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most common causes of spinal cord compression ?

epidural abscess tumor

clinical presentation of Ewing sarcoma can be confused with -----------? osteomyelitis

How to Exam for Deqirvan tenosynovitis ? finklestein test

How to examine Golfer elbow Vs tennis elbow ? passive wrist extension vs passive wrist flexion pain

What is Smith Fracture Vs Colles' fracture and how they are happen ? distal radius both, flexion of wrist
when fall and extension wrist during fall.

Most common presentation of paget's disease of the bone? Headache

Risk factors for pseudo-gout ? HyperPTH , Hypothyroid , DM , Wilson < hemochromatosis

Prophylaxis for Pseudogout ? colchicine

How to treat Gout in a renal Failure Pt ? GC

what Joint that could be spare in Rhum Arthritis ? DIP lumbar, thoracic, and sacroiliac

What is the Rx for 1 Vs 2 Raynauds phenomenon ? ccb vs ccb/asprin

MCC of Osteomylitis in SCD pt ?

MC location of osteomyetlis in adults vs. kids ? vertebral body vs metaphysis

which part of the bone got affected in osteomylitis ? cortical bone

Indication for X ray in Low Back Pain ? compression fracture, MM, AS, malignancy

Indication For MRI in Low Back Pain Pt ? neurological signs (except radicular pain), Cauda Equina, epidural

Indication for CT scan in Low Back Pt ? when MRI cannot be done

Rx of ACL injury? RICE + surgery

C1 C2 sublaxation seen in ? Down , RA

We check what before HydroxyChloriquin ? how often we check that ? check for retinopathy. baseline
ophthalmological exam. And then after 5 yrs annually

Serum Uric acid level in acute gout could be normalin 25% of the cases T/F ? T

how to confirm osteomyelitis if MRI is CI ?

Tarsal tunnel syndrome would compressing which nerve ? Tibial Nerve

type of plural effusion see in RA ? Exudative

maneuver that is diagnostic and therapeutic of radial head subluxation ? hyperpronation, or supination and
flexion of elbow

AION seen with what disease ? GCA

MCC of Back pain ? lumbosacral strain

Treatment for ITP Steroids, IVIG

------------------ spread is the most common cause of osteomyelitis in children. --------------- spread is the most
common cause of osteomyelitis in adults ?
Hematogenous spread is the most common cause of osteomyelitis in children. Contiguous spread is the
most common cause of osteomyelitis in adults
Felty syndrome features ? after how many years from Dx of RA pt develop it ?
neutropenia thrombocytopenia , splenomegaly , RA

schirmer test Vs schober's test ?sjogren vs. AS

Water hammer plus can seen in association of RA ? Or Ankylosing spendolitis AS

SLE Vs reactive arthritis oral Ulcer is Painless or Painful ? painless vs painful

Med that cause drug induced lupus but with -Ve antihistone antibodies ? minocycline

confirmatory test for carpal tunnel syndrome? NCS

Reactive Arthritis Pt failed NSAIDs What is next ?

skin Manifestation of reactive arthritis ? Oral painless ulcers

--------------- wks after chlamydial or enteric infection reactive arthritis can developed ?
3 weeks

uses of Eptifibatide , Teriparatide , Ecallantide ?

teriparatide is recombinant PTH for refractory osteoporosis
Ecallantide is used ina ngiodedema

The primary cause of death in rheumatoid arthritis is ------------------------------------- followed closely by --------

features of primary reynoad disease? young female no secondary disease, no secondary tissue ddamage,
symmetric ,

Mythenia gravis receptors affected ? necotinic or muscurenic ? Nicotinic at nMJ

best initial DMARD for rheumatoid arthritis? MTX,

caludications, impotence and low back pain Dx ? leriche - aortoiliac
What lab values corresponding with/specific for acute lupus flare up ? low complement
esr crp

Galeazzi Fx ? Vs monteggia Fx ? radius fracture vs ulnar fracture

Down syndrome and RA have what in common ?
Treat of HTN in scleroderma ? ACE #
First line drug for Fibromyalgia ? TCA
Sjogren's syndrome seen with what Vit Def ?
anterior and posterior uvitis seen together with what disease ? AS
--------- injury presents in young athletes wtih a "popping" sensation in the knee during the injury followed by
rapid onset of hemarthrosis and a feeling of instability when bearing weight on the affected side. ? ACL
Rx of SLE in pregnancy ?
Side effects of mycophenolate. ? myelosuppression
MCC of sciatica ? L5-S1 disc herniation
RFs for vertebral compression fracture? postmenopausal senile early menopause
Causes of primary vs secondary raynauds phenomenon? secondary- crest/ scleroderma

Rx for 1ary versus 2ndary raynauds phenomenon ?

avoid trigger in both
ccb vs ccb, asa

best initial analgesic for osteoarthritis?

Osteopenia Vs Osteoprosis Vs sever established Osteoprosis ? minus 1 to 2.5 vs less than minus 2.5
the most frequently affected joint in gout ? MTP

mOst often location of tophi ? Pinna

colchicine side effect ? diarrhea,

--------------------- is effective at preventing attacks brought on by sudden fluctuations in uric acid levels due to
probenecid or allopurinol. ? colchicine
Allopurinol decreases production of uric acid. --------------------is used if allopurinol is
contraindicated. as it is a xanthine oxidase inhibitor. ? febuxostate

low dose vs. high dose nsaid. effect on uric acid secretion urocosemic vs uricosurici
The straight leg raise (SLR) test is pain going into the buttock and below the knee
when the leg is raised above ------- degrees ?
the straight leg raise (SLR) test is pain going into the buttock and below the knee
when the leg is raised above 60 degree

What is Felty's syndrome? RA + splenomegaly + neutropenia

Which vasculitis has a normal platelet count? bechet

Diagnostic test of lupus nephritis ? BIOPSY

Should we wexpect nephritis , ceribritis or serocitis in Drug induced Lupus ?

no renal or cns features in drug induced lupus

What is Still's' Disease ? Juvenile RA , : salmon rash evanescent that flares up with fever
polyarticular + systemic feature
what is CPK level and ESR in steroid myopathy. ? NORMAL
anterior vs posterior fat pad sign Supracondylar fracture of humerus
what are risk factors for carpal tunnel syndrome hypothroisidm
mc fracture in pediatric age group Supracondylar

thickening and nodules of palmar fascia dupuytrens contracture

Ostoid Osteoma and Ewing Sarcoma Arise from which location ? both diaphysis

Sunburst appearance and Codman triangle osteosarcoma

Cement like bony histology pagets

First manifestation of Compartment syndrome ? tenderness and tightness

Chondrocalcinosis seen in ......? pseudogut

what is the Initial and Most Accurate test for Sjogrens syndrome ? schirmer vs biopsy

Test to do before giving infliximab ? PPD

sjogren patient is at increased risk of which cancer ? Lymphoma

Give me 4 Inflammatory diseases associated with alveolar hemorrhage ? lupus, RA, goodpasture, wegeners

most specific test for polymyositis ? Lab Finding also ? biopsy showing lymphocytic infilterat , einc ESR,
CRP, aldolase

Most accurate test for Osteomyelitis ? Bx is the most Accurate

DX Test For amyloidosis ? abdmoninal fat pad aspiration biospsy

How often we monitor myelosuppression side effect of methotrexate ? evry 3 months with peripheral blood

Back pain improves on leaning forward? seen in ..........?

what other disease symptoms that improve with leaning forward ?
spinal stenosis. increased intravertebral space

what other non Rheumatological Dis ? Lumbar canal stenosis, Ac pancreatitis, pericarditis.

Belimumab is used for .............. ? SLE, RA, Sjorgen Psoriasis , IBD

Gottron papules seen in? dermatomyositis ( pathognmoic)

radiological finding in OA ?
joint space narrowing
subchondrl sclerosis

RAdioological finding in gout ? punched-out erosions with a rim of cortical bone.

how to differentiate parvovirus arthritis vs RA

1. parvo rthrtis resolves spontaneously in 1 to 2 months
2. no joint changes / destruction on xray
3. less than 1 hour joint stiffness in morning in parvo
4. normal esr in parvo

periarticular osteopenia with erosions of the joint margin, joint space narrawing, soft tissue swelling.
this is radiologic finding of ? OA

Name the exam to Dx Hip Displasia ? barlow ortolani

what is Pathergy where to see it ? ibd bechet

panner disease? osteochondritis capitulum

SLE-induced arthritis the joint pain is severe. Permanent deformity expected or not ? NO

Describ the rash of the Adult Still's disease ? Salmon rash is often maculopapular and nonpruritic, affecting
the trunk and extremities during febrile episodes.

The underlying pathophysiology of tennis elbow is degeneration of the ---------------------------------------

tendon. ? extensor carpi radialis brevis
Rx of skin features of SLE steroids
MCC of death in scleroderma ? Pulm Fibrosis

what Abodies Associated with antiphospholipd syndrome ?

lupus anticoag
bet 2 glycoprotein

lymphoma with which immunosupprsant? cyclophosphamide

MC joint involved in sarcoidosis : Ankle

cxr stages of sarcoidosis :

1.bilateral hilar lad
2. 1 + interstila infilterates
3. only interstitial infilterates
4. pul fibrosis

rat bite vs moth eaten appearnce :Punched out erosions with a rim of cortical bone (gout) "rat bite sign"

ESR and CK levels in

1-Steroid induced myopathy
2-Hypothyroid Myopathy
3-Statin induced
4-Polymyalgia rheumatica ?

1. normal
2. normal vs inc
3. norml vs inc
4. inc vs norma

what Conditions/disease Related to intrauterine Position ? Metatarsal Adductus , Congeneital Muscular

torticollis CHD and Club foot

you Stop Statin Medication If CK is …… or Liver enzyme is ……… ?

ck when it is 10 X above normal
Liver enzyme ..3 times above normal range

vit D levels for prevention and treatment of rickets in children?

400 iu daily vs 1000 to 2000 iu daily

meralgia paresthetica : pain in lateral thigh during delivery due to prolonged compression of lateral
cutaneous nerve of thingh

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