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FEMS Microbiology Ecology 29 (1999) 13^22

Contribution of bacteria in the mucilage of Microcystis spp.

(Cyanobacteria) to benthic and pelagic bacterial production

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in a hypereutrophic lake
Anna-Kristina Brunberg *
Institute of Limnology, Uppsala University, Norbyvaëgen 20, S-752 36 Uppsala, Sweden

Received 6 September 1998; received in revised form 8 December 1998 ; accepted 11 December 1998


The mucilage of cyanobacteria represents a unique habitat for both water column and sediment bacteria. In Lake
Vallentunasjoën, Sweden, the pelagic Microcystis-associated bacteria constituted 19^40% of the total bacterial abundance, and
their contribution to the total bacterial production was 7^30%. In the sediment, the mucilage bacteria constituted only 1^5% of
the total bacterial abundance, but contributed with 8^13% to the total bacterial production during the summer. Microcystis-
associated bacteria thus were less active (bacterial production/cell) than ambient water column bacteria, while in the sediments
the Microcystis colonies were `hot spots' with enhanced bacterial activity as compared to other sediment bacteria. z 1999
Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords : Microcystis ; Attached bacteria; Bacterial production; Microhabitat

1. Introduction to particles also has certain risks as an adaptive

strategy for survival [7,8]. Whether attachment to
The attachment of bacteria to particles is an im- particles is advantageous in a given environment de-
portant process in aquatic ecosystems. Bacteria may pends primarily on the types of particles available
attach, either loosely or more permanently, to vari- for colonisation.
ous types of suspended particles ranging in size from Normally, healthy phytoplankton are not colon-
submicrometer colloids [1], algae and faecal pellets ised by bacteria, but there are exceptions, especially
[2], to the large aggregates that ecologists term ma- among the cyanobacteria, where attachment of bac-
rine or lake `snow' [3,4]. Attachment is normally teria to heterocytes is a well-known example [9]. Mi-
considered adaptive, e.g. by enhancing uptake of or- crocystis spp., common non-heterocytic colonial cy-
ganic compounds and nutrients [5] or providing a anobacteria in eutrophic lakes, are commonly found
refuge from grazing [6], but since almost any particle with numerous bacteria embedded in the mucilage
will be of a size suitable for some grazer, attachment [9,10]. Mucilage bacteria in old, moribund colonies
probably bene¢t from using substrate and nutrients
* Tel.: +46 (18) 182727; Fax: +46 (18) 531134; from decaying Microcystis cells, but the bacteria col-
E-mail anna.brunberg@limno.uu.se onising young and healthy colonies may not neces-

0168-6496 / 99 / $20.00 ß 1999 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 8 - 6 4 9 6 ( 9 8 ) 0 0 1 2 6 - 3

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14 A. Brunberg / FEMS Microbiology Ecology 29 (1999) 13^22

sarily be harmful to the host. Even symbiotic inter- detailed lake description, see Brunberg and Bostroëm
actions may occur that favour the Microcystis cells, [14]. The present study was conducted from June
e.g. by supplying nutrients [11]. 1989 to May 1990. During this period, the surface
In contrast to the situation in lake water, bacteria sediment was sampled on ¢ve occasions, using a
in sediments have numerous particles in their envi- Willner core sampler. The sediment cores were sub-
ronment, and a large part of the bacteria are more or sequently sectioned at the lake (0^1 cm layer used in
less tightly associated with these. Studies of bacteria this study). The water column was studied on three
associated to various types of sediment particles dates, including a diurnal study on 2 August. Water
have, to my knowledge, not been performed. Re- samples were taken from the 0^2-m layer of the lake,
search is usually focused on di¡erent bacterial proc- using a tube sampler.
esses carried out by functional groups of bacteria

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(e.g. denitri¢cation, sulphate reduction, methanogen- 2.2. Abundance of bacteria and cyanobacteria
esis), and their relative contribution to the degrada-
tion of organic material in sediments of various com- Samples for determination of microbial abundance
position. For example, e¡ects of bioturbation and were preserved with 4% (v/v) formaldehyde. Cell
sedimentation on microbial processes are frequently numbers of Microcystis (cyanobacterial cells s 3
examined [12,13]. Wm in diameter) were determined from auto£uores-
Investigations in Lake Vallentunasjoën, Sweden, cence with £uorescence microscopy, after sonication
have shown that living Microcystis colonies in the and ¢ltration onto 0.2 Wm polycarbonate ¢lters. Bac-
sediment are a signi¢cant part of the benthic micro- terial abundance was determined after sonication,
bial biomass, and a coupling has been shown be- staining with acridine orange, ¢ltration on 0.2-Wm
tween Microcystis biomass and bacterial production polycarbonate ¢lters prestained with Sudan black
in the sediment [14]. The purpose of this study was and counting of cells using £uorescence microscope.
to assess the production of bacteria embedded in the Subtraction of auto£uorescing cells (small cyanobac-
mucilage of Microcystis colonies and to compare this teria, 6 2 Wm in diameter, counted with the same
with the production of other bacteria in the sediment technique as the larger cyanobacteria) from total
and in the water column. In most studies of attached bacterial counts was made in the appropriate bacte-
and free-living bacteria, the separation has been rial cell size classes. To determine the colony size of
made with ¢ltration techniques. The partitioning of the Microcystis colonies and the number of attached
particles into size-classes is never perfect [8] and it is bacteria, 100 individual Microcystis colonies were
not possible to separate di¡erent types of particles removed from the samples, sonicated, and the Micro-
within the same size fraction. By removing individual cystis cells were counted using the Utermoëhl techni-
Microcystis colonies from the water column and que with Lugol's solution and an inverted micro-
sediments, I was able to study an important category scope. The bacteria attached to these colonies were
of attached bacteria in Lake Vallentunasjoën. enumerated using epi£uorescence microscope as de-
scribed above for the total bacterial counts. For a
detailed description of the abundance determina-
2. Materials and methods tions, see Brunberg and Bostroëm [14].

2.1. Lake description and sampling methods 2.3. Bacterial production

Lake Vallentunasjoën is a shallow (mean depth 2.7 All incubations were started within an hour after
m), hypereutrophic lake near Stockholm, Sweden. sampling. Water samples (15 ml) were incubated in
Until 1970, the lake was polluted by municipal sew- 20-ml glass scintillation vials with 30 nM [methyl-
age water during a period of 20 years, and substan- H]thymidine for 2 h in situ, then formaldehyde
tial cyanobacterial blooms still occur in late summer was added to a ¢nal concentration of 2% (v/v).
yearly, frequently dominated by various Microcystis The ¢xed samples were transported to the laboratory
species (mainly M. wesenbergii and M. viridis). For a and 5-ml subsamples from three parallels and one

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blank were extracted in 0.6 N NaOH containing the colonies, a longer incubation time was chosen.
0.1% (w/v) SDS and 25 mM EDTA, acidi¢ed with Normally in this lake, although 5 nM gave maximal
cold 100% trichloroacetic acid (TCA), ¢ltered onto incorporation rates, 15^20 nM was the thymidine
0.45-Wm cellulose acetate ¢lters, and subsequently concentration used to measure production of pelagic
rinsed with 5U1-ml portions of cold 5% (w/v) bacteria (Bell, unpublished). The higher concentra-
TCA and 5U1-ml portions of ice-cold 80% (v/v) tion was used to ensure that the bacteria in the mu-
ethanol [15]. From the remaining three water sam- cilage received a high e¡ective concentration. This
ples and blank, 100^500 Microcystis colonies were was tested in October by measuring the incorpora-
removed by micropipette and processed according tion of [3 H]thymidine at concentrations varying be-
to the same protocol. Filters were placed in plastic tween 15 and 75 nM into material retained by a 12-
scintillation vials, scintillation solution was added, Wm pore-sized cellulose nitrate ¢lter. During this pe-

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and the samples assayed for radioactivity using an riod, Microcystis biomass in the lake water was max-
LKB Rack-Beta liquid scintillation counter. imal (Chl a s 100 Wg l31 ) and Microcystis colonies
Sediment bacterial production was estimated via were the dominant particles of the s 12 Wm fraction.
[3 H]thymidine incorporation into DNA following Concentrations s 30 nM increased the incorpora-
the protocol of Bell and Ahlgren [16]. In short, six tion rate by about 20%, but using higher concentra-
parallel samples (0.5 g wet sediment) and two form- tions increases the risk that macromolecules other
aldehyde-killed blanks were incubated at in situ tem- than DNA are labelled [19]. Microcystis cells lack
perature with 60 WCi [methyl-3 H]thymidine (40^60 Ci the ability to incorporate [3 H]thymidine [15,20].
mmol31 ; Amersham) for 2 h. The incubation was Autoradiographic studies have shown that the
stopped by addition of formaldehyde to a ¢nal con- [3 H]thymidine is incorporated in mucilage bacteria,
centration of 2% (v/v). Three samples and one blank but not in Microcystis cells [20].
were subsequently assayed according to Bell and
Ahlgren [16]. From the remaining samples and 2.4. Statistical treatment
blank, 100^500 Microcystis colonies were removed
with a micropipette, washed three times in 0.2-Wm Di¡erences in speci¢c [3 H]thymidine incorporation
¢ltered water (distilled and tap water, 1+1) and rate between mucilage bacteria and total bacteria
transferred to 5 ml of ¢ltered (0.2 Wm) lake water were tested statistically with Mann^Whitney test.
containing 4% (v/v) formaldehyde. These samples The di¡erences were considered signi¢cant at a level
were then ¢ltered as described for the lake water of P 6 0.05.
The NaOH extraction was used in processing sedi-
ment samples [16]. For water samples, radioactivity 3. Results
retained on ¢lters after this procedure was less than
that retained after extractions in 5% (w/v) cold TCA 3.1. Abundance of bacteria and cyanobacteria
extraction (total macromolecules) and slightly more
(up to 10%) than the radioactivity incorporated into The abundance of Microcystis-associated bacteria
a DNA fraction using the chloroform^phenol proce- in the lake water closely followed the abundance of
dure of Wicks and Robarts [17]. Because v70% of Microcystis cells (Table 1). The maximum abundance
the thymidine incorporated into macromolecules in of Microcystis cells and Microcystis-associated bac-
this lake was in DNA (Bell 1990, unpublished), the teria, 110U103 cells ml31 and 4.07U106 cell ml31 ,
NaOH extraction procedure in this study was con- respectively, were observed on 26 September. The
sidered to be roughly comparable to the DNA frac- Microcystis-associated bacteria constituted 40% of
tion. Here it was considered advantageous to have a the total pelagic bacterial abundance on this occa-
similar procedure for sediment and water samples. sion. From late autumn through spring, pelagic Mi-
Incubation times are usually kept 960 minutes [18]. crocystis colonies were not present in the amounts
However, because low total counts were expected, large enough to allow an investigation of this type.
and to ensure di¡usion of thymidine throughout In the sediment, the abundance of Microcystis was

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Table 1
Abundance of Microcystis and bacteria in Lake Vallentunasjoën, and the percentage of bacteria associated with Microcystis colonies
Date Microcystis Bacteria Bacteria associated with Microcystis Number of bacteria/
abundance abundance Microcystis cells in
Abundance % of total bacteria colonies
Lake water (abundance in cells ml )
2 August 1989 59.7U103 9.34U106 2.33U106 26 39
26 September 1989 110.0U103 10.10U106 4.07U106 40 37
8 November 1989 17.3U103 7.19U106 0.415U106 6 24

Sediment (abundance in cells g31 dry wt.)

21 June 1989 1.29U108 14.0U1010 12.9U108 0.92 10

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2 August 1989 1.74U108 12.6U1010 57.4U108 4.6 33
26 September 1989 0.84U108 13.1U1010 42.0U108 3.2 50
6 December 1989 4.40U108 16.0U1010 66.0U108 4.1 15
17 May 1990 0.72U108 17.6U1010 24.4U108 1.4 34

highest in December, after the sedimentation of col- which were free-living or attached to other particles
onies from the lake water. The quotient between in the water column (Fig. 1). This was especially
bacteria and Microcystis cells varied between 10 pronounced during the diurnal study. The largest
and 50 (Table 1) and did not di¡er signi¢cantly di¡erence was in the morning sampling (10 a.m.),
from the quotient found for pelagic colonies (Stu- when the total bacterial community had a speci¢c
dent's t-test). The Microcystis-associated bacteria thymidine incorporation rate that was c. 9 times
constituted between 1 and 5% of the total benthic higher than for the mucilage bacteria. In the middle
bacteria. of the day (2 p.m.) the mucilage bacteria showed the
highest measured contribution to the total
3.2. Bacterial production in pelagic samples [3 H]thymidine incorporation; about 30%. On 26 Sep-
tember, the water temperature had decreased (15³C,
The speci¢c incorporation rate of rate of compared to 19³C on 2 August). The total
[3 H]thymidine by the pelagic Microcystis-associated [3 H]thymidine incorporation was lower than in Au-
bacteria was always lower compared to bacteria gust, with a minor contribution from mucilage bac-

Fig. 2. Speci¢c [3 H]thymidine incorporation rate of benthic muci-

3 lage bacteria vs. total sediment bacteria in Lake Vallentunasjoën.
Fig. 1. Speci¢c [ H]thymidine incorporation rate of planktonic
mucilage bacteria vs. total planktonic bacteria in Lake Vallentu- *Signi¢cant di¡erence between mucilage bacteria and total bacte-
nasjoën. Data from two sampling dates, including a diurnal study. ria.

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3.4. Pelagic vs. benthic bacterial production

A comparison between thymidine incorporation

rates in pelagic and benthic Microcystis colonies
has to be done with caution. It is more complicated
to determine thymidine incorporation rates in sedi-
ment bacteria than in pelagic bacteria [21]. Thymi-
dine readily adsorbs onto particles in the sediment,
and to be able to calculate a correct value of the
incorporation rate the isotope dilution has to be de-
termined, i.e. the degree of participation for the la-

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belled thymidine in the thymine synthesis [22]. Fig. 4
shows the thymidine incorporation rate for pelagic
Fig. 3. Speci¢c [3 H]thymidine incorporation rate of benthic muci-
and benthic Microcystis colonies, calculated both
lage bacteria and total sediment bacteria at di¡erent in situ tem-
peratures in Lake Vallentunasjoën. with and without the isotope dilution estimated for
Lake Vallentunasjoën sediments. The data suggest
that there is a di¡erence in thymidine incorporation

teria. In November, when the water temperature was

7³C, no [3 H]thymidine incorporation was detectable
in the Microcystis-associated bacteria.

3.3. Bacterial production in benthic samples

The rates of [3 H]thymidine incorporation in sedi-

ment bacteria had a pattern that partly contrasted
with the pelagic bacteria (Fig. 2). On two sampling
dates, in June and August, the speci¢c [3 H]thymidine
incorporation rate of the mucilage bacteria was 8
and 3 times higher, respectively, than for the total
benthic bacterial population. The production of
benthic mucilage bacteria increased dramatically at
temperatures s 15³C (Fig. 3). When temperatures
were lower, the speci¢c production was low in all
samples, and the di¡erences between the two bacte-
rial fractions were small. On 26 September, at a tem-
perature of 15³C, the mucilage bacteria had a sig-
ni¢cantly lower speci¢c incorporation rate of
[3 H]thymidine than the other sediment bacteria.
The results from 6 December were close to the de-
tection limit of the thymidine method, even when the
sample size was 500 Microcystis colonies, and there
was no signi¢cant di¡erence between incorporation
rates for mucilage bacteria and total bacteria on this
date. Also, in May, when the temperature was 14³C,
Fig. 4. Speci¢c [3 H]thymidine incorporation rates of mucilage
there was no signi¢cant di¡erence in bacterial pro- bacteria in Microcystis colonies from sediment and water column
duction between mucilage bacteria and total bacte- in Lake Vallentunasjoën, with (A) and without (B) assessment of
ria. isotope dilution.

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18 A. Brunberg / FEMS Microbiology Ecology 29 (1999) 13^22

rates between pelagic and benthic colonies, with may also be di¡erent abilities to take up and incor-
higher rates in the benthic colonies. porate the thymidine into DNA among the bacteria
In conclusion, this study showed that the speci¢c [22,27^30]. This might explain the lower production
incorporation rate of [3 H]thymidine by the pelagic measured in pelagic Microcystis colonies compared
Microcystis-associated bacteria was always lower to other pelagic samples. However, autoradiograms
compared to bacteria which were free-living or at- [20] indicated that a large part of the mucilage bac-
tached to other particles in the water column, while teria in Microcystis colonies from Lake Vallentunas-
in the sediment, Microcystis-associated bacteria were joën had incorporated [3 H]thymidine. Although thy-
more active than other bacteria on two of the ¢ve midine incorporation in aerobic waters is now
sampling occasions (Figs. 1 and 2). considered a measure of `heterotrophic' bacterial
production (e.g. [23]), this interpretation should be

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applied with caution to sediment environments in
4. Discussion general.
In the pelagic zone, attached bacteria generally
The thymidine method has been widely used to incorporate radiolabelled organic compounds at
measure heterotrophic bacterial production in the higher rates than free-living bacteria [31], but for
water column and surface sediments of both marine [3 H]thymidine the rates are generally lower
and freshwater environments [18,22,23], but the anal- [5,32,33]. Kirchman [34] suggested that attached bac-
ysis protocols may not be applicable for measuring teria have a lower growth e¤ciency, which may be
production of bacteria embedded within the muci- due to the larger release of extracellular polymers by
lage of Microcystis colonies. If the di¡usion of thy- these bacteria, both for attachment [31,34] and to
midine into the mucilage is slow, the bacteria in the degrade the particle or the macromolecular com-
Microcystis colonies may be exposed to a lower con- pounds bound to the particle [35]. This view is in
centration of thymidine than other bacteria in the accordance with the observation that attached bac-
surrounding environment. In this study, we tried to teria are generally larger than free-living bacteria,
optimise the [3 H]thymidine concentration and the although the reverse has also been reported [5,8].
incubation time to minimise this risk. The results Another cause of low bacterial production in pe-
suggest that the rate of thymidine incorporation in lagic Microcystis colonies may be slow di¡usion
mucilage bacteria is not largely underestimated. In within the mucilage. The chemical composition of
the lake water, the incorporation rate in total bac- the mucilage may di¡er substantially with the time
teria was nine times higher than in mucilage bacteria. of the year and the condition of the Microcystis cells,
However, the results were opposite in the sediment, but the main constituent is carbohydrate [36]. Low
where the mucilage bacteria incorporated up to eight di¡usion rates of nutrients from the lake water might
times more [3 H]thymidine per cell than the total bac- cause C:N:P quotients that do not meet the require-
terial community. ments of the growing bacteria. Furthermore, slow
There are several possible explanations for the dif- di¡usion out of the colonies of inhibiting or toxic
ferences in [3 H]thymidine incorporation rates be- exudates from the cell metabolism of the Microcystis
tween mucilage bacteria and total bacteria. First, cells may restrain the growth of attached bacteria.
there may be di¡erent taxonomic composition of Finally, the lower production of pelagic Microcys-
the bacterial community in the mucilage of Micro- tis-attached bacteria may be due to low mortality.
cystis colonies, compared to other bacteria in the Bacterial production depends on both the growth
water column and sediments. The microenvironment rate and abundance of bacteria. Pelagic environ-
of the mucilage may be di¡erent regarding e.g. oxy- ments where bacterial grazers are suppressed develop
gen concentration, redox potential and pH [24] as high abundances of bacteria that are growing slowly,
well as nutrient concentrations. The mucilage even and a major fraction may be inactive. On the other
may host bacteria unable to grow outside the colony hand, intensive grazing on bacteria keeps the bio-
[25,26]. mass low, but the bacteria are growing rapidly
Besides taxonomic di¡erences in growth rate, there [6,37]. Microcystis is generally considered to be

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grazed only to a limited extent [38,39]. Bern [40] did the cells. Empty Microcystis colonies are easy to
not ¢nd any grazing on [3 H]thymidine-labelled bac- identify by epi£uorescence microscopy after acridine
teria attached to large colonies of Microcystis wesen- orange staining. The mucilage keeps the typical
bergii in Lake Norrviken, adjacent to Lake Vallen- shape of a Microcystis colony, especially the muci-
tunasjoën. Consequently, the biomass of mucilage lage from M. wesenbergii. The mucilage is empty of
bacteria in many colonies could be near `carrying Microcystis cells, but certainly not of bacteria. In a
capacity', having lower speci¢c growth rates than detailed seasonal study of benthic Microcystis colo-
the other pelagic bacteria. nies, Brunberg (unpublished) found that 66%
Contrary to this study, Worm and Sondergaard (S.D. = 12, n = 36) of the colonies in the surface sedi-
[41] found a higher speci¢c growth rate of Micro- ment (0^10 cm) of Lake Vallentunasjoën were devoid
cystis-attached bacteria than for ambient pelagic of living Microcystis cells. Degradation of moribund

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bacteria. The Microcystis colonies were characterised Microcystis cells would possibly enhance the bacte-
as `bacterial incubators' which supply the ambient rial growth in the mucilage, and thus a higher
lake water with bacterial biomass through shedding. [3 H]thymidine incorporation rate would be expected
This contrasting result might be due to di¡erences in in the benthic mucilage bacteria compared to the
natural environmental conditions, but may also be pelagic mucilage bacteria (cf. Fig. 4).
explained by di¡erences in methodology. Worm The results from 26 September indicate that there
and Sondergaard [41] used ¢lters to separate Micro- may be other reasons, in addition to temperature
cystis colonies from the lake water. Filtration collects dependence, for the declining speci¢c production of
also other lake water particles, which may host nu- benthic mucilage bacteria (Fig. 2). The lower value
merous bacteria and have a high microbial activity. for mucilage bacteria than for total bacteria suggest
The method used in the present study, on the other that the remaining population in the sediment on
hand, may have a slight bias towards fresh and this occasion was more resistant to decomposition
healthy Microcystis colonies and thereby possibly than earlier during the summer. The autumn sedi-
lower microbial activity. Decaying Microcystis colo- mentation of the water population had not yet
nies are sometimes di¤cult to distinguish from other started at this time, and the benthic population prob-
organic debris in a stereomicroscope and may thus ably to a large extent was composed of Microcystis
be under-represented when picking out samples with colonies which had survived for 1 year or more in
micropipette. the sediment. Results from experimental laboratory
In autumn, Microcystis colonies settle to the bot- studies with Microcystis from Lake Vallentunasjoën
tom of Lake Vallentunasjoën. Their survival in the [42] also support the conclusion that colonies with
sediments is very long, probably several years in di¡erent age and pre-history have di¡erent resistance
some cases, but ultimately the majority of the colo- to decomposition and bacterial attack.
nies will be decomposed. Decay and lysis of Micro- Generally, a large percentage of sediment bacteria
cystis cells will drastically change the extracellular are inactive [43,44]. Although a small fraction may
release of inorganic nutrients and organic com- be growing rapidly, the speci¢c activity and growth
pounds, but also a switch to a resting stage with rates calculated for the whole sediment population
changed metabolism may a¡ect the leakage from are low. The activity of sediment bacteria is consid-

Table 2
Bacterial abundance, [3 H]thymidine incorporation rates and the relative contribution of mucilage bacteria to these numbers in the sedi-
ments of Lake Vallentunasjoëna
1985 1989
Bacterial abundance, 1010 cells g31 dry wt. 3^14 9^18
% of sediment bacteria attached to Microcystis 10^40 1^5
[3 H]Thymidine incorporation rate (average June^September), 10322 mol cell31 h31 59 11
% of total [3 H]thymidine incorporation in mucilage bacteria (June, August) n.a. 8^13
1985 data from Bostroëm et al. [10], 1989 data from this study. n.a., not assayed.

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20 A. Brunberg / FEMS Microbiology Ecology 29 (1999) 13^22

ered to be governed by the availability of substrate may thus be well paid back in the long-term, when
and electron acceptors, and by the temperature. Bos- the situation changes and the Microcystis cells start
troëm et al. [10] concluded that the bacterial activity to decay and provide potentially high-quality sub-
in the sediments of Lake Vallentunasjoën was primar- strates for the bacteria.
ily governed by temperature. This is further implied
by the data in Fig. 3. The results are also in accord-
ance with Kirchman [34], who found that attached Acknowledgments
bacteria were larger than free-living bacteria in the
water of a freshwater pond during July and August, This work was performed in close cooperation
but not in February and May. These ¢ndings indi- with the late Dr. Russel T. Bell. Originally, he was
cated that attached bacteria were relatively more ac- a co-author, and participated in the preparation of

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tive than the free-living bacteria in the summer, but the ¢rst draft of this paper. Russ's expertise on thy-
during the winter the activities of the two groups of midine incorporation methods was important for the
bacteria were equal. planning of the study and in the methodological
A comparison with data from 1985, when an ex- modi¢cations that we made. Thanks are extended
tensive study of the benthic microbial community to Jan Johansson for expert technical assistance,
was made in Lake Vallentunasjoën [10], demonstrates and to Dr. L. Tranvik and Dr. J.J. Cole for critical
the importance of Microcystis colonies as sites of reading of the manuscript. This work was supported
enhanced bacterial activity in the sediments (Table by grants from the Swedish Natural Science Re-
2). The 1^5% of Microcystis-attached bacteria in search Council (NFR).
the present study (1989), were responsible for 8^
13% of the total bacterial production in the sedi-
ment. In 1985, the biomass of Microcystis in the
sediment was about ¢ve times higher than in 1989, References
and up to 40% of the sediment bacteria were at-
[1] Koike, T., Hara, S., Terauchi, K. and Kogure, K. (1990) Role
tached to Microcystis colonies. No corresponding of sub-micrometer particles in the ocean. Nature 345, 242^
data on the bacterial production of mucilage bacteria 244.
are available for 1985, but they may have been re- [2] Jacobsen, J.T. and Azam, F. (1984) Role of bacteria in cope-
sponsible for a large part of the high total bacterial pod fecal pellet decomposition: colonization, growth rates and
mineralization. Bull. Mar. Sci. 35, 495^502.
production in the sediment that was measured that
[3] Caron, D.A., Davis, P.G., Madin, L.P. and Sieburth, J.McN.
year. Moreover, the data from a 5-year study of (1982) Heterotrophic bacteria and bacterivorous protozoa in
microbial biomass and activity in Lake Vallentunas- oceanic macroaggregates. Science 218, 795^797.
joën showed a co-variation of Microcystis biomass [4] Grossart, H.P. and Simon, M. (1993) Limnetic macroscopic
and bacterial production in the sediment [14]. organic aggregates (lake snow) : occurrence, characteristics,
and microbial dynamics in Lake Constance. Limnol. Ocean-
The immediate advantages and/or disadvantages
ogr. 38, 532^546.
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