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Categories Admin-6-Sales and Marketing Applications-9%

This chapter’s objectives are:
Analytics (1)
Communities (1) 6.1- Describe the capabilities of lead management (e.g. lead conversions, lead source, lead eld mapping).
Developer (1) 6.2- Given a scenario, identify how to automate lead management ((e.g., queues, assignment rules, web-to-lead,
Lead (1) auto-response).
Sales Cloud (1) 6.3- Given a scenario, identify the capabilities and implications of the sales process.
Welcome (1) 6.4- Describe the capabilities of products and price books.
6.5- Describe the capabilities of campaign management (e.g., hierarchies, in uences, campaign members).

Home 6.6- Given a scenario, identify when to apply the appropriate sales productivity features (e.g., big deal alerts,
update reminders, similar opportunities, competitors, team selling)
Admin Cert Notes
Components of the Sales Cloud include:
0-Admin Introduction

1–Organization Setup–1%
Lead Assignment Rules & Auto-Response Rules
2–User Setup–9% Lead Conversion
Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities
3–Global User Interface–1% Account & Sales Teams
Account & Opportunity Contact Roles
4-Security and Access-15%
Forecasting & Quotas
5–Standard and Custom Products, Price Books, Quotes, Opportunity Products
Objects-18% Campaigns: Management, Hierarchy, ROI

6-Sales and Marketing Very Important: YouTube Sales Cloud Session by Greg Diercks of Accenture. I will base this Sales Cloud chapter on this
Applications-9% excellent video by Greg.

7-Service and Support

Applications-6% Hands-on Training: Get Started with Sales Cloud Admi…

8-Activity Management-3%


10-Data Management-11%

11-Content and Folder


12-Analytics, Reports and


13-Work ow Automation-7%

14-Desktop and Mobile





What is Sales Cloud?

Sales Cloud is where you do things like:

Recent Comments
Account Management: keep track of your customers: location, address, type, contacts associated with…
Marketing and Lead Management: that’s also in the Marketing Cloud, but it bleeds into Sales Cloud
Priya Deepa on How to enable Opportunity and Quotes: potential Sales and quotes generated for an opportunity, and deliver as PDF
Salesforce Multi-currency, and Data.com: is one of the solutions from Salesforce that helps solve dirty data issues, keeping addresses, names of
what are its implications? the contacts up to date
Narayanan on How to enable Work ow and Approvals: automation tools in Salesforce
Salesforce Multi-currency, and Chatter: Collaboration tool in Salesforce
what are its implications? Email and Calendaring:
Shibu Kalidhasan on How to Real Time Analytics: Reporting
enable Salesforce Multi-currency, Partner Management
and what are its implications? App-Exchange:
CJ on Admin-5-Standard and
Custom Objects-18%
Pola on Admin-9-Chatter-1%


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6.1- Describe the capabilities of lead management (e.g. lead conversions, lead source, lead eld mapping)
6.2- Given a scenario, identify how to automate lead management ((e.g., queues, assignment rules, web-to-
lead, auto-response)

Lead: A Lead is:

A prospect you are targeting for marketing purposes

An individual who has expressed interest in your products or services
People that you need to follow-up with to try to get business from
In Salesforce, a Lead is an Object, and an Object is a Database Table with elds and records. A business card
information represents a Record, or Row inside that Lead Object: person name, title, company… So, a good
analogy that I nd acurate is that the Lead Object is just like a Fishbowl that you use during an event to collect
Business Cards. It collects all these cards that you can work on later on and develop to become Contacts,
Accounts and Opportunities.
The Lead object in Salesforce:
Captures and stores Lead info as a Record or Row
Can be created in multiple ways: manually by user,
captured via web, imported via Data Loader or import
wizard, or via API.
Should have an owner (manual or auto)
Default Lead Status: Opem – Not Contacted, Working –
Contacted, Closed – Converted and Closed – Not Converted.
You can create new elds, and optionally map the new elds to elds in Contact, Account or Opportunities. This
mapping will trigger when you convert Lead.
You can only map Custom elds in Lead, to Custom elds in Opportunitiy, Account and Contact!
Some of the Standard elds are already mapped
Note that “Lead Source” eld in Lead Object will be same as Account Source in Account Object
Automating Leads captured via Web:
Auto-response rule automate response to the new lead (optional, auto email to the person who lled)
Auto-assignment assign this lead depending on the region for example. And assigns it to the last resort
assignment if no match found in Assignment Rule.
Converting leads – Lead conversion Process:
Lead has done its job when Status is “Closed – Converted”. If status is “Closed – Not Converted”, then the Org
couldn’t get business out of this Lead.
Takes the info from the Lead, and generates a new Account, Contact and Opportunity from the info in it
Can also map custom elds from lead to custom elds on Account, contact or opportunity
Validation rules should also be passed before the creation of Account, contact or opportunity
The lead is then agged as converted which removes the record from search results, and the lead can no
longer be viewed.

Exercise 1:

1. Set default Lead status to Unquali ed: Go to Build | Customize |

Lead | Fields – Lead Status eld – Edit the default status to be
Unquali ed. (only 1 default)
2. Create a custom Picklist eld called “Region” on the Lead Object
– Click on “Map Lead Fields” to map it. Now you can choose the
corresponding eld in Account, Contact or Opportunity that
takes this value when convert. We will choose the Account. Region (also a custom eld that was created
beforehand). When we convert the Lead, the value of this eld will be copied.
3. Add new Lead and Convert: Go to Leads tab – New – Fill info, and make sure to ll the Region eld – Click on
Convert: who is the owner? The Lead owner will be defaulted. What is the Account? You can create a new one, or
Salesforce will suggest some similar name accounts to the company name we put in Lead. What is the
Opportunity name? and automatically a new contact will be related that belongs to the new account (if contact
already created before, then Salesforce will ask you if you want a new contact or use the existing one).


Queues are location where records await processing by assigned members. It is like a bucket of Records, a collection
of Records with users who have the right to access and pick from this collection (Queue members). Queue di ers
from Groups in the sense that Groups is just a collection of Users. Don’t confuse these 2.

It can contain public groups, Roles and Subordinates and Users – these are the Queue members
When Queue created, a View also created for it that is available to every Queue member
Member of the queue can access and accept any Records in it

Exercise 2:

1. Create Queue: Go to Administer | Manager Users | Queues –

New – give name “US Sales Team” and Record types (it can be
Leads or Cases) – choose Lead – choose the people that can
manipulate this Queue: choose Role and Subordinates “US
Sales Director”
2. Do the same for the “EMEA Sales Team” queue with member as Role and Subordinates “EMEA Sales Director”
3. When Queue created, a View is automatically created. Check it in the Lead page.

Assignment Rules:

Specify how Records are assigned to Users or Queues.

Like 1 or more lters, or entries: each a Lead comes from the web, so the Assignment Rule is checked, speci cally
the rst entry or lter. If matches, ok, if not, go to the next. If all no, go to the default.
Only 1 active Rule at a time for each Object! It can have many Entries.

Exercise 3:

1. Create Assignment Rules: Go to Build | Customize | Leads |

Lead Assignment Rules – New – give name “Leads by Region” –
make this Active.
2. Create the entries, we need 2: 1- Sort Order=1, Lead Region
equals US. Assign it to the queue “US Sales Team”.
2- Sort Order=2, Lead Region equals EMEA. Assign it to the queue “EMEA Sales Team”.

3- Sort Order=2, Lead Region equals blank. Assign it to the User “Allison Wheeler”.

3. Test it: Lead Tab – New Lead – ll it, and ll the Region to be “US” – Save (make sure
before saving to check the box at the end to assign based on the Rule, not to you).
This Lead will be assigned to the Queue “US Sales Team”

Web-to-Lead Auto-Response Rules and Web-to-Lead:

Web-to-Lead Auto-Response Rule are automatic emails that are sent to the email address after entering a Lead
through Web. Web to Lead: Generates HTML that you can use in any webpage. This HTML contains code by
Salesforce. When a person lls this form, the code lets it open a Lead in Salesforce. Assignment Rules will be applied
Exercise 4:

1. Create Web-to-lead Auto Response Rules: Go to Build | Customize

| Leads | Auto Response Rules – New – give name “Tech Industry
Promo” – make this Active (only 1 can be active at a time).
Now create1 or more entries:

1- Sort Order=1, Lead Industry equals Technology. Specify the

email from address and the Template. So if any Lead comes from
any other Industry, no email will be sent back.

2. Turn on Web to Lead: Go to Build | Customize | Leads | Web-to-Lead – Edit – Enable/ Specify the Default Lead
Creator, which is the last Resort Lead owner / specify the Last resort email template. These Last Resort will be
used if nothing is matching in the Assignment Rules and Auto-Response Rules done before
3. Create Web to Lead Form: Click on Generate the Web Form – specify the available Fields you want it in the HTML.
/ specify the webpage where they will land when they submit the form – click on Generate! Select the HTML code,
Right click Desktop – New Text Document and paste in the code, then save as HTML (ANSI encode)?
4. Double click on the HTML le – you will get the form! Fill it with info: Industry equals Technology and Region=US.
This way, the Web-to-Lead Auto response rule will re and send the template speci ed, and the Assignment Rule
will also re and assign it to the US Sales Team queue.

6.3- Given a scenario, identify the capabilities and implications of the sales process
A sales process determines which stages can be selected on an opportunity when Record Types are enabled (Sales
Process is Business Process of Opportunity). The opportunity stage characteristics (type, probability, forecast
category) in uence a variety of characteristics within Salesforce, including: opportunity expected revenue (standard
eld), opportunity inclusion in forecasting, and opportunity reporting.

Record Types:

Record Type consists of:

1. Business process (lifecycle): what stages and status? 10 to 50 to 100? For Lead and Solution: Status, and
for Opportunity and Case: Stage – what are the steps (stages) Sales Cycle will take from new, to Closed?
2. Page layout (group of elds)
3. Create the Record Type itself and then specify the picklist value of other picklist elds

Opportunity Stages: When you de ne an opportunity stage,

several other variables must be de ned other than the stage
Type: referenced in opportunity reporting. It can be:
Open, Closed or Closed Won. For instance, running a
report with opportunity status “Open” would include only
opportunities with a stage type “Open”
Probability: Probability represents the likelihood that an
opportunity will be sold, and is used to calculate
expected revenue. Expected Revenue = Amount x Probability
Forecast Category: The forecast category is used to populate a user’s forecast
data. It can be Pipeline, Closed and Omitted.

B2B and B2C Sales Processes

Di ering Stage picklist (business Process): long cycle for B2B and
short with less stages for B2C
Di erent page layout for B2B and B2C
Di erent payment methods for B2B (PO, and SO) and B2C (Credit card)
Out of the Box Cycle is the table on the right.

Exercise 5:

1. Explore the B2B page Layout and create another B2C: Go to

Build | Customize | Opportunities | Page Layout – click on B2B
and explore it (no CC info here). Go back, and create new for
B2C – base it on out of box Opportunity Layout – call it “B2C
Page Layout” – save – Page Layout Editor will show – create a
new section (drop it in the rst Green Line – name it “Financial
Info”. Move the CC elds to this section (they are already created
and in the main section). Delete the PO eld. Finally, make the
“Amount” eld required. SAVE B2C Layout.
2. Create a Sales Business Process for B2C: Go to Build | Customize | Opportunities | Sales Process – New – base it
on B2B – name it B2C Sales Process – Put Description (users will see this description) – Save – specify the Stages
in this cycle (if you want other stages, edit the Stages Field and add new stages) – keep 3 only: Prospecting,
Closed Won and Closed Lost.
3. Create the Record Type that ties the Layout and Sales Process together: Build | Customize | Opportunities |
Record Types – New – base it on B2B Record Type – name it “B2C Record Type” – put secretion(users see this!) –
Make it Active – specify which Pro les see this new Record Type. And if this is their Default one – Next – specify
the Page Layout “B2C Page Layout” (you can apply di erent Layouts to di erent Pro les also) – Save. Now you
have all picklist elds of this page layout that you can edit – Picklist Segmentation. Change the Type picklist, and
remove “Existing Business” and “New Business”. Also, change the Product Interest picklist and remove all
Enterprise product types. NOTE: you can also change the layout again, and add the eld “Record Type” for the
user to know what type he is working on.
4. When you go to Opportunity tab, and click on new, you have 2 options: B2B and B2C (if your pro le has both
Record Types surely). Choose B2C and create new Opportunity.
5. Choose B2B and create new Opportunity.

Validation Rules:

Validation Rules are used to conditionally require data and ensure proper data format and data consistency.
A Validation Rule is related to an Object
You de ne a Validation Rule by specifying an error
condition and a corresponding error message.
The error condition is written as a Boolean formula
expression that returns true or false.
If the formula returns TRUE, then Salesforce will NOT save the Record and will return the error message.
The user can correct the error and try again.
System validation: imposed by the system, ex: required elds, number elds…
Custom validation: helps you enforce your Business Process.
Example: if stage is Closed Lost, you should enter the Reason Lost otherwise, Record cannot be saved!
There are a number of very good example that you can get started with and expand on: Example of Validation
Rules. I highly recommend that you check these examples to know how to de ne a Validation Rule and
its formula which is the most important aspect of a Validation Rule.

Exercise 6:

Make Reason Lost mandatory only when stage = “Closed Lost”:

Go to Build | Customize | Opportunities | Validation Rules –
New. Name it Reason required when lost. Make it Active,
description, go to Formula and:
– Choose function “ispickval” and insert. Highlight the
picklist_ eld in the formula, and click on insert – select
Opportunity – stage – click insert. Highlight the second argument “text_literal, and replace with “Closed Lost”. The
formula becomes: ISPICKVAL (StageName, “Closed Lost”)

– Now put the other: if the stage name is lost, you have to give me the Reason eld: add “&&” on next line after
rst formula, and insert ISPICKVAL again, Highlight the picklist_ eld in the formula, and click on insert – select
Opportunity – Reason Lost – click insert. Highlight the second argument “text_literal, and replace with “”.

If the formula returns TRUE, then Salesforce will NOT save the Records and will return the error message. In our
case, if BOTH conditions are met: Closed lost stage AND blank Reason Lost, then the Formula will return TRUE
and the error message will be displayed without saving the Record. Click on Check Syntax to check code, and
nally add error message (shows on top of page or on eld)?

Test it! Go to an Opportunity , change stage to Closed Lost and try to save! Won’t let you!

Opportunity Team:

Used in collaborative selling. Opportunity owner, their manager in hierarchy and Admin can:
Manually add/remove users on an Opportunity
Grant access: Read-Only (RO), Read-Write (RW)
Create personal default Sales team which can be added automatically
This is another way to let other people have access to Opportunity

Exercise 7:

Enable Opportunity teams: Go to Build | Customize |

Opportunities | Opportunity Teams | Settings – Enabled by
default, can Disable it
When enabled, many settings will appear. Among them
“Team Roles”: many roles out of box. Add a Role called “Sales
Go to Administer | Manager Users | Users | Select the user,
scroll down to the Relates List “Default Opportunity Team”. Click on Add – show 2 checkboxes: 1- let any new
Opportunity have this team, 2- change all existing Opportunity and add this team to them. And specify the team
members, roles and access for each.
A user can also de ne his own team: Default Opportunity Team and Default Account Team on “My Settings”

This way, he can click “Add Default Team” on the Opportunity Team Related List section of the Opportunity.
Now go to any Opportunity of this user, you can see that the team has been added to them!

Account & Opportunity Teams:

Account teams provide a clear way to document the roles of multiple users in the management of a single
account. Opportunity teams (AKA team selling) does the same for opportunities.
Both account and opportunity teams extend record-level privileges to team members
Account Team disabled by default. To enable it: Customize | Accounts | Account Teams
Once enabled, you have some options:
Role: you can de ne the roles
Replace role
Disable it all
Account Team goals:
Documentation & accountability. Clearly de ning each user’s role within the management of an account
provides an easy way to establish accountability.
Record access. When a user is assigned to an
account team, they are granted record-level access
to the account record and some of its related
Operations & logistics. Account teams can be referenced in list views and reports
To add and manage Account Team members: you need Full record access to the account – this is generally the a)
the account owner, b) a user higher in the role hierarchy than the account owner, or c) a system administrator
Default Account Team: Each user can de ne a default account team:
Setup | My Settings | Personal Information | Advanced User Details
The user’s default account team can be automatically added to new or
existing accounts owned by the user. This option shows when you Add members to default team
Or you can manually add default team on the Record page:
Opportunity Team is enabled by default. To disable it: Customize |
Opportunities | Opportunity Teams | Opportunity Teams Settings
Opportunity team Used in collaborative selling. Opportunity owner, their manager in hierarchy and Admin can:
Manually add/remove users on an Opportunity
Grant access: Read-Only (RO), Read-Write (RW)
Create personal default Sales team which can be added automatically
This is another way to let other people have access to Opportunity
Check Exercise 7 above for Opportunity Team
Same options apply for Opportunity team as the Account Team
Example Use Case: Scenario: My organization has a large, complex sales division. Org-wide defaults for account
and opportunity are set to private. For strategic accounts, a team is established with users ful lling various roles
(sales engineer, sales rep, etc.). Given the private sharing model, often these users will need the account owner to
manually share record access.
Solution: Instead of using manual record sharing to provide access to accounts, enable account teams. Not only
will this solve the record sharing requirement, but will also provide a clear mechanism to document each user’s
relationship to each account.

Opportunity Splits:

Opportunity splits allow an organization to attribute opportunity revenue to multiple users (e.g. split
accreditation for a closed/won opportunity to multiple users of sales team – not just the opportunity owner).
As of the Winter 14 release, opportunity spits can be included in forecasts.
As of the Summer 14 release, custom opportunity splits are supported.
Disabled by default, you need to enable it in Build | Customize | Opportunities | Opportunity Split

Contact Roles:

This is the Stakeholders of an Opportunity  or Account

You can specify (Edit and Add) the list of Roles for each in Setup
A contact can be added to an Opportunity with a role:
Use the contact roles related list on the Opportunity to specify the contacts involved
in a deal.
Contacts do not necessarily have to be related to the same account as the opportunity.
Contact roles can also impact campaign in uence (see Campaign In uence).
Opportunity Layout page = Added by default
Can also be added to an Account:
Adding the contact roles related list to the account will allow users to establish relationships between a
single contact and multiple accounts.
Account Layout page = you need to add the Related List
Limitations of Contact Roles:
You cannot add new elds to contact roles, nor can you customize the related lists.
You cannot display the account roles related list on the contact. For instance, when I view the contact that
has a Role in an account, no record of the relationship to any account is displayed on the contact page

Opportunity Competitors:

This is a lightweight feature that provides an easy way to list competitors on an

opportunity record.
Competitors are not part of any Object. You need to add them manually to the
Opportunity record.
The Competitors Related List is shown by default on the Opportunity page

The Salesforce Console:

The Salesforce Console was previously branded “Sales Cloud Console”. The new Salesforce Console provides both
sales and service functionality. The Service Cloud section has additional resources
O ered with the Service Cloud license, and needs an add-on for the Sales Cloud (EE and UE)
Admin can de ne a Console for the Sales Reps: specify which objects are in the Console for quick access, do ne if
records appear as primary tabs or subtabs
Can build custom components using Visualforce
Can display third party integrations using the Salesforce Console Integration toolkit API
Live agent is a Service Cloud feature, and cannot be enabled in Salesforce Console for Sales
Enabling user in Salesforce Console for Sales is a 2-step process:
User must be assigned the “Sales Console User” license using a
Permission Set license assignment on their user record
User must be assigned the “Sales Console” permission using a
Permission Set license assignment on their user record
Then customize the Console: Setup | Customize | Console.


Order is a new standard Object used to complete the Sales cycle and bridges gap between sales / service cloud
An order is an agreement between you and your customer to provision services or deliver products with a known
quantity, price, and time.
Opportunities are often used to represent the
lifetime value of a sale. A contract is typically
used to represent a legally binding agreement.
For example, within a parts manufacturer, a
sales rep creates an opportunity representing
the sale of 200,000 units. The customer agrees
to purchase 200,000 units at a speci ed price
over the period of one year; this agreement is
captured within a contract record. The customer
draws down this commitment by placing orders
for parts over the period stipulated in the
In the above scenario, the order indicates which
parts were purchased, price, ship date, and other logistical information.
Like other standard objects, you can customize orders functionality to t your order management needs.
The orders object is intended to be integrated with ERP systems (e.g. SAP, Oracle).
Note that the order Related List is not part of the Account and Opportunity Page Layout by default, you must add
You can create Order from the Order tab, the Account tab or the Opportunity tab
When you create Order from Opportunity or Account, the Account eld in order gets populated by the Account
Mandatory elds in Order:
Name and start date and Status
Contract number: which means a contract should come before Order

6.4- Describe the capabilities of products and price books

Products and Pricebooks:

Products can be used to represent a good or service that your organization sells. Price books can be used to establish
tiered pricing (e.g. a “Gold” customer pays a di erent price than a “Silver” customer for the same product). At least one
price book must be active in order to add products to an opportunity or quote. Products can optionally have quantity
or revenue schedules.

Setting up Product and Price Books is simple in Salesforce:

1. You can create Products, independently from Price Book. You can add a price called Standard Price.
2. To select a Product in an Opportunity , it should belong to a Price Book. There is a “Standard Price Book” in
3. After that, you can create Price Book, and add products to it, with List
Price this time. List Price is the price of this product in this exact Price
Book. It can be same as Standard price (set when you created the
4. Create Price Book: go to Products tab, to the bottom right, click on
“Manage Price Books”. Or go to the Price Book tab, click on new. You
can activate the standard Price Book, or create a new Price Book. Let us
create a new Price Book called “CA Price Book” that is not a clone of any
5. Once we have a Price Book, we can determine which Products go into
the Price Book – if you have existing Products, then go to the Price
Book itself, and click on Add Products.
6. If no Products yet, go to the Products tab, and click on New next to Recent Products. Fill the Product name and
code, then click on Save and Add Price. Ex. Name=” CA Service Desk Manager License” and Code=” CASDMAN”
with price=5000.
7. Can mass import products with Data Loader and new custom elds.
8. Each Product has optional Product Family and Price + Pricebook. But if you want to add Product to Price Book, it
should have a price!
9. Optional Add this Product to a Price Book (CA Price Book) – specify
the List Price (can exist in separate Price Book with di erent
prices) or use the Standard Price (5000).
10. Now when you create an Opportunity , you can specify the Price
Book under Products and add the product and quantity. You can
only specify a single Price Book per Opportunity .
11. The Amount value on the Opportunity main section will be auto updated = qty x price.

VERY Important: Upload PriceBook through Data Loader Link.

When is a single price book appropriate? At least one price book must be con gured and active in order to add
products to either an opportunity or a quote.
When are multiple price books appropriate? The use of multiple price books will allow organizations to price
products independently for di erent groups of customers.
How can you determine which price books are assigned to a user? By default, the org-wide default setting for
price book is “Use”. This means that any user with read access to both the “Product” and “Price Book” object will
be able to select any active price book.
How can I restrict visibility/use to certain price books?
1. Set the org-wide default for price book to “View Only” or “No

2. Share each individual price book with the appropriate role, group,
and users.

Can I assign/restrict use of Price Books by role or pro le or record type? Yes you can. First, you need to set your
OWD for Price Books to “No Access”. Then, click “Manage Price Books” from the Products tab. Click a Price Book
and you will now see the “Sharing” button. This allows you to give access to Price Books based on Roles, Groups,
and Users. https://na9.salesforce.com/help/doc/en/products_sharing.htm
How are price books selected?
If only a single price book is active, or the user only has “Use” permissions to a single price book, then that
price book is automatically selected.
If the user has “Use” access to more than one active price book, then they must manually select the price
book prior to adding products to an opportunity or a quote.
Important Note: The products object does not use the standard record sharing model. Access to manipulate
products is controlled by object-level security (pro le & permission sets).

Products Scheduling:

You can enable scheduling on Products that is based on either:

Schedule on Quantity: you can say that a product will be repeated every year for a
total of 3 years. So, if you choose this product with qty=1, total quantity will be 3
because you speci ed in the product the scheduling and repeat each year.
Schedule on Revenue:

Exercise: Very good Video on Products and Scheduling: LINK.

Price Books, Product Schedules and Opportunity Prod…



Key Terms:

ER Diagram:


Revenue Schedule is enabled, but no schedule speci ed. This mean that you can specify a schedule later on in
the Opportunity (this is called Custom Schedule).

Create the Price Book:

Add the 3 Products to this new Price Book. With List Price di erent than Standard Price.

Create Opportunity with 50% Probability.

Add the 3 Products from the Price Book you made and validate the schedules
To add a Product to Opportunity , it should be part of an active Price Book (only 1 per Opportunity )

Amount is updated to: 16,500 with Revenue: 8,250 (50% of the amount)
3701E: 100 List Price per month, 12 month schedule = 1200 and qty=10. Therefore 12000
3701EM: 1500 List Price, with possibility to have Revenue schedule
37015Y: 3000 List Price one time, no possibility to schedule

Using Quotes:

Users can generate a quote with opportunity data, and keep the quote and opportunity data in sync. A PDF of the
quote can be generated and sent to the potential customer.

The quote object in Salesforce is a great solution for capturing and quoting standalone products without complex
pricing requirements. If you need to con gure product bundles, have product inter-dependencies, complex pricing
requirements, or similar requirements, you may want to consider a third party solution such as Apttus Con gure Price

It is disabled by default. To enable it, go to: Build | Customize | Quotes | Quotes Settings – Enable Quotes – save
Select the page layouts where Quote will be enabled in, let’s say “Product Sales” layout
Once enabled, the settings list will appear
Go to opportunities, you can see a new Quote section is added
– click new Quote
the products and amount will be taken from the Opportunity  itself
On the quote itself, you can add products more than the noes in the Opportunity . Then you can Synchronize
quote and opportunity

6.5- Describe the capabilities of campaign management (e.g., hierarchies, in uences, campaign members)
A campaign is an Object in Salesforce, part of the Marketing App. It is
used to track the organization marketing initiatives and your marketing
spend. With campaign you can:
Market to existing Leads and contacts
Track response rate
Generate new leads and add into campaign and converge to contacts and Opportunity and track this
Calculate ROI
What can a campaign be? Anything that can generate Leads and business can be a campaign: Mass Email,
Webinar, Print advertising, Event, outdoor advertising, promotions…
Campaign is a standard object – you have all standard objects functionalities: custom elds, records owner,
layouts, business process and record type, validation rules, work ow…etc.
Unique campaign features: campaign statistics: summary info like number of leads associated with campaign,
contacts, Opportunity , converted Leads…
Creating a campaign is just like creating any other record in Salesforce, with the exception that the user must
have the “Marketing User” feature license selected in addition to corresponding object-level security.
To create a campaign, go to the campaign tab, click on new. Fill the elds.
Once created, you can view and add things to the campaign:
Campaign hierarchy: if you have parent/child relationship it will show
Activities: events and tasks
Activity history: log a call, send an email
Campaign members: you can add members by searching
existing Leads and Contacts or uploading le (for example, get
attendee le in a trade show) status of each member can be Sent or Responded

Once anyone responds to the campaign, you can update his status:

You can convert a Lead to an account, Opportunity and contact/ this change count:
Here, we started with 5 leads, where 2 responded, then 1 Lead was converted.
Once the opportunity is closed/won, then its value will appear in the campaign (2,000$ here).


This can now be used in the ROI report (the Actual cost will be used as cost, and not the budgeted cost. So
make sure to enter the exact actual cost at the end of the campaign).
Campaign ROI is the percentage a campaign has returned above its cost. A campaign that cost $20,000 and
returned $20,000 would have an ROI of 0%. Campaign ROI calculations only include opportunities where the
campaign is listed as its primary campaign.

Hoe to create mass email campaign:

1. Create Email template that you want to send to your contacts

2. Create the Campaign: from the Marketing App, go to the Campaign tab – create new
3. Add the list of contacts included in the campaign and make status = sent. Change status to
Responded when they respond.
4. Mass email: go to contacts tab, go to the bottom – tools – “Mass Email Contacts” – Filter the contacts in this mass
email by campaign that you created, select the contacts – select the email template – give name to
the Mass email and add options, like BCC me – click on Send. Note: before mass sending to the
real contacts, select test campaign with test recipients and try to send to them rst.
5. See here:

Instruction demo on how to do an email campaign in S…



Campaign Hierarchy: YouTube Vid: How To: Understand Campaign Hierarchy

How To: Understand Campaign Hierarchy


A campaign hierarchy will allow you to capture statistics about a group of campaigns at a glance.
When you use campaign hierarchy, need to add the Hierarchy total elds to layout (add new section) + make
elds visible in Field-Level Security – they are not present in Layout and hidden in Field-Level Security!
When you do these 2, the table in the “Campaign Hierarchy” related list will get populated with matrix numbers
Then build a campaign structure using the Parent Campaign eld.
You can have up to 5 levels in your campaign hierarchy. There is no limit to the number of campaigns within the
hierarchy itself, however. The Related List of Campaign Hierarchy will only show 2 levels (a parent and children).

Can also be used if you have a series of linked campaigns:

Campaign hierarchy elds may be set to hidden eld-level security by

default. Ensure that the proper pro les have access by changing the
visibility to each eld (if required):

Setup | Customize | Campaigns | Fields

Click on the eld (e.g. “Total Actual Cost in Hierarchy”).
Click “Set Field-Level Security”.
Set the eld to visible for the appropriate pro les.

Now that the campaign hierarchy elds are visible, add them to appropriate page layout(s). Note: You may want to
consider using record types when implementing a campaign hierarch

Campaign In uence:

Campaign in uence allows you to associate one opportunity to multiple campaigns.

An opportunity can have only one primary campaign.
Only the primary campaign in uences campaign rollup summary elds on the related campaign.
In short, campaign in uence will allow you to display and report on
an opportunity’s relationship with multiple campaigns, but the
opportunity is only attributed to a single campaign for rollup
summary and ROI calculations.
How can I use campaign in uence in my organization? Simply add the campaign in uence related list to the
appropriate opportunity page layout(s).
Automatic campaign association: When a contact role is
added to an opportunity, automatic campaign association
will add that contact’s campaigns to the campaign
in uence related list on the opportunity. To work:
Required: Campaign in uence must be enabled (Step
1 in the screenshot below).
Optional: The contact role must be added within the
campaign in uence time frame (Step 2 in the
screenshot below). As shown, no restriction is
Optional: The campaign must meet the criteria
speci ed in campaign association rules (Step 3 in the
screenshot below). As shown, no restriction is applied.
Required: The contact role must be added prior to the opportunity close date.

Campaign ROI

ROI is the percentage a campaign has returned above its cost.

Formula: (Total Value Won Opportunities – Actual Cost) / Actual Cost
Opportunities are only included in campaign ROI calculations if both of following are true:
The campaign is listed as the opportunity’s primary campaign source.
The opportunity’s stage type is closed/won (see Sales Processes and Opportunity
Stages for details on stage type).
to run Salesforce campaign ROI reports: Click on the campaigns tab, and run the
“Campaign ROI Analysis Report”

6.6- Given a scenario, identify when to apply the appropriate sales productivity features (e.g., big deal alerts,
update reminders, similar opportunities, competitors, team selling)
Similar Opportunities:

Allow users to nd Closed/Won opportunities that match the attributes of an opportunity they’re currently
working on, so they can quickly access information that might help them close their open deals.
step 1: Enable it in: Build | Customize | Opportunities | Similar Opportunities
Once enabled, a “Similar Opportunities” related list appears on the opportunity record
Step 2: select Match criteria: Select between 3 and 10 elds or related lists to match
against when nding similar opportunities. Ex. Products, competitors…
Step 3. Select Fields to Display for Similar Opportunities
Once enabled. A Related List called “Simlar Opportunities” will show at the bottom of the Opportunity page

Big Deal Alert:

A Big Deal Alert is an automated email that

includes a snapshot of an opportunity that has reached a given threshold: trigger amount
and probability.
The email will be sent when BOTH triggers are met or exceeded
Enable it in: Build | Customize | Opportunities | Big Deal Alert
Con gure: amount and %, from name / address, page layout and language (which user), emails TO, CC and BCC

Update Reminder:

Update Reminder lets managers send their direct reports automated emails with a report
on the team’s open opportunities. It lets admin schedule weekly or monthly emails to you
/ your direct reports to remind them to keep opportunity information up to date in
preparation for reviews or other meetings
Can enable it for Org / Auto activate reminder for user who have other users reporting to
them (Direct Reports)
In this page, you will have a list of all users with Direct Reports.
Can con gure each user settings: active?, send to Manager only, or Manager and his Direct Reports?, frequency
(weekly, monthly), lter Opportunity close date, select elds to include.


It is a List View on the Opportunity page

When click on New, you get a Text eld with name and Strength/weaknesses

You can Add picklist values as Competitors names in Built | Customize | Opportunity | Competitors
When you add, and when you select now you will have a New Window (Combp) to choose from or add text eld

Opportunity Team:

Enabled by default
Already covered here, search for: Opportunity Team

For Lightning Experience:

Sales Path:

In LEX, go to Setup (as in the screenshot on the right)

Go to the Sales Path settings, you will get the below:
Keep sales reps focused on what’s most important to close deals fast. By guiding reps to
the right elds and sales content at the right time, Sales Path enforces and ensures
adoption of your company’s sales process. When you create sales paths, you choose:
Which helpful reminders, links to Chatter posts, and best practices to include.
The elds and sales content that appear for your sales reps at the right stage of the selling process.
How many sales paths you maintain, like one for leads and another for opportunities.
Or, you may better serve them with one sales path for each of your lead and
opportunity record types.
When you activate your sales paths. For example, you can activate sales paths as soon
as you save your work, or come back at a later time to re ne and activate them.
Enable it. Con gure it:
Step 1: Name and Object
Step 2: For each stage, which elds you want to appear for your sales reps



Now, on each stage that you con gured, you will get the Key elds, and the Key for Success text:


Ofer Doron
October 24, 2016 at 7:17 pm

You write “You cannot display the account roles related list on the contact. For instance, when I view the contact that has a Role in an
account, no record of the relationship to any account is displayed on the contact page”.
But I checked it and found that “related accounts” is displayed in the contact detail page, with all the related accounts that the current
contact is associated with.

Neehar Kapila
October 16, 2017 at 12:45 am

I think you would nd related accounts related list on contacts when you enable “Enable contacts with Multiple Accounts” in Lightning

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