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Inquiry Project – Cracking the Case

Daniel Kim

According to the Alberta’s Teachers Association’s Code of Professional Conduct, (4)

The teacher treats pupils with dignity and respect and is considerate of their circumstances. And

(18) The teacher acts in a manner which maintains the honour and dignity of the profession.

Therefore, throughout researching to answer the inquiry question and "Crack the Case," I came

across different resources that have provided insight on the topic of Cultural Diversity and Safe

and Caring Classrooms. This is a topic that is very relevant in our schools today as we have

FNMI, refugee and international students coming through our doors more than ever. Resources

that applied to being a good leader, and self-identity, to cultural days, and strategies to better

incorporate cultural diversity into the classroom; all have provided information to answer the

question, "How do schools support cultural diverse students and ensure safe and caring

classrooms?" The approaches and strategies may have differed across the resources, but all

contribute to assuring that culturally diverse students are supported. Although this Inquiry

Project focuses specifically on culturally diverse students, it is important to ensure that all

students are provided cultural understanding, and all are felt safe and cared for in their

classrooms. From the collection of different evidences, the results show that schools are heading

in the right direction for cultural inclusion and safe and caring classrooms. With a combination

of the different ideas shared throughout the resources, I believe that schools and teachers will

truly pick up speed addressing this topic.

Teachers and schools need to become leaders that their students trust. To become leaders

we need to be more inclined to think of the well-being of our students and not ourselves, we need
to be willing to make sacrifices on their behalf. As teachers, we are in a practice of self-

reflection. We need to be mindful of the biases we have and teach our students to “be their best”

regardless of where they come from. Alberta Education has made public, School Diversity Policy

Tool Kit and Cultural Considerations to help teachers understand what the processes look like to

help students in the classroom. Finally, we need to be responsible teachers who are able to

encourage students to do and be the best they can and giving them confidence in their identity.

By understanding different cultures we are better able to celebrate them, while also creating your

own classroom culture that strives on each student and their uniqueness.


Alberta Education. (2010). Handbook for International Education Administrators. Cultural

Considerations, 65-85.

Guidelines for ethical behaviour: ATA code of professional conduct. (2018). Edmonton:

Guidance Council, Alberta Teachers Association.

Melissa Crum. A Tale of Two Teachers. TED Talks. (2015). Retrieved from


Nishishiba, M. (2016). Understanding cultural differences. Culturally Mindful Communication,


Roach, C. (2015). Celebrating Your School’s Cultural Diversity. Edutopia.

Simon Sinek. Why Good Leaders Make you Feel Safe. TED Talks. (2014). Retrieved from

Steele, D. M. (2015). Identity-Safe School Environments, Creating. Encyclopedia of Diversity in

Education. Edutopia.

The Society for Safe and Caring Schools & Communities The Alberta Teachers’ Association.
(2015). School Diversity Policy Tool Kit.

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