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::buffuJ C:o. R-1 cfwo~ • Bu//ufo ..Jiigh Schoof • Bu//ufo Junio,. ..Jiigh Schoof • 1l7uffo,.y £/emenfu,.

ofong ofune £femenfu,.'l • Bu//ufo, 11/Q 65622 • Vol. 39 • AuguJ! 19 7 - Jutt !! 19

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2 Opening 1¥3 Stu//
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oving Day . To stu- Some of the things moved

Q • 'P dents at Buffalo High were large and heavy . "My
If School those words whole body hurts!" Mrs . Car-
meant a whole lot. It was a day ol Cully sold at the end of 0
we had all waited and longed for day . Two seniors accidental-
and one , few would ever forget . ly moved some of the wrong
Ever since the bond issue had things and ended up having
passed it seemed like we would to carry them all the way
never really get to use the new back to be thrown away.
building . Going to school in a Tawards the end of the
beautiful. clean school seemed move, Mr. Floyd Willis, Princi-
like a very far off dream. ''I still pal, was found sitting in his
can't believe we got it all done. new office . "It takes a lot of
It's like a dream come true", said organization, patience and
senior, Patti Brace . planning but it's working well.
The chemistry room was one of The kids are really helping.''
the first classes to move . When Then with a smile, he added,
the entire room had been "It's nice to be ln."
moved, Ms. Jan Alford said,
"I've been ready to do it since
the day we passed the bond Is-
Moving was not an easy job.

Have fun unpacking! Cheryl Hayes.

2 junior. and senior. Jimmy Shantz.
share the load of the table .
Sophomore, Scott Conrad's plant seems to be taking a liking to Gary Brad-
ford. junior. Susan Asher and Patti Draper, freshmen, discovered many Inter-
esting articles in the Dungeon of the Band Hall.

Scott Otto, senior, wheels a load into the new school.

Seniors, Russ Wilder and Ronnie Hager, transform Into He-

Men while their partner Chris Blair, attempts to hide his se-
cret Identity.

The new library as they begin to put things away.

Photos: A. Mulderink

Freshman John Woody painstakingly carries a desk Into the new classrooms.
Photo: A. Mulderlnk

iA-hali~~ !
= )

Moving got us there .

Layout and story: Melody Hayes
ave you ever Considering the amount of mate-
moved to a new rial moved, the chaos imagined
house? Boxes upon didn't come to reality . Students
boxes, lost items, found participated in the move. Principal,
items, total disarray and cha- Floyd Willis, and assistant principal,
os are pictures that come to Lendol Condren, supervised while
m1nd. The students at BHS students moved chairs. desks, and
moved to a "new house". personal items. The school mainte-
too. The students and facul- nance crew moved the "heavy
ty helped move eight En- stuff''. but the students helped
glish, math. and history quite a bit.
rooms into the new building "I thought it went great; it was
in October . Moving was de- a lot quicker with a lot less confu-
layed due to construction sion than I thought it would be.''
schedules, so the rest of the commented science teacher. Jan
classrooms, lobby, and li- Alford. "Actually, I would have
brary, moved in late Febru- moved it piece by piece if it would
ary. have gotten me in here."
Senior. James Beckner. Though there were a few incon-
commented, "I thought it veniences, most students agreed
was fun getting out of class that "getting there was half the
to move. Good excuse." fun.

Workers "put a lid on It", In preparing the bath-

rooms for use. Photo: A. Mulderlnk .

Seniors moved into their new lockers In October.

Photo: M . Trent.
Juniors. Dawn lacev and Julie Miller unpack chemlstrv equipment. Photo :
A. Mulderlnk .

Vocal musk Instructor, Suzanne Powers, packs her office belongings for
the move to the new school Photo : A. Mulderlnk .

Sophomores. Stacv Pavne, Eric Johansen, and onlookers, Stephanie Keener and MI-
chelle Simpson, struggle hopelesslv with a bookshelf . Photo: A. Mulderlnk .
Senior. Mike Fielder, bewildered, seeks refuge In the fleldhouse lobb1,1. Photo: M .

Sophomores, Kathy Wingo, Sonny M itchel. and Kris Sheppard on the
Sophomore class float . The float won first place in the Football Festival
parade with the assistance of their sponsor Lonnie Glor. Art Instructor.


C• • ?
Week 's events add
to Festival.
Layout and story : Shawn Sample

F ootball Festival began the

week of Sept . 28 through
Oct. 2 with the traditional
Spirit Week , sponsored by Stuco .
Monday. was Sign T-shirt Day .
With everyone getting ready
for the Football Festival , the Bi-
son football team was working
even harder to get ready for the
big game on Friday night. The
followed by Toga Day , where we players had hard hitting prac-
caught Brian Gann in a flowered tices , but it did not seem to pay
sheet. Next , Brian Kramer , Soph- off this time . The Bisons lost to
omore , and his teddy bear. Fred the Ash Grove Pirates 29-0 .
Kramer . were dressed up for Po- After the game . the dance was
jama Day. Thursday was Inside- held with over 200 attending .
out Sweats Day and Friday was The theme of the dance was
Spirit Day, where school colors " Back in Black ." Senior , Mark
were worn . Cook had this to say about the
All through the hectic week all dance , " It was all right . There
classes (Fresh .-Seniors ) were in were several people there. but
the middle of competing with no one was dancing."
each other for the top float in the This was the first year that
parade . Festival candidates and atten-
Senior float members had a dants wore formals. Cinnamon
hard time of recruiting other se- McMillan , senior. who was
niors to work on their float . crowned Football Festival Queen
When asked about the many before the game , said, "It was
kleenexs that were stuffed into really cold . Me and Angie MeDon-
thousands of holes in chicken iel were jamming-out to music on
wire , Angie Roscoe replied, "I ' ve top of the cars before the game
never been so 'at one ' with a trying to get warm! "
kleenex in all of my life."
Shannon Boyd , who was an-
other working on the float. said,
" There wasn ' t a lot of seniors
working. but I had fun! "
Despite the hard work from the
other classes, Sophomores, with
the artistic help of their sponsor
Mr . Lonnie Glor . won first place!

6 The Buffalo Gals walt patiently for the parade to begin. Photo : M . Hayes.
Seniors Shannon Boyd, Angie Roscoe, and Kevin Jones ride their class
float . Photo: J. Cole .
Senior candidates, Tracy Bornman, Cin-
namon McMillan. Angle McDaniel. and
Trenda Carnahan. before the Football
Festival parade. Photo: J. Cole

Robbie Gann-Senior, Stashi Mills-

Sophomore, Billy Kueck and Tracy
Bornman-Seniors, Brian Gann and
Angie McDaniel-Seniors, Jim Shantz-
Senior. Julie Jensen-Junior . lance Mills
and Cinnamon McMillan-Seniors, Brian
Portman and Trenda Carnahan-Se-
niors , Buford Cross-Senior , Dana Rice-
Freshman. Matt Kramer and lacey
McGuire . Photo: K. Kendall .

Thursday night of Spirit Week ,

Student Council sponsored a bon-
fire . A great number of students
showed up to watch the burning
of an Ash Grove pirate . Football
captains and seniors tossed a
life-sized, stuffed pirate onto the
burning brush.
Seniors David Stuckey, Sandy
Scrivener, Wesley Bybee, and
Cinnamon McMillen sit mesmer-
ized by the fire . Photos : K. Ken-
~Ju4ik~! These spirit -filled Bisons ore proud to show-off their signed T-shirts. Back : Shelli
Goette , Stephanie Payne, and Tracl Mayfield, freshmen; Alicia Gillispie, senior;

J!I I )
and Rhonda Caselman , sophomore . Middle: Sheila Christian, freshman ; Tara
Barker , sophomore; Liz Bradley, freshman ; Kris Shepard and Jason Heitman,
sophomores. Front : Michelle Dibben. senior ; Karen Aieschel , junior ; Amber Neal.
senior ; and Tracey Pierce, junior . Kneeling : Jim Shantz, senior . Photo : A. Mulder-
ink .

Amy Kennedy, senior, was chosen by the

Student Body to represent Buffalo in
Stockton's Black Walnut Festival. Photo :
Mike Jones

Senior, Sim Smitherman and sophomore,

Mary Carlisle show their friendship and
spirit on Signed T-shirt Day. Photo : A. Mul-
derink .

" it 's Greek to us! " think these toga-clad
Bisons who are dressed for Stu-Co spon -
sored Spirit Week . Included ore, back :
Brian Kromer, sophomore; Wes French,
junior; ond seniors lance Mills , Brian Port-
man , and Christine Bonnin. Front: Chris
Welch, sophomore; Dawn lacey, junior;
and Amy Kennedy , senior. Photo: A. Mul-

Senior Shannon Boyd hoists o pirote onto

her doss's football festival float Photo:
A. Davison .

Jan Alford makes an acceptance speech

at a football pep assembly ofter being
chosen as Stu-Co 's first " Teacher of the
Month". Photo : J. Cole .
The sophomore class floot " cruises" the
square during the football festival pa -
rade . Photo : M . Hayes .

Service , Activities , Involvement : Stu-Co 's Main Goals

loyout and story by: Jane Gargus

S A.T.-a test for the the school year; elections,

college-bound. dances. football festival ac-
e right? Well, yes- tivities like spirit days and
but in this instance it stands the parade (1st place- soph-
for the three types of proj- omore class), and holiday
This includes the annual
" TurkeyjTurkeyette of the
Year " contest (winners: Ms.
Michelle Friebe and Coach Bill
Autry) and Stu-Co 's new
helped organize teacher ap-
preciation days during the
1987-88 National Education
Week .

ects the Stu-Co is involved events such as the Hallow- project- the " Teacher of the
with: Service-That's events een dress-up contest and Month" award which Is given
like the Fall Bloodmobile , Cal- the Christmas Assembly. each month to a faculty mem-
lege Day. and August's New Teacher Involvement-Pro- ber who has done something
Student Registration . grams and projects de- particularly helpful to the
Activities-The things that signed to involve andj or Council or the Student Body
break up the monotony of recognize faculty members. in general. Stu-Co also 9
W hat word do many stu-
dents, parents, and pa-

trons of Buffalo High
School have in common? What word
allowed them to witness that same
ten-letter word on Feb. 7? Give up?
Dedication. Because of the commun-
ity 's commitment to the future, the

d!I I ) formal opening of the new S2 .9 mil-

lion complex was held in the field-
,house at Sun., Feb . 7, 1988.
·The air was charged with excite-
ment and anticipation as Board of
Education President, Warren Louder-
bough, opened the ceremonies by
reading a letter from Governor John
Ashcroft . After Lauderbaugh's offi-
cial greeting, the approximately
1200 people in attendance stood at
attention as the Dynamics sang the
national anthem and the school
Floyd Willis, gave the invocation;
and the Mixed Chrous sang.
Speakers at the ceremony were
former Stu-Co Presidents, Joelle Hili-
house and Stacy Simmons, as well as
current Stu-Co leader, Lance Mills. U.
S. Rep . Gene Taylor also made re-
marks. Congressman Taylor com-
mended the community for its
achievement and noted that. "A
school is not just a building; schools
are the spirit that lives therein."
Superintendent Tom Darnell intro-
duced the guest speaker, Senator
John T. Russell . Senator Russell

Platform guests and speakers Included, Warren Lauderbaugh, Mike Jones, Mickey Davies, Keith
Cully, Wayne Rieschel. (Board of Education members), Floyd Willis, Principal, Lendol Condren.
Ass't Principal. Jack Freeman, Rev . John Appling, St. Senator, John T. Russell, St . Rep . Ken Legan,
U.S. Rep. Gene Taylor, Mayor Freda Jennings. Superintendent, Tom Darnell, Ben Webb. Archi-
tect , J.J. Jackson, Contractor. Joelle Hillhouse. Stacy Simmons, and Lance Mills, Student Council
Students. parents. and patrons touring the new school at their leisure after the ceremony

People examining the school crest in the new main entrance-way.

The school crest In the entrance-way to the new school reads: "Knowledge/Education/Citizen-
ship /Honor /Leadership''

The Mi~~d Chorus. directed by Suzanne Powers , song " Yesterday ' s tomorrow is the today the day we ' ve wo1ted
for ...

praised the students for being ac -

tive In their quest for a new school
and congratulated the voters for
showing the foresight to Invest in
the future . He added , " The lead -
ers of tomorrow will be educated
Other guest speakers Included
the members of the Board of Edu-
cation , school, town and state of-
ficials , as well as the school's ar-
chitect and contractor .
Then .. . the race was onl The
people rushed out of the Field-
house. eager to see the faces of
everything they could . " I'd al-
ready seen the new school , but I
wanted to see the faces of every-
one who hadn ' t seen It", stated
junior, Dawn Lacey .
Stu-Co members , prepared for
the onslaught of humanity, were
stationed throughout the building
acting as guides. Refreshments
were served In the cafeteria . The
The leaders of

cafeteria seemed to be the cen- tomorrow will be

tral location for finding friends and
family lost in the maze of the new educated here. I I

school touring the ' ·onslaught of John T. Russell

humanity.' ' It was also a place to State Senator
gather and talk . 33rd District
With a dedication that started
at 2 p .m., it finally ended around
5 p .m.

Kim Covington and cameraman from KY -3 News interviewing Jane Gargus , (junior), and Brion
Portman, (senior). during their coverage of the Dedication.

State Senator John T Aussell , the key -note speaker at BHS' s Dedication

Story: J. Gargus .
Layout and photos: A. Mulderink

haJi ib, fur: I
7 lowed students to have 3 1/2
Getting to school
Layout and story: Melody Hayes

annual Christmas assembly students who live on farms .

extra days of the week before that was enacted more like a Senior. Kevin Jones, had this to
Christmas contributing to an talent show . Christmas lights say, "We had to milk by hand.
added week before gradua- were lit up around campus with then we borrowed a genera-
tion . The Christmas concert had decorations provided by Lon- tor. It was terrible, one night,
Well, this was common in the win- to be cancelled due to conflicts nie Glor, art instructor. The we had to start at 11:00 p .m.
ter of 1987-88. If school was in in the snow-day scheduling. Student Council also spon- and we didn't get done until
session, just getting to school Dynamics and Mixed Chorus sored a Christmas dance and 2:30 a.m." "I hated it, I
was a major problem. Snow and member. Bobbi Beachler, ju- put up a tree in the Fieldhouse couldn't watch my soaps",
ice slowed down high school driv- nior. remarked, "It was un- lobby. said Misty Banks, sophomore .
ers, and buses continually ran traditional.·· Bad weather took its toll Whether it was getting to
late. Several cars were put in the Yet, some year-end festivi- again when fourteen of the school or celebrating Christ-
ditch. and on very bad days. the ties did run according to sched- surrounding counties were de- mas. this was a winter most
parking lot was more likely to be ule. Miss Merry Christmas. clared disaster areas after a won't soon forget .
empty . "I hated the snow be- Stashi Mills, sophomore. was severe ice-storm tore down
cause I couldn't do anything and chosen to reign over the com- power lines. The lack of elec-
my car wouldn't start. Even if it munity Christmas parade with tricity, reported up to six days
did, my parents wouldn't let me her attendants, Dana Rice. caused problems in the rural
drive." senior, Julie Turner, said. freshman, Deanna Percival. ju- areas. The National Guard
Even Christmas vacation was nior. and Sandy Scrivener. se- brought in generators to help
full of inconveniences because of nior. The Student Council, with local dairy farmers. This meant
foul weather. A snow storm al- help from the faculty, held its the end of relaxtion for many

Sophomore, Stoshl Mills, os Miss Merry Chrlstmos 1987. Photos: K. KendoU .

Suffolo Chrlstmos Porode.

Students, snow - covered , enter school. Photo: M . Trent .

Dona Rice, freshman.

Deanna Percival , junior.

Sandy Scrivener, senior.

Photos: K. Kendall

Cars blanketed In white dust. Photo: M . Trent.

iA- JuJtthe ~ I
) A familiar scene of friends eating and socializing together ot lunch.

No More Snack Bar

Photos: A. Mulderink . Layout and story: Cinnamon McMillan

more chips! " This year , the Snack Bar cooks

·' Will the do- had to learn how to cook school
nuts be gone , lunches for the very first time .
too? " " We 'll have to give-up The school lunches in the past
snack bar food for a week dur- were cooked at Mallory and
ing the move?" " Who do we bused over, and now , the
pay? '' The questions and the lunches were cooked at the high
rumors flew prior to the snack school.
bar-- cafeteria merge . For many students , their last
The Snack Bar had been an cafeteria lunch had not been eat-
institution at BHS, and it was en since elementary school. And
also what you could call , when the two merged , they had
unique . their first cafeteria lunch in years .
The smoky atmosphere was And to top it all off . we had
only a part of the old Snack Bar " Elevator Music " for a couple of
that we began to miss . The days , but instead of calming stu-
upperclassmen taking their dents down , it actually drove
tables from underclassmen , some of us crazy. It was reported
and the " cliques " sitting in by some junior high students that
their original places began to there was a fight in the cafeteria
dissappear when we moved while the music was going on . I
into the new cafeteria . The guess you could say it was a
" cliques " were " mixed up " in " graceful fight! "
the cafeteria and nobody real- But after all of this. you could
ly had a table they called say ·' Getting There was Half the
" theirs." Fun! "

Students waiting patiently in the lunch to get their

food .

Some students waiting in line ot the coke machines moved to the new cafeteria . The old familiar scene of the Snack Bar would soon be
14 gone . Photo : M . Trent
Many BHS students getting together to " donee the night away "
at the first student activity held In the new cafeteria .

First student dance in new school

Photo: M. Trent, Copy and Layout: C. McMillan

When we thought of moving Brian Gann, Lance Mills, and

into a new school. we thought of Brian Portman .
all the new facilities. We didn't Some unexpected musicians
think of school dances and activi- could have created some hyste-
ties becoming "new" or differ- ria for students. At the last min-
ent. Dances and Proms that were ute , some SMSU musicians
formerly in the field house, and showed up at our dance to play
athletic and academic banquets at the dance. Mike Stafford, Jr .
that were held in Mallory's cafe- played the drums, Jamie Beck-
teria-- changed . Now, these ac- ner, Sr . played the guitar, and
tivities could be held In OUR new Dave Mark, played the guitar .
cafeteria. Jamie Beckner and Mike
"Hysteria" was the theme of Stafford both thought it was a
the first dance, in the new school "trip" to play for the dance -
cafeteria . Student Council 's "Dff/N/TfL Y a trip. "
theme was perfect for the first Patti Brace, senior, said "I Ilk-
entertainment in the new school. ed the live band, but it could ' ve
for the school had just been com- had less lights.'' Melody Hayes,
pleted, and everything was full senior, added, "I thought the mu-
of "hysteria, because February sic was really good, and having
13 was rescheduled to February it in the new cafeteria made it
20 because of snow. sound better.''
Some BHS students socializing In the hall during the donee .
The three Wolfhounds played
Mike Stafford. Jr. and Jamie Beckner, Sr . entertaining at the donee.
the music and they were seniors,
GETTING THERE Cliff Hathcock, Sophomore. sporting the odd "hat" he created, at a football
game .

jA, ~tali Jh, fur: I


Philosophy Question #S
as getting
there half
the fun; or
was it more fun. once one had
lighting system ... ?
Maybe it was within teach-
er, Myra Glor's words, "I
feel like a 'real teacher' in a
gotten there?'' 'real school', now!" Or was
Well, well, well ... To an- It in our student voices that
swer that philosophical ques- went to other schools and
tion. one needed to listen and bragged of BHS's superiori-
watch the philosophies wever- ty, (our tacit budding know-
balized and lived . Something ledge that we were a Class
was different during the school School with Class Students
year '87-88. Yet, it couldn't be that were intelligent, talent-
defined by single, pat state- ed being that could give 'em
ment summaries; nor, could it all a run-for-their-money -
be classified by a typical be- with the support. of course,
havioral observation. of Class Parents and Class
Maybe it was in the joy of Patrons, that believed and
seeing packed home stands at supported this philosophy,
athletic competitions, whether too.)
we were losing in football or The answer to question
winning in girls' basketball. #S is within each individual
Maybe it was in the creativity interpreter . Yet, one thing
of students who dressed in could be observed. Some-
odd make-shift costumes to thing was different . And the
participate in student activi- difference was within. Within
ties. Maybe it was the fun of the joy of seeing. discover-
watching Stuco's lighted ing and believing our reali-
marque sign in the school's ties - together, it is fun.
Eddie Phillips, junior. crashes lobby . The bigger lockers ... ?
through the cheerleaders ' decora- New environments like music's
tions in the footballlockeroom after
practice rooms, biology's
green house, home-ec's up-
Stephanie Martin, Lori Fry and Tena
dated kitchens, shop's ad-
Guffey, sophomores. cheering for
the Bisons. vanced emergency shut-down
system. computers' non-glare
• •

Fans support no
The 1987 Bisons came in Then Homecoming rolled
win efforts with a bang this year making around and hopes were high
their first game against Nixa a again . The bleachers were full
during season close one - 18- 12! And the of enthusiastic spectators that
school loved it; Bison Pride was wanted to see the Bisons play.
at its highest level anyone has But we failed to produce a win .
seen in a long time . As a discouraged crowd look-
Rick Crites, sophomore, had ed on. Buffalo lost 20-0 to the
this to say about the game: ·'I Ash Grove Pirates .
thought the Nixa game was the During the season five star-
high point of the season . Even ters were lost due to disciplin-
though we lost, we played ary actions ; we were also
them close and we left there playing bigger and better
with high hopes for the rest of teams, like Republic and Bran-
the season ." son, who would later go on to
But everyone 's hopes soon State . As the season neared
started to fade after the next its end and we continued to
two games. Being beaten 40- lose, all hopes turned to next
0 by Osage, then losing to Lo- year .
gan Rogersville, who had been Head Coach Dale Mills. then
the last place team, decreased commenting of the season.
hopes even more . stated, "Even though we
The more games we lost, the failed to win a game, the kids
more hope the team lost; yet did everything we asked of
the crowds still hung in there . them. They were a good group
One pep bus could not handle to work with, and we have high
the student supporters. Two expectations for next year .''
Pep buses were required dur-
ing the '87 season opposed to
the one bus the previous year.

Troy Nimmo. junior , and Mike Dill, junior ,

look on as we lose another one Photo:
M Trent .

Disappointment seemed to be the

whole season for the Bisons, as we
walked off the field after losing to
Ozark . Photo· W Newton.

Coach Dale Mills listens to input from Coach Bill Autry ' s game tactics. Photo :
M . Trent .

Enthusiasm ran high before the Nixa game. Photo: A. Mulderink

J. V.. hanging their heads on the

sidelines. Photo: A Mulderink.

Volunteer coach, Lance Mills, at

halftime with JV . Photo: J. Hicks.

Vorsitt,J Football
Buffalo Opp.
12 17 Nix a
0 40 Osage
0 28 Ozark
0 19 Rogersville
0 29 Ash Grove
0 28 Marshfield
6 24 Willard
0 33 Republic
8 26 Bolivar
14 42 Branson

Varsity : Back row - W. Dickey. A. Crites, J Kjar. A. Fears , S. Conrad , S. Swanigan, J. Larimer , A. Davis , E. Johansen.
C. Welsh , S. Winters , A. Lyon, T. Nimmo, T Jensen , M . Dill, J. Banks. C. Luther , B Kramer . Front row - M . Brockman,
DJ. Barnhart, A. Atce, E. Phillips, B. Kueck , A. Hagar , A Gann. W Bybee , J Trevino, B. Portman, L. Mills . B. Cross. D.
Stuckey , S Stidham . Photo : M . Trent

Junior Vorsit1,1
L Nixa
W El Dorado Springs
L Rogersville
L Osage
L Marshfield
L Willard
L Republic
W Bolivar

J. V : Back row- A. Crites, D.J Barnhart, S. Swanigan, S. Conrad, E Johansen,

C. Welsh , C. Luther, B. Kramer , S. Stidham, J. Banks. Front row - J. Kjar. A. Fears ,
J. Larimer. A. Davis, S. Winters, W. Dickey , A. Lyon, T Nimmo. T. Jensen, M . Dill
Photo : M . Trent

T Nixa
L Rogresville
L Marshfield
L Willard
L Republic
T Bolivar

Freshmen : Back row- E. Johnson, C. Dill, A. Sherman, J. Williams, M . Brockman, J. Boyd. D. Turner , J. Woody, A. Green.
Front row- J. Scoughton, D. Fielder , M . Trevino, M . Cotter , J. Strickland, A. Lyons , G . Pickney. A. Arterberry, A. Rice.
Photo : M . Trent
Coach John Allen tells Wes Bybee what
to do.
Layout Karen A1eschel
Photos : Karen A1eschel

"This was the game of the Girls net winning

year". stated Coach Paula
Phillips. At the conclusion of
the Willard ballgame the girls
are running ecstatically to
congratulate each other. The
Lady Bison's victory kept the
Tigers from advancing to
first in conference.

total spiking serves serv1ng good ups

Players Assists Spikes kills dinks % blocks serves aces lost points % and
Amy Kennedy 7 231 so 38 38 34 173 29 28 111 84 85
Tracy Bornman 11 192 53 26 41 5 106 14 29 57 73 105
Trenda Carnahan 7 103 36 13 47 13 167 19 19 108 89 36
Pat Doty 24 44 5 15 45 3 52 10 13 23 75 9
Angle Peters 8 134 27 22 37 12 77 13 11 38 86 118
Julie Jenson 43 91 17 15 35 12 81 6 9 41 89 30
Jenel Owens 20 26 3 4 27 3 52 6 5 33 90 8
Stacey Phillips 163 94 37 20 65 25 174 27 16 115 91 18

Girls Net Victories
Trenda Carnahan, a
The varsity volleyball team senior member of the
nior. received a place on the sec- erything that they were asked to
varsity squad, when
ended with a winning season of and team . do. " said Penner about the speaking of the sea-
17 wins 4 losses and 1 tie . Buffalo tied with Willard for Freshman team . 3 wins and 3 son. stated, "It's
Head Coach Paula Phillips said second place in the conference losses with 2 ties was the final been great to play
the best part of the season was with records of S-2 . Ozark took record for the Freshman team . with the girls on the
having eight starters for six posi- first with a record of 6- 1. team for so long. Vol-
tions . The Junior Varsity ended their leyball season was ex-
Other highlights of the season citing and I'm really go-
season with a record of 7-8 . Ju-
ing to miss playing ."
included capturing first place at nior Varsity and Freshman Coach. Coach Paula Phillips
the Stockton tournament and Kim Penner, said, "I was pleased said, "Trenda is a
beating Willard. which knocked with the way the girls played and solid player with a lot
them out of first place in the con- the outcome of the season .'' of spirit. She thinks of
ference . The final big highlight Penner felt like the team did all the team and that re-
was having three girls on the all- they could with the practice time ally helps." Trenda
conference teams . Amy Ken- missed being on an All-
they had, due to conflicts with
Conference team by
nedy, senior, and Stacey Phillips. softball. one vote.
sophomore, were on the first "The girls were very hard
team, and Tracy Bornman, se- workers, always trying to do ev-

Us Opp .
Catholic 20
Camdenton 20
Willard Tour.
Ozark 02
Stockton 20
Branson 20
Bolivar 2 1
Rogersville 02
Lebanon 2 1
Republic 2 1
Marshfield 20
Willard 20
Varsity Volleyball-Bottom row : Mary Ormsby, Tracy Evans, Julie Jenson. Lisa Stockton Tour.
Rogers . Angie Peters. Row 2: mgr. Kris Shepard. Tracy Bornman, Stacey Phillips. Fair Grove 20
Trenda Carnahan, Jenel Owens, Patricia Doty. Amy Kennedy , and Coach Paula Waynesville 20
Phillips. Eldon 02

The Lady Bisons establish their de-

fense as Tracy Bornman digs the ball.

Us Opp .
CatholiC 20
Camdenton 12
Willard Tour
Ozark 02
Stockton 20
Bronson 2 1
Bolivar 02
Rogersville 2 1
Lebanon 02
Republic 12
Skyline 20
Marshfield 02
Willard 02
Junior Varsity • Bottom row : Taro Pierce , Donna Walker . Cindy Bornman, Missy Stockton Tour .
Kjor. Tracy Pierce , Jennifer Jenson. Row 2: mgr . Lorrysso Hill. Coach Kim Penner . Fair Grove 20
Tonia Beyer , Lisa Rogers , Dono RICe, Jacque Bloke , mgr Sarah Ferrell , and mgr . Waynesville 2 1
Jill Anderson. Eldon 02

''The girls Camdenton

Us Opp.
were Ozark
l l
outstanding . Lebanon 20
Republic l l
I'm proud of Eldon l 2

their Tournaments are not includ-

ed .
Kim Penner, Freshman Volleyball • Bottom Row : Missy Kjor, Cindy Bornman , Dono Rice . Row
2: Coach Kim Penner. Sheila Christian , Jacque Bloke . Jennifer Jenson. Not pictured
Coach Cookie Hawkins.

Angie Peters and Stacey Phillips set a block to defend against a spiking attock
by the Bluejoys .

Coach Penner and the freshman squad confer about the next ploy.

advance to
state meet

Wesley French out-distances a com-

petitor at Mountain Grove .

Downa Beam struggles over a grueling


Angela Hamilton was chosen as a member of the All Southern Missouri Cross Country
2nd Team. This was her first season as a Cross Country runner .

Angela " Cool Cat " Hamilton and Stashi Mills strip down while Dawna Beam stretches

Before practice , the Cross Country girls
discuss improving their times . Photo: M.

Dawna Beam, a two-time state qualifier ,

concentrates before a meet .

Small squad endures good season

Story: Angie McDaniel Layout : Jane Gargus Photos: George Blowers

Dedication, determination, worth it? Ask any one of these cross the finish line at the state
sweat, aching muscles, and tir- four or Head Coach George meet. "I was pooped because
ed feet. When you hear these Blowers. They believe all the it was the toughest course in
words what do you think of? work was paid off when they the state. but I was glad that
Many things may come to your received medals or when two I beat Kelsy Hutchinson."
mind, but for Stashi Mills and of them qualified for the state Hutchinson is known to be one
Angela Hamilton, sophomores meet. of the toughest runners in the
and Dawna Beam and Wesley When asked about how she state.
French, juniors, only one thing felt before the state run, Beam Coach George Blowers said,
comes to mind: running. These said with a laugh, "nervous". ''I was really pleased with how
four BHS students spent much ''I was ready to get it over with they did. I enjoy it. The kids
of their time lifting weights and and see if I could do better were fun to work with . I thought
running miles after school to than I did the previous year.'' it was a good year .··
Stash! Mills, sophomore . running the dis- prepare themselves for their Beam did place higher in the
tance .
competitive Cross Country '87 race than she did in the '86
meets. Do you think all of this race.
hard work and sweat was Ask Hamilton how it felt to

Lose sectionals in a one
point over-time game
Kathy Wingo , Taro Pierce and Vickie
Smith (sophomores), proudly show off
their spirit at the beginning of the
game at sectionols

"The District softball cham- amount of games as the team The pitching staff had a
pions of 1987 were the Lady Bis- that won first place in the steady season according to
ons!" The radio or television an- Round Robin- Tournament. Coach Hoffman. Kim Scott , ju-
nouncer might have said, The Since the two teams tied. the nior , went 9-0 with 2 saves for
Lady Bisons took care of districts winners were decided by the the season , Stacey Phillips,
with style, winning over Willard number of runs scored . Coach sophomore. went 2-2 .
with a score of 11-3. Cyndi Hoffman , stated, "I was
Before entering District play, really proud of the girls and all
their win-loss record was 10-2 of the support that we re-
and they had a win-loss record of ceived from the fans ."
2-0 during districts . This was the This season 's MVP was Amy
first time since 1983 that the girls Kennedy , Senior . Other
have won districts . awards went to Amy Kennedy
After winning the district tour- who received the Smiley-face-
nament the girls traveled to Rolla award for the most sacrificing
for Sectionals to play Parkway dives. the most RBI 's with 17
Central from St . Louis. The first runs and Amy also had the high-
day that we were to play was est batting averages with 44 7.
rained-out. so they had to wait Everyone 's batting averages
until the following Monday, Oct. were above 300 .
13. Tension and excitement were
running high as the game began.
Then during the terrible battle
that followed , the girls suffered
a devastating loss by 1 point .
Tears flowed as they walked off
the field in disappointment.
knowing they had come farther
than any of them had gone be-
fore. only to be stopped short of
their goal.
During the regular season the
Lady Bisons had a very impres-
sive record . They won second
place in the Buffalo tournament.
even though they won the same

Angie Peters. JUnior. slides in safe at

home plate as Tracy Bornman . senior ,
carefully watches the ploy.

Bock Row: Stacey Ph11!1ps (sophomore). Penny Kuhns (freshman), Potnc1o Doty (senior). Bobbt Beachler (iun1or), Lisa Rogers
(Jumor). Jenel Owens (iumor). Julie Jenson (Jun1or,, Vickie Sm1th (sophomore), Angie Peters (Jumor), Trocv Pierce (junior).
M1ssy Kjor (freshman), Coach Cynd1 Hoffman. Kathy Wingo (sophomore). Front Row KeUy Healey (sophomore), Kim Scott
(Jumor), Amy Kennedy (senior), Trocy Bornman (senior), ond Michelle Jones (freshman) (After w1nn1ng the District Tourna-
10-0 ment.) Photo by· J Gargus
Richland 13-0
Ozark 5-4
Willard 9-2
Bolivar 11 - 10
Waynesville 16-3
Willard 11 -2
Bolivar 9 -5
Willard 11 -3

Tearn members con -

gratulate Amy Ken-
nedy as she returns
to the dugout after
hitting her second of
2 over the fence
homeruns .

Which way did it go?

Which wav did it go?
Varsity: Julie Miller (junior), Loretta Jennings (sophomore), Karen Aieschel (ju-
nior), Angie McDaniel (senior). Carrie Brawn (senior). Tracy Strickland (junior).
Photo : K. Kendall

suffer injuries

Freshmen: Kerri Freimel, Deanna Todd, Liz Bradley, Traci McGregor. Felicia Sullivan,
and Traci Mayfield. Photo: K. Kendall

JV : Stephanie Payne (freshman), Krista Hegle (freshman), Jamie Randolph (fresh-

man), Melissa Elam (freshman), and Eula Jasper (freshman). Not pictured Lanette
Spitzer (senior). Photo: K. Kendall
The freshmen cheerleaders having a
party celebrating their team 's victory .
Photo : linda Sullivan.
Loretta Jennings . sophomore, was a
first year cheerleader on the varsity
squad. Photo: Rochelle Ausbury .
Seniors on the varsity squad were
Angie M cDaniel and Carrie Brown.
M cDaniel was a cheerleader four years
and served as a captain for two years .
Brown has been a cheerleader for
three years .

"Being a cheerleader has meant more to me than anyone could ever imagine. If I could. I would be a cheerleader here.
forever . As the last few seconds of the last game drew near. I realized that as the game ended, it also brought the
end of my years as a BHS Cheerleader. I never wanted that game to end." Angie McDaniel.

Being a cheerleader teaches disci - squad back . It devastated me con - supported their school.
pline and responsibility . The BHS sidering I love cheering .·· Cheerleoding Coach Rochelle
Cheerleoding squads worked hard When the girls didn ' t " whimp -out " Ausbury (nicknamed " Aus " by
as a squad to change the image of with injuries. people realized that the girls), commented on the
cheerleaders in 1987-88. They they were serious about what they season; ''It hurt varsity consid -
wanted everyone to realize that were doing. Angie McDaniel. senior . erable when they lost Julie .
cheering was a sport ; that cheer- cheered the whole game at the There were quite a few times in
leaders ore disciplined athletes . Osage football game. but hod to be which the captain and others
When looking at this year's sports helped off the track because she hod to sit out . The smaller the
season . one realized injuries played couldn ' t walk . She earned the re- number, the more the remaining
a significant role . Athletes think of spect of many people . This action cheerleaders hod to work to
the word " injury " as a dirty word . Al- was clearly something a '' boll play- compensate for the ones gone.
though the injuries were not fortu- er " was supposed to do ; not a I think they felt like they were
nate . they set cheering apart as a cheerleader . People who didn ' t think carrying a heavy load . instead
real sport . As junior. Julie Miller said , that cheerleaders hod the some of the fun it should hove been ."
" I got a bock injury at the first of the dedication and tolerance of pain that
year. When basketball season " real " athletes had . sow something
came. it just got worse . There was different.
nothing I could do about it. I felt the During the '87 -88 school year . the
team could do better without having varsity. JV and freshmen cheerlead -
to worry if my bock would be hurt do- ers proved to the people of Buffalo
ing a game. I didn ' t wont to hold the that they were " real " athletes that

The freshmen squad cheering at a

home basketball game. Photo : Linda
The varsity squad participated in a
fashion show sponsored by the Trends
Salon of Buffalo . to benefit the Boost-
er Club . Photo : M . Trent
The cheerleaders are proudly displaying awards won at SMSU's camp
during the summer of ' 87 Photoc A McDaniel.


The JV squad awaits their evalua-

tion ribbon . Photo : A. Ausbury.
The JV squad listening to Instruction from The varsity squad learning chants at
The JV squad cheering in the stands a NCA (National Cheerleading Assoc.) in- camp. Photo · A. Ausbery
at the varsity football game against structor about a Cheer Photo Rochelle
N1xa. Photo : A Ausbury Ausbury
Hard work,
extra hours
-yet, a fun

Freshmen Scores
Buffalo Opp.
29 28 Fair Grove
34 66 Bolivar
47 26 Ozark
36 32 Lebanon
40 27 Ozark
42 43 Marshfield
53 55 Republic
31 41 Bolivar
20 33 Halfway
34 45 Stockton
44 39 Pleasant Hope
52 62 Marshfield
48 37 Willard

Back Row: Coach Steve Denbow , Joe Wells , Brian Buttry. Marty McGuire , Steve Lea. Brett Lauderbaugh. Jeff Brunk-
hurst, Clint Bone . Front Row : Jason Willis , Joey Carver . Mike McDaniel , Scott Moriarity.

Junior Varsity
Buffalo Opp.
55 44 Glendale Brian Buttry . freshman. shoots for a
52 50 Central basket during the Lebanon gome .
78 53 Eldon
36 58 Branson
50 58 Eldon
76 45 Camd . Tourney
62 44 Willard
49 52 Ozark
50 48 Skyline
68 64 Camdenton
40 62 Willard
49 50 ElDorado
87 102 Lebanon

Back Row : Coach Denbow, Mark Buttry, Mark Lauderbaugh. Scott Sullivan. Shawn Duskin and Coach Mike Russell. Front
Row: Lucas Hale , Jeff Lankford and Sean Blecher . Team Photos: Keith Kendall. 31
Junior , Eddie Phillips scores against Skyline . Photo : M . Trent .

Hard work,
extra hours
make fun

Toward season 's end , tougher play

The 87-88 Bisons basketball sea - put in the time . They have the de-
son started with the 44th Annual Invita- sire and will to win . If they would
tional Tournament. During the tourna - throw in some seasonings they
ment the Bisons played Logan-Rogers- could be tough . The teams were
ville and lost 39-38 . Then they compet- very enjoyable . They worked and
ed against Eldon and won 47-46 . They played very hard." Head coach
also played Lebanon and defeated Mike Russel added, " Despite all
them 53-46 . The Bisons received fifth the hard work. extra hours and the
place in the tournament . During this record, we had fun . Some of the
year 's season , the Bisons played in a underclassmen gained valuable
few tournaments including the Blue and experience; one which we can
Gold and Bolivar . This year 's varsity build-on for next year. The Seniors
team consisted of three returning let- provided good leadership which
termen : junior, Eddie Phillips , two se- will be hard to replace . The bas-
niors Jimmy Shantz and Russ Wilder . ketball team and coaching staff
When asked about this season. Coach would like to thank the student
Steve Denbow said : '' The team played body, faculty and community for
best in the last of the season . They are their support."
capable of being dominant team if they

V arsity Scores
Buffalo Opp.
38 39 Rogersville
47 46 Eldon
53 46 Lebanon
43 45 Bronson
37 60 Eldon
72 55 Stockton
46 60 W. Plains
56 78 Willard
45 78 Ozark
60 51 Skyline
49 47 Camdenton
42 59 Willard
77 72 ElDorado
39 40 Lebanon
61 53 Hummonsville
58 64 Willard
76 78 Pleasant Hope
80 84 Bolivar
51 69 Waynesville
66 83 Marshfield
63 75 Rogersville
Varsity- Bock Row: Coach Steve Denbow, Brad Phillips. Russ Wilder, Chris Blair , 40 54 Aurora
32 Jimmy Shontz , Robie Gilpin. Rick Lyon, Eddie Phillips , and Coach Mike Russell. Front 71 65 Republic
Row: Scott Otto , Troy Nimmo, Mark Piper and Mike Dill. Photo : Keith Kendall.
Chris Blair, senior. and Mark Piper. junior. are waiting to rebound the ball. Photo:
Coach John Allen .
During a game at Bolivar the freshman team guards against their opponent .
Photo: Mike Trent.
Julie Jensen shoots for o free throw ot the Avo
games os teammates look -on.

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The Girls Basketball Teom chal-

lenged the Boys Basketball Teom
too " duck walk" during o pep as-
sembly .

Buffalo Opp.
94 18 El Dorado Julie Jensen makes a shot as opposing
72/ 75 47/ 48 Lebanon team crowds in.
44/ 75 24/ 26 Logan
Roger sville
61 56 Park view
63/ 55 55/ 73 Ozark
63/ 64 26/ 40 Camdenton
59 51 Glendale
78/ 54 64/ 49 Bolivar
45 53 Valley
80 66 Willard
92 38 Webb City
76/ 76 67/ 59 Republic
107 48 Billings
98 27 Stockton
77 45 Richland
88 45 Skyline
68 51 Waynesville
54 56 Marshfield
85 58 Branson
71 39 Ava
Back row : Coach Cyndi Hoffman . Amy Kennedy. Jenel Owens . Stacy Phillips . Michelle 63 68 Mt .
Jones. Tracy Bornman . Dana Rice , Coach Kim Penner Front Row : Bobb1Beachler . Grove
Angie Reischel. Ang1e Peters . Julie Jensen and Missy Kjar

Practice makes almost perfect season Layout and story : Larry Burns
The lady Bisons started the for about two or three hours . The Seniors. Angie Rieschel. Tracy Born-
season out with a bong with a tour- girls would often come in around man, and Amy Kennedy, Juniors ,
nament win over ElDorado , Lebo- 6 :00 om in the morning and practice Angie Peters . Bobbi Beochlor. Julie
non. and Logon Rogersville . Then until school started . Coach Hoff- Jenson, and Oneal Owens . Sopho-
they went on to a 61-56 win over man, Coach Penner , opd the bas - more , Stacey Phillips. Freshmen .
Porkview ; the lady Bisons were in ketball team were quite dedicated Missy Kjor Michelle Jones , and
high spirits. to achieve 22 out of 27 wins . Coach Dono Rice .
After the tournament, varsity Hoffman said, " Overall, I thought The team ' s three biggest
coach, Cynd Hoffman said, "I feel we hod a great year . We broke scorers were Angie Peters. Julie
that we're doing pretty well, but records with 22 wins, and scored Jenson , and Amy Kennedy .
we need to work on our passing 106 points against Billings . Being The managers that helped
and defensive ploys ." Coach Hoff- my first year as a head coach , the coaches Hoffman and Penner were
man and JV coach Kim Penner. season went much better than I Sophomores, Kris Shepard , and
worked with the girls day after day thought it would . I learned a lot of Corrie Wommack. Coach Hoffman
from November until the end of the things this year to prepare us for said, "They were a great group of
season in February. Every day af- next year .'' girls to work with, and we 'll miss the
ter school the girls would practice The Varsity players were : seniors very much .' '

Buffao Opp.
39 30 Park view
33 35 Ozark
49 38 Camdenton
33 38 Glendale
28 19 Rogersville
53 38 Lebanon
37 39 Willard
53 25 Camdenton
55 28 Rolla
46 33 Marshfield
63 6 Stockton
37 19 Republic
46 22 Richland
59 20 Camdenton
54 23 Waynesville
52 48 Marshfield
33 19 Bolivar
48 28 Branson

Back row : Coach Cyndy Hoffman . Tonya Cain, Stashi Mills , Missy Kjar , Jennifer Jensen. Coach Kim Penner . Front row : Buffalo home stands were packed to
Sheila Christian. Michelle Jones , Jacque Blake . Dana Rice , Angie Hamilton. cheer on the girls to a win. but they lost
to Marshfield in the last couple of sec-
onds by one shot .
Layout and story : Melody Hayes

"It's hard competing with ·'I think the individuals perform-

baseball," stated boys track ed quite well. With the number
f:ID~®@ITL® ®[}))@w coach Dale Mills . Baseball ends
up with some of the quicker
of kids we had out, we always
placed somewhere in the mid-
@:@@]~©@~~@L1) athletes but the athletes that
come out for track really ore
dle . I'm pleased ," said Mills.
Junior , Eddie Phillips, quali-
DUD ~®® dedicated .'' fied for the sectional meet'in
That dedication showed in three events : high jump, 110 I'll
@@@@@01) the 1988 track season . The hurdles, and the 300m hurdles.
team moved up in the confer- Senior, Buford Cross, qualified
ence from the ' 87 season and in two events, the 1600 m run,
three runners won high places and the 800 m run . Sophomore
at Districts and two went to D.J. Barnhart qualified in the
state . 3200 m run . At the state level,
The team placed sixth out of Phillips placed eighth in the 11 0
twelve competitors at the m hurdles and Cross placed
Bronson Relays and a sixth at 16th in the 1600 m run .
the Bolivar Relays against 15 Assistant Coach Mike Russell
teams. The Bisons took sev- commented, "Track is not a
enth place out of eight teams sport with a lot of following and
at the conference meet, fifth at support and the athletes that
1111 I the Buffalo Relays and seventh run deserve more than what
at the Williard Relays . they get as for as recogni-
Commenting on the season, tion. ''

r Eddie Phillips show1ng extreme concentration at the District meet .

Buford Cross at the end of the 1600 m run .

Buford Cross borelv oheod in the 800 m run . Scott Otto competing in the 800 m run . The B1sons after an earlv Mav pract1ce.

4 .

Front row: Lucas Hale. Scott Otto,

Ronnie Hagar. David Stuckev. Bu-
ford Cross. Ronnie Crites. and
Jerrv Scoughton. Back row: Mark
Williams. D.J. Barnhart. Ronnie
Sherman. Billv Mitchell. Mitch
Brockman. Jimmv Bovd. Jeff
Bronkhurst. Jason Williams. Steve
Lea. and Ed Phillips.

A proud coach , George Blowers, smiles w1th pride at h1s g1rls ' hard efforts .

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Coach George Blowers, Tonia Beyer , Angie

Hamilton. Christinne Bonnin. Jacque Blake.
Deanna Percival. Julie Jensen. Felicia Sullivan,
Amber Neal. Stephanie Payne , Stashi Mills ,
Tracy StriCkland. Angie Peters, Bobbi Beachler.
The girls are proudly displaying the1r District
award. Photo : Jim Hamilton/ REFLEX

Angie Peters. diving for the line at

the Bolivar Relays Peters did win
the event.

The g1rls rece1v1ng instructions from on official
prior to race .

Runners head off track after a race.

\ \ I I
Girls run away with District title
Story: Melody Hayes

For the first time ever the loy, first, juniors, Bobbi Bea- were Jenson in the 100 and
Lady Bisons hove run chler, Angie Peters, Tracy 200 m dash Doty, shot Bea-
away'' with the district meet Strickland, and sophomore, chler, Strickland, Hamilton,
chomp title . This accomplish- Angie Hamilton . 100 m dash, and Peters in the 800 m re-
ment along with winning the 200 m dash second, junior lay .
Central Ozorks Conference Julie Jenson. 800 m run, How did the girls perform
for the second consecutive fourth, Beachler. 300 m at state? Coach George
year, has mode the 1988 hurdles fourth, junior, Dean- Blowers, " The competition
Lady Bison track season a no Percival. 100 m hurdles, at state is really tough . Our
success . third, Percival. 800 m relay girls did well ... they per-
Armed with 15 athletes, second, Peters , Jenson, and formed their season's best
the 1988 season began with freshmen, Felicia Sullivan and efforts and you can't expect
a practice meet against Lo- Cindy Bornman . 1600 m run more than that. We should
gon-Rogersville March 25. first, Hamilton. 3200 m run, be tough next year if the girls 1
The Lady Bisons went on to fourth, junior Downo Beam. come out with desire and
place at the Bronson Relays , Shotput, first Senior Pot dedication .
first at the Bolivar, Logon- Doty . Discus, fourth, Doty. Track is on endurance
Rogersville, and Buffalo Re- 1600 m relay, first, Beachler, sport athletes put in long
lays and to win the confer- Jenson, Hamilton, and Pet- hours of conditioning, lifting
ence title. ers. weights, and time spent
The district meet held May At sectionols, several away from home at distant
14 hod ten of the athletes qualified for the state meet meets . The dedication this
qualify for sectionols. To held May 27 and 28 in Jeffer- season's Lady Bisons hod,
qualify, one must place in the son City. The Lady Bisons mode this a season to re-
top four in on individual qualified in five events but member and build on .
event relay . Those qualifying they come home empty-
were as follows: 3200 m re- handed. Representing BHS

Downo Beam hides her eyes as other Buffalo

athletes wait between events .

Coach Steve Denbow talking to an official.

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Skyline ............................................................ W
Fair Grove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L
Stockton ........................................................... L
Buffalo Tournament . . . . Bolivar W ....... Marshfield L
Branson ............................................................ L
Bolivar .............................................................. L
Strafford ........................................................... L
Willard .............................................................. L
Ozark ............................................................... L
Nixa ................................................................. L
Republic ............................................................ L
Rogersville ........................................................ L
Waynesville ..................................................... W
Marshfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W
Pleasant Hope ................................................. W
District .............................................................. L
This year's baseball teams varsity players: Coach Steve Denbow,
Mike Dill, Jr., Brian Gann, Sr., Shanon Fletcher, Jr , lance Mills, Sr.,
Chris Blair, Sr., Kevin Jones, Sr., Jimmy Shantz, Sr , Marty McGuire,
Fresh .. Rick lyon, Jr, Jimmy Kjar, Jr., Wesley French, Jr., and Coach
Bill Autrey. Front: David Fielder, Fresh, Mike Fielder, Sr., Troy Nimmo,
Jr , and M1ke Gilmore, Fresh. Photo: C. Brown.

Coach Bill Autrey watches his Bisons play from the sidelines. Photo:
C. Brown
Jim Kjar is congratulated by teammates after a homerun.
Rick Lvon, JUniOr, hitting the boll With one of his manv hard hits . The team takes a time out to
rallev their spirit. Kevin Jones, semor, barrels a pitch down to the batter, Garv Bradford, JUnior,
looking thoughtful. Vicki Smith. rubs her temples and Tara Pierce, considers hiding from it all under
the blanket. Rick Lvon watches Coach Denbow os he tells him to hold at third base

The baseball team hod a received the Bison Award .

rough season but the out- Troy Nimmo was voted Most
look for next year is lookin ' Improved and Brion Gonn
good! They finished the sea- was the M .V .P.
son with a record of 6- 11. Coach Denbow mode sev -
but with 18 coming bock for eral comments about each
next year, Coach Steve Den- player as they come to get
bow was optomistic about their Certificates , letters ,
next year . cheverons or awards .
There were 6 seniors on Next season , the team will
the team . including Lance hove the use of a new bat-
Mills . Jim Shontz. Kevin ting cage at the field . It is for
Jones , Chris Blair, Mike Fiel- baseball and softball , and
der and Brion Gonn. Mike was given to them by the
Fielder mode 2nd team . and Booster Club . At the close of
Brion Gonn earned Honor- the '88 school year , the two
able mention for all Confer- teams were working on sum -
ence . Mike played left field mer fund-raisers .
and Brion was catcher .
Athletic Banquet , awards Story and Layout : Corrie
were handed out. Jimmy Kjor Brown
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Eddie Phillips , Billy Kueck
and Lance Mills all
placed Honorable Men-
tion in COC football .
Brian Portman placed on
the COC 2nd team.

Tracy Bornman was
placed on the 2nd
team in COC volley-
ball. Amy Kennedy and
Stacey Phillips made
1st team in the COC.

Angie Peters was 1st
team in COC basketball.
Amy Kennedy was
placed on the 2nd team ,
and Julie Jensen made
1st team .

Qualifying for an honor-
able mention in COC
basketball was Russ
Wilder. Making the 1st
team in the COC was
Jimmy Shantz .

Brian Gann placed with
an honorable mention in
baseball. Mike Fielder
earned honors by being
placed on the 2nd team .

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Stockton 1 0
Rogersville 1
Ozark 2
Lebanon 3
Camdenton 4
Marshfield 4 2
Eldorado 5 2
Strafford 6 2
Bolivar 7 2
Willard 7 3

7th grade volleyball girls bottom: Missy Cox. Rachel Condren. Missy Hoover, Laura Walker, Christa Watkins, Tessa
Pierce , Amy Kromer, Lori Long. Stephanie Garretson, Holly Nixon. Top: Mellisa Bone. Corrie Scurlock, Stacy Sanderson,
Twyla Christian. Wendy Wilson. Corrie Franklin , Mellisa Vance, Teresa Nixon, Shown Eagon, Coach Rick Freeman.

Tessa Piercf, and Carrie Frank-

lin practicing before a game.
Story and layout: Shawn Sam- Stockton 0
pie Rogersville 1 1
Ozark 1 2
Lebanon 2 2
Camdenton 3 2
Marshfield 4 2
Eldorado 5 2
Strafford 5 3
Bolivar 6 3
Willard 6 4

8th grade volleyball girls bottom: Rhonda Varner, Christie Brown, Teresa Rice, Terri Jasper, Kristie Kenall, Mickie Bea-
44 chler . Top: Anjeanette Kjor. Toni Pawlikowski, Michelle Barnhart, Andrea Neal, Meredith Scott, Kayleen Webb, Erin Scur-
loc'k, Coach Rick Freeman.

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The 1987 Jr . High Bisons came

in with high hopes and a feeling
they were going to win, and win
they did. The seventh grade
went 4-0 in the season, and the 7th Grode
eighth grade went 2-3, under the
Won Lebanon
leadership of coach Mike Russell.
When commenting about the Won Bolivar
season Russell said. "I thought it Won Camdenton
was a pretty successful season Won Marshfield
overall. We made a lot of pro-
gress since day one."
Russell also added. ''Hopefully
we've learned some valuable
lessons that will help them when
they reach the high school level.
They were a good group of ath- Coach Mike Russell. Michael Sharp. Troy Torr. Jason Rice , Brad Gilpin, Chris Dryer, J.R. Haney , Judson Pyatt. Jim Wilson,
Coach Steve Denbow, David Wells, Justin Powell , Arthur Baldwin. Bryan Heard, Thad Owens. Dusty Gann, Jason
letes to work with." Sprague . Ronnie Hallemeler . Photo by: S. Sample

8th Grode
Loss Lebanon
Loss Bolivar
Won Camdenton
Loss Marshfield
Won Ash Grove

Coaches Steve Denbow. Rick Henderson. Mike Russell , Lyle Wilkerson, George Swearingen. Craig Austin. Nalat Ho-
neybone, Rusty Rice, Ryan Worley, Jeff Shantz , Jeff Ortner. Jack Bedard. Jeff Portman, Steven Daty, Brian Bradford,
Baby Craver, Jeff Stidham, Brian Nyberg , William Hicks . David Rotramel. James Bybee , Chris Dryer, Perry Hathcock ,
Layout and story by: Mike Trent Steven Ross, Chris Stewart, Mathew Scott , Gary Guffy. Photo by: S. Sample
Layout: A. M ulderink

Jr . high boys
suffer losses

Fair Grove L w
Bolivar L w
Willard L w
Waynesj L w
Ft . Wood
Ozark L w
Republic Cancelled
Marshfield L w
Lebanon L w
Bolivar L w
C.O.C. L w

Back : M atthew Scott . Ayan Worley . Brian Nyberg. Mike Stanton . Jonathon Price . Scott Miller . Brian McKnabb . Bobby
Craver . Jeff Portman. James Bybee . Jeff Shantz, Chris Stewart . Front: Austy Aice , Todd Hill , Perry Hathock , William
Hicks , Anthony Ford , William Carilse , Kevin Tuning, Shane Duskin , George Sweringan , Daryl Payne . Photo : S. Shample

Back : Chris Dryer , Jamie Clemmons , Troy Torr. Shawn Boyd , Billy Kuhns, Eric Houston. Brad Gilpin , Sham Duskin , Easy
Butler, Jeremy Hegle. Aandy Barker . Front : Darrin Nixon . Dusty Morgazns , Thomas Martin , Bill Stewart, Judson Pyatt,
Fad Owens , Jakin Kent , Jason Jasper , Jason Hicks . Not Pictured : Auss Young. Photo : S. Sample

Fair Grove L W
Bolivar L W
Willard L W
Waynesj W L
Ft . Wood
(8th " B" team)
" They improved every
Ozark L W
Republic Cancelled game they played in.''
Marshfield L W
Lebanon L W Quoted 7th coach , John
Bolivar L W
Allen Photo : A. Mulder-
Marshfield L W
Tourn .
Junior high girls win big-timel
"If we can keep these girls together and motivated they should
be able to win over 20 games when they get in high school. I I

Coach Rick Freeman

Story: W. Newton It is regrettable that no photos of the 7th and 8th grade teams were
available . J.Cole , Advisor
The 1987-88 basketball The eight grade girls also
season proved to be a very met with several tough
successful one for Buffalo 's teams and won by impres-
Junior High girls . sive margins . They were de- 7th Grade Scores
Coached by Rick Freeman, feated only 2 times during us OPP
the seventh graders ended the season by close margins. Bolivar w L
their season at 9 - 1; while the
Freeman commented ' 'I
very pleased with their
Willard w L
eighth graders closed with a
8-2 record . performance . If we can keep
Stockton w L
The seventh grade girls these girls together and mo- Lebanon w L
took many sweeping victo- tivated they should be able Marshfield w L
ries over tough teams and to win over 20 games when Ozark w L
suffered one defeat by a they get in high school. " Rogersville L w
close point margin . Ozark w L
Waynesville w L
8th Grade Scores Bolivar w L
us OPP
Bolivar w L
Willard w L
Stockton w L
Marshfield w L
Ozark w L
Rogersville L w
Lebanon L w
Ozark w L
Waynesville w L
Bolivar w L

Buffalo Is coaching staff

1: Steve Denbow , 2: Dole Mills , 3: Mike Rus-

sell , 4 : Aick Freemon, 5: Cyndi Hoffman . 6 : Kim
Penner , 7: George Blowers. 8: Bill Autry. 9 Aick
Henderson, 10: Paulo Phillips , 11 : John Allen .
Photo : A. Mulderink

Photos : Coach John Allen
Story : Julie Hicks

Brian Portman, Senior Eddie Johnston attempt heavy lifts at one of the

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Dallas Hall , Jimmy Boyd . Brian Gann . Brian Portman , Reggie Rice , Gary Pickney . Scott
On-again Conrad . Stacy Swanigan , John Woody . Ronnie Sherman , Allen Arterberry , Billy Mitchell ,
Ricky Crites , Jason Banks , Eric Johannsen , Davie Fielder , Joson Heitman , Mitch
Weightlifting . which is an on Brockman . Jake Blake . Sam Woody , Eddie Johnston , Jimmy Kjar , Duke Henry , Mark
again , off again sport at BHS was Piper . Sonny Mitchell.
on again in the 87-88 school year .
The boys came in to work out be-
fore school, after school and during
their free time at school.
They participated in meets at
Carthage . Branson and Camden-
ton . They earned a first place
plaque in a meet at Waynesville .
The team had plans to host their
own meet sometime in July .

The Graduating Class of 1988
Chyre Allen Heather Anderson Brad Andrews lven Atkisson

Dono Beam Jamie Beckner Chris Blair Tim Blecher

Tracy Bornman Christine Bonnin Shannon Boyd Patti Broce

Kim Bravi Carrie Brown Wesley Bybee Kathy Carlisle

Trenda Carnahan Steve Clemmons Larry Cline Lori Compton

Mark Cook Buford Cross Tanya Decker Candy Dibben

Michelle Dibben Dale Doty Patricia Doty Bobby Dryer

Yvette Dunlap Tim Eagleburger Tany Elswick Tracy Evans

Scott Ernster Mike Fielder Brian Gann Robbie Gann

Alicia Gillispie Andrian Hackney Ronnie Hagar Melissa Hallemier

Lori Hancock Jimmay Hargis Angela Hawkins Melody Hayes

Shauna Hendricks Glen Holcomb Darin Hurd Shonna Jaco

Karl Jones Kevin Jones Cheryl Keith Amy Kennedy

Billy Kueck Nancy Kuhns Deedra Lowe Leigh Ann Martin

Billy Massey Karin May Angie McDaniel Lori McGuire

Cinnamon McMillan Debby Miller Lance Mills Susan Murphy

Amber Neal Betsy Oglesbee Mary Ormsby Scott Otto

Becky Owens Darrin Percival Brad Phillips Brian Portman

Saundra Potter Scott Price Travis Ragsdale Brenda Ahodelander

Angelo Riechel Cloy Rice Kenny Roberts Angie Roscoe

Shown Sample Sandy Scrivner Jimmy Shontz Kelly Sharp

Aaron Shockley Sim Smitherman Devono Snider

Darren Stidham John Stickland David Stuckey Kelly Summers

Randy Swanigan Shelly Taylor David Teague Colleen Torrey

Joe Trevino Julie Turner Mary Vance Angela Vest

Alicia Weeks Lora Wilcox Russ Wilder Edward Workman

Shane Wyatt Chanda Nelson Senior pages: Cinnamon McMillan. Becky Owens
and Kathy Carlisle
N.~ l\1\<r;J

.... ~~I
• •

Seniors survive
Silver Dollar
City for trip

" The bus ride was really interesting as we kept trying to make
it up every hill. Yes , we 're talking about the Senior Trip to Silver Dollar
City. Everyone got wet, everyone hod fun (almost too much fun .)
But it was really a lot of fun ." Kathy Carlisle Photo : Kathy Carlisle

Troci Evans . Aaron Shockley , Chyre Allen , Pot Doty and Tim Blecher definitely
enjoying the American Plunge Photo : Kathy Carlisle

Julie Turner enJoying a slower pace at Silver Dollar City. 1n the pett1ng zoo . Photo : Kathy Carlisle

Alicia Gillispie , Angie Davidson and Kori Jones ore really wiped-out on the bus ride
home .
Sandy Scrivener , Downo Beam and Cinnamon McMillon poling around in the1r Semor
' 88 sh1rts Photos Kathy Carlisle

Amber Neal. sen1or tokes JUnior . Denn1s Gray ·s order at Do1ry Queen . Many

students spent money on fast foods Photo M Trent

Angie Roscoe . Chyre Allen . Potncio Doty. and Shown Sample look1ng in their

Graduating costs ''moo-la'' Sen1or memory book , shoring the post memones together.

Layout and story: C. McMillan

How many announcements and uation became very expensive
name cards should I order? What for a lot of us - some of us
colors should we use for our caps worked to pay for all of these,
and gowns? Which announce- and some had our parents pay
ment should we pick? These for it, but however we paid for
were familiar questions that these most of us wouldn't regret
were often questioned by excit- it, for these were special items
ed Seniors at their meetings. for our Senior year and special
Paying for all of the announce- mementos we could keep for
ments, name cards, memory years to come.
books, pictures, and all of the
other items we needed for grad-


Pictures $60.00-300 .00
Memory book $ 10.65 (Senior year)
Senior Ring $100-250 .00
Caps and gown $10.00
Announcements $58 .55 (Essential package)
Applications cost $30 .00 (Two colleges)
Senior keys and tassals $9.55
ACT costs $30.00 (taken twice)
Yearbook $15.00
Movie $5.00
Gas $.83
Pizza (large) $15.00
Jeans $25.00-50.00
Athletic/tennis shoes $25.00-60.00
Candy bar $.45
Haircut $15.00-30.00
Concert tickets $15.00-
Tape $7.00-10.00
Can of pop $.50
Hamburger $1.35

Melody Hayes (front), Amy Kennedy, Tracy Bornman, and Trenda Carnahan
all cheer1ng for the B1sons at a pep assembly, support1ng the Semor class .
Photo : M. Trent

Senior Superiority
layout and story . C1nnomon McM1llon

" Getting There is Half the Fun " also having great support at
and becoming a Senior has it ' s spe - recreational activities such as
cial privileges , you know the feeling dances and athletic events .
of having Superiority over others, Although this class was
having the feeling of being ad- keeping busy with all of the ac-
mired, having more rights , and for tivities they were involved in ,
most of us hav1ng less restrictions they were also very academi-
from our family . cally inclined in their studies ,
Being a Senior this year brought and was the first class required
first privileges of having their own to have twenty-two credits to
" Senior " hall and lockers . These graduate .
people have waited long enough Since the Class of ' 88 was
to have their own lockers to " mess such a funloving class if you
up . asked any of them and I think
Not only was the Class of ' 88 they would agree that
known as having great leadership " Getting There was Half the
abilities in clubs and teams , but Fun!!! "

Pot Doty sown umque ong1nallty made peo -

ple "' look " at the Senior Class . Photo : A.
Brian Gann. pres1dent enJOYing his " Supenority " over other class officers - Amy Kennedy , secretary -treasurer . Patti Muldennk
Broce, representative , and Ang1e A1eschel , representative . Photo : K Kendall 53
The following information was compiled from questio-

naires distributed to every senior. It was the student's re-
sponsibility to complete the information and return it to
the yearbook staff, for printing.
CIIYRE ALLEN, daughter of Herb and Wanda KlMBERL Y BRA VI , dauahoer of Jeny and Lon
Brav~ Lon& Lane bond, Bulfalo Gals, bus111ess
Allen, Ruffalo: art club, cheerleader, FilA, FTA, glee
conoeA. ubrvy Club, ~s. pep band, pep dub, pnn
club, pep club, VICA, vo-tech health occupations. ctpal's Ia~ FCA, bulteoball queen candada~e, sch l
IIEATIIER ANDERSON, daughter of Joyce play, Spon1Sh club, speech dub, duona musac
contest, student counal, state mw1c contest.
Crow, Long Lane: band, business contest, FilA, CARRIE BROWN, dauJhoer ot Jun and Linda
FTA, French club, HS, pep band, honor roll, princi- BI'OWI1, Lona Lane band , boneoball, Buffalo Gals ,
pal's list, district music contest, FBLA. cheerleoder, FTA, F....cla dub, alee club, maud
chorus, mu.stc contest , pep band, pep club, honor roll,
IVEN ATKJSSON, soo of Uoyd and Betty Atkis- annual st..ff, FCA , softball, daJtnct mustc awu.es~
son, Buffalo: music club, district music contest. student counct.l, track
DANA BEAM, daughter of Dennis and Judy WES BYBEE, son ot Larry and Coruve Kma.
BuffaJo: basketball, football, mu.ed chorus, mustc
!learn, Buffalo: band, basketball, French club, pep contesl, pep club, honor roll, FCA, dastnct musac
club, Spanish club, track. conlc.Jl, ~.rack.
JAMES BECK ER, son of Jim and Mary Lou KA TilY CARUSLE, dau&hoer of Steve and
Donna Carlisle, l...ouaJbur& · busU\eu eonLC.st, annual
Beckner, Buffalo: baseball, basketball, football, Slaff
school play, Spanish club, speech club, student coun- TRE DA CARNAHAN, dauJhoer of Bob Cam• ·
col,track, district speech contest, state speech contest, han and lmda Wonlun& baskeoball, FHA , Fn:nch
club, cJee club, ma•ed morus, musac contest, pep
speech contest officer, Spanish club officer. club, honor roll, camaval canrudaoe, footbaU cando·
CIIRlS BLAIR, son of Bill and Barbara Blair, date, speech conLC.st, diJI.nct muuc contest, 1nd:,
Buffalo: art club, basketball, baseball, football,
STEVE CLEMMONS, son of I...oma and Sue
mixed chorus, music contest, pep club, honor roll, Clemmons, Buffalo: VICA, vo-tech
district music contest. LORI CO~PTON , dauahter o( Uoyd and Joan
Ccmpc.on, Buff&lo: &lee club, dmnct musac OCifltest.
TIM llLECIIER, son of Larry and Linda Blecher, MARK COOK, son of Patncaa Elma and arandson
Bufralo: baseball, !'FA, pep club, honor roll, track, of Raymond and Rebec:ca Sturdevant, Wltldyvalle . art
VJCA, vo·tech. conteSl, FFA, student counal, FFA s~te OCifltesL
BUFORD CROSS. son of Buford and She~a
CIIRISTINE BONl'.'IN, daughter of Pierre and Cross, Buffalo: fOCltball , tnck , vo-t.ech
Korstcn Bonnin, Tours, France: French club, NilS, rAI\;OY OITlR!=f'\ dau.•hlf"r nf Jnhn O•hho-n •nrl
Carol Sunmons, Lon& Ultleo Bulfalo Gals, cheerlead
pep club, principal's list, student council. er, Oynamacs, French club, mued chorus, musac
TRACY BORNMAN, daughter of Ron and Kay contest , ~1{S, pep club, honor roll, cam1val candt
Rom man, Long Lane: basketball, Buffalo Gals, busi- d le , basketball queen, school play, d111nct mus•c
contea , studc.n• COUI"K:li, FULA, si.J.t.e mu11c OCifllest,
ness contest, French club, NHS, principal'slist, soft- Who' s "''ho
ball, speech club, student council, track, volleyball. DALE DOTY, of Jeny and Melinda Duoy,
Sl lANNON BOYD, daughter of Darrell and Linda FUdand an club, H 'A, footboU, honor roll, FFA ,
I·FA sute contest
Boyd, Buffalo, lArry and Paula Brown, Colorado PATRICIA DOTY, dauahoer o( Lany and Suue
Spnngs, Colo.: basketball, cheerleader, glee club, pep Duoy, Elkland ntA. Fn:n<h club , NilS, pep club,
club, FilLA, vo-tech. honor roll, softball , speech conten , tnck, vollq.ball,
Who' s "''ho
PA T1l BRACE, daughter of John Brace, Windy· BOBBY DRYER.''"' of Don and Je,.ell Dryer,
ville: Buffalo Gals, cheerleader, FilA, fTA, French L:rh1na crou country, vo- lech Candy Dibben and Angela Vest waiting for the "big mo-
club, NBS, pep club, honor roll, principal's list, FCA, 'll\1 EAGLEBVRGER , son of Lany and Carolyn ment" prior to graduation. Photo: Keith Kendall
Eaglchurgcr, Buffalo: VICA , vo -tech
student council. TRA C Y EVA,S , daughoer of Junaor and Pcuy
l~ "ln s, F land buket b<IU, huunc: u contest, &I ce
54 club, musac club. honor roll , f'CA . so(oball , FBL.A,
Senior members of the health occupations doss. Nancy Kuhns. Chyre Allen, Melissa Hollimeir and Karl Jones getting ready for people to start donations at
Stuco ' s Blood Mobile Photo: J. Gargus

MIKE FIELDER, son of Dave and Lynn Fielder, SIIONNA JACO, daughter of Alva and Thelma
Elkland: baseball, FFA, football, French club, pep Jaco, Buffalo: band, FHA, FTA, French club, &}ee
club, foCA, 1111ck. club, music club, NilS, pep band, pep club, honor
BRIAN GANN, son of Bill and Linda Gann, roll, achool play, district music contest, FnLA.
Buffalo: art club, baseball, FFA, basketball, French KARl JONES: basketball, FHA, French club,
club, royalty, student council. mixed chorus, music contest, pep club, honor roll,
ROBBIE GANN, son of Lany and Wanda Gann, FFA, bamwarrning queen, tradt, VICA, vo-tech.
Buffalo: baseball, FFA, football, track, VICA, v<>- KEVIN JONES, son ol Donnie and Janis Jones,
tech. Long Lane: baseball, basketball, FFA, FHA.
AUCIA GilliSPIE, daughter of Karen Sullivent, CIIER YL K.EJTH, daughter of Phillip and Darlene
Buffalo: busineu contest, glee club, miAed chorus, Keith, Buffalo: band, FHA, gl~ club, music contest,
music contest, pep club, honor roll, district music pep club.
contest, FnLA, v<>-tech. AMY KENNEDY, daughter of Warren and Judith
ADRIAN HACKNEY, son of Peny and Helen Kennedy, Buffalo: basketball, FHA, French club,
Rooker, Buffalo: art club, football, Fret~ch club, glee club, miAed chorus, music club, pep club, honor
track. roll, Walnut Festival, Miss Meny Ouistmas candi-
MEUSSA IIALLEMEIER: FilA, glee club, pep date, softball, speech club, student council,
club, VICA, vo-tech, volleyball.
LORI HANCOCK, dau&hter of Edward and BILLY KUECK, son of Willa K.ueclr., Long Lane:
Debbie Hancock, Long Lane: art club, FHA, French art club, football, French club, pep club,studenlcoun-
club, pep club, annual st.aff, school play, Spanish cil, llllck.
club, apeech club, student council. NANCY KUHNS, daughter of John and Sandra
JIMMY HARGIS, son of Lonnie ud Judy Hargis, Kuhns, buffalo: FHA, FTA, miA~ chorus, music
Buffalo: FFA, FilA. contest, pep club, honor roll, district music contest,
ANGELA HAWKINS, dauahter of Eddie Sue VICA, vo-tech, FFA Bamwarrning Sweetheart.
Hawkins, Tunu, Dynamics, glee club, library club, DEEDRA LOWE, dau&hter of Ed and Lora Mayer.
mixed chorus, music club, honor roll, district music Louisburg, Nora Sweaney, guardian: Dynamics,
contest. FHA, FTA, glee club, miAed chorua, music contest,. Lonette Spitzer and Angie McDaniel relaxing and having fun
MELODY HAYES, daughter ol Fred and Jan honor roll, Spanish club, district music conteat,. at Hip Pocket after cheerleoding practice . Photo: S. Sample
Geis, Long Lane: art club, band, buaine11 contest, Who's Who, chamber choir, st.ate music oontesL
crou country, AlA, FTA, French club, NHS, pep
band, pep club, honor roll, annualsl&ff, FCA, student
counLil, track.
SHAUNA HENDRICKS, daughter of D. K. and
Mardee Hendricks, Buffalo: French club, miAed
chorus, muaic club, honor roll, FBLA, vo-tech.
DARIN HURD, aon of Roy and Sharon Hurd,
Buffalo: VICA, vo-t.ech.
OF • • •

LEIGH ANN MARTIN, daughter of Marsha

Martin, Buffalo: AlA, pep club.
BILLY MASSEY, son of Darrell and Lorraine
Skiruier, Ellcland : VICA, vo-tech.
KARIN MAY, daughter of Dolores Summers,
Buffalo, Darla Jones, guardian: cross country,
Dynamics, FHA, glee club, mixed chorus, district
music contest, track, state music contest, Who's
ANGIE McDANIEL, daughter of Kenny and Jean-
ne McDaniel, Buffalo: Buffalo Gals, cheerleader,
FilA, FTA, French club, NHS, pep club, honor roll,
annual staff, FCA, f001.ball homecoming candidate,
Who's Who.
LORI McGUIRE, daughter of Mickey and Linda
McGuire, Buffalo: FHA,library club, pep club, annu-
al staff, Spanish club.
CINNAMON McMILLA , daughter of I . D. and
Linda McMillan, Buffalo: Buffalo Gals, cheerleader,
FilA, pep club, honor roll, annual staff, FCA, carni -
val candidate, bamwarming queen, football queen .
DEBBY MILLER : cheerleader, FHA, FTA,
French club, glee club, music club, honor roll, annual
stpff, school play.

Seniors Lance Mills is getting ready to crown C LANCE MILLS, son- of Bob and Mary Mills, BECKY OWENS, daughter of Kenneth Owens
namon McMillan as queen. at Football Festiv• Louisburg: baseball, football, French club, honor roll, and Teresa Mustard, Tunas: FHA, FTA, French club,
carnival, festival, speech club, student council, track. glee club, music club, honor roll , annual staff, speech
AMBER NEAL, daughter of Wayne and Janet club, district music contest, track
Neal, Buffalo: Buffalo Gals, business contest, French DARRlN PERCIVAL, son of Roy and Sue Perci-
club, NHS, pep club, honor roll, FCA, basketball val, Long Lane: FFA, vo-tech.
homecoming candidate, track, FBLA. BRAD Plllu.IPS, son of Pau1a and Frankie Phil-
CHANDA NELSON, daughter of Larry Rogers lips, Buffalo: basebail, basketball, FFA, football,
and Rosella Good, Buffalo, Linda Nelson, guardian : mixed chorus, music club, VICA, vo-tech.
band, mixed chorus, pep band, pep club, honor roll, SANDY PO'rfER, daughter of Clem and Janioe
district music contest. Potter, Elltland: band, Buffalo Gals, FTA, NHS, pep
BETSY OGLESBEE, daughter of Neal and Sarah band, pep club, honor roll, principal's list, district
Oglesbee, Buffalo: band, FHA, FTA, French club, music contest, FBLA, Who's Who.
library club, NHS, pep band, pep club, honor roll, SCOTT PRICE, son of Garold and Wanda Price,
principal's list, district music contest, student Buffalo: art club, football, mixed chorus, music club,
council. dinrict music contest, VICA, vo-tech.
MARY ORMSBY, daughter of George and BRENDA 'RHODELANDER, daughter of
Rosemary Ormsby, Long Lane: art club, FHA, FTA, Howard and Willa Rhodelander, Buffalo: FTA, glee
glee club, music club, honor roll, Spanish club, club, library club, mixed chorus, music club, NHS,
volleyball. pep club, honor roll, school play, Spanish club,
SCOTT OTTO, son of David and CeCe Otto, speech club, district music contest.
Lebanon: basketball, FTA, football, French club, ANGIE RIESCHEL, daughter of Pam and Wayne
track. Riesc:hel~ Buffalo: basketball, Buffalo Gals, French
56 club, NHS, pep club, principal's list, FCA, student
Foreign exchange student, Christine
Bonnin. fit right in w1th the Senior Class .

KENNY ROBERTS, son of O!arles and Joan KElLY SHARP, daughter of Gary and Jane JOHN STRICKLAND, son of O!arles and Barbara
ROOerts, Long Lane: vo-tech. Sharp, Buffalo: Buffalo Gals, business contest, Strick'iand, Long Lane: mixed chorus, music club,
ANGIE ROSCOE DAVISON: band, basketball, Fren.::h club, NHS, pep club, honor roll, principal's district music contest, VICA.
FilA, FfA, pep club, mnual staff, Spapish club, list, FBLA. DAVID STUCKEY, son of Donald and Deanna
track, FBLA, vo-t.ech. AARON SHOCKLEY, son of David and Gloria Stuclcey, Tunas: band, FfA, football, library club,
SHAWN SAMPLE, daughter of Jaclc and Judy Shockley, Long Lane: FFA, vo-t.ech. pep band, pep club, honor roll, FCA, speech club,
Sample, Buffalo: art club, basketball, Buffalo Gals, SIM SMITHERMAN, son of Sim T. Smitherman traclc, VICA, YO-tech.
business contest, cheerleader, FHA, mixed chorus, and Florence Patrick, Louisburg: baseball, cross K.ElL Y SUMMERS. son of Larry and Shirley
pep club, honor roll, annual staff, football homecom- country, mixed chorus, vo-tech. Bell, Buffalo: FFA, vo-tech.
ing candidate, carnival candidate, basketball home- DEVONA SNIDER, daughter of Richard and RANDY SWANIGAN, son of Jerry and Linda
coming candidate, drama club, srudent council, track. Vickie Snider, Buffalo: band, cheerleader, FHA, Swanigan, Buffalo: VICA, vo-tech.
SANDY SCRIVENER, daughter of Carl and FfA, French club, library club, mixed chorus, music SHElLY TAYLOR, daughter of E. Lee and
Diane Scrivener, Buffalo: Buffalo Gals, cheerleader, club, NHS, pep band, pep club, honor roll, principal's Barbara Taylor, Buffalo: FfA, French club, pep club,
FHA, French club, pep club, honor roll, FCA, Merry list, school play, Who's Who. annual staff, school play, speech club, student
Christmas candidate, softball, student council, LANNETTE SPITZER, daughter of Harold and council.
FBLA, Who's Who. Judy Spitzer, Louisburg: band, cheerleader, FHA, COlLEEN TORREY, daughter of Donna Kokstis :
JAMES SHANTZ, son of Ben and Rosa Shantz, pep club. FHA, glee club, music club, district music contest,
Buffalo: basketball, FfA, football, track, COC DARREN STIDHAM, son of Donnie and Joyce VICA, vo-tech.
basketball, COC football, stale qual. track. Stidham, Buffalo: FFA, football, vo-tech. JUUE TURNER, daughter of Larry and Lonna
Turner, Elkland: FFA, FHA, pep club, FBLA, vo-
Buddies, Dale Doty. Scott Otto. Billy Kueck, Ronnie Hagar and Auss Wilder pose for a picture before MARY VANCE, daughter of Billy and Dorathie
graduation Photo: Keith Kendall Vance, TI.D1as: FHA, glee club, music club, pep club,
ANGELA VEST, daughter of Gleamon and Betty
Vest, Long Lane: FFA, FHA, glee club, music club,
pep club, district music contest, VICA.
AUCIA WEEKS, daughter ol Richard and Sue
Weeks, Elkland: art club, band, Buffalo Gals, busi-
ness contest, FTA, French club, mixed chorus, music
club, NHS, pep band, pep club, honor roll, principal's
list, district music contest, Who's Who.
LORA WILCOX, Shirley Johnson, guardian: glee
club,. mixed chorus, music club, pep club, school
play, speech club, FBLA.
EDWARD WORKMAN, son of George and Judy
Workman, Buffalo: French club, library club, school
play, speech club, FBLA.
SHANE WYATT, son of Frank and Kim Wyatt,
Louisburg: cross country, track, VICA, vo-tecb.
B Co -Valedictorians : Tracy Bornman - Kim Bravi

B11Jfalo High School.1.uditorium

S1111day, .\Jay 29, 1988



Friday, june 3, 1988
8:00p.m. 8

Salutatorian : Angie Aieschel

Photos : Keith Kendall
Angela Hawkins , Shonna Jaco and Alicia Weeks proudly d1splay the1r diplomas 1n the crowded lobby after graduat1ng exercises . Photo Ke1th Kendall

An over-view of the field house lobby as par -

ents and fnends congratulate the Class of '88

Angie McDan1el ond Cinnamon McMillan getting

ready outside in the line-up . Photos' Ke1th
Kendall .

Aaron Shockley and Tim Bleachler sitting by each other (like most friends

GETTING THERE do while traveling) on the Senior Trip .

Angie McDaniel and Cinnamon McMillan shaw1ng off the1r un1que style to -
gether .

II 7
Seniors form tight bonds
Layout, story, and photos: C. McMillan

We all hove at least one friend, cept us how we ore.

and that person is very special to us. When it's close to gradua-
Maybe you hove been friends since tion a senior starts to realize
you were younger, maybe you were how special their friends ore,
enemies and become friends, or just and how it's going to be with-
·'hit it off'' one day. But however you out seeing them as much; but
become friends, you con soy it was when they get together they
"worth it." will hove that special
Our friends listen to our prob- "something" with that special
lems, shore our experiences, and oc- person they called a friend.

By Sonja Johnson

As I sit here when I have searched

and contemplate my inner soul
all the memories just to make sure
of yesterday. that I agreed
I cannot h1de w1th what was happen-
the smile Ing .
that tugs Moments
at the corners of of deep sorrow
my mouth . and the act
We have shared of forgiving
so many good times . one another.
There have been Yet , through it all.
moments we are still together.
when I have wished and there
that I could spend eternity could never be
Shannon Boyd and Angela Hawk1ns taking the t1me to-
just right there a more beautiful moment
gether to talk about the day ' s events
beside you . than right now .
Karen May, Tanya Decker . and Deedra Lowe prove how Moments
close fnends can share th1ngs .



6.!-p~) Many students helped Troy
Nimmo remove his mother's cor
from the ditch after he ditched
it in the first major snow of the
season. Photo: M. Trent
Brigitte Banks
Bobbl Beachler

Dawna Bean
Tricia Bear

Tonia Beyer
Melanie Bliss

Gary Bradford
Larry Burns

Diane Chastine
John Clemmons

Juniors take their driving seriously

Layo ut & story: Julie Hicks

Mark Cummings
Jeff Dampier Be good, be in on time, and peat over and over - "Oh no,
most of all BE CAREFUL. These ore not me! Oh no, not me!"
probably the 3 things said to Jun- What is the worst port of a
iors most often. No matter how crash? Telling your parents, or
careful you ore, it still con hop- the fact that it is your precious
Hobert Davis pen. A wreck. You're out and run- cor that is not a piece of junk!
Wesley Dickey ning around and thinking how Some Juniors at BHS said the
good it is to be out of the house. wildest thing they hod ever got-
Suddenly, out of the corner of ten away with, was wrecking
your eye. you see a cor. and it is their parents' cor. Who knows,
coming straight towards you. You which would be worse - wrecking
Mike Dill hove nowhere to go. CRASH. your parents' cor, or wrecking
Deeandra Dixon Some people will cuss. some go your own?
into shock. others just sit andre-

Carpentry houses look professionally built . Below
Duke Henry and Mark Piper work on the inside of one
of the houses. Photos M. Trent

Carpenters Prepare for the

Lots of Juniors take carpentry. to learn the basics of building a home.
According to Glen Miller, carpentry is A lot of the guys said that they liked
what he likes most about school. We carpentry because they learned a lot
asked some of the guys in carpentry and still had fun at the same time.
how they felt about carpentry . Troy Duke also told us that he gained ex-
Nimmo and Duke Henry stated that perience to build his own home later
they took carpentry because it was in life .

Amy Dugan
Maureen Eidson
Brent Eske
Wayne Evans
Danny Farris
Rick Fears
Sandi Finley

Shannon Fletcher
Wesley French
Stott Frey
Michelle Gann
Jane Gargus
Robby Gilpin
John Glor

iA- h4tk fur: !
) fl~ Layout & story: Julie Hicks


time and in some place it has hap-
pened to all of us . Whether it has
been going to Springfield and leav-
Dennis Gray
ing your wallet at home, or some-
thing as small as falling down in
front of MILLIONS of people . Falling
is something that has happened to
almost every Junior at BHS .
An embarrassing thing to lots
Tommy Head
of the guys was the 1987-88 foot-
ball season .
One particular Junior (we
won 't mention any names but his in-
itials are MT) has such killer eye-
sight that he missed the advanced
Cheryl Hayes
P.E. bus while standing in front of
it .
Just when you think you 're
safe and you 're walking down the
hall, someone reaches out and
jerks down your shorts or pants .
Duke Henry

Jim Kjar and Erika Kane demonstrate the embarrassing moment

of having someone pull down your pants.
Jennifer Hicks
Julie Hicks
Laryssa Hill

Juniors hod fun blowing up 1400 balloons . Miss . Jon Alford, Robby
Layout and photos: Gilpin, Jimmy Kjor and Tracy Strickland work on decorations. Oth-
Koren Rleschel er juniors mess around while decorating.

Paul Hood
Finding the Destination
Imagine the perfect night . The by Brion Elhord, also a junior Coach Cyndy Hoffman, sponsor
Tony Jensen
music playing softly and all your sponsor. Alford added, and the invitation committee,
friends in formals and tuxes. "Everyone started working hod the invitations printed, ad-
Blue. silver. and purple every- hard once they realized that dressed. and distributed .
where and let's not forget all the they hod to get the decisions To help make extra money for
food . mode and everything or- Prom all of the committees sold
It all sounds so easy, but ask dered." sun glosses with B.H.S.'s Initials
Julie Jenson
anyone who worked on Prom and The food committee worked on them. Another junior sponsor
they'll tell you that it took months on selecting the servers. They who assisted with Prom was Rick
of preparation. also prepared the menu and Henderson. Other teachers who
Juniors who wonted to help or- ordered the food . This commit- helped were George Blowers
ganize Prom signed-up on one of tee was under the direction of and Lonnie Glor.
four committees. Michelle Friebe.
Erika Kane
Jon Alford, sponsor, was in Rochelle Ausbury was the
charge of the decorating commit- sponsor who worked with the
tee. This group's duties were to students on the entertainment
pick the colors. work on the ideas committee. This committee
of how to decorate and put them was responsible for the
to use. The committee decided awards and prophesies, pick-
Jimmy Kjor
on the favors, such as the ing the man and woman of our
glosses with the dote and the time and buying the crown and
design on them. They also decid- sash. They also decided on a
ed on the background for the pic- bond and built the platform for
tures. The pictures were token the bond to perform on.

Joe Kjor
Down lacey
Jeff larimer
Chris Lilley
Chris long
Rick lyon
Marcellino McConnell
Glen Miller

Angle Mulderink. Angie Peters, Down lacey. Julie Jenson. and Julie
Miller decorate candle holders . Julie Miller, Julie Jenson. and Down
lacey sell sunglasses to foreign exchange students Christine Bonnin
and Arlondno Collado .
Layout and photos: Koren Aieschel
The Junior officers were: Angle Peters (pr esident).
Tracy Strickland (secretory/ treasurer ). Jeff Dampier
and Jimmy Kjar (representatives).

Julie Miller
Angela Mulderink
Cathy Musser
Melodi Nelson
Wendy Newton
Troy Nimmo

Darrell Norton
Jenel Owens
Jennifer Owens
Jim Patterson
Deanna Percival
Angie Peters

Eddie Phillips
Tracey Pierce
Tammy Pilot
Mark Piper
Teresa Powell
Karen Aieschel

Work Pays
Many students who don 't work
may toke their spore time for
granted . At least 23 students out
of 98 students in the junior class
hod jobs.
In a junior work survey, 62% felt
like it was hard to balance work
with school. Sixty-seven percent
When Mark Piper was asked if he felt that having a Brigitte Banks , right . felt like the hardest part of having
felt like their parents expected job hurt his school work , he commented , " Yes, I'm too a job was working on weekends while everyone else
them to pay for more because they tired when I come home to do my homework , so I cram was out running around. Classmate Lisa Aogers ,
were working . They were pretty in the morning before school." Aobby Gilpin only had thought the hardest part was telling a customer that
one word to say. when asked about the best part of she had just burnt their pizza. Brigitte and Lisa were
much all in agreement that the best his job, " Money ." employed by Hlp Pocket Pizza Parlor .
port of working was PAY DAY .

Leah Aoble
Lisa Aogers

Kim Scott
Mike Souza

Chris Long said that the hardest part of

Jennifer Owens felt like the best part of her his job working at the David Moore Vet -
job at the Victorian Steak House was get- erinary Clinic were the long hours on the
ting to meet a lot of interesting people while weekend. Sometimes Chris worked as Mike Stafford
she waited on tables. many as 15 hours on Saturday. Shannon Stepp

Tracy Strickland
Karri Sweaney

Tanya Torr
Travis Taylor

Brent Eske employed by G & W Foods stat-

ed, " Sometimes when I have a big test it Tracy Strickland, employed by Nyberg 's
turns out I work that night, so I don' t get as Pharmacy, liked dealing with people and
much studying time as I would like ." trying to help them. She said it made her
feel good.
Charles Teague
Mike Trent

Steve Winters
Aoy Witt

Sam Woody
Ahonda Yarbrough
Shannon Stepp' s parents didn't expect her Erika Kane said that the best part of her
to pay for more things because she worked, job at Maple St. Grill was being laid back
but she felt like it was her responsibility . and wearing her own clothes. She liked
Shannon worked for Casey ' s making pizza. the idea that there weren ' t a bunch of
strict rules . Layout and photos:
Koren Aieschel
i.4- JraJi the ~ I
Amy Adams
Jill Anderson
Mtke Badgett
Jason Banks
D.J. Barnhart
Tara Barker
Mary Bartee
Angelic Beard
Rusty Berry

Sandy Beyer

Jake Blake

Robert Blakey

Sean Blecher


Sophomore Class Officers Stacy Phillips. Angte Hamilton. Chns Welsch and Stashi Mills

Kelly Breshears
Mark Buttry
Mary Carlisle
Jackie Carter
Melissa Case
Rhonda Caselman
Deanna Cheek
Anandna Collado

Sophomore , Scott Sullivan , was awarded money by Dov1d Beltz for be1ng the w1nn1ng entry of the
slogan contest for the City of Buffalo Sullivan was awarded his sov1ngs bond at a spring luncheon
held for student leaders by the Chamber of Commerce Photo : Wendy Newton .

Scott Conrad
Jimmy Craver
Rick Cntes
Ronn1e Crites

M1chael Deckard
Aaron Decker
Robert Dibben
Shawn Duskin

Chns Dye
Rhett Elia
Troy Faulkner
Sora Ferrell

Lon Fry
Dave Gardner
David Goettee
Steve Graham
Tena Guffey

Lucas Hale
Dallas Hall
Angie Hamilton
Lisa Hampton
Chris Hankins

jA, lt4 1M, fu"_ !
Cliff Hathcock
Kelly Healy
Jason He1tman
Brent Hodson
Chrystal Holman
Brannon Holmes

Jessie Huntley
Loretto Jenn1ngs
Erik Johansen
Stephan1e Keener
Jolene Knabb
Bnan Kramer

Nikki LaCrue
Jeff Lankford
Jess Lawless
Tracy Leavey
T1ffany Lepley
Mark Lauderbaugh

Tara Lovett
J1m Lukes

Ariandna Collado was a sophomore exchange

student from Mexico Late in the spnng, Stuco
presented our exchange students Christine and
Ariandna with quilts. The qu1lt blocks were made
by Stuco members and teachers of Christine and
Ariandna The qu1lt was finally constructed by
Wanda Payne, Stuca mother

Chris Luther
Stephon1e Mort1n
Des1ree Mason
Rachel McConnell
Tereso McGregor
Scott McKenzie
Tanya Miller

Serving at Prom
Layout & story: Becky Owens
Sophomores serving at the Junior-Se-
nior Prom. Is it tradition or repetition? The
sophomores seemed happy to be seeing
a Prom as underclassmen - enough to
make it worthwhile to work for upperclass-
Those who served dressed appropri-
ately for the occasion in blue ties. (which
students in Home-Ec made for the special
event). They also dressed in white shirts
and black pants.
The idea for sophomores to serve to
the upperclassmen dates back for several
BHS generations. Is it the idea of serving
to the upper classes that makes it such an
appealing job; or the idea of being able to
see what a prom is like before you're an up-
perclassman? Whatever the reason, these
sophomores knew that ··getting there is
half the fun.··

Stoshi Mills
Sonny Mitchell
Dtckie Mulkey
Traina Norton
Wesley Osborn

Roberto Payne
Stacy Payne
Stacey Ph1llips
Taro P1erce

Terri Poole
Brion Potter
Jim Potter
Donald Poynter

J.4~ ;-_!
Amy Price
Dan Rachi
iJr Jason

91- )

A move Worth it
Story & layout: Becky Owens
Moving for some is a sad of something falling apart .
situation , but for most B.H.S. Cliff Hatchcock stated ,
sophomores it was a happy " It ' s almost like we
occasion . As Tena Guffey shouldn ' t be here . Is this
explained , " I think it 's our really Buffalo? Or is it Bran-
school , we worked hard for son . or Ozark , or Osage or
it. we watched it go up . we Nixa . This facility is more
earned it and now we ' ve than we deserve . I don ' t
been rewarded ." view this building as the
M any sophomores " new " B.H.S. This building
thought of it the same way ; is the real B.H.S. This new
it was a reward for hard work school will create a new
and a job well done . It gave type of B.H.S. graduate it
the sophomores a chance to will create one that ' s
expand into something or proud , strong and beauti-
someone that B.H.S. was ful much like the school the
proud of; not just a reflection graduate will represent ."

Joe Robson
Stacy Ruel
Kristy Samons
Chip Sample

Ronnie Sharp
Terri Sharp
David Shay
Kris Shepard

Michelle Simpson
Cindy Smith
Jeff Smith
Vickie Smith

Brenda Smitherman
Darren Sons
Debbie Spitzer
Darrell Sterling

Shannon Stidham
Scott Sullivan
Candee Summers
Stacy Swon1gon
Debb1e Toylor
Mark Taylor
Wendy Teogue

Donald Tiller
Melissa Todd
Sam Tuck
A1chord Tun1ng
Marlin V1ets
Donna Walker

Beth We1gel
Chns Welsh
L1so Wilcox
Lonny W111ioms
Charles Wilson
Kathy W1ngo
Come Wommack Art: Cliff Hathcock

Sophomores like Joson Heitman. got

1nto the action of cleaning the new
desks when they arrived about two
months after moving into Wing-D.

~ltaJttkfut- 1
Christi Adams
Veronica Ash
Amy Atteberry
Kelly Beam
Troy Bear
Jacque Bloke
Clint Bone
Cindy Bornman

Jimmy Boyd
Lindo Brodly
liz Brodly
Kathy Brovi
Donielle Breshears
Mitch Brockman
David Burns
Brion Buttry

Tonia Coin
Joey Carver
Sheila Christian
Vickie Clampitt
Renee Clark
Mark Cotter
Amanda Dampier
Eric Dampier

When Amy Atteberry was Why did Amy write to Her- were, Bigfoot Trucks, Max Fac-
asked what the best thing shey's? Because this year the tor, Dr. Seuss, Hershey Choco-
about the reply she received English I classes had a different late Company, Bass Pro, NASA,
from Hershey ' s Chocolate was, kind of assignment. They had KISS, Paramount Pictures, plus
she said, "The information, it a choice of activities to do, one a whole lot more .
was just interesting; Hershey's of which was to write a major "I thought at first 'oh boy,
]e'lv has been around for a long corporation or famous person we're writing to Dr . Seuss', but
0acqve time! They don't just make can- or group . once he wrote back it was
~J dy bars, they even have res- Some of the corporations or awesome.
cvl'i taurants!" people that were written to


'lt:~k )• ~
{of '1NV ve.r-,
'pl·~-.....1- l~t-t~.- .
"!:. h"~t ~t
e-..d on.l w·,\1
'b t 0 ~ ) .... t. htl j,
+o '10"'

74 Jacque Bloke, freshman . Rick Crites, sophomore , and Eulo Jasper. freshman . decide to read oil the Dr . Seuss books they
con after writing him.
Kirby Davis
Colby Davison
Mark DeJarnette
Chris Dill
Patty Draper

Susan Durnngton
Melissa Elom
Brion Evans
Tisho Evans
Kathy Fear

Jamie Felin
Dove Fielder
Angie Fischer
Jenelle Flemming
Lloyd Ford

Kerri Friemel
Heather Gotske
Mark Gilmore
Mike Gilmore
Shelh Goette

According to Miss Phillips.

the officers did a good job.
''The class as a whole set their
goals and met most of them .
They are a good bunch of
''I had a lot of fun working
there with my council. All of our
council is super cool. We got
along really great!'· said the
president of the freshman
class. Shelli Goette. She was
also involved with FHA. Pep
Club and the Hospice Snack
Holding the office of Secre-
tary of the freshman class was
Stephanie Payne. She was in-
volved in Pep Club, FCA and
Music Club.
Activities of Representative.
Missy Kjar. were FCA. FTA. Pep
Club, Art Club. Softball, Volley-
ball. and Basketball. She also
was a District Christian Youth
Ministry Representative for
the Buffalo United Methodist
Also holding the office of
Freshman Representative was
Dana Rice. Her other activities
included Pep Club. Art Club,
French Club, FCA. Softball. Vol-
leyball and Basketball.
iA- Jc4 tb, 1-_ I
J,l )
Fright. it wakes you up. It they realize that next year. and a whole new way to oct IORS!! "They threatened my life
makes involuntary screams. THEY will be entering the mys- doesn't bother some people . the first time they sow me and
yells and other weird sounds terious, magical. TERRIFYING One of them was Jenny Ogles- swore to make my life miserable
come from your mouth. Most of world of high school. The world bee, who said, "My sister ex- at every chance after that!"
you like it. But I'm not going to where freshman, the lowest of plained it to me." Some frosh If you were a freshman this
talk about that kind of fright. the low in the high school. ore hod older brothers, sisters or year. don't worry. your day will
This is the fright that grows in- notoriously picked on by upper friends to help them adjust. come when you will be on
side of you, ripping, gnawing clossmen . (And closswomen.) According to Mark DeJar- "upperclassmen" and you con
at your ribcage; the kind that The seemingly unsurmoun- nette. the worst thing about pick on freshman. Just wait pa-
doesn't let you sleep. It's what table threat of upperclassmen. his freshman year was Lance tiently.
happens to some people when mean teachers, tough classes Mills and Brion Portman - SEN-

Mark DeJarnette, freshman , is harassed

by seniors , Lance Mills and Brian Portman .

Robert Green
Jimmy Griffin
Jay Hancock
Samantha Haney
Cookie Hawkins
Krista Hegle
Heather Hodson

Stacy Holman
Jeanette Hopkins
Chns Howe
Micheal Howe
Brandle Jaco
Eula Jasper
Jennifer Jenson

Wesley Johnson
Eddie Johnson
Michelle Jones
Tony Jones
Missy Kjar

What about drugs and al- was fine but drugs were out .
cohol? What do you think? There were extremely few
That was a question posed who said drugs were okay .
in a survey to the freshmen Under 10 thought there was
class. And the results were nothing wrong with either.
very strange, at least to this There was a medium per-
writer's point of view . centage with definite
According to a surprising "NO's" to both. The biggest
number of freshman, alcohol percentage though, went
with alcohol.
Penny Kuhns To me. this seemed odd.
Steve Lea
Tami lindsay Alcohol is a drug. It is just as
Brett addictive and harmful as any
Lauderbaugh other drug. It has been
Randy Lyon
around longer than anything
else. So why is it acceptable?
The answer to that could
Chris Manary lie in our own faults. You see.
Traci Mayfield all sorts of advertisements
glamorize all the fun you can
Crystal have drinking and how sexy
McCullars and mature it is. Yet there
Christa are all sorts of ads against
drugs and what they can do
Mike McDaniel
to you. There are very few
Troci against alcohol. and most of
McGregor them are not against drink-
Marty McGuire ing; just drinking and driving.
Erin McHenry
Scott Moriarty No wonder the freshmen
class thinks it's okay.
The freshmen haven't had
as much exposure as the
Chuck Morrow upperclassmen, yet. Several
Angela Moyie
Dolly Mullings
of their opinions may change
Kim Novok over the next three years.
Jenny but the change could go
either way. Carrie Brown.

The new Buffalo Gals Marjorette , Michelle Jones, freshman. sits at Maple Street Grill with her cousin 77
after the band concert.
Jeff Owen
Lisa Parmenter
Billy Payne

Gary Pickney
Myron Powell

Ernest Putman
Dana Rachi

Jami Randolph
Dana Rice

Coach Denbow gets his freshman On the basketball court, the fresh-
team ready to start their basket- man volleyball team in action as they
ball game. The cheerleaders valley the ball back aver the net .
pose far a picture .

Amy Rima
Franky Roberts

Twyla Rogers
Tanya Schmill
Jerry Scaughtan

Ronnie Sherman
Susan Sherman

Jason Sikes
Dennis Skinner
Regina Slack
Toward the end of the year . several freshman were seen working on art projects outside .

Jeffery Strickland
Kenneth Freshmen ARE involved!
George Some people don't con- Buffalo Gals majorette and
Felicia Sullivansider freshmen as a very big succeeded. Pretty impressive
part of school. They haven't for "lowly freshmen" ...
had time to get involved yet. The freshmen not only did
This year's freshmen though, well on upperlevels. they did
Deonno Todd
Mondo Trevino have proved this wrong. fairly well on their own level.
Judy Tunning They have been very active The first Bison to shoot a 3
Andie Turner
in the activities at BHS. Foot- pointer in basketball was a
ball, basketball, cheerlead- freshman playing on the fresh-
ing, softball, baseball, music men team. The freshmen
and many clubs and organi- cheerleaders returned from
Bridgette zations were represented cheerleading camp with high
Turner by the freshmen class. placed ribbons. None of them
David Turner
Sue Vencill This has been an out- had ever really cheered be-
Michelle standing year for freshmen in fore.
Weinant So maybe being a freshmen
sports. In softball, some
played on varsity, also in doesn't mean you can't do well
baseball, volleyball and girls in activities. Freshmen can
Jason Williams basketball. One freshman, score very well on their own.
Lorin Williams
Robert Williams Michelle Jones, tried out for
Jason Willis

Joe Wills
Dale Wimberly
Jerry Worley
Lori Zeolia

''Ring them
bells I I

jA, Story and layout: Becky Owens

"Ring them bells , ding With the tones in every
II them bells". "Those ore
tones, not bells!" That's
room ond hallway, intercoms
with digital clocks were also
whet mony B.H.S. students installed. This helped ap-
II were probably thinking .
Stephanie Martin, sopho-
pease the students and
teachers who wanted to talk
The new classroom intercom system allowed the office and class- more, said, "The new tones to the office without walking
room to intracommunicate. The panel display (not visable) also con- sound like ·'Family Feud'', down to the office . We could
tains a digital clock. when someone answers a also see clocks. synchronzed
question right.'· with the tones.
Along with the new school, These new accessories to
new tones were installed. the otherwise boring school
The new tones had a much room lead most to see that
more soothing sound, not so the little things helped peo-
strong like the buzzing of the ple to believe that "Getting
past. there was half the fun."

The new vs. the old • • •

The new hallway bell and intercom systems. above. vs. the
old hallway bells, with their awful annoying sound.

Parking Piggies
Story and Layout : Becky Owens
How do you park a car in the rules like : parking permits, and
school parking lot? Many driving charges on the permit . Many
students at B.H.S. have asked schools around the nation have
this question . Many students to limit perking to upper classman
also disagree on the answer . because of limited space . Maybe
Jennifer Owens , jr ., said , " I hate we should or shouldn ' t take up
the idiots that park in the drive, the advice of Alicia Gillispie , sr.
so others can ' t get out . " Chyre and " Have parking permits for
Allen, sr . " hated people that each car in the B.H.S. lot. "
used up more than one space, '' Since this yearbook article was
and added , " It 's too far to written. Jane Gargus, managing
walk ." Scout editor wrote an editorial
The parking lot became full in on the parking epidemic which
the front rows quickly , and after took care of some of the
preparing to come to school on " Parking Piggies . "
a rainy day, no person wanted to
park in the last parking rows or
on the street.
Our parking lot is a deminishing
breed; we had very little restric-
tions on parking, our neighbor
school, Lebanon High School, had

Tryout for squad tough
Layout and story: Angie McDaniel
For 2S girls at BHS, spring jumps .
was a time for cheerleading. The graduating senior
Cheerleading tryouts that is. cheerleaders, last year's
They were held on April 1S, cheerleaders, and former
but the tryout clinic began on BHS cheerleader, Patti
Monday, April 11. Brace, senior, were avail-
There were many girls that able to help the girls trying
didn't wait for the clinic but out .
started working shortly after The girls were judged on
basketball season ended. teacher evaluations which
There was tough competi- consisted of leadership, atti-
tion, so the girls wanted to tude, cooperation, courtesy
get in as much practice as character, attendance,
possible before the tryouts . punctuality, and dependabil-
Competing for the 12 var- ity. The teacher evaluation
sity and JV spots were 12 re- composed SO percent of the
turning BHS cheerleaders, tryout score. while the other
leaving very tough competi- SO percent was cheering
tion for new comers. But de- ability . The tryout consisted
spite the odds, there were of two jumps, splits, two
many girls trying out for their stunts, an original cheer and
first year as cheerleaders . A a cheer taught to them earli-
new-comer, Tami Lindsay, er in the week .
Tracy Stncklond. Koren A1eschel. loretto Jennings , Knsto Hegle . and Bridgette freshman, made the JV The 1988-89 varsity and
Bonks nervously owo1t the1r turn to tryout. Photo : M . Fnebe squad . Lindsay commented, JV sponsor will be Rochelle
"Angie McDaniel, the '88 Ausbury. Ms. Ausbury has
varsity captain talked me been a BHS cheerleading
into trying out. It was a lot of sponsor for three years. Ms.
fun and a good experience Cheryl Lemons will serve as
for me. It was a little harder the freshmen sponsor . This
than I thought it would be, will be Ms . Lemons' first year
but it might get easier . I think as a cheerleading sponsor.
the hardest part was the

Tam1 Lindsay. Trac1 McGrear , and
Shelh Goetee stretching out w1th ·88
varsity captain, Angie McDaniel in an
after school practiCe during the
week prior to tryouts . Photo : M .

Although inJured, Angie McDaniel begged sponsor . Rochelle Asubury to let
her cheer in the final minutes of a close game against Lebanon. Photo : M .

Mychele Moore (seated) suffers from a knee Injury during tryouts . Photo:
M. Friebe

The gtrls woottng pottently lor ptctures to be token alter the crowning Mtssy KJor and Mark Ptper Tracy
Strockland and Eddle Phdllps , Stacey Phtlllps and Troy Nommo . Mtehele Otbben and Jtmmy Shontz. Kim Brovt
and Scott Otto . Amber Neal and Chrts Blaor Shown Sample and Russ Wtlder Susan Bradley and Robbte
Gtlptn Photo · Keoth Kendon

"All the gtrls looked gorgeous, and the guys played a great game, which
makes this Homecoming a spectol and memorable one ," quoted Michelle
Dtbben. Photo : K. Kendall

Skyline defeated - Dibben Crowned

Layout and story : Cinnamon McMillan
For the week of January 1 1- coming queen was Michelle Dibben ,
15 BHS had our traditional Spirit senior and she was escorted by
week leading up to Homecom- Jimmy Shantz , senior . The other
ing night . Spirit Week is dress- Homecoming candidates were Kim
ing in a certain way , different Brevi , Shawn Sample . and Amber
days . with : Monday as Nerd Neal. The Homecoming attendants
Day , Tuesday as Clash Day . were Tracy Strickland, junior ; Sta -
Wednesday as SO 's Day , cey Phillips , sophomore ; and Missy
Thursday as Dress Up Your Kjar , freshman . When Homecoming
Jeans Day , and Friday queen , Michelle Dibben , was asked
wrapped up the week with how she felt about being queen ,
Spirit Day . by wearing school she replied . " We were all nervous
colors . wrecks but we were excited . It was
The game was very exciting a big honor being elected queen by
because we defeated the Sky - the student body. "
line Tigers 60 -51 . Something The Buffalo Gals also marched
unique happened at this game ; during the Varsity half-time to add
the BHS and Skyline cheerlead- excitement , and following the
ers merged together to per - game . the Student Council held a
form a dance routine for the dance . The cheerleaders held a
crowd during the JV half-time . pep assembly earlier that day to
Karen Aeischel. junior and Var- get everyone " reved-up " for the
sity cheerleader replied '' We game .
learned the routine really fast The election for Basketball
because it was the night be - Homecoming queen required a re -
fore the Homecoming game . vote in the senior class , more
We were all worried about it , votes were cast then there were
but it was fun to learn .'' claSS members . Students danc"'9 at the Bosketbol Homecomong donee , held by Student Council Photo · M elody Hoyes

The crowning was done be - Kyle Russel (son of Cooch M ike Russel) wos center of attention olter Michele Dibben wos crowned
Photo , K. Kendal.
tween the games . The Home- Jommy Shontz govlng MIChele Otbben. the new homecomong queen. the troditlonol homecoming kiss.
Photo: K. Kendal

Scott Otto and Kim Brovi (seniors) • Jimmy Shontz and Michelle Dibben Chris Blair and Amber Neal (seniors) Russ Wilder and Shown Sample
(seniors) (seniors)
Dress Up your Jeans Day was one of the days of Sptnt Week to porttcipote tn : Angte Peters . Jane
Gargus. Angte McDaniel. Mike Stafford. Aobbte Gonn . Dorrell Sterling . Joe Trevino . Lance Mtlls.
In the Homecoming game, the Bisons are giving the skyline tigers a "run for Mtchelle Dibben. Jeff Chad, Kim Brovi. Photo : C McMtllon. Candidate photos : K. Kendall
their money." The Buffalo Gals performtng a routtne to entertain dunng half-time Photo : W. Newton

Eddie Phillips and Tracy Strickland Troy Nimmo (junior) and Stacey Phillips Mark Piper (junior) and Missy Kjar Robbie Gilpin (junior) and Susan Brad-
(juniors) (sophomore) (freshman) ley. 1987 homecoming queen.
Story and layout : Becky Owens
The lights were dim and streamers
filled the cafeteria . The night was May 7.
and the event was the Junior-Senior
Prom . The theme was " Destination Un-
known ." Blue , silver and purple stream-
ers lined the entry to Prom .
The reactions to the Prom were
mostly favorable . Angela Hawkins. Senior
said, " The decorations set the mood."
A live band was used for entertainment
and like many , Shannon Boyd , senior said,
" I had a great time dancing ."
The juniors started decorating during
fifth hour the Friday before and ended
that Saturday of Prom at noon . They used
approximately 34 ,300 feet of streamers
and 350 balloons . Photographs were
taken by Bryan Elhard. for couples to pur-
chase . Glasses were given away as fav -
ors to the juniors and seniors who attend-
ed the Prom .

Mr . Floyd Willis and Mr . Lendol Condren soy

a few words about Prom '88 .

Semor President, Brian Gann and junior President Ang1e Peters, toast to a
Prom well done.

Senior award winners: Brian Gann (man of our

times and most likely to succeed), Trenda Car-
nihan (women of our times), Angie McDaniel
(most school spirit), Edward Workman (mast
studious), Betsy Olglesbee (most studious).
Shawn Sample (best body), Brian Portman
(best body), Karin May (mast artistic), Adrian
Hackney (most artistic), Tracy Bornman (most
likely to succeed), Amy Kennedy (most athlet-
ic), Jimmy Shantz (most athletic), Cinnamon
McMillian (most friendly), not pictured, Scott
Otto (most friendly).

jA, Jc4 fh, ~ I Eighth
Trlclo Anglen
:;> Grade
Cotlno Anderson
DorYlO Arnol
B1ly Arnold
Croig Austin
Doyne Bonks
Michele Barnhort
Woyne Bartee
Mlckl Beachler

Jock Bedard
Bobby Beesley
Glen Berry
Brion Bradford
Deonno Broeker
James Bybee
Clvlstle 8roUM'I
lUI am Car~sle
Melonoe Cheek

Bobby Crave<
Kely DaviS
Steven Doty
Potri<IO Dugon
Shone Duskin
Ginger Evons
Jodo,J Everett
Anthony Ford
K1m Golond

Angelo Gargus

Brion McNabb and Steven Ross

sit talking about their future as

G0ty G<ifey
Perv>J Hogen
Perry Hothcock
AKhard Hayes
Kyle Hendrllls
Berv>J Hi<ks
Wlltom Hi<ks
Todd H11

M OI'IO Hinyup
fred Hitchcock
ChriS Horn
fln9el HouAett
Karla Huntley
John lmes
M itch James
Terri Jasper

M ~ch Jones
Dene Ke~h
Knstl Kenol
Anjeonette KJOt
John louAess
Mike McDoneld
M IChele
M cDaroel
Kathy M cKenzie

8th grade History teacher. Coach Autry , hands bock papers to his students during his 7th hour doss .

Brian McNabb
David Mason
Scott Moler
Noonv Mo1ser
Brodget Muflolond
Andrea Neal
Tina Norton
JustM"I Nusse
Brian Nyberg

Jell Ortner
T()(lj Pawlikowski
Daryl Poo,w>e
Susan Powel
Jell Portman
Stephonoe Potter
Jonathon PrKe
Angelo Reeves
Rusty Alee

Teresa ~ce
Dovtd Rotramel
Steven Ross
Meredith Scott
Matthew Scott
Aaron Scurlock
Clvos Scurlock
Jell Shontz

Angelo Sharp
Kristy Sharp
Charles Simpson

Charles Simpson places a much needed phone call

outside the Jr. High office .

Eron Smoth
Shone Smoth
MKhoel Stanton
Shown Stepp
Ctvl5 Stewart
JeH Sttdhom
Darrel Sto<rnent
louro StrKklond
Mott Strocklond

Ctvl5 SttKdevant
Roy Swonigon
MKhoel Swonigon
Nlkl Toylor
Timmie Teague
Kott.,/ Trent
Kevon Turw>g
.kxk1e Upham
lynette Von Nostrand

Ronda Vorner
Koyleen Webb
Paul Weigel
lloyd West
RlcheHe Weeks
lyle Wll<erson
Amanda Wingert
Amanda LI.Jisdom
Ryan Ulo<ley

Mott Wyatt
Rebecca l"'*>

Toni Pawlikowski poses outside

on a sunny day. Toni assisted the
yearbook staff with identification
of eighth grade pictures.

iA- ltaJltJs, 1-_ I Seventh
dl- ) Grade
II Story and layout: Lori Hancock
Charles Anderson
Adam Arnal
Donna Arnal
Randy Borket
CIYos B ye<
Shownetta B1shap
Bnan Biss
Melissa Bone
Josh Bowers

Mory Bawet
Jennofer Boyd
Shawn Boyd
Stacy Branstettet
Joson Burr
M elan~e Bussele
Easy Butler
Twyla CIY1st1an
Matt Clark

.lorroe Clemmons
Joson One
Rachel Condren
Joson Cross
Me~ssa Car
Robert Denham
Jason Otc:key
Corrie Duff
Diana Dugan

About those lunches - seventh graders tell

A survey was done on the sev-
enth graders to find out some of
their likes and dislikes. favorites
and not-so-favorites and " bests "
and '' worsts ''.
It was discovered that 7th
graders ore quite on opinionated
group of people . They were on ex-
cited bunch , especially when it
come to lunch. When asked if they
usually brought their lunch or
bought in the cafeteria. it was
found that most preferred to buy
their lunch. One of their favorites
seemed to be the french fries .

Snack bar goes,
but tradition stays
Story and layout : Lori Hancock
Seventh graders were also chips and chicken sandwiches ,
in big favor of the pop ma - or even a doughnut or piece of
chines . Now although the pop pie . Even when the old snack
machines were recently a new bar combined with the cafete -
addition to BHS. the french ria in the new school . it was not
fries weren ' t. But they still at - forgotten . The tradition still re-
tracted lots of the new sev - mained and the excitement of
enth graders each year . Lunch going into seventh grade to
time was quite an event for the take a trip to the " snack bar "
kids and something they had was still there . In fact , the sev-
looked forward to probably all enth graders probably spent
during sixth grade . Hearing more on their lunch per day
about the " snack bar " just than the average high school
made junior high seem all the student did .
more exciting . You could buy
french fries and hamburgers.

Shorn Dusk1n
Ctv1s Dyer
Shown Eagon
Jeremy Evons
Greg Fa<.f<ner
Chornee Ford
Kerri Frankltn
Dust~ Gonn
Stephanie Garretson

Brod Gilptn
Ferlin Guttv1e
Ronnie Holeme1er
Jody Hon<ock
J A. Hone~
Jenny Hoys
Br~ Heard
Jeremy Heagle
Ctv1s Heitmann

Afred Henson
Joson Hicks
M1stv Hoover
Aaron Huston
Jason Jasper
Den.se Johnson
Martin Johnson
Scott Jurgens
Jorrod Keen"'

Jakin Kent
Amy Kramer
M1ssy Kueck
Billy Kuhns
Teresa Lawson
Dena Lilley
Lon Lang
Terry Luther
Arley McDan1el
Barbara M cDaniel
Julie M cDan1el
Jacky M cGinnis
M1sty M cMillan
Kelh M arley
Jenn1fer M artin
Thomas Mart1n
Slade Matthews
1 Shannon Mertell
jA, Jt4 ik 1-_ I Below left Carrie Duff and Twyla Christian take
time out to pose for a picture in between classes .
II ) Below. Rhonda Roberts is proud of the pop ma-

9: chines that are available to students . Photos : A.


MKhele Montgomery
Dusty Morgans
Holle Nixon
Tefeso Nixon
KevW"' Novak
Shown Novak
Thad Owens
Tonyo Pouiey
Jervvle< Poyne

Tessa Pierce
Toyno PortiS
Randy Potte<
Justin Powel
Michele Poynter
Judson Pyott
Joson Alee
Rhondo Roberts
Trocl Rooker

Stocey Sanderson
Somantho Sortln
Thomas Sort~n
Soroh Schletzboum
Knstel Scott
Kern Scurlock
MIChoel Shorp
Aoyolo Shorp

Angel Short
Terra SkxnsJ·ue
Doug Smith
MKhoel Smoth
Aochel Sntde<
Joson Sprogue
Jeff Stofford
Aueben Ste1nmork
Sol Stewort
Twyla Christian. laura Walker and Carrie Duff really admire Thad Owens.
Having a broken leg is just awful. right Brad?! Photos : A. Mulderink

Kimberley Sweaney
Troy Torr
Crtstal Thompson
Tnnoty Tompluns
JefVlO Turner
T0010 T""ner
Melsso Vance
Lauro Wol<er
ErK Wotz

Nikki Word
Knsto Wotk.,s
David Wels
ErK Webb
Danito West
LUot,.le Willloms
Tm Wlson
Wendy Wlson
Angelo Wimberly

Kenny Xorider
Potty Young
Russ Young
S<Ott Young
Chrts Zoknoro/f

Junior high does
get there • • •
Part of the excitment of music , shop classes , and the
entering junior high is know- cafeteria and library .
ing that some day you 'll be Although the junior high still
a bonafide high school stu - remained the old junior high ,
dent . One of the big guys - remodeling did take place on
an upperclassman ... Yet , their existing building . New
with the coming and going of windows and doors were in-
the '87-88 school year , stalled for better energy
something new appeared . It control. A new face-lift in
was a very new high school. general was done to the ju-
The junior high students nior h!gh . But getting there
did get to enjoy the new high was half the fun to junior high
school. and didn't have to students who would soon be
wait until they were officially attending classes in the all
high schoolers . Many areas new high school building .
of the high school are shared
by junior high students, such
as vocal and instrumental

The front entrance to the new high school in early November. 1987.
Photo : M . Trent

High school and JUnior high P.E. stud ents working on a weight lifting unit
in the Junior High Gym. The gymnasiums were not new to the building
project. The three existing gyms were used .
Although JUnior h1gh had the1r own assemblies in the newly remodeled Old Gym. both student bodies continued
to unite in the Field House .

The Industrial, science and business wing of

the new school before landscaping and after
landscaping. 1n April.

The new Stuco Marque attracted many junior

high students to the new school entranceway.

Mrs . Carol Sue Maddux. Student Council Adv1sor. Photo· L Hancock

GETTING THERE The 7th grade officers : Holly Nixon, Keri Franklin, M isty M cMillan. Rusty Young
and Brad G 1lpin.

~ Ju4 Jh, fl': I

Junior High Council keeps busy
Layout, story, and photos: Cinnamon McMillan
The Junior High Student which the Student Council did cra-
Council was very busy during zy skits . They had a Christmas
' 87-88 . dance , and a St . Patricks dance .
" I think we had a very good You could send Leprechaun-0-
year and we have a lot of more Grams to somebody which had
members to help with every- romantic , funny , or friendship
thing this year , but most of all sayings on them . They spon-
we had a lot of fun! '' said Mi- sored the Good Citizens Group
chelle Barnhart, Student Council and sent Good Citizens to Six
President . Flags. The Junior High Student
The year began with a Pizza Council sent four of the officers
party at Mrs . Carol Maddux 's to Jefferson City to participate in
home to discuss upcoming the Statewide Student Council
events. and just to have fun . meeting . and they also won the
They held activities such as a title of vice-president at the dis-
Halloween dance which the jr . tricts . The Spring activities ended
high had to dress up for. Two with an Eighth grade dinner. and
pep assemblies were held in a Spring dance .

The 8th grade officers- Perry Hathcock , Todd Hill , Chris Stewart . Kristi Sharp .
Michelle Barnhart .
The Student Council officers - Michelle Barnhart - President (grade 8 ), Keri
Franklin - Vice -President (grade 7). Chris Stewart - Secretary (grade 8 ).
The JUnior high Student Council playing basketb9ll after a Student Council meeting.
at advisor , Carol Sue Maddux ' s house.
Chris Stewart and Rusty Young making their own pizzas ot their pizza party held by Mrs . Carol Sue Maddux .

The junior high Student Council held skits to perform at pep assemblies. Keri Franklin
-host (grode 7), Rusty Young (grade 7), Todd Hill (grade 8), Brad Gilpin (grade 7),
and Chris Stewart (grade 8) as the women in a pep assembly skit.

The Halloween dance wos one of the dances held by the junior high Student Council.
Students are dancing in costumes ot the donee. Photo: M. Trent

Many students attended the Spring dance, held by the Junior High Student
Council. 99
jA, Jc4th, ~ ! Jun1or H1gh Honor Roll Front Row - Keri Franklin , Shawn Eagon . laura Walker ,
M1sty McM1IIan . Kern Scurlock , Twyla Chnst1an. M1ssy Cox Second Row - Kenny
Xander. J.R. Haney . TaCI Rooker . Judson Pyatt , Holl1e N1xon . Stephanie Garret-
son . Th1rd Row - Angel Short. Jenn1fer Turner . Rachel Condren. Todd Hill. Terry

Jasper . Meredith Scott . Denee Ke1th. Mana H1nyup Fourth Row - Knst1e Kennel.

Cat1na Anderson. Knsty Sharp, Michelle Barnhart . K1m Galland . Enn Sm1th. Fifth
Row- Kev1n Tun1ng. Chns Stewart . Angela Reeves, Angela Gargus , Ton1 Pawli-

Junior high
honor rolls

Principal's list: (front to back) Mlcki Beachler, Steven Doty, Carrie Duff.
• •

GETTING THERE What's red and twice as
big as it was o year ago?
ognized club and all foreign
exchange students were

Ju41he ~ I
Student Council! added to Stu-Co .
Previously, the Council Throughout the year,
consisted of 19 elected offi- Council members, dressed in
jA, cers - four from each class
and three chosen by the en-
their bright red sweatshirts,
were seen participating in,

J!II ) tire student body . Due to

changes in their constitution ,
the president or o represen-
tative from every school rec-
planning for, and promoting
various activities that mode
school o better place to be .

Th1s year's class offiCers earned on the traditions of the past and helped to create
the traditions of tomorrow. They include , kneeling : Juniors Jeff Dampier and Jim Club representatives and fore1gn exchange students are o new tradition for the
Kjar. Chns Welch. sophomore ; and Brian Gann. senior Standing Angela Hamilton . BHS Counctl. They include . back Seniors MIChelle Dibben and Russ Wilder ; ond
sophomore; Tracy Strickland and Angie Peters. juniors; Stashi Mills , sophomore , Jenel Owens , jun1or M1ddle : Seniors Shawn Sample and Sandy Scrivener; Jenni-
Angie Rieschel and Amy Kennedy, seniors ; Stacey Phillips , sophomore ; Patti Brace , fer Owens , junior; and Devona Snider , senior. Front : Mark Cook , Shelly Taylor .
senior; Stephante Payne , Dana Rice , and Missy Kjar , freshmen ; and junior Jane Gar- Kim Bravi, Lori Hancock , Betsy Oglesbee . and Billy Kueck ; seniors . Kneeling:
gus . Not pictured : Shelli Goette , freshman ; Lance Mills and Brian Portman. seniors Ariadna Collado; sophomore, and Christine Bonnin, senior . Not pictured: Karen
Photo: A. Muldennk . Rieschel and Leah Robie ; juniors . Photo: A Mulderink .


Lance \.fill tudenl Body Pre ident
Brian Portman tudenl Body Vice-Pre ident
Jane Gargu tudenl Body ecrelar}
\tfr . Carol Cully dvisor
B Gann emor Pre.> B kueck Art Club
A kennedj Senior Sec Trea.>. 'a mple Buffa lo Gal.>
p Bra ce enior Rep. Jenmfer o.. ens FBI '\
A Rie.>che/ 'enior Rep. k Rieschel FCA
\ Pet en Jun ior Pre.>. \4 Cook ff\
T trick/and Jumor ec Trea.>. I Hancock Fllr\
J Dampier Jun ior Rep. c Bonnin France
J kp r Jumor Rep. 'crh·ener French tub
c ~'1-t:lch ophom ore Pre.>. D 'nider IT\
'I-fill> 'ophom ore 'ec. Trea.>. B Ogle\ bee L Jbrarj Club
/Ia m ilton S ophom ore Rep. A Collado 'l.feYJCO
. Phillip.> 'ophom ore Rep. M Dibben '14U .\ / C CJub
Goette 1-re.>hnwn Pres k Br;JVJ 'VII ,
Paj ne I re.>hman 'ec Trea.>. L R obie Pep Band
~1 Kja r Fre.>hnw n Rep. R Wilder Pep Club
D Rice f're.>hnwn Rep. Jcne/ Ottens pam\h Club
Taj lor peech & Drama

Russ Wilder introduces himself at the Student Leadership Luncheon

sponsored by the Buffalo Area Chamber of Commerce . Each of the
Council members was '' adopted'' by a Chamber member who paid for
the1r lunch. Photo: W. Newton

Brian Portman and Lance Mills get
" busted " for creating too much fun at
BHS. Photo: A. Mulderink .

Mrs. Carol Cully takes a break from the

basketball concession stand . Running
the stand is a new fundra1ser for school
clubs - it " replaces " candy sales .
Photo : J. Gargus .

Jane Gargus , Tracy Strickland, Angie

Peters , and Angie Hamilton " s1t pret -
ty ' at the State Stu -Co Convention 1n
Jeff City. Not pictured is Jim Kjar . Photo :
Michelle Brant .

BHS - District President for 88- 89 I I

Stories and Layout: Jane Gargus

W here were you ot bumps and jolts later, the leaders to socialize and to in "public relations"; an in-
6 o'clock on the bus arrived at its destination exchange ideas. But for the credibly nerdy computer pro-
morning of No- - Joplin High School, host of BHS Council. there was a big- grammer; and lastly, TV's
vember 7, 1987? While you the 198 7 Missouri Associa- ger goal in mind; they were "most huggable hos.:". Alex
were probably still asleep, tion of Student Council's after the 1988-89 district Trebek.
29 Stu-Co members were Southwest District Conven- presidency . The actors were support-
dragging themselves into tion . The Council spent weeks ed by t e kazoo chorus, who
one of the school's big. yel- The overall purpose of the preparing for the event. played the Jeopordt,J theme
low cruising machines. Many annual meeting is for student Some members stapled elec- song.
tion slogans onto pieces of The skit was a success,
bubble gum, while others and the BHS Council won the
worked on the Bison election office. Their duty as presi-
skit, a parody of the TV dent will be to host the 1988
game show Jeopordt;. The meeting, which includes
skit featured the acting ta- feeding approximately 800
lents of Shelly Taylor. Amy people and lining up guest
Kennedy, Jim Kjar (who filled speakers for the convention.
Here's what two members of Student Council thought in at the last moment for Billy "We're excited about be-
about the meeting:
Keuck), and Russ Wilder. ing elected ... I think the stu-
Brian Gann, Senior Class president- " It was different . I got Their rolls were, respective- dents did a fabulous job. All
to meet a lot of new people .'' ly: Hildegarde Van Smythe, a their hard work paid off,''
Jenel Owens , Spanish Club representative - "It was an feministic, executive-type stated Stu-Co advisor Mrs.
uplifting experience . lt was great to see all the kids working stockbroker; Bambi Love, a Carol Cully.
blonde bombshell, involved
Principal's list Front row : Stephanie Keener . Heather Anderson, Alicia Week,,
Second row : Kathy Brovi , leah Robie, Betsy Oglesbee. Devono Snider. Third
row Stephanie Martin , Lori Frey , MIChelle Jones . Christine Bonnin, Fourth row :
Angie Aieschel. Tracy Bornman , Kim Brovi, Tommy P1lot . Not pictured: Amy Price.
Jane Gargus. Tracy Strickland . photo : C. McMillon

layout and story: Cinnamon McMillon

A student will qualify far the

principal's list upon completion
of the following requirements:
Achievement of A- or above in
all courses attempted.
Be enrolled in 6 or more units
for credit.
A student will qualify for the
honor roll upon completion of
the following requirements.
Achievement of a B- or above
in all courses attempted.
Be enrolled in 5 or more units
for credit.

1Oth and 11th grade Honor Roll· 1 - Chns long. 2- Desiree Mason. 3- Beth Weig·
el. 4 - Ton1o Beyer. 5 - lorysso Hill. 6 -Wendy Newton, 7 - Corrie Wommack.
8- Tommy Pilot, 9- Kelly Bresheors.10- Rhonda Coselmon, 11 -Kathy Wingo.
12- Erika Kane, 13- Julie Jenson. 14- Down lacey, 15- Ang1e Peters, 16 -lor-
etto Jennings. 17- M1ke Dill. 18- Jim Kjor, 19- Angela Hamilton. 20- Angie Mul-
derink, 21 - Teno Guffey. 22- Candee Summers, 23- Sandi Finley. 24- Brenda
Smitherman, 25 - lisa Rogers. 26 - Koren Aieschel. photo: C. McMillon

9th and 12th grade Honor Roll: Top row: Angelo Moyie. lisa Parmenter. Penny
Kuhns. Potty Draper. Angela Hawkins. Veronica Ash. Christie Adams. Shonno Joco.
Bottom row: Sandy Scrivener. Cinnamon McMillan. Trendo Carnahan. Angie McDan-
Iel. Amber Neal. Amy Kennedy. Corrie Brown. Kelly Sharp. Patti Broce. Russ Wilder.
Sandy Potter. Wesley Bybee. Photo: A. Mulderink

Earning letter takes top grades
Layout and story: C. McMillan

The Academic Letter is designed Students ore required to ap-

to reward those students who ply for their Academic Letter.
have excelled in academics. The First row : Koren Rieschel , Julie Jenson . Second row : Brenda Smitherman . Desiree
requirements for the Academic Let- The first year a student Mason . Stephanie Keener , Third row : Leah Robie , Angela Hamilton. Amy Price.
ter include: letters they receive a che- Lori Fry, Rhonda Caselman. Tena Guffey . Stephanie Martin. photo: A. Mulderink

nille letter and a bar. Stu-

Being a full time student. dents lettering a second,
third. or fourth time will re-
Completing at least six credits of ceive additional bars .
high school work. A banquet was held in
honor of the students that
Earning a full 3.5 grade point aver- lettered in the High School
age or higher on a 4.0 scale for two cafeteria in mid-March .
consecutive semesters. (The stu- Mr. Lendol Condren had
dent must have a 3.5 grade point the opening remarks. He in-
average or higher in each semes- troduced Mr. Tom Darnell,
ter. No semester can be counted Superintendent. Mr. Tom
more than one time). Darnell's speech had the
underlying theme of
Remedial classes ore not to be "Knowledge isn't necessari-
wnsidered for the Academic Let- ly intelligence." Mr. Floyd
ter. Willis then gave out the let-
ters. pins. and certificates.
Transfer students must attend a
full semester at Buffalo High
School. They must make at least a
3.5 grade point average the last
semester at their previous school;
and at least a 3.5 grade point av-
erage the first full semester at Buf-

First row: Heather Anderson. Amber Neal. Second row : Jane Gargus, Angie Rieschel. Tracy Bornman. Angie
Peters, Michelle Dibben. Jimmy Kjar. Betsy Oglesbee, Third row: Sandi Finley. Angie McDaniel. Tracy Strick- 105
land , Sandy Potter , Kelly Sharp. Patti Brace. Devona Snider , Kim Brovi. photo : A. Mulderink
Story and layout : Carrie Brown

Library staff was very now there was no way out of
busy . When moving to the overdue books . They were in
new library began, it was just the computer with the date
the start of many changes . they were checked out, how
The Library received a much one owed, and it
computer system during the wouldn 't let you check out any
year . This meant many others until you had returned
changes in the way books the overdue ones. At the end
were checked out . During the of a quarter , people with over-
Christmas vacation the staff due books would find their
attempted to put each book names on a computer print-out
on a binary system . The com- with all their books . (I ought to
puters read binary code, not know, mine was always there!)
English . Due to bad weather, The Library Staff also , be-
this was slowed and it came a member of the Epsilon
wasn ' t completed until later . Beta, a national organization
The staff soon became in- for Library Workers . It was a
volved in learning the com- very important move for the
puter system . Library cards staff .
were done away with, and

Larry Dorman and Glenna Lesle spending time computerizing the

library .

Front row : Brenda Smitherman, sophomore, Desiree Mason, sophomore, and Amy Adams, sophomore. First 1sle top : Tena Guffey,
sophomore, Lynette Von Nostarnd, eighth, Betsy Oglesbee, senior . Second 1sle. Brenda Rohdlaner, semor, Angie Sharp, eighth,
Devona Snider senior.

library staff officers before the

grand move, Devona Snider, vice-
president, Betsy Oglesbee, presi-
dent, Brenda Smitherman, secretary,
and Larry Dorman, treasurer.

Jane Gorgas . junior. and Angie McDaniel . senior, pass out

GETTING THERE yearbooks at the signing party .

~kaJlihe~! -
Janice Cole . advisor . gets ·· goose
bumps on her thighs " over ideas TO : ,,
brought up by her staff . while Mi-
chelle Friebe , advisor . observes .

The 1988 Publications Staff poses in

front of the X-Mas tree in the lobby .
Staffers ore Mike Trent , Angie Mul-
derink. Cinnamon McMillan. Melody
Hayes, Corrie Brown, Jane Gargus,
Lorry Burns. Angie McDaniel, Becky
Owens, Kathy Carlisle. Lori McGuire,
Lori Hancock, Wendy Newton, Angie
Davison . Julie Hicks. Shawn Sample,
Janice Cole and Michelle Friebe, advi-

Stoffers went on field trip to the Springfield News-Leader . Angie Muldennk , Kathy Carlisle , Melody Hayes , Jane Gargus , Lori McGuire ,
examine ad layouts. Photo : Michelle Friebe

Combined staffs hove big jobs

The BHS Publications staff load on staffers who had lost year ' s book .
produced both annual and the newspaper and annual When staffers weren ' t
Scout, our school newspaper . deadlines both . It was still working on annual they
Until this year, Janice Cole was frustrating because I only were working on the news-
advisor of both of these publi- got the staff about half of paper and laying out the
cations . But at the beginning of the month to produce a newspaper at the Reflex .
the ·8 7-88 school year staffers nearly 200 page publica- Newspaper advisor Mi-
hod another advisor , Michelle tion ." chelle Friebe said, " Being Juniors. Chris Lilly, Mike Suizo. and Steve
Friebe. who was the new The Publications staff advisor for such a wonder- Winters, look over their new annual.
newspaper advisor. Cole com- hosted a yearbook signing ful group of students has
mented , " It was great not to party. And as a promotion- been on honor . I look for- Cinnamon McMillon, Senior, is in charge of
have the responsibility of both al activity, staffers dress- word to camp and working the drawing for a free annual at the sign-
publications going on at once; ed as flashers and flashed with the staff again next ing party .
but it was still a tremendous the news of the arrival of year . Story and layout: Angie Roscoe
tAJL/ht,~ I
~ ?
NHS Gets It Together
Layout and story: Angie McDaniel
When the National Honor ment on the part of every - tiated making the 87-88 ness workshop . to prepare
Society was established in one involved . membership; the highest yet them for a drug awareness
1921 . the hope was to cre - '' Through NHS chapter ser - with 34 members. program. to be presented at
ate an organization that vice activities . members To be considered for the elementary . The NHS
would recognize and foster maintain and extend the membership to NHS one must members went to the Mallory
academic achievement , qualities that won them se- be a junior or senior with a Elementary on May 4. Mrs .
while developing other char - lection . Membership is thus 3 .3 grade point average. Glor commented. " It went
acteristics essential to citi- both an honor and an obliga- They also must have a teach- terrific. I don ' t know which
zens in a democracy . Schol- tion ." Scott D. Thomson. Ex- er recommendation . commu - group enjoyed it the most -
arship . character . service . ecutive Director. NASSP . nity service . and be an all- the little kids or the high
and leadership are ideals (Quoted from the NHS ' s Na- around good citizen . The fi- school kids . The teachers
that remain as relevant to - tional rule book. ) nal step for membership is to that I talked to were very
day as they were in 1921 . The Buffalo chapter of be approved by a five mem- pleased with the presenta-
Now. more than 60 years NHS, beginning in 1985, is ber faculty council. Mrs . Myra tion ."
old. the National Honor Soci- now in its 3rd year . Glor . sponsor , said , person Other activities NHS par-
ety has established a repu- NHS participated in many having all other qualifications ticipated in were Toys for
tation for excellence among services and activities is usually approved by the Tots. a K.C.. and a Stu-co
administrators . faculty mem- throughout the year . They council. unless they have a sponsored banana split eat-
bers , students , parents. and began with an initiation ban- bad teacher recommenda- ing contest .
residents of the school com- quet on October 3 1, to initi- tion. "
munity . This reputation is the ate the new members. Nine- On February 6 , the mem -
result of years of commit- teen new members were ini- bers met for a drug aware-

JUNIOR MEMBERS RoUJ 1: Bobbi Beachler , Jane Gargus. Leah Robie , and Koren Rieschel. RoUJ 2 : Angie Peters. Sandi Finley ,
Jim Kjor . Tracy Strickland, Angie Mulderink , Julie Jenson . Jenel OUJens , Tammy Pilot. and Erika Kane . Not pictured : DaUJn Lacey ,
Jeff Dampier , and Julie Miller. Photo : Angie McDaniel

President Kim Brovi . senior laughs at a suggestion concerning the elementary drug aUJareness day .
NHS members play around at Wal Mart UJhile
picking out presents for the Toys for Tots.
Photo: Leah Robie

Senior members of NHS (AoUJ 1): Kelly Sharp,

Kim Bravi, Angie McDaniel. Amber Neal. and
Heather Anderson. AoUJ 2 : Angie Aieschel and
Patti Brace . AoUJ 3 : Pat Daty. Melody Hayes.
Michelle Dibben. Tracy Bornman, Devona Sni -
der, Betsy Oglesbee, Candy Dibben , Alicia
Weeks , Sandy Potter , and Lorry Dornman. Not
pictured: Christine Bonnin. Photo: Angie Mul-

The NHS officers UJere Tracy Bornman - secre-

tary. Sandy Potter- vice president, Patti Brace
-historian, Melody Hayes- reporter , Michelle
Dibben- treasurer , and Kim Bravi- president .
Photo : Angie Mulderink

Amber Neal. senior and Tammy Piolet, junior

UJrap Christmas presents for Toys for Tots .
Photo : Mike Trent
~ haJtlb,~!
d'- )
At right: Mark Cook. Aaron Shockley, Dorrin Percival. Jeff Dampier, Jimmy Hargis, Dole
Doty, Mike Badgett, Dale Loyd, Kirby Davis, Jesse Huntley. David Sweaney. Eric Dam-
pier, Mark Taylor. Gary Bradford, Janelle Fleming. Jeff Smith, Chns Welsh. Scott
McKenz1e . Brian Potter Garnett Hughes, Wes Osborn, Jeff Richardson, Terry Hailer-
an, Chris Dye Photo: J Hicks

Below: Mark Cook, President, Jeff Dampier, Reporter. Darrin Percival, Parliamentari-
an. Aaron Shockley, Vice -President, Dale Doty, Secretary, Timmy Hargis. Treasurer.
Mike Badgett, Ser.tinel, Terry Halleran, Advisor .

FFA Stays Alive

Future Formers of Amer- The officers ond advi-
ica were active in many ac- sor. Terry Holleran. at-
tivities throughout the tended the National Con-
year . vention in Kansas City,
In the fall , they held their MO. They attended a ro-
annual BornwQrming . The deo and lectures . A fea-
members prepared the tured guest speaker was
food and decorated . This George Bush .
year it was held in the Vo- In May . the boys held
Ag building at Vo-Tech . their Sweetheart Banquet .
The Ozark Outlaws per- Stashi Mills was crowned
formed for dance music the '87-88 FFA Sweet-
and entertainment . heart.
During the spring. they Dorrin Percival, senior.
participated in Area Eight received the highest
District contests . This in- achievement possible in
cluded contests in Half- the organization. The
way. Bolivar and Fair American Former. A 1987
Grove . Many teams and graduate. Charles Fullerton
individuals placed at Sec- received State Farmer
tionals and State . Award .

Jeff Larimer ond Laryssa Hill enjoy themselves at the Sweetheart Banquet . Photo : S Sam-

The Auctioneering Team . Photo : A. Mul-
derink .

At Bottom: Slave. Scott McKenz1e mows

the lawn at the Dill Do1ry Form Photo: A.
Mulderink .

Mrs Kennedy is the Advosor of F.H.A . Photo· M . Trent

~ J4 th- fur'_ I
J!_ )

Below left - top row: Mrs Kennedy , D. Cheek , K Breshears , M . Ormsby , L M orton , A. Peters ,
T. Poerce , S. Scrovner K. Wommock , J. Turner . Moddle Aow K Wongo, H. Hodson , M . Hollemoer. Activity Calendar
K. Jones, P. Broce.C M cMolhon. A. M cDonoel , L. Spotzer Bottom Aow : L. Holl. W Teogue , C. Torey ,
E. Kone , T. McGregor . Bottom Aoght - Top Row : D Snoder. J Jenson. C Howkons. T. Moyfield .
P. Doty. T Cornohon , D Locey, M . Nelson . J. Hocks , S Ferrell, M oddle Row : D. Percovol. B. Bonks , Sept: Officer Workshop
K. Aoeschel . J. Jenson. T M cG regor , M . Vonce , A. Vest, A Price, N Kuhns. Bottom Row: A Yor -
bourgh . M . Gonn, Torr , H. Anderson . J. Hocks, J. O wens, A Dovison, C. Allen. Phot o M . Trent Nov: Regional Meeting
Story and layout by Lori Hancock
. Dec: Christmas Party

Busy calendar keeps FHA goin' 1n '88 Jan: Regional Screening

March: Trip to Skate Corral

F.H. A. (Future Homemak - year was in September . The going to Skate Corral and and dinner at McDonalds
ers of America ) is a nation- officers attended a work - McDonald ' s and spending
wide organization. It is for shop held in Fair Grove . Sug- the day at World 's of Fun . April: Worlds of Fun
those students interested in gestions and helpful ideas In May , the last meeting of
the Home Economics curricu- were exchanged by all of the the year was held . The new May: Installation Banquet
lum . The main goal of F.H.A .. officers to help them with officers for the 1988-89
as stated in the Member's their officer positions for the school year were elected. Banana Split Eating con-
Handbook , is " To improve year . Amy Price was in charge Then, on May 16, the Instal- test held at Dairy Queen
personal , family, community of leading the session for lation Banquet was held
and job/career life." Region lO 's treasurers. Jim which was to install the new During Basketball Season,
The club is made up of Brown from O 'Bannon Bank officers. A turkey dinner was F.H.A. members worked
was her resource person for prepared by Helen Wallace, concessions also.
eight officers . They were Lori
Hancock - President, Nancy the group. Nancy Tucker and Mary Jane
Kuhns - Vice-President, Me- November 19 was the Re- Carver , of the high school
lanie Bliss - Secretary and gional Meeting held at Wil- cafeteria staff . The ceremo-
Dawn Lacey- Treasurer . Amy lard . A multi-media presenta- ny followed with Lori Hancock
Price was the Historian and tion was shown then every- installing the new officers
was also elected Region 10 one divided into smaller and giving a speech . The
Treasurer . (Buffalo is Region groups to attend sessions evening was concluded with
10) The Parliamentarian was on teen concerns . the new President, Dawn La-
Devonna Snider , Melodi Nel- The Officer ' s Workshop cey, giving her acceptance
son was the Recreational and the Regional Meeting speech and closing with the
Leader and Jennifer Opens are just two of the annual F.H.A . creed .
was the Reporter . F.H. A. had events of F.H.A . There is also
69 members this year . the more social activities-
The first activity of the such as the Christmas Party,
1988 Off1cers : Devonna Snider- Parlimentarian , Dawn Lacey- Treasurer , Lori Hancock- President, Melanie 1988 President Lori Hancock gives a speech at the In-
Bliss - Secretary, Amy Price - H1storian . Not piCtured are Nancy Kuhns - VICe-President and Jennifer Owens stallation Banquet . Below Dawn Lacey gives her ac-
-Reporter Photo : A. Muldennk. Below : Installation of 1989 Officers . Photo : M Trent ceptance speech. Photos M Trent

Above: Melanie Bliss, Bridgette Banks, Kim Scott,

Cheryl Keith and Amy Price getting ready to skate.
Photos: J. Kennedy
Above: Janet Oglesbee. Penny Kuhns and Nancy
Kuhns prefer to study rather than skate Photo : J.
Left: Going to Skate Corral on the bus . Photo : J.

Officers: Jenel Owens- Vice-President, Shelly Taylor -President and Christine

GETTING THERE Bonnin - Secretary Photo: A. Mulderink

Story and layout: Lori Han-


Speech and
Drama Club
Top: Shawn Sample, Dennis Gray, Jen-
el Owens. Brian Portman, James Beck-
ner. Rhett Eli, Brian Kramer, Trenda
Carnahan, Donna Walker, Scott
McKenzie . Middle : Laura Wilcox, Trish
Lusk. Vickie Smith , Ariadne Collado,
Shelly Taylor. Christine Bonnin, Pat
Doty, Edward Workman. Silly M1tchell,
Tanya Cain, Scott Earnster, Larry Dor-
man. Bottom· Kim Bravi, Lori Hancock,
Amy Kennedy. Tracy Borman, Liz Brad-
ley, Kristy Sammons. Melissa Elam.
Penny Kuhns, Janet Olglesbee . Seat-
ed is Mrs . Mary Lou Beckner Photo: A.

116 Amy Kennedy and Trenda Carnahan competed at many speech meets .
Photos : J. Gargus
Mrs . Beckner helps Shelly Taylor prepare
for a dramatic interpretation. Photo: l.

"Speechies" have it
The students competing at In Speech and Drama Club the class . the majority seemed to be
speech meets , hosting tourna- students learned about respon- seniors . Many of them become
ments and participating in the sibility , leadership and taking active in speech ondjor drama
school ploy. were the members charge . They hod a lot of stamina as freshmen , and kept at it
of Speech and Drama Club . and determination . These were throughout their high school
These people seemed to be the students attending the years .
known as the more outgoing speech meets throughout the One of the activities for the
students of BHS. They learned years . Long and hard hours were club this year was going to the
to use their talents and be spent learning a dramatic inter- Renaissance Festival. People
expressive in other organi - pretation or preparing for a de- dressed to portray times as they
zations also . Shown Sample bote . But their will to succeed were during the Renaissance .
expressed her acting ability by and be " number one " kept them through music, crofts and acting .
being a " flasher " for the Annu- going. Then in April, a bake sole was
al Stoff. She " flashed " people Although the organization was held at Wol Mort to raise money
the yearbook when they or- open to all high school students to pay for the bus token to the
rived in the fall . enrolled in a speech or drama Renaissance Festival.

Shawn Sample using her dramatic abili -

ties " flashing " to student s the new
1987 yearbook s in the fall . Photo : M .

jA, lt4lA£ fur'_!
Flight Ba<kst09e Pot Doty operated the ights Lon
Hon<a<k. • Dolsy· QUenches her tt.rst Ed
Workman. 'Donald Von Bitzen··. peeks on the gorls
Story and layout: Lori Han- clresstng room Below left Mrs Beckner talks to
Mor~zo • played by Jenel Owens Bottom nght An

cock eorh,l reheorsol. Poctured James Beckner ( Mord). Ed

Workman (Donald Von Blotzen). Shelly Taylor (Bob·
sy). Lon Hon<ock (Doosy). Kom Brovo (Oigo). Penny
Kuhns (Fred). Donno lUoil<er (Honno) ond Jenel Ow·
ens (Montzo). Photos M Trent

Blood-curdling screams jobs that each individual ac-

were heard coming from the tor had to do, such as learn-
old gym/ theater in mid May ing hisjher lines . This re-
when the BHS Drama Depart - quired a great determination
ment performed " The Crea- on the actor ' s part . Much ef-
ture Creeps! '' The 3-act com- fort and time was spent in
edy centered around an old rehearsals . The students
dilapidated castle in Transil- worked in class and after
vania. With the combination school each day . They made
of the mad scientist and his and borrowed clothes for the
hunch back servant (Mord), costumes, made posters for
the feather-headed daugh- advertising. gathered furni-
ter (Daisy). eerie screams ture for the set and paint to
from the cellar and a raging paint it . School supporters
violent storm made situa- helped with the play by con-
tions seem all the more hilari- structing the set and cos-
ous, but creepy for the two tumes .
guests Babsy and Fronk . For six weeks the students
Memorizing. rehearsing, rehearsed each night . Then
fitting costumes. doing on Friday , May 13, all of their
· make-up. setting the stage . hard work paid off. Mrs .
selling tickets, and gathering Mary Lou Beckner, the direc-
donations for the drawing tor, had prepared the stu-
were all part of the school dents well. The play was a
play this year. These were wonderful success . Approxi-
just a few of the jobs in- mately 250 people saw the
volved in putting on the pro- play on May 13 and 14.
duction . There were also the Above : Jenel gives it her bestl
Below; top picture : With scnpts in hand , James . Ed. Shelly and
Below. top picture Everyone gets the munchies dunng rehearsal. Photo : L. Hancock Bottom : Dev - Lori practice on blocking . Photo . M . L Beckner Bottom : The cast
onna Snider (Gretchen) shacks everyone . Photo : M . Trent bows With delight doing the " wave ". Photo. M . Trent

James (Mord) and Devonna (Gretchen) interacting on stage . " You don't frighten me Mord!" James Beckner practices a leap for his character " Mord ". Photo:
Photo: M . Trent L. Hancock
GETTING THERE " Before I took Speech I

a- Ju4 th fu"_ I
as a freshman , it was very
difficult for me to speak to
people as a group or indi-
vidually. I was very shy and
withdrawn . I can ' t say
Speech had brought me out

C:!- ) of my shell completely, but

it certainly has helped . l feel

Tournaments: Hosting and going.
more confident in my abili-
ties to communicate and in
this way I feel Speech has
helped me to grow up .
Competing at the meets
requires a lot of hard work
Layout & story: Lori Hancock but it is seldom for naught.
You build your own sue-
cesses .''
- Shelly Toylor

"They can't start in room 11 judging and timekeeping, class

without a judge! Where's the ti- rooms were needed for all the
mekeepers for rooms 2 and 4 ?! events and materials were
We're into Round 2- where's the needed also to aid in the differ-
Round 1's judges' ballots?!" ent divisions of the meet (such as
Does it sound like someone is time cards.) There were many
having a hectic time? Someone - students and volunteers who
Mary Lou Beckner, certainly did. helped . Even some of the facul-
This was during the 13th Annual ty, such as Coach John Allen ,
Speech Tournament hosted by gave of their time at the meet to
Buffalo High School. The theme judge . When asked how he felt
was "Back in Black" and the about judging for the first time,
meet took place Friday and Sat- Allen commented, "I really en-
urday Dec. 11- 12. Eight area high joyed it . It's just too bad we
schools attended this event. couldn't get more participation,
That's quite a crowd of people but I guess that's to be expected
here at B.H.S. Twenty-five rooms with our school size . l think every-
were needed for the meet which one did a great job of putting it
meant a lot of confusion in- on.
volved, not to mention the
stress put on everyone. Speech
teacher, Mary Lou Beckner and
students had quite a load to han-
dle to prepare for the speech
meet. Food had to be collected
for the hospitality room, lots of
volunteers were needed for

Senior, Brian Portman proudly

accepts an award . Photo : D.
Walker . Above: Seniors James
Beckner and Edward Workman
and Sophomore Vicki Smith are
ready for a day of competition .
Photo : D. Walker .
Seniors , Brion Portman and Jamie
Beckner and Edward Workman . with
Sophomore . Vickie Sm1th. looking
smug as they decide their next
move at a tourney . Photo: D Walk -

Back Raw : Mrs Mary lou Beckner . Melissa Elam, Tonya Ca1n, Donna Walker . Penny
Kuhns , Shelly Taylor . Kim Brevi . Patrice Doty and Vick1e Sm1th. Front Row : James Beck -
ner, Brian Portman , Billy Mitchell and Edward Workman Photo: A. Muldennk

Row 1· Jenny Olglesbee . Pot Doty. Amy Kennedy . Jenel Owens, Chnstine Bannon,
Trenda Carnahan. Row 2 · Tonyo Cain. Amy Price , lora Wilcox . Shelly Taylor . Vick1e
Sm1th, Donna Walker . K1m Brevi, liz Bradley , Mehsso Elam and Penny Kuhns . Row 3
Brian Krammer , Edward Workman . David Stuckey, James Beckner. Brion Portman. Billy
M1tchell and Denn1s Gray
Jamie Beckner act-out his favonte act1v1ty on the bus, on the way back from o speech
meet . Photo : D. Walker.
Corrie Brown, Susan Asher and Potty
Draper were featured players during a
song at the Spring Concert Photo : K.

BHS's bond played in the Christmas parade for

the first time in many years Photo : J. Cole
Sandy Potter took a baritone solo to State
Competition this year .

Bock Row : Robert Green, Jonathon Price , Susan Asher, Charles Simpson. Potty Draper, Jeremy Hegle. Taro Barker,
Angie Mulderink , Middle Row: Angelo Gargus , Billy Payne, Rob Davies, Shown Duskin, Corrie Brown. Front Row : Robert
122 Denham, Amanda Wisdom, Penny Hagan, Kathy Brevi, Devono Snider, Leah Roble .
De vona Snider took a flute solo to State Com-
petition th1s year.

Band sends two to State Competition

Layout and story: A. Mulderink
For the second year in o row. said Sandy Potter .
BHS 's bond has sent people to BHS 's band, for the first
State Contest . time. played in the Buffalo
After receiving a I at District, Christmas parade on Decem-
baritone soloist. Sandy Potter, ber 11. " Despite the cold
with accompanist Angie Mul- weather . it was a lot of fun
derink. and flute soloist Dev- just being able to play with
ona Snider along with Betsy the band in the parade ."
Oglesbee. accompanist, trav- said Rob Davies. junior.
eled to the University of Colum- Due to snow and ice the
bia on April 30. for State Com- band had only one concert
petition . At State. Sandy Pot- this year. The Spring Concert
ter received a II and Devona was held on May 24 with a
Snider ranked a I. well-attended crowd in the
"Going to state was a great field house.
experience . Getting a II up Said Betsy Oglesbee. se-
there isn't bad considering nior. "It has been fun this
that everyone up there is so year. This was my fourth
good, and that scored me . I year. and going to state with
was proud to have gone to Devona was the best part!"
state on my first solo ever!!" Back Row : Aleda Weeks , Wesley French, Sandy Potter. Middle Row: Angie Sharp,
Bridgette Mulholland. Shonna Jaco . Sherry Scoughton , Eula Jasper . Michelle Jones ,
Sam Finley Front Row: N1cki LaCrue, Nalot Honeybone , Chns Sanderson, Todd Hill ,
Matt Carringer , Jerry Scoughton, Betsy Oglesbee .

BHS' s Pep Band played at almost every home basketball game Photo: B.
The Gals awaiting the beg1nning of a basketball routine .

t_Ailiht,fl': I
~ 7
Story and layout: Shawn Sample

Gals earn 1st all year I

"Drum Corps. Atten-Hut! About the Bronson Christmas, the
Face! Left Face! Right Face! Pa- Springfield Christmas. the Dog
rade ... Rest!" Just soy those Wood Festival in Camdenton. the
words to any Buffalo Gal and Block Walnut Festival in Stockton
she'll know what you're talking and the SMSU Homecoming Pa-
about. rade . It was a year the Gals will
"Where's my shirt?!!" "It's in remember for a long time.
the freezer underneath the chuck The Gals performed not only in
roost.'' Every gal knows that if parades but in the community as
you put your satin shirt in the well. They were a frequent half-
freezer; when it's wet. it's easier time entertainment at basketball
to iron. and football games. Performing
"I can't get the block scuff for the residents of the Hickory
marks off my boots.'' ''Use some Lone Core Center was another
toothpaste and a little water and activity for the Gals.
they come right off.'' Those ore The Gals will be hurting next
a few helpful hints the senior year due to the 14 seniors out of
Gals passed on to the trainees the 28 that will be gone. Director
when they poniced before their Bryon Elhord felt that it was going
first inspection. to be hard next year due to the
This year's '87-88 Gals. which Iorge number of seniors that
consisted of 14 seniors. cap- hove graduated. Commented El-
tured 1st place in every parade hord, "It's gonno be rough."
they competed in. This included,

Tap : The Buffalo Gols performing at halftime . Left: Marching at the Buffalo
Homecoming Parade.
Getting ready for performances didn' t change for the Gals. but the location
did. Bottom: The Gals in the " dungeon." Top right : In the " new " room .

Top: The Gals leading the parade

for the Hickory Lone Core Center. At
right : Summer practices were always
fun. Shown Sample and Sandy Scriv-
ener pose With their instruments.

The Buffalo Gals: Bottom : Corrie Brown. Angle Aleschel . Shown Sample . Michelle Jones.
Tracy Bornman . Angie McDaniel. Lorysso Hill. Eulo Jasper. Jill Anderson . Middle row : Sandy
Scrivener . Kelly Sharp . Amber Neal. Potty Draper . Pottle Broce . Susan Asher . Heather
Gotske. Taro Barker. MiChelle Dibben . Kim Brovl. Top row : Brandi Joco. Cinnamon McMil -
lon. Corrie Wommack . Sandy Potter . Alec1o Weeks . Julie Hicks. Toml Lindsey. Michelle
Gonn, Krista McDaniel.
jA, Jt4ib,~! "These girls were really hard
working. They have learned
a lot about the fundamentals

) of music.'' Suzanne Powers.

Cyndi Bornman , Chrystal Holman, Karen May, Stacey Phillips, Kns Shepard, Sheila Chris-
tian. Stasha Mills . Ang1e Hawkins. Wendy Teague, Rachel McConnell, Nicole LaCrue ,
Maribah Randleman, Amy Rima , Lori Zeolia, Lisa Hampton, Tanya Miller , Debbie Spit-
zer, Rhonda Yarbrough . Michelle Gann. Tonya Torr. Tammy Maynard, Kerri Friemel.
Brenda Rhadelander , Sarah Parsons , Jami Randolph, Shanna Kramer , linda Bradley.
Tisha Evans , Amy Adams , Angie Fischer , Lisa Parmenter , Deedra Lowe, Stephanie
This year's Glee Club con-
sists of 35 girls. senior through
The girls learned basic fun-
damentals of music, both vocal
and written. They succeeded in
learning both while having fun
at the some time.
In the spring, the Glee Club
prepared for Spring Music Fes-
tival. Members of the club and
female members of Mixed
Chorus combined to make a
Glee Club that performed in
front of the Judges. The group
received a rating of I at Dis-
tricts and State.
To round-out their yearly ac-
tivities, the girls performed at
the Spring Concert on May 17.

Miss Powers and Grandma, the lady that shows the
Dynamics such a great time every year.

Julie Hicks, Kothi Brovi, Kathy Wingo, Erin McHenry, Wendy Newton,
Amy Price, Angie Hawkins, Jane Gargus, Michelle Dibben, Deedro
Lowe, Karin May, Tracy Strickland, Cheryl Hayes, Bobbi Beachler,
Maureen Eidson, Kim Scott.

'I love to hear them sing " ! This celled .
quote from teacher Myra Glor Springtime brought another
could only be talking about one change in music. The girls began to
thing . The Dynamics . These 17 girls meet at Powers ' house on Sunday
were the " cream of the crop" ac- mornings , and upon invitation per-
cording to vocal director, Suzanne formed at area churches . Their lost
Powers . Auditions for the group religious performance was at the
were held in early fall. Thirty-four Christian Church in Galena , MO .
girls tried out with only the final 17 This is Ms. Powers hometown . The
being chosen. The girls were active group finished out the day by
throughout the year . The year playing frisbee and attending a
started out with a pop music pro- church dinner given in their honor .
gram . This program was performed This year the group hod secret
for the PTA . pols . Each girl drew a nome at the
Next the girls practiced and beginning of the year. Gifts of
learned Christmas Carols . Unfortu- cords , stuffed animals, and candy
nately , the songs were never per- were among some of the ones giv-
formed for anyone but themselves. en . The girls found out the nome of
The infamous snowstorm of the 87 - their secret pols at the end of the
88 school year struck again , and all year .
winter performances were con-

Top: The G1rls Play Frisbee in Galena. Photo: Michelle Dibben.

Bottom: Michelle Dibben, Senior , shows us her photography skill. Photo :

J. Gargus .

GETTING THERE Story ond layout: Wendy Newton
The members of Music Club
have traditionally sold M&M's
Each item was worth a pre-
determined amount of
as a fund raiser, but due to the points.
"no selling candy as a fund The fund raiser was spon-
raiser" rule. effective in 1987- sored by KTTS Radio under
1988 a different one had to be the Community Club Awards
found . Program.
So. the group got their gar- After all the trash was col-
bage together and started col- lected and turned in, Music
lecting garbage . Club raised $200.00, to be
It wasn't just any garbage. used to purchase various
It was special garbage . The items .
kind of garbage dreams, but (In years past they have
most importantly money is purchased sound shells and
made of . a music machine) .
Only certain garbage was

It has not been deter-
accepted for collection . mined what this year 's
For example, Colonial money will be used for.
breadwrappers, Hiland dairy
product lids and cartons, Fa-
mous Barr and Consumers
sales slips and much more.

Back row: S. Sherman, D. Spitzer. S. Keener , S. Martin, N. laCrue, M . Barker . S.

Christian, T. Maynard, J. Randolph , S. Mills, S. Phillips. S. Graham. K. Shepard , S.
Swanigan, C. Hathcock , M . Viets, M . DeJarnette , l. Williams , J. Craver . Center: P. Back row : W. Newton , M . Eidson , D. lacey, M . Dibben, D. lowe . B. Beachler,
Kuhns, K Brevi , l. Zeolia , A. Fischer, T. lindsay, S. Payne , K. Wingo , A. Price, E. D. Chastaine , l. Rogers , B. Ahodelander, K. Scott, T. Strickland, I. Atkisson.
McHenry, A. Rima, T. Rogers , l. Parmenter , J. Carter . Front : l. Bradley, (.McDaniel , S. Frey . Center: W. Bybee , A. Wilder, A. Hagar, C. long, B. Phillips, M . Cum-
T. Evans. l. Jenntngs , D. Walker , T. Pierce , C. Bornman, J. Randolph and K Friemel. mings. Front: A. Weeks , A. Hawkins , J. Gargus, B. Banks. A. Dugan. J. Hicks
Photo : S. Sample and K. May. Photo: S. Sample

·'I am glad I was picked for way, and this is a good group
Chamber Choir. You don't get that can be a lot of fun."
as many practice hours as Dawn Lacey, junior, Chamber
Mixed Chorus and a lot of Choir member .
hard work goes into it.
You are trusted to work on
the music on your own.
Being picked. for me.
means I'm fairly good and I
know what I'm doing. (Most
of the time!)
I sing all of the time any-

Back row : S. Frey. M . Cummings, B. Phillips, S. Swanigan, C. long, A. Wilder.

M . Viets, I. Atkisson . Center : C. Dill, M . Eidson, A. Price, W. Newton, D. lowe.
M . Dibben, l. Williams. K. May , E.S. Powers . Front : B. Beachler , J. Randolph,
T. Strickland, J. Gargus. C. Hayes , A. Hagar, K. Scott, M . DeJarnette. S. Martin.
W. Bybee, D. Lacey, C. Hathcock and J. Hicks. Photo: A. Mulderink
Lettering is an important
Officers· M . Dibben . pres ., K. May,
J. Gargus , Treos .. and S. Mills. Se part of being in Music Club .
"I thought collecting To qualify for lettering . one
garbage was a real bum- must have a 2 . 7 grade point
mer . average . have good citizen-
We didn ' t find out we ship and conduct with no sus -
were saving the wrong pensions from school. be ab -
items for some time af - sent no more than 10 days per
ter we started our col - semester . have no more than
lection .·· (Officials in 12 tardies in a year for a music
Springfield sent BHS the class and acquire at least 70
wrong booklets and points from the point system .
therefore they saved The points system is as fol-
much of the wrong gar - lows .
If you receive an A in music
bage .)
class you get 10 points ; a B-6
They didn' t find out
points; a C-4 points; a D-2
about the mistake for
points and an F receives no
about a month .
points . (This set of points is
" The biggie was the
applicable each quarter. )
milk containers . We For being in Mixed Chorus
needed lids not the one receives 10 points; in
sides with the informa- Glee Club - 15 points ; Dynam-
tion on it . To rectify the ics - 10 points; Chamber Choir
problem , I thought we - 10 points; a small ensemble
needed to run up to - 15 points ; a solo - 20 points;
G&W Foods with a sack , District Honors Choir - 5 points
go down the row of milk and Music Club 2 points.
jugs and steal the caps . You can also receive points
It 's cheaper that way!! " by trying out for District Honors
said Clifford Hathcock . Choir (2 points) . auditioning for
sophomore Music Club Dynamics (2 points) . or accom-
member. jokingly, of panying a soloist ( 10 points) .
course . To be eligible one cannot
miss any large ensemble per-
formance, not have any unex-
cused absence for any per-
formance or rehearsal. or have
no more than one excused ab:
sence for any ensemble or
solo .
If you are in Dynamics. you
can miss no more than 2 ex-
cused absences and miss no
more than 1 performance due
Cliff Hathcock and seniors Wes Bybee. Ron Hagar. and Russ Wilder carried out Cliff's
plans to steal milk cops from G&W .
to an excused absence .

Chamber Choir is a select who were also going to com-

Chamber Choir gets a '' 1'' group of singers formed p e t e ) to SMSU.
yearly. strictly to perform at When all was said and do ne
Story and Layout : W. Newton
District M usic Festival. they came out with an honor
This is the '' cream of the rating of ·' 1· ·.
Steve Graham, soph ., took crop " vocal group. hand
picked with TLC by Suzanne
Powers, vocal music director .
The 30 members are the
best performers from M ixed
Chorus .
They began practicing on
Feb . 10 and after 5 weeks o f
practice . they g o t their act
together. loaded a bus (with 129
a lot of other BHS students
Mixed Chorus
GETTING THERE Story and layout : Wendy Newton

What do you get when you

cross vocally talented stu -
Patience is defimtely a virtue .
dents and one outrageous di - To stand on the risers for what
rector . who around festival seems to be an eternity, singing
time . transforms into some- the same song (sometimes the
thing that resembles a cross same measure of a song) no less
between the Church Lady and than 100 times continually ,
a grizzly bear that hasn ' t eat - sweating it out in cho1r robes ,
en in a week? and getting pre -contest jitters
What else? The BHS Mixed are just a few of the major points
Chorus . that call for patience .
To be a member of this vo- Mixed Chorus is definitely not
cal group, you must be dedi- one of those ''take it for an easy
cated. hardworking. deter- credit classes .''
mined, and patient . VERY PA-

Sophomore members : T. P1erce . A. Beard , S.

Keener , S Mort1n, A. Price , M . Viets, J. Ran-
dolph. S. Swanigan. J Craver , K. W1ngo , C
Hathcock , S Graham , D. Walker. L. Jennings
and J. Carter Photo : W Newton

Freshman Members E McHenry, S.

Sherman. P Kuhns , T lindsay, C.
McDaniel, T Rogers , M DeJarnette,
C Dill. M Barker Photo W Newton
Sen1or members: W Bybee . A. Wilder . A. Ha-
gar . I Atkisson . K. May. D. Lowe , A. Hawk1ns,
B. Phillips . A. Weeks . B. Ahodelander and M .
Dibben. Photo : W. Newton

''I took Mixed Chorus

because I enjoy the people
and I love to sing .
To be a member gives
me a sense of accomplish-
ment in my life and it's
something that I know I'm
good at.
The best part of this, Junior members: A. Dugan, M . Eidson ,
was it was my last year in J. Hicks, B. Beachler. B. Banks , J. Gar-
gus , D. Norton , D. Chastaine, K. Scott,
choir and I got a " 1" on my C. Hayes , L. Rogers. T. Strickland , D.
solo; while the worst part Lacey . C. Long . M . Cummings. W. New-
was singing the same ton and S Frey. Photo : S. Powers
songs over and over
again.'' Deedra Lowe

Story and layout : Melody Hayes

Artists quick to help others

When you think of Art Club , and Crown Center in Kansas
you probably imagine rolls of City. MO . As port of the foot-
paper streamers and students boll homecoming, Coach Dole
playing in glue and points, well . Mills ' truck become a rambling
Art Club, for the 1987-88 Bison float for the parade dec-
school year . was quick to orga- orated by members.
nize activities for other groups To be a member of Art Club,
on campus . Some of the activi- a student must maintain on
ties included decorating for the 80% in on art class and good
P.T.A . Buffalo Carnival, helping classroom behavior .
to publicize the District Student This year's students fared
Council elections. and decorat- well at the COC Art Show held
ing the Fieldhouse lobby at in Marshfield, April 16th. Senior
Christmas time . Also during the Billy Kueck placed first in cer-
Iotter port of the year, the club amics; junior, Tracy Strickland
mode May Day baskets for the placed first in water-color.
faculty . May 18th some volun- Ariodno Collado, sophomore,
teers from Art Club formed a placed second in jewelry-mak-
relay for the banana-split eat- ing and three seniors from BHS
ing contest to raise money for received honorable mentions :
Student Council. Brion Portman. mixed media;
Just to be sure you don't get Ronnie Hagar. graphic design;
the impression that Art Club is and Alicia Weeks. sculpture.
totally work-oriented, the club
also took a tour of the Nelson-
Atkins Art Museum. Hallmark

Art Club Advisor. Mr. Lonnie Glor, looking frazzled , or just dazzled?

COC Art Show winners proudly displaying their ribbons : Mr. Lonnie Glor, Brian Port -
man. Tracy Strickland. Bill Kueck . Aonnie Hagar. Ariadna Collado and Alicia Weeks.

JS. ' ,.

Art Club Members : Jason Heitman. Beth Weigel, Randy Lyon, Dana Rachi, Joe
Wills, Tonia Beyer. Tena Guffey, Lance Mills , Carri Wommack. Lonny Williams.
Bobbl Beachler . Bridget Turner , Tracy Strickland, Mary Ormsby, Deanna Todd,
Brent Hodson, Jim Patterson, Dana Alee. Missy Kjar . Kathy Wingo . Kelly Bresh -
ears, Veronica Ash. Daniel Gray, Russ Wilder, Troy Faulkner , Brian Gann, Shan-
non Stepp . Melody Hayes . Alice Weeks . Jeff Dampier . Stacy Auel . Billy Kueck , Buford Cross. surrounded in a sea of balloons at the Buffalo PTA Carnival.
Aonn1e Hagar. Brian Portman, Scott Price . Liz Bradley. Davie Fielder . Mary Carlisle .
Chris Blair , Trenda Carnahan , Maureen Eidson , Lori Hancock. Deanna Percival, 133
Ang1e Peters.
GETTING THERE A Wickman's Gardens employee plants an azalea by the h1gh school's main
entry . The landscaping done th1s year was paid for w1th Coke machine reve-
nue . Photo: M . Trent

u Jt4lb, fur: I

Junior Jim KJar and senior Tracy

Bornman dress as " hoods "
from the SO ' s during the Bas -
ketball Homecoming Sp1nt
Week . Photo · A. Mulderink .

Banana split eaters walt with

anticipation and dread as Mrs.
Carol Cully explains the con -
test's rules . Photo: J. Gargus .

The volleyball team? No, just a

bunch of Bisons havin' fun at
the Wipe Out Picnic & Dance
Photo : M . Trent.

" They said it wouldn ' t hurt! " Ron-
nie Hagar. senior . consoles his
classmate . Wes Bybee, as Wes
recovers from donating blood at
the Sping Bloodmobile . Photo: J.

The " distinguished" BHS faculty

presents a sk1t at the Wipe Out
Fun & Gomes Assembly . Photo:
M . Trent .

Thanks for the Memories

Story and Layout : Jane Gargus.

Stu-Co helped make many

honks for the
memories of eat- memories for students
ing banana splits throughout the spring
and breaking out in zits, of months with activities like the
giving blood and getting sick Dairy Queen Banana Split
and being laughed at by all Relay, the Spring Bloodmo-
our friends - we thank you, bile. Wipe Out Day with all of
so much. its events. a motovotionol
Thanks for the memories multi-media presentation,
of exciting Wipe Out Day, and many others.
wearing shorts on the 2nd of *Sing to the tune of Bob
May, dressing up for spirit Hope's theme song,
days in clothes our parents "Thanks for the Memories."
wore - we thank you, so **Stop singing, just read.

Layout : Angie Roscoe

~ hail tb- fur'_ I FBLA
keeps busy
) Vtckle Sm1th w1ns 1st place 1n public speaking at Jeffer-
son City . Photo FBLA/ AEFLEX

FBLA members putting together teacher ap-

preciation cups for FBLA Week .
District FBLA contestants . Photos : FBLA/AE-

J1m Kjor DJ1ng for the FBLA Tnv1o Contest

FBLA perform1ng on origtnol sk1t at a Booster
Club meet1ng in March . Brion Kromer . Edward
Workman. D1ono Chostine and Vickie Sm1th .
Photo : J. Cole
FTA continues to grow
Layout and story: A. Mulderink
Ang1e M uldennk, Scott O tto ond Down Locey hold o handful of balloons each . Future Teachers of school ond the wish to go on
They were used to tell the teachers they · g1ve us a help1ng hond . · Photo : Amenca has been involved and become an elementary
W. Newton
in many things at BHS . school teacher . Some of her
The most recent and activities have been: Buffalo
most well -remembered Gals, Cheerleading FHA. Pep
was the 10 person team Club, Publications. FTA.
that placed fourth in the in- French Club, and she has re-
famous Banana Split eat- ceived many medals and
ing contest held at the other honors .
Dairy Queen . The scholarship was for
During National Educa- the amount of $ 100.
tion Week , FTA members Says McDaniel of her
passed out bundles of bal- scholarship, " Receiving this
loons . Many balloons were scholarship meant a lot to me
surgical gloves or " hands " because it is given in memory
with the message " You of Mrs. Ray. Mrs . Ray was a
give us a helping hand!!" good teacher and on impor-
printed on them . tant influence on my life .' '
Angie McDaniel was cho- According to Jan Alford,
sen to receive the FTA FTA sponsor, "They're a
scholarship due to her ac- good bunch of kids and I
tive involvement in high hope to do more next year .··

Scott Otto stuffs h1s face 1n the spirit of compe -

tition ot the Banono Split eat1ng contest . The
FTA teom went on to a 4th place fin1sh . Photo :
A. Mulderink

Back row : Mel Hayes, Brandi Jaco , Tanya

Schmitt , Kathy Fear , Eula McDaniel , Desiree
Mason , Rhonda Caselman, Stephame Martin .
Wendy Newton , Devona Snider , (President).
Middle Row Shelly Taylor . Sandy Potter,
(Treasurer . Alicia Weeks . Vice -President),
Shonna Jaco , Samantha Haney. Corrie Brown ,
NICkie LaCrue. Stephanie Keener . Lorry Dor-
man. Scott Otto Front Row Angie Muldennk ,
Deedro Lowe . Kathi Bravi , Sheila Christian. Jan
Alford , (Sponsor ;, Jennifer Owens, Angie Da -
vidson . Betsy Oglesbee , (Reporter / Histori-
an). Leah Rob1e

Pep Club Officers Russ Wilder. FB President. Wes Bybee. BB Vice President. Chris
Blair FB Vice President. Billy Kueck. BB President. and Tim Blecher Secretory/
Treasurer .

Football Pep Club Row 1: Pres . Russ Wilder , V. P. Chris Blair,
and Sec j Treas . Tim Blecher . Row 2 : Tracy Strickland , Angie Football Pep Club Row 1: Pres . Russ Wilder , V.P. Chris Blair ,
McDaniel . Jane Gargus . Carrie Brown , Loretta Jennings . and Sec/Treas . Tim Blecher , and Advisor Rochelle Ausbury . Row
Karen Rieschel. Row 3 : Cliff Hathcock. Jason Randolph , Leah 2: Karrie Friemel , Deanna Todd, Krista Hegle, Jamie Ran-
Robie, Sandie Finley, Tonia Beyer. Danny Farris, Sandy Scriven - dolph, and Eula Jasper. Row 3 : Amy Price , Tara Barker .
er . and Jason Heitmann. Row 4 : Cinnamon McMillan , Amy Rima , Brenda Smitherman , Heather Hodson, Jacque Blake , Dana
Kathy Bravi. Christie Adams. Sheila Christian , Missy Kjar. Jackie Rice , and Christa McDaniel. Row 4: Darrell Sterling , Jeff Smith,
Carter . Jill Anderson . and Rachel McConnell . Row 5 : Donna Susan Durrington , Cookie Hawkins, Jennifer Jenson , Debbie
Walker , Cyndy Smith. Teresa McGregor . Tara Pierce , Kathy Spitzer, and Crystal McCullers. Row 5: Joey Carver, Ariandna
Wingo . Carri Wommack , Tena Guffey , and Christine Bonnin . Collado , Jenny Oglesbee , Linda Bradley. Tami Lindsay. Meri-
Row 6 : Dennis Gray and Kelly Sharp. bah Randleman, and Erin McHenry.

Aah! Aah! Aah!

Layout and story : Karen Rieschel
Pep club was larger than it of it! " They even sat on the floor in Bison squad.
has been in years . On this Bison fans rode the bus the Fieldhouse lobby to draw Angie McDaniel, varsity
year 's club , Rochelle Ausbury. faithfully to watch their team and paint posters. After the cheerleading captain added,
pep club asvisor: " Pep club is compete . For some games , posters were completed ev - " Football pep club really
the best it's ever been . Not two buses were needed . eryone loaded up and went for showed a lot of spirit. They
only do the students have spir- Pep club showed their spirit pizza. supported the team even
it, but they 're being creative and enthusiasm by participat- Some members of pep club though they weren 't winning . It
about it." Ausbury added that ing in skits at pep assemblies, even developed their own rat- made it a lot easier to cheer
even though basketball pep painting their faces red, black, ing system during basketball because they yelled with us.''
club was smaller as compared and white, creating their own season. It ranged anywhere
to football pep club, the nu- spirit hats. and wearing school from -.01 for the opposing
cleus of the group was still " full colors to some of the games. team, to a perfect 10 for the

Advisor Rochelle Ausbury and football officers discuss upcoming events at a pep club
meeting . Photo : Karen Rl eschel

Basketball Pep Club Row 1: Pres Billy Kueck, Advisor Rochelle Ausbury.
Sec/Trees . Tim Blecher , and V.P Wes Bybee not pictured. Row 2: Traci
Seniors. Russ Wilder, and once they left off ice . Mayfield, Liz Bradley, Felicia Sullivan, Traci McGregor , Tracy Strickland.
Karen Rieschel. Carrie Brown . Angle McDaniel, loretta Jennings. Jane
Chris Blair were football offi- Cliff Hathcock, sophomore Gargus . Jami Randolph, Eula Jasper . Krista Hegle , and Deanna Todd .
cers and very active in pep stated, "Football pep club Row 3 : Teresa McGregor, Shelli Goettee . Brian Kramer. Maureen Eid-
club . Russ felt like everyone was a lot more fun than bas- son, Tara Pierce . Donna Walker, Kathy Wingo . Tena Guffey. Amy Price .
had a lot of fun yelling and ketball pep club because we and Patti Brace Row 4 : Arlandna Collado, Linda Bradley. Sheila Christian,
were able to do more. Russ Christie Adams , Steve Graham. Billy Mitchell. and Jason Randolph. Raw
screaming at the games, but
5: Chris Blair , Russ Wilder, Ronnie Hagar , and Cliff Hathcock . Not pictured
the most fun was acting crazy and Chris were at every Kerri Friemel.
and getting hyped-up on the game from the very begin-
bus rides to the games . Chris ning. They were the instiga-
agreed completely with tors to get things going.
Russ . They both felt like the When they had to leave pep
number in pep club, and the club to play basketball. it
amount of spirit did not fol- took away a pretty big
low into basketball season, voice."

Sophomores Darrell Sterling and Steve Graham. and seniors Russ Wilder and
Chris Blair discuss a pep assembly skit with some cheerleaders. Photo : Angie

Bison fans were at full attention during the homecoming match against the Fair Grove Jeff Lankford, Steve lea . Michelle Weinant. and Tracl Mayfield show their en-
Pirates . Photo : Ken Kendall thusiasm as they leave a football tunnel. Photo : Mike Trent
GETTING THERE Layout : Karen Rieschel

Le Club
Jt4 ib, fur: I French Club had three movie
nights . At their first two gath-
erings. "Ferris Beuler's Day
Off". "Spies Like Us".
by carrying cakes for the carni-
For the Halloween activity
the club went to a haunted

? "Crocodile Dundee ". "Dirty

Dancing ", and "La Bomba"
were viewed. The third movie
night was held in Bolivar . Stu-
dents ate pizza and watched,
house and out for pizza . Roller
skating was another event the
club participated in .
Another thing the students
did, while in French Club, was to
"Adventures in Babysitting ". write to pen pals from all over
Terry Knob, freshman, stated, Europe. especially France and
''Movie nights are always en- Italy.
tertaining because you get to When Miss Ray Dean Phillips,
see good movies and have a advisor was asked how she
lot of fun .'' felt about this year 's club she
Members were able to see commented, ''llove those kids.
a French play at Central High They're a great delight for
School and afterwards went me!"
for pizza. French Club earned
the money for the play tickets
from the P.T.A. by setting up
and taking down shelves. and

First veor members. Row 1: Joey Carver, Wesley Osborn, Lonny Wil-
liams, Troy Bear, Chris Dill, Kellie Beam, Usa Parmenter, Roberta
Payne, and Candee Summers. Row 2: Terry Knob, Brandi Jaco, Debbie
Spitzer, Stephanie Keener, Sarah Parsons, Tanya Miller, Angela
Moyie, Jane Gargus, and Ray Dean Phillips, advisor. Row 3: Kathy
Fear, Mike Souza, Chris Long, Marlin Viets. Stacy Swanigan, and Rob-
ert Davis. Row 4: Dana Rachi. Sara Ferrell, Jacque Blake, Dana Rice,
Liz Bradley, Krista Hegle, Crystal McCullers, and Dawna Beam. Row
5: Brannon Holmes, Lori Fry, Amy Price, Betsy Oglesbee, Michelle
Barker, Tracy Strickland, Tracey Pierce, and Brigitte Banks. Not pic-
tured: Misty Banks, Julie Hicks. Wesley Johnson, and Lance Mills .
Photo: Angie Mulderink

Advanced Members. Row 1: Shonna Jaco, Sandy Scrivener, and

French foreign exchange student Christine Bonnin. Row 2: Jim Kjar,
Wendy Newton, Leah Robie, Angie McDaniel. Ed Workman, Karen
Rieschel, Patti Brace, Dan Gray, and Miss Ray Dean Phillips, advi-
sor. Row 3: Betsy Oglesbee. Devona Snider, Adrian Hackney, Rick
Lyon, Kris Shepard, Larry Dorman, Loretta Jennings. Donna Walker,
Angie Hamilton, and Betty Nicholsen. Row 4: Desiree Mason, Kelly
Healey, Carrie Brown, Scott Conrad. Mark Taylor. Beth Weigel.
Debbie Taylor, Brent Eske, Angie Rieschel, and Tracy Bornman. Row
5: Stephanie Martin, Rhonda Caselman, Tena Guffey, and Stashi
Mills. Not pictured: Shauna Hedricks and Sandi Finley. Photo: Mike

French Club members Angle Aieschel. Jo-

lene Knob, and Candee Summers carry in
cakes for Country Days . Also pictured
Aeggie Turner. Photo: Melody Hayes
Students wait far other club members to leave the Haunted
Mansion in Springfield. Photo: Karen Aieschel.

During a movie night, members view "Dirty Dancing" in the old Biology
room. Joey Carver and Chris Dill enjoy playing video games at Skate Cor-
ral. Photos : Karen Aieschel
Sandy Scrivener, President of
French Club, commented, "I've
really enjoyed my last four years
in French Club . I've missed not
having Miss Phillips in French IV
(French IV wasn't offered this
I am considering a minor in
French language in college.''
Photo: Mike Trent

Below: Spanish Club members enjoy "pigg1ng out"' at their frequent parties.

GETTING THERE Photos· L. Hancock and C. Rice

jA, Jt4lk,~!
Story and layout: Lori Hancock

Spanish Club kept active

Spanish Club is an organi - similar to doughnuts. T-shirts for
zation far students who the club were made with the deisgn
have taken or are presently of " Spuds MacKenzie ", saying ,
enrolled in Spanish class . The " Yo hablo Espanol ", which tran-
purpose of Spanish Club is to slates , " I speak Spanish ."
provide a mare social orga - In October the club took a trip to
nization far the Spanish stu- Kansas City to attend the Renais-
dents . There are regular club sance Festival. This is an event in
activities throughout the which musicians , actors and artists
year such as a movie party are dressed up in costumes to par-
and going to see a play per- tray times as they were during the
farmed in Spanish. Renaissance era. Mrs. Beckner felt
This year 's play was titled, that '' ... it was an excellent learn-
"Dan Quixote" , a produc- ing experience far the students to
tion by the National Theater be able to view and experience life
of the Performing Arts. It was as it was during the Renaissance ."
shown at Central High School A Spring activity was on Satur-
in Springfield, with many oth- day, Apri130 . A bake sale was held
er schools attending the at Wal Mart , combining with Speech
play . This was also the high- and Drama Club, to pay far the bus
light of the year far Spanish that was taken to the Renaissance
Club. Festival. The amount of money
Another activity included raised was $118 .31 ; and was
the Halloween trip in Octo- matched in amount by Wal Mart .
ber. Members went to a The extra money will be used for
haunted house in Springfield . lighting and other stage equip-
Time was given before this ment .
to shop, eat or just browse The last activity of the year was
around in the mall. a movie party held on Wednesday,
March 9 was a movie party May 25 . Money was collected for
for Spanish Club and invited a big dinner of pizza and soft
guests. They watched the drinks .
movie "Dirty Dancing ", and
snacked an pap, chips and
cookies. Mrs. Mary Lou
Beckner made sopapillias,
which is a Mexican dessert

First Row : K. Brovl. J Beckner, S. leo. E Johansen, M Gilmore. Second Row: J COf'ter, J Ron-
dolph. l. McGuire. l Hancock , A. Peters, A. Ell. M . l. Beckner. Third Row : T Lusk , E. Kane , L.
Spitzer. J Owens. S. SuiNvon. B.J. Beachler , S. Povne, T. Leavey. J Anderson Fourth Row: V
Ash. B. Ttxner. M . Trovlno, M . DeJarnette. D. Btxns, J. Glor Photo by: A. Mulderlnl< Left : Presi-
dent Angle Peters, Vice-Pres Jenel Owens. Secretory Bobby Beachler Photo : A. Mulderlnl<




Tom Darnell Floyd Willis lendol Condren Warren Lauderbaugh

Superintendent Principal Assistant Principal Outgoing President
Dallas Co . A- 1 Schools Athletic Director Board of Education

Jon Alford Jim Andrews Rochelle Ausbury Mary lou Beckner Charles " Bud " Bennett George Blowers Ray Bolin
Chemistry I & II, Counselor l.D .. (Cheerleading , J.H . & H.S. Sp .. Deb .. Biology I & II Draft1ng , Wood- Gen Shop, Wood -
Physics, Alg . I (FTA) Pep Club) Drm., Span., (Sp . & wk .. Metalwk , Pwr wk, J.H Shop
Deb. Club, Sp . Club) Mech .. Elect , J.H .
Shop , Athletics

Janice Cole
English II, Annual
Ron Condren
Consumer Math.
Geometry, Alg.l & Ia

Carol Cully
Bsc. Bus. . Cmpt.,
Typ ., Bkkp ., (Stu-Co)
Steve Denbow
Athl. , Elem. & H.S.
P.E., Driver's Ed .

Stu-Co's "Teachers of the Months" pose deviously In the teacher's

lounge . They are, top : Michelle Friebe. Ron Condren , lonnie Glor,
144 Roy Bolin, ond Judy Kennedy. Bottom : Janice Cole , Myra Glor , Jan
Alford, and Cyndy Hoffman. Photo: J. Gargus
Bryon Elhord Michelle Friebe Lindo Gillispie Lonnie Glor Myra Glor Sharon Hogan Joy Harrison
J.H. Bond, Bond, Buf- English I, Journalism English Ill , Short Art. Advanced Art , Psych., Soc., World Am. Hist .. Mo . Hist ., Librarian, (Library
falo Gals , (Pep Story , Comp ., Novel (Art Club) Hist ., Am. Hlst ., Civics, World Geog ., Club)
Bond) (NHS) Cont. Issues

Rick Henderson Cyndy Hoffman Judy Kennedy Cheryl Lemons Dole Mills Kim Penner Roy Dean Phillips
Athletics. Driver's Athletics , Gen . Sci- Fom. Rei., Child Dev .. L.D . & E.M .H. Athletics, Advanced Athletics. Am . H1st .. English I. French I
Ed. , Am . Hist . ence , H.S. & J.H. P.E. Home Ec., Cloth ., P.E. Health, J.H . P.E. & & II, Myth .. Shakes-
Fom. Meals . Hous , History peare , (French Club)
Int ., Sql. Liv ., (FHA)

Suzanne Powers Alice Rush Mike Russell Fronk Sergent Joyce Smith
Mx . Chor., Glee J.H. & H.S. E.M .H. Athletics, J.H. & H.S. Moth Ia, Gen. Moth. Typing, Shorthand,
Club , J.H. & Elem . P.E.. Physical Fitness Rig . II , Triq/Moth Bus. Low, Adv . Bus ..
Mus .. (Mus. Club, Anal., Pre-Calculus (FBLA)

You Never Know • • •

Story and Layout: Jane Gargus
How many of these teachers can you correctly
match with his/her former job? (Ans. p . 146.)

he next time you see coming educators when they
a teacher, smile and were our age. So no matter
l. Mary Lou Beckner A. Aircraft Mechanic
be pleasant - you what your current plans are
2. George Blowers B. Medical Lab Worker
might be one someday . or aren't, there 's always an
Fifty percent of the BHS odd chance that you, too. 3. Ruth Dunkin c. Welder
and BJHS faculty and admin- could be in charge of a class . 4. Michelle Friebe D. Funeral Director
istration didn't plan on be- 5. Sharon Hagan E. Secretary
6. Scott Harris F. Florist


Rick Freemon
John Dull Athletics , P.E.

John Allen Bill Autry Jeonene Burry Auth Dunkin Belinda Finley Chris Gillispie Scott Harris
Science, J.H . & H.S. Am. Hist . -8th. J.H. & L.D. English - 8th . Lan- B.D.fl.D. Moth - 7th, H.S. Pre- Science - 8th, H.S.
Athl.. (H.S. FCA) H.S. Athl. , Econ . guage Arts Algebra Earth Science

Warren Kennedy Carol Sue Maddox Paulo Phillips

Soc. Studies - 7th, Moth - 8th. H.S. Elem. & J.H. Art, H.S.
H.S. Econ & Gov . Cons . Moth, (Stu- Athletics

Jeanne Price Coy Sergent Marcia Stumpff

Counselor English - 7th, Honors Science - 7th, Home

Mrs. Marcia Stumpff gets her lunch from the junior high home-ec room . 1=D. 2=C
Photo : J. Gargus . 3=E. 4=8
146 S=F. 6=A
DALLAS COUNTY AREA VO- TECH Senior John Stncklond. senior Glen Holcomb . and junior Billy Kurek pose
by weld1ng equipment at Vo -Tech . Photo: J. Gargus .

Scott Bradley

Don Brewer Vernon Frantz Jeannine Goers Terry Halleran Mike Husmann Barbara Rodney Kay
Welding Building Trddes Office Occupations Vo-Ag Radio Broadcasting Janzekovich Electronics
Health Occupations

Kenny McDaniel Frankie Phillips Bill Price Don Reeves Eleanor Roberts Bill White
Auto Mechanics Auto Mechanics Heating & Refrige . Auto Body Train Hndicpd . Building Trades

Ms. Suzanne Powers.

Mr . Rick Henderson.
and Mr . Bryan Elhard
have definitely
changed since 1978 . . Story and Layouts: Jane Gargus
. or have they?
elour shirts, bell- ripped and acid washed
V bottoms, afros, and jeans, mini-skirts, high-tops,
disco ... that was then. and VCRs ... this is now.
Compact-disc players,

What 's one change that you've noticed at BHS in the last 10 years?
Mrs . Glor, "Students are much more vocal and opinionated."
Mr. L. Condren, " Ten years ago, kids didn't drive as much. Now, the par-
king lot's full."

Mrs . Harrison, "When I first came to BHS, massive locker checks/clean-ups were
fairly common ."
Mrs . L. Gillispie, "The skirts have gone back about the same length again- short. "
Elementary staff
Mary Nell Andrews
Grade 1 - Mallory
Evelyn Anderson
Grade 1 - Long Lane
LaVonna Anderson
Grade 5 - Mallory

Donna Ashworth
Music - L.L. and Mallory

Ms . Betts
Kinder .- Long Lane

Mrs. Bryant
Grade 3 - Long Lane
Linda Brown
Grade - Long Lane
Virginia Bolin
Grade 5 - Long Lane

Mary Ellen Chapman Lucille Chapman Anna Cheek Barbara Clark

Grade 6 - Mallory Grade 1 - Mallory Cook - Long Lane Math - Mallory

Dione Doty
Health/Nurse - Mallory
Lotus Cully
Aide - Mallory
Martha Drown
Grode 2 - Mallory

Patsy Durrington
Aide - Mallory
Sue Dyle
Grode 3 - Mallory
Dixie Foster
Grode 4 - Mallory

Eva Marie Glor

Counselor -Mallory
Lindo Grant
Grode S - Mallory
Dono Hocker
LD- Mallory

Freddo Heady
Music - Mallory
Susan Hole
Grode l - Mallory
Jane Holmes
Grode 3 - Mallory

Kristy Keller
EMH- Mallory
Barbaro Kirksey
Grode 2 - Mallory
Koren Kjor
Grode 3 - Mallory
Nancy Klapp Donna LaCrue Alice Anne Long Faye McHenry
Cook - Long Lane Librarian - Mallory Kinder . - Mallory Grade 2 -Mallory

LaWanka Mallard
Phys. Ed - l.l./Mallory
Pruitt Miller
Principal - Mallory
Viola Miller
Kinder. - Mallory

Sheryl Mills
Grade 2 - Long Lane
Diane Morgans
Grade 2 - Mallory
Diana Moyie
Pre-school aide

John Mullens Pam Naylor Sarah Oglesbee Deborah Owen
EMH- Mallory Grade 6 - Mallory Reading & math - Mallory Pre-school director

Angie Parrack Paulo Phillips Bonnie Powell Willa Polly
Grode 1 - Mallory Art/P .E. - Mallory Aide - Mallory Grode 5 - Mallory

Debbie Quesenberry
Art - Mallory
Barbaro Randall
Grode 6
Principal - Long Lone
Lisa Reeves
Grode 6 - Mallory

Stoci Rooseou
Grode 6 - Mallory
Helen Roberts
Grode 4 - Mallory
Julie Ruzicka
Speech - L.L . & Mallory

Leta Saner Loni Scott Carlo Scurlock Gloria Smitherman

Grode 4 - Mallory Grode 2 - Mallory Librarian - Long Lone Read & moth - Long Lone

Marjorie Stanley Mabel Stevens Verna Strickland Phyllis Sweaney
Grade 3 - Mallory Aide /Sec. - Long Lane Reading - Mallory Aide - Mallory

Joanna Wheeler Karen Williams Kathy Willis Judy Wingo

Grade 1 - Mallory Speech - Mallory Grade 4 - Mallory Aide - Mallory

Dallas Co. R- 1 School Board

Teking advantage of the
new school. the School
Board meets in the Library.
Members: Bill Shepard, Keith
Cully. Superintendent Tom
Darnell. Mike Jones - Presi-
dent. Micky Davies. David
Beltz and Wayne Aeischel.
Photo: J. Gargus


Administrative secretaries : Joann

Wygant. Barbara Blair and Willa Phil -
lips . Photo: M . Trent

Hildreth Swanigan , junior high school

secretary .
Patsy Condren and Judy Barnhart .
high school secretaries . Photos : M .

Mallory Elementary secretaries . Betty Dryer and Shirley Ford. Photo : M . Trent

jA, JuJJitb,~!
cJ!I I 7
Snack Bar moves
midway thru year
Imagine , if you can , being on ed, " This is the first time in
stand-by to make a major nearly 25 years that I haven 't
move . A move as major as re- made donuts . Except if I was
locating an entire kitchen oper- sick , of course . It doesn ' t
ation to the new school's com- seem right ."
bination Snack Bar and Cafete- But Elizabeth resumed her
ria . donut making within days ,
That ' s only part of it . Now try and students and staff were
to imagine being operational relieved once more to see
within days of the move, and them. Those donuts have
feeding over 600 hungry junior become a tradition at our
high and high school students . school. Prior to the move.
But , that ' s only part of it . The the rummors were slinging
previous Snack Bar cooks also that our old favorites would
became Cafeteria cooks in not be served in the new caf -
February of 1988, shortly after eteria . But they were .
their move . For the first time Jean Dicken, food service
ever. our cooks learned how to director , helped with the
Mary Jane , Helen, Elizabeth, Wanda and Nyla on moving day . Stu- prepare the traditional school transition to the new school.
dents were told in advance to bring sack lunches during the transi- lunch , as well as snack foods . Dicken commented , " I was
tion . The old cafeteria remained open for regular school lunches . The move was on February proud of the girls . They did
7 , 1988. Elizabeth Ware , vet- a fine job of adapting to the
eran cook of many years, stat- totally new set-up ."

All of the snack bar cooks participated in the move : Wanda Allen, Mary Jane Carver, Nancy Tucker, Nyla Paris, Elizabeth
Ware, Helen Wallace and Ruth McDaniel.

Nyla, Nancy and Mary Jance

pack-up and clean the front
of the old snack bar. The
Snack Bar was remodeled
during the summer of '88, to
be a new weight-lifting and
training facility for the athlet-
ic departments. The upstairs
rooms, formerly vocal and in-
strumental music, became
coaches offices and drivers

~ hail /h, !-_ I Maintainence
d,l- ) Staff

Randy Case
Lorry Cline
Bob Green

Roy Hagar
Debra James
Doc Powell

Tammy Quigley
Manuel Rodrequiz
Bill Stevens
Maintainence Director

John ''Bud'' Toms

Billie Weigel
Long Lane



w Bobbi Jo Adams
John Alexander
leslie Alford

c Vincent Ash
Michael Barker
Joey Barnes

<( Mike Beesley

Andy Bettencourt

a: Kara Breshears
Cathy Boyd
Jod1e Broeker

Cl Shannon Busselle
Aellcia Carver
Adam Clark
Kenny Clark

J: Shawn Clark

1- Herbie Cody
Chris Conrad

Stephen Cox

Shannon Crane
Jamie Davis
Jeni De Jarnette
Edward Draper
Mark Elliot

Jimmy Enloe
Wade Evans
Chris Fears
Tonya Fritts
Brian Gann
Cheryl Gann
Doug Hallemeier
Cory Heinkel

John Hicks
Jom Hicks
Heather Hill
Mike Huber
Shane Holman
Jason Honeybone
Cindy Horn
Shelby Hughes

Jennifer Jasper
Ricky Jasper
Ronald Jasper
Bree Ann Johnson
Debby Johnson
Daryl Keener
Amy Kennedy
Jamee Killian

linda Maynard
Heather McDaniel
Juan1ta McDaniel
Shawn McDaniel
Jeremy McFarlane
Mark McGuire
Jennifer McNabb
John McNellis

David Mitchell
Joe Moore
John More
Tressa Moyie
lisa Osburn
Curtis Owens
Avril Pebworth
Marla Peters

Amanda Pierce
Kirk Piper
John Poole
Jeremiah Price
Tonya Price
lyn Pruett
Jacob Ray
Mitze Reed

Phil Rogers
April Sanderson
Barbara Sanderson
Ryan Saner
Kyle Schwanke
Jason Scrivener
Angela Shepperly
Tracy Sikes

Jennifer Skinner
Terry Slemmer
Amanda Smith
Jeff Smith
Ray Stafford
Elizabeth Stanley
Shane Stokes
Miles Stow

Jennifer Strickland
Casey Swanigan
Misty Terbock
Mike Tiller
Christy Thompson
Shelly Todd
James Tuning
Brandon Van Deren

Ken Van Nostrand

Kevin Van Nostrand
Tanya Vineyard
Greg Wall
Brad Webster
Damon Willis
Mandl Willis
Justin Wilson

Joe Witt
Jason Worely

Sixth Grade Busy

Layout and Copy: Mike Trent
The six grade was a real fun lov-
ing and winning class this year .
They worked hard striving to get
to the seventh grade and junior high.
One of them. Mark Elliot worked
hard enough to win an essay contest
for the 200th anniversary of the Con-
stitution writing the best essay in the
The sixth graders had plenty of
fun, taking advantage of their lost
year of recess, playing the traditional
soccer and teather ball.
As the sixth graders approached
the school year, they took a field trip
in May to Jefferson City, visiting the
capital building and the Highway Pa-
trol Headquarters.
In May the sixth graders for the
first time toured the junior high and
high school.

Mark Elliot, winner of the national writing contest. photo : M . Trent

Jacob Ray trying frantically to finish his homework . photo : M . Trent
Jeanne Price, junior high counselor, shows sixth graders around campus. photo: A. Mulderink
w Chad Abercrombie
David Allen
Kelly Anderson

c Russell Ash
John Bettencourt
Amanda Black
Shelby Blecher

<C Julie Broeker

a: Alexa Brunkhorst
Donald Bock
Carrie Bowers

Mandi Caswell
Kevin Cheek
Tara Cibert
Lisa Clark
Chrystal Cline

George Criswell
Cris Crowe
Brandon Coltrin

LL Brad Cooksey
Jacob Cornwell
Mike De Beaux
Bart Denbow
LL James Denham

Shelly Dibben
Bobby Dill
Ricky Dryer
Ann Evans
Anthony Fegett
Gary Finley
Amy Fischer
Jacob Ford

Laura Fugitt
Brian Gaynor
Lori George
Melissa Hamilton
Rachal Hall
Chris Heard
Edward Hicks
Eric Huston

Joey Hutching
Arley Jasper
Jared Jasper
Marshall Jenkins
La Quitta Jennings
Shane Johnson
Melinda Jones
Aaron Kahler

Micheal Kaus
Bradley Kern
Brandy Kroeger
Zach Lanham
Dustin Larsen
Brook Lauderbaugh
Aandv Lea
Melissa Lynch

Keith Maddox
Kevin Maddox
Karl Martin
Robert Mathis
Aicky Medcalf
Christy Miller
Sherry Mitchell
Ayan Me Millan

Damon McNabb
Heather McNabb
Summer Norton
Aandv Movak
Jami Ortner
Tony Owens
Nathan Pachmayr
Angela Payne

Stacy Phillips
Joanne Place
Kim Potter
Michele Powell
Hannah Price
Micah Price
Alisha Pyatt
Jamie Aeaves
David Aowland

Amanda Aice
Billy Aice
Tiffany Ateth
Ashley Aima
Aobert Ryan
Sue Sartin
Donna Schreiber
Traci Searles
Bobby Sharp

Isaac Sharp
Kari Sharp
Patty Sharp
Brian Smith
Shauna Smith
Shere Smith
Carla Smithey
Darla Smithey
Misti Spradling

James Stoddard
Charlie Strickland
Misty Summers
Tony Summers
Jenifer Sweaney
Tamera Torr
Jackie Tiller
Lori Wells
Tara Wheelock

Chnsty Whitney
Eric Wingo

Do you remember when you
were in grade school? Especially in
5th grade, when you started liking
boys and girls.
Well, this years 5th grade class
con tell you all about it. These stu-
dents ore at the age when they flirt
around and really like each other .
So, they start "going together."
Story & Layout by: Now, what is "going together",
Lori McGuire exactly. It's not quite the some
thing as a high school student's
ideo of going together. where
class rings ore exchanged and real
dotes toke place. After all, 5th
grader's don't hove class rings or
drive cars .
After talking to some 5th grad-
er's, it was discovered that these
"going together" 5th graders re-
Shelby Blecher , Melissa Lynch, ally didn't do many things together .
Aussell Ash, Brook Lauder- Just seeing each other and being
baugh, and Ayan McMillan en- with each other at school, seemed
joy hanging around together .
to be the 5th graders' definition of
Ayan McMillan and Melissa "going together."
Lynch do not like being around
together, but they are not sure 161
they want to be around each
c<( Cindy Arnold
Jomes Atkinson
Chod Bancroft
Pot Beesley
Julie Bower
Brent Bowers

a: Jeremy Bowers
Krista Bradford

CJ Christina Breshears
Josh Brownfield
Jackie Coin
Thor Connon

J: Woody Carpenter
Dolly Clark
Felicia Clark

1- Dow Cline

a: Terry Chne
Shone Cody
J. A. Coffman

::) Ch&~i Crosby

Cindy Crosby
Eric Dome

0 Joseph Davis
Carl Devore

u.. Aebecco Dill

Dorio Dixon
Mondy Eisman
Bill Evons
Amy Faulkner
Toro Gillispie
Joymi Gilpin
Tony Glassford

Girard Grenier
Eric Gronniger
Anthony Hancock
Timothy Harper
Leah Harrison
Bryon Hoys
Aeeno Heinkel
Scotty Hicks

Melissa Holman
Margaret Huber
Crystal Huston
Curtis Hyde
Joson Johnson
Zoe Johnson
Travis Kelb
Jeremy Klopp

Taro Lone
Jeremiah linden
Cody Luke
Juanita Lynch
Ken Morley
Andy McConnell
Aaron McDaniel
Stoci Meadows

Joy Miller
Mork Minor
Nathan Montgomery
Joson Moore
Michelle Moore
Justin Moriarty
Komi Neltzert
Kristen Nyberg

Cory Owens
Jamie Parson
Melanie Pebworth
Debbie Potter
Thomas Poynter
Cheri Quigley
Tim Aoy
Troy Aeith
Shelly Roller
Nashika Saffley
Hank Sanderson
Derrick Schmied
Frank Schreiber
Brad Shephard
Jason Shepperly
Dawn Sherman

Lisa Shewmaker
John Simpson
Michael Skinner
Jeanette Slack
Jackie Slumski
Jamie Sole
Adam Spadling
Jason Stepp
Valerie Sterling

Vanessa Stokes
Steve Stowe
Karen Swanigan
Callie Swank
Melissa Taylor
N1cki Taylor
Shon Taylor
Jessica Thomas

Jessica Tnbon
Molly Trow
Jason Tun1ng
Wendy Vance
Lori Ward
M1chael Webb
Brandon Weeks
Adam Wells

Floyd Wh1te
Amanda Williams
Waylon Wilson
Carmen Wingo
Kevin W1sdom
Chastity Worley
Tabatha Worley
Robert Xander
Layout, story and photos: Angie
Davison Roscoe Ryan Young

When people talk about their

elementary school days they of-
ten only remember playing
games, recess, and lunch time .
However, some fourth graders
who were interviewed said,
"Those are the funnest things,
but the rest of the time we work
pretty hard."
Long division was more diffi-
cult according to some. Others
agreed that just learning to spell
words like arithmetic was more
than should be expected of a
kid . Third graders were consid-
ered much more immature than
any fourth grader could have
ever been . And girlfriends and
boyfriends are now accepted in
today's modern fourth grade
classrooms .
Fourth grade requires study .
Getting ready to go home gets stu-
dents excited!
w Dusti Albertson
Jeff Alford

c Chet Allen
Greg Argo
Willie Barnes
Freddie Berry

<C Carl Block

Kevin Bliss

a: Christina Brown
Heidi Brunkhorst

<-' Christopher Burns

Jossen Callahan
Lauro Clampitt

Chad Clark
Christo Cook
Steven Criner

Jennifer Criswell
Michelle Dome
Jacob Davis
Chris Duff
Mindy Durrington
Kristi Eske

Bonnie Evans
Scott Freemon

Joson Gaynor
BJ Goins
Arik Griesse
Jaime Harmon
Angelo Harrison
Kristen HendriCks
Mondy Hendrickson
Chris Hendrickson

Amy Holman
Hannah Honeybone
Holly Hoover
Mikie Johnson
Woylon Kous
Brandon Kenol!
Justin Kenol!
Eric Kjor

Koren Kuhns
Melissa Leo
Atlanta Leavey
Tony Lewis
Jamie Lowrey
Amber M cCarthy
Justin M cCowan
Amy M cCoy

Shone McDaniel
Stephanie M cHenry
Claro M addux
Melissa M onory
John M atthews
T. J. M athews
Ethan Miller
Tim Musser

Melanie Nelson
Trudy Nixon
Spnng Norton
Amy Oberbeck
David Oliver
Virginia Oliver
Craig Owens
Michael Owensby

Michael Pohlow
Kristina Pilot
Ben Pyatt
Nathan Reed
Trenton Rieth
Jennifer Robison
, ....,
A J Sartin
Jerry Sharp

Richard Sharp
Toni Sharp
Curtis Skinner
Stephan1e Stowe
Cint Swanigan
Jason Swanigan
Scott Thompson
John Throckmorton

Michael Tuning story and layout: Wendy Newton

3rent Van
Aaron Weaver
Victor Williams
Patrick Xander

3rd Graders
Everyone ot some time in their JEANS SHOES WATCHES OTHER
life worries about how they look. LEE- 64% REEBOK- 28% SWATCH- 18% MEN AT SURF-
Some, to impress another per- LEVIS- 27% NIKE- 35% COCA-COLA- 16%
son and others just to be trendy. WRANGLER- AVIA- 2% 16% OCEAN PACIFIC
35% AUTRY- 1% GUESS- 1%
Do third graders worry about
fashion and keeping up with cur- DISNEY- 11% DISNEY- 13%
3% 22%
rent trends? PEPSI- 7% M&M- 6% SPUDS- 25%
6 1% of the third graders polled RUSTLER- 2% GUESS- 1%
felt they kept up with all of the
latest trends in fashion.
While 39% really didn't core
about fashion. After all, clothes
ore clothes.

Holly Hoover and Ben Pyatt were chosen best dressed in 3rd grade .
Jeff Abercrombie
Amber Anderson
Dusty Armstrong

Victor Ash
Adorn Bott
Joson Beltz
Justin Bloke

<C Christy Blecher

a: Chris Booyer
Adrienne Boulware
Wade Bower
Briaae Bowers

Rachel Brown
Jeremy Brownfield
Joshua Cahow
Stacy Canon

Heather Chambers
Ann1e Charlton
Adam Cline
Jerry Cline

0 Jessica Cody
Darcy Condren
Kim Cooksey

0 Meranda Cummings

w Brooke Daview
Stephanie Denbow

Kurtis Devore
Travis Doty
Brandon Duff
Patty Evans
Melissa Farmer
Casey Felin

Kerrie Fielder
Josh Ford
Thomas Green
Tina Greenier
Seth Hall
Timothy Hall
Thomas Hall
Aaron Harvey

Dan1el Hatfield
David Hayes
Jon Hicks
Chnstopher Hill
Krista Holman
Amy Jasper
Darren Jasper
BJ Jenkins

Sarah Keith

Justin Klapp

Layout : Angie Mulder-

Matt Kramer
Julie lanmer
Jeremy leonard
Helen lynch
Bradley McHenry
David McHenry
Shane McKinney
Amber Mclaughlin
Jeremy McMillin

Carson Martin
Julie Matthews
Bradley Nyberg
Misty Para
Rachel Paro
JR Perkins
Tiffany Pettit
Kris Pollard
Stacy Portis

Shawna Poynter
Brian Quigley
T. J Rainwater
Brandi Ray

Rebecca Ray
Mark Reeves
Amanda Rhoden
Mark Rich

Melissa Roberts
G . W. Rogers
Chris Ryan
Randyn Saner

Brandy Sawyer
Bobbie Scheel
Millisa Schrieber
Ashley Schwanke
Mickey Scrivener
Brian Shewmaker
Brad Shockley
David Sikes

Jeremy S1mpson
Amy Skinner
Brooke Skinner
Mandy Sm1th
Matthew Smith
Stacey Smith
Stephanie Smithey
Jeff Stoddard

Dawn Strobel
Crystal Tate
August Terback
Jordan Trupp
Bill Turner
Reggie Turner
Jason Ulven
Eddie Varner

Sara Viles
Lilli White
Aaron Wilson
AI Winters
John Woodburn
Frank Wyatt

w Michelle Acreback
Joey Alff

c Heather Arndt
Bambi Arnold
Jason Atkison
Levi Auberry

<t Bryant Bancroft

Charity Bancroft

a: Shawn Barker
Brandon Bass

April Batt
Todd Black
Robert Boyd
Rusty Brown

Stephanie Brown
Steve Brown

tn Brad Brunkhurst
Della Bunch

Amanda Burtin
Natalie Chapman
Derek Clark
Jessyca Compton

LL Tanya Crawford
Nick Crowe

Marsha Dame
Ryan Davies
Candi Denham
Amy Dunham
J. A. Durrington
Chrystal Estes
Renee Evans
Wendy Faught

Ricky Finley
Emily Friddle
Randee Gilpin
Tori Green
K. J. Hale
Matthew Hale
Tiffany Hall
Dottie Halleran

Chris Hancock
David Hankins
Josh Harmon
Bethany Hawley
Paul Hill
Rick Hill
Heather Hodges
Shawn Holt

Beth Houston
Lisa Hyde
Tabatha Jackson
Nikki Jasper
Timmy Jasper
Chula Keeny
Tatro Keith
Casey Kinser

Nathan Klapp
Jenny Kuhns
Dennis Landers
Nathan Lane
Tyler Lane
Heather Lynch
Erica McCoy
Shawn McDaniel

Jill McNabb
Billy Joe Mangione
Dyllon Marsolf
Rebecca Mason
Abram Medcalf
Shawn Musser
Kriston Neitzert
Paul Nixon

John Nyberg
Tracy Owens
Andrew Owensby
Michelle Pochmayr
Ronnie Pilot
Brent Pinkley
Jolene Place
Pearle Poole

Josh Portis
Brandon Reed
Shanda Reynolds
Rhonda Rice
Billy Ritchie
Donielle Rodelander
Robert Rogers
Semi Smale

Cindy Sanderson
Jessica Sorlitto
Heather Sears
Buck Shockley
Michael Showers
Sarah Sikes
Becky Skinner
Brian Slack

Brandy Snodgrass
Julia Spence
Jason Stanley
Matthew Stokes
Ryan Stokes
Andrea Strickland
Amanda Suha
Dustina Swofford

Rodney Taylor
Chris Thorp
Marvin Von Nostrand
Anno Viets
Jennette Wakefield
Amanda Woltz
Chad Whillock
Erica White

Mike Whitney
Leslie Wilson
Came Wingo

Demel ~

1st Grade Artisans!!

Story and layout : Wendy
Art . There are many different forms of
That is art?
Mr . Webster's definition of art is : A. a
skill in performance acquired by experience.
study or observation . B. human ingenuity in
adapting natural things to man's use.
For a first grader. art is an expression
of one's self . A way to show the1r thoughts
and feelings to the people around them,
and maybe even make someone happy
when they see a picture they ' ve drawn.
The first graders were asked to draw
their favorite thing and the follow1ng are ex-
amples of their favorite things through art.

zw Kelly Armstrong
Corey Atteberry
David Beesley
Jenny Beltz
Bruce Boehm Jr.

t- Mathew Boggs
Lindsay Bradley

logan Brethower

Shane Bnto

<C Alicia Brown

Nathan Brownfield
Jared Cahow
Stephanie Canon

Kristin Charlton
luke Charlton
Samatha Cherry

luke Christian
Tessa Cotrin
Wendy Cornwell

c Sean Criswell
Caleb Cusick
Zachary Dinwiddie

z Tawny Dudley

Jana Duff

Travos Elliott

Komi Freeman
Michael Gardner
Eric Garretson
Brandy Gilmore
Corey Goins
Jessica Hall
Casey Haney

Gregory Hardison
Jim1 Jo Harris
Jeanette Hayes
Koi Henderson
Chad Hendrickson
Katrina Hill
Amanda Jones
Morgan Ka1sler

Alicia Klapp
Alisha landers
Jacob lanham
Lindsey Lowrey
Jamie lowry
Bobby lynch
Wesley McBee
Ken McDaniel

Seth McDaniel
lacey McGuire
Gabriel McMillian
Peter Martinez
Jonathan Meadows
Mathew Miller
Brian Morrow
Gene Mayle

Nicholas Nimmo
lee Ella Oglesbee
Ben Oliver
Aobby Oliver
Matthew Pachmayr
M1tch Para
Amanda Payne
Andrew Perkins

Aaron Price
Chanda Price
Krystal Aambo
Faith Rawlings
Amanda Aedd
Tim Reeves
Krystal Reynolds
Anita Rhoten

Travis Richards
Johnny Ritchie
Atcky Aadelander
Jeff Roller
Robert Ryan
George Smith
Michael Smith
Sarah Smith

Lacy Sharp
Mtchael Sherman
Jennifer Sims
Shoun Stillwell
Edward Torrey
Joshua Trupp
Ashley Wall

Ben Ward
Bill Dean Whtte
Rachel White
Clint Wnght

During free time kindergartener. Jamte Lawry plays an the phone . Below:
Kindergarteners Ntchalas Nimmo and Wendy Cornwell enjoy playtng an
the swings . Photo. Mike Trent

While Mitchell Para does his homework , Samatha Cherry enJoys cutting out ptctures .
Photo; Mike Trent

Story & Layout by; Lori


No matter what a person's against the boys . Of course,
age, friends are important. there are some exceptions
Most adults have one best of a girl on the boys' team
friend. Well, in this year's kin- and some boys on the girls'
dergarten class the kids have team.
not only one. but three or four When the class was asked
best friends! how many best friends they
When the Kindergarten class had, a few answers were 2,
was asked why they had so 3, or 4 friends. But Gene
many friends, their answers Moyie had a very unique an-
were "Just, CUZ ... " swer for that question. He
They are not able to do a lot said, "I don't have just one
of things together but when or two best friends, but I like
they do, they make the best of them all because they are all
Kindergarteners Lacey McGuire and KellfUiven
their time together. At school my best friends.' ' dress up for the play their class put on for their
the kids play on teams; the girls families . Photo; Lori McGwe
<( Amanda Anderson
Josh Anthony

..J Beckie Batt

Stephen Baugus
Kelly Bear
Rachel Bliss

Kevin Chapman
Lori Dibben

Calv1n Hicks
Brad Johns
Heather Jones
Jason Jones
William LaShell

..J Danielle Matson

J1mmy Novak
Steve Polston

Sonya Rogers
Karen Smith
Pepper Smith
Lydia Thompson
Bobby Triplett
DeRonda Wimberly
Jamie Zeolia

Pepper Smith. Karen Smith. Rachel Bliss. DeRonda Wimberly.
and Lori Dibben. Bobby Triplett , Jason Jones , Steve Polston.
Jimmy Novak , Lydia Thompson. Danielle Mattson , and Beckie
Batt Not pictured, Stephen Baugus and William LaShell.

Bonita Boruff
Bonnie Boruff
Greg Briggs

Robert Burns
Trey Carter
Kieth Coffey

Jonathan Dye
Amy Fohn
Kim Jones
Dora Keith
Chris Lewis
Jeremy Owen

John Pettyjohn
Tracy Scurlock
Steven Smith
Randy Snow
Larry Taylor
Tracy Taylor
Nicloe Willis
Jeremy Anthony
N1cole Avery
Long Lane Sarah Bargus
Melissa Barnhart
Band Jason Chapman
Lois Cline
What is Bond? For 14 students at
Long Lone Elementary it was what they
hod twice a week. Every Tuesday and
Thursday the sixth grade bond prac- Chnstina Dorsan
ticed with Mrs. Donna Ashworth . David Dugan
They ploy on assortment of instru- Philip Fneze
Kurt Jones
ments; there were 5 clarinets, 3 saxo-
Kevin Kimbell
phones and two flutes in the woodwind John Mathews
section . In the brass there was one
trumpet and one trombone. The per-
cussion section consisted of two drum-
mers. Zane Mathews
The bond performed on May 24. Tabetha Merten
1988 with the other sixth graders that Bridget Rogers
Mrs . Ashworth teaches from Buffalo. Tylene Sandoval
They put on a concert with the high Curtis Scurlock
school bond, Mrs. Ashworth hod only Kody Siders
one time for them to practice together
before their performance.

Chrissy Smith
Corkey Stienmark
Brian Stuckey
Amy Sturdevant
Kirby Vest
Candy West
Sara Young
Jeremiah Zeolia

THIRD GRADE Justin Bower

Jason Bliss
Dennis Burns
Amanda Claspil
Eddie Dye
Clara Druck
Adam Englehardt
Sarah Fisher
Danny Fohn

Amy Garrison
Audrey Garrison
Jason Hall
Rebecca Hicks
Becky Hook
Patrick LaShell
Dorothy Manning
Shane Mason
David Novak

Sara Ownby
John Phillips
A. J. Rogers
Bart Sandoval
Amy Smith
Heidi Smith
Latoshia Smith
Jeremy Southard
lindsey Triplett

Janelle Turner
D. J. VanDruff
John Wecker
Steve Worley
Randy Young
Rachel Bower
James Butler
Frank Cansler

Lean Caselman
Amy Caffey
Jeremy Dame
Brian Deckard

Katrina Farrow
Jennifer Fohn
Dallas Gore

Kristy O 'qu1nn
Justin Osborn
Kristin Owenby
Clayton Pierce
Steve Prater
Quent Reed
Josh Souza
L. D. Wilson

Chris Adkins
Josh Anthony
Jamie Barber
Sam Baugus

Steven Bliss
Leslie Cline
Paul Druck
Glen Farrow

Amanda Hall
Chris Huntley
Shawn Lewis
Josh Phillips

Sarah Potter
Wade Rogers
Michelle Turner
Joshua Wisely
Robb1e Avery

Lelia Bert
Loyd Caselman
Ricky Chapman
Jason Caper
Jeff Elam
Dustin Gamel
AI Gaylord

Jenny Hall
Corey Marley
Kerry Potter

Jamie Rogers
Shelly Wecker
M1randa Willis
Brenda Young

Billy Weigel helps fix shoes along with everyth1ng else she does.
Mrs. Stevens helps a student with his Missouri map

In Mrs. Randall's Sixth grade class, students fill a 100% sign. For every 100
they get they fill up a square . When they are all filled they get a surprise .


What makes a school run? Who more than dean. She is affectiona-
takes care of everything? Well there tely called Billy by the students be-
are several people involved in the cause she is always helping them .
operations of a school, yet some go She takes time to fix things that
above and beyond what is required . are broken and when summer rolls
Two of them are Mrs. Mabie Ste- around she is still there fixing
vens and Ms . Billy Weigel. things up for the next year.
Mrs. Stevens is the secretary at Some might not even notice
Long Lane Elem. She answers the these two women. but the people
phone, takes care of lunches, and who work with them are thankful
virtually anything else that could pos- for them . It is an interesting note
sibly happen. She teaches math in that heredity might have some-
the sixth grade. fills in for teachers thing to do with it. Mrs. Stevens
when they have to be out of the is the mother of Ms. Weigel.
room in emergencies , and when
someone gets hurt she is usually one
of the ones who takes care of it.
Billy Weigel is the Janitor at Long
Lane Elementary . She does a lot

their lives .··
Stacy Shepperly winks m1sch1evously at the camera at milk time. Today. recogn1z1ng
shapes and colors are ev-
eryday things that we
don ' t think too much
about . For four and five
year olds just beginning to
discover coordination can
be a real challenge!
The Saturday school is
taught by Debra Owen and
Diana Mayle . Class begins
and just getting calmed
down and seated in the
right chairs is a big job .
·'They will be able to rec-
ognize and spell their
names by the end of the
year.'' said Owen.
Numbers and letters are
still a problem for some of
us so you can imagine what
it's like trying to learn them
for the first time . Well of
Do you remember your days Amy Kennedy, senior. and her course you can. after all
of Saturday school? "Yes," Saturday school class attemp- you went through it too .
said Jennifer Owens. junior. '' It ted cutting Christmas trees out Oh and by the way,
seems that Deanna Percival of construction paper . "It was when children were asked
and I were constantly in trouble amazing. by the time they were what they like most about
for talking . Of course we still through. a lot of the kids just school it was an over-
d 0. had little green stubs. I don't whelming majority rule ...
Mrs. Judy Kennedy, Home- think some had ever picked up Recess and graham crack-
Ec teacher remembers when a pair of scissors before in ers .

Shiloh Ujeaver sits quietly while listening to a friend .

Marcus Owenby stops swinging at play time to pose

for the camera.

Debra Owen, Saturday School teacher . listens intently

to a student.

Story . layout & photos: Angie Davidson


iA- J4 tAt, 1-_ I Athletic Helpers
-.. ) Community support eases
athletic programs
Story : Kathy Carlisle
Thanks to Lendol Condren, Athletic Director
f FOOTBALL Every year there are some keeping the girls' official
Bob Lyon people . Very important peo- score book . Bob Lyon and
ple . They volunteer their per- Gene Coltrin kept the official
Bob Mills sonal time to help with the ju- score book for the boys . The
nior high and high school officials were paid for every
Mike Jones games . Among those sports game. but they are mostly
David Kramer are football. volleyball, track paid through the fees that
and field, basketball, baseball the other schools pay to play
Bill Case and softball. These people on our floor .
help the school out of the good The volleyball teams were
Randy Case of their hearts because they helped out by Owen Kjar and
Rick Freeman don ' t get paid for their time . Carolyn Nixon .
They just care. Baseball and softball
Gary Casey In football these people teams were assisted by
dedicated their time to do their Gene Coltrin .
Bob Payne own thing . Bob Lyon ran the Track received support
Carl Luker clock and the scoreboard . Bob from Linda Sullivan, Roy Ha-
Mills ran the PA system and an- gar, Leroy Young and Carol
Neil Mitchell nounced the games . Mike Sue Maddux .
Jones and David Kramer It took about $2000 in '87-
watched the plays to give num- 88 to take care of all the

I VOLLEYBALL bers and game progress to

Mills as he announced. Bill Case
ran the chain crew which con-
game officials or REFS. Some
people don't understand
that a lot of the people that
Owen Kjar sisted of Randy Case, Gary Ca- official games by also keep-
sey and Bob Payne. Case also
Carolyn Nixon took the officials down to the
ing clocks, keeping score
books, and watching careful-
bus barn at halftime and gave ly for anything of importance ,
them coffee and donuts. Carl are doing this for the stu -
Luker worked the field and Neil dents . It takes a lot of volun-
Mitchell filmed the games. teer work and community
BASKETBALL In basketball, Wayne Reis- support to run an athletic
chel and Ken Jenson ran the program . Without dedicated
Ken Jenson clocks for the boys and girls people, it wouldn ' t be possi-
games . Mike Jones and Bill Au-
Mike Jones try shared the responsibility of
ble .

Bill Autry
Bob Lyon
Gene Coltrin
Wayne Reischel

" Calling " a football game from our official's booth are Rick Freeman. Bob Lyon . David Kramer and Bob Mills .


Linda Sullivan
Roy Hagar
Leroy Young
Carol Sue Maddux


Gene Coltrin

jA, 14 tAt, 1-_ ! Booster Club
II ? On-again, off-again?
Booster Club has been an that 's what they got . The
on -again , off -again organi - new group of officers con -
President. linda Sulli v an, addresses the Booster Club shortly after being elected at zation for BHS athletics . From sisted of Linda Sullivan , Pres -
the M arch re-organizatlonal meeting. the late 1970's to the late ident ; Mara Lou Bradley ,
1980's, there have been Vice President ; Sandy Kram -
three organized clubs that er . Secretary; and Pam Lou -
have functioned for short in- derbaugh . Treasurer . Be -
tervals. In the fall of the '87 sides the election of other
school year, Booster Club representatives and com-
was thriving under the lead- mittees . the BHS junior var -
ership of President , Jerry sity cheerleaders , and FBLA
Cantlon . Football helmet (Future Business Leaders of
stickers were ordered for America) presented an origi-
the boys . A watermelon nal skit .
feast was had , and later , a As the school year closed ,
chili supper . Booster Club was alive and
But by early spring , just a well . They sponsored one
few dedicated officers were half the cost of a batting
trying to make a " go " of the cage for baseball and soft-
group . Cantlon had resigned ball use . School patron , Jim
due to a personal tragedy . Horn , volunteered his time
The vice president did not and effort to install the cage .
want to function as the act - Plans were also begin made
ing president , and Sandy to replace video filming and
Kramer, secretary , did not showing machines for all ath -
want to see the Booster Club letic programs to use .
go under . due to lack of
leadership .
In March . Kramer sent out
re -organization notices in a
large mailing to nearly 300
people , and approximately
30 people did show . Yet , the
Pledge of the executive board nearly 30 people that did
Believing that our new spirit club is built on the show CARED . The Booster
concept of the Golden Rule. do unto others as you Club. needed leadership , and
would have them do unto you .
not let my dignity be shattered by losing my
I pledge as an executive board member that I will temper. nor will I allow pettiness influence me to
act as an ambassador of good will to ALL parents, do wrong . I will do everything in my power to
students, faculty and administrators . build and support the NEW BOOSTER CLUB by
projecting a positive attitude. a clean spirit and a
I will be the essence of dependability honoring all
warm heart setting the example for others to
commitments and promises I make . I promise I will
follow, and dedicating myself to perpetuating the
always uphold and support my fellow club members
never ridiculing or defiling the character of another
club member. As an executive board member I will

The BHS junior varsity cheerleaders in front of the meeting. teaching the group an act1on song . Below: Officers . Mary Lou Bradley. Pam Lauderbaugh and Sandy
Kramer being sworn Into office .

President . Lindo Suilvan
VKe Pres MOlo lou Bradley
SecretOly Sandy Kromer
Treos\Ker Pom Lauderbaugh
Foculty Rep Janice Cole
AdmlrOstrotive Rep . lendol
Sports Rep .. Steve Denbow
Committee Choirs
Wando Payne-Refreshments
Norma McGregor-Tetephone
Anne Johanson-Communications
Jeanie McDaniel-Decorations
Aochele Ausburry-Fund Raiser
Shoo-on Swonlgan-Prog<oms
leroy Young-Pubkty

Our officers oath begins
much like a marriage cere-
mony because in effect, it
is a marriage of you to a
commitment to build new
spirit and pride; it is a sym-
bol of something beautiful
and we hope it will become
a whole new way of life.
A life of supporting each
other, a life of giving and
receiving love and a life of
encouraging each other, a
life of working together in
hopes of inspiring our most
priceless possessions, our
youth, to becoming all that
they con be. - - Teach-
ing them that they con
make anything happen and
that nobody con hold them
bock except themselves. The committee chairmen are being sworn into office by Linda Sullivan. left.
JcaJt fh, I-_ I
~1- )
Winners Grades PTA Carnival gets money
Breanne Bowers - 2nd
schools to get ceiling fans
Joshua Ford - 2nd Story : Kathy Carlisle

It was a big success in PTA Mrs . Scott's class - Dawn burn and Mark McGuire ;
Winners Grades President , Betty Dryer 's Strobel and Jon Hicks, Mrs. Mrs . Chapman's class - Kathy
opinion. Yes. we 're talking Kirksey 's class - Chrystal Boyd and Shawn McDaniel.
4-6 about the PTA Carnival. The Tate and Reggie Turner . From Grade Seven : Lori
Parent- Teacher Association Mrs . Drown 's class - were Long and Thad Owens .
Rebecca Dill - 4th sponsors this event annual- winners. Breanne Bowers From Grade Eight : Denee
Brad Shepard - 4th ly. The profits this year be- and Joshua Ford . Keith and Dorrell Storment .
fore expenses rounded-off From Grade Three : Mrs . From Grade Nine : Eula Jas-
to a total of $7500 . This Kjar 's class - Freddie Berry per and John Woody .
Winners of jr. money will go toward buying
ceiling fans for the schools .
and Jasse Callahan; Mrs.
Holmes ' class - Kristen Hen-
From Grade Ten : Angela
Hamilton and Chris Welsh.
high The kings and queens dricks and Jeff Alford ; Mrs . crowned queen and king .
were as follows : for grade 1- Dyle 's class - Melissa Lea From Grade Eleven :
Lori Long - 7th 3. second grade winners and Carl Black ; Mrs. Stanley's Dawna Beam and Mike
Thad Owens - 7th were Breanne Bowers and class - Christina Brown and Stafford.
Joshua Ford . For grades 4-6. Justin Kenall. From Grade Twelve :
Rebecca Dill and Brad Shep- From Grade Four: Mrs . Shawn Sample and Edward
ard, were winners for fourth Foster 's class - Dawn Sher- Workman.
Winners of high grade . Seventh grade. Lori man and Michael Skinner; In addition to the crowning
school Long and Thad Owens , for
junior high . Sophomores, An-
Mrs . Saner's class - Carmen
Wingo and Jason Shepperly;
of the king and queen. which
is one of the more important
Angela Hamilton - 1Oth gela Hamilton and Chris Mrs . Roberts' class - were ports of this event , were
Chris Welsh - 1Oth Welsh, for high school. winners , Rebecca Dill and events such as the general
Others participating were ; Brad Shepard ; Mrs. Willis ' store , fish pond , car races ,
From Grade One: Mrs. class - Shelly Roller and sponge throw . bingo , cake
Parrack 's class - Anna Viets Shane Cody. walk. basketball shoot .
and Matt Stokes, Mrs . From Grade Five : Mrs. An- haunted house and " Puttin '
Chapman's class - Dustina derson's class- Stacy Phillips on the Hits. " a talent show .
Swofford and K. J. Hale. Mrs. and Billy Rice; Mrs . Juhlin 's There was also a ham dinner .
Anderson ·s class - Erica class - Lisa Clark and Jacob Betty Dryer said that she
McCoy and Chad Whillock. Cornwell; Mrs. Grant 's class was really pleased with the
Mrs. Wheeler's class- Rachel - Julie Brocker and Bobby crowd and with the participa-
Woodburn and Shawn Sharp; Mrs. Polly's class - tion .
McDaniel. Mrs. Hole 's class- Melinda Jones and Chad
Heather Sears and Brandon Abercrombie .
Reed. From Grade Six: Mrs .
From Grade Two: Mrs . Reeves ' class - Lynn Pruett
McHenry 's class - Brandi Ray and Jeff Smith ; Miss Roa-
and Jeremy Brownfield, Mrs . seau 's class - Angela
Morgans' class - Kim Shepperly and Damon Willis;
Cooksey and Jason Ulven, Mrs . Naylor 's class- Lisa Os-


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SUMMER HOUAS WNTEA HOUAS Ke1th L Cully, pres1dent
11 00 A.M • 9 00 P M . 11·00 A.M • 8 00 PM O ff.: (417) 345-7221 Drawer M
Monday t>voug, Saturday Monday ttv ough Saturday Post Office Box 442 or 345-6170 Buff alo, M o 65622
Buffalo , MISSOUri 65622 Res .: (417) 345-2492 Phone 345·2641

Machine Shop
Muffler Shop
Phone : 345-7810 THE TOTAL LOOK


South Highway 65
Phone : 345-2256 208 S M aple

Bus 417)~(>114

H air De igns & Boutique t!J
One Block North of the Square on
KEY INDUSTRIES owner & designers
Hwy. 73 BARBARA EVA , nail arti t
P.O. Box 1023 Buffalo . MO 65622 345-2039
Buffalo, MO 65622 Phone· 345-8626
Lawrence Holt Celio Holt " For the key to fine coveralls ."
Gene's Restaurant
Beulah Shewmaker
Furniture &... Appliance rmff
john J Chapman ~
Highway 65 South Buffalo, Missouri 345-7113 - Buffalo
( 4 17) 345-2522 ... ,,Side or ~((UIU"C Open Mon. -Fri. Brad Jennings
IHcd Awning l Uuflalo, !\-U !MJuri
8:00 to 4:30 345-6187

Dottle Gleason, Owner

Highway 65 & Main

Buffalo, M issouri 65622
Walk-ins welcome MOTEL
H&R BLOCK Open 9 to?
Kim Blecher. owner GEORGE & DENYSE VOGEL
345-7048 SOUTH HWY. 65
Telephone (417) 345-2226
117 N. Cedar - Buffalo, Mo . TELEPHONE : 417/345-2651
If no answer call:
(417) 752-3380 BUFFALO, MO 65622




~ ON fill '>01 ARE
Closs of 1988
Lynn & Delvin Mallard 118 W Main BUFFALO'S COUNTRY
1051?2 Maple Street, Hwy. 7J PHONE 345-2411 BUFFALO, MO .
P 0 Dox 101 • owner • 65622 INN
Duffolo, MO 65622 417-J45-9029

David K. Showers, D .O.,
Buffalo, Mo.
Urbana, Mo.
993-5133 410W DALLAS
Buy and Sell
OFFICE PHONE. 345·2231 BUFFALO. MO 65622
Buffalo, Mo.

~@[Q)~~~ Compliments WOODS MOTOR LODGE




TRUE-VALUE PHONE 417-345-2345

Rt . 3 Box 575

Will Repair Any Form Equipment

Bejf Wijhej Buffalo Agr icultural Repa ir, Inc .

Vernon, Monty, & Bret Viets-
8 A.M . TO 5 P M .
Funerol Directors
Phone : 345-2233
Bi/f Chapman .JJardware Business Ph. 345-2910 GEORGE MULDEAINK Buffalo. Mo.
Home Ph. 345-6535 HEAD HONCHO

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