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Using Minikube to Create a Cluster

netes cluster is.

e is.

cluster using an online terminal.

s a highly available cluster of computers that are connected to work as a single
Kubernetes allow you to deploy containerized applications to a cluster without tying
vidual machines. To make use of this new model of deployment, applications need to
at decouples them from individual hosts: they need to be containerized.
ns are more exible and available than in past deployment models, where
ed directly onto speci c machines as packages deeply integrated into the host.
the distribution and scheduling of application containers across a cluster in a more
s is an open-source platform and is production-ready.

nsists of two types of resources:

ates the cluster

ers that run applications


ction-grade, open-source platform that orchestrates the placement (scheduling) and

on containers within and across computer clusters.


ble for managing the cluster. The master coordinates all activities in your cluster,
ications, maintaining applications' desired state, scaling applications, and rolling out

sical computer that serves as a worker machine in a Kubernetes cluster. Each node
n agent for managing the node and communicating with the Kubernetes master. The
ools for handling container operations, such as Docker or rkt. A Kubernetes cluster
tra c should have a minimum of three nodes.

cluster and the nodes are used to host the running applications.

ations on Kubernetes, you tell the master to start the application containers. The
ontainers to run on the cluster's nodes. The nodes communicate with the master
PI, which the master exposes. End users can also use the Kubernetes API directly to
n be deployed on either physical or virtual machines. To get started with Kubernetes
se Minikube. Minikube is a lightweight Kubernetes implementation that creates a VM
nd deploys a simple cluster containing only one node. Minikube is available for Linux,
ystems. The Minikube CLI provides basic bootstrapping operations for working with
art, stop, status, and delete. For this tutorial, however, you'll use a provided online

t Kubernetes is, let's go to the online tutorial and start our rst cluster!

torial › (/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/create-cluster/cluster-interactive/)


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