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The name of this organization shall be the Vietnamese Student Association [at San Diego State University],
hereafter referred to as VSA-SDSU.

The Vietnamese Student Association (VSA) at San Diego State University (SDSU) has been established since 1968.
The above logo has been adopted by members of VSA-SDSU as the official seal of this organization. (2005)


The aims of VSA-SDSU are to promote, educate, and preserve the Vietnamese culture and to invite others to learn
about us. We execute such functions as educational workshops, social events, cultural celebrations, and fundraising
drives in hope of furthering our goals and to serve the larger public community.


A. Eligibility
All students enrolled at San Diego State University, with an expressed interest in the Vietnamese culture are
welcome to join. Members of the above named organization shall be accepted without discrimination on the basis of
race, religion, national origin, disability, sex, sexual preference, age, creed, marital status, parental status or veterans
status. Furthermore, it is understood that members of the above organization will not, at any time, engage in hazing.
Membership eligibility within an SDSU organization in general shall be refer to the Official Student Organization
Handbook, published and amended annually by the Center for Student Activities and Campus Life (formerly known
as the Center for Student Involvement). Non-SDSU students are welcome to join VSA-SDSU as an affiliate
member. Non-SDSU students are NOT allowed to hold an office seat in VSA-SDSU.

B. Privilege of Membership
Members shall have the right to attend all meetings and participate in all VSA-SDSU-sponsored activities. "Special
Events" are for active members only. Members are not allowed to attend closed session meetings as defined in
Article IV Section K.

C. Dues
There are NO dues for this organization. Budget is generated from money allotted from SDSU’s Associated
Students (A.S.), grants from the Union of the Vietnamese Student Association of Southern California (UVSA
SoCal), Community supporters, and via fundraising events. Fees however, may be collected from members for
certain social events to help cover the cost and expenses. Members shall not pay no more than $5 per events.

D. Active Status
Members are responsible for attending majority of the general body meetings (GBM). Only in the case of an
emergency, test or class, shall a member be absent. If a member has a class on all of the dates set for meetings, they
can still be active only if they are active in their respective committees. Active members must attend at least four out
of six meetings per semester to qualify. Inactive status will confer to those who do not fulfill the previous

E. Revocation of Membership

Failure to comply with Article III, Section D, without having proper consent will result in active status revocation.

F. Committee Obligations
Active members must represent the committees they signed up for actively, to satisfy their officer. If the officer
cannot get any response from the committee member, they will contact the Internal Vice President for proper
disciplinary actions as referred to in Article IV, Section E.

H. Recommendations
The President of VSA-SDSU will write letters of recommendation to those in active status as mentioned in Article III,
Section D upon request. A list of active members will be provided to the current advisor to aid in reports. Overall
performance in VSA-SDSU will be the deciding factor in giving any recommendation. One can be inactive at certain
times before the time applying for recommendation. If overall performance is positive and continuing success shows,
then a recommendation will be granted.

I. Family (2006)
VSA-SDSU members will be subdivided into three Families (not four) and shall have the names of the three
Vietnamese Region: Nam, Bac, Trung, which translate to South, North, and Central. The Purpose of Family is for
further bonding of our members. Each family will consist of 5 Officers (2 Senior Officers, 2 Officers, 1 Junior
Officer, while making sure there is a balance of gender as well). Families will be grouped when Junior Officers are

Amedning this idea will require a proposal from a current officers with a second approval from another officer;
followed by a 2/3 vote from the officers.


A. Titles
The officers of VSA-SDSU shall include (12 seats):

The Executive Board (5)

President (Chu Tich)
Internal Vice President (Pho Chu Tich Noi Vu)
External Vice President (Pho Chu Tich Ngoai Vu)
Secretary (Thu Ky)
Treasurer (Thu Quy)

Historian (Bien Khao Vien)

Public Relations (Thong Tin)
Fundraising Chair (Gay Quy Vien)
Events Coordinator (Dieu Hanh Chuong Trinh)
Culture Night Chair (Chu Nhiem Dem Van Hoa)
Net Viet Editor (Truong Ban Bien Tap Net Viet)
Webmaster (Quan Ly Mang Luoi)

B. Elections
1. Elections are held at the 3rd GBM in the Spring Semester. Should the definition of GBM change over the
course of the academic school year, future elections must be executed between March and April. The rules
contained in the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall guide this organization in all cases that
they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Bylaws and special rules of order the
organization may adopt.

2. VSA-SDSU offers a total of twelve seats on the Cabinet for each academic year. Each officer elected in
spring will serve for one term, defined as the start of the “Turnover Dinner” of one year (e.g. May 2006) to the
“Turnover Dinner” the following year (e.g. May 2007).The President seat requires a minimum one year
experience as an executive officer or two years as an officer. Executive positions require that candidates must

be a previous officer (one year) in order to run for that position. If the President seat or an executive seat is
open, any VSA-SDSU member can run for it, given the fact that he/she must be an active VSA-SDSU member
for at least one semester as define in Article III, Section D. Other officer positions require that candidates must
be an active VSA-SDSU member for at least one semester. If both situations are not met, then seats are open to
any VSA-SDSU member (regardless of active status). If a candidate decides to do a “co-chair” position with
another person, this must be decided between the two individuals prior to speeches. In order to be elected, each
candidate must have a “50% + 1” vote from the members. In order to be an official voter, VSA-SDSU
membership application must be submitted by a given deadline set forth by the election committee.

3. Requirements
Must submit election application by the deadline set forth by the election committee. Failure to do so will
position the candidate as “write in candidate”, and thus, no election material info on that candidate will be
provided at election. If more time is needed (with special reasoning), please consult with the President. If
running for President or Treasurer, a 2.0 GPA must be maintained. All Candidates must prepare a 1-2 minute
speech on why he/she should be elected (election committee should monitor the election with strict timing!).
An additional 1-2 minutes will be allotted for questioning per candidates. Election is based on a “run-off”
process (i.e., rank your preferences).

4. Election Committee
To ensure that election is fair and executed smoothly, an election committee will be formed. Eligible committee
members shall be a current officer that will NOT be running for the succeeding term. A minimum of three
members are needed and up to a maximum of five will be allowed. Should no candidate fit the election
committee requirement, priority will go to the officers that are interested, follow by members who expressed
interest. However, it is highly recommended that members don’t take part in the execution of election, but
rather take part by attending and voting on election day.

5. Task
One serves as Chair of the election process. This will include facilitation of the candidate speeches. Two other
members shall serve as the Credential Chairs at the beginning of election. One will serve as the timing during
speeches whereas the other will be at the door to make sure opposing candidates do not hear each other’s
speeches. The two will also be in charge of distributing, collecting, and counting ballots. The Election
Committee Chair announces the winners and maintain quorum of the election process. Additional committee
members can dispurse the tasks amongst how ever many members are on the committee.

6. Election Day
Credential of membership will take place at the beginning. ONLY VSA-SDSU MEMBERS ARE ALLOWED
TO VOTE. The club secretary will provide a list of all current members to vote. Outsiders and friends of
candidates will make the election process unfair and bias. Candidates cannot vote for people running for the
position he/she is running for (e.g. If you are running for IVP, you will not vote during the IVP election.)
Election will be conducted according to position as listed in the application. President will go first, follow by
IVP, EVP, Sec, etc. Position victory will be announced according to position. (e.g. Once all IVP candidates
have said his/her speech, members will vote, ballots will be tallied, and winner will be announced shortly). If
candidate lost his/her election, he/she has the choice of running for another position. Another speech is not
necessary (in order to save time)– but if it helps, one additional minute will be allowed. Based on trials and
error, co-positions are only allowed based on the following criteria:
• The position of E-board can only be entitled to one person. However, Co-presidency is allotted given that
one of the co-presidents also serve as another Executive officers. Regardless, there shall only be five executive
officers per term.
• Co-positions are discouraged on most positions, however, co-positions for the following seats are allotted:
Public Relations, Events Coordinator, VCN Chair, and Net Viet Editor.
• In any given term, no more than 3 co-positions are allowed.

If Elected, all officers are required to

• Attend a mandatory Turnover Meeting determined by both the outgoing and incoming presidents.

o Please note, date and time will be determined by majority. If one is in the minority, the current
President will decide on this matter later.
• Learn the ins and outs of his/her duties as well as the mission statement of VSA-SDSU. Read the
description, add to it, and/or propose changes.
• Attend the annual summer retreat. *The first ever VSA-SDSU retreat was held in the summer of 2005.
• Comply with the rules and regulations as stated within this consitutiion.

C. Eligibility
Any member of VSA-SDSU shall be eligible for election provided that he/she met the requirements as stated in paragraph
1 of Article IV Section B.

D. Vacancies of Offices
If any office shall become vacant except for the presidency, the president shall, at the earliest possible date
thereafter, order a special election for the purposes of filling such office. The member thus elected shall immediately
enter his/her duties and shall hold office until the next regular election. The vice president would assume the role as
acting president if the president were to leave.

E. Duties of the Officers

President (Chu Tich):
o Responsible for calling and adjourning all general and officer meetings.
o Serve as the official spokesperson for the Vietnamese Student Association at San Diego State
o Oversee that the Vietnamese Student Association at San Diego State University runs smoothly
and successfully.
o Keep all officers in check in regards to their duties and responsibilities.
o Head of all committees and finalizes all major VSA-SDSU decision(s).
o Work and collaborate with all member/officers of the Vietnamese Student Association at San
Diego State University.
o Has the power to remove any Officer(s) from the cabinet based on his/her lack of contribution and
lack of dedication towards VSA-SDSU.
o Has the power to add in new Officer(s) for the betterment of VSA-SDSU.

Internal Vice President (Pho Chu Tich Noi Vu):

o Responsible for calling and adjourning all general and officer meetings in the absence of the
o Serve as the official spokesperson for the Vietnamese Student Association at San Diego State
University in the absence of the President.
o Work with the External Vice President to assist the President.
o Deals with all issues pertaining within the Vietnamese Student Association at San Diego State
o Responsible for reserving and claiming all general meeting location, officer's meeting location,
and office location.
o Work closely with Center for Student Involvement, A.S. Business Office, and Meeting Services.
o Resolves conflicts between member and officers.
o Call/Email and warn all officers who are absent at 2 or more unexcused consecutive
o Check up on all member(s) who stopped their participation with VSA-SDSU and try to retain
them back.
o Work with the Secretary on all VSA-SDSU paper work and A.S. issues.
o Has the power to propose to the President the removal of any Officer(s) from the cabinet based on
his/her lack of contribution and dedication towards VSA-SDSU.
o Has the power to propose to the President to add in new Officer(s) for the better of VSA-SDSU.

External Vice President (Pho Chu Tich Ngoai Vu):
o Responsible for calling and adjourning all general and officer meetings in the absence of the
President and Internal Vice President.
o Serve as the official spokesperson for the Vietnamese Student Association at San Diego State
University in the absence of the President and Internal Vice President.
o Serve as the official spokesperson for the Vietnamese Student Association at San Diego State
University at the High School Conference.
o Serve as the official spokesperson for the Vietnamese Student Association at San Diego State
University at the following meetings: Union of the Vietnamese Student Association, Inner
Collegiate Council, Vietnamese American Youth Alliance of San Diego, and Vietnamese
Federation of San Diego.
o Work with the Internal Vice President to assist the President.
o Deals with all issues pertaining outside of the Vietnamese Student Association at San Diego State
o Assist the President in all VSA-SDSU public, social, and business affiliated meetings and/or
o Responsible for the release of any important information regarding VSA-SDSU events or
o Responsible for bringing resources and information from outside sources back into VSA-SDSU.
o Work closely with Public Relations on all public affairs
o Update the Events Coordinator on possible events taking place outside of VSA-SDSU.
o Has the power to delegate any officers to represent VSA-SDSU at any public, socials, and
business affiliated meetings and/or events.

Secretary (Thu Ky)

o Responsible for calling and adjourning all general and officer meetings in the absence of the
President, Internal Vice President, and External Vice President.
o Serve as the official spokesperson for the Vietnamese Student Association at San Diego State
University in the absence of the President, Internal Vice President, and External Vice President.
o Assist the Internal Vice President on all VSA-SDSU paper work and A.S. issues.
o Work with the President to create an agenda for all general and officer meetings.
o Responsible for creating the meeting minutes following all general and officer meetings in a
timely matter.
o Maintain all member's/officers' applications and update any changes to member's/officer's profile.
o Responsible for the update and release of all member/officers contact information.
o Responsible for emailing out meeting information and/or cancellation
o Responsible for maintaining and updating any important documents pertaining to VSA-SDSU.
Treasurer (Thu Quy)
o Responsible for calling and adjourning all general and officer meetings in the absence of the
President, Internal Vice President, External Vice President, and Secretary.
o Serve as the official spokesperson for the Vietnamese Student Association at San Diego State
University in the absence of the President, Internal Vice President, External Vice President, and
o Responsible for the bank account of the Vietnamese Student Association at San Diego State
o Responsible for calling all businesses/corporations for sponsorships and/or donations.
o Responsible for obtaining all advertisements for publication of our Net Viet Magazine or Program
for Culture Night.
o Work with Fundraising Chair to plan and schedule all fundraising ideas.
o In charge of organizing and keeping up to date of all fees and expenses.
o Reimburse any member/officers who used their personal money for any confirmed VSA-SDSU
o Attend monthly Financial Board meeting with A.S.
o Provide a financial report for all major VSA-SDSU events/production where money is either spent
or received.

o Be able to update the President on the budget upon request.

Historian (Bien Khao Vien)

o Responsible for calling and adjourning all general and officer meetings in the absence of the
President, Internal Vice President, External Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
o Serve as the official spokesperson for the Vietnamese Student Association at San Diego State
University in the absence of the President, Internal Vice President, External Vice President,
Secretary, and Treasurer.
o Capture and collect pictures and/or video(s) of all VSA-SDSU events/social.
o Responsible for updating and organizing all pictures for future slideshow.
o Coordinate and organize the planning for the annual VSA-SDSU scrapbook.
o Record any special VSA-SDSU events for publication of our Net Viet Magazine.
o Require to write a minimum one page article for all VSA-SDSU events and social.
o Work with the Webmaster to post any pictures on the website, as well as posting articles (or
reflection) about any major VSA-SDSU events or social.

Public Relations (Thong Tin)

o Responsible for calling and adjourning all general and officer meetings in the absence of the
President, Internal Vice President, External Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian.
o Serve as the official spokesperson for the Vietnamese Student Association at San Diego State
University in the absence of the President, Internal Vice President, External Vice President,
Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian.
o Serve as the official spokesperson for the Vietnamese Student Association at San Diego State
University at all High School Conference in the absence of the External Vice President.
o Assist the External Vice President on all VSA-SDSU public, social, and business affiliated
meetings or events.
o Responsible for calling all pertinent businesses/corporations for information or support regarding
VSA-SDSU events.
o Responsible for creating banners, posters, and flyers regarding all official VSA-SDSU events,
social, and meetings.
o Responsible for recruiting more membership to the Vietnamese Student Association at San Diego
State University

Fundraising Chair (Gay Quy Vien)

o Responsible for calling and adjourning all general and officer meetings in the absence of the
President, Internal Vice President, External Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, and
Public Relations.
o Serve as the official spokesperson for the Vietnamese Student Association at San Diego State
University in the absence of the President, Internal Vice President, External Vice President,
Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, and Public Relations.
o Delegate all VSA-SDSU fundraising events (both on-campus and off-campus) and see that
everything is executed accordingly.
o Organize and update anything regarding any fundraising event planned at all general and cabinet
o Responsible for setting up all deadlines leading up to any planned VSA-SDSU fundraising events.
o Work with the EVP to determine possible fundraising events with other schools (Union of
Vietnamese Student Association of So-Cal).
o Work with Treasurer in calling all businesses/corporations for sponsorships and/or donations.
o Work with Treasurer in obtaining all advertisements for publication of our Net Viet Magazine or
Program for Culture Night.
o Work with Events Coordinator to avoid different events (social, business, and/or fundraising)
from overlapping one another and to spread the different events evenly throughout the academic
school year.

Events Coordinator (Dieu Hanh Chuong Trinh)
o Responsible for calling and adjourning all general and officer meetings in the absence of the
President, Internal Vice President, External Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Public
Relations, and Fundraising Chair.
o Serve as the official spokesperson for the Vietnamese Student Association at San Diego State
University in the absence of the President, Internal Vice President, External Vice President,
Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Public Relations, and Fundraising Chair.
o Serve as the official spokesperson for his/her committee at all VSA meeting or events
o Coordinate and organize all VSA-SDSU social gatherings.
o Coordinate and organize all VSA-SDSU events.
o Has the power to delegate any Officers to assist in any VSA-SDSU events and/or social.
o Assign jobs and tasks in order to see the success of any events and/or social
o Organize and update anything regarding the event planned at all general and cabinet meetings.
o Responsible for setting up all deadlines leading up to any planned VSA-SDSU events and/or
* Annual events shall include: Outreach Dance, Human Trafficking Forum, Welcome Week, Explore
SDSU, AzFest, Black April Symposium, engagement in a Tet Festival, etc.

Culture Night Chair (Chu Nhiem Dem Van Hoa)

o Responsible for calling and adjourning all general and officer meetings in the absence of the
President, Internal Vice President, External Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Public
Relations, Fundraising Chair, and Events Coordinator.
o Serve as the official spokesperson for the Vietnamese Student Association at San Diego State
University in the absence of the President, Internal Vice President, External Vice President,
Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Public Relations, Fundraising Chair, and Events Coordinator.
o Responsible for the theme, date, location, and time for VSA-SDSU VCN.
o Responsible for writing the script of VSA-SDSU VCN.
o Responsible for creating the VSA-SDSU VCN committee and recruit coordinators to carry out the
necessary task.
o Delegate rehearsals for all components of VSA-SDSU VCN, or delegate a specific coordinator to
do so.
o Serve as the official spokesperson in regards to all VSA-SDSU VCN matter.
o Serve as the Master/Mistress of Ceremony at VSA-SDSU VCN.
o Work with Public Relations to create the flyer for VSA-SDSU VCN, as well as posters and
o Responsible for creating the VSA-SDSU VCN Program.
o Work with Treasurer to obtain any financial assistant necessary for the production of VSA-SDSU
o Oversee that the VSA-SDSU VCN runs through smoothly and successfully.
o Organize and update anything regarding VSA-SDSU VCN at all general and cabinet meetings.
o Responsible for setting up all deadlines leading up to VSA-SDSU VCN
o VCN must be excuted in the Spring Semester.

Net Viet Editor (Truong Ban Bien Tap Net Viet)

o Responsible for calling and adjourning all general and officer meetings in the absence of the
President, Internal Vice President, External Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Public
Relations, Fundraising Chair, Events Coordinator, and Culture Night Chair.
o Serve as the official spokesperson for the Vietnamese Student Association at San Diego State
University in the absence of the President, Internal Vice President, External Vice President,
Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Public Relations, Fundraising Chair, Events Coordinator, and
Culture Night Chair.
o Responsible for the theme and release date of the Net Viet Magazine
o Responsible for the layout and structure of the Net Viet Magazine
o Responsible for creating a Net Viet Magazine committee and recruit staff writers and/or additional
editors to carry out the necessary task.

o Serve as the official spokesperson in regards to all Net Viet Magazine matter.
o Work with Treasurer to obtain any financial assistant necessary for the production of the Net Viet
o Oversee that the Net Viet Magazine completes through smoothly and successfully.
o Organize and update anything regarding the Net Viet Magazine at all general and cabinet
o Responsible for setting up all deadlines leading up to the completion of the Net Viet Magazine
o Net Viet Magazine must be excuted in the Fall Semester.

Webmaster (Quan Ly Mang Luoi)

o Responsible for calling and adjourning all general and officer meetings in the absence of the
President, Internal Vice President, External Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Public
Relations, Fundraising Chair, Events Coordinator, Culture Night Chair, and Net Viet Editor.
o Serve as the official spokesperson for the Vietnamese Student Association at San Diego State
University in the absence of the President, Internal Vice President, External Vice President,
Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Public Relations, Fundraising Chair, Events Coordinator, Culture
Night Chair, and Net Viet Editor.
o Responsible for designing, organizing, and updating the VSA-SDSU website.
o Responsible for obtaining any important updates or announcements from all officers (e.g. Meeting
Minutes from Secretary).
o Responsible for posting any important information regarding VSA-SDSU events or
announcement on the website.

F. Removal of Officers
Removing of an officer will be discussed between the President and the Internal Vice President. Both must declare
the name of the removing officer to the rest of the cabinet as soon as a decision is made. Scheduling of debate for
the removal of that officers will be held at the next Cabinet Meeting. A majority or two-thirds vote can remove
officers from office. ALL OFFICERS must be present inorder to remove any officers.

G. Voting Powers of Officers

Officers retain voting rights. However, the president often votes only in case of a tie- usually during election day.

H. Duties of the Officers

1. Attend all officer meetings and hold the position in the best interest of the organization.

2. From time to time, an officer will be unable to fulfill his/her duties as an officer, due to other obligations in
life. In that case, he/she must notify the president as soon as possible. With advance notification, VSA-SDSU
as a group, will delegate and aid the workload equally amongst the other officers. The president of VSA-SDSU
shall have high expectations from the team to fully contribute to this organization. This will include that
officers participate in as many events and socials as possible; and are expected to reply to the Cabinet or
members within 72 hours of any questions, concerns, or comment.

I. Board of Advisor (amended 2006)

The Board of Advisor (BoA) are selected by the Executive Board, and shall NOT have any voting rights. There are
no term limits to these positions. Members of the BoA are taken out if they are inactive for some time (1 year). The
Board is limited up to 5 people (excluding the Faculty Advisor), selected when the officers are elected!

J. Junior Officers (amended 2006)

Junior Officers (JO) shall be open to two Incoming Freshmen and one more additional member, making a total of 3
Junior Officers. Should there be a vacancy of seat, the Junior Officers position will be open to any general members
interested (regardless of class standing). Junior Officers are elected at the 3rd GBM of each year (Fall) and will
terminate at regular Officer Turnover Meeting. Junior Officers are not assigned to any particular officers, but will
help out with what is needed. Junior Officers shall have voting rights as any officers. Each Junior Officers will be
guided and monitored by the A-Board (P, IVP, EVP). Junior Officers are elected by the current Cabinet and will

require a majority vote (50%+1). Easy rule of thumb, if you are elected by either the General Member or Cabinet,
you will have voting power.

K. Cabinet Meetings
1. All officers and junior officers are required to attend all cabinet meetings, unless proof of legitmate absence is
provided- such as a family emergency, etc. Studying for an exam or anything academic related is considered legit,
however, continuation of this excuse (3) can lead to being remove from office. It is recommended NOT to invite
non-officers to the cabinet meeting, since financial and sensetive issues are discussed at the cabinet meeting.
Advisors are invited to only offer suggestions and insights, but shall not have the power to vote. Cabinet meetings
are “closed sessions”.

2. All officers must learn to prioritize and time manage. The President shall set the agenda for ALL Cabinet
meeting. All officers are able to add things to the agenda within a given deadline set forth by the President. Cabinet
meetings are once every two weeks and shall be scheduled on a date that works for the majority of the Cabinet.
Cabinet meetings shall not run for more than two (2) hours. The President must do his/her best to discuss what is
important and debate issues that are immediate. Request for additional minutes of the cabinet meeting can be
requested by a 50%+1 vote from the cabinet members present. Additional time are only for unsual circumstances,
in which pending issues require more time and cannot be pended for another two weeks.

L. Qourum
1. In order to discuss club business at the cabinet meeting, a required majority presence (50%+1) is needed. Failure
to meet the number needed will result in a meeting cancellation. Objection to this meeting cancellation will require a
vote from the Executive Board (at least a 3-2) to disregard the “quorum” regulation due to the importance of
immediate voting and proceed with the cabinet meeting. Under this circumstance, only debatable and voting issues
are extracted from the agenda and voted. Other issues must be postponed until the next cabinet meeting.

2. 3/5 of the Executive Officers must be present in order to start any cabinet meeting. The president and secretary
must be present at all cabinet meeting, unless otherwise stated. Please refer to Article IV, Section E regarding the
line of succession. In short, a cabinet meeting consists of 50% + 1 of all officers with 3/5 of the executive officers
present Failure to meet this requirement will result in a meeting cancellation. Objection to this meeting cancellation
will require a vote of 2/3 from all officers present. Approval of this vote will disregard the “VSA-SDSU quorum
definition” regulation due to the importance of immediate voting and proceed with the cabinet meeting. As usual,
under this circumstance, only debatable and voting issues are extracted from the agenda and voted. Other issues
must be postponed until the next cabinet meeting.

M. Decision Making
The President of VSA-SDSU has the final say in all major decision as defined by the President (and within this
constitution) prior to the start of the academic school year. This will include the decision of all admin paperwork
with the school, relations with the community, retreat admin, etc. The executive board usually meet to discuss quick
major decisions. An all Cabinet decision are for debatable issues, such as VSA-SDSU participation in a particular
event, etc. Questioning of all decisions are welcomed and can be passed based on a 2/3 vote. Should the President
veto a decision from 2/3 of the officers, this issue will be open to a Board of Advisor Meeting followed by a
meeting with the SDSU Campus Activities and Policy Board.


A. Time and Place

At least six (6) general body meetings shall be held for each semesters. The first GBM of each semester shall be
focused on the purpose and introduction of VSA-SDSU. The 3rd GBM in spring shall be dedicated to Election Day.
The place and hour to be determined by the President based on majority recommendations from the officers.

B. Types of Meetings
The various meetings of the organization, as defined in the bylaws, include:
ο General Body Meeting (GBM) / Open Session
ο Cabinet Meeting / Closed Session (Officers/JO/BoA ONLY)

o Conference Call Meeting / discouraged, but use if necessary. Closed Session (Officers/JO/BoA ONLY)
o Special/Emergency Meetings (declared by the President). Closed Session (Officers/JO/BoA ONLY)
o Executive Meeting (E-board ONLY) Closed Session (5 E-board ONLY)
o Board of Advisor Meeting (executed only when advising is strongly needed). Closed Session
(Officers/JO/BoA ONLY)

C. Annual Summer Retreat

Shall be coordinated by members of the Executive board of either incoming or outgoing. Attendance is required of
all incoming officers prior to the start of his/her officer term. It is apparative that the immediate former president
and at least one other former executive officer is present at this event. Other immediate former officers are highly
recommended to come to aid in this transition phase as well. BoA are invited upon approval of the incoming and
outgoing presidents. Guests and friends of officers are discourage to come. Retreat cannot last more than 5 days and
must be within 4 hours driving distance from SDSU. A retreat is a place of seclusion, away from society and
civilization. During this time of peace, officers reflect on themselves as a person and use this time to get a chance to
know other people, open up and express their concerns as a team and as an individual.

Please refer to Article VI regarding financial issue related to retreat.


The president and treasurer only shall control all finances. All funds must be spent on organizational purposes only.
No VSA-SDSU money shall be spent on alcohol. The transfer of power of controlling all funds shall be done within
one month after the new officer has been appointed. Additional financial information can be referred to the A.S.
Vice President of Finance or members of the A.S. Finance Board.

Spending cap are recommended for the following:

• $300-$500 for Retreat Lodging ($350 Max.) and Food ($150 Max.)
o Gas expenses are paid by the officers in cash at the retreat. Drivers do not need to pay for gas. All
drivers are reimbursed shortly after retreat in cash. Proposed fee cap for each officers is $10. Price
is dependant on gases prices and distance of retreat. Retreat shall not be more than 4 hours driving
distance AWAY from SDSU.
• $200 Promotional Purposes (per year)
• $150 Administative/Office Supplies (per year)
• $250 Food (per year)
• $2,000 Net Viet (to make at least 1,000 copies – per year)
• $1,000 Vietnamese Culture Night (per year)
• $200 Gas and Travel (External Vice President Travel Stipend – per year)
*Any additional funding to the proposed listed in this constitution must be voted with a passing rate of 2/3.


Officers must have a written report of committee progress by each general membership meeting. Current committee
will include: Public Relations Committee, Fundraising Committee, Events Committee, VCN Committee, and Net
Viet Editorial Staff/Committee. Historian and Webmaster are welcome to open their own committee if deemed

The following must be presented in the committee reports:

ο Committee name.
o Committee chairperson.
o A list of people who helped your committee complete each goal.
o A list of goals accomplished since the last meeting.
o A list of goals that were not completed, and an explanation of why and what action will be taken.
o A list of goals you plan to accomplish by the next meeting.
o Indication of any announcements that need to be made at the general meeting.

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o Indication if you need to have a written report provided to your committee members. Provide a copy of the
report. Members can join as many committees as they wish, but must be active in at least two or else face
penalties provided by the executive committee.

A. The executive committee must present a calendar of annual goals at the beginning of the year to general members.
B. The fundraising committee must seek projects to finance the club.
C. The public relations committee shall promote and publicize the club.
D. The projects/activities committee will work closely with the Internal Vice President and must present a tentative
calendar of suggested activities.


The faculty advisor of VSA-SDSU shall be a non-voting member of the executive committee and shall sit on the
BoA. He/she must have a sincere interest and commitment to the welfare of the club. The advisor must be a faculty
or staff member of SDSU. Qualification of the faculty advisor change each year. Please refer concerns to the Center
for Student Activities and Student Life.

Please refer to Article IV, Section I regarding the selection of the Board of Advisors (amended 2006)


VSA-SDSU is not affiliated with any community, local, national, or international organizations. However, we are
associated with the Vietnamese American Youth Alliance of San Diego (VAYA-SD), the Union of Vietnamese
Student Associations (UVSA),and the Union of North American Vietnamese Student Associations (uNAVSA).
Other clost organizations includes the Vietnamese Alliance to Combat Trafficking (VietACT).


A. The Constitution
1. This constitution may be amended annually, provided that the amendment proposed had been submitted in
writing to the president and posted in a conspicuous location for at least two weeks prior to the meeting. All
amendments, additions and/or deletions to the constitution of the above named organization shall be adopted only
after a vote of two-thirds of the members present. Additional articles and amendments may be included only if they
are in consonance with SDSU and VSA-SDSU regulations and policies. These must be filed with the SDSU Center
for Student Activities and Campus Life.

2. The Consitution must be made available to the public and shall be updated and posted annually on the official
VSA-SDSU website.

B. VSA-SDSU House (2007)

A special meeting will be held to debate resolutions and amend the constitutions, called “VSA-SDSU House”.
Amendment to the constitution must be held annually, preferably after election, but prior to the succeeding year.
Amending the constitution will be conducted by the Executive Board for that year. Should this not be possible, the
E-board will nominate someone from the cuurent cabinet (or VSA member if no current cabinet express interest) to
assume roles unfilled. The rules contained in the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall guide this
organization in all cases that they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Bylaws and special
rules of order the organization may adopt.

• The President shall reside as Speaker of the House. Knowlegde of Robert’s Rule of Orders is highly
suggested and highly recommended to be enforced at the VSA-SDSU House. He/she will mainly serve as a
facilator and maintain order in the House.
• The Internal Vice President shall reside as Sergeant-At-Arms, ensuring that timing of debate is strictly
adhered to and that debate don’t get out of control. “The Sergeant at Arms serves as the protocol and chief
law enforcement officer and is the principal administrative manager for most support services in the VSA-
SDSU House” (http://www.senate.gov/reference/office/sergeant_at_arms.htm). He/She will sit next (the

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right) to the Speaker of the House as the Parliamentarian – along with the House Whip (the left).
Knowlegde of Robert’s Rule of Orders is highly suggested.
• The External Vice President shall reside as House Whip, ensuring that [approved] people are voting.
He/She shall keep count of voting, tallied them, and report to the Speaker of the House. Knowlegde of
Robert’s Rule of Orders is highly suggested. He/She will sit next (the left) to the Speaker of the House –
along with the Sergeant-At-Arms.
• The Secretary and Tresurer shall reside as the Sr. Officer-At-Large (sOAL) and Jr. Officer-At-Large
(jOAL) of the House respectively. Both will ensure that only VSA-SDSU members can vote. Guest are
welcome to participate, offer suggestions, and debate- but they are not allowed to vote. The OALs must be
aware of house quorum and report such instances to the Speaker of the House. Knowlegde of Robert’s
Rule of Orders is highly suggested.

President………………………Speaker of the House Secretary………………………Sr. Officer-At-Large

Internal Vice President………..Sergeant-At-Arms Treasurer………………………Jr. Officer-At-Large
External Vice President……….House Whip

C. Officers-At-Large
Prior to VSA-SDSU House, members and officers are able to write resolutions. These resolutions are collected and
saved until VSA-SDSU House. As indicated in Article X, Section B, the Secretary and Tresurer shall reside as the
Sr. Officer-At-Large (sOAL) and Jr. Officer-At-Large (jOAL) of the House respectively. Both should encourage the
members to participate in the resolution process and emphasize that VSA-SDSU is their club and they can make
changes to it! Promotions and announcement regarding VSA-SDSU House shall be made at every other GBM.

D. Resolutions (credits: http://www.amsa.org/conv/hod.cfm#mailing_resolutions)

When VSA-SDSU members want to change one of VSA-SDSU’s policies, they write a resolution, VSA-SDSU's
equivalent to a congressional bill. A resolution is a written request to the VSA-SDSUHouse that asks VSA-SDSU's
membership, through the House, to consider changing one of its policies. Every member of VSA-SDSU has the
right to write and submit resolutions to the House. This right is a fundamental way in which the members of VSA-
SDSU express their ownership of the organization. Every member's voice is heard, and anyone can change VSA-
1. Think of an idea for change
Any member can write a resolution to create a new policy, change an existing policy, delete an old policy,
change the Constitution or Bylaws, or direct the Organization to take certain actions.

2. A current copy of the club constitution should be posted on the official VSA-SDSU Website.
The Constitution & Bylaws and Internal Affairs are the documents that defines how VSA-SDSU works.

3. Write the resolution!

A resolution has two parts. The PREAMBLE explains why the change should be made or why the actions need
to be taken. The RESOLVED section is the new policy statement or what specifically you want AMSA to do.

4. Submit your resolution to OALs

This is important! Resolutions must be submitted via email by a deadline set forth by the OALs. All resolutions
received after this date will be considered late and will not be accepted. Exceptions to the deadline have to be
approved by the Executive Board and must be of an "emergent" nature.


All resolutions must be submitted online and posted on our website. The resolution is, in general, written as a
memo, with the CAPITALIZED topics coming first, and then paragraph form for the Preamble and Operative

INTRODUCED BY: Name(s) of author(s) of resolution and title with regards to VSA-SDSU. The authors must
be members of VSA-SDSU. For Constitution amendments, there must be five authors. Only one is needed for
other types of resolutions.

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SUBJECT: The title of your resolution. It should be appropriate to the action proposed. Examples are
"Amendment to the Bylaws Regarding Quorum," or "Additional Officer to the VSA-SDSU Cabinet."

TYPE OF RESOLUTION: Classify as one of the following:

a. Constitution or Bylaws Amendment - Requires five or more active members for Constitutional
amendment, one member for Bylaws amendment.
b. Resolution of Internal Affairs - Creates policy statement.
c. Resolution of Principles - Creates organizational changes and commits resources to action in support of
various initiatives. As of 2007, VSA-SDSU have NOT discuss our view as an organization on any
particular issue.

Resolutions of principles and resolutions of internal affairs may be compiled into the VSA-SDSU
Constitution; require a financial or personnel commitment from VSA-SDSU; require a report back to the
next House session from the executive or another designated party. These resolutions can be used to create
a study group, an ad hoc committee of the executive board or any other change that is deemed necessary to
move an issue.


In case of dissolution of the above named organization, all unspent SDSU funds shall remain the property of VSA-
SDSU. All privately obtained funds shall be donated to a non-profit organization, such as VietACT or VAYA or to
common cause agreed upon by members of this organization.

This constitution was written and amended by

Anthony Tan Nguyen, VSA-SDSU President 2005-2007

May 31, 2007

*No priorCOMPLETE constitution was recorded since the establishment of this organization. The constitution for
VSA-SDSU was thus first created in 2007. Any found constitution pior to May 2007 has been override.

**Future VSA-SDSU President shall keep copy of previous constitutions. Amendments to the constitution must be
“save as” a new file. Constitutions shall be amended annually for grammars, spelling corrections- and to reflect
approved resolution(s) expressed by the membership of this organization.

Former VSA-SDSU Presidents

2006-2007 Anthony Tan Nguyen

2005-2006 Anthony Tan Nguyen
2004-2005 Phung Ngoc Huynh
2003-2004 Linda Nguyen
2002-2003 Scottie (Hiep) Nguyen
2001-2002 Su The Nguyen
2000-2001 Su The Nguyen
1993-1994 Tiet Tran


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