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Q. Blood transfusion:
a) Define blood transfusion
b) What are the tests to be done before blood transfusion ?
c) What is autologous blood transfusion ?

Q. Blood transfusion:
a) What are the indications of blood transfusion ?
b) Mention the components of blood ?
c) What is transfusion trigger ?

Q. Massive blood transfusion:

a) Define Massive blood transfusion.
b) What are the side effects of massive blood transfusion ?
c) What are the investigations you will do before blood transfusion?

Q. Transfusion reaction:
a) What are the immune mediate transfusion reaction?
b) How febrile transfusion reaction occur ?
c) Why blood grouping & cross matching is needed before infusion of dextran ?

Q. Patient having hemophilia developed acute appendicitis :

a) How will you optimize the patient before surgery ?
b) How will you take family history ?
c) What is the basis of genetic abnormality ?

Q. Tumor:
a) Define Tumor?
b) How will you differentiate benign tumor and malignant Tumor ?
c) What are the hallmarks of malignant tumor?

Q. Screening:
a) Define screening?
b) What are the criteria of a good screening?
c) What is stage shift?

Q. Radiotherapy:
a) Role of radiotherapy in surgery
b) What are the limitation of radiotherapy?
c) Mechanism of action of radiotherapy ?

Q. Tumor marker:
a) Define tumor marker.
b) Mention three uses of tumor marker in surgery.
c) Classify tumor marker.
Q. Diagnostic imaging:
a) What are the information need to mention in a imaging request card ?
b) Mention the simple system for checking a X Ray film.
c) Mention two hazards of imaging .

Q. Uses:
What are the uses of ultrasonograph in surgery

Q. CT Scan & MRI:

a) What are the role of CT scan in surgery ?
b) What are the hazards of CT scan
c) Is CT scan superior to MRI to delineate soft tissue ?
Q. 1
a) Name different incision of laparotomy. Why draping & painting are needed for any surgery ?
b) What are the operations can be done by midline incision (at least 5) ?
c) what are the advantages & disadvantages of midline incision .

Q. 2
a) Name 4 operations which can be performed by right upper paramedian incision.
b) What structures are cut down in laparotomy by this incision.?
c) What are the advantages and disadvantages of midline incision.

Q. 3
a) What are the steps of excision of sebaceous cyst ?
b) What are the complications of sebaceous cyst ?
c) How do you handle a case of infected sebaceous cyst ?

Q. 4
a) What are the indication of suprapubic cystostomy ?
b) Tell the steps of open cystostomy operation .
c) Difference between open suprapubic cystostomy and suprapubic puncture .

Q. 5
a) What are the incisions of appendicectomy ?
b) Mention the steps of appendicectomy operation .
c) How will you proceed for burst appendix ?

Q. 6
a) What is pneumothorax ? Tell some causes of pneumothorax.
b) How do you prepare a case of tension pneumothorax ?
c) How do you put a water seal chest drain?

Q. 8
a) What are the common surgical indications of blood transfusion?
b) What are the common hazards of blood transfusion ?
c) How do you manage a case of mismatch blood transfusion ?

Q. 9
a) Tell the procedure of perianal abscess drainage.
b) What are the complications may arise if patient remains untreated ?
c) Tell the post operative care of this patient .

Q. 10
a) What do you mean by Herniotomy , Hernioplasty & Herniorraphy.
b) What are the structures cut down to enter into the inguinal canal ?
c) What are the tissue planes of mesh placement ?
Q. 11
a) Tell the steps of drainage of breast abscess of a lactating woman .
b) What advice will you give the patient after surgery ?
c) How will you investigate a case of chronic breast abscess ?

Q. 12
a) What are the common sites of I/v cannulation?
b) Name some conditions where venisection needed .
c) Tell the steps of venisection .

Q. 13
a) Tell the steps of Lord ,s technique for hydrocele operation .
b) What are the other methods of hydrocele operation ? what are the specialty of skin closure of
scrotum ?
c) What are the complication of hydrocele operation ?

Q. 14
a) What do you mean by vasectomy ? Tell the purpose of vasectomy .
b) Steps of vasectomy operation .
c) What are the complications of vasectomy ?

Q. 15
a) What are the different ostomies from stomach to sigmoid colon ?
b) What are the difference between colostomy & ileostomy ?
c) What are the complications of colostomy ?

Q. 16
a) What are the causes of tendon injury ?
b) What are the methods of tendon repair ?
c) Tell the steps of modified casler method of tendon repair.

Q. 17
a) How many ports are needed for laparoscopic cholecystectomy ? Tell the uses of those ports .
b) Why & How pneumoperitoneum is created ?
c) Tell some examples of laparoscopic procedure other than the cholecystectomy.

Q. 18
a) Define biopsy . what are the methods of biopsy ?
b) What are the criteria for taking incisional biopsy from large skin lesion ?
c) Which types of biopsy would you select in suspected malignant Breast lump ?

Q. 19
a) What are the causes of breast lump ?
b) Tell the triple assessment .
c) Tell the steps of operation of breast fibroadenoma.
Q. 20
a) What do you mean by diagnostic laparotomy & laparoscopy ?
b) Tell some condition where diagnostic laparoscopy done .
c) Tell the steps of diagnostic laparoscopy .

Q. A 40 year old women presented with blood stained nipple discharge with a sub areolar lump for 3
a) What are the possible causes?
b) How will you investigate her?
c) How will you treat her

Q. A 40 year old women presented with skin excoriation of & serosanguinous discharge from Rt nipple
a) Tell me two common causes of such condition.
b) How will you differentiate them?
c) Outline the treatment of each.

Q. A young stout 20 year old lady presented with a hard lump in her Rt breast after 3 weeks following a
a) What is the most likely cause of this lump?
b) How will you confirm your diagnosis?
c) Outline a management plan of this patient.

Q. A Lactating lady presented with a painful tender breast lump & with fever
a) What is the most possible cause ?
b) How will you investigate and manage her ? Tell me the pathogenesis of this condition .
c) What are the complications of operation in such patient ?

Q. A 35 year old woman complains of cyclical pain with nodularity of her both brests
a) What is your diagnosis
b) How will you counsel the patient?
c) How will you treat her?

Q. A 42 year old women presented with smooth a fluctuant & nontender swelling in her breast
a) What is your diagnosis ?
b) How will your in investigate her ?
c) Outline your management plan.

Q. A 50 year old women presented with a painless hard lump in upper outer quadrant of Rt. breast
a) How will you asses her ?
b) What are the modalities of treatment of breast cancer.
c) What are the risk factors of breast cancer.

Q. A 20 year old woman presented with non tender mobile lump in her lt breast for 6 months.
a) What is the most probable cause ?
b) How will you assess her?
c) What is your management plan?

a) What are the modalities of treatment of breast cancer?
b) What are the operations done for carcinoma breast?
c) What are the complications of mastectomy with axillary surgery?
Q. A 25 year old women presented with painless enlargement of breast
a) What is your diagnosis
b) What are the causes of this condition
c) How will you manage her?

a) What are the modalities of treatment of breast abscess ?
b) What will happen to breast abscess if treated with antibiotic only.
c) How will you manage such cases?

a) What is ANDI
b) What are the pathology of ANDI?
c) Outline the management plan of ANDI

a) What are the risk factors of developing breast carcinoma?
b) What are the modifiable risk factors?
c) How breast cancer can be detected at early stage?

Q. A 50 year old women presented with 3 cm mobile breast lump & single involved axillary lymph
node. FNAC showed duct cell carcinoma
a) What is her TNM stage of disease ?
b) What are the clinical stage of breast carcinoma
c) Outline the management of early breast cancer.
Q. 1
a) What are the routinely available liver function tests?
b) Mention 3 important liver function tests of surgical significance.
c) How coagulopathy is measured & corrected?

Q. 2
a) What are the common imaging of hepatobiliary & pancreatic lesion?
b) Describe a normal USG imaging of hepatobiliary & pancreatic system.
c) What are the advantages of USG?

Q. 3
a) What are the common infections of hepatobiliary system?
b) What are the clinical feature of amoebic liver abscess?
c) How will you manage hydatid cyst of liver?

a) What are the surgical causes of hepatomegaly?
b) What are the common tumors that metastasize in liver?
c) What are the common risk factors for primary hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)?

Q. 5
a) What are the indications of splenectomy?
b) How will you prepare a patient for elective splenectomy?
c) What are complications of splenectomy?

Q. 6
a) What are the common presentations of splenic rupture?
b) What are the plain radiological features of splenic rupture?
c) What are the post operative (Immediate/ late) complications of splenic rupture?

Q. 7
a) Name the imaging studies of gallbladder & biliary tract.
b) Role of USG in biliary tract disease.
c) What are the indications of ERCP?

Q. 8 A 40 year old woman presented sudden severe right upper abdominal pain , fever & vomiting after
a fatty meal
a) What is the most probable diagnosis?
b) What are other possibilities?
c) How will you evaluate this patient?
d) What is the definitive management / treatment plan?

Q. 9
a) What is 'trimodal distribution of death' following major trauma?
b) What are the causes of death following trauma?
c) How can you minimize early causes of death ?
Q. 10
a) What is mass casualty ?
b) What is triage?
c) Why triage is needed in mass casualty?
Vascular Disorder

Q. A 30 year old male smoker complains of cramping pain in leg during walking after 1 mile distance. He
rests for 10 minuets & again feels pain on walking after 1 mile.
a) What is your diagnosis?
b) How will you examine the patient?
c) How will you manage him?

Q. A 45 year old male presented with pain on his foot for 2 months with blackening of toe tips for 15
days .
a) What is your diagnosis ?
b) What are the causes of this condition ?
c) How will you counsel him & treat ?

a) What is gangrene ?
b) How will you classify it?
c) What are the clinical features of gangrene?

a) What is pre-gangrene
b) What is wet gangrene?
c) Tell me the pathogenesis of strangulation of inguinal hernia.

a) What is disappearing pulse?
b) What is harvey ,s sign ?
c) What is leriche's syndrome?

a) What are the causes of chronic limb ischemia?
b) What are the non-surgical management of arterial stenosis or occlusion.
c) What are the surgical options of chronic limb ischemia?

a) What are the causes of arterial occlusion?
b) What are the effect of arterial occlusion on different parts / organs?
c) What are the factors of severity of arterial occlusion?

a) What are the causes of arterial occlusion?
b) How will you differentiate them ?
c) What are the surgical options for acute arterial occlusion?

a) What is amputation?
b) What are the indications of amputation?
c) What is the principle of below knee amputation?
a) What is aneurysm?
b) Classify aneurysm.
c) What is the pre- operative management of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm?

a) Define Buerger's Disease
b) What is Raynaud,s disease ?
c) What is Raynaud,s syndrome?

a) What is varicose vein & varicocele?
b) What are the investigations for vascular disorder?
c) How will you manage varicose vein of lower limb

Q. A 60 year old obese woman undergone total abdominal hysterectomy . On 2nd post operative day she
complains of pain ,redness & gross swelling of right lower limb .
a) What is your diagnosis?
b) What are the risk factors of this condition?
c) How will you manage her?
a) What is hemangioma?
b) Classify it. Mention the types of capillary hemangioma.
c) What is the cardinal feature of cavernous hemangioma . Tell me the management of this.

a) What is cystic hygroma?
b) What are the location of it ?
c) Manage a case of cystic hygroma.
a) What is (Define) lymphedema?
b) Classify lymphedema.
c) What are the options of management of lymphedema?

a) What is goiter ,dominant thyroid nodule & solitary thyroid nodule?
b) What are the essential investigations of a thyroid nodule?
c) Name some operative procedures of thyroid gland.

a) Classify hypo thyroidism.
b) What are the clinical features of cretinism.
c) How will you detect cretinism at birth and prevent further complication.

a) Classify thyroid enlargement/causes of thyroid enlargement.
b) Tell me the natural history of multinodular goiter
c) What are the complication of multinodular goiter/How will you prevent & treat multinodular
a) What is hyperthyroidism & thyrotoxicosis?
b) What are the clinical types of hyperthyroidism?
c) What are the features of Grave's disease?

Q. A 35 year old woman presented with palpitation, hot intolerance, weight loss & leg swelling .O/E
thyroid gland is uniformly enlarged & soft . There is proptosis of both eye ball
a) What is you diagnosis?
b) How will you evaluate?
c) What is the principle of treatment of such patient?

a) Classify thyroid neoplasm.
b) What are the prognostic criteria for differentiated Thyroid cancer?
c) What are the surgical options?

a) Classify hyperparathyroidism.
b) What are the typical clinical features of primary hyperparathyroidism?
c) How will you manage a case of primary hyperparathyroidism?

a) What are causes of hyperparathyroidism?
b) What is tetany, Chvostek's sign and Trousseau's sign?
c) How will you manage a case of hyperparathyroidism/tetany?

a) What are the hormones produced by adrenal gland?
b) What are the functions of these hormone?
c) What is Conn,s syndrome?
a) What is Cushing syndrome?
b) Classify cushing syndrome.
c) What are the clinical features of cushing syndrome?

a) What are the primary & secondary thyrotoxicosis?
b) What are the manifestations of primary thyrotoxicosis /graves disease?
c) What are the cardiac sequelae of thyrotoxicosis?

a) What is the principal of management of thyrotoxicosis?
b) What are the pre operative preparation of thyroid surgery with thyrotoxicosis?
c) What are the options of treatment of thyrotoxicosis?
d) What are the advantages & disadvantages of thyrodectomy?
e) What are the advantages and disadvantages of radioiodine therapy?

a) Name some operations of thyroid gland surgery.
b) What are the indications of thyroid operation?
c) What are the complication of thyroid surgery?

a) What is Pheochromocytoma ?
b) What are the classical presentation of pheochromocytoma?
c) Why pheochromocytoma is called 10% tumor?

a) What are the pancreatic endocrine tumor?
b) What are the manifestations of Insulinoma?
c) How can you manage a case of Gastrinoma?
d) How is insulinoma diagnosis?

Trauma, Burn & Plastic

a) What is triage ?
b) Mention the essential phases of triage.
c) Differentiate multiple & mass casualty.

a) What is the principle of management of trauma patient?
b) What are the components of it?
c) What is the philosophy of primary survey?
a) What are the trimodal distribution of death ?
b) How disabilities of a patient is assessed?
c) What are the adjuncts to the primary survey ?

a) What do you mean by secondary survey?
b) What is the purpose of secondary survey?
c) What do you mean by AMPLE history?

a) How can you maintain airway in trauma victim?
b) What do you mean by definitive airway ?
c) What is the simple method of maintain airway?

a) Classify head injury .
b) What do you mean by primary & secondary brain injury?
c) What are the causes of secondary brain injury?

a) What is GCS
b) What are the fields of assessment in GCS ?
c) How they are scored?

a) What is lucid interval?
b) Describe the mechanism of it.
c) What are the signs of base of skull fracture?

a) What is the mechanism of extradural hemorrhage?
b) What is the common site & source of blood in EDH?
c) What is the CT scan finding in EDH?

a) What is subdural hemorrhage
b) What is the source of blood in subdural hemorrhage
c) what is the CT scan findings in SDH?
a) What are the causes of different nerve injuries ?
b) How will you recognize them?
c) How will you treat median nerve entrapment at wrist ?

a) What is spinal shock ?
b) What is neurogenic shock ?
c) How will you recognize/manage spinal /neurogenic shock?
A 25 year taxi driver sustained chest injury on a RTA. He was in a state of shock.
a) What might be the causes of his shock?
b) How will you recognize / differentiate them?
c) How will you manage obstructive shock in such case ?

a) What do you mean by "deadly dozen" threats to life from chest injury.
b) What are the immediately life threatening injuries ?
c) What are the potential life threatening injuries?

a) What is massive haemothorax ?
b) How will you immediately manage a case of massive haemothorax ?
c) What are the indication of thoracotomy in such case ?

a) What is flail chest ?
b) What is "stove-in" chest ?
c) How will you manage a case of flail chest ?

a) How will you rapidly assess abdominal injury?
b) What are the advantages of FAST ?
c) On which areas FAST is focused ?

a) Name the organs those are commonly injured by blunt abdominal trauma .
b) Mention the general principle of managing solid abdominal organ injury.
c) How can you summarize operative management of liver injury ?

a) How many ways splenic injured patient can present ?
b) Describe the classical presentation of splenic injury ?
c) Point out the plain radiological findings of splenic injury .

a) What is abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) ?
b) What are the effects of raised intra abdominal pressure on different system?
c) What is the principle of management of ACS ?

a) What is damage control surgery ?
b) What are the goals of damage control surgery ?
c) What are the stages of damage control surgery ?
a) What is burn ?
b) Classify burn according to cause .
c) What are the warning signs of respiratory burn ?

a) What is scald ?
b) Classify burn according to depth.
c) How can you differentiate superficial from deep burn ?

a) what is burn & scald ?
b) How can you assess extent of burn injury ?
c) What are the principles of prehospital care of burn patient ?

a) What are the major determinants of outcome of burn ?
b) How can you recognize potential burn airway ?
c) Principle of hospital care of burn patient .

a) How will you assess the area of burn ?
b) How will you assess the depth of burn ?
c) How will you calculate required amount of fluid for resuscitation ?

a) How will calculate burn area ?
b) How will you assess the depth of burn ?
c) Outline the management of burn patient ?

a) What is burn ?
b) What are the causes of non-thermal burn ?
c) What are the local / systemic complications of burn ?

a) What is skin graft ?
b) What is flap ?
c) Type of skin graft and flap ?

a) What is flap ?
b) Classify flap ?
c) What are the advantages / disadvantages of flap ?
a) What is skin graft ?
b) Classify skin graft ?
c) What are the advantages / disadvantages of partial thickness skin graft ?

a) What is flap ?
b) What are the basic pattern of local flap ?
c) What are the advantages / disadvantages of local flap ?

a) What is triage ?
b) What are the phases of triage ?
c) Describe the triage categories ?

a) What is crush syndrome ?
b) What is the pathogenesis of crush syndrome ?
c) How will you manage a patient with crush syndrome ?

a) What is compartment syndrome ?
b) What are the common causes of compartment syndrome?
c) How will you take immediate measures in a case of compartment syndrome ?

a) What are the abnormal scars ?
b) How will you differentiate them?
c) What are the risk factors of developing them ?
d) How can you manage these?

a) What is abscess ?
b) What is the pathogenesis of an abscess ?
c) How will you treat an abscess ?

a) What is boil ?
b) What are other names , according to different sites ?
c) What is the principle of treatment of these?

a) What is cellulitis ? How does it differ from abscess ?
b) What is erysipelas & impetigo ? How will you treat it ?
c) What is necrotizing fasciitis ? What are the predisposing factors ? Tell me the principle of
treatment of it ?

a) Explain Courvoisier's law ?
b) What are the causes of (at least 4 ) palpable Gall Bladder ?
c) How will you differentiate them clinically ?

a) Classify pancreatic neoplasm ?
b) How pancreatic head neoplasm diagnosed ?
c) Mention the surgical options for pancreatic head tumor ?

a) Define & classify intestinal stoma .
b) What are the common complications of a stoma ?
c) How will you manage them ?

a) What do you mean by inflammatory bowel disease ?
b) How does a patient with Crohn's disease/Ulcerative colitis presents ?
c) Mention the extra intestinal manifestation of ulcerative colitis .

a) What is intestinal obstruction ?
b) Classify intestinal obstruction ?
c) Describe the pathophysiology of intestinal obstruction.

a) What do you mean by strangulation ?
b) Mention the causes of closed loop obstruction .
c) Describe the pathology of strangulated inguinal hernia .

a) What is volvulus ?
b) Classify volvulus ?
c) Describe the radiological features of sigmoid volvulus ?

a) What are the predisposing factors of volvulus ?
b) What is 'ileosigmoid knot' ?
c) How will you manage a case of sigmoid volvulus ?

a) What are the classical presentation of acute appendicitis ?
b) What are the contra indications for appendicectomy in case of acute appendicitis ?
c) Mention the criteria for postponement of conservative treatment of an appendicular lump ?
a) What is acute appendicitis ?
b) What are the sequelae of acute appendicitis mass ?
c) How will you manage a case of appendix mass ?

a) Mention the risk factors of carcinoma rectum ?
b) How will you investigate a case of carcinoma rectum ?
c) What are the surgical option of a case of carcinoma rectum ?

a) What is hematochezia ?
b) What are the causes of it ?
c) How will you evaluate a case of suspected carcinoma ascending colon ?

a) How does a carcinoma of right colon / left colon/rectum patient presents ?
b) How will you evaluate it ?
c) Mention the surgical options for carcinoma ascending/descending/sigmoid colon/rectum.

a) What are the painful anorectal conditions ?
b) Mention the clinical features of perianal abscess / anal fissure .
c) How will you treat anal fissure .
a) Classify perianal abscess .
b) What are the presentation of perianal abscess ?
c) Mention the operative detail of a perianal abscess ?

a) What is hemorrhoid ?
b) Classify it .
c) Mention the principle of management of hemorrhoid .
a) What is fistula in ano?
b) Classify it .
c) Mention the treatment options for fistula in ano.

Q. A 35 year old man complains of periodic epigastric pain and heart burn for 1 year .
a) What is your most probable diagnosis ?
b) What are the common sites of this type of lesion ?
c) How will you manage him ?

a) What are the operation for duodenal ulcer disease ?
b) Define & mention the types of vagotomy .
c) Mention the principle of highly selective vagotomy.
Q. A 30 year old man suffering from peptic ulcer for 1 year.
a) What are the complications he may develop?
b) Describe the features of most common complications of duodenal ulcer .
c) What are the metabolic change occurs in pyloric stenosis? How will you correct it ?

a) Mention the common sites of perforation of peptic ulcer ?
b) What is the presentation of perforation of peptic ulcer?
c) How will you resuscitate such a patient ?

a) What are the causes of GI tract bleeding ?
b) Name and define different types of GI bleeding .
c) How will you manage upper GI bleeding ?

Q. A patient vomits after feeding .

a) What are causes of it ?
b) What will happen if he is not properly treated ?
c) How such patient can be managed ?

Q. A 50 year old man presents with recent history of dyspepsia, gross weight loss & vomiting after each
a) What is your diagnosis ?
b) What other ways such patient can present ?

Pediatric Surgery

Q. A 6 month old boy presented with abdominal pain, vomiting and passage of blood mixed stool,
a) What is your provisional diagnosis ?
b) What are the physical signs you may find in this case ?
c) Mention the imaging findings you may get in this case ?

Q. A 6 month old boy presents with prolapse of some portion of intestine through anus
a) What might be the causes of this condition ?
b) How will you differentiate them clinically ?
c) What are the management options for rectal prolapse ?
a) Classify congenital ano rectal anomalies?
b) Mention the operations for low varieties .
c) How will you manage a high variety .
c) How will you evaluate & prepare for operation ?


a) Name the routinely available tests for liver functions?
b) Tell me about lobes and segments of liver.
c) What is its importance ?

Q. A 10 year old boy presented jaundice , fever & episodic right hypocondriac pain for 15 days . On
examination there is a lump in right upper abdomen…
a) What is the most probable cause ?
b) How will you investigate him ?
c) How will you treat him?

Q. A 50 year old woman found to have a stone in gall bladder

a) What are the complications she may develop ?
b) What are the effects might she have if the stone slips in the CBD ?
c) How does a gall stone cause intestinal obstruction ?

Q. A 40 year woman presented with fluctuating jaundice, generalized itching & pale stool
a) What are the probable causes ?
b) How will you investigate her ?
c) What are the treatment option if she has a 8 mm stone in CBD .

Q. A 50 year old male presented with vague right hypochondriac pain . On examination he had no
jaundice but a nontender smooth surface mass was found in right hypochondriac region
a) What is your diagnosis ?
b) What is the pathogenesis of this candition ?
c) How will you investigate & treat him ? What are the complications he may develop if he is left

Q. A 40 year old woman presented with severe right upper abdominal pain , fever & vomiting. On
examination a tender globular mass was found in right hypochondriac region
a) What is your diagnosis ?
b) What is pathogenesis of this condition ?
c) Outline your management plan ?

Q. A 60 year old man presented with painless progressive jaundice with palpable gall bladder
a) What is your diagnosis ?
b) How will your investigate the patient ?
c) How will your prepare the patient before operation?
Q. A 15 year old boy presented with jaundice generalized itching & pale stool
a) What is your impression?
b) What are the causes of his condition ?
c) Mention your investigation plan.

Q. A 30 year old man presented with vague upper abdominal pain & a huge mass . He had a history of
severe abdominal pain 2 month back
a) What is the most probable cause ?
b) How will you manage him ?
c) What are the complications he may arise if left untreated ?

a) What is choledocholithotomy ?
b) What are the indications of this operation ?
c) What is the management algorithm of T-tube after choledocholithotomy .

a) What is cholecystectomy ?
b) What are the indications of cholecystectomy ?
c) What are the procedure & complication of cholecystectomy ?
Pediatric Surgery

a) Tell some conditions of congenital facial defect.
b) What are the embryological basis of cleft lip & palate?
c) Tell the management of cleft lip.
a) Tell some causes of congenital neck swelling.
b) How will you clinically diagnose a case of cystic hygroma of neck?
c) What are pathogenesis of cystic hygroma?

a) Tell the clinical features of a hydrocephalus baby.
b) Whatare the investigations can be done for diagnosis of hydrocephalus with findings?
c) What operation is needed for hydrocephalus?

a) Tell 5 malignant condition of pediatric age group.
b) How can you differentiate benign from malignant tumor?
c) Tell the options of treatment of malignant tumour.

a) Tell some midline swelling of a 8 year boy.
b) How will you differentiate thyroglossal cyst clinically from other swelling with explanation.
c) Tell the treatment of thyroglossal cyst.

a) What do you mean by meningocele,myelo meningocele & encephalocele?
b) Tell the embryogenic basis of this condition.
c) What are the conditions/complications of lumbosacral myelo meningocele.

a) What are the clinical features of congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis?
b) What are the investigations you suggest for diagnosis of this case ? Tell the findings of
c) What is the operation of this condition?

a) Tell some causes of neonatal intestinal obstruction.
b) What are the clinical features of intestinal obstruction?
c) Tell the principle of treatment of intestinal obstruction.

a) Tell the causes of umbilical discharge in a baby.
b) What are the differences between umbilical granuloma & umbilical polyp?
c) What are the embryological basis of patent vitellointestinal duct ?
a) Classify the umbilical pathology.
b) Tell the clinical feature of umbilical Hernia.
c) Tell the treatment of this condition.

a) What do you mean by omphalocele & gastroschisis?
b) Tell the embryological basis of these conditions.
c) What is the treatment of omphalocele.

a) What are the causes of inguinoscrotal swelling of a 5 years boy?
b) How will you differentiate encysted hydrocele of cord from other swelling?
c) What are the treatments of hernia of this age & why ?

a) Tell 4 causes of acute testicular pain.
b) How will you clinically differentiate this conditions? How will you confirm it?
c) Tell the treatment of testicular torsion according to time of presentation.

a) What do you mean by ectopic testis, undescended testis & retractile testis & vanishing testis?
b) Tell the embryogenic basis of first two conditions.
c) How will you counsel the parent of a boy with undescended testis?

a) What do you mean by hypospadias & epispadias?
b) What are the clinical presentation of a hypospadic boy?
c) What is the treatment of hypospadias & How will you counsel the parent?

a) What do you mean by phimosis & paraphimosis?
b) What are the clinical presentations of these two conditions ?
c) Tell the treatment of such conditions.

a) What are the causes of post circumcision bleeding ?
b) How will you manage a case of post circumcision bleeding?
c) How will you counsel the parents of a hemophilia boy?

a) What are the causes of per rectal bleeding of 10 years boy?
b) How will you differentiate the rectal polyp from rectal prolapse by clinical examination?
c) What are the treatment options of these two condition?
a) What are the clinical features of Hirschsprung's disease ?
b) What are the investigations will you suggest for this condition ?
c) What is confirmatory test for this condition with possible findings?

a) What are the congenital deformities of foot?
b) What are the treatment options of club foot?
c) What are the complication may arise if the condition remain untreated?

a) What are the causes of urinary stone disease?
b) How will you evaluate it?
c) What are the treatment options according to site and size of the stone?

a) What are the organism responsible for UTI? Write down the causes of UTI?
b) How will you evaluate it?
c) What are the treatment options ?

a) What is hypospadias and epispadias?
b) What are the types of hypospadias and indication for operation?
c) What is the appropriate age of operation?

a) What are the common causes of urethral injuries?
b) How will you evaluate and manage such kind of patient?

a) What are the indications of circumcision?
b) How will you evaluate a patient before circumcision?
c) What are the methods of circumcision? Describe the steps of circumcision?

Q. 50 year old male presented with lower urinary tract symptoms

a) What is LUTS?
b) How will you assess a patient with LUTS?
c) Describe the treatment options of BEP.

a) What is TURP?
b) What are the other methods of prostatectomy?
c) How will you counsel a man undergoing prostatectomy?

a) What are the clinical features of Ca prostate?
b) How will you differentiate Ca prostate from BEP clinically?
c) How will you investigate a patient with Ca prostate and describe the treatment options.

a) What are the causes of acute retention of urine?
b) What are the clinical features?
c) How will you manage such patient? Tell the steps of urethral catheterization.

a) What are the types of urinary bladder stone?
b) Describe the clinical features?
c) Describe the treatment options for bladder stone.

a) What is hyrocele?
b) Describe the types and treatment options of hydrocele ?

a) Tell some painful conditions of scrotum?
b) How will you differentiate epididymo-orchitis and testicular torsion?
c) What are the treatment potions of testicular torsion?

a) What are the painful scrotal conditions?
b) Hoe will evaluate and manage Fournier’s gangrene?

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