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SMP Negeri 1 Padalarang YEAR 2017/2018 STUDY

Ida Hamidah, Rizki Triranti Yunesi, Yunita Fitriyani Fasya

Teachers' Training College SILIWANGI BANDUNG

This study aims to determine students' ability to apply the rules of language in writing a narrative
text (eksemplum). The study was limited to the study of language on aspects of spelling errors,
morphology, and syntax. The formulation of the problem of this research are: 1) Is the language
mistakes made class IX students of SMPN 1 Padalarang in the field of morphology 2) Is the
language mistakes made class IX students of SMPN 1 Padalarang in the field of syntactic 3) Is
the language mistakes made class IX students of SMPN 1 Padalarang in the areas of spelling 4)
What steps should be taken of teachers to improve students' skills in areas such language? This
study aims to: 1) Determine the language errors committed students in the field of morphology,
syntax, and spelling. 2) Finding the right solution to overcome the problem of low ability students
in terms of language in the essay written by the students. 3) Provide feedback to the appropriate
authorities about the results of research related to the lack of understanding and skills of students
in applying the concepts of language in posts made students. This study used descriptive
qualitative method. Based on the research found that there are some errors in the text eksemplum
language that the students, namely at the level of morphology, syntax, and spelling. 3) Provide
feedback to the appropriate authorities about the results of research related to the lack of
understanding and skills of students in applying the concepts of language in posts made students.
This study used descriptive qualitative method. Based on the research found that there are some
errors in the text eksemplum language that the students, namely at the level of morphology,
syntax, and spelling. 3) Provide feedback to the appropriate authorities about the results of
research related to the lack of understanding and skills of students in applying the concepts of
language in posts made students. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Based on the
research found that there are some errors in the text eksemplum language that the students,
namely at the level of morphology, syntax, and spelling.
Keywords: error analysis, narrative text (eksemplum)

A. preliminary
1. Background
Indonesian has its own structure as part of the languages of the world. The existence of
Indonesian in public life is very dependent on its users. The tendency of the Indonesian
people who prefer using slang languages, especially in social media or use a foreign
language to show the prestige of the community is very influential on the existence of
Indonesian. Similarly, the concept of curriculum that is more oriented to the use of language
in communication and language learning material neglect, the younger generation
increasingly impoverish insight on the use of the Indonesian language properly.
Variety Indonesian based ingredients include a wide variety of oral or speech and writing.
Variety of oral and written language has some differences. Punctuated by spoken language
intonation, pauses, and expressions / motion. While the written language is made clear by
the words must be written in full and spelling (Alwi, 2003: 7).
Writing and speaking are productive and expressive language skills. The difference is
that in writing the necessary vision and hand movement, while in speaking is required
hearing and pronunciation. With other perkata, wrote an indirect communication, while
speech is a direct communication. Good writing and speaking, should pay attention to the
same components, namely the structure of words / language, vocabulary, and speed / general
smoothness. The difference is that writing with regard to ortography, while speaking with
regard to phonology (Tarin, 2008: 12).
Rosidi (2009: 2) argues that writing is an activity to pour your thoughts, ideas, and
feelings expressed in written language. Akhadiah (....: 2) says that good writing has several
characteristics, including meaningful, clear / plain, an entity that is rounded, short and solid,
as well as meet the rules of language and communicative.
As stated above that one characteristic of good writing is to fulfill the rules of the
language. However, in reality there are many posts that do not meet the rules of correct
language in Indonesian. Several studies have been done in this regard, as is done by Ayudia
(2017) which concluded that 1) the linguistic fault lines that often occur in laporn the
observation of the students are divided into four, namely errors in spelling, diction, sentence,
and paragraph; 2) the use of Indonesian error is the most dominant spelling mistakes in the
field. 3) language errors in the report on the observation of students caused by several
factors, among others: the mastery of the rules of spelling inadequate use, inaccuracy in
writing, lack of motivation to write, and the lack of students' vocabulary. Fourth, efforts are
being made to address the misuse of Indonesian in writing reports include: applying the 5
phases of the process approach in teaching writing, increasing mastery of the rules of
language students with reading, teachers should play an active role in motivating students to
often practice writing and give writing assignments , In addition, research Syahriandi (2016)
concluded that a common mistake often made by students in writing papers include errors in
spelling, diction, sentence and paragraph. These errors always happen to students in every
paper writing. improve students' mastery of language rules by reading, teachers should play
an active role in motivating students to often practice writing and give writing assignments.
In addition, research Syahriandi (2016) concluded that a common mistake often made by
students in writing papers include errors in spelling, diction, sentence and paragraph. These
errors always happen to students in every paper writing. improve students' mastery of
language rules by reading, teachers should play an active role in motivating students to often
practice writing and give writing assignments. In addition, research Syahriandi (2016)
concluded that a common mistake often made by students in writing papers include errors in
spelling, diction, sentence and paragraph. These errors always happen to students in every
paper writing.
Rahmawati, et al (2014) which analyzed the error of language in the national
examinations in 2012/2013 states that errors were found in relation to the field of phonology
so varied, such as errors in the writing of capital letters, italics, punctuation, writing errors
particles, klitik, and the symbol numbers, as well as the orthographic errors in diction is not
raw. Error speaking areas of morphology on twenty packages Indonesian about the National
Exam found as many as three data. Each consists of 1 affixation use of data errors, one error
data prepositions, and conjunctions 1 error data. Two of the data found in twenty packages
Indonesian National Exam questions related to the field of syntax errors. Both figures are
included in this type of sentence structure errors are not standardized.
Likewise, Nurida (2016) which analyzed the error kendari language newspaper
Pos. Research results show that fault-language newspaper postal kendari May 2016
edition there is an error, rather than 30 errors found therein. Of these errors, the most
visible errors in the writing of a preposition, then affix the form of a typing error, the
error due to the condensation of writing the word and the last word errors which
should not yield, but who keep their diluluhkan of errors in spelling.
To follow up on these studies, the authors intend to conduct research on language errors
committed studentsclass IX SMPN 1 Padalarang in writing a narrative text (eksemplum).
Error languages analyzed include spelling, morphology, and syntax.

2. Formulation of the problem

Based on this background, the authors formulate the problem as follows:
1) Is the language mistakes made class IX students of SMPN 1 Padalarang in the field
of morphology?
2) Is the language mistakes made class IX students of SMPN 1 Padalarang in the field
of syntax?
3) Is the language mistakes made class IX students of SMPN 1 Padalarang in the areas
of spelling?
4) What steps should be performed teachers to improve students' skills in areas such

3. Research purposes
The aim of this study:
a. Knowing the language errors committed students in the areas of spelling,
morphology, and syntax.
b. Finding the right solution to overcome the problem of low ability students in terms
of language in the essay written by the students.
c. Provide feedback to the appropriate authorities about the results of research related
to the lack of understanding and skills of students in applying the concepts of
language in posts made students.

B. Research methodology
The research was done in class IX SMP Negeri 1 Padalarang, West Bandung regency
in the academic year 2017/2018. The class chosen because it is a class that has the ability of
being in between classes IX others in SMP Negeri 1 Padalarang.
The method used is a qualitative descriptive method that attempts to describe the
mistakes made in the text eksemplum students in the fields of spelling, morphology, and
The steps in this research include: data collection, data processing, data presentation,
and drawing conclusions.

C. Results and Discussion

a. The use of Capital Letters
Word errors that should be capitalized ensued for the name of God and his successor, as
in writing: god, grace, hidayahnya, and omnipotent. Supposedly written three words of
Allah, His mercy, His guidance, and omnipotent. Error writing capital letters are the use
of capital letters at the beginning of the sentence. There are some students who do not
use capital letters at the beginning of the sentence. There are other errors in the writing
positions that are not followed by the name of people, such as the village chief who
should have been written of village head is not followed by the name of the place or
person. There was also a mistake in writing abbreviations, such as Sim (a driver's
license) Error writing this capital letters as much as 18.26%. and omnipotent.
Supposedly written three words of Allah, His mercy, His guidance, and omnipotent.
Error writing capital letters are the use of capital letters at the beginning of the sentence.
There are some students who do not use capital letters at the beginning of the sentence.
There are other errors in the writing positions that are not followed by the name of
people, such as the village chief who should have been written of village head is not
followed by the name of the place or person. There was also a mistake in writing
abbreviations, such as Sim (a driver's license) Error writing this capital letters as much
as 18.26%. and omnipotent. Supposedly written three words of Allah, His mercy, His
guidance, and omnipotent. Error writing capital letters are the use of capital letters at the
beginning of the sentence. There are some students who do not use capital letters at the
beginning of the sentence. There are other errors in the writing positions that are not
followed by the name of people, such as the village chief who should have been written
of village head is not followed by the name of the place or person. There was also a
mistake in writing abbreviations, such as Sim (a driver's license) Error writing this
capital letters as much as 18.26%. There are other errors in the writing positions that are
not followed by the name of people, such as the village chief who should have been
written of village head is not followed by the name of the place or person. There was
also a mistake in writing abbreviations, such as Sim (a driver's license) Error writing this
capital letters as much as 18.26%. There are other errors in the writing positions that are
not followed by the name of people, such as the village chief who should have been
written of village head is not followed by the name of the place or person. There was
also a mistake in writing abbreviations, such as Sim (a driver's license) Error writing this
capital letters as much as 18.26%.

b. Use of Comma
Improper use of commas seen in the examples of the following sentence:
1) After buying their food back to eat. Should use the comma after clause after buying
food, so the sentence turned into After buying food, they returned to the garden to
2) With great effort the police had caught junior high school students ..., supposedly
after clause with great effort ends with a comma (,) as the clause precedes the main
3) Their parents are very embarrassed while the parents of the victim was devastated.
Supposedly after their parents are very shy ends with a comma. So that sentence
was written: The parents are very embarrassed, while the parents of the victim was
4) Another case is the lack of use of a comma in detail, as in the sentence: Doni, Reza,
Septian and Chiko are always students who violate school rules ... Supposedly after
Septian name, before conjunctions coupled with commas.
5) Other examples are the sentence: "Let's work really do not idle". The sentence
should read: "Come on, work hard, do not be lazy!"
Mistakes use of a comma (,) is as much as 48.88%.
c. Use of Quote
Improper use of quotes contained in the title essay writing are enclosed in quotation
marks, as in the following example: "There is no food in the house", and "New
Children". Error writing quotes totaled 27.27%.
d. Use of Prepositions in, to and Prefix di-
In the writings of students found the following forms:
a. home, there, the river, there, the place where, above, to school, his room, the
hospital, the house of his friend, here, on a compound, where, dwelling, outside,
diwarnet, a village, diwarung ..., while,'s gate, ketongkrongan, where also, here,
backward, floor, future, in an area, town to a hospital, around us, in the cup lights,.
All forms was preceded by a preposition that writing should be separated.
b. The store, on discover, learn, in ujiankan, in threatened, were invited, to two, to
three, in just do it, in the array, at the start, to two, in intruksikan, in the mad,
stacked, in mess ,. All the word is preceded by affixes (prefix), then it must be
written together.
Improper use of prepositions in, to and prefix in- amounted to 34.09%.

e. Writing Klitika or Particle

Error writing particles contained in the following sentences:
malampun, they aught, yasinanpun begun, even now. Particles in these words should
be written separated.
Error writing klitik seen in the following forms:
for me, in your life, you realize, you know, about you, when you,, your future, my
Hidayah shuttle. Klitik my, thy, and it ought to be written together with the words
that followed, or followed it.
Improper use of particles and kilitika amounted to 16.98%.
f. Writing word raw photo
Word errors / ketidakbakuan writing words contained in contoh-
The following example:
Memperihatinkan, Negri, this hour, kaka, kpd, age, tau, often, caught, why, drunk-
mabokan, respectively ", kake, advice, prayers, meroko, cool, cuman, the theme (his
friend), situpai,, sholeha (youth ), pinta, interrogation, age, mall, thinking, ajah,
Calling, sd, shake (shaking his head), because, perdamayan, exhausted, mod, he
(yes), which, with, jail, inclusion, intruksikan,'s wedding, kesukaanya , tired, tired,
advised, accountable, junior, shows, fositif, gehger.

The correct word to the words above are: Concern, the State, a number of the
older brother, to, age, know, every so often, unknown, why, drunkenness,
grandfather, counsel, pray, smoke, fun, just, friends (his friend), pious (youth)
interrogation, the mall / shopping, think, ajah, Calling, sd, shake (shaking his head),
because, perdamayan, fatigue, vigor, yes, that, with, ignorant, insert, instruct,
marriage, favorite, tired, tired, advising, accountable, junior, showed positive,

Word errors amounted to 10%.

g. Use of Signs Point

Inaccuracy use dot especially news sentences that do not wear point on the end of a
sentence or phrase that should have been completed and marked the point, even by
Error writing a dot (.) 13.93%.

2. Morphology
In the morphological level errors that arise include selecting mistake berimbuhan
said. As in the example of the following sentences:
a. Vo holds hand as a greeting of friendship and Dina also replied
office hands of Vo.
b. Dina and Vo around the city are again solid-solid state.
c. The disciples also passed away school.
d.Mereka went bergerombolan home
e.Motor it was parked at a distance;
f. Hasan and his friends mengajaki greetings to Satria;
g. Doni and his friends tongkrongannya berjanjian in place.
Notching the words in these sentences can be improved to be:
a. The form should be converted into Vo and Dina shook hands as
sign of friendship between them.
b. Dina and Vo around the City of Jakarta is very solid.
c. The disciples came home from school.
d. They went in groups to the house.
e. Motorcycle was parked in a somewhat distant;
f. Hasan and his friends invite Satria to shake hands;
g. Doni and his friends arranged to meet at a place tongkrongannya.
Another mistake at the level of morphology writing morpheme base and morpheme
separated, as in the assault, his attitude, his other, arrived who, when his other, his,
report them, in the mad, diizin right, his helpfulness, to esokan, se arriving , her father,
her everyday, her mother, her children, her fortune, her day, buy her, was not it.
Supposedly free morpheme and morpheme that follow / followed written together, not
3. Syntax
At the level found several errors following syntax:
a. I occupied the third grade students of SMP.
b. I do not understand English learn.
c. Ali also confess guilt himself.
d. He was taken to the hospital were found.
e. They steal because their needs are not sufficient.
f. A village that became peaceful.
g. Usually among teens who become targets promiscuity, ...,
h. One day in the city of Bandung there are a bunch of teenagers.
i. Finally the police know their hiding place.
j. Which resulted in them could be their meroko is one of promiscuity or
less attention to their parents.
k. Therefore, as parents should be careful, on their children do so
they do not fall into the right path.
l. After knowing the chronological events that occurred ...
m. He tells her that he will get a bonus ...,
n. So do not be easily trusted others,
o. A village that was to be peaceful, happy, and peaceful.
DAPT sentences changed to:
a. I sat in my grade 3 junior or a class IX student of SMP.
b. I do not understand English lessons.
c. Ali also confess guilt.
d. He was taken to the hospital by people who find it.
e. They steal because their needs are not met.
f. It becomes a peaceful village.
g. Usually among teens who were subjected to promiscuity, ...,
h. In Bandung there are a bunch of teenagers ...
i. Eventually their hiding places known to police.
j. Which causes them to smoke is one of promiscuity or lack
attention from their parents.
k. Therefore, parents must be responsive to the behavior of their children so
they do not fall into the wrong path.
l. After finding out the chronology of events that ...
m. He tells his son that he would get a bonus ...,
n. So do not easily trust others,
o. The village became a peaceful, happy, and peaceful.

Errors found in text language eksemplum written by the students due to lack of insight
into the rules-studentkebahasan rule in Indonesian or forgotten. To overcome these teachers
should be facilitated by submitting rules in Indonesian language. Charge their linguistic
characteristics text on Curriculum 2013 give a good contribution to improving students' insight
about the rules in the Indonesian language. The thing to note is that the linguistic knowledge was
not limited to science, but must be applied in the practice of students' language, both orally and in
writing. Socialization rules of the new language also needs to be immediately communicated to
the students so that students follow the development of language bias occurs.

D. conclusion
Based on these studies it can be concluded that:
1. There are some errors language of the student that includes spelling, morphology, and
2. Spelling errors include the use of capital letters, italics, comma, quotes, writing
prepositions and prefixes, use klitik and particles, using words that are not standard, and
the use of the word clothing.
3. Morphological errors include the selection of a less precise form of words and the writing
of a free morpheme and morpheme separated.
4. Syntax error occurred because the level of sentences that are used are not effective.
5. To enhance students' understanding and ability to apply the rules of correct language,
teachers need to facilitate this effort. Extra charge of language in the curriculum of 2013
was a positive step to improve understanding and applying the skills of the language

E. Acknowlegdement

Our gratitude goes to Dr. H. Rohmat Tri Sudrajat, M.Pd. as a guide in the
preparation of this journal, Chairman of Indonesian Education Master program, Dr. Teti
Sobari, M. Pd., The lecturer Master of Indonesian Education and Teachers' Training
JLER editorial team Siliwangi Bandung. Hopefully this article was published in the
journal feasible.

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