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IDIOMS para mejorar writings


Sergio González 22 octubre, 2017

Cuántos más idioms conozcas más natural y rica será tu forma de hablar o escribir en
inglés. Sin embargo, para bordar un examen de nivel avanzado -nivel avanzado y C1 de
la EOI o el First y el Advance de Cambridge- no necesitas aprenderte una lista

Basta con conocer media docena y usarlos hasta que te acostumbres y pasen a ser
parte de tu vocabulario. Además, puedes usar los mismos para el writing y el speaking.

Idioms hay miles pero en Idiomium hemos seleccionado una lista corta de idioms que
valen como comodín. Idioms que puedes utilizar con cualquier tema que te plantee el

NOTA – para estos idioms ofrecemos una traducción (translación cuando es posible) al
español, pero los dichos cambian mucho según donde vivas. Es mejor aprender su
sentido en inglés.

Facts speak for themselves

Something is so clear it doesn´t need further explanations

enespañol# Los hechos hablan por si mismos.

1. We needn´t tell you that the problem is huge. Facts speak for themselves
2. Globar warming deniers can hold any position they want to but when it comes to
polluting our planet facts speak for themselves

Speak volumes
Something that is very clear, not needing words to explain it

enespañol# Hablar por si mismo

1. When I saw her going through my stuff I knew we had to break up. Such behaviour
speaks volumes about the way you are.
2. The way humans are polluting their planet speak volumes about the state of
civilization of our species

Dumb something down

To make something easy and simple for anyone to understand

enespañol# Explicar algo para tontos

1. When the tour guide at the museum noticed people yawning, he quickly dumb
down his explanations
2. If you dumb something down to woman based solely on the fact that it is a woman,
that is an off-the-book example of sexism

(it´s not) Rocket science

Something that is very easy to do or comprehend

enespañol# No es física cuántica

Se suele usar en negativa como comparación de algo que es extremadamente sencillo.

1. Come on! You can pass this exam, it is not rocket science
2. It is 2016 already! It is not rocket science that gender inequality is totally outdated

Crystal clear
When something is transparent, easy to understand for anyone

enespañol# Cristalino

1. But for her, it was crystal clear that her boyfriend was cheating on her
2. It is cyrstal clear that if we continue polluting at this pace, CO2 levels in our
atmosphere will skyrocket till the point of making this planet inhabitable

Be street smart
The kind of intelligence and wisdom that comes through living, not learnt on books

enespañol# La escuela de la vida

1. I am not that worried about my son´s future. He may be a dropout but he is street
2. If politicians were a bit more street smart they would implement more eco-friendly
measures instead of being just greedy

Common knowledge
Something that everybody knows

enespañol# Ser de dominio público

1. You didn´t know Tara is dating Jess? I thought it was common knowledge
2. It is common knowledge that we will run out of oil pretty soon yet authorities seem
reluctant to make a complete shift towards green, renewable power

Be on the same page

To share the same ideals, ideas or thoughts about something

enespañol# Estar en la misma onda

1. So let´s revise this again. We need to be on the same page to succeed
2. Until men and women are on the same page gender inequality will always take


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