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Chemical and Biological

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1
1. Cigarettes contain nicotine, which is
highly addictive.
2. Nicotine alters the balance of
chemicals in your brain which cause
your mood and concentration levels
3. When you inhale the nicotine, it
immediately rushes to your brain,
where it produces feelings of pleasure
and reduces stress and anxiety.
4. Nicotine is the drug in tobacco that
causes dependence.
5. A stimulant is the addictive property in
a cigarette that makes you crave
6. Nicotine causes the brain to release
adrenaline, and that creates a buzz of
pleasure and energy.
7. The chemical reaction of Ethanol, the
type of alcohol inside of adult
beverages causes our brain to
become addictive.
8. Alcohol is addictive because it
becomes needed to feel normal.
9. Consuming alcohol reduces, or
inhibits, overall brain activity.
10. Alcohol increases the production of
endorphins which are the brain’s
natural painkillers.

B. Physical
Indicators 5 4 3 2 1
1. Experience nausea, dizziness,
headache, or upset stomach.
2. Increased alertness and concentration
3. Gives a feelings of mild excitement or
euphoria or heightened wellbeing.
4. Gives feeling of relaxation
5. Experience slurring of speech,
difficulty of walking, and suffer
memory loss or blackouts.
6. Experience tremors, hallucinations,
and convulsions
7. Slowed breathing and heart rate
8. Chronic tremors and permanent loss
of fine motor coordination
9. Lack of muscle control
10. Chronic health problems ((e.g., liver,
heart disease or kidney failure)

C. Psychological
5 4 3 2 1
1. Feeling down or sad
2. Having trouble sleeping
3. Feeling irritable‚ on edge‚ grouchy
4. Having trouble thinking clearly and
5. Feeling restless and jumpy
6. Feeling more hungry or gaining weight
7. Feeling an urge to smoke and drink
alcohol when they are in specific
events or occasion or socializing with
8. Feeling relief of stress
9. Cause mood swings, difficulty thinking
clearly, and give rise to movement
disorders, making coordination
difficult, sluggish, or labored.
10. Affected vision, coordination and

SOP number 2:
To what extent is the relationship of smoking and alcohol drinking as causative factors
to drug addiction in terms of:
2.1 chemical and biological;
2.2 physical; and
2.3 psychological?

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