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a company advice
Written By:

Aris Tzimas
Eszter Chrobacsinszky
Karolina Sokołowska
Laura Maron
Sunbel Sarfaraz


More and more people hear about Title Page 1-2
the dramatic media reports about Contents 3
the increase of temperature and Introduction 4-5
sea level. Many people wonder
Contextual Scenarios 6-7
about the future. What can be a
Endgame Scenario 8-9
solution for possible tragic chang-
es in the world? Humans never learn 10-11
A new beginning on
We would like to draw your atten- the oceans 12
tion to oceans. Although man has A calm, yet crowded
colonized all the land, and trav- world ahead 13
elled into space, the 70% of our Final scenario 14-22
globe is not explored yet.
Vision 23-25
The life on the ocean is not as
Roadmap 26
futuristic as it can sound for many Advice 27-28
of us. There are communities that Bibliography 29
have long been living on the wa-
ter. The use of ocean as a new
living space for human population
is a possible and plausible sce-


In order to create a possible future vision, we have

conducted an extensive research on contemporary
technologies and other valuable information associated
with life on the ocean. We have focused not only on
the technical issues, but also on social, political, and
economic dimensions.

In the first weeks of our collaboration, we motivated

our work to creating the ideal scenario of the water
world. To better illustrate our ideas on this topic, we
build an exemplary model of the floating city.

We then examined the trends of the future and to-

gether with Marie-Pauline van Voorst from STT chose
two most important for our project, ie: increase in the
world temperature population growth. We used these
drivers to create for different future projections.

At the end, after consultation with the client, we fo-

cused on our final scenario, which has been developed
on the basis of our dream scenario. We used method
of 4c in order to complete our vision and give a rel-
evant advice to STT.

Contextual scenarios

In order to help prepare our client for the future, we considered different scenari-
os. The driving forces we chose were 1) population changes and 2) climate change.

In order to better prepare our roadmap, we considered


different scenarios. The driving forces we chose were 1)
population changes and 2) climate change.

1 2


3 4
A NEW BEGINNING a calm, yet crowded
ON THE OCEAN world ahead


1) Population 2) CLIMATE CHANGE

On one side of the axis, we put a One end is the stable climate,
shrinking population. This might which can become reality if we
be a result of a war, a disease or manage to cut CO2 emissions
natural disasters, which will all drastically NOW. In that case, we
have their own influence on the don’t have to be afraid of climate
scenarios. In this case, people are extremities, and food production
so sparsely situated that isolation will remain possible.
becomes a real problem, just like However, on the other side, ex-
keeping global systems operational. treme climate change is looming.
On the other side of the scale, we Droughts, storms and other natu-
put population increase. In a sce- ral disasters make it very difficult
nario counting on this, about 11 to produce crops. Some lands will
billion people will populate Earth in become inhabitable, whereas in
2100, most of whom live in coun- other places climate might become
tries we call „developing” today. more pleasant.
This will bring about megacities
and cause significant problems with
End game scenario

By 2100, the temperature on Earth has water. Many people choose a nomadic
increased by 6 Celsius degrees. Ice lifestyle or form sustainable small
caps are melting and the sea level is communities. Governmental power is
rising drastically. People living in not valid anymore. Money has lost its
moderate longitudes suffer from importance. People have reverted to a
droughts and heat waves, while barter system.
cyclones appear more often in tropical
and subtropical regions. Technology cannot develop so fast due
The number of people decreased to difficult weather conditions and loss
because of the harsh weather, lack of in population growth. The most im-
oxygen in the atmosphere and portant developments from 2015 are:
depletion of the ozone layer. Many desalination machines, floating solar
people suffer from radiation disease. power systems, carbon sequestration
technologies and molecular gastronomy.
Coastal populations migrate inland.
Some countries, like the Netherlands,
disappear completely. Some of the most
populated cities of the past like New
York, London or Shanghai are under

The food is more readily available in

oceans than on land and due to
desalination methods it is easier to
obtain drinkable water. Sea-steading
becomes more and more popular and
people of the late 21st century see
sea-steading as a solution and hope for
future. 40% of the world population find
their home at sea.
SCENArIO (TOP right)
HUmans never learn

In the 2010s, we thought we had time. habitable because of climate change.

The US refused to ratify the Kyoto They can now grow vegetables and
protocol while some scientists kept fruits.
denying climate change. Emissions
were not reduced, therefore the worst In the meantime, there was no global
case scenario of the average governing force that would have
temperature rising by more than 5 enforced worldwide plans.
degrees became reality. Globalisation picked up speed, and
national governments became less
Consequently, in 2100, 9 billion people important than international
inhabitate a hostile planet. In the low organisations such as the UN, the EU
latitudes and on the poles, water and others. China chose to contribute to
availability improved, however, in climate change mitigation and provided
moderate climates, food production huge funds for climate refugees.
has become nearly impossible. Heat
waves, floods and storms strike down
on a daily basis. 30% of animal species
have gone extinct. Northern Europe, on
the other hand, has become much more

Third world countries saw a spectacular creating living spaces on the oceans
rise in population. Lots of people for the poorest and most vulnerable
migrated to Europe and North America, people.
which had been losing population due These cities saved many lives, but
to low birth rates and aging. Asians now most of the people in the floating cit-
outnumber Caucasians 8 to 1 in Europe ies are unskilled and all they can do
and North America. Northern Europe is taking care of algae production and
has integrated their few migrants and keeping the quarters clean. They do
had a healthy reproduction rate due to not have high hopes for the future.
gender equality, so now they boast a They feel that the world is once again
homogeneous and well-educated divided between wealthy and poor.
The Northern countries have created
Cities became megapolises. Tens of mil- another form of sea living. They call
lions of people live in confined spaces. themselves the neo-vikings. They
Though there is some new technology conduct exploration missions with
present (such as high speed trains, detachable ships, then return to the
floating cars and the use of waterways), mother city.
life is not that different from the be- Living in these floating cities is cool
ginning of the 21st century. Consumer and a lot of fun. The neo-vikings do
society is still present, and the larg- not feel the need to break free from
est businesses work in personalised their old government, since they
advertising. Some materials are much have a mutually beneficial relation-
more scarce (eg. Lithium), so recycling ship. Most of the new development
is more common, and the life cycle of comes from these platforms.
products is longer. With virtual reality,
people can try other living environ-
The money from China went into
SCENArIO (Bottom left)
A new beginning on the oceans

In the 2010s, the conflicts started. The It also gives new possibilities for
number of people was increasing farmers, such as algae farms and
rapidly. At the same time deserts underwater farming.
spread more and glaciers were melting.
Water became a cause of war. None of The employment opportunites changed
the continents won, but countless lives also. Underwater farmers, ocean
were lost and cities destroyed. living space architects, and genetic
People who survived have to establish engineers and researchers are in high
their own living environment. The over demand. There are new experiments
population isn’t a problem anymore, in progress, but due to the population
instead they have to solve the nuclear scarcity, the development of new
pollution of the land. technology is slower than in the
Farmers cannot grow crops. Everybody beginning of the century.
has to leave their former living Finally, the authorities don’t have such
environment. a hard grip on people. The power
becomes less centralized. The lifestyle
Many people want to move to a floating becomes more individualistic and
city to escape from the dangers of people have more liberties.
pollution. The living space on the ocean The governments support couples who
is still safe. want to build a family.
SCENArIO (bottom right)
A calm, yet crowded world ahead

Population increased up to 9 on the oceans and people started

billion in 2100. The climate however moving there because
didn’t change much over the years
since 2015. Because of the increased 1. It is less populated
population new countries formed, 2. It has a higher technological
and people are very much interacting level than on land
with one another. There are less 3. There is more available energy
differences between cultures and and food
there are less or no disputes be-
tween countries as people rather All these scenarios have some
want to solve problems brought built-in limitations as to developing
along by the growth of population, floating cities. Either there are not
such as the high demand for food enough resources (human, financial
and energy. The high population and or natural), or there are more urgent
the collaborative spirit creates the problems waiting to be solved. This
synergy of human intellects, and is why we, together with STT,
more new technology is developped. decided to go for a scenario that
With the development of started out as a dream.
technology, living space was created
Final ScenARIO

In 2100, the population of Earth is 11 the world situation, then zoom in on

billion, out of which 13% (1,5 New Atlantis.
billion) must live on the ocean for a
good balance. ?? The floating and
underwater cities have many different
concepts, they come in all shapes and
sizes, and they have diverse ownership
and political structures. So
diverse, in fact, that it would be im-
possible to write about them in
general. This is why we created a
model city called New Atlantis. It has a
modular design with hexagon shaped
modules of about 2000m2 each. It is
an independent scientific and lifestyle
community, equipped with renewable
energy production and food production
facilities. In this section of the report,
we will provide a general overview of

The first United Nations Conference on (22.2 km; 13.8 mi) from the baseline
the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS I) met (usually the mean low-water mark) of
in 1958 to begin discussions on these a coastal state.
and other oceanic issues. In 1960 UN- The territorial sea is regarded as the
CLOS II was held and in 1973 UNCLOS sovereign territory of the state”
III took place. Following UNCLOS III, Some of the floating cities will be
a treaty was developed that attempted located in the territory of a coastal
to tackle the boundary issue. It speci- country. It is practical to be close to
fied that all coastal countries would the shore for easier trade of physical
have a 12 nm territorial sea and a 200 goods and services.
nm Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Due to the rise of the population there,
Each country would control the eco- China is predicted to be the next
nomic exploitation and environmental super power of the world, hence it can
quality of their EEZ. be said that it will own most of the
Territorial waters, or a territorial country/cities on oceans. However it is
sea, as defined by the 1982 United the Dutch who have been working for
Nations Convention on the Law of many years in aquatic construction,
the Sea, [1]
is a belt of coastal waters and there are also many organizations
extending at most 12 nautical miles working on future trending, such as

STT. Therefore, the expertise is mostly is the Seasteading Institute’s project,

in the Netherlands, which will become which is the closest to completion.
a technological superpower.

Some cities, predictably those founded

by Westerners, will seek
independence, and become
self-sustaining in energy, food and also
in their legal system. These can float
freely anywhere in the world, but they
will be permanently located on
international waters. Another reason
why it is worth to get recognized as
a sovereign state is that these new
countries can control their
relationships with international
authorities and apply for sea
mining permits in their own name.
One of these independent initiatives

On land, country boundaries are price.

moving constantly. China and Brazil A floating city might have its own
have lost some parts due to strong virtual currency (in our model city,
ethnic communities wanting inde- we call this the Atlanto). If they
pendence. The BRIC countries were want to trade with the outside world,
doing great until the middle of the they can exchange this to any other
century, but surprisingly, by 2100, currency at the exchange rate de-
Russia will be the greatest super- termined by both parties. The city
power again. Europe is fully integrat- includes companies that do business
ed in all economic aspects, but the outside the city too, and they have
economic growth is slow. to pay taxes in return for the op-
portunities the city offers. This tax
In the Seasteading Institute’s view, should be high enough so it does
for the independence of a floating not raise the ire of existing countries
city it is vital that the people who (this might lead to war), but reason-
live there are not indebted to any able.
outside organization. As the econo-
my grows, it will produce profits that
they will use to invest in an agreed
way. The initial „owners” each have
the right to a private location in the
city. Newcomers may purchase the
locations for money or they can offer
their services in exchange for work.
The interest rate on the debt might
fluctuate according to the decisions
of the community, so as not to en-
courage freeloaders who stay for
free then sell their unit for the same

On land, some cities grew into mega- On the Seasteading Institue’s pro-
polises. Life is fast-paced and crowd- ject, the population density would be
ed. With advanced technology, not 109 people per km2 , which is simi-
everybody has to work. Guaranteed lar to that of Germany in 2015, and
minimum income was introduced much lower than that of the average
around 2050, causing hundreds of megacity (500+ /km2. One floating
millions of people to be idle. Vir- city can accomodate between 50 and
tual Reality keeps them entertained 5000 people. The population is really
all day, but some of them use their mixed, and involves many different
freedom to learn new things and cre- nations. Because of the many dif-
ate art. ferent nationalities, „New Atlantis“
decided that the official language of
The floating city „New Atlantis“ is an the city is English.
opportunity for a different lifestyle.
Food, entertainment, education, jobs
are all different than in 2015.
Materials such as metal, glass and pa-
per are recycled with a use of the cut-
ting edge technology, like nanoscopic
robot recyclers. The technique of plas-
ma gasification is used in order to con-
vert the organic matter into a gas and
electricity, and the plasma gas is used
in transportation (see below). People
broadly use the nanotechnology in or-
der to treat sewage water. It transfers
the effluents into clean water and solid
waste which is reused as a fertilizer,
for example to grow algae. This green
gold of the sea cities is widely used in
many fields and it also helps with waste
disposal. Especially in the underwater
cities algae are used to extract oil, valu-
able materials and clean water out of
mining water.

There are a number of new profes-

In our New Atlantis, there are some
sions, like underwater architect,
free hexagons reserved for science only.
underwater farmer, 3D house print-
These enormous changes justify a com-
ing engineer and even genetic modi-
pletely new education system for chil-
fication researcher. Some usual land
dren. They learn to use the new tech-
jobs are not in such a high demand
nologies and even to design their own
any more, for example, due to a
floating city.
comprehensive waste recycling poli-
The food trends include algae products,
cy, there is no need for city cleaners.
sea plants, and some animals. Molecu-
lar gastronomy constantly develops
The floating and underwater cities
new flavours and helps with a healthy
are famous for its sustainability. The
but sometimes boring diet. Most of the
population of the cities tries to de-
food supply comes from the underwa-
crease to minimum waste they are
ter farms and fish farms (wild fish are
producing, for example by minimal-
extinct). But there are also some import
izing the packaging needs.

The first low-cost floating cities were which pressurized capsules whizz by
built from abandoned oil rigs. In at 1000km/h. This can be used both
parallel, high-tech seasteads were on land and underwater, but it is
constructed, mostly using molded fixed, so it can only be used for cities
concrete. Different designs exist: at a fixed spot. The larger, perma-
modular ones with square, penta- nent ocean cities have such connec-
gon or hexagon-shaped modules; tions in between, with the tube run-
spiralled ones, reaching down 2.5 ning 5 miles under the sea.
miles; giant bubbles; and underwa- Preparing humans for aquatic life:
ter ones. Humans can only discover the ocean
in person if we find a solution to
Some examples of the new technolo- underwater breathing and pressure
gies used in ocean cities: tolerance. Artificial gills and exoskel-
etons will help with this and make it
Supercavitation: this is a new pro- possible for people to „take a walk”
pulsion method for submarines, outside the ocean cities.
making them reach speeds of New resources in the seabed: The
400km/h. There is a pump in the land mining technologies have to be
front of the capsule that emits hot adapted to make the exploitation of
plasma gas, which in turn involves copper, zinc etc. from the seabed
the capsule in a bubble. This bubble feasible. Floating cities having their
reduces friction and makes speedy own statehood can apply to the In-
underwater transport possible. This ternational Seabed Authority for a
technology is mostly used for small permit to mine raw materials, which
personal vehicles. The plasma gas they usually get promptly.
is produced in the ocean cities frow CO2 capture and storage: land and
waste, making it a sustainable pro- sea can collaborate if big emittors
pulsion. such as factories install a carbon
Hyperloop: a low pressure tube in capture and storage system, the CO2

can be then transported to the float-

ing cities to be used for the produc-
tion of methane with microorganisms
or for storage in the seabed. This
way, the floating city can contribute
to climate change mitigation.
Farming: Large seaweed is hard to
grow in large quantities right now.
The use of algae scrubbers (natural
water filters) will become more com-
mon in the future, making it possible
to grow enough algae for them to
become a major food source.

Molecular assembler: These create

molecules by placing smaller mol-
ecules with precision. They work on
the same principles as ribosomes.
There is an ongoing debate whether
it is possible to build them.

With this detailed scenario in mind, The Netherlands is an ideal country

we created a vision for STT using the for ocean living experiments: its his-
4C method. tory of gaining land from the ocean
For our vision, we used the makes it a natural candidate for the
4C method. leading role in this field. STT can
help the Dutch government to keep
this role.
It can mediate between the govern-
Company ment and the companies, and help
spread the word about ocean living.
Our client, STT is a research centre Another interesting role for STT is
whose focus of interest changes eve- the bridge between different indus-
ry year, and it always teams up with tries who might benefit from ocean
partners as it is practical. Therefore, cities: construction, farming, energy,
they will probably not keep ocean eco-friendly businesses etc. Similar-
living among their priorities for sev- ly, they can connect different coun-
eral decades. That being said, they tries to help them learn from each
are already a knowledge base that other.
will remain valuable for stakeholders.
Also, as they explore new topics (eg.
farming alternatives, marine biology,
new energy resources), they can
build on the research carried out in
floating cities.


There are many companies in the Research facilities and universities

Netherlands working on different can contact STT when they have a
aspects of ocean living, such as OTN project related to ocean living. STT
(concrete), DeltaSync (floating cities can help them connect with the cit-
in river deltas) and others. These are ies themselves and get a cooperation
obvious partners for STT. going.
Interested people are also a possi-
ble audience. STT could prepare an
info brochure about purchasing real
estate in a floating city, job oppor-
tunities and everyday life. A special
group of interested people is climate
refugees, who have already been
displaced because of rising sea lev-
els or other natural disasters. These
people need new homes, and STT
can connect them with ocean cities
in need of workforce.
The government is also an impor-
tant customer for the expert advice
STT provides. As we stated above,
the target customer is not only the
Dutch government, but any govern-
ment really, who might face these
challenges. Especially submerging
nations (such as Bangladesh) can
benefit from a partnership.

Context Concrete products

The world has 11 billion people, 80% STT doesn’t produce for end custom-
of whom live in urban environments. ers, therefore the only „product” they
Life is fast-paced, fraught with tech- have is knowledge. This can take the
nology and alienated from nature. shape on information videos or infor-
Ocean cities offer an alternative for mation kits for potential inhabitants of
people who yearn for simplicity, calm the floating city, and strategic advice
and sustainable living. With many in- (reports or presentations) for the gov-
dependent floating structures, people ernment.
can join or create a country to their Since STT doesn’t want to actively
own liking in terms of laws (scientific conduct research all the time, it is very
research, recreational drug use, fam- useful to create a knowledge base
ily laws etc.). Possible target groups on their website, so that anyone can
include environmentalists, libertar- browse the information even decades
ians, extremely allergic people and later. This base could contain the most
others. recent studies, news about ocean cit-
ies, calls for tender, job ads and con-
tact data.

STT is not a construction company It is important to keep a database

and not a bank to lend funds for about these partners and their activi-
building ocean cities. What can they ties.
still do to help the roadmap de-
scribed above become reality?

1. Make connections – starting from 2. Campaign – starting from 2030

Once ocean cities prove to be a vi-
STT has many natural collaborators able option (when the first seastead
as discussed above. They should has been operating for more than
already today start to intensify con- 10 years and the first underwater
tacts with them. Based on the up-to- spiral is built), it is time to raise the
date information they will get from attention of the public. STT can col-
scientists, they can find new partners laborate with designers (even stu-
in the industry. dents) to design an online campaign
For example, he Seasteading Insti- to attract investors and residents for
tute doesn’t want to depend on any the next seasteads. Financial institu-
government, and STT is a govern- tions could sponsor a media team to
ment funded enterprise. Still, we travel to the seasteads for a video
think it would be beneficial to seek shoot, and in return, they could
contact with organisations such as use the material to advertise their
this, because they have some real real estate financing services. Once
traction, and it looks like they will again, STT could use all the contacts
make ocean cities come true the it has gathered in the past 15 years.
soonest. If they agree to share in- It is their interest that seasteading
formation with STT, it can help Dutch becomes really popular, since that is
companies get involved in the con- the scenario when their expertise will
struction and financing. be most valued.

3. Weave the web – starting from


With an expected „boom” in seast-

eading in 2060 (see roadmap), it
will be vital to keep it going. Many
people will suddenly be interested
in moving to the ocean, but if there
is not enough space, these people
might just buy a house on land and
not wait for ocean living. This is why
it is crucial to be proactive and start
large scale building in 2050. STT’s
consulting role to the government
can be a good tool to achieve this.

World population demographics:

Feasibility studies, economics, political background: http://www.
Power shifts: http://akarlin.com/2011/06/future-superpowers/
Dutch companies involved in floating city design and construction:
OTN (http://www.otnbv.com/), DeltaSync (http://www.deltasync.
Politics : http://m.foreignaffairs.com/.../who-will-own-the-oceans
Economics: http://www.economist.com/.../21590349-worlds-seas-
The future of oceans: http://fac-web.spsu.edu/met/snasseri/Stat-
Temperature rise in the future and the increase of CO2 emissions:
Climate refugees:

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