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;;;; This is the file game.scm


;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

;;; Simple object system with inheritance

(define (ask object message . args) ;; See your Scheme manual to explain `.'

(let ((method (get-method object message)))

(if (method? method)

(apply method (cons object args))

(error "No method" message (cadr method)))))

(define (get-method object message)

(object message))

(define (no-method name)

(list 'no-method name))

(define (method? x)

(not (no-method? x)))

(define (no-method? x)

(if (pair? x)

(eq? (car x) 'no-method)


;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

;;; Persons, places, and things will all be kinds of named objects

(define (make-named-object name)

(lambda (message)
(case message

((name) (lambda (self) name))

(else (no-method name)))))

;;; Persons and things are mobile since their places can change

(define (make-mobile-object name location)

(let ((named-obj (make-named-object name)))

(lambda (message)

(case message

((place) (lambda (self) location))


(lambda (self)

(ask location 'add-thing self)))

;; Following method should never be called by the user...

;; it is a system-internal method.

;; See CHANGE-PLACE instead


(lambda (self new-place)

(set! location new-place)


(else (get-method named-obj message))))))

(define (make&install-mobile-object name place)

(let ((mobile-obj (make-mobile-object name place)))

(ask mobile-obj 'install) mobile-obj))

;;; A thing is something that can be owned

(define (make-thing name birthplace)

(let ((owner 'nobody)

(mobile-obj (make-mobile-object name birthplace)))

(lambda (message)

(case message

((owner) (lambda (self) owner))

((ownable?) (lambda (self) true))

((owned?) (lambda (self) (not (eq? owner 'nobody))))

;; Following method should never be called by the user...

;; it is a system-internal method.

;; See TAKE and LOSE instead.


(lambda (self new-owner)

(set! owner new-owner)


(else (get-method mobile-obj message))))))

(define (make&install-thing name birthplace)

(let ((thing (make-thing name birthplace)))

(ask thing 'install)


;;; Implementation of places

(define (make-place name)

(let ((neighbor-map '())

(things '())

(named-obj (make-named-object name)))

(lambda (message)

(case message

((things) (lambda (self) things))


(lambda (self) (map cdr neighbor-map)))


(lambda (self) (map car neighbor-map)))


(lambda (self direction)

(let ((places (assq direction neighbor-map)))

(if places

(cdr places)


(lambda (self direction new-neighbor)

(cond ((assq direction neighbor-map)

(display-message (list "Direction already assigned"

direction name))


(else (set! neighbor-map

(cons (cons direction new-neighbor) neighbor-map))



(lambda (self person)


;; Following two methods should never be called by the user...

;; they are system-internal methods. See CHANGE-PLACE instead.


(lambda (self new-thing)

(cond ((memq new-thing things)

(display-message (list (ask new-thing 'name)

"is already at" name))


(else (set! things (cons new-thing things))



(lambda (self thing)

(cond ((not (memq thing things))

(display-message (list (ask thing 'name)

"is not at" name))


(else (set! things (delq thing things)) ;; DELQ defined

#t)))) ;; below

(else (get-method named-obj message))))))

;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

;;; Implementation of people

(define (association-procedure proc select)

(define (helper lst)

(cond ((null? lst) '())

((proc (car lst)) (select (car lst)))

(else (helper (cdr lst)))))

(lambda (list)

(helper list)))

(define find-object

(lambda (name objlist)


(lambda (obj) (equal? (ask obj 'name) name))

(lambda (obj) obj)) objlist)))

(define (make-person name birthplace threshold)

(let ((possessions '())

(mobile-obj (make-mobile-object name birthplace)))

(lambda (message)

(case message

((person?) (lambda (self) true))

((possessions) (lambda (self) possessions))


(lambda (self)

(ask self 'say

(cons "I have"

(if (null? possessions)


(map (lambda (p) (ask p 'name))



(lambda (self list-of-stuff)


(append (list "At" (ask (ask self 'place) 'name)

":" name "says --")

(if (null? list-of-stuff)

'("Oh, nevermind.")




(lambda (self)

(ask self 'say '("Yaaaah! I am upset!"))



(lambda (self)

(let ((other-things

(map (lambda (thing) (ask thing 'name))

(delq self ;; DELQ

(ask (ask self 'place) ;; defined

'things))))) ;; below

(ask self 'say (cons "I see" (if (null? other-things)





(lambda (self thing)

(cond ((symbol? thing) ; referencing object by name

(let ((obj (find-object thing (ask (ask self 'place) 'things))))

(if (null? obj)


(ask self 'take obj))))

((memq thing possessions)

(ask self 'say

(list "I already have" (ask thing 'name)))


((and (let ((things-at-place (ask (ask self 'place) 'things)))

(memq thing things-at-place))

(is-a thing 'ownable?))

(if (ask thing 'owned?)

(let ((owner (ask thing 'owner)))

(ask owner 'lose thing)

(ask owner 'have-fit))


(ask thing 'set-owner self)

(set! possessions (cons thing possessions))

(ask self 'say

(list "I take" (ask thing 'name)))



(display thing)


(list "You cannot take" (ask thing 'name)))



(lambda (self thing)

(cond ((symbol? thing) ; referencing object by name

(let ((obj (find-object thing (ask (ask self 'place) 'things))))

(if (null? obj)


(ask self 'lose obj))))

((eq? self (ask thing 'owner))

(set! possessions (delq thing possessions)) ;; DELQ

(ask thing 'set-owner 'nobody) ;; defined

(ask self 'say ;; below

(list "I lose" (ask thing 'name)))


(display-message (list name "does not own"

(ask thing 'name)))



(lambda (self)

(cond ((= (random threshold) 0)

(ask self 'act)



(lambda (self)

(let ((new-place (random-neighbor (ask self 'place))))

(if new-place

(ask self 'move-to new-place)

#f)))) ; All dressed up and no place to go


(lambda (self new-place)

(let ((old-place (ask self 'place)))

(cond ((eq? new-place old-place)

(display-message (list name "is already at"

(ask new-place 'name)))


((ask new-place 'accept-person? self)

(change-place self new-place)

(for-each (lambda (p) (change-place p new-place))



(list name "moves from" (ask old-place 'name)

"to" (ask new-place 'name)))

(greet-people self (other-people-at-place self new-place))



(display-message (list name "can't move to"

(ask new-place 'name))))))))


(lambda (self direction)

(let ((old-place (ask self 'place)))

(let ((new-place (ask old-place 'neighbor-towards direction)))

(cond (new-place

(ask self 'move-to new-place))


(display-message (list "You cannot go" direction

"from" (ask old-place 'name)))



(lambda (self)

(add-to-clock-list self)

((get-method mobile-obj 'install) self)))

(else (get-method mobile-obj message))))))

(define (make&install-person name birthplace threshold)

(let ((person (make-person name birthplace threshold)))

(ask person 'install)


;;; A troll is a kind of person (but not a kind person!)

(define (make-troll name birthplace threshold)

(let ((person (make-person name birthplace threshold)))

(lambda (message)

(case message


(lambda (self)

(let ((others (other-people-at-place self (ask self 'place))))

(if (not (null? others))

(ask self 'eat-person (pick-random others))

((get-method person 'act) self)))))


(lambda (self person)

(ask self 'say

(list "Growl.... I'm going to eat you,"

(ask person 'name)))

(go-to-heaven person)

(ask self 'say

(list "Chomp chomp." (ask person 'name)

"tastes yummy!"))


(else (get-method person message))))))

(define (make&install-troll name birthplace threshold)

(let ((troll (make-troll name birthplace threshold)))

(ask troll 'install)


(define (go-to-heaven person)

(for-each (lambda (item) (ask person 'lose item))

(ask person 'possessions))

(ask person 'say


Dulce et decorum est

pro computatore mori!"


(ask person 'move-to heaven)

(remove-from-clock-list person)


(define heaven (make-place 'heaven)) ; The point of no return

;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------

;;; Clock routines

(define *clock-list* '())

(define *the-time* 0)

(define (initialize-clock-list)

(set! *clock-list* '())


(define (add-to-clock-list person)

(set! *clock-list* (cons person *clock-list*))


(define (remove-from-clock-list person)

(set! *clock-list* (delq person *clock-list*)) ;; DELQ defined below


(define (clock)


(display "---Tick---")

(set! *the-time* (+ *the-time* 1))

(for-each (lambda (person) (ask person 'move))



(define (current-time)


(define (run-clock n)

(cond ((zero? n) 'done)

(else (clock)

(run-clock (- n 1)))))
;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------

;;; Miscellaneous procedures

(define (is-a object property)

(let ((method (get-method object property)))

(if (method? method)

(ask object property)


(define (change-place mobile-object new-place) ; Since this bridges the gap

(let ((old-place (ask mobile-object 'place))) ; between MOBILE-OBJECT and

(ask mobile-object 'set-place new-place) ; PLACE, it is best it not

(ask old-place 'del-thing mobile-object)) ; be internal to either one.

(ask new-place 'add-thing mobile-object)


(define (other-people-at-place person place)

(filter (lambda (object)

(if (not (eq? object person))

(is-a object 'person?)


(ask place 'things)))

(define (greet-people person people)

(if (not (null? people))

(ask person 'say

(cons "Hi"

(map (lambda (p) (ask p 'name))



(define (display-message list-of-stuff)


(for-each (lambda (s) (display s) (display " "))



(define (random-neighbor place)

(pick-random (ask place 'neighbors)))

(define (pick-random lst)

(if (null? lst)


(list-ref lst (random (length lst))))) ;; See manual for LIST-REF

(define (delq item lst)

(cond ((null? lst) '())

((eq? item (car lst)) (delq item (cdr lst)))

(else (cons (car lst) (delq item (cdr lst))))))

;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------

;;; Other interesting procedures

(define (make&install-sd-card name birthplace id)

(let ((card (make-sd-card name birthplace id)))

(ask card 'install)


(define (make-sd-card name birthplace idnumber)

(let ((id idnumber)

(thing (make-thing name birthplace)))

(lambda (message)

(case message

((sd-card?) (lambda (self) true))

((id) (lambda (self) id))

(else (get-method thing message))))))

(define (copy-sd-card card)

(let ((name (symbol-append 'copy-of- (ask card 'name)))

(place (ask card 'place))

(id (ask card 'id)))

(make&install-sd-card name place id)))

;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------

;;; symbol-append is available in MIT-GNU Scheme but not in DrScheme

(define (symbol-append sym1 sym2)

(string->symbol (string-append

(symbol->string sym1)

(symbol->string sym2))))

;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------

;;; show-thing needs to be ported over to DrScheme

;(define (show thing)

; (define (global-environment? frame)

; (environment->package frame))

; (define (pp-binding name value width)

; (let ((value* (with-string-output-port

; (lambda (port)

; (if (pair? value)

; (pretty-print value port #F (+ width 2))

; (display value port))))))

; (newline)

; (display name)

; (display ": ")

; (display (make-string (- width (string-length name)) #\Space))

; (if (pair? value)

; (display (substring value* (+ width 2) (string-length value*)))

; (display value*))))

; (define (show-frame frame)

; (if (global-environment? frame)

; (display "\nGlobal Environment")

; (let* ((bindings (environment-bindings frame))

; (parent (environment-parent frame))

; (names (cons "Parent frame"

; (map symbol->string (map car bindings))))

; (values (cons (if (global-environment? parent)

; 'global-environment

; parent)

; (map cadr bindings)))

; (width (reduce max 0 (map string-length names))))

; (for-each (lambda (n v) (pp-binding n v width))

; names values))))

; (define (show-procedure proc)

; (fluid-let ((*unparser-list-depth-limit* 4)

; (*unparser-list-breadth-limit* 4))

; (newline)

; (display "Frame:")

; (newline)

; (display " ")

; (if (global-environment? (procedure-environment proc))

; (display "Global Environment")

; (display (procedure-environment proc)))

; (newline)

; (display "Body:")

; (newline)

; (pretty-print (procedure-lambda proc) (current-output-port) #T 2)))

; (define (print-nicely thing)

; (newline)

; (display thing)

; (cond ((equal? #f thing)

; 'uninteresting)

; ((environment? thing)

; (show-frame thing))

; ((compound-procedure? thing)

; (show-procedure thing))

; (else 'uninteresting)))

; (print-nicely

; (or (if (integer? thing)

; (object-unhash thing)

; thing)

; thing)))



;; Code for adventure game




;; Here we define the places in our world...


(define central-library (make-place 'central-library))

(define forum (make-place 'forum))

(define lt15 (make-place 'lt15))

(define arts-canteen (make-place 'arts-canteen))

(define com1-open-area (make-place 'com1-open-area))

(define sr1 (make-place 'sr1))

(define com1-classrooms (make-place 'com1-classrooms))

(define beng-office (make-place 'beng-office))

(define bing-office (make-place 'bing-office))

(define com1-lift-lobby-top (make-place 'com1-lift-lobby-top))

(define com1-lift-lobby-bottom (make-place 'com1-lift-lobby-bottom))

(define com1-ladies (make-place 'com1-ladies))

(define com1-gents (make-place 'com1-gents))

(define secret-portal (make-place 'secret-portal))

(define ben-office (make-place 'ben-office))

(define technical-services (make-place 'technical-services))

(define com1-research-labs (make-place 'com1-research-labs))

(define com1-staircase-top (make-place 'com1-staircase-top))

(define com1-student-area (make-place 'com1-student-area))

(define enchanted-garden (make-place 'enchanted-garden))

(define data-comm-lab2 (make-place 'data-comm-lab2))

(define com1-staircase-bottom (make-place 'com1-staircase-bottom))

;; One-way paths connect individual places in the world.


(define (can-go from direction to)

(ask from 'add-neighbor direction to))

(define (can-go-both-ways from direction reverse-direction to)

(can-go from direction to)

(can-go to reverse-direction from))

(can-go-both-ways forum 'up 'down central-library)

(can-go-both-ways bing-office 'north 'south central-library)

(can-go-both-ways lt15 'north 'south forum)

(can-go-both-ways arts-canteen 'east 'west lt15)

(can-go-both-ways lt15 'up 'down bing-office)

(can-go-both-ways com1-open-area 'north 'south lt15)

(can-go-both-ways com1-open-area 'east 'west sr1)

(can-go-both-ways com1-classrooms 'north 'south com1-open-area)

(can-go-both-ways beng-office 'north 'south com1-classrooms)

(can-go-both-ways com1-lift-lobby-top 'east 'west com1-open-area)

(can-go-both-ways com1-lift-lobby-bottom 'up 'down com1-lift-lobby-top)

(can-go-both-ways com1-ladies 'north 'south com1-lift-lobby-bottom)

(can-go-both-ways com1-gents 'north 'south com1-ladies)

(can-go-both-ways secret-portal 'up 'down com1-gents)

(can-go-both-ways ben-office 'east 'west secret-portal)

(can-go-both-ways com1-lift-lobby-bottom 'east 'west technical-services)

(can-go-both-ways com1-research-labs 'north 'south technical-services)

(can-go-both-ways com1-staircase-top 'north 'south com1-research-labs)

(can-go-both-ways com1-student-area 'up 'down technical-services)

(can-go-both-ways com1-student-area 'east 'west enchanted-garden)

(can-go-both-ways data-comm-lab2 'north 'south com1-student-area)

(can-go-both-ways com1-staircase-bottom 'north 'south data-comm-lab2)

(can-go-both-ways com1-staircase-bottom 'up 'down com1-staircase-top)

;; The important critters in our world...


(define you (make&install-person 'you enchanted-garden 9999)) ;; Your avatar

(define beng (make&install-person 'beng beng-office 3))

(define bing (make&install-person 'bing bing-office 2))

(define proffy (make&install-troll 'proffy lt15 4))

(define bing-card

(make&install-sd-card 'bing-card bing-office '888-12-3456))

(define beng-card

(make&install-sd-card 'beng-card beng-office '888-98-7654))


;; Interactive game


;; Helper procedure to tokenize an input string

(define (tokenize s)

(define (helper s begin end)

(if (equal? s "")


(let ((char (string-ref s (- end 1))))

(cond ((= end (string-length s))

(cons begin end))

((and (= (+ 1 begin) end)

(char-whitespace? char))

(helper s (+ 1 begin) (+ 1 end)))

((char-whitespace? char)

(cons begin (- end 1)))

(else (helper s begin (+ 1 end)))))))

(define (helper2 s)

(if (null? s)


(let ((next-token (helper s 0 1)))

(if (null? next-token)

(let* ((begin (car next-token))

(end (cdr next-token)))

(cons (substring s begin end) (helper2 (substring s end (string-length


(map string->symbol (if (equal? s "")


(helper2 s))))

(define (play-game-interactive)


(apply ask (cons you (tokenize (prompt "Command:"))))



(define (prompt prompt-string)

(display prompt-string)


(define (display-game-state)


(display "You are at: ")

(display (ask (ask you 'place) 'name))


(display "You see: ")

(display (map (lambda (p) (ask p 'name)) (ask (ask you 'place) 'things)))


(display "Exits: ")

(display (ask (ask you 'place) 'exits))



; Uncomment line below to play in interactive mode

;; The beginning of an ever-expanding automatic game script


(define (play-game)

(define scheme-manual (make&install-thing 'scheme-manual lt15))

(ask beng 'look-around)

(ask beng 'go 'north)

(ask beng 'go 'north)

(ask (ask beng 'place) 'exits)

(ask beng 'go 'north)

(ask bing 'go 'down)

(ask beng 'take scheme-manual)

(ask beng 'go 'north)

(ask bing 'go 'north)

(ask bing 'look-around)

(ask bing 'take scheme-manual)

(ask beng 'go 'up)

(ask bing 'go 'south)

(ask proffy 'eat-person bing))

; Now, run the scripted game!


(define flip
(let ((count 0))
(lambda ()
(set! count (- 1 count))

(define (make-flip)
(let ((count 0))
(lambda ()
(set! count (- 1 count))

(define flip (make-flip))

(define flap1 (flip))
(define (flap2) (flip))
(define flap3 flip)
(define (flap4) flip)

(define ice-cream (make-thing 'ice-cream arts-canteen))

(ask ice-cream 'set-owner beng)
(ask (ask ice-cream 'owner) 'name)

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