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Your guide to what’s going
on in Waringstown

Feb - May ‘19

Edition 11

h l ife
ch urc
d i ar y
e k ly
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i ty n
i ti o n

an initiative of

Welcome to the
eleventh edition of our community
newsletter. A new year brings reflection,
optimism and it brings change, and in this
edition, we will reflect on inspirational stories
from the past and look forward to some
engaging viewpoints for the future 
We will introduce Stuart Hawthorne, the new
minister of Waringstown Presbyterian Church.
We will get to know him and what his vision and plans are for the future.  
From the Valley Lane to New York, we talk to one of our own on page 6 with David
Lyttle, the Waringstown born songwriter, producer and Mobo-nominated jazz
After several successful events in recent years, the Church of Ireland Rector,
Reverend Bryan Martin reflects in page 8 on how the churches and community in
the village have come together as one. 
With Valentine’s day fast approaching, Louise Dunn catches up with
Waringstown’s oldest married couple on page 12 as we learn what the secret is to
a long and prosperous marriage. 
Ronnie Russell, an independent funeral director from the village, gives us an
overview of what’s involved in building a local business
on page 14, while Bill Sanderson gives us a historical view
and context on St Patrick Day on page 18. 
As the UK makes its final preparations to leave the
European Union, the most controversial part of the Brexit
negotiations has been the border. In Page 16, Colin Neill
explores another soft border but closer to home. 
As Winter transitions to Spring, our community will once
again look ahead with great optimism to the changes
2019 will bring. 

Simon Fitzpatrick
‘Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new
creation has come: The old has gone, the
new is here.’ - 2 Corinthians 5:17

2 Welcome
The View from the Pew
Prayer. Something I’ve grown up with. It’s always
been there: available, accessible, attainable. It’s
something that’s helped me get to sleep at night
when niggles, doubts and anxieties have taken
hold; something that’s incredibly private and
personal when innermost worries and unstable
thoughts are laid bare; something that I’ve clung
on to in moments when I’ve felt I’ve had nowhere
else to turn or no one else to talk to. Satan uses
moments where we’re at our weakest to sneak in
and loiter, whispering words of doubt, uncertainty
and insecurity, hurling negativity and unravelling
disappointment in every direction, isolating us from rational thought. 
God is a redeemer. A healer. An author of hope and a provider of restoration. We can
trust in Him as He has all of the answers. And God has designed us to help each other, to
walk alongside others, to share a burden and lighten a load. Our community in
Waringstown is strong, and we should encourage each other and earnestly pray for
each other, strengthening others when they’re feeling shaky and vulnerable, offering
hope and understanding, comfort and solace, empathy and sympathy, soothing and
softening others’ troubles. Be gracious and grateful. Listen to God’s healing voice of
love, and enable others to know their value and their
importance. In amongst the busyness, find time to
communicate with God and with others, and we will catch
God’s faithfulness. 
Prayer. I know it works. If you’re praying for a change, for an
answer, for help? Maybe not in my time or in yours. Maybe
not today, tomorrow, next month or even next year. Maybe
not how we’ve planned it. Trust God’s timing. Trust God’s way.
He will answer our prayers at the right time, in the right way. 
Isaiah 41:10 The Message:  ‘Don’t panic. I’m with you. There’s
no need to fear for I’m your God. I’ll give you strength. I’ll help
you. I’ll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you.’  
Nicola Vaughan

Nicola is married to Paul and Mum to Dillion, Katie and

Matthew. She teaches at Donaghcloney PS and enjoys all
things related to the arts.


Year, New Ministry
The New Year ushered in a new era of ministry at
Waringstown Presbyterian Church (WPC) as Rev. Stuart
Hawthorne was installed as the congregation’s new
minister in early January. Connect magazine caught
up with Stuart, to hear about his dreams for himself,
the congregation, and the village.  
At the start of the interview we talked about family, as
also new to Waringstown is Caroline – Stuart’s wife of
15 years – and children Caleb, Joel, Eli and Mollie. Life
is lively, but when rare downtime is found, Stuart enjoys
watching sport (in particular, rugby, football and
mixed martial arts), time at the gym, the latest Netflix
offerings, and a good cup of coffee.  
Stuart is from Carrickfergus, and prior to going into
ministry worked as a geography teacher and then a
youth pastor, his theology training followed by a period New Minister, Stuart
as an Assistant Minister in Abbots Cross in Belfast.  
Stuart expected to move on to somewhere he
imagined as “gritty and urban”, and Waringstown (or a place like it) was not on his
agenda. But when WPC reached out something he describes as “supernatural”
“I can only say that when Caroline and I visited Waringstown a deep love was
birthed in our hearts for the place, and it grew warmer and warmer as the months
went on. Then I met the elders and other folks from the church and the love only
increased. God has worked clearly to bring us here.” 
Stuart’s background as a geographer makes him fascinated by place and space,
and among the attractions of Waringstown are its self-containment and the sense
of community that makes possible. He recognises WPC has contributed to
community life in the past – in its own initiatives and in partnership with Holy Trinity
Church – and wants to see it become more embedded in the village, helping it to

Such an involvement is not just about activities. “As followers of Jesus we’re called
to be good neighbours, to care for others, to take an interest in what’s going on in
their lives, and invite them in turn to see what’s going on in WPC. I want to see a
curiosity stirred in people about who we are as a church and why we believe what
we believe in.”

4 Church Life
Stuart looks forward to life in Waringstown –
not just congregational activities, but
meeting people on the street, in the shops,
at the school gate, sharing coffees with
them. “Wherever they live, and whatever
stage of life they’re at, people need to know
they’re loved and cared for. God’s people
should be seeking the peace and prosperity
of the place where he’s put them.” 
With the times we live in often marked by
scepticism about belief, what is it that
encourages Stuart as he starts out in
Stuart with wife Caroline and “We need to have perspective. The church
children Caleb, Joel, Eli and Mollie. moving to the margins might seem strange to
some in Northern Ireland, but it’s often been
the historic norm for God’s people, and the
long view shows us that the church often thrives most when under pressure. 
Maybe in the past the church has trusted too much in numbers in the pew and
influence with powerbrokers and that’s
made us too self-sufficient. But what God
wants is for us to be totally dependent on
him – it may seem a contradiction but his
power is displayed most when we live in
People are fed up with false religion and
false hopes, and they know nominal
Christianity doesn’t cut it. And God himself
never calls people to something superficial.
He’s a God who never fails and holds out
to people a love that is unconditional.
Because of Jesus, irrespective of our
background and who we are or what we
might have done, we can have a
relationship with God in the here and now,
and the good news of a promised future
and life after death.” 
A new year… a new era… a new ministry…
and most importantly, new opportunities
held out for fresh starts in life. 

By Colin Neill
When a Lyttle goes a long way… 
Described by Hot Press as
‘a veritable one-man
industry’, Waringstown-
born drummer, composer,
producer and owner of
Lyte Records, David Lyttle,
 commands international
attention as a Jazz

Having begun his career

at the age of four, in the
Lyttle family’s folk group,
David’s burgeoning talent
then progressed through
drumming (from the age Waringstown’s own - David Lyttle
of 8) and in his formal training on cello.
 Momentously, after hearing Jazz at the age
of eighteen, David sharpened his focus on drums and today he identifies himself,
primarily, as a Jazz drummer.  As such, David believes that playing drums throughout
his childhood, and performing in his family band, in his school (Banbridge Academy)
and church (Waringstown Presbyterian Church) were “very important times” in his
early development as a musician.   

Since then, David has performed in twenty-five countries, collaborated with a breath-
taking collection of celebrated Jazz artists and secured a firm reputation as a
producer and songwriter.  Moreover, for his most critically acclaimed album to date,
Faces, 2015, David enjoyed nominations for a MOBO Award for Best Jazz Act and an
Urban Music Award.  This breakthrough in the music industry has facilitated an exciting
period of international touring, with David bringing Jazz to the public within ranging
cultural contexts and enriching his own music through the experience. 

David, you’ve travelled widely with your music- where has it taken you recently?   

I've been performing internationally for ten years but the past year has been my most
international year with trips to China, Canada, the U.S., Holland, Switzerland, Britain
and Spain. I'm always searching for challenging and inspiring touring experiences and
lately I've been visiting some of the Irish islands to play jazz music. My most extreme
touring experience was earlier this year, in China. I performed the day I arrived, again
the next night and flew home the morning after that. I think I performed that night
too. That all felt a bit like a dream.

6 Church Life
Where are you performing at present and why is touring such an essential component
of your work? 
I'm currently in Amsterdam.  Touring is really the only way I can be fully active playing
this music and it's the only way you can earn money and keep getting better. For most
musicians, it's our dream to be performing and travelling. On these current dates I'm
playing with Jesse van Ruller, who's considered one of the best jazz guitarists in the
world. I'm really doing what I always wanted to do. 
Have there been any low points or difficulties which you’ve encountered and learnt
from in your career so far?   
Getting through your twenties as a musician is incredibly hard. There are all sorts of
pressures, within the music, your career and in normal life. You have to be very
focused and keep your life very simple to make it to my age and still be true to what
you set out to do. 
And finally, when you’re ‘home’ in N.I, where’s your favourite place to be?   
Waringstown! I have so many memories of growing up in the country near
Waringstown and most of my interests are connected to where I grew up in some way.
As a young adult becoming a Jazz musician, all my practice and early development
took place out there.
Article by Diane Wilkinson


7:30 - 10:00pm

Ages behind the
11 to 17 Country

Contact Neil for

more info on
07745 534886


It was a wonderful privilege for my wife Lisa and I to
be guests at the Ordination and Installation of WPC’s
new minister, Rev. Stuart Hawthorne, in early January
(the first Presbyterian Ordination Service I’ve ever
attended). At that service, I was struck with how our
c h u r c h e s , Wa r i n g s t o w n P r e s b y t e r i a n a n d
Donaghcloney Parish, have tried to live as one, ‘holy,
catholic and apostolic church’.

Churches have all too often been marked by division

– often, to our shame, over secondary matters – but
writing to the church in Ephesus, Paul says ‘Walk with
all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing
with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity
of the Spirit in the bond of peace’ (Ephesians 4:2-3).

What Paul's saying is this: if Jesus has brought me to

faith in him and he’s also brought you to faith in him, then he’s created a bond
between us that’s deeper and longer-lasting than any other unity - even marriage, and
we're to be eager to work at relationships in this spiritual family.

It’s been a real joy for me to see our

church families working together in this
Spirit filled unity, in ways that older
generations may have not believed
possible. Our joint youth work with the Boys
Brigade and Girl Guides; our Holy Week
Services joined with Donaghcloney’s
Methodist, Elim, and Presbyterian
churches; having WPC’s previous minister,
Rev. Philip Thompson speak in Dromore
Cathedral at my installation as Canon; our
services together on the fifth Sundays of
the month; and finally, Bethlehem Village,
have been such a witness to our
community of the body of Christ, united in
His truth and sharing His love.

This is the unity we’re called to: unity not

for the sake of unity, and unity not
because it feels nice, but because it
shows the world who Jesus is, God’s Son,
our Lord and Saviour.

Canon Bryan Martin,

Church Life
Donaghcloney & Waringstown Church of Ireland
Monday Tuesday
9am-1pm 10am-1pm
Church Office Open 
 Church Office Open
Contact: Pamela 02838882654 Contact: Pamela 02838882654

11am-2pm (WPC Hall) 10am-12pm (WPC Hall)

Luncheon Club (Senior Citizens Lunch) Retired Men’s Fellowship (Bowls & Coffee)
Contact: Melvyn 07854 875170 Contact: Melvyn 07854 875170

6.45pm-7.45pm (WPC Hall) 6-7pm or 7-8pm (C of I Halls)

Rainbows (Girl Guiding for Ages 4-7) Anchor Boys (BB for p2-p4, places limited)
Contact Joanne: 07709 393200
7-8.30pm (C of I Halls)
6.30pm-8pm (C of I Halls) Junior Section (BB for p5-p7)
Brownies ((Girl Guiding for Ages 7-10)
Contact Trudy: 07769 977343 7.30-9.30pm (WPC Hall & C of I Halls)
Company & Senior Sections (BB for yr8+)
8pm-9pm (WPC Hall) Contact: Jack 07546 549526
Guides (Girl Guiding for Ages 10-14)
or jackpatterson7@yahoo.com
Contact: Lynn 07761 902767
or ‘Waringstown BB’ Facebook Page
8pm-9pm (WPC Hall)
Senior Section (Girl Guiding Ages 14-26)
Contact Joanne: 07709 393200

8-10pm (WPC Hall)

Banner Making
Contact: Barbara 07525 265665

Friday Saturday
9am-1pm 8.30-11am (Polypipe Factory, Dromore Rd.)
Church Office Open WPC Wheelers (Men’s Cycling Club)
Contact: Pamela 02838882654 Contact: Richard 07878 327196
or richardpatterson101@tiscali.co.uk
7-9pm (WPC Hall) *weather dependent.
Friday Fun Club (Youth Club for p5-p7’s)
Fortnightly. Contact: Suzie 07706 797647

Harbour Nights (Youth Fellowship for Ages 11-17)
Fortnightly in WPC Hall
Anchor Groups (Small Groups for Ages 11-17)
Fortnightly in various local homes
Contact: Mark 07903 614370

10 Weekly Diary
Wednesday Thursday
9am-1pm 9am-1pm
Church Office Open Church Office Open
Contact: Pamela 02838882654 Contact: Pamela 02838882654

6.30pm-7.30pm (C of I Halls) 10.30am-12pm (WPC Hall)

Rainbows (Girl Guiding for Ages 4-7) Little Lambs (Baby & Toddler group)
Contact Judith: 07548 526339 Contact: Ruth 07879 665308
Facebook: ‘Little Lambs Parent & Toddler
6.45pm-8.15pm (C of I Halls) Group’
Brownies ((Girl Guiding for Ages 7-10)
Contact Emma: 07525 900506 7pm-10pm (WPC Church)
Music Practice (For Sunday worship)
7.45pm-9.30pm (C of I Halls) Contact: Sam 07976 369668
Guides (Girl Guiding for Ages 10-14)
Contact Jill: 07730 952238
7.30-10pm (The Basement, Connect 61)
8-9.30pm (WPC Hall) The Basement Youth Centre
First Wednesday (Mid-week Bible study) Youth centre for ages 11-18 offering a range of
First Wednesday each month programmes and projects during the year.
Come along and see what you think!
8-9pm (WPC Hall) Contact: Neil 07745 534886
Central Prayer Gathering
Third Wednesday each month

9.30-10.45am (WPC Church)
Morning Worship
10.45-11.30am (WPC Hall)
Coffee Time between services

11.30am-12.45pm (WPC Church)

Morning Worship
6.30-7.30pm (WPC Church)
Evening Worship


 the Greatest of these is Love
Audrey Hepburn has been quoted as saying “If I get
married I want to be very married” and whilst this
may not be something best applied to the famous
British actress, it is definitely true for the lovely May
and Tommy Harrison of Acre Lane, Waringstown. 
May (aged 90) and Tommy (94) grew up within one
mile of each other and even went to the same
school but it wasn’t until they both attended a
function in Kingshill Orange Hall in September 1953
that romance blossomed.  
They married a year later on 25th September 1954 at
Waringstown’s Holy Trinity Church. Around 50 people
attended the wedding with the reception held in
May’s family home. The happy couple then went to
Bangor for their honeymoon but May confesses they decided to cut it short, as she
couldn’t wait to get home to her new role as Mrs Harrison. May and Tommy went
on to have six children (Elizabeth, John, Walter, Pauline, Mervyn and Samuel) and
are now blessed with 14 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren.  
The couple put their good health and fresh-faced appearances down to their
belief in a strong work ethic. Tommy began his working life at just 15 in a
Waringstown factory, and continued working to the age of 65, finishing off his
career at local company
Unicorn Engineering. May
also worked hard, cycling
daily to her job at the post
office in Waringstown.  
The couple applied the
same approach to home
making and raising their
family. Their house was filled
with the aroma of May’s love
for home baking, and with
To m m y b e i n g a n a v i d
gardener, most of the fruit
and vegetables which the
family enjoyed at meal times
was home grown.
Tommy and May with their six children

Community News
Today’s modern conveniences were not commonplace in the Harrison home, but the
fact that there was no telephone or central heating, and only bicycles to get around
on, did not matter.  The milkman, breadman and mobile grocery coming to their door
prevented any sense of isolation and ensured close community relations and values.  
When asked for the secret to their long and
happy life together Tommy and May have the
following advice. Tommy says you should never
go to sleep on an argument and May urges
couples never to give up on each other.  
Alongside this the couple agree that it is crucial
to be content and the words of the famous hymn
by Philip Paul Bliss “Whatever my lot you have
taught me to say it is well, it is well with my soul”
can easily be applied to this Godly Christian
With Valentines Day fast approaching, when there will be a look of expectation in
many women’s eyes and a look of fear in many men, as they panic buy a box of
chocolates and bunch of wilted flowers from the local shop, May and Tommy’s 64
years of married life is an inspiration to all of us. 
Article by Louise Dunn

The Life of a Funeral Director 
Tell us a bit about yourself, and how you came to
start a new business in the village of Waringstown?
I am the son of Ronnie and Elizabeth with four
sisters. I grew up in the village and attended the
Primary School before finishing my education in
Lurgan. I absolutely hated school! Although I live in
Lurgan, Waringstown is still very much home. I
attend Waringstown Presbyterian Church and
sponsor Waringstown Cricket Club.
What have been some of the challenges and
highlights of setting up a business in a new
I bought the derelict building at the corner of the Dunkirk Road in January 2018. It had
been an eyesore for many years and attracted antisocial behaviour. It has been a
challenge bringing the building back to life, but we have done it. The main highlight
has been the brilliant neighbours and community who have sent cards and messages,
along with those who have called in and made very favourable comments on the
current state of the building.
How does it impact you personally to deal with death and bereavement daily?
I am a funeral director for the Coroners Service. I deal with everything from sudden
unexplained deaths, to suicides, fatal car accidents, industrial accidents and murders.
People look upon us as funeral directors, dressed in suits, they don’t see the many
traumatic scenes that we face. On the other hand, it’s such a privilege to be able to
help a grieving family when they are faced with a bereavement. We arrange
everything! Obviously, we look after the preparation of the deceased, but we also
arrange ministers, catering,
flowers, orders of service,
newspaper notices and
memorials. As a funeral director I
am here to serve, to guide, to
help. That’s what drew me to the
profession and that’s why I keep
How does what you do impact on
your own religious beliefs?
I think it would be difficult to be a
funeral director and not have
faith. To think that life just ends on
death to me is a nonsense. Why
would we have to through all this
hassle in life, if there is to be
nothing in death.

Community News
I often look in amazement at the body of a person who has passed away, they
are lifeless, no heart beating, the body has in theory shut down. If I didn’t believe
that the soul had now returned to its creator, how would I continue in what I do!?
What has been your proudest moment in your career to date?
Starting my business. When a family ask me to carry out a funeral, when they trust
me, that’s an extremely rewarding feeling. I am also proud to have a great team.
I have Alan, one of the best embalmers in the province, George Bibb and I have
been recently reacquainted with two old colleagues and friends Ian McCormick
and Jim Clydesdale who have joined as consultants.
Do you see any trend towards more non-religious funeral ceremonies nowadays?
Most of my funeral work would be traditional funerals with a local minster
conducting the service. However, I have also had a few occasions where no
minister was involved at the wish of the family.

What aspects of the service you provide set you apart from your competitors?
Firstly, the Personal experience that we offer. We employ local people who live in
and know the area. Secondly, the Price. We offer simple funerals, at an affordable
price. We help people to make informed choices, explaining costs as we go.
Thirdly, the Product. From the coffin through to the catering,
we only use the best.
Article by Jillian Derby

Don’t mention the border!
One of the thorniest aspects of the UK’s Brexit
conundrum has been the border between
Northern Ireland and the Republic, and how
to retain its frictionless nature. Without the
border, there would have been no need of a
backstop, without the backstop no need for
backstops to the backstop…

But does Waringstown have its own border issue? I’ve lived in the village for 17 years
and have been told categorically on a number of occasions that Waringstown is
half in County Armagh and half in County Down. This legend also, as I recall it,
conveniently placed Waringstown’s invisible equivalent of Checkpoint Charlie slap
bang in the middle of the village’s Main Street.

All of this would make for a clever and semi-witty filler for Connect magazine, were
it not for the inconvenient truth that it’s completely untrue! Yes, Waringstown being
split between County Armagh and County Down is an urban myth!

A close look at a county boundary map shows the village is unambiguously in

County Down. In fact, there’s not so much as a smidgen of Waringstown in County
Armagh: it’s all fake news! So where is the county border? Drive out of the village
towards Lurgan and opposite the Waringstown sign there’s a lane to the left. That’s
the county line (pictured above).
Alternatively, approach Waringstown from
Lurgan’s Belfast Road and you’re into
County Down even before you come to
the Dromore Road – the county line there
is between Hazelgrove Avenue and

Maybe the Armagh-Down myth has

drawn some oxygen from the fact our
post comes from the Craigavon sorting "The Great Hunger" - The effects of the Irish
famine on all parts of Ireland
office – hence our County Armagh postal 21st Feb
addresses – but there absolutely isn’t a Martin Donaldson M.A M.Sc Village Inn at 7.30pm

Northern Irish equivalent of the Maginot

Line or 53 rd Parallel running through "The influence of the Linen Industry
on Ulster Art"
Waringstown. 4th April
Dr Dickon Hall, Art Historian Village Inn at 7.30pm
If only that other border problem were
quite so easily solved… Everyone Welcome!
To find out more about Waringstown Community
Article by Colin Neill - thanks to Product Development Association & our activities visit

 Team in Ordnance Survey. www.waringstown.org

16 Community News
@ The Hollow
7:45- 9:00pm

3rd February
17th February
Young people are invited 3rd March
to attend church at 6:30pm
and meet at the Hollow 31st March
Cafe after the service.
Supper will be provided.
Contact Janice for more
info on 07810 797415

Discovering the Real St Patrick
As March 17th draws near, Connect magazine thought it timely
to learn more about St Patrick, a figure of whom many of us
have only an outline understanding.  
Although Patrick is Ireland’s patron saint, it seems doubtful that the
island was his birthplace. Most scholars believe he was born in
Roman Britain (possibly Cumbria), around 390AD. He came from a
wealthy family and his father was a Church deacon. 
When Patrick was 16 he was captured by pirates and taken to Ireland where he
remained a slave for six years. It was during this period that he came to have a
strong Christian faith. After escaping, he appears to have travelled to Gaul and
maybe Rome, before returning to Britain where he was ordained as a Christian
In a vision one night, around 431AD, God called Patrick to return to Ireland as a
missionary, though it’s unclear that he was the first person to bring Christianity to the
island. But whatever existed before his time was fragmented and rudimentary, and
Patrick deserves his place as the founding father of the Irish Church. 
After being consecrated as a Bishop, he travelled again to the land he’d known as a
slave and spent the last 30 years of his life proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. By
the time he died in 461AD – tradition says he was buried in Downpatrick – he’d
established a nationwide Church with headquarters in Armagh.  
A famous St Patrick story is that he cast the snakes out of Ireland: that seems unlikely
as all evidence suggests postglacial Ireland never had any snakes. The legend may
however be a metaphor
for the Druids who Patrick
is said to have driven out
of Ireland when he
established Christianity. 
By all accounts Patrick
was a humble person who
endured many difficulties
and much hardship in
Ireland, but had a great
sense of Christ’s presence
with him at all times and
constantly relied on God’s

Article by William Sanderson

ng Mondays
on the followi

4th February
at Waringstown
4th March Presbyterian
1st April Church

Membership No audition
Adults: £20 necessary!
Students: £10

Call Sandra for more info on 07962 175137

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Waringstown Presbyterian
028 3888 2654

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Waringstown Presbyterian Church

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