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Wednesday 1/30/19 TASKS


3. Title a brand new page in your notebook:​ Genes
4. Write today’s date on the top right ​1/30/19
5. **Set a timer on Google for each section to stay on track**

Part 1:​ Grade Check and Reflection 5 MIN

1. Check your grades on ​Pinnacle Gradebook
2. Answer the following reflection questions ​IN YOUR NOTEBOOK:

A) What is your science grade so far?

B) What assignments are you missing/incomplete?

C) How do you feel your semester is going? What can you do to maintain your grade or
make it even better?

D) Are there any mistakes in the gradebook? If ​YES, ​please email me. In the email be
sure to include the: NAME, DATE, AND GRADE OF THE ASSIGNMENT you are
referring to.

Part 2:​ Write up 10 MIN.

1) Click on the ​Fit Bunnies Evidence ​ ​link.
3) Once you have completed your fit bunnies write up move on to​ ​Part 3.
_​ ______________________________________________________________________________________
Part 3:​ Finish Bill Nye Evolution Video ​if finished move on to
Part 4​. 20 MIN
1) Watch the ​Bill Nye Evolution Video
2) Answer the questions below​ I​IN YOUR NOTEBOOK

Bill Nye Evolution Video

1. ​_______________________ ​has been going on for billions of years.

2. Genes are made up of​______________________​_.
3. The chemistry of all living things is the same / different .
4. DNA is considered to be the building blocks of _​_______________________​__.
5. A human has __​______________________​_ chromosomes.
6. Giraffes have long necks so that they can _​_______________________​__ the leaves that others
animals can’t.
7. ​Highlight one choice​: Evolution by selection is a change that occurs over ​generations /
8. A paleontologist is a scientist that studies ___​_______________________​____.
9. The study of life through time is called __​_______________________​___.
10. ​Highlight one choice​: Humans have changed the environment ​faster / slower​ than most living
things can keep up.
11. A(n) _​_______________________​____ can show how life has changed on Earth.
12. Bird feathers and _____​_____________________​________ scales are made of the same things.
13. A ground sloth lived 12,000 years ago during the __​_______________________​_.
14. Natural selection is the changes of size and shape of living things in __​___________________​__.
15. __​______________________​__ was the scientist that developed the Theory of Evolution.

16. In your own words and in 5 sentences, explain what evolution is and how it works.

Part 4:​ Cont. with the “Bill Nye:Genes” Video 20 MIN
1. Click the link to watch the ​Bill Nye Genes Video​.
2. Watch and answer the following questions ​IN YOUR NOTEBOOK​:
1. Where do your genes come from?

2. What is inside every cell in your body?

3. What does DNA stand for?

4. What did Bill climb to get out of the Nye Lab?

5. How long is the DNA string model of science?

6. How many times longer is DNA than it is wide?

7. How does Bill define a Gene?

8. Why is the white blood cell dark on the computer screen?

9. What does the nucleus of the cell contain?

10. What can you do with DNA after you take it out of an organism?

11. What 2 organisms were combined to create the message to Bill in the petri dish?

12. What do genes do?

13. Mom tells Richie: Genes are the set of ​________________​__ _​____________​__ that get passed
down from ​___________​__to child. In the process, of course, the genetic material is
___​_______________​__ in new ways, which is why people bear resemblance to their
_​___________​_ and __​______________​__without looking like any one relative in particular.

14. What analogy does Bill use to describe the human set of chromosomes?

15. What is each chapter analogous to?

16. How many genes to humans have?

17. What do cells in the body not need to do? _​_____________________​___

18. Most species have fewer than _​______​__chromosomes but thousands and thousands of genes

19. Bill calls the babies “bundles of ___​_________________________​____”

20. The reproductive cell that a mother donates to her child is called the _​___

21. The number of cells needed to make a baby is: __​____________________

22. DNA is the _​________​__ print for the future

23. Earlobes can be _​____________​_or ___​_______________​__

24. A __​______​__is a piece of the _​________​__ molecule

25. The four chemicals of DNA are

26. The number of chromosomes that a ​mule foa​l has is _​___​__
27. The number of chromosomes that a ​horse ​has is _​____​_
28. The number of chromosomes that a ​donkey​ has is _​_____
29. In the demonstration, the ​____________​__ gene for rolling your tongue is represented by the
letter “R”
30. In the demonstration, the _​___________​__ gene for rolling your tongue is represented by the
letter “r”
31. If a person has the pattern RR, then the person __​______​ roll their tongue

32. If a person has the pattern Rr, then the person _​______​_ roll their tongue
33. If a person has the pattern rr, then the person _​______​_ roll their tongue
34. What is special about the turtle in this movie?
Part 5:​**** When all tasks are complete move on to the fossil
scavenger hunt posted on the google classroom****

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