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ABSTRACT order to provide better throughput and coverage

performance. This densification is made possible
Base station densification is increasingly used by overlaying existing macrocell networks with
by network operators to provide better through- cells of diverse sizes (i.e., microcell, picocell,
put and coverage performance to mobile sub- femotcell, etc.) together with numerous radio
scribers in dense data traffic areas. Such access technologies, including Global System for
densification is progressively diffusing the move Mobile Communications (GSM), code-division
from traditional macrocell base stations toward multiple access (CDMA), Long Term Evolution
heterogeneous networks with diverse cell sizes (LTE), and so on. The resulting intertier inter-
(e.g., microcell, picocell, femotcell) and diverse ference in the emerging heterogeneous networks
radio access technologies (e.g., GSM, CDMA), (HetNets) enforces inherent operational con-
and LTE). The coexistence of the different net- straints resulting in a degradation of the network
Hayssam Dahrouj is with work entities brings an additional set of chal- performance. To better manage wireless inter-
Effat University. lenges, particularly in terms of the provisioning ference, BSs from different tiers are connected
of high-speed communications and the manage- to a computing center (i.e., cloud) via wired/wire-
Ahmed Douik, Oussama ment of wireless interference. Resource sharing less backhaul links. This configuration forms the
Dhifallah, Tareq Y. Al- between different entities, largely incompatible so-called heterogeneous cloud radio access net-
Naffouri, and Mohamed- in conventional systems due to the lack of inter- work (H-CRAN) [2]. The H-CRAN makes effi-
Slim Alouini are with connections, becomes a necessity. By connecting cient resource sharing between the different
King Abdullah University all the base stations from different tiers to a cen- entities feasible through the cloud by means of
of Science and Technolo- tral processor (referred to as the cloud) through jointly encoding (decoding) the messages using
gy. wire/wireline backhaul links, the heterogeneous downlink (uplink) coordinated resource alloca-
cloud radio access network, H-CRAN, provides tion techniques (e.g., beamforming, power con-
Tareq Y. Al-Naffouri is an open, simple, controllable, and flexible trol, BS association, scheduling). The H-CRAN
also with King Fahd Uni- paradigm for resource allocation. This article architecture is a practical realization of coordi-
versity of Petroleum and discusses challenges and recent developments in nated multipoint (CoMP) transmission, and
Minerals. H-CRAN design. It proposes promising resource innately inherits its advantages.
allocation schemes in H-CRAN: coordinated
The work of T. Y. Al- scheduling, hybrid backhauling, and multicloud CHALLENGES
Naffouri was supported association. Simulations results show how the In conventional HetNet operation, the process
by KAUST project no. proposed strategies provide appreciable perfor- of coordinating the multipoint transmission and
EE002355 at the mance improvement compared to methods from reception requires significant signaling overhead
Research Institute, King recent literature. and message passing between the BSs of differ-
Fahd University of ent tiers, so as to mitigate intertier interference.
Petroleum and Minerals. Messages and signalling are exchanged between
The work of M.-S. Aloui- INTRODUCTION pairs of BSs via connecting links that are typical-
ni was supported by the The fifth generation (5G) mobile radio system is ly capacity limited, so such signaling may not
Qatar National Research expected to satisfy the large demand for mobile always be feasible. Further, densification in con-
Fund (a member of the data services that is straining wireless networks ventional HetNets improves the system through-
Qatar Foundation) [1]. The vision set by 5G to achieve remarkable put, but at the same time consumes high energy
under NPRP Grant improvements in data capacity, delay reduction, (i.e., low energy efficiency [3]). While HetNets
NPRP 5-250-2-087. The and energy efficiency pushes the wireless are already standardized in 4G, their original 4G
statements made herein research communities in both academia and architecture is therefore not well designed to
are solely the responsi- industry to increase the density of base station support the challenging 5G technology require-
bility of the authors. (BS) deployments, particularly in urban areas, in ments [4].

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Optical backhaul link

Wireless backhaul link

(a) (b)

Figure 1. Heterogenous radio access networks schemes: a) heterogeneous cloud radio access network with diverse cell sizes (macro-
cell, microcell, picocell); BSs from different tiers are connected to the cloud via either optical or wireless backhaul links; b) hetero-
geneous cloud radio access network with multiple clouds; each cloud connects to a set of BSs through hybrid backhauling.

To overcome the limitations of conventional systems. HetNet deployment has a direct effect
HetNets, a top-down architectural change is on decreasing the propagation distance between
expected to be at the center of development of the different transmitter-receiver pairs, thereby
5G systems via connecting the BSs to central increasing the overall system power efficiency.
clouds, and also moving the networks toward However, backhaul deployment increases power
user-centric architectures. Unlike conventional consumption, so additional power adjustments
HetNet operation, in H-CRANs, entities are are needed on the level of backhaul links con-
connected to the central cloud, where most of necting the BSs from the different tiers to the
the control signaling takes place. This configura- central cloud. Power adjustment promises to be
tion allows users and machines to communicate an interesting area of future research, as high-
via several possible sets of BSs. Such a drastic lighted later in this article.
shift in the cellular paradigm in the long run Latency Management: To support real-time
may lead to deploying more BSs than the cell mobile control and applications of device-to-
phones served. This leads to several open-ended device (D2D) communications and Internet of
questions about the future of BSs as indepen- things (IoT) technology, drastic reductions in
dent heterogeneous entities, capable of manag- access time down to 1 ms round-trip latency
ing resources in ultra-dense networks. Thanks to (compared to 15 ms in 4G systems) is expected.
virtualization, the H-CRAN moves the majority Frame restructuring and cross-layer optimization
of basic network functionalities, particularly between the network and physical layers (PHY)
resource management, from the BS side to the (e.g., joint network coding and PHY designs) are
central cloud side. Such a separation between needed to provide almost zero distance connec-
the control plane (cloud) and the data plane tivity between all connected machines. Optimiz-
(BSs that are typically geographically distant) ing the backhaul links also adds an additional
changes the way network services are provided. factor to overall round-trip latency management.
It introduces several new challenges for network A common denominator among the above
modeling, analysis, and especially for new challenges is the question of how to manage the
resource allocation and optimization schemes. network resources across the different tiers and
H-CRAN design combines both BS densifica- different dimensions (space, time, frequency) by
tion and centralized processing. It reduces the choosing suitable network functionalities (user
distance between the BS and the users, leading association, beamforming, scheduling, power and
to both higher achievable data rates and efficient spectrum optimization, etc.) so as to achieve
spectrum exploitation enabled by the higher such promising metrics (rate, power, latency).
reuse of time-frequency resources across multi-
ple BSs. Such design, however, faces significant RESEARCH ON H-CRANS
challenges, mainly due to the stringent 5G By enabling joint processing at the cloud, key
requirements, which can be summarized as fol- research features become those related to the
lows: joint provisioning of resources between the back-
Massive Capacity Increase: The amount of haul links and the heterogeneous radio access
data a 5G H-CRAN serves is expected to be network. Figure 1a depicts an example of a Het-
1000-fold more than the capacity of 4G. Key tech- Net of multiple tiers (macrocells, microcells, pic-
nologies to achieve such a data deluge include, in ocells), all connected to a central cloud via
addition to densification, exploring new frequency wireless or optical fiber backhaul links. Physical
bands through mmWave spectrum allocation and properties of wired and wireless backhauls are
spectral efficiency enhancement through massive innately different, and each fits specific design
multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) deploy- requirements. While fiber optical backhauls are
ment. high-capacity links suitable for cells of medium
Significant Energy Savings: In 5G networks, to large sizes (micro and macrocells) [5], their
energy (measured by Joule per bit) is expected cost and scalability remain major issues, espe-
to be 100 times less than its counterpart in 4G cially in dense HetNets of hundreds or thou-

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To fully exploit the bene- sands of BSs (access points). On the other hand, under which every user can associate with one
wireless backhaul offers a cheap and scalable BS only [9, references therein].
fits of the powerful cen- solution for small cell deployment [6]; however, With the fundamental architectural changes
its design performance is coupled with the natu- in H-CRANs, each user’s data is processed in
tralized cloud, joint ral latency problem of the wireless channels, and the cloud, so every user can communicate with
precoding of user signals severely depends on the conditions of the wire- several heterogeneous nodes, also known as a
less medium. In future H-CRANs, cells of differ- user-centric architecture. Each user, device, or
are typically performed ent sizes coexist, and hence both wire and machine is expected to communicate with one or
at the cloud server, wireless links are needed. Such heterogeneous many BSs at the same time. Determining the
backhauling brings in a set of new research optimal user-to-BS association, in general,
resulting in analog sig- problems, and opens several questions on how to becomes a combinatorial optimization problem
jointly account for the quantization design of the of high complexity. Exhaustive search is infeasi-
nals at the cloud that capacity limited fiber links [7] and the design of ble for any reasonably sized network, even with
are compressed and for- the transceivers of the wireless backhaul link very powerful processors at the cloud. To address
through optimally allocating its radio resources the BS association problem, simplified proce-
warded to the corre- [6]. dures have been used recently to address the
sponding BSs over the The H-CRAN scenario in Fig. 1a represents problem in cloud radio access networks (C-
a fully centralized solution, where all processing RANs) [5, 10]. In each of these references, the
backhaul links, and and control units are located at a single central user-to-BS association problem involves solving
cloud. With mass deployments of BSs, larger a sparse beamforming problem that returns
eventually transmitted areas with data traffic may be served as well by which users should be served by which BSs. The
by the BS antennas. several non-collocated clouds, where each cloud solutions in [5, 10] are inspired by results from
serves a set of BSs, as shown in Fig. 1b. In this compressive sensing, in which the original l 0 -
situation, every user can be served by a single norm minimization problem is recast as a
cloud only, and the cloud needs to distribute the reweighted l1-norm minimization, leading to effi-
user’s data to the BSs connected to that specific cient solutions to the BS association problem.
cloud only. This model is an abstraction of the It would be interesting to see such proce-
problem considered in [8], and is subject to sev- dures generalized to the multicloud situation
eral future research problems related to multi- shown in Fig. 1b. The problem would then
cloud coordination for distributed storage and involve joint cloud assignment and BS associa-
resource management. tion, as highlighted later.
This article first sheds light on advances in
the resource allocation problem in H-CRANs, JOINT PRECODING AND BACKHAUL COMPRESSION
particularly in topics related to user-to-BSs asso- The capacity limitations of the backhaul links
ciation, quantization design, and joint resource connecting the BSs to the central cloud create a
allocation and flow control. Then it proposes big challenge in the design of H-CRANs. To
promising resource allocation schemes: coordi- fully exploit the benefits of the powerful central-
nated scheduling, hybrid backhauling, and multi- ized cloud, joint precoding of user signals are
cloud association. Simulation results show how typically performed at the cloud server, resulting
the proposed strategies provide appreciable per- in analog signals at the cloud that are com-
formance improvement compared to methods pressed and forwarded to the corresponding BSs
from recent literature. The article further pre- over the backhaul links, and eventually transmit-
sents some future research topics. ted by the BS antennas.
The above approach involves both a precod-
RESOURCE ALLOCATION IN H-CRANS ing problem at the cloud and a compression
problem at the backhaul links, which introduce
The H-CRAN amalgamates both the ability of quantization noises that are a function of the
joint signal processing of data belonging to dif- backhaul capacity constraints. Joint design of the
ferent users, and strong processors capable of precoding and correlation matrices of the quan-
computing high-complexity algorithms that con- tization noises is studied in both single-cloud [7]
ventional BS processors in HetNets are inca- and multicloud [8] scenarios. Both [7, 8] propose
pable of carrying. Further, due to the separation an iterative algorithm that converges to local
between the data and control planes in H- optima using the majorization minimization
CRANs, antennas from BSs belonging to BSs approach (MM). Several compression techniques
from different tiers essentially form a virtual are additionally proposed in an uplink single-
MIMO antenna array capable of multiplexing cloud framework [11].
multiple users across different dimensions
through joint resource allocation. This section JOINT RESOURCE ALLOCATION AND
highlights the advances in optimization in BS
association and resource allocation schemes that FLOW CONTROL
are applicable to H-CRANs. Besides backhaul quantization design, traffic
engineering within the backhaul link is a critical
BASE STATION ASSOCIATION performance factor. For example, constraints
The performance of wireless network critically such as total flow rate of each backhaul link and
depends on the optimal user association, that is, per-node flow conservation constraints should be
which user roams to which BS. As conventional taken into consideration in a C-RAN’s design.
HetNets are designed under the classical cellular However, they are often neglected under the
model, BS association and cell selection termi- assumption that the data can be routed without
nologies are used interchangeably. For such sys- any cost to the backhaul network. Due to the
tems, a cell-centric architecture is assumed huge traffic demand in next generation H-

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CRANs, a large number of BSs from different

tiers would connect to the central cloud, so the Low-rate link
assumption of zero-cost backhaul data routing
becomes invalid.
It is then essential to consider the traffic
engineering and routing problems across the net- BS
works, in conjunction with the joint resource
allocation problem. The minimum flow rate
maximization problem was recently considered
in a H-CRAN setup [12, references therein]. Cloud
The setup in [12] solves a min-rate maximization
problem using an alternating direction method
of multipliers (ADMM). The method in [12]
allows for distributed implementation and also
converges to a stationary point. Incorporating
such a problem setup in a multicloud scenario
would be an interesting investigation for future


The prolific heterogeneity, number of BSs, net-

work size, and backhaul constraints make inter- Figure 2. H-CRAN with a single cloud. The cloud is connected to the BSs
ference management for H-CRANs a via low-rate links, and is only responsible for synchronization and user
challenging task. With its ability to efficiently scheduling across the network.
allocate resources and coordinate between BSs
across the network, the H-CRAN has great
potential to manage interference through smart blocks as well. The problem of interest becomes
BS coordination and joint signal processing. H- maximizing the network-wide utility subject to
CRANs are expected to achieve an appreciable user connectivity constraints, where the maxi-
performance improvement over the existing mization is over all possible users to time/fre-
technologies and to be the core architecture quency resource block assignment. A brute force
planned as a future 5G standard. Besides the approach to solving such a complicated combi-
topics mentioned in the previous section, this natorial problem would involve searching over
section provides some of our recent findings in all possible users to time/frequency resource
coordinated scheduling, hybrid backhauling, and block assignments that satisfy the connectivity
multicloud association in H-CRANs. Unlike constraints. For each combination, calculate the
conventional HetNets, the computation burden total utility. The optimal scheduling policy is
in such proposed schemes in H-CRANs is car- then the combination that gives the maximal
ried out by the centralized processor at the total utility. The space for such a search is, how-
cloud, and the decisions are then passed to the ever, exponentially large, which makes such an
BSs. exhaustive search strategy clearly infeasible.

COORDINATED SCHEDULING Proposed Coordinated Scheduling Scheme: In order to

In the resource allocation context, scheduling solve the above complicated coordinated
denotes the strategy according to which each scheduling problem, the authors propose an effi-
user is active at every time/frequency block. In cient graph-theoretical-based approach in [13].
conventional cellular systems, classical propor- The main idea is to first construct the scheduling
tional fairness scheduling is adopted with no graph, in which each vertex is seen as a 3-tuple
inter-BS coordination, and also assumes a pre- representing an association between user, BS,
assigned association of users and BSs. In H- and time/frequency resource block. Two distinct
CRANs, however, networks are designed in a vertices are connected if they do not represent
user-centric architectural model, and joint signal the same time/frequency resource block, or if the
processing is performed, which requires a sub- same user is connected to different BSs, so as to
stantial amount of backhaul communications. satisfy the connectivity constraints. The original
This section presents a coordinated schedul- scheduling problem can then be reformulated as
ing scheme, first presented by the authors in a maximum weight clique problem over the
[13], in a cloud-enabled network setup. The cliques with size equal to the total number of
cloud is only responsible for synchronization and time/frequency resource blocks in the network,
user scheduling across the network, as shown in and where the weight of each vertex in the
Fig. 2. Unlike signal-level coordination, schedul- scheduling graph is the benefit of the corre-
ing-level coordination does not require massive sponding association represented by the vertex.
backhaul communication and thus can be imple- Such a maximum weight clique formulation can
mented efficiently. The scheduling policy is first be solved using efficient algorithms adopted
decided at the cloud, which has powerful proces- from graph theory and its applications.
sors for centralized algorithm computation. The graph theory approach presented in [13]
In this setup, each user can be scheduled to a provides a generic framework for the discrete
single BS but possibly to many of its resource mapping problem. It can be used in several

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resource allocation problems in H-CRANs (e.g., cloud, 21 BSs, and 5 time/frequency blocks per
coordinated scheduling and power control, user BS frame. As the figure shows, coordinated
association, channel assignment, antenna selec- scheduling brings significant performance
tion). Coordinated scheduling and power control improvement compared to conventional round-
can especially be seen as a natural generalization robin scheduling. The figure especially shows
of the scheduling approach used in [13]. Such how the performance improvement in bits per
generalization is reached by using sophisticated second per Hertz of our proposed scheme
graph theoretical techniques for constructing the increases as the number of users increases. This
equivalent higher-dimensional graph. To evalu- is due to the fact that interference becomes
ate the gain harvested from coordinated schedul- higher as the number of users increases, so the
ing in a dense H-CRAN, Fig. 3 plots the role of the cloud in mitigating interference
sum-rate in bits per second per Hertz vs. the becomes more important.
number of users in a network formed by a single
Fiber optic backhauls are relatively expensive
700 but provide high-capacity links suitable for cells
Coordinated scheduling of medium to large size [5]. Wireless backhaul,
Round-robin scheduling
on the other hand, offers a cheap and scalable
solution for smaller cell deployment [6]. The
diversity of cell sizes and radio access technolo-
600 gies in H-CRANs necessitates heterogeneous
Average sum rate (b/s/Hz)

connections between the central cloud and the

550 BSs from different tiers (i.e., coexistence of both
wired and wireless backhaul links). Such addi-
500 tional heterogeneity creates several challenges
and potential research directions, particularly in
topics related to joint backhaul and RAN
resource allocation. The following subsection
presents a motivating design example for hybrid
400 backhauling in H-CRANs.

350 Joint Precoding, Compression and Power Optimization :

Consider a downlink H-CRAN with both optical
300 fiber and wireless backhaul links, as shown in
70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 Fig. 4, which illustrates an H-CRAN formed by
Number of users U seven BSs, three wireline backhaul links, and
four wireless backhaul links. Each wireline link l
Figure 3. H-CRAN with a single cloud for a network composed of 21 BSs. has a capacity limit denoted by Cl. The capacity
The number of time/frequency blocks is 5. of each wireless backhaul link m, on the other
hand, is a function of the wireless medium and
can be expressed as a nonconvex function of the
transmit power of each wireless backhaul link
input terminal Pm (non-convexity is due to inter-
ference caused by other wireless backhaul links).
Wireline link
Wireless link Furthermore, the network comprises several sin-
gle-antenna mobile users. The resulting network
Base station
performance becomes a direct function of set-
Mobile user ting the optimal quantization correlation matrix
between the wired backhaul links, the optimal
power allocation of the wireless backhaul links,
the user-to-BS association problem, and the
sparse beamforming solution of each user across
the network. Finding the jointly global optimal
solution to this problem is highly complex. This
section presents an efficient heuristic procedure
to solve the problem.

Heuristic Solution: In order to tackle the aforemen-

tioned challenging but interesting optimization
problem, this subsection adopts a three-step iter-
ative algorithm first presented in [14]. Specifical-
ly, in the first step, fix the transmit power of the
wireless backhaul links. Then solve the problem
of minimizing a weighted group-sparsity induc-
ing norm to determine the active set of BSs and
their corresponding beamforming vectors using
an approach similar to [5]. Using the classical
rate-distortion relationship between the capacity
Figure 4. H-CRAN with both wired/wireless backhaul links. Solid lines rep- constraints of the wired links and the corre-
resent wire backhaul links; dashed lines represent wireless backhaul links. sponding quantization noise correlation entries,

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compute the quantization noise levels by fixing

the sparse beamformers obtained in the first 90
step. Finally, solve for the power optimization
problem of the power of the wireless links by fix- 80
ing both the quantization noise levels and the

Average network power consumption (W)

beamforming vectors found in the first two steps.
The power optimization step especially requires 70
invoking the principle of conservation of data
rate between the inflow (data from cloud to BS) 60
and outflow (data from BS to users), so as to set
upper rate constraints for the power optimiza-
tion problem. Such an approach transforms the
power optimization problem to a classical power
minimization problem subject to QoS con- 40
To evaluate the performance of the proposed
method, consider a hybrid backhaul H-CRAN
network consisting of L = 12 single-antenna BSs
Proposed algorithm
connected to a cloud through 8 wireline back- 20 Sparsity pattern (SP) algorithm
haul links and 4 wireless backhaul links. Figure 5 Coordinated beamforming (CB) algorithm
shows the average network power consumption Greedy selection (GS) algorithm
vs. different signal-to-interference-plus-noise -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
ratio (SINR) targets. Each point is averaged Target SNR (dB)
over 100 randomly and independently generated
network realizations. The figure shows that the Figure 5. Average network power consumption vs. target SINR.
proposed algorithm outperforms both the sparse
pattern and coordinated beamforming classical
solutions. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm
approaches the global optimal solution (denoted
by greedy selection in the figure), especially at
high SINR. Base
The majority of the aforementioned works con-
sider that the whole network is connected to the User
same cloud (i.e., all BSs in the network are con-
nected to the same computing center). This
assumption can be unrealistic in practical situa-
tions due to the distance separating BSs in the
network. Moreover, connecting many BSs to the
same cloud increases the computation burden on
the cloud. Given that the majority of scheduling
problems are computationally exhaustive, it is
crucial to distribute the computation across mul-
tiple clouds in the network.
Consider the multicloud network shown in
Fig. 6, where clouds are geographically distant, Cloud
and each cloud is responsible for coordinating
a subset of the available BSs in the network.
To account for both intercloud and intracloud
interference, an interesting but challenging
problem is to assign users to clouds, and sub-
sequently to one or more BSs within each
cloud. Since the clouds are physically separat- Figure 6. A multicloud system with seven seven clouds and three basesta-
ed, the association problem should be tions per cloud.
addressed under the constraint that each user
can be served by a single cloud at most, but
possibly by multiple BSs connected to that mented in a distributed fashion across differ-
cloud, taking into consideration the budget ent clouds (perhaps with a reasonable amount
constraint of each cloud. For example, the of information exchange between the clouds).
number of users each cloud can serve cannot We recently make an effort toward devising a
exceed the total number of antennas of the distributed cloud association strategy in [15]
BSs connected to that cloud so as to preserve via an auction-based iterative approach. The
high multiplexing gains. proposed algorithm can be implemented in a
Finding the global optimal solution of the distributed fashion through a reasonable
above user-to-cloud association problem may exchange of information between the clouds,
require an infeasible exhaustive search over where each cloud iteratively bids for its own
the entire network. It becomes crucial instead users by solving a knapsack algorithm as a sub-
to look for simplified procedures that help routine. The setup in [15], however, assumes
derive greedy algorithms, which can be imple- infinite capacity backhaul links, and needs fur-

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By virtue of ther research follow-up on how to solve the [6] H. Dahrouj et al., “Power Spectrum Optimization for
Interference Mitigation via Iterative Function Evalua-
distributed cloud association problem and find
virtualization, H-CRAN the correlation matrix of the quantization
tion,” Proc. 1st Wksp. Distrib. Antenna Sys. for Broad-
band Mobile Commun., IEEE GLOBECOM, Houston, TX,
noise in a joint manner.
moves the majority of Dec. 2011.
[7] S. H. Park et al., “Joint Precoding and Multivariate Back-
basic network FUTURE RESEARCH haul Compression for the Downlink of Cloud Radio
Access Networks,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol.
Coordinated scheduling, hybrid backhauls, and
functionalities, particularly multicloud resource allocation trigger a set of
61, no. 22, Nov. 2013, pp. 5645–58.
[8] —, “Inter-Cluster Design of Precoding and Fronthaul Com-
resource management, other interesting problems in the field, such as pression for Cloud Radio Access Networks,” IEEE Wireless
Commun. Letters, vol. 3, no. 4, Apr. 2014, pp. 369–72.
how to solve the resource allocation problems
from base-stations to while accounting for channel estimation error
[9] K. Shen and W. Yu, “Distributed Pricing-Based User
Association for Downlink Heterogeneous Cellular Net-
and channel feedback issues (e.g., latency, over-
the central cloud. Such head). Other topics of future research are cross-
works,” IEEE JSAC, vol. 32, no. 6, 2014, pp. 1100–13.
[10] J. Zhao, T. Q. S. Quek, and Z. Lei, “Coordinated Multi-
a separation between layer optimization in H-CRANs, and finding point Transmission with Limited Backhaul Data Trans-
fer,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 12, no. 6, June
optimized ways of exploiting next generation
the control and data enabling technologies (massive MIMO,
2013, pp. 2762–75.
[11] Y. Zhou and W. Yu, “Optimized Backhaul Compression
planes changes the way mmWave, D2D, and M2M) by means of offload- for Uplink Cloud Radio Access Network,” IEEE JSAC,
vol. 32, no. 6, June 2014, pp. 1295–1307.
ing and routing data among devices and
network services are machines to account for both spatial and tempo-
[12] W. C. Liao et al., “Min Flow Rate Maximization for
Software Defined Radio Access Networks,” IEEE JSAC,
ral data fluctuations, as in multihop routing.
historically provided. Important research features that need to be
vol. 32, no. 6, June 2014, pp. 1282–94.
[13] A. Douik et al., “Coordinated Scheduling for the Downlink
of Cloud Radio-Access Networks,” accepted for IEEE ICC
addressed here are how to design algorithms 2015, Arxiv e-prints, vol. abs/1411.4144, 2015.
that are partially centralized (resource manage- [14] O. Dhifallah et al., “Joint Hybrid Backhaul and Access
ment at the cloud) and distributed (data routing Links Design in Cloud-Radio Access Networks,” accept-
at the heterogeneous nodes), as a function of ed for IEEE VTC Fall-2015, Arxiv e-prints, vol.
abs/1502.07586, 2015.
both traffic distribution and the available radio [15] H. Dahrouj, T. Y. Al-Naffouri, and M.-S. Alouini, “Dis-
resources. tributed Cloud Association for Downlink Multicloud
Radio Access Networks,” Conf. Info. Science and Sys.,
CONCLUSION Arxiv e-prints, vol. abs/1503.00267, 2015.

A top-down architectural change is expected to BIOGRAPHIES

HAYSSAM DAHROUJ [S’02, M’11, SM’15] (hayssam.dahrouj@
be at the center of development of 5G systems. gmail.com) received his B.E. degree (with high distinction)
By connecting base stations from different tiers in computer and communications engineering from the
to central clouds, and also moving the net- American University of Beirut (AUB), Lebanon, in 2005, and
works toward user-centric architectures, users’ his Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering
from the University of Toronto (UofT), Canada, in 2010. In
devices and machines are able to communicate May 2015, he joined the Department of Electrical and
via several possible sets of heterogeneous Computer Engineering at Effat University as an assistant
nodes to form large-scale H-CRANs. Such a professor. Between April 2014 and May 2015, he was with
drastic shift in the cellular paradigm introduces the Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and
Engineering group at King Abdullah University of Science
several open-ended and cross-disciplinary and Technology (KAUST) as a research associate. Prior to
research problems, and is arguably the biggest joining KAUST, he was an industrial postdoctoral fellow at
change in the wireless paradigm in the last 20 UofT, in collaboration with BLiNQ Networks Inc., Kanata,
years. By virtue of virtualization, H-CRANs Canada, where he worked on developing practical solu-
tions for the design of non-line-of sight wireless backhaul
move the majority of basic network functionali- networks. His contributions to the field led to five patents.
ties, particularly resource management, from During his doctoral studies at UofT, he pioneered the idea
base stations to the central cloud. Such a sepa- of coordinated beamforming as a means of minimizing
ration between the control and data planes intercell interference across multiple base stations. The
journal paper on this subject was ranked second in the
changes the way network services are histori- 2013 IEEE Marconi paper awards in wireless communica-
cally provided. It introduces several new chal- tions. His main research interests include cloud radio access
lenges for network modeling, analysis, and networks, cross-layer optimization, cooperative networks,
especially for new resource allocation and opti- convex optimization, distributed algorithms, and free-space
optical communications.
mization schemes. This article sheds light on
several H-CRAN challenges and advances, and AHMED DOUIK [S’13] (ahmed.douik@caltech.edu) received
also suggests several promising topics for future his B.Eng. degree in electronic and communication engi-
work. neering (with first class honors) from Ecole Polytechnique
de Tunisie, Rue El-Khawarizmi, Tunisia, in 2013, and his
M.S. degree in electrical engineering from KAUST in 2015.
REFERENCES His research interests include cloud radio access networks,
[1] J. G. Andrews et al., “What Will 5G Be?,” IEEE JSAC, network coding, single- and multihop transmission, and
vol. 32, no. 6, 2014, pp. 1065–82. cooperation communication.
[2] M. Peng et al., “Heterogeneous Cloud Radio Access
Networks: A New Perspective for Enhancing Spectral OUSSAMA DHIF-ALLAH (oussama.dhifallah@kaust.edu.sa) is a
and Energy Efficiencies,” IEEE Wireless Commun., vol. Master’s student in electrical engineering, part of the Com-
21, no. 6, Dec. 2014, pp. 126–35. puter, Electrical, and Mathematical Science and Engineer-
[3] M. Peng et al., “Energy-Efficient Resource Assignment ing (CEMSE) Division at KAUST. Before joining KAUST in
and Power Allocation in Heterogeneous Cloud Radio 2014, he received his Diplme d’Ingnieur with honors from
Access Networks,” IEEE Trans. Vehic. Tech., no. 99, Dec. Ecole Polytechnique de Tunisie. His research interests fall
2014, pp. 1–13. mainly in the field of communication theory.
[4] F. Boccardi et al., “Five Disruptive Technology Directions
for 5G,” IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 52, no. 2, Feb. 2014, TAREQ Y. AL-NAFFOURI [M’10] (tareq.alnaffouri@kaust.edu.sa)
pp. 74–80. received his B.S. degrees in mathematics and electrical
[5] Y. Shi, J. Zhang, and K. B. Letaief, “Group Sparse Beam- engineering (with first honors) from King Fahd University
forming for Green Cloud-RAN,” IEEE Trans. Wireless of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, in
Commun., vol. 13, no. 5, May 2014, pp. 2809–23. 1994, his M.S. degree in electrical engineering from the

72 IEEE Wireless Communications • June 2015

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Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, in 1998, and his EURASIP Workshop on Nolinear Signal and Image Process-
Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Stanford Uni- ing 2001 for his work on adaptive filtering analysis; the
versity, California, in 2004. He was a visiting scholar at the IEEE Education Society Chapter Achievement award in
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, in 2005 and 2008; and the Al-Marai Award for innovative research in
Fulbright scholar at the University of Southern California in communications in 2009. He has also been serving as an
2008. He is currently an associate professor in the Electrical Associate Editor of Transactions on Signal Processing since
Engineering Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum August 2013.
and Minerals, and jointly with the Electrical Engineering
Department, KAUST. His research interests lie in the areas MOHAMED-SLIM ALOUINI [S’94, M’98, SM’03, F’09] (slim.aloui-
of sparse, adaptive, and statistical signal processing, and ni@kaust.edu.sa) received his Ph.D. degree in electrical
their applications in wireless communications and multius- engineering from the California Institute of Technology in
er information theory. Most recently, he has been interest- 1998. He served as a faculty member at the University of
ed in compressive sensing and random matrix theory and Minnesota, Minneapolis, and then at Texas A&M University
their applications. He has over 80 publications in journals at Qatar, Education City, Doha, before joining KAUST as a
and conference proceedings, nine standards contributions, professor of electrical engineering in 2009. His current
four issued patents, four patents issued and four pending. research interests include the modeling, design, and per-
He received the Best Student Paper Award at the IEEE- formance analysis of wireless communications systems.

IEEE Wireless Communications • June 2015 73

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