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Subject: ENGLISH - IV

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Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018





Teacher ORIOL”
:Sergio 2017- -Ingles
Tejada Zúñiga Teacher. SERGIOSUPERIOR





Teacher: SERGIO TEJADA ZÚÑIGA sergiotejadaz@gmail.com
U N 1T
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles SUPERIOR
ORIOL" 2018


Mary asked the guests at rabie 14 if she Shc informed the guests about the Mary wrote clown rhe details of the order
could take rhcir food ordcr. specialirics on rhc rncnu for thar week. 011 the Food Ordcr form.

How would yo u like your steak, sir ?

Well-done, medium or rare? a______
How are Filets de
Sote la Meuniere
../ The so le fillets are sautéd in
sweet butter and flavoured
with a little lemon juice.



A guesr ordered rhe filler steak so Mary Mary had to describe a dish 011 rhe mcnu She also explained ro a guest whar a
asked how he wa11ted his stcak cooked. for anorher gucst. cerrain ingredienr wa~ .

Would yo u like to try the

cucumber mousse instead?
lt's light and very tasty.

Whcn a guesr asked for somerhing rhar ...a11d recommended an alternarive rhar Shc asked .if anyone wanred an extra
was no longer available, Mary was equally light. order of vegeta bies or salad.
apologized ...

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
ls lhat correctj
l Ves, that's right.
When all rhc guesrs had placcd rheir
ordcrs, Mary repeared rhc whole order
back ro rhem.
Then she asked rhe gue~rs for
confirmarion rhar rhc ordcr was correcr.
"vlary rold rhem she would be back soon
wirh rheir meal.

Food Order Form

Date Table Pcrsons Scrver
21/3 14 4 Mar y VERBS NOUNS mousse OTHERS
Q ty. Item describe alterna ti ve oyster available
1st Coursc sear numbcrs explain appetizcr salad equally
lx oystcrs flavour asparagus salmon fresh
[2] inform cereal sol e light
lx mussel salad
order confirmation specialities mcdium
2x cucumbcr mousse [3 1141
place dish starter rarc
Main Coursc recommend enrrée steak rasty
2x salmon srcak [11131 repeat filler vegetable tender
'lx filler steak- medium 121 run out [ofl
flavour wheat wcll-done
lx filler sreak - rare [4] sauté food order form wholc
to follow ingredicnt
Note: Dessert orders are usually written on aTEACHER: SERGIO TEJADA ZUÑIGAmain course
separare order form. SAN JOSE ORIOL 2018 meal

More Expressions
• specialities [in restaurants] = certain food items that are Picture
freshly made or available on that day oc week etc. "Are you ready to order now?"
• starter = another na me for the firsr course of a rneal "Would you like to order now?"
• Thc mam co11rse is thc biggest parr of thc meal, such as
mear or fish cte. [Aiso callcd the E11trée in Amcrica.] 2 "\Ve have two specialities this week.
• an altematwe another choice rhat is available They are... "
• nm out of [somcthing] that irem is finished or used up "The specialities for this week are_ and _."
and tbere is no more lcfr
• Ingredimts are the diffcrent food itcms used to make a 4 "How would you like your steak done?"
certain di~h. "How do you want your steak cooked?"
• disb - a certain type of food. The same word is used for
conrainers for holding or serving food. 7 "I'm sorry, sir, but there is no more asparagus."
• saute = fry quickly in a lirtle oil. 1French word u sed in ''f'm afraid we are out of asparagus, sir."'
• rare, medmm, ute//-done- these words are uscd ro describe 8 " [ would recommend the cucumber mousse
tbe way mear is cooked. Mear is rare when it is cooked a instead."
very short time. "You may like to try the cucumber mousse
• "How would you like your steak dond" is one way of instead."
asking how you like your steak cookcd.
• light 1food 1 food rhat is casy ro digesr. Usually a small 9 "Would you like any extra vegetabies or salad?"
1O ''['[{ repeat the order... "

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

UNIT 4 Exercises
1. The sentences in the boxes below tell you what the waiter did when he took a food order.
Put his actions into the correct order by giving each box a number.

[a] He described how [b] He informed them lcl He repeated the [d] He recomrncnded
the dish was about the restaurant's whole order back to another dish to this
cooked. specialities. rhem. guest.

n n
[e] He askcd the guests [f] Another guest asked lgl A guest wanted to [h] He explained that
i f they were ready to for salmon for his know how a dish the restaurant had
order their food. mam course. was prepared. run out of salmon.

n n 1 1
2. Substitute the underlined words in the sentences below with a word from the box.
Do not use the same word twice.

\) 1
confirmation mea! Íf [ specialities ~~~~ l ¡·
.t ' ' •• t •
ingredients mam course starter ~ ; 1: ~ dish r ! 1 1• •

l. He had a good dinner at the restaurant his friend recommended.

2. She servcd the food on a very pretty plate.

3. That restaurant has fresh food items from different countries on the menu every week.
4. There werc no more oysters so he had to choose an ítem that was available.
5. For my Úrst course I'll have the mushroom soup.
6. The chef uses many different things to make that dish.
7. The biggest part of his mea] is usually chicken or fish.
8. After repeating thc whole order to the guests, he asked them i{jt was conect. 1 for _____________

3. Match the words in column A with words in column 8 that are opposite in meaning.

1. rare [steak] ................... [ '-' a. a few days old
2. available ...................... . b. a big meal
3. fresh .................... ........ . c. well-donc
4. rasry............................. . d. no more left
5. a light dish .................. .. e. not a pleasant flavour
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
4. What is the waiter saying to the guest? Choose from the sentences given below, and write
the number of your choice into the waiter's speech bubbles.

1•1~ fdl
[b] lcl

What is the main ingredient What are your
in Ratatouille? specialities today?
Ves. l"d like the asparagus
to begin with.
[g] [h]

~ y
Q cv; 1am.)

l. "We ha ve sorne fresh asparagus from Belgium thi s week."

2. "How would you like your stcak clone?"
3. ''l'll repeat thc order: asparagus ro srarr, stea k, well-done, andan extra ordcr of Ratatoui lle. ls that right?"
4. "Are you having a starrer, madam?"
5. "Are you ready ro order now, madam?"
6. "Whar would you likc for rhe main coursc?"
7. "Yes, of course, madam."
8. "Toma toes, madam, and some other vegeta bies. "

5. Put the trames in Exercise 4 into the correct order. Rewrite the whole dialogue in the space
below. Role-play and practise the dialogue with a partner.

Taking a Food Order

Waiter: Are you rcady to order now, madam?
Correct Order
Guest: Yes, 1 am.
l.---- Guest:
2. _ _ __
Waiter: - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - -- -- - - - - -- -- - - -
3. _ _ __
Wairer: - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - -
4. _ _ __ Gucst:
5. Waiter: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - --
6. Guest:
7. _ _ __ Waiter: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
8. _ _ __ Guest:

Waiter: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - -

Waiter: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - -
Wairer: - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

There are usually three copies of the Food Order.

Mary gave one copy of rhe food ordcr ro ... where rhe hor food is prepared. She lefr rhe sccond copy wirh rhc cold
rhc hor kin:hen ... kitchen for rhc salad~ and orher cold

Shc kcpr rhe last copy for Mary collecred rhe special She also put a full bread Thc bread basket conrained
herself. knives and forks for ~rcak and basket and a butter di-,h on rolls, slices and sricks of
fish. hcr tray. wholemea l and wh ite bread.

At thc rabie, shc checked her copy of rhc ... and replaced some of the existing Mary placed rhc basket of bread and rhc
food order... cutlery wirh srcak and fish knivcs and butter dish in rhe centre of rhe rabie.
forks .

. Ke~ Vocabulary
VERBS bread OTHERS • bot a11d cold kztchens - most restaurants prepare hot and
collecr butter blunt cold food in separate kirchens

con rain centre co ld • A steak kmfe has a very sharp edge ro
keep course exisring make it easier to cut rhe mear.
!cave curlery flat • A fish k111{e and forl have a different
place dish full shape from the usual cuclery. The knife edge is also more
prepare edgc hot blunr.
rcplace kitchcn sharp • sltce a rhin, fiar piece of something, e.g. bread, cake, mear
roll specia l • ro/11 bread 1 = a round piecc of bread
NOUNS shape thin • wholeme.zl flour rhar is made from the whole grain of
slice wholemeal whcat including the husk
basket srick • l'l!fJitlct' change onc rhing for anorher

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

. . ,\ '' .
1 ' ' ' '

.Ref!LUr~9 W~ter Gi~~~~#: l \U~r-ti:~g ·
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

5a .• "C.i.g~:r~:~~~~··. l·: q~~~~i~~~:, A,'~1~t·~~a·y~· ·· ,

Mary brought a water ... and ropped up rhe She kepr onc a rm A guesr was going ro Mary rook a lighrcr out
Jug ro rhe rabie... half empry water behind her back as ~he smoke a cigarerre. of her apron pocket. ..
glasscs. worked.

...and lit the cigarerre for him. She noriced thar rhe ashrray . ..so she broughr a clean Holdmg the rray in her lcft
had more rhan rwo cigarerrc ashrray on a rray to rhe rabie. hand. she placed the clean
burrs in ir... ashtray over the used one ...

Restaurant Etiquette
• Stand ro the right of guests when removing or placing
anything in front of them.
• Say, "Excuse me" if you ha ve to reach across a guest.
• Keep your left arm behind your back while performing
any task with your right hand .
... and lifted borh a~hrrays She rhen pur rhe clcan ashrray
onto her tray. back on rhe rabie.

VERBS remove lighter to rhe right • w.zter ¡ttg = [US] a pitchcr of water
bring top up pircher u sed • to{J up = fill up a partly empty container
change pocker • ctg<lrttte lmtt = the short piece that is left of a
hold NOUNS ciga rette after it has been smoked
kecp apron OTHERS • etiquette the rules that tcll you rhe correct and polite
lift arm behind way todo things
light ashtray clean • stand to tbe rigbt of someone = stand on a person's
no rice back full right hand side
pcrform butt half-empry • reacb across someone stretch your arm in front of
rcach across etiquette omo thc person
refill jug o ver

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

uNIT s Exercises
1. All the workers are busy doing something in this restaurant.
(A) Choose an action word (verb) from the right that tells you what each worker is doing.
Write in the verb next to the waiter's number below.
(B) Make sentences with these verbs.

topping up
SAN JOSE ORIOL 2018 lighting
reaching across

L. 2.

3. --------------- ---------------- 4. --------------------------- - - - -

5. 6. -------------------------------

7. 8.

9. --------------- ---------------- 10. -------------------------------

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
2. Find the word pairs that are opposites.

full rig\lt clean

hlunt behilld ~ hot

e/Qpf}? tounó in front of


3. Solve the word puzzle with the help of the following clues. Choose from the words below.
Take care! You only need ten of the sixteen words.

l. Food is prepared in this place. l.

2. You wea r this over your clothes to TEACHER:
them c lea n. TEJADA ZUÑIGA
3. This is made from milk. You can spread ir on bread. 3.
4. A part of your clorhes. You can keep things in this. 4.
5. A container for liquid e.g. milk, water, juice. 5.
6. This produces a small light. 6.
7. The end piece of a cigarette. 7.
8. This type of bread is light brown in colo ur. 8. 1

9. You use this wh en you smoke a cigarettc. 9.

10. A rhin, fiar piece of something. 10.

~li i. butter shape 1 1 kitchen apron course

; .. '.
¡( JJ t jug sl ice basket lighter dish pocket

:tHl~!' wholemeal butt 1 1

stick ashtray j edge

4. Discuss these questions with your trainer or partner.

l . Why do most restaurants have separare kirchcns for prcparing hot a nd cold food ?
2. Whar are some exa mples of good restaura nt eriquctre?

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

quickly/badly/suddenly etc. (adverbs)

He ate his dinner very quickly. Suddenly the shelf fell clown.

Quickly and suddenly are adverbs.

a1iective + -ly ~ adverb:
adjectiw quick bad sudden careful heavy
adverb quickly badly suddenly carefully heavily etc.
Spellirtg (~ Appendix 5): easy ~ easily heavy ~ heavily

Adverbs tell you how somethíng happens or how somebody does something:
O The train stopped suddenly.
o I opened the door slowly.
o Please listen carefully.
o I understand you perfectly.

It's raining heavily.

adjective adverb
O Sue ís very quiet. O Sue speaks very quietly. (not speaks very quiet)
o Be careful! O Listen carefully! (rtot listen careful)
o It was a bad game. O Our team played badly. (not played bad)
O I felt nervous. O I waited nervously.
(= I was nervous)

hard fast late early

These words are adjectives and adverbs:
O Sue's job is very hard. O Sue works very hard. (not hardly)
o Ben is a fast runner. o Ben can run fast.
O The bus was late/ early. O I went to bed late/early.

good (a1iective) ~ well (adiJerb)

D Your English is very good. O You speak English very well . (not very good)
O lt Wa$ a good game. O Our team played well.

But well is also an adjective (= not ill, in good health):

O 'How are you?' 'I'm very well, thank you. And you?'

182 a!ljectives --+ Unit 8 5

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018 Unit 86
86.1 l ook at the pictures and complete the sentences with these adverbs:
angrily badly dangerously fast heavily quietly

1 lt's raining .. b.~v~ 4 She shouted at me ..

2 He sings very .. . 5 She can run very ..
3 They carne in .... . 6 He was driving ..
86.2 Complete the sentences. Choose from th e boxes.

corne know sleep wm ~ clearly hard well

explain -l:isteH- think work + carefully easily quickly well

1 I'm going to tell you something very important, so please ... .li-.S.~'r1...~~ful41
2 They ....... ....... At the end of the day they're always tired.
3 I'm tired this morning. I didn't .. . ..... last night.
4 You play tennis much better than me. When we play, you always .
5 ..... before you answer the question.
6 l've metAlice a few times, but 1 don't
SAN JOSE ORIOL .. 2018 . ..... her very .
7 Our teacher doesn't .. things ve1y ..... We never understand
8 Helen! 1 need your help. ..... !
86.3 Which is rig ht?
1 Don't eat so~/quickly. lt's not good for you. (guickly is right)
2 Why are you angry/ angrily? 1 haven't done anything.
3 Can you speak slow/slowl)~ please?
4 Come on, Dave! Why are you always so slow/slowly?
5 Bill is a very careful! carefully driver.
6 Jane is studying hard/hardly for her examinations.
7 'Where's Diane?' 'She was here, but she left sudden/suddenly.'
~ Please be guiet/ guietly. I'm studying.
9 Some companies pay their workers very bad/badly.
10 Those oranges look nice/nicely. Can 1 have one?
11 1 don't remember much about the accident. Everything happened guick/ guickly.
86.4 Write good or we ll.
1 Your English is very 900.4 ...... You speak it very ......vv~.
2 Jackie did very . . . in her exams.

3 The party was very . . . .. . ..... . 1 enjoyed it very much.

4 Martín has a difficult job, but he do es it .
5 How are your parents? Are they . .............. ?
6 Did you have a . .... holiday? Was the weather ... . ................ ?

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

old/older expensive 1more expensive

old older heavy heavier expens1ve more expensive

Older 1 heavier 1 more expensive are compamtive forms .

The compara ti ve is -er (older) or more .. . (more expensive) .

older / heavier etc.

Short words (l syllable) -'-> -er:

old -'-> older slow -'-> slower cheap -'-> cheaper
nice -'-> nicer late -'-> later big -'-> bigger
Spe/ling (-'-> Appendix 5): big-'-> bigger hot -'-> hotter thin -'-> thinner
Words ending in -y -'-> -ier:
easy -'-> easier heavy -'-> heavier early -'-> earlier
D Rome is old, but Athens is older. (not more old)
D Is it cheaper to go by car or by train? (not more cheap)
O Helen wants a bigger car.
D This coat is OK, but I think the other one is nicer.
D Don't take the bus. It's easier to take a taxi. (not more easy)

far -'-> further:

o 'How far is it to the station? A rnile?' 'No, it's further. AbouL two rniles.'

more ...

Long words (2 / 3 / 4 syllables) -'-> more .. .

careful -'-> more careful polite -'-> more polite
expensive -'-> more expensive interesting -'-> more interesting

o You must be more careful.

o \ don't hke my job. 1 want to do something more interesting.
D ls it more expensive to go by car or by train?

good/ well -'-> better bad -'-> worse

D The weather wasn't very good yesterday, but it's better today.
O 'Do you feel better today?' 'No, 1 feel worse.'
o Which is worse - a headache or a toothache?

184 older than ... 1more expensive than ... --" Unit 88 the oldest 1the most expensive -> Un it 90
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
Unit 87
87.1 look at t he pictures and write the comparative (older 1more interesting etc.).

3 slow

4 expensive 5 high


87.2 W rite t he comparative.

1 old .. C>l4~ 6 good
2 strong 7 large
3 happy 8 senous
4 n1odern SAN JOSE ORIOL 2018 9 pretty
5 important 10 crowded
87 .3 W rite t he opposite.
1 younger .... C>L4&r 4 better
2 colder . . .................. .. . ... . . .. ......... .. 5 nearer
3 cheaper 6 eas1er

87.4 Complete the sente nces. Use a comparative.

1 Helen's car isn't very big. She wants a . b.i-99 ~ ..... one.
2 My job isn't very interesting. I want to do something ffl()r~ ~~~S. t0.9
3 You're not very tall . Your brother is . .. .... .. .
4 David doesn't work very hard. I work .. . . ........ ..... . ............... ... .
5 M y chair isn't very comfortable. Yours is .. . .... ............. .
6 Your idea isn't very good. M y idea is .. . ... ... ... . . . . ... . ........ . .. . .
7 These flowers aren 't very ni ce. The blue ones are ... . . .......... . . . ... . ......... .
8 M y bag isn't very heavy. Your bag is .. . . . . ........ ........ .... . .... .... . .. .
9 I'm not very interested in art. I'm .. . . . . . .. ... . . . .. in history.
10 It isn't very warm today. It was . yesterday.
11 These toma toes don't taste very good. The other ones tasted .................................. ............................. ... .
12 Britain ísn't very big. France is .
13 London isn't ver y beautíful. París is . . . . ...... . . . . .
14 This knífe ísn't very sharp. Have you got a . .. . ... ... ...... ................... . . .. . . . . one?
15 People toda y aren't very políte. In the past they were . . . .. . . . .. . .. .. . ... ... .
16 The weather isn't too bad today. Often it is much .................... . . ................ ............ .. . . .

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
the oldest the most expensive
{Per room per night}
Europa Hotel .f140 Grosvenor .E lOO
Grand Hotel .f125 Bennets .f90
Royal .f120 Carlton .E SS
Asto ría .f115 Star .E75
Pala ce .[110 Station .E75

Box A is bigger than Box B. The Europa Hotel is more expensive than
the Grand .
Box A is bigger than all the other The Europa Hotel is more expensive than all
boxes. the other hotels in th e city.
Box A is the biggest box. The Europa Hotel is the most expensive
hotel in the city.

Bigger 1 older 1 more expensive etc. are comparatíve forms (~ Unit 87).
Biggest 1 oldest 1 most expensive etc. are superlatíve forms.

The superlative form is -est (oldest) or most ... (most expensive) .

Short words (old/cheap/nice etc.) ~ the -est:
old ~ the oldest cheap ~ the cheapest nice ~ the nicest
but good ~ the best TEACHER:
Spelling (~ Appendix 5): big ~ the biggest hot ~ the hottest
Words ending in -y (easy/heavy etc.) ~ the -iest:
easy ~ the easiest heavy ~ the heaviest pretty ~ the prettiest
Long words (careful!expensive/interesting etc.) ~ the most ... :
careful ~ the most careful interesting ~ the most interesting

We say the oldest ... 1 the most expensive ... etc. (with the):
O The church is very old. It's the oldest building in the town.
(= it is older than ;¡ll the other buildings)
O What is the longest river in the world?
O Money is important, but it isn't the most important thing in life.
O Excuse me, where is the nearest bank?

You can use the oldest 1 the best 1 the most expensive etc. without a noun :
O Ken is a good player, but he isn't the best in the team.
(the best = the best player)

You can use super/a tí ve + I've ever ... 1 you've ever ... etc. :
O The film was very bad. I think it's the worst film l've ever seen.
O What is the most unusual thing you've ever done?

190 present perfect + ever __. Unit 17 older f more expensive __. Units 87-88

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
Exercises Unit 90
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

90.1 Write sente nces wit h comparatives (older etc.) and superlatives (t he oldest etc.).
big/ small
(A / D) .....A.. ~? --~-~9~ . fu ~ J?, OH .. H...
(A) .A H ~? .f:t.1.~ b.~g~?t ...
(B) JL~s. . th ~ . ?t'fl~s.t .

A______ A long/ short
s ____ s (e / A) e is ... . . ........ A.
c __________ c
(D) D is .... .
D------------0 (B) B ....

(D/C) D ...

expensive/ cheap
A B e D
RESTAIARANT A exceiLent good/ bad
SAN worder{ut
mtJOSE ORIOL 2018(A)

90.2 Complete t he sentences. Use a su perlative (the oldest et c.).

1 This building is very ole!. It's .. th~ okt.e.s.t b().~9. ... in the town .
2 It was a very happy day. It was .. ..
H •••••••• of my life.
3 It's a very good ft.lm. It's ... .. .
H !'ve ever seen.
4 She's a ver y popular singer. She's .. . ...... .......... . . . . . . . . .
H • • •• in the country.
5 It was a very bad mistake. It was .... ... .H . I've ever made.
6 It's a very pretty vilJage. It's .... . ................... I've ever seen.
7 It was a very cold day. It was .. .. .......... of the year.
8 He's a very boring person. He's ...... . ................................ I've ever met.
90.3 Write sentences with a superlative (the long est etc.). Choose fro m t he boxes.
Sydney AJaska high country nver Africa South America
Everest the Nile large Bty- state ,A_.ustralia the world
Brazil Jupiter Jong mountain planet the USA the solar system

1 • •• •• • ?.!14~~•0 i§. .#.l~H..l~g~s.t ..~ ...~... .A().S.k~,oooo

2 Everest
4 O OHO 0

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

worked/got/went etc. (pastsimple)


They watch television every evening.

(present simple)
They watched television yesterday evening.
(past simple)

watched is the past simple:


The past simple is often -ed (regular verbs). For exarnple:

work - WQrked dance -+ danced
clean -+ deaned stay - stayed
start -+ s·t arted need -+ needed

o I dean my teeth every morning. This morning I cleaned my teeth.

o Terry worked in a bank from 1996 to 2003.
D Yesterday it rained all morning. It stopped at lunchtime.
D We enjoyed the party last night. We danced a lot and talked to a lot of people. The
party finished at midnight.

S'pellíng (-+ Appendix 5):

tcy-+ tried study -+· nudied copy -+ copied
stop -+ stopped plan -+ p[anrted

Smne verbs are irregular(= not regular).The past simple is not -ed . Here are s01ne important
irregular verbs (see also Appendix 2-3):

-+ began
-+ fell
-+ left
- sold
build built forget forgot meet rnet speak spoke
bu y bought get got pay paid stand stood
catch caught give gave put put take too k
come carne go went read read (red)* te U told
do did ha ve had nng rang think thought
drink drank hear heard say said Wlrl won
eat ate know knew se e saw write wrote
* pronounced 'red'
D I USU<1liy get up early, but this morning I got up at 9 o'clock.
D We did a lot of work yesterday.
O Caroline went to the cinema three times last week.
D James carne into the room, took off his coat and sat clown.

32 was/were --+ Unit 10 1 didn't / Did you ... ? (negative and questions) -> Unit 12 ago--+ Unit 19

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
Unit 11
11.1 Co mplete the sen te nces. Use a ve rb f ro m t he box.
-elean- die enjoy finish happen open rain start stay want
1 l . ~~ my teeth three times yesterday.
2 lt was hot in the room, so I . .. the window.
3 The film was very long. lt .. at 7.15 and ... . ............. at 1O o' dock.
4 When I was a child, I .. . to be a doctor.
5 The accident ... . .......... last Sunday afternoon.
6 It's a nice day today, but yesterday it . ............ all day.
7 We . .. ... our holiday last year. We . at a very nice place.
8 Anna's grandfather .. . . when he was 90 years old.

11.2 Wri te t he past simple of these verbs.

1 get . 9-C?t . 4 pay ... 7 go .. lO know .....
2 see . 5 visit . 8 think. 11 put .
3 play. 6 buy ... 9 copy. 12 speak ..


Last Tuesday Lisa (1) f~ . . . from London to Madrid. She (2) . fly, get
up at 6 o'clock in the morning and (3) . ... a cup of coffee. At 6.30 ha ve
she (4) . . ......... home and (5) .. . ........ to the airport. When she leave, drive
(6) . .......... there, she (7) ....................... the car, (8) ............................ to the airport get, park, walk
building, and (9) . .. ..... in. Then she (10) . . ............ breakfast at a café check, have
and (11) ... . ...... for her flight. The plane (12) . . . on time and vvait, depart
(13) . . . . in Madrid two hours later. Finally she (14) . arrive, take
a taxi from the airport to her hotel in the centre of Madrid.

11.4 W rite sentences about t he past (yesterday / last week et c.).

1 James always goes to work by car. Yesterday .... h. ~ . ~~Ltp . ~9r.:k. . P.~ .C9J': , .
2 Rache! often loses her keys. She . . ................ last week. H H •••••••

3 Kate meets her friends every evening. She yesterday evening.

4 I usually buy two newspapers every day. Yesterday I .
5 We often go to the cinema at weekends. Last Sunday we ..
6 I eat an orange every day. Yesterday I . . .. . . H.

7 Tom always has a shower in the morning. This morning he

8 Our friends often come to see us. They . last Friday.

11.5 Write sentences about what you did yesterday.

1 1... ~el'\t... t9 th.~ ....th ~.~. ·... 4
2 5
3 6

- Additio nal exe rcise 1O (page 256) 33

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
Unit 12
12.1 Com plete these sentences wit h the verb in the negative.
1 I saw Barbara, but 1 .. .<:44":1. ~ .?~~ .... Jane.

2 T hey worked on M onday, but th ey ...... ....... on Tuesday.

3 We went to th e post offi ce, but we . . . .................. to the bank.
4 She had a pen, but she . . . any paper.
5 Jack did French at sch ool, but he .. . . .............. German.

12.2 Write questions with Oid ... ?

1 I watched T V last night. H ow about you? ....... Pi<t . !:l9(,( .~-J@. TY ~t nl911t . ... . . ..... . . ........... . ?
2 I enj oyed the party. H ow about you? ••••••••••• ••••••••• • • ••••••• • • • ••••• • • • •••• d • • ••••••••••• ?
3 I had a good holiday. H ow about you? ..... .... . ··········· ············ ?

4 1 finish ed work ea rly. H ow about you? ······················ .... ?

5 I slept welllast night. H ovv about yo u? Od OO~ddOd000 0 0dOOOdddOOOOOdOOOOOOOOOOOOo ?

12.3 What did you do yeste rday? Write positive or negative sentences.
1 (watch T V) 1 .1-J~e.-4 J.Y., . or dddJ 4i.4~"'Ú 1-.1~ .JY, .
2 (ge t up before 7 o' d ock) 1.
3 (have a sh ower)
4 (buy a magazine)
5 (eat meat)
6 (go to bed before 10.30)

12.4 Write B's questions. Use:

arrive cost go go to bed late happen have a nice time ~ win

1 A: We went to N ew York last month. 5 A: We carne home by taxi.

B : Where <44 .!:!.0.0 :5~ B: How much
? . dddO ddddddddddOod•ddddO dddO ......... ?
A: With sorne friends. SAN JOSE ORIOL 2018 A: Ten pounds.

2 A: I was late for the meeting. 6 A: I'm tired this morning.

B : What time .. ·········· ? B:
A: Half past nine. A: No, but I didn't sleep very well.

3 A: I pl ayed tennis thi s afternoon. 7 A: We w ent to the beach yesterday.

B: .. . . ··· ·······. ?. B: . ········· ······ ·· ···· ····· ··· ······· ··· ··· ········ ············ ·· ······· ···· ?

A: No, I los t. A: Yes, it 'vas great.

4 I had a ni ce holiday.
1\ : 8 A: The window is broken .
B: Good. Where ... ··············· ····
?. B: How . ··· ··d··· ...... ......... ... ..................................... ...... ?
A: To the mountains. A: I don't kn ow.

12.5 Put the verb in th e correct form - posit ive, negative or question .
We went to th e cinema, but the film wasn't very good. We . dULYl'
.... ...dt......
·o ...... it. (enj oy)
2 T irn .......... some new clothes yesterday - two shirts, a jacket and a pullover. (bu y)
3 ' ...... d yesterday?' 'No, it was a ni ce day.' (rain)
4 We were ti red, so we . . ..................... long at the party. (stay)
5 It was very warm in the room, so I . . ... a window. (open)
6 'D id yo u phone Chris this morning?' 'No, 1 . . ....... time.' (have)
7 'l cut my hand this rnorning.' 'How . . ...... that?' (do)
8 'Why weren't you at the meeting yesterclay?' 'I . . ......... ..... ........ ................. about it.' (know)

- Additiona l exercises 10-13 (page 256) 35

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
Unit 1didn't ... Did you ... ?
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
12 (past simple negative and questions)
We use did in past simple negatives and gu estions:
itifmiLive positive negatil1e question
play played 1 play 1 play?
start we started we start we start?
watch yo u watched yo u watch yo u watch?
have they had did not
they have did they have?
se e he saw (didn't)
he se e he see?
do she did she do she do?
go it went it go it go?

do/ do es (present) ~ did (past):

O I don't watch television very often.
I didn't watch television yesterday.
O Does she often go away?
Did she go away last week?

We use did/ didn't + itifinitive (watch/ play/ go etc.):

1 watched bue 1 d'i dntt watch (not 1 didn't watched)

they went did they go? (not did they went?)
he had he didn ''t have
you did did you do?
o I played tennis yesterday, but I didn't win.
O 'Did you do the shopping?' 'No, I didn't have time.'
o We went to the cinema, but we didn't enjoy the film.

Study the word order in questions:

did + s11bject + infinitive
Did your sister phone you?
What did yo u do last night?
How did the accident happen?
Where did your parents go for their holiday?

Slwrt answers

1/we/you/ they 1/we/you/they

Yes, di d. No, didn't.
he/she/it he/she/ it

O 'Did you see Joe yesterday? ' 'No, 1 didn't. '

O 'Did it rain on Sunday?' 'Yes, it did.'
O 'Did Helen come to the party?' 'No, she didn't.'
O 'Did your parents have a good holiday?' 'Yes, they did.'

worked/got/went etc. (past simple) ~ Unit 11

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

Label the eatwell food plate with the different

food categories.
1 milk and dairy foods
2 foods and drinks high in fat and/or sugar
3 fruit and vegetables
4 meat, fish, eggs, etc.
5 bread, other cerea ls and potatoes

Read thetextaboutthe
quantities of different types of
food we need to eat and check
your answers.

We should eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, at least

five portions a day, because they contain vitamins
and minerals which are important to keep our body
and mind healthy, and libre, which helps digestion
and makes us feel fuller so we eat less. TEACHER:
vegetables are also low in fat and calories so they
help reduce the risks of heart disease, diabetes and
obesity. A portian of fruit can be one apple, two kiwi,
seven strawberries or one slice of melon. A portian of
vegetables can be tour tablespoons of spinach or
green beans; three tablespoons of carrots, peas or
sweetcorn; or a medium size tomato.

We should also eat a lot of potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and other
starchy foods because they contain carbohydrates, which give us
energy, but also fibre, calcium and vitamin B. Sorne starchy foods
are high in fat, but still healthier than fatty foods. Wholegrain
varieties like brown rice, wholemeal bread and pasta are particularly
healthy. Potatoes are vegetables, but are classified as starchy foods
and they are better for us when the skins are left on and when boiled We should eat sorne meat, fish, eggs and pulses as they
or cooked in low-fat oil. are full of protein, vitamins and minerals. Red meats like
beef and lamb contain iron and vitamin 812, important
for healthy blood, but they are high in saturated fats
We need to eat sorne milk and dairy foods because things like which are bad for us. lt is important to buy lean meat, eat
cheese and yoghurt provide good sources of protein, which our lower-fat white meats like turkey and chicken without the
bodies need for growth and repair, and even higher levels of calcium, skin, avoid too much processed meat such as sausages
vital for strong bones. The fat in dairy products is saturated and this and burgers, grill not fry food without adding fat and eat
can make us overweight and raise levels of cholesterol in the blood, less meat. Fish is a good alternative protein as it is low-fat
increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. There are lots of and contains fatty acids which prevent heart disease.
healthier choices we can make, such as using low-fat mil k and dairy Eggs too are good for protein and vitamins as are pulses,
products, using vegetable oil rather than butter and creme fraiche including beans, lentils and peas, which are cheap and
instead of crea m in recipes. low in fat, but high in protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals.

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

Read the text again and put the foods in the correct column according
to their principal nutrient. Can you add any more of your own?

Calcium Carbohydrates

mil k, pota toes, ca kes,

Protein Vitamins & Minerals


Read the text again and complete these sentences.

1 We should eat at least five portions of fruit and
vegetables a day.
2 Fru it and vegetables are good for us because they are low
in fat and
3 Ca rbohydrates like potatoes, bread, rice and pasta give
4 The high levels of calcium in mil k, cheese and yoghurt is
vital for strong
5 fats from animals can make us overweight
and cause higher cholesterol levels in our blood.
6 are full of iron, which we need for healthy
('r------------'j'----kw blood.
m1 ~· 7 are cheap, low in fat and high in protein.
8 fats from vegeta bies are healthier for us.
9 Fatty-sugary foods can cause tooth decay and

You should only eat a little of foods and drinks

high in fat and/or sugar. We need some fat in our
diet, but too much can make us overweight. Work in pairs. Write down what you usually eat every
Saturated fat is particularly bad for us. day, then ask your partner about what he/she usually
Unsaturated fats, derived from vegetables, have eats and make notes. Use the information in the text to
the same calories but lower cholesterol so are help you.
'lealthier for us. They are found in nuts, vegetable
A: What do you usual/y have for breakfast?
and olive oils and fish like salmon and tuna. We
B: 1always have cereal with low-fat mi/k, toast, butter and
should not eat too many fatty-sugary foods and
drinks: cakes, biscuits, chocolate and soft drinks.
These can cause tooth decay and obesity. Drink
Nater, not sugary drinks; do not add sugar to food
Report back to the class. Do you think your partner
or drink; use fresh fruit not jam, marmalade or
has a healthy balanced diet? What do you think he/ she
'loney. lt is a good idea to eat less salt, because
should eat more or less of?
·¡ causes high blood pressure, heart disease and
strokes, and use seasoning like black pepper, 1 think my partner has a balanced diet because he/she
garlic and fresh herbs instead. Last but not least, eats ...
avoid too much fast food. He/She should eat more.. .//ess...

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

Match the cooking techniques with their pictures and definitions.

baking barbecuing boiling fr~1 i.'19 grilling microwaving poaching roasting sautéing steaming

1 liD to cook food

in hot oil or fat
2 O to cook food in a liquid like water until it forms bubbles
3 Oto cook food on a device on a cooker that radiates heat from above the food
4 O to cook food quickly using a device which passes electricity through it instead of using heat
5 O to cook food with the hot wet substance produced when you heat water
6 Oto cook in an oven by dry heat without direct contact with a flame
7 Oto cook meat or vegetables in an oven in direct heat
8 Oto cook meat, fish or other food outside on a metal grill over an open tire or on a special appliance
9 Oto cook something in water,TEACHER:
mil k or another liquid that is boiling gently
1O Oto cook something quickly SAN in a JOSE
small ORIOL
of butter or oil

8 () 8 Complete this typical English recipe with the missing words, then listen and check your answers.

add bake boíl chopped r.t.:t drain grated heat poach pour season sliced st ir

(5) rhe fish in 500 mi of mil k, cogerher wirh che onion and
Preparation time: 4·5 m inutes che herbs for 8 minutes. When reacly, remove che fish, (6) che
Cookin g time: 30 minutes milk, allowing ir ro cool ancl flake rhe fish inro large pieces in che baking
dish. (7) che eggs in water for 8 minutes. Wben ready, drain
Ingredienrs rbe eggs and lec rhem cool in colcl "a ter. Tben peel, si ice and pm rhem on
400 g skínless white nsh rop of che fish. (8) che chopped parsley.
To make che sauce, melr half rhe burrer in a pan, (9) in che
400 g skinless smoked fish
Aour aod cook for l m in over moderare hear. Remove rhe pan from che hear,
600 mi full-fat milk
(10) in a lirrle of rhe cold poaching milk, rhen srir unril
1 smal! onion, (1) cut into
four blended. Conrinue ro add rhe milk gradually, mixing well unril you have a
herbs smooth sauce. Rerurn ir ro che hear, bring ro che boíl and cook for 5
4 eggs minutes, srirring conrinuously. Remove from che heat, ( 11 )
wirh sale, pepper and rhen pour over che lis h. ( 12) rhe oven co
{2) parsley
200°C/fan 180°C/gas mark 6. Boíl che
100 g buccer
poracoes for 20 minutes. Drain, season and
50 g plain Aour
mash rhem w irh che remain ing bucrer and
1 kg pocacocs, peeled and
milk. P ur chem on topo( che pie, arranging
evenly (3)
chem wich a fork. Add che cheese and chen
50 g (4) c h eese (13) for 30 minutes.

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

n9 Reorder the recipe for Look at the ingredients of this typical British rhubarb crumble
cheesy grilled mushrooms. and cream recipe and complete the preparation method with
Then listen and check. the right ones.
ggg~ ~ ggi ~ ~ g~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ingredie nts Por thc filling
Method Por tbe rm111ble mixt11re 700 g rhubarb, chopped inco 2.5 cm
a O Blend together the mushroom 250 g cold unsalred burrer, pieces
cuc inro small chunks 2 rbsp golden cascer sugar, plus extra
stems, bread, herbs, garlic, salt 400 g plain Aour ro sprinkle
and pepper. 200 g golden casrer sugar Y2 lemon, juice only
b O Brush the top of the mushroom a pinch of sale 1 knob of unsalted buccer
with olive oil and butter and
grill for 4 minutes. Preparation method
e O Remove from the grill , stuff with Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas mark 4.
the blended mixture and grated Place al l the ingredients for the crumble
cheese. mixture in a large bowl. Rub the butter into
d O Return to the grill and cook for the (1) flour , sugar and (2)
an add itional 4 minutes. Put the rhubarb into a buttered earthenware
e O Serve on a bed of fresh rocket dish. Sprin kle with the sugar, pour over the (3) juice
with a vinaigrette dressing. and distribute the flakes of butter over the fruit. Cover the fruit with
f O Wash four large flat the (4) mixture, sprinkle over a little extra golden
mushrooms, cut off (5) . Place into the oven and bake for 35-40 minutes,
the stems and chop or until golden on top.
them finely.
Write the recipe of a typical dish from your country. Use the
vocabulary from this unit and the recipes in exercises 8 , 9 and
Write a list of the ingredients 11 to help you .
you need to make the recipe. TEACHER: SERGIO TEJADA ZUÑIGA
1 WorkORIOL 2018and take turns
in pairs to dictate your recipe to your
partner. Do not tell him/her what your recipe is, but see if
lngredients he/she can guess from the ingredients and the method.

The preparation time is about. .. The ingredients are...

The cooking time is... The method is ...

¡o bake /t<J berk/ plain flour /plern tlaoo/

¡o barbecue /t<J 'ba:brkju:/ to poach /t<J p;;¡utf/
bean /bi:n/ to pour /t<J p:>:/
beef /bi:f/ processed meat /pr'<!Usest mi:t/
black pepper /blrek 'pep<}/ to rub /t<J rAb/
bone /b'dun/ rocket /roklt/
Jairy /cle<Jri/ to season /t<J 'si:Z<Jn/
:'t.tll-fatjhalf-fat milk /ful'fret ha:ffret mrlk/ sliced /slarst/
growth /gr<Ju9/ smoked /sm<Jukr/
heart attack /ho:t <J'trek/ smooth /smu:O/
heart disease /ho:t di'zi:z/ soft drink /soft dnr]k/
·gh blood pressure /har blAd 'pref<J/ starchy food /sto:tJi fu:d/
amb /lrem/ stem /stem/
ean meat /li:n mi:t/ to stir /t<J st3:/
emil / lentrl/ stroke /SU'dUk/
'W-fat /I<J<Jfret/ tablespoon / teioolspu:n/
· ;:. mash /t<J mreJ/ tooth decay /tu:9 dr'ker/
erweight /,<Juv;;¡'wert/ turkey /t3:ki/
;-.arsley / pa:sli/ wholegrain/wholemeal/h<Jolgrem/ /h<Julmi:l/

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

What do you know about preparing a menu? Write T (true) or F (false).

A menu ...
1 on ly provides a list of food and prices. F
2 is often a customer's first introduction toa restaurant.
3 does not usually give prices for all the items served in a restaurant.
4 is an important marketing tool for a restaurant.
5 is not someth ing that sticks in the minds of customers.
6 can express the style and persona lity of a restaurant.
7 can make customers want to cometo the restaurant.
8 can establish what kind of customers cometo a restaurant.

Read the first paragraph and check your answers.

A good restaurant menu provides much more than just a list of food with prices. The menu is often a customer's fust
introduction to a food outlet and is therefore an important marketing too! for it. A menu can express the style and
personalily of a restaurant; establish whal kind of clienlele il will aLLracLdepending on cost and the type of menu on offer;
and make the restaurant stick in the minds of new customers so they want to come back.
Before deciding on a menu you need to do sorne market research of the local competitors by looking at their menus, their
websites and seeing what marketingSAN strategies they 2018
JOSE ORIOL use. Wider research into regional, national or global trends in
people's eating and drinking habits can also be useful. For example, are there more vegetarians today than there were a
few years ago and should you consider this in your menu? Do people prefer eating locally sourced fresh organic produce
and how can your menu reflect and promete this? After your initial research, it is important to fully understand the
location as 80% of your potential customers will probably be people who live or work within ten minutes of your
restaurant. What can you offer them on your menu that other restaurants in the area do not?
3 O __________
Your menu should also be easy for customers to read and understand visuaHy. Good layout helps here. A small plain
text menu can create a sophisticated and elegant image, whereas a bright, bold men u full of pictures might emphasise
a particular tourist location or a fun side to the restaurant. Organise information in columns and make sure print is
Iarge and clear enough to read. Do not creare a menu that is too big to handle, ensure your menu is seasonal and
up-to-date and provide clear information about surcharges such as service, cover or bread and accompaniments, like
vegetables. The cost of a meal should not be a surprise to the diners, so as k yourself if yo u would be happy to pay that
price, for that mea!, in that restaurant, in that location, at tbat üme of day or year. If the answer is yes, then it is
probably a good menu!
40 _ __
The organisation of items on a menu tends to determine the way in which customers choose from it. So ifyou sequence
courses like starters, main courses, side orders, desserts or beverages, that is probably how your customer will order.
However, yo u can guide customers in other ways too by placing your signatu re dishes on a separare page under the title
'House Specials' or 'Chers Specials' or by creating interesting names, which invite curiosity. AH dishes should have short,
simple but attractive and accurate descriptions of ingredients so your guests will want to eat them.

Read the text and match a title with each paragraph .

a Checking the menu is accessible to customers
b Helping customers order
e The importance of doing your research
d The job of a menu

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

look at this menu and label each part with the words in the box.

beverages desserts ma in courses side orders starters

M en~
fl L
1 - -- - - - - - - '

Hand-d ived scallops, sauréed

m .__1- - - - -

Grilled porcini mushrooms*


wirh chorizo sausage .fl0.50 french fr ies* f3 .50
Prawn cocktail .f 9.50 Creamed poraroes* f3 .00
Classic Caesar salad* .f 7.50 Dauphinoise pocaroes* .f4.00
Paré de foie gras wirh crunchy bread .f1 0.50 Boiled baby poraroes wirh mine burrer* f 3.50
Braised lerruce wirh peas and ham .f3.50
1] L - - 1- - - - - - - ' Frencb beans wirh butrer* f3 .00
(all served wi rh salad or seasonal vegerables)
Roasred sea bass wirh rosemary and lemon .f2l.OO mI._____ ___J

Cre me Brulée wirh cirrus sorber

Pan fried chicken in whire wine sauce .O 7.00
Barbecue pork il7 .50 Mango cheesecake wirh pineapple and ginger crunch
Lemon rarr wirh summer fruirs and cream
Honeyed crispy duck f 20.00
Cheese board wirh savoury crackers
Roasred burrernur squash and herb
risorro wirh nurs* .f15 .70 All arf6.50

D ' - - 1_ __ _ _ _ _ ,

Ware r (srill or sparkling)

*vegerarian oprions House whire wine
House red wine

.f2.00 cover charge per person; 10% service charge included.

Sailor's resrau.ranr, Darrmou rh, Devon. Englaod
www.sailors resrauranr.co.uk

!3 () 10 listen and reorder the conversation in the restaurant. The first and the lastare done for you.
Man : O .. .and 1'11 have the paté de foie gras with crunchy bread.
Man : O l'd like sorne sparkling m ineral water, please.
Man: O 1'11 have the same please, but well-done.
Man: O Yes, 1 th ink we are, thank you.
Waiter: O .. .and for your main course?
Waiter: O Are you ready to order food?
Waiter: O Do you want any side orders apa rt from the salad that comes with the pork?
Waiter: Q] Good evening. Would you like anyth ing to drink?
Waiter: O Would you like any starters?
Woman : O 1'11 have a glass of house red wine, please.
Woman: O l'd like the prawn cocktail, please.
Woman: O 1'11 have the ba rbecue pork, done med iu m rare, please.
Woma n: [U] Maybe French fries to share, please.

Work in pa irs or threes and take turns to role play similar conversations. Use the conversation in
exercise 5 and the menu in exercise 4 to help you.
Waiter: Good evening. Are you ready to arder?
Customer 1: Yes, p/ease. l'd like ...

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
D 1
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

Match the names with the different types of menus.

O fast food menu 2 O bar menu

Side orders f l.49

Star-ters or light bites . . f 5.00 Mixed salad
Tortilla chips with cheese and chtlh f2 .50
f 6.00 French fries f3 .50
Spicy chicken wings . . . * Garlic bread
Loadecl potaco skins wath a cboace of daps f 6. 35 Oeep fried onion rings
f 2.75
Deep fried garlic mushrooms* f 6.29

Burgers (alt served in a brectd roll with fries) Desserts ;1":4.50

. b f 9. 4 9 A choice of ice cream
Classac urger no 30 f). 30
Chocolate fud ge cake
Flame g rilled beef burger f : 9 f).OO
Apple pie
Cheeseburger n 90 949
Cheese and bacon burger f ·
9 99
Chicken burger fl 0.49 *vegetarían opt ion~
Spicy chicken burger ·


SAN JOSE ORIOL 2018 Sandwiches
Olives •
Nacho chips • Salmon, cucumber and creme fraí'che f6.00
Hummus and flatbrcad • Mozzarella, basil and tomaco•
BLT (bacon, lettuce and tomatoes)
Light bites Sreak with onions and fries
Mini quiche and salad• Salads
Tiger prawns marinated in lemon & garlic
with chilli and garlic butter Warm goat's cheese salad• f6.50
ES.SO Chicken with an avocado dressing
Oven bakcd Camemben cheese • E8.95
E5 .20 Salmon & king prawn salad with
Salarni and ham placter wiLh savoury crackers E7.50
mango & scsame seed dressing f8.70
' vegerarian options

Read the menus again and answer the questions. Be careful! Sorne questions have more than one
1 are there vegetarían options? 4 is it possible to order a sandwich?
2 can you have dessert? 5 are there the most burgers to choose from?
3 can you eat chicken? 6 can chocolate lovers find a dish?

Read the menus again and find the synonyms for these words and expressions.
1 snacks /Jght bítes 4 cooked over a fi re
2 sauces 5 choice for people who do not eat meat
3 potato ch1ps 6 not sweet

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

Work in pairs. Look at the two menus again and discuss which menu you prefer and why. Use the
following words and expressions to help you .

it has more choice.

1 like
it doesn't have enough choice.
1don't like
it's cheaper.
1 really like
because it's simple.
1qu ite like the bar menu
as it's too expensive.
1prefer the fast food menu
but it's too complicated.
l love
there are no desserts.
1 hate
it doesn't have enough meaVfish dishes.
My favouri te menu is
it has excitinglboring dishes.

Student A: 1prefer the bar menu because it's s1mple but varied and cheap.
Student 8 : 1don't agree. There aren't any desserts. 1 like the fast food menu because it has more choice.

1 Work in pairs. You are a food and beverage manager and a head chef. Design a menu for your
restaurant. Decide fi rst which kind of menu you want to offer (bar, fast food, la carte, vegetarian,
etc.); then decide which courses you wi ll offer (appetizers, light bites/starters, rice/pasta dishes, main
courses, side orders, sa lads, sandwiches, desserts, etc.). Do not forget the key points for writing a good

When the menus are complete, stick them up around your classroom for everybody to see. Then
decide which menu you prefer and why. Do not write your names on the menus but you can give your
restaurant a name. That way the competition will be more fun!
//ove the Piek a pizza menu beca use ...TEACHER: SERGIO TEJADA ZUÑIGA
My favourite menu is the Eat as m ueh asSAN JOSE
you likeORIOL
beca use ...
~., '11


appetizer /repita1z~/ _ _ ginger /d3111d3~/

basil /bre~l/ goat /g'dot/
board /b~:d/ band-dived scallop /hren'daivd 'skol~p/
bold ~uld/ layout / leJaot/
brigbt /braJt/ lettuce / le t1s/
butternut squasb /,bAt~nAL'skwof/_ _ light bite /laJt ba1t/
cbicken wing / t[1km wu]/ locally sourced /l~uk~li s~:st/
chickpea /tflkpi:/ _ medium rare /mi:di~m re~/
chilli / tflli/ p ie /pa1/
creamed potatoes /kri:md p~'te J t:;¡uz/ pla in text /plem rekst/
cucumber / kju:ki\mro/ pork /p~:k/
di p /dlp/ sea bass /si: bres/
dressing / dresn)/ signature dish /srgn~rr~ dJf/
duck /dAk/ spicy / spa1si/
:la me grilled / fl e un gnld/ surcharge /s3:tJo:d3f
:l atbread / tlretbred/ up-to-date /,Apt~'deJt/
French bean /frentJ bi:n/ well-done /,we l'dAn/

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

Changing the menu
Vocabulary 1 Match the words in the box to the pictures. Use your dictionary to help you.

oysters 5 mussels prawns scallops lobster

O Listening 2 Listen to Rosa and SERGIO

TEACHER: Sam talk about
TEJADA the menu and put the sentences below
into the correct ORIOL 2018

Sam Rosa, l'd like to puta new seafood dísh on the menu. Any suggestions?
Rosa What about a prawn dísh or mussels?
Sam Well, mussels are the cheapest seafood and 1thínk our guests have a more
expensíve taste than that.
Rosa Yes, but theír cheap price doesn't mean they taste worse than any other
seafood. 1think they're tastier than oysters, for example.
Sam 1agree, but 1still don't think our customers will like mussels.
Rosa Scallops. What about scallops?
Sam Scallops, hmm. How do you prepare them?
Rosa Well, first of all, you put them near a hot st ove to open them up. Then you
remove their shells and wash them under cold water and simmer them in a little
milk with sliced onion, herbs and seasoning or in whíte wine stock. They're
delicious in mornay sauce and ...
Sam Sounds great! But before we put them on the menu, why don't you prepare
sorne forme to try. We could have dinner together at my place ...
Rosa lt's OK Sam, 1can do them for you here this afternoon.

O a) Sam and Rosa ta lk about prices and qua lity.

[) b) Sam asks for suggestions about changes to the menu.
O e) Rosa suggests another dish.
O d) Sam invites Rosa for dinner.
O e) Rosa suggests two dishes.
O f) Rosa explains how to cook scallops.

52 fifty-two Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018


3 Answer the questions.

1 What klnd of dish does Sam want to put on the menu?

2 Why are mussels not popu lar with the guests?
3 Which seafood do Sam and Rosa prefer t o oyst ers?
4 Who knows how to prepare scal lops?
5 When does Sam suggest they shou ld try t he scal lops?
6 How does Rosa answer Sam?

Language Comparatives and superlatives

Look at these sentences and complete the information below.
a) They're cheaper than oysters.
b) 1 think they're tastier than oysters.
e) Our guests have more expensive tastes.
d) Mussels are the cheapest seafood.
e) Lobster is the most expensive seafood on the menu.

comparative form superlative form

short adjectives .....:.~L... + than the + .................
adjectives ending -y ................. + ................. the + -iest
long adjectives more + adjective the+ ................. + .................
..... SAN JOSE
Check yourORIOL 2018 on pages 96-97.

Be careful of these irregular superlative and comparative forms:

good 7 better 7 the best
bad 7 worse 7 the worst

Practice 4 Use the information to write comparative and superlative sentences.

1 Prawns 1tasty 1oysters

Grammar tip
Don't forget f.rª~D~...~Kt<..tª.~t.i.~r.Jhªn..O.if?t~r.~ .......................................................................
that comparatives 2 French wine/popular/ in the UK
are followed
by than.
3 Mil k 1good 1for you 1 lemonade

4 Lobster 1expensive 1seafood 1on the menu

5 Cham pagne 1good drink 1 in the world

6 Spaghetti carbonara 1creamy 1spaghetti Bolognese

7 Pasta /traditional 1 in ltaly 1 in Spain

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018


Vocabulary lngredients
5 Complete the diagram with the words in the box. Use a dictionary to help you .

seasoning onion fruit dairy products trout parsley flour mussels

duck lemon prawns potato poultry pork cereal products


mi lk

chicken salmon
14 ..........................

11 .......................... .

9 .............................
8 ............................ . 7


Think of twoSAN
more words
JOSE for2018
ORIOL each category. Use the glossary on pages 104- 111.

Speaking Describing restaurants

6 Use the words in the box to compare the three restaurants. Which restaurant
would you like to go to? Why?

small large beautiful old traditional

comfortable new packed cosy modern

54 1fty-four Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

A seafood recipe
Reading 1 Complete the recipe from Rosa's cookery book with the words in the box.

Parmesan cooked pepper potato scallop

salamander parsley sauce

Scallops in mornay sauce

1 kg mashed potatoes
75 g butter
600 mi mornay sauce
20 cooked scallops
50 g grated Parmesan cheese
fresh parsley


Prepare the mornay ..........~ªJ,!.(:&........... I : take 500 mi hot béchamel, add 50 g butter,
100 mi cream and salt and .................................2. Butter the ................................. 3 shells and
decorate the edges with mashed .................................4. Sprinkle with melted butter.
Slice the .................................s scallops. Pour a little of the mornay sauce into the
bottom of the shells. Place the sl iced scal lops on top of the sauce. Cover with more
mornay sauce. Sprinkle with grated ................................. 6 cheese and melted butter.
Gratinate under a ................................ .' gri ll . Serve with fresh .................................s.

Vocabulary Verbs of preparation

2 Match the words in the box to the pictures. Then practise saying the words.

butter e:¡ grate mash marinate pour slice sprinkle pie k

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

__) Recipes

3 Match the verbs of preparation to the following.

1) butter a) mil k, water, wine

2) sprinkle b) cheese, carrot s
3) slice e) potatoes
4 ) pour ~ d) butter, ice, chocolate
5) melt e) grated cheese, herbs
6) mash f) a cake ti n, shells
7l pick g) ham, cheese, a cake
8 ) grate h) parsley, chives

4 Complet e the sentences with the adject ive form of the preparation verbs.

Grammar tip 1 Slice the (cook) ........f.Q.Q~-~4 ....... scallops and put them in the shells.
By adding -ed to 2 We serve (gratinate) ............................... macaroni for lunch.
a preparation 3 Our (gri!l) ............................... salmen comes with (mash) ............................... potatoes and
verb, it can also
(me!t) ............................... butter.
be used asan
adjective: 4 Beef carpaccio is (s!ice) ............................... beef with (grate) ............................... Parmesan
lfyou melt cheese and freshly (pick) ............................... herbs.
butter, you get 5 Would you like your beef (gri/1) ............................. , (bake) ............................ or (fry) ......................... ?
melted butter.
6 lf you put (melt) ............................... chocolate over the (s/ice) ............................... pears, you
get a lovely dessert.
7 There are (grate) ............................... carrots and fresh ly (pick) ............................... parsley on
the sa lad.

[) Speechwork -ed endings

5 Listen to the pronunciat ion of -ed at the end of these words.

lt comes with mashed potatoes.

1'11 have the grilled salmon.
They're served with melted butter.

Put the words into the correct groups.

gratinated cooked poured picked grated sliced

fried mashed covered sprinkled buttered marinated

/rd/ /d/ or /t/

gratinated c.oo~ed

Now listen again and check your answers. Then practise saying the words.

56 fifty-six Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018


6 Work in groups. You are invited to prepare a traditional recipe from your country
by a UK television channel. Plan your recipe and present it to the class.

Remember to:
• introduce yourself (say who you are, where you are from)
• explain what you are going to prepare
• say where the dish comes from a nd why it is spec ial
• list what you are going to use (ingredients, utensi ls)
• explain how to make the dish
• say good bye



Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
ftfty-seven 57
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

the menu
The menu
Speaking 1 What can you find on an a la carte menu? How is it organised?
Reading 2 Complete the Casablanca a la carte menu with the words in the box.
side dishes cold vegetarian dishes st arters
meat dishes hot fish dishes main courses

SAN ...............................
• Sol e meuniere with jacket
• Avocado pear with patatoes.
Mediterranean prawns. • North Sea eel with lobster sauce.
• Norwegian salman carpaccio. • Scallops in mornay sauce.
• Goose paté with rosemary. • Fresh seafood paella.
• Vichyssoise.
• Green lasagne with
• Warm salad with goat's cheese three-cheese sauce.
and crispy bacon. • Sautéed mushrooms and
• French onion soup with grated bamboo with soy sauce.
Parmesan cheese.
• Home-made chicken and • Your choice of salads:
mushroom croquettes. Waldorf, Caesar, Greek,
• Polish patato pancakes. Casablanca Special.
• Your choice of potatoes: fried,
grillad, jacket, boiled.

• Roast beef with assorted

vegeta bies.
• Veal cutlets with grillad tomatoes.
• Sirloin steak with broccoli and
apple sauce.
• Casablanca couscous with lamb.

How is the menu different to ones in your country?

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

Here's the menu

Vocabulary Starters and main courses

3 Match the words in the box to the pictures. Then practise saying the words.

avocado pear 2 goose rosemary goat potato beef veal

cutlet sirloin steak broccoli eel sole lobster lamb


4 Match the dishes to the descriptions.

1) carpaccio ~ a) trad itional Spanish rice dish

2) couscous b) thin sl ices of raw fish or meat
3) paté e) smooth, soft mixture of meat, f ish or vegetables that
can be spread on bread
4) salad d) cold starter or side dish of mainly raw vegetables
5) croquette e) f lat, rou nd mixture of several ingredients fried in a pan
6) pancake f) trad itiona l North African cereal dish
7) paella g) trad itiona l ltalian pasta dish
8) lasagne h) mashed vegetables, meat or f ish coated with breadcrumbs
and deep-fried

5 Look at the following words describing dishes. What do they describe?

(a) Where the dish 1 ingredient comes from (e) How it is prepared
(b) Which anima l or vegetable is used

1) Mediterranean ....... ~........ 8) soya ·················· 15) onion

2) Polish .................. 9) grated ·················· 16) mushroom
3) North Sea .................. 10) French ·················· 17) potato
4) salmon .................. 11) lobster .................. 18) grilled
5) goose .................. 12) goat .................. 19) jacket
6) veal ·················· 13) seafood .................. 20) sautéed
7) boiled .................. 14) roast ..................
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL"S2018 61
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

Here's the menu

6 Put these words in order to get names of dishes.

1) pea 1 Dutch 1 soup ..................D..I).i~b...p.J;:a..~o..up. .........................

2) stew 1 Spanish 1 pork
3) lemon 1gril led 1sauce 1 cod 1with
4) mushrooms 1with 1 roast 1sautéed 1duck
5) caviare / Russian / fresh
6) jacket / lamb 1with 1 Scottish 1potatoes

Language Past simple (regular verbs)

Look at these sentences and answer the questions below.

Alice l loved the dinner party last night.
Maria Yes, me too. Did Woody eat the chocolate cake?
Alice No, he didn't have any of it. He doesn't like chocolate. But //ove it!
• What's the difference between loved and /ove?
• What is the past form of do 1does?
• Can yo u use an -ed verb after did?

..... Check your answers on page 97.

• We use the past simple to ref er to past actions.
• We add -ed TEACHER: SERGIO
to verbs to formTEJADA ZUÑIGA
the past simple. Sorne verbs do not follow this
rule (see pages 97- 98).
• To form negatives and questions, we use did + the infinitive form of the verb.

Practice 7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the past simple.

1 Rosa and Jan (start) ...... ~i~.rt.e:d ..... to work in the restaurant arou nd October.
2 Susan {introduce) ........................... Jan to Mr Grant on his f irst day at work.
3 Sam (not! introduce) ........................... Rosa to the Hotel Manager, but to the rest of t he
kitchen staff.
4 Ms Georgina Porter (book) ........................... her wedding banquet at t he Casablanca.
5 (show) ........................... Jan ........................... the American guest t he way to the Casablanca?
6 Jan was very nervous when he (fi/1) ........................... in his f irst booking form.
7 Jan also (we/come) ........................... t he Kerrigans to the rest aurant, but he (notl present)
........................... them with the men u.
8 (like) ........................... Rosa .......................... the cocktail Peter (prepare) .......................... for her?

Speaking 8 Work in pairs. Student A turn to page 89. Student B use the verbs in the box to
find out what your partner did last week.

watch work study bu y go prepare

A: Did '{OU watc.h an'{ films \ast weeK? B: Ves, 1 watc.hed a film with Me\ {::¡¡bson.

62 sixty-two Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

~---- Teacher :Sergio
. Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

. -

Here's the menu

Are you ready to order?

n Listening 1 listen to Jan take an order and complete the table below.

Jan Are you ready to order?

Alison Not really. Could you tell me what carpaccio is?
Of course ORIOLlt's
madam. 2018
made of marinated salmon slices served with toast.
Alison 1see. And what's,...~hyssoise?

Jan Vichyssoise is made of potato, celery and onion. lt's served as a cold soup.
Fiona That sounds nice. 1think 1'11 have that for a starter.
Alisen 1feel like a hot starter. Do the Polish potato pancakes have garlic in them?
Jan No, madam.
Alisen Good, 1'11 have that then .
Jan And what would you like as a main course?
Fiona 1think 1'11 go for the Casablanca couscous.
Jan So couscous for you madam. And for you, madam?
Alisen Let me see. The North Sea eel looks delicious. 1think 1'11 have that.
Jan Excellent choice madam. Would you like a side dish to go with it?
Alison OK, we'fl share a Waldorf salad.
Jan A Waldorf salad. And what would you like to drink?
Alison We'll have a bottle of house rosé, please.
Jan Certainly madam . Thank you.

Alison Fiona 1
Starter ?o\if>h potato panc.aKef> 1
Main course 1
Side dish 1

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018r~
sny-t 63
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

e Here's the menu

Language Taking orders

2 Now read the dialogue and find the phrases Jan uses to do the following.

1) make sure t he guests are ready to order ........../\r..r:-...iO.\J...r.~ªQi.. tQ..O.r.9~r.7.......... .

2) say OK in a formal way
3) ask for the guest's choice of main course
4) confirm the guest's choice
5) ask for the next guest's choice
6) praise the guest's choice
7) ask if a side dish is required
8) ask for the guest's choice of drin ks
9) end the order

Practice 3 Find one wrong word in each sentence and correct it.

1 Are you ready to~

.......6r..r,.;..iQ~ ..r.tr.ª9i.. .tQ .. Qr.9~.r.?............................................. .
2 What wou ld you want as a main course?


3 And for the madam?

4 Very bad choice, sir.

5 Would you like a dessert to go with the steak?

6 What do you like to drink?

{) Speechwork Pronouncing French words

4 Listen to these French words pronounced by a French person or by an English
person. Who says each word? Write F (french) or E (English).

1 paté 2 vichyssoise mornay

~ croquette

6 sommelier 7
sautéed 8

Now listen to the correct pronunciations and practise saying the words.

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
64 sixty-four
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

Here's the menu e

Language Describing dishes
5 Look at this sentence and the information in the box. Complete the box w it h
carpaccio and another d ish f rom t he d ialogue on page 63.

Name of dish (served) with
how the raw the raw
is made of ingredients mgredients materials
are prepared
and i t's
served as kind of d ish

1 ~.CPª~~:\9 ..i.~..!1Y~4~_gf ......~.\m~m....

2 ······················ ......................... .

Practice 6 Now use theTEACHER:

information to describe the following dishes.
1 Scallops in mornay sauce
...!f~..m~.~-\(..9.f..\?g.i.\~.~---~(ª\\9.P..~ --~~r~~9 ..~!1h..m9.r..nª~--~-ª!A~~:..ill.~. r.wr.r..ªt--~ª~~-\(..J.~ ..... .
·--~~A~.-ºf. ~-~0b~.~~\...~~tt~~~---~~-~ª~.(..~ªu. ªr.A. P..~P.P..~~. ................................................................. .
2 Green lasagne with th ree-cheese sauce

3 Fresh seafood paella

4 Casablanca couscous wit h lamb

5 Polish potato pancakes

6 Warm salad with goat's cheese and crispy bacon

7 Work in groups. Design a menu for your own restaurant. Then work with someone
from another group. Practise ordering dishes and taking note of the orders.

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
S -fivoe 65
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

The chef
Speaking 1 What type of dessert is traditional in your country? What is it made of?

n Listening 2 Listen to two guests order dessert and complete the table opposite.



Thomas And now my favourite part: desserts! Excuse me, what's sachertorte?
Jan Sachertorte? lt's an Austrian chocolate cake served with hot chocolate sir. lf
you like chocolate you should try it.
Thomas Sounds great, 1'11 have that.
Mary And l'd like something lighter. What do you recommend?
Jan 1would suggest our raspberry sorbet or the lemon mousse. Both are
refreshing and light.
Mary Maybe the raspberry sorbet if it's not too sweet.
Jan 1can also recommend the tiramisu.
Mary What's that?
Jan lt's an ltalian speciality made with coffee, amaretto and mascarpone cheese.
Thomas That sounds good, 1think 1'11 change my mind. 1'11 have that.
Jan Very well, sir.
Mary Nothing for me. 1can have a bit of your tiramisu Thomas, can't 1?
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
66 sixty-six
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

Mary Thomas

1 Who knows what sachertorte is?

2 Who chooses a chocolate dessert?
3 Who asks for a light dessert ?
4 Who doesn't want a very sweet dish?
5 Who recommends somet hing ltalian?
6 Who changes ttie order?

Language Recommending dishes

Look at this sentence and the information in the box.

lf '{OU \i'f(e c.noc.o\ate, '{OU snou\d tr'{ tne c.noc.olate mousse.
1 (would) suggest the onion soup.
soup (you try) the cheese sauce.
like cheese
1 (can) the chocolate
lf you chocolate
recommend mousse.

feel like someth ing you shou ld try the tiramisu.

Practice 3 Complete the recommendations wit h the words in the box.

feel like would recommend try should would suggest should try

1 lf you ..................... a fill ing dish, you ..................... try t he Polish potato pancakes.
2 1 can ..................... the sautéed mushrooms and bamboo with soy sauce.
3 lf yo u 1ike exotic d ishes, 1 ..................... suggest the avocado pear wit h prawns.
4 lf you li ke seafood, you ..................... the fresh seafood paella.
5 1 ..................... you ..................... our Wa ldorf salad.

n Speechwork 4 List en to these recommendat ions. Mark each sentence as enthusiastic (E) or
unenthusiastic (U).

1 Today's spec ial is t he fabulous pizza Napoli.

2 lf you feel like a sweet dessert you should t ry t he chocolate cake.
3 1 wou ld recommend the onion soup. l'm sure you' ll find it delic ious, madam.
4 Today the chef recommends the seafood paella. lt's our specia lity.
5 lf you like c heese, you shou ld try the green lasagne with the three-cheese sauce.
6 May 1 suggest t his wh ite Bourgogne? lt 's perfect with fish.

Now underline the words which are stressed in the enthusiastic sentences. Then
correct the unenthusiastic sentences and practise saying them.

Speaking 5 Work in pairs. Use the phrases to recommend restaurants.

lf '{OU \i~e lta\ian food, '{OU snou\d tr'{ bino's.

Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018 -se .. 67
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

O The chef recommends

Vocabulary Dessert s
6 Match the words in t he box to t he picture. Then practise saying the words.

creme caramel 1 sorbet mousse ice crea m cake cookies 1biscu its
yoghurt mil k shake apple pie pancake 1crepe brownie
trifle jelly cheese fruit salad



(¡) Listening 7 Listen to the guests. Which dessert would Jan recommend to each guest?

1 a) yoghurt b) pancakes e) chocolate cake

2 a) brown ies b) milk shake e) cookies
3 a) strawberry ice cream b) nougat ice cream e) pistachio ice cream
4 a) creme caramel b) cheese e) strawberry mousse
5 a) nuts b) lemon sorbet e) trifle
6 a) vanil la ice cream b) coffee ice cream e) chocolate ice cream

Speaking 8 Work in pairs. Use the information to write a dialogue. Practise your dialogue and
then read it to the class.

Ask if guest ís ready
~......._Ask for a recommendatíon/
Ask what guest líkes

Recommend a dísh
_______ /
~....._Ask waiter to describe disy
Describe dish
'---......_ Order dish /
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
68 sixty-eight
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

The chef recommends

A dessert recipe
n Listening 1 Jan asks Louis, the pastry cook, for a dessert recipe. Listen and answer the
questions below.



Jan Louis, could you gíve me the recipe for a simple dessert? Somethíng that's
easy to prepare. lt's for a dínner.
Louis What about a tíramisu?
Jan Tiramísu? Some customers had that last níght.
Louís And what díd they thínk? Díd they like it?
Jan They said it was delicious and they didn't leave any. ls it easy to prepare?
Louís Yeah . 1can give you a simple recipe using American measuríng cups. How many
ís the dínner for?
Jan Just for two.
Louis Oh, 1see. Well, you'll need mascarpone cheese, whipping cream, sugar,
amaretto, espresso, sponge-cake and cocoa powder. Combine the mascarpone
cheese, the cream, the sugar, the amaretto and the espresso in a large bowl
and then whip it all untíl it thickens.
Jan What about the sponge-cake?
Louis Put it at the bottom of the mould and then cover it with the cream mixture.
Finally, you put another !ayer of sponge-cake on top. Then refrigerate for one
hour and serve wíth cocoa powder on top. Does Rosa líke tiramisu?
Jan 1 hope so. How did you know it was Rosa?

1 Who is planning a romantic dinner?

2 Who suggests a dessert recipe?
3 What's the dessert?
4 How many ingredients do you need to prepare the dessert?
5 How many guests are invited?
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018
sixty-n ne 69
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

The chef recommends

Vocabulary 2 Read the dialogue again and complete the recipe for tiramisu.

1 w .............. e ..............

2 S .............. C ............. .

4 m .............. c ..............

5 e .............. c .............. 9 w ................................

6 S ................................ .
8 c ºm~!r..~.................
7 e .............. p ..............

Speaking 3 Work in pairs. Close your books and tell your partner how to make tiramisu.

Language Past simple (irregular verbs)

Look at t hese sent ences and t he inform ation below.

Jan Some customers had tiramisu /ast níght.
Louis And what did they think ? Did they like it?
Jan They said it was delicious and they didn't Jeave any.
• These verbs are irregular because t hey never take -ed in t he past .
• W ith negative sentences and questions use did and an inf initive.
• The past f orm of t he verb be is was {1, he, she, it) or were (you, we, they).
• The verb be does not use did for negative sentences and q uest ions.

~ For information see page 98.

Practice 4 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the past simple.

Louis So, how (go) ..4.i.4.. 1 the dinner ...fl,Q .. yesterday?

Jan Don't ask! lt (be) .......... 2 a disaster!
louis (have) .......... you .......... 3 problems with the tiramisu?
Jan No, not exactly. 1(have) .......... 4 two guests instead of one.
Louis What?
Jan Rosa (bring) .......... s someone w ith her!
Louis No! Who (be) .......... 6 it?
Jan Susan, the Head Waiter! There 1 (be) .......... 7, all ready for a romantic di nner. 1
(put) .......... 8 candles and flowers on the table and (choose) .......... 9 Spanish music
for the perfect atmosphere. And then the bell (ring) .......... 10 and there
(be) .......... " the two of them: Rosa and my boss!
louis But what (be) .......... 12 the tiramisu like?
Jan 1(not ltry) .......... 13 any because 1only (make) .......... '4 enough for two people.
But they (say ) .......... ' 5 it (be) .......... '6 delicious.
Louis So, what's
Teacher :Sergiothe problem?
Tejada Zúñiga - Your dinner
Ingles 05 (be) _ SUPERIOR
-"INSTITUTO _ a success! 11
70 seventy
Teacher :Sergio Tejada Zúñiga - Ingles 05 -"INSTITUTO SUPERIOR SAN JOSE ORIOL" 2018

The chef recommends

Vocabulary Utensils
5 Match the words in the box to the pictures. Then practise saying the words.

bowl 7 mould wire whisk wooden spoon grater frying pan saucepan
skimmer ladle colander baking tin scissors chef's knife potato peeler


Verbs of preparation

6 Match the words in the box tto the pictures. Then practise saying the words.
stir Cf peel cut strain bake whip grate serve skim mix

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

Now match the verbs of preparation to the utensils.

7 Work in groups. Prepare a dessert recipe and then read it to the rest of the class.
The rest of the class take notes. lnclude the following information.

• ingredients for the recipe

• the necessary utensi ls
• step-by-step instructions
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seventy-one 71

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