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Godzilla (iaae) By Dean Devlin & Roland Emmerich First Draft 12/19/96 IN: An iguana Crawling off its MORUROA AT Grainy, Kedak color, ni footage of a beautify "GODZILLA" nest, leaving its eggs exposed ISLANDS, FRENCH POLY! IA - PACIFIC documentary Polynesian island. We SEI quick shots of Kimono Dragons, Gila Monsters and Chameleons ix natural tropical environment. all in Super: M& 1268 Incengruously over this jungle environm static ridden radio filtered VOICE, slo in French. It is {sland are reacting to the countdown as they anxiou: move about. almost as through’ the reptiles of the Suddenly with a brilliant FLASH OF WHITE LIGHT, a nuclear EXPLOSION mushrooms into the sky. We SEE a SERIES over one hundred REAL shots of footage of some of the and sixty official nuclear tests the French government held in this tropical region Explosion after explosion devastates the locale. one pullding after culminating in one final EXPLOSION. The clould-fi next, accelerating in momentun led sky begins to drizzle. The ash-like fallout drifts downward onto what's left of the islands below. We FOLLOW this ash as it settles xt to a dead reptile, unrecognizable now, and down onto what's left of the lizard's eggs. Suddenly the image clears from the grainy footage to ean, modern higl eggs as it slowly gets buried continue to push EXT. smashing throug! we SEB the CORI AKIDO, a Japanese Oil supertal Super: ih resolution. We ZOOM IN on one of ¢ n the falling ash. WE g closer...closer in, get! SMASH CUT CIFIC OCEAN - OIL TANKER - RAINSTORM - NIGHT the choppy waters, barely by the storm ker. Pacific Ocean, present day INT. CORI AKI terized is eering the navigational y . we HEAR a Japanese t.v. immense ship. 1 ogram playing. At the end of the console is the ship's SKIPPER, an overweight Japanese seaman sleepily watches a snowy satellite broadcast of a Sumo wrestling match suddenly the SONAR blares out a warning ALARM. startled, the Skipper awakes and stumbles out of his chair over to console. The SONAR displays an enormous MASS heading quickly toward the snip. The Skipper's eyes go wide. He hits a KLAKON alarm, awaking the entire ship. He presses the radio/intercom. SKIPPER Japanese) Captain. This is the bridge. We have an emergency. INT. SUPERTANKER'S HALLWAYS - SAME - NIGHT 4 Alarms BLARING. The crew rushes out of their quarters and into the hall. Quickly they race for the upper decks. INT, OTHER HALLWAY - BY KITCHEN 5 The ship's elderly COOX pokes his head out of the kitehen and yells at some of the crew as they pass by. coox (in Japanese) What's going on? What's ¥ ppenin Before anyone can answer, the ship is ROCKED by an enormous THUD as something hits the side of the immense Ship. The crew TUMBLES as the ship SWAYS VIOLENTLY. eld Cook is thrown to the floor. He looks up nervously. INT, BRIDGE - SAME - NIGHT 6 The CAPTAIN enters quickly, jo: console. g the Skipper at ¢ CONTINUED)

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