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Audiovisual Translation Activities


Translating for subtitles

Team: Dimache Raluca

Lazăr Iulia
Feldiorean Raluca

Length of scene: 6 minutes

Name of Audiovisual Production:

Inside the dark web – BBC Documentary

Start time: 00:36:04

End time: 00:42:00

Dialogue list Translation for subtitles

00:36:04 - 00:36:08
He confessed what he had done A mărturisit ce i-a făcut unei persoane 37 ch
to a contact and he was arrested. de contact și a fost arestat. // 29 ch

00:36:11 - 00:36:14
Those who had used anonymity to leak Aceia care au folosit anonimatul pentru 39 ch
secreats were now under fire. a divulga secrete sunt acum sub foc.// 36 ch

00:36:19 - 00:36:22
Wikileaks had already been Wikileaks au fost deja criticaţi 32 ch
criticised for the release pentru comunicarea // 18 ch

00:36:22 - 00:36:25
of un-redacted documents revealing unor documente încă nescrise, 28 ch
the names of Afghans ce divulgă numele afganilor// 27 ch

00:36:25 - 00:36:27
who had assisted the US. care au sprijinit SUA.// 22 ch

00:36:28 - 00:36:31
The US government Guvernul Americii 17 ch
was also on the attack. a fost deasemenea sub atac.// 27 ch
00:36:31 - 00:36:34
The United States strongly Statele Unite condamnă 21 ch
condemns the illegal cu hotărâre ilegala// 19 ch

00:36:35 - 00:36:37
disclosure dezvăluire 10 ch
of classified information. a informaţiilor secrete.// 24 ch

00:36:38 - 00:36:43
It puts people’s lives in danger, Pune în pericol vieţile oamenilor, 34 ch
treathens our national security… ameninţă securitatea naţională…// 35 ch

00:36:45 - 00:36:49
Meanwhile, the Tor project, Între timp, proiectul Tor, 25 ch
started by US government început de guvernul Statelor Unite// 34 ch

00:36:49 - 00:36:50
was becoming a target. devenise o ţintă.// 17 ch

00:36:52 - 00:36:54
It’s funny, right, Este amuzant pentru că 22 ch
because on the one hand, pe de o parte,// 14 ch

00:36:55 - 00:36:58
These people are funding Tor because ei înfiinţează Tor deoarece 27 ch
they say they believe in anonymity. spun că ei cred în anonimat.// 29 ch

00:36:59 - 00:37:01
And on the other hand, Şi pe cealaltă parte, 21 ch
they’re detaining me at airports, mă reţin la aeroporturi,// 24 ch

00:37:01 - 00:37:04
threatening me and doing amininţându-mă 14 ch
things like that. şi chestii de genu.// 19 ch

00:37:04 - 00:37:07
And they've even said to me, Şi chiar mi-au spus, 20 ch
"We love what you do in Iran “Admirăm ceea ce faci în Iran// 28 ch

00:37:07 - 00:37:09
and in China, şi în China, 12 ch
in helping Tibetan people. că ajuţi oamenii tibetani.// 26 ch
00:37:09 - 00:37:11
We love all the stuff Admirăm toate lucrurile 24 ch
that you're doing, pe care le faci,// 16 ch

00:37:11 - 00:37:13
but why do you have to do it here?" dar de ce trebuie să le faci aici?”// 36 ch

00:37:14 - 00:37:16
Thanks to Edward Snowden, Mulţumită lui Edward Snowden,// 29 ch

00:37:16 - 00:37:19
we now know that this acum ştim că aceasta 20 ch
culminated in the Tor network a culminat în reţeaua Tor// 23 ch

00:37:19 - 00:37:23 concentrându-se pe atacurile eşuate de 37 ch

being the focus of failed attacks by Agenţia Americană 17 ch
America's National Security Agency. pentru Securitatea Naţională.// 29 ch

00:37:24 - 00:37:26
They revealed their frustration Şi-au arătat frustrarea// 23 ch

00:37:26 - 00:37:30
in a confidential PowerPoint într-o prezentare Power Point 29 ch
presentation called Tor Stinks, confidenţală numită Tor Pute,// 30 ch

00:37:30 - 00:37:35
which set out the ways in which the ce arăta modurile în care 25 ch
NSA had tried to crack the network. ASN a încercat să spargă reţeaua.// 33 ch

00:37:35 - 00:37:39
They think Tor stinks Ei cred că Tor pute 20 ch
because they want to attack people pentru că ei vor să atace oameni// 32 ch

00:37:39 - 00:37:42
and sometimes technology şi câteodată tehnologia 23 ch
makes that harder. îngreunează acest lucru.// 24 ch

00:37:42 - 00:37:46
It is because the users have Este pentru că utilizatorii au 30 ch
something which bothers them, ceva ce pe ei îi deranjează,// 26 ch

00:37:46 - 00:37:48
which is real autonomy. adică adevărata autonomie.// 26 ch
00:37:48 - 00:37:51
It gives them true privacy Le oferă confidenţialitate 26 ch
and security. şi siguranţă.// 13 ch

00:37:51 - 00:37:54
Tor, invented and funded Tor, inventat şi fondat 22 ch
by the US government, de guvernul Statelor Unite,// 26 ch

00:37:54 - 00:37:58
was now used by activists, era acum folosit de activişti, 30 ch
journalists, jurnalişti,// 11 ch

00:37:58 - 00:38:01
anybody who wanted to de oricine dorea să vorbească 29 ch
communicate anonymously, sub anonimat,// 13 ch

00:38:01 - 00:38:04
and it wasn't long și nu a mai durat mult 22 ch
before its potential ca potențialul său// 18 ch

00:38:04 - 00:38:07
began to attract să înceapă să atragă 20 ch
a darker type of user. un anumit tip de utilizator. // 28 ch

00:38:11 - 00:38:13
It began here in Washington. Totul a început aici în Washington. // 35 ch

00:38:14 - 00:38:16
Jon Iadonisi is a former navy seal Jon Iadonisi este un fost soldat// 32 ch

00:38:16 - 00:38:19
turned advisor on cyber operations consilier pe operațiuni cibernetice 35 ch
to government. pentru guvern. // 14 ch

00:38:21 - 00:38:26
There was some tips that came in Au fost câteva informații 25 ch
out of Baltimore, care au venit din Baltiomore,// 28 ch

00:38:26 - 00:38:27
two federal agents saying, doi agenți federali mi-au spus:// 31 ch

00:38:27 - 00:38:29
"You are a police officer, „Sunteți un ofițer de poliție,// 30 ch
00:38:29 - 00:38:32
you really should take într-adevăr ar trebui să aruncați 33 ch
a look at this website o privire pe acest site web// 27 ch

00:38:32 - 00:38:34
and, oh, by the way, și oh, în orice caz, 20 ch
the only way you get to it singura cale prin care să îl accesați// 37 ch

00:38:34 - 00:38:36
is if you anonymise yourself este să intrați ca anonim// 25 ch

00:38:36 - 00:38:39
through something prin intermediul router-ului Tor.” // 34 ch
called the Tor router."

00:38:39 - 00:38:43
What they found was Ceea ce au găsit a fost 23 ch
a website called Silk Road. un site web numit Silk Road. // 28 ch

00:38:43 - 00:38:48
And they were amazed when they were Și au fost uimiți când 22 ch
able to download this plug-in au putut să descarce acest plug-in// 34 ch

00:38:48 - 00:38:50
on their browser, cu browser-ul lor 17 ch
go into the Silk Road au deschis Silk Road// 20 ch

00:38:50 - 00:38:55
and then from there, see, literally și apoi de acolo, vedeți, pur și simplu 39 ch
they can make a purchase, ei pot face o achiziție,// 24 ch

00:38:55 - 00:38:57
it was like a buffet dinner a fost ca o masă tip bufet 26 ch
for narcotics. pentru narcomani. // 17 ch

00:39:00 - 00:39:03
Silk Road was Silk Road a fost un furnizor 28 ch
a global drugs marketplace de medicamente la nivel mondial// 31 ch

00:39:03 - 00:39:06
which brought together care a adus laolaltă 20 ch
anonymous buyers and sellers cumpărători și vânzători anonimi// 32 ch
00:39:06 - 00:39:08
from around the world. din întreaga lume. // 18 ch

00:39:10 - 00:39:13
And what they found was Și ceea ce au descoperit a fost 31 ch
people aren't just buying faptul că oamenii nu cumpără doar// 33 ch

00:39:13 - 00:39:15
one or two instances unul sau două feluri 20 ch
of designer drugs de medicamente,// 15 ch

00:39:15 - 00:39:18
but they're buying massive ci cantități masive. // 20 ch
quantity wholesale.

00:39:18 - 00:39:22
In London, the tech community În Londra, institutul tehnologic 32 ch
was watching closely. a urmărit îndeaproape. // 22 ch

00:39:22 - 00:39:25
Thomas Olofsson was Thomas Olofsson a fost 22 ch
one of many interested unul dintre cei interesați// 26 ch

00:39:25 - 00:39:27
in how much money de cât de mulți bani 20 ch
the site was making. a făcut site-ul.// 16 ch

00:39:27 - 00:39:31
Well, in Silk Road, they have Ei bine, în Silk Road ei au 27 ch
something called an "escrow" system ceva numit sistem „de convenție”,// 33 ch

00:39:31 - 00:39:35
so if you want to buy drugs, dacă doriți să cumpărați medicamente, 37 ch
you pay money into Silk Road plătiți prin Silk Road// 22 ch

00:39:35 - 00:39:36
as a facilitator pentru a înregistra comanda// 27 ch

00:39:36 - 00:39:40
and they keep the money și ei păstrază banii 21 ch
in escrow until you sign off în sistem până când vă deconectați// 34 ch
00:39:40 - 00:39:43
that you have had după ce ați primit medicamentele. // 33 ch
your drugs delivered.

00:39:43 - 00:39:47
They will then release Apoi ei vor transfera 21 ch
your money to the drug dealer. banii dumneavoastră distribuitorului. // 37 ch

00:39:47 - 00:39:51
We're talking about several Vorbim despre o afacere 23 ch
millions a day in trade. de multe milioane pe zi. // 24 ch

00:39:54 -00:39:57
The extraordinary success Succesul extraordinar 21 ch
of Silk Road al Silk Road// 12 ch

00:39:57 - 00:40:00
attracted new customers a atras noi clienți 19 ch
to new illegal sites. pe noi site-uri ilegale. // 24 ch

00:40:01 - 00:40:05
This part of the internet Această parte a internetului 28 ch
even had a new name - the Dark Web. avea un nume nou-Internetul Necunoscut. //37 ch

00:40:07 - 00:40:10
A dark website O pagină necunoscută 20 ch
is impossible to shut down este imposibil să fie oprită// 29 ch

00:40:10 - 00:40:13
because you don't know where pentru că nu ştii unde 22 ch
a dark website is hosted este găzduită o pagină web,// 25 ch

00:40:13 - 00:40:17
or even where it's physically unde este localizată 20 ch
located or who's behind it. sau cine este în spatele ei. // 28 ch

00:40:20 - 00:40:23
And there was one other thing Şi a mai fost un lucru 22 ch
which made Silk Road făcut de cei de la Silk Road// 28 ch

00:40:23 - 00:40:26
and its imitators difficult to stop. şi imitatorii lor, greu de oprit.// 31 ch

00:40:26 - 00:40:33
You paid with a new currency that Plata cu o nouă monedă 22 ch
only exists online, called Bitcoin. care există doar online, numită Bitcoin.// 35 ch
00:40:33 - 00:40:36
Before, even if Înainte, chiar dacă, 19 ch
you had anonymity as a user, erai anonim ca utilizator,// 30 ch

00:40:36 - 00:40:39
you could still track puteai urmării tranzacţiile,// 26 ch
the transactions,

00:40:39 - 00:40:41
the money flowing between persons, banii „curgând” printre oameni,// 31 ch

00:40:41 - 00:40:45
because if you use your Visa card, dacă foloseşti cardul VISA, 27 ch
your ATM, bank transfer, ATM, transfer bancar,// 19 ch

00:40:45 - 00:40:49
Western Union, there is always... Western Union, mereu este... 29 ch
Money leaves a mark. Banii lasă un semn.// 18 ch

00:40:49 - 00:40:51
This is the first time that Este prima dată când poţi, 20 ch
you can anonymously în mod anonim,// 19 ch

00:40:51 - 00:40:53
move money between two persons. să muţi bani de la o persoană la alta.// 36 ch

00:41:02 - 00:41:06
Bitcoin is no longer Bitcoin nu mai este 19 ch
an underground phenomenon. un fenomen necunoscut.// 21 ch

00:41:06 - 00:41:08
Buy Bitcoin, $445. Cumpăraţi Bitcoin, 445 dolari. // 26 ch

00:41:08 - 00:41:13
Sellers will sell at $460. Se va vinde cu 460 dolari.// 24 ch

00:41:13 - 00:41:15
If you're buying less Dacă cumperi mai puţin 22 ch
than half a Bitcoin, de jumătate de Bitcoin,// 23 ch

00:41:15 - 00:41:16
you'll have to go to market price. vei cumpără la preţ de piaţă.// 28 ch
00:41:16 - 00:41:20
This Bitcoin event Acest eveniment Bitcoin 23 ch
is taking place on Wall Street. are loc pe strada Wall.// 23 ch

00:41:22 - 00:41:25
45 bid, 463 asked. 45 bid, 463 ceruţi.// 16 ch

00:41:28 - 00:41:29
But how does the currency work? Dar cum funcţionează această moneda?// 36 ch

00:41:31 - 00:41:35
One of the people best placed Cel mai în măsură să explice 17 ch
to explain is Peter Todd. este Peter Todd. // 26 ch

00:41:35 - 00:41:38
He's chief scientist for a number El este conducătorul unui număr mare 28 ch
of Bitcoin companies de companii Bitcoin// 20 ch

00:41:38 - 00:41:42
including one of the hottest, incluzând chiar şi 18 ch
Dark Wallet. Dark Wallet.// 11 ch

00:41:43 - 00:41:46
So, what Bitcoin is, Ce este Bitcoin defapt, 22 ch
is it's virtual money. Sunt bani virtuali.// 19 ch

00:41:46 - 00:41:48
I can give it to you electronically, Îţi pot trimite banii electronic,// 27 ch

00:41:48 - 00:41:51
you can give it to someone iar tu îi poţi trimite mai departe 23 ch
else electronically. tot electronic.// 13 ch

00:41:51 - 00:41:53
The key thing to understand Cheia pentru a înţelege Bitcoin,// 32 ch
about Bitcoin

00:41:53 - 00:41:57
is that these two people trading este ca două persoane 21 ch
here are making a deal să facă o afacere// 17 ch

00:41:57 - 00:41:59
without any bank involvement. fără vreo implicare a băncii.// 30ch

 In the sequences where the speaker was talking fast we stop the video
several times for understand and transcribe the text.
 The transcription was difficult especially in case of the name of persons, but
we search on the internet ( for example: Jon Iadonisi, WikiLeaks, Edward
Snowden), or in case of such words (“escrow” ).
 The translation of specialized terms such as “plug-in”, “escrow” – we search
information in order to be able to translate.
 For subtitle we should have a certain number of characters, in some places
we have reduced the number of words, but keep the meaning.
 The frame matching was complicated because when the speaker talks the
subtitle should have appear in the same time

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