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The Ural Owl

Strix uralensis

01. hlavna foto

The Ural owls, also called "uralka", are the second largest owls living in our
country. They can be recognized by their longer tail, which is particularly visible
during the flight. They occur in two colour forms, in light-grey and dark-brown.
Their body is brown or covered with black longitudinal spots.

02., 02.a biotop

They occur in deciduous and mixed forests of the primeval forest character and
prefer beechwood mountains in Central and Eastern Slovakia.


For the nesting, they search for tree hollows, abandoned nests of predators,
various broken or dead trees, but also hung nesting boxes. Nesting runs from
the end of February until the beginning of April.

03.a môže a nemusí byť

At the time of taking care of the young, they are very aggressive, and when
approaching them, they attacks relentlessly.


Their main prey consists of small mammals, amphibians, insects, and

sometimes even smaller species of birds. They hunt their prey from dusk until
dawn, at the time of nesting and in the daytime.

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