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Atomic Structure IMPORTANT CONCEPTS FOR REVIE! ATOMIC STRUCTURE Constants Symbol __SiValue Speed of light in vaccum c 2.99 10° m/s 2.99 x 10! emis Proton & electron charge e 1.60 x 107°C 48x 10 esu ersitiity of vaccum £5 8.85 x 102 CN? Avogadro constant Ny 6.02 x 10% mot? 6.02 x 10 mor Electron rest mass m, 9.10 x 10° kg 0.000548. amu Proton rest mass mp 1.67 x 1077 kg 1.00757 amu ‘Neutron rest mass m, 1.67 x 10°? kg 1.00893 amu Planck constant h 6.62 x 10% ds 6.62 x 10 ergs Bohr magneton(BM) B, 9.27 x10" aT Gas constant R 83145 diimobk 0.0821 atmm-lit/ mol /K Boltzmann constant k 1.38 x 107 91K 1.30 x 10° ergk Gravitional constant G 6.67 x 10 mi/kg-s? 6.67 x 10% cmig-s* «Energy Conversion Factors Jeng = 107d Leal = 4.184 1.2 1.3 1 eV = 1.602177 x 10°45 = 1.602177 x 107 erg = 23.0605 kcal/mol STRUCTURE OF ATOM Rutherford's Model (a) Electrons, protons & neutrons are the most important fundamental particles of atoms of all elements (Except hydrogen) (0) ,X*, Mass number (A) = Atomic number (2) + number of neutrons (n} () R= R, (Aye 1.33 x10cm A= mass number 1) Fmavg= 52,» = distance of closest approach ,v, = inital velocity ofa o-partile Light (a) Photonis considered massless bundle of ener. o) E = me* (2) Eypcan = hV = hel k= he ¥ (a) a Mg 12MOeVnm no. of molecules reacting (6) Quantum efficiency or Quantum Yield = “Sof quania absorbed Bohr's Model 1 (2), Electrostatic force = “U"* where K = Gay = 9 X 10°Nem?/C? (b) Potential eneray due to electrostatic force = JEE-Chemistry 1.4 KQ (c)_ Potential due to a charge particle (Q) ata distance r = () Bohrquantizationrule — mur= np = nh (e) According to newtons second law in a uniform circular motion resultant of all the forces towards centre must be equal to ZY Kayag _ mv? ( E, n?me*K? 172 __2n°me*k? 42? _ z @ s whe 2 neon? Wo n= ope Wm Geen Z 2, 2K Z @ v= BEK2 Revolutions persec = w2zr (Time for one revolution = 2anv E. ()Ionisation energy = Eqain—Eyecren = ne Ede Spectral lines (a) Rydberg’s Equation 5-=¥=" (b). For First ine of a series ny = ny + 1 (c)_ Limiting spectral line (series mit) means ny = 9 (d) Hy line means n, = n,+1 : also known as line of longest A, shortest V , least E (€} Similarly Hy line means ny = n+ 2 (Number spectral ne observed inthe spectrum = 28=2 when e° de-excites to ground state , n = number of higher orbit | n=5 @ | | | nd Ea [= ™ Balmer "= = wl Atomic Structure 4.5 Photoelectric effect (a) Kinetic eneray where w = work function Vo = Threshhold frequency (b) Accelerating potential = eV = KE = Fit () Vi? =aleb) b sreening constant 41.6 De-broglie, Heisenberg & Schrodinger equations (a) Numberof waves (&) A= himv = hip principal quantum number (c) wavelength of electron (A) = \Winwois (@) AxAp > Wan Orbitalangular momentm = FAT () Spin angular momentum = S 2860 (@)_ Magnetic momentum (41) = ynfn+2) B.M.: n= number of unpaired electron (bh). Radial Nodes = (n=11) (Angular nodes = 1 @) Total nodes = (n-1) 4.7 Terms associated with elements (a) Isotopes (b}_Isobars (@}. Isotones (A-2) (@)Isoekectronic fe) sosters (0) Isodiaphers (A ~22) @)_ paramagnetic (h)_ Diamagnetic 41.8 Eleectromegnetic Spectrum Cosmic] y-rays | X-rays | Vaccum] UV |Visible| Near | Far — | Micro | Radio Rays uv IR | IR | Waves] Waves

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