Eubrancoceras Breistroffer ( 1952). cen trolateral tubercle. The tubercles along the
ventral median line are clavate and tend to be·
The Colombian species also resembles come conical. The whorl section is rounded
Brancoceras (?) carinatum Collignon ( 1949, subquadrate. There are 16 ribs on the venter of
p .95, pl.20, figs.5 , 5a, 5b) type species of the last whorl. The intercostal spaces are 2.5 ti­
Paroxy tropidoceras Breistroffer (1951, p .267, mes as wide as the ribs and are flat bottomed.
nom. nud.) ; the Madagascan species h as a true
carina whereas in the Colombian species the C) Up to 43 mm D (C-255). The medium
ven ter is merely sharpened on the adult and the size f!)ecimen selected as holotype, has the abo·
species is in general more evolute . ve characteristics with the interrupted rib profi·
le mostly when the cen tral portion of the rib
OCCURRENCE. Middle Albian. becomes strongly rursiradiate. The intercostal

space varies from two to four times the width
of the ribs on the internal mold. There are 19

� 9����-::rr;!!!E�!�Is�th:
- ribs on the last whorl .
,� . 9
1 21.
DIAGNOSIS. The species is characterized
Lyelliceras Spath, 1 9 2 1 , p . 220. by: A) the eazly development of strong, acute
and widely spaced ribs that in longitudinal pro­
TYPE SPECIES. A. Lyelli Deshayes in Leyme· file appear as an elongated angular S, B) the
rie according to Spath; origi­ presence of adumbilical and adven tral lateral tu­
nal designation� be rcles on the ribs, the latter the most promi­
�£.� ; ix:::Jis.Ji, s�. Measurements D Euw H w D/E•Jw D/H No.R.

�oloty pe. C-255 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P. Ht. N.61) C·225·1 11 5 4 ?

36 8(1 /2)
aratype . C-225 (U.N.C;M.H.N.C.P.Pt. N.63 ,64) C-225 23 1 0 8 7 8? 43 3 6 16
C·225 43 21 13 12 48 30 19
Up to 11 mm D (C-225·1). The fllSt two
, W ho rls are apparently smooth; on the adapical COMMENTS. This species differs from
..• Part
of th e third whorl there are very well mar- Lyelliceras lyelli (Leymerie MS), in d' Orbigny

(1841, pl. 74) as interpreted by Spath ( 1931, Meuurements D Euw H W D/Euw D/H No .R.
p.3 15), by the more depressed whorl section ., %
and rectiradiate ribs of that species. Breistroffer C·266 20? 8 7 7 40? 36? 9 ( 1 /2 )
(1952, p. 2634) has recorded "Lyelliceras Lye­ C-2 6 6 37 18 13 14 48 36 20
IIi Desh. sp." from Boyaca, but his unillustrated
record may not be relied upon; the specimens COMMENTS. This species resembles Lye·
from Pen! referred to Lyelliceras 11elli (Leyme­ l/iceras pseudolyelli (Parana and Bonarelli)
rie) d'Orbigny, by Benavides · Caceres (1956; [ 1896, p. 99, pl. 5, fig.2], especially the speci·
p. 463, pl. 5 1, figs.2,3), differ from the Euro­ men from Escragnolles (France) which Spath
pean forms, as observed by Young (1966, p. 18), (1931) suggested should represent the species in
because "the ribs . . . are sharper . . .". The Pe­ the restricted sense, rather than the specimen
ruvian taxon though more similar to the Colom­ referred to the same species by Spath (1931,
bian forms than to the European, has coarser p .319, pl. 32, fig. 14a, b; 15a, b). In the Colom·
ventral tubercles. bian species, however, the ornament is coarser,
the clavi along the ventral median line are very
prominent and the whorl section is quadrangu­
�e{liceras fNifolY.,elli,orme n. sp. lar. The specimen described by Riedel (1938,
:g-;·'hf."§, . -ti{. BE: " ' "' '·
p.54, pl. 9, figs . 5, 6; pl.13, fig. 16) as Lyellice­
ras pseudolyelli Par. 8, Bon., has a compressed
Holotype. C-255 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht. N.62) section and its ribs are adorally concave, howe­
Paratype. (U. N. C. M. H. N. C. P. Pt. N. 65) ver, it could fall withing the scope of the new
species. It should be noted that on Parana and
Bonarelli's figure 1b-lc of their plate 14 the ju­
A) Up to 20 mm D (C-225). The adapical venile does not seem to have a fastigate venter
part of the second whorl is smooth, the inter­ as in the Colombian species.
costal wh orl section has convex sides that tend
to form a fastigate venter, they merge smoothly OCCURRENCE. Middle Albian.
into the oblique umbilical wall, the adoral seg·
ment of the second whorl has broad pleat-like L�el/iceras isaac/eai n . S£:., ..•.

ribs separated by wider in tercostal spaces; on Pert, ng. 1. ·

the third whorl the ornament is characterized

by strong sharp ribs t!tat begin at the umbilical Holotype. C-255 (U. N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.N.63)
rim, betweeen them there is a concave intercos·
tal space with an intercalary rib appearing near A) Up to 11 mm D (C-255 ). The early
the middle of the flank side . A conical centrola· ontogenetic development was studied on several
teral tubercle is present on the primary ribs at small specimens whose growth stages overlap,
the line of involution. On the fourth whorl however, because no intermediate stages be·
(D:20 mm) the ornament consists of club-sha· tween them and the adult holotype were found ,
ped convex ribs with three tubercles: one they are not considered adequate for specific
mammiform along the umbilical rim, a second determination even though their aspect seems
more prominent and conical just adventral to characteristic; their description is present as a
center of flank and a third, clavate and still mo· contribution to the understanding of the genus.
re prominent, at the periventral margin . At this The first and second volutlons following the
stage all the ribs are equally strong although the p ro to c o n ch have a whorl section which tends
intercalary ribs may have the umbilical tubercle to be circular but has a wide and oblique umbi·
very reduced or occasionally do reach the um­ Iical wall; on the adventral fourth the flanks
bilical rim; the ribs widen on the venter and flatten and converge toward the venter to form
cross normal to the median line, they are sur­ a low but distinct carina; at this stage the only
mounted by a prominent clavate tubercie . The ornam entation clearly visible is growth lines
intercostal spaces are slightly wider than the that describe a concavity on the umbilical wall
ribs on the flank but narrower than the ribs on and an elongated adoral arc on middle of the
the venter. flank, .<next they change into an acute adoral
concavi ty whose deepest point is in line with
the beginning of the ven tral beveling; externally
B) Up to 37 mm D (C-255). There is no to that concavity the growth lines project on
change in the pattern of ornamentation; the venter forming a sharp angle whose apex is cut
whorl section is rounded subquadrate , slightly by the median carina.

wider than high. When the shell is preserved the

ribs seem to attenuate. The position of the tu· Faint indications of constrictions parallel
bercles on the whorl section migrates slightly to the growth Iirae appear with continued
outwards throughout the ontogeny. growth ('?). Bundles of lirae tend to individuali­
ze as a forerunner to the ribbing, they are first
noticed near the umbilical rim.
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
by: A) the ontogenetic development of the or­ On the third whorl the section becomes
nament during which the intercalary ribs beco· high and h'iis flat sides. The beginning of the
me as prominent as the primary ribs, B) the

fourth whorl is marked by the sudden develop·

coarse, club-shaped ribs that describe a broad ment of clavate tub@:cles at the periventral
adoral arc on the flanks, C) the rounded sub· margins. A second tubercle appears at the be·
quadrate whorl section in the adult. ginning of the external third of the flank. The

distance between the ribs varies from two an d a tral to prominent ventrolateral clavi ; ventral
half times the width of the ribs. median clavi corresponding to the ventrolateral
ones; · ·-- ·· ·-
B) Up to 60 mm D (C-255). The inner
whorls of this specimen resemble those of tile COMMENTS. The gen us diffe�Jrom Pro­
1atgest or the previously described specimens. v
lyellicer!IS Spa� (1930), "{ hi<:Jl is. ·�volu!e
1n the holotype the centr� third of the fl�k and hash1gh ogtval whorl section �·� JUvemle
has two tubercles: 1) a moderately developed and adult stages, and has ventrol aterai and ven·
ovate tubercle at the boundary of the adumbili· tral·median clavi from the inception of orna·
cal third or the flank 2) a similar but more co­ mentation.
nical tubercle developed at the boundary with
the adventral third ; there is a third clavate tu· Species to be included in Ralphimlayites
bercle that grows outwards from the periven are : "Aq.<Jntl!Q.cenz�.P.mrso.curuaturn...Gerhardt�·.
tral margin. The tubercles are equidistant.

'!,�eJliruczs..._ �ri.�hLJ<nechtel". Prolyelliceras

Along the ventral median Une there is a row o( was proposed by Spath (1930, p.65, footnote),
clavate tubercles that correspond to the peri· noting that it lacks lateral tubercles and selec­
ventral tubercles but are more raised. .
ting as type species "Prolyelliceras .P,�Pf; Vianum,
nom. nov. = prorsocurvatum (non Gerhardt) R.

On the in tern a! mold the ribs seem to be· Douville. . . , 1907, p. 144, pl. ii) fig. 1,1". The
gin near the middle of the umbilical wall; the specimen illustrated by Douville is a fragment
ribs are sharp adumbilically but become of a juvenile or immature specimen in which
wider and flattened towards the periventral the whorl height is not yet accentuated. Wright
·margin ; the ribs cross the venter as a wide band (195 7, L409) illustrated Proly elliceras with
normal to the median line and have a tenden­ '
Gerhard t s"Acan thoceras prorsocurvatum ", and
cy to split. described Spath's genus as "with 1 or 2 rows of
ventrol ateral clavi and row of siphonal clavi
The intercostal spaces are as wide as the subordinate to ribs". However, of the species
ribs on venter, they become progressively wider with ogival section for the living chamber only
toward the umbilical wall; the umbilical wall is periventral and mid ventral clavi occur on Pro­
inclined. lyelliceras peruvianum Spath, sensu Benavides
Caceres, and Prolyelliceras lobatum Riedel
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized whereas Gerhardt's species has two additional
by: A) the slow development of the omamenta· tubercles on the sides as indicated by Gerh ardt
tion, B) the distribution of the tubercles on the ( 1898, p.169), and substantiated by the speci­
ribs outside the umbilical rim and their increa· mens here referred to his species; also contrary
sing prominence toward venter, C) the subrec· to the situation in Lyelliceras Spath, in Ral­
whorl section with strong inclination ph imlayites it is the periumbilical bullae rather
of the umbilical wall. than the inner lateral tubercles that tend to
weaken and fade out (see Spath, 1931, p.315).
Meuurements D Euw H W DfEuw D/H No.R.
% % This genus is named in honor of DrRalph
C·255 60 28 22 20 47 37 26 Imlay of the U. S. Geological Survey.
COMMENTS. This species differs from .. B,alv.himlayites atmloense n. s;e.
"Lyelliceras ulrichi Knechtel" ( 1947, p.99, pl. Pl.if, ng. 6.
23, fig.1a. lb; Benavides Caceres, 1956, p.464,
pl.5 1, fig.4,5,6,7 ,; see next genus), by the ra· Holotype. C-229 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht. N.64)
pid development of a coarser, straighter and Paratype. C-25 3 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P. Pt. N.66)
uniform ribbing in the Peruvian taxon, the lat·
ter almost lacking any indication of adumbili· ·fhe protoconch is transversely elliptical .
cal lateral tubercles. Lyelliceras pseudolyellifor­
. The first and second whorls have a subelliptical
!"le n. sp. differs by its rounded subquadrate whorl section, whereas the third whorl is
whorl section and strong arched ribs developed subcircular in its intercostal section. The first
early in its ontogeny. two whorls are smooth, covered only with
growth lines, but they have an undulated
OCCURRENCE. Middle Albian. surface; toward the adoral half of the fourth
volution the ornamentation becomes conspi·
. . . This species is named in honor. of the 19 cuous; it is represented by strong falcoid ribs
century Paleontologist Isaac Lea. that end periventrally at clavate tubercles.

. · '-����--.�.-§1���f��0il_:.J;.yJ'".:aC �;. , ., ·;���:� �?�e

'l''Y"PE SPECIES. Acan thoceras prorsocurvatum
se ribs are more prominent;
between the primary ribs there may be one or
Gerhardt, 1898, p.168, pl.4, r1 � two intercalary ribs which attenuate toward
text-fig.16. the umbilical rim ; o ccassion ally two ribs may

join each other at the u mbilical rim.

�- Uadran gular
. . . .. DIAG NOSIS. Evolute conchs with sub­
whorl section from early in the At the bee:innin� of the adventral third of
•.··. �� geny; three rows of tubercles on the flanks: this fourth whorl a tubercle appears, and at the
; � .n\ltnbUical same time weak clavi-form nodes begin to deve-
bullae, subclavate tubercles abven-

lop along the ventral median line. At a diameter At comparable diameteiS both species ha·
of about 15 mm, the sculpture becomes conso· ve a well marked adoral concavity of the ribs on
lidated, the ribs widen adventraly, but they con­ the adventral third of the flank.
tinue to be falcoid.
OCCURRENCE. Middle Albian.
The ribs are flattened on the adventral
third of the flank and cross the venter, although
much attenuated. Some ribs swell periumbilica·
�. ··. a�����-=·1!,-ocera3�Y.���-1903
Uy, developihg a tubercle. The intercostal spa­ Tegoceras Hyatt, 1903, p. 84.
ces are widt;r than the ribs and the intercalary
ribs are irregularly distributed; the growth striae TYPE SPECIES A mmonites mosensis d'Orbigny,
..r-foUow the pattern of the ribs, on venter they original designation.
project and form a V with its apex pointing
adorally. The suture lines has E divided by _Tgpce{f!i..,be,navid£,scaceres£ .!1 ·
asymmepical saddle. sp.
) PI.l1, fig.8; Text-figs. 8Z, SZ'.
B) Up to 110 m� Q (�-2 5 3 , not collected
in situ). The ornamentconsiSts of strongly fle· ? 1956 Lyelliceras pseudolyelli Parona and
xuous ribs mostly primaries but occasionally Bonarelli, Benavides-Caceres, p.463,
an intercalary rib arises from the adapical slope paiS., pl. 52, fig. 3.
of the next primary rib. When the test is preser­
ved, the ribs appear broadly rounded, and non 1956 Lyelliceras pseudolyelli Parona and
although they are narrower on the internal mold, Bonarelli, Riedel, 1937-1938, p.54,
they still appear rounded; the flattening of the pl. 9, figs. 5-6, pl. 13, fig.16, in Be·
ribs between the internal lateral and the medial navides Caceres, p. 463.
tubercles produces sulcus-like depressions on
both sides of venter. The living chamber occupies 1968 Lyelliceras pseudolyelli sensu Bena­
2/3 of the last whorL vides-Caceres (non Par. � Bon.)1 Eta­
yo-Serna, p. 37, fig. 9, Tab. I.
. DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized Holotype. V.L.Est. 33a (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.
by: · A) its robust aspect and subquadrate whorl N. 65).
section, B) the strongly flexuous ribbing in young
adults that is straightened on the living cham· Only a single specimen is available. The
ber, C) the development of adumbilical clavi on conch is evolute; on the ·adapical portion of
the early inner whorls and attenuation of the the last whorl the ribs �egin in a su.bdued man­
inner lateral tubercles on the living chamber. ner near the umbilical rim, slightly later they·
tend to develop a weak bullae; just adventrally
to the middle of the flank the ribs develop a
Meuurementa. t> Euw · H w DfEuw D{H No.R. small conical tubercle; from the umbilical rim
% % to the subcentral tubercle, the ribs are promi­
In situ C-229 11 4 4 4? 36 36 1 2(1 /2) nent and rectiradiate or weakly convex adonijly;
16 6 6 6 40 40 21·· on the adventral third of the flank the nbJ; des�
19 8 8 8 42 .42 26 cribe a concavity and become flatte�ed,.,:th.ey,
.20 9 8 7 46 40 21 end at a very prominent outwardly directed
7 13 1 2 13 7 ventrolateral clavus.
ex aitu C-263 21 10 8 ? 48 38 21
c-253 •no 63 37 36 7 ? 'l 6 Occasionally a rib starts higher on flank
than the otheiS. There are 24 ribs on the last
whorl. On the adoral half of the last whorl the
COMMENTS. This species diffeiS from ribs look like broad folds. The intercostal spa­
Ralphimlayites prorsocuroatum (Gerhardt), be· ces are slightly broader than the ribs on the in·
cause it has less falcoid ribbing thro�ghout its temal moid, subequal when the test is preserved.
ontogeny, and develops adumbilical bullae mo­
re consistently. Breistroffer (1936, p. 156,157) The whorl section is higher than wide,
recorded "un Lyelliceras nov. sp. (gr, Gevreyi and is truncated pyrifonn, with · the maximum
Jacob sp.) asse z voisin du L. prorsocuroatum inflation near the boundary between the adum­
Guerh. sp. non R. Douv. sp. =.Prolyelliceros pe­ bilical· and central thirds of the flank. On the
ruvianum Spath) . . .", apparently from the sa· venter there is a row of low clavi along the ven·
me region as the present specimens; subsequen­ tra! median line.
tly Breistroffei' (1952, p. 266) suggested the
association of Douvilleiceros solitae d'Orb. and The ribs• do not oppose each other but al­
Prolyelliceras cf. Gevreyi. "Prolyelliceras"gevreyi ternate from one flank to the other. The umbi·
(Jacob) (1907�:..p .101 =A m. Lyelli, Leymerie, se· Jical �wall is short, inclined and rounds into the:
conde variete', in Picted and Campiche, 1860, p. flank. . ..

198, pl. 24, fig. 7a, 7b), according to Pictet and

Campiche's text and figure, the conch is com­
pressed and high whorled (ib., p. 198, pl.24, fig. DIAGNOSIS. Tbis species is characterized

7a), the ventral median clavi do not correspond by: A) its sinuous, club-like ribs, B) its ven"trally
to the periventral ones (ib., fig. 7b). truncated pyriform whorl section.

Me uurementl. D Euw H W D(Euw D/H No.R. Cogazzicergs scheibei (Riedel)

"fo % Pl. 15, fig. 1; Text-figs. BR, 88
v. L. En. 33a 80 32 31 1 40 39 24
" at 1 1 22 1 6 1 1 ? 1938 Lyelliceras scheibei Riedel, p. 55,
pl. 9 , figs. 7, 8; pl. 13, fig. 17.
COMMENTS. This species resembles
-,"Acf1pthocems Seunesi Parona and Bpnare_lli" 1954 Texanites aff. seiTato nuilf;natus (Red­
( 18 97, p. 100, pl. 5, fig. 9 =18goceras , a more tenbacher), Biirgl, p.32 [ex spec. HB-
evolute sp.ecles than T. camatteanum (d Orbigny), 81A. SGNMP].
but Parona and BonareUi's species has a more
rectangular whorl section than the Colombian 1957 Texanites aff.semztomarginatus (Red­
species, furthennore, the former Is more spuse· tenbacher), Burgi, p. 139.
ly and strongly tuberculated.
non 1957 Lyellicems scheibei Riedel, Biirgl, pl.
The specimen figured by Benavides.C&ce­ 10, figs. 3, 3a.
res (1956, pl. 6,.3',
fig. 3) greatly resembles the
Colom bian specunen even in the pattern of the 1964 Texanites aff. semztomarginatus (Red­
suture line, but L
is narrower on the Peruvian tenbacher), Etayo-Sema, p. 127.
species. In my opinion the whorl section of the
Peruvian separates it lrom Lyelliceras pseudol­ 1964 Lyelliceras scheibei Riedel, Etayo-Ser­
yelli Parana and Bonarelli. na, p . 124.

OCCURRENCE. Upper San Gil Forma­ non 1965 Lyelliceras scheibei Riedel, BUrgi, in
tion (Bed 8). Middle Albian. Campbell and Btirgl.

This species is named in honor of the Pe· Holotype. The specimen described and illustra·
ruvian geologist Dr. V.E. Benavides·Caceres. ted by Riedel, 1938.
Hypotype. (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Hy.N.43).
Type l.ocality . Cordillera de Virginia, NW de Ia
estacion Virginia, Girardot, Cun·

TYPE SPECIES. Lyelliceras scheibei Riedel, A) Up to H 15 mm (C-134). The initial

1938, p. 55, pl. 9, fig. 7' 8; four whorls are smooth ; at the beginning of the
pl. 13, fig. 17. fifth whorl, low pleats are visible, they rapidly
become prominent; they begin at the umbilical
DIAGNOSIS. Homeomorph ofLyelliceras seam and develop a thorny tubercle at the umbi­
Spath (1921) in its early development; very eva­ lical rim, they are nearly mdlal on the flank and
lute, the whorl section changes from reniform develop a long clavate tubercle at the periven·
in the early whorls to vaulted in the intermedia· . tral margin (::;line of involution); adapical to each
te stages to subrectangular with flat aullel si­ of these primary ribs an Intercalary rib develops,
des in the adult; the living chamber o the adult it begins in a subdued manner near the perium­
tends to become rounded. bilical tubercle but does not reach it, however,
both ribs give the appearance of fanning a V; at
The early whorls are smooth, the subse· first the intercostal spaces are broad and shallow
quent whorls have straight ribs that appear as on the flank. The ribs become very prominent
if bifurcating in a V fashion from periumbilical on the fifth whorl, however, they are depressed
tubercles; on the living chamber of the adults near the middle of the fi�k.
the ribs are biconcave .
On the sixth whorl the inclined umbilical
All primary ribs bear, A) a periumbilical wall rounds into flat parallel sides; tlie latter are
mammill ate tubercle, B) a clavate to acute pe­ 3/4 of the height of the whorl; the adventral
riventral tubercle , C) a ventrolateral clavus, and fourth of the whorl Is beveled and limited ad­
D) a conesp onding ventral median clavus. On ventrally by a sharp clavus; the ribs cross the
the living chamber of large specimens the venter transversely and bear a siphonal clavus
tubercles tend to disappear. The suture line has corresponding to the periventral clavus.
wide subrectangular, subsymmetrical· saddles, L
is dominantly bifid. B) Up to approximately 75 mm D (C-134).
The ornamentation of the early whorls is as
previously described; the livin g chamber occu­
COMMENTS. Codazziceras differs from pies two thirds of the last volution. At places
Protacanthoceras Spath (1923) because it has where the test is present the ribs appear as if
a different ontogenetic development of the or­ actually bifurcating in a V fashion from the pe­
namentation, the ribs become thinner and bic· riumbilical tubercle which elongates and slants
concave, and the ventral tubercles disappear; adorally on the inclined umbilical wall.
Protacanthoceras Is small and involute when
· compared to Codazziceras. Toward the last half of the living chamber
the tuberculation begins to attenuate, especially
This genus is named in honor of the 19 the periventral clavi, and the ventral median 11·
.century geographer Agustin Codazzi. ne of clavi disappears, leaving an arched ribbed

venter; the ribs become biconcave and split Ion· Holotype. C-134 (U.N.C,M.H.N.C.P.Ht. N.66)
gitudinally in several riblets; the angle between Paratype. (C-134 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P. Pt. N.67)
the ribs decreases. .
The first whorl is smooth; the second
C) Up to 96 mm D (C-134). On this speci· whorl is inflated and has a reniform section, the
men only the ornamentation of the living cham· third whorl has a subelliptical section: the
ber is observed ;the ribs that bifurcate from the flanks are subparallel , slightly convex, the ven­
umbilical tubercle decrease their angle and ap­ ter is widely arched, the umbilical wall is abrupt
proach each other, furthermore, they tend to and rounds into the sides without forming a de­
divide into several riblets (up to three); in this finite rim. At the beginning of the fourth whorl
specimen the ventral median row of clavi, broad pleat-like ribs develop; they begin to be
though very attenuated is still recognizable. well defined at the umbilical rim and on flank
form a faint adoral bow up to the adventral
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized third of the flank where they describe an adoral
by : A) its large size, B) its prominent ornament concavity , they end at the perlventral margin at
of alternating (or bifurcating) long and short claviform bulges. Wide constriction-like inter­
ribs, C) the arrangement of the tubercles, costal spaces are parallel to the ribs, but unlike
spinose periumbilically, clavate ad ventrally and the latter, they continue weakly across the ven­
ventrally, D) the biconcave ribs on the adult ter, forming wide adoral linguiform projections.
and the loss of the tuberculation.

Contemporaneously very weak clavi deve­

Measurements D Euw H w D/Euw D/H No.R lop along the ventral median line corresponding
% % to the ven trolateral clavi. On the fifth whorl the
C-134 7 ? at 15 1 3 7 7 1 6( 1 /2) ornament is well defined : there are coarse ribs
C·134 757 39 24 2 2 527 3 2 1 9 ( 1 /2) which begin at the umbilical seam, developing a
C•134 96 5"3 34 3 4 56 35 40?(3/� clavate swelling at the periumbilical rim where
they bifurcate into radial branches in a Y fa­
. COMMENTS. Rit�del (op.cit., p.55) dis· shion; both branches develop a spiniform tu­
tinguished his Lyelliceras scheibei from the
· bercle at the beginning of the adventral third
other known species of Lyelliceras by the alter­ of the flank (= level of the involution line),
nation of long and short ribs; he also compared from this tubercl� the ribs trend obliquely
his species to A mmonites ospinae Karsten but adorally on the beveled adventral third of the
the union of the ribs at the periumbilical tu­ whorl, they have a sharp periventral clavus and
bercles and the whorl section, wider than high, cross venter normal to the median line where
in Karsten's species were considered sufficient they attenuate and develop a clavus. The
to differentiate both species. intercostal spaces are deep and as wide as the
ribs, especially those separating pairs of ribs.

I adhere to Riedel's criteria especially the On the sixth whorl the section is higher
latter; Karsten's species has rounded, ball-like, than wide, the umbilical wall is subvertical and
strong tubercles. Karsten's species apparently short, rounding rapidly into the fl an k s which on
comes from beds overlying beds that yielded their inner three quarters of height are flat and
A mmonites toroanus Karsten and Ammonites parallel but on the adventral q u arte r are trunca·
mosquerae Karsten of Lower Turonian age. ted; on the costal whorl section the venter ap­
pears coronate , but on the intercostal section
OCCURRENCE. Lower Coniacian. the venter is a wide ar�.

£odaz�icer� fina.n. m.. ·

PJ.t3, 1ig, l7; Text-figs. 8M, 8N, 8Q, 88. . On: tl')e seventh whorl the periumbilical
bullae are very prominent and more widely spa·
1957 A canthoceras (?) ospinae (Karsten), ced, contemporaneously one or two intercalary:
Biirgl, p.137.
· ribs develop: they begin as if they were elonga·
ted in a subdued manner tangent to the umbili­
1957 A canthoceras ospinae (Karsten), Biirgl, cal rim, then they are rectiradiate on the adven-.
pl.12, fig. 5a, 5b. tral half of the flank and bear weak extemal la�

teral tubercles, the periventral and ventral me­

1964 Acan thoceras cf.ospinae (Karsten), Etayo­ dian tubercles are regulary emphasized . On one
Sema, p. 34. paratype (C-134) the intercalarly ribs reach the
umbilical rim and all ribs are much more promi·
1964 A canthoceras ? ospinae (Karsten), Etayo­ nent on the venter.
Serna, p. 124, pars, Burgi's identification
only. DIAG NOSIS. This species is characterized
by • the ontogenetic development of its orna­
1968 · Acan thoceras ·ospinoe (Karsten), Etayo­ ment, A) with a rapid appearance of intRrcalapr .
Sema, p.60. ribs and of bifurcating ribs in a Y-like fashion , ·
B) the areentuated stressing of the periumbilical
1972 A canthoceras ospinae (Karsten), Etayo­ bullae with growth, and D) the relatively fine
Sema, p.46. ribbing.
86 F . E T A Y O - SERNA

rent localities although presumably the same are parallel but they have a slight tendency to
stratigraphical level : I) a juvenile specimen of converge toward venter; the adven tral third of
about 1 20 mm diameter (as measured on figure the flank is beveled to slightly concave , with a
3, plate 8 of Schliiter's paper), and II) an adult tubercle at each margin; the ven tral median zo·
of about 297 mm diameter (measured on fig. 1 , ne is shallow and concave ; the intercostal whorl
p l . 8, op. cit.). These illustrations were accepted section is subcylindrical .
as representig conspecific specimens by Laube
and Bruder, whose own figure of the species, On the sixth whorl the ornamentation
one adult specimen, shows a subrectangular sec­ changes drastically : no umbilical tubercles, the
tion comparable to that of Schliiter's specimen_ ribs become acute folds or accentuated bundles
(op . cit., pi.S, fig. 1). of growth striae; they describe a shallow, short
adoral concavity on the umbilical wall, then
Juveniles of von Schlotheim's species, in they form a broad arc on the adumbilical and
Schluter's (op. cit. p. 20, pl. 8, fig. 4) sense h a· central thirds of the flank, then on the adventral
ve a high rectangular whorl section and nume­ third they form an oblique, crescentic concavity
rous clavi, up to 20 per whorl on the ventral and extend onto the venter in attenuated form
margins. where they make an adoral arc on the ventral
median zone ; on the periventral margin of the
In contrast, some South American speci· venter the ribs have a bullate tubercle which Ia·
mens referred to Mammites, Cor instance that ter becomes rounded, and on both sides of the
figured by Benavides Caceres (1956, p. 468, pl. ventral median zone they develop thorny, out­
5 5 , fig. 5·6) have a regular ornament with less wardly inclined clavi.
numerous, strong clavi on both sides of the ven·
tral median area, and also have a "subqu adrate" On the adoral half of the last whorl, the
whorl section; thus, these South American spe· ribs become riblets that bifurcate near the mid·
cies of Mammites have an accelerated develop­ die of the flank forming a Y, with one branch
ment of the ornamentation with few prominent bend adapically and the other ad orally , so every
ventral clavi, unlike the type species. periventral tubercle is connected by secondary
riblets from two different primary ribs, forming
The new species from Colombia also di· a zig-zag p attern; at this stage the whorl section
ffers from the Tunisian "Mammites nodosoides is subquadrangular with its maximum width at
var Afra " Pervinquiere ( 1907, p. 310, text-fig-.- the umbilical rim, the venter is marrow, concave.
118, pl. 18, fig. 2, 3) which has radially elonga­ The growth striae follow the course of the ribs.
_ted periumbilical tubercles rather than conical.
Pei:'Vinquh�re's species is also compressed. Pervin· DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
quiere's Mammites nodosoides Schlotheim,"For­ by its strong ontogene tic changes: A) it is first
me typique" (ib ., p. 3 10, pl. 18, figs. 1 a, b) h as smooth and has subcylindrical whorl section, B)
very strong, less numerous periumbilical tuber· next it becomes trituberculate with strong ribs
cles which dominate in development over the (Mammites-Iike stage) , C) it becomes bitubercu­
upper ventrolateral tubercles, the reverse ofthe late, gains a subquadrate, adumbilically bulging
condition on the Colombian species. In my whorl section and develops zig-zag like fine rib·
opinion, Pervinquiere's specimen is not to be bing.
referred to M. nodosoides sensu Schlii ter.
Meuurementa D Euw H W D{Euw D/H
% %
c . 263 31 11 13 16 36 41
OCCURRENCE. La Frontera Formation.
Lower Turonian. The measurements are taken where the

Msunroites �ugQ.UL !ill..

preservation (?f the conch permits them.

Pl. 13, fig. ; Tex-fig. 8.0. . COMMENTS. This species is provisionally

referred to Mammites because of the transient
Holotype. (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.N. 68). stage du.ring which it resembles .Mam mites; no
indication of constrictions were observed. The
Only the holotype is available. The first only species known to me that resembles M. fu·
three whorls are smooth , subcylindrical in sec· gax, has been referred to Be '\ ueites by Reyment
tion; on the fourth whorl there are acute to ro· . (Benueites spinosus Reyment, l9 54a, p.156, pl.
unded, subradial, prominent ribs separated by 3, fig. 2; and' especially 1955, p . 5 8 , pl.13, figs.
shall ow, wider intercostal spaces; on the fifth . 24 , and text-fig. 25 a), but in this species the
whorl a differentiation of the ribs occurs; they perillmbilic;al . tubercles develop only late during
begin as folds at the umbilicitl seam and describe growth, contrary to the situation in M. fugax.
a concave arc on the umbilical wall ; on the flanks
some are high and acute and other are broad
and rounded; on some of them a sharp subtrian· Incidentally , Reyment subsequently figu­
gular periumbilical tubercle is present; at this red Benueites spinosus as coming from Colom·
stage the whorl section.),& _ subquadrangular (H: bia (La. Frontera, Alban; 1971, pl. 12, figs. 2a·b,
5mm; W: 5mm) ; the umbilical wall is oblique

pl. 3, fig. 3a, 36 ) .

and merges into the flanks in a broadly rounded
umbilical rim, here is the maximum whorl width , I n summary , in B. spinosus the ontogene­
on the adumbilical and central thirds the flanks tic change in ornament is from finely costate to

stro ngly costate and umbilically tuberculate, rianum Coustillier, after the whorl section lllus­
the opposite is true in Mammites fugax n. sp. trated by Karren berg (1935, p. 1 32) has a rather
pyriform to quadrangular section.
OCCURRENCE. L a Frontera Formation.
Lower Turonian. OCCURRENCE. La Frontera Formation.
� _
�mmi!fUQLt:ulatJ!LU · sp.
Lower Turonian.
. . '..,;
: 3;ii
·- ·
· ,. .

1 1 0 ; Text-fig. 8P. Family VASCOCERATIDAE

Holotype. C-310 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.N.69). Genus [F��@sc�if�s;. .] g = 4/c<
Only the holotype is available. The penul­ TYPE EPECIES. Ammonites toroanus Karsten,
timate whorl is of relatively moderate size , its 1858, p. 109 , pl. 4, fig. 2.
adap ic al segment is smooth except for ch anne l­
like oblique constrictions preceded adapically DIAGNOSIS. Conch of moderate size,
by a rounded flange that bears a prominent craterumbilicate to angustiumbilicate ; the
rounded UIJlbilical tubercles; the space between w h orl section is subcircular on the innermost
two constrictions is p olygonal, re niform. whorls, but it progressively becomes highly
convex or flattened ogival.
At a point, and more or less suddenly, pa­
ralleling both sides of th e ventral median region, The constrictions are bisected by a
11. pair of clavi arise on ven ter. The ribs issue prominent rounded rib which extends adorally
from the um bilical rim and extend radially to on ven ter in a short lingu ifonn arc; the edges of
about middle of the flank where a conical-like the constrictions are thickened and rounded as ·
tubercle occurs ; from it the ribs trend slightly if they were ribs; minor constrictions and rib lets
prorsiradiate. may develop parallel to the principal ones, but
usually the ornament between constrictions is
On the last preserved segment the section dominated by growth striae; the most prom!·
is lozenge-shaped with maximum wid th at the nent observable ornament is in ternal, well im­
umbilical rim; there are single prim ary ribs pressed on the internal molds.
which arise from a bull ate umbilical tubercle,
they trend rad ially up to the lateral tubercle The s u t u re h as b u sh li k e E/L,
and su bsymme trical , deep, trifid L.

which is adventral to middle of the flank, from

this tubercle the rib slants adorally and develops
another weak, round and feebly clavate tuber­ COMMENTS. This genus differs from
cle at the periventral margin, and then the rib Thomasites Pervinquiere (1907), which has urn·
goes straight across the venter. Between two pri­ b ilical and periventral tubercles; from Neop ty­
mary ribs with periumbilical tubercles there chites Kossmat (189 5 ) which has an evenly ar­
may be an intercalary rib ·that disappears near ched whorl section, a constricted aperture and
the umbilical rim ; sporadicallytwo ribs seem to by the absence of constriction-rib type of in ter­
arise from an umbilical tubercle . At this late sta­ nal ornam ent.
ge the whorl section is lozenge-shaped: the ven·
ter is flat, the flanks diverge to the periumbili· frgnci�r;:oft.g§ §.Uarezi n. sP.o;
cal tubercle and then they slant to the umbilical Pl 1 3 , fi g . 2 ; Tex t-figs. SX, SY, 8 ii.
seam fonnin,g an oblique um bilical wall.
Holotype . C-310 (U.N. C.M.H.N.C.P. Ht. N.70)
Paratype . C-3 10 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P. Pt. N.69)
A smaller specimen with the same rib de·
velopment and conspicuous "juvenile constric· A) Up to 6 mm D (C-310). Several speci·
tions" on the inner w horls is referred to the mens ·were dissected but the protoconch was
same species. On both specimens the areas with not observed. The smallest specimen studied
test preserved are covered with fine growth has a moderately globose shell, the whorl sec­
s triae crossed by strigations. tion is circular to suboblong; the umbilical wall
is subvertical and rounds evenly into the convex
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized sides, the venter is arched. The surface of the
by: A) the development of a lozenge-shaped shell is apprently smooth.
whorl section in the adult, B) the bullae-like
umbilical tubercles from which usually only The adapical third of the whorl shows a
one rib is issued, C) the non attenuation of the ridge-like prominence across the venter and
ribs on the venter. dying about near middle of the flank; this is
interpreted as fortuituous; adapical to the ridge
Mea.urementa D Euw H W D/Euw D/H No.R. and paralleling it there is a narrow shallow sul­
% % cus; several constrictions without adjacent rid·
, C-310 (Paratype) 20 9 8 9 45 40 18 ges divide the conch in to segments.
C·310 (Holotype) ? ? ? 7 ? ? ?
B) Up to 10 mm D (C-'3 10). At this dia·
meter the whorl section becomes compressed,
COMMENT.S. The whorl section of the the s ides are subparallel and the venter Is arched;
� a�ul t ofthis species is very peculiar and no si· the u mbilical wall is vertical and the u mbilical
, lndar shape is known to me. Mammites revelie- rirr: is abruptly rounded.
88 F. ETA YO - S E R N A

The adapical end of this conch has a jacent constrictions; the groups of fine acute ribs
prominent rounded rib which starts near the in all cases are developed next to the principal
middle of the flank and prqects adorally as a ribs.
linguifonn arc on venter; adapical to this rib
there is a very weak parallel sulcus, adoral to lt DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
th e re is a p arallel c h a n n e l - like c ons­ by the ontogenetic development with : A) chan·
triction. At the end of the first fourth of the ge in the whorl section from subcircular to ogi·
whorl there is a similar more prominent roun· val with subparallel flanks, B) the rounded pri·
ded rib with its adjacent constrictions. mary ribs accompanied by constrictions that
first appear on the ventral region and then ad­
Between the second and third fourths vance toward the umbilical region during growth
of the whorl there is a similar constriction, but C) its narrow umbilicus.
it is preceded adapically by a ridge-like swelling
on the test; the third fourth of the whorl is like· Meuurementa D Euw H w D/Euw% D/H%
wise ended by a prominent rounded rib but "C-310 6 1 3 3 17 l\0
no ridge develops, however, the adapical cons· C·310 10 2 5 4 20 l\0
triction is more accentuated and wider than the C·310 20 3 10 8 15 60
adoral constriction which in addition has a well C·310 26 3 13 11 12 62
marked , thin, rounded rib just adorally.
COMMENTS. The type species A mmoni·
tes toroanus Karsten, from Venezuela (Karsten,
The fragments of test on the last fifth of 1 858, p, 109, pl .4 , fig. 2a, 2b) is a thicker
the whorl show that the growth lines describe species apparently with a larger umbilicus
a feeble and adumbilical concavity and a slight tnowever, KaJ:Sten's original h ave the umbilicus
arc on most of the flank to finally project ado· filled with matrix ; see his pl .4 , fig.2a), and most
rally on the venter like the constriction. There importantly the internal ribs are stronj!er and its
are five pairs of ribs and constrictions per whorl. venter wider than in Franciscoites suarezi.
Between the constrictions the test is smooth
except for the growth lines; the space between
the first four constrictions is equal, the fifth Leanza (1968, p. 192) compared "A mmo­
one has half the previous distance. nites toroanus' ' Karsten to the inner whorls of
his "Lewesiceras ubatense , because of the pre·

sence of scattered constrictions; in my view the

C) Up to 20 mm D (C-310). Specimen sli· similarity dee; not indicate affinities.
ghtly compressed. The whorl section has flatte·
ned flanks, the venter tends to be acutely ar· O CCURRENCE. La Frontera Fonnation.
che d. Lower turonian.

The whorl is divided by six prominent

rounded ribs, with a constriction on each side,
Genus j Imlayiceras 1 LeW,..�·,fz3,1w

of which the adapical one is wide and shallow Imlayiceras Leanza, 1968, p. 196.
whereas the . adoral one is narro w and deep, '().f.y ;·.�,)
both constrictions coverge and merge at the TYPE SPECIES. Imlayiceras washboumey
umbilical margin where _a channel-like depres· Leanza, original designation.
sion is formed , the rib disappears at the adum·
bilical third of the flank; both the adoral and J_
Jmla� iceras (1 ralpQ.imUI.l!L n.
adapical constrictions are bordered by rounded sp. P .r3, fig. , text-fig. au.
riblets distinct only on the adventral half of
the flank; the intercostal space is covered by l�olotype. C-310 ( U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht. N.71)
�owth striae only; the spacing between the ribs Paratype. · C�310 {U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Pt. N.70)
1s irregular but there are only six principal ribs
per whorl; a minor pair of constrictions separa· A) C-310. The lnnennost observed whorl
ted by an acute riblet is visible adoral to each (3rd?) is subelliptical in section (H: l ; W : 1),
principal rib. with an arched venter; the fourth whorl rapidly
increases its height (H: 3mm, W : 2), with its
Viewing the whorl from the adapical end flanks evenly converging toward a wide flatte·
the segments appear to be bulgirig laterally. In ned venter, fonning rounded slightly raised pe·
one p aratype (C-310) there are several of these riventral carinae ; the fifth wh orl has a more ac­
acute riblets. centuated ventral sulcus, the umbilical wall is

subvarticat; it rounds abruptly into the flanks.

D) Up to 25 mm D (C-310). The whorl
section has slightly convex sides and an arched The ornament at this stage consists of low
venter; the width of the main ribs is greater ada· rounded ribs which radiate from the umbilical
perturally , but in other respects it has the same rim and are most prominent on the external
appearance as the previous whorl. half of the flank where they are concave adora·
lly, they disappear approaching the periventral
The living chamber occupies the last third carinae. The adventral fourth of the flank is
of the whorl. Where the test is preserved the weakly truncated.
principal ribs are p aralleled by the fine, attenua­
ted low and rib-like rounded margins of the ad· B) Up to 25 mm D (C-310). The involu-

. :II: ·
tion of the shell becomes accentuated, at the sa­ arched although slightly truncated on the ad·
me time the strength of the ribs decreases even ventral fourth of the flanks.
though their sinuosity persists ; when the test is
preserved the ribs are indicated by slightly rai· The whorl section of the Colombian
sed bundles of growth. striae; the adapical slope species . resembles that of "Hoplitoides munieri
pf these.!>undles is steeper than the a.dqral slope; ., Pervinquiere (1� 07, . p. 2.1;7·•�·Pl �lD.�·•�- la, �b ,
the intercostal spaces are vai'}able m width but, 2a, 2b), but the latter was descnbed as havmg
usually wider than the ribs. Ad orally the ventral "Fiancs lisses (ni cotes, ni tubercules) reguliere­
sulcus gets weaker. ment mais tres faiblement bombes ,'. Leanza
suggested that this species could also be inclu­

C) Up to over 35 mm D (C-310). The ded in his genus.

whorl section is slightly wider toward the cen·
ter of the whorl; the low, weak ribs arise at the In the Mexican Hoplitoides cf• .H. m unie­
umbilical edge In couples and are very weak ri figured by Kummel and Decker ( 1954, p.317,
when they cross the venter; the · periventral pl.33, fig. 1,2, Text-fig.7 ,10) they indicate that,
carinae have almost disappeared and the venter is "Low, indistinct, irre�larly spaced transverse
flat and truncate. The apertural margin is plain, ribs cross the venter' ; the Mexican �species is
it follows the falcoid path of the ribs. The living noticeably similar in general shape to my speci­
chamber is about two thirds of the last whorl. mens except that it is larger and has a more per­
sistenUy excavated venter; the latter species al­
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized so was indicated by Leanza as possible member
, by : A) a juvenile early stage with bicarinate and of Imlayiceras. The internal whorls of Hoplitoi­
sulcate venter, together with prominent falcoid des inca Benavides Caceres (1956, p. 475, pl.63,
ribbing; B) a later stage with flat venter and nu­ figs. 6-11), are also similar but on the Peruvian
merous weak, flattened falcoid ribs that arise in species the ventrolateral ridges persist longer in
bundles at the umbilical rim and split in twos the ontogeny.
on the external third of the flank and cross the
venter producing crenulated edges; C) a narrow OCCURRENCE. La Frontera Formation.
umbilicus throughout the ontogeny. Lower Turonian.

MeaJ�URmenu D Euw H W D/Euw% D/H % This species is named in honor of Dr.

C-3 1 0 25 3 14 7 12 36 Ralph Imlay of the U.S. Geological Survey.

§ J Pervinquiere,
C·310 35 4 20 11 11 57
Genus esia 1907.
COMMENTS. Imlayiceras was proposed
by A.F. Leanza (1968, p.l96), and considered Fagesia Pervinquiere, 1907, p.319.
different from Hoplitoides von Koenen (1898)
"restringido al gropo de H. /atesellatus von Koe­ TYPE SPECIES. Olcostephanus superstes Koss·
nen" (op.cit., p. 198), largely because of the mat, original designation.
presence of shallow but evident constrictions in
the juvenile stage �
F��a za.LJ i.Jl.s p .
1it13, fi'g. l; P1.14. fig.5;
The early juvenile stage of I. ralphimlayi Text-fig. ST.
at fmt glance resembles that of lmlayiceras
washboumei Leanza, (1968, pl. 4, fig. 3-4) but 195 7 Vascoceras sp. nov., BUrgi, pl.13, figs. Sa,
the Colombian specimens do not show constric· 8b.
tions although the intercostal spaces are slightly
accentuated (not interpreted as constrictions Holotype. C-310 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P. Ht. N.72)
here); the juveniles also have a narrow umbili­ Paratype. C-310 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Pt. N.71)
cus and, although Leanza remarks that his
illustrated juvenile (see op. cit., pl.4, fig.3) has a A) Up to 17 mm D (C-310). The inner
proportionately wide umbilicus, I suspect that whorls were dissected in two specimens, but the
this width is an optical effect due to the umbili­ protoconch was not reached. They have a reni­
cus being filled with matrix on Leanza's speci­ form whorl section: depressed with the flanks
men (see op. cit., pl.4, fig.7). and the venter form�ng a wide arc,"the umbili·
cal wall is vertical. The umbilical rim is abrupt
. The largest specimen in my collection al­ but not acute.
so resembles another specimen [Paratype USNM
132559] refened by Leanza (op. cit., pl.6, figs.
4 ,5) to his species, but• he describes the orna· Externally the conch h as periodically well­
mentation of his species as consisting only of spaced flanges that begin at the umbilical rim
fine growth striae, whereas on the Colombian with a bullae or knob-like swelling and trend
species the striae are in elevated bands and an toward the venter with a slight adoral concavi­
incons}:)icuous ribbing is present on the intemal ty on ·the flanks; they project forward on the
mold. Furthermore, on the Colombian species, venter forming an acute arc. Adapical to this
the ribs cross the venter and produce a railroad ridge there is a wide shallow constriction that
aspect with Irregular crenulated edges. At this reaches the umbilical rim; adoral to the ridge
stage the carinae are still prominent in Leanza's there is another constriction which however, is
species but on I. ralphimlayi the venter is alrea­ narrower than the preceding one and which is
dy truncated and the whorl section is evenly paralleled adorally by a moderate ridge which
90 F. ETAYO · S E R N A

dies out near the middle of the flank. This 1972 Paromammites sp. Etayo-Serna, p. 47.
second ridge is only recognizable when the test
is preserved. Holotype. L.Vs-7 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.N.73).
Midway between two principal flanges Only the holotype is available; the inter­
there is a bullae-fonn swelling ; this swelling nal whorls are not observable. The whorl section
dies near the middle of the flank. The orna­ is depressed, coronate; the conch is widely um­
ment becomes. prominent almost suddenly; bilicated. The ornament consists of flaring, com·
the two ridges arise from a prominent conical pressed triangular peg-like umbilical clavi that
periumbilical tubercle and the interposed bullae begin at the umbilical seam; from these clavi
becomes at first the start of one rib, then of two. usually two but sometimes three ribs branch;
All the ribs tend to be of equal strength. the ribs are compressed and acute and cross the
flank radially or with a feeble adoral concavity,
B) Up to 33 mm D (C-310). The ornament they bear a minute, almost imperceptible angu­
continues in the same pattern but the tubercles losity (or tubercle?) near the middle of the flank
corresponding to the original intercalary ribs and they have an acute bullate tubercle which
are the most prominent; inte:rspersed intercala­ is slightly bent adapically on each side of a
ry ribs which die near the middle of the flank narrow median ventral area; along the median
may occur; the section becomes wide and has a ventral line the ribs are very weak_, almost in­
very high umbilical wall. terrupted but have a weak adoral arc. There are
16 periumbilical tubercles per whorl; the inter­
C) Up to 46 mm D (C-310). The living costal spaces are one and a half times as wide as
chamber occupies about halt the last whorl; the the ribs on the internal mold,they are subequal
intercostal spaces as in the preceding stage are on the test.
about twice as wide as the ribs.
Toward the adapical half of the last whorl
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized there are deep oblique constrictions across the
by: A) its rounded subrectangular whorl section flanks, they parallel the ribs and begin at the
in the adult, B) the increasing strength of its umbilical seam. When the test is preserved, stri·
ribs and the periumbilical mammillate tubercles. gations are observed on it.
Measurements D Euw H w DfEuw D{H DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
% a/o by: A) its wide umbilicus with vertical wall sur­
C·310 17 6 7 11 35 41 rounded by stake-like tubercles, B) its reniform
C-3 10 33 11 14 22 33 42 whorl section, and C) the very subdued tubercles
C-310 46 ? on the middle of the flanks.
COMMENTS. Fagesia zanellai differs from Measurements D Euw H W DfEuw D/H
''Fagesi peroni var. colombiana" Fritzche (1923), . % %
because the latter is smooth and flattened. Fa­ L.Vz.· 7 25 12 9 13 48 36
gesia thevestensis (Peron) (1896; p.23, pl.7,
figs. 2-3; Pervinquiere, 1907, p.325, pl.20, figs. COMMENTS. Paramammites colom bianus
5a,b; 6a,b), is a similar species but it possesses differs form Paramammites gracilis (Pervinqui·
from 14 to 15 periumbilical tubercles whereas ere) [19 07 , p. 337, pl. 21, fig. 41, the species I
in the. ,Colombian species the tubercles vary previously compared it with, by lhe more com·
fromJfto 10; further, the intercostal spaces are pressed whorl section and strong tubercles near
wider'iand the conch is more involute at compa­ the middle of the flank of the Tunisian species.
rable'dlameters in the Colombian species. The ribs are more numerous in the Colombian
form: , 16 per h8lf whorl compared to 1 1 in the
OCCURRENCE. La Frontera Fomiation.
Lower Turonian.
Tunisi.lu\ species. The specimen described from
Vene;uela by Le�za (1968, p.200, pl. 1 ! fig. !- .
4) as "Paramamm1 tes polymorphus Pervmqm�­
This species is named in honor of the geo­ re", has a more compressed whorl section and
logist Livio Zanella. has stt;�·ng, blunt ribs and tuberculation.
_____ _ __"""
(Pa na71U!m mit�
Pa \"
s Furon, 1935. o ccuRRENCE. San Rafael Formation.
· ·

ramammites Furon 1935, p. 58; .


: ��·�;
Vascoceras polymorphum Per­
vinquiere, subsequent desig· G,enus •· oplitoides von Koenen l
. ttation, R1!yitulnt 1954, foot· �
- note p. 255. · . Hoplitoides von
Koenen, 1898, p. 53. :.:;:-. ., .
.f.aron.!.ammi�es_..£2!o_mbian!:f!. SPECIES. ffoplitoides latesellatus v'on·
n. sp. .
Pl. 13, figs. 5, 13. .
Koenen, original designatjR,n�,
Hop1itoides b,e.!!!,!Zn moj�c� •
1968 Paroi7Uitnmites cf.P. gracilis (Pervinquiere), n. sp.
Etayo-Sema, p. 43, fig. 13, T. 1. Pl. 13, figs. 4 , 8.

197 2 Hoplitoides ingens (v.Koenen), Reyment, OCCURRENCE. La Frontera Fonnation.

p. 9 15 , pl. 35, fig. 4a, 4b, 4c. Lower Turonian.

Holotype. C-310 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.N.74). This species named in honor of the geolo-

paratype. C-3 10 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Pt.N.72) gist Heman Mojica R. . ,
..• \1 ,,, 1 �.... �' .
- ��-- -

• ·

. -· .

The innennost whorl observed on internal Ho itoides lacabJJJmoo n. sp.

mold is the thiid; the whorl section is subcircu­ PI. 3, bg. 9. - -- -.

lar at the ad apical portion, It has a slightly flat·

tened venter, the flanks are evenly conve�, the ?1972 Hoplitoides ingens laeuis [Solger], Rey­
umbilical wall is short an!i vertical; the tourth ment, p. 915 , pl. 35 , fig. 6.
whorl has a noticeable increase in height, it beco·
mes vaulted with weakly conve� sides; a sharply Holotype. (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.N. 75).
beveled area connects the lateral carinae to the
flanks; this produces a narrow, deeply grooved The conch is discoidal, involute; the whorl
venter. The fifth whorl increases notably in section is slightly inflated on its central and ad·
height and becomes lanceolate In section with umbilical thiid, but compressed to rather exca­
the ventral grQPve preserved. vated on the adventral third. The venter is nar­
row, concave, boidered by two acute carinae.
In this particular specimen the siphon does
not run beneath the center of the ventral groove The ornament consist of fine raised striae
but instead under one of the carinae (diagenetic whicti begin at the umbilical margin where they
effect?). The only ornament discernible is low, describe a slight concavity, they then trend pror­
sinuous ribs that are visible only with oblique siradiate up to the adventral third of the flank
illumination; on the adventral third of the flank where they describe a crescentic concavity,
they are crescentic and they fade out at the ed­ then the y extend onto venter, crossing it in a
ge of the periventral carinae. A larger fragment slight adoral arc. Short, sickle-like swellings,
(paratype, C·310) shows the change from a te· slightly oblique to the crescentic trend of the
nuously sulcate to a rounded venter. growth striae , appear on the adventral third of
the flank ; the distance between the swellings
The suture line has a wide, asymmetrically changes but it is always more than three times
bifid E/L saddle, it is very high and descendent the width of the swellings.
into the wide L lobe; L/U saddle is subrectangu­
D IAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
by: A) its disk-like shape and grooved ventral
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized zone, B) the bundles of falcoid growth striae on
by: A) the rapid change in shape of the ventral the adventral third of the flank are crossed
region from bicarinate to narrowly rounded, B) obliquely by claw-like swellings, C) the absence
its low sinuous ribs, C) the asymmetrical, descen· of any periumbilical swellings.
dent E/L saddle and the wider, shallow and tri·
fid L. Measurement D Euw H W D/Euw"/o D/H%
La Frontera 48 4 29 ? 8 60
Me811Urementl D Euw H W D{Euw D/H COMMENTS. A species that resembles
% % the H. lacabagnae is figured by Peron (1896, p.
C-310 34 3 20 10 9 61 40, pl.l, fig.6,7) as "Discoceras cf. largilliertia­
nus d'Orb." from Algeria; his species is more
CO MMENTS. Reyment (1972, pl. 35, fig. inflated on the central and adumbilical thirds of
4a, 4b, 4c) figured this species under the name the whorl than the Colombian species, and its
Hoplitoides ingens (v. Koenen) actual diameter
of Reyment's Sf.ecimen about Omm.] however, I venter widens quickly adorally (as observed on
his figure), but this occurs slowly in the Colom­
using Reyment s description of von Koenen's bian species.
species one observes: A) the internal mold of
Hoplitoides ingens as illustrated by Reyment Reyment (1972, pl.35, fig.6) illustrated,
(1955, pl. 20, figs. la, lb) from Nigeria shows a but did not describe, an apparently closely rela­
lanceolate venter; at an equivalent diameter H. ted species from Colombia; he wrote (ib. p.915)
hemanmojicae shows instead a wide sulcate on the caption to figure 6 of plate 35, "individu
venter that just begins to round (see Reyment, du type H. ingens laevis, c'est-a-dire des formes
1972, pl. 35, fig. 4c), B) none of the suture sans acune ornamentation veritable"; the speci·
lines illustrated by Reyment of different men illustrated by Reyment, however, has fine
"subspecies" of Hoplitoides (1955, partim) but very well defined falcate riblets on the in­
have a E/L saddle well bisected and subsymme­ ternal mold but in the Nigerian species descri·
trically bifid or an elongated steplike arrange­ bed by Reyment (1955, p1.18, fig.2) one obser­
ment ot the accessory elements causing a strong ves puckers or folds; furthermore, on the Co·
descendent flexion of the �uture line and the lombian specimen figured by Reyment (op. cit.,
consequent asymmetry of L; for example, p1.35, fig.6), there are crescentic sweUings
compare the ontogeny of the suture line of which cross the trend of the growth striae on
H. hemanmoiicae (="H. ingens ) in Reyment the adventral third of the flank and especially
on the last third of the length of the last wliorl,

(1972, pl. 35, fig. 4b) with that of Hoplitoides

rngens (von Koenen) in Reyment (1955, pl. 18, but this trait is not noted by Reyment in his
fig, 4). discussion.

OCCURRENCE. La Frontera Fonnation. between this specimen and Hoplitoides latese-

Lower Turonian. 1/atus von K<>enen as figured by von Koenen

(1898, p1.6, fig.3a, b, only), but the ventral re­
JL� itoides lgc,iraldae n. SE· gion of the latter is tabulate and there are peri­
Pl:-3, 1fg."f.t�&· �- " - umbical bullae, contrary to the Colombian spe­
cimen which is not bullate at the umbical rim
Holotype. C-264 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P. Ht.N.76) and has a median ventral keel.
The conch is discoidal, narro.wly umbili· OCCURRENCE. La Frontera. Lower Tu-
cated; the whorl section ·is lanceolate; the umbi· ronian.
lical · wall is vertical and rounds abruptly into
the flanks which are evenly convex on the {. Family COLLIGNONICEltATIDl\El /,
adumbilical and adventral thirds of the flank
but slightly concave to compressed on the adven·
tral third. The venter is narrow, pulley like, for· 2!12!!! .0 -Wi���ocerasJ:llB,:S�J,* J�4�.
ming an open V, paralleled on both margins by Niceforoceras Basse, 1948, p.694.
an acute carina.
TYPE SPECIES. Niceforoceras columbianus
The ornament consists of seven bullae·li· Basse, original designation.
ke periumbilical swellings from which two bun·
dles of riblets diverge, each branch is slightly ar­ .Jl.iceforocW!§_ boy..,g&ae�Jse.. n.
cuate; on the adumbilical third of the flank sp. 'Pf.14, fig.7.
each of these bundles form crescentic swellings
which fade out before reaching the ventral carl· Holotype. NRC-9 (U.N:C.M.H.N.C.Pllt.N.7 7)
nae. One or two intercalary swellings occur be·
tween each couple of bifurcating ribs. The conch is involute, discoidal. On the
adapical segment of the last whorl the whorl
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized section is ridged, carinate, and has subparallel,
by: A) its V like venter, B) the periumbilical feebly convex sides, The ornament consists of
swellings from which bundles of riblets are strong biconcave growth lines which begin at
issued, C) its claw - like swellings on the in· the umbilical rim without any indication of tu­
temal half of the adventral third of the whorl berculation; they extend onto venter and join
side. the ventral median keel in an acute V that
points adorally; bundles of these lirae form
Measurements D Euw H W D{Euw "k DJH0/o inconspicuous flat bands arranged in an imbri­
C-264 50 5 28 12 10 56 cating manner.
COMMENTS. This species differs from H. Periventrally there are tubercles, they are
lacabagnae _by the absence of periumbilical swe­ oblique, claw shaped at the adapical part of the
llings on the latter. last whorl but they tend to become parallel to
the median plane on the adoral segment of the
OCCURRENCE. La Frontera Formation. last whorl.
Lower Turonian.
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
· : } ifop"litoides (?) sp. ind. · by: A) its smooth appearance, B)its low, ban�
Pl.13, fig.15. ded ribbing, C) the change in trend of the
periventral tubercles from oblique to parallel
Reference specimen . C-310.' late in the ontogeny.
Only half of a compressed specimen. The
whorl section on one side is compressed and Measurements D Euw H W D /Euw % D/H 04
moderately shouldered; there is a keel along the N RC-9- 50 5 29 15 10 58
median ventral line; the ornament is characteri­
zed by ribs issued in pairs in a subdued manner
from the umbilical rim; they are rounded, pro­ COMMENTS. This species resembles N.
minent and are radial or moderately sinuous on umbulaziforme Basse (1948, p.695, pl.25, figs.
the flank ending in a triangular prominence at 4a, 4b, only), but on the latter species the ribs
the ventral shoulder, these prominences are are more prominently raised, almost acute, and
slightly elongated in the spiral direction; between there are weak periumbilical tubercles; N. boya­
two of the rib couples there are two (or three?) caense is also more inflated adapically than Bas­
intercalary ribs which begin approximately near se's species . .
the middle of the flank and end in rounded bu·
llate prominences at the ventral shoulder. OCCURRENCE. Cucaita Member. Lowe1
The intercostal distances between the
primary ribs is twice the width of the ribs; the
&pace between the intercalary ribs is subequal
· _g..;,.nus,. e ro�(ce riJ .C!! , 9.,rossouv�,
to the ribs.
- - -···

COMMENTS. There is some resemblance Peroniceras de Grossouvre, 1894, p.93.


TYPE SPECIES. Peroniceras Moure ti de Gros· trolateral keels only suggested, the change to
souvre, 1894, original desig­ subquadrate whorl follows rapidly ; the speci­
nation. men described by Kossmat has been re-studied
by Matsumoto who confirmed the on_togenetic
development (1965, II, p.213) and stresses the
"Gauthiericeras-like character'' of the early
1968 Peroniceras mouretii [de Grossouvre], Kossmat's species, however, has an early
Etayo-Serna, Tab.l. ontogenetic bifurcation of the ribs from the
umbilical tubercles, wherea the Colombian spe­
197 2 Peroniceras mouretii de Grossouvre, Eta­ cies has only single, regularly spaced ribs; in this
yo-Serna, p. 48. characteristic the Colombian species resembles
"Peronicer(ZS subtrica rjn a tu m d'Orbigny var.
Holotype. VL6·Cu-5 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P. Ht .N. tridol'S4tum Schlii ter;'as figured by de Grosso­
78). uvre (1894, p.94, pl.lO, fig.3); although it is
difficult to compare it to the large French spe­
Only the holotype is available. The ante­ cimen, however, on the latter the ribs seem to
penultimate whorl has a ogival section (HW: 10; be persistently concave adorally whereas on the
W: 6mm� it is ventrally keeled and bears two Colombian specimen the ribs tend to be straigh­
asymmetrical shallow grooves paralleling the tened and separated; on the specimen referred
ventral median carina; the flanks have fine, to Schliiter's species by Grossouvre (1894, pl.ll,
rounded sinuous riblets or ribs, separated from figs. 1a, 1b) the ribs are very acute on the umbi·
each other by intercostal spaces twice as wide lical rim and the periumbilical tubercles acute
as the ribs; the test is thick. and far from the umbilical rim whereas on the
Colombian species the ribs are bar-like with al·
The penultimate whorl has a nearly qua­ most uniform width across the flanks.
drangular section: the umbilical wall is subver­
tical and rounds smoothly into the convex si· Furthermore, if Grossouvre's assignment
des; the venter has three carinae separated by of the specimen on his plate 11, fig.2 to Schlti·
shallow furrows; the space between the ventro­ ter's species is correct that species would have an
lateral carinae and the periventral margins is ontogenetic development with a very early oc­
sharply truncated to excavated; on the flanks currence of strong ribbing, the opposite of that
there are prominent bar-like prorsiradiate ribs of the Colombian species.
which are feebly curved across the flanks; along
one third of the last whorl there are 14 riblets. OCCURRENCE. Cucaita Member. Lower
The ribs are issued at brink of the umbilical Coniacian.
wall where they develop a weak bullate swelling; .
along the periventral margin the ribs have This species is named in honor of the geo­
outwardly extended clavi. logist Roberto Garcia S.
From the periventral clavi the ribs extend Pero niceras diabloi �
n. s .
toward the ventrolateral keel and disappear -· -'Pm, fig. 1; Tex1-figs. 1;·'9F;· 9a: ·
near it. The intercostal space is greater than
the width of the ribs, and increases adorally. 1968 Peronicerasaff. rousseauxi Gross., Etayo­
The last whorl has a subr�ctangular section. The Sema, p.45, fig.13, Tab.l.
ribs are very prominent, rounded and separated
by channel like intercostal spaces twice as wide Holotype. NRC-3 (1965) (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.
as the ribs, the connection with the ventrolate­ N.79).
ral keels has almost vanished and the periven­
tral clavi dominate over the periumbilical Only one specimen is available. The penul­
bullae. The ventral carinae are conspicuous, timate whorl has a very indistinct ornamenta­
well raised and faintly undulated. tion of widely separated low ribs; on the folio·
wing whorl the ornamentation is rapidly streng­
The suture line has a deep L lobe which thened; the ribs start at the periumbilical mar­
widens adapically but is constricted adorally by gin with a rounded tubercle, sporadically bulla­
E/L and L/U saddles. te, on the flank they describe a well defined
adoral concavity, ending in compressed peri­
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized ventral clavi; the ribs do not show a distinct con­
by the rapid change of its whorl section from nection to the ventral carinae. The ribs are flat,
ogival to quadrate to subrectangular, B) the de­ low and depressed on middle of the flank.
velopment of rounded, well separated ribs on
which the periventral clavi become prominent.
The section of the last whorl is rounded
COMMENTS. In ontogenetic development subrectangular slightly higher than wide; the
of the whorl section this species is similar to umbilical wall is subvertical, it rounds smoothly
"Schlo enbachia Dravidica Kossmat" (1895, p . into the flattened sides; the space between the
190, pl.23, figs. 3a·d) in which the ribs on the ventrolateral carinae and the periventral mar­
young are close to each other and the venter is gins is slightly excavated to beveled, the median
narrow, with only one distinct keel and the v.!;t· ventral line is raised, and on each side of it the-

re is an asymmetrical sulcus bordered by a con­ radiate to concave ribs with weD developed pe·
tinuous low carina. There are 15 ribs on two riventral clavi and weak periumbilical bullae .
thirds of the last whorl. The suture has a L
pouch·like, digitated, U3 is very oblique adum­ COMMENTS. This species resembles Pe­
b ilically , narrow. roniceras moureti Grossouvre (1893, p. 100, pl.
1 1, figs, 3, 4 ; text-fig. 37-39), on the latter ho·
wever the ribs are slender and pointed adumbili·
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characteri· cally and at the same time they develop conspi-
zed by : A) the rapid strengthening of its ribbing cuous elongated periumbilical bullae. ··

and the dominance of the tubercles over the

ribs and the attenuation of the ribs on the mid­ The suture line of Peroniceras moureti
dle of the flank, B) the conspicuous suture line Grossouvre (1894, p. 94, fig. 37, p. 101, fig.39)
with extremely oblique U3. is similar to that of the Colombian species in its
general aspect but in spite of the difference in
Measurements D Euw H W D/Euw DIH size the L lobe in the French species is narrower
NR.C·3( 1965) 52 26 16 16 48 °k 30% and more deeply incised, whereas in the Colom­
bian species it is fan-like.
COMMENTS. This specimen resembles
those described and illustrated by Burckhardt Venzo's ( 1936, p. 101, pl. 9, fig. 1a, 1b)
(1919, p.1 1 3 ; 1921, pl.29, fig.7-10) as "Peroni­ specimen of "Peroniceras Moureti De Gross�',
ceros cf. tricarinatum Schtilter sp. non auct."; likewise has thin and acutely bullate adumbili­
they are similar in the flattening of the ribs on cal end of the ribs.
middle of the flanks and in the arcuate nature
of the ribs, but the Mexican species has a coar­ The specimen figured by Schliiter (1876,
ser ornamentation earlier in the ontogeny than p . 38, pl. 41, fig. 3 , 5) as ·�mmonites cf. tridor­
in the Colombian species. satus " and referred by Grossouvre to his species,
has slender ribs with tubercles farther away
Peroniceras diabloi n. sp. also resembles from the umbilical rim and a higher section th an
Peroniceros westfallicum as illustrated by de i s typical o f Grossouvre's species. The ontoge·
Grossouvre ( 1 894, p.98, p1.12, fig. 1 ) but in the netic development of the whorl section shown
French species · the periumbilical tubercles are by Schliiter (pl. 41, fig. 5) adds height very
clearly bullate whereas in the Colombian slowly but the tricarinate stage is rapidly �;�cquh

species they are dominantly mammillate.

OCCURRENCE. Cucaita Member. Lower The specimens referred by Young (1963,

Coniacian. p. 73, pl. 26, fig. 5 , pl. 27, fig. 1, t ext-fig. 13)

to Peroniceras moureti (Grossouvre , 1894), dif­
,l'erv,nicer uerrai o, sp.. fer from the Colombian species by their crowded,
-·��· - "PJ.14; fig.;Text-fig. 91, 9J. well rounded, strong and conspicuously ad orally
concave ribs; their whorl section is markedly
Holotype. NRC·Est.9 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P. Ht.N. subquadrate also.
OCCURRENCE. Cucaita Member. Lower
Two fragments are available. The smallest .
one has a rectangular whorl section and although .
•.,1'._, .."�-

the specimen has been slightly compressed, the This species is named in honor of the geo·
ven tral median carina is elevated, continuous logist Alvaro Guerra.

2���·- J-E-!-·o..-n-c;-<;�-c-l-oc_e_r_esJ
but widely undulated; it is paralleled by a lower
but continuous carina on each side; the carinae
are separated by a shallow, very asymmetrical .
sulcus. The ribs are strong, prorsiradiate to fee­ Prionocyc/oceras Sapth, 1926, p. 80.
hi y concave ad orally, rounded· they start at the
umbilical rim without devel�ping a tubercle
though a . slight bulging is insinuated , they end
periventrally at strong clavate to slightly obli­
-· ·. ,
. . . . . ... _,�-

que rounded tubercles; the intercostal spaces

are slightly wider than the ribs on the internal

Sporadically an intercalary rib, that ap­

pears near middle of the flank or branches
from the subsequent primary at about the same
point , may occur; the largest very flattened 1950 Donjriarizceras longispinata Basse , p. 247,
(mechanically) specimen has a similar ornamen­ Pt· 11, fig. 1·4.
tation but with more definitely clavate periven·
tral tubercles. 1963 Donjuaniceras longispinata Basse , Young;
p. 67.
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
by �ts high whorl section, prominent ventral 1964 Priononocycloceras longispinata (Basse ),
med1an keel and strong,uniform bar-like prorsi- Et.ayo·Sema, p. 126.

1968 Prionocycloceras longispinata (Basse ), from Prionocycloceras guayabanum (Steinmann)

Etayo-8erna, p. 45, fig. 13, Tab. 1. [see Gerhardt, op. cit.] which has the periven­
tral tubercles inclined tOward the ventral median
1972 Prionoeycloceras longispinata (Basse ), line with a knob-like aspect; the tubercles are
; ·
Etayo-Serna, p. 48. .,, . clavate and abventrally inclined in Basse's spe·
cies, furthermore the latter is a more slender
Hipotype. C-134 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Hy .N. 44). species; the intercostal spaces are also larger.
• The specimen I previously referred to Basse' s
Only an internal mold is available. Conch species was compared to plaster carts of Basse' s
involute, compressed, the umbilical wall is short, species.
rather sloping, merging into the side with a
rounded umbilical rim. The flanks are weakly The specimen figured by Biirgl (1957, pl.
cpnvex, they connect to the planifastigate ven- . . 14, fig. 5, ex. spec. HB 31/10 SGN?vlP) as Prio­
ter through weak shoulders. nocycloceras guayabanum (Steinmann) from
the Nariiio Section of Girardot, has a more ra­
The ornament consists of ribs beginning pidly widening venter and a more subquadrate
at the umbilical rim with small bullate to coni­ whorl section than the holotype of Basse's spe­
cal tubercles; the ribs are radial on the adumbi· cies .
lical third of the flank, they describe an arc on
the middle of the flank and an adoral concavity f
Priono$ loceras J2.0rtarum n. se. - .
on the adventral third; the ribs widen progressi­ -pr.·n, 'ij. l'2; Pn4; fij:1;"Text-fig: 9N.
vely toward the periventral margin where they
end at clavate, adventrally pointing tubercles Holotype. C-134 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.N. 81).
which adaperturally become parallel to the ven­
tral median line and comute . There are 6 ribs Only the holotype is available. The conch
on two thirds of the last whorl. is moderately evolute, the whorl section is sub­
rectangular, it has an obtusely fastigate venter;
Wherever the test is preserved its surface the umbilical wall is oblique and rounds smoothly
is covered with striae that parallel the ribs, they into the subparallel flanks that then round into
cross the venter in an acu te V with its apex ado­ the venter without a shoulder.
ral. Between the primaries there may be a riblet
with a similar trend but without tubercles. The The penultimate whorl has wide, flatte­
ventral median line is raised as a fine dentate ned ribs of which every other or the third one is
carina. The ribs tend to split longitudinally . The stressed and develops a periven tral bullate to
intercostal distance varies from one to four ti­ conical tubercle; on the last whorl the interme­
mes the width of the ribs. diate ribs are considerably weaker and the orna­
ment appears as if only rounded prominent pri­
B) Up to 65 mm D (C-134). At this stage mary ribs were present; the ribs, usually but not
the ribs are much wider, consequently , the in­ always, start at rounded prominent periumbili­
tercostal space varies from one to one and a cal tubercles, they describe an adoral arc on the
half times the width of the ribs; the ventral re­ adumbilical half of the flank and a sharp conca­
gion becomes obtuse. vity on the adventral half; the ribs end at pro­
minent cornute tubercles that are inclined toward
The suture of this specimen has a tall , ra­ the median ventral line; the sinuosity of the ribs
mose, and bifid E/L saddle and a deep L lobe may be more or less accentuated.
with vertical notched sides; L/U saddle is trifid
with subquadrate accessory saddles. The growth lirae are biconcave; on venter
they form an acute adorally pointing V; on
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized the periventral margins the fine intercalary ri·
by its moderately convex to flattened subrec­ blets and growth striae ('?) may be so prominent
tangular whorl section and its broad flexuous as to be easily observable. The intercostal space
ribs. increases adorally and is from two to three times
the width of the ribs: there are 6 ribs on the last
Measurements D Euw · H W D/Euw% DfH % half whorl. The median ventral line is raised as a
c- 134 so 13 22 1 5? 26 44 fmely denticulated carinae.
c- 1 34 65? ? 30 22? ? ?

COMMENTS. Basse (1950, p. 245) pro­ DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized

posed Donjuaniceras as a subgenus of Peronice­ throughout its ontogeny by: A) the elimination
ras, with "Donjuaniceras longispinata Basse" as of the intercalary ribs that are later represented
type species; Basse considered Prionocyclus " only by prominent riblets on the periventral
�ayabanus Steinmann"as described by Ger­ margin , B) the rapid ontogenetic development
hardt (1897, p. 197, pl. 5, fig. 22a, b) as to of comute periventral tubercles.
"offre tous Ies caractl�res du genre Donjuanice­
ras et se place au voisinage des especes prece­
dentes". Basse's subgenus became a synonym of Measurements D Euw H W D/Euw% D/H%
Prionocycloceras Spath (1926). C·134 49 18 20 16 37 41

. AHhough I am interpreting Basse's species COMMENTS. The nearest similar species

In a rather broad sense, in my opinion, it diffP-rs is "Prionocyclus medio tuberculatus Gerhardt

(1898, p. 198, figs. 23a,b,c), which differs by The specimen is com pletely septate
its more widely spaced ribs (13-14 per whorl); and missing its living chamber. The growth lines
the presence of intercalary riblets along the pe­ follow the trend of the ribs, they cross vente!
riventral margin in P. portarum, the subdued forming an acute V with apex pointing adora·
mediolateral tubercles in Gerhardt's species. Jly. On the adoral fourth of the last whorl there
are 8 tubercles.
The specimen referred to Gerhardt's spe­
cies by Biirgl (1957, pl.14, fig.4a,4b), from an DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
unknown locality, is not in my opinion conspe­ by its change in whorl section from Castigate
cific with Gerhardt's species because it has in· to truncate, by the numerous ribs which arise
tercalary ribs on the external half of the flank in pairs from spinose umbilical tubercles and
which have strong centrolateral inflations and end in comu te oblique tubercles.
the primary ribs are few.
MeB!IIlre ments 0 Euw H W 0/Euw % D/H0"
Prionocycloceras portarum differs from NRC-6(1965) 64 17? 26 18 28? 40
Prionocycloceras acutospinatum (Basse ) (1950,
p.247, pl. 11, fig. 5-6) by the strong omamenta· COMMENTS. Prionocycloceras (?) cucai­
tion early in the ontogeny and the strongly ar· taense n.sp., resembles "Gauthiericeras lenti" Ger·
cuate ribs on the flank of the latter. h ardt (1897, p.77, pl. l, fig.4a, b; text-fig.3; non
Reyment 1958, p.12, non Matsumoto, 1965,
p.45); Gerhardt's species is more fmely costate
OCCURRENCE. Lower Coniacian. with 17-18 ribs per half whorl and has weak pe·
�-'�··��-,.,...., riumbilical tubercles; on the contrary, the new
This species is.named in honor of the Geo­ species has a sparse ribbing.
logists Jaime and Nuria de Porta.

). cucaitaw..s._ ll· _ sp.

''Ammonites barbacoensis" Karsten (1858,
Pl. 14, fig. 9, Text-M1g. 9M.
PrJangncloc;eras p,111, pl.4, fig.5) has even greater similarities in
the shape of the whorl section, involution, type
of ribbing, and tuberculization, but they diffex
1968 Prionocycloceras (?) aff. P. lenti (Ger­ by the wavy carina at the adoral portion of the
hardt), Etayo-Sema, p.45, fig.13, Tab.l. conch ["dorso acutiusculo late tuberculato", ib.
p. 11]; P. (?) cucaitaense lacks the tubercles.
1972 Prionocycloceras aff. lenti (Gerhardt),
Etayo-Sema, p. 48. The association of Karsten's species with
"Ammonites Tucuyensis von Buch" is incorrect
Holotype. NRC-5 (1965) (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P. the latter species comes from La Puya Membex
-Ht. N. 82). of Albian Age (Renz, 1972, p.704, 7 19) . Kars·
ten (1858, p. 111) noted that "A Barbacoensis
. .kommt selten neben dem Leonhardianus m.,

Only the holotype is available. The conch varicosus Sow., Tucuyensis Buch bei Barba·
• . .

is discoidal, relatively involute, with the whorls coas . . . ," but later (1886, p.18) he reported a
overlapping to the adumbilical fourth of the more reliable association near Barbacoas (Vene·
flank; along the umbilical margin of the penul­ zuela): "A. Leonhardianus Krst . . A. toroanlfS
timate whorl there are small crescentic folds

Krst . . A. Mosque rae Krst . . .et A. Barbacoen­

but the flanks are smooth except for the

sis Krst . . � {see also Karsten, op. cit., p. 62];


growth striae; on the last whorl the periumbili· these ammonites probably come from the La
cal tubercles are mammillate with their apices Luna Fomiation and perhaps represent two
slightly inclined inwards; the ribs arise in pairs different biostratigraphic horizons. "A. barba­
from these tubercles; on the adapical half of the coensis" Karsten represents an unnamed genus
last whorl there are fine ribs which describe an re:ated to · Prionocycloceras (as observed by
elongated S on the flank and end periven trally Gerhardt, 1898, p. 193), rather than being
in tubercles with a chisel like point and a congeneric with it.
q1,1adrate base and are obliquely inclined to the
median ventral line; at this point the intercostal
space is subequal to the ribs, but adorally ribs OCCURRENCE. Cucaita Member. Lowe!

become more distant and wider. Coniacian.

On the adoral half of th� last whorl the
periventral tubercles. are parallel to the median -
- -
ilia.: -- -�'-
:� :. /}'''d. /\ '
��r;·"lfi; {.�}.'-

ventral line and moderately enlarged laterally TYPE SPECIES. Gloriace1Tl$ correai n. sp.
and outwards. The intercostal whorl section at
the adapical end of the last whorl is fastigate; at
the adoral end it is subrectangular, it has an DIAGNOSIS. Conchs small to mocMrately
accentuated overhanging umbilical wall which large. The earliest whorls observed are discoidal
merges through an angular umbilical rim into with .fastigate, unicarinate median ventral re·
the flanks which are inflated on the adumbilical gion; the ornament consists of faint falcoid ox
half and excavated to compressed on the adven· biconcave ribs that cross the venter in an acute
tral half; the sides round smoothly into the al· adoral bend; the ribs mar-bifurcate on the urn·
most tabulate venter which has smooth carina bilical third of the flank, at this stage no tuber·
along the ventral median line. cles are developed.

Shortly after, the ribs weaken on the me­ ramose and rectangular.
dian ventral line and develop a rounded some­
what spirally elongated external lateroventral Incidentally, it should be observed that
node; the admedian ventral end of the ribs the suture line of a fragmentary specimen figu­
elongates longitudinally and which soon inter· red and described by Burckhardt (op. cit., 1921,
connect fonning almost continuous keels on p.llO, pl.26J fig.2) although "true" Peroniceras­
like in its u2/U3 saddle depending on L/U2
each side paralleling the median keel but the
ribs can still be observed crossing the venter. does not belong to the large specimen of that
The ribs sporadically develop weak periumbili· illusqation nor to the specimen represented by
cal swellings. With growth the ribs tend to stra· his plate 27, fig. 5 where not obliquity is shown
ighten on flanks, become club-like and connect • by U2 and U2/U3 saddle is independentof i..JU 2.
the ventrolateral carinae. On the Dlrckhardt.'s specimen here considered as
congeneric with Gloriaceras the lateral carina
The periventral tubercles are much stron· are also wavy (see op. cit., pl. 27, figs. 9, 1 2 ; pl.
ger than the periumbilical ones which someti· 27, fig. 5 ) . For coments on Stunn's specimen
mes are missin g. The suture line has E/L saddle see below under G. paulinae.
large, rectangular and bifid with the external
branch foliate and narrow at its stem; L lobe is This genus is named in honor oftJie late
wide, deep, bifid (pseudotrifld); L/U2 saddle is biologist Miss Gloria Correa.
slender, taller than E/L saddle, bifid, phylloid ;
U2 lobe is digitated , short. U2/U3 and U3/U1 Gloriaceras corr_eai n. sl?_: --.. _ .,... . ,_ ..,..,,
are subequal. U3 lobe is digitated, glove-like; ""P1. t3, fig. 18; Pl. n. 1tg .'10; 'fext�1igs.

.U1 lobe is bifid , narrower but as deep as U2; 9 C , 9D, 9H.

U1/l saddle is single, witn'a unique phylloid
head. 1954 Peroniceras moureti De Grossouvre, Burgi,
p. 33 [ex.spec. HB-2 13. S.G.N.M.P.].
COMMENTS. This new genus resembles
Peroniceras Grossouvre (1894) from which it 1954 Ba rroisiceras (Herleites) sp., Burgi, p. 33.
differs by possessing an early initial stage with [ex. spec. juv. HB-211/8. S.G.N.M.P.].
flexuous bifurcating ribs that cross the carinate
venter forming chevrons, a character retained in 1957 Peroniceras moureti De Grossouvre, BUrgi,
some adults but absent in Peroniceras [see for p . 1 3 8.
instance Peroniceras dravidica Kossmat, (1895,
p.190, pl.23, fig.3)], and by having undulated 1957 Barroisiceras (Herleites) spec., Biirgl, p.138
ventrolateral carinae. Major differences are pre­
sent on the suture line. 1964 Peroniceras moure ti De Grossouvre, Etayo­
Sema, p. 126, ex Btirgl 1954 .
The suture line of Peroniceras as figured
by Grossouvre (1894, p.44, text-fig.37) has 1964 Barroisiceras (Herleites) sp;. Etayo-Sema,
a wide E/L with a narrow, highly incised digita­ p. 128, ex BUrgi 1954.
ted L. U2{U3 saddle is accessory to L/U2; such
interdependency of L/U2·U2/U3 saddles is also 1968 Peroniceras aff. P. Czomigi Grossouvre,
observable on "Peroniceras cf. dravidicum Koss­ Etayo-Serna, p. 45, fig. 13, Tab. t.
mat sp." as illustrated by Spath (1921, p .295 ,
pl.23, fig. 1d) (which incidentally is the only Holotype. NRC.Ca-1-5 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.N.
example of the entire suture of a Peroniceras 83).
known to me);in the latter species U1/I saddle
is trifid .
A completely septate specimen is available.
"Peroniceras " leei Reeside (1927, p.40, The i!'nermost whorls are smooth, the earliest
pl.43, fig.3) has a suture with U2 and U1 sepa­ visible ornament consists of low rounded ribs
rated by a tall bushy U2/Ul. The Gloriaceras al· which begin at the umbilical rim, on the adum­
so resembles Pro texan ites Matsumoto (1955), bilical third of the flank they describe a weak
as exemplified by "Mortoniceras bourgeoisi d' concavity and then a feeble arc up to the invo­
Orbigny" in de Grossouvre (1894, pl. 14 , figs. lution line, from there the ribs extend onto ven­
2a, 2c), from which it differs by the early deve­ ter with an adoral concavity; the intercostal
lopment of the keel , the more flexuous and nu­ space is nearly as wide as the ribs. Sporadically
merous initial ribs, the slenderer but more dis· a rib may bifurcate adumbilically.
sected elements of the external suture and by
the better defined and raised umbilical saddles. On the adapical part" of the last whorl the
section is rectangular with moderately high
Of the non-Colombian species known to abrupt umbilical wall, slightly overhanging; it
me congeneric fomlS would be represented by rounds through the beveled periumbilical zone
some of the specimens described by Burckhardt into the flat, subparallel inner half of the flanks
(1919, p. 109) as "Peroniceras cfr. subtricarina­ and then merges into the acutely beveled adven­
tum Sturm, non D'Orb, et auct.", especially the tral fourth ; the venter is tricarinate; at this point
specimen showing the last· suture and the living the ribs are subradial and weakly biconcave,
chamber (Burckhardt, 1921, pl. 27, fig. 5); the their adventral concavity accentuated by their
:Mexican specimen seems more evolute than the acute terminal connection to the lateral carina;
Colombian one and its E/L saddle is also m<�r� the ribs are widened on the adventral half of

the flank and have a periventral ovate clavus region Is broadly rounded and there is a keel
from which they extend onto the venter. along the median ventral line paralleled by
weak grooves.
The median ventral carina is high, slightly
Wldulated and separated from the ventrolateral On the fourth whorl the section retains
carinae by shallow , asymmetrical sulci. Adaper­ the preceding proportions but the flanks are
turally the whorl section becomes lower; the ribs slightly more flattened and two lateral carinae
may bifurcate {rom the umbilical rim or near paralleling the median keel are visible on the
the middle of the flnak. adoral part of the third whorl; the flanks are
smooth but at the adapical part of the fourth
On the adoral part of the last whorl the whorl, prorsiradiate, weakly biconcave ribs be­
section becomes subquadrangular, the ribs are gin to develop from the umbilical rim and ex­
club-like on the flanks and at the connection tend onto the venter ending at the ventrolateral
with the ventrolateral keels, clavi-like undula· carinae, at this stage the periventral clavi are on·
tions of the carinae develop as if the latter were Iy weakly indicated; soon thereafter the ribs be­
tuberculated; the ventral margin clavi become gin to show clear periventral clavi and more or
strenghtened and periumbilically the ribs tend less contemporaneously bullate swellings deve·
to develop clavate swellings. lop on the ribs along the umbilical margin; on
the flanks of the fourth whorl the ribs describe
DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized a well defined adoral concavity . The intercostal
by the slow ontogenetic cl)ange of its ribbing spaces are slightly wider than the ribs on the in·
from fme and biconcave in the early whorls to ternal mold.
strong, straight, club-shaped ribs in the later
stages; likewise the change in whorl section is B) Up to 50 mm D fVL-6-Cu-1(1966)].
slow. The conch is septate throughout, the ornament
of the penultimate whorl is the same as on the
Measurements D Euw H W D/Euw D/H No.R. small specimen although the concavity of the
Ofo % ribs on the flanks is less obvious because the
NRC· Ca· 1·6 66 27 23 20 41 36 14 test is still present; on the adapical third of the
last whorl the concavity of the ribs on the
COMMENTS. This species resembles that flanks becomes conspicuous, the ventrolateral
described by Burckhardt (1919, p. 109; 1921, clavi are depressed and outwardly inclined.
pl. 27, especially on fig. 3) as "Peroniceras cfr.
subtricarinatum Sturm, non D'Orb. et auct.", The living chamber occupies two thirds of
but the nbs are finer and sharper on the latter. the last whorl and on it the ribs are strongly
The Mexican species also has more closely spa· concave and very prominent. On this specimen
(!ed ribs. all three ventral carinae are only slightly wavy .

G. c orreai n. sp. differs from G.paulinae DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized

n. sp. because on the latter the ribs change by the quick ontogenetic change of the ribs from
through the ontogeny from biconcave to stron· sickle shaped in the early wh orls to strongly
gly concave ad orally. Earlier (Etayo • Serna, concave adorally on the later whorls; the whorl
1968) I iden tified G. correai n. sp. as "Peronice­ section changes more rapidly in height than in
ras cf. Czomigi", having compared it to figure wid th.
2a of plate 11 of Grossouvre's paper; in the
French species, however, the illustrations indi· Measurements. D Euw H w D/Euw D/H No.R.
(!ate that the lateral keels are continuous, not
�onnecred to the marginal tubercles.
% %
NRC· Cu • 6 38 16 13 1 0 39 3 4 21(1/'Z)
Furthermore, the ribs are concave ado· VLG • CU· 1 52' 20 1 9 1 5 38 3 6 33
rally on the adumbilical third of the flank up to (1966)
a size where they are completely strai�t on the
Colombian species which likewise has umbilical N OTE : Specimen VL6-CU-1-(1965) was measu·
bullae that are lacking in the Grossouvre's (op. red to the end of the phragmocone only.
cit., p. 103) illustration.

OCCURRENCE. Cucaita Member. Lower COMMENTS. Gloriaceras paulinae n.sp.

Coniacian. differs from the specimen figured by Burckhard t

Gloriaceras rgzulinae.!bJJ!... (1921, plate 27, fig.5) which is characterized as

noted by Burckhardt (1919, p.ll O) : "Un ejem·
.__,._,�Pl. U,'Iig.·t ·;Text-figS': 9K, 9L. plar (I am XXVII fie.5) se aparta de los otros oor
. ,

sus costillas mas rObustas y mas distanciada5 ya

fiolotype. NRC-Cu5 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Pt.N.84) en Ia juventud, y parece representar una especia
Paratype. (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Pt.N. 73). distinta, como lo indica tambien la sutura que . . .
se acerca a un tipo de linea sutural caracterlstico
There is one internal mold available. The para el genero Mortoniceras . . . ", because of

second (?) whorl is subeUiptical in section,sligh­ its smaller size, lesser involution and weaker ribs.
tly higher than wide, the maximum width is at
the umbilical rim, the flanks gently converge to­ The other specimensaescn"bed by Burck·
ward the arched venter; on the third whorl the hardt (1919) and illustrated later (1921, pl. 26,
section has doubled .its height: the periventral fig. 1-12, but especially figs. 4,2, 'th e latter ex·

elusive of the suture line) might be conspecific observable and was previously noted by Burek­
with the Colombian species. hardt in the description of his different species:
those specimens on which the lateral tubercles
The specimen described and illustrated by quickly disappear without having ever been pro·
Stunn (1901, p. 60, pl. 3, fig. 5, 5a) as "Peroni­ minent, and those specimens on which the late·
ceras subtricarinatum d'Orb. ·5pec." to which ral tubercles notably increase their strength with
Burekhatdt compared his specimens (1919, p. growth.
109) shows at the stage of growth illustrated
by Sturm (D:39mm approx.) a similar orna­ It is for the latter group that the genus .
ment to that of the adult of Gloriaceras pauli­ Zumpangoceras is here restricted, and i� is in
nae n.sp. however, from Stunn's comments (op. accotdance with Basse's criteri on to elevate her
cit. p.60), "Den Beschreibungen durch frii here subgenus to generic rank . In her study , Basse
Autoren ist nur hinzuzufligen, dass bei zuneh· acknowledged the value of Reeside's ideas ·c:)n the
mender Gro55e der lndividuen die drei Riicken· taxonomic importance of the lateral tubercles
kiele immer mehr schwinden, so dass schliesslich in such group, �� �e stated ( 194.�� p.ll�):
der- Durehschnitt des letzten Umganges spitz-:. "de tubercules med1o·lateraux ne sont pas ·stric-
oval wird", that is to say that on the European tement homologues. . . "� ?
species the ventral carinae attenuate and the
whorl section becomes acute-oval with growth; I feel that the absence of the lateral tu­
this signifies that the ontogenetic development bercle, unless due to sexual dimorphism, is to
df Sunn's "species" is opposite to that of the be considered taxonomically significant, conse·
Colombian species. quen tly, I propose to restrict Zumpangoceras to
the Mexican and Colombian species of ammoni-·
OCCURRENCE. Cucaita Member. Lower tes with "Forresteria-like" appearance, with fie-
Coniacian. /"' ,7-:- , /l . .,· I jq v �uous ri�bing or periodically emp�asi�ed growth
- r-o .rv<'>H·&... o.,. tozr...,,, ,j{f , ··· · · !".- hrae, wh1ch cross venter With a linguiform pro·
. Genus J!u�ocerafJ.Basse 1947. jection; . a median ventral clavus whi�h alter-
'>IW� oll!l@'.eg!!!i
_-u.,. !li ·�'-.""'r ·- "" .. ., · - nates w1th ventrolateral clavate to obhque tu·
Zumpangoceras Basse , 194 7, p. 144. bercles; the lateral tubercles become stronger
with growth , they tend to migrate toward the
TYPE SPECIES. Zumpangoceras burckhardti center of the flank from a more internal posi·
Basse , original designation. tion and dominate over the periumbilical tuber­
Lectotype of Z. burckhardti cles ; the early whorls with tectiform ventral re·
the specimen described by gion which subsequently becomes truncated or
Burckhardt (1919, p.98 and even weakly excavated with growth.
later illustrated as Barroisice­
ras sp. ind.num. 7 by the same The specimen figured by Burckhardt on
author ( 1921, pl . 23 fig. 1), his plate 22, fig. 16, is here interpreted as cons­
here designated. pecific with the lectotype of Z. burckhardti;
the specimens described as Barroisiceras sp. ind.
COMMENTS. The "subgenus" Zumpan­ num. 7 (op.cit.,pl. 25, figs. 16, 17) are here in·
goceras was pro�osed by Basse (1948) in her terpreted as probably congeneric but not cons·
study of the European and Madagascan species pecific with the lectotype.
of Barroisiceras. By studying my material from
Colombia and through the perusal afBurckhardt's Zum a �inai n. sp ""' ·� · ='" ·---�·--..
1gT; ext-ffgs. 9o, 9P:.
paper, im seems clear that although all of Burck·
l �
Prr, ��
hatdt's "Barroisiceras , . � share some common
characteristics, not all of them share the same 1968 l''orresteria (Forresteria) cf. F. allaudi
ontogenetic development. (BLT). Etayo-Serna, p.45, fig. 13, Tab. 1.

The ribs are dominantly biconcave (:<11e· 1972 Forresteria (Forresteria) cf. allaudi (BLT),
xuous in Burckhardt's tenninofogy), or if straigh­ Etayo-Serna, p. 48.
tened the superposed growth striae are flexuous;
in all cases on which the ventral region is obser· Holotype. NCR-1 (1965) (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.
vable the ribs continue across the venter (see N. 85).
Burckhardt, 1921, pl. 25, fig. 9) on the early Paratype. (U.N. C.M.H.N.C.P.Pt.N. 74).
ontogenetic stages, in a subdued manner in the
later stages (see op. cit., pl. 23, fig. 1) or some·
times indicated by stressed growth striae; this A) Up to 30 mm D (VL-6-Cu5). At the
peculiarity accotding to Basse (1948, p. 144) is adapical fourth of the penultimate whorl the
not present on other "Barroisiceras ... section is fastigate, senate along the median line;
there are rounded periventral to clavate tuber·
In Burckhardt's material there are at least cles, the sides are ornamented with flattened
two well defined groups of specimens with diffe· flexuous ribs, they begin at the umbilical rim
rent ontogenetic development of the ornament: and internally to the middle of the flank they
1) specimens without lateral tubercles at any bifurcate; one intercalary rib appears near the
�tage of development (small and large specimens middle of the flank and between a pair of
tn Burckhardt's sample), 2) specimens with Ia· bifurcating ribs. Midventral and periventral
terai tubercles at least at some stage of develo!J· tubercles alternate, the fanner being adoral to
lllent. In the latter group a second division is the latter.

On the adapical third of the last whorl chamber, there are 10 periventral clavi and 8
the ornament follows the pattern previously subcentral lateral tubercles.
described, the ribs are accentuated and have the
shape of an elongated S, they extend on venter DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
and interconnect at the median ventral clavi. by: A) its great involution, B) the ontogenetic
development of its ornament: the siphonal and
The whorl section becomes subrectangu­ penventral tubercles appear first followed by a
lar; the umbilical wall is low and vertical, it weak periumbilical and finally, a sub-mediolate­
rounds abruptly intO the flanks which are con­ ral tubercle, the latter at first are nearer the wn­
vex on their adumbilical third, then they weakly bilical third of the flank and then slowly migra­
converge toward venter forming a rounded ven­ te upwards toward the middle of the flank but
tral shoulder; the venter is raised· along the me­ never attaining an exactly medial position but
dian line but it becomes slightly excavated on becoming stronger with growth, C) the change
each side. At this stage some ribs have weak pe­ in the shape of the venter from fastigate to al­
riumbilical bullate swellings. most truncate and wide.

On the adoral half of the last whorl the MeastUem eata. D Euw H W D/Euw D/H
section becomes more inflated on its adumbi­ % %
lical third and the venter becomes wide, almost VL6 • Cu5 30 5 16 12 17 63
truncate ; at the boundary between adumbilical NRC-1 (1966) 60 10? 22 20 20 44
and central thirds of the flank some ribs de\lelop
a subtriangular prominent tubercle, at the same COMMENTS. The small juvenile specimen
time the periven tral tubercles enlarge outwards resembles Forresteria s tantoni Reeside (1932,
but they are clearly compressed_ �d clavate. pl. 7, figs. 1·7) which has a very strong ribbing
earlier in the ontogeny than the Colombian spe­
B) Up to 50 mm D (NRC-1 (1965)). This cies. Furthermore, its ribs are club-sh aped and
specimen includes the adult (?) liVing chamber. more numerous than in Z. osplnai n.sp., the late­
It is involute, the intercostal whorl section is ral tubercle en Reeside's species is centrolateral to
suboval: the umbilical wall is short, subvertical, adventral, contrary to that of the new Colom­
it merges rather abruptly into the convex flanks bian species where it is at first adumbilical in
that in tum round bto the broadly arched position, later migrating toward center of the
venter. flank.

The large Colombian specimen resembles

The ornament consists of ribs most of Forresteria (F.) allaudi (Boule, Lemoine and
which start at the umbilical brink in a claw-li­ Thevenine)[1907, p. 32, pl. 8, fig. 6 ; malfor­
ke manner,· they begin as sharp points and med?l, however, the whorl section in the most
thicken outwardly, they also bend backwards similar specimens is very depressed as with the
slightly on the adumbilical third of the height specimen illustrated by Boule, Lemoine and The­
of the whorl; just internally to the middle of venine, or the one by Basse (194 7, pl.8, figs.3,3a)
the flank the ribs develop a prominent pyrami­ from the "Con_glomerat ferrugineux Ambohi­
dal tubercle and from it the ribs run forward marina, Mont Carre " ; however, on the Madagas­
ending .periventrall y in a thorny, clavate and can specimens the vertical distance between the
outwardly directed tubercle; the ribs may bi­ periventral and the lateral tubercles is shorter
furcate from the lateral tubercle with one of than the distance be tween the latter and the
the branches joining either the following adoral umbilical tubercles, the opposite of the Colom·
or the preceding adapical periventral tubercle bian species.
(which th(ln appears to join two ribs coming
tonn different nodes) in such a manner that the Likewise on the Madagascan species the
ribs seem _ to form a W on the flank; this does ventrolateral tubercles are heavy and conical
not alwayspccur on the opposite side, however. whereas in the Colombian species they are com·
pressed, clavus-like, upwards and outwardly
Some ribs may have a slight periumbilical directed. ForresteriD {orresteri Reeside (1932,
node or they may bifurcate periumbilically pl.5, fig. 5 ) has a subquadrangular whorl section
with one branch joining the subsequent subme­ rather than higher than wide as on the Colom·
dial tubercle. The ribs are broad, low, and tend bian specimens; the siphonal clavi ofF. forresteri
to split lQngitudinally on the adventral half of Ft.eeside are elongated, and the ribs club-shaped
the flank: The intercostal spaces are broad, one whereas on the Colombian species the ribs are
and a half times as wide as the ribs; shallow. curved and h ave a tendency to split longitudinal·
Along the median ventral line there is a
row of prominent clavi, adoral to the p�riven­ Matsumoto (1969, p. 308) has discussed
tral tubercles at the vertex of the linguiform the Indo-Pacific species, he considered Reeside's
projection of raised lirae (rib lets?) on venter. species a synonym of the Madagascan species.
Whatever may be the case, it is clear that the
The growth striae are impressed on the Colombian species differs in the ontogenetic
ribs on the internal mold; on venter the ribs development of its nodes and pattern of rib­
themselves are absent but the raised growth bing and belong to a different group than the
striae cross it in the wide adorally linguiform Indo-Pacific species.
arc; the preserved fragment represents the living

The specimen referred to the Madagascan COMMENTS. The only species�·known to

species by Benavides-Citceres ( 1956, p.478, pt me that is comparable is ''Barroislc.� aff. als·
61, fig. 1) is too poorly preserved to warrant a tadenense Solger, non auct�', de�cribed by
comparison. On the specimen illustrated by Burckhardt (1919, p.105) and subsequently
Burckhard t ( 1921, pl. 25) in his figure 17, the illustrated (1921, pl.25, tig.10) but on the
ribs are raised, ridge-like between the lateral Mexican species [=Zumpangoceras ] the ribs are
and umbilical tubercles, consequently, the late­ finer, more crowded and more prominent and
ral tubercles are not well individualized, they the periventral tubercles are very attenuated,
are fine, subrounded in the Mexican species; the likewise its umbilicus does not seem to widen
opposite of these characteristics occur in the • with growth.
Colombian species.
OCCURRENCE. Cucaita Member. Lower
Incidentally, this figure 17 of Burckh ardt's Conician.
plate 25 ( 1921) seems to show the migration of
the tubercles toward middle of the flank. Genus

OCCURRENCE. Cucaita Member. Lower TYPE SPECIES. Buenoceras loboi n. sp.

.. #/
... ·.J.- .....�.-
DIAGNOSIS. Conch discoidal, moderate·
This species is named in honor of the geo­ ly involute, maximum inflation near middle of
logist Carlos Ospina. the flank from which the flattened sides round

toward the umbilicus and the periventral mar­
gins; the venter is tectiform; the early whorls
are ornamented with fine ribs that " appear
smoothly at the umbilical margin; they are
Holotype. N.R.C - Sora (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht. weak on the flank but on the adventral third
N. 68). they are stronger; there are ventrolateral
tubercles that are inclined toward the ventral
The innermost whorl observed (third?) is median line, the ribs then cross the venter in an
twice as high as wide; the maximum width on acute V with an acute clavus at the vertex; on
the adumbilical third of the flank; externally later whorls weak ribbon like biconcave riblets
from the maximum width the flanks are flat to arise in bundles from tenuous periumbilical
excavated and converge toward the venter that swelling; they may bifurcate near the middle of
has inclined sides. The next whorl covers two the flank where they are a little wider but do
thirds of the height of the preceding whorl , the not develop a tubercle . In the adults all ribs end
adumbilical third of the flank is clearly convex; in oblique claw-like tubercles which are connec·
the remaining part of the flank is flat and weakly ted through the prolongation of the ribs with
converges toward the venter into which it mer­ the ventral median clavi.
ges across the shoulder.
The ornament consists of ribs which be­
gin at the umbilical rim with a rounded to bulla­ COMMENTS. This genus differs from
te tubercle, they trend radially to near the mid· Zumpangoceras Basse ( 194 7), by the absence of
die of the whorl where they develop a weak lateral tubercles which are stressed with age.
round node from which the ribs may bifur..:ate, From "Schloenbachia " flexuosa Gerhardt
the adventral branch is slightly adorally arcuate ( 1898, p. 157, pl. 4, fig. 1a,1b,1c) from Upper
across the venter; at the ventrolateral margins Coniacian beds of Colombia which has a whorl
the ribs develop clavi that are subparallel to the section with the inner half of flanks weakly ex­
median ventral line; riblets interconnect the me­ cavated to flat, whereas the moderately excava­
dian ventral and the lateroventral tubercles. ted external halt" of the whorl converges toward
the venter; the inner whorls of "S. " {lexuosa
Early in the ontogeny , the ribs are narro· have venter fastigate, later in ontogeny the ven­
wer than the intercostal spaces, later they beco­ tral zone widens, the ventral median keel is de­
me broad , club-shaped, wider than the intercos· pressed and the venter becomes almost trunca•
tal spaces especially on the adventral half of the ted ;on the internal whorls the lateral ornament
flank. The increase in umbilical width with consists of low flexuous ribs, which develop
growth is quite •significant. oblique ventrolateral claw-like tubercles and
continue to midventer; on subsequent stages,
D IAGNOSIS. This species is characterized the ornament is composed of bundles of fal­
by: A) the decrease in the distance between the coid to falcate raised lirae that define very low
ribs with growth, B) the ephemeral development ribs, they extend onto venter forming an acute
of the small, rounded lateral tubercles, C) the siphonal V, the ribs develop a row of ventrola­
stressing with growth of the periumbilical tuber· teral tubercles subparallel to the ventral median
cles and the increase of the umbilical width. line.

Measurements D Euw H W D{Euw D/H These ventrolateral tubercles are .elevated

Sora NRC 40 7 22 14 17% 1:1 5 % adapically and thin and project slightly oblique­
ly and adorally; on later stages the rib; and peri­
NOTE : The measurements refer to the entire ventral tubercles are suppressed and only raised
part of the conch only. lirae with an accentuated concavity on the ad·
102 F. ETA Y O · SERNA

ventral third of the whorl side are present (the Measurements D Euw H w
two later stages are illustrated on Gerhardt's NRC-Sora ? ? 16 10
figure 1; plate 4, 1898); the sum of the prece­ NRC·4 ? ? 30 18
dign characteristics differentiate clearly both
taxa. COMMENTS. The only foreign species

known to me that compares with this species is

This genus is named in honor of Professor Reesidites minimus (Hayasaka and Fukada) ty­
Jesus A. Bueno of the Department of Geocien· pe species of Reesidites Wright and Matsumoto
cias U. Nal. of Colombia. (1954), however, the latter has prominent
strong ribbing very early in the ontogenetic de­
·-·-,� .• .liJ��rGergs I,Qboi n. m. velopment (see Hayasaka and Fukada, 1951,
--· .
. PI.l ;fig. 2; Text-fig. 9R, 9U. pl.l), the opposi� is true of the Colombian spe­
cies, on the latter the ventrolateral nodes are
Holotype. NRC-4 ( 1965) (U. N. C. M. H. N. C. oblique to the median ventral line but in Reesi­
P. Ht. N.87). dites minimus they are parallel to the siphonal
Paratype. (U. N. C. M.·
H. N. C. P. Pt. N. 75). line (See Matsumoto, 1965, p 61, pl.64, fig.
34a; holotype, pl.14), finally (and not critical?)
The adapical segment of the second whorl the suture lines are differen t : in the Japanese
h as a subcylindrical section; at an equivalent species E/L saddle is asymmetrically bifid with
position on the third whorl the section is twice the adventral branch conspicuously shorter
as high as .wide and ventral median clavi occur than the external branch (see Matsumoto,
on the adoral portion of this whorl; the flanks p .64, fig. 34b, holotype).
have an even curvature from the ventral median
clavi to the umbilical rim. More similar, though , and here interpre­
ted as congeneric, is · the Mexican species repre­
The umbilical wall is curved and bends sented by "Barroisicera sp. ind.num.3", of
toward the venter of the preceding whorl. On Burckhardt (1919, p.102) and subsequently
the fourth whorl (D: 15 mm) the venter is tecti­ illustrated by him ( 1921, pl.24, fig. 10); from
form and has diverging flat ventral sides which the illustration, the Mexican species h as closer
round smoothly into flanks; the latter have periventral tubercles and a more accentuated
their maximum width adumbilically near the bend of the low ribs at middle of the flank than
middle. on the Colombian species.

Biirgl, 1954a, recorded a "Barroisiceras

Every whorl overlaps to a point slightly subtuberculatum (Gerhardt)" (ex.spec. HB-216
adumbilical of the middle of the flank of the SGNMP), which seems to be a member of Bue­
preceding whorl. noceras loboi n. sp., however the former seems

thicker and has stronger ribs than the latter.

The ornament on the last PJ't!&erved whorl
consists of ribs that arise from rounded swe­ OCCURRENCE. Cucaita Member. Lower
llings at the umbilical rim, describe a weak Conician.
"\""' ' \
concavity on the adumbilical third of the flank, ' . c , ..

then trend prorsiradiate to near the middle of This species is named in honor of the
the flank, from which point they describe a wi· Engineer Ramiro Lobo of the Ministerio de Mi-
de adoral concavity. The ribs are flat, ribbon­ nas y Petroleos. ·

like; at the periventral margins the ribs develop

an oblique claw-like subelliptical thickening, .._,
Genus.!Pt!lt . IlL
ns � �ygnjtesh�atsumoto,
��.� '�-
from these nodes the riblets or Iirae connect
Qlr �).

with the ventral median clavi in a manner such

that venfA!r is crossed by an array of acute Vs. Protexanites Matsumoto, 1955, p.3.

TYPE SPECIES. ' 'Mortoniceras" bourgeoisi

(d'Orbigny) Grossouvre
(1894, p.73, J)l. 13, fig.2 ; pl.,
The suture line has L asymmetrical; the 14, fig.2-5) [sic], ori�al desig-
sanddles are subrectangular, symmetrically to nation.

subsymmetrically bifid; U2 is oblique.

The laceration of the different elements Pl.l , fi'gs. ,4; 'rexr.Ji �
of the suture line is very variable even on both
sides of the same suture. 1968 Protexariites caiiaense (Gerhardt), .Etayo­
Sema, p.45, fig.13, Tab. I.
- . ' �- . ;..·.. .
DIAGNOSis: This species is characterized 1972 froiexanites canaense (Gerhardt), Etayo­
by: A) its biconcave to falcoid ribs that coales­ Serna, p. 48.
ce at low rounded tubercles on the umbilical
rim, some of them bifurcate near the middle Holotype. VL6-Cu-3 (U. N. C. M. H. N. C. P.
of the flank without forming a tubercle , B) the N.88).

claw-like periventral tubercles and elevated me­

dian ventral row of clavi. The first whorl of the conch has a vaulted

section; it is slightly wider at the umbilical mar­ appears to consist of rhombic compartments but
gin and has weakly convex or subparallel sides this is due In twinning of the calcite shell material; ' ·
' that evenly round into the broad fastigate ven­
ter; the umbilical wall is oblique and rounds DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized
abruptly into the sides; the second whorl is sub­ by: A) its quadrate whorl section, B) ib; radial
q uadrate, the flanks are flat between the umbi­ ribs with periventral spinose nodes and C) the
lical and the ventral margins, -the venter is wea­ shallow and moderatelly narrow sulci . that para-
Idy keeled along the median line, arched from llel the ventral median keel. · :; > · ·

the keel to the periven tral margin; the flanks

overlap only the external half of the preceding .
Me&S\lremeots D Euw H w D/Euw D/H No.R.
whorl. % %
VL-6-Cu-3 38 15 15 13 39 39 20
On the third whorl the venter tends to be­ 70 30 26 24 43 �-7 19
come flat but keeled along the median line; up 90 36 30 29 40 33 23
to the second whorl the sides are smooth, but
on the third whorl broad, well separated ribs NOTE : The height of the whorl was measured ·
begin to appear. over the carina.
On the adoral half of the fourth whorl COMMENTS. Protexanites cucaitaense �p.
there are eight low ribs most of them with bu­ differs from "Mortoniceras bourgeoisi (D'Orbig­
llate periumbilical tubercles; the ribs extend ny)" in de Grossouvre [1894, p. 73, pl. 14, figs.
�;adially to the periventral margin where they 3a1 3b ) ,which has the ventrolateral clavi taller
develop a long triangular spinose tubercle, upon th an the ventral median keel on the excavated
which abub; against the following whorl. venter, contrary to the condition of the Colom­
bian species; further, on the French species the
On the fifth whorl the section is quadra­ umbilical tubercles are radially elongated but
te, with a broadly rounded umbilical rim and in the Colombian species they are pustuliform;
the innermost part of the umbilical wall weakly in addition, the ribs tend to attenuate and widen
converges toward the venter of the preceding near the middle of the flank on the Colombian
whorl; the ventral margins are broadly rounded species, a trait that is not observed on the French
along the intercostal spaces, they raise into species.
rounded bulges from which they connect with
the ventral median keel. Pro texanites cucaitaense differs from Pro­
texanites cagnaense (Gerhardt) [usually mis!pe­
There are sixteen ribs on the fifth whorl, lled canaense] which has a high, rectangular
they are separated by intercostal spaces twice whorl section whereas the former has a quadra­
as wide as the width of the ribs, and the peri­ te whorl section and shallower ventral sulci
umbilical bullae are conical; the ribs are wider paralleling the ventral median carina; further­
and weaker near the middle of the flank. On the more, on P. cucaitaense n.sp., there is a persistent
sixth and last whorl the section is as in the pre­ correspondence of two successive ventral clavi
ceding whorl; the growth of the whorls is relati­ to each marginal tubercle, a trait that is obser­
vely slight. ved only late in the ontogeny of Gerhardt's
species (1898, pl. 1, fig. 2a, 2b).
The ribs begin at brink of the umbilical
wall and are inclined adapically, they bend slight­ Young (1963, p. 66-67) discussed the sta­
ly just outside the umbilical rim and then trend tus of Protexanites Matsumoto and Prionocy­
radially to weakly arcuately across the flank, cloceras Spath and seemed to dismiss the valut.!
they develop periventral tubercles that project of the ventrolateral clavate tubercles of Prote­
outwards and backwards like a thorn; from this xanites.
marginal tubercle the rib continues onto the
venter as a broad triangular ridge at the end of In my opinion, based on the Colombian
which one or two clavate, bead like tubercles specimens available to me, it appears that the
are pre,se nt; between these tubercles and the ventrolateral tubercles greatly enlarge with
raised median ventral kell there is a wide shallow growth in Prionocycloceras, but on Protexani­
sulcus. tes, the tubercles do not enlarge as much and
if they enlarge, they do not obliterate the ven­
The growth striae begin a� the umbilical tral clavi, or both weaken concomitantly (see
se am, they slant down about 45 adapically on Grossouvre, 1894, pl. 13, fig. 2; D : 150mm).
the umbilical wall, they then tum forming a
shallow concavity on the adumbilical third of As observed by Young, and confirmed
the flank, describe a weak arc on the central by the Colombian material, there are seconda­
third and a concavity on the adventral third ; ry ribs or riblets intercalated along the periven­
they trend toward the ventral median line for­ tral margins on Prionocycloceras, but in Prote­
ming a linguiform projection. xanites, the intercostal spaces are smooth, the
ribs are more distant and rectiradiate; in addi­
At some places on test, especially where tion, the ventrolateral clavi seem to appear
this is limonitized the growth striae can be seen earlier in the ontogeny of Protexanites than in
· to anastomose with each other and form a net­ Prionocycloceras. Incidentally, the type loca­
work; at places where the test is preserved but lity of the holotype of the type species of Prio ­
not limonitized the internal structure of the test nocycloceras is not near Chejende, Venezuela,
104 F. E T AYO · SERNA

but "Fundort: Von Stiibel im Bett des Rio Gua­ adoral concavity on the flanks, it crosses the
yabo an der Siidwestseite des Cerro Pelado im venter straight, normal to the median ventral
siidlichen Columbien gefunden". (Gerhardt,l898 line. In general the shape of the suture line is
p. 197; see also Steinmann, 1882, p.169). that of a sickle with a short handle.

OCCURRENCE. Cucaita Member. Lower Measurements D Euw H W D/Euw D/H

Coniacian. % %
F·15 115 5 75 62 4 65

COMMENTS. The specimens studied by
Durham, excepting that coming from his loca·
Genus Heminautilus Spath, 1927 lity C (Paratype, U.C.M.P.N. 35735) are slightly
more inflated than the present which, however,
Heminau ti���ath, 1927, p. 22. agrees well with Durham's holotype (U.C.M.P.N.
4 357 3 1 ) in whorl profile, although on the latter
TYPE SPECIES. Nautilus saxbii Morris, ori· the flanks are relatively straight whereas in my
ginal designation. specimen they are weakly contracted towards
the adven tral third of the flank.
Heminautilus etheringtoni
Durham. On this specimen the suture lines cross
Pl.4, fig. 8; Pl. 5, fig. 9. the venter normal to the median ventral line
without any indication of a siphonal sinus or
1946 Heminautilus e theringtoni Durham, p.432 at most only a suggestion of it; in the collection
pl. 62, fig.4; pl. �. figs. 3,5-7, pl.64, fig. of the University of California there is a topoty­
1-3; Text-fig. 3c-f,5 . pe, internal mold, of Heminautilus etheringloni
· Durham (U.C.M.P.N. loc. C-180) which does
1947 Heminautilus e theringtoni Durham, Dur­ not show the ventral sinus, a trait previously re·
h am, p. 576, figs. 1-3. corded by Durham ( 1946, p. 432) for one para­
type (U.C.M.P.N. 337 33); on this specimen the
1956 Heminautilus etheringtoni Durham, Kum· suture line is weakly arched adorally and at one
mel, p. 335, 436, 437, fig. 201. point it is slightly oblique to the ventral median
1964 Heminautilus etheringtoni Durham, Kum­
mel, K407, fig. 29K. On the holotype (U.C.M.P.N. 35731) the
venter of the internal mold is flat, almost trun·
1964 Heminautilus e theringtoni Durham, Eta­ cated but where the test is preserved it shows a
yo-Serna, p. 129. feeble siphonal sulcus: a ventral sutural lobe is
Hypotype. F- 15 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Hy.N.45). ·
, Heminautilus saxbii (Morris) the h olotype
Only a completely septate internal mold of the type species of the genus as illustrated by
is available. The conch is very involute, the whorl Kummel (1956, pl. 10) shows an adventral con­
section is high, inverted cordate; the umbilical traction of the flanks and its section is less infla·
wall is inclined , it ascends smoothly to the high. ted and the ventral sinus is well marked compa­
periumbilical area and then merges into the red to some equivalent specimens (immature?)
slightly excavated convergent flanks that bend of H. e theringtoni.
abruptly at the periventral margin to form a
rounded rectangular shoulder; the venter is The specimen illustrated by Douville {19 16,
truncated. pl. 17, fig. 2b; see fig. 6,4) as "Nau tilus lallie ri
d'Orbigny" has suture line trending straight or
The suture line is adorally arcuate on the with an adoral bow on the venter; the venter on
umbilical wall, on the periumbilical area it bends the latter species is flat to weakly excavated
sharply and trends rursiradiate for a shorter dis· with bicarinate margins and with maturity a cen·
tance than the internal branch , and then it chan­ tral carina begins to develop, but this trait is
ges progressively to form a wide, very regular not observed on Durham's species.

* * *

· : ".i;..'� ,
--� ·� ..

sp., A canthohoplites bigoureti(orin.e n. sp.,

.. J_:··
._. ...,,
SUMM ARY Acanthohoplites seunesiforme n. sp., Acantho­
hoplites quitasuegno n. sp., Acanthohoplites
In two regions of the Eastern Cordillera odiosus n. sp., Acanthohoplites pluricostatum
of Colombia, namely Villa de Leiva and Apulo, n. sp., Acanthohoplites elegan tean te n. sp.,
the lithologic sequences were ascertained and Acanthohoplites luisperezi n. sp., Acanthoho­
carefully mapped. The ammonites collected bed plites (?) lep tocerati{orme n.sp. , Acarrtf!.fiOplites
by bed from the lithologic sequences were taxo.­ (?) serpenti{orme n. sp., Colombiceras {?) fore­
nomically investigated and this study constitu·. roi n. sp., Colombiceras (?) sarmientoi n. sp.,
tes the body of the present report. • Gargasiceras (?) juanwyatti n. sp., Douvilleiceras
tarapacaense n. sp., Douvilleiceras abozagloi n.
102 species of ammonite.s are described sp., Eodouvilleiceras pedrocarvajali n. sp., Eodo­
and illustrated, of these 8f11o of them are recog­ uvilleiceras (?) tequendamai n. sp., Du{renoyia
nized as new taxa; 52 g_eneral of ammonites are boteroi n. sp., Du{renoyia hansbuergli n. sp.,
described of which 21 u;o of the total is reported Neodeshayesites albertoalvarezi n. sp., Neodes­
new as follows: Colomboceratoides n. sg. [type hayesites ciPgulatum n. sp., Stoyanowiceras
species Toxoceratoides (Colomboceratoides) cin tatum n.. sp. , Riedelites esthersernae n. sp.,
renzoni n. sp.J; Pseudoptychoceras n.g. (type Riedelites quebradanegra n. sp., Riedelites
species Pseudoptychoceras gilberti n. sp. ]; Car­ {ilosum n. sp., . Parahoplites hubachi n. sp.,
loscaceresiceras n.g. [type species Car/oscacere­ Parahoplites triston n. sp., Engonoceras olgalu­
siceras caceresi n. sp. ] ; Corteziceras n. g. (type ciae n. sp., Engonoceras (?) duartei n. sp.,
species Corteziceras cortezi n. sp. ]; Jaumaportai­ Platiknemiceras colombiana n. sp., Knemiceras
ceras n. sg. [ type species Trochle!Ceras (Jauma­ pegnai n. sp., Rinconiceras rinconi n. sp.,
portaiceras) ho{{stetteri n. sp.]; Zambranoites n. Lyelliceras carvaja/orum n. sp., Lyelliceras
sg. [type species Vectisites (Zambranoites) pseudolyelliforme n.sp., Lyelliceras isaacleaz· n.
zamoranoi n. sp.]; Juandurhamiceras n.g. (type sp., Ralphimlayites apuloense n. sp., Tegoceras
species Juandurhamiceras juandurhami n. sp.]; benauidescaceresi n. sp., Codazziceras {ina n.
Stoyanowiceras n.g. (type species A mmonites sp., Mammites nodosoidesappelatus n. sp.,
tre{fryanw; Karsten, 1858]; Riedelites n.g. Mammites {ugax n. sp., Mamites scutulatus n.
f type species Riedelites esthersemae n. sp. j; sp., Franciscoites suarezi n. sp., Im/ay{ceras (?)
'Rinconiceras n.g. f type species Rinconiceras ralphimlayi n. sp. Fagesia zanellai n.>sp., Para­
rinconi n. sp. ]; Ralphimlayites n.g. [type species mammites colombianus n . sp., Hoplitoides
Acanthoceras prorsocurvatum Gerhardt, 1898]; hernanmojicae n. sp., Hoplitoides lacabagnae
Codazziceras n. g. [type species Lyelliceras n.sp., Hoplitoides lagiraldae n. sp., Niceforoce­
scheibei Riedel, 1938]; Franciscoites n. g. [type ras boyacaense n. sp., Peroniceras robertogarciae
species A mmonites toroanus Karsten, 1858]; Peroniceras diabloi n. sp., Peroniceras guerrai n.
Gloriaceras ng. [type species Gloriaceras correai sp., Prionocycloceras portarum n.sp., Prionocy­
n. sp.l; Buenoceras n. g. [type species Buenoce­ cloceras (?) cucaitaense n. sp., Gloriaceras co­
ros loooi n. sp. ]. rreai n. sp., Gloriaceras paulinae n. sp., Zum­
pangoceras ospinae n. sp., Zumpangoceras (?)
The new species described are the follo­ sorae n. sp., Buenoceras loboi n. sp., Protexani·
wing: Holcophylloceras hemandezi n. sp., Hy­ tes cucaitaense n. sp.
pophylloceras wiedmanni n. sp ., Eogaudryceras
helmsi, n. sp., Eogaudryceras (Eote tragonites)
cabaricoi n. sp., Toxoceratoides (Colombocera­ These different species of ammonites repre­
toides) renzoni n. sp., Pseudoptychoceras sent a biostratigraphic sequence ranging in age
gilberti n. sp., Aconeceras gutierrezpalmae n. sp., from Upper Aptian to Lower Santonian, based on
Melchiorites palmeri n. sp., Valdedorsella (?) them, tb> following zonation ("Assemblage-zone"),
rolombiam n.sp., Pseudohaploceras Ieiuaeme n.sp. has been proposed : 1) Zone of Du{renoyia sanc­
Carloscaceresiceras caceresi n. sp., Carloscacere- torum and Stoyanowiceras tre{{ryanus, below;
siceras monteroi n. sp., Corteziceras cortezi n. 2) Zone of Parahoplites (?) hubachi and Acan­
sp., Pse"(ldosayne/la ralphimlayi n. sp., Lewesi­ thohoplites (?) leptoceratiforme, above for the
ceras (?) ulloai n. sp., Trochleiceras (Trochleice-. Upper Aptian; 3) Zone of Neodeshayesites co­
ras) juliuerti n. sp., Trochleiceras (Jaumaportm­ lumbianus and Douuilleiceras solitae for the
ceras) ho{fstetteri n. sp., Cheloniceras (Epiche· Lower Albian; 4) Zone of Platiknemiceras co­
loniceras) dognaeluirae n. sp., Cheloniceras lombiana, Rinconiceras rinconi and Lyelliceras
(Epich eloniceras) camachoi n. sp., Cheloniceras pseudolyelli{orme for the Middle Albian; 5)
(Epicheloniceras) carlosacostai n. sp., Cheloni­ Zone of Mammites nodosoidesappelatus and
ceras (Epicheloniceras) jimenoi n. sp., Cheloni· Franciscoites suarezi for the Lower Turonian;
ceras (Epicheloniceras) ban:eroi n. sp., Cheloni­ 6) Zones of Gioriaceras correai, Pro texanites cu·
ceras (Epich eloniceras) pardoi n. sp., Cheloni: caitaense and Codazziceras scheibei for the
ceras (Epicheloniceras) leonhardtriedeli n. sp., Lower Coniacian; 7) Zone of Lenticeras baltai
Cheloniceras (Epicheloniceras) huertasi n. sp., and Paralenticeras sieuersi for the Lower Santo·
Vectlsites (Zambranoites) zambranoi n. sp., nian.
Vectisites (Zambranoites) cruzi n. sp., Vectisi­
tes (Zambranoites) mateusi n. sp., Vectisites Assemblages representing the Upper Al­
(Zambranoites) cadenai n. sp., Vectisites bian, Cenomanian, Upper Turonian, and Upper
(Zambranoites) duquesi n. sp., Hypacanthopli­ Coniacian were not recognized. Detailed descrip·
�es (?) dognaliciae n.sp., Jua�durhaf1!icer!V! tions of some lithostratigraphic units are given,
Juandurhami n. sp., Juandurham1ceras gzrald01 ar;.d their faunal content indicated.
1 06 F. ETA YO · SERNA


En dos regiones de Ia Cordillera Oriental tatum n. sp., Acanthohoplites elegan tean te n .

de Colombia, en Villa de Leiva y Apulo, se de­ sp., A canthohoplites luisperezi n . sp., A cantho­
terminaron las secuencias litol6gicas que fueron hoplites (?) leptoceratiforme n. sp., Acantho­
cludadosamente cartografiadas. Las amonitas hoplites (?) serpen ti{orme n. sp., Colombiceras
colectadas estrato por estrato de tales secuen­ (?) foreroi n . sp., Co/ombiceras (?) sarmientoi
cias litologicas fueron taxon6micamente inves­ n . sp., Gargasiceras (? ) juanwyatti n. sp., Dou vi­
tigadas y este estudio constituye el objetivo lleiceras tarapacaense n. sp., Douuilleiceras abo·
principal de este escrito. zagloi n. sp., Eodouvilleiceras pedrocarvajali n .
sp., Eodouvilleiceras (?) tequendamai n . sp . ,
Se describen e ilu!l;ran 102 especies de Dufrenoyia bo teroi n. sp., Dufrenoyia hans·
amonitas, de las cuales ssu;a:: onfonnan nuevas ta­ buergli n. sp . , Neodeshayesites a/bertoaluarezi
xa; se d e �ben 52 generos de amonitas de las n. sp ., Neodeshayesites cingulatum n . sp .,
cuales 2lu/odel total se dictaminan como nuevas Stoyanowiceras cin tatum n. sp., Riedelites
asi: Colomboceratoides n. sg. [especie tipo To­ que bradanegra n. sp., Riedelites filosum n. sp.,
xoceratoides (Colomboceratoides) renzoni n. Parahoplites hubachi n. sp., Parahoplites tristan
sp. ]; PseudoptychocerO$ n. g. [especie tipo Pseu­ n. sp., Engonoceras olgaluciae n. sp., Engonoce­
doptychocer:O$ gilberti n. sp. ]; Ca rloscaceres ce­
rO$ n . g. especie tipo Carloscaceresiceras cacere­
si n. sp. ; Corteziceras n. g. [especie tipo Corte­
ras (?) duartei n. sp., Platiknemiceras c o lom­
biana n. sp., Knemiceras pegnai n. sp. , Rinconi­
ceras rinconi n. sp., Lyelliceras caruajalorum n.
ziceras cortezi n. sp. ]; Jaumaportaicer(l$ n. sg., sp., Lyelliceras pseudolye/liforme n. sp . , Lyelli­
respecie tipo Trochleiceras (JaumaportaicerO$) ceras isaacleai n . sp., Ralphimlayites apuloense
hof{ste tteri n. �.J;Zambranoites n. sg. [especie n. sp., Tego ceras benauidescaceresi n. sp . ,
tipo Ve ctis tes (Zambranoites) za.mbranoi n. sp . ]; Codazziceras {ina n. sp . , Mammites nodosoide­
Juandurhamiceras n. g. [especie tipo Juandurh a­ sappelatus n. sp ., Mammites fugax n. sp., Mu m­
miceras juandurhami n. sp . ] ; StoyanowicerO$ n. mites scu tulatus n.sp., Franciscoites suarezi n.
g. respecie tipo A mmonites treffryanw Karsten, sp. , Imlayiceras (?) �alph imlayi n. sp., Fagesia
18158 J; Riedelites n. g. [especie tipo Riedelites zanellar' n. sp., Para mammites colombianus n .
esthersemae n. sp. J; Rin con iceras n. g. r especie sp., Hoplitoides hernanmojicae n . sp . , Hoplitoi­
tipo R in conicerO$ rinconi n. sp. ]; Ralph m layi­ des lacabagnae n . sp . , Hoplitoides lagiraldae n.
tes n. g. respecie tipoAcanthocerasprorsocurua· sp., Niceforoceras boyacaense n . sp . , Pe roniceras
tum· G!:!rfiardt, Codazziceras n . g. [ espe<:ie robertogarciae n. sp., Pe roniceras · diabloi n. sp .,'
ti L lli sheibeiRiedel, 1938J;Franciscoi­
po ye ceras Peroniceras _guerrai n. sp., Prionocycloceras
tes n. g. r especie tipo A mmonites toroanw portarum n .sp., Prionocycloceras (?) cucaitaense
Kan;ten, ]; G loriaceras n. g. [especie tipo n. sp., Gloriaceras paulinae n. sp., Zumpangoce­
Gloriaceras correai n. sp.l; Buenoceras n. g. ras ospinae n.sp., Zumpangoceras (?) sorae n .
[ especie tipo Bueno cerO$ loboi n. sp. ]. . sp., Buenoceras lobo'i n .sp., Protexanites cucai­
taense n. sp.
Las nuevas especies descritas son las si­
guientes: Holcophylloceras hernandezi n. sp. _
Flypophylloceras wiedmanni n. sp., Eogandry­
r:eras helmsi n. sp., Eogaudryceras (Eo te tragoni­ Estas diferentes e species de amoni tas re­
tes) cabaricoi n. sp., Toxoceratoides (Colombo­ presentan una secuencia bioestratigratica que se
r:eratoides) renzoni n. sp. , Pseudoptychoceras extiende en edad desde al Aptiano Superior,
�ilberti n. sp., Aconeceras gu tierrezpalmae n. sp. hasta el Santoniano Inferior, dentro de la cual
lf.elchiorites palmeri n . sp., Valdedorsella (?) co­ el autor propone Ia siguiente zonacion (''Assem­
�mblana n.sp., Pseudohaploceras leivaense n.sp . blage-zones") : 1) Zona de Dufrenoyia sanc torum
�arloscaceres1ceras caceresi n. sp., Carloscace­ y Stoyanowiceras treffiJ'anus, subyacente ; 2)
·esiceras monteroi n. sp., Corteziceras cortezi Zona de Parahop/itcs (?) hu bachi y A canthoho­
1. sp., Pseudosaynella ralphimlayi n. sp., Lewe­ plites (?) lep tocera tiforme, superyacente : Ap­
:iceras (?) ulloai n. sp., Trochleiceras (Trochlei­ ti an o Superior; 3) Zona de Neodeshayesites co­
:eras} juliverti n .sp., Trochleiceras (Jaumaportai­ lombianus y Do uvilleice ras solitae p ara el Albia­
:eras) hoffste tteri n. sp., Cheloniceras (Epiche­ no Inferior; 4} Zona de Platiknemiceras colom­
oniceras) camachoi n. sp., Cheloniceras (Epiche· biana, Rinconir:P.ras rinconi y Lyelliceras pseu­
oniceras) carlosaf;ostai n. sp., Cheloniceras dolyelliforme para el Albiano Medio; 5) Zona
Epicheloniceras) jimenoi il. sp., Cheloniceras de Mammites nodosoidesappelatus y Francis­
'Epicheloniceras} barreroi n. sp., Cheloniceras coites suarezi para el Turoniano Inferior; 6) Zo­
'Epicheloniceras ) pardoi n. sp . , Cheloniceras na de Gloriaceras correai, Pro texanites cucai­
'Epicheloniceras) leonhardt riedeli n J>p.Chelo i­ n tae/lse y Codazziceras scheibei p ara el Coniacia-
:eras (Epicheloniceras} huertasi n. sp., Fe ctisi­ . no Inferior; 7) Zona de Len ticeras baltai y Para­
·es (Zambranoites) zambranoi n. sp . , Ve,·tisites lenticeras sieversi p ara el Santoniano Inferior.
'Zambranoites) cruzi n. sp. , \Tectisites (Za m b ra­
lOites} mateusi n. sp . , Vectisites (Zambranoi­ No - fueron reconocidas las faunas repre·
·es} cadenai n. sp . , Vectisites (Zaml•ranoites} sentativas del Al bi an o Superi o r, Cenom aniano,
luquesi n. sp., Hypacanthoplites ('t) dogna­ Turoniano Superior y Coniaciano Superior.
icine n . sp. , Juandu rhamiceras juandurhami n.
:p ., Juancfurhamiceras giraldo i n. sp., Acantho­ Se dan descripciones detall adas de algunas
lqplites . bigoure ti{orme n . sp., A canthoho­ unid ades l ito estra tigrlificas y se indica Ia fauna
,z,tes od1osus n . sp., Acan thohoplites p/uricos· contenida en elias.

Les sequences lithologiques des regions de Acanthohoplites teunuiforme n. sp . , Acantho­
Villa de Leiva et de Apulo, dans la Cordillere hoplltu quitasuegno n. sp., ACtJnthohoplitu
Orientale de Colombie, cartographb!es en detail odiosru n. up., Acanthohoplites pluricostatum
ont ete detenninees. Les ammopites, recueillies n. sp.,Acanthohoplites eleganteante n. sp.,ACtJn·
strate par strate ont ete clllll.Wes taxonom� thohoplites luisperezi n. sp., Acanthoh¢plitu
ment; cette etude constitue l'objectif du present (?) leptocerotlforme n. sp. , Acanthohoolites (?)
travail. serpenti{orme n. ap., Colombiceras (?) foreroi
n. sp., Colombiceras (?) sarmientoi n. sp., Gar­

102 especes d'ammonites sont decrites et gasiceras (?) juanw.vatti n. sp ., Douvilleiceras

illustrees, parmi lesquelles 85 o/o confonnent un tDrapacaense n. ap., Douvilleiceras abozagloi n.
nouveau taxon; 52 genres d'ammonites sont aD., Eodouvilleicel'dll pedroCtJrvajali n. sn., Eodo­
decrits panni lesquels les 21% suivants sont uuilleiceras (?) tequendamai n. sp., DutrenoyilJ
considerees comme nouveaux: Colomboceratoi­ boteroi n. sp., DutrenoyilJ hansbuergli n. ap.,
des n. sg. respece type Toxoceratoides (Colom­ Neodeshayesites albertoalvarezi n. sp., Neodu­
boceratoicfes) renzoni n.sp.];Pseudoptychoceros hayesites cingulatum n. ap., Stoyanowiceras
n. g. fespeee type Pseudoptychoceras gilberti n. cintatu m n. so., Riedelites esthersemae n. sp.,
sp.j; Carloscaceresiceras n. g. [espece type Car­ Riedelites quebrodaneea n. sp., [liedelites fila ­
loscaceresiceras caceresi n.sp. ]; Corteziceras n.g. sum n. sp., Parohoplites hubachi n. ap., Paraho­
[qspeee type Corteziceras cortezi n.sp.J ; Jauma­ plites tris tan n. s� . Engonoceros o[Haluciae n.
portaiceros n. sg. r espeee type Trochleiceras
so., Engonoceras (? J duartei n. sp., Platiknemi­
(Jaumaportaiceros) hof{stetteri n.sp.l; Zambra­ ceros colombiana n. sp., Knemiceras pegru,i n.
noites n. sp. [espeee type Vectisites (Zambranoi­ sp., Rinconiceras rinconi n. sp., LyP-llicera8 car­
tes) zambranoi n. sp.j; Juandurhamiceras n. g. vaialorom n. sp., Lyelliceras pseudoljelli{orme
[espece type Juandurhamiceras juandurhami n. sp., Lyelliceras isCUJcleai n. sp., Ralphimlayites
n. sp.]; Stoyanowiceras n.g. respece type Ammo­ apuloense n. ap., Tegoceras ·benavldescaceresi.
nites tref{ryanus Karsten 1S58]; Riedelites n.a. n. sp., Codazziceras {ina n. sp., Mammites nodo­
respece type Riedelites esthersemae n. sp.1 ; soidesappelatus n. sp., Mammites {ugax n. sp.,
1linconiceros n.g. respece type Rinconiceras rin­ Mammites scutulatus n.sp.,Franciscoites suarezi
coni n.sp. ]; Ralp'himlayites n.g. [ espece type n. sp. Imlayiceras (?) rolphimlayi n. sp., FagesilJ
Acanthoceras prorsocurvatum Gerhardt, 1898}; zanet'fui n. sp.,Paramammites colombilJnus n. sp.,
Codazziceras n.g. [espeee type Lyelliceras schez­ Hoplitoides hemanmojicae n. sp., Hoplitoi­
bei Riedel, 1938]; Franciscoites n. g. [espece ty­ des lacabagnae n. sp., Hoplitoides lagiraldae n.
pe Ammonites toroanus Karsten, 1858]; Gloria­ ap., Nice{oroceras boyacaense n. sp.,Peroniceras
ceras n .g. [ espe ce type Gloriaceras correai n.sp. ]; robertogarcwe n. sp., Peroniceras diabloi n. sp.,
Buenoceras n.g. [ espece' type Buenoceras loboi Peroniceras guerrai n.sp.,friono.cycloceras por­
n.sp . ]. taro m n. sp., Prionocycloceras (?) cucaitaense
n. sp., Gloriaceras correai n. sp., Gloriaceras pau·
linae n. sp., Zumpangoceras ospinae n. sp., Zum­
Les nouvelles especes decrites sont les sui­ pangoceras (?) sorae n. sp., Buenoceras loboi n.
vantes: Holcophylloceras hemandezi n. sp., Hy­ sp., Protexanites cucaitaense n. sp.,
pophylloceras wiedmanni n. sp., Eogaudryceras
helmsi n.sp., Eogaudryceras (Eotetragonites) ca­ Ces especes differenms d'ammonites repre­
baricoi n.sp., Toxoceratoides (Colomboceratoi­ sentant une sequence bio stratigraphique dont
des) renzoni n.sp., Pseudoptychoceras gilberti l'ige s'etend de 1'Aptien Superieur jusqti' au San­
n.sp., Aconeceras gutierrezpalmae n.sp., Melchi­ tonien Inferleur. On pror.ose pour 12t intervafie
orites palmeri n.sp., Valdedorsella (?) colombia­ Ia zo'lation suivante : ('�mblage-zone;"), 1)
na n.sp., Pseudohaploceras leivaense n.sp., Car­ Zone de Du{renoyia sanctorom et Stoyanowice­
loscaceresiceros caceresi n.sp., Carloscaceresice­ ras tref{ryanus sous Ia; 2) Zone de Parahoplites
ras monteroi n.sp., Corteziceras cortezi n.sp., (?) hubachi et Acanthohoplites (?) leptocerati­
Pseudosaynel/a ralphimlayi. n.sp., Lewesiceras (?) forme au dessus de I' Aptien Superieur; 3) Zone
ulloai n.sp., Trochleiceras (Trochleiceras) juli­ de Neodeshayesites columbianus et Douvilleice­
uerti n . sp., Trochleiceras (Jaumaportaiceras) ros solitae pour 1' Albien Inferieur; 4) Zone de
hof{stetteri n.sp., Cheloniceras (Epicheloriiceras) Platiknemiceras colombiana, Rinconzceras rin­
camachoi n.sp., Cheloniceras (Epicheloniceras) coni et Lyelliceras pseudolyelli{orme pour 1' Al­
carlosacostai n.sp., Cheloniceras (Epichelonice­ bien Moyen; 5) Zone de Mammites nodosoide­
ras) jimenoi n. sp. , Cheloniceras (Epichelonice­ sappelo.tus et Franciscoites suarezi pour le Tou·
ras) barreroi n. sp., Cheloniceras (Epichelonice­ ronien Inferieur; 6) Zone de Gloriaceras correai,
ras) pardoi n. sp., Cheloniceras (Epicheloniceras) Protexanites cuca1taense et Codazziceras schei­
le onhardtriedeli n.sp., Cheloniceras (Epicheloni­ bei pour le Coniacien inferieur; 7) Zone de Len­
ceras) huertasi n.sp., Vectisites (Zambranoites) ticeras baltai et Paralenticeras sieversi pour le
zam branoi n. sp., Vectisites (Zambranoites) cru­ Santonien lnferieur. Les Ammonites representa­
zi n.sp., Vectisites (Zambranoites) mateusi n.sp., tives de l'Albien Superieur. du cenomanien , du
Vectisites (Zambranoites) cadenai n. sp., Vecti­ Turonien Superieur et du Coniacien Superieur
sites (Zambranoites) duquesi n. sp., Hypacan­ n'ontpas ete identifiees.Ce travail conUent flnale­
thoplites (?) dognaliciae n.sp., Juandurhamice­ ment Ia description detaillee de quelques unites
ras juandurhami n.sp., Juandurhamiceras giral­ litho logiques ainsi que Ia faune qu'elles con­
doi n.sp., Acanthohoplites bigoureti{orme n ..:p., tiennent.


In due regioni della Cordigliera Orientale Acanthohoplites seunesiforme n. sp., Acantho­


di Colombia, Villa de Leiva e Apulo si sono hoplites quitasuegno n. sp., Acanthohoplites

stabilite alcune sequenze litologiche rilevate poi odiosus n. sp., Acan thohoplites pluricosta tum
con cura. Le ammoniti, raccolte strato a strato n. sp.,Acan thohoplites eleganteante n. sp., A can­
secondo l'ordine della successione litologica, thohoplites luisperezi n. sp., Acanthohoplites
sono state oggetto della ricerca tassonomica che (?) leptoceratiforme n. sp., Acan thohoplites (?)
viene presentata in questo scritto. serpenti{orme n. sp., Colombiceras (?) foreroi
n. sp., Colombiceras (?) sarmientoi n.sp., Garga­
Si descrivono e illustrano 102 specie di siceras (?) juanwyatti n. sp., Douuilleiceras tara­
ammoniti, fra le cuali 85 o/osi asse gnano a novi pacaerise n. sp., Douuilleiceras abozagloi n. sp.,
taxai si descrivono 52 generi di ammoniti fra le Eodouvilleiceras pedrocarvajali n. sp., Eodou­
quali l'autore e del parere che 2lo/osiano nuovi: villeiceras (?) tequendamai n. sp., Du{renoyia
boteroi n. sp., Du{renoyia hansbuergli n. sp.,
Colomboceratoides n. sg. specie tipo Toxoce­
ratoides (Colombocerato es) renzoni n. sp. ]; Neodeshayesites albertoalvarezi n. sp., Neodes·
hayesites cingulatum n. sp., Stoyanowiceras

Pseudoptychoceras n. g. [species tipo Pseudo­

ptychoceras gilberti n. sp.1; Carloscaceresiceras cin tatum n. sp., Riedelites esthersemae n. sp.,
n. g. f specie tipo Carloscaceresiceras caceresi n. Riedelites quebradanegra n. sp., Riedelites {flo­
sp.j; torteziceras n. g. [specie tipo Corteziceras sum n. sp. Parahoplites hubachi n. sp., Paraho­
cortezi n. sg. J; Jaumaportaiceras n. sg. rspecie plites t,.iston n. sp., Engonoceras olgaluciae n. sp.,
tipo Trochleiceras (Jaumaportaiceras) hoffste­ Engonoceras (?} duartei n. sp., Platiknemiceras
tteri n. sp.J; Zambranoites n. sg. [specie tipo Vec­ colombiana n. sp., Knemiceras pegnai n. sp.,
tisites (Zambranoites) zambranoi n. sp.l; Juan­ Rinconiceras rinconi n. sp., Lyelliccras carvaja­
durhamiceras n. g. [species tipo lllllndurhamice­ lorum n. sp.,Lyelliceras pseudolyelli{orme n.sp.,
ms.juandurhami n.sp.J ; Stoyanowiceras n.g. [spe· Lyellieceras isaacleai n. sp., Ralphimlayites
cie tipo Ammonites tre{fryanus Karsten 1858]; apuloense n. sp., Tegoceras benavidescaceresf
Riedelites n. g. [specie tipo Riedelites estherser­ n. sp., Codazziceras {ina n. sp., Mammites nodo­

nae n. sp. ]; Rir,coniceras n. g. [specie tipo Rin­ soidesappelatus n . sp., Mammites {ugax n. sp. ,
coniceras rinconi n. sp. ]; Ralphimlayites n. g. Mammites scutulatus n . sp. Fhnciscoites suarezi

fspecie tipo Acanthoceras prorsocurvatum Ger­ n . sp., Imlayiceras (?) ralphimlayi n. sp., Fagesia
hardt, 1898 ]; Codazziceras n. g. f specie tipo zanellai n. sp., Paramammites colombianus n.sp.,
Lyelliceras scheibei Riedel, 1938 j; F'ranciscoites Hoplitoides hemanmojicae n. sp., Hoplitoides
n. g. specie tipo A.mmonites toroanus Karsten, lacabagnae n . sp., Hoplitoides lagiraldae n. sp.,
1858 ; Glorillcera n. g. [specie tipo Gloriaceras
correai n. sp.]�Buenoceras n. g. [specie tipo Bue­
Nice{oroceras boyacaense n. sp., Peroniceras ro­
bertogarciae n. sp., Peroniceras diabloi n. sp.,
noceras loboi : sp. ]. Peroniceras guerrai n. sp., Prionocycloceras por­
tarum n. sp., PrionocyclocerU$ (?) cucaitaense n.

. .
Le nu�ve specie. descritte sono Je seguenti: sp., Glorillceras correai n. sp., Gloriaceras pauli­
Holcophylloceras hemandezi n. sp.Hypophyllo• nae n. sp., Zumpangoceras ospinae n. sp., Zum� , ·
ceras wiedmanni n. sp., Eogaudryceras helmsi pangoceras (?} sorae n. sp., Buenoceras loboi n.
n. sp., Eogaudryceras (Eo tetragonites) cabaricoi sp., Protexanites cucaitaense n. sp.,
n. sp., Toxoceratoides (Colomboceratoides) ren­
zoni n. sp., · Ps�udoptychoceras gilberti n. sp. �ueste diverse specie di ammoniti rappre­
Aconeceras gut1errezpalmae n. sp. Melchiorites sentano una sequcnza biostratigrafica che si
palmeri n.sp., Valdedorsel/a (?) colombiana n.sp. stende in eta dall Aptiano Superiore fino al San·
Pseudohaploceras leivaense n. sp., Carloscacere­ toni?..no Inferiore dentro Ia quale l'autore pro·
siceras caceresi n. sp., Carloscaceresiceras mon­ pone la seguente zonificazione , \'Assemblage·
teroi n. sp., Corteziceras cortezi n.sp., Pseudo­ zone") : 1) Zona a DufrenOJiiz sanctorum y Sto­
soynella ralphimlayi n.sp., Lewenceras (?) ulloai yanowiceras treffryanus sottostante; 2) Zona a
n.sp., Trochleiceras (Tt'ochleiceras) juliverti n.sp., Parahoplites- (?) hubachi y Acanthohoplites (?)
Trochleiceras (Jaumavortaiceras l hnff.�tP.tteri n . leptoceratiforme, soprastante (?) L'Aptiano Su­
sp., Cheloniceras (Epicheloniceras) dognaetVIrae periore ; 3) Zona a Neodeshayesites columbianus
n. sp., Cheloniceras (Epicheloniceras) camachoi y Douvilleiceras solitae per I' Albiano Inferiore;
n. sp. Cheloniceras (Epicheloniceras) carlosacos­ 4) Zona a Platiknemiceras colombitzna, Rinconi­
tai n .' sp., Cheloniceras (Epicheloniceras) jime­ ceras rinconi y Lyelliceras pseudolyelli(orme per
noi n. sp., Cheloniceras (Epicheloniceros) ba"e­ l'Albiano Medio; 5) Zona a Mammites nodosoi­
roi n. sp., Cheloniceras (Epicheloniceras) pardoi desappelatus y Franciscoites suarezi per il Turo­
n. sp., Cheloniceras (Epicheloniceras) ieonhar­ niano Inferiore; 6) Zona a Glorillceras correai,
dtriedeli n. sp., Cheloidceras (Epichelonb�ras) Protexanites -cucaitanse y Codazziceras scheibei
huertasi n. sp., Vectj$ites (Zambranoites) zam­ per il Coniaciano Inferiore; 7) Zona a Lentice­
branoi n. sp., Vec ti&jJ{Is (�ambranQ.ites) ,cruzi ras baltai y of?aralenticeras sieversi per il Santo.- '
n. sp., Vectisites (Za. 4ttoite$) mateust n . sp.,
. .

niano· Inferio,:Q.. -Non si sono riconosciute le fau·.

Vectisites (Zambraii0MI1); cadenai n; sp., Vec­

ne reopresentiltive dell' Albiano Superiore, del

tisites (Zambranoites) duquesi n. sp., Hypacan· Cenoina:1iano, Turoniano Superiore e Coniacia·
thoplites (?) dognaliciae n. sp., Juandurhcmice­ no Superiom.
ras juandurhami n. sp., Juandurhamiceras giral­
Si descrivono minuziosamente alcune unita
doi n.sp., Acantholwplites bigourctiforme n. sp.; litostratigrafiche e si indica Ia fauna I( conteta.

· · ; .( : .
{[ ,;�£�> ·
..._ : ·

In den Umgebungen von Villa de Leiva und tasuegno n. sp., Acanthohoplites odiosus n. sp.,
Apulo , zwei Gebieten auf der Ostlichen Kordille­ Acanthohoplites pluricostatum n. sp ., A cantho­
re Kolumbiens, wurden die lithologischen Abfol­ hoplites eleganteante n. sp., Acanthohoplites
gen der Kre,�de aufgJ)nommen und sorgf3Itig Kar­ luisperezi n. sp., Acan thohoplites (?) leptocera­
tographiert. Die aus jeder Schich_t aufgesammenl­ ti{orme n. sp., Acanthohoplites (?)serpen ti{o nne
ten Anmoniten wurden taxonomisch untersucht. n. sp., Colombiceras (?) (oreroi n. sp., Colombi­
Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung stellen das ceras (?) sarmientoi n. sp:;Bargasiceras (?) juan­
Hauptziel der vorliegenden Arbeit dar. wyatti n. sp., Douuilleiceras tarapacaense n. sp.,
Douvilleiceras abozagloi n. sp., Eodouuilleiceras
Es werden 102 Ammoniten-Arten beschrie_­ pedrocarvajali n. sp . , Eodou uille iceras (?) tequen­
ben und abgebildet, aarunter 85 o/oDeueTaxa. Es damai n. sp., Dufrenoyia boteroi n. sp., Du(re­
werden auch 52 Ammoniten-Gattungen besch­ noyia hansbuergli n. sp., Neodeshayesites alber­
rieben, unter denen sich 21 %neue Gattungen toalvarezi n. sp., Neodeshayesites cingulatum n.
finden : (Colomboceratoides) n. sg. [Typus Art sp., Stoyanowiceras cintatum n. sp., Riedelites
Tgxocerato itJes (Colomboceratoides) renzoni. quebradanegra n. sp ., Riedelites filos �., n. sp.,
n� sp. ] ; Pseudoptychoceras n . sg. (Typus Art Parahoplites hubachi n. sp., Parahoplites tristan
Pseudoptychoceras gilberti n. sp· ]; Carloscace­ n. sp., Engonoceras olgaluciae n. sp., Engonoce­
resiceras n. g. (Typus Art Carloscaceresiceras ras (?) duartei n. sp., Platiknemiceras c olom­
caceresi n. sp.J; Cortezicer{ls n. g. (Typus Art biana n. sp., Knemiceras pegnai n. sp., Rinconi­
C.,orteziceras cortezi n. sp. ]; JauTTUJportaiceras ceras rinconi n. sp., Lyelliceras caru<Ualorum n.
n. sg. fTypus Art Trochleiceras (Jaumaportai­ sp., Lyelliceras pseudolyelliforme n. sp . , Lyelli­
ceras) hof{stetteri n. sp . ] ; Zambranoites n.sg. ceras isaacleai n. sp., Ralphimlayites apuloense
(Typus Art Vectisites (Zambranoites) zambra­ n. sp., Tegoceras benauidescaceresi n. sp., Co­
noi n. sp. ] ; Juandurhamiceras n. g. [Typus Art dazziceras {ina n. sp. , Mammites nodosoidesap­
Juandurhamiceras juandurhami n. sp.] ; Stpya­ pelatus n . sp., Mammites fugax n. sp.,Mammites
nowiceras n. g. fTypus Art A mmonites treffrya­ scutulatus n. sp., Franciscoites suarezi n. sp.,
nus Karsten 185 81; Riedelites n. g. (Typus Art Imlayiceras (?) ralphimlayi n. sp., Fagesia za­
Riedelites esthersemae n. sp. ] ; Rmconiceras nel/Qi n. sp., Paramammites colombianus n. sp.,
n . g. [ Typus Art Rinconiceras ri11coni n. sp.]; Hoplitoides hern.anmojicae n. sp., Hoplitoides
Ralphimlayites n. g. {Typus Art Acanthoceras lacabagnae n. sp., Hoplitoides lagiraldae n. s p .,
prorsocurvatum Gerhardt 1898] ; Codazziceras Nice(oroceras /Joyacaense n. sp., Peroniceras
n. g. (Typus Art Lyelliceras scheibei Riedel, robertogarciae n. sp., Peroniceras diabloi n. sp.,
1938 ] ; Franciscoites n. g. fTypus Art Ammo­ Peroniceras guerrai n. sp., Prionocycloceras
nites toroanus Karsten 185S]; Gloriaceras n. g. portarum n. sp., Prionocycloceras (?) cucaita­
[Typus Art Gloriaceras correai n. sp. ] ; Bueno­ ense n. sp., Gloriaceras paulinae n. sp., Zumpan­
ceras n. g. (Typus Art Buenoceras Ioboi n. sp. � goceras ospinae n. sp., Zumpangoceras (?) sorae
n. sp., Buenoceras loboi n. sp., Protexanites
Bei den neun aufgestellten arten handelt es cucaitaense n. sp.,
sich urn: Holcophylloceras hemandezi n. sp.,
Hypophylloceras wiedmanni n. sp., Eogaudry­ Die obengenannten Ammoniten·Arten stel­
ceras helmsi n. sp., Eogaudryceras (Eo tetrago­ len eine biostrat igraphische Abfolge dar, die den
nites) cabaricoi n. sp., Toxoceratoides (Colom­ Zei traum vom Oberen Aptium bis zum Unte­
bocera toides) renzoni n. sp., Pseudoptychoceras ren Santon1um �:epriisentiert. Folgende Ammo­
gilberti n . sp., A coneceras gu tierrezpalmae n. sp., ni ten-Zonen (Faunen Zonen) werden vorgeschla­
Melchioritespalmeri n . sp., Valdedorsella (?) co­ gen : 1) Zone des Du(renoyia sanctorum und
lombiana n. sp., Pseudohaploceras leiuaense n. Stoyanowiceras treffryanus im liegenden; 2)
sp., Carloscaceresiceras caceresi n. sp., Carlosca­ Zone d'!s Parahoplites (?) hubachi und Acan­
ceresiceras monteroi n. sp., Corteziceras cortezi thohoplites (?) leptocerati{orme, im unmittel­
n. sp., Pseudosaynella ralphimlayi n. sp., Lewe­ baren Hangenden des Oberen Aptiums; 3) Zone
siceras (?) ulloai n. sp., Trochleiceras (Trochlei­ des Neodeshayesites columbianus und Douui­
ceras) .juliuerti n. ·s p. , Trochleiceras (Jaumapor­ lleiceras solitae fiir das Untere AJbium; 4) Zone
taiceras) ho((stetteri n. sp., Cheloniceras (Epi­ des Platiknemiceras colombiana, Rinconiceras
cheloniceras) camachoi n. sp., Cheloniceras rinconi und Lyelliceras pseudolyelliforme fiir
(Epicheloniceras) carlosacostai n . sp., Cheloni­ das Mittlere Albium; 5 ) Zone des Mammites
ceras (Epicheloniceras) jimenoi n. sp., Cheloni­ nodosoidesappelatus und Franciscoites suarezi
ceras (Epicheloniceras) barreroi n. sp., Cheloni­ fiir das Untere Turonium; 6) Zone des Gloriace·
ceras (Epicheloniceras) Pflrdoi n. sp., Chelonice· ras correai, Protexanites . cucaitaense und
ras (Epicheloniceras) leonhatdtriedeli n.sp, Che­ Codazziceras scheibei ftir das Untere Coniacium ;
l�niceras (Epiche/oniceras) huertasi n. sp., Vectt­ 7) Zone des Len ticeras baltai und Paralen ticeras
liltes (Zambranoites) zambranoi n. sp.,Vectisi· sieuerse flir das Untere Santonium.
tes (Zambranoites) cruzi n. sp., Vectisites (Zam­
branoites) mateusi n. sp., Vectisites (Zambra­
noltes) cadenai n. sp., Vectisites (Zambranites) Flir das Obere AJbium, das gesamte Ceno­
duquesi n . sp., Hypacanthoplites (?) dognaliciae manium, das Obere Turonium und das Obere Co­
n. sp., Juandurhamiceras juandurhami n. sp., niacium wurden keine Ammoniten-Zonen er­
Juandurhamiceras giraldoi n. sp.,Acanthohopli­ kannt. Schliejllich, werden einige lithostratigra­
tes bigoure ti{orme n. sp., Acanthohoplites phische Einheiten im de tail beschrieben und
seunesiforme n. sp., Acanthohoplites qui- Anweisungen tiber ih ren Fossilinhalt gegeben.

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ratidae from Hokkaido. Part.3. StudieS · !tal., u 2, pp. 5.'3· 1 1 2, pis. 1 0- 1 4.:.,• -
of the Cretaceous Ain monites from
PAVL OW, MAP., l 9 01 . · De quelq ues m cwens qui
Hohkaido and Saghalie n-20. Mem. Fac;
pourraie n t contribuer a /'elaboration de la

;Sci.. Kyushu Univ. Ser. D, Geology, u. 1 9,. . classification genetique /es fqssil.ffff;(;(o ngres
n. 3, pp. 2 9 7 .. 330, pis. 39-45, Tex t-fi'gs:
Geologiqu e Interna tional, C.R., VIlle Ses­
1 - 1 4.
sion, en France. Ier. Fasc., pp. 349-352.

-- 1 9 7 0. • A monograph of the Collignonice· PERON, M. 1 896. · Les am monites du Cretace

ratidae from Hokkaido. Part IV. Studies superieur de /'Algerie. Mem. Soc. · g�ol.
of the Cretaceous A m monites from Ho­ France, Paleont., n. 1 7, pp. 1 -88; pis. 1 - 1 8.
k kaido and Saghalie n - 2 1 . Mem. Fac. Sci.
Kyushu Univ., Ser D, Geology, u. 20, n. 2, PER VINQ UIERE, L. 1 90 7. - Carte geologique
pp. 225-304,. p is. 30- 4 7, Tex t-figs. 1-2 7. de Ia Tunisie. Etudes de paleon to/ogie tu­
nisienne. I. Cephalopodes des terrains se­
-- 1 9 71.- A monograph of the Collignonice­ condaires, pp. 1 -438, pis. I -27. Paris.
ratidae from Hokkaido. Part 5. Studies of
the Cre taceous A m monites from Hokkai­ -- 1 9 1 0. - Sur quelques ammonites du Creta­
do and Saghalie n-23. Mem. Fac. Sci. Ky u· ce A lgerien. Mem. Soc. geol. France, Pate­
shu Uniu. , Ser. D, Geo logy, uol. 2 1 , n. l, ant., ser 1 7, fasc. 2-3, n. 42, pp. l :86, pls.
pp. 1 29-1 62, p is. 2 1 -24, Tex t-figs. l - 1 1. 1 · 7, Text-figs. 38.

MATSUMOTO, T. , OBA TA, I.. MAEDA, S., REDTENBA CHER, A. 1 8 73. · Cephalopoden­
and SA TO, T. 1 964. - Yabeiceras (Creta­ fauna der Gosauschichten in den nordos­
(!eous ammonites) from Futaba,Northeast tlichen A lpen. A bh . K.K. geol. Reich­
Japan. Trans. Proc. Paleont. Soc. Japan, sanstalt, Wien, u. 5, n. 5, pp. 9 I -I 4 0, pls.
N.S., n. 56, pp. 322 - 3 3 1 , Tex t-figs. 1 ·3, 22·30.
pl. 48.
REESIDE, J. B. jr. 1 9 2 7. - Cephalopods from
MA TS UMOTO, T. and NODA, M. 1 966.- Notes the lower part of the Cody Shale of Ore­
o n · Ammonites bravaisianus d 'Orbigny gon Basin, Wyo m ing. U. S. Geol. Survey,
from the Cretaceous of France. Trans. Prof. Paper 1 50, pp. 1 - 1 9, pls. 1 -8.
Proc. Paleont. Soc. Japan, N.S., n. 64, pp.
359-365, pl. 4 0. 1 9 2 7 b. - The cephalopods of the Eagle
Sandstone and related forma tions in the
MA YER-EYMAR, C. 1 8 93. Ueber Neocomian­ Western In terior of the United States. U. S.
Versteinerungen aus dem Somali/and. Geol. Suroey, Prof. Paper 1 5 1, pp. 1 -8 7,
Viert. Naturf. Gesell. Zurich, u. 38, pp. pis. 1 -45, Tex t-fig. 1.
249-265, p is. 1 -2.
-- 1 932. - The Upper Cre taceous am monite
MORRIS, J. 1 848. - Descrip tion of a new spe ­ genus Barroisiceras in the United States,
cies o f Nautilus from the Lower Green­ U. S. Geol. Suroey, Prof, Paper 1 70 B, pp.
sand of the Isle of Wigh t. A nn. Mag. N. 9-29, pls. 3- 1 0.
Hist., ser. 2, v. I, pp, I 06- 1 0 7, 1 woodcut.
RENZ, 0. 1 9 70. - Ober d ie Gattungen Parengo­
ORBIGN Y, A. D ', 1 84 0- 1 8 4 2. Paleontologie noceras Spath, Knemiceras Bohm und
Francaise. Terrains Cretaces. u. 1 , Cepha· Neophlycticeras Spath (A m monoidea) aus
. lopodes, pp. 1 - 1 20 ( 1 8 4 0), pp. 1 2 1 ·430 den A nden Venezuelas. Eclogue geol. Helv,
( 1 8 4 1), pp. 431 - 662 ( 1 842), 1 48 pis. u. 63, n. 3, pp. 1 02 1 · 1 05 7, p is. 1 · 1 2, Text­
Paris. figs. 1 2.

-- 1 842.- Coqu illes e t echinodermes fossiles -- 1 9 7 1 . - D ie Gattungen Hysteroceras Spath

de Colom bie (Nouuelle Grenade), recuei· undMortoniceras Meek (A mmonoidea) aus
llis de 1 8 2 1 a 1 833, par M. Boussingault, den A nden Venezuelas. Eclogue geoi. Helv.
pp. 1 -64, pls. 1·6, Paris. u. 64, n.3, pp. 569-609, pls. I·X l, Tex t-figs.
7, I Table.
-- 1 8 4 3.· C o n s id e r a tio n s ge o lo-
giques e t geologico-geographiques sur l'en­ -- 1 9 72.- D ie Gattungen Puzosia Bayle, Bhi­
sem ble des mollusques Gasteropodes des mai tes Matsu moto und Desmoceras Zittel
terra ins crtHaces. Bull. Soc. geol. Fran­ (A m m onoidea) im O beren Albien Vene·
ce, vol. I 4, pp. 460-485. zuelas. Eclogue geol. Helv. , v. 65, n.3, pp.
701 - 724, pis. 1 - 1 0, Tex t-fig. 9.
- 1853.- No te sur quelques coquilles fossiles,
recueillies dans les montagnesde Ia Nouve­ REYMENT, R. A. 1 954 a.- New Turonian (Cre­
lle-Grenade, par M. le general Joaquin taceous) ammonite genera from Nigeria.

Colon. Geol. min. Resourc., uol. 4, n.2, pp. -- 1 920.- Les Phy lloceras gargasiens du Sud­
1 49-1 64, pls. 1-4, Tex t-figs. 1-5. Est de Ia France (Especes nouvelles ou
peu connues). In Kilian and o thers: Con­
-- 1 954 b.- Some new Upper Cretaceous trih. Etude Cevh. Paleocret. S. -E. Franr.P..
ammonites from Nigeria. Colon. Geol. m in. Mem. Explic. carte geol. det. France, pp.
resour., v. 4, n. 3, pp. 248-2 70, pis. 1 -5, 1 9 1 ·2 03, pls. 1, tex t-figs. 1·3.
Text-figs. 1 1.
SCHLUTER, C. 1 8 7 1 · 1 8 76.- Die Cephalopoden
-- 1 955.· The Cretaceous amm onoidea of der o beren deutschen Kreide. Palaeonto·
Southern Nigeria and the Southern Came­ graphica, Band 21, ( 1 8 71), pp. 1 -24, pl.
TOO'JlS Bull. geol Suro. Nigeria, n. 25, pp. 1 -8, Band 22, (18 72), pp. 25-1 20, pl. 9-35,
1 · 1 1 2, pls. 1 ·25, Tex t-figs. 1 -46. Band 24 (18 76), pp. X+121 ·264, pls. 36-55

-- 1 958.· Some factors in the distribu tion of SCOT!', G. 1 93 7.- A mmonites of the genera
fossil cephalopqds. Stockh. Con tr. Geo., Sonneratia and Douvllleiceras from the
vol. I, p t. 6, pjJ. 9 7- 1 8 4, pls. 1 - 7, . Text-figs Cretaceo�s of Colo m bia. J. Paleont., v. 2,
1-24. n. 1, pp. 34·3 7, pl. 6, Tex t-figs. 1·2.

-- 1 958.- Uber einige A m moniten aus dem -- 1 940.· Cephalopods from the Cre taceous
Coniac Kolumbiens und Venezuelas, Suda­ Trinity Group of the Sou th-Centra l Uni­
merika, Stockh. Contr. Geol. v. 2, p t. 1, ted States. The University of Texas Publi·
pp. 1 ·25, p ls. 1·4, Text-figs. 1 · 1 0. cation. No. 3945, pp. 969- 1 1 06, p is. 55·
68, Tex t-figs. 1 39-1 79.
-- 1 9 72a. - No te sur le genre Hoplitoides dans
l'A tlantique du Sud. Bull. Soc. geol. Fran­ SEUNES' J. 1 8 8 7.- Note sur. q uelques A mmoni­
ce, ser. 7, vol. 1 2, n. 5, pp, 913-9 1 5, pl.35. tes du Gault. Bull. Soc. geol. de France,
ser. 3, vol. 1 5, pp. 567-571, pls. 1 1 · 14.
1 9 72b. · Vermuteter Dimorphismus bei

der A mmonitengattung . Benueites, Bull. 1 9 06.- Die Beschreibung einiger

geol. lnstn. Univ. Upsala N. S., v. 3, n. 1, Douvilleiceras·Arten aus dem Oberen
(1 9 71), pp. 1 · 1 8, pls. 1 · 1 0, Tex t-figs. 5. Neocom. R usslands. Verh. russ. k. Min.
Gesell. St. Petersburg, ser. 2, v. 44, pp.

-- 1 9 72c. · Some Lower Turonian ammonites 1 5 7- 1 9 7, p ls. 1 -5, Tex t-fig, 1 ·5.
from Trinidad and Colom bia Geol. For.
S tockh olm Forh., v.94, part.2, pp.357-368, -- 1 90 7. - Untersuchung einiger A m m oniti­
Tex t-figs. 1 ·8. den aus dem Un teren Gault Mangyschlaks
und des Kaukasus. Verh. russ. k. Min. Ges·
RIEDEL, L. 1 938.- A mmonitas del cretacico in­ sell. St.. Petersburg, ser. 2, v. 46, pp. 455-
ferior de Ia Cordillera Oriental. Estudios 5 1 9, pis. 1 -8, Tex t-figs. 1 - 7.
geol(>gico s y paleontol6gicos so bre Ia Cor­
diltera Oriental de Colom bia, pt. 2, De­ SOMMERMEIER, L. 1 9 1 0. · D ie Fauna des Ap­
pbrt. Minas y Pe trol, Min. de Ind. y Trab. tien und A lbien in nordlichen Peru. In, G.
Rep u blica de Colom bia, pp. 7-8 0, pls. 3-14. Steinmann, Geol. und Pal. u. Sudamerika,
1 5, Neues Jahrb. Min. Geol. und Pal.,B. -Bd,
R OCH, E. 1 926. · Sur quelques ammonites du v. 30, pp. 3 1 3 • 382, pis. 7-1 5, Text-figs.
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France, ser 4, v. 26, pp. 28 7-294, pl. 1 8,
Tex t-figs. 1·3. SORNA Y, J. 1 955.· A m monites nouvelles du
Cretace de Ia region des Monts du Melle­
ROD, E. and MA YNC, W. 1 954. - Reuision of gue (Constan tine).Bu ll. Sero. Carte geol.
Lo wer Cretaceous stratigraphy of Vene­ A lgerie, ser. 1, Paleon t. , n. 1 8, pp. 1 ·4 0,
zuela. Bull. A mer. Ass. Petr. Geol. v. 38, pls. 1 -2, Tex t-figs. 1 · 1 9.
n. 2, pp. 1 93�283, Tex t-figs. 1 -3 0.
-- 1 95 7. · A m monites du Coniacien du Massif
SARASIN, Ch. 1 893. - Etude sur les Oppelia du de Ia Haute Medjerda (Constantine, A lge·
groupe du Nisus et les Sonneratia du rie). Bull. Soc. geol. France, ser. 6, u. 8,
groupe du bicurvatus et du raresulcatus. pp. 1 8 7- 1 96, pl. 1 6, Tex t-figs. 1 ·2.
Bull. Soc. geol. de France, ser. 3, vol. 2 1 ,
pp. 149-1 64, pls. 4-6, Tex t-figs. 1 - 1 2. .
SORNA Y, J. ed., 1 95 7b.· Lexique Stratigraphi·
SA RASIN, Ch. and SCHONDELMA YER, Ch. que International, vol. I, Europe, Fascicule
1 902.- Etude monographique des ammo· 4a, France, Belgique, Pays-Bas, Luxem·
nites du cretaciq ue inferieur de Chatel­ bourg, Fascicule 4a- VI, 5 m aps. Int. Geol.
Saint-Denis. Mem. Soc. pal. Suisse, vol. Congr. Comm. S trat. Paris.
29, pp. 95- ��jP. f
l� 1 2-2 , Tex.t· figs. 3 � 6. _

·� :�'
SA YN, G. 1 8 90.· Description des amm onitides -- 195Tc. Cretace (France). In Lexique stra·
du Barremien du Dje bel-Ouach pres Cons­ tigraphique International. v. 1, Europe,
tantine, A nn. Soc. Agric. Hist. Nat. Lyon. fasc. 4a, 403 pp. , Geol. Congr. Comm.
Ser. 6, v. 3, pp. 1 35-208, pis. 1 ·3. Strat. Paris.

-- 1 968.- Lexique Stratigraphique Interna­ STEINMANN, G. 1 88 1 . · Ue ber Tithon und

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ques Majeurs, article Ap tien, pp. 1-1 09, Jahrb. Min. Geol. und Pal. , u. 2, pp. 1 3 0-
Geol. Congr. Comm. Strat. Paris. 1 53, pls. 6 - 8, Tex t-r�g. l .

SO WERBY, J. 1 8 1 2. - The Mineral Conchlogy -- 1 882.- Ue ber Jura und Kreide in den A n­
of great Britain, vol. 1,� pp. 1 · 234, pls. den. Neues Jahrb. Min. Geol. und Pal., v. l
1 - 1 02, London. pp. 1 66· 1 70.

SPATH, L. F. 1 921. O n Cretaceous Cephalopoda -- 1 929. - Geologie von Peru, x ii+448 ppjJ .
from Zululand. A nn. S. African Mus., v.1 2, pls., Heidelberg.

part 7. n. 1 6, pp; 2 1 7-321, p ls. 1 9-26.

1 922. - On Cretaceous ammonoidea from STIELER, C. 1 920.- Uber sogenannte Mortoni­

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Geol. Surv. Summary of Progress, Great 1-27.
Brit. ( 1 922), pp. 1 3 9-1 49.

-- 1 9 23 b. · A monograph of the ammonoidea -- 1 958.- Su ture of Acanthohoplites aschil­

of th e Gault. Part I, pp. 1- 72, pls. 1 -4, taensis (Anthula), Geol, Soc. A m erica
tex t-figs. 1 4, Palaeontogr. Soc. London. Bull., u. 69, n. 5, pp. 607-61 0, pis. 1 -2.

-- I 925a. - A monograph of the ammonoidea STURM, F. 1 90L- Der Sandstein uon Kiesling­
of the Gault, Part II, pp. 73-1 1 0, pls. 5-8, swalde in der Grafschaft Glatz Fauna.
Tex t-figs. 1 5-25. Jahrbuch h. P. geol. Land. Bergakademie
zu Berlin ( 1 9 00), pp. 39-98, pls. 2-1 1 ,
! - 1 925b.- On Upper A lbum ammonoidea Tex t-figs. 2.
{rom Portuguese East Africa. A nn. Trans·
vaal Mus. , vol. 1 1, part. 3, pp. 1 79-200, S UESS, E. 1 866.- tiber A m moniten. Sitz. -Ber.
pls. 28-37. k. Akad. Wiss., math. -nat. Kl., uol. 52,
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-- 1 93 0a. - On some A m monoidea from the
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ser 1 0, v. 5, n. 29, pp. 4 1 7-464, pls. l 4-1 7. Basin; Venezuela. Bull. A mer. Ass. Petr.
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-- 1 930b. - A monograph of the ammonoidea Tex t-figs. 1-1 1.
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-- 1 93 0c.- The Lo wer Cretaceous ammo· Parts, t. 258, n. 1 7, Gr. 9, pp. 4308-431 0,
no idea; with no tes on A lbian cephalopoda
from Hazara. The {ossl1 fauna of the Sa­ TIETZE, E. 18 72.- Geologische und palaontolo­
mana Range and some neighbouring areas, gische Mittheilungen aus dem siidlichen
Part. V., Palaeont. Indica, n.s., v. 1 5, pp. Theil des Banater Gebirgsstockes.
5 0-66, pls. 8-9. Jahrb. k.k. geol. Reichsanstalt, v.22, p .
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-- 1 93 1 . · A monograph of the ammonoidea
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3 1-36, Tex t-figs. 1 03-1 24. genus of the ammonoid fam ily Paraho­
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- 1 934. - A monograph of the ammonoidea pp, 33 7-345, 11 figs.
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49-56, Text-figs, 1 53-1 73, UHLIG, V. 1883,- Die Cephalopodenfauna der
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- 1 942.- A monograph of the ammonoidea Akad, Weiss. Wien, math. -nat. kl., v.46,
of the Gault. Part. XV, pp. 669- 720, Text- A bt. 2, pp. 1 2 7-29 0, pls. 1-32.
figs. 245-248, 4 t�bles.

WEDEKIND, R. 1 9 1 6.- Uber Lo bus, Suturallo­

- 1 943,- A monograph of the ammonoidea bus und Inzision. Centralbl. Min. Geol.
of the Gault. Part. XVI, pp. 721-78 7, Pal., pp. 1 85-1 95, Tex t- figs. 1 -6.

STENZEL, H. 1 964.- ln R. C. Moore (Ed.) Trea­ VENZO, S. 1 936. Cefalopodi del Cretaceo me­
tise on inuertabrate paleontology, Pt. K, dio-superiore dello Zululand. Pal. Italica.
Living Nautilus, pp. K59-K93, figs. 43-68. u. 36, n.s., pp. 59-1 44, pls. 5-12.

WIEDMANN, J. 1 962.· Ammoniten aus der vas­ -- 1 9 02.· Contibution to the natural histo­
c ogotischen Kreide (Nordspanien). I. Phy· ry of the pearly Nautilus: in Zoological
lloceratina, Lytoceratina. Paleontograph i­ results based on material collected in New
ca, A, v. 1 1 8, pp. 1 1 9-237, Text-figs. 1 058, Britain, New Guinea, Loyalty Islands and
pis. 8-1 4. Elsewhere, Part 6, pp. 691 -830, pis. 75-83,
1 map., Text-figs. 1 · 1 5. Cambridge U.
-- 1 962b.- Unterkreide - A mmoniten Von Press.
Mallorca. . 1. Lieferung: Lytoceratina, Ap­
tychi. Akad. Wiss. Lit. Abh. math. -nat. WRIGHT, C. W. and MA TSUMOTO, T. 1 954,
K1., n. 1, pp. 1 - 1 48, pis. 1 · 1 0, Text-figs. Some doubtful Cretaceous ammonite ge­
1 ·36, I Table. nera from Japan and Saghalien. Mem.
Foe. Sci., Kyushu Univ., Ser. D, vol. 4,
-- 1 962c.· Habitus, Skulptur und Sutur bei n.2, pp. 1 07- 1 34, pls. 7-8, Text-figs. 1 0 7-
Kreide-A mmonoideen. N. Jb. Geol. Pa­ 1 34.
laont. A bh., v. 1 14, n. 3, pp. 3 1 7-332,
pl. 1 8, Text-figs. 1-4. WRIGHT, C. W. 1957.- In W. J. Arkell, Bernard
Kummel, and C. W. Wright: Mesozoic A m·
-- 1 962d.- Die systemati8che Stellung von moidea. In R. C. Moore (ed.) : Treatise on
Hypophylloceras Salfeld N. J.B. Geol. invertebrate paleontology, Pt. L, Mollusca
Palaont. A bh., v. 1 1 5, n.2, pp. 243-262. 4, Cephalopoda, A mmonoidea, pp. LBO·
pl. 1 6, Text-figs. 1-5. L490, Text-figs. 124-555. Univ. Kansas
-- 1 964.- Unterkreide·A mmoniten von Ma­
llorca 2. Lieferung: Phylloceratina. A bh. YOUNG, K. 1 957.· Upper Albian (Cretaceous)
Akad. Wiss. u. Lit., math. -nat. Kl., ammonoidea from Texas. J. Paleont.
n. 4, pp. 1 5 7·264, pls. 1 1·21, Text-figs. v. 31, n. 1, pp. 1-33, pls. 1-1 0, Text-figs.
3 7-64. 1·4.

-- 1 966.- Stammesgeschichte und System -- 1 963.· Upper Cretaceous A m monites

der posttriadischen A m monoideen. Ein from the Gulf Coast of the United States.
Uberblick. 2. Teil. N. Jb. Geol. Palaont. Univ. Texas Pu bl. no. 6304, ix +1 42 pp.,
A bh., v. 1 2 7, H. 1, pp. 13-81, figs. 1 4-4 7, Plates 1 ·82, Text-figs. 1 ·34.
pls. 3-6.
-- 1 966.· Texas Mojsisouicziinae (A mmonoi·
WIEDMANN, J. and DIENI, I. 1 968. Die Krei· dea) and the zonation of the Fredericks­
de Sardiniens und ihre Cephalopoden, burg. Geol. Soc. A m. Mem., n. 1 00, pp. uii
Pal. Italica, vol. 64, pp. 1-1 71, pis. 1-1 8, +225, pls. 1 -38, Text-fig. 1 2 1 .
Text-figs. 1 - 1 01.
-- 1 9 72.- Cretaceous paleogeography: impli­
WILLEY, A. 1 896, Zoological observations in cations of endemic ammonite faunas.
the South Pacific : Quart. Jour. Micro. Bureau Econ. Geol. Uniu. of Texas at A us­
Sci., n.s., v. 39, n. 154, pp. 2 1 9·231, pl. 1 3. tin. GC 72-2, pp. 1-12, Text-figs. 1 -4.

* * *
· .

F I G URE S 3 - 17


A) Terminology utilized in this paper when 1 0. a) at H: 9.5 mm (x 2 8/9); b) at H: 3.5

describing whorl sections; M vl : median mm (x 2 8/9).
ventral line AV: adventral : M: middle;
AU: adumbilical. P) Complete suture line of Toxocera toides
(Colomboceratoides) renzoni n.sp.,morph
B) Terminlogy utilized in describing the ribs; I, C-220, at H : 5 mm.
Ao: adoral ; Aa: adapical; Cc: concavity;
Bp: branching point; Cv: convexity ; Pr: Q) Whorl section of Melchioriles media Rie­
proyection. del, hype type C-127, at H: 6mm (x 3 1/6).

C) Whorl section of Phylloceras buchianum R) External suture line of Melchioriles media

forbes); C-217. a) hypotype at a whorl Riedel, hypotype C-127, at H : 6 mm
height (=H.) of 3 mm (x 5 2/3); b) hypo­ (x 2 1/6).
type at H:6 mm (x 5 2/3).
S) Whorl section of Pseudoptychoceras gil­
D) Growth striae and constriction ridge pro­ berti n. sp., holotype C-223, at H:5 mm
file of Holcophylloceras hemandezi n.sp., (x 3).
h olotype C- 1 3 at H : 8 mm (x 1 5/8).
T) Complete last suture line of Pseudoply­
E) Rib profile of Hypophylloceras wied­ choceras gilberti n. sp., paratype C· 223,
manni n.sp. holotype C-225, at H : 14 at H: 6 mm (x 3).
mm (x 1 1/3J.
U) Whorl section of Pseudohaploceras leiua­
F) Terminology utilized in this work descri· ense n. sp., holotype VL-10-17, at H :
bing the elements of the suture line: E : 19.5 mm ( x 1 1/2).
external lobe; L: lateral lobe; U: umbili­
cal lobe, 1: internal lobe. E/L: seddle be­ V) Profile of the adoral ridge of a constric­
tween ; E and L lobes. tion in Valdedorsella (?) colom biana n. sp,
paratype Sta Ana, at H: 12 mm (x 1 1/4).
G) Types of ribbing described in this work.
W) Whorl section of Valdedorse/la (?) colom­
H) Whorl section of Holcophylloceras hernan­ biana n. sp., paratype Sta. Ana, at H: 13
dezi n. sp., holotype C-13, at H : 8 mm mm (x 1 1 /5).
(x 2 6/8).
X) Whorl section of A coneceras gu tierrezpal­
I) External suture line of Holcophylloceras mae n. sp., paratype C-223. a) at H : 3mm;
hernandezi n. sp., holotype C-13, at H: _ b) at H : 5 .5mm (x 6).
8 nim (x 2 6/8).
Y) _Part Qf external suture.line of A coneceras
L) Whorl section of Eogaudryceras helmsi gulierrezpalmae n. sp., holotype C-223 at
n. sp., holotype C-223, a) at H : 4 mm H: 8 mm.
(x 1 1/2); b) at H : 14 mm (x 1 1/2).
Z) Profile of a growth striae of Aconeceras
M) Whorl section of Eogaudryceras (Eo tetra­ gutierrezpalmae n. sp., holotype C-223,
gonites) cabaricoi n. sp., holotype C-513, at H: 8mm (x 2 7/8).
at H: 14mm (x 1 1/2).
$) Whorl section of Melchiorites palmeri
N) Part of external suture line showing L, of n. sp., holotype C-223, at H : 6mm (x 2 1/3)
Eogaudryceras (Eote tragonites} cabaricoi
- n. sp., holotype at H : 8mm (x 1 1/2). Whorl section of Corteziceras (?)n.sp.ind.,
C-5 13, at H: 14 mm (x 1 1/3).
0) Whorl section of Toxoceratoides (Colom­
bocera toides)renzoni n. sp., holotype LB· fi) External suture line of Pseudohaploceras
leiuaense n. sp. holotype at H : 13 mm.

'..:. (

f .




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122 . F. ETAY O · SERNA


A) Whorl section of Carloscacercsiceras cace­ layi n. sp., paratYpe C-223x, at H : 10 mm

resi n. sp., paratype C-13-27, at H:20mm (x 1 1/2).
(x 1 1/2).
0) External suture line of Pseudosaynella ral­
B) External suture line of Carloscaceresiceros phimlayi n. sp., holotype SV-28 at H : 18
caceresi n.sp.,paratype C-13-37, atH:lBmm. mm (x 1 1/2).

C) Whorl section of Corteziceras cortezi n. P) Whorl section of Cheloniceras (Epichelo·

sp., . Sta. Ana, holotype at H :20 mm niceras) barreroi n. sp., holotype C-514,
{x 1 1/2). at H:17.5 (x 1 1/6).

D) a) Whorl section of Lewesiceras (?) ulloai Q) External suture line of Cheloniceras (E)
n. sp., c-310, holotype, at H : 8 mm (x barreroi n. sp., holotype C-514, at H: 9
1 1/2); b) profJle of the adapical ridge of mm (x 1 1/2).
a constrictions, ib. at H : 9.5 (x 1 1/2).
R) Whorl section of Cheloniceras (Epichelo­
E) External suture line of Carloscaceresiceras niceras) carlosacostai n.sp., paratype
monteroi n. sp., holotype C-13-33, at H. : C-223-13, at H : 19 mm (x 9/10).
16 mm (x 1 1/2).
S) External suture line of Cheloniceras (Epi­
F) . Whorl section of Corteziceras latecostata cheloniceras) carlosacostai n. sp., holoty­
(Riedel), hypotype C-225, at H : 21 mm pe C-223-1 6, at H : 16.5 (x 1 1/2).
(x 1 1/2).
T) Whorl section of Cheloniceras (Epichelo­
G) Whorl section of Trochleiceras (Jauma­ niceras) camachoi n.sp., holotype VL-10·
portaiceras) hoffstetteri n. sp., holotype 17, at H :21.5 mm (x 1 1/2).
C-215-5, at H: 8mm (x 1 1/2).
U) Whorl section of Cheloniceras (Epichelo­
niceras) leonhardtriedeli n. sp., C�23, at
H) Part of external suture line of Trochleice­ H : 13.5 (x 1 1/3).
ras (J.) ho{{stetteri n. sp., C-215, paraty­
pe, at Ji: 5 mm. V) Whorl section of Cheloniceras (Epichelo­
niceras) amazonarum (Burckhardt), bolo·
I) Whorl section of Trochleiceras (Trochlei­ type C-5 14, at H: 20mm (x 8/10).
ceras) juliverti n. sp., holotype C-215-2,
at H : . 4 mm (x 3). · W) Whorl section of Cheloniceras (Epichelo­
niceras) dognaelvirae n. sp., holotype VL·
J) . Whorl section of Carloscaceresiceras · (?) 12-2, at H : 15 mm (x 1 1/5).
chimuense (B.C.) n. sp.,h)lpotype VL-Est.
33a, at H: 34mm (x l l/7). ·
X) Whorl section of Cheloniceras (Epichelo­
niceras) jimenoi n. sp., holotype C-504,
K) Part of external suture line of Carloscace­ at H:21 mm (x 4/5).
resiceras ('!) chimuense (B. C.) n.sp., holotype
VL-Est. 3 aa, at H:18 mm (x 1 1/2). Y) Whorl section of Cheloniceras (Epichelo­
niceras) huertasi n. sp., paratype V17-Sa-
L) Whorl; section of Trochleiceras (Jauma­ 11, at H : 11.5 mm (x 1 1/2).
portiiiceras) hotfstetten· n. sp., C.215 para­
. type at H: 3 mm (x 3). $) Complete suture line of Ch. (E.) huertasi
. '.: ·­
n.sp., paratype VL7 SA-11, at H:6 mm
�) . Part of external suture line of Trochleice· (x 1 1/2).
ras (Trochleiceras) juliverti n. sp., C-215-1
· paratype,(x 3), ·· · Z) Whorl section of Cheloniceras (Epichelo­
niceras) pardoi n. sp., holotype C-504, at
N) Whorl section of Pseudosaynella ralphim- H: 22 mm (x 9/10).

Q (. 0

() G
V) n I

0 L
M ,

� 0

124 F. ETA Y O • SERNA


A) Whorl section of Vectisites (Zambranoi· P) External suture line of Vectisites (Zam·

tes) cruzi n. sp., holotype C-504, at H:10 branoites) cadenai n. sp., holotype C-514,
mm (x 3). at H:10 mm (x 1 1/2).
B) External suture line of V. (Z. ) cruzi n.sp., Q) Whorl section of Aoanthohoplit�s seunesi·
holotype C-504, at H: 5 mm (x 3). forme n. sp., holotype C-127, at H:12
mm (x 1 1/2).
C) Whorl section of Juandurhamiceras juan· R) External suture line of Acanthohoplites
durhami n. sp., paratype Santa Ana, at seunesi{orme n. sp., holotype C-127, at
H: 10 mm (x 2 8/10). H: 12 mm (x 1 1/2).
D) External suture line of Parahoplites (?) in· S) Whorl section of A canthohoplites pluri·
constans Riedel?, C-501-13, at H: 8 mm costa tum n. sp., holotype C-127, at H:9
(x 1 1/2). mm (x 3).
T) External suture line of Acanthohoplites
E) Whorl section of Gargasiceras (?) juanwya· pluricostatum n. sp., holotype C-127, at
tti n. sp., holotype C-151, at H:11.5 mm H: 9 mm (x 3).
(x 1 1/2).
U) Whorl section of Acanthohoplites bigou­
reti{orme n. sp., holotype C-127, at H:
F) Part of the external suture line of Paraho· 9 mm (x 1 1/2).
plites hubachi n. sp., morph I, C-127, at
H: 13 mm (x 1 1/2). V) External suture line of Acanthohoplites
bigoureti[orme n. sp., bolo type C-127, at
G) External suture line of ParahopUtes tris· H: 7 mm (x 3).
ton n. sp., h.olotype C-127, at H: 6 mm
(x 3). X) External suture line of Acanthohoplites
eleganteante n. sp., holotype C-127, at
H:6 mm (x 1 1/2).
H) Whorl · section of Vectisites (Zambranoi­
tes) zambranoi n. sp., holotype C-504, at Z) Whorl section of Acanthohoplites quita­
H: 17.5 mm (x 1 1/2). suegno n. sp., holotype C-127, at H: 8
mm (x 3).
I) Whorl section of Vectisites (Zambranoi­
tes) duquesi n. sp., paratype C-514, at H: iJ) External suture line of A can thohoplites
1 1 mm ( x 1 11-2). quitasuegno n. sp., holotype C-127, at H:
8 mm (x 3).
J) External suture line of Juandurhamiceras
juandurhami n. sp. Santa Ana-25, at H : 13 W) Whorl section of Acanthohoplites luispe­
mm (x 3). rezi n. sp., paratype C-127, at H: 7 mm
(x 3).
K) External su ture line of Vectisites (Zam­
branoites) zambranoi n. sp., C-504, at Y) External suture line of Acanthohoplites
H: 12 mm (x 1 1/2). luisperezi n. sp., paratype C-127, at H: 6
mm (x 3).
L) Whorl section of Vectisites (Zambranoites)
cadenai n. sp., holotype C-5 14 at H : 13 a) Whorl section of Acanthohoplites odio­
mm (x 1 1/2). us n. sp., holotype C-127, at H:6 mm (x 1
1/2); b) ib. at H : 10 mm (x 1 1/2).
M) Whorl section of Du[renoyia boteroi n.sp.
holotype C-223 x-10, at H:20.5 mm (x 1 u> External suture line of A. odious n.sp.
1/2). holotype C-127 at H: 7 mm (x 3).
N) Ex ternal suture line of Du[renoyia bo te­ o) . Whorl section of Acanthohoplites {?) ser­
roi n. sp., holotype C·223x-10, at H:13 penti[orme n. sp., holotype C-127 at H:
mm (x 1 1/2). 5 mm (x 5).
0) External suture line of Vectisites (Zam­ a) Whorl section of Acanthohoplltes (?) lep­
branoites) zambranoi n. sp., holotype tocerati[orme n. sp., holotype ( x 5).
C-504, at H:10 mm (x 1 1/2).


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A) Wh orl section of Neodeshayesites cinf!u/a­ H : 1 1.5mm; H : 1 3mm; H : 14mm respecti­

tum n. sp., h olotype C-501·0, at H : 30mm vely (X 1 1 / 2).

(x 1 2/10).
K) Rib profile of N. cingulatum n. sp., halo­
B) Wh orl section o f Neodeshayesites contrac­ type C-501-0, at H: 16mm (x 1 1 /2).
tu (Riedel), hypotype C-500-3, at H : 22
mm (x 1 1/2). L) Rib profile of N. cingula tum n. sp., halo­
type, C-501·0, at H : 22mm (x 1 1/2).
C) Superposed rib profiles of Neodeshayesi·
tes albertoaluarezi n. sp., at left of each· M) Whorl section of Sloyanowiceras lre{fry·
fi gu re; N. columbianus (Riedel) at center anus (Karsten ), hypotype La Mesa 10 at
of each figure, and N. karsten i (Marcou) , the H : 20mm (x 3).
profile transecting the other profiles ex­
cept on the first group of figures on the N) External suture line of Stoyanowiceras
left; the single profile (third from left to tref{ryanus {Karsten), hypetype La Mesa
right) corresponds to N. columbianus 10, at H : 20mm (x 3).
(Riedel). From left to right at D : 23mm,
D : 37mm; D : 4 2mm; H : 21mm; H : 26mm 0) Whorl section of Riedelites ('?) que brada­
(al X 1 1/2). negra n . sp., C -200 A, hypotype at H : 1 6
m m (x 1 1/2).
D) External suture line of Neodeshayesiles
contractu (Riedel), hypotype, C-500-4 at P) Wh orl section of Riedelites o bliquum
H :25mm (x 1 1 /2). (Riedel), C-5 14 (A), at H : 16.5 (x 1 1 /2).

E) Rib profiles of N. contractu (Riedel ) , hy­ Q) Whorl section of Stoyanowiceras lre{{ry­

potype C·5 00 (2), from left to right at anus (Karste n ) after the original drawing
H :9mm ; H : l lmm; H : 14mm; H : 1 8mm, in Karsten ( 1 858, pl.4 , fig.1b), (x 7 /9).
(all X 1 1/2).
R) External suture of Riedelites ('?) quebra­
F) Rib branching in N. con trac tu {Riedel) danegra n. sp., Q·200 A, hypotype at H :
hypotype C-500 (2), at H : l lmm {x 1 1/2). 1 1.5mm ( x 3).

G) External suture line of Neodeshayesites S) External suture line of Riedeliles eslher­

cingula tum n. sp., holotypf' C-501-0, at sernae n. sp., C-222A,holotype, at H : l l .5
H : 24mm (x 1 1 /2). mm (x 3).

H) External suture line of N. cingula tum n.sp. T) Whorl section of Riedeliies esthersernae
paratype C-5.01-23, at H : 14mm {x 1 1/2). n. sp., C 222A, hol otype , at H : 1 6 mm

(x 1 1/2).

I) Rib profile of N. contracla (Riedel), after U) u

Wh orl section of Riedelites {ilos m n. sp.
fig; S.' . plate 7 of Riedel's paper ( 1937); at paratype C-225 (2), at H : 1 6.5mm(x 1 1/2).
·.. ...

8 )/! �

K ·+

130 F. ETA Y O · SERN A


A) Whorl section of Platiknemiceras n. sp.A, P) Whorl section of Mammites scu tulatus n.

C-5 10 A, at H : Smm (x 3 ). sp., holotype C-310, at H : 14 mm (x 1
1/2) .
B) Part of external suture line of Engonoce·
ras olgaluciae n. sp., holotype C-5 1 0A, at Q) Whorl section of Codazziceras {ina n. sp.,
H : 14mm (x 3). paratype C-134, at H : _ 4 mm (x 3).

C) Whorl section of Engonoceras olgaluciae R) Whorl section of Codazziceras scheibei n.

n. sp., holotype C-5 1 0A, at H :9mm sp.,hypotype C-134, at H :13 mm (x 1 1/2).
(x 1 2 / 1 0).
S) Rib profiles of Codazziceras {ina n. sp.,
D) Part of external suture line of Knemiceras p aratype C-134 and C. scheibe (Riedel),
pegnai n. sp., holotype C-1 3 1, at H : 68 hypotype C-134 ; figures to the right re·
mm (lower suture) and H :85mm (upper · ·
p resent the ribs o f latter. H 13 mm (x 1
suture), (x 1). 1/2); long rib on right side at H : 30 mm
(x 1 2 / 1 0). ....,
Whorl section of Lyelliceras pseudolyelli·
forme s. sp ., holotype C-255, at H : 15mm T) Whorl sections of Fagesia zanelli n. sp.,

(x 2 1 / 10). paratype C-310, a) at H: 6mm ; b ) at H : 15

mm, ( both x 1 1 /2).
F) Whorl section of Knemiceras pegna i n. sp.
holotype C- 1 3 1, at H: 89mm (x 1/4). U) Whorl sections of /mlayiceras (?) ralphim·
layi n. sp., paratype ; a) at H: Groin (x 3);
G) Whorl section of Knemiceras semicosla· b) at H: 24 mm (x 1 2/10).
tum Sommerme ie r, hypotype, VL-Est.
33a. a) at H: 23 mm (x 1 1/2), b) at H : 35 V) Whorl section of Rinconiceras rinconi n.
mm (x 1 2/1 0). sp., paratype C-169, at radius: 13 mm
(x 3).
Whorl section of Lyelliceras carvajalorum
n. sp., holotype C-225, at H : 16 mm (x 3). W) External suture line of Rinconiceras rin­
coni n . sp., holotype C- 169, at H: 8 mm
I) External suture line of L. carvajalorum (x 4 5 /10).
n. sp., paratype C-225, at H : 1 7 mm (x 3).
X) Whorl section of Franciscoiies suarezi ri .
K) External suture line of Pialiknemiceras sp., holotype C-310, at H : 14 mm (x 1
n. sp. A,C-5 10A, at H: 1 1 mm (x 3). 1 / 2).

L) External suture line of Knemiceras semi­ Y) External suture line of Franciscoites sua­
costatum Sommermeier, l e ctotype VL­ rezi n. sp., holotype C-31 0,at H: 1 3 mm
Est 33a, at H: 30 mm (x 1 2/10). (x 3).
M) Whorf section of Codazziceras {ina n. sp., Part of external suture ( L ) of Tegoce·
p aratyp e C-1 34 , at H:12 mm (x 1 1/2). ras benavidescaceresi n. sp., holotype VL.
Est 33a, at H: 23 mm (x 1 2/10).
N) External sutu re line of Codazziceras {ina
n . sp., paratype C-134, H : 12 mm (x 1 1/2). P art of e x ternal su t u re o f Tego ce ras
benavidescaceresi n . sp., h ol o typ e VL.
0) Whorl section of Mammites {ugax n . sp., Est. 3 3a, at H: 23 mm (x 1 2/10).
h olotype C-263, at H : 14 mm (x 1 1/2).
ii) Whorl section of Franciscoites suaresi n.
sp., paratype C-310, at H : 4 m m (x 3).



\ � ',

' !

0 p

n IJ

� t�

132. F. ETA YO · SERNA

A) Whorl section of Peroniceras robertogar· L) Last tlXi.emal suture line of Gloriaceras
ciae n. sp., holotype VL 6 Cu-5, at H:13 paulinae n. sp., holotype NRC-CU-5.
mm (x 1 2/10).
M) Whorl section of Prionocycloceras (?)
B) Part of external suture line of Peroniceras cucaitaensen. sp., holotype at H:25mm
robertogarciae n. sp., holotype VL 6 CU· (X 1 2/10).
5, at H : 13 mm (x 1 1/2).
N) Whorl section of Prionocycloceras por·
C) Whorl section of Gloriaceras correai n. sp. tarum n. sp., holotype C-134, at H:20
holotype NRC·CA-1-5, at H:15 mm (x 1 mm (x 1 1/2).
1 /2).
0) Whorl section of Zumpangoceras ospinai
D) Rib profiles of Gloriaceras paulinae n. n. sp., holotype NRC-1, at H:22mm
sp., (on left side), and Gloriaceras correai (x 1 1/7). "

n. sp., (on right side), at H:ll mm and H :

2 2 m m respectively (x 1 1/2). P) Whorl section of Zumpangodras ospinai
n. sp., paratype Sora NRC, at H;12mm
E) Whorl section of Peroniceras diabloi n.sp. (X 1 2/10).
holotype NRC-3 at H:16 mm (x 1 1/2).
F) Rib profile of P. diabloi n. sp., holotype Q) Whorl section of Protexanites cucaitaense
NRC-3, at H: 16 mm (x 1 1/2). n. sp., holotype VL6-CU3 at H:17mm
(x 1 2/10).
G) External suture line of Peroniceras diabloi R) External suture line of Buenoceras loboi
n. sp., holotype NRC-1-5, at H:22 mm n. sp., holotype NRC-4 (1965), at H:25
9 :H (x 1 1/2). mm (x 1 1/2).
H) External suture line of Gloriaceras correai S) Whorl section of Prionocycloceras ion·
n. sp., holotype NRC - Est. 9, at H. : 22 gispinatum .(Basse), hypotype C-134,
(x 1 2/10). at H:28mm (x 1 2/10).
I) Whorl section ofPeroniceras guerrai n. sp., T) Part of external suture line of P. longis-
holotype NRC-Est. 9, at H: 19 mm (x 1 pinatum (Basse), hypotype C-134, at
1/2). H :23mm (x 1 2/10).
J) External suture line of Peroniceras guerrai U) Whorl section of Buenoceras loboi n. sp.,
n. sp., holotype NRC-Est. 9, at H: 19 mm
· holotype NRC-4 (1965) (x 1 1/2) .
(x 1 1/2).
V) External suture line of Hoplitoides her-
Kt Whorl section of Gloriaceras paulinae n. nanmojicae n. sp., holotype C - 3 10, at
sp., paratype NRC-CU-5 ( x f 1/2). H : 26 mm (x 1 1/2).

/ 0

M N 0



• I

!/ T
s u


Scatter diagram of the distribution of spe­ relationships are between the external umbilical
cimens of Carloscaceresiceras carloscaceresi n. width (=Euw) and the height of the whorl
sp. and Carloscaceresiceras monteroi n. sp., in (=H ). Small dots represent sample C-13; large
samples C-13, C-170 according to sizes. The dots represent sample C-170.
. -. �...

: ...

• • •

• •• • •

• • •

• ••

• •

•• •

• • • • • •

• •

'. s '"-------.----"--------H w__________"T"""_____

10 2 3


Scatter diagram of the relationships be­ type 88Dlple C-223. For the explanation of the
tween Euw and H ,. and the accompanying symbols used to repre11mt types of ribbing eee
variations in type and number of ribs in Chelo· figure 3G. .
nicems (Epicheloniceras) carlosacostai n.. sp.,

NOTE: From fl&ure 11 to 17 the foUowtne •ymbols

wm be u.sed.


• 46 - 50

• 41 · 45

• 36 . 40

• 31 - 35

26 - 30

21 · 25

0 16 . 20

+ 11 - 15


,., . .


O D'
25 OD


00 D




10 20 30


Scatter diagram of the relationships be­ durhamiceras jUtZndurhllrni n.sp., type �ple
tween Euw and H, and the accompanying Santa Ana, A.P.G. .
variation in type and number or ribs in Juan·

· :;:· . .,.i.'·:· · .
�- �..;..



0K '

0K ·K

K . °K
0G ·K
00f( • 0K
15 0 0K ·K

5 �--------�--------
1 0 20
140 F. ETA Y O · SERNA

Scatter diagram o f the relationships be­ lleiceras (?) tequendamai n. sp., type sample
tween Euw and . H, and the accompanying va­ C-223.
riation in type and numher of ribs in Eadouvi-



t n•

tn• t o•

10 20
142 F. ETA Y O - SERNA


Scatter diagram of the relationships be· rum Biirgl (=S, Sm), and Dufrenoyia hansbuer·
tween Euw and H and the accompanying va· gli n. sp., (=Th). Data from Blirgl 1956b, Table I.
riation in number of ribs in Du{renoyia sancto·

' Sm �·. I

jl: ·s

· Sm
' Sm ·Tb

' Sm ·S ·Sm
·s ·s
0 S · Sm ·Sm
·s · s · sm ·Th
·s •Tb
· Sm • · Th ·Th · Th
0s · S · Tb• Th

· sm

· sm


20 30 40
144 F, E T A Y O · SE R N A


Scatter diagram of the relationships be­ hayesites columbianus (Riedel), reference sam­
tween Euw and H and the accompanying va­ ple C-12-C.
riation in type and number of ribs in Neodes-

A • • •F'
E • •F •A
•D •A
• n •F •F
•F' •F
A• •F
•F • A
1 .n ••E
•F' •F •F
•F •F
• •F

5 �------,---r---�
10 20 30

Scatter. diagram of the relationships be­ hayesites albertoaluarezi n. sp., type sample
tween Euw and H and the accompanying va­ G-219.
riation in type and number of ribs in Neodes·


1 0 2 0 30


Scatter diagram of the relationships be· yesites karsteni (Marcou), Reference sample
tween Euw and H and the accompanying va· C-501.
riation in type and number of ribs in Neodesha·


es en


•c eA
•n •n
Ee ec
A(B•) 8 A



5 �------�---.r--.--
10 20 30
P L AT E S 1 - 1 5
152 F. ETA Y O · SERN A


Fig. 1 ) Du{rcnoyia codazziana (Karsten), L a Fig. 5 ) Gargasiceras interiectum (Riedel), La

Ye, ( x 1 1/1 0). Ye-5 bis (x 1).

Fig. 2) Du{renoyia sanclorum (Burgi), hypo· Fig. 6) Du(renoyia boleroi n. sp., holotype
type La Ye-7 (x 1 2/100). C-223-x-10, (x 1 ).

Fig. 3) Du{renoyia sanctorum (Burgi), morph Fig. 7) Du{renoyia codazziana (Karsten), La

1, La Ye (x 1 3/1 00). Ye -2 (x 1 ).

Fig. 4) Du{renoyia hansbuergli n. sp., hypoty· Fig. 8) Du{renoyia codazziana �KarstenJ,

pe C-223-x-28 (x 1). morph II, La Cumbre x 1 1/1 ).


Plate 1. Ammoni �� from the Du(renoyia sanclorum·Stoyanowlceras tre{{ryanus Assembla-

ge zone . F1gs. 1·8. Upper Aptian. . ·.
154 F. ETA Y O · SERNA


Fig. 1) Cheloniceras (Epicheloniceras) barreroi Fig. 6) Eodouvilleiceras (?) lequendamai n. sp.,

n. sp., holotype C-514 (x 1 7 / 10). holotype C-223-21, (x 1 12/100).

Fig. 2) Cheloniceras (Epicheloniceras) pardoi Fig. 7) Cheloniceras (Epicheloniceras) (?)

n. sp., holotype C-504 (x 1 12/100). amazonarum (Burckhardt) , hypotype
C-5 14 (x 1).
Fig. 3) Cheloniceras (Epicheloniceras cama·
choi n. sp., holotype VL-10-17 (x 1). Fig. 8) Cheloniceras (Epicheloniceras) jimenoi
n. sp., holotype C-514 (x 1).

Fig. 4) Cheloniceras (Epicheloniceras) huerta­ Fig. 9) Cheloniceras (Epicheloniceras) carlos­

si n. sp., holotype VL-7-Sa-11 (x 1). acostai n.sp., holotype C-223-16 (x 1).

Fig. 5) Cheloniceras (Epicheloniceras) dogna­ Fig. 10) Cheloniceras (Epicheloniceras) carlos­

elvirae n. sp., holotype VL-12-2 (x 1 acoslai n. sp., holotype C-223-16 (x 1
5 / 1 00). 16/ 100).

Plate 2. Ammonites from the Du{renoyia sanctoru m-Stoyanowiceras tre{(ryanus Assembla­

ge zone. Figs. 1-10. Upper Aptian.
156 F. ETA Y O · SERNA


Fig. 1) Pseudosaynella ralphimlayi n. sp., ho­ Fig. 8) Stoyanowiceras treffryanus Karsten,

lotype SV-28 (x 1 2/10). morph I (x 1 3{100).

Fig. 2) Corteziceras cortezi n. sp., holotype Fig. 9) Melchiorites media Riedel, hypotype C·
Santa Ana (x 1). 157 (x 1 72/100).

Fig. 3) Acanthohoplites (?) serpentiforme n. Fig. 10) Valdedorsella (?) colombiana n. sp.,
sp., holotype C-157 (x 1 77/100). holotype Santa Ana (x 89/100).

Fig. 4) Pseudohaploceras leivaense n. sp., ho­

lotype VL-10-17 (x 1). Fig. 11) Hypacanthoplites (?) dognaliciae n. sp.,
holotype T.P.I. Guaduas (x 1 2/100).
Fig. 5 ) Juandurhamiceras juandurhami n. sp.,
paratype Santa Ana 31 (x 1 4/ 100).
Fig. 12) Stoyanowiceras treffryanus Karsten,
Fig. 6) Corteziceras (!) n.sp., ind., C-5 13 (x 1). morph II, Penn. 7 (x 1 8/100).

Fig. 7) Corteziceras cortezi n. sp., morph I, Fig. 13) Juandurhamiceras giraldoi n. sp., bolo­
Santa Ana (x 1). type Santa Ana 42 (x 1 8/100).

. .....
Plate 3. Ammonites from the Dufrenoyia sanctorum-Stoyanowiceras tre((ryanus Assembla·
ge zone .. Figs. 1-2, 4-8, 10·13. Ammonites from the Parahoplites (?) hubachi-Acan­
thohoplrtes (?) leptocerati(orme Assemblage zone. Figs. 3, 9. Upper Aptian.
158 F. E T AY O · SERN A


Fig. l) Stoyanowiceros tre{fryanus Karsten, Fig. 5) Juandurhamiceras joepecki n. sp., San-

Pensilvania (x 1 2/10),hypotype. ta Ana 9 (x 1 2/100).

Fig. 2) Juandurhamiceras juandurhami n. sp., Fig. 6) Corteziceras latecosta ta (Riedel), C-255

holotype Santa Ana 30 (x 1). (x 1).

Fig. 3) Riedelites obliquum (Riedel), bypoty- Fig. 7 ) Stoyanowiceras lreffryanus (Karsten)?

pe C-200 D (x 1 2/10). Penn. 13 (x 1 25/1 00).

Fig. 4) Acanthohoplites odiosus n. sp., bolo· Fig. 8) Heminautilus etheringtoni Durham,

type C-127 (x1. 4{100). hypotype (x 1 2/10).

Plate 4. Ammonites from the Du{renoyia sanctorum-Stoyanowiceras treffryanus Assemblll

ge zone. Figs. 1-3, 5, 7-8. Ammonites from the Prahoplites ('?) hubachi-Acantho
hoplites ('?) leptocerati{onne Assemblage zone. Figs. 4, 6. Upper Aptian.
160 F. E T A Y O · S E R N A

Fig. 1) Parahoplites (?) hubachi n.sp., holotype Fig. 6) Parahoplites(!) hubachi n.sp., morph I,
C-127 (x 1 2/10). C-127 (x 1).
Fig. 2) A canthohoplites bigoureti{orme n. sp., Fig. 7) Gargasiceras (?) juanwyatti n.sp., bolo-
holotype C-127 (x 1 4/100). type C·151 (x 1).
Fig. 3) Stoyanowiceras treffryanus (Karsten), Fig. 8) Acanthohoplites luisperezi n. sp., bolo-
Penn. (x 1), hypotype. type C-157 (x 82/100).
Fig. 4) A canthohoplites eleganteante n. sp., Fig. 9) Heminautilus e theringtony Durham,
holotype C-127 ( x 1 4/100). hypotype (x 1 3/10).
Fig. 5) Acanthohoplites triston n. sp., bolo-
type C-127 (x 1).

Plate 5 . Ammonites from the Dufrenoyia sanctorum-Stoyano�eras treffryanus Assembla·

ge zone. Figs. 3, 9 . Ammonites from the Parahoplites (?) hubachi-Acanthohoplites
(?) leptocerati(orme Assemblage zone. Figs. 1·2, 4-8 Upper Aptian.


Fig. 1 ) Vectisites (Zambranoites) zambranoi Fig.ll) Eogaudryceras (Eotetragonites) caba­

n. sp., holotype C-504 (x 1). ricoi n. sp., holotype C-5 1 3 (x 87/10).
Fig. 2) Vectisites (Zambranoites) duquesi n. Fig.12) Riedelites esthersernae n. sp., holotype
sp., holotype C-514 (x 1). C-222A (x 1).
Fig. 3) Cheloniceras (Epichetoniceras) leon­ Fig.13) Colomblceras {oreroi n. sp., holotype
hardtriedeli n. sp.,hypotype (x 1). C-200-7 (x 1 1/10).
Fig. 4) Vectisites (Zambranoites) cadenai n. Fig.14) Eogaudry ceras (Eogaudrycerus) helmsi
sp., holotype C-514 (x 1). n. sp., holotype C-223 (x 1).
Fig. ·5) Colombiceras (?) sarmientoi n. sp., Fig.15) Aconeceras gutierrezpalmae n. sp., ho­
holotype C-5 13 (x 1). Jotype C-223 Jx 1 6/10).
Fig. 6) Melchiorites palmeri n. sp., holotype Fig.16) Riede lites (?) quebradanegra nsp., hypo·
C-223 (x 1). type C-200 A (x 1 26/100).

Fig. 7) Riedelites obliquum (Riedel), morph I, Fig.17) Pseudoptychoceras gilberti n. sp.,

C-5 14 A (x 1). Hypotype. morph I C-223 (x 1 42/100).
Fig. 8) Gargasiceras in teriectum ( Riedel), Fig.18) Pseudoptychoceras gilberti n. sp., ho·
morph I, La Ye 4 h is (x 1 2/10). Jotype C-223 (x 1 44/100).
Fig. 9) Vectisites (Zambranoites) cruzi n. sp., Fig.19) Toxoceratoides (Colomboceraloides)
holotype (x 1). renzoni n. sp., holotype LB·10 (x 1).

Fig.10) Melchiorites palmeri n. sp., paratype Fig.20) Vectisites (Zambranoites) mateusi n.

C-200 (x 1). sp., holotype VI- 11-3 (x 1 33/ 100).

Plate 6. Ammonites from the Du{renoyia sanciorum-Stoyano;Jceras tre{fryanus Assembla·

ge zone. Figs. 1·20. Upper Aptian.
164 F . E T AYO · SERNA


Fig. 1) Riedelites filosum n. sp., holotype . Fig. 6) Douvilleiceras solitae (D'Orbigny),hy·

C-255-6 (x 1 ). potype C- 160A (x 1).
Fig. 2) Acanthohop/ites quitasuegno n. sp.,
holotype C- 127 (x 1). Fig. 7) Douvilleiceras solitae (D'Orbigny),hy·
potype C-160A (x 1).
Fig. 3) Acanthohoplites pluricostatum n. sp.,
h olotype C-127 (x 1). Fig. 8 ) Acanthohop/ites seunesi{orme n. sp.,
holotype C-127 (x 1 1/10).
Fig. 4) Acanthohoplites leptocerati{orme
n. sp., holotype C-127 (x 1).
Fig. 9) Stoyanowiceras cintatum n. sp., bolo·
Fig. 5) Douvilleiceras tarapacaense n. sp., type T. P. Guaduas (x 1 1/10).
paratype C-218 (x 1).

Plate 7 . Ammonites from the Du{renoyia sanctorum-Stoyanowiceras tre{{ryanus Assembla·

ge zone. Fig. 9. Ammonites from the Parahoplites (?) hubachi-Acanthohoplites (?)
leptocera ti{orme Assemblage zone. Figs. 1·4, 8. Upper Aptian. Ammonites from
the Douvilleiceras solitae-Neodeshayesites columbianus Assemblage zone. Figs. 5-7.
Lower Albian.

Fig. 1) Eodouuilleiceras pedrocaruaja/i n.sp., Fig. 5) Holcophylloceras hernandezi n. sp.,
holotype C-170 (x 1). holotype C-13 (x 1 8/10).

Fig. 2) Douuilleiccras larapacaense n. sp., Fig. 6) Douvilleiceras tarapacaense n. sp.,

holotype c. 218-10 (x 1). holotype C-218-10 (x 1).

Fig. 3) Neodeshayesites albertoaluarezi n.sp., Fig. 7 ) Douuil/eiceras abozagloi n. sp., holo-

holotype C-129-1 (x 1). type C·215 (X 1 6/100).

Fig. 4) Phylloceras buchianum (Forbe� ,hypo­

type C-217 (x 2).

Plate 8. Ammonites from the Douuilleiceras solitae-Neodeshayesites columbianus Assem
blage zone. Figs. 1-7. Lower Albian.


Fig. 1 ) Trochleiceras juliverti n. sp., holotype Fig. 5 ) Lyelliceras pseudolyelli{orme n. sp.,

C-215·1 (x 2 64/100). holotype C-255 (x 1).

Fig. 2) Neodeshayesites karste11i (Marcou),hY· Fig. 6) Ralphimlayites apuloense n. sp., bolo·

pctype C-501·1 (x 1 8/100). type C·510A (x 1 29/100).

Fig. 3) Neodeshayesites albertoalvarezi n. sp., Fig. 7) Neodeshayesites contracta (Riedel),hy·

paratype C-219 (x 1). potype C-500·6 (x 1 9/100).

Fig. 4) Rinconiceras rinconi s. sp., holotype Fig. 8) Neodeshayesites columbianus (Riedel),

C-169-3 (x 1). hypotype C-12-C·S (x 1 4/100).

Plate 9. Ammonites fr�m the Douvilleiceras solitae-Neodeshayesites columbia

nus Assem·
blage z !lne. �tgs. �-3, 7-8: Lower Albian. Ammonites from the Platiknem
c?lombwna:Rmcomc�ras nnconi-Lyelliceras pseudolyelliforme Assemblage zone.
F1gs. 4-6. Mtddle Albtan.
170 F . E T A YO - SERNA


Fig. 1) Carloscaceresiceras caceresi n .sp . , halo· Fig. 6) Neodeshayesites karsteni (Marcou)

type C-170·20 (x 1 8/ 100). n. sp., morph I, C-501-14 (x 1).
Fig. 2) Parahoplites (?) inconstans Riedel ?, Fig. 7 ) Neodeshayesites columbianus ( Riedel),
C-501-13 (x 1). paratype C-12C-25 (x 1 12/100).
Fig. 3) Hypophylloceras wiedmanni n. sp., ho· Fig. 8) Neodeshayesites cingula tum n. sp., pa­
lotype C-2fi!'i (x 1). ratype C-5 01-21 (x 1).
Fig. 4) Trochleiceras (Jaumaportaiceras) hoffs· Fig. 9) Neodeshayesites karsteni (Marcou) ,
tetteri n. sp., holotype C-215 (x2 2/10). m orph I C-501 (x 1).

Fig. 5) Carloscaceresiceras mon teroi n. sp., Fig. 10) Neodeshayesites cingulatum n. sp., ho·
holotype C-13-33 (x 2/10). lotype C-501·0 (x 1 8/100).

Plate 10. Ammonites from the Parahoplites ('?) hubachi·Acantliohoplites ('?) leptocerati{or­
me Assemblage zone. Figs. 2·3. Upper Aptian. Ammonites from the Douvilleiceras
solitae-Neorl.eshayesites colu mbianus Assemblage zone . Figs. 1, 3-10. Lower AJbian .


Fig. 1) Engonoceras (?) duartei n. sp., holoty­ Fig. 3) Platiknemiceras sp. ind. B., VL. Est.
pe VL Est. 33a (x 9/10). 33a (x 1).
Fig. 2) Knemiceras pegnai n. sp., holotype C- Fig. 4 ) Enl(onoceras (?) duartei n. sp., holoty­
131 (x 6/10). pe VL- Est. 33a (x 81/100).

Plate 1 2. Ammonites from the Platiknemiceras colombiana-Rinconiceras rinconi-Lyelliceras

pseudolyelliforme Assemblage zone. Figs. 1-4. Middle Albian.
176 F. E T AY O · SERNA


Fig. 1) Mammites nodosoidesappelatus n. sp. Fig. 10) Mammites scutulatus n. sp., holotype
holotype C.310 (x 1). C·310 (x 1).
Fig. 11) Fagesia zanellai n. sp., holotype C-310
Fig. 2) Franciscoites suarezi n. sp., holotype (x 1).
C-310 (x 1 37/100).
Fig. 12) Prionocycloceras portarum n. sp., ho·
lotypE' C-134 ( x 1).
Fig. 3) Imlayiceras (?) ralphimlayi n. sp., ho·
lotype C-310 (x-1). Fig. 13) Paramammites colombianus n. sp.,
bolotype LVZ-7 (x 1).
Fig. 4) Hoplitoides hernanmojicae n. sp., ho·
lotype C.310 (x 1). Fig. 14) Hoplitoides lagiraldae n. sp., holotype
C-264 (x 1).
Fig. 5) Paramammites colombianus n. sp., bo-
lotype LVZ-7 (x 1). Fig. 15) Hoplitoides (?) sp. ind., C·310 (x 1).
Fig. 6) Ma mmites fugax n. sp., holotype c- Fig.16) Prionocyclaceras longispinatum(Basse ) ,
263 (x 1). hypotype C-134 (x 1).
Fig. 7) Lewesiceras (?) ulloai n. sp., holotype Fig. 17) Codazziceras {ina n. sp., holotype
C-310 (x 1). C-134 (X 1 15/100).
Fig. 8) Hoplitoides hernanmojicae n. sp., para- Fig. 18) Gloriaceras correai n. sp., holotype
type C-310 (x 1). NRC-Ca-1-5 (x 1 26/100).
Fig. 9) Hoplitoides lacabagnae n. sp., holoty· Fig. 19) Gloriaceras paulinae n. sp., holotype
pe (x 1). NRC·CU-5 (x 1).

Plate 1 3 . Ammonites from the Mammites nodosoidesappelatus-Franciscoites suarezi Assem­

blage zone. Figs. 1-11, 13-15. Lower 'furonian. Ammonites from the Gloriaceras
correai-Pro texanites cucaitaense -Codazziceras scheibei Assemblage zone. Figs.
16-19. Lower Coniacian.


Fig. 1) · Peroniceras diabloi n. sp., holotype Fig; 6) Zumpangoceras (?) sorae n. sp., holo-
NRC-= ( x 1). type NRD-Sora (x 1).
Fig. 2) Buenoceras loboi n. sp., holotype Fig. 7) Nice{oroceras boyacaense n. sp., bolo·
NRC-4 (x 1). type NRC-9 (x 1).
Fig. 3) Peroniceras guerrai n. sp., holotype Fig. 8) Zumpangoceras ospinai n. sp., holoty-
NRC-Est. 9 (x 1). pe NRC-1 ( x 1).
Fig. 4) Prionocycloceras portarum n. sp., ho· Fig. 9) Prionocycloceras (?) cucaitaense n. sp.,
lotype C-134 ( x 1). holotype NRC-5, (x 1 12/100).
Fig. 5) Fagesia zanellai n. sp., holotype C-310 Fig.10) Gloriaceras correai n. sp., holotype
(x 1). NRC-Ca -l 5 (x 1). ·

Plate 1 4. Ammonites from the Mammites nodosoidesappelatus-Franciscoites suarezi Assem­

blage zone. Fi� 5. Lower �ronian. Ammonites fro"fu the Gloriaceras correai-Pro­

texamte � c.uca1taense-Codazzzceras scheibei Assemblage zone. Figs. 1-4 ' 7-10. Lo-
wer Comactan.


Fig.1) Codaz�iceras scheibei (Riedel), hypo­ Fig. 3) n. sp., holoty·

Protexanites cucaitaense
type C-134 (x 1 6/100). pP VL6·CU·3 (x 1 12/100).

Fig. 2) n. sp., ho·

Peroniceras robertogarcille Fig. 4) n. sp., holoty·
Pro texanites cucaitaense
loty� VL6, CU-5 (x 1 13/100). pe VL6-CU·3 (x 1 16/100).

Plate 1 5 . Ammonites from · the Gloriaceras correai-Pro texanite&· cucaitaense-Codazziceras

Assemblage zone. Figs. 1·4. Lower Coniacian.


Acan thoceras, 84. fig. 3, p. 120).

?ospinae (Karsten), 84. (�orph 1), 21 (Text. fig. 3, p.120).
A can thohoplites, 44. ._
Cortezzceras, n . g., 27.
abichi Anthula, 51. .-- cortezi, n . sp., 27, (Plate 3, p. 156), (Text.
aschiltaensis (Anthula), 44. fi g. 4, p. 1 22).
bigoti (Seunes), 4 7. · (morph 1), 28, (Plate 3, p. 156).
bigoure ti (Seunes), 4� la tecostata (Riedel), 28; (Plate 4, p. 158),
bigouretiforme, n . sp., 44, (Plate 5, p . 160), �Text. fig. 4, p. 122).
(Text. fig. 5, p.124). . n. sp., 2 9 , {Plate 3 , p.156), (Tex t . fig. 3,
p . 120) . ;
'derognati Roch', 46. .
eleganteante, n. sp ., 47, (Plate 5, p. 160), Cheloniceras, 32.
basseae Breistroffer, 38.
(Text. fig. 5, p. 124).
leptocerati(orme, n.sp., 47 ,(Plate 7, p . 164) clansayesense (Jacob , 36.
(Text. fig. 5 , p. 124).
aff. comuelianum (d Orbigny), 32.
luisperezi, n. sp., 4 7 , - (Plate 5, p. 160), . stoliczkanum (Gabb), 33.
(Text. fig. 5, p. 124). Desmoceras, 24.
odiosus, n. sp., 46, (Plate 4 , p.158), (Text. 'akuschaense An thula' 24.
fig. 5, p. 124). 'hyattum (Gabb)', 25.
pluricostatum, n . sp., 46, (Plate 7 , p.164), 'sparsicosta Boese', 25.
(Text. fig. 5, p.124). Discoceras, 9 1 .
quitasuegno, n. sp., 45, (Plate 7. p. 164), cf. largilliertianus (d'Orbigny), 9 1 .
(Text. fig. 5, p. 124). Donjuaniceras, 94.
rochi Breistroffer, 45. Douuilleiceras, 53.
serpen tiforme, n. sp., 49, (Plate 3, p. a bozagloi, n . sp., 55, (Plate 8, p. 166).
156), (Text. fig. 5, p. 124). · albense Spath, 56.
seunesi (Jacob), 45. (
mammilla tum Schlotheim), 54, 57.
'martini d'Orb. , 35 .

seunesi(orme, n . sp., 45, (Plate 7 , .164),


(Text. fig. 5 , p.l24). monile (J. Sowerby) , 54, 56.

A coneceras, 22. multinodosum Rhein, 54.
gu tierrezpalmae, n.sp., 22, (Plate 6 , p.162), solitae (d'Orbigny), 54, (Pl ate 7, p.164),
(Text. fig.3, p.120). (Text. fig. 6 , p.1 26). . ·
nisoides (Sarasin), 23. tarapacaense, n. sp., 54 (Plate 7, p. 164;
nisus (d'Orbigny), 23. Plate 8, p. 166), (Text. fig. 6, p . 126).
Barroisiceras, 97, 99. Dufrenoyia, 58.
a lstadenense Solger, 101. bo teroi, n.sp., 58, (Plate 1, p.152), (Text.
fig. 5, p. 124). .
subtubercula tum (Gerhardt), 1 02.
Benueites, 86. codazziana (Karsten), 58, (Plate 1, p.152).
spinosus Reyment, 86. discoidalis Casey , 60.
Brancoceras, 7 9 . durangensis Humphrey, 60.
? carinatum Collignon, 7 9 . formosa insculp ta Casey , 59.
Buenoceras, n . g., 101. furcata (J. de C. Sowerby) , 58.
loboi, n. sp., 101, (Plate 14, p.178), hansbuergli, n.sp., 60, 61, (Plate 1, p . 152),
(Text. fig. 9 , p. 132). (Text. fig. 14, p. 142).
Burckhardites, 67. justinae (Hill), 59.
pa/umbes Humphrey, 67. media Buergl , 60.
Carloscaceresiceras, n.g., 25. · mulatoensis Humphrey, 59.
caceresi, n. sp., 25, 26, (Plate 10, p.170), no tha Casey, 60.
(Text. figs. 4, p. 122; 10, p. 134). sanctorum Buergl, 59, (Plate 1, p . 152),
? chimuense (Be navides-Caceres), 27, (Pla­ (Text. fig. 14, p . 142).
(morph 1), 60, (Plate I, p.152), (Text. fig.
te 1 1 , p. 172), (Text. fig. 4, p. 122).
mon teroi, n . sp ., 26, (Plate 10, p. 170), 14, p . 142).
(Tex t. fig. 4, p. 122; 10, p.134). scalata Casey, 58.
Codazziceras, n .g., 83. texana Burckhardt, 61.
(ina, n. sp., 84, (Plate 13, p. 176), (Text. Eodouuilleiceras, 56.
fig. 8, p. 1 30). horridu m (Riedel), 57.
scheibei (Riedel), 83, (Plate 15, p. 180), pedrocarvaja/i, n. sp., 57, (Plate 8, p . 166),
(Text. fig . 8, p. 130). (Text. fig. 6, p . 1 26).
stutzeri (Riedel), 85. tequendamai, n. sp., 57, (Plate 2, .p. 154),
Colombiceras, 49 69, 70. (Text. fig. 6, p. 126; 13, p. 140).
caucasicum Luppov, 49, 70. Eogaudryceras, 19 .
crassicostatus (d'Orbigny), 49. helmsi, n. sp., 19, (Plate 6, p. 162), (Text.
(oreroi, n. sp., 5 0, (Plate 6, p.162), (Text. fig. 3, p. 120).
fig. 6, p.126). numidum var. in termedia (Fallot), 20.
sarmien toi, n. sp., 50, (Plate 6, p. 162), vocon tian um (Fallot), 20.
(Text. fig. 6, p. 126). Eote tragonites, 20.
tobleri (Jacob), 50, 5 1 . cabaricoi, n. sp., 20, (Plate 6, p . 162),
Colombocera toides, ri. sg., 20. (Text. fig. 3, p. 120).
renzom,. n. sp., 20 (Plate 6, p.162), (Text. jacobi am bigua Breistroffer, 20.

Engonoceras, 74. lagiraldae, n . sp . , 92, (Plate 13, p. 1 76) .

duartci, n . sp., 75, (Plate 12, p. 174). l.ltesellatus von Koenen , 89, 92.
gibbosum Hyatt, 75. munieri Pervinquhhe, 89.
o /galuciae, n. sp., 74, (Plate 1 1, p. 172), sp. ind., 92, (Plate 13, p. 176).
(Text. fig. 8, p. 130). Holcophylloccras, 17.
pierdenalis (von Buch), 7 4. gue t tardi (Raspail ), 18.
s tolleyi Bohm, 75. hernandezi, n.sp., 17, 18, (Plate 8, p .166),
sp., 75, (Plate 1 1, p. 172). (Text. fig. 3, p. 120).
uddeni (Cragin), 75. Hypacanlhoplites, 4 1 .
Epicheloniceras, 32. dognaliciae, n. sp., 4 1 , (Plate 3, p. 156).
a mazonaru m (Burckhardt), 33, (Plate 2, plesiotypicus (Fri ttel ), 4 1.
p. 154), (Text. fig. 4, p. 122). Hypophylloceras, 18.
barreroi, n. sp., 36, 58, (Pl ate 2, p. 154), su bserecitense Wiedmann, 19.
(Text. fig . 4, p. 122). wiedmanni, n . sp., 18, (Plate 10, p. 170),
carlosacostai, n . sp., 34, (Plate 2, p. 154), (Text. fig. 3, p. 120).
(Text. fig . 4, p. 122; 1 1 , p. 136), Hysteroceras, 79.
camachoi, n. sp . , 33, (Plate 2, p. 154), d 'orbigny Spath, 79.
(Text. fig. 4, p. 122). Imlayiceras, 88.
debile Casey , 33. ralphimlayi, n. sp., 88, (Plate 13, p. 176),
dognaelvirae, n . sp., 32, (Plate 2, p. 154 ), (Text. fig. 8, p. 130).
(Text. fig. 4, p. 122). washbournei, 88.
h uertasi n. sp . , 37, (Plate 2, p. 154), Jaumaportaiceras, n. sg., 31.
. (Text. fig. 4 , p. 122). ho{{stetteri, n. sp., 3 1 , (Plate 10, p. 170),
jimenoi, n. sp., 35, (Plate 2, p. 154), (Text. fig. 4, p. 122).
(Text. fig. 4, p. 122). Juandurhamiceras, n. g. 42.
leonhardtriedeli, n . sp., 37, 58, (Pl. 6, p. giraldoi, n. sp ., 43 (Plate 3, p. 156).
1 62), (Text. fig. 4, p. 122). joepechi, n. sp ., 43, (Plate 4 , p. 158).
pardoi, n. sp., 37 , (Plate 2, p. 154), (Text. juandurhami, n.sp., 42, (Plate 3, p.156;
fig. 4, p. 1 22). Plate 4, p. 158), (Text. fig. 5 , p. 124;
subnodosoc()sla tum ( Sinzow), 35. Text. fig. 1 2 , p. 138).
Eubrancoceras, 79. Knemiceras, 77.
aegocera toides (Steinmann), 79. pegnai, n . sp., 77, (Plate 12, 174), (Text.
Fagesia, 89. fig. 8, p. 138). .
peroni colombiana Fritsche, 90. raimondi Lisson, 78. .
superstes (Kossmat), 89. raimondi tardum Benavides-Caceres, ·78.
lhe vestensis (Peron ) , 90. semicostalum Sommermeier, 77, (Plate
zanellai, n. sp., 89, (Plate 13, p. 17 6 ; 14, 1 1 , p. 172), (Text. fig. 8, p. 130).
p. 1 78), (Tex t. fig. 8, p. 1 30). syriacus (von Buch ), 77.
Forresteria, 99. _
Lewesiceras, 30 .
. ,, cf. allaudi (Boule, Leomoine, Thevenine), ubalense Leanza, 88.
.. .. . 99 . ulloai, n. sp ., 30 (Plate 13, p . 176), (Tex t .
.-· (orresten· Reeside, 100. fi� 4 , p . 122 �
Frariciscoites, n. g., 87. Lyelliceras, 79.
· suarezi, n . sp., 87, (Plate 13, p. 176), carvajalorum, n.sp., 79, (Plate 1 1, p. 172),
· (Text. fig. 8, p.130). (Text. fig. 8, p. 130).
toroanus (Karsten), 87. isaacleai, n. sp., 80, (Plate 1 1 , p. 172).
Gargasiceras, 5 1. lyelli (Deshayes ), 79 .
gargasensis (d'Orbigny), 51. pseudo!yelli (Parona & Bomarelli), 80.
in teriectum (Riedel), 51, (Plate 1 , p.152), pseudolyelli{orme, n.sp., 80, (Plate 9, p.
· (Text. fig. 6, p. 126). 168l,. (Text. fig. 8, p. 1 30).
.· (morph 1), 52, (Plate 6, p. 162), (Text. Macroscaphiles, 49 .
fig. 6. p . 1 26). Magne ticeras, 31.
juanwyalti, n. sp., 53, (Plate 5, p. 160), magne ti Collignon, 31.
(Text. fig. 5, p. 124). Mammites, 85.
pulcher (Riedel), 5 3. {ugax, n.sp., 86, (Plate 13; p. 176), (Text.
Glonaceras, n . g., 96. fig. 8, p. 130).
. ,.,_.
correai, n. sp. , 96, 97, (Plate 13t p. 176; nodosoides (Schlotheim), 85. .
�- ·· . Pia � 14, p. 178), (Text . . fig. 9 ,:'P· 132). nodosoides a{ra Pervinquh�re, 86.• .·
paulmae, n. sp., 98, (Plate 13, p. 176), nodosoidesappelatus, n.sp., 85, (Plate 13,

(Text. fig. 9, p. 132). p. 140). .

Hem inau tilus, 1 04. revelierianum Coustillier, 87.
etheringtoni Durham, 104 , (Plate 4, p. scutulatus, n. sp ..t 87, (Plate 13, p. 1 76);
158; Plate 5, p. 160). (Text. fig. 8, p. 1010 ) .
saxbii (Morris), 104. Melchiorites, 23.
Hoplitoides, 89, 90. media Riedel , 23, 24, {Plate 3, p. 156),
inca Benavides-Caceres, 89. (Text. fig. 3, p. 120).
ingens (von Koene), 9 1 . melchioris (Tietze), 23.
ingens laeuis (Solger), 91. palmeri, 23, (Plate 6, p. 162), (Text. fig.
hernanmojicae, n .sp., 90, (Plate 13, p.176). 3, p. 120). -., .
" lacabagnae, n.sp., 91, (Plate 13, p. 176). Neodeshayesites, 62, 64 .
1 85

albertoalvarezi, n. sp., 63, 64, (Plate 8, acu tospinatum (Basse ), 96.

p . 166; Plate 9 , p. 168), (Text. fig. 6, cucailaense, n. sp., 96, (Plate 14, p. 178),
p. 126; Text. fig. 16� p. 146). (Text. fig. 9, p. 132).
cingula tum, n. sp., 66, (Plate 10, p.170), guyabanus (Steinmann), 94.
(Text. fig. 7, p. 128). lenti (Gerhardt), 96.
colu mb ianus (Riedel), 62, (Plate 9, p. 168; longispinalum (Basse), 94 , (Plate 13,
Plate 10, p. 170);''"(Text. fig; 6, p. 126; p. 176), (Text. fig. 9, p. 132).
Text. fig. 15, p. 144). medio tubercula tus (Gerhardt), 95.
con tracta (Riedel), 66, (Plate 9, p. 168), portarum, n. sp., 95, (Plate 13, p. 176;
(Text. fig. 7, p. 128). Plate 14, p. 178), (Text. fig. 9, p. 132).

karsleni (Marcou), 64, (Plate 9, p. 168; Prodeshayesites, 62.

Plate 10, p. 170), (Text.: fig. 6, p. 126; Prolyelliceras, 81.
Text. fig. 17, p. 148). geureyi (Jacob, 82.
(morph 1), 66, (Plate 10, p. 170)� (Text. loba tum Riedel, 8 1 .
fig. 1 7 , p. 148).
Neoptychites, 87. peru uianum Spath, 81.
Nice{oroceras, 9 2. Pro lacanthoceros, 83.
boyacaense, n. sp., 92, (Plate 14, p. 178). Pro tacan thoplites,5 1.
colu mbianus Basse, 92. Pro tengonocera.�. 76.
umbulazi{orme Basse, 92. gabbi (Bohm), 76.
Parahoplites, 72, (Plate 5, p. 160). Protexanites,97, 102.
hubachi, n. sp., 72 (Plate 5, p. 160). bourgeoisi (d'Orbigny), 102.
(morph 1), 73, (Plate 5, p. 160), (Text. cagnaense (Gerhardt), 102.
fig. 5 , p. l24).
cucaitaense,n. sp., 102, (Plate 15, p. 180);
incons lans Riedel, 74, (Plate 10, p. 170),
(Text. fig. 5, p. 124). (Text. fig. 9, p. 1 32).
melchioris Anthula, 72. Pse udohaploceras, 25.
mullicostatus Sinzow, 73. leiuaense, n.sp., 25, (Plate 3, p. 1 56),
nicholsoni Benavides-Caceres, 70. (Text. fig. 3, p. 120).
numidicus Somay, 74.
Pseudoptycho.ceras, n. g., 21.
tristan, n. sp., 73, (Plate 5 , p. 160),
gilberti, n. sp., 21, (Plate 6, p. 162), (Text.
(Text. fig. 5, p. 124).
Paramammites, 90. fig. 3, p.120).
colo mbianus, n. sp., 90, (Plate 13, p. 176). (morph I), 22, {Plate 6, p. 162).
gracilis (Pervinquiere), 90. Pseudosaynella, 29 .
po/ymorphus (Pervinquil�re), 90. bicurvata (Michelin), 30.
Parengonoceras, 75. fim briata Imlay, 30.
ebrayi (de Lorio!), 78. ralphimlayi, n.sp., 29 (Plate 3, ·p : 156), ·
elegans Renz, 75. (Text. fig. 4, p.122).
Paroxy tropidoceras, 79. walco tti (Hill), 30.
Pedioceras, 5 3.
Puzosia, 24.
Peroniceras, 92.
angladei Sayn, 24.
czornigi de Grossouvre , 97.
diabloi, n. sp., 93, (Plate 14, p. 178), Ralphimlayites, n.g. 8 1.
- apuloense, n. sp., 81, 82.
(Text. fig. 9, p. 132).
dravidica Kossmat, 97. prorsocurua tum (Gerhardt), 81, &2.
guerrai, n.sp., 94, (Plate 14, p.178). (Text. Reesidites, 102.
fig. 9, p. 1 32). minimus (Hayasaka and Fukada), 102.
leei Reeside, 97. .'?.iedelites, n. g., 70.
moureti de Grossouvre, 93. esthersernae, n . sp., 70 (Plate 6, p. 162),
robertogarciae, n. sp., 93, (Plate 15, (Text. fig. 7, p. 128).
p. 1 80), (Text. fig. 9, p . 1 32). filosum, n. sp., 7 2, (Plate 7, p. 164),
aff. rousseauxi de Grossouvre, 93. (Text. fig. 7, p. 128).
sub tricarinatum, Sturm,98, 99.
westfallicum de Grossouvre, 94. obliquum (Riedel), 70, 71.
Pegnaceras, 5 3. quebradanegra, n.sp., 70, (Plate 6, p.162);
rursiradiatus (Humphrey), 53. (Text. fig. 128).
Phylluceras, 17. Rinconiceras, n. g, 78.
buchianum Forbes ?, 17, (Plate 8, p.166), Rinconi, n. sp., 78, (Plate 9, p. 168),
(Text. fig. 3, p. 120). (Text. fig. 8, p. 130).
moriezense Sayn, 17 . Schloenbachia, 101.
serecitensis (Pervinquiere), 18.
flexuosa Gerhardt, 101.
velledae (Michelin), 17.
Stoyanowiceras, 67 .
Pla tiknemiceras, 76.
bassei Bataller, 76. cin tatum, n. sp., 69, (Plate 7, p. 164).
colo mbiana, n. sp., 76, (Plate 1 1 , p. 172). colo mbiana (Scott), 7 0.
gracile (Douville), 76. tref{ryanus (Karten), 67, (Plate 4, p.158 ;
sp. ind. A, 76, (Text. fig. 8, p. 130). Plate 5, p. 160), (Text-fig. 7, p. 128).
sp. ind. B, 76, (Plate 12, p. 174). (morph I), 69, (Plate 3, p.156).
Prionocycloceras, 94. (morph II), 69, (Plate 3, p. 156).

Tegoceras, 82. colombiana, n. sp., 24, (Plate 3, p. 156),

benavidescaceresi, n . sp., 82, (Plate 1 1, (Text. fig. 3, p. 120).
p. 172), (Text. fig. 8, p. 130). Vascoceras, 89.
cama tteanum (d'Orbigny), 82. Ve ctisites, 38.
seunesi (Parana & Bonarelli), 83. Zambranoites, n. sg., 38.
Texanites, 83. cadenai, n . sp., 40, (Plate 6, p. 162), (Text.
aff. serratomaginatus (Redtenbacher), 83. fig. 5 , p. 124).
caprotinus Casey, 38, 40.
Thomasites, 87. ·
cruz� n . sp., 39, (Plate 6, p. 162), (Text.
Toxoceratoides, 20.
fig., 5, p. 124).
royerianum (d'Orbigny), 20. duquesi, n. sp., 40, (Plate 6, p. 162), (Text.
Trochleiceras, 31. fig. 5, p. 124).
ambanjabense Collignon, 32. mateusi, n. sp., 39, (Plate 6, p. 162).
balearense Fallot & Tennier, 31. zambranoi, n. sp., M, (Plate 6, p. 162),
juliverti, n. sp., 31. (Text. fig. 5, p. 124).
Uhligella, 27. Zumpangoceras, 99.
latecostata Riedel, 28. burckhardti Basse , 99.
reesidei Humphrey , 28. ospinai, n. sp ., 99, 100, (Plate 14, p. 178),
(Text. fig. 9, p. 132).
zurcheri Jacob & Tobler, 27. sorae, n. sp., 101, (Plate 14, p. 178).
Valdedorsel/a, 24.

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