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Literature Circles Final Project

Your project should be an overview of your book and highlight different

aspects about the story that you have found interesting. You can work in a
pair or on your own and if you would like to do something else that is not
listed here, see Ms. Gibbs for approval.

Project #1 – Essay Paper (On your own)

Develop a 5-paragraph essay defending OR denouncing your character.
● Clear thesis statement underlined.
● Three-body paragraphs
● Evidence for your argument
● Conclusion
● Must be organized in a proper essay format (MLA citation)

Project #2 – The Story Map/ timeline (On your own or group)

Develop a clear timeline or map of your book. This can include the rising
action, climax, falling action and resolution mapping out the story or timeline
of important events that happen throughout the story. This could include
pictures, quotes, and examples from the book to illustrate your timeline/

Project #3 – Character Diary (On your own or group)

Write a diary or journal that a character from your book might have kept.
Your diary must have at least 5 entries each entry must be at least a
paragraph. Make sure to discuss important events in the story from the
character's point of view. Remember that the character’s thoughts and
feelings are very important in a diary and may include poetry and pictures in
the diary.

Project #4 – Poster (On your own or group)

Create a visual poster of your book for students who have NOT read the
book. This includes a brief reflection about your poster and the decision that
you made while creating it and why you chose to include certain elements on
your poster.

Project #5 - Book Review (On your own)

Create a critical review of your book convincing other people why they
should or should not read this book. Include a brief summary of the book
with your review so people who have not read the book know what you are
talking about.
Literature Circles Final Project

On your own/ Who is in your group:


What book are you doing your project on?:


Which project?:

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