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Journal of Traumatic Stress

February 2016, 29, 33–40

Intimate Partner Violence PTSD and Neural Correlates of Inhibition

Robin L. Aupperle,1,2 Ashley N. Stillman,1,3 Alan N. Simmons,4,5,6,7 Taru Flagan,7 Carolyn B. Allard,4,6,7,8
Steven R. Thorp,4,6,7,8 Sonya B. Norman,6,7,8 Martin P. Paulus,1,5,6,7 and Murray B. Stein5,9
Laureate Institute for Brain Research, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
Department of Community Medicine, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
Department of Psychology, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
Research Service, VA San Diego Healthcare System, San Diego, California, USA
Psychiatry Service, VA San Diego Healthcare System, San Diego, California, USA
Center of Excellence for Stress and Mental Health, VA San Diego Healthcare System, San Diego, California, USA
Department of Psychiatry, University of California-San Diego, San Diego, California, USA
Psychology Service, VA San Diego Healthcare System, San Diego, California, USA
Family Medicine and Public Health, University of California-San Diego, San Diego, California, USA

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been linked to deficits in response inhibition, and neuroimaging research suggests this may
be due to differences in prefrontal cortex recruitment. The current study examined relationships between PTSD from intimate partner
violence (IPV) and neural responses during inhibition. There were 10 women with PTSD from IPV and 12 female control subjects without
trauma history who completed the stop signal task during functional magnetic resonance imaging. Linear mixed models were used to
investigate group differences in activation (stop–nonstop and hard–easy trials). Those with PTSD exhibited greater differential activation to
stop–nonstop trials in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the anterior insula and less differential activation in several default mode
regions (d = 1.12–1.22). Subjects with PTSD exhibited less differential activation to hard–easy trials in the lateral frontal and the anterior
insula regions (driven by less activation to hard trials) and several default mode regions (i.e., medial prefrontal cortex, posterior cingulate;
driven by greater activation to easy trials; d = 1.23–1.76). PTSD was associated with difficulties disengaging default mode regions during
cognitive tasks with relatively low cognitive demand, as well as difficulties modulating executive control and salience processing regions
with increasing cognitive demand. Together, these results suggest that PTSD may relate to decreased neural flexibility during inhibition.

Neuropsychological research provides evidence for subtle Murphy, 2010; Zelazo & Cunningham, 2007). Further de-
deficits in executive functions, including response inhibition, lineating these cognitive deficits and their associated neural
for individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD; underpinnings is therefore important for understanding the
Aupperle, Melrose, Stein, & Paulus, 2012; Polak, Witteveen, development and treatment of PTSD.
Reitsma, & Olff, 2012). Executive functions are considered Response inhibition refers to the suppression of automatic,
important for supporting optimal social and occupational func- but no longer required, responses to a situation to respond in
tioning and likely contribute to emotion regulation (Barkley & a goal-driven manner and can be assessed using a variety of
tasks (e.g., color-word Stroop, go–no go, stop signal; Chambers,
This study was funded by the Department of Veterans Affairs (Merit Award Garavan, & Bellgrove, 2009). Decreased inhibitory function has
to MBS). Dr. Thorp is funded by a VA Career Development Award and a been repeatedly identified for those with PTSD and observed
Department of Defense grant. Drs. Paulus, Simmons, and Norman are funded using tasks involving either emotional or nonemotional stimuli
by VA Merit Awards.
(Aupperle et al., 2012; Bressan et al., 2009; Casada & Roache,
We would like to acknowledge the contributions of Michelle Behrooznia, 2005; Falconer et al., 2008; Koso & Hansen, 2006; Lagarde,
Shadha Cissell, Erin Grimes, Kelly Hughes-Berardi, Lindsay Reinhardt, and
Sarah Sullivan, towards coordinating the study, recruiting subjects, and/or Doyon, & Brunet, 2010; Leskin & White, 2007; Litz et al., 1996;
collecting behavioral and fMRI data. We would also like to acknowledge the Shucard, McCabe, & Szymanski, 2008). Underlying inhibitory
contribution of Greg Fonzo, in creating the anatomical masks used for fMRI dysfunctions could be important not only for maintaining opti-
region-of-interest analyses.
mal cognitive functioning, but also for inhibiting maladaptive
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Robin L. responses after a trauma (e.g., hypervigilance, intrusive mem-
Aupperle, Laureate Institute for Brain Research, 6655 Yale Avenue, Tulsa,
OK 74136. E-mail: raupperle@laureateinstitute.org ories and thoughts, or associated anger or high-risk behaviors;
Aupperle et al., 2012).
Copyright  C 2016 International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. View

this article online at wileyonlinelibrary.com Tasks involving response inhibition rely on activation within
DOI: 10.1002/jts.22068 inferior and middle frontal gyri (i.e., dorsolateral prefrontal

34 Aupperle et al.

cortex [PFC]), which are thought to play a role in inhibiting tory who completed clinical and neuropsychological assess-
responses, as well as the medial PFC (i.e., anterior cingulate ment, and the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
cortex [ACC]), thought to play more of a role in monitoring stop signal task. Neuropsychological data and data from other
responses and outcomes (Chambers et al., 2009; Ridderinkhof, neuroimaging tasks collected from this same cohort are pub-
van den Wildenberg, Segalowitz, & Carter, 2004; Verbruggen lished elsewhere (Fonzo et al., 2010; Twamley et al., 2009).
& Logan, 2008). Neuroimaging studies in PTSD have primarily The groups did not differ on age, t(20) = 0.19, p = .850, but the
focused on symptom provocation or responses to trauma-related PTSD group had fewer years of education, PTSD M = 13.60;
or emotional stimuli. In general, results from these studies SD = 1.58; control subjects M = 15.83, SD = 1.27; t(20) =
suggest increased activation within amygdala and insula and 3.69, p = .001. Education was therefore used as a covariate in
hypoactivation of prefrontal regions, including ACC, medial the group analyses.
PFC, and lateral PFC (Etkin & Wager, 2007; Francati, Ver- PTSD diagnosis according to the Diagnostic and Statisti-
metten, & Bremner, 2007; Liberzon & Sripada, 2008; Shin & cal Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., DSM-IV; American
Liberzon, 2010; Simmons & Matthews, 2011), though there Psychiatric Association, 1994) was verified with the Clinician-
have been some inconsistencies regarding the directionality of Administered PTSD Scale (Blake et al., 1995). Control subjects
these effects (Etkin & Wager, 2007). A small collection of re- did not meet criteria for any mental health disorder. Exclusion
cent studies has investigated how PTSD relates to differences criteria included substance abuse in the past year; history of
in brain activation during response inhibition to nonemotional more than 5 years of substance abuse; use of psychotropic medi-
stimuli. Many have identified prefrontal dysfunction, though cations within 4 weeks, history of bipolar disorder, schizophre-
the directionality of findings is inconsistent. Attenuated acti- nia, attention deficit disorder, or learning disability; loss of
vation has been reported in regions such as the inferior frontal consciousness that was ࣙ10 min in duration; neurological ill-
gyrus, and medial and lateral PFC, the degree of which often re- ness; irremovable ferromagnetic material; pregnancy; or claus-
lates to inhibitory performance (i.e., rate of commission errors; trophobia. Of the 10 women with PTSD from IPV, 4 women
Carrion, Garrett, Menon, Weems, & Reiss, 2008; Falconer et al., also met criteria for PTSD related to other traumas (i.e., child-
2008; Moores et al., 2008). Disruptions in network connectivity hood trauma), but administration of both interview and self-
within right frontal regions (including both lateral and medial report PTSD measures were anchored specifically to the IPV
aspects) have also been found to relate to commission errors on trauma. There were two women with PTSD who reported loss
the go–no-go task in PTSD (Sadeh et al., 2015). PTSD how- of consciousness after blunt head trauma (that was < 10 min)
ever, has also been associated with increased recruitment of occurring during adulthood (at least 1 month prior to study
PFC regions, including ACC, during inhibition tasks (Carrion enrollment); another two women (one PTSD, one control sub-
et al., 2008; Shin et al., 2011). More recent research also sug- ject) reported loss of consciousness < 10 min occurring in
gests that the degree of activation within these frontal networks childhood. The University of California San Diego Human Re-
during inhibition may predict response to cognitive–behavioral search Protections Program and the Veterans Affairs San Diego
therapy for PTSD, demonstrating the potential clinical impor- Healthcare System Research and Development Office approved
tance of understanding inhibitory functions in this population the protocol. Written informed consent was obtained from all
(Falconer, Allen, Felmingham, Williams, & Bryant, 2013). subjects.
The current study sought to add to the current literature re-
lated to inhibition and PTSD by examining whether women
with PTSD from intimate partner violence (IPV) also show in-
hibitory processing deficits (as most previous research has been The PTSD Checklist (PCL) is a 17-item self-report mea-
with other trauma populations) and whether these deficits are sure, which was utilized to quantify severity of PTSD
associated with performance during neuropsychological assess- symptoms (total score). This measure has been reported to
ment of response inhibition (i.e., using the color-word task). We have an α reliability coefficient of .97 in previous research
hypothesized that those with PTSD (compared to nontrauma- (Blanchard, Jones-Alexander, Buckley, & Forneris, 1996;
exposed controls) would exhibit attenuated recruitment within Weathers, Huska, & Keane, 1991). The Clinician-Administered
the ACC, inferior frontal gyrus, and dorsolateral PFC during PTSD Scale (CAPS) is a 30-item semistructured diagnostic in-
inhibition (as measured using the stop signal task) and that the terview, which was used to confirm PTSD diagnosis and to pro-
level of attenuation would relate to dysfunction on neuropsy- vide another estimate of symptom severity (CAPS frequency
chological testing. + intensity total score [past month]). The CAPS has been re-
ported to have an α coefficient of .94 in previous research
Method (Blake et al., 1995). The Delis-Kaplan Executive Function Sys-
tem Color-Word Test (Delis, Kaplan, & Kramer, 2001) is a
standard neuropsychological assessment that was administered
There were 10 women with PTSD from IPV (mean age = to assess for executive function performance. Age-scaled scores
34.60 years; SD = 9.40) and 12 female control subjects were calculated for the time to complete each of the four sub-
(mean age = 35.25 years; SD = 6.44) with no trauma his- tests, including color naming, word reading, inhibition, and

Journal of Traumatic Stress DOI 10.1002/jts. Published on behalf of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.
PTSD and Neural Correlates of Inhibition 35

inhibition/switching conditions. The color naming condition naming, with skewness of −1.92 (SD = .69) and kurtosis of
involves naming a sequence of color patches; the word reading 4.44 (standard error [SE] = 1.33), and color-word test inhi-
condition involves reading words that denote colors printed in bition, with skewness of −1.29 (SE = .69) and kurtosis of
black ink; the inhibition condition involves naming the ink color 2.23 (SE = 1.33). For the control subjects, this included color-
in which color words are printed; and inhibition-switching in- word test inhibition/switching, with a kurtosis of 4.21 (SE =
volves switching back and forth between naming the ink colors 1.23).
and reading the words. All measures were administered during The fMRI data were analyzed using the analysis of func-
one in-person session within 6 weeks prior to fMRI scanning. tional neuroimages (Cox, 1996) and the R statistical package
(R Core Team, 2014). Functional images were aligned to high-
fMRI Procedure resolution anatomical images. Time series were interpolated to
correct for nonsimultaneous slice acquisition and motion cor-
The stop signal task was administered as described elsewhere
rected. Multiple regression models included regressors for the
(Matthews, Simmons, Arce, & Paulus, 2005). Briefly, subjects
following: (a) nonstop trials (with no stop signal), (b) hard stop
pressed left and right buttons for X and O “go” signals presented
trials (stop signal delivered at the individual subject’s ARL or
on the computer screen, but were to not press any button when
100 ms before their ARL [ARL −100 ms]), (c) medium stop tri-
they heard a “stop” signal tone. Each trial lasted 1,300 ms or
als (ARL − 200 ms; ARL − 300 ms), (d) easy stop trials (ARL
until a response, with 200-ms interstimulus intervals. Each of
− 400 ms; ARL − 500 ms), (e) residual motion (roll, pitch, and
six blocks included 48 trials (12 stop, 36 nonstop, counterbal-
yaw), and (f) signal drifts (baseline and linear trends). General
anced), with each block separated by 12 s of fixation. Total task
linear tests were computed for (a) hard–easy and (b) all stop–
time was 8 min 32 s. Average response latency (ARL) was cal-
nonstop trials. The percentage of signal change was calculated
culated from prescan practice (which consisted of four blocks
by dividing the regressor of interest by the baseline. Data were
of 48 trials each) to construct individualized hard, moderate,
spatially blurred (4-mm full width at half maximum), resam-
and easy trials for the scan (as described below). Due to equip-
pled to 4 mm3 , and normalized to Talairach space (Talairach &
ment failure, behavioral responses during the scan were not
Tournoux, 1988).
recorded. Prescan ARL and color-word performance, however,
Linear mixed effects models were used to identify group ef-
were available for analyses.
fects on hard–easy and stop–nonstop percent signal change with
One fMRI run sensitive to blood oxygenation level-
education as a covariate and subject as a random effect. Anal-
dependent contrast was collected concurrently with completion
yses were conducted voxel-wise for a priori regions of interest
of the stop signal task using a Signa EXCITE (GE Health-
that have been found repeatedly to relate to PTSD diagnosis or
care, Milwaukee, WI) 3.0-T scanner (T2* weighted echo pla-
symptoms (the amygdala, insula, and cingulate) or to executive
nar imaging, repetition time = 2,000 ms, echo time = 32
functioning and response inhibition (the inferior and middle
ms, field of view = 230 mm, 64 × 64 matrix, 30 2.6-mm
frontal gyri), as discussed in the introduction. Region of inter-
axial slices, 1.4-mm gap, 256 scans, 512 s). A T1-weighted
est mask construction has been described elsewhere (Aupperle
image (magnetization-prepared rapid gradient-echo, relaxation
et al., 2013). Results were considered significant at p < .05; with
time = 8.0 ms, echo time = 4.0 ms, flip angle = 12°, 172 sagit-
the Monte Carlo method used to correct for mutiple compar-
tal slices, field of view = 250 × 250 mm, ࣈ1-mm3 voxels) was
isons, resulting in a minimum cluster extent of 832 mm3 for the
also obtained prior to the fMRI run.
whole brain, 384 mm3 for the inferior or middle frontal gyri, or
the cingulate, 192 mm3 for the amygdala, and 320 mm3 for the
Data Analysis
insula. Percent signal change was extracted from each cluster
As noted above, the stop signal task behavioral responses dur- and Spearman’s correlations (two-tailed) used to explore re-
ing the scan were not recorded due to equipment failure. There lationships with symptom severity and inhibition performance
were no other missing data, however, from the study dataset. for the PTSD group (due to limited samples size, correlations
Analyses of covariance (education as covariate) were used to were constrained to clusters within regions of interest). For ex-
examine group differences in (a) ARL on the stop signal task ploratory and descriptive purposes, we report correlations that
prescan practice (nonstop trials), and (b) Delis-Kaplan Exec- meet p < .05. All relevant effect sizes are reported to meet
utive Function System Color-Word Test (Delis et al., 2001) standard reporting guidelines. It is recognized, however, that
performance, including scaled scores for color naming, word effect sizes from fMRI results may be inflated (Yarkoni, 2009).
reading, inhibition, and inhibition/switching conditions. Spear-
man’s ρ correlations (two-tailed) were used to investigate the
relationship between symptom severity (indexed via the CAPS
frequency + intensity total score [past month] and PCL total
score), nonstop signal ARL, and color-word test performance. There were no group differences on prescan ARL, F(1, 18) =
Spearman’s ρ correlations were used for correlational analyses 0.09, Cohen’s d = 0.1, p = .774. When adjusting for education,
due to nonnormal distributions of some variables of interest. the PTSD group performed worse on color-word reading,
For the subjects with PTSD, this included color-word test color F(1, 19) = 4.51, Cohen’s d = 0.91, p = .047. Differences in

Journal of Traumatic Stress DOI 10.1002/jts. Published on behalf of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.
36 Aupperle et al.

Table 1
All Results From Whole Brain Analyses of Group Effects on Stop Versus NonStop Trials of the Stop Signal Task
Side BA Region Cluster size x y z d Mean F
PTSD > Control
R 9 Middle frontal (dorsolateral PFC) 1088 44 15 32 1.01 5.60
R 22,13 Superior temporal/insula 832 45 2 −6 1.10 6.50
Control > PTSD
R 40 Inferior parietala 896 39 −48 56 1.09 6.52
L 10 Superior medial PFCb 2368 −5 61 7 1.13 7.01
R 24 Rostral ACCb 896 1 23 16 1.12 6.68
R Putamenb 896 15 7 −1 1.03 5.77
L Caudate and putamenb 832 −9 12 1 1.04 5.93
R 39 Middle temporalb 1728 44 −59 15 1.23 8.26
R Parahippocampal gyrusb 1088 27 −23 −5 1.03 5.81
L 40 Postcentral gyrusb 5248 −34 −39 50 1.23 8.29
R 7 Precuneusb 1728 25 −43 39 1.18 7.57
L 7 Precuneusb 832 −3 −52 55 1.18 7.59
L 4 Paracentral cortexb 896 −6 −39 66 1.17 7.46
L 17 Middle occipitalb 3136 −19 −82 10 1.11 6.74
R 19 Lingual gyrus. middle occipitalb 1088 29 −74 −2 1.12 6.85
L Cerebellar tonsilb 2816 −25 −66 −33 1.05 6.07
R Superior cerebellumb 2048 14 −63 −36 1.00 5.48
Note. Results are reported for a sample of 22 (12 control; 10 PTSD). Center of mass Talairach coordinates (x, y, z) are based on Talairach Daemon software (Lancaster
et al., 2000). Cluster size is shown as mm3 . Effect sizes are Cohen’s d. BA = Brodmann area; PFC = prefrontal cortex; ACC = anterior cingulate cortex.
a Regions in which subjects with PTSD exhibited less activation than control subjects to Stop trials. b Regions in which subjects with PTSD exhibited greater activation

than control subjects to nonstop trials.

inhibition/switching performance, however, were not signifi- = −43, 40, 5; F(1, 19) = 5.28; Cohen’s d = 0.98; 384 mm3 ,
cant, F(1, 19) = 4.23, Cohen’s d = 0.88, p = .054). There were driven by greater activation to nonstop trials. Whole-brain anal-
no group differences on color naming, F(1, 19) = 1.31, Cohen’s yses confirmed the dorsolateral PFC and anterior insula clusters
d = 0.49, p = .266) or inhibition, F(1, 19) = 1.64, Cohen’s (but not the inferior frontal gyrus or posterior insula clusters)
d = 0.55, p = .216). PTSD group PCL and CAPS scores did and revealed less differential activation within several default
not correlate with ARL (PCL: rs = −.47, p = .284; CAPS: mode network regions (i.e., precuneus, medial PFC; Table 1),
rs = −.39, p = .383) or color-word test performance, including driven by PTSD relating to greater activation to nonstop trials
color naming (PCL: rs = −.20, p = .571; CAPS: rs = −.27, (Figure 1). Results from voxel-wise, whole-brain analyses are
p = .454), word reading (PCL: rs = .50, p = .144; CAPS: rs = included in Table 1.
.21, p = .557), inhibition (PCL: rs = .20, p = .578; CAPS: rs For region-of-interest analyses, those with PTSD exhibited
= .01, p = .986), and inhibition/switching (PCL: rs = .45, p = less hard–easy activation than control subjects within the right
.192; CAPS: rs = −.02, p = .960). ARL also did not correlate rostral ACC, BA 32; x, y, z = 3, 43, 8; F(1, 19) = 7.01; Co-
with color-word performance (color naming: rs = .69, p = hen’s d = 1.13; 960 mm3 , the left inferior frontal gyrus left:
.085; word reading: rs = .07, p = .876; inhibition: rs = .19, BA 47; x, y, z = −24, 28, −10; F(1, 19) = 7.51; Cohen’s d
p = .679; inhibition/switching: rs = −.05, p = .908). = 1.17; 704 mm3 ; and the lateral middle frontal gyrus, BA
For region-of-interest analyses, those with PTSD exhibited 10; x, y, z = 37, 57, 9; F(1, 19) = 7.66; Cohen’s d =1.19;
greater stop–nonstop activation than control subjects in the right 704 mm3 . In addition, those with PTSD exhibited greater hard–
dorsolateral PFC, the Brodmann area (BA) 9; x, y, z = 44, 15, easy activation than control subjects within the right inferior
32; F(1, 19) = 5.60; Cohen’s d = 1.01; 1,088 mm3 , the right frontal gyrus right: BA 47; x, y, z = 52, 36, −7; F(1, 19) = 6.44;
anterior insula, BA 13; x, y, z = 46, 1,−3; F(1, 19) = 6.62; Cohen’s d = 1.09; 384 mm3 ; driven by those with PTSD
Cohen’s d = 1.10; 384 mm3 , and the left posterior insula, BA exhibiting less activation to easy trials. Whole-brain analy-
13; x, y, z = −37, −11, 12; F(1, 19) = 6.66; Cohen’s d = 1.11; ses confirmed the left inferior frontal gyrus, the right rostral
320 mm3 , driven by those with PTSD exhibiting less activa- ACC, and the lateral middle frontal gyrus clusters (but not
tion to nonstop trials. In addition, those with PTSD exhibited the right inferior frontal gyrus cluster) and revealed less dif-
less differential left inferior frontal activation, BA 46; x, y, z ferential activation within the anterior insula and the posterior

Journal of Traumatic Stress DOI 10.1002/jts. Published on behalf of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.
PTSD and Neural Correlates of Inhibition 37

Figure 1. Regions in which those with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD; n = 10) exhibited reduced hard–easy activation compared to nontrauma-exposed
controls (n = 12). (A) Those with PTSD exhibited reduced hard–easy activation within the left inferior frontal gyrus (BA 11, 47) and the anterior insula, BA 13),
driven by reduced activation to hard trials. (B) Those with PTSD exhibited reduced hard–easy activation within the bilateral rostral anterior cingulate cortex (ACC;
BA 32) and the right posterior cingulate (BA 30), driven by greater activation to easy trials.

cingulate, among others (Table 2). These effects were driven There were no other significant correlations between region-of-
by those with PTSD showing less inferior frontal/lateral PFC interest cluster percent signal change and ARL or color-word
and insula recruitment to hard trials, and greater default mode performance (all ps >.10).
activation (i.e., posterior cingulate, precuneus) to easy trials
(Figure 1).
Greater PCL score related to less hard–easy rostral ACC
activation (rs = −.66, p = .038). The relationship between Individuals with PTSD exhibited less differential activation
PCL score and hard–easy right inferior frontal activation was (stop–nonstop; hard–easy) within numerous default mode net-
nonsignificant (rs = −.61, p = .060), as were all other Spearman work regions (i.e., the medial PFC, posterior cingulate, and
correlations between PTSD symptom severity (CAPS or PCL) precuneus) and the level of medial PFC activation related to
and percent signal change from identified region of interest PTSD symptom severity. These findings were driven by those
clusters (ps > .140). Greater hard–easy right inferior frontal with PTSD exhibiting greater activation for nonstop and easy-
gyrus activation related to worse performance on color-word inhibit trials, respectively. This suggests PTSD may relate to
inhibition (rs = −.50, p = .018); relationships between this difficulties downregulating default mode regions during rela-
cluster and performance on the other color-word measures were tively low-level cognitive tasks. In other words, PTSD may
nonsignificant (color naming: rs = −.32, p = .141; reading: rs relate to difficulties disengaging from internal- or self-focused
= −.39, p = .072; inhibition/switching: rs = −.41, p = .060). processing to attend to external cognitive demands. This could

Journal of Traumatic Stress DOI 10.1002/jts. Published on behalf of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.
38 Aupperle et al.

Table 2
All Results From Whole Brain Analyses of Group Effects on Hard Versus Easy Trials of the Stop Signal Task
Side BA Region Cluster size x y z d Mean F
Control > PTSD
L 11,47 Inferior and middle frontal gyrusa 2240 −22 28 −9 1.26 8.70
L Putamen/anterior insulaa 1408 −20 15 9 1.23 8.27
L 10 Lateral superior frontala 1408 −15 61 22 1.17 7.48
R 10 Lateral superior frontala 960 39 57 9 1.13 7.01
L/R 10,32 Medial PFC, rostral ACCb 2176 7 46 11 1.20 7.83
R 20 Middle temporalb 832 36 −4 −32 1.10 6.65
R 19 Lingual, parahippocampal gyrusb 960 22 −59 −3 1.09 6.45
R 5 Paracentral cortexb 1280 1 −38 65 1.19 7.72
R 30 Posterior cingulateb 1728 8 −55 6 1.21 8.02
R 30 Posterior cingulateb 960 7 −44 22 1.22 8.07
L 7,31 Precuneus, cuneusb 1088 −8 −70 30 1.07 6.22
R 31 Precuneusb 832 16 −62 23 1.11 6.66
L 19 Cerebellum/lingual gyrusb 2560 −16 −55 −7 1.11 6.69
R Cerebellumb 1600 5 −37 −23 1.24 8.36
R Cerebellum (declive)b 1600 41 −74 −20 1.05 6.04
R Cerebellumb 1408 13 −66 −36 1.07 6.22
L Cerebellum (culmen)b 1088 −22 −36 −20 1.22 8.14
Note. Results are reported for a sample of 22 (12 control; 10 PTSD). Center of mass Talairach coordinates (x, y, z) are based on Talairach Daemon software (Lancaster,
et al., 2000). Cluster size is shown as mm3 . Effect sizes are Cohen’s d. BA = Brodmann area; PFC = prefrontal cortex; ACC = anterior cingulate cortex.
a Subjects with PTSD exhibited less activation than control subjects to hard trials. b Subjects with PTSD exhibited more activation than control subjects to easy trials.

be consistent with previous findings of reduced default mode cluster (BA 47; identified via region-of-interest analyses only)
connectivity during rest (Sripada et al., 2012) and increased and worse performance on color-word inhibition. Interestingly,
connectivity during a working memory task (Daniels et al., this cluster was unique from the other findings within the in-
2010) in PTSD. ferior frontal gyrus in that PTSD subjects exhibited greater
The specific PFC region (and directionality of findings) iden- hard-easy activation, driven by less activation to easy trials.
tified to relate to PTSD is often inconsistent across studies Thus, it may be that the ability to appropriately modulate acti-
(Falconer et al., 2008; Jovanovic et al., 2013; Moores et al., vation within the right inferior frontal gyrus for tasks involving
2008; Shin et al., 2011). We found PTSD to relate to greater relatively low cognitive demand and/or changing levels of cog-
stop–nonstop activation in the middle frontal gyrus (dorsolat- nitive demand may be of importance across various inhibition-
eral PFC) and anterior insula. The existence of strong connec- related tasks. This would be consistent with previous research
tions between these regions and dorsal ACC (Liberzon & Sri- identifying the inferior frontal gyrus as being particularly im-
pada, 2008), suggests this may complement reports of greater portant for inhibitory processes (Chambers et al., 2009). Al-
dorsal ACC recruitment during the multisource interference though the lack of findings in other identified clusters of acti-
task (Shin et al., 2011). Our findings, however, were driven vation (i.e., dorsolateral PFC, ACC, left inferior frontal gyrus,
primarily by those with PTSD exhibiting reduced activation to which survived whole-brain analyses) may have been due to
nonstop trials (rather than by more activation to stop trials). limited power, it also raises the question of whether the vari-
Individuals with PTSD additionally showed less hard–easy ac- ous inhibition-related tasks (i.e., stop signal, color-word, go–no
tivation within left inferior frontal gyrus and insula regions, go) are probing somewhat different constructs and underlying
driven by reduced activation to hard stop trials. Thus, PTSD neural circuits. Related to this, research has demonstrated that
may relate to difficulties appropriately modulating activation even small changes to inhibition tasks (such as the go–no go)
in these regions in response to the level of cognitive demand. can modify the cognitive demands and neural circuits involved
Directionality of PFC findings may therefore be inconsistent (Simmonds, Pekar, & Mostofsky, 2008). Understanding behav-
between studies due to different levels of task difficulty and/or ior and neural differences between tasks, or making attempts
the specific contrasts utilized for analyses. to use similar tasks across PTSD studies, could help clarify
Although stop signal activation was largely unrelated to discrepancies in the literature.
color-word performance, there was a relationship between This study was limited by a relatively small sample size,
greater activation within a small right inferior frontal gyrus cross-sectional design, and lack of behavioral data during the
Journal of Traumatic Stress DOI 10.1002/jts. Published on behalf of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.
PTSD and Neural Correlates of Inhibition 39

fMRI task. In addition, some of the women included in the cal neuroscience. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 33, 631–646.
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Given that research has shown previous trauma to be a risk Cox, R. W. (1996). AFNI: Software for analysis and visualization of functional
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