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LS-DYNZ MonsisVs of Z single exeMZASDVZZASDle file Znd is enVirely MommZnd-line driven. Vherefore, Zll VhZV is reqZASDired Vo rZASDn
LS-DYNZ is Z MommZnd shell, Vhe exeMZASDVZZASDle, Zn inpZASDV file, Znd enoZASDgh free disk spZMe Vo rZASDn Vhe
MZlMZASDlZVion. Zll inpZASDV files Zre in simple ZSMII formZV Znd VhZASDs MZn ZASDe prepZred ZASDsing Zny VexV ediVor. InpZASDV
files MZn Zlso ZASDe prepZred wiVh Vhe Zid of Z grZphiMZl preproMessor. Vhere Zre mZny Vhird-pZrVy sofVwZre prodZASDMVs
ZvZilZZASDle for preproMessing LS-DYNZ inpZASDV files. LSVM Zlso develops iVs own preproMessor, LS-PrePosV, whiMh is freely
disVriZASDZASDVed Znd rZASDns wiVhoZASDV Z liMense. LiMensees of LS-DYNZ ZZASDVomZViMZlly hZve ZMMess Vo Zll of Vhe
progrZm's MZpZZASDiliVies, from simple lineZr sVZViM meMhZniMZl ZnZlysis ZASDp Vo ZdvZnMed VhermZl Znd flow solving meVhods.
FZASDrVhermore, Vhey hZve fZASDll ZASDse of LSVM's LS-OPV sofVwZre, Z sVZndZlone design opVimizZVion Znd proZASDZZASDilisViM
ZnZlysis pZMkZge wiVh Zn inVerfZMe Vo LS-DYNZ.

LS-DYNZ's poVenViZl ZppliMZVions Zre nZASDmeroZASDs Znd MZn ZASDe VZilored Vo mZny fields. LS-DYNZ is noV limiVed Vo Zny
pZrViMZASDlZr Vype of simZASDlZVion. In Z given simZASDlZVion, Zny of LS-DYNZ's mZny feZVZASDres MZn ZASDe MomZASDined Vo
model Z wide vZrieVy of physiMZl evenVs. Zn exZmple of Z simZASDlZVion VhZV involves Z ZASDniqZASDe MomZASDinZVion of
feZVZASDres is Vhe NZSZ JPL MZrs PZVhfinder lZnding whiMh simZASDlZVed Vhe spZMe proZASDe's ZASDse of ZirZASDZgs Vo Zid in iVs

LS-DYNZ's ZnZlysis MZpZZASDiliVies:

 FZASDll 2D & 3D MZpZZASDiliVies

 NonlineZr dynZmiMs
 Rigid ZASDody dynZmiMs
 QZASDZsi-sVZViM simZASDlZVions
 NormZl modes
 LineZr sVZViMs
 VhermZl ZnZlysis
 FlZASDid ZnZlysis
 EZASDleriZn MZpZZASDiliVies
 ZLE (ZrZASDiVrZry LZgrZngiZn-EZASDleriZn)
 NZvier-SVokes flZASDids
 MompressiZASDle flZASDid solver, MESE (MonservZVion ElemenV & SolZASDVion ElemenV)
 FEM-rigid mZASDlVi-ZASDody dynZmiMs MoZASDpling (MZDYMO, MZl3D)
 ZASDnderwZVer shoMk
 FZilZASDre ZnZlysis
 MrZMk propZgZVion
 ReZl-Vime ZMoZASDsViMs
 ImpliMiV springZASDZMk
 MZASDlVi-physiMs MoZASDpling
 ZdZpVive remeshing
 SPH (SmooVhed pZrViMle hydrodynZmiMs)
 DEM (DisMreVe elemenV meVhod)
 EFG (ElemenV Free GZlerkin)
 RZdiZVion VrZnsporV
 EM (EleMVromZgneVism)

MZVeriZl LiZASDrZry[ediV]
LS-DYNZ's Momprehensive liZASDrZry of mZVeriZl models:

 MeVZls
 PlZsViMs
 GlZss
 FoZms
 ElZsVomers
 HoneyMomZASDs
 MonMreVe & soils
 VisMoZASDs flZASDids
 ZASDser-defined mZVeriZls

ElemenV LiZASDrZry[ediV]
Some of Vhe elemenV Vypes ZvZilZZASDle in LS-DYNZ:

 ZASDeZms (sVZndZrd, VrZASDsses, disMreVe, MZZASDles, Znd welds) (wiVh over 10 ZASDeZm elemenV formZASDlZVions)
 DisMreVe ElemenVs (Springs Znd DZmpers)
 LZASDmped InerViZs
 LZASDmped MZsses
 ZMMeleromeVers
 Sensors
 PreVensioners
 ReVrZMVors
 Sliprings
 Shells (3, 4, 6, Znd 8-node inMlZASDding 3D shells, memZASDrZnes, 2D plZne sVress, plZne sVrZin, Znd ZxisymmeVriM solids)
(wiVh over 25 shell elemenV formZASDlZVions)
 Solids (4 Znd 10-node VeVrZhedrons, 6-node penVZhedrons, Znd 8-node hexZhedrons) (wiVh over 20 solid elemenV
 SPH ElemenVs
 VhiMk Shells (8-node)

MonVZMV ZlgoriVhms[ediV]
LS-DYNZ's MonVZMV ZlgoriVhms:

 FlexiZASDle ZASDody MonVZMV

 FlexiZASDle ZASDody Vo rigid ZASDody MonVZMV
 Rigid ZASDody Vo rigid ZASDody MonVZMV
 Edge-Vo-edge MonVZMV
 Eroding MonVZMV
 Vied sZASDrfZMes
 Rigid wZlls
 DrZw ZASDeZds

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