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Directions: You and a partner (or 2) will be creating a 3-D model of skin structure
representing healthy skin. You will need to include all the structures listed below,
as well as a list of the functions of each structure. Have fun and be creative!

Possible Materials: Think of recycled materials from home that could creatively
model these structures.

Examples: cardboard, Styrofoam, egg cartons, pipe cleaners, straws, wire,

fabric, glue, paint, markers, construction paper, etc.

Model of Skin Structures

Your 3-D model should be fastened to a base or platform. Each of the following
structures must be visible and recognizable on your model. They must be clearly
and accurately labeled.

1. Epidermis b. Sebaceous (oil) gland

a. Stratum corneum c. Hair*
b. Stratum lucidum i. Hair follicle
c. Stratum granulosum ii. Hair root
d. Stratum spinosum iii. Hair shaft
e. Stratum basale iv. Arrector pili muscle
2. Dermis 5. Other Structures*
a. Papillary layer a. Blood vessels
i. Dermal papillae b. Nerve Receptors
b. Reticular layer i. Sensory nerve fiber
3. Hypodermis ii. Pacinian corpuscle
a. Adipose tissue iii. Hair follicle receptor
4. Skin Appendages*
a. Sweat gland
i. Sweat pore
ii. Eccrine sweat gland

*no label or function needed for this word/term

Function of Each Structure:

On the base/platform of your model, attach a separate piece of paper(s)

describing the function of each structure.

Skin Model Grading Rubric

A. Model of each structure: 1 point each x 25 structures = 25 pts.

B. Accuracy of each structure (x25) = 25 pts.
C. Label for each structure (x25) = 25 pts.
D. Function of each structure (x25) = 25 pts.

Total Points = 100 ASSESSMENT POINTS

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