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The ideology of being unable to can:

I can’t. I cannot. I am unable to can. Due to the unforeseeable nature of reality and the
consequentially chaotic nature of the universe, I find myself in such a scenario that the many and
various pathways and options that would result in me being able to can have been sufficiently
diminished to the extent that not such option remains, leaving me only with paths, and options
that bring about the undesired outcome: the inability to do the thing that I had initially set out to
do. But what does this mean, this inability to do the thing? To be unable to do something means
that it is outside of the realms of possibility for you, at least at this current time. Were it to be
difficult, even nigh impossible, but not actually impossible, the ability to can might have remained
intact, however unlikely it would actually be to end up in any situation in which successfully caning
were to take place. Where does the word “unable” come from, however? A hasty google search,
that I shall henceforth refer to as “some scholars(1)” suggests that the word comes from Old
French roots, and in turn, the ancient language known as Latin. Unable suggests an inability, a lack
of opportunity, or lack of competency that means that the task at hand is insurmountable(2). This
leaves the all too concerning matter of what it is to “can”, as we cannot discern the impact of
being unable to can unless we understand what it is to can itself. To can, while being generally
incorrect English(3), seems to be describing being in a state of events in which it is possible to do
something. The something in question is never specified, but could be a wide range of tasks,
including but not limited to: Simple day to day jobs, driving, eating, sleeping, bathing, fighting in a
war on foreign soil, becoming the president of the united states, entering a political treaty with
allied countries to ensure mutual economic benefit and strengthen ties into the future, finding out
said political allies have been selling national secrets and military supplies to countries attempting
to undermine you, going to war with your once allies, sending millions of innocent people to their
deaths under the flimsy guise of patriotism, realizing the folly of your warmongering ways, retiring
from politics due to a complete and utter loss of faith in your beliefs, wandering aimlessly trying to
right the destruction and havoc you have painted, and foregoing your old life as you take up life in
a monastery to try to find some semblance of inner peace(4).

In summary, while being unable to do something may seem to be a simple process to understand,
it is in fact a rather complicated sequence of events, circumstances, opportunities, and sometimes
attitudes, that can lead a person to be unable to can. The impact of being unable to can,
depending on the issue one is unable to can, can be far reaching and impossible to predict,
transcending all known boundaries of nation, race, religion, gender, and other such issues.

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